Walls To Beams Rebuwer
Walls To Beams Rebuwer
Walls To Beams Rebuwer
What are construction walls? Masonry Wall is the building of structures from
individual units, which are often laid in and bound
structural element used to divide or enclose, in together by mortar; the term masonry can also
building construction, also to form the periphery of refer to the units themselves
a room or a building. Pre Panelized wall
What is a wall? (Metal Stud Walls) wall panels are pre-fabricated
wall refers to a vertical construction delineating off-site in a panelization plant utilizing welded
and enclosing space, either loadbearing or non- connections and very tight tolerances to achieve
loadbearing, possibly inside a building and/or the highest quality available
forming part of the external envelope. Engineering brick wall Engineering bricks are a type
the walls must be built with the intension of of brick used where strength, low water porosity or
supporting or partition. Walls are considered as the acid (flue gas) resistance are needed. Engineering
most vital element of the building. The most vital bricks can be used for damp-proof courses.
aspect of the walls are to encircle or to distribute
space of the building. Walls offer privacy, safety as Stone wall Stone walls are a kind of masonry
well as safeguard the building from scorching sun, construction that has been used for thousands of
heat, rain and cold. Walls give support to the roofs years. The first stone walls were constructed by
and floors. farmers and primitive people by piling loose field
stones into a dry stone wall
Various characteristics of walls :- a load bearing wall to create a pass-through
• The walls must have been strong.
• It should contain strength and durability
• The walls should contain strong fire resistance
• The walls should have weather resistance
• The walls must be thermal and sound insulated.
Two types of wall
two types are the outer-walls and inner-walls.
Outer-walls gives an enclosure to the house for
shelter and inner-walls helps to partition the
enclosure into the required number of rooms. Inner Non Load Bearing Wall
walls are also called as Partition walls or Interior
Walls and Outer walls are also called as Exterior Non-load bearing walls only carry their own weight
walls. and does not support any structural members such
various types of walls used in building construction: as beams and slabs. These walls are just used as
1. Load Bearing Wall partition walls or to separate rooms from outside,
It carries loads imposed on it from beams and slabs also known as interior wall.
above including its own weight and transfer it to Types of non load bearing wall
the foundation. These walls supports structural • Façade Bricks
members such as beams, slabs and walls on above • Hollow Bricks
floors. It can be exterior wall or interior wall. It • Hollow Concrete Block
braces from the roof to the floor. • Brick Wall (115mm, 225mm)
Partition wall is an interior non-load bearing wall Steel reinforcement are steel bars that are
6. Panel Wall provided in combination with plain cement
Panel wall is generally made of wood and is an concrete to make it reinforced concrete. Hence
exterior non-load bearing wall in framed these structures form steel reinforced cement
construction. It is used for aesthetics of the buildings concrete structure (R.C.C). Steel reinforcement is
both inside and outside. It remains totally commonly called as ‘rebars’.
supported at each storey but subjected to lateral Need for Steel Reinforcement
7. Veneered Walls Plain concrete is weak in tension and strong in
Masonry veneer walls is a single non-structural compression. Tensile property for concrete
external masonry wall made of brick, stone or structures is obtained by incorporating steel
manufactured stone. It has an air space behind reinforcement. The steel reinforcement is strong in
and is called as anchored veneer. both tension and compression. The tensile property
a wall having a facing which is not attached and provided by the steel reinforcement will prevent
bonded to the backing so as to form an integral and minimize concrete cracks under tension loads.
part of the wall The surface of the steel reinforcement bars is
patterned to have a proper bond with the
surrounding concrete material. The two main
factors that provide strength to the concrete
structures are steel and concrete. The design
engineer will combine both the elements and
design the structural element such a way that the
steel resists the induced tensile and shear force,
while the concrete takes up the compressive
Advantages of Steel Reinforcement PRECAST CONCRETE WALL Materials
site such as earthwork,survey,etc.and thus saves time. cheaper than poured concrete. It costs
2. Quality Assurance: The key factors which regulate the anywhere from $1,600 and $8,000 or an
quality of construction such as curing,
average of $4,800. The materials cost
temperature,mix design,formwork,etc.can be monitored
approximately $20 to $30 per square
for Precast Concrete.
foot,not includinglabor.
3. Usage of Prestressed Concrete: By using pre-stressed
precast, structural materials of high $4,800 = P251,354.40
strength and load-bearing capacity can be achieved, $20 to $30 per square foot = P1,047.91
which can result in greater clear span,
- P1,570.97
reduced size of the cross-section of structural
members,etc. Poured Concrete Wall
4. Cost-effective: The simplified construction process A poured concrete wall averages $7,001 for
reduces the time, increases the
homeowners around the country, with most
productivity,quality and safety and thus the cost is
reduced. people paying between $2,768 and $11,510.
5. Durability: Precast Concrete structure has a longer You might pay anywhere from $932 to
service time period and minimal $25,000 depending on the size, materials,
maintenance. The high-density Precast concrete is more design and overall labor.
durable to acid attack, corrosion,
$7,001 = P366,789.39
impact, reduces surfacevoids and resists the
accumulation of dust. $30 and $40 per linear foot = P1,570.97 -
• They can be used as walls and can span as waste agricultural straw.
much as 18 feet with no
Although environmentally
additional support.
friendly, it does not produce
the high R-values compared
Panels have many uses, including internal and external
to other types of SIPs.
floors, and roof surfaces.
Polyurethane or polyisocyanurate insulated panels
Roof trusses can be eliminated, which allows living
space beneath Usually manufactured as 3.5-inch-thick panels for walls,
and panels
the roof.
up to 7.5 inches thick for ceilings.
Structurally superior to traditional wood framing—
stronger and Polyurethane and polyisocyanurate SIPs have a
nominal R-value of
less susceptible to shifting.
around R-6 to R-7 per inch of thickness.
SIP-constructed buildings are roughly 50 percent more
energy This type of SIP panel is more expensive than EPS
panels, but it is
efficient than those constructed with traditional framing.
more resistant to water and fire and has a higher R-value.
Equivalent U-values can be achieved with thinner walls.
Benefits for Architects and Designers
SIP panels can be combined with other building
materials, such as SIPs offer more creative freedom without the constraints
of conventional building materials.
brick, block, stone, tiles, slate, wood, steel, and glass.
It is easier to create full CAD drawings.
Majority of SIPs are being Buildings built with traditional framing can easily be
supplemented or
manufactured using
remodeled using SIPs
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
Benefits for Contractors
foam board insulation, a
Use of SIPs can shorten construction time by two to
closed-cell type of insulation. three times.
Total R-value for these panels Less supervision is required on the building site.
panels are available in sizes Estimating costs is a simple, more accurate proce
Compressed straw-core SIP roof systems eliminate the need for trusses, allowing
space under
the roof to serve as usable living space. resilient exhibiting energy efficiency
SIPs allow a home or office to be constructed much and cost effectiveness applicable for
faster than is
residential and industrial/commercial
possible with traditional framing.
Labor costs are reduced when compared to traditional
framing. PalmEco Wall Insulated Panel (WIP) System
Energy bills can be reduced as much 50 to 60 percent A sandwich-type insulated wall panel
in a building
system that consists of constructiongrade EPS (extruded
constructed with structural insulated panels. polystyrene) and
Buildings constructed with SIPs are considerably quieter standard Palmeco boards on both
than with
sides that promotes fire resistance,
traditional framing. SIPs can be an important element in
and sound and heat insulations.
soundproofing design.
The W.I.P. System is ideal as interior
Local Manufacturer s/Brands
and exterior walls and for efficient
ECOWALL Structural Insulated Panels
installation of electrical and plumbing
ECOWALL Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) is a structural
ready-toinstall composite panel with an insulating EPS
foam core and calcium PalmecoWall Insulated Panels are available in 4 sizes:
silicate boards. 9mm x 3″EPS x 9mm –Walling Application (Php 1,300/sqm)
ECOWALL is roughly 1/3 lighter than walls made of 9mm x 3″EPS x 12mm – Walling Application (Php
hollow blocks, 1,350/sqm)
and faster to install, thereby relieving the building load 12mm x 3″EPS x 12mm – Walling Application (Php
and reducing 1,400/sqm)
construction time and cost. PalmecoGeopolymer Panels (9mm x 82mm Geopolymer
x 9mm) – (Php
It has a slim body that greatly
3,100 @ 4ft x 8ft with butterfly studs)
increases the size of the usable area
and a solid core that can bear more
Historyof straw bale construction
than 50kg weight at a single entry
The history of straw bale construction has a strong
foundation in the 1700’s, but dates much further back in
90mm x 2440mm x 610mm (85kg.)
Africa during the Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age).
and 125mm x 2440mm x 60mm
Straw bale construction is a relatively sustainable
construction method, with straw being a renewable
material that is readily available.
Structural Insulated Panels
Straw bales also have high insulation qualities, keeping
A structural sandwich panel that
consists of a high-density expanded
building warm in winter and cool in summer, with R-values
polystyrene (eps) core material
between 40 and 60 when built correctly.
bonded between two high-strength
Straw bales construction also has some favorable
facing materials consisting of aesthetic
cellulose based fiber cement boards. qualities, creating thick walls which allow for window
Extremely strong and weather
and shelves, as well as lending itself to numerous
architectural styles. 100% biodegradable.
Pins made of bamboo or timber can be used to The thickness of straw bale walls can
tie bale walls together, or surface wire mesh help reflect sunlight into a room at
The bale wall is then stuccoed provide space for window seats.
Straw bales can be designed to provide loadbearing Unless straw bales can be sourced from
structural support to a building, as well
near the construction site, the cost of
as lateral and shear resistance to wind and
transporting them can be high.
seismic loads.
Not a conventional building material,
They can also be designed to serve as
familiarity among builders,
an insulation substrate, with a separate, loadbearing
structural frame, typically made and building regulations approval can
during construction.
STRAW BALE Advantages & Disadvantages WOOD PANEL
Advantages: Wood panel products are flat or curved sheets made
from wood-based materials that are bonded together
Insulation values of R-30 - R-60 can be
with an adhesive. Panels are typically made of veneer,
achieved. strands, particles or fibers and bonded with a synthetic or
other adhesive cured using heat and pressure.
Made from a low-cost byproduct.
The most commonly produced wood panel products
Relatively easy and cost-efficient to are
With good maintenance, straw bale be produced in panel form for specialized applications.
Types of Wood Wall Paneling 2.Measure and cut.Measure from the underside of the
• Wainscot Paneling
to ¼ inch below the top of the foundation.
• Board and Batten
3.Leave gaps when installing boards. keep a ¼-inch gap
• Bead board Paneling
between the vertical boards as you attach them to the
• Microperforated Panel furring
Wainscot Paneling strips.
Wainscot is a design that panels 4.Add a top trim board. Once the vertical boards are in
only a part of the wall, but not up to place, install a top trim board (using battens), positioned
its full height. The boards usually horizontally and butted tightly against the soffit.
finish with a border called a “cap”, 5.Attach the battens. The battens should butt tightly
which comes in different designs.
the top trim board and be flush at the bottom with the
Applied to the lower portion of a
wall, especially in the dining room,
vertical boards.
living room, or entryway
Bead Board
5.Mark Miter-Cut on Cap Rails. Cut the first miter, then use
that rail to mark the angled cut on the adjoining cap rail.
Join the two rails at the corner with glue and compressed
wood biscuits.
which provide a structural frame on which to attach the Microperforated wood wall panels control noise with 0.55
mm perforations that disappear from a normal viewing
boards. Furring strips can be made by attaching 1×4 distance.
Wooden Perforated Decorative Acoustic Panel has INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS (ICFs) Definition & Raw
strong selection on sound absorption spectrum. It has Materials
good sound absorption effect of medium and high
frequency can be improved with acoustic cotton filled Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
behind the panel cavity. Perforated hole diameter and
o ICF is an innovative building material that is typically
distance can be adjusted according to customer
made of blocks of polystyrene foam with space in
between, reinforced with steel rebars, and then filled with
Wall Covering Panels: concrete.
Used plates are often 2400x1200mm, 2400x600mm and o Blocks are made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
1200x60mm.(16mm thick)
o Ties or webs that interconnect the two layers of
Material insulated forming material can be plastic, metal, or
additional projections of the insulations
MDF fiberboard panels in standard or fireproof versions.
o Block sizes are typically 16 in. by 48 in. long
Surface Finish - raw, plywood, or varnished
o Cavities are commonly 6 in. to 8 in. wide
o Foam faces thickness ranges from 1 7/8 in. to 2 3/4 in.
Sound Absorption
Multifunction hall 1. Plan the outline block and the location of door and
2. Place the first corner block on each corner
Conference Room
a. Use zip-ties on the corner webs to connect the block
3. Install the second course of clock by reversing the
•USD 45-100 per squaremeter corner block
WOOD WALL PANELING Pros & Cons 5. Install following courses of block
Improved Insulation 7. Pour the concrete into the stacked walls using boom
Enhanced Durability
8. Use a mechanical pencil vibrator to internally vibrate
9. For foundation only. Place L shape anchor bolts into
Easy to Install the concrete
Elegant Appearance top
DISADVANTAGES 10.Remove the bracing after the concrete has cured
Deformation For owners:
Maintenance o Outstanding durability and resilience
Susceptible to temperature o Low maintenance since it is mold, rot, mildew,
change and insect resistant
Can be expensive o Superior sound dampening qualities (STC
rating of 51+) NUDURA ICF vs. WOOD FRAMING
well in flooding)
No growth of bacteria
Low cost
• Complex construction as it
polystyrene foam insulation the SRC wall panel can be finished manually or with a
spray bucket.
board is easy to burn.
• These panels alone need
For spreading the mortar, skimming float or wood float is
strengthening treatment best suitable tool. Hence, smooth and levelled surface is
Light weight and economical
Rough cast finish is also called as spatter dash finish.
Good seismic and wind resistance
Usually this type of plaster finish is preferred for external
Good thermal and acoustic insulation renderings.
Allow more flexibility with design To get sand faced finish two coats of plastering is
required. The screened sand is applied on the second
DISADVANTAGES coat using skimming float or wooden float. Finally, sand
faced finish with uniform grain size of sand is obtained.
Corrosion of steel is one of the most prominent
After plastering pebbles of size 10mm to 20mm are
processes in steel-reinforced concrete. dashed on to the plastered surface. Then press them into
Melts at high temperature the plastered surface using wooden float slowly. After
hardening they provide aesthetic appearance to the
Expensive structure.
1. The steel wire rods are stretched and made stronger. Apply final coat of 6 to 12 mm thickness and allowed it to
dry. After some time using steel blade or plate scrap the
2. These are then made into mesh frames that sandwich plastered layer up to 3mm depth. Scrapped finish is less
the EPS liable to cracks.
3. The EPS core is made, expanded and cut into specific Textured finish is obtained from the stucco plastering in
which different textures or shapes are made on the final
coat using suitable tools.
4. The two are welded together with steel wires.
Beam structures
1. Place dowels in between polystyrene and wire mesh . Beam structures are an important type of structural
element that play a prominent role in how weight is
2. Tighten dowels transferred and ensures that a building's foundation is
firmly planted in the ground.
a) If in between footing and wall panels, tighten using GI
What is beam structure?
A beam structure, sometimes simply referred to as a
b) If in between panels, use flat mesh. beam, is a type of structure used in construction to
provide a safe and efficient load path that effectively
3. Plaster (3 layers) distributes weight throughout the foundation of a
PLASTERING These beams support the load by resisting being bent
1st layer – only cover the polystyrene under the load's pressure. Beams resist this force in a
lateral way as the force is applied to the axis.
2nd layer – after letting it dry overnight, apply plaster that In most situations, the load distribution pattern
will cover the mesh includes a slab, beam, column and foundation. This
means that the beam is inserted below the foundation
3rd layer – after the final layer is applied, this can now be and column to provide more comprehensive support
finished with either a rough or smooth surface throughout the structure.
Composite Columns
Steel, Timber, Brick Column