Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Emma’s story: A case study of a toddler’s problem solving development
Shiree Babbington
Problem solving is an essential life skill developed very early in our lives, and in a
variety of ways. Toddlers (approximately 12 months to three years of age) and very
young children have an innate desire to explore their worlds and as they do so
encounter many ways that may assist them in their quest for knowledge and skills.
This paper examines some of the literature surrounding problem solving and
discusses evidence that toddlers do engage in solving complex problems as a
foundation for future mathematical understanding. This empirical evidence is based
upon a case study of a child, in the toddler stage, observed in her own home.
If children are to grow cognitively and develop skills in mathematical domains, they
must encounter problems, attempt to solve these problems, and see the results of their
attempts in a context that is relevant and meaningful for each individual child. Very
young children have an often surprising mathematical ability, which occurs and
develops in a natural way (Copley, 2000). Problem solving is not easy to define
precisely as there are many theorists, authors, researchers, teachers, and parents who
have contributed to the wide range of literature surrounding this topic, and in many
forms. Problem solving has usually been defined within a mathematical, logical, or
puzzle oriented context (Corneille, 1997). However, there is evidence within the
literature that children in the toddler stage encounter and solve problems every day in
a natural, normal, and meaningful way as long as they have the space, time and
physical ability to do so (Corneille, 1997; Geist, 2001).
Background Discussion
Literature was used to inform a case study of one toddler’s problem-solving
experiences. Toddlers develop problem solving skills and competence through
engaging in experiences and the natural maturation of a wide range of cognitive and
physical skills (Smith, 1998). These include those of reasoning, understanding object
permanence and classification of objects, fine and gross motor development, cause
and effect, and hand to eye co-ordination (Bredekamp, 1986; Corneille, 1997; Geist,
2001; Goffin & Tull, 1985; Perkins, 2003). Problem solving is also fundamental to
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children’s development in academic skills, as it forms the foundations for the child’s
future competency in numerical understanding, reasoning, logic, computation,
estimation, spatial awareness and meta-cognition (Goffin & Tull, 1985).
There are a variety of influences and factors that impact upon the development of
problem solving skills; the disposition and interests of the child, family and
educational environments, the experiences a child may have had as an infant,
relationships with caregivers/parents, and whether the child has a disability or special
ability in any domain.
The recent debate and research on human brain development presents understanding
of the way in which the human brain develops knowledge connections. The first three
years of a child’s life are paramount to the child’s future learning, and this research
shows that problem solving begins to develop at a very early age (Newberger, 1997;
Shore, 1997). According to Fancourt (2000) curiosity in solving problems, as a
natural aspect of human cognition, must be encouraged and enhanced from birth. This
can be fostered through ensuring that children are raised and educated in emotionally
safe and warm environments. There is evidence collated through the brain
development research that indicates that human beings have critical windows of
opportunity (Shore, 1997) where there are optimal times when certain domain specific
skills can be learnt and the ensuing brain connections (or synapses) are formed and
strengthened. For the skills and interest in mathematics and logic, the research
indicates one year to four years as the optimal time to formulate the connections that
establish these skills (Fancourt, 2000; Newberger, 1997; Shore, 1997); these years are
the infant and toddler years.
Theoretical Frameworks
Alongside brain development research is the theoretical and pedagogical
understanding, and underpinning, of the ways in which children learn. There are a
variety of theoretical frameworks that have been used to describe the actions and
thinking a child may develop. The following discussion outlines some of these as
applicable to the case study approach taken.
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Bronfenbrenner (1979) discussed the theory of children’s development through the
ecological model which encompasses the manner in which children develop skills and
knowledge firstly within their immediate environments, which are in turn affected by
the next and subsequent levels of influence through wider environments such as
educational setting or community (Smith, 1998). In the light of this ecological theory
children would initially develop problem-solving skills within their closest
environment, usually the home.
Rogoff (1995), a more recent theorist, has been described as a ‘neo Vygotskian’
because of the ways in which she introduced new perspectives on sociocultural
theory. She discussed the interrelated nature of children’s experiences, with others
and with themselves, in learning and development and used the term apprenticeship
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to describe the particular practice and repetition of the early learning of the very
young. Rogoff also coined the term guided participation to explain the relationships
between people as they come to shared understanding. This could be child to child,
child to adult, or adult to child.
Bruner (1973) took a different stance in terms of developing problem solving skills.
He stated that from the earliest months of life the child is a natural problem solver
that is seen as the child making sense of their own world in a way that is meaningful
to them. In contradiction to others’ views of the child, Bruner strongly believed that
even very young children could tackle (and succeed) in solving complex problems.
Environmental Influences
For very young children opportunities to problem solve do not need to be within a
contrived environment. Simply moving through the routines of a ‘normal’ day can
prove challenging for children. The key aspects for children, and those who facilitate
environments for children, are time and space to explore in an open-ended, and adult
supported, manner (Britz, 1993). Providing an environment rich in opportunities for
problem-solving should include the notion of the adult as a learner alongside children,
observing, assessing, evaluating, listening and questioning, but also understanding the
goals and processes involved in a child centred curriculum (Bredekamp, 1986;
Haynes, 2000a). Assessment and planning practices for toddlers must make reference
to problem solving opportunities that have traditionally been ignored as an important
area of development for toddlers (May, 2003). Adults working within the field of
early childhood education must ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding
of physical and cognitive development of toddlers and the special nature of children at
this stage. This includes knowledge of toddlers’ need for large muscle activity (gross
motor experiences) and active participation in figuring out their place in the world
(Babbington, 2003; Haynes, 2000b).
Working alongside others at the later stages of toddlerhood often manifests itself in
symbolic, imaginative play where children imitate the actions and interactions of
themselves and those around them (Gowen, 1995). When children attempt to imitate
these actions problems begin to occur and children must make reasonable and logical
choices with regards to roles, resources, and courses of action (Bruce, 1995). “It is
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important that teachers and parents realise that when children play imaginatively they
are not being frivolous but are practicing important intellectual and social skills,
which will help them develop in many areas” (Smith, 1998).
Toddlers require a wide variety of tangible experiences and play in order to develop
skills in problem solving. These experiences are best focused upon children’s interests
and situated within a play-based curriculum (Gowen, 1995). Children’s routines must
also remain familiar and predictable so that children feel able to participate without
fear of the unknown interfering with attempts to try out problem solving strategies
(Ministry of Education, 1996).
One of the current trends in defining types of play that fosters high-level problem
solving learning for children is heuristic play. This particular type of play is centred
on children having free access to manipulate, in any way they choose, everyday
objects and artefacts. Fundamental to play being defined as ‘heuristic’ are the
resources, the hands-off adult role, undisturbed and calm periods of time for the play
to occur, and enough equipment for every child to explore every item should they
wish to. “Heuristic play is the play that allows children to experience and put together
objects in a way that engenders an excited feeling - ‘I have found out about this
object’” (Auld, 2002, p. 36). Exploring, and subsequently discovering, the properties
of objects has a strong link to mathematical skills as children may classify these
objects by their attributes; early geometry (Babbington, 2003).
New perspectives of the world occur with the onset of mobility, (usually early in the
toddler stage). This creates different problems, as at this time of rapid physical and
cognitive development children require tangible experiences upon which to base their
explorations. These experiences must challenge and excite the child in order to foster
learning of, and about, problem-solving (Geist, 2001; Goffin & Tull, 1985).
Data was collected over an eighteen month period of one child’s life aged from eight
months to two years. The child, Emma, is an only child of a two-parent family of
which the father is self-employed and the mother is an at-home parent.
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Two methods of observation were used by the researcher; running records and
narrative accounts, which were all situated in the child’s home. In addition anecdotal
diary accounts were recorded by the child’s mother; both at home and in community
In another incident Emma was able to solve her Playcentre friend’s problem of not
being able to dress a doll by using the knowledge and experience of the previous day
to assist her. This example of guided participation (Rogoff, 1995) and construction of
knowledge within a social environment showed Emma’s developing skill in
reflection, offering support to others and using her previously gained skills to solve a
problem (Britz, 1993). A third incident showed further reflection and development of
skill. Emma was able to dress her dolls and teddy with verbal guidance at first and
then without guidance as she repeated the learnt skill. This practice and repetition of a
scaffolded (Bruner, 1973) skill shows her rapid development of problem solving to
reach a desired goal.
Auld, S. (2002). Five key principals of heuristic play. The First Years: New Zealand
Journal of Infant and Toddler Education: Nga Tau Tuatahi, 4(2), 36-38.
1. What were the theories anchored by the case study about Emma?
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2. What was the age of Emma when the data about her development was
collected and how long was the collection of data?
3. Complete the following matrix highlighting the milestone in the development
of Emma. Provide only short keywords.