Applying OLAP in Trading (Part 1) : Online Analysis of Multidimensional Data
Applying OLAP in Trading (Part 1) : Online Analysis of Multidimensional Data
Applying OLAP in Trading (Part 1) : Online Analysis of Multidimensional Data
Traders often have to analyze huge amounts of data. These often include numbers, quotes,
indicator values and trading reports. Due to the large number of parameters and conditions, on
which these numbers depend, let us consider them in parts and view the entire process from
different angles. The entire amount of information forms kind of a virtual hypercube, in which
each parameter defines its own dimension, which is perpendicular to the rest. Such
hypercubes can be processed and analyzed using the popular OLAP ( Online Analytical
Processing) technology.
The "online" word in the approach name does not refer to the Internet, but means promptness
of results. The operation principle implies the preliminary calculation of the hypercube cells,
after which you can quickly extract and view any cross section of the cube in a visual form.
This can be compared to the optimization process in MetaTrader: the tester first calculates
trading variants (which may take quite a long time, i.e. it is not prompt), and then outputs a
report, which features the results linked to input parameters. Starting from build 1860, the
MetaTrader 5 platform supports dynamic changes of viewed optimization results by switching
various optimization criteria. This is close to OLAP idea. But for a complete analysis, we need
the possibility to select many other slices of the hypercube.
We will try to apply the OLAP approach in MetaTrader and to implement multidimensional
analysis using MQL tools. Before proceeding to implementation, we need to determine the
data to analyze. These may include trading reports, optimization results or indicator values.
The selection at this stage is not quite important, because we aim to develop a universal
object-oriented engine applicable to any data. But we need to apply the engine to specific
results. One of the most popular tasks is the analysis of the trading report. We will consider
this task.
Within a trading report, a breakdown of profit by symbols, days of the week, buy and sell
operations might be useful. Another option is to compare performance results of different
trading robots (i.e. separately for each magic number). The next logical question is whether it
is possible to combine various dimensions: symbols by days of the week in relation to Expert
Advisors, or to add some other grouping. All this can be done using OLAP.
According to the object-oriented approach, a large task should be broken down into simple
logically related parts, while each part performs its own role based on incoming data, internal
state and some sets of rules.
The first class which we will use is a record containing source data — 'Record'. Such a record
can store data related to one trading operation or one optimization pass, etc.
A 'Record' is a vector with an arbitrary number of fields. Since this is an abstract entity, the
meaning of each field is not important. For each specific application, we will create a derived
class which "knows" the purpose of the fields and processes them accordingly.
Another class 'DataAdapter' is needed to read records from some abstract source (such as a
trading account history, a CSV file, an HTML report or data obtained on the web using
WebRequest). At this stage it only performs one function: it iterates through records one by
one and provides access to them. Later, we will be able to create derived classes for each real
application. These classes will fill in arrays of records from relevant sources.
All records can be somehow displayed in the hypercube cells. At this stage we do not know
how to do this, but this is the idea of the project: to distribute input values from the record
fields among the cube cells and to calculate for them the generalized statistics using the
selected aggregate functions.
The basic cube level provides only the main properties such as the number of dimensions, their
names and the size of each dimension. This data is provided in the MetaCube class.
Derived classes then fill in relevant statistics to these cells. The most common examples of
specific aggregators include the sum of all values or the average value of the same field for all
records. However there will be much more different types of aggregators.
To enable the aggregation of values in the cells, each record must receive the set of indexes,
which uniquely map it into a certain cell of the cube. This task will be performed by the
special 'Selector' class. The Selector corresponds to one side (axis, coordinate) of the
The abstract Selector base class provides a programming interface for defining a set of valid
values and for mapping each entry into one of these values. For example, if the purpose is to
divide records by days of the week, then the derived Selector class should return the number
of the day of the week, from 0 to 6. The number of allowable values for a particular Selector
defines the size of this cube dimension. This is obvious for the day of the week, i.e. 7.
Furthermore, sometimes it is useful to filter some of the records (to exclude them from
analysis). Therefore, we need a Filter class. It is similar to the Selector, but it sets additional
limitations on the allowable values. For example, we can create a filter based on the selector
of the days of the week. In this filter, it is possible to specify the days which need to be
excluded from the calculation or to be included therein.
Once the cube has been created (i.e. the aggregate functions for all cells have been
calculated), the result can be visualized and analyzed. For this purpose, let us reserve the
special 'Display' class.
To combine all the aforementioned classes into a whole unit, let us create a kind of control
center, the Analyst class.
This looks as follows in the UML notation (this can be considered as an action plan, which can
be checked at any development stage).
Some of the classes are omitted here. However it reflects the general basis of the hypercube
construction as well as it shows the aggregate functions which will be available for calculations
in the hypercube cells.
class Record
double data[];
ArrayResize(data, length);
ArrayInitialize(data, 0);
data[index] = value;
return data[index];
It simply stores arbitrary values in the 'data' array (vector). The vector length is set in the
class DataAdapter
The getNext method must be called in a loop until it returns NULL (which means that there are
no more records). All received records should be saved somewhere (this task will be discussed
later). The reservedSize method enables optimized memory distribution (if the number of
records in the source is known in advance).
Each hypercube dimension is calculated based on one or more record fields. It is convenient to
mark each field as an element of an enumeration. For example, for analyzing the account
trading history, the following enumeration can be used.
// MT4 and MT5 hedge
FIELD_NONE, // none
FIELD_TICKET, // ticket
FIELD_SYMBOL, // symbol
FIELD_DURATION, // duration
FIELD_LOT, // lot
FIELD_COMMISSION, // commission
FIELD_SWAP, // swap
FIELD_CUSTOM1, // custom 1
FIELD_CUSTOM2 // custom 2
The last two fields can be used for calculating non-standard variables.
The below enumeration can be suggested for the analysis of MetaTrader optimization results.
An individual enumeration should be prepared for each practical application case. Then it can
be used as a parameter of the Selector template class.
template<typename E>
class Selector
E selector;
string _typename;
_typename = typename(this);
return selector;
The selector field stores only one value, an element of the enumeration. For example, if
TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS is used, a selector for buy/sell operation can be created as follows:
The _typename field is auxiliary. It will be overwritten in all derived classes to identify
selectors, which is useful when visualizing results. The field is used in the virtual getTitle
The major part of operation is performed by a class in the 'select' method. Here, each input
record is mapped as a specific index value along the coordinate axis, which is formed by the
current selector. The index must be in the range between the values returned by the getMin
and getMax methods, while the total number of indexes is equal to the number returned by
getRange. If the record cannot be correctly mapped in the sector definition area, for some
reason, the 'select' method returns false. If the mapping has been performed correctly, true is
The getLabel method returns a user-friendly description of the specific index. For example, for
buy/sell operations, index 0 must generate "buy", while index 1 must generate "sell".
Implementing specific selector and data adapter classes for the trading history
Since we are going to analyze the trading history, let us introduce an intermediary class of
selectors based on the TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS enumeration.
_typename = typename(this);
index = 0;
return true;
return 0;
By default, it maps all record into the same cell. For example, using this selector, you can
obtain the total profit data.
Now, based on this selector we can easily determine specific derivative types of selectors. This
is also used for grouping records by the operation type (buy/sell).
TypeSelector(): TradeSelector(FIELD_TYPE)
_typename = typename(this);
return OP_BUY;
return OP_SELL;
return types[index];
We have defined the class using the FIELD_TYPE element in the constructor. The getRange
method returns 2, because here we only have 2 possible types: OP_BUY or OP_SELL. The
getMin and getMax methods return correspondent constants. What should the 'select' method
First, we need to decide which information will be stored in each record. This can be done
using the TradeRecord class, which is derived from Record and is adapted for working with the
trading history.
void fillByOrder()
set(FIELD_NUMBER, counter++);
set(FIELD_TICKET, OrderTicket());
set(FIELD_TYPE, OrderType());
set(FIELD_DATETIME1, OrderOpenTime());
set(FIELD_DATETIME2, OrderCloseTime());
set(FIELD_MAGIC, OrderMagicNumber());
set(FIELD_LOT, (float)OrderLots());
set(FIELD_PROFIT_AMOUNT, (float)OrderProfit());
set(FIELD_COMMISSION, (float)OrderCommission());
set(FIELD_SWAP, (float)OrderSwap());
The auxiliary fillByOrder method demonstrates how most of the record fields can be filled
based on the current order. Of course, the order must be pre-selected somewhere else in the
code. Here we use the notation of the MetaTrader 4 trading functions. MetaTrader 5 support
will be implemented by including the MT4Orders library (one of the versions is attached below,
always check and download the current version). Thus we can create a cross-platform code.
The number of the TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS_NUMBER fields can be either hard coded as a macro
definition or it can be calculated dynamically based on the TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS
enumeration. The second approach is implemented in the attached code, for which the special
templatized EnumToArray function is used.
As can be seen from the fillByOrder method, the FIELD_TYPE field is filled by the operation
type from OrderType. Now we can get back to the TypeSelector class and implement its
'select' method.
index = (int)r.get(selector);
Here we read the field value (selector) from the input record (r) and assign its value (which
can be either OP_BUY or OP_SELL) to the index output parameter. Calculation only includes
market orders, therefore false is returned for all other types. Later we will consider other
selector types.
Now it is time to develop a data adapter for the trading history. This is the class in which
TradeRecord records will be generated based on the account's real trading history.
int size;
int cursor;
void reset()
cursor = 0;
size = OrdersHistoryTotal();
return size;
if(OrderType() < 2)
return NULL;
return NULL;
The adapter sequentially passes through all orders which are available in history and creates a
TradeRecord instance for each market order. The code is presented here in a simplified form.
During actual use, we may need to create objects not of the TradeRecord class, but of a
derived class: we have reserved two custom fields for the TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS
enumeration. Therefore HistoryDataAdapter is a template class, while the template parameter
is the actual class of generated record objects. The Record class must contain an empty virtual
method for filling custom fields:
template<typename E>
class Analyst
DataAdapter *adapter;
Record *data[];
ArrayResize(data, adapter.reservedSize());
int n = ArraySize(data);
void acquireData()
Record *record;
int i = 0;
data[i++] = record;
ArrayResize(data, i);
The class does not create an adapter, but it receives a ready one as a constructor parameter.
This is a well-known design principle — dependency injection. It allows the detaching of
Analyst from a specific DataAdapter implementation. In other words, we can easily replace
various adapter variants without the need for modifications in the Analyst class.
The Analyst class is now able to fill the internal array of records, but it still does not know how
to perform the main function, i.e. how to aggregate data. This task will be implemented by
the aggregator.
Aggregators are classes which can calculate predefined variables (statistics) for the selected
record fields. The base class for aggregators is MetaCube, which is a storage based on a
multidimensional array.
class MetaCube
int dimensions[];
int offsets[];
double totals[];
string _typename;
return ArraySize(dimensions);
return dimensions[n];
int getCubeSize() const
return ArraySize(totals);
The 'dimensions' array describes the hypercube structure. Its size is equal to the number of
selectors used, that is, dimensions. Each element of the 'dimensions' array contains the cube
size in this dimension, which is determined by the range of values of the appropriate selector.
For example, in order to view profits by day of the week, we need to create a selector which
returns the day number as an index from 0 to 6, according to the order (position) opening or
closing time. Since this is the only selector, the 'dimensions' array will have 1 element, and its
value will be 7. If we add another selector, for example the earlier described TypeSelector, to
view profits in terms of the day of the week and the type of operation, the 'dimensions' array
will contain 2 elements with the values of 7 and 2. This also means that the hypercube will
contain 14 cells with statistics.
The array with all values (14 in our example) is contained in 'totals'. Since the hypercube is
multidimensional, it may seem that the array is declared as having only one dimension. This is
because we do not know in advance the hypercube dimensions which the user will need to
add. In addition, MQL does not support multidimensional arrays in which absolutely all
dimensions would be distributed dynamically. Therefore, the usual "flat" array (vector) is used.
A special indexing will be used to store cells in several dimensions in this array. Next, let us
consider the calculation of offsets for each dimension.
The base class does not allocate and does not initialize arrays, while this is performed by
derived classes.
Since all the aggregators are expected to have many common features, let us pack them all in
one intermediate class.
template<typename E>
const E field;
Each aggregator processes a specific record field. This field is specified in the class, in the
'field' variable, which is filled in the constructor (see below). For example, this can be the
ArrayResize(selectors, selectorCount);
selectors[i] = s[i];
_typename = typename(this);
As you remember, the 'totals' array for storing the calculated values is one-dimensional. The
following function is used to convert the indexes of the multidimensional selectors space into
an offset in a one-dimensional array.
int result = 0;
return result;
It accepts an array with indexes as an input and returns the sequential number of the element.
The 'offsets' array is used here — by this time the array must be already filled. Its initialization
is one of the key points and it is performed in the setSelectorBounds method.
ArrayResize(dimensions, selectorCount);
int total = 1;
dimensions[i] = selectors[i].getRange();
total *= dimensions[i];
ArrayResize(totals, total);
ArrayInitialize(totals, 0);
ArrayResize(offsets, selectorCount);
offsets[0] = 1;
Its purpose is to obtain the ranges of all selectors and to sequentially multiply them: thus we
can determine the number of elements to "jump" over when increasing the coordinate by one
in each hypercube dimension.
int k[];
ArrayResize(k, selectorCount);
int n = ArraySize(data);
int j = 0;
int d;
k[j] = d;
if(j == selectorCount)
update(mixIndex(k), data[i].get(field));
The method is called for the array of records. Each record in the loop is passed in turn to each
selector. If it is successfully mapped in valid indexes in all selectors (each selector has its own
index), then the full set of indexes is saved in the k local array. If all the selectors have
determined indexes, the 'update' method is called. The following is input into the method: the
offset in the 'totals' array (the offset is calculated using the aforementioned mixIndex) and the
value of the specified 'field' (it is set in the aggregators) from the current record. In the profit
distribution analysis example, the 'field' variable will be equal to FIELD_PROFIT_AMOUNT,
while the values for this field will be provided by the OrderProfit() call.
The update method is abstract in this class and it must be redefined in its heirs.
Also the aggregator must provide at least one method for accessing the calculation results. The
simplest one of them is receiving the value of a specific cell based on the entire set of
return totals[mixIndex(indices)];
The base class Aggregator performs almost all of the rough work. Now we can easily implement
a lot of specific aggregators.
But first, let us get back to the Analyst class: we need to add to it a reference to the
aggregator, which will also be passed through the constructor parameter.
template<typename E>
class Analyst
DataAdapter *adapter;
Record *data[];
Aggregator<E> *aggregator;
ArrayResize(data, adapter.reservedSize());
In the acquireData method, we will configure the hypercube dimensions using the additional
call of the aggregator's setSelectorBounds method.
void acquireData()
Record *record;
int i = 0;
data[i++] = record;
ArrayResize(data, i);
The main task, i.e. the calculation of all values of the hypercube, will be implemented in the
aggregator (we have already considered the 'calculate' method before; here the array of
records is passed to it).
void build()
This is not all about the Analyst class. Earlier, we planned to enable it to display the results,
by formalizing it as a special Display interface. The interface is connected to Analyst in a
similar way (by passing a reference to the constructor):
template<typename E>
class Analyst
Display *output;
void display()
class Display
It contains an abstract virtual method to which the hypercube is input as a data source. Some
of the parameters which influence the value printing order are omitted here, for brevity. The
visualization specifics and the necessary additional settings will appear in the derived classes.
To test the analytical classes, we need to have at least one implementation of the 'Display'
interface. Let us create it by writing messages to the Experts journal. It will be called
LogDisplay. The interface will loop through all coordinates of the hypercube and will print the
aggregated values together with the appropriate coordinates, roughly as follows:
int n = metaData.getDimension();
ArrayResize(indices, n);
ArrayResize(cursors, n);
ArrayInitialize(cursors, 0);
indices[i] = metaData.getDimensionRange(i);
int count = 0;
looping = true;
cursors[i] = 0;
looping = false;
I say 'roughly' because the LogDisplay implementation for a more convenient formating of logs
would be a bit more complicated. The full version of the class is available in attached source
Of course, this is not as efficient as a chart would be, but the creation of two- or three-
dimensional images is another separate subject, which we will not consider (though you can
use different technologies for this, such as objects, canvas and external graphical libraries,
including those based on web technologies).
Thus, we have the Aggregator base class. On its basis, we can easily obtain several derived
classes with specific calculations of aggregated variables in the update method. In particular,
the following simple code can be used to calculate the sum of the values which are extracted
by a certain selector from all the records:
template<typename E>
_typename = typename(this);
totals[index] += value;
template<typename E>
int counters[];
_typename = typename(this);
ArrayResize(counters, ArraySize(totals));
ArrayInitialize(counters, 0);
Having considered all the classes involved, let us generalize their interaction algorithm:
All the aforementioned selectors had a constant range of values. For example, there are
always 7 days in a week, while the market orders are either Buy or Sell. However, the range
may not be known in advance, which happens quite often.
We may need a hypercube reflecting working symbols or EA magic numbers. For the solution of
this task, we will first need to collect all the unique instruments or magic numbers in some
internal array, and then we will use the array size for the relevant selector range.
Let us create the 'Vocabulary' class for managing these internal arrays. We will analyze its use
in conjunction with the SymbolSelector class.
Our implementation of the vocabulary is quite straightforward (you can replace it with any
preferred one).
template<typename T>
class Vocabulary
T index[];
The 'index' array is reserved for storing unique values.
int n = ArraySize(index);
The 'get' method is used to check whether a certain values already exists in the array. If there
is such a value, the method returns the found index. If the value does not exist in the array,
the method returns the array size increased by 1, with a minus sign. This enables a slight
optimization of the next method for adding a new value to the array.
int n = get(text);
if(n < 0)
n = -n;
ArrayResize(index, n);
index[n - 1] = text;
return n - 1;
return n;
Also we need to provide methods for receiving the array size and the values stored therein, by
return ArraySize(index);
return index[slot];
In our case, the working symbols are analyzed in the context of orders (positions), therefore
let us embed the vocabulary into the TradeRecord class.
return symbols.size();
return symbols[index];
return symbols.get(s);
The vocabulary is described as a static variable, because it is shared for the entire trading
SymbolSelector(): TradeSelector(FIELD_SYMBOL)
_typename = typename(this);
index = (int)r.get(selector);
return TradeRecord::getSymbolCount();
return TradeRecord::getSymbol(index);
The general list of provided selectors includes the following (the necessity of external binding
to the field is indicated in parentheses; if it is omitted, this means that binding to a specific
field is already provided inside the selector class):
TradeSelector (any field) — a scalar, one value (a summary of all records for "real"
aggregators or the field value of a certain record for IdentityAggregator (see below));
TypeSelector — Buy or Sell depending on OrderType();
WeekDaySelector (datetime type field) — the day of the week, e.g. in
OrderOpenTime() or OrderCloseTime();
DayHourSelector (datetime type field) — hour within the day;
HourMinuteSelector (datetime type field) — minute within the hour;
SymbolSelector — working symbol, an index in the unique OrderSymbol() vocabulary;
SerialNumberSelector — the sequence number of the record (order);
MagicSelector — the magic number, an index in the unique OrderMagicNumber()
ProfitableSelector — true = profit, false = loss, from the OrderProfit() field;
QuantizationSelector (double type field) — a vocabulary of random double type values
(for example, for the lot size);
DaysRangeSelector — example of a custom selector with two datetime type fields
(OrderCloseTime() and OrderOpenTime()), which is based on the DateTimeSelector
class, the common parent of all selectors for datetime type fields; unlike the other
selectors which are defined in the core, this selector is implemented in the demo EA
(see below).
SerialNumberSelector significantly differs from other selectors. Its range is equal to the total
number of records. This enables the generation of a hypercube, in which the records are
sequentially counted in one of the dimensions (usually in the first one, X), while the specified
fields are copied in the other dimension. The fields are defined by the selectors: specialized
selectors already include field binding; if you need a field for which there is no ready selector,
such as 'swap', then the universal TradeSelector can be used. In other words,
SerialNumberSelector enables the possibility to read the source record data within the
aggregating hypercube metaphor. This is done by using the pseudo-aggregator
IdentityAggregator (see below).
ProgressiveTotalAggregator treats the first dimension in a special way. As its name implies, the
aggregator enables the calculation of the cumulative total, while this is done along the X axis.
For example, if you specify the profit field in the aggregator parameter, you will obtain the
general balance curve. If you plot symbols (SymbolSelector) along the Y axis (in the second
selector), there will be multiple [N] balance curves for each of the available symbols. If the
second selector is MagicSelector, there will be separate [M] balance curve of different Expert
Advisors. Moreover, both parameters can be combined: set SymbolSelector along Y and set
MagicSelector along the Z axis (or vice versa): you will obtain [N*M] balance curves, each
having a different magic number and symbol combination.
Now the OLAP engine is ready. We have omitted some of the description parts to keep the
article concise. For example, the article does not provide the description of the filters (Filter,
FilterRange classes), which were provided in the architecture. Furthermore, this hypercube
can present the aggregated values not only one by one (method getValue(const int
&indices[])), but also it can return them as a vector using the following method:
The method output is the special PairArray class. It stores an array of structures with the pairs
of [value;name]. For example, if we build a cube reflecting profit by symbols, then each sum
corresponds to a specific symbol - therefore its name is indicated in a pair next to the value.
As can be seen from the method prototype, it is able to sort PairArray in different modes:
ascending or descending, by values or by tags:
SORT_BY_NONE, // none
#include <OLAPcube.mqh>
Although the hypercube can process an arbitrary number of dimensions, for simplicity let us
limit them to three now. This means that the user can use up to 3 selectors at the same time.
Define the supported selector types using the elements of the special enumeration:
/* custom selector */
SELECTOR_SCALAR, // scalar(field)
SELECTOR_QUANTS // quants(field)
Use the enumeration to describe the input parameters which set the selectors:
Each selector group contains an input for setting the optional record field (some of the
selectors require the fields, others do not).
Let us specify one filter (although multiple filters can be used). The filter will be disabled by
The idea of the filter: take into account only those records in which the specified Filter1Field
field has the specific Filter1value1 value (Filter1value2 must be the same, which is required
for the creation of the Filter object in this example). Keep in mind that the value for symbol
or magic number fields denotes an index in the corresponding vocabulary. The filter can
optionally include not one value, but a range of values between Filter1value1 and
Filter1value2 (if they are not equal, since the FilterRange object can only be created for two
different values). This implementation has been created for the demonstration of the filtering
possibility, while it can be greatly expanded for future practical usage.
It will be used in a group of input parameters which describe the working aggregator:
All the selectors including those used in the optional filter are initialized in OnInit.
int selectorCount;
SELECTORS selectorArray[4];
TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS selectorField[4];
int OnInit()
selectorArray[0] = SelectorX;
selectorArray[1] = SelectorY;
selectorArray[2] = SelectorZ;
selectorArray[3] = Filter1;
selectorField[0] = FieldX;
selectorField[1] = FieldY;
selectorField[2] = FieldZ;
selectorField[3] = Filter1Field;
void OnTimer()
void process()
HistoryDataAdapter history;
Analyst<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS> *analyst;
Selector<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS> *selectors[];
ArrayResize(selectors, selectorCount);
selectors[i] = createSelector(i);
Filter<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS> *filters[];
if(Filter1 != SELECTOR_NONE)
ArrayResize(filters, 1);
if(Filter1value1 != Filter1value2)
Aggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS> *aggregator;
// MQL does not support a 'class info' metaclass.
aggregator = new
SumAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors, filters);
aggregator = new
AverageAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors,
aggregator = new
MaxAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors, filters);
aggregator = new
MinAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors, filters);
aggregator = new
CountAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors, filters);
aggregator = new
ProfitFactorAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors,
aggregator = new
ProgressiveTotalAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors,
aggregator = new
IdentityAggregator<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS>(AggregatorField, selectors,
LogDisplay display;
delete analyst;
delete aggregator;
delete selectors[i];
delete filters[i].getSelector();
delete filters[i];
Selector<TRADE_RECORD_FIELDS> *createSelector(int i)
return selectorField[i] != FIELD_NONE ? new
DayHourSelector(selectorField[i]) : NULL;
return NULL;
All the classes except for DaysRangeSelector are imported from the header file, while
DaysRangeSelector is described inside the OLAPDEMO Expert Advisor as follows:
_typename = typename(this);
double d = r.get(selector);
return true;
This is the custom selector implementation example. It groups trading positions by their
lifetime in the market, in days.
If you run the EA on any online account and select 2 selectors, SymbolSelector and
WeekDaySelector, you can receive the following results in logs:
Analyzing account history
Symbol number: 5
2] UKBrent
3] NQ
Magic number: 1
0] 0
Filters: no
Selectors: 2
X: SymbolSelector(FIELD_SYMBOL) [5]
Y: WeekDaySelector(FIELD_DATETIME2) [7]
0.000: FDAX Monday
0.000: XAUUSD Monday
-20.400: UKBrent Monday
0.000: NQ Monday
0.000: EURUSD Monday
0.000: FDAX Tuesday
0.000: XAUUSD Tuesday
0.000: UKBrent Tuesday
0.000: NQ Tuesday
0.000: EURUSD Tuesday
23.740: FDAX Wednesday
4.240: XAUUSD Wednesday
0.000: UKBrent Wednesday
0.000: NQ Wednesday
0.000: EURUSD Wednesday
0.000: FDAX Thursday
0.000: XAUUSD Thursday
0.000: UKBrent Thursday
0.000: NQ Thursday
0.000: EURUSD Thursday
0.000: FDAX Friday
0.000: XAUUSD Friday
0.000: UKBrent Friday
13.900: NQ Friday
1.140: EURUSD Friday
Five symbols were traded on the account. The hypercube size: 35 cells. All the combinations of
symbols and days of the week are shown along with the corresponding profit/loss amount.
Please note that WeekDaySelector requires an explicit indication of the field, since each
position has two dates, open date (FIELD_DATETIME1) and close date (FIELD_DATETIME2). Here
we selected FIELD_DATETIME2.
In order to analyze not only the current account history, but also arbitrary trading reports in
the HTML format, as well as CSV files with MQL5 Signals history, methods from my previous
article ( Extracting structured data from HTML pages using CSS selectors and How to visualize
multicurrency trading history based on HTML and CSV reports) were added to the OLAP library.
Additional layer classes have been written to integrate them with OLAP. In particular, the
header file HTMLcube.mqh contains the trade record class HTMLTradeRecord and the
HTMLReportAdapter which is inherited from the DataAdapter. The header file CSVcube.mqh
accordingly contains the record class CSVTradeRecord and the CSVReportAdapter. HTML
reading is provided by WebDataExtractor.mqh, while CSV is read by CSVReader.mqh. Input
parameters for report downloading and general principles of working with the reports
(including the selection of suitable symbols in case prefixes and suffixes are used) are
described in detail in the second article mentioned above.
Here are the Signal analyzing results (a CSV file). We used an aggregator by the profit factor
and a breakdown by symbols. The results are sorted in the descending order:
Reading csv-file ***.history.csv
219 records transferred to 217 trades
Symbol number: 8
Magic number: 1
0] 0
Filters: no
Selectors: 1
X: SymbolSelector(FIELD_SYMBOL) [8]
[value] [title]
[0] inf "NZDJPY"
[1] inf "AUDUSD"
[2] inf "GBPAUD"
[3] 7.051 "USDCAD"
[4] 4.716 "USDJPY"
[5] 1.979 "EURUSD"
[6] 1.802 "NZDUSD"
[7] 1.359 "GBPUSD"
The inf value is generated in the source code, when there are profits and no losses. As you can
see, the comparison of real values and their sorting is done in such a way that the "infinity" is
greater than any other finite numbers.
Of course, viewing the trading report analysis results in logs is not very convenient. A better
solution is to have a Display interface implementation, which can present the hypercube in a
visual graphical form. Despite its apparent simplicity, the task requires preparatory steps and
a large amount of routine coding. Therefore we will consider it in the second part of the
The article outlines a well-known approach for the online analysis of big data (OLAP) as
applied to the history of trading operations. Using MQL, we implemented the basic classes
which enable the generation of a virtual hypercube based on selected variables (selectors), as
well as the generation of various aggregated values on their bases. This mechanism can also be
applied to process optimization results, to select trading signals according to selected criteria
and in other areas where the large data amount requires the utilization of knowledge
extraction algorithms for decision making.
Attached files: