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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Pratishthan’s

Institute for

Compliance Audit
1. What is compliance audit…………………………………………………………1

2. Types of Security Audits………………………………………………………….3

3. Security Audit Phases…………………………………………………………….5

4. Principal of Audit…………………………………………………………………..7

5. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Overview………..8

6. Components of framework……………………………………………………….9

7. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Overview……………………10

8. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2700x……………...13

9. How does ISO 27001 work?.........................................................................13

10. ISO/IEC 27001:2005 domains…………………………………………………..14

11. Sox Reports………………………………………………..……………………...15

12. SOC Reports - Auditor Process Overview……..…………………………….15

13. COBIT framework…………………..…………………………………………….17

14. Difference between COBIT and ITIL….……………………………………….19

15. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)…….……..20

16. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)..……………..23

17. Centre for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls………..……24

What Is a Compliance Audit?
A compliance audit is an independent evaluation to ensure that an
organization is following external laws, rules, and regulations or internal
guidelines, such as corporate bylaws, controls, and policies and procedures.
Compliance audits may also determine if an organization is conforming to an
agreement, such as when an entity accepts government or other funding
Depending on the circumstances, the audit may be conducted by an employee,
such as an internal auditor, a certified public accountant, a third-party auditor, or
a government auditor. In many circumstances, auditors may seek the expert
advice of outside specialists, such as lawyers.
Essentially, a compliance audit asks if you are doing what you said you
would do.

What Cyber security Challenges do Organizations Face?

Cyber Security plays an important role in the field of information
technology. Securing the information have become one of the biggest challenges
in the present day. Whenever we think about the cyber security the first thing that
comes to our mind is cybercrimes which are increasing immensely day by day.
Various Governments and companies are taking many measures in order to
prevent these cybercrimes. Besides various measures cyber security is still a very
big concern to many. This paper mainly focuses on challenges faced by cyber
security on the latest technologies. It also focuses on latest about the cyber
security techniques, ethics and the trends changing the face of cyber security .
Today man is able to send and receive any form of data may be an e-mail
or an audio or video just by the click of a button but did he ever think how securely
his data id being transmitted or sent to the other person safely without any leakage
of information?? The answer lies in cyber security. Today Internet is the fastest
growing infrastructure in everyday life. In today’s technical environment many
latest technologies are changing the face of the mankind. But due to these
emerging technologies we are unable to safeguard our private information in a
very effective way and hence these days cybercrimes are increasing day by day.
Today more than 60 percent of total commercial transactions are done online, so
this field required a high quality of security for transparent and best transactions.
Hence cyber security has become a latest issue. The scope of cyber security is not

just limited to securing the information in IT industry but also to various other
fields like cyber space etc.
Even the latest technologies like cloud computing, mobile computing, E-
commerce, net banking etc also needs high level of security. Since these
technologies hold some important information regarding a person their security
has become a must thing. Enhancing cyber security and protecting critical
information infrastructures are essential to each nation’s security and economic
wellbeing. Making the Internet safer (and protecting Internet users) has become
integral to the development of new services as well as governmental policy. The
fight against cybercrime needs a comprehensive and a safer approach. Given that
technical measures alone cannot prevent any crime, it is critical that law
enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate and prosecute cybercrime
effectively. Today many nations and governments are imposing strict laws on
cyber securities in order to prevent the loss of some important information. Every
individual must also be trained on this cyber security and save themselves from
these increasing cyber crimes

Cybercrime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its
primary means of commission and theft. The U.S. Department of Justice expands
the definition of cybercrime to include any illegal activity that uses a computer
for the storage of evidence. The growing list of cybercrimes includes crimes that
have been made possible by computers, such as network intrusions and the
dissemination of computer viruses, as well as computer-based variations of
existing crimes, such as identity theft, stalking, bullying and terrorism which have
become as major problem to people and nations. Usually in common man’s
language cybercrime may be defined as crime committed using a computer and
the internet to steel a person’s identity or sell contraband or stalk victims or
disrupt operations with malevolent programs. As day-by-day technology is
playing in major role in a person’s life the cybercrimes also will increase along
with the technological advances.

Compliance Basics
Compliance is the state of being in accordance with established guidelines
or specifications, or the process of becoming so. Software, for example, may be
developed in compliance with specifications created by a standards body, and
then deployed by user organizations in compliance with a vendor's licensing
agreement. The definition of compliance can also encompass efforts to ensure
that organizations are abiding by both industry regulations and government

Types of Security Audits:

There are many different types of security audits. Each audit has its own
goal and objective. Some audits are even especially relevant for a certain business
model and might not be needed for your company. However, there are some types
of IT audits that are relevant for all businesses and companies. Here are the four
main security audits that every business should be conducting on a regular basis:

1. Risk Assessment:

As indicated by the name, the purpose of risk assessment security auditing is to

identify the different types of risk that a business might be prone to. It is an
undeniable fact that no matter what your business is, it will always be prone to
some risks. And you cannot be prepared to face the risks or avoid them if you are
not even aware about them in the first place. Therefore, risk assessment audits are
extremely important as they help businesses identify their weaknesses and
vulnerabilities so that the businesses can come with effective strategies to tackle

2. Vulnerability Assessment:

Just like the risk assessment helps businesses identify possible risks, the purpose
of the vulnerability assessment is to showcase the areas of the business’s security
that are vulnerable and can be exploited to do harm to the business. During the
vulnerability audit, the security audit companies indicate the aspects of the
business that are weak and thus can be used to cause significant harm to the

The business’s vulnerability keeps changing as the business grows and flourishes.
Therefore, vulnerability assessment is a type of security audit that should be
repeated on a regular basis so that the business owners are truly in touch with the
weak links of their businesses and can plan the proper strategies to cover up and
conceal these weaknesses to prevent any sort of exploitation.

3. Penetration Testing:

One of the major cyber security issues that businesses always have to face include
hacking attempts. This is where penetration testing comes in. Penetration testing
is a form of data security audit in which one of the auditors acts as a hacker and
attempts to bypass the company’s security system. The hacker may use different
hacking methodologies and attempt different techniques to highlight the areas of
the business that require a security upgrade. This helps businesses gather data
which can then be used to strengthen the business’s security system and ensure
that the business is strong and can withstand any unauthorized attacks.

Penetration testing can be further divided into internal penetration testing and
external penetration testing. In case of internal penetration testing, the business’s
internal security fortress is put to the test whereas the external penetration testing
checks the business’s overall security protocols. There is no way to label one of
these penetration tests as better than the other and businesses should always opt
for a hybrid approach where the auditors perform both internal as well as external
penetration testing so that a comprehensive analysis of the company’s security
infrastructure and its reliability can be drawn.

4. Compliance Audit:

Almost all businesses have to abide by a certain set of rules and regulations. This
compliance is necessary for the business’s legal status. The set of the compliance
rules is quite extensive and it also keeps changing and updating depending on the
overall circumstances of the economy and the business community.

Although it is necessary to abide by these regulations, it is nearly impossible for

a business to figure out whether it meets all the rules or not. This is where IT
security audit companies come in. The company will go through the rules and
regulations and confirm whether your business follows them all or not. The
company will also indicate any changes that the business has to acknowledge.
This takes a lot of load off of the business’s shoulder as the compliance audit can

be extensive and tedious. But when the experts handle this matter, the results are
reliable and the businesses can be assured and have a peace of mind that they are
headed in the right direction.

Security Audit Phases

A cyber security audit consists of five steps:

1. Define the objectives.

2. Plan the audit.
3. Perform the auditing work.
4. Report the results.
5. Take necessary action.

1. Define the Objectives

Lay out the goals that the auditing team aims to achieve by conducting the IT
security audit. Make sure to clarify the business value of each objective so that
specific goals of the audit align with the larger goals of your company.

Use this list of questions as a starting point for brainstorming and refining your
own list of objectives for the audit.

 Which systems and services do you want to test and evaluate?

 Do you want to audit your digital IT infrastructure, your physical
equipment and facilities, or both?
 Is disaster recovery on your list of concerns? What specific risks are
 Does the audit need to be geared towards proving compliance with a
particular regulation?

2. Plan the Audit

A thoughtful and well-organized plan is crucial to success in an IT security audit.

You’ll want to define the roles and responsibilities of the management team and
the IT system administrators assigned to perform the auditing tasks, as well as the
schedule and methodology for the process. Identify any monitoring, reporting and
data classification tools that the team will use and any logistical issues they may
face, like taking equipment offline for evaluation.

Once you’ve decided on all the details, document and circulate the plan to ensure
that all staff members have a common understanding of the process before the
audit begins.

3. Perform the Auditing Work

The auditing team should conduct the audit according to the plan and
methodologies agreed upon during the planning phase. This will typically include
running scans on IT resources like file-sharing services, database servers and
SaaS applications like Office 365 to assess network security, data access
levels, user access rights and other system configurations. It’s also a good idea to
physically inspect the data centre for resilience to fires, floods and power surges
as part of a disaster recovery evaluation.

During this process, interview employees outside the IT team to assess their
knowledge of security concerns and adherence to company security policy, so
any holes in your company’s security procedures can be addressed moving
forward. Be sure to document all findings uncovered during the audit.

4. Report the Results

Compile all your audit-related documentation into a formal report that can be
given to management stakeholders or the regulatory agency. The report should
include a list of any security risks and vulnerabilities detected in your systems, as
well as actions that IT staff recommend taking to mitigate them.

5. Take Necessary Action

Finally, follow through with the recommendations outlined in your audit report.
Examples of security-enhancement actions can include:

 Performing remediation procedures to fix a specific security flaw or weak

 Training employees in data security compliance and security awareness.
 Adopting additional best practices for handling sensitive data and
recognizing signs of malware and phishing attacks.
 Acquiring new technologies to harden existing systems and regularly
monitor your infrastructure for security risk

Principal of Audit
The basic principles of auditing are confidentiality, integrity, objectivity,
and independence, skills and competence, work performed by others,
documentation, planning, audit evidence, accounting system and internal control,
and audit reporting.

Auditor personal abilities

 They show integrity
 They are effective communicators
 They are good with technology
 They are good at building collaborative relationships
 They are always learning
 They leverage data analytics
 They are innovative
 They are team orientated

Security evaluation
The examination of a system to determine its degree of compliance with a
stated security model, security standard, or specification. The evaluation may be

(a) by analysing the detailed design, especially of the software, often
using verification and validation
(b) by observing the functional behaviour of the system, or
(c) by attempting to penetrate the system using techniques available to an

Security Evaluation phases

The three phases necessary for a security evaluation plan are preparation, security
evaluation, and conclusion.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology promotes U.S. innovation
and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards,
and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality
of life.
From the smart electric power grid and electronic health records to atomic clocks,
advanced nanomaterials, and computer chips, innumerable products and services
rely in some way on technology, measurement, and standards provided by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Founded in 1901, NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S.

Department of Commerce. NIST's mission is to promote U.S. innovation and
industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and
technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of

NIST carries out its mission through the following programs:

 the NIST Laboratories, conducting world-class research, often in close
collaboration with industry, that advances the nation's technology
infrastructure and helps U.S. companies continually improve products and

 the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a nationwide network
of local centres offering technical and business assistance to smaller
manufacturers to help them create and retain jobs, increase profits, and save
time and money; and
 the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, which promotes
performance excellence among U.S. manufacturers, service companies,
educational institutions, health care providers, and non-profit
organizations; conducts outreach programs; and manages the annual
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which recognizes performance
excellence and quality achievement.

Components of framework
NIST Cybersecurity Framework consists of 3 parts. These parts must work jointly
to assist organizations to build a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.
1. Framework core
The first framework component of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is
framework core. The framework core mostly contains guidance information and
cybersecurity activities. In other words, it presents industry standards in a way
that helps organizations tackle cyber risks.

2. Implementation tiers

The implementation tier framework component serves as a way for the

organization to evaluate its current cybersecurity posture. Simply put, NIST
cybersecurity framework implementation tiers help organizations assess what
level of standards are best for their cybersecurity program.

3. Profiles

Finally, the framework profile component enables your organization to develop

a blueprint for minimizing the cyber risks that are aligned with organizational
goals. Organizations may focus on more than one profile to detect weak spots as
well as opportunities for improving cybersecurity posture.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Overview
GDPR can be considered as the world's strongest set of data protection rules,
which enhance how people can access information about them and places limits
on what organisations can do with personal data. The full text of GDPR is an
unwieldy beast, which contains 99 individual articles.

The regulation exists as a framework for laws across the continent and replaced
the previous 1995 data protection directive. The GDPR's final form came about
after more than four years of discussion and negotiations – it was adopted by
both the European Parliament and European Council in April 2016. The
underpinning regulation and directive were published at the end of that month.

GDPR came into force on May 25, 2018. Countries within Europe were given
the ability to make their own small changes to suit their own needs. Within the
UK this flexibility led to the creation of the Data Protection Act (2018), which
superseded the previous 1998 Data Protection Act.

The strength of GDPR has seen it lauded as a progressive approach to how

people's personal data should be handled and comparisons have been made with
the subsequent California Consumer Privacy Act.

Key Steps to Ensure GDPR Compliance

Indian companies that handle 'personal data' of EU residents are
required to comply with GDPR. The companies dealing with data of EU
residents are needed to restructure their privacy policies and contractual
arrangements with EU companies and those organizations that provide
data of EU residents. Here are certain key GDPR provisions which must
be fulfilled by companies which are dealing with said data:

Lawful and Legitimate Purpose: Processing of personal information

is to be undertaken in compliance with the following principles:

a. Processing should be done lawfully and with full transparency.

For lawful processing, at least one of the requirements under
GDPR must be met, such as where the Data Subject has given
consent to data processing; or processing is necessary for the

execution of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party; or
processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out
in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority etc.
b. Personal Data should be collected for specified legitimate and
explicit purposes and not further processed if incompatible with
those purposes (except where specifically permitted under
GDPR), and it should be adequate, accurate, relevant and limited
to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are

Consent must be obtained: Where processing is based on consent,

obtaining of consent should be specific, informed and unambiguous.
This compliance can be done by providing checkbox when visiting an
internet website such as obtaining consent for cookies, but silence, pre -
ticked checkboxes or any inactivity would not constitute consent. If the
processing has multiple purposes, then the consent should be given for
all of them. If the consent is given in the context of a written declaration
concerning other matters, the conse nt request should be provided
separately from other content, in an intelligible and easily accessible
form, using clear and plain language.

Data Minimalization: GDPR supports the data minimalization

principle, requiring companies to only use and keep the p ersonal data
that is needed at any time for the required purpose. If it’s not needed
for that intended purpose and duration, it should be removed from the
database of the company. The people who have consented to data can
withdraw their consent any time and can ask to the company to delete
their data. Companies must then remove all data related to that person
from its database, as well as any other database such as archives or
anywhere downstream where the data may have been shared and stored.

Special Categories of Personal Data: There are extra requirements that

are to be complied with while processing of special categories of
personal data. Personal data is subject to much more care as any breach
of such data would make the privacy of such people vulnerabl e.
Processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and
offenses and processing which does not require identification.

Information to be provided to Data Subject: The controller at the time
of obtaining the personal data has to provide the Data Subject with all
the required information such as contact details and identity and contact
details of the data protection officer (only required in some cases),
purposes and legal basis of processing, existence of the data subject's
rights such as right to access, recipients or categories of recipients of
the personal data, period of storage of personal data, rectification or
erasure of personal data, right to withdraw consent, t he right to lodge a
complaint with a supervisory authority, right to data portability etc.
Information on similar lines is also to be provided to the data subject
(where personal data has not been obtained from the data subject) under
Article 14 of GDPR, except in certain prescribed circumstances which
enumerate following rights of data subjects:

The right of access: Right to obtain from the controller confirmation

regarding the processing of their personal data, and also access to their
personal data and information.

Right to rectification: Right to obtain from the controller rectification

of inaccurate personal data, also they have a right to have incomplete
personal data completed.

Right to get their data removed: Right to obtain from the controller
erasure of personal data and the controller is required to remove
personal data where one of the grounds applies such as: (a) the personal
data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was
collected (b) the Data Subject withdraws their co nsent on which the
processing was based (c) the Data Subject objects to the processing and
there are no legitimate grounds for the processing, etc.

Right to restriction of processing: Right to obtain from the controller

restriction of processing in circumstances(prescribed) such as where the
accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject; the
processing is unlawful etc.

Right to data portability: Right to receive the personal data provided

to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and
computer/laptop/mobile phone readable format and the right to transmit
that data to another controller. This right does not apply to a task carried
out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority by the

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

When it comes to keeping information assets secure, organizations can rely on
the ISO/IEC 27000 family.

ISO/IEC 27001 is widely known, providing requirements for an information

security management system (ISMS), though there are more than a
dozen standards in the ISO/IEC 27000 family. Using them enables organizations
of any kind to manage the security of assets such as financial information,
intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties.

How does ISO 27001 work?

ISO 27001 works on a top-down, technology-neutral, risk-based approach. The
specification defines six planning processes, which include Defining a security
policy, Defining the scope of ISMS, conducting risk assessment, managing
assessed risks, picking control objectives that are to be implemented and
preparing the statement of applicability. ISO 27001 draws coordination between
all sections of an organization and enhances management responsibility, ensures
continual improvement, conducts internal audits and undertakes corrective and
preventive actions.

History of ISO/IEC 27001

The ISO 27001 standard was published in October 2005, essentially replacing the
old BS 7799-2 standard (see Figure 1). 1S0- 27001 is the specification for an
Information Security Management System. BS 7799 itself was a standing
standard, first published in the 1990s as a code of practice. As it matured, a second
part emerged to cover management systems, on the basis, of which certification
is granted, that is, it is an auditable standard. Today, more than 1,000 BS 7799
certificates are in place, across the world. ISO 27001 enhanced the content of BS
7799-2 (i.e., Part II of the BS 7799) and harmonized it with the other standards.

A scheme has been introduced by various certification bodies for conversion from
BS 7799 certification to ISO 27001 certification.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 domains

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 covers all types of organizations (e.g. commercial
enterprises, government agencies, not-for profit organizations). ISO/IEC
27001:2005 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, operating,
monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented Information
Security Management System within the context of the organization's overall
business risks. It specifies requirements for the implementation of security
controls customized to the needs of individual organizations or parts thereof.
ISO/IEC 27001:2005 is designed to ensure the selection of adequate and
proportionate security controls that protect information assets and give
confidence to interested parties.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 is intended to be suitable for several different types of use,

including the following:

 use within organizations to formulate security requirements and objectives;

 use within organizations as a way to ensure that security risks are cost
effectively managed;
 use within organizations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations;
 use within an organization as a process framework for the implementation
and management of controls to ensure that the specific security objectives
of an organization are met;
 definition of new information security management processes;
 identification and clarification of existing information security
management processes;
 use by the management of organizations to determine the status of
information security management activities;
 use by the internal and external auditors of organizations to determine the
degree of compliance with the policies, directives and standards adopted
by an organization;
 use by organizations to provide relevant information about information
security policies, directives, standards and procedures to trading partners

and other organizations with whom they interact for operational or
commercial reasons;
 implementation of business-enabling information security;
 use by organizations to provide relevant information about information
security to customers.

SOx Reports
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, often simply called SOX or Sarbox, is U.S. law
meant to protect investors from fraudulent accounting activities by corporations.
Sarbanes-Oxley was enacted after several major accounting scandals in the early
2000’s perpetrated by companies such as Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom. So what
is SOX? The law mandates strict reforms to improve financial disclosures from
corporations and prevent accounting fraud. It also covers issues such as auditor
independence, corporate governance, internal control assessment, and enhanced
financial disclosure.

The law is named for the two congressmen who drafted it, Paul Sarbanes and
Michael Oxley. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
administers the act.

Though Sarbanes-Oxley does not call out any specific IT requirements, the law
does have a great impact on information systems – and in particular the security
of those systems – owed to the fact that the financial information covered under
the law is processed and stored by IT systems. Section 404 in particular has had
very costly implications for publicly-traded companies as it is expensive to
establish, maintain, and validate the required internal controls.

SOC Reports - Auditor Process Overview

In a nutshell, a SOC report is issued after a third-party auditor conducts a
thorough examination of an organization to verify that they have an effective
system of controls related to security, availability, processing integrity,
confidentiality, and/or privacy. The report, which is issued by a Certified Public
Accountant (CPA), provides reasonable assurance over the design and operating
effectiveness of controls and clearly outlines any potential risks for customers or
partners that are considering working with the organization.

To understand SOC lingo, there are a few key terms you will want to be familiar

 Service Organization – the organization that is being tested.

 User Entity – the organization that outsources a function to a service
 Control – the auditable process or mechanism designed to prevent or
detect risk.

Transparency is crucial when it comes to gaining the trust of another organization

and its stakeholders, such as vendor compliance, internal audit, IT management,
and legal departments. The success or failure of specific controls has a significant
impact on the reputation, financial statements, and stability of the service


What is SOX compliance? While the details of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are
complex, “SOX compliance” refers to the annual audit in which a public company
is obligated to provide proof of accurate, data-secured financial reporting.

To this end, while SOX measures seek to govern the financial operations and
disclosures of corporate entities and any of their contracted financial service
providers, the regulations pertain to a breadth of departments, and a few to IT.

SOX reporting specifically involves IT departments because adequate SOX
internal controls require complete file safety and full visibility into financial
record history—conditions which require each IT employee to understand his or
her role in demonstrating SOX compliance.

COBIT framework
COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a
framework created by ISACA for information technology (IT)
management and IT governance.

The COBIT business orientation includes linking business goals with its IT
infrastructure by providing various maturity models and metrics that measure the
achievement while identifying associated business responsibilities of IT
processes. The main focus of COBIT 4.1 was illustrated with a process-based
model subdivided into four specific domains, including:

 Planning & Organization

 Delivering and Support

 Acquiring & Implementation

 Monitoring & Evaluating

All of this is further understood under 34 processes as per the specific line of
responsibilities. COBIT has a high position in business frameworks and has been
recognized under various international standards, including ITIL,
acts as a guideline integrator—merging all solutions under one umbrella.

The latest COBIT version 5 came out in April 2012 and consolidated the
principles of COBIT 4.1, Risk IT Frameworks, and Val IT 2.0. This version
draws reference from IT Assurance Framework (ITAF) from ISACA and the
revered BMIS (Business Model for Information Security).

The Various COBIT Components


IT helps in organizing the objectives of IT governance and bringing in the best

practices in IT processes and domains while linking business requirements.

Process Descriptions

It is a reference model and also acts as a common language for every individual
in the organization. The process descriptions include planning, building,
running, and monitoring of all IT processes.

Control Objectives

This provides a complete list of requirements that have been considered by the
management for effective IT business control.

Maturity Models

Accesses the maturity and the capability of every process while addressing the

Management Guidelines

Helps in better-assigning responsibilities, measuring performances, agreeing on

common objectives, and illustrating better interrelationships with every other

Difference between COBIT and ITIL

Definition A set of guidelines for any A framework for best practices, planning, and selection,
organization to develop, geared to improving IT services to better meet the
implement, monitor, and improve company’s needs.
technology governance.

Scope Focuses on ITSM, but has a Focuses on ITSM, and not on the whole company. It
broader scope than ITIL, since it remains within the domain of IT.
studies the entire organization.

Approach A top-down approach, focusing A bottom-up approach, focusing more on IT service

more on IT service governance. management.

Goals and 1. Effectively manage the IT 1. Organize all the IT services within the company and
Objectives department to the company’s make them run smoothly.
advantage and set it in the right
direction. 2. Create opportunities for constant operational
2. Align IT goals and business
goals. 3. Reduce the company’s IT costs without sacrificing
3. Bring IT values to the business.
4. Improve the decision-making within the company.
4. Manage resources, risks, and
IT efficiency.

The Big “How do I best leverage my IT “How do I organize my IT teams and their workload in
Question department’s resources for the the most efficient way?”
benefit of the company?”

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a
federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive
patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or
knowledge. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the
HIPAA Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of HIPAA. The HIPAA
Security Rule protects a subset of information covered by the Privacy Rule.

HIPAA Privacy Rule

The Privacy Rule standards address the use and disclosure of individuals’ health
information (known as “protected health information”) by entities subject to the
Privacy Rule. These individuals and organizations are called “covered entities.”
The Privacy Rule also contains standards for individuals’ rights to understand and
control how their health information is used. A major goal of the Privacy Rule is
to ensure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing
the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health
care and to protect the public’s health and well-being. The Privacy Rule strikes a
balance that permits important uses of information while protecting the privacy
of people who seek care and healing.

Covered Entities
The following types of individuals and organizations are subject to the Privacy
Rule and considered covered entities:

 Healthcare providers: Every healthcare provider, regardless of size of

practice, who electronically transmits health information in connection
with certain transactions. These transactions include claims, benefit
eligibility inquiries, referral authorization requests, and other transactions
for which HHS has established standards under the HIPAA Transactions
 Health plans: Entities that provide or pay the cost of medical care. Health
plans include health, dental, vision, and prescription drug insurers; health

maintenance organizations (HMOs); Medicare, Medicaid,
Medicare+Choice, and Medicare supplement insurers; and long-term care
insurers (excluding nursing home fixed-indemnity policies). Health plans
also include employer-sponsored group health plans, government- and
church-sponsored health plans, and multi-employer health plans.

Exception: A group health plan with fewer than 50 participants that is

administered solely by the employer that established and maintains the plan
is not a covered entity.

 Healthcare clearinghouses: Entities that process nonstandard

information they receive from another entity into a standard (i.e., standard
format or data content), or vice versa. In most instances, healthcare
clearinghouses will receive individually identifiable health information
only when they are providing these processing services to a health plan or
healthcare provider as a business associate.
 Business associates: A person or organization (other than a member of a
covered entity’s workforce) using or disclosing individually identifiable
health information to perform or provide functions, activities, or services
for a covered entity. These functions, activities, or services include claims
processing, data analysis, utilization review, and billing.

Permitted Uses and Disclosures

A covered entity is permitted, but not required, to use and disclose protected
health information, without an individual’s authorization, for the following
purposes or situations:

 Disclosure to the individual (if the information is required for access or

accounting of disclosures, the entity MUST disclose to the individual)
 Treatment, payment, and healthcare operations
 Opportunity to agree or object to the disclosure of PHI (Informal
permission may be obtained by asking the individual outright, or by
circumstances that clearly give the individual the opportunity to agree,
acquiesce, or object)
 Incident to an otherwise permitted use and disclosure

 Public interest and benefit activities—The Privacy Rule permits use and
disclosure of protected health information, without an individual’s
authorization or permission, for 12 national priority purposes external icon:

1. When required by law

2. Public health activities
3. Victims of abuse or neglect or domestic violence
4. Health oversight activities
5. Judicial and administrative proceedings
6. Law enforcement
7. Functions (such as identification) concerning deceased persons
8. Cadaveric organ, eye, or tissue donation
9. Research, under certain conditions
10. To prevent or lessen a serious threat to health or safety
11. Essential government functions
12. Workers’ compensation

HIPAA Security Rule

While the HIPAA Privacy Rule safeguards protected health information (PHI),
the Security Rule protects a subset of information covered by the Privacy Rule.
This subset is all individually identifiable health information a covered entity
creates, receives, maintains, or transmits in electronic form. This information is
called “electronic protected health information” (e-PHI). The Security Rule does
not apply to PHI transmitted orally or in writing.

To comply with the HIPAA Security Rule, all covered entities must do the

 Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic

protected health information
 Detect and safeguard against anticipated threats to the security of the
 Protect against anticipated impermissible uses or disclosures
 Certify compliance by their workforce

Covered entities should rely on professional ethics and best judgment when
considering requests for these permissive uses and disclosures. The HHS Office

for Civil Rights enforces HIPAA rules, and all complaints should be reported to
that office. HIPAA violations may result in civil monetary or criminal penalties.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information
security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the
major card schemes.
The PCI Standard is mandated by the card brands but administered by
the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The standard was created
to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud.

History of PCI-DSS
Five different programs have been started by card companies:

 Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program

 MasterCard's Site Data Protection
 American Express's Data Security Operating Policy
 Discover's Information Security and Compliance
 the JCB's Data Security Program
The intentions of each were roughly similar: to create an additional level of
protection for card issuers by ensuring that merchants meet minimum levels of
security when they store, process, and transmit cardholder data. To cater out the
interoperability problems among the existing standards, the combined effort
made by the principal credit card organizations resulted in the release of version
1.0 of PCI DSS in December 2004. PCI DSS has been implemented and followed
across the globe.
The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) was then
formed, and these companies aligned their individual policies to create the PCI
DSS.[3] MasterCard, American Express, Visa, JCB International and Discover
Financial Services established the PCI SSC in September 2006 as an
administration/governing entity which mandates the evolution and development

of PCI DSS. Independent/private organizations can participate in PCI
development after proper registration. Each participating organization joins a
particular SIG (Special Interest Group) and contributes to the activities which are
mandated by the SIG. The following versions of the PCI DSS have been made

Different Levels of PCI

All companies who are subject to PCI DSS standards must be PCI compliant.
However, how they prove and report their compliance is based on how many
transactions they process per year and how they process those transactions. The
acquirer or payment brands may also choose to manually place an organization
into a reporting level at their discretion. [6]
At a high level, the merchant levels are as follows:

 Level 1 – Over 6 million transactions annually

 Level 2 – Between 1 and 6 million transactions annually
 Level 3 – Between 20,000 and 1 million transactions annually (or any
e-commerce merchant)
 Level 4 – Less than 20,000 transactions annually
Each card issuer maintains their own table of compliance levels as well as a
separate table for service providers.

Centre for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security

The Centre for Internet Security Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber
Defense is a publication of best practice guidelines for computer security. The
project was initiated early in 2008 in response to extreme data losses experienced
by organizations in the US defense industrial base. [1] The publication was initially
developed by the SANS Institute. Ownership was then transferred to the Council
on Cyber Security (CCS) in 2013, and then transferred to Centre for Internet
Security (CIS) in 2015. It was originally known as the Consensus Audit
Guidelines and it is also known as the CIS CSC, CIS 20, CCS CSC, SANS Top
20 or CAG 20.

CIS Compliance
The Centre for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks are a set of best-practice
cybersecurity standards for a range of IT systems and products. CIS Benchmarks
provide the baseline configurations to ensure compliance with industry-agreed
cybersecurity standards. The benchmarks are developed by CIS alongside
communities of cybersecurity experts within industry and research institutes.

CIS Benchmarks can be seen as frameworks to configure IT services and

products. Organizations can use the guidelines to improve cybersecurity and help
protect against cyber threats. CIS Benchmarks cover a huge range of products
and systems including server software, operating systems and network devices.
These systems are widespread in all modern organizations and offices, making
CIS Benchmarks a vital tool when it comes to closing vulnerabilities in an IT

CIS Benchmarks are free to use and are easily downloaded. They’re useful to any
stakeholders dealing with an organization’s IT governance, cybersecurity policies
and systems. The Center for Internet Security also offers a membership option
which enhances cybersecurity compliance monitoring and resources. CIS
Benchmarks are also important to IT system vendors, who can gain certification
to show the product reaches CIS compliance.

CIS Benchmarks
CIS Benchmarks are frameworks for calibrating a range of IT services and
products to ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity. They’re developed
through a collaborative process with input from experts within the cybersecurity
community. There are more than 100 different benchmarks covering a range of
well-known vendors and systems. CIS Benchmarks provide guidance for all areas
of an IT network, including operating systems, server systems, office software
and network devices.

CIS Benchmarks are free to download and use. The documents cover everything
from initial set up to configuration of all parts of the IT system. The guidance is
regularly updated and renewed to reflect new iterations of the IT service or
product. CIS Benchmarks represent the baseline settings to ensure an IT system
or product is secure. The aim is to enhance international cybersecurity standards
in all types of organizations. CIS Benchmarks are used by organizations,
governments and institutes across the world.

CIS Benchmarks are compatible with existing IT risk management policies and
procedure. They can slot into well-known frameworks for IT governance such as
the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

SSE-CMM Project
An alternative approach to evaluating assurance is built on the capability maturity
model (CMM) paradigm, which is a five-level model of increasingly mature
processes and continuous improvement. The CMM originated in the Carnegie
Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) under the auspices of the U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD).

The Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM;

copyright 1999 by the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model
[SSE-CMM] Project) is based on the premise that if you can guarantee the quality
of the processes that are used by an organization, then you can guarantee the
quality of the products and services generated by those processes. It was
developed by a consortium of government and industry experts and is now under
the auspices of the International Systems Security Engineering Association
(ISSEA) at The SSE-CMM ( makes the
following salient points:
 Describes those characteristics of security engineering processes essential
to ensure good security engineering
 Captures industry's best practices
 Accepted way of defining practices and improving capability
 Provides measures of growth in capability of applying processes
The SSE-CMM addresses the following areas of security:

 Operations security
 Information security

 Network security
 Physical security
 Personnel security
 Administrative security
 Communications security
 Emanation’s security ...


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