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History Class 10 CH 1

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History class 10

Ch 1 The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe


Frédéric Sorrieu, a French artist, in 1848 prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of democratic
and Social Republics.

The print shows the people of Europe and America marching in a long train and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as
they pass it. The torch of Enlightenment was carried by a female figure in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of
Man in the other.

This is Sorrieu’s utopian vision, where the people have freedom to showcase and follow their own national language , costume
and tradition.

On the earth lies the debris that symbolizes the absolutist power of the monarchy.

rom the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene. They have been used by the artist to symbolise fraternity
among the nations of the world.

The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation

The French Revolution took place in 1789 and was one of the foremost and strong evidence as well as the movement of
nationalism. There were several steps taken by the French Revolutionaries for creating a sense of Nationalism
(collectiveness and identity within the people) in France.

 The ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasised that everyone belonged to one
 A new French flag,the tricolour, was chosen to replace the former royal standard.
 The Estates General was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the National Assembly.
 New hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated, all in the name of the nation.
 A centralised administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its
 Internal customs duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.
 Regional dialects were discouraged and French became the common language of the nation.

He destroyed democracy in France but introduced a series of measures in administrative and political field known as Civil code
of 1804 ( Napoleonic Code) .

His Code was exported to the regions under French control. In the Dutch Republic, in Switzerland, in Italy and Germany,
Napoleon simplified administrative divisions

Administrative reforms ( Positive Reforms)

 Equality before the law was established

 Secured the right of property to the citizens
 abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
 In the towns too, guild restrictions were removed.
 Transport and communication systems were improved.
 Businessmen and small-scale producers of goods, realised that uniform laws, standardised weights and
measures, and a common national currency would facilitate the movement and exchange of goods and capital.

Political Reforms ( Negative Reforms)

 Took away political Freedom

 Increased taxes
 Imposed Censorship
 Forced people to join French Army



 Land owning class

 Lived in large mansions on countryside and owned town houses
 Spoke regional language to showcase they are elites ex. French in France , Austria Hungary- German, In Galicia -
 Families were connected by marriage ties
 Numerically a small group

Peasantry – Majority of Population

Middle Class

 New social class emerged with the growth of towns and emergence of commercial classes.
 Educated class – popularized and spread the ideas of nationality.

 Liberalism stood for freedom of individual and equality for all before the law.
 the end of autocracy and clerical privileges
 a constitution and representative government through parliament

Political Liberalism

 Freedom and right to vote for everyone including women.

 In France women and Non propertied men organised opposition movements demanding equal political rights.

Economic Liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement
of goods and capital.

Earlier within a country different regions had different currency and different systems of weights and measures, which
made it difficult for traders and merchants to trade freely and get a fair price .

Such conditions were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange.

In 1834, a customs union or zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states.

Zollverein abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two and promoted a
network of railways to further stimulated mobility.


Believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society should be preserved but with the changes
introduced by Napoleon. believed that some kind of modernisation could in fact strengthen traditional institutions

Treaty of Vienna of 1815

Four European powers – britain, russia, prussia, austria met add winner bracket Austria the treaty was headed by
Austrian chancellor Duke Metternich.

 Bourbon dynasty was restored in France

 France restored the territories annexed under Napoleon
 A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future
 The German confederation of 39 states was left untouched
 Main intention was to restore monarchy’s that have been overthrown by Napoleon
 A new conservatism regime was set up where censorship was imposed Groups, groups slash clubs were

During the years following 1815 secret societies we're set up to spread and continue the revolutionary idea and struggle
of freedom

Giuseppe Mazzini

 Born in Genoa in 1807

 Became a member of secret Society of carbonari
 He founded 2 underground societies first young Italy in Marsilles and second young Europe in Bernie
 believed in unification of Italy
 Following his model lots of secret societies were set up in Germany, France, Switzerland and Poland
 Because of his relentless opposition to monarchy Metternich described him as the most dangerous enemy of
our social order.


 In July 1830 bourbon kings of France were overthrown and France became a constitutional monarchy with Louis
Philippe as its head.
 Uprising started in Brussels which led to Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of Netherlands
 Greek war of independence
1. In 1821 the spark of revolutionary nationalism started in Greece
2. Greece was a part of Ottoman Empire since 15th century.
3. The nationalist movement of Greece got support from the Greeks which were living in exile and from
many W Europeans which had sympathies for ancient Greek culture
4. Many poets an artists also mobilised the public to support the struggle against a Muslim empire finally
in 1832 a Treaty of Constantinople was signed and Greece was recognised as an independent nation.


Culture bracket art and poetry, stories and music bracket clothes was used to develop the feeling of nationalist sentiment
and have a revolutionary nationalism movement

 German philosopher Johan Gottfried Herder Try to develop the feeling of nationalism among common people –
does work through folk songs for poetry and folk dances.
 Karol Kurpinski from Poland used his opera and music as nationalist symbols
 The Grimm brothers from Germany wrote folk tales in there native German language
 Eugene Delacroix with his paintings short to appeal the nationalist emotions
 In Poland language was used to develop the nationalist sentiments
1. Poland was partitioned between Russia Prussia and Austria
2. Large part of Poland was with Russia and it was compulsory to use Russian language everywhere
3. In 1831 a rebellion started against Russia which was crushed ultimately
4. People in Poland began using Polish language in church and everywhere
5. Russian authorities started to put a large number of priests and bishops in jail for this


During 1830s to 1848 Europe was in great economic hardship.

 Population increased all over Europe

 In cities unemployment increased
 Population from ruler areas migrated to the cities resulting in overcrowded slums
 Small producers in towns faced stiff competition from England that was experiencing industrialization
 In some regions in Europe where aristocracy was still powerful peasants were burdened with feudal dues
 Rise of food price due to bad harvest increase the number of pores in the country
 In Paris due to food shortage and increased unemployment people came out on roots
 Louis Philippe was forced to flee and finally National Assembly declared France Republic which granted
voting rights to all males above 21
 In 1845 we Beavers in Silicia revolted against the contractors as they drastically reduced their payments
for the finished goods


The revolt was led by educated middle class who combined their demands for a constitution freedom of the press and
freedom of association with national unification

Frankfurt parliament

 All the middle class came together in the city of Frankfurt and decided to vote for an all German National
 On May 18 1848 831 elected representatives took their places in Frankfurt Parliament convened in St. Paul
Church , where they drafted a constitution to l8mit the power of Monarchy.
 This was rejected by Friedrich Wilhelm IV , king of Prissia and he went to join the other monarchs who oppsed
the assembly.
 The german national assembly also lost its social basis as no rights were given to workers and women ( were just
observers in the parliament and stood in the balcony).
 Taking advantage of the situation the opposition forced the assembly to disband but they were forced to
introduce some changes like- serfdom and bonded labour were abolished.
 Many monarchs made changes in their empire like Hungarians were granted more autonomy ( freedom) by
Habsburg Empire.


 The nationalist movement was carried on by the middle class in Germany nad it was supported by Prussia.
 But in 1848 the liberal movemt was repressed by the monrachs , military and big landowners of Prussia ( junkers)
 After this Prussia took yhe initiative of unifying Germany and Otto Von Bismarch was the chief architect of this
 He with Peussian army and bureacracy helped to carry out this process. 3 wars over 7 years were faught with
Austria , Denmark and France , which resulted in Prussian victory.
 Thus Germany was unified amd Kaiser William I became the king in 1871 of the unified Germany.


 Italy was divided into 7 states of which north was under Austrian Habsburg Empire , centre was qith Pope ,
southrrn regions were under Bourbon kings of Spain but only Sardinia Piedmont was under Italian kingdom
 During 1830s Giuseppe Mazzini sought to unify Italy but failed , so after 1848 Italian ruler king Victor Emmanuel
II sought to unify Italy.
 The task was given to Count Cavour who with his tactful diplomacy and good relation with France defeated
Austrian forces in 1859.
 In souther region Giuseppe Garibaldi with his armed volunteers and peasants ( known as Red Shirts) marched
into Kingdom of two Sicilies and defeated Spanish rulers in 1860.
 In centre Pope fled the region .
 Thus unifying Italy and in 1861 king Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king


 It became a nation state without upheaval or revolution infact it was a long drawn out process.
 There was no British nation prior to 18th cemtury . Infact there were many ethnic inhabitas in British Isles –
Wales , Scotts , Irish or english.
 But as English nation steadily grew in powere and qealth it started to exert it powers .
 In 1688 England qas established as a nation state and Wnglish parliament seized the power from the Monarchy.
 In 1707 an Act of Union was passed which combined the Scottish island with England and thus resulting in the
 The Scottish culture was suppresed with the growing British ( English) influence.
 In 1801 Ireland qas forcebably incorporated in UK ( UK suppoeryrd the Protestants and helped them gain power
in Ireland over Catholics).
 Thus a new British Nation was forged with dominace of English culture , with new symbols- a new flag was
made( Union jack) ,the national anthem( God save our noble Kong) and English Language.


 Artists often representated nations as female figures known as Allegory.

 The female form that was choosen to personify the nation did not stand for any particular women in real life
rather it sought to give an abstract idea of a nation with which people can realte to.
 These female figures were represented theough specific objects or symbols which reflected vafious
characteristics of the Allegory.
 Like Allegory of France was Marianne , Germany was Germania , India was Bharat mata etc.
 During the late 19th century the idea of nationalism was not the same as in the beginning. Now the
European powers were manipulating other mations for incraesing their own resources and this beacme
intolerant of each other and thus were ready to go on war .

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