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Project Applied Technology Resubmission

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Table of Contents

Question 1
1.1 In light of the given scenario, evaluate how the application of Microsoft Project
contributed to the formulation of a project plan.

1.2 Provide evidence of a project built using MS Project.

Question 2
Key Features and Adverse Impact
2.1. Discuss the key features of Microsoft Project 2016 (that are relevant to project
management), that contributed to the success of the restaurant project.

2.2.Mention adverse effects of not using the features mentioned in 2.1 effectively. 3.
MS Project Reports.

Question 3
3.1 Elaborate on the different methods available in Microsoft Project 2016 for
generating project reports, and how these methods were utilised by the restaurants'
project managers for tracking and communicating project progress..

3.2 Provide a detail description of FIVE (5) reports that the restaurants’ project
managers mayhave drawn from utilising MS Project 2016.

Question 1


A major contribution to the creation of the project plan for the new restaurant was the
use of Microsoft Project. An assessment of Microsoft Project's contribution to this
process is presented in this essay.

Task Identification and Sequencing: Microsoft Project made it easier to divide the
project up into manageable chunks and made sure that every part of the restaurant was
taken care of. The tasks were organised in a logical order to provide a project
timetable. Understanding the work flow was made easier by the Gantt chart
perspective, which gave these tasks a visual representation (Masiba, 2023).

Task Dependencies: The business owner was able to create relationships between
tasks by using Microsoft Project's task dependency feature. This reduced delays and
promoted effective progress by guaranteeing that tasks were finished in the right
order. The project plan became more realistic and structured by identifying
dependencies (Masiba, 2023).

Resource Allocation: Microsoft Project made it easier to allocate resources effectively

by giving the business owner the ability to designate people and supplies to particular
activities. By ensuring that the required resources were available when needed,
bottlenecks were avoided, and production was maximised. Allocating resources
helped control costs and make sure the project didn't go over budget (Masiba, 2023).

Progress Tracking: The business owner was able to keep an eye on the project's
advancement in real time thanks to Microsoft Project. The business owner might
monitor real progress versus the timetable by modifying task statuses and timelines.
Because of this, any deviations from the plan may be promptly identified, allowing
for the proactive mitigation of risks and resolution of concerns (Masiba, 2023).

Risk Management: Microsoft Project assisted the business owner in proactive risk
management by identifying potential delays and risks, as well as by providing
visibility into the project's status. This allowed the business owner to anticipate

problems and take action before they became more serious, hence reducing the impact
on the project's timeline and budget (Masiba, 2023).

Reporting: The business owner was able to create detailed reports that summarised
the project's progress thanks to Microsoft Project's reporting features. Key
performance indicators including work completion rates, resource usage, and
budgetary performance were all discussed in these reports. The firm owner could
make well-informed decisions and implement appropriate corrective measures by
examining these reports (Masiba, 2023).


In conclusion, the development of the project plan for the new restaurant was greatly
aided by the use of Microsoft Project. The business owner was able to plan, execute,
and monitor the project successfully with Microsoft Project's tools for task
identification, sequencing, resource allocation, progress tracking, risk management,
and reporting. This allowed the restaurant to open on schedule and within budget.


[Accessed 05 May 2024].

Question 2



The restaurant project was successful because of the following important features that
Microsoft Project 2016 offers:

Gantt Chart View: This feature, which is one of the most important ones, helps
business owners plan and organise tasks efficiently so that the restaurant project
moves forward smoothly. It gives project managers a visual representation of the
project schedule and shows the order of tasks, their durations, and their dependencies
(Microsoft, n.d.).

Task Dependencies: Finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, and start-to-finish

dependencies can all be defined between tasks in Microsoft Project. By guaranteeing
that actions are carried out in the proper order, this feature reduces delays and
guarantees effective resource utilisation. Task dependencies for the restaurant project
made sure that important things like hiring staff and getting permits came before
construction (Microsoft, n.d.).

Resource Allocation: Using Microsoft Project, users can assign materials, equipment,
and human resources to various tasks. Throughout the course of the project, this
feature makes sure that resources are used efficiently. The business owner used
resource allocation for the restaurant project to manage budgetary limits, assign staff
to specific duties, and acquire necessary equipment and ingredients (Microsoft, n.d.).

Monitoring and Tracking: Microsoft Project has features for keeping tabs on the
status of tasks, such as Remaining Work, Actual Start/Finish dates, and % Complete.
These features allow project managers to keep an eye on the status of their work, spot
delays, and take remedial action. The business owner could make sure the restaurant
project kept on budget and on schedule by monitoring progress (Microsoft, n.d.).

Reporting: Gantt charts, resource consumption reports, variance reports, and other
reports can all be generated using Microsoft Project's powerful reporting features.

Stakeholders can make educated decisions by using the insights these reports give
them about the performance of the project. The restaurant project's reporting tools
enabled the owner of the company to keep stakeholders informed about
developments, spot possible hazards, and make necessary adjustments on time
(Microsoft, n.d.).

Customisation and Integration: Project templates, views, and reports can all be
tailored by users of Microsoft Project to meet their own requirements. It also easily
connects with other Microsoft Office programmes, like Word, Excel, and Outlook,
which promotes communication and data sharing. Customisation and integration
features improved output and facilitated team member communication for the
restaurant project (Microsoft, n.d.).

The successful completion of the restaurant project was made possible by these
essential Microsoft Project 2016 features, which made it possible to plan, carry out,
monitor, and report on projects effectively.


If Microsoft Project 2016's essential elements are not used successfully in the context
of the restaurant project, there may be serious consequences.

Poor Planning and Organisation: The project team may find it difficult to produce a
well-organized project plan if they do not make use of tools such as task dependencies
and the Gantt chart view. This can result in misunderstandings about the order of
tasks, which would cause delays, waste of resources, and rework.

Resource Misallocation: If the project team does not make appropriate use of
Microsoft Project's resource allocation capability, ineffective resource allocation may
result. This could result in resource underuse or overallocation, which would affect
productivity and even cause project delays or budget overruns.

Lack of Progress Tracking: Project managers may find it difficult to compare the
project's actual progress to the projected timeline if they do not properly track and
monitor utilising Microsoft Project's tracking features. Due to this lack of visibility, it
may be difficult to see problems early and take appropriate action, which could lead
to missed deadlines or poor quality problems.

Inaccurate Reporting: Project reports that are not complete or accurate can be the
result of improper usage of Microsoft Project's reporting features. In the absence of
prompt and thorough reporting, stakeholders might not have the knowledge needed to
make wise judgements, which could result in miscommunication, disagreements, or
subpar tactical decisions.

Communication Breakdown: Project team members' ability to communicate and work

together may be hampered by a failure to take advantage of customisation and
integration features. This might lead to misunderstandings, redundant work, and a
lack of coordination, which would cause delays in projects, inefficiencies, and
stakeholder unhappiness.

Risk Escalation: Project risks may increase if Microsoft Project's tools are not used to
properly detect and manage risks. Unexpected problems could occur without
proactive risk management, which would impede project progress, raise expenses, and
put the project's success in jeopardy.


In summary, there are a number of negative outcomes that can arise from improper
use of Microsoft Project 2016's features, including higher project risks, resource
shortages, budget overruns, and delays in project completion. These repercussions
may eventually jeopardise the restaurant project's success and erode the business
owner's faith in project management procedures.

Question 3



There are multiple ways to generate project reports in Microsoft Project 2016, each
with a particular audience and purpose. These techniques were employed by the
restaurant project managers to efficiently monitor and convey project progress. An
explanation of the various techniques and how to apply them is provided below:

Built-in Reports: Standardised views of project data are provided by a number of

built-in reports that Microsoft Project 2016 delivers. Tasks, resources, expenses, and
progress are all included in these reports. Right from the software, project managers
can create reports like the Task Summary, Resource Overview, Cost Overview, and
Milestone Report. These reports provide a concise overview of the state of the project
and are helpful for internal team communication and frequent project status updates
(Microsoft, n.d.).

Visual Reports: Using Microsoft Excel and Visio, users of Microsoft Project 2016 can
create visual reports. Charts, graphs, and diagrams showing project data can be
customised by users. A better graphical depiction of project data is provided by visual
reports, which facilitate the analysis of trends, recognition of patterns, and explanation
of difficult data to stakeholders. To improve communication with stakeholders, the
restaurant project managers used visual reports to develop graphical representations of
resource allocations, project timetables, and budgetary data (Microsoft, n.d.).

Export to Other Formats: Project data may be exported from Microsoft Project 2016
to a number of different formats, including Word, PowerPoint, and PDF. Project
managers can share other project data, such as task lists, resource allocations, and
schedules, with stakeholders who might not have access to Microsoft Project by
exporting these items. This feature makes it easier to collaborate and communicate
with outside parties, including vendors, clients, and government agencies. To
maintain openness and alignment, the restaurant project managers shared deliverables,
schedules, and project updates with outside partners via utilising export functionality.
Regardless of their experience with project management software, stakeholders can

view project information in a standardised and simply accessible way by exporting
project data to formats like PDF. While PowerPoint presentations work well for
summarising important project highlights and presenting to executive stakeholders or
during project meetings, Word documents can be used for in-depth project narratives.
The project managers of the restaurant promoted stakeholder participation, improved
communication, and upheld accountability throughout the project lifecycle by
utilising export functionality.

Custom Reports: With the help of Microsoft Project 2016, users can design custom
reports that are customised to meet the specific needs of various stakeholders. Project
managers of restaurants, for example, used custom reports to create detailed progress
reports, variance analysis reports, and risk assessment reports that gave stakeholders a
thorough understanding of project performance and problems (Microsoft, n.d.). Users
can also choose report templates, apply filters, and format layouts to suit their

Integration with SharePoint and Project Online: Microsoft Project 2016 may be
effortlessly integrated with both Microsoft's cloud-based project management system,
Project Online, and SharePoint. Through this interface, project managers can publish
project data to Project Online or SharePoint sites, giving stakeholders centralised
access to the most recent project information. In addition to Microsoft Project's
features, Project Online provides extra collaboration tools like task tracking,
document management, and team communication. Through this interface, the project
managers of the restaurant were able to establish project portals that provided
stakeholders with a single point of access to project documentation, status reports, and
collaboration tools.The integration of Project Online and SharePoint facilitated
collaboration and streamlined access to project information, which enhanced project
communication, efficiency, and decision-making (Microsoft, n.d.).


The restaurant project managers successfully tracked and reported project progress,
ensuring alignment with stakeholders and supporting rapid decision-making across

the project lifecycle by utilising these reporting methods and functionalities in
Microsoft Project 2016.


Based on the example described, below are five reports that the restaurant's project
managers may have derived from using MS Project 2016:

Gantt Chat:

Bars: The tasks or activities are represented by bars on the chart. The length of each
bar corresponds to the duration of the task, with the start and end points indicating
when the task begins and ends, respectively.

Dependencies: Gantt charts can also show dependencies between tasks, indicating
which tasks must be completed before others can start. These dependencies are often
represented by lines connecting the bars of dependent tasks.

Milestones: Significant project milestones, such as project kick-off, major

deliverables, or project completion, can be represented on the Gantt chart as distinct
markers along the timeline.

Resource Allocation: Resource allocation is a feature of several sophisticated Gantt

chart systems. It displays the resources allocated to each task along with their
projected completion dates.

Monitoring Progress: Gantt charts are helpful for monitoring a project's development
over time. The corresponding bars on the chart are filled in or darkened to show
progress when tasks are finished.

Project managers and team members can see task dependencies, allocate resources
wisely, monitor progress, and make necessary adjustments to keep the project on
schedule with the help of Gantt charts, which offer a clear visual overview of the
project schedule.

Resource Allocation Report: This report offers information on the distribution of
project resources, including labour and materials, among various activities and stages.
It supports project managers in making sure resources are balanced and used
efficiently to avoid being over or underutilised. With the help of this report, managers
may decide how best to allocate and reallocate resources to maximise project
performance and adhere to project deadlines.

Task Progress Report: This document gives a summary of each task's current state
within the project. It contains details like the % of the task completed, how long is left
to go, and any problems or delays that occurred. With the help of this report, project
managers may monitor each task's progress, spot any delays or bottlenecks, and take
appropriate action to maintain the project on schedule. Project managers may make
sure the project stays on pace to achieve its goals by keeping an eye on task progress.

Critical Path Analysis Report: The critical route of the project, or the order of
tasks that establishes the project's minimal duration, is identified in the Critical

route Analysis Report. It draws attention to the tasks that are essential to the
project's schedule and that must be finished on time in order to avoid delays
in the project's overall timetable. To maximise project length and reduce
delays, this study assists project managers in setting priorities, allocating
resources efficiently, and finding ways to streamline project operations.

Cost Analysis Report: An overview of project costs, including planned costs, actual
expenses, and deviations, is given in the cost analysis report. It enables project
managers to keep tabs on project expenditures, spot cost overruns or savings, and
decide wisely how to distribute resources and modify the budget. This report helps
make sure the project stays within its allocated budget and enables project managers
to accurately and transparently report on project finances to stakeholders.

Project managers may use the useful insights and resources provided by
each of these Microsoft Project 2016 reports to efficiently plan, monitor, and
oversee restaurant projects, guaranteeing their successful completion on
schedule and under budget.


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