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Walls To Beams Rebuwer

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What are construction walls?  Masonry Wall is the building of structures from
individual units, which are often laid in and bound
 structural element used to divide or enclose, in together by mortar; the term masonry can also
building construction, also to form the periphery of refer to the units themselves
a room or a building.  Pre Panelized wall
 What is a wall? (Metal Stud Walls) wall panels are pre-fabricated
 wall refers to a vertical construction delineating off-site in a panelization plant utilizing welded
and enclosing space, either loadbearing or non- connections and very tight tolerances to achieve
loadbearing, possibly inside a building and/or the highest quality available
forming part of the external envelope.  Engineering brick wall Engineering bricks are a type
 the walls must be built with the intension of of brick used where strength, low water porosity or
supporting or partition. Walls are considered as the acid (flue gas) resistance are needed. Engineering
most vital element of the building. The most vital bricks can be used for damp-proof courses.
aspect of the walls are to encircle or to distribute
space of the building. Walls offer privacy, safety as  Stone wall Stone walls are a kind of masonry
well as safeguard the building from scorching sun, construction that has been used for thousands of
heat, rain and cold. Walls give support to the roofs years. The first stone walls were constructed by
and floors. farmers and primitive people by piling loose field
stones into a dry stone wall
Various characteristics of walls :-  a load bearing wall to create a pass-through
• The walls must have been strong.
• It should contain strength and durability
• The walls should contain strong fire resistance
• The walls should have weather resistance
• The walls must be thermal and sound insulated.
Two types of wall
 two types are the outer-walls and inner-walls.
 Outer-walls gives an enclosure to the house for
shelter and inner-walls helps to partition the
enclosure into the required number of rooms. Inner Non Load Bearing Wall
walls are also called as Partition walls or Interior
Walls and Outer walls are also called as Exterior  Non-load bearing walls only carry their own weight
walls. and does not support any structural members such
various types of walls used in building construction: as beams and slabs. These walls are just used as
 1. Load Bearing Wall partition walls or to separate rooms from outside,
 It carries loads imposed on it from beams and slabs also known as interior wall.
above including its own weight and transfer it to Types of non load bearing wall
the foundation. These walls supports structural • Façade Bricks
members such as beams, slabs and walls on above • Hollow Bricks
floors. It can be exterior wall or interior wall. It • Hollow Concrete Block
braces from the roof to the floor. • Brick Wall (115mm, 225mm)

Types of Load Bearing Wall Hollow Concrete Block

 • Precast Concrete Wall • A hollow concrete block is a block made
 • Retaining Wall of concrete that has hollow spaces between its
 • Masonry Wall walls. It is used to build different types of walls for
 • Pre Panelized Load Bearing Metal Stud Walls different purposes like retaining walls, decorative
 • Engineering Brick Wall (115mm, 225mm) walls, classic walls, etc. hollow blocks are made
 • Stone Wall of the same ingredients used in poured concrete
 Precast Concrete Wall
• are the standard sized rectangular
(Load Bearing Wall) walls are constructed by
hollow blocks made of cast concrete of high or
casting concrete in a reusable wall mold or form
low density
which is then cured in a controlled environment,
Brick Wall (115mm, 225mm)
transported to the construction site and lifted into
A wall built of solid masonry units, laid
contiguously, with joints between units
 Retaining Wall walls that are often found in places
completely filled with mortar or grout.
where extra support is needed to prevent the earth
from moving downhill with erosion. The most basic
function of a retaining wall is to battle gravity; the
lateral force of the slope must be offset in the
retaining wall's design
Hollow bricks
 are an Eco-friendly construction material that is
manufactured by recycled waste and materials
like coal ash, rice husk, and fly ash.
3. Cavity Walls
 It is a wall constructed in 2 leaves / skins with a
space / cavity between them. A type of building
wall construction consisting of an outer wall
fastened to inner wall separated by an air space.
Cavity walls helps to prevent the penetration of
rain to the internal surface of the wall.
4. Shear Wall
 Shear walls are a framed wall designed to resist 8. Faced Wall
lateral forces. It is a vertical elements of the  Faced walls has the facing and backing of two
horizontal force resisting system. It is used to resist different materials are bonded together to ensure
wind and earthquake loading on a building. It is common action under load.
typically a wood frame stud walls covered with a 9. Wall cladding
structural sheathing material like plywood.
Shear concrete wall  Wall cladding means that the exterior of a building
is covered with panels of a different material than
 What is a Shear Wall? Shear wall is a structural the cover-up. To maintain the structure, frame and
member in a reinforced concrete framed structure exterior walls of a building, certain panel systems
to resist lateral forces such as wind forces. Shear are applied. The panels are installed over other
walls are generally used in high-rise buildings materials used in construction.
subject to lateral wind and seismic forces.  Wall cladding
5. Partition Wall 10. Glass wall cladding
 Partition wall is an interior non-load bearing wall to  The beauty of glass as a wall material is that it can
divide the larger space into smaller spaces. The withstand the elements and look stunning in the
heights of a partition wall depends on the use process. Unlike other materials, glass can weather
which may be one storey or part of one storey. the elements when used for exterior applications
These walls are made up of glass, fiber boards or and take on the bumps and scrapes from interior
brick masonry. applications as well.
 Partitions are non-load bearing walls that separate  Decorative glass can be used as part of a wall
spaces in buildings. As well as spatial division, they cladding system or can be applied in the
can provide; privacy, acoustic and fire separation traditional method in virtually any space to create
and flexibility of layout. Partition walls can be solid, a long-lasting, low-maintenance solution that's as
typically constructed from blockwork, or can be a tough as it is beautiful.
framed construction What is Steel Reinforcement?

 Partition wall is an interior non-load bearing wall  Steel reinforcement are steel bars that are
6. Panel Wall provided in combination with plain cement
 Panel wall is generally made of wood and is an concrete to make it reinforced concrete. Hence
exterior non-load bearing wall in framed these structures form steel reinforced cement
construction. It is used for aesthetics of the buildings concrete structure (R.C.C). Steel reinforcement is
both inside and outside. It remains totally commonly called as ‘rebars’.
supported at each storey but subjected to lateral Need for Steel Reinforcement
7. Veneered Walls  Plain concrete is weak in tension and strong in
 Masonry veneer walls is a single non-structural compression. Tensile property for concrete
external masonry wall made of brick, stone or structures is obtained by incorporating steel
manufactured stone. It has an air space behind reinforcement. The steel reinforcement is strong in
and is called as anchored veneer. both tension and compression. The tensile property
 a wall having a facing which is not attached and provided by the steel reinforcement will prevent
bonded to the backing so as to form an integral and minimize concrete cracks under tension loads.
part of the wall  The surface of the steel reinforcement bars is
patterned to have a proper bond with the
surrounding concrete material. The two main
factors that provide strength to the concrete
structures are steel and concrete. The design
engineer will combine both the elements and
design the structural element such a way that the
steel resists the induced tensile and shear force,
while the concrete takes up the compressive
Advantages of Steel Reinforcement PRECAST CONCRETE WALL Materials

 Compatibility with Concrete: The fresh concrete is 1. Aggregates

placed on the formwork mold already prepared 2. Mould or Form
with reinforcement. The steel reinforcement won’t 3. Reinforcement
float in concrete during the concrete placing 4. Welded Wire Mesh
procedure. Hence, steel reinforcement does not
demand special tying up with formworks. PRECAST CONCRETE WALL Production
 Robustness of Steel Reinforcement: The steel bars
are robust in nature that they have the ability to 1. production starts with a mix of aggregates
withstand the rigors, the wear and tear during the
2. the mixed aggregates will pour into mixer
construction activities.
 Bent Property of Steel Reinforcement: The steel bars 3. prepares the casting form or moulds with
once manufactured to standard size, it can be reinforcement & welded wire mesh
bent to the required specifications. Hence
fabricated steel bars are delivered easily at the 4. pour the concrete into the casting form, add foam
site. insulation
 Recycling Property: The steel reinforced left over
5. it is cured in a controlled environment – usually at a
after the service life of a structure is recycled again
and used for new construction.
 Easily Available: Every region of a country will have 6. Once finished, the precast concrete is transported to a
a steel supplier or manufacturer. Hence steel construction site and now ready to use
reinforcement is easily available.
Disadvantages of Steel Reinforcement
1. Bolted Connections
 Reactive Nature of Steel Reinforcement: In
The bolted connections are a simplified and fastest
concrete structures where the cover is small and
method of erection operation. The final alignment and
subjected to external moisture and salt action, the
adjustment can be made later without tying up crane
reinforcement undergoes reaction and starts to
corrode. These can lessen the strength of concrete
and finally to failure. 2. Welded Connections
 Expensive: The cost of steel reinforcement in high.
This will increase the cost of construction. The welded connections are the most common and
 Melts at high temperature: At higher temperatures, typical connection used in the erection of precast
the steel reinforcement may melt. This is the reason concrete. These connections are structurally efficient and
why the steel reinforcement are tied up and not adjust easily to varying field conditions.
FOR A CHB WALL: In a dowel connection, the strength of dowels in tension
END or shear depends on dowel diameter, embedded length,
and the bond developed. The threaded anchor bolts
WALL PANEL SYSTEM and rebar anchor dowels that protrude from the
Precast concrete walls are constructed by casting foundation are the critical first connection to precast
concrete in a reusable wall mould or form, cured in a members
controlled environment, transported to the construction
site, and lifted into place. The primary function of the PRECAST CONCRETE WALL Finishes
precast concrete wall is to speed up the construction
process. 1. As-cast
2. Acid-Etched
1. Cladding or Curtain Walls The cladding or curtain
3. Abrasive Blasted
walls are the most widely used precast wall for
building envelopes. They are non-load bearing 4. Exposed Aggregate
walls intended to oppose the wind and encase 5. Polishing
the space. 6. Veneers
2. Load-Bearing Wall Load-bearing wall units 7. Forms & Formliners
oppose and exchange loads from different 8. Painting & Staining
components and cannot be removed or
dismantled without influencing the quality or
dependability of the building
3. Shear Wall Shear walls are utilized to give a
parallel load opposing framework when joined
with the stomach activity of the floor
PRECAST CONCRETE WALL Advantages minimum possible extent.

1. Saves Construction Time: Precast Concrete COST

construction saves time; the risk of project delay
Precast Concrete Wall
is also less. The precast concrete casting can be carried
on simultaneously with other works on This kind of concrete wall is around 23%

site such as earthwork,survey,etc.and thus saves time. cheaper than poured concrete. It costs

2. Quality Assurance: The key factors which regulate the anywhere from $1,600 and $8,000 or an
quality of construction such as curing,
average of $4,800. The materials cost
temperature,mix design,formwork,etc.can be monitored
approximately $20 to $30 per square
for Precast Concrete.
foot,not includinglabor.
3. Usage of Prestressed Concrete: By using pre-stressed
precast, structural materials of high $4,800 = P251,354.40
strength and load-bearing capacity can be achieved, $20 to $30 per square foot = P1,047.91
which can result in greater clear span,
- P1,570.97
reduced size of the cross-section of structural
members,etc. Poured Concrete Wall

4. Cost-effective: The simplified construction process A poured concrete wall averages $7,001 for
reduces the time, increases the
homeowners around the country, with most
productivity,quality and safety and thus the cost is
reduced. people paying between $2,768 and $11,510.

5. Durability: Precast Concrete structure has a longer You might pay anywhere from $932 to
service time period and minimal $25,000 depending on the size, materials,
maintenance. The high-density Precast concrete is more design and overall labor.
durable to acid attack, corrosion,
$7,001 = P366,789.39
impact, reduces surfacevoids and resists the
accumulation of dust. $30 and $40 per linear foot = P1,570.97 -

6. Aesthetics: As the structures are prefabricated in a P2,094.62

controlled factory environment, several
combinationsof colors and textures can be used.
Structural insulated panels are composed of
7. Safe Construction Platform: No raw materials have to
be stocked in site for Precast Concrete an insulated foam core between two rigid

construction. It reduces the requirement of traditional board sheathing materials.

formworks and props, wastage, workers,
• Engineered panels used to construct walls,
etc.and thus provides a safe working platform
ceilings, and floors.
• Panels are manufactured in various sizes or
1.If not properly handled,the precast units may be
dimensions, with thicknesses ranging from
damaged during transport.
4 to 8 inches.
2.It becomes difficult to produce satisfactory connections
between the precast members. Became popular in the commercial construction market
in the
3. It is necessary to arrange for special equipment for
liftingand moving of the precast units. 1970s, when manufacturers started marketing these
products as
4. The economy achieved in precast construction is
partially balanced by the amount to be an alternative to standard framing methods using
spent in transport and handling of precast members. It
becomes therefore necessary to locate lumber.
the precast factory at such a place that transport and
handling charges are brought down to the
• Can also be manufactured in larger sizes for insulated panels
custom work, but
“Greener" than other types of
these larger panels may require a crane for installation.
SIPs because they are
• SIPs can handle dead loads of about 10 pounds
per square foot manufactured using

(PSF) and live loads up to 70 PSF. renewable and recycled

• They can be used as walls and can span as waste agricultural straw.
much as 18 feet with no
Although environmentally
additional support.
friendly, it does not produce
the high R-values compared
Panels have many uses, including internal and external
to other types of SIPs.
floors, and roof surfaces.
Polyurethane or polyisocyanurate insulated panels
Roof trusses can be eliminated, which allows living
space beneath Usually manufactured as 3.5-inch-thick panels for walls,
and panels
the roof.
up to 7.5 inches thick for ceilings.
Structurally superior to traditional wood framing—
stronger and Polyurethane and polyisocyanurate SIPs have a
nominal R-value of
less susceptible to shifting.
around R-6 to R-7 per inch of thickness.
SIP-constructed buildings are roughly 50 percent more
energy This type of SIP panel is more expensive than EPS
panels, but it is
efficient than those constructed with traditional framing.
more resistant to water and fire and has a higher R-value.
Equivalent U-values can be achieved with thinner walls.
Benefits for Architects and Designers
SIP panels can be combined with other building
materials, such as SIPs offer more creative freedom without the constraints
of conventional building materials.
brick, block, stone, tiles, slate, wood, steel, and glass.
It is easier to create full CAD drawings.

SIPs can be used in many different commercial and

Panel Types
Expanded polystyrene
applications and are compatible with other forms of
insulated panels construction.

Majority of SIPs are being Buildings built with traditional framing can easily be
supplemented or
manufactured using
remodeled using SIPs
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
Benefits for Contractors
foam board insulation, a
Use of SIPs can shorten construction time by two to
closed-cell type of insulation. three times.

Total R-value for these panels Less supervision is required on the building site.

can be as high as 13.8. EPS No specialized tools are required.

panels are available in sizes Estimating costs is a simple, more accurate proce

ranging between 4 and 24

feet in width Benefits for Users / Residents

Compressed straw-core SIP roof systems eliminate the need for trusses, allowing
space under
the roof to serve as usable living space. resilient exhibiting energy efficiency

SIPs allow a home or office to be constructed much and cost effectiveness applicable for
faster than is
residential and industrial/commercial
possible with traditional framing.
Labor costs are reduced when compared to traditional
framing. PalmEco Wall Insulated Panel (WIP) System

Energy bills can be reduced as much 50 to 60 percent A sandwich-type insulated wall panel
in a building
system that consists of constructiongrade EPS (extruded
constructed with structural insulated panels. polystyrene) and

Buildings constructed with SIPs are considerably quieter standard Palmeco boards on both
than with
sides that promotes fire resistance,
traditional framing. SIPs can be an important element in
and sound and heat insulations.
soundproofing design.
The W.I.P. System is ideal as interior
Local Manufacturer s/Brands
and exterior walls and for efficient
ECOWALL Structural Insulated Panels
installation of electrical and plumbing
ECOWALL Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) is a structural
ready-toinstall composite panel with an insulating EPS
foam core and calcium PalmecoWall Insulated Panels are available in 4 sizes:
silicate boards. 9mm x 3″EPS x 9mm –Walling Application (Php 1,300/sqm)
ECOWALL is roughly 1/3 lighter than walls made of 9mm x 3″EPS x 12mm – Walling Application (Php
hollow blocks, 1,350/sqm)
and faster to install, thereby relieving the building load 12mm x 3″EPS x 12mm – Walling Application (Php
and reducing 1,400/sqm)
construction time and cost. PalmecoGeopolymer Panels (9mm x 82mm Geopolymer
x 9mm) – (Php
It has a slim body that greatly
3,100 @ 4ft x 8ft with butterfly studs)
increases the size of the usable area
and a solid core that can bear more
Historyof straw bale construction
than 50kg weight at a single entry
The history of straw bale construction has a strong
foundation in the 1700’s, but dates much further back in
90mm x 2440mm x 610mm (85kg.)
Africa during the Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age).
and 125mm x 2440mm x 60mm
Straw bale construction is a relatively sustainable
construction method, with straw being a renewable
material that is readily available.
Structural Insulated Panels
Straw bales also have high insulation qualities, keeping
A structural sandwich panel that
consists of a high-density expanded
building warm in winter and cool in summer, with R-values
polystyrene (eps) core material
between 40 and 60 when built correctly.
bonded between two high-strength
Straw bales construction also has some favorable
facing materials consisting of aesthetic

cellulose based fiber cement boards. qualities, creating thick walls which allow for window
Extremely strong and weather
and shelves, as well as lending itself to numerous
architectural styles. 100% biodegradable.

STRAW BALE Construction Techniques Properly-constructed straw bale

A capillary break or moisture barrier is walls can offer better fire

inserted between the supporting platform and resistance than timber

the bales. frame construction.

Pins made of bamboo or timber can be used to The thickness of straw bale walls can

tie bale walls together, or surface wire mesh help reflect sunlight into a room at

can be used. openings and

The bale wall is then stuccoed provide space for window seats.

or plastered using either a lime-based Disadvantages:

formulation or earth/clay render, depending on Straw dust can cause breathing

the local climatic conditions. difficulties for people with allergies.

Straw bales can be designed to provide loadbearing Unless straw bales can be sourced from
structural support to a building, as well
near the construction site, the cost of
as lateral and shear resistance to wind and
transporting them can be high.
seismic loads.
Not a conventional building material,
They can also be designed to serve as
familiarity among builders,
an insulation substrate, with a separate, loadbearing
structural frame, typically made and building regulations approval can

from timber. present obstacles to use.

STRAW BALE Application Moisture and mold are significant risks.

Fire is also a risk.

Wall thicknesses mean that more of

the building’s overall floor space is


Care must be taken to keep rodents

and other small animals from

infiltrating straw bales

during construction.
STRAW BALE Advantages & Disadvantages WOOD PANEL
Advantages: Wood panel products are flat or curved sheets made
from wood-based materials that are bonded together
Insulation values of R-30 - R-60 can be
with an adhesive. Panels are typically made of veneer,
achieved. strands, particles or fibers and bonded with a synthetic or
other adhesive cured using heat and pressure.
Made from a low-cost byproduct.
The most commonly produced wood panel products
Relatively easy and cost-efficient to are

install. plywood, oriented strand board, particleboard, and

Low-embodied energy. fiberboard. Other wood-based composite materials may

With good maintenance, straw bale be produced in panel form for specialized applications.

construction is very durable.


Types of Wood Wall Paneling 2.Measure and cut.Measure from the underside of the
• Wainscot Paneling
to ¼ inch below the top of the foundation.
• Board and Batten
3.Leave gaps when installing boards. keep a ¼-inch gap
• Bead board Paneling
between the vertical boards as you attach them to the
• Microperforated Panel furring
Wainscot Paneling strips.
Wainscot is a design that panels 4.Add a top trim board. Once the vertical boards are in
only a part of the wall, but not up to place, install a top trim board (using battens), positioned
its full height. The boards usually horizontally and butted tightly against the soffit.
finish with a border called a “cap”, 5.Attach the battens. The battens should butt tightly
which comes in different designs.
the top trim board and be flush at the bottom with the
Applied to the lower portion of a
wall, especially in the dining room,
vertical boards.
living room, or entryway
Bead Board

Beadboard is a style of wood paneling characterized

by long, continuous vertical grooves and raised beads
spaced every inch or two.

Beadboard is found in individual boards, each about

32 to 48 inches long by 3 to 4 inches wide (400.00) .Also,
beadboard can be purchased in large panels as long as
8 linear feet (1200.00) that help expedite the installation
Board and Batten

The most traditional style of wall paneling, mostly used INSTALLATION

1. Draw Layout Line. Pencil a layout line on the wall using
exteriors. Board and Batten is a type of wainscoting that
the level's underside as your guide.
has alternating wide boards and narrow wooden strips
2.Start at a Corner. Start a wainscot installation where it's
called “battens.” Board and batten may be installed most visible, and try to end it where it's least conspicuous.
vertically or horizontally on interiors or exteriors. It offers 3.Glue and Nail. Apply 4 or 5 horizontal stripes of
adhesive, each about a foot or two long.
a modern look and adds value to a plain wall.
4.Nail up Beadboard Planks Press wood into adhesive
and toenail the tongue, top and bottom

5.Mark Miter-Cut on Cap Rails. Cut the first miter, then use
that rail to mark the angled cut on the adjoining cap rail.
Join the two rails at the corner with glue and compressed
wood biscuits.

6.Nail on Cap Rail.Nail cap into edge of beadboard with

finishing nails.

INSTALLATION 7.Attach Moldings At outside corners, join moldings with

miters. On inside corners, use cope joints, which stay tight
1. Install furring strips.Install horizontal furring strips, as wood moves.

which provide a structural frame on which to attach the Microperforated wood wall panels control noise with 0.55
mm perforations that disappear from a normal viewing
boards. Furring strips can be made by attaching 1×4 distance.
 Wooden Perforated Decorative Acoustic Panel has INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS (ICFs) Definition & Raw
strong selection on sound absorption spectrum. It has Materials
good sound absorption effect of medium and high
frequency can be improved with acoustic cotton filled Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
behind the panel cavity. Perforated hole diameter and
o ICF is an innovative building material that is typically
distance can be adjusted according to customer
made of blocks of polystyrene foam with space in
between, reinforced with steel rebars, and then filled with
Wall Covering Panels: concrete.

 Used plates are often 2400x1200mm, 2400x600mm and o Blocks are made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
1200x60mm.(16mm thick)
o Ties or webs that interconnect the two layers of
Material insulated forming material can be plastic, metal, or
additional projections of the insulations
 MDF fiberboard panels in standard or fireproof versions.
o Block sizes are typically 16 in. by 48 in. long
 Surface Finish - raw, plywood, or varnished
o Cavities are commonly 6 in. to 8 in. wide
o Foam faces thickness ranges from 1 7/8 in. to 2 3/4 in.



Sound Absorption




Multifunction hall 1. Plan the outline block and the location of door and
2. Place the first corner block on each corner
Conference Room
a. Use zip-ties on the corner webs to connect the block
3. Install the second course of clock by reversing the
•USD 45-100 per squaremeter corner block

•PHP 5000 per squaremeter 4. Install the windows and doors

WOOD WALL PANELING Pros & Cons 5. Install following courses of block

ADVANTAGES 6. Install alignment bracing around the entire wall

Improved Insulation 7. Pour the concrete into the stacked walls using boom
Enhanced Durability
8. Use a mechanical pencil vibrator to internally vibrate
9. For foundation only. Place L shape anchor bolts into
Easy to Install the concrete
Elegant Appearance top
DISADVANTAGES 10.Remove the bracing after the concrete has cured
Deformation For owners:
Maintenance o Outstanding durability and resilience
Susceptible to temperature o Low maintenance since it is mold, rot, mildew,
change and insect resistant
Can be expensive o Superior sound dampening qualities (STC
rating of 51+) NUDURA ICF vs. WOOD FRAMING

o Survive natural disasters better than those built

with traditional construction methods (perform

well in flooding)

o Energy efficient (well-sealed; with no thermal


o Reduce monthly energy bills

o Assumed to have a 100-year service life

o Ensure up to 4-hours fire rating

o Serve as vapor retardants

o High thermal mass


For contractors and builders:

o Fast and easy construction due to stackable

forms and universal interlocks

o Needing fewer workers to install

o Light weight for easy shipping and erection

Steel Reinforced ConcreteWall Panel (SRCs)
o Availability of multiple form options
SRCs or Steel-reinforced concrete is meant to use the
o Compatible with any carpenter trades with compressive strength of concrete with the tensile strength
of steel to carry heavy loads. The ready availability of raw
multiple finishes materials with which it is formed make it the most widely
used structural material available.
For the environment:
It is a composite sandwich type structural panel
o Save about 110 tons of CO2 compared to composed of high tensile wires welded together, an EPS
core or an expanded polystyrene, and concrete panels
traditional wood frame home
for its exterior faces.
What is an EPS?
For owners:
Also known as expanded polystyrene, it is a lightweight
o More expensive than conventional processes cellular plastic material that consists of small and hollow
spherical balls that are expanded through a molding
o Remodeling is difficult process in factories to create a cost effective and highly
efficient material.
For contractor and builders:
Other advantages to
o Stricter construction standards
using EPS include:
o Many new ICFs may not be able to incorporate
rebar reinforcement
Energy Efficiency
Applicable Finishes for Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Walls are ready for any exterior and interior finishes Thermal resistance

No growth of bacteria

Low cost


• Complex construction as it

involved hanging nets.

• Toxic and ordinary Finishes

polystyrene foam insulation the SRC wall panel can be finished manually or with a
spray bucket.
board is easy to burn.
• These panels alone need
For spreading the mortar, skimming float or wood float is
strengthening treatment best suitable tool. Hence, smooth and levelled surface is
Light weight and economical
Rough cast finish is also called as spatter dash finish.
Good seismic and wind resistance
Usually this type of plaster finish is preferred for external
Good thermal and acoustic insulation renderings.

Reduced structural member size SAND FACED FINISH

Allow more flexibility with design To get sand faced finish two coats of plastering is
required. The screened sand is applied on the second
DISADVANTAGES coat using skimming float or wooden float. Finally, sand
faced finish with uniform grain size of sand is obtained.
Corrosion of steel is one of the most prominent
After plastering pebbles of size 10mm to 20mm are
processes in steel-reinforced concrete. dashed on to the plastered surface. Then press them into
Melts at high temperature the plastered surface using wooden float slowly. After
hardening they provide aesthetic appearance to the
Expensive structure.


1. The steel wire rods are stretched and made stronger. Apply final coat of 6 to 12 mm thickness and allowed it to
dry. After some time using steel blade or plate scrap the
2. These are then made into mesh frames that sandwich plastered layer up to 3mm depth. Scrapped finish is less
the EPS liable to cracks.
3. The EPS core is made, expanded and cut into specific Textured finish is obtained from the stucco plastering in
which different textures or shapes are made on the final
coat using suitable tools.
4. The two are welded together with steel wires.

Beam structures
1. Place dowels in between polystyrene and wire mesh .  Beam structures are an important type of structural
element that play a prominent role in how weight is
2. Tighten dowels transferred and ensures that a building's foundation is
firmly planted in the ground.
a) If in between footing and wall panels, tighten using GI
What is beam structure?
 A beam structure, sometimes simply referred to as a
b) If in between panels, use flat mesh. beam, is a type of structure used in construction to
provide a safe and efficient load path that effectively
3. Plaster (3 layers) distributes weight throughout the foundation of a
PLASTERING  These beams support the load by resisting being bent
1st layer – only cover the polystyrene under the load's pressure. Beams resist this force in a
lateral way as the force is applied to the axis.
2nd layer – after letting it dry overnight, apply plaster that  In most situations, the load distribution pattern
will cover the mesh includes a slab, beam, column and foundation. This
means that the beam is inserted below the foundation
3rd layer – after the final layer is applied, this can now be and column to provide more comprehensive support
finished with either a rough or smooth surface throughout the structure.

The primary purposes of beam structure include:

•Offsetting shear forces and/or beam momentum
•Resisting loads What Is a Grade Beam?
•Distributing loads in a uniform fashion  Grade beams serve two purposes:
•Uniting the structure together  it acts as a beam that carries the foundation load
while simultaneously bracing the foundation. Unlike a
Beam Reinforcements spread footing, which primarily supports the
 Main bars: This type of reinforcement is used to carry foundation via latitudinal reinforcement, grade
loads. beams utilize longitudinal reinforcement for the bulk of
 Support bars: A support bar is a reinforcement that is its weight-supporting bearing.
set in the top part of the beam and works to hold the  The beams essentially act as connectors between
beam's stirrups in place. footings and pile caps. The footings, meanwhile,
 Stirrups: This type of reinforcement is used to offset the transfer the building’s load to deeper parts of the soil
shear force or shear stresses of the structure. or to the bearing points.
 The purpose of tie beams is to connect pile caps
together. Unlike tie beams, grade beams carry walls
What is a Plinth Beam and its Purpose in a Building? and other loads. For this reason, grade beams are
larger than tie beams. After construction of pile caps
 Plinth beam is a reinforced concrete beam or column footings, the next step is to construct tie
constructed between the wall and its foundation. beams and grade beams.
Plinth beam is provided to prevent the extension or
propagation of cracks from the foundation into the Differences between Plinth and Grade beam:
wall above when the foundation suffers from
settlement.  Plinth beam acts as a framed structure provided
 Plinth beams distributes the load of the wall over the above or below ground level.
foundation evenly. It is mandatory to provide plinth  It bears all the weight of construction on top of it.
beam in areas that prone to earthquake. Plinths reduce the length of the columns thereby
 A minimum depth of plinth beam is 20cm whereas its reducing their effective length. It is also called ground
width should match the width of final course of the floor level.
foundation.  The plinth beams are used, to avoid differential
Tie beam  Grade beams are stronger than the plinth beams.
 The beam which connects two or more Grade beam utilizes less amount of concrete as
columns/rafters in a roof/ roof truss or in any height compared to the standard beams.
above floor level is called tie beam
What is the purpose of a tie beam? Types of beam structure

 The main function of the tie-beam is to act as a length  1.Continuous beams

breaker for the column when the ceiling height is
greater than the normal height.  A continuous beam is one that has two or more
 In such situations, a tie-beam joins the columns to supports that reinforce the beam. These supports are
reduce their efficient size and slenderness ratio. used under and between the beams and are typically
vertical in nature. Continuous beams are thought to
Tie Beam be more economical when compared to other beam

 2.Simply supported beams

 Simply supported beams are those that have supports

at both end of the beam. These are most frequently
utilized in general construction and are very versatile
in terms of the types of structures that they can be
used with. A simply support beam has no moment
resistant at the support area and is placed in a way
What is the purpose of a concrete grade beam? that allows for free rotation at the ends on columns or
 Grade beams are used to connect column
foundations together, whether the columns are  3.Fixed beams
supported on individual spread footings, individual
piles, or pile groups. Trenches in the soil will act as  A fixed beam is one that is fixed on both ends of the
forms for reinforced concrete grade beams. beam with supports. This type of beam does not allow
 Grade Beam is a beam that is built at Grade level for bending moment production and will not have
(earth level) mostly used to buildings with piles and to any vertical movement or rotation. Fixed beams are
connect pile caps to each other. Grade Beams are most frequently used in trusses and similar structures.
reinforced concrete members which are constructed
to act as horizontal ties between footings or pile caps.
 4.Overhanging beams
Column Ties
 An overhanging beam is one that is supported at two
different areas, typically at one end and in the middle
of the beam, but does not have a support at the
other end of the beam, leaving it hanging. This type of
beam extends beyond the walls or columns and the
overhanging section of the beam is unsupported. An
overhanging beam is a combination of a simply
supported beam and a cantilever beam.
Composite Beams
 5.Cantilever beam
 A cantilever beam is one that is free-hanging at one
end of the beam and fixed at the other. This type of
beam is capable of carrying loads with both bending
moment and sheer stress and is typically used when
building bridge trusses or similar structures. The end
that is fixed is typically attached to a column or wall.
The tension zone of a cantilever beam is found at the
top of the beam with the compression at the bottom
of the beam Classification of Column Based On Slenderness

 Short Compression Block or Pedestals

COLUMN  A pedestal is a compression member having a height
 less than three times its least lateral dimension.
 What is Column? Pedestals need not be reinforced and may be
designed with plain concrete.
 Columns are defined as vertical load-bearing
members supporting axial compressive loads chiefly.  Short Reinforced Column
 This structural member is used to transmit the load of  The slenderness ratio (ratio of effective length to the
the structure to the foundation. In reinforced concrete least lateral dimension) is less than 12 in the short
buildings beams, floors, and columns are cast reinforced column.
monolithically.  Short columns fail due to crushing or yielding of the
 The bending action in the column may produce steel bars.
tensile forces over a part of cross-section.  The loads that a short column may support depend
 Still, columns are called compression members on the dimension of cross-section and the strength of
because compressive forces dominate their behavior. materials.
 Short columns show a little flexibility.
Types of Columns
 Long Reinforced Column
 Based on Loading  The slenderness ratio exceeds 12 in long columns. This
• Axially Loaded Columns type of column is also known as the slender column.
• Eccentrically Loaded Columns: Uniaxial  As the slenderness increases, bending deformation
• Eccentrically Loaded Columns: Biaxial increases.
 Long column fails due to buckling effect which
Classification of Column Based On Column Ties reduces load-bearing capacity.

Tied Column Classification of Column Based on Construction Materials

In the tied column, the longitudinal bars are tied together
with smaller bars. These smaller bars are spaced at  Reinforced Concrete Column
uniform intervals up the column. Steel ties in column  Reinforced concrete columns are the most widely
confine the main longitudinal bars. Over 95 percent of all used columns for framed structure. This type of column
columns in buildings in non-seismic regions are tied is composed of concrete as a matrix. The steel frame
columns. is embedded in concrete.
 Concrete carries the compressive load and
Spiral Column reinforcement resists tensile load. The reinforcing
Spiral columns contain spirals to hold the main materials can be made of steel, polymers, or alternate
longitudinal reinforcement. Spiral is spring type composite materials.
reinforcement. The main bars are placed in a circle and  For a strong, ductile, and durable construction the
ties are replaced by spirals. Spiral columns are used when reinforcement needs to have some properties such as
high strength and/or high ductility are required. Because thermal compatibility, high resistance to tensile stress,
the spiral acts to resist the lateral expansion of the column good bond to concrete, anti-corrosive, etc.
bars under high axial loads. The main bars are placed in
a circle and ties are replaced by spirals. Spiral columns
are used more extensively in seismic regions
 Composite Column
 Composite columns are constructed using various
combinations of structural steel and concrete.
 The interactive and integral behavior of concrete
and the structural steel elements makes the
composite column a very stiff, more ductile, cost-
effective, and consequently a structurally efficient
member in building and bridge construction.
 This type of column has great fire and corrosion
resistance also.

Composite Columns
 Steel, Timber, Brick Column

 Steel columns are made of steel entirely. These

columns are used in aircraft manufacturing
warehouses, indoor shipyards, etc.
 Timber columns are made of wood timber. They
provide an aesthetic appearance creating a feeling
of space and openness. Timber columns are designed
for housebuilders, reception areas, and refurbishment
 Brick columns are found in masonry structures. They
can be reinforced with concrete to increase strength
or can be unreinforced. Brick columns can be a
round-shaped, rectangle, or square, or elliptical in

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