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DPP - Daily Practice Problems

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Chemical Bond, Octet Rule, Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Fajan's Rule ( 0 6]
Max. Marks : 120 Time : 60 min.

The Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 30 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct. Darken the correct drcle/
bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

You have to evaluate your Response Grids yourself with the help of solution booklet.
Each correct answer will get you 4 marks and 1 mark shall be deduced for each incorrect answer. No mark will be given/ deducted
if no bubble is filled. Keep a timer in front of you and stop immediately at the end of 60 min.

• The sheet follows a particular syllabus. Do not attempt the sheet before you have completed your preparation for that syllabus.
Refer syllabus sheet in the starting of the book for the syllabus of all the DPP sheets.
• After completing the sheet check your answers with the solution booklet and complete the Result Grid. Finally spend time to
ana yse your performance and revise the areas which emerge out as weak in your evaluation.

DIRECTIONS (Q.l-Q.21) : There are 21 multiple choice Q.3 W11ich ofthe following is most covalent ?
questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), (a) AlF3 (b) AlCl3 (c) AJBr3 (d) All3
out of which ONLY ONE choice is correct. Q.4 Among LiCl, BeCl2, BCl3 and CC14, the covalent bond
Q.l Which follows octet rule ? character follows the order -

(a) SF6 (b) PCI5 (c) NH3 (a) LiCI < BeC I2 > BCI3 > CCI4
Q.2 The crystal lattice of an electrovalent compound is composed
(b) LiC > BeCl2 < BCI3 < CCI4
(c) LiCI < BeC12 < BCI3 < CCI4
(a) atoms (d) LiCI > BeC12 > BC13 > CCI4
(b) molecules Q.S Wllich of the following bonds is most polar ?
(c) oppositely charged ions (a) 0 - H (b) P - H
ll o
(d) both mo ecu es and i n s (c) C - F (d) S - CI

1. ®®@@ 2. ®®@@ 3. ®®@@ 4. ®®@@ 5. ®®@@

------- Spacefor Rough Work -------
22 1---- DPP/ C ( 06) w
Q.6 Polarisibil ity ofhalide ions increases in the order Q.13 Two elements X and Y have following electronic
X l s2; 2s2, 2p6 ; 3s2, 3p6 ; 4s2
2 5
Y l s2 ; 2s2, 2p6 ; 3s , 3p
Q.7 What is the nature of the bond between B and 0 in The expected compound formed by combination ofX and Y
(C2H5)20BH3 ?
will be expressed as-
(a) Covalent (b) Co-ordinate covalent
(c) Ionic bond (d) Banana shaped bond (a) XY2
Q.8 The compound which contains both covalent and co­ Q.14 An atom of element A has three electrons in its outer shell
ordinate bond is - and B has six electrons in its outermost shell. The formula
(b) C2HsCN of the compoun d formed between these will be-
(d) None (b) �� (c) �� (d) �B
Q.9 The type of bond present in N205 are ­
Q.l5The electronegativity of H and Cl are 2 . 1 & 3.0
(a) only covalent respectively. The correct statement(s) about the nature of
(b) only ionic HCI is/are
(c) ionic and covalent (a) 17% ionic (b) 83% ionic
(d) covalent and coordinate
(c) 50% ionic (d) 100% ionic
Q.lO No. of covalent and co-ordinate bonds in pyrosulphuric
acid are - Q. 16 The electronegativity ofO, F, N, Cl and H are 3.5, 4.0, 3.0,
(a) 6,4 (b) 6,6 (c) 4,4 (d) 4,6 3.2 and 2 . 1 respectively. The strongest bond will be :
Q.ll Ionic bonds are usually formed by combination ofelements (a) F - H (b) H-Cl (c) N - H (d) 0 - H
Q.17 In which solventNaCI has maxitnum solubility?
(a) high ionisation potential and low electron affinity
(b) low ionisation potential and high electron affinity (a) �0 (b) C2H50H
(c) high ionisation potential and high electron affinity (c) CH3COCH3 (d) C2HsOC 2H5
(d) low ionisation potential and low electron affinity Q.18 Which has maximwn covalent character?
Q.12 Choose the correct statement
(a) NaCl (b) SiC14 (c) A1Cl 3
(d) MgC12
(a) A cation with n on -noble gas configuration is more
polarising than thecation with noble gas configuration. Q.19 The dipole moment of HBr is 2.6 x
10-30 em and the
(b) Smal] cation has minimum capacityto polarise an anion. interatomic spacing is 1.41 A. The percentage of ionic
(c) Small anion has maximum polarizability. character in HBr is-
(d) None of these (a) 10.5 (b) 11.5 (c) 12.5 (d) 13.5

6. ®®0@ 7. ®®0@ 8. ®®0@ 9. ®®@@ 10. ®®0@

11.@@0@ 12. ®®0@ 13.®®0@ 14.®®@@ 15. ®®0@
16.@@0@ 17. ®®0@ 18.®®0@ 19.@®@@
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DPP/ C ( 06) --------� 23
Q.20 BF 3 and NF 3 both molecules are covalent, but BF 3 is n on­ Q.24 Polarization is the distortion ofthe shape ofan anion by an
polar and NF3 is polar. Its reason is adjacentlyp1aced cation. Which ofthe following statements
(a) In uncombined state boron is metal and nitrogen is is not correct ?
gas (1) Minimum polarization is brought about by a cation of
(b) B - F bond has no dipole moment whereas N - F bond low radius.
bas dipole moment (2) A large cation is likely to bring about a large degree of
(c) The size of boron atom is smaller than nitrogen polarization.
(d) BF3 is planar whereas NF3 is pyramidal (3) A small anion is likely to undergo a large degree of
Q.21 The decreasing order of solubility of silver halide is
(4) Maximum polarization is brought about by a cation of
(a) Agl > AgBr > AgCI > AgF
high charge.
(b) AgF > AgCI > AgBr > Agl
(c) AgCI > AgF> AgBr > Agl DIRECTIONS (Q.25-Q.27} : Read the passage given below and
(d) AgBr > AgF > Agl > AgCI answer the questions that follows :
When a cation approaches an anion closely, the positive charge
DIRECTIONS (Q.22-Q.24) : I n the following questions, of a cation attract the electron cloud of the anion towards itself,
more than one of the answers given are correct. Select the due to the electrostatic force of attraction between them. At the
correct answers and mark it according to the following same time cation also repels the positively charge nucleus ofanion.
codes: Due to this combined effect, cloud ofanion is bulged or elongated
Codes : towards the cation. This is called distortion, defonnation or
(a) I , 2 and 3 are correct (b) I and 2 are correct polarization of the anion by the cation and anion is said to be
(c) 2 and 4 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct
Polarizability :
Q.22 Which of th e following statements is true for ionic
compounds ? (I) Ability of anion to get polarised by the cation.
( l ) High melting point (II) Polarisation of anion causes some sharing of electron
(2) Least solubility in organic compotmds
between the ions, so ionic bond acquires certain covalent
(DJ) Polarisation oc Covalent character
(3) Soluble in water
(4) Least lattice energy
(IV) Magnitude of polarisation depends upon a number of
Q.23 Which ofthe following statements regarding covalent bond factors, suggested by Fajan and are known as Fajan's rule.
is true ?
Q.25 Compound with maximum ionic character is fom1ed from­
( 1 ) The electrons are sbat·ed between atoms.
(a) Na and Cl (b) Cs and F (c) Cs and I (d) Na and F
(2) The strength of the bond depends upon the extent of
overlapping. Q.26 Out of the following which one has the highest values of
covalent character?
(3) The bond formed may or may not be polar.
(a) ZnC12 (b) C3CI2 (c) CdC� (d) CuCI
(4) The bond is non-directional.

R�.SI'O:\SE 20.®®0@ 21.®®0@ 22.®®0@ 23.@®@@ 24. ®®0@

GRID 25.@@0@ 26.®®0@

------- Spacefor Rough Work

24 t---- DPP/ C ( 06) w
Q.27 Compound having highest M.Pt. is Q.28 Statement-! : Order oflattke energy for some halides are as
(a) BeCI2 (b) MgCI2 (c) CaC� (d) SrCI2 Li.X > NaX > KX.

Statcmen t-2 : Size ofalkaline metal decreases for Li to K.

DJRECflONS (Q. 28-Q.30) : Each ofthese questions contains two
statements: Statement-! (Assertion)and Statement-2 (Reason). Each Q.29 Statement-! : The crystal structure gets stabilized even
ofthese questions has four alternative choices, only one ofwhich is though the sum of electron gain enthalpy and ionization
the correct answer. You have to select the correct choice. enthalpy is positive.

(a) Statement-! is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a Statement-2 : Energy is absorbed during the formation of
correct explanation for Statement-!. crystal lattice.

(b) Statement-! is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is Q.30 Statement-! : According to Fajan's rule, covalent character
NOT a correct explanatioll for Statement- ! . is favoured by small cation and small anion.
(c) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True. Statement-2 : The magnitude of covalent character in the
(d) Statement -I is True, Statement-2 is False. ionic bond depends upon the extent of polarisation.

27.®®0@ 28.®®0@ 29.®®0@ 30.®®@@


Tota l Questions 30 Tota l Marks 120
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 36 Qual ifying Score 64
Success Gap = Net Score - Qual ifying Score
N et Score = (Correct x 4} - (Incorrect x 1 )

------- Space for Rcugh Work -------

DPP/ C ( 06 ) --------� 1 3
(1) (c) Because in other compounds there are more than 8 e- (17) (a) NaCI is an ionic compound. SolubiRity of an ionic
in outermost shell ofthe central atom. compound depends on the value ofdielectric constant
(2) (c) It is the fact that electovalent compounds are made of of the solvent. Higher the value ofdielectric constant
ions. of the solvent more is the solubility of the ionic
(3) (d) As the size of anion increases covalent character compound.
increases. Solvent �0 C2H50H CH3COCH3 C2fls0C2Hs


The covalent character increases according to charge
on cation.
Due to maximum electronegativity difference.

(18) (b)
80 2 7 21 4.1
Polarisation in the molecule increases with increase
(6) (d) As the size of anion increases, polarity character of charge and decreases in size ofthe cation when the
increases. anion is same.
(7) (b)
Yo Ioruccharacter- x
(a) Observed dipolemoment
(8) Though all compounds have covalent bond but there 0 . . 100
(19) (b) Theoretical dipole moment
is coordination bond also between N and C in
C2H5 NC, C2H5 N � C
=e= 2.xd=(J. 6 x J 0-19C)x(J.41 x I0-10m)
Theoretical dipole moment ofa I 00% ionic character

256 w-29
(9) (d) The structure ofNp5 clears about it
x em

. 1 0 11. 5
O � N -0- N � O
0 0 2 6 x 0-3
% ionic character = =
(10) (a) Structure ofH2S207 is as follows 2.256x 10-29

0 (20) (d) BF3 is planar while NF3 is pyramidal due to the
i i presence of lone pair ofelectron on nitrogen in NF3 .
H-0-S -0-S - 0 - H (21) (b) Agl has maximum covalent character [ ·: Cis a large
.1. ! anion], whileAgF has minimum covalent character,
0 0
therefore, it has more solubility.
(11) (b) (22) (a)
(12) (a) A cation with non-noble gas configuration is more (23) (a) Covalent bond is directional.
polarising than the cation with noble gas configuration
(24) (a) According to Fajan's rule, polarisation of anion is
and so these cation favours covalency.

influenced by charge and size of cati,on. More is the
(13) (a) Valency ofelement X is 2(2 electrons in the outermost
charge on cation, more is polarisation ofanion.
shell) while that ofelement Y is electron required
in the outermost shell to complete octet). So the
(25) (b) Using Fajan's rule, larger cation and smaller anion will
formula ofthe compound between X and Y is XY2. have maximum ionic character.
(26) (a) Because zn+2 has smallest size among the all.
(14) (b) In this case the valence electrons in the atom A is
three and hence its valency is generally 3. 1n the atom (27) (d) As the size of cation increases, polarizing power
B t11e number of valence electrons is six. Hence, its decreases hence ionic character increases.
valency is usually 2. Hence the formula ofthe molecule (28) (d) The size of alkali metal increases from Li to K. So,
formed from A and B could be A2B3. An example of statement-1 is true & statement-2 is false.
two such elements are AI and 0 and the fonnula of (29) (d) Energy is released during the formation ofthe crystal

(15) (a) 16(

aluminium oxide is �03 .
X A + A-
== 14.16(34.0+2.--2.813=)+3.175(3..2350-2.11Y
% ionic character= -X8) 3.5 (X X8)2
lattice. It is qualitative measure of the stability of an
ionic compound so statement-! is true & statement-2
is false.
� 7% (30) (c) Covalent character is fdvoured by small cation and
(16) (a) Bond strength oc difference in electronegativity of larg,er anion.

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