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Week 12 - Recap For Mid Term

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Lecturer: Dr.

Umi Nadiah Nor Ali

Faculty of Engineering
- Chapter 1

❖ The relationship between stress and strain in concrete can be described by the stress-strain curve, which
illustrates how the material responds to applied loads. The stress-strain curve for concrete typically exhibits
several distinct phases:

1. Elastic Phase: In the initial stage, when the applied stress is within the elastic limit of the concrete, the material behaves
elastically. This means that the stress and strain are proportional, and upon the removal of the load, the
concrete will return to its original shape with no permanent deformation.

2. Yielding : It refers to the point at which a material undergoes significant deformation without an increase in stress.
It is a characteristic behavior observed in ductile materials, such as metals and some types of alloys.

3. Strain Hardening : Following yielding, concrete can exhibit strain hardening behavior, particularly when it contains
reinforcing steel bars. This phase involves an increase in stress with increasing strain, indicating that the
concrete becomes stronger and can carry higher loads.

4. Ultimate Failure: Refer to the point at which a material or structure can no longer sustain the applied loads and undergoes
complete failure.
Relationship of stress-strain for concrete with aid of diagram
Chapter 2 – Design for flexure

Two different types of problems arise in the study of reinforced concrete flexural elements:

1. Design : Given a cross section, concrete strength, steel reinforcement strength, and applied ultimate
bending moment, determine the area and number of reinforcement required.

2. Design check : Given a cross section, concrete strength, number, strength and size of steel reinforcement
provided, determine the moment of resistance.

The two common types of reinforced concrete sections are:

1. Rectangular section: Singly and doubly reinforced

2. Flanged section: Singly and doubly reinforced

Singly Reinforced Doubly Reinforced

Chapter 2 – Design for flexure
(Singly reinforced rectangular beam section)

A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has to support a design moment of 230 kNm. Solve the area
of reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 350 (b) x 550 mm (d), concrete strength, fck =
25 N/mm² and steel strength, fyk = 500 N/mm.

Step 1: List out all details given in question

Specification :
Beam size b x d = 350 x 550 mm
Chac. Strength of concrete, fck = 25 N/mm²
Chac. Strength of steel, fyk = 500 N/mm²
Bending moment, M = 175 kNm
Step 2: Determine the area of reinforced steel bar required

𝑀𝑏𝑎𝑙 = 0.167 fck bd² = 0.167 x 25 x 350 x 550²

= 442 kNm ˃ M =175 kNm (compression reinforcement is not required)

M = 0.454 fck x b x (d-0.4x)

175 x 10⁶ = 0.454 x 25 x 350 x (550 – 0.4x)
1135 x² - 1418750x + 175 x 10⁶= 0
x² – 1250 + 154185 = 0
X = [-b ± (b² – 4ac) ½ ]/ 2a
= 138.7 mm or 1111mm
Step 2: Determine the area of reinforced steel bar required (cont’d)

Lever arm , Z
Z = d – 0.4x
= 550 – (0.4 x 138.7)
= 494.5 mm < 0.95d = 522.5 mm (so take the smallest for z)
Area of tension reinforcement , As
As = M / 0.87 fyk . z
= 175 x 10⁶ / (0.87 X 500 X 494.5)
= 813.5 mm

Therefore, from Table A, Use : 3H 20 (943mm)

we can also choose 2H25 (982mm), but it more expensive

𝐴𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑞 =3H20 mm² 𝐴𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑞 =2H25 mm²

Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam simply supported on two masonry walls 250 mm thick and 8 m
apart. The beam has to carry a distributed permanent action of 15 kN/m (excluding beam self-weight) and
variable action of 10 kN/m. The beam is inside a building subjected to a 1-hour fire resistance and design for
50 years design life. Exposure class is XC1. Determine & illustrate the beam design with concrete characteristic
strength fck = 30N/mm² and steel characteristic strength fyk = 500 N/mm². (Calculate until links arrangement)

Step 1: List out all details given in question

Specification :
Effective span, L = 8m
Characteristic actions:
-Permanent, Gk = 15 kN/m
- Variable, Qk = 10 kN/m
∅ bar = 20 mm
Design life = 50 years
∅ link = 6 mm
Fire resistance = 1 hour (R60)
Exposure Classes = XC1
Chac. Strength of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm²
Chac. Strength of steel, fyk = 500 N/mm²
Chac. Strength of link, fyk = 500 N/mm²
Unit weight of reinforced concrete = 25 kN/m³
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

Step 2: Determine the beam size

650 mm
Overall depth, h = L/13 = 8000/13 = 615 mm
Width, b = 0.4 h = 0.4 x 615 = 246 mm

Try, b x h = 250 mm x 650 mm

Maximum 𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑛 for fire resistance = 300 mm 250 mm

Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

Step 3: Determine durability, fire resistance & bond requirements

EN1992-1-1 Table 4.2N as: Cmin,b = 1.0⋅Φ, where Φ is the diameter
Min. concrete cover regard to bond, 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑏 = 20 mm of the reinforcement bar. Therefore, min. cover for bond is = 20mm
For reinforcement steel the minimum cover for durability Cmin,dur
Min. concrete cover regard to durability, 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑑𝑢𝑟 = 15 mm
is calculated in accordance with EN1992-1-1 Table 4.4N. For
structural class S4 and exposure class XC1 the minimum cover for
durability Cmin,dur is = 15 mm

Min. required axis distance for R60 – 1 hour fire

resistance, 𝑎𝑠𝑑 = a + 10 = 25 + 10
= 35 mm

From Table 5.4, see at R60, 𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑛 for this case is 300 mm
(see slide no. 9), so a = 25 mm from Table 5.4 (refer next slide)
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

Step 3: Determine durability, fire resistance & bond requirements (cont’d)

Min. cover regard to fire, 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑎𝑠𝑑 - ∅ 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 − ∅bar/2

= 35 – 8 – (20/2)
= 17mm

Allowance in design for deviation, Δ𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 = 10 mm

(refer Clause 4.4)

Nominal cover, 𝐶𝑛𝑜𝑚 = 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 + Δ𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣

= 17 + 10
= 27 mm ~ 30mm
Therefore, use 𝐶𝑛𝑜𝑚 = 30 mm
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
Step 4: Loading & Analysis

Beam self-weight = 0.25 x 0.65 x 30 kN/m = 4.9 kN/m

Permanent load (excluding self-weight) = 15 kN/m
Ʃ Characteristic Permanent Load, Gk = 19.9 kN/m

Ʃ Characteristic Variable load, Qk = 10 kN/m

Design load, w = 1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk = [(1.35 x 19.9) + (1.5 x 10)]

= 41.9 kN/m

Shear force, V = wL/2 Due to this simply supported beam

= (41.9 kN/m x 8 m)/2
= 167.6 kN
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
Step 4: Loading & Analysis (Cont’d)

Bending moment, M = wL²/8

= (41.9 kN/m x 8²)/8
= 335.2 kNm

Step 5: Main Reinforcement

Effective depth,
d = h - 𝐶𝑛𝑜𝑚 - ∅ 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 − ∅bar/2 = 650 – 30 – 8 – (20/2) = 602 mm

d’ = 𝐶𝑛𝑜𝑚 + ∅ 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 + ∅bar/2 = 30 + 8 + (20/2) = 48 mm

Design bending moment, 𝑀𝐸𝑑 = 335.2 kNm

K = M/bd²fck
= 335.2 x 10⁶/(250 x 602² x 30)
= 0.123 < 𝐾𝑏𝑎𝑙 = 0.167 ----- Therefore, no compression reinforcement required
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

Z = d[0.5 +(0.25 – K/1.134)½]

= 0.602[0.5 + (0.25 – 0.123/1.134)½]
= 0.527 m = 527 mm < 0.95 d=0.57 (so choose the lowest of z)

Area pf tension steel, As = M/0.87 fyk.Z

= 335.2 x 10⁶/(0.87 x 500 x 527)
= 1462mm² (From Table A.3, As,req = 5H20 = 1571 mm²)
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
∗ 𝒇𝒄𝒕𝒎 = tensile strength of concrete
Minimum and maximum reinforcement area,
As,min = 0.26 (𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 /𝑓𝑦𝑘 ) bd
= 0.26 (2.9/500) 250 x 602
= 227 mm²
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

As,max = 0.04 Ac = 0.04 x b x h

= 0.04 x 250 x 650
= 6500 mm²

Step 6: Shear Reinforcement

Design shear, 𝑉𝐸𝑑 = 167.6 kN

Concrete strut capacity, 𝑉𝑅𝑑,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = [0.36 𝑏𝑤 d𝑓𝑐𝑘 (1-𝑓𝑐𝑘 /250)]/(cot 𝜃 + tan 𝜃) cot 22° = 1/tan22°=2.5
tan 22° = 0.4
Try for cot 22°
= [[(0.36 x 250 x 602 x 30 x ( 1-30/250)]/(cot 22° + tan 22°)]/1000 (for conversion unit to kN)
= 493.2 kN > 𝑽𝑬𝒅 =167.6 kN

Try for cot 45° cot 45° = 1/tan45°=1.0

= [[(0.36 x 250 x 602 x 30 x ( 1-30/250)]/(cot 45° + tan 45°)]/1000 (for conversion unit to kN) tan 45° = 1.0
= 715.2 kN > 𝑽𝑬𝒅 =167.6 kN
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design
According to Eurocode 2

In this case, 𝑉𝐸𝑑 < 𝑉𝑅𝑑,𝑚𝑎𝑥 22°

Cot 22°
Try link: H6, 𝐴𝑠𝑤 = 57 mm² (From table A, assume for 2 rebar H6)
167.6 x 103 Spacing, s = 57/0.28
= s = 203.5 mm ~ 204 mm
0.78 x 500 x 602 x 2.5
= 0.28
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

Max. spacing, 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.75 d = 0.75 x 602 = 451.5 mm

Therefore, S=204 mm < S max -------- Hence, take bar spacing = 225 mm Use H6-225 c/c

Refer to this Table and select

the spacing value that is
closest to your calculated
value (203mm). Use the
chosen value as your new
spacing setting.

**But, not less than your

calculated spacing (s) and
not more than maximum
spacing value (Smax).
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

0.08 x 250 √30

= 0.22

Try link: H6, 𝐴𝑠𝑤 = 57 mm²

Spacing, s = 57/0.22
= 259 mm < 0.75 d = 0.75 x 602 = 451.5 mm

Therefore, S=259 mm < S max =487.5 -------- Hence, take bar spacing = 300 mm (at middle) Use H6-300 c/c

Shear resistance of minimum links, Vmin = (𝐴𝑠𝑤 /s)(0.87 d 𝑓𝑦𝑘 cot 𝜃)

= [(57/300) x 0.87 x 602 x 500 x 2.5]/1000
= 124.4 kN
Chapter 2 – Simply Support Rectangular Beam Design

X = (167.6 – 124.4)/design load,w

= (167.6 – 134)/41.9
167.6 kN = 1.03 m
124.4 kN


124.4 kN

167.6 kN
H6-225 H6-300 H6-225
1.03m 5.94m 1.03m

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