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Desdursyton - Eastern Realm For Middle-Earth

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Creation: Eric Dubourg

Correction, modification, compilation & design cover/interior: Cirdann de Felrive & Lindorïe de Felrive (Feb 2021) – Release V.2.2 (May 2023)
Cover Art: used with the kind permission of the estate of the late Angus McBride
Illustration : Angus Macbride, Crocorax, JLazarusEB, Dracarys Drekkar, Lucas Staniec, Joel Chaim Holtzman
City maps: Cirdann de Felrive
All illustrations are used by permission of the artists, except indications or some of them which have been created by unknown authors.
Of course, if authors’ names are discovered, their permission will be demanded.

The work is the intellectual property of the authors, art creators and designers. It is intended for private, non profit use.
Middle-earth, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings are intellectual property of The Estate of J.R.R. Tolkien. All games—including ICE's Middle-earth Role
Playing and its translations—based on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and other works by J.R.R. Tolkien are copyright and trademark properties of Middle-
earth Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This is an unlicensed non-commercial work of fan fiction intended as commentary about the Middle-earth Role Playing game. It is NOT an official product
produced under license from Middle-earth Enterprises.

1 NOTE.......................................................................2 7 THE PEOPLE ......................................................... 26
2 OVERVIEW .............................................................2 7.1 THE ULSHYANS ........................................................ 26
3 BACKGROUND ......................................................3 7.1.1 SHORT HISTORY ............................................................26
7.1.2 APPEARANCE AND CLOTHES ........................................27
3.1 A BRIEF HISTORY ........................................................3
7.1.3 SOCIETY AND CULTURE ...............................................28
3.1.1 THE EARLY AGES ............................................................ 3
7.1.4 WARFARE ......................................................................29
3.1.2 THE SECOND AGE........................................................... 5
3.1.3 THE THIRD AGE ............................................................ 14
7.2 THE DESDURSYR ...................................................... 29
7.2.1 APPEARANCE .................................................................29
3.2 TIMELINE .................................................................. 14
7.2.2 SOCIETY AND CULTURE ...............................................30
4 THE LAND ............................................................19 7.2.3 RELIGION .......................................................................31
5 CLIMATE ..............................................................21 8 CITIES ................................................................... 32
6 FLORA AND FAUNA ............................................22 8.1 PÛREPÛRLA .............................................................. 32
6.1 FLORA ....................................................................... 22 8.2 OTHER CITIES........................................................... 32
6.2 FAUNA ...................................................................... 22 8.3 CITIES OF GODS OF PLUNDER ................................. 34
6.3 THE HERDS ............................................................... 22 9 ADVENTURE : A FRIEND IN NEED .................... 35
6.4 THE HUNTED ............................................................ 23 10 TABLES ............................................................. 36
6.5 THE SEA CREATURES................................................ 24 10.1 HERB TABLE ............................................................. 36
6.6 SPECIAL CREATURES ................................................ 25 10.2 MASTER BEAST TABLE .............................................. 36
10.3 MASTER MILITARY TABLE ........................................ 36
10.4 MASTER ENCOUNTER TABLE .................................. 36

Eru is my witness, I've tried to understand this people language

1 Note during long hours. During hours I asked the more scholarly, and it
” The following file is the work of amateurs, intended to be an was as if they were taking great joy in misguiding me in learning
amusement for themselves, and hopefully, an aid to other their language.
roleplayers and gamemasters. It is conceived to be a non-official And finally, to my great shame, I've failed and gave up.
module for MERP/Rolemaster, set in Middle Earth. This work is But what a complicated people.
exclusively intended to be used as a play-aid for role-players in Their song is so sad and beautiful. Their dance is so joyful and
their games. rousing.
There’s a lot of work to do. I hope we shall be many, enough to keep And their relation can be mean and dry.
alive old Middle Earth! Their weaving craft are so exquisite, their riding skills are so
Thanks to: Gabriele Quaglia & Thomas Planquette.” fluent.
And be so negligent with their most marvelous stuff and be
Eric Dubourg ungainly on a boat.
They show so much love to their children and respect to the old
And they can be so awful with the weak ones and be so rough
2 Overview with their teenagers.
" Desdursyton... A complicated country for complicated people... They can be so gentle with their horse or pets.
As far as I journeyed in this land, I still can't tell how to name his And be so cruel during their war party with human being.
inhabitant. They can laugh in the face of their Plunder Gods.
“ Desdursyr “,” Desdursyri”, “Desdusyr”, “ Dysdirani” or “ Dysdiran “. And be feared to hurt the small and thieve Golden Fox.
These names depend of whom is speaking of whom. Definitely I will never understand these people. "
If you are a stranger or a pure Desdursyr, if you are in good term
or treating someone, from which Family of which Tribe you are Parma Soronorion, by Soront
speaking of, if the subject live in a city or a is a nomad one, if you
are in a " War party " or not, if you are a great Plunder Captain
of a one of the Plunder City or, just the child of a Desdursyr and a
Illustration: Crocorax

3 Background Seven Crafter. They were crafter of the earth and

healer of the stone. To help them he gave them the
domination on lesser maïa: the Gnonondo
3.1 A brief History (Valinorean : “ Stone people “ ), some worker spirit in
the service of Aulé who have helped him creating the
3.1.1 The Early Ages underdeeps of the world. Arriving in the Underdeep
they all took mineral fans (form) to complete their
At the beginning of Arda, a great war was fought task.
between the Powers. In the North, Melkor built his Never their name was spoken again as they were
great fortress of Utumno (S “Underworld” or “Great totally devoted to their task, fully understanding that
Deep”); and later, to the West, he placed Angband (S their mission was more important than themselves.
“Iron Prison”), stronghold against the Valar; and into
the Far East he created a third, smaller than the others, They decided to install themselves in the depth of
which was called Gorogrod (Lu. "Cavern of Terror"), the Aradéniparla (Valinorean : “ Field of the agreed
ruled by Múar the Balrog, also called the Shadow song” ), a large mound made by Aulë at the origin of
Flame. To protect his lands and strongholds, Melkor the world. This mound was made for the first
raised a huge mountain chain, the Iron Mountains (S. encounter between the Valar and the Children of Eru.
"Ered Engrin", Q. "Oronangri"), tall and dark, and If this great and joyful ceremony would never happen
filled them with Orcs. here, it would be the center for the purge of the Stain.
When the Lamps of the Valar were broken, the fall of During a long time, they prepared the Great
Illuin opened a wide Sea in the North, that was called Artwork: a naturally arranged Masterpiece of mineral
the Helkar Sea (also known as Illuin Sea) just like the beauty remembering the radiant perfection of Arda's
fall of Ormal in the South, drowning a part of the beginning. This craft would end in a realm of perfect
mountains. By chance and favorable geography, or crystalized harmony which would tie together the
perhaps the will of Melkor, the highland of later aetheric wind which were used to craft the reality and
Urheldor was not destroyed but separated from the beauty of Arda.
main continent when the surrounding lowlands sank The final goal of this masterpiece was to appeal the
beneath the new seas in the wake of the destruction powerful memory of Arda itself, permitting in this
wrought. As for Utumno, located far north in Barl way to recreate what was lost in the Underdeep of the
Syrnac, the fortress remained untouched by the world because of Utumno's evil taint.
cataclysm, well protected by the Iron Mountains.
But Melkor's creature which lived in the
The Seven Crafters Underdeeps find the Great Artwork. At this time
Morhosh (orc :“ Dark Guts “) , one of the very first
During the same mythical age, Aulë was touch by vampire, was the ruler of the underdeep creature in
sadness because all the wonderful natural land he had the name of Morgoth. Wondered by the majesty of the
crafted for the Children of Illuvatar were perverted by Great Artwork she hides it to Morgoth and send evil
the touch of Melkor. Especially for the large cavern he spirit in his service to haunt the Seven Crafter. To
had conceived for his sons to come: the Naugrim. protect the Great Artwork from evil disembodied
Praying for Eru Illuvatar he had the answer that attacks the Seven Crafter cleaved in the Great Artwork
they must forge their own destiny even in front of the the Warden Runes.
adversity, but, seeing the profound sadness in the heart Her evil magics useless Morhosh sent their
of Aulë, he permits him to send healers of the deep monsters to assail the Great Artwork. A lot of
earth to try to purge the Stain that Melkor had spread Gnonondo were injured or killed during the attack.
and repair the majesty of Aulë's work in the depth of But luckily, and due to their fauna’s nature, they could
the world. modify the more imposing of them, to protect the
Amazed by Eru's kindness, Aulë swore to never Great Artwork. The Morhosh's attacks were finally,
again speak of the Stain or the Underdeeps, and sent 7 repelled.
of his maiar : seven brother of his own people, the
army of orcs and another foul beast. Still, he kept his
But so strong were the Underdeep monster that army in check for he feared being discovered by
the Great Artwork was slowly disappearing. So, Six of Oromë and his hunting companions. However, he also
the seven crafter decided to search for a solution and feared Múar, Warlord of Gorogrod. Fankil hated the
leaved the Great Artwork. Great was the pain of the Shadow Flame, who was certain to make Fankil submit
last worker because he argued he can't be let alone by to his authority in the absence of Melkor. So Fankil hid
his brothers to defend the Great Artwork, but his in secret, silently, in wait of better times.
brother never listened to his complain and never come During this time, he allied with Morhosh, who hide
back. the existence of the Great Artwork to his knowledge.

The Corruption of the Crafters The rising of the Sun and the Moon announced the
beginning of a new Age: the Orcs hid from the lights
But in fact, his sixth older brother were one by one in the sky, giving the Elves the hope of a better future,
lured by Melkor's agent and they come in the service but soon it was clear that the ancient master of
of the Black Enemy. The mightiest of them even Utumno had returned to Middle Earth. Fankil showed
become the favorite smither of Melkor, the one who up to his lord, joining him in Angband. Meanwhile, the
later be known as Lesh-Y of Ardor. Orcs swarmed from the mountains into the plains,
The five others were so corrupted that they plaguing the Elves with their attacks.
becamed mad creature and their memory was partially Yet the First Age brought something more
clouded about their goal on Arda. incredible than the Sun and the Moon : the
Secondborn. Coming from the East, they traveled
Then Utumno fell and the five mad maiar fled the westward in different waves, eventually reaching
destruction, their Fana almost destroyed during the Beleriand and the Great Sea. In the beginning these
fierce battle. Now they were wandering as some sort men spent very little time in the Illuin Sea area as they
of spirit ghost of their former glory. moved farther to the west looking for more hospitable
They tried to come back to the Great Artwork but lands.
even if the Aaradéniparla was seriously shaken by During those years Morgoth went among the
Utumno's Fall, the Warden Runes, which they had humans in disguise, hoping to corrupt them. But soon
themselves crafted inside the Great Artwork to he had to return to Angband in order to fight the
protect it from corruption, were still there. It denied Noldor, and in his place he sent his servant Fankil.
them the right to come back home because of the Fankil traveled amongst the Mornerin and Talathrim
blackness of their heart. tribes, and presented himself as Telear, the Lord of
Glory, who was the Herald of Ardutor, the Master of
So, they travel to the East and they meet a powerful the World.
being, Zotankath, the Lord of Spirits, a former agent Fankil appeared as a tall and old Man, strong yet
of Melkor. In exchange of their fractured knowledge wise, and used his power over dreams to show the first
in architecture and fortification, that would help Men visions of power, glory and prosperous kingdoms.
Zotankath to build his fortress of Tinor-Faltor, the He lured them, exploring the inner weaknesses of
Lord of Spirits teach them to use their new fantomatic their simple hearts, and feeding their ambitions. Not
form to alter reality. all Men succumbed to his lies, but many did, and to
Finally, they fled when they discovered the attempt these he taught many secrets, including the working of
of Zotankath to dominate them and chain them at his bronze into weapons and armor. Soon their dreams of
service. a great kingdom in the north were coming to fruition.

The First Age of the Sun But finally, Fankil's dream come to an end with the
The Shadow survived in Middle Earth, Fankil, who arrival of the Ulshyan, who allied themselves with
was the Herald of Melkor and had been one of the Folk elves of Thûrlornar, and fought during the Battle of the
of Irmo, survived and built in U-Lyshak the hidden Dawn’s Demons, against Fankil's orc armies and the
fortress of Umata. In this time, he began breeding an evil Mornerin.

The Seventh Crafter, who heard of Fankil's army, The Settling of Desdursyton
almighty as they were, decided to send some of his
Gnonondo to help the Ulshyan, as he feared the orc In the early Second Age, the five tribe of the
armies to be a future treat to his beloved Great Desdursyr decided to move to the area of the Bay of
Artwork. Illuin. They were known by the original inhabitant of
The " Stone Giant " would become a legend in the the area as a weak folk, who had learned to survive by
Ulshyan myths to come. But no one of them would trickery and cheating.
return to the Great Artwork. And so, the Seventh It is said that they were directly inspired by the
Crafter that nevermore he would weaken his defense spies of Fankil, who walked among them in their early
to help the outside world. days, to come here to install themselves.
Around the middle of the second century, they
Finally, Fankil was hurted, his armies and allies approached the region, and at first were welcomed, as
destroyed, and his evil influence ended along the they were also renowned as artists and merchants, and
shores of the Illuin Bay for a long time. they willingly accepted the supremacy of other leaders
in exchange for lands and protection.
Thus, ended the First Age in the Illuin Bay. But as they quickly grew in numbers and
confidence, and became known also for their passion
for theft; and as the other Men tried to drive them
3.1.2 The Second Age away, the guests reacted with violence, plundering and
stealing the possessions of those who had offered them
The Gods of Plunder help. Fortunately, the Ulshyans were a strong people,
and were able to drive the Dysdirani away, but those
Finally, into the tundra wastes of the North, the Men who lived north of Thûrlornar and east of Ulshy
Five Wanderers met a people of human : the Tyran. were less fortunate, and had to leave their lands,
Using their new abilities, they interact with the settling in Ulshy, or even crossing the sea to the shores
shaman of some of their tribe and they quickly of Utum, where they joined the Duranak and Agrinak,
adopted the identities of the ancestral gods of the or most often became their slaves (like the Iglak).
Tyran Tribe. At this moment the Five Brothers had For the centuries to come, the Dysdirani, now
name and they like the feeling of owning something. living in their new home, Desdursyton, were
considered a folk of thieves and brigands, with no
So, they encourage the most morally weak of these honour or faith, and the Uslhyans were their sworn
Tyran men to plunder their brother to offer gift to enemies.
their new gods.
The Plunder Gods unable to affect much on the
Finally, these weak men were exiled by the other physical plan any longer, came together to cast one
tribe. The Plunder Gods swear to find a new home to final series of spells. These spells surrounded the
their servant, but since these days the Dysdirani (Dys. : Aθaradéniparla, which they now called, because of
“ the Bad Rewarded People“), as they newly named their fading memory, the Táraparsa.
themselves, never forget that their exile is due to their Surrounded by this web of power, their plan was to
gods, and even if they worship them as protectors, weaken the Warden Runes which protect the Great
they never again worship them as all-high deities. Artwork. They were convinced that the plundering
gift that the Dysdirani would give them would increase
Now the five tribes were partially shaped by the their power. And finally, they would capture it for
will of the Gods of Plunder. And from this day each themselves.
God was seen as a holy protector of one of the Great
Tribe. They taught the Dysdirani to build citadels, five to
match the remaining Maiar. Each of these fortresses
was protected by enchantment: so long as the
inhabitants were engaged in the pursuit of plunder or which is said to be haunted and populated only by wild
the protection of booty, they were well-nigh people and strange monsters. He placed his ally
unbeatable. For the Maiar retained one trait, even beneath the mountains of U-Lyshak, for the revelation
when all else was lost to them: they desired possession of the Unlife was not yet come, and travelled secretly
of the very things they could no longer create for throughout the Bay, where he enjoyed the situation, as
themselves. no one could rule over him, now the most powerful
living being in the North. Still burning of hate towards
And so was built in the east the Plunder-city of his enemies, Elves and Ulshyans, Fankil gathered spies,
Wezilinal, capital of the Wezilin Tribe, protected by but as his fierce Duranak and Agrinak lacked the wit
Tyrata, original chief of the Plunder God, the ancestral and cunning he needed, he searched, and found, better
god of the Tyrana people. On the shores of the Bay was agents in Desdursyton. Fankil sent his spies in all the
build the Plunder-city of Jedzka, capital of the Tribe realms, charged to introduce the seeds of division into
Jedez, protected by Akriato, the god of Journeys. On the hearts of Men.
the foot of the Táraparsa, and on each side of the great At this time the Plunder Gods, not any more
river Zerzathryn were built two Plunder-cities. interested in the mortal affair, were busy to teach and
Sahangûnal, capital of the Sahangûn Tribe, protected oversee the building of the Great Stairway and their
by Polkhan, the god of Combat. And Rakiborzal, temple on Gerlkûneshe. Fankil discovered their
capital of the Rakibûn Tribe, protected by Gaina, the existence and judge them as possible tools for the
godess of Fortune. future. Fankil started to act as a prophet of
Finally, in the middle of the country was built reunification of the Five Great Tribe, his goal was to
Zhilizal, capital of the Zhilizûn Tribe, protected by levelled down the grip of the Plunder-Gods on the
Hripsim, the god of Ruse human.

The Plunder Gods remained on the island of the In SA 723, Fankil favored the most powerful tribe
Táratalamëar. At the beginning they asked for their (the Sahangûn) against the four others. Through the
followers to stay with them. But some magical light alliance with two other tribes (Zhilizûn and Rakibûn),
was seen in the water of the Táratalamëar. Since this the Dysdirani of the three tribes fought the two others,
day the Dysdirani consider the Táratalamëar (which and within a few years, established for the first time
they call "Gerlkûneshe," the "Spirit-lake") a holy the peace in Desdursyton, for that Fankil, known as
place..And they refuse to settle permanent Fangli the great prophet of the Dysdirani people, had
installment on the Táraparsa, except the Plunder Gods great plans for them.
Temple and the tomb of their ancestor. In SA 731, Diriin ascended the throne of
Fortunately for the Ulshyans, the Dysdirani were Desdursyton, and chose the city of Jedzka as his
united only to seize the land of Desdursyton. When religious capital. In the following decades, the
this objective was met, they started to fight between Dysdirani built other cities along the sea cost.
themselves, which gave to the Bay more than two
centuries of peace, and city wars among the Dysdirani. The Dysdirani remained weak, troubled with the
strife in the royal family, but also on the turbulent
Dysdirani tribes. This incitated Fankil to establish in
The foundation of the realm of Desdursyton U-Lyshak a realm of human-slaves submitted to his
will, and not wait for the Dysdirani which remained
All of this changed with the return of Fankil in SA weak and also difficult to control. When the Vothrig,
699 in his secret fortress of Gulkaju. He had plans for another Tyran people arrived on the Bay, Fankil really
Illuin Bay to be submitted to his will, through the help hoped to see another people who would gladly accept
of a mysterious ally, the “Unlife”, one supposedly his will, and fight against the Ulshyans and their Elves
offspring of Ungoliant, which corrupt whatever it allies.
touches. Where Fankil found this ally is unknown,
probably in the East or in Mórenorë, the Southern
Continent, a place that none truly know much about,

The Vothrig arrival The favoured prey of the Vothrig were the weak
Dysdirani or the mountain realm of U-Lyshak
Originally a Tyran people from the plains of central (because Ulshy was considered as a very difficult prey).
Endor, and distant cousin of the Dysdirani, the Vothrig
reached the Bay in the sixth century of the Second Age, In SA 875, just one year before the first
settling in the Elf Lands west of Thûrlornar. There the Numenorean exploration, the Vothrig achieved the
nomads absorbed the local Ulshy/Mornerin conquest of all the deep valleys of the Nekakhtar.The
populations, and adopted many elements of their way same year Ernjën stroke at the heart of Desdursyton ;
of life, first of all the rafting and fishing secrets forced the marriage with the king daughter. Just after
revealed by the Elves. the king died in strange circumstances and a strong
Vothrig garrison was established in Jedzka. Ernjën
became the first Prince Lord of the Vothrig and
Desdursyton,This was the end of the Dysdirani realm
for more than a millennia and the beginning of a long
period of peace in the Bay.

The Vothrig domination was the beginning of a

long period of change for the Dysdirani, especially
about the knowledge of naval warfare and
metalshaping. Even if they were seen as expendables
by their Vothrig master, sometimes the victim of rebel
vothrig warband, that was a long period of building for
the Dysdirani.
During the same period, the orc tribe of the
northern mountain, the Snagamor, disobeyed to the
direct order from Fankil not to attack his ally the
Dysdirani. During this period the Dysdirani tribe
were allowed to continue their tradition of plundering,
as long as they paid tribute to the Vothrig. These petty
wars were seen with satisfaction and interest by Fankil
and his agents. Fankil in the meantime established U-
Lyshak as a true kingdom, led by a human king, whose
people has a Duranak and Agrinak ancestry.

Illustration: JLazarusEB
Númenórean explorations (SA 876-1060)

The Vothrig were driven out of the Elthrakh in the During the ninth century, the first Númenórean
late seventh century, by the Ky’taari, another Tyran ships sailed the waters of the Helkëar, the cold sea
population. Rather than surrender, the warlike Tyran whose waters are imprisoned by ice for most of the
preferred to flee west, along the coastline, and settle year, and are always made dangerous by floating
in the deep valleys of the Nekakhtar, where they could mountains of ice. At first the Númenóreans were not
better fortify. interested in the poor northern lands, but from this
time they searched for a northern passage to the East.
Besieged by the Ky’taari and the Ulshyans, they The first successful exploration occurred in SA 876,
quickly turned to the sea, receiving the limited help of commanded by Aldarion, the Númenóreans sailed the
the Elves of Thûlornar, where they learned to fight the dangerous traits north of Forochel, and when they
pirates of Utum, and bring battle on their own coasts. were resolved to turn back like previous expeditions,
they found that the seashore turned south, into a more the West. Soronto completed his description of
hospitable sea. Aldarion was prevented to return by Middle Earth with the Illuin Bay in the Parma
the need of his friends Cìrdan and Gil-Galad, but he Soronorion, a geographic tale of Soronto’s journeys,
sent another two fleets, in 912 and 926, mapping the before returning to Numenor. These manuscripts
gloomy shores of Utum, that they called Úrcheldor (S. were to be found very useful for later colonists, for
"Land of Fire and Ice", Qu. "Urheldòrë"), ignoring its both Ormal and Illuin Bays.
true origin, and the western shores of the Bay, which
they named Illuin. They also made contact with some
Mannish populations, who were astonished by the tall The West Migrations (SA 1100 – 1130)
and beautiful Númenóreans, but either fled in fear or
attacked them. During this time Fankil was gathering, in secret his
The contact with the Desdusyr was an exchange of Orc troops. He had made a break during his long war
gift and the will to better know each other from both against the Stiffbeard of Kilbil Tarag because of the
sides, but not for the same reason... coming of the mighty Numenorean.
The Númenóreans had also to fight the pirates of The Shadow Flame suddenly awoke in the East. The
Utum, but they finally, landed in Ulshy, where they seals that kept Múar bound to His prison of rock were
exchanged gifts with the King, and found friendship broken in SA 1100. Soon he rallied all the Orc tribes
and hospitality. The real concern of Tar Aldarion and of the Eastern Iron Mountains, and gathered a huge
Gil Galad was the possible presence of Shadow army. Fankil burned of hate and envy seeing Múar’s
domination, so they encouraged friendship with the power back in the East, as his projects of domination
Ulshyans and taught them some basics of civilization, on the Bay risked to be vain. He dared not to challenge
helping them in their desperate defense against their the Valarauko, though, and hiding in shadow as he was
barbaric neighbors. used to do, he forbids the Orcs of the western Iron
Mountains to join the Host of Múar, and gave an order
To watch over the brave but weak-willed Men of to kill everyone, Orc or human who would want to
Middle earth, Tar Aldarion followed the Elvenking’s join the Múar Host.
counsel and ordered the foundation of Lond Elerion, The Snagamor of the mountain were those who
in 950, on an island south of the shores of Úrcheldor. disobeyed, again, the order of Fankil. So Fankil gave
Here the Númenóreans drove away the Utumian direct information about the snagamor force to the
pirates, and established a garrison. Soon they started Desdusyr. A campagin of purification of the mountain
trading with the Ulshyans, exchanging olives and began.
wines, and the Vothrig cities further East, where the
Ulshyan princes had begun to act as independent Mùar was enraged by this, but could only suspect
rulers, as the Ulshyan King was unable to enforce his the hand of Fankil, unable to locate him and punish his
authority while fighting a hundred enemies. arrogance.Yet the Shadow Flame had more important
affairs, searching for revenge against his enemies, the
Elves, the Dwarves and their Mannish allies from the
The Númenóreans tried to sail further East: in
Far North.
1060, at last, Soronto reached the Rocky Firth, and
From SA 1101 to 1130, Mùar spread death and
met with some Urdar tribes. They were judged of no
terror in the lands East of the Bay. Mannish tribes
interest for the Númenóreans, and for many centuries
worshipped him as a God, as he razed all the cities of
they did not dare the dangerous ice of the Helkëar. On
Drùhar’s Folk and besieged Luindor, home of the
the contrary, Soronto laid more interest into the Illuin
Luindrim Elves. His orc armies tried to reach for
Bay, visiting the Ulshyan and the Vothrig cities,
Desdursyton but were ambushed by Tyran army all
establishing embassies and small garrisons to help
along the long road. Finally, they were crushed by the
them against the pirates of Utum. Tar Aldarion feared
Five Tribe, united against this deadly enemy. This
them to be driven by some dark power, and was
period was later called the Long Road Wars.
determined to keep in check the Shadow in these far
lands, rather than their peoples were turned against
During the same period, scattered groups of

Dwarves followed, after the fall of all but one of their The rings of binding (SA 1183 – 1250)
cities. They were robbed in Desdursyton, so that they
would keep a fiery hate for its people, but finally, a part As the second millenia of the Second Age, the Illuin
established themselves in Orshênin (Kh "Ice Haven"), Bay was filled with Men from every corner of Endor.
in the mountain at the west of Desdursyton.The To the west were firmly established the Ulgath, in the
Dysdirani were glad of that, because it would be a center the Ulshyan and the Vothrig, and to the east and
defense against the monster which dwelled in this area. in Úrcheldor the Mornerin and Tyran populations.
The petty wars continued, to the great satisfaction of
During this period, Fankil experienced troubles in
Fankil, who was able to achieve his darkest projects
keeping his domain, threatened by migrating peoples
with the “Unlife”. In the depth of his fortress, Fankil
and the Orcs of Mùar. Finally, the migration ceased,
started the great ritual to awaken the Unlife.
and Mùar left for southern lands, searching for a
Dwarven people who, like no other one in Arda, could
A few decades after the end of the Ôm conflict, a
defeat him.
messenger from Sauron met with Fankil, in order to
Then the Bay of Illuin was filled with Men of incitate him to place under Sauron’s orders for the
different origins: the Ulgath occupied the west, from control of Middle Earth.
Dyr to Kykurian Kyn; the Talathrant valley was held by From the first, Sauron recognized Numenor and the
the Ioriags, then came the kingdom of Ulshy and the kingdoms of the Elves as his chief rival for domination
free princedoms of the Vothrig; further east the Tyrani of Middle Earth. Fankil accepted the suggestion, in
ruled the endless plains, further south the Ky’taari condition to remain the absolute Shadow Master in the
ruled the deep forests near Thûrlornar, and the Bay.
Dysdirani reigned in Desdursyton. The messenger returned then to Barad-dur with
Finally, the island of Utum was held by the Fankil’s response, and Sauron devised the Binding
Mornerin peoples subject to the invisible will of Fankil. Rings, powerful artifacts that could bind the spirit of a
To these added the Númenóreans in their haven of Mannish servant to Middle-Earth indefinitively.
Lond Elerion, the Dwarven holds of Orshênin and
Buzundush-Dum, the Umli and the Elves of These rings which have dominated much of the
Thûrlornar. The general state was war between nearly history of the Bay, along with the Unlife peril, were
all these peoples, to the great satisfaction of Fankil, relatively early works in Sauron’s career as a ring smith.
who was able to achieve his darkest projects with the When Sauron forged them, he had not yet discovered
"Unlife". the secrets that led to the more potent Rings of Power
he would make in later years. For these reasons, the
This slumbering dark force was a sort of corruption Binding Rings impart to their wielders a great deal less
nest that would twist and taint everything it touch. than the Rings of Power, and carry with them
Using long and patient testing, Fankil was breeding, in important restrictions that make them inferior. For
the depth of his fortress, a lot of new monster that will one, Sauron knew that the original bearers of the rings
lead him to the final victory. Morhosh, using the must have substantial power themselves, as well as a
Fankil's confidence, used these monsters to attack the strong will and devotion to the service of Mordor.
Great Artwork, hiding it to Fankil as monster wars in
the Underdeeps. Secondly, the Binding Rings could neither extend the
But Fankil was far from relieved. In fact, he found life of the bearer, nor allow the spirit of the bearer to
a greater threat than Mùar: Sauron, first servant of maintain any physical form after the expiration of his
Morgoth, who had established his domain in Mordor. body. Instead, the Binding Rings would bind the
Fankil decided that the best thing should be wait and bearer's undead spirit to the ring after his body had
hide, meanwhile gathering power and influence. expired.
The spirit might then possess the body of the next
bearer, assuming that the new bearer was not so
strong-willed that he might resist the possessing spirit.
Choosing a successor-host then, was a delicate matter Númenóreans were safe, as they were considered allies,
where strength of body and mind had to be weighed but this didn’t last for too much time.
against the strength of the will to resist. This was a In 1999, a Plague coming from the South
matter that was not completely understood by Sauron devastated Ulshy, then moving to the rest of the Bay.
and his servants until many centuries later. About one every five people died, and also sheep and
horses suffered dearly.
By the end of the thirteenth century of the Second In Desdursyton the Plague hit strongly but not as
Age, Sauron completed several Binding Rings and was strongly as the other lands, the Plunder-City locked
ready to send three rings to his subordinate Fankil, their doors and were safe of this Plague. The Dysdirani
who would be charged to find three suitable Mannish used this period of weakness of their Vothrig master to
servants among the peoples of Illuin Bay. Fankil was take their independence from their former master,
about to begin the search through his servants of the even if they were technically still the vassals of the
Dark Religion, when his attention was being drawn by Vothrig.
the return of Númenóreans on the bay.

The Shadow takes his move (SA 2000-2570)

The Vothrig Golden Age (SA 1670 - 2300)
The beginning of the third millennium brought the
offensive of Shadow: in 2000, the Chey King Ren the
The growth in richness and power of the Vothrig
Unclean received a Ring of Power. Almost
princes and merchants brought, in 1670, the birth of
immediately, they began expanding Sauron’s power in
an alliance of northern princes, who devastated the
central Endor, but for a while the Bay was still safe.
Utumian coast to the East, thus securing the Sea of
Storms; for all the 18th century, Vothrig adventurers
It was in 2155 that, after months of terrible tidings,
conquered new lands on Úrcheldor, founding
the Chey hordes reached the Bay, the knowledge of
dominions and mixing with the Utumian people.
Dysdirani merchant was useful to this, and in a few
weeks destroyed the Ulshy in Dalpygis, ruining the
Taking profit of the soundness and prosperity of
fortress of Khurmand. The following decade brought
Ulshy, and the new goods coming from the East, the
no less than six incursions in Ulshyan territory, with
Vothrig merchants gathered such power that they
the burning of eight cities, and slaughter and death
could even influence minor kings and chiefs, as the
everywhere. Pûrepûrla survived her siege by chance,
Dysdirani Plunder -Captain and King. But the Vothrig
but the kingdom was on its knees.
craved for more and more: once the Úrcheldorian
Chey raids continued for the next centuries, every
dominions were secure, adventurers and fortune-
now and then, and Ulshy entered a period of
hunters turned eastwards, to the young Tyran
decadence, with a ruling class buried in their luxury
kingdoms of Elthrakh and Nekakhtar. In 1781, the city
and mysticism, and common people fighting every day
of Shiyras was plundered, with the aid of Dysdirani's
for their life and sustenance.
forces, then conquered in 1799.
Vothrig warriors sailed the seas and rivers,
In those same years, the coastal Dysdirani
seconded by Dysdirani Scout and warrior, spreading
increased their fleet, under the direction of Vothrig
terror. Soon, there was a rebirth of piracy, which
rulers or allies, and increased their presence in the Sea
stroke mainly in the eastern seas, far from the watch
of Storms. They battled with the Vothrig of Shiyras and
of Lond Elerion and Hithlond.
Úrcheldor, but no one was able to stop the scourge
The pirates turned to conquerors as soon as they
from Desdursyton.
were sure to control their new lands. By 1980, all the
Nekakhtar was held by Vothrig rulers. The Elf-lands
Another blow came directly from Fankil: having
fell in 2012, when Vothrig ships had long learned to
received a Ring of Binding from Sauron, he turned it
sail to the mouths of Talathrant and plunder the Ioriags
to a powerful Utumian priestess, Rasedäkh. From
of the interiors. Only the Ulshyans and the

2281, the inland tribes of Utumians started raiding the of Desdursyton in all the possible manner.
coastal kingdoms of the Vothrig, oftenly guided by Finally, he made disappeared the last heir of the
Dysdirani Scout who had served under Vothrig old, and weak, line of Dysdirani king. From this time
command, often banding with Orcs. In 2294, the Dysdirani Plunder King would be chosen between
Rasedäkh gathered a large army and marched against a the Plunder Capitain named by the Five Great Tribe,
Vothrig alliance, who was defeated three years later. A under the judging and arbitration of the Plunder Gods
new kingdom of Utûm was born, constituting a new Priest.
power in Úrcheldor: only Erezwand near the Maws
ofStorms, and the Númenórean colony around
The Destroyer
Hithlond did survive, but they were not able to drive
their enemies off the coast. From 2301, a new wave of
But this ended In 2600, Belzagar,son of Tar-
Utûmian piracy scourged the bay, from Banadar to the
Anducal of Númenor, turned his attention further East,
to Desdursyton. Fed up with the plundering Dysdirani,
he musters his forces and sailed to Desdursyton.
Facing such a force the plunder captains of Jedzka
decided to surrender. Conquering the port of Jedzka,
The Rise of the All High (SA 2496 - 2600)
Belzagar ordered the destruction of the corsair fleet.
His armies plundered the interior of the land, but
In 2496, a second Ring of Binding was accepted by
weren’t able to reach any other city. Razeral and his
Razeral, warlord of Rakiborzal; with the support of an
army skirmished the Numenorean army to finally,
Orcish army form U-Lyshak, the warlord unified
confront them because of the pride of the All High,
Desdursyton and threw out the Vothrig influence to
convinced he can beat the Men of the West. Finally,
the country. The Vothrig tutelage was over, it was time
he was defeated and his guard take his corpse to a
for the Dysdirani to rule their own destiny.
secret place. Here he swears to came back to save the
His first acts after his crowning as Plunder King
Dysdirani people. And then he died, his corpse never
(2510) were the creation of a corsair fleet, and then a
seen again, and his legend beginning.
campaign of plunder in the lands East of his kingdom,
inhabited by scattered Tyran-Mornerin nomads, and a
In 2603, Belzagar returned in Hithlond, where he
few merchant cities who became tributaries of him.
defeated again the Utûmians allied with the Orcs,
wreaking havoc in their lands. Then, having secured
The Dysdirani briefly clashed with the Urdar of
peace in the Bay, he gathered half of his army and a
Hoarmûrath in 2583, the Servant of Sauron and the
huge bounty of tributes and plunder, and sailed back
All High, as Razeral wanted to be named, faced each
to Númenor for triumph. He never returned again to
other on the field.
the Bay, but Belzagar was always remembered as "the
Fankil agents tried to make the two armies to
Great" by his supporters, or "the Destroyer" by those
confront, but both powers deemed too risky and
who were defeated.
dangerous a campaign to move farther their borders,
Númenórean decadence (SA 2800-3045)
and the two armies go apart from another. What the
two leaders told each other would never be known.
Although the Númenóreans were invincible on the
battlefield, they were no more welcome in any
During his reign, the All High, reorganized the life
country on the shores of the Bay. A series of rebellions
of the Five Tribe. From this day they won't confront
threatened their power in their ports: Jedzka fell in
anymore in large scale, only small vendettas between
2610, after a revolt who opened the door to the return
family would be allowed.
of Razeral : the ring of binding permitted him to take
He organized the forces of the Tribe into great
control of one of his most trusted captain.
forces instead of small plundering team. Craftsman
However, elsewhere the local governors played
and master of lore were welcomed in the Plunder
well diplomacy by allying with Vothrig or using them
Cities, to increase the efficiency of son of Tar-Anducal
as mercenaries. On their part, the opportunistic
merchants and mercenaries were all too happy to rise free: ironically, from a fortress to fight piracy, it
to power with such powerful allies. Most became a corsair city where Númenóreans captains
Númenóreans who lived outside the colony of fought an endless war against the Utûmians who
Hithlond took refuge in the largest cities, where they conquered their lands.
could be safe from indigenous threat; so many of them
set home in the main ports of the Bay: Banadar,
The Triumph of Shadow (SA 3045 - 3263)
Caladost, Rayomand, Erezwand and Shiyras.
The fall of Hithlond brought panic and chaos all
New Númenórean blood, to replace the births
around the Bay. Rasedäkh made an alliance with
from mixed unions, arrived in the 29th century, as
Razeral of Desdursyton: under the patronage of Fankil
Faithfuls who were leaving Númenor. The
their two people joined in raiding all their enemies on
immigration increased further with the crowning, in
the Sea. Once more, all the Bay was precipitated in a
2899, of Ar-Adûnakhôr, first Númenórean King with
war. Erezwand, Banadar, the Vothrig princes,
an Adûnaic name. Most Faithful settled in Hithlond,
Rayomand, Elthrakh and Lond Elerion joined a
but some of them turned to Banadar and Shiyras, in
counter-alliance, so that they were able to hold back
the Elf-Lands.
the pirate wave for some years.
The presence of such people contributed to keep
away the Dark Religion, who at this time had spread
In 3090, the Dysdirani tried an attack to
among the Ullgath, Ioriag, Ulshy, and even in
Thûrlornar : the Elves repelled the attackers at great
Desdursyton ; thanks to the Faithful, the great ports
price, but this event caused them to join the league,
of the Bay remained independent, and a variety of cults
and side with the Vothrig and Númenóreans. When in
was tolerated: and even where Dark Cults were
3101, Razeral tried to round the forest to assail
permitted, they were never let to become powerful or
Elthrakh, his forces were ambushed by elves, so that
when they reached Shiyras, they were already
weakened. They were turned in 3102, and only half of
The following years were years of prosperity for all
the original army made return to Desdursyton.
merchants, in spite of piracy from Utûm, Desdursyton,
and the Vothrig kingdoms. The importance of cities
increased, and corsair fleets were built, to wage war The Númenórean Host (SA 3263 – 3264)
on commercial competitors.
However, Númenórean presence waned: more Númenor didn’t forget about her colonies in the
interested in southern trade, and not worried by the North. In 3258, a new King took the throne, Ar-
growing Cults of Darkness, the King’s Men Pharazôn the Golden. In 3261, he led his huge army
progressively abandoned the Bay. The final act of this to Middle Earth, defeating Sauron and taking him
withdrawal occurred in 3001, when Ar-Zimrathôn, captive in Númenor; that same year, the King stormed
facing a revolt in Tantûrak (Lond Hallacar), ordered all the rebellions in southern Middle Earth. Two years
most part of the fleet to leave Hithlond, heading for later, a new fleet sailed for the Bay of Illuin.
southern Middle Earth. No one could stand against the Númenóreans : in
less than two years, they changed the order of the Bay:
Sauron ordered Fankil to act, though the they destroyed the kingdom of Utûm, killing its King
Tongueless Voice did not need his advice: Rasedäkh led Rasedäkh and driving the last defenders north into the
her troops against the weakened Númenórean colony. frozen Mountains; Banadar received a new
In spite of an alliance with Banadar, Caladost and Númenórean garrison, Caladost was rebuilt, and the
Erezwand, Hithlond was not able to hold position on Vothrig forces incorporated as a local militia to keep
land: in 3045, the countryside already lost, the city fell order for their masters, the Númenóreans.
to the Utûmian army, allied with Razeral forces and
most Númenórean fled for other cities, or even to As an example, Jezdka was burned to the ground,
other colonies in Eriador and Pelargir. Of the ancient the rites of the Plunder Gods no match to the
colony, only its first fortress, Lond Elerion, remained Numenorean Ire, and Razeral was forced to a huge

back. But in 3319 the only thing that come to them

Illustration: JLazarusEB
was the Great Wave.
Echoing the submersion of Numenor a great
earthquake stroke Desdursyton's coastline, and in his
continuity a great wave hit the shores of the land. The
Dysdirani were killed in large number and Jedzka was
erased. The Táraparsa is elevated of around 100
Hakart (equivalent of a meter) and the Plunder Gods
Temple are destroyed. The great web of spell used by
the Plunder Gods was broken by the earthquake, its
long accumulation of power scattering. Enraged they
used his power to perform a great spell against the
surviving pilgrims on the island, the Gerlchonos (Dys.
"Spirit Wolf") appeared for the first time.
Then the Plunder Gods used this situation to
strengthen their grip on the Dysdirani, arguing against
Fangli's and Razeral domination and their fault for the
Great Wave.

Because of the Great Wave, the Great Artwork

were shaken and a Fault appeared on the surface of
Táraparsa. The Plunder Gods ordered their surviving
priest to build the great temple of Shizkarakal.,
pretending to be a place of memory for the victim of
tribute. Pûrepûrla was retaken and given to a puppet the Great wave, but in fact a labyrinth which go to the
ruler with no links with the Dark Religion; the Chey Great Artwork.
were driven into Dalpygis. At first, they sent their serving Gerlchonos to
Hithlond was rebuilt and enlarged, fortified with attack the Great Artwork but as soon as their wolves
high walls, and its name changed into Pharazkadar (Ad. entered the magical area, they became mad and eat
"Golden City"). Ar-Pharazôn left for Númenor in each other. Finally, in their own and twisted mentality
3264, and his army stayed for some more months. All they decided that only the most courageous Dysdirani
the kingdoms in the Bay had become tributary of the would enter the labyrinth and so they encourage the
royal governor in Pharazkadar. pilgrimage to Shizkarakal. But soon on other problem
would aware them.

When Sauron mustered his forces against the

The Great Wave and the Battle of the Faithful Numenorean, against Fankil command, the
Wolves and the Bear (SA 3264 - 3441) Dysdirani refused to answer the call. They were still
rebuilding their Land.
During the last years of the Second Age, the
Numenorean hold on Desdursyton, through his Fankil enraged and gave intelligencies to
network of governor and militia, weakened greatly. Hoarmurath armies of Urdar, which launch attacks
Fankil and Razeral agents and spies, made secret against Desdursyton and the shores of the Bay of Illuin.
trading with them and managed to corrupt them to Fankil decided to test his monsters from the
their cause : freeing the Land. And they managed to Underdeep and ordered Morhosh to launch attacks
do it. from the Underdeep. But she refused and a war was
Mustering their Forces, the Dysdirani rebuilt their engaged between Fankil orcish army and the monsters
fleet and army, ready for war, if the Numenorean came of the vampire in the underdeep of U-Lyshak. Finally,
he prevailed and captured the evil vampire, tortured 3.2 Timeline
her and learned about the existence of the Great
Artwork. Healing his wounds from this terrible war, Second Age
he started to think in a manner to use it. 1-50 Earthquakes, floods and erupting volcanoes
trouble the Bay. Many Orcs die in Barl Syrnac, Utûm
On the surface Dysdirani's army, were firstly and U-Lyshak.
defeated by Hoarmurath's army but finally the help c. 50 The Dysdirani reach Ulshyan lands and settle as
came from armies of Faithful and Vothring. They were vassals.
given information by Razeral agent, he would never
accept that his people would be beaten by Hoarmurath c.75 Some folks of Bavor's Line, who dwell in the land
armies. The war endures during long years and seen since Battle of the Dawn’s Demons, install a colony in
great act that would become legends but one of this the mountain south the future Dedursyton.
notorious event was the coming of the Gerlchonos Buzundush-Dum ( Kh. : “Hall of the black mountain
who fought at the side of the Dysdirani during the stream” ) is installed in an old volcano
darkest hours. c. 200 Disputes between Dysdirani and their masters
Finally, Hoarmurath had to leave his armies to join results in feuds and petty wars. The Dysdirani take
Mordor, and without his strategic skills, his armies possession of Desdursyton, but they are repelled from
were driven to a final combat. other lands. Many Mornerin flee west, settling in
Here in the great plains happen the Battle of the today Vothrig, or in Utum, where they became the
Wolves and the Bear. The great forces of bears' riders first iglak.
were beating the alliance of Dysdiranis, Vothrig and c. 400 The Vothrig, a Tyran people, enter the Elthrakh
Numenorean. But, as the legend said, a small and and establish on the seashore.
golden fox leads the Gerlchonos Great Pack trough his c. 550 The Ulshyans, threatened on all sides, unite
magical burrow. Then they stroke the bear in the back under the common rule of a King. Only peripheral
and cut the throat of the Hoarmurath command. areas retain their full independence.
c. 600 Tyrani from the East start raids on the Ulshyan
Finally, victorious, the Dysdiranis came back to eastern marches and Elthrakh, that will result their fall
their land, unified again in the hope of rebuilding their in less than 50 years.
might and confident again on their Plunder gods who 657 At the battle of Gabar Pass, the Tyrani are stopped
saved them. by King Taxmaspâda I.
699 Fankil returns to Gulkaju with his ally, the Unlife.
c. 700 Fankil starts travelling throughout the Bay
3.1.3 The Third Age spying and gathering agents. They are mainly
Dysdirani, with the task of promoting divisions among
The reign of the Five Tribes lasted centuries, the peoples in the Bay. The Vothrig, who moved
succeeding in repelling the enemies, whether they westwards along the coast to flee the other Tyrani,
came from within or outside. The Five Tribes found new kingdoms between the XXX and the sea.
protected the population, from the moment it 878 First Númenórean exploration of the Bay,
followed the precepts of the Plunders Gods. commanded by Aldarion.
In 2500 of the Third Age, the Blue Caste ended c. 900 The people of Utum start raiding the seashores
dissolving the conflicts between the Umli, the Dyrians from the Talathrant to Desdursyton.
and Desdûrsya to form the confederation and realm of 900 First Ioriag raid on Pûrepûrla, repelled by the
the Hazga. The kingdom’s capital was the city of Ulshyans.
Pûrepûrla, in the center of Desdursyton. 912 Second Númenórean exploration, it reaches the
mouths of Talathrant and Ulshy.
926 Third Númenórean exploration; the Dùnedain
fight with the pirates of Utum, and exchange gifts with
King Vindafarnah II of Ulshy.
945 First Womaw exploration of the Sea of Illuin.

950 Founding of Lond Elerion, on the island of Úrcheldor, defeating the pirates of Utum and securing
Úrcheldor; the Númenóreans fight the western the Sea of Havens for many years. Many Vothrig
Utumians and start trading with the Ulshyans. princes are forced to renounce to piracy., engaging in
c. 1000 Sauron chooses Mordor as the site of his trade with Ulshyans and Númenóreans.
return to power in Middle-earth. He begins the c. 1400 The Vothrig explore the Bay and become the
construction of the Barad-dur. The Vothrig divide into most important merchants, trading with nearly
princedoms, and start raiding the coasts of Ulshy and everyone. Rise of the Nekakhtar, as markets for
Elthrakh. eastern products.
1060 Soronto reaches the Rocky Firth. Last 1472 Foundation of the Númenórean haven of
Númenórean expedition to the East, for many Hithlond.
centuries. 1549 An embassy from Eregion visits Thûrlornar.
1100-1130 Mùar the Balrog awakens in Eastern Iron 1575 King Vindafarnah III defeats the Ioriag of the
Mountains, and wreaks havoc in all the surrounding lower Talathrant, moving the border to the river.
lands, before moving to Ruurik. Beginning of the West 1580 Concession of Banadar, first Vothrig trading
Migrations. Battles between Orcs in the Iron outpost, on the mouths of Talathrant.
Mountains, Fankil hides from the Shadow Flame. 1588 A Númenórean embassy visits Thûrlornar, and
c. 1105 Turmoil in Desdursyton due to Mornerin strikes a deal for trade in the haven of Shiyras.
peoples migrating West. c. 1600 Sauron secretly forges the One Ring. The
c. 1110 Many Mornerin move to Vothrig lands, where Barad-dur is completed.
they battle the inhabitants and settle only after some 1602 Hithlond is declared a colony of Númenor
years. 1602-1675 Sauron gains control of the Variags of
1116 Dwarves of Drùhar’s Folk (a branch of Barin’s Khand through the establishment of a cult of dark
Folk) found of Orshênin (Kh "Ice Haven") west of priestesses.
Desdursyton. 1670 A Vothrig alliance storms the coasts of eastern
c. 1120 Large bands of Mornerin cross the frozen sea Úrcheldor.
at the Maws of Storms, and move to Úrcheldor. Some 1688-90 Sauron appears several times to the Mannish
Umli tribes settle in northern Úrcheldor. cultures of southern and eastern Rhûn as a powerful
1125 A group of Elves from Mitheryn settle in deity called the "Black Master." He founds a cult
Thûrlornar, opening a way with the Elves of the East. devoted to the worship of himself, and establishes
c. 1130 The Dyrians forge an alliance with the Lokuthor, first of the Dispossessed, as his high priest.
Mornerin exiles from Urd. 1692 Sauron's servants discover the Baradhrim and
1138 Dwarves of Drùhar’s Folk found Karag-Shatûr their dark religion. They begin to stir the Easterlings
("Mountain Cloud"). against their ancient enemies, the Northmen to their
c. 1140 The last Mornerin exiles move to Barl Syrnac, west.
where they become known as the Fustir-Gost and the c. 1700-1900 Many Vothrig adventurers found
Syrkakar. They are joined by Umli tribes coming from princedoms and domains in eastern Úrcheldor.
Úrcheldor. 1706-1748 Reign of Vindarna II, considered the height
1148 A Vothrig ship docks in Kurush, trading of the Ulshyan kingdom. After his death, it is said that
Dwarven products with the Ulshy. the Shadow falls on Ulshy.
1180 A messenger from Mordor reaches Gulkaju and 1713 King Vindarna II conquers Dalpygis and builds
speaks with Fankil, dealing an alliance with Sauron. Khurmand
1207 Elves from Kugavod open the way for 1781 The Vothrig plunder Shiyras
communications with the Elves of the West. 1799 Shiyras is conquered by Vothrig
1388 Ardamir leads an embassy to the peoples of the 1838 Another Númenórean expedition, led by
Bay, teaching the lore of Númenor and signing a sea Ciryatan, explore the shores of the Helkëar, reaching
alliance with Ulshyans and some Vothrig princes. He is the ports of Shartax.
less fortunate with the Ulgath and Ioriag. 1920 Vothrig warriors conquer Rayomand and its
1395-1400 The alliance storms the coasts of southern princedom.
1920-2012 Vothrig found domains in the Nekakhtar Lyshak, the Razeral unifies Desdursyton for the first
and Elthrakh. time in its history, and is crowned Plunder King.
1923 King Bagabuksha liberalizes all cults. Dark Cults 2514 Razeral creates a corsair fleet, strengthening
reveal themselves all around Ulshy. Dysdiran presence in the Sea of Storms.
1988 Vothrig adventurers conquer Shiyras and found a 2516 The Plunder King embarks on a campaign of
princedom. plunder in the lands East of his kingdom, inhabited by
1999-2000 A Plague, come from the South, strikes scattered Tyran-Mornerin nomads, and a few
Ulshy, then the other peoples in the Bay. About one merchant cities who became tributaries of him.
every five people dies. Greatest damage in Ulshy and 2566 King Cixantaxma I of Ulshy seeks the support of
the Talathrant Valley. Ren, after becoming mad, the Usralama, a powerful Dark Cult, and declared
gathers a cult of followers and becomes the leader of their doctrines state religion. During his reign, power
the Chey, the Fire-King, defeating the Variags that held passed effectively to the dark priesthood.
sway over Chey’s northern territories. 2567-2570 Cisantaxma enforces his power over local
c. 2000 Piracy returns to the Bay, mainly based in the leaders with a military campaign.
Úrcheldorian princedoms. 2575 Under the will of the Usralama, King
2000 Uvatha Achef becomes the first king to unite all Cisantaxma severs all relations with Númenor and
the tribes of the Variags. expels their garrisons in Ulshyan ports.
2023-2030 A fleet of allies, led by Númenórean 2583 The Dysdirani clash with the Urdar of
governor Abârzagar, fights piracy, but they are not able Hoarmûrath at Dastar, but both powers deem too
to eradicate it. risky and dangerous a campaign to move farther their
c. 2100 Rise of large Vothrig kingdoms in the eastern borders.
Bay, supported by Númenóreans. 2588 Belzagar, son of Tar-Anducal of Númenor, leads
c. 2150 The Dysdirani pirates increase their presence Illustration : Lucas Staniec -
in the Sea of Storms.
2155 The Chey submit Dalpygis, and ruin Khurmand;
then they start raiding yearly Ulshy.
2165 Most of the Chey horde moved southeast
towards Kargagis Ahar.
2273 Fankil gives a Ring of Binding to Rasedäkh, an
Utûmian priestess.
2279 Rasedäkh unites the Utûmian tribes into a strong
confederacy, under the protection of the Tongueless
2281 The inland tribes of Utûmians start raiding the
coastal kingdoms of the Vothrig, often banding with
2287 Erezwand forms an alliance of Vothig princes, to
face the Utûmian threat. They receive Númenórean
2294 Rasedäkh gathers a large army and marches
against a Vothrig alliance.
2297 The Vothrig are defeated: only Erezwand is able
to defend its territory. Birth of the kingdom of Utûm,
under the High Priestess Rasedäkh.
2301 A new wave of Utûmian piracy scourges the Bay,
from Banadar to the Elf-lands.
2496 Fankil gives a second Ring of Binding to Razeral,
warlord of Rakiborzal.
2510 With the support of an Orcish army form U-

a large fleet to the Bay of Illuin. Docking in Hithlond, 3121 The Tyrani break the defenses of the princedoms
he burns the fleet and ports of the Utûmians, and of Nekakhtar, and swarm in the valley of the Nekadarja.
drives them to the interior. 3123 Rayomand is forced out of the league because of
2591 Belzagar withdraws in face of the alliance the Tyran threat. The army of Erezwand is defeated at
between Utûmians and the Orcs of Úrcheldor. Iglumuz.
2591-2597 Belzagar obtains the submission of all the 3170 Erezwand defeats the Utûmians at Ormosd.
Vothrig princes, incorporating them in his army, and 3230 Supported by the Variags, the horde of Chey
secures all the Sea of Havens. plunders Ulshy
2598 Belzagar disembarks his army at Banadar. In less 3234 New plunder of Ulshy.
than eight months he forces Cisantaxma II to a tribute 3238 Ulshy plundered again by the Fire King.
and the opening of his ports to Númenóreans. The city 3243 Fall of Pûrepûrla to the Chey.
of Zinawar, at the mouths of the river Rusek, is 3248 Caladost razed to the ground.
renamed Caladost (Ad. "Belrondas"), and put under a 3250 Banadar saves by paying a huge tribute to the Fire
Dùnadan governor as a watch over Ulshyan rebellion. King
2600 Belzagar conquers the port of Jedzka in 3254 Rayomand falls to the Chey.
Desdursyton, destroying the corsair fleet. His armies 3261 Ar-Pharazon the Golden lands a large
plundered the interior, but are not able to reach any Numenorean fleet at Umbar. Sauron is unable to
other city. match their strength and is forced to become Ar-
2603 Belzagar returned in Hithlond, where he defeats Pharazon's captive.
again the Utûmians and the Orcs, wreaking havoc in 3263 Ar-Pharazôn destroys the kingdom of Utûm,
their lands. Then he sails back to Númenor for killing its High Priestess Rasedäkh and driving the last
triumph, with a huge bounty of tributes and plunder. defenders north into the frozen mountains; Banadar
2610 A rebellion in Jedzka opens the doors toi the receives a new Númenórean garrison, Caladost is
return of Razeral. rebuilt, and the Vothrig forces incorporated as a local
2800-3000 Faithful from Númenor settle in the militia to keep order for their masters, the
largest cities of the Bay. The Númenórean Kings Númenóreans.
progressively turn their interests South, withdrawing 3264 Jezdka is burned to the ground, and Razeral
their forces from the Bay. forced to a huge tribute. Pûrepûrla is retaken and
3001 Ar-Zimrathôn, in need of troops to send to given to a puppet ruler with no links with the Dark
Tantûrak, orders a heavy withdrawal of forces from Religion; the Chey are driven into Dalpygis. Hithlond
the Faithful colonies of Illuin. rebuilt and enlarged, its name changed into
3005 The Utûmians to attack the borders of Hithlond. Pharazkadar (Ad. "Golden City") All the kingdoms in
3045 Hithlond falls to Utûmians. Lond Elerion the Bay have become tributary of the royal governor
becomes a corsair city, and his people mix with in Pharazkadar.
Vothrig immigrants. 3319 The Downfall of Numenor. Buzundush-Dum is
3076 Under the patronage of Fankil, Rasedäkh and greatly damaged by an earthquake. Earthquakes and
Razeral make an alliance: their two peoples join in floods strike western Desdursyton.
raiding all their enemies on the Sea. 3430 The Great Muster is called. Warriors from across
3080 Erezwand, Banadar, the Vothrig princes, Rhûn flock to Sauron's banner. Dysdirani refuses to
Rayomand, Elthrakh and Lond Elerion join in a help Sauron. Great Underworld wars of Fankil against
counter-alliance. the Vampire Queen Morhosh.
3090 The Dysdirani attack Thûrlornar: the Elves repel 3432 Hoarmurath launch his armies against the rebel
the attackers at great price, but this event cause them Dysdirani
to side with the Vothrig and Númenóreans. 3434 The Battle of Dagorlad. Sauron's armies are
3101 Razeral rounds Thûrlornar to assail Elthrakh, but decisively defeated by the Last Alliance.
his forces are often ambushed by Elves. The Battle of the Wolves and the Bear, Hoarmurath's
3102 The Dysdirani retire from Elthrakh with great army are finally, defeated at a great coast.
losses. 3441 The Barad-dur is broken. Sauron is overthrown
and the Ringwraith pass into the shadows. 1373 Desdursyton attempts an invasion of Thurlornar.
There is a fierce battle fought within the edge of the
Third age forest. The leader of Desdursyton is slain, and
480 A terrible disease strikes the Urgath herds of hundreds of others are lost. The elves only suffer
southeastern Rhûn. Large numbers of Urgath migrate minor losses. After this, no strong leader can be found
through Gathod and onto the eastern and central in Desdursyton, and over the next few years, the
Talath Harroch. realm once again splinters.
485-488 Urgath/Sagath wars. The Urgath succeed in
1671-1678 The Chey Chyan conflict. Great King
displacing large numbers of Sagath onto the Dagorlad.
Bardiya of the Artaxshâsan dynasty tries to control
498-500 Tarostar's army drives the disunited Sagath
Chey Sart, but the battle is a great disaster for the
north into the Eastern Bight. Tarostar's army is never
Chyan Empire. Chey Sart resists well, but are
confronted in numbers and Tarostar has trouble
weakened in the process.
bringing the Sagath bands to battle. Tarostar takes the
1678-1681 King Cixantaxma IV of the Ulshyan
name 'Romendacil' and withdraws his army back to
Confederacy, seeing prospect of power and trade with
the south, launches a great scale assault against Chey
C500- Vothig raiders begin to strike throughout the
Sart, which ends in 1681 after only three years of
bay raiding coastal villages, taking slaves and killing
battle with the entire submission of the country to the
and burning whole villages.
Ulshyans. Relmether, Dalpygis and Kykurian Kyn
541 Tarostar's heir, Turambar, launches a determined
enters as well in the Ulshyan confederacy.
campaign against the Easterling alliance. The King
1699 The Book of Icelore is stolen again by Gorthog
makes an alliance with the Northman princes of the
the Whisperer. Third Invasion of Luindor, by a huge
Ehwathrumi. The Easterling alliance dissolves. The
horde of Evil Men and Orcs.
remnants of the Urgath tribes are driven with great
1703 Eryngon falls in battle at Cabed-i-Thyn.
loss across the Talath Harroch and back into Southern
Cybrethil is razed, and Queen Arûthil flees with her
Rhûn. Turambar grants much of Rhovanion and the
child Rhaveryn.
Talath Harroch to his Northman prince allies.
1704 Luindor pacified, a new line of Half Kings, this
c. 585 Initial construction projects of the Men Rhûnen.
time supported by Orc guards around them.
Some Ehwathrumi make a living protecting trade
1706 Hoarmûrath retires to Kibeidukh, in fact
caravans from the depredations of Sagath tribes.
travelling often to Mordor.
Founding of Thorondir. 1870 Attack on Lu Tyr Su. The Urdar and Myri are
983 Battle of the hundred ships. The elves of defeated by the Tyrani.
Londranor forge an alliance with the men of Ulshy to 1990 Campaign in Kubor Sèd. The Urdar and Iskahr
stop the Vothrig raiders in the bay. The men are are driven out by the locals.
trained by the elves, and set sail in elven ships, along 1995 The Myri revolt, but they are heavily defeated by
with a few of the elves of Londranor. The men of the Urdar.
Vothrig hear of the fleet sailing towards them. Many 2136 Revolt in Angclax, repressed by the Urdar.
of the various leaders unite, and soon a Vothrig fleet 2245 Invasion of Mitheryn, defeat by the Elves.
of over seventy ships set forth to meet the Ulshyans 2456 Revolt in Urd.
and elves. The elven ships only number thirty, but 2458 The Luindrim rebel. They are defeated.
soon the battle is joined. The superior elven ships 2500 The Blue Caste ended dissolving the conflicts
prove to give an advantage to the Ulshyans and their between the Umli, the Dyrians and Desdûrsya to form
elven allies. Most of the Vothrig ships are sunk, and the confederation and realm of the Hazga. The
only 5 of the elf ships are lost. kingdom’s capital was the city of Pûrepûrla, in the
1000 Sauron stirs again in Middle-earth. center of Desdursyton.
1050 Uvatha returns to Khand.
1371 A strong leader unites the people of Fourth Age
Desdursyton under one rule. In truth he is a puppet 1 The Death of Hoarmûrath is hidden by his generals.
king placed by Hoarmûrath However, strife for power quickly develops.

5 Three generals ally against the Dark Priests, and northern reaches, while dense marshlands occupied
divide Urd between themselves and their minions. the river valley to the east. The rest of the area
8 Atlikar, High Commander of the West, allies with consisted of a cool, rich grassland. Ulgathig-speaking
the Dwarves. herders dominated the region, the Lothrag who were
9 Revolt in Angclax, supported by Dwarves. Atlikar close cousins to the ancestors of the Wainriders.
breaks the balance attacking the East dominion.
10 The South dominion enters the war against Atlikar. The river Talathrant (S."Plainsriver", Av."Paldarattâ"),
15 Peace of Ukiukänth. Atlikar proclaimed King of or River Kól, was a large river that had its two main
Urd. Angclax is freed. tributaries in the Ered Harmal and its estuary in the
24 The South dominion dynasty ends. New kingdom far north in the Bay of Ûtum. The Spirit of the River,
of Myr. Kól, was revered as a deity by the Hazga- and
The Lotani, or Lothrag, were a Nomad and Hunter
4 The Land Culture in the Woodlandss and Steppes of Lotan. They
were descendants of the Haid, eastern kinsmen of the
4.1 Desdursyton Ulgath-peoples, and still recognizably close to their
Desdûrsyton (D.S."Plain of the Steppe-Children") lay western kin in terms of language and religion.
along the southeastern shores of the Gulf of Ûtum, The Wainriders (S."Rachoth" or "Wain-Horde") were
just above the mouth of the mighty Talathrant. It was a confederation of Easterling tribes closely akin to the
heavily wooded and occupied a traditionally strategic Balchoth but better armed and less primitive. As their
spot in north-central Middle-earth. It was best known, relatives the Balchoth the wainriders were known to
though, as the home of the Táratalamëar, a great mere live and travel in large Wains, but especially their
situated atop the Táraparsa, Endor's largest butte. chieftains were also fierce charioteers.
The Desdûrsya - a fierce, Tyran-speaking people - In the late Third Age the descendants of the tribesmen
considered the Táratalamëar (which they called of Lotan and Kykurian Kyn had been pressed into the
"Gerlkûneshe," the "Spirit-mere") their spiritual Khundolar and Jangovar confederations.
centre. The Desdûrsya (D.S. “Steppe-Children”) were
a Tyran-speaking people native to the rich land
of Desdûrsyton. Of all the peoples of Tyr offspring, 4.3 Dyr
the Desdûrsya were the most civilized, numerous and The Barl Syrnac range faded into foothills and low
powerful. mountains north of the Firth of Dyr (Dy."Hudyr") and
The history of Desdûrsy was very old, and they were Forest of Dyr (Dy."Yardyr"), both named for the Dyr
recognized for being the first people of Tyran speech River (Dy."Endyr") which originated in the Iron Hills
that dropped out the nomadism and settled on the (Dy."Urmkarag"). The Inhabitants were the Dyrians
eastern shore of the Gulf of Ûtum after realizing the (Dy."Dyrarr", "Mist-Men"), a Tyran speaking people.
significant amount of natural resources that the land
offered. In addition, the Desdûrsya differed from their Little was known of the Dyrian (Dy."Dyrarr", "Mist-
other cousins of Tyr offspring, because through their Men") people, since only occasional wandering bands
veins ran Númenórean blood of the Udahir, a people of men are seen Their appearance was somewhat
descended from the Númenóreans who had explored unusual, they tended to be shorter than even
the waters and lands of northern Endor during the Lossoth and had straight black hair. They were a
the Second Age. semi nomadic people, and their warriors were always
seen bearing the same curious symbol on their armor
— a black setting sun on a red sky They fought well
4.2 Lotan from horseback, usually with the bow, and on foot
Lotan was situated to the west of the mouth of the they were most well known for their unusually long,
river Talathrant, along the southern shore of the Gulf keen swords and expert fighting style.Many were
of Utûm. A deciduous forest covered most of its accomplished in the weaponless martial arts as well.
hundred miles south of the Sea of Illuin.
Illustration: Dracarys Drekkar
Kharukthalad was located in Y-Lústurangsur. This
colony of Stonefoots was founded in S.A. 1196 in the
valley were later a branch of the Talathrant would flow.
The richness of the surrounding hills and (later) the
access for trade by river made this mansion a very
successful one. It continued to be habited into
the Fourth Age.
The Stonefoots (Kh. Azali-Dûraz), also known
as Malln´s or Bavor's folk, were one of the seven
tribes of the Khazâd. They were also known as the
"Red Dwarves".

4.5 Myr
Located east of the Gulf of Ûtum, Myr was the
northernmost plain in central Endor. It was populated
by the Tyran-speaking Myri.
Most part of Myr is a flat grassland whose limits are
the taiga to the North and the steppes to the South.
Among these two hostile environments the Myri have
built their civilisation. The landscape is generally
For all their obvious skills, the Dyrian folk appeared featureless: a vast wasteland dotted by small villages
most calm and serene and were quick to share tales of and roamed by large herds of horses and sheep. The
their journeys Strange and wonderful stories of Great Forest is a vast and flat taiga which is inhabited
mountains of ice that floated on the sea, of flames that by Myri only in its southern part, especially in
leaped from the ocean, of huge white-haired woodsmen villages on the edges of the Myr Bight
oliphaunts, and of a river so long as
to dwarf even Anduin the Great could be heard from
these wanderers. 4.6 Urcheldor
Narindazdûm was located in a southern part of the Urcheldor, Ur'el'orê or 'Ollo-Ur'el' (N Av."Island of
Dyrian mountain range. This mansion was built by cold heat"), the land of ice and fire, was the main
Blacklocks in S.A. 1020 in the central mountains of island of the Gulf of Ûtum, off the coast of Dyr, north
Middle-earth; near Ironfists mansion of Gamil-nâla. It of the mouth of the Talathrant. It was an inhospitable
served as a trading outpost as well as strengthening ties land of beaches of black gravel, crowned by an
with Sindri’s people. At times (especially after the imposing volcano raised just above the ruins of
distribution of the Rings), Var’s people were helped by Utumno, the first great fortress of Morgoth.
Sindri’s house in its feud with Vigdís’ tribe. Here The island of Urcheldor was the cornerstone that
Narindazdûm served as the perfect link. Since the divided the Gulf of Ûtum into its three seas: The Sea
beginning of the Third Age, its wealth and mines began of Storms (East), The Sea of Solitude (West) and The
to decline. It was Finally, sacked and occupied by the Sea of Havens (South).
dragons in T.A. 1871 during the Dragon-wars; retaken Its original name in Melkorin is the Isle of
by a Dragonslayer in T.A. 2954. Illuin, as it is the last remnant of the pillar of the Lamp
of Illuin (a fact known to only those who lived then,
before the awakening of the Elves or learned from one
4.4 Y-Lústurangsur who lived then). Here and there, smoke and steams
Y-Lústurangsur was a hilly karst-land lying along the rise, from places where the earth's blood rises to the
eastern banks of the river Talathrant, about two surface of the world. Showers and plumes of steam and

boiling water reach skywards with a thundering roar King (or the Ulfar in Vothrig language), and they have
on a regular or irregular basis, and a smell of a long tradition for war. They worship a great number
brimstone permeates the fog that often shrouds the of Gods and spirits amongst whom the heads are
Isle. Ojhrig (the father of gods, the master of knowledge
At the center of the island is a large volcanic and war), Rehj (the eldest son of Ojhrig, and the God
caldera, filled with smoking, roiling lava. The island is of Courage and War), Aldoja and Nomath (Gods of
a place of contrasts: heated by the fires of the earth, Justice and Duality), Freya (Goddess of Love, beautiful
and yet cooler than its surroundings for reasons harvests and fertile grounds, more or less the
unknown to all but the very Wise. The Isle is often attributes of Yavanna), as well as Dedja (God of the
cloaked in fogs, and it is surrounded by jagged shoals, Sea). They despise Djolkî, the God of Treason and Fear,
making an approach difficult and dangerous. and for all the Vothrig, this God does not have the
The island's coastlines are a resting place for honor to belong to the family of Gods.
seals, and its cliffs and hillsides are rookeries for sea The coastlands in the Sea of Storms are rather sharped
birds, but it is rarely hunted, because of the difficulties cliffs, while in the Sea of Havens, there is a more
in approaching the shores, and because of the feeling frequent alternance between rocky beaches and high
of ancient power there. Some mystics and shamans cliffs. The most important cities, like Rayomand or
have journeyed there, to try to tap the power, but Shyiras, are located in the Sea of Havens coastlands, as
those that actually survived the trip do not report that it is easier to defend these cities against pirates, and to
their efforts were successful. land ships on the sea.
There are several important rivers that take source in
the nearby hills, in the deep valleys of Nekakhtar (Vo
4.7 Lú Tyr Sû “Mineral Treasures”).
Lú Tyr Sû (D.S."Open place of Icy blue Mist") Despite several fierce battles had happened there
stretched across most of the northern part (including the battle against Fankil’s armies at the end
of Endor's East-plain. Covered with short grasses, it of First Age), Nekakhtar looks like a peaceful land,
made relatively poor pastures. Still, scattered tribes which is famous for its mineral resources (copper,
of shepherds and big game hunters called the area sandstone, silver) and its medicinal plants. There are
home. Nearly all spoke Tyran. several important Vothrig villages on the hills and on
The Tyr (D.S."Mist-People") were a group of Peoples the foothills of the Tem-Eskam chain.
in central Middle-Earth in the second Age, they were Elthrakh (Ky “The Land of the Blue Light) is a vast
descendants of the Talataerim of the first Age. The taiga woodland that stretches among hills and
Desdursy, Myri, Langur, and Vorgani were their mountains. It is home to another Tyran people, the
descendants as well as maybe the Dyrians and Ky’taari, an ancient people who arrived on the bay
Kykurians. Maybe also the Fustir-gost, Ky'taari and during the seventh century of Second Age. The
Syrkakar could be seen as Tyr-offspring. Among all Ky’taari became a woodland and reclusive people,
descendants of the Talath the Tyr were often noted for letting enemies pass as long as they didn’t attack their
having fair hair and pale complexion, perhaps hinting villages, and ambushing them when they got too
towards a long forgotten relation to the Hadorians. nearby.

4.8 Vothrig 5 Climate

Vothrig lies in the borders of both the Sea of Havens The Utum Bay is a cold place, one of the northernmost
and the Sea of Storms, in Northern Middle Earth. The lands inhabited by the Free Peoples and the Orcs.
lands are inhabited by the Vothrig, a Tyran people, who Being wide, it experiments diverse climates.
arrived in the Bay on the fifth century of Second Age. The lands to the north of the Ered Engrin are arctic:
They settled near the sea, and driven back the early they are covered by snow year-round, and swept by
Mornerin inhabitants to the West and to the East. They fierce winds coming from Dor Bendor. Precipitation
are gifted mariners. They are ruled by a hereditary comes only in form of snow, most common in late
Spring and early Autumn. this woolly bovine lived in large herds north of the
The barrier of the Iron Mountains shelters the rest of Iron Mountains. Up to 2 m tall, it is a meek animal,
the North. Urd is cold but quite dry, and snow comes quite easy to domesticate, but dangerous if frightened.
only at the beginning and end of Summer, through the Its wool, greyish or black, is warm and soft; its milk
Firth of Rocks. Mid-summer is warmed by the Khanax, abundant and nutritious, its meat rich of fats, its bones
a dry south wind from the plains of central Endor. and horns hard and ideal for instruments. Wild Gusgï
The lands that open on the Sea of Illuin, on the tend to be a little bigger and aggressive, while
contrary, are wet, but enjoy higher temperatures. domestic ones are woollier.
Summer rainfall or snowfall is high, though dispersed The Urdar and Orcs hunted and nearly extinct them
in many days; winter is drier. in the mid Second Age, and then they looked at the
Myr and the surrounding lands and forests are border herds owned by the Umli. In the mid Third Age, wild
regions between the taiga and the steppes. Gusgï survive only in Uax and Ôm, while northern
Precipitation is heavy in Spring and Autumn, but Urdar, Angcla and the surviving Umli still herd some
Summer and Winter are exceptionally dry. The domestic individuals.
distance from the sea means high difference in seasonal Sea Eagle – a brown-yellowish bird, with bright
temperatures. yellow beak and talons, it lives on the shores of the Sea
of Illuin, where it feeds on fishes by diving into water.
Binchi – also called Northern Pig or Woolly Pig, it
6 Flora and Fauna has a large supine covered by a short and rare fur. It is
herded by Elves and Men for its meat. Its wild version
is the Sibinch, an aggressive boar which is furrier and
6.1 Flora Goral – a small mountain goat, with short wool but
very resistant to cold. It is herded by many peoples for
Blue Pine – this evergreen is very common in its milk and meat.
Luindor, contributing to give the forest its bluish hue. Reindeer – this greyish animal is very common in all
It grows quite common also in the forest of Illuin. The the North, roaming in huge herds the wastelands,
cones are large, bearing big pine nuts; they are feeding on lichens. It is hunted by Men and Umli, but
nutritious, but taste quite acid, if they are not cooked they can also domesticate some, that are used to train
properly. sledges on the snow.
Green-blue evergreen that gives the name to Luindor,
and is common in Taur Illuin, too (larch?)
Northern Larch – a deciduous conifer, this large
6.3 The Herds
green-blue tree is quite rare, save on the Hills of
Larches. As it loses its foliage in winter, it is associated Gabalakhain – wild version more aggressive of
to death and rebirth. Urdar healers burn its bark to Binchi, herded Desdusyr for its meat.
heal wounds.
Red fir? Mekh – a small mountain goat, with short wool but
Pine, fir, beech, birch, very resistant to cold. It is herded by far its milk and

Khoni- The largest and most powerful of Endor's

6.2 Fauna sheep the Khoni was a stout, black and silver beast that
stood about 4-5 feet at the shoulder. Its silvery head
Ovir – the largest predator of the North, the Ovir is fur grew up the sides of its curved horns. These two
a huge bear, up to 3 m long and 1 ton heavy, with white forward- facing weapons could be lethal, however, and
fur. It is feared by all northern peoples, as it is a fierce the Woodhorn was quick to employ them for defense.
and often hungry hunter. Its fur is very priced by the Thus, this beast was difficult to domesticate.
Gusgï – the most useful of the animals of the North, Temenii – The brown camel of the eastern plain of

Ikhengiin. A rudimentary and resilient animal. The

Desdursyr often use in the northern and coldest land Buga -Bugas were a species of the Deer family
as their fur permit them to resist great cold. found particularly in northern Desdursyton.

Mori - The small horse used by the Dysdirani. A Tsaagath Uneg (White fox) - The white fox is
stubborn and trusty companion of the Five Tribe since found throughout the temperate highlands and
the myth of the creation. It is said that the Dysdirani northwestern parts of Desdursyton. Actually, only
learn to ride them even before walking. white in winter, the white fox's dense pelt was
normally a bright, silvery grey. The long hairs readily
picked up grass pollen, often causing it to appear to be
6.4 The Hunted a strange light green in color. Even during the winter,
the coat was adorned with black-tipped guard hairs
Burgeth (Sea Eagle)– a brown-yellowish bird, with that lent it silvery gleam, so the fox was hardly ever
bright yellow beak and talons, it lives on the shores of really white.
the Bay of Illuin, where it feeds on fishes by diving into
water. Arslan (Snow lion) - The snow lion was a rare
animal native to the high vales of the mountains of
Nugas (Duck) - A lot of races of Nugas are find in Mangasuulyn. Smaller and more compact than a
the country. All of them are hunt, because of their mountain lion, the snow lion remained white
taste, the preferred meat of the Dysdirani. throughout the year, and its eyes were a beautiful
shade of azure. It favored small game, although it
Galuuny - The Galuuny was a bright green, would occasionally prey upon mountain goats and deer.
moderately large, flightless bird, rather like a large Snow lions mated for life, and both parents raised the
goose on stilts. Excellent swimmers, they subsisted single cub born each year. Occasionally, a bold Shaman
primarily on fish, crustaceans and shellfish. Galuuny would ascend the Mangasuulyn to befriend a snow lion.
gathered in large flocks during the breeding season in Those who succeeded in such a quest had won a
early summer, traveling in small groups during the rest faithful ally for life.
of the year.
Galuuny would immediately flee the scent of any Uùrek (Black Bear) - A strongly-built but compact
predator with surprising, if ungainly speed — except creature, the Black Bear is common throughout the
during the nesting season, when they would bravely mountains of Desdursyton. They are nocturnal
defend their eggs. Given to snapping up carrion, hunters who fed on insects, rodents, fish and small
galuunys enjoyed the taste of meat: however, they mammals supplementing this diet with fruit, berries,
would eat anything, since they were poor hunter. nuts, roots and honey. During the autumn. Black Bears
gorge on food so that they could be properly sustained
during their long winter sleep (hibernation). They had
Tsa (Reindeer)– this greyish animal is very a superb sense of smell, but their hearing and eyesight
common in all the North, roaming in huge herds the are merely average. Black Bears are solitary animals
wastelands, feeding on lichens. which are often hunted by Dysdirani as a maturation
Dorgo (Badgers) - Carnivorous animals, Dorgos
were timid but could be nasty if cornered. Especially Aar Uùrek – the largest predator of the North,
dangerous was a female badger with young ones, since the Aar Uùrek is a huge bear, up to 3 m long and 1 ton
she would actively try to hunt down intruders no heavy, with white fur. It is a fierce and often hungry
matter their size. And they better ran; the badger was hunter who live in the farthest part of northwestern
said to bite until it heard the crackle of the bone (a Desdursyton. Its fur is very priced by the Desdursyr.
reason why many hunters in areas with badgers put
coal in their boots). Irves (snow leopard) - These wild cats haunted the
southern mountain of Boruulyn. They are extremely Tsaaganchono (White Wolf) - The White wolf are
shy and avoided contact with Men. Due to their distantly related to the common grey wolf. They are
excellent senses, they often saw, heard or smelled true denizens of the cold, thriving in temperatures as
anyone approaching, disappearing without the low as -60°F (-50°C).
wanderer even contemplating their presence. Tracks
in the snow were usually the only indication that a Although most at home in the northwestern part of
leopard was anywhere nearby. The cat is extremely Desdursyton. All that had been said of the grey wolves
agile, and could make quick, powerful strikes with its applied to the white wolves as well, but even more so;
forepaws, but avoided a determined (or retreating) the need to survive as a species in the frigid North had
adversary. Once an opponent proved too powerful, it made these huge dogs even more clever and bold as
broke off the fight and fled at the first opportunity. hunters. Preying on everything from rodents and
carrion to well-armed Dysdirani, they are the most
Shilùùs (Lynx) - are hunting cats that lived in the dangerous of nonmagical canines.
less extreme foothills and mountains throughout
Desdursyton. Although smaller than the snow leopard Like the white fox, the white wolf had a glistening
of the mountains, they are still effective hunters and white coat comprised of long, thick, hollow hairs
fishers. Unlike most hunting cats of this size, which are which were set in a tough, oily hide. Their small ears,
usually loners, the lynx lived in prides of 5 to 8 cats. two-chambered nostrils, and well-furred feet were
These cats had an intricate social structure and hunted ideally suited for life on the ice and snow.
as a group like lion. Groups of lynxes brought down
large game using similar tactics to those employed by Bar - The largest cat of the northwestern part of
wolves. They are able to move about nearly unseen, Desdursyton, the Bar or white tiger, could be a
silently creeping towards their prey, springing upon threat to men though the tigers usually preyed upon
the unwary with vicious precision. the Deer of the north. Its fur is highly prized, but the
tiger is fearsome enough that very few would take up
If taken young, these cats made loyal, protective pets. the chase even when one was known to be in the area.
It is said that Razeral have one of them at his side all
the time. It is said that one the two companions of Razeral was
a Bar.
Chono (Grey wolf) - The grey wolf is a powerful,
muscular dog with a thick coat of hair and a bushy tail.
They ranged all over Desdursyton. They are
exceptionally adaptable. Grey wolves are 6.5 The Sea creatures
exceptionally social animals who lived in family
groups or packs that roamed and hunted together. Tamga (Seals) - Seals migrated into Illuin's bays and
These packs cooperated to run down their favorite inlets in spring, before scattering to warmer waters in
prey. While typically interested only in larger herd the South in autumn. There were two main types of
animals, they also fed on rodents, fish and crustaceans seals of interest to the Dysdirani, first was the fur seal,
and, in rare cases (e.g., during hard winters or used for both meat and fur. The second is used
famines), they might attack lone travelers, trappers, or primarily as a source of meat and leather (especially
hunters. armor).
The wolfpack's hierarchy is organized and In spring, the seals could literally cover a beach in
regulated in accord with the wolves' ritualized one great, boisterous and gregarious colony. The
postures, gestures, and combat. Grey wolves, however, female seals were fairly placid, preferring to take to
did not fight over mates except in extraordinary the safety of the sea rather than fight.
circumstances. Pairs normally remained together for
The bulls, however, could be aggressive in their

defense of territory or harems. In the water, the Orcs and even Dwarves and Men, if they feel
animals had never been known to attack Men, except threatened. It is said that they have stolen large
occasionally or a slight nip or bite as the creatures treasures from the ancient hold of Orcs and Dwarves,
included the individual in their underwater play. and they are kept in their secret caves, among gems
Protective of cubs, but slow and clumsy on land they and precious metals mined in the Mountains. They
would retreat to the water if threatened. lived in large families, and are a treat to those who
invite themselves in their mountain.
Aluurchin (Killer whales) - Friendly and
gregarious, the killer whales hunted seals along the
coasts. Like sharks, they might mistake a man in the Urth (Dragon)– a few Dragons have survived the
water for a large seal and attack. Elder Days, spawning their offspring to plague the
North. The oldest of these Dragons in the area
Waltamga (Narwhal) - While technically a is Muugurval (Dys. “Evil lizard”), still living in his cave
member of the whale’s family, the Waltamga is of Burzglob (Orc : “Black dirt”). He gave birth to
differentiated by its enormous ivory horn. It is a large, several lesser drakes, through mating with Ice Drakes
but very shy animal, and retreated to the deep water if of the North.
Its thick hide made excellent armor, while its ivory No Urulòki live in the North. A few Fire Drakes,
horns could weigh up to 100 lbs av piece. The great without wings, live in lairs in the northern
layer of fat beneath its hide is a source of lamp oil and Mangasuulyn. More common are the Cold Drakes:
tallow. they live on all the Mountains range, sometimes
coming down from their vales to raid the foothills,
daring even the forests.Cold-drakes (Dys.
6.6 Special creatures "Khuitenurth") comprised the most common and
oldest breed of Urth. All other Dragons were
Avargaalz (Giant Praying Mantis) – The Giant descended from their line. Bred by Morgoth as the
Praying Mantis of the Aalzoonoin Forest are the ultimate fighting creatures, they were the first
testimony of Bogodol. They were spawned in distant monsters to threaten the peace of Middle-earth.
Underdeeps by Morgoth experiment, and migrated to
the West part of the forest during the aftermath of the There are four types of Cold-drakes, the True Cold-
Great Wave and the death of Bogodol in early Third Drakes or Winged Cold-Drake ( Dys. : Dalavachiturk )
Age. The Elves of the forest were able to slay most of and three wingless varieties: the Ôturth or Cold-
them and repulse them in the hills. However, some of Worms, the Mûsurth or Ice-drake and their smaller
them still live today into the forest. Remembering the cousins, the Gasarurth or Land-drake.
one that tortured them, they hate the orcs beyond
measure. True Cold-drakes are powerful, armored creatures
whose scales were thicker than those of other Dragons.
Avargaalz are large – from 2 to 3 m long – with thick Agile but wingless, they had powerful limbs and long,
armor, and strong legs. They have razoredgge arms, as steely claws. A Cold-drake's bite could crush a fully-
strong as steel. They favor caves and holes, from which armored foe, and a sweep of its whip-like tail could
they dash against large preys. They are intelligent, and easily fell a group of horsemen. They relished physical
speak their own language. combat and were quick to strike when confronted.
Cold-drakes enjoyed the hunt, but they loved the fight.

Mashik (giant) – Giants have lived in the Most Cold-drakes lived in cold or frigid climes,
Mangasuulyn since the Elder Days. They live in the preferring the wastes and alpine highlands to more
most remote valleys, preferring to stay apart from temperate lands. These monsters are, after all,
other folks. Territorial, they are reported to attack spawned in the utter cold of the Farthest North. Thus,
they are stout, strong, immune to icy weather, and shred any leather or armor. The preferred form of
capable of smelling prey up to ten miles away. (No attack for a full bear was to crush an opponent against
Dragon possessed as great a sense of smell.) Their his chest with its powerful forelimbs while biting the
coloring also reflected their affinity for the snows. victim's head or neck. The glaring, reddish eyes of a
Although they varied in hue like other Dragons, most fell bear were equipped with excellent senses and
were grey-white or even white in color. Still, the older, night vision. They had a rudimentary intelligence and
more powerful, Cold-drakes were often black, brown, were quick to learn from mistakes (their own or
or even red. opponent's).

Chotgörtamga (Demon Whale) - They are huge, Uneg (golden fox) – This small and goldenish
carnivorous white or gray creatures that lived in the yellowed cousin of the common fox, live in the plain
Coldest part of Illuin's Bay. Their five-inch teeth could of Desdursyton. As big as a fat cat, they are viewed by
tear steel, and they thought it no problem to swallow the Dysdirani as a good omen. Not a shy animal, they
a man whole (and, in spite of old tales, it was unlikely often come around Dysdirani's wagon, and their
that a man would survive long in the roiling acids of owner usually, with joy and gratefulness, reward them
the demon whale's stomach). They often shattered with small piece of meat.
whale boats or overturned larger vessels.
Gerlchono (Dys. "Spirit Wolf") – The Gerlchono
were northerly kin of the grey wolve who used to live
Mashburget (Great Eagle) - The Mashburget are on the Táraparsa. They changed after the Great Wave
the most noble of all birds, having been chosen by the and the ritual of the Plunder Gods becoming a sort of
Vala Manwe, Lord of the Air, and Yavanna, Queen of warg distant cousin.
the Earth. Appointed as overseers of all the Kelvar,
they played many glorious roles in the history of Since then, they served as guardians of their temple.
Middle-earth. Their exploits are legion. They had They lived in pack and have the same habits as their
rescued numerous champions who were in their hour normal cousin. Except the fact that they survey the
of greatest need. pilgrim convoy on the butte. The pilgrim usually
transports some meat to give to the spirit wolves as a
Great Eagles are as intelligent as any of the sentient reward for their survey of the dead, because they are
beings. These huge birds are not to be trifled with, seen as ancient spirit of dead warrior of Dysdirani.
though: they are fierce foes when aroused to anger and That's the reason why they never attack Dysdirani,
had little patience with faint-heartedness in the face of unless being threaten.
danger. They are stalwart foes of Evil and especially
hated any other creature of the air who had allied with They are recognizable of their glooming eyes and their
the Valar's enemies. In Desdursyton they lived in the silver robe. They are also often seen on the side of
western Gantsaaruulyn. Plunder-Gods priest as bodyguard.

Chotgouùrek (Fell Bear) - Made in mockery of

the huge cave and snow bears, the fell bear stood well
over 12' and could weigh up to 2,000 lbs. They are 7 The People
noticeably less rounded and pudgy than a normal bear
and had a lean, feral look about them. Their oily,
malodorous fur was dirty white and grey in color, and
7.1 the Ulshyans
could often be smelled before the bear was seen or
7.1.1 Short History
heard. Their mouths are wider than those of normal
bears, and their powerful jaws could bite through
In a long and forgotten past, three people that are
chainmail with ease. Like the snow bear, their paws
now known as Chey, Chyan and Ulshyan were one and
were furry underneath to allow excellent traction on
only people. They were nomads, and united around a
ice and snow, with long, razor-sharp claws that could

common faith, the faith of the Volcano. Indeed, as the impossible to pursue the Ulshyans, the Chey decided
loremasters of the Ulshyan people now know, their to have their revenge on the Chyans, and make them
ancestors were seduced in the art of the Shadows, and suffer for all they done against the Mighty power of
did everything that pleased their dark masters : Rog. The Chyans were though allowed to survive, as
domination of other weak human people, war Chey slaves. Several centuries later, the Chyans, after
between tribes composing the People of God Rog, and several hard battles, were able to free themselves, and
hate of the strange alone wanderers that roam in the find at least their true destiny in the land of Ormal.
forests. As for the Ulshyans, led by their first King Ulshy,
This frightening life could have continued for they began a very long migration through the plains of
centuries, without the hazard of the meeting with one Lurs Vorganis and Lu Týr Su, and settled in the north,
of these wanderers. One patrol was searching for a near the Sea of Illuin, in the last century of First Age.
wanderer who stole a mighty artifact of the Rog Not being like the Chey, they made peaceful contact
people. But the patrol was unfortunately assaulted by with the Hwendi Elves, helping them in time of need
Orcs. When the wanderer returned, he found nearly against Fankil the Seducer. Later, they learnt that the
all the patrol save one killed. With compassion, he Chey too made a migration to the west, for unknown
took this man to this refuge, and heal him. Ulshy was reasons, and settled in Chey Sart, and that their long-
his name, and from the wanderer, Ulshy understood lost cousins the Chyans settled in the south.
that all he learnt were lies, and that Rog was only a
Demon, satisfied with more and more blood. He
returned a few weeks later to the camp of his people 7.1.2 Appearance and Clothes
with the artefact. He was greatly honored, with many
sacrifices to his honor, and one tribe to command, the The Ulshyans have a very strong and graceful
tribe of Chief Ulshy. constitution, with a fair dull skin, almond shaped eyes,
During the following years, he turned in secret which are usually colored light brown, grey, dark
many of his friends in the True Faith of the Wanderer. brown, or even blue or green eyes. Their hair is almost
Then the Wanderer returned, and taught them the always a shade of sandy brown and is worn short. They
ways of the One True God, Holy Creator of everything have an average life (60 – 80 years), Men reach around
and of the Powers that rule in His name. There the 5’7’’ (1,70m), women around 5’3’’ (1,60m). Men
people separated itself in three separate tribes : those weigh about 80 kg, women about 70 kg.
who immediately accepted the faith of the True God The average citizens usually wear fine tunics
(the future Ulshyans), those who falsely appeared to (usually made of cotton or wool) closed with a belt,
be convinced, but in truth remained attached to their puffed and colored pants or long leather stocking,
old gods faith (the Chey), and those who hesitated and laced shoes, and skull-caps. The nobles wear wool
at first tried to adapt the new faith with their old cul- caftan or embroidered robe with broad sleeves, long
ture (the future Chyans). A war soon ensued between boots, and high crown (either gold, silver, bronze or
the three factions. copper, depending on status), or silk during important
At first, the Chyans remained incertain and divided feasts. All favour bright colors, and especially shades
(or betrayed the Ulshyans), to the greatest ire of the of green or yellow. During the cold winter months,
Ulshyans, who demonstrated all the evils of their past the Ulshyans will also wear heavy animal hide coats.
ways. The Ulshyans were alone against the Chey, four They rarely wear elaborate jewelry. However, on
of our leaders were treacherously murdered, an act special occasions the Ulshyans will themselves wear
openly done in sight of the Chyans. Though we united fine ornaments such as rings or bracelets made from
around one Man, Chief Ulshy, the Father of Unity, we carved bones and ivory as well as colorful gems.
were defeated. Fortunately, at the last moment, the Men and women (and especially among the noble’s
Chyans intervened, and saved their brothers from ex- families) alike can display tattoos on their face,
tinction. But they were still not able to unite, and showing their friendship with the so-called demons of
Ulshyans were pushed to the north, with the Chey in the forest, the reclusive Hwendi. This is on the same
the middle and the Chyans to the south. While it was time a recall of their greatest deed to accomplish :
eliminate all believers of Demon Rog, by force or
conviction, and purify the Chey people from all their has the right to have 50 wives, and even more for some
evil acts. Tatoos are considered as attractive when kings. Many festivities are held in Ulshy for various
worn by women, who consequently, have a tendency reasons, though most revolve around the changing of
to wear them. the seasons and other natural phenomenon. Nothing
had really changed in the North for their customs.
Lifestyle : The Ulshyan society rests on a flexible
7.1.3 Society and culture castes system. The merchant caste (ch Vata), in the past
little considered, enormously gains importance to the
Fears and inabilities : they feel hate towards the point to be accepted in the counsels which take the
Chey warlords, the Ûrdar, the Orcs and the evil political decisions, with the priest caste (ch Varna) and
creatures, which they kill at sight. They are friendful that of noble-warriors (ch Vaysha). The farmers and
with the Urchêlanîans, with whom they share the stockbreeders form the popular caste (ch Fajusha).
surprisingly many religious traditions in common. The servant caste (ch Shadru) is consisted of the
Special capacities : The Ulshyans particularly excel prisoners. Changes from one caste to another is
in trade and in archery. They have a +10 bonus in two accepted, the importance is more given on a man skill
of five skills : archery, bow or crossbow, perception, than on his current status.
survival, trade. The Ulshyan consider themselves as one tribe, the
Marriage pattern : They are polygamous. The Dysh. The high King of Ulshy (Tarnska in Ulshyan
number of spouses and servants is relative to the language) makes all the decisions for his people. He
society level one Ulshyan belongs to. The further one has four advisors whom he meets with every two
progresses on society level, the further wives increase. weeks at his fortified home in Nols Osktrug. The laws
A paysan has only one wife (and it is for life), a rich of Ulshy are written upon a set of ten scrolls. The High
merchant can have up to 5 wives, for a wealthy noble, King makes sure that the laws are upheld and alters
it is 20 wives (and as many servants he wants, provided them when he sees fit. Ulshy is young, for a nation, but
he has the possibility to pay them). Only the High King it has proven itself internally strong. The strong tribal

Illustration used with the kind permission of the estate of the late Angus McBride

kinship of the Ulshyan keeps them loyal to their realm. excel in archery and in infantry. Their army is
Religion : The Ulshyan religion is dualistic in constantly highly trained and disciplined. They wear
nature, not particularly pessimistic, not particularly leather or chainmail armor and black shield, and
optimistic. Their religion surprinsingly rejoin the prefer to use spear, bow, long sword. They usually
Númenórean faith. The one true God who gave birth dissimulate a short dagger in their costumes. One
to the fifteen human tribes into Middle Earth is Asruta tenth of the army is the cavalry, mounted on horses,
(Eru Iluvatar). He was assisted in his task by his and more rarely, on camels. They have a strong navy,
fourteen sons and daughters. Unfortunately, one of his and consider themselves as the major power of the Bay.
sons (Angra Manya) rebelled, followed by thirteen The greatest threat is the evil of the forest to the east.
other children. These children form the dual Ulshyan
pantheon, with from one side the gods, from the other
side the demons. 7.2 The Desdursyr
The Ulshyan particularly worship Hitâspa (the Sky
God), Anahita (the Nature and Fertility Goddess, or Illustration: unknown
Yavanna), Shraosha (the Messenger God, Oromë) and
Rashnu (The Dead Guardian, Mandos). To these gods
are dedicated many festivals, including the Revival Day
(midsummer, midwinter), and at every changing of
the stars. During these festivals, sacrifices (sometimes
animals, but usually fruits) are made.
To these gods are opposed the Demons, among
which Angra Manyu (Morgoth) is the greatest. He is
supported by Indara (the War Demon), and Xsathra
(the Evil Spirit Goddess). The Chyan believe that all
demon will be opposed to his god equivalent (for
instance Hitâspa against Angra Manyu) on the World’s
end and the Paradise beginning (with the Immortality
gift). All fawning animals (like snakes) are considered
as evil, and must be destroyed. On contrary, cows and
dogs are considered as good, and sacred. Unlike other
regions, Chyan religion does not need to be perverted
by Shadow minions (as they only have to reverse the
Chyan pantheon, by establishing Angra Manyu as god,
and Hitâspa as demon).
Diet : The food resources available in Ulshy are
just plentiful. The Ulshyan are particularly fond of sea
food, perhaps because it is so abundant, and often eat
little else. Birds, fruit, and dairy products are 7.2.1 Appearance
considered compliments to their ocean-born diet. The Desdursyr are usually 1.60-1.70 m tall, of normal
Restriction on Professions : none, though they build. Their skin is yellowish, sometimes brown-
are mostly warriors, rangers and animists. yellowish if they have spent a long period under the
Language : They speak their own language, plain' sun.
Chyan (5). Many also know Adûnaic (4), and other The Desdursy were of medium height by for
trading languages of the Bay. Easterling standards, were rather dark-skinned,
although light-coloured eyes and bright hair were not
uncommon for an old relationship with the House of
7.1.4 Warfare Hador. Men usually wore robes of dark colours and
The Ulshyan are capable warriors, and they mostly furs to protect them against the cold winds of the
North Sea. They also tended to wear long facial hair. one of the Five Great Tribe.
Women were generally slender and laborious. Vendettas are usual in this Tribe but they are codified
in a long and, difficult to understand for a foreigner,
Men and women keep their hair long: warriors collect
since the arrival of Razeral as the Plunder King in the
them in braids, while women prefer to gather them in
late Second Age.
a tail with a strip of textile or leather. Desdursyr
The power in the Great Tribe is nominated by the
usually live 50-60 years for those who live in the more
Great Families, usually the most gifted or wise
modern area. Those who live in the rural part or who
Plunder Captain is nominated. This nomination
never quit the plunder life rarely go over 50.
endures his life span, unless great flaws are discovered
They often have a smile on their face when they and a great meeting is called in the Tribe.
encounter a stranger, or someone of an another tribe, That is the same way of things for the nomination of
because of politeness. Even if he will stab him a few the Plunder Kings, except that the Great Meeting of
second later. They have also the disturbing habit of uncrowning his called by the unanimity of all the five
laughing during combat, showing their courage in Great Priest of the Plunder gods.
front of the enemy. The Five Great Tribe are the Jedez Tribe, the Sahangûn
They have a long tradition of hunter – herder way of Tribe, the Rakibûn Tribe, the Zhilizûn Tribe and the
life, and most of them have a semi-nomadic lifestyle. Wezilin Tribe.
They fought well from horseback, usually with a bow,
and on foot they are most well known for their Social Structure :
unusually long, keen swords and expert fighting style. Desdursyr dwell in small (10-30 individuals) groups,
The Dysdirani are known for their large bladed and often households or caravans are ruled by the rusest
curved knife, the Tulwarch, given to them by their and wisest being. They always marry outside the group,
father to protect the house. meeting during plunder, trade or celebration. Usually,
the wedding is made for strengthening alliance
Clothes : Desdursyr often gathered the shiniest and between families but loved ones are not unusual. Even
colourful clothes they have for important meeting. marrying a slave is not bad seen among them if it
Otherwise, they wear use fur clothes or wear short, happens the slave became a part of the family. The
belted tunics of wool, often trimmed in gold or green. male leaves his family and joins his bride’s group.
The travelers’ and monks' clothing consists of loose
pants and a wrap-shirt. Pants are bound to the calves In the families structure the power is divided. The
with strips of cloth, overlapping the boots to make the father command the plundering, hunting or herding
lower legs water-resistant. operation. The mother command for all the rest.

Housing and Cities :

7.2.2 Society and culture The five Plunder-City are heavily fortified walled
cities : Rakiborzal, Zhilizal, Wezilinal, Sahangûnal and
Special capacities : the port of Jedzka on the Bay of Illuin (or the North
Desdursyr are common mortals, but their knowledge Sea). These five cities are surrounded by the huts and
of the horse riding and plunders has created many fields of their slave. Houses are simple, often made of
legends about them. It is said that they can endure the wood. The power of these five cities has absorbed the
longest riding course. According to tales, they are able radiation of the old capital, Pûrepûrla.
to stay quiet in the shadows, waiting for the good The village often occupy top of small hills. They have
moment to strike in the back of innocent people. a central courtyard, center of communal life, and are
protected by hedges and dikes. Near the mountains, a
Political structure : different kind of house is built in the cave itself, hardly
Desdursyr are basically libertarian in their way of life, distinguishable from the mountainside. These homes
as every family group is independent. However, they easily keep warmth in winter and cool in summer.
recognize both political and religious authorities. They Besides this, most of the Desdusyr are nomads,
are part of one of the Great Family which are part of roaming the plains herding. Nomad groups often

involve in trade and entertaining, above all music, to collect the Plunder's Gift for the Plunder Gods.
songs of lore, dance and tale-telling. They devote their life at serving the Plunder-Gods,
and defending their people against troubles.

7.2.3 Religion They are often ancient warriors, who choose to end
Desdursyr revere the Five Plunder gods known as their plundering life in the service of the plunder gods.
Tyrata, the ancestral god of the Tyrana people ; The chosen ones are both female and male. They
Akriato, the god of Journeys; Polkhan, the god of cannot marry even if they can live with an another
Combat ; Gaina, the godess of Fortune and Hripsim, priest of the other sex, even if children are forbidden.
the god of Ruse. To be chosen as a Plunder-Priest is simple : a
Even if each Great Tribe has is own protector, all the Gerlchono (Dys. "Spirit Wolf") must choose you. But,
Desdursyr respect all of the Plunder Gods and call for as always in the dysdirani society, the choice must be
them during different celebration. Most of this done freely.
celebration are conducted by Böögiin (Dys.: “shaman”)
in the nomad families, and Plunder-Priest in the cities. Five temples tare on the island of Gerlkûneshe atop
the sacred butte of Táraparsa. Each of them the well-
A peculiar institution of Desdursyr society is the known home of the Plunder-Gods, and the grateful
Plunder-Priest : such individuals choose to live alone Dysdirani brought them the fruits of their raiding. In
or in small groups, a part of the usual life of the other addition, over the years many shrines belonging to
ones, in the contrary of the Böögiin. Roaming the land clans, families and individuals have been built on the

Illustration : unknown
island, also housing treasure. a profitable trade with the outside, they had to show
another face, much friendlier...
Each plunder-city has its own stairway cut into the But it was always strongly advised to walk in the alleys
stone of the butte, guarded jealously. Each has a at night....
primitive dock on the mere from which the warriors This city presents the Desdursyr as a friendly people,
embark to offer their prizes to the gods. Every male smiling and loving trade, to make sure to have a not
Desdursyr is both warrior and priest, fully capable of bad image with other countries. But when it comes to
enacting all the relevant rituals. showing an interest in travelling the country, they do
not hesitate to use any twirl to turn back the curious...
Their religion is a simple one, a trading of power for Of course, those who insist end up slaves, because they
plunder. The five main temples are located inland, but are always needed near Taraparsa…
near the north coast of an island in the centre of
Táraparsa, at a holy site called Shizkarakal, a place to 8.2 Other cities
remember the Great Wave.
A word of warning: while there are undeniably Desdursyton lies along the south-eastern shores of the
treasures of the traditional variety at Shizkarakal, most Gulf of Ûtum, just above the mouth of the mighty
of the plundering of the Desdursyri is more prosaic: Talathrant. It is heavily wooded and occupies a
they steal food, wine, slaves from the surrounding traditionally strategic spot in north-central
regions. Middle-earth. It is best known, though, as the home of
the Táratalamëar, a great mere situated atop the
Currency : Dysdirani use metal coins. They rarely Táraparsa, Endor's largest butte. The Desdursyr, a
trade with other peoples: but when they do, they offer fierce Tyran-speaking people, consider the
fine tissue or herd. Táratalamëar (which they call “Gerlkûneshe,” the
Diet : The Dysdirani have no sacred food, and so eat “Spirit-mere”) a holy place; they were notorious
everything. Ducks are often their preferred meat. raiders.
They loved the Uxulbear, a milk liquor, for the nomad
family. Cider is preferred for the inhabitant of villages. The Desdursyr were notorious for raiding the peoples
Language : They speak Dersdursy, a variant of the around them from four main plunder-cities:
Tyrani's tongue. It had to be noticed that each Tribe Rakiborzal, Zhilizal, Wezilinal, Sahangûnal and the
have is own variant of this dialect. That's why port of Jedzka on the Bay of Illuin (or the North Sea).
“ Desdursyr “,” Desdursyri”, “Desdusyr”,“ Dysdirani” From each of these cities, plunder was brought to the
or “ Dysdiran “ are usually used to describe the temples on Gerlkûneshe. Their power was augmented
inhabitant of Desdursyton. by the protection of the plunder-gods, and they were
feared throughout Myr, Lu Tyr Su, Lotan, Y-
Lústurangsur, and Rycolis. The Desdursyri first
8 Cities arrived in the region, pushed west by their fellow
Tyrani tribes, in the late Second Age, following the
8.1 Pûrepûrla end of Sauron’s grip over Endor. Before that, the
region is one of small villages and tribes, loosely
The Ulshyan had built their most important cities,
unified and often under the domination of
Pûrepûrla, their capital, in the southeastern of the
Hoarmûrath. Upon meeting the lost Maiar known as
Land, and became the Gates of Desduryton.
the Plunder-gods, this would quickly change. By the
This city became during second millenary of the Third
dawn of the second millenium TA, the Desdursyri
Age the capital of the kingdom, in the center of
were a force to be reckoned with.
The city became a great town, the starting point of
The Nazgûl Kingdoms, Ren the Unclean and
trade with the interior of northern and eastern
Hoarmûrath all extended their power from their
Middle-earth, the window of Desdursyton.
original homelands, as they had in the Second Age; in
Of course, the cult remains very present, but to ensure
the mid-Third Age they began converging on the

ancient homes of the Desdursyr. Ren was set along the Talathrant; mutual antagonism
between the Chey and the Variags meant that border
Uvatha, the Ninth of the Nazgûl, also known as The raids and even heavier fighting often took place in
Black Horseman, The Shadow-Lord and The Reaver of Dalpygis and Y-Lústurangsur. From the north,
Khand, struck out from Khand, at times extending his Hoarmûrath extended the influence of the Urdic
power north to the forest of Lotan and east towards peoples into Myr and, at times, into Lu Tyr Su,
the Sea of Rhun. Ren’s Chey tribes cut through ancestral home of all the Tyrani people, including the
Dalpygis, heavily colonizing the area, and conquering Desdursyi.
Rycolis, which became a strangely Haradaic city under
the influence of colonists from Harshandatt. By order Desduryston became more than a collection of towns
of Sauron himself, the border between Uvatha and and tribes in the face of these pressures from
southwest, southeast, and the north. The Plunder- was lost to them: they desired possession of the very
Captains were adept at playing on side against another, things they could no longer create for themselves.
and made substantial gains fighting for each lord in
turn; Desduryston never fell under direct control of In addition to the citadels, soon called the Plunder-
any of the Black Riders. Indeed, to be as “stubborn as cities, the Maiar ordered five temples to be built on
a Desdursyri” became the common term for an the island of Gerlkûneshe atop the sacred butte of
obstinate person throughout the Nazgûl empires, and Táraparsa. Each of them chose one of these temples as
into Mordor itself. All was not rosy; during the War of his new home, and resided within, and the grateful
the Ring, the Belaen under Ulgarin slew the plunder- Dysdirani brought them the fruits of their raiding. In
gods; one, Hripshim, survived as a ghost in the lost addition, over the years many shrines belonging to
plunder-city of Zhilizal. Their enchantments still had clans, families and individuals have been built on the
force, however, and the Desdursyri remained a threat island, also housing treasure. In the late Third Age,
to the tribes of the plains, and the young kingdom of Ulgarin of the Belaen-in-voryl, seeking to break the
Kehndral west of the Talathrant, for centuries to come. hold of the gods over the indomitable Desdursyri,
killed four of the five, banishing them to the Void until
the End. Only Hripsim, fleeing to the citadel of
8.3 Cities of Gods of Plunder Zhilizal, survived as a shade into the Fourth Age.
Guarding the island, even after the defeat of the
There were four gods of plunder: Tyrata, Hripsim, plunder-gods, are a species of wolves, similar in nature
Gaina, Akriato and Polkhan. Tyrata, the chief of these, to the Wargs. The Desdursyri believe the souls of their
was also the ancestral god of the Tyrana people, from greatest warriors become these wolves, and continue
the Desdursyr were descended. These identities are to serve the gods in death as they did in life.
adopted; in origin, the plunder-gods were Maiar of
Aulë (father of the dwarves), corrupted by Melkor at The five fortresses of the Desdursyri were heavily
the same time that he seduced Airtano (Lesh-Y of the fortified walled cities, surrounded by the huts and
Court of Ardor). While Lesh-Y served in one of fields of their slaves. Rakiborzal and Sahangûnal each
Utumno’s great smithies as a lord, his companions occupied a position on the river Zerzathryn, across
were increasingly marginalized, forgetting their skills from each other just where the river falls from the
even as they forgot their own original names. This butte; Sahangûnal is on the north bank. The port of
madness was brought on by the long years of guilt and Jedzka is shared by all five tribes, but the inhabitants
horror in Morgoth’s subterranean realm; when the are sailors who generally raid the bay itself and Lotan;
Great Battle ended Morgoth’s rule and Utumno fell Jedzka is located on the eastern coast of a small island
into the sea, the mad Maiar lost their physical forms at the mouth of the Zerzathryn. Zhilizal is tucked into
and their spirits fled into the forests and tundra wastes the south face of the butte, while small Wezilinal faces
of the North. Lu Tyr Su in the southeast. Wezilinal, Rakiborzal and
Sahangûnal all occupy hilltops.
There, after long years of wandering, they
encountered a band of men, Tyrani nomads in search Each plunder-city has its own stairway cut into the
of a destiny. This tribe, the Dysdirani, thought the stone of the butte, guarded jealously. Each has a
Maiar gods, and worshipped them. The Maiar in turn primitive dock on the mere from which the warriors
wished to protect their new followers and, unable to embark to offer their prizes to the gods. Every male
affect much on the physical plan any longer, they came Desdursyr is both warrior and priest, fully capable of
together to cast one final series of spells. They taught enacting all the relevant rituals. Their religion is a
the Dysdirani to build citadels, five to match the simple one, a trading of power for plunder.
remaining Maiar. Each of these fortresses was The five main temples are located inland, but near the
protected by enchantment: so long as the inhabitants north coast of an island in the centre of Táraparsa, at a
were engaged in the pursuit of plunder or the holy site called Shizkarakal.
protection of booty, they were well-nigh unbeatable.
For the Maiar retained one trait, even when all else A word of warning: while there are undeniably

treasures of the traditional variety at Shizkarakal, most Taraparsa, while the presence of foreigners is strictly
of the plundering of the Desdursyri is more prosaic: forbidden, and use stratagem and discretion to be able
they steal food, wine, slaves from the surrounding to approach it and pass the gates of the city. Getting
regions. No Desdursyri warrior will farm or engage closer to the jails will be very ambitious... But they
in trade. Throughout the late Third Age, few caravans will not find any trace of the Stonefoot...
travel all the way from Dorwinion to Womawas, and An old prisoner will give them an essential
most of the raiding is done in the service of one of the information: stonefoot was taken to one of the caves
Nazgûl, usually against the forces of another Black of the island in the center of Taraparsa, the cult nerve
Rider. Weapons and armor make up the bulk of the center of the Gods of Plunders, to be among those
Desdursyri hoards. Of course, no stranger was who dig and maintain the underground, along with
tolerated. The sentence was immediate... At best they hundreds more slaves. The players must find a solution,
became new slaves. either by being very discreet, or by succeeding in
having some of the slaves rise up against their
executioners, and taking advantage of the mess to
9 Adventure : A friend in Need rescue their friend... And flee very quickly.
This can be played during the Third Age.
A priest of the Gods of Plunders
Part one : visit to Pûrepûrla
Requirements for the first part : a low/middle level party,
adept in the ways of moving in wilderness, information
gathering, good in dealing with other people, and fighting.

The players are called to the outskirts of Kharukthalad

to protect a commercial caravan of one of the player’s
best friend, a rich Stonefoot who must go to Pûrepûrla.
Arrived at the great capital not without difficulty
(attack of brigands and wild beasts by night), the
players will remain with the merchant Stonefoot, but
it will be an ambush... It’s up to the players to get out
of this bad step.
But the cargo will be stolen and the Stonefoot
imprisoned to be delivered as a slave in one of the five

Part two : Rescue in sacred ground

Requirements for the Second part : a middle / high-level
party, skilled in stealth and outdoor abilities, good in dealing
with other people.

Players will need to be extra careful in order to follow

the trails of the imprisoned Stonefoot.
It will be necessary to go to the outskirts of the
Illustration : Joel Chaim Holtzman (

10 Tables
10.1 Herb Table
Name Code Form/Prep Cost Effect
Snowdweller Early spring, woods, 7 Petals/brew 2 sp Enhance recovery from frostbite
Northern Larch Woods, 5 (3 in Emyn Peith) Bark/ash 1 cp Doubles hits recovery for 2-20 hours.
Iskukäl Summer, woods, , 5 Flower/brew 5 sp Heals 2-20 hits; +20 RR disease
Water Smeller Lakelands, 3 Grass/apply 3 cp Insect repellent.
Ukem Musk Woods, 5 Musk/brew 6 sp 4th level killing poison.
White Ghost Great Forest, 6 Fungus/paste 1 sp 6th lvl paralysing poison

10.2 Master Beast Table

Type Lvl #/Enc Size Speed Hits AT DB Attacks Notes
Bear, Brown 5 1-2 L MF/MF 170 SL/8 10 70LGr/60LCl/50MBi
Bear, Grizzly 7 1-2 L MF/MF 200 SL/8 20 75LCl/70lGr/70LBi/70LBa
Bear, Ovir 10 1-2 L FA/FA 240 SL/8 45 75LCl/80LGr/90Lbi/90LBa White. Excellent swimmers
Binchi 2 5-20 M FA/FA 80 No/3 40 45LBi Large boar
Eagle, Great 30 1-10 H VF/VF 250 Sl/8 60 110Hbe
Goral 3 1-200 M FA/FA 70 No/1 20 50MHo/40MBa/30MTs Mountain goat
Gusgï 2 5-20 M FA/FA 80 No/3 40 45LBi Yak-like mountain bovine

10.3 Master Military Table

Name Race Lvl Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee 2ndary MovM Notes
City militaria
High Desdur 20 150 Ch 15 45 Y10 A/L 190 bs 170 sb 0
+10 steel plate, +10 steel weapons and shield
Officers Desdur 15 140 Ch 15 40 Y5 A/L 180 bs 160 sb 0
+5 steel chainmail, +5 steel weapons and shield
Veterans Desdur 10 120 Ch 14 35 Y A 140 la 120 sb 0
Soldiers Desdur 8 100 Ch 14 30 Y A 110 la 90 sb 0
Temple’s priests Desdur 15 150 Ch 15 40 Y15 A/L 185 bs 170 la 0 Animist

Tribal Forces
Chief Desdur 13 130 RL 9 45 Y5 A 170 sc 160 sb 5
Carry tribal heirlooms; +10 steel equipment.
Unit Leaders Desdur 8 110 SL 5 40 Y – 120 sc 100 sb 10
+5 steel chainmail, weapons and shield
Veterans Desdur 6 80 RL 9 25 N – 80 bs 60 sb 5
Warriors Desdur 5 90 SL 5 35 N – 80 sc 90 sb 20

Desdur tribes
Chief Desdur 13 130 RL 9 45 Y5 A 170 sc 160 sb 5
+5 tribal heirloom weapons and shield.
Leaders Desdur 8 110 SL 5 40 Y – 120 sc 100 sb 10
+5 tribal heirloom weapons and shield.
Militia Desdur 5 90 SL 5 35 N – 80 sc 90 sb 20
+5 tribal heirloom weapons and shield.

10.4 Master Encounter Table

Encounter Plain Great Forest Hills Foothills Mountains
Chance (%) 35 20 20 10 15
Distance (km) 10 10 10 10 5
Time (h) 3 3 4 3 3

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