Make Windows 10 Faster
Make Windows 10 Faster
Make Windows 10 Faster
Making Windows 10 perform faster isn't hard. You just need a few simple tips and
tricks. This article covers several methods to make Windows 10 faster and improve
its performance.
Software enhancements
While hardware upgrades also work, like buying more RAM or investing in an SSD, but
those cost money, so I'm going to skip them. Let's start with the most effective
ways to speed up Windows 10 and then cover the other options out there.
The latest version of Windows 10, the Creators Update, adds a new feature known
as Game Mode. There's no way to perpetually run in Game Mode, unfortunately, but
you can activate it with a simple key combination of the Windows Key + G. However,
you must first enable Game Mode.
Even so, some of you will experience a greater performance boost than others. The
reduced number of background apps may improve your performance where no other
tricks would help. In theory, Game Mode can function within any application that
uses GPU acceleration. So if you want to try it out in Adobe Premiere, give it a
Windows offers a really easy way to shut off all visual enhancements.
Left-click on the radio button for Adjust for best performance to shut off all
visual effects.
I have visual effects disabled on a few systems and it seems to make a big impact,
particularly on older computers. On the downside, things won't look as nice. I
advise leaving Smooth edges of screen fonts enabled as it helps when reading text.
Windows has three, or more, predefined settings for how your processor ramps up its
frequency. The three defaults are Balanced, High performance, and Power saver.
Sometimes manufacturers also include custom plans here.
You are almost always better off on a laptop using Balanced or Power saver, but
High performance can make Windows faster by trading battery endurance for power.
Because it consumes the most amount of power it's also more appropriate for
You can alter your settings by navigating to Power Options in the Control Panel.
About half of the programs that I install try to run silently in the background.
That's fine for just a handful of programs, but the impact on performance is
cumulative. If your computer has enough programs set to run at startup, the entire
system will get bogged down.
Press the key combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete to enter Windows Task Manager.
From the Startup tab, you can eliminate most auto-starting applications. The
majority of apps out there don't need to run in the background, unless they came
preinstalled with your computer (and even these are oftentimes bloatware).
Unfortunately, some programs hide in other locations, but you can find
and eliminate stealth auto-starters as well.
One of the biggest causes of slow internet speeds isn't your provider. It's your
Wi-Fi connection. Thanks to common issues like channel congestion and overlapping
Wi-Fi signals, it can be difficult getting a stable signal if you live in an
apartment complex.
Fortunately, most routers offer two features that can improve your connection's
speed and stability:
A direct wired connection
First, use a Wi-Fi analyzer tool to determine which channels work best for your
computer, and second, go into your router's settings to change the channel.
Windows Update, believe it or not, hogs resources when it runs in the background.
You can configure it to run only at specific times---such as when the device isn't
in operation---which means no more restarts while you're in the middle of some
important task.
Type Windows Update settings into the Windows Search Bar and run the configuration
You can change the active hours on this menu by clicking on Change Active Hours. I
advise changing it a time period when the computer is on but unused.
Note: This setting only limits the times during which Windows will install updates
automatically. Windows Update will still download updates during those hours.
If you have a limited bandwidth Wi-Fi connection, Windows Update can significantly
impact your internet performance by downloading updates in the background.
You can prevent this by setting your connection to metered; this will disable
Windows Update, though some security patches may still download.
Select the network you're currently connected to and under Metered connection > Set
as metered connection turn the switch On.
Note: This only works with Wi-Fi networks, though a hack for applying this setting
to Ethernet connections does exist.
7. Turn Off Windows 10's Search Indexing Feature
When you search for a file, Windows doesn't scan every directory on your computer
if you have Indexing enabled. Indexing creates a text manifest of the items stored
on your computer. It dramatically improves file search speed.
On my 2013 computer, I don't turn Indexing off. There's little benefit. Even on a
modern computer, turning off Windows 10's Indexing feature will signficantly slow
down searches of your storage drive for very little performance gains on newer
On the other hand, if you own a very old computer, turning off Search Indexing will
help your system's performance.
Type Index into the Windows Search Tool and left-click Indexing Options.
Left-click Modify at the bottom of the menu and uncheck the boxes for all of the
options listed here.
Both Solid State Drives (SSDs) and Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) slow down when
overloaded with data. Both drive technologies like to sit around 50% capacity for
optimal performance but anything around 25% free capacity is fine.
One of the best apps for cleaning up an overloaded disk is WinDirStat. WinDirStat
is both completely free, open source, and available in both installed and portable
9. RAM Drive
Out of all the apps out there that claim to improve performance, no program does it
better than a RAM drive. A RAM drive program creates a virtual drive using physical
RAM, which is obscenely fast. Users then move parts of essential software to the
RAM disk, which results in large gains in speed.
However, I advise RAM drive usage only for those who want to improve the
performance of a single application. The most important examples of software that
benefit from RAM disks are Photoshop, browsers, and video editing software.
I'll demonstrate how to combine a RAM disk with the Chrome Browser. I recommend
that you have at least 1GB of RAM free. In my opinion, users should have at
least 8GB of RAM for a 64-bit system and at least 4GB of RAM on a 32-bit system.
But you can get away with less.
A lot of RAM drive software exist. My favorite is not free: SoftPerfect RAM Disk.
However, if you just want to get your feet wet, give DataRAM's RamDisk a try. The
free version is limited to 1GB in size. But if you own an AMD-based system, you get
a 4GB maximum instead.
Setting up a RAM disk just requires downloading and installing the software. After
running the software, you need to configure it with the following options:
Choose the maximum RAM disk size, which is around 1GB. You can use any size but a
smaller capacity limits its utility.
Check the box for Set Disk Label. That way, you can identify the disk in the next
Configure your browser to read and write cache files to and from the RAM disk.
Right-click on your browser shortcut and choose Properties from the context
menu. Windows 10 makes it easier than ever to access a browser shortcut. You can do
it directly from the Taskbar.
From Properties, choose the Shortcut tab. Then within the Target: text input field,
append the following code to the end of the text, where "R" is your own RAM disk
drive letter:
Finally, choose OK and restart your browser. From now on, Chrome will read and
write cache files to the RAM disk.
We've written to death on the subject of malware scanners for good reason: most
performance problems originate with malicious programs running wild in the
background. Some of the better free malware scanners out there include
Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSpyware, and ClamWin.
We have written before about the best free anti-malware clients. I recommend it to
anyone with a computer slowing down.
11. Registry Cleaner
The Windows registry has all the settings for Windows and other programs.
Installing software changes the registry. However, sometimes when a program is
uninstalled, it fails to remove those changes. Over time, thousands upon thousands
of registry modifications slow system performance. A registry cleaner removes those
changes and other leftovers from uninstalled programs.
However, in my opinion, registry cleaners cause more problems than they solve.
While you might see a tiny amount of performance improvement, for the most part,
you're likely to see glitchy OS behavior after running a registry cleaner.
The best program out there for cleaning your registry is CCleaner. However,
Piriform, the maker of CCleaner, suffered a security breach which allowed hackers
to slip malicious code into two versions of CCleaner. The threat is over,
A lot of users install horrible software, thinking that they need it. Most of the
time, it's a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that slows your computer down.
Some of the worst offenders include PDF readers, music and video players, browsers,
and BitTorrent software. Fortunately, lots of great alternatives exist. The process
is simple. First, uninstall the software and, second, install a better program.
Lots of internet users believe that Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader is the only program
capable of reading PDF files. That's a myth. Because Adobe Acrobat can spread
malware, you might want an alternative.
All modern browsers can read PDF files. You may not even need a dedicated PDF

VLC Player is one of the three media players ever made.
You could make the argument that better music players are out there. But for video,
few can top VLC. On top of that, it is open source, supports keyboard shortcuts,
plays almost any video file, and costs nothing.
Download: VLC Player for Windows | Mac | Linux | Android | iOS (Free)
Overall, Chrome offers everything that Edge doesn't: extensibility, security, and
speed. If you use the internet often, Chrome ranks among the first apps you should
install. However, Firefox offers the same degree of extensibility and it's 100%
open source.
Also: Check out the Windows-optimized browser based on Firefox: Pale Moon. Pale
Moon works with many Firefox extensions and comes with 64-bit versions.
For those of you using a horrible, malware-like BitTorrent client, there is hope.
Check out the open-source qBittorrent. Unlike the cross-platform BitTorrent client
Deluge, it receives regular updates. On top of that, qBittorrent is more fully
featured and includes all the extras of its competitors, without the crazy malware
In most cases, removing the software does nothing. Most of the apps are actually
placeholders that install themselves upon activation. If you're not concerned about
Microsoft's bloatware, though, you might want to consider an in-place repair.
In-place repair is most useful for when you want to return your computer to a like-
new condition, without reinstalling all of your applications. The in-place repair
merely refreshes Windows's core operating system files.
The computer then downloads a copy of Windows 10, which can take several hours.
After it finishes, the Media Creation Tool reinstalls Windows 10 on top of itself.
If your system has been crippled by malware, or through some other kind of damage
to the core OS files, an in-place repair can patch Windows 10, restoring it to a
fresher state.
Windows 10 Default App Remover 1.2 can uninstall the default Windows 10
applications. On top of that, its publisher has provided the source code for the
To de-crap your computer, simply tap on the app you want to remove. For example, if
Solitaire gets on your nerves, just left-click on it in the user interface and
you'll receive a prompt asking whether you intend on removing the app. Confirming
this removes the application. The amazing thing is that 10AppsManager allows users
to reinstall removed software.
The app received a clean report from Norton Safeweb and VirusTotal so it is likely
not a source of malware.
The best and cheapest speed optimization tip for most users is the in-place repair.
If you don't mind losing some of your installed programs, a factory reset is
another great option. The biggest cause of any slowdown is badly-written programs.
And removing or optimizing that software generally resolves most performance
It's a good idea to check your Windows Experience Index from time to time to
identify performance issues. In the meantime, if you are a gamer, then you might
want to try these performance tweaks to improve the gaming performance on your