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NUR682 Syllabus

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Bradley University

Department of Nursing

Graduate Online Distance Education

NUR 682: Psychopharmacology and

Neurophysiology for the PMHNP
Course Credit Hour

NUR 600, NUR 651 and BIO 526

NUR 680, NUR 684

Course Description
This course provides the opportunity to deepen the learner's understanding of neurophysiology
as it relates to the underpinnings of psychiatric disease and related treatments. The learner will
develop the skills necessary to utilize psychopharmacology to manage the treatment of common
psychiatric health problems in a safe, high-quality, and cost-effective manner.

Program Outcomes
A list of all Nursing Program and Nursing Specialization program outcomes are available on the
Bradley University Nursing Program Outcomes webpage.
Course Outcomes
1. Apply PMHNP practices based on an understanding of neurophysiology and
psychopharmacology that adheres to professional standards of ethical, evidence-based
practice, and person-centered care.
2. Examine professional best practices for PMHNP prescribing of psychopharmacologic
3. Apply communication technology to address health care inequities and to provide quality
psychopharmacologic treatment focusing on patient-centered care.
4. Foster interprofessional communication among the professional healthcare team to
optimize quality psychopharmacologic treatment and patient outcomes.
5. Explore PMHNP professional development, leadership, and critical decision-making
opportunities that provide effective oversight of healthcare team members that
maximizes quality, is evidence-based, and includes psychopharmacologic prescribing
and monitoring.

Required Textbooks

Stahl, S. M. (2021). Essential Psychopharmacology (6th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Stahl, S. M. (2021). Prescriber’s guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology (7th ed.).

Cambridge University Press

American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (7th ed.).

Respondus LockDown Browser and Webcam for

This course uses Respondus Monitor to proctor virtual exams. To use Respondus Monitor, you
will need a computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet connectivity, as
Respondus Monitor uses these to proctor online exam activity rather than exams being
monitored in-person in a classroom. Respondus Monitor may utilize biometric technology to
ensure integrity and compliance during remote testing. “Biometric data” means personal
information stored by the University regarding an individual’s physical characteristics that can be
used to identify a person, such as fingerprints, voiceprints, facial shape, or scan of hand or face
geometry (see Bradley’s Biometric Information Privacy Policy). Prior to using Respondus
Monitor, you will be required to review the Respondus Terms of Use and accept or decline your
consent. If you decline consent, you must work with your instructor to arrange for in-person
testing or alternative arrangements. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your
This course requires the use of LockDown Browser and webcam for online exams/quizzes.
Watch this short video, Respondus LockDown Browser for Students, to learn more. Please
note: Any attempt to cheat will result in automatic failure of the assessment.

Before Starting Your Exam/Quiz

1. Download and install LockDown Browser from Respondus Download.

2. To ensure that LockDown Browser and the webcam are set up properly, do the following:
a. Start LockDown Browser, log into Canvas, and select this course.
b. Locate and select the Help Center button on the LockDown Browser toolbar.
c. Run the Webcam Check and, if necessary, resolve any issues.
d. Run the System & Network Check. If a problem is indicated, see whether a
solution is provided in the Knowledge Base. Troubleshooting information can also
be emailed to our institution’s help desk.
e. Exit the Help Center and locate the required Practice Quiz: Respondus in Week
f. After completing and submitting the practice quiz, exit LockDown Browser.

Taking Your Exam/Quiz

To take an online exam/quiz, start LockDown Browser and navigate to the exam/quiz. (You
won’t be able to access the exam/quiz with a standard web browser.) For additional details on
using LockDown Browser, review this Student Quick Start Guide (PDF).

Exam/Quiz Guidelines

When taking an online exam/quiz that requires LockDown Browser and a webcam, remember
the following guidelines:

● Ensure that you’re in a location where you won’t be interrupted.

● Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it and allot sufficient time to
complete it.
● If the computer or networking environment is different than what was used previously
with the Webcam Check and System & Network Check in LockDown Browser, run the
checks again before starting the test.
● You will be prompted and required to:
○ Take a photo with a valid Driver’s License or State ID. Please ensure that you
have your photo ID ready.
○ Record your test-taking environment, so clear your desk of all external
materials not permitted—books, papers, other devices.
○ Failure to complete these security processes, can result in an automatic
exam/quiz grade of zero.
● Turn off all other devices (such as tablets, phones, second computers) and place them
outside of your reach.
● To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
○ Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims.
○ Ensure that your computer or tablet is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do not
have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you)
are likely to move.
○ If using a built-in webcam, avoid tilting the screen after the webcam setup is
○ Take the exam/quiz in a well-lit room and avoid backlighting, such as sitting with
your back to a window.
● Remain at your computer for the duration of the test.
● Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or
applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and

Troubleshooting and Support

If you are having issues using Respondus LockDown Browser and Webcam, the following
recommendations will be helpful. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to Bradley’s
24/7 Helpdesk.

No servers found for the institution that match the auto launch URL

If you see this notification, follow these steps to resolve:

1. Clear your cache/cookies.

2. Open Chrome or Firefox.
3. Navigate to
4. Navigate to your quiz and launch the LockDown Browser.

Pop-up Blockers

There’s a pop-up that appears when you click to start the quiz in Chrome; if you don’t see one,
be sure that you are allowing pop-ups for

If You Have Used Respondus LockDown Browser at Other Institutions

If you are receiving an error when trying to use the LockDown Browser, and you’ve successfully
used the browser at other institutions, you will need to uninstall the version of the browser from
the previous institution that you currently have on your computer. You must install the
Bradley-specific browser version.

If You Have Used Respondus LockDown Browser with ALEKS

If you have used Respondus LockDown Browser with ALEKS previously, you will need to
uninstall that browser and install the Bradley-specific browser version.
Error/Connection Timed Out

If you receive an error that your connection timed out, this will most likely be a WiFi issue. If you
can, hard-wiring your computer to the Internet is better than using WiFi. If all you have is WiFi,
make sure that nothing else is streaming on your WiFi (movies, music), and sit close to the

Before the Exam/Quiz

Before you start any exam or quiz, follow these directions:

1. Clear your cache and cookies.

2. Only use Chrome or Firefox.
3. Navigate to to start your quiz.

System Requirements

As you get started with Respondus LockDown Browser, refer to the system requirements to
ensure that you have a compatible device.

You may find your 2- year UptoDate Subscription helpful during this course. Please contact your
instructor if you did not receive access during the first few weeks of NUR 684.

Select assignments will be scanned using Turnitin software. Turnitin is an online service that
highlights matching text in written work. It indexes Internet sources, databases of subscription
services, and written work submitted through its website. Assignments sent through Turnitin are
scanned against all of its sources and a report is generated that summarizes and highlights
matching text and where it was found. It is up to instructors and students to interpret the report
to determine if plagiarism occurred. You may submit your assignment to Turnitin prior to its due
date to assess your work against Turnitin’s database. You may use the Originality Report’s
results to address any originality concerns in your work, and then resubmit your assignment for
grading. You may resubmit until the assignment’s due date. Any work that has been submitted
at the time the assignment is due will be considered your final submission, and this will be the
submission used for grading.

Turnitin Resources and Guides

Visit the Bradley University Turnitin student page for tips and resources, including a video
tutorial on how to submit an assignment using Turnitin.
As an online student, you have access to online tutoring to support you in successfully
completing your coursework. Brainfuse for Nursing is free and available for students Access
Brainfuse through your Canvas courses via the sidebar menu labeled Online Tutoring.
Remember to seek assistance several days before an assignment is due to make sure you
have time to review any suggestions and make final edits before your assignment deadline.

Required Policies
Evaluation of Student Learning

Minimum Passing Standard

Students must earn a “B” or better in all nursing courses (any course that starts with NUR).
Students must repeat nursing courses where a grade of “B” is not achieved the semester
immediately following the unsatisfactory course grade unless otherwise noted due to course

Failure to achieve the grade of “B” or better in any two nursing courses within the graduate
curriculum will result in dismissal from the program.

Grading Scale

The grading scale for the Department of Nursing is used to determine the course letter grades.

Grade Range Grading


A 92–100
B 85–91
C 77–84 must earn a
“B” or better in
D 72–76 all nursing
F 71 and below

Note: For all non-nursing courses (courses with course numbers that do not begin with “NUR”),
please refer to that departments grading criteria/scale.
Rounding of Final Grades: The final grade for the course may be rounded up using standard
rounding rules. The lead instructor will round the grades.

Activity Weighted Percentage of

Final Grade

Discussions 25%
(6 total)

Assignments 30%
(4 total)

Quizzes 20%
(2 total)

Final Exam 25%

Late Work Policy

All assigned course work is due on dates assigned. Late assignments will have 10% of the total
possible points deducted for each day late unless prior arrangements have been made. Prior
arrangements must be made before the due date, not on the due date. Extensions are granted
at the discretion of the instructor.

Late postings for forum discussions will have 1 point deducted for each day late unless prior
arrangements have been made. Prior arrangements must be made before the due date, not on
the due date. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Integrity

Bradley University requires that all graduate students read and support the Policy on Academic
Issues including cheating and plagiarism. Academic Integrity is a core value of our community of
learners. Every member of the academic community (students, faculty, and staff) is expected to
maintain high standards of integrity in all facets of work and study. The Policy on Academic
Issues describes appropriate academic conduct in research, writing, assessment, and ethics.

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at Bradley University. The penalties can be severe and

● Failing the assignment

● Failing the course
● Referral to University Judicial System and the disciplinary sanctions for violation of
University regulations.
Students are urged to discuss questions regarding academic integrity with instructors, advisors,
or with the Director of Nursing.

Review the Student Conduct Code and Policy.

APA/Scholarly Writing

You must demonstrate proficiency in using American Psychological Association (APA) format in
all submitted works, unless instructed otherwise.

Written Assignments

Written assignments must be submitted in a readable and editable Microsoft Word file format
(.doc/.docx) unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Google docs will not be accepted due
to the limited commenting and track changes features. When TurnItIn is indicated, the
assignment must have a completed report.

It is the student’s responsibility to check the file type and format when submitting written
assignments. A ‘zero’ may be awarded for files that cannot be opened or are submitted in an
unreadable/unaccepted format.

Online Proctoring

In order to ensure the highest quality and secure environment, major assessments within your
course may be proctored using a third-party vendor. These assignments will be identified within
your course site and instructions/preparation for the use of this technology should be followed.

Classroom Expectations/Netiquette and Electronic Communication Policy

Class attendance in the form of weekly reading and assignments is required. If you cannot
complete the weekly assignment you must notify the instructor prior to the due date. Your
Bradley email should be used for all communication with your instructors.

Participation requires preparing extensively on all topics weekly, participating in discussion

forum posts, submitting assignments, completing quizzes and exams, as scheduled.

Log on to the course website at least twice per week and check your Bradley e-mail daily. You
must respond to your instructor email questions or concerns as soon as possible, but within 48

You must have reliable access to a computer with internet capability and course required
software. You must also be able to use the internet to access course documents and to send
and receive e-mail and e-mail attachments. Refer to MyOnline technical requirements.
As adult learners, you are responsible for your own learning. Please feel free to contact your
course instructors any time if you have concerns about the content of this course and they will
work with you to alleviate your concerns. Should your concern or issue not be resolved, contact
the lead instructor. If your concern or issue remains unresolved, you may contact the Director of
Nursing directly for facilitation. It is an expectation that all graduate students be critical thinkers
and work to resolve their issues as swiftly and professionally first with their course instructors,
prior to escalating issues or concerns to those members of higher administration.

Guidelines for Web Etiquette

This policy governs how to interact in this online course. To promote effective and positive
interactions this policy encourages everyone participating in this course (students, faculty and
maybe staff) to use common courtesy and respect in all forms of electronic communication.

Guidelines for electronic communications among students and with the faculty:

● Any offensive, sexual, discriminatory or prejudicial language is prohibited.

● If you disagree with an idea do not make personal. Do not use personal attack or
threatening language. Do not post while angry or emotional. Maintain comments in a
respectful manner.
● Online communication can be difficult to understand the “tone” of the writer/author.
Sometimes the true meaning is misunderstood. Choose your words carefully. Some
symbols - emoticons like :) may help communicate that you are less serious.
● Remember English may not be the first language for everyone enrolled in this course.
Consequently, be tolerant to mistakes; do not use acronyms or abbreviations unless the
entire class is familiar with them.
● Be polite and professional if you have to correct someone for inaccurate information or
● Do not post personal information of other students without their permission. Do not
forward an e-mail, or file attachment without the permission of the author.
● Avoid using text message shorthand, not everyone is familiarized with it.
● Please check your spelling and proofread your message.
● AVOID USING ALL CAPS, it’s considered shouting.

If you feel you are being harassed or someone is abusive or demeaning to you in this online
course, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor.

Please refer to Department of Nursing Honor Code (found in the Graduate Student Handbook)
and the Graduate Student Handbook for student conduct expectations.

Student Access Services (SAS), Accommodations, etc.

Bradley University seeks to provide effective services and accommodation for qualified
individuals with documented disabilities. SAS is committed to the fulfillment of equal educational
opportunity, academic freedom and human dignity for students with disabilities. The SAS exists
to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented
disabilities, to assist students in self-advocacy, to educate the Bradley community about
disabilities, and ensure compliance with federal and state law. If you would benefit from an
accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Student
Support Services at the beginning of the semester. Please contact the Office of Student Access

Emergency Services/Natural or Catastrophic Events

In the event that a catastrophic event occurs on a local, regional, or national level and disables
communication to/from Bradley University, you should provide for your own and your family’s
safety and contact your instructors by phone, private e-mail, or through alternately provided
numbers. Every effort on the faculty’s part will be made to reasonably attempt to continue with
the course and to meet the course objectives.

Fair Practice Work Policy

A fair practice work policy protects students from assuming the role of their credentialed
supervisor, preceptor, professor, or clinical instructor. Students should be supervised in their
field and clinical experiences and should not be serving as in the workforce. APN students
should be supervised at all times and final decision making/patient care is the responsibility of
the preceptor. All documentation regarding patient care must be reviewed by the clinical
preceptor; students are encouraged to complete patient care documentation (both for the
clinical site and the student’s Typhon patient documentation) during practicum hours.

Professional Dress Code

You are expected to reflect professionalism and maintain high standards of appearance and
grooming in the clinical setting. You must adhere to the dress code of the clinical facility and
have your Bradley nursing badge prominently displayed above the waistline.

Review the rubrics associated with a given assignment within Canvas. These rubrics will be
used to assess your graded activities in this course.

Weekly Sessions
This course is divided into weekly sessions. Unless otherwise indicated, assignments are due
no later than 11:55 p.m. CST on the day identified and initial discussion posts are typically due
on Thursday with replies posted on Sunday
Course Learning Activities
The following is a list of learning activities you will need to complete for each week. You will find
more detailed instructions within the online course space.

Module Topic Reading Assessment

Module 1 Introduction/Chemical
Neurotransmission, Read the following in your Practice Quiz
Targets, and Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacologica Psychopharmacology textbook: Discussion 1.1
l Drug Action
● Chapter 1, “Chemical ● Initial post
Neurotransmission” due
● Chapter 2, Thursday
“Transporters, at 11:55
Receptors, and PM.
Enzymes as Targets of ● Replies
Psychopharmacological due
Drug Action” Sunday at
● Chapter 3, “Ion 11:55 PM.
Channels as Targets of
Drug Action”
Module 2 Psychopharmacology
and Psychotic Read the following in your Discussion 2.1
Disorders Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology textbook: ● Initial post
● Chapter 4, “Psychosis, Thursday
Schizophrenia, and the at 11:55
Neurotransmitter PM.
Networks Dopamine, ● Replies
Serotonin, and due
Glutamate” Sunday at
● Chapter 5, “Targeting 11:55 PM.
Dopamine and
Serotonin Receptors for Assignment 2.1
Psychosis, Mood, and due Sunday at
Beyond: So-Called 11:55 PM.

Read the following in your

Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide:

● Look up and review the

covered drugs in this
week’s reading.

Additional Required Materials:

● Psychopharmacology
and Psychotic
Disorders Case Study
Module 3 Psychopharmacology,
Mood Disorders, and Read the following in your Assignment 3.1
Anxiety Disorders Stahl’s Essential due Sunday at
Psychopharmacology textbook: 11:55 PM.

● Chapter 6, “Mood Discussion 3.1

Disorders and the
Neurotransmitter ● Initial post
Networks due
Norepinephrine and Thursday
y-Aminobutyric Acid at 11:55
● Chapter 7, “Treatments ● Replies
for Mood Disorders: due
So-Called Sunday at
‘Anti-Depressants’ and 11:55 PM.
‘Mood Stabilizers’”
Quiz 3.1 due
Read the following in your Sunday at 11:55
Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide: PM.

Look up and review the

covered drugs in this week’s

Read the following in your

Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology textbook:

● Chapter 8, “Anxiety,
Trauma, and

Read the following in your

Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide:

● Look up and review the

covered drugs in this
week’s reading.

Additional Required Materials:

● Psychopharmacology
and Anxiety Disorders
Case Study

Module 4 Psychopharmacology,
Pain, and Sleep Read the following in your Discussion 4.1
Disorders Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology textbook: ● Initial post
● Chapter 9, “Chronic Thursday
Pain and Its Treatment” at 11:55
● Chapter 10, “Disorders PM.
of Sleep and ● Replies
Wakefulness and Their due
Treatment: Sunday at
Neurotransmitter 11:55 PM.
Networks for Histamine
and Orexin” Assignment 4.1
due Sunday at
Read the following in your 11:55 PM.
Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide:

● Look up and review the

covered drugs in this
module's reading.

Additional Required Materials:

● Psychopharmacology
and Sleep Disorders
Case Study
Module 5 Psychopharmacology
for ADHD and Read the following in your Discussion 5.1
Dementia Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology textbook: ● Initial post
● Chapter 11, “Attention Thursday
Deficit Hyperactivity at 11:55
Disorder and Its PM.
Treatment” ● Replies
● Chapter 12, “Dementia: due
Causes, Symptomatic Sunday at
Treatments, and the 11:55 PM.
Network Acetylcholine” Assignment 5.1
due Sunday at
Read the following in your 11:55 PM.
Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide:
Quiz 5.1 due
● Look up and review the Sunday at 11:55
covered drugs in this PM.
week’s reading.

Additional Required Materials:

● Psychopharmacology
and ADHD Case Study
Module 6 Psychopharmacology
and Substance Use Read the following in your Discussion 6.1
Disorders/ Final Stahl’s Essential
Review Psychopharmacology textbook: ● Initial post
● Chapter 13, Thursday
“Impulsivity, at 11:55
Compulsivity, and PM.
Addiction” ● Replies
Read the following in your Sunday at
Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide: 11:55 PM.

● Look up and review the Exam 6.1: Final

covered drugs in this Exam due the
week’s reading. final day of class
at 11:55 PM.
Revisit the readings from your
textbook and the case studies
shared in the course to help
you study and prepare for the
comprehensive final exam due
by the module end date.

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