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Intermediate English Grammar - ING OR TO + INF

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53 Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)
A We say: Would you mind
I enjoy reading. (not I enjoy to read) closing the door?
Would you mind closing the door?
(not mind to close)
Chris suggested going to the cinema.
(not suggested to go)
After enjoy, mind and suggest, we use -ing (not to …).
Some more verbs that are followed by -ing:
stop recommend admit avoid imagine
finish consider deny risk fancy
Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence.
I’ll do the shopping when I’ve finished cleaning the flat.
He tried to avoid answering my question.
I don’t fancy going out this evening. (= I’m not enthusiastic about it)
Have you ever considered going to live in another country?
They said they were innocent. They denied doing anything wrong.
The negative form is not -ing:
When I’m on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early.

B We also use -ing after:

give up (= stop)
put off (= delay until later)
go on or carry on (= continue)
keep or keep on (= do something continuously or repeatedly)
I’ve given up buying newspapers. I don’t read them any more.
You shouldn’t put off telling him what happened. You need to tell him now.
Katherine doesn’t want to retire. She wants to go on working. or … to carry on working.
You keep interrupting when I’m talking. or You keep on interrupting …

C With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing:
You can’t stop people doing what they want.
I can’t imagine George riding a motorbike.
Did she really say that? I don’t remember her saying that.
Sorry to keep you waiting so long.

D When you talk about finished actions, you can say having done/stolen/said etc. :
They admitted having stolen the money.
But it is not necessary to use having (done). You can say:
They admitted stealing the money.
I now regret saying that. or I now regret having said that.

E Other structures are possible with admit, deny, suggest and recommend. For example, you can say:
They denied (that) they had done anything wrong. (= They denied doing …)
Chris suggested (that) we go to the cinema. (= Chris suggested going …)
I recommend (that) you travel by train. (= I recommend travelling …)

suggest ➜ Unit 34 being done (passive) ➜ Unit 44B Verb + to … ➜ Unit 54

Verb + to … and -ing ➜ Units 55C, 56–58 remember / regret / go on ➜ Unit 56B
106 go on / carry on / keep on ➜ Unit 141A
Exercises 53
53.1 Complete the sentences for each situation. Use -ing.
1 She suggested going to
What shall we do? We could go to the zoo.
the zoo .
2 Do you want to play tennis? No, not really. He didn’t fancy
3 Let’s go for a walk. Good idea! She suggested
4 You caused the accident. No, I didn’t. He denied
5 Can you wait a few minutes? Sure, no problem. They didn’t mind
6 You didn’t tell the truth. That’s right. I didn’t. She admitted

53.2 Complete the sentences. Choose from these verbs (in the correct form):
answer apply forget interrupt listen live
lose make pay read travel try
1 He tried to avoid answering my question.
2 I’m trying to concentrate. Please stop so much noise!
3 I enjoy to music.
4 I considered for the job, but in the end I decided against it.
5 Have you finished the newspaper yet?
6 We need to change our routine. We can’t go on like this.
7 It’s better to avoid during the rush hour.
8 My memory is getting worse. I keep things.
9 I’ve put off this bill so many times. I really must do it today.
10 I’ve given up to learn Japanese. I was making no progress.
11 If you gamble, you risk your money.
12 Would you mind not me all the time? Let me speak!

53.3 Put the words in the right order.

1 Did she really say that? I (that / remember / her / saying / don’t).
I don’t remember her saying that.
2 It’s OK if you want to drive my car. I (driving / don’t / it / you / mind).
3 What a stupid thing to do! Can (imagine / so stupid / being / you / anybody)?
4 We can’t control the weather. We (raining / stop / it / can’t).
5 I’ll be as quick as I can. I (waiting / want / keep / you / don’t / to).

53.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use -ing.
1 She’s a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her .
2 I’m not feeling very well. I don’t fancy .
3 I’m afraid there aren’t any chairs. I hope you don’t mind .
4 It was a beautiful day, so I suggested .
5 The movie was very funny. I couldn’t stop .
6 My car is unreliable. It keeps .

54 Verb + to … (decide to … / forget to … etc.)
A After these verbs you can use to … (infinitive):
offer plan manage deserve
agree arrange fail afford
refuse hope promise learn
decide forget threaten tend

It was a long way to walk, so we decided to take a taxi home.

Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to help him.
I waved to Karen, but failed to attract her attention.
I like Dan, but I think he tends to talk too much. Dan tends to talk too much.
How old were you when you learnt to drive?
or … learnt how to drive?
The negative is not to … :
We decided not to go out because of the weather.
I promised not to be late.
After some verbs, we use -ing (not to …). For example, enjoy/think/suggest:
I enjoy reading. (not enjoy to read)
Andy suggested meeting for coffee. (not suggested to meet)
Are you thinking of buying a car? (not thinking to buy)
For verb + -ing, see Units 53 and 62.

B After dare you can use the infinitive with or without to:
I didn’t dare to tell him. or I didn’t dare tell him.
But after dare not (or daren’t), we do not use to:
I daren’t tell him what happened. (not I daren’t to tell him)

C We also use to … after seem, appear, pretend and claim. For example:
They seem to have plenty of money.
Ann pretended not to see me when she passed me in the street.
You can also use to be -ing (continuous infinitive) and to have (done) (perfect infinitive):
I pretended to be reading the newspaper. (= I pretended that I was reading)
Have you seen my keys? I seem to have lost them. (= it seems that I have lost them)
She claimed not to have seen me. (= she claimed that she hadn’t seen me)

D After these verbs you can use a question word (what/how etc.) + to … .
ask know decide remember forget learn explain understand wonder
For example:
We asked how to get to the station.
Have you decided where to go on holiday?
I don’t know whether to apply for the job or not.
Do you understand what to do?

show/tell/ask/advise/teach somebody what/how/where to do something:
Can somebody show me how to use this camera?
Ask Jack. He’ll tell you what to do.

Verb + -ing ➜ Unit 53 Verb + object + to … (want etc.) ➜ Unit 55

108 Verb + to … and -ing ➜ Units 55C, 56–58
Exercises 54
54.1 Complete the sentences for these situations.
1 They decided to get
Shall we get married? Yes, let’s.
married .
2 Please help me. OK.
She agreed
3 Can I carry your bag for you? No, thanks. I can manage. He offered
4 Let’s meet at 8 o’clock. OK, fine. They arranged
5 What’s your name? I’m not going to tell you. She refused
6 Please don’t tell anyone. I won’t. I promise.
She promised
54.2 Complete the sentences. Use a suitable verb.
1 Don’t forget to lock the door when you go out.
2 There was a lot of traffic, but we managed to the airport in time.
3 We couldn’t afford in London. It’s too expensive.
4 I can’t play a musical instrument, but I’d like to learn the guitar.
5 I don’t want Mark to know what happened. I decided not him.
6 We were all afraid to speak. Nobody dared anything.
54.3 Put the verb into the correct form, to … or -ing. (See Unit 53 for verbs + -ing.)
1 When I’m tired, I enjoy watching TV. It’s relaxing. (watch)
2 I’ve decided for another job. I need a change. (look)
3 I’m not going anywhere! I refuse . (move)
4 I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind . (wait)
5 Tina ran in a marathon last week, but she failed . (finish)
6 I wish that dog would stop . It’s driving me crazy. (bark)
7 They didn’t know I was listening to them. I pretended asleep. (be)
8 We were hungry, so I suggested dinner early. (have)
9 Hurry up! I don’t want to risk the train. (miss)
10 David is very quiet. He tends not much. (say)
54.4 Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets.
1 I’ve lost my keys. (seem) I seem to have lost my keys.
2 Tom is worried about something. (appear) Tom appears
3 You know a lot of people. (seem) You
4 My English is getting better. (seem)
5 That car has broken down. (appear)
6 Rachel is enjoying her job. (seem)
7 They have solved the problem. (claim)
54.5 Complete each sentence using what/how/where/whether + these verbs:
do get go put ride use
1 Do you know how to get to the airport from here?
2 Would you know if there was a fire in the building?
3 You’ll never forget a bike once you’ve learnt.
4 I’ve been invited to the party, but I haven’t decided or not.
5 My room is very untidy. I’ve got so many things and I don’t know them.
6 I have some clothes to wash. Can you show me the washing machine?

➜ Additional exercises 26–28 (pages 317–19) 109

Key to Exercises

UNIT 52 53.2 54.5

2 making 2 what to do
3 listening 3 how to ride
3 don’t you
4 applying 4 whether to go
4 were you
5 reading 5 where to put
5 does she
6 living 6 how to use
6 isn’t he
7 travelling
7 did it
8 can’t you
8 forgetting UNIT 55
9 paying 55.1
9 will they
10 trying 2 or do you want me to lend
10 aren’t there
11 losing you some
11 shall we
12 interrupting 3 or would you like me to shut it
12 is it
13 aren’t I 53.3 4 or would you like me to show you
14 would you 2 I don’t mind you driving it. 5 or do you want me to repeat it
15 hasn’t she 3 Can you imagine anybody being so 6 or do you want me to wait
16 should I stupid? 55.2
17 had he 4 We can’t stop it raining. 2 to stay with them
18 will you 5 I don’t want to keep you waiting. 3 to call Joe.
52.2 53.4 4 him to be careful
2 It’s (very) expensive, isn’t it? Example answers: 5 her to give him a hand
3 The course was great, wasn’t it? 2 going out 55.3
4 You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t 3 sitting on the floor 2 I didn’t expect it to rain.
you? or 4 having a picnic 3 Let him do what he wants.
You had your hair cut, didn’t you? 5 laughing 4 Tom’s glasses make him look older.
5 She has a good voice, doesn’t she? 6 breaking down 5 I want you to know the truth.
or She has a good voice, hasn’t she? 6 Sarah persuaded me to apply
or She’s got / She has got a good UNIT 54 for the job.
voice, hasn’t she? 54.1 7 My lawyer advised me not to
6 It doesn’t look right, does it? 2 to help him say anything to the police.
7 This bridge isn’t very safe, is it? or 3 to carry her bag (for her) 8 I was warned not to believe
… doesn’t look very safe, does it? 4 to meet at 8 o’clock everything he says.
52.3 5 to tell him her name / to give 9 Having a car enables you to
2 Joe, you couldn’t help me (with this him her name get around more easily.
table), could you? 6 not to tell anyone or (She
3 Lisa, you don’t know where Sarah promised) she wouldn’t tell anyone.
2 to do
is, do you? or 54.2 3 cry
… you haven’t seen Sarah, have you? 2 to get 4 to study
4 Helen, you don’t have a tennis 3 to live 5 finish
racket, do you? or 4 to play 6 do
… you haven’t got a tennis racket, 5 to tell 7 to do
have you? 6 say or to say 8 drive
5 Anna, you couldn’t take me to the 9 change
station, could you? or 10 to work
2 to look
… you couldn’t give me a lift to the
3 to move
station, could you? UNIT 56
4 waiting
6 Robert, you haven’t seen my keys,
5 to finish 56.1
have you?
6 barking 2 driving
7 to be 3 to go
8 having 4 going
53.1 5 to win
9 missing
2 playing tennis 6 asking
10 to say
3 going for a walk 7 asking
4 causing the accident 54.4
8 to answer
5 waiting a few minutes 2 Tom appears to be worried
9 causing
6 not telling the truth or about something.
10 to do
(She admitted) lying. 3 You seem to know a lot of people.
11 being
4 My English seems to be
12 to climb
getting better.
13 to tell
5 That car appears to have
14 talking … to see
broken down.
6 Rachel seems to be enjoying her job.
7 They claim to have solved the problem. 347

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