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 CP 343-1 Lean ___________________


Properties / services 1

Performance data 2
Requirements for use 3
S7-300 - Industrial Ethernet /
PROFINET ___________________
LEDs 4
CP 343-1 Lean Installation, connecting up
and commissioning 5
Notes on configuration and
operation 6

Service and maintenance 7

Technical specifications 8

Approvals A

References B

Manual Part B

Siemens Automation Products

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

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If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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Note the following:

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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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Siemens AG Order number: C79000−G8976−C198 Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 - 2012.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 10/2012 Technical data subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48



① LEDs
② Under the front panel:
PROFINET interface, 2 x 8-pin RJ-45 jack
③ Under the front cover:
- Socket for 24 VDC power supply
- Slider for setting the ground connector
④ Order number
⑤ Under the front panel:
printed text with MAC addresses and firmware version
⑥ X = placeholder for hardware product version

Figure 1 CP 343-1 Lean

Validity and product names

This description contains information on the following product:
CP 343−1 Lean
Order number 6GK7 343−1CX10−0XE0
Hardware product version 7
Firmware version V3.0
Communications processor for SIMATIC S7−300 / C7−300

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Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 3

 In this document, the term "CP" is used instead of the full product name.
 The name STEP 7 is used for the configuration tool instead of the names STEP 7 V5.5
and STEP 7 Professional.

Innovations and compatibility with the predecessor product

You will find the new functions of the module in the section Enhanced functions (Page 9).
Make sure that you read the information relating to enhanced functions and restrictions that
may apply in the section module replacement / upgrading (Page 50).

Address label: Unique MAC address for the CP

The CP is supplied with total of 3 default MAC addresses with the following assignment:
● PROFINET interface
● One MAC address for each of the 2 Ethernet ports of the PROFINET interface
The MAC addresses of the Ethernet ports are required only for detection and evaluation
of neighborhood and topology relations.
The MAC address of the PROFINET interface is printed on the housing.

Structure of the documentation

The documentation for this device consists of the following parts:
● Manual Part A: Configuration manual "Configuring and Commissioning S7CPs for
Industrial Ethernet", see references /1/ (Page 60).
● Manual Part B: Manual "CP 343-1 Lean" (this manual)
● Program blocks for SIMATIC NET S7 CPs - programming manual, see references /10/
(Page 62)
Contains the detailed description of the program blocks for the following services:
– Open communications services
– Access coordination with FETCH/WRITE
– Connection and system diagnostics
– Programmed connections and IP configuration

CP 343-1 Lean
4 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07

Current manual release on the Internet

You will also find the current version of this manual on the Internet pages of Siemens
Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID:
23643456 (

CP documentation in the Manual Collection (order no. A5E00069051)

The "SIMATIC NET Manual Collection" DVD contains the device manuals and descriptions
of all SIMATIC NET products current at the time it was created. It is updated at regular

Version History / Current Downloads for the SIMATIC NET S7 CPs

The "Version History/Current Downloads for SIMATIC NET S7 CPs" provides information on
all CPs available up to now for SIMATIC S7 (Industrial Ethernet, PROFIBUS and IE/PB
An up-to-date version of this document can be found at on the Internet under the entry ID:
9836605 (

SIMATIC NET glossary

Explanations of the specialist terms used in this documentation can be found in the SIMATIC
NET glossary.
You will find the SIMATIC NET glossary here:
● SIMATIC NET Manual Collection
The DVD ships with certain SIMATIC NET products.
● On the Internet under the following entry ID:
50305045 (

FAQs on the Internet

You will find detailed information (FAQs) on using the CP described here on the Internet at
the following address (entry type "FAQ"):
Link: (

CP 343-1 Lean

Siemens Automation Products

Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 5

Security messages

For its automation and drives product portfolio, Siemens provides IT security mechanisms to
support secure operation of the plant/machine. Our products are continuously being further
developed also taking into account the aspect of IT security. We therefore recommend that
you regularly check for updates of our products and that you only use the latest versions.
You will find information in:

Here, you can register for a product-specific newsletter.
For the secure operation of a plant/machine, it is also necessary to integrate the automation
components in a full IT security concept for the entire plant/machine that represents the state
of the art in IT technology. You will find information on this in:
Products from other manufacturers that are being used must also be taken into account.

CP 343-1 Lean
6 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Table of contents

Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Properties / services .................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Application......................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Enhanced functions .......................................................................................................................9
1.3 Communication services..............................................................................................................10
1.4 Other services ..............................................................................................................................11
1.5 The CP as Web server.................................................................................................................13
2 Performance data .................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Transmission and reaction times .................................................................................................15
2.2 Number of possible Ethernet/PROFINET connections................................................................15
2.3 Characteristics of S7 communication ..........................................................................................16
2.4 Characteristic data of the SEND/RECEIVE Interface ..................................................................16
2.5 PROFINET IO characteristic data................................................................................................18
2.6 Characteristic data of the integrated switch.................................................................................19
3 Requirements for use .............................................................................................................................. 21
3.1 Operation in control device families.............................................................................................21
3.2 Project engineering ......................................................................................................................23
3.3 Programming................................................................................................................................24
4 LEDs........................................................................................................................................................ 25
5 Installation, connecting up and commissioning ........................................................................................ 29
5.1 Important notes on using the device............................................................................................29
5.2 Installing the CP, connecting power and ground .........................................................................31
5.3 Connecting the CP to Ethernet ....................................................................................................34
6 Notes on configuration and operation ...................................................................................................... 37
6.1 Project engineering ......................................................................................................................37
6.2 Controlling the mode....................................................................................................................37
6.3 Network settings ..........................................................................................................................38
6.4 Influence of MPI on connections via Industrial Ethernet..............................................................40
6.5 PROFINET IO when operating other services at the same time .................................................40
6.6 Effects of multicast communication on RT communication .........................................................41
6.7 IP configuration ............................................................................................................................41

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Table of contents

6.7.1 Detection of double IP addressing in the network ...................................................................... 41

6.7.2 Obtain IP address vie DHCP: CP STOP on expiry of the lease ................................................. 42
6.8 Media redundancy....................................................................................................................... 42
6.9 Timeofday synchronization ......................................................................................................... 42
6.10 SNMP agent................................................................................................................................ 42
6.11 Possible security gaps on standard IT interfaces: preventing unauthorized access .................. 45
6.12 Programmed communication connections.................................................................................. 45
6.12.1 Programmed communication connections with FB55 IP_CONFIG ............................................ 45
6.12.2 Programmed communications connections - assigning parameters to the ports ....................... 46
6.13 Permitted length of ICMP packets .............................................................................................. 46
7 Service and maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 47
7.1 Memory reset / reset to factory defaults...................................................................................... 47
7.2 Loading new firmware ................................................................................................................. 48
7.3 Replacing a module .................................................................................................................... 49
7.3.1 Replacing older modules............................................................................................................. 49
7.3.2 module replacement / upgrading ................................................................................................ 50
7.3.3 Replacing a module without a programming device ................................................................... 51
8 Technical specifications ........................................................................................................................... 53
A Approvals................................................................................................................................................. 55
B References .............................................................................................................................................. 59
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 67

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8 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Properties / services 1
1.1 Application
The CP 343- Lean communications processor is intended for operation in a SIMATIC S7-300
or SIMATIC C7 automation system. It allows the connection of the S7-300 to Industrial
Ethernet and supports PROFINET IO.
To integrate the CP in a linear bus or a ring, to connect a further Ethernet device or to use
PROFINET media redundancy, a 2-port ERTEC real-time switch with autocrossing,
autonegotiation and autosensing was integrated.

1.2 Enhanced functions

Abbreviations used with the CP 343-1 Lean module

The module abbreviations used below for the CP 343-1 Lean (for example CX10)
correspond to the last four characters of the mid section of the order number.

Requirement for configuring new functions of firmware version V3.0

To use the features listed below, the following STEP 7 version is necessary:
● STEP 7 V5.5 + Service Pack 2 + Hotfix 1 + HSP 1056
With STEP 7 Professional V11.0 SP2, only the functions of firmware version V2.2 of the CP
can be configured.

Functional enhancements of the CX10 from firmware version V2.6 to V3.0 - can be used with STEP 7
The following new functions can be used with the module with firmware version 3.0:
● "Shared device" function with PROFINET IO
● Use of PROFIenergy functionality
This requires the following PROFIenergy program blocks for the CP 343-1 in the
"SIMATIC_NET_CP" library with the STEP 7 version listed above:
– PE_Start_CP, PE_CMD_CP, PE_I_DEV_CP and the program block DS3_WRITE_CP
for the use of power modules of the ET 200S for PROFIenergy.
– The supplementary program blocks FC0 to FC8 for the PROFIenergy response data
can be found in the Standard Library.
You will find the documentation of the program blocks in the online help and in the
manual for the program blocks, see References, /10/ (Page 62).

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Properties / services
1.3 Communication services

● New program block FB10 AG_CNTEX for connection diagnostics

● Configuration of the IO devices in the STEP 7 "I-device" dialog box (and as previously
using a GSDML file)

Functional enhancements of the CX10 with firmware version V3.0 - regardless of the configuration
tool used
● Advanced Web diagnostics (HTTP access) with the following additional options:
– Diagnostics of S7 connections
– Module identification
– Expansion of Web diagnostics for The "Shared device" function
● Update center of Web diagnostics with the following functions:
– Downloading firmware via the Web (HTTP access)
– Downloading of language files for diagnostics buffer texts in STEP 7 format for new
modules in the rack and for changing the language
● SNMP: Support of the MRP Monitoring MIB

Enhanced functions of earlier firmware versions and predecessor modules

You will find an overview of the earlier firmware versions and predecessor modules in the
version history of the Industrial Ethernet CPs on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation
Customer Support under the following entry ID:
56699406 (
You will find information about the characteristics of the individual firmware versions on the
Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID:
43409748 (
> Entry list > Entry type "Updates"

1.3 Communication services

The CP supports the following communication services:
PROFINET IO allows direct access to IO devices over Industrial Ethernet.
– PROFINET IO device
Integration of the SIMATIC S7-300 automation system via the CP as an intelligent
PROFINET IO device (I-device).
– Shared device
Individual submodules of the CP (IO device) can be assigned up to two PROFINET IO
controllers in STEP 7 V5.5.
Note the information on configuring PROFINET IO systems with shared IO devices in
the "PROFINET System Description", see references, /13/ (Page 63).

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10 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Properties / services
1.4 Other services

● S7 communication and PG/OP communication with the following functions:

– PG functions (including routing)
– Operator control and monitoring functions (HMI)
– Server for data exchange on S7 connections configured at one end only without
communication blocks on the S7300 / C7300 station
● Open communication services with the following functions:
– SEND/RECEIVE interface ISOonTCP, TCP and UDP connections
UDP frame buffering on the CP can be disabled during configuration. When
necessary, this allows you to achieve a shorter reaction time between the arrival of a
UDP frame and its evaluation on the CPU.
– Multicast over UDP connection
The multicast mode is made possible by selecting a suitable IP address when
configuring connections.
– FETCH/WRITE services (server; corresponding to S5 protocol) via ISO-on-TCP
connections and TCP connections
The addressing mode can be configured for FETCH/WRITE access as S7 or S5
addressing mode.
– Connection diagnostics from the user program

1.4 Other services

The CP also provides the following additional services:
● Media redundancy (MRP)
Within an Ethernet network with a ring topology, the CP supports the media redundancy
protocol MRP. You can assign the role of MRP client to the CP.
● Time-of-day synchronization over Industrial Ethernet
Time-of-day synchronization can be configured in the following modes:
– SIMATIC mode
The CP receives MMS time messages and synchronizes its local time and the time of
the CPU.
Accuracy approx. +/- 1 second
You can choose whether or not the time of day is forwarded. The forwarding direction
can also be selected (station > LAN or LAN > station).

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Properties / services
1.4 Other services

– NTP mode (NTP: Network Time Protocol)
The CP sends timeofday queries at regular intervals to an NTP server and
synchronizes its local time of day. The forwarding of the time-of-day to the CPU is
Accuracy approx. +/- 1 second
● Addressing using a factoryset MAC address
The CP can be reached via the default MAC address to allow an IP address to be
● SNMP agent
The CP supports data queries over SNMP in version V1 (Simple Network Management
Protocol). It delivers the content of certain MIB objects according to the MIB II standard,
LLDP MIB, Automation System MIB and MRP Monitoring MIB.
● Module access protection
To protect the module from accidental or unauthorized access, protection can be
configured at various levels.
● IP configuration
For the PROFINET interface, you can configure how and with which method the CP is
assigned the IP address, the subnet mask and the address of a gateway.
As an alternative to STEP 7, you have the option of assigning the connection
configuration via a block interface in the user program (FB55: IP_CONFIG).
● Web diagnostics
With the aid of Web diagnostics, you can read out the diagnostics data from a station
connected via the CP to a PG/PC with a Web browser.
This makes it possible to read the diagnostics buffers of the intelligent modules in the
Using the integrated update center of the diagnostics pages, you can download new
firmware versions and diagnostics buffer message texts.
If you do not require the functions, you can disable it in the STEP 7 configuration and
disable port 80.
● Connection diagnostics with the AG_CNTEX program block
With the AG_CNTEX program block, you can diagnose connections.
– When necessary, you can activate or deactivate connections or initiate
reestablishment of a connection.
– You can check the reachability of the connection partners using the ping function.
– You can find out which connection types are set up for the SEND / RECEIVE

CP 343-1 Lean
12 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Properties / services
1.5 The CP as Web server

1.5 The CP as Web server

Enabling the Web server function

To use the Web server functionality of the CP, enable the relevant option in STEP 7 in the
module properties, "Web" parameter group. This enables port 80 of the CP.
If you no longer require the functions, deactivate the function. The Web server function is
enabled as default.

Web diagnostics
The CP provides you with the functionality of a web server for access by means of a web
browser. The CP provides HTML pages for Web diagnostics. With the aid of Web
diagnostics, you can read out the diagnostics data from a station connected via the CP to a
PG/PC with an Internet browser.
With the following address, you have access to Web diagnostics:
http:\\<IP address of the CP>
Using the integrated update center of the diagnostics pages, you can download new
firmware versions and language files for the diagnostics buffer message texts.
For detailed information on Web diagnostics, refer to the general Part A of this manual, /1/
(Page 60).

Diagnostics buffer entries

When supplied, diagnostics buffer entries shown on diagnostics pages are always in English.
This is the case whichever language you have selected to display the Web pages.
How to download other language files to the CP and further information about Web
diagnostics can be found in the general Part A of this manual.

Web browser
To access the HTML pages on the CP, you require a Web browser. The following Web
browsers are suitable for communication with the CP (other browsers also possible):
● Internet Explorer (recommended version: as of 7.0)
● Chrome (recommended version: as of 12.0)
● Opera (recommended version: as of 9.2)
● Firefox (recommended version: as of 4.0)
You will find these Web browsers, information and any necessary addons on the Internet.

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Properties / services
1.5 The CP as Web server

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14 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Performance data 2
2.1 Transmission and reaction times

Measured values on the Internet

Measured values of transmission and reaction times over Ethernet, PROFIBUS and
PROFINET networks for a series of configurations can be found on the Internet at the
following address: (

2.2 Number of possible Ethernet/PROFINET connections

Maximum number of parallel connections

Table 2- 1 Maximum number of parallel connections

Characteristic Explanation / values

Permitted number of simultaneous connections in 12 maximum
total over Industrial Ethernet

Example of maximum load

You can, for example, operate:
● 4 S7 connections
● 4 ISO-on-TCP connections
● 2 TCP connections
● 2 UDP connections

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Performance data
2.3 Characteristics of S7 communication

● Further TCP connections for Web diagnostics

– As PROFINET IO device:
1 PROFINET connection to a PROFINET IO controller
– As shared device:
2 PROFINET connections to 2 PROFINET IO controllers

2.3 Characteristics of S7 communication

Number of connections

Table 2- 2 Number of connections for S7 communication

Characteristic Explanation / values

Number of connections for S7 communication via Maximum 4 (one-ended connections)
Industrial Ethernet for: The number depends on the CPU type being used; the valid values
 Operator control and monitoring functions can be found in /1/ (Page 60).
 S7 connections configured at one end
LAN Interface - data record length per protocol unit
 sending
 receiving  240 bytes / PDU
 240 bytes / PDU

2.4 Characteristic data of the SEND/RECEIVE Interface

The SEND/RECEIVE interface provides access to communication over TCP, ISOonTCP and
UDP connections.
The following characteristics are important:

CP 343-1 Lean
16 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Performance data
2.4 Characteristic data of the SEND/RECEIVE Interface

Table 2- 3 Characteristic data of the SEND/RECEIVE Interface

Characteristic Explanation / values

Number of ISO-on-TCP connections + TCP 8 maximum
connections + UDP connections in total Notes:
 All UDP connections are also possible in
multicast mode.
 Free UDP connections are supported by the
Maximum data length for the blocks AG_SEND AG_SEND and AG_RECV allow the transfer of
(as of V4.0) and AG_RECV (as of V4.0) blocks of data with the following length:
 1 to 8192 bytes for ISO-on-TCP, TCP;
 1 to 2048 bytes for UDP.
Restrictions for UDP
 Transfer is not confirmed The transmission of UDP frames is unconfirmed,
in other words the loss of messages is not
detected or displayed by the send block
 No receipt of UDP broadcast To avoid communications overload of the CP due
to high broadcast load, the CP does not allow
receipt of UDP broadcasts.
 UDP frame buffering Size of the frame buffer with buffering enabled: 2
Following a buffer overflow, newly arriving frames
are discarded.

Execution times of the FCs AG_SEND / AG_RECV

The execution time required to process the FC blocks (AG_SEND, AG_RECV) required on
the S7-300 / C7-300 CPU is decisive for the calculation of the CPU cycle times (OB1) for
SEND/RECEIVE connections.

Measurements of transmission and reaction times in Ethernet, PROFIBUS and PROFINET
networks for a series of configurations can be found on the Internet at the following address:
25209605 (

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Performance data
2.5 PROFINET IO characteristic data

2.5 PROFINET IO characteristic data

Configuration limits of the CP as an IO device and I-device

The CP supports the following maximum configuration if it is configured as a PROFINET IO
device and as an I-device:

Table 2- 4 Configuration limits of the CP as a PROFINET IO device

Characteristic Value
Maximum number of PROFINET IO connections  As PROFINET IO device:

1 PROFINET connection to a PROFINET IO


 As shared device:

2 PROFINET connections to 2 PROFINET IO

Size of the input area of the PROFINET IO device 512 bytes max. *
Size of the output area of the PROFINET IO 512 bytes max. *
Size of the IO data area per sub module on the  Inputs: 240 bytes
 Outputs: 240 bytes
Size of the consistency area for a submodule 240 bytes
Maximum number of submodules 32
Size of the transfer area 240 bytes
Number of transfer areas 32

* For the size of the user data, refer to the following section.

Size of the user data

The size of the user data is calculated from the maximum frame size (gross 548 bytes)
minus the following values: 1 for the CP itself, 1 per Interface, 1 per port, 1 for each plugged-
in module in HW Config or per slot used.

Table 2- 5 Example of calculating the user data of the CP 343-1 as an IO device

Bytes Explanation
548 Gross size of the frame
-1 for the CP itself
-1 for the Interface
-2 for 2 ports
-32 for the maximum number of pluggable modules
= 512 Net size of the user data *

* By using fewer but larger modules, the amount of user data can be increased.

CP 343-1 Lean
18 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Performance data
2.6 Characteristic data of the integrated switch

Execution times of the FC blocks PNIO_SEND / PNIO_RECV

The execution time required to process the function blocks (PNIO_SEND, PNIO_RECV)
required on the S7-300 CPU is decisive for the calculation of the reaction times in

Measurements of transmission and reaction times in Ethernet, PROFIBUS and PROFINET
networks for a series of configurations can be found on the Internet at the following address:
25209605 (

2.6 Characteristic data of the integrated switch

Learning addresses / deleting addresses (aging time)

The switch integrated in the CP (PROFINET interface) reads the source addresses included
in the data packets. The switch therefore learns the addresses of the end devices connected
via a port.
If the switch receives a data packet, it directs this packet only to the port via which the
appropriate end node can be reached.
The switch monitors the age of the learned addresses. Addresses that exceed the "aging
time" are deleted. The aging time is 5 minutes.

Ports can be deactivated individually

The ports of the switch integrated in the CP can be deactivated individually in STEP 7 /
HW Config. This can, for example, be used for service purposes.
To do this, open the properties dialog of the relevant port and select the "disabled" setting
under "Options > Transfer medium / duplex".
The port is turned off completely when it is disabled. The corresponding LED on the device
(for example X1P1) is then turned off.

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Performance data
2.6 Characteristic data of the integrated switch

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Requirements for use 3
3.1 Operation in control device families
The CP can be operated in the following device families:
● S7-300 stations with the following CPU types:
– Standard
– Compact
– Modular
● C7 compact units in C7 packaging system
The following tables show the device environment in which the CP can be operated with the
range of functions described here.

The tables list the CPUs and devices released at the time this manual went to print. CPUs of
the S7-300 or C7 control systems released later and not listed in the tables can also handle
the range of functions described here.

Table 3- 1 Use of the CP with S7-300

CPU Order number

CPU 312 6ES7 312-1AD10-0AB0
6ES7 312-1AE13-0AB0
6ES7 312-1AE14-0AB0
CPU 312C 6ES7 312-5BD00-0AB0
6ES7 312-5BD01-0AB0
6ES7 312-5BE03-0AB0
CPU 312 IFM 6ES7 312-5AC02-0AB0
6ES7 312-5AC82-0AB0
CPU 313 6ES7 313-1AD03-0AB0
CPU 313C 6ES7 313-5BE00-0AB0
6ES7 313-5BE01-0AB0
6ES7 313-5BF03-0AB0
CPU 313C-2 DP 6ES7 313-6CE00-0AB0
6ES7 313-6CE01-0AB0
6ES7 313-6CF03-0AB0
CPU 313C-2 PtP 6ES7 313-6BE00-0AB0
6ES7 313-6BE01-0AB0
6ES7 313-6BF03-0AB0
CPU 314 6ES7 314-1AE00-0AB0
6ES7 314-1AE04-0AB0
6ES7 314-1AE84-0AB0
6ES7 314-1AF10-0AB0
6ES7 314-1AF11-0AB0
6ES7 314-1AG13-0AB0

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Requirements for use
3.1 Operation in control device families

CPU Order number

CPU 314 IFM 6ES7 314-5AE03-0AB0
6ES7 314-5AE10-0AB0
6ES7 314-5AE82-0AB0
6ES7 314-5AE83-0AB0
CPU 314C-2 DP 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0
6ES7 314-6CF01-0AB0
6ES7 314-6CF02-0AB0
6ES7 314-6CG03-0AB0
CPU 314C-2 PtP 6ES7 314-6BF00-0AB0
6ES7 314-6BF01-0AB0
6ES7 314-6BF02-0AB0
6ES7 314-6BG03-0AB0
CPU 315 6ES7 315-1AF03-0AB0
CPU 315-2 DP 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0
6ES7 315-2AF83-0AB0
6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0
6ES7 315-2AH14-0AB0
CPU 315-2 PN/DP 6ES7 315-2EG10-0AB0
6ES7 315-2EH13-0AB0
6ES7 315-2EH14-0AB0
CPU 315F-2 DP 6ES7 315-6FF00-0AB0
6ES7 315-6FF01-0AB0
6ES7 315-6FF04-0AB0
CPU 315F-2 PN/DP 6ES7 315-2FH10-0AB0
6ES7 315-2FH13-0AB0
6ES7 315-2FJ14-0AB0
CPU 315T-2 DP 6ES7 315-6TG10-0AB0
6ES7 315-6TH13-0AB0
CPU 316-2 DP 6ES7 316-2AG00-0AB0
CPU 317-2 DP 6ES7 317-2AJ10-0AB0
CPU 317-2 PN/DP 6ES7 317-2EJ10-0AB0
6ES7 317-2EK13-0AB0
6ES7 317-2EK14-0AB0
CPU 317F-2 DP 6ES7 317-6FF00-0AB0
6ES7 317-6FF03-0AB0
CPU 317F-2 PN/DP 6ES7 317-2FJ10-0AB0
6ES7 317-2FK13-0AB0
6ES7 317-2FK14-0AB0
CPU 317T-2 DP 6ES7 317-6TJ10-0AB0
6ES7 317-6TJ13-0AB0
CPU 318-2 DP 6ES7 318-2AJ00-0AB0
CPU 319-3 PN/DP 6ES7 318-3EL00-0AB0
6ES7 318-3EL01-0AB0
CPU 319-3F PN/DP 6ES7 318-3FL00-0AB0
6ES7 318-3FL01-0AB0

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22 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Requirements for use
3.2 Project engineering

Table 3- 2 Use of the CP with C7 control systems

C7 Order number
C7-613 6ES7 613-1CA01-0AE03
6ES7 613-1CA02-0AE3
CPU 614 6ES7 614-1AH03-0AB3
C7-633 DP 6ES7 633-2BF02-0AE03
C7-635 Key 6ES7 635-2EC01-0AE3
6ES7 635-2EC02-0AE3
C7-635 Touch 6ES7 635-2EB01-0AE3
6ES7 635-2EB02-0AE3
C7-636 Key 6ES7 636-2EC00-0AE3
C7-636 Touch 6ES7 636-2EB00-0AE3

3.2 Project engineering

Software versions
The following version of STEP 7 is required:

Table 3- 3 Configuration tools for the CP 3431 Lean

STEP 7 versions Function

STEP 7 V5.5, Service Pack 2, Hotfix 1, HSP 1056 Requirement for configuration of the CP with the functions of
firmware version 3.0
STEP 7 Professional V11, Service Pack 2, Update 2 Requirement for configuration of the CP with the functions of
firmware version 2.2

Locating the support package

You can install the support package from your local file system if it is already stored there or
from the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support.
● STEP 7 V5.5
You will find the support package (HSP) on the Internet at the following address:
23183356 (
● STEP 7 Professional V11
You will find the support package on the Internet at the following addresses:
28919804 (
"Link_to_CP_page" (
On the Internet page, select the "Entry list" tab and the "Download" entry type.

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Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 23
Requirements for use
3.3 Programming

Installatio of the support package

● STEP 7 V5.5
Install the HSP in STEP 7 / HW Config with the "Options" > "Install Hardware Updates"
menu command.
You will find further information in the STEP 7 online help (under "HSP" or "Hardware
update"). After installing the HSP, close STEP 7. After restarting STEP 7, the CP is in the
catalog of HW Config.
● STEP 7 Professional V11
Install the support package in STEP 7 using the menu command "Options" > "Support
The information system of STEP 7 will provide you with information (keyword "Support
Packages" or Installing Support Packages"). After installing the support package, close
STEP 7. After restarting STEP 7, the CP is in the catalog.

Downloading configuration data

It is possible to download the configuration data to the CP via MPI or LAN/Industrial

GSDML file for configuration in third-party systems

You will find the GSDML file for the CP described here on the Internet under the following
entry ID (entry type "Download"):
19698639 (

3.3 Programming

Program blocks
For some communications services, there are preprogrammed program blocks (FCs / FBs)
available as the interface in your STEP 7 user program.
Please note the documentation of the program blocks in the online help of STEP 7 or in the
manual /10/ (Page 62).

Current block versions
We recommend that you always use the latest block versions for all module types.
You will find information on the current block versions and the current blocks to download
from the Internet in our Customer Support area under entry ID:
8797900 (
With older module types, this recommendation assumes that you are using the latest
firmware for the particular module type.

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24 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
LEDs 4
The display on the front panel consists of the following LEDs that indicate the operating
mode and communications status.

Figure 4-1 LEDs of the CP 343-1 Lean CX10

The LEDs have the following meaning:

● SF: Group error
● BF: Bus fault on Ethernet interface
● DC5V: 5 VDC power supply via the backplane bus (green = OK)
● RX/TX: Acyclic data traffic, for example SEND/RECEIVE
(not relevant for PROFINET IO data)
● RUN: RUN mode
● STOP: STOP mode
● X1P1: Link status / activity of Ethernet port 1
● X1P2: Link status / activity of Ethernet port 2
● MAINT: maintenance required (note/evaluate diagnostics buffer)

Legend for the following LED tables

The LED symbols in the following tables have the following significance:

Symbol -

Meaning ON OFF Flashing any

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LEDs for displaying the operating mode

The different combinations of the LEDs on the front panel indicate the status:

Table 4- 1 LEDs: SF, BF, RUN, STOP

SF(red) BF (red) RUN (green) STOP (yellow) CP operating mode

-  Starting up after power "ON"

 Stopped (STOP) with errors

In this state, the CPU or intelligent modules in the

rack remain accessible using PG functions.
Starting up (STOP → RUN)

Running (RUN)

Stopping (RUN → STOP)

Stopped (STOP)
In STOP mode, configuring and performing
diagnostics on the CP remain possible.
- - - Duplicate IP address detected

- - The CP is configured as a PROFINET IO device;

there is no data exchange with the PROFINET IO
Running (RUN) with error. Possible causes:
 Event display in conjunction with the MRP
function. The CP diagnostics buffer provides
detailed information.

 Extended port diagnostics reports an error.
– Current port setting (transmission medium,
duplex) does not correspond to the
– Port interconnection does not correspond to
the configuration.
Loading using the Firmware Loader is active. *)

Firmware activation after loading using the Firmware

Loader is active. *)
Firmware was successfully downloaded. *)

Firmware download aborted. *)

Module fault / system error

*) Does not apply to loading via the update center in Web diagnostics.

CP 343-1 Lean
26 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07


When the "MAINT" LED lights up, important error messages and/or diagnostics interrupts
have occurred. The CP continues in RUN mode.
Check the entries in the diagnostics buffer of the device.

LEDs for displaying the CP communications status

In addition to the LEDs that signal the CP state, the following LEDs provide information
about the status of the CP interface to Industrial Ethernet.

Table 4- 2 LEDs: RX/TX, X1P1, X1P2

LED Display Meaning

RX/TX (green) The CP is sending/receiving over Industrial Ethernet.
PROFINET IO services are not signaled here.
X1P1 / X1P2 Port has no connection to Industrial Ethernet.
(green / yellow)
Existing connection via port to Industrial Ethernet (LINK
LED flashes yellow (constant light green):
Port sending / receiving over Industrial Ethernet or
All received / sent frames are signaled for each specific port
including those simply forwarded by the switch.
There is permanent data transfer at the port via Industrial
Ethernet (e.g. PROFINET IO).

Module identification (PROFINET interface)

Module identification - make the port LEDs flash briefly
With the help of Web diagnostics or the online functions of STEP 7, you can search for and
identify the module in the rack. The options for this are as follows:
 In Web diagnostics
You click the "Flash" button in the update center.
 In STEP 7
You click the "Flash" button in the "Browse network" dialog
If you click the "Identify" or "Flash" buttons, all the port LEDs of the PROFINET interface
flash briefly.

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CP 343-1 Lean
28 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Installation, connecting up and commissioning 5
5.1 Important notes on using the device

Safety notices on the use of the device

The following safety notices must be adhered to when setting up and operating the device
and during all associated work such as installation, connecting up, replacing devices or
opening the device.

General notices

Safety extra low voltage
The equipment is designed for operation with Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) by a
Limited Power Source (LPS). (This does not apply to 100 V...240 V devices.)
This means that only SELV / LPS complying with IEC 60950-1 / EN 60950-1 / VDE 0805-1
must be connected to the power supply terminals. The power supply unit for the equipment
power supply must comply with NEC Class 2, as described by the National Electrical Code
(r) (ANSI / NFPA 70).
There is an additional requirement if devices are operated with a redundant power supply:
If the equipment is connected to a redundant power supply (two separate power supplies),
both must meet these requirements.

General notices on use in hazardous areas

Risk of explosion when connecting or disconnecting the device

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.1 Important notes on using the device

Replacing components
2 OR ZONE 2.

Requirements for the cabinet/enclosure
When used in hazardous environments corresponding to Class I, Division 2 or Class I,
Zone 2, the device must be installed in a cabinet or a suitable enclosure.

Restricted area of application
This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D or non-
hazardous locations only.

Restricted area of application
This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC or non-hazardous locations

LAN attachment
A LAN or LAN segment with the attachments belonging to it should be within a single low-
voltage supply system and within a single building. Make sure that the LAN is in an of type
A environment according to IEEE 802.3 or in a type 0 environment according to IEC TR
Never establish a direct electrical connection to TNV networks (telephone network) or
WANs (Wide Area Network).

General notices on use in hazardous areas according to ATEX

Requirements for the cabinet/enclosure
To comply with EU Directive 94/9 (ATEX95), this enclosure must meet the requirements of
at least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529.

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.2 Installing the CP, connecting power and ground

Suitable cables for temperatures in excess of 70 °C
If the cable or conduit entry point exceeds 70°C or the branching point of conductors
exceeds 80°C, special precautions must be taken. If the device is operated at ambient
temperatures above 50°C, the permitted temperature range of the selected cable must be
suitable for the temperatures actually measured.

Protection against transient voltage surges
Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient
voltage surges of more than 40%. This criterion is fulfilled, if supplies are derived from
SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage) only.

5.2 Installing the CP, connecting power and ground

Pulling/plugging the CP when the power is on is not permitted.
You should also remember that by removing a module from the rack, all modules on the
other side of it will be disconnected from the CPU.

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.2 Installing the CP, connecting power and ground

1) Attachment to Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET interface): 2 x 8pin RJ45 jack
2) Connecting the power supply
3) Slider for setting the chassis ground connection

Figure 5-1 Connectors of the CP

Ground/chassis ground concept

Note the instructions regarding the grounding and chassis ground concept in the
SIMATIC S7 installation guides; see “SIMATIC S7 Programmable Controller S7300 -
Installation and Hardware: Installation Manual": /12/ (Page 62)".

Behind the hinged panel on the left of the device, you will see a slider with which you can
connect or disconnect the chassis ground of the 24V power supply with reference ground.
● Slider pushed in: Chassis ground and reference ground are connected (caution: you can
feel the slider lock into position).
● Slider pulled out: There is no connection between chassis ground and reference ground.
When shipped: Slider pushed in
Use a screwdriver to set the slider.

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32 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.2 Installing the CP, connecting power and ground

Installing and connecting up

Ensuring ventilation
During installation, make sure that the upper and lower ventilation slits of the module are
not obstructed and good ventilation is possible.

1. Install the CP on the S7 standard rail.

Slots 4 to 11 are permitted for the CP in racks 0 to 3 (connected by IM 360/361). Follow
the steps described in detail in /12/ (Page 62) in the sections dealing with installation and

No installation in an expansion rack
The CP cannot be operated in an expansion rack that is connected via the IM 365.
Reason: The required communication bus is not connected to the expansion rack via the
IM 365.

2. Establish the connection via the enclosed bus connector to the backplane bus.
3. Connect the CP to the power supply.
Follow the steps as described in detail in /12/ (Page 62) when wiring between the power
supply and the CPU.

Same power supply
The CPU, CP and IM (if one exists) must be connected to the same power supply.
Only wire up the S7300 / C7300 with the power switched off!

4. Connect the CP to Industrial Ethernet.

An Ethernet cable can also be inserted and removed with the power supply on.
The remaining steps in commissioning involve downloading the configuration data.

Downloading and addressing

You can connect the PG as follows when downloading the configuration data:
● Via MPI
● Via Industrial Ethernet
For further details, refer to the general Part A of this manual.
– Addressing the first time (IP address assignment / node initialization)
– To download the defined configuration

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.3 Connecting the CP to Ethernet

The PG / PC requires a LAN attachment, for example via a CP 1613 or CP 1411 and must
have the necessary software (for example the S71613 package or SOFTNET IE). The
TCP/IP protocol must be installed. The protocol used must then be applied to the S7ONLINE
access point.

Use the diagnostic functions during commissioning and to analyze problems. The following
options are available:
● The LED displays on the CP
● Hardware diagnostics and troubleshooting with STEP 7
● Communication diagnostics with STEP 7 / NCM Diagnostics
● Static information using HW Config
● Web diagnostics
● If applicable, evaluation of the alarm block FB 54 in the user program
● Queries via SNMP

5.3 Connecting the CP to Ethernet

Connecting interface X1 to Industrial Ethernet

1. Connect the CP to Industrial Ethernet via one of the RJ45 jacks.
2. Where necessary, connect another component to the remaining free RJ45 jack.

Autocrossing mechanism - effects on the connectors
For small local area networks or for attaching several Ethernet devices, a 2port switch
has been integrated on the PROFINET interface of the CP.
With the autocrossing mechanism integrated in the switch, it is possible to use a standard
cable to connect the PG/PC. A crossover cable is not necessary.
Please note the following points:
 Manual configuration
If a port is set to manual configuration and autonegotiation is disabled, the
autocrossing mechanism is also disabled for this port. Which cable you need to use
depends on the partner device (network component or end device).
In the factory, the ports are set for automatic configuration.
For more information, refer to section Network settings (Page 38)
 Connecting switches
If you connect further switches, make sure that no ring is formed in the network.

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.3 Connecting the CP to Ethernet





Figure 5-2 Connecting switches

MRP configuration
With an MRP configuration, keep to the setup guidelines for MRP.
You will find examples of network attachments in the general Part A of this manual, see
/1/ (Page 60).

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Installation, connecting up and commissioning
5.3 Connecting the CP to Ethernet

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36 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Notes on configuration and operation 6

The front panel must be kept closed during operation.

6.1 Project engineering

Project engineering
To set up the CP for communication services, read the information on configuring in the
sections Project engineering (Page 23) and Replacing a module without a programming
device (Page 51). For detailed information on configuration, refer to Part A of this manual,
see References /1/ (Page 60).

6.2 Controlling the mode

You have the option of changing the mode of the CP between RUN and STOP using the
STEP 7 configuration software (PLC > Accessible Nodes).

Change from STOP to RUN

The CP loads configured and/or downloaded data into the work memory and then changes
to RUN mode.

Change from RUN to STOP

The CP changes to STOP - transitional phase with LED display "Stopping (RUN → STOP").
● Established connections of the open communications services (see also section
Communication services (Page 10)) are terminated.
● The following functions are disabled:
– Time-of-day synchronization
● The following functions remain enabled:
– Downloading the configuration data and diagnostics of the CP
System connections for configuration, diagnostics and PG channel routing still exist.
– Web diagnostics (HTTP access)
– Routing function

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.3 Network settings

Module access protection

The configurable module access protection has the following effects on the functions
described here:
● Module access protection: Not locked
The functions cannot be executed.
● Module access protection: Status-dependent
With this setting, it is only possible to access the CP when the CPU is in STOP mode.

6.3 Network settings

The configuration of the network settings "Transmission medium / Duplex" is made in the
properties dialog of the port of the interface in the "Options" tab.
Row "X1P1": Properties of port 1 of the PROFINET interface
Row "X1P2": Properties of port 2 of the PROFINET interface

Automatic setting or individual network settings

As default, the CP is configured for automatic detection (autosensing / autonegotiation /

In normal situations, the basic setting ensures troublefree communication. You should only
change this in exceptional situations.

If you create a manual configuration for the CP, the automatic negotiation of the network
settings (autonegotiation) is no longer effective. If, on the other hand, the communication
partner works with autonegotiation, no communication will be established.
Only use manual configuration when the communication partner works with the same
manually set configuration.

Autocrossing mechanism
The automatic setting also includes an "autocrossing" mechanism. With autocrossing, you
can connect network components and end devices using either crossover or straight-through

STEP 7 special diagnostics and Web diagnostics display the network setting
Diagnostics of the port settings for the CP described here is possible using the entries in the
diagnostics buffer using Web diagnostics, SNMP, STEP 7 diagnostics, and the LED
You will find information on the currently used network settings in STEP 7 as follows:

CP 343-1 Lean
38 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Notes on configuration and operation
6.3 Network settings

● In STEP 7 special diagnostics under the diagnostics object "Industrial Ethernet" in the
"Network Connection" group box
● in STEP 7 with the menu command "PLC > Module Information"
● In Web diagnostics

Further notes:
● Autocrossover
If you disable the "Automatic setting" option, autocrossing is disabled; which cable you
then use depends on the integration of the CP (network component or end device).
● 10/100 Mbps network components without "autonegotiation"
If you use 10/100 Mbps network components that do not support "Autonegotiation", it is
possible that you will have to set the mode manually in the CP configuration in STEP 7.
As default, the CP is configured for automatic detection.
● Forcing a specific network setting instead of "Autonegotiation"
If your application requires a fixed network setting instead of "Autonegotiation", both
partner devices must have the same setting.
● No reaction to Autonegotiation query with manual configuration
Remember that if you configure the CP manually, it will not react to an autonegotiation
query! As a result, a connected partner will not be able to make the required network
setting and communication will not be established.
If the CP is set to "100 Mbps full duplex", a CP connected as partner will set itself to "100
Mbps half duplex". Reason: Due to the fixed setting, no autonegotiation response is
possible; the connected partner recognizes the 100 Mbps with autosensing but
nevertheless remains in half duplex.
● Recommendation: Change "individual network settings" only over MPI
If you modify the LAN settings in the properties dialog of the CP in the “Port Parameters"
tab, these changes will be adopted by the CP and activated when the configuration data
is downloaded to the CP. In some situations, the device may then no longer be
obtainable over Ethernet.
We therefore recommend that you download configuration data to the S7 station over an
MPI connection if you change this setting.
If you download the configuration data over the LAN interface then, depending on the
selected setting, it is possible that the current download will not be completed due to the
changes to the configuration taking immediate effect and an inconsistent configuration is
The download is started initially with the setting TP/ITP at 10 Mbps half duplex. If the
"Individual network setting" is now changed to 100 Mbps full duplex, the download cannot
be completed.

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.4 Influence of MPI on connections via Industrial Ethernet

6.4 Influence of MPI on connections via Industrial Ethernet

Adding/removing MPI nodes

If a station on the MPI bus is added or removed, for example because a service PG has
been connected or disconnected, it is possible that active communication connections on the
communications bus are aborted. This has the following effects on the communication
connections on Industrial Ethernet:
● All S7 connections are temporarily aborted.
Exceptions: This does not apply when using CPUs with a separate communication bus,
for example:
CPU 318-2, CPU 317-2 PN/DP, CPU 319-3 PN/DP, CPU 315-2 PN/DP,
CPU 315F-2 PN/DP, CPU 317-2 DP, CPU 317T-2 DP, CPU 317F-2 DP,
CPU 317F-2 PN/DP, CPU 319-3 PN/DP
● FETCH/WRITE connections are temporarily aborted.
On the FC interface in the user program, the condition codes made up of the DONE,
ERROR and STATUS parameters must be evaluated in FC11 / FC12.

6.5 PROFINET IO when operating other services at the same time

Sporadically used services

Note the following if you are using functions alongside PROFINET IO that affect the
configuration or the operating status (FB55, Primary Setup Tool, STEP 7, NCM Diagnostics):

The functions listed above can influence the flow in PROFINET IO so that an interruption of
cyclic IO data exchange of the PROFINET IO devices lasting several seconds may occur.

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.6 Effects of multicast communication on RT communication

6.6 Effects of multicast communication on RT communication

If PROFINET IO RT communication is operated at the same time as broadcast (BC) or
multicast (MC) in an industrial Ethernet subnet, RT frames can be delayed by long BC
frames or MC frames.
Among other things, these frames can be generated by the communications FCs AG_SEND
With certain constellations, this can lead to a PROFINET RT communication abort. The
factors that influence this are the switch configurations ("switch depth"), the update time and
the MC/BC frame lengths.

You will find further information about the influencing factors as well as possible solutions in:
29104898 (

6.7 IP configuration

6.7.1 Detection of double IP addressing in the network

To save you timeconsuming troubleshooting in the network, the CP detects double
addressing in the network.
The reaction of the CP when double addressing is detected varies as follows:
● CP during startup
When the CP starts up (following a power down or after assigning an Ethernet address),
a query for its own IP address is sent into the network. If a response is sent in reply, the
CP does not start up! The error is indicated by the LEDs ("Stopped (STOP) with error" +
"BF" LED is displayed) and an entry is made in the internal diagnostics buffer.
The CP remains in STOP mode.
When you eliminate the cause by removing the device with the same IP address or by
changing its address, you then need to restart the CP.
● CP in RUN mode
If a double IP address is detected, the CP also reports this via the LED (BF) and
generates an entry in the diagnostics buffer.
The CP remains in RUN mode.
If the conflict is eliminated on another component, the "BF" LED goes off again.

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.8 Media redundancy

6.7.2 Obtain IP address vie DHCP: CP STOP on expiry of the lease

If you have configured “Obtain IP address from a DHCP server", when the CP starts up, it is
assigned a valid IP address by the DHCP server for a restricted time (period of the lease).

STOP on expiry of the lease
The CP changes to STOP and loses the previously assigned IP address if the DHCP server
does not extend it before expiry of the lease. All communication connections are terminated.

6.8 Media redundancy

You can use the CP in a ring topology with media redundancy. The CP can only be a
redundancy client.
For more detailed information on configuration, refer to the online help of the "Media
redundancy" tab and Part A of the manual, see /1/ (Page 60).

6.9 Timeofday synchronization

General rules
The CP supports the two modes explained below for timeofday synchronization:
● SIMATIC mode
● NTP mode (NTP: Network Time Protocol)
No automatic changeover to daylight saving time is defined in NTP. As a result, you may
need to implement this changeover using a program application.

Project engineering
For more detailed information on configuration, refer to the online help of the "Time-of-day
synchronization" parameter group and in Part A of the manual /1/ (Page 60).

6.10 SNMP agent

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

SNMP is a protocol for managing networks. To transmit data, SNMP uses the
connectionless UDP protocol.

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.10 SNMP agent

The information on the properties of SNMPcompliant devices is entered in MIB files (MIB =
Management Information Base).
The CP supports data queries via SNMP in Version 1. It returns the contents of certain MIB
objects according to the MIB II standard, LLDP MIB, Automation System MIB and
MRP Monitoring MIB.

MIB file and SNMP profile file

You will find the MIB file and the SNMP profile file of the module in the STEP 7 installation in
the folders "S7DATA" > "snmp" under the name of the module.

Further information
For more detailed information on working with MIB files, refer to the documentation of the
SNMP client you are using (example of an SNMP client: SNMP OPC server from
You will find more information on MIBs on the following SIMATIC NET Internet page:
15177711 (

Supported MIBs
The CP supports the following groups of MIB objects of the standard MIB II according to
● System
● Interfaces
● Address Translation (AT)
● IP
The other groups of the MIB II standard are not supported:
● Transmission
The CP also supports the LLDPMIB according to IEEE 802.1AB, the PROFINET expansions
of the LLDPMIB (see also IEC 61158106), the Automation System MIB and the
MRP Monitoring MIB.
Exceptions / restrictions:

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.10 SNMP agent

● Write access is permitted only for the following MIB objects of the system group:
– sysContact
– sysLocation
– sysName
A set sysName is sent as the host name using DHCP option 12 to the DHCP server to
register with a DNS server.
For all other MIB objects / MIB object groups, only read access is possible for security
● Traps are not supported by the CP.

"Interfaces" MIB group

This group returns status information about the CP interfaces. The MIB objects of the ifTable
provide the status information of the interfaces. The "ifIndex" object identifier is assigned to
the CP interfaces as follows:

Table 6- 1 Assignment of ifIndex

ifIndex Type of interface

1-2 Port 1-2
3 Internal CP interface

Access permissions using community name

The CP uses the following community names to control the access rights in the SNMP

Table 6- 2 Access rights in the SNMP agent

Type of access Community name *)

Read access public
Read and write access private

*) Note the use of lowercase letters!

MIB files for your SNMP tools

If you use an SNMP tool, you will find the MIB files relevant to the CP in the STEP 7
installation in the following folder:
<Drive>\<Installation folder>\Siemens\Step7\S7DATA\snmp\mib
For the Automation System MIB, for example, these are the following files:
● automationPS.mib
● automationSmi.mib
● automationSystem.mib
● automationTC.mib

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44 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Notes on configuration and operation
6.11 Possible security gaps on standard IT interfaces: preventing unauthorized access

6.11 Possible security gaps on standard IT interfaces: preventing

unauthorized access
With various SIMATIC NET components, such as switches, a wide range of parameter
assignment and diagnostics functions (for example, Web servers, network management) are
available using open protocols and interfaces. The possibility of unauthorized misuse of
these open protocols and interfaces by third parties, for example to manipulate data, cannot
be entirely excluded.
When using the functions listed above and these open interfaces and protocols (for example,
SNMP, HTTP), you should take suitable security measures to prevent unauthorized access
to the components and the network particularly from within the WAN/Internet.

We expressly point out that automation networks must be isolated from the rest of the
company network by suitable gateways (for example using tried and tested firewall systems).
We do not accept any liability whatsoever, whatever the legal justification, for damage
resulting from nonadherence to this notice.

If you have questions on the use of firewall systems and IT security, please contact your
local Siemens office or representative. You will find the address in the SIMATIC catalog IK PI
or on the Internet at the following address:

6.12 Programmed communication connections

6.12.1 Programmed communication connections with FB55 IP_CONFIG

Downloading the configuration using FB55 IP_CONFIG

IP_CONFIG allows programcontrolled transfer of the configuration data.

If the CP is in PG STOP mode and the configuration is downloaded using IP_CONFIG, the
CP then changes automatically to RUN.

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Notes on configuration and operation
6.13 Permitted length of ICMP packets

6.12.2 Programmed communications connections - assigning parameters to the ports

The CP supports the following settings when assigning parameters to the ports in the
parameter block for TCP connections and UDP connections:
● SUB_LOC_PORT parameter
The port can be specified as an option when the connection is established actively.
● SUB_REM_PORT parameter
The port can be specified as an option when the connection is established passively.

6.13 Permitted length of ICMP packets

Permitted length of ICMP packets

Pings with a packet size of more than 1000 bytes are evaluated as an attack and filtered by
the CP. This response is intentional and improves the robustness of the CP in an industrial

CP 343-1 Lean
46 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Service and maintenance 7
7.1 Memory reset / reset to factory defaults
If the CP was configured with the "Status-dependent" protection level, the following two
functions are available only when the CPU is in STOP mode. You will find a setting in the
properties dialog of STEP 7 > "Options" > Module access protection tab.

Available functions
The CP has a twolevel function available for resetting memory:
● Memory reset
Following this memory reset, the CP retains the preset MAC address and the retentive
parameters. The CP is therefore immediately ready for downloads using the IP address.
The retentive parameters include:
– IP address, subnet mask and, if applicable, router address
– LAN settings
● Reset to factory settings
After resetting, the CP only contains the default MAC address (as shipped).

The functions for memory reset and resetting to defaults described here do not change
the configuration data on the CPU!
If you subsequently upload the configuration data from the CPU to a PG you will always
obtain the configuration data that was previously on the CP (with parameters,
connections, IP address).

How to use the function

You can start the memory reset functions in STEP 7.
● Memory reset
– In STEP 7 V5.5 with the menu command "PLC" > "Clear/Reset"
– In STEP 7 special diagnostics with the "Operating Mode" > "Clear/Reset Module"
menu command
– In STEP 7 Professional V11 with STEP 7 special diagnostics

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Service and maintenance
7.2 Loading new firmware

● Reset to factory settings

– In STEP 7 V5.5 with the menu command "PLC" > "Edit Ethernet Node..." > Select CP
> "OK" > "Reset to Factory Defaults"
– In STEP 7 special diagnostics with the "Operating Mode" > "Reset to Factory Settings"
menu command
– In STEP 7 Professional V11 with "Online > Online & Diagnostics > Functions > Reset
to Factory Settings"

Behavior after a memory reset

The CPU in the S7 station does not recognize that the CP memory was reset. The CP
therefore changes to the "Stopped (STOP) with error" state (see LEDs (Page 25)).
The configuration data must then be reloaded. The download of the configuration data can
be initiated by cycling the power supply (OFF → ON).

7.2 Loading new firmware

Options for a firmware update

The following alternative methods can be used to download new firmware to a SIMATIC NET
● Using the firmware loader supplied with STEP 7
Requirement for downloading:
– To download firmware, you require an Industrial Ethernet CP module in the PG/PC
(for example, CP 1613) or a normal Ethernet module with the "Softnet" software
– The S7ONLINE interface must be set to the "ISO - Industrial Ethernet" protocol. It is
not possible to download using TCP/IP (and therefore not to other networks).
● Via the update center in the Web diagnostics of the CP
With this method, the CP remains in RUN mode.
You can reach the update center using Web diagnostics.
Requirement: The option "Firmware download via Web" is selected in the configuration.
Both options for loading the firmware are described in the manual Part A, see /1/ (Page 60).

LED displays when loading a firmware file

The LED combinations when loading a firmware file using the STEP 7 firmware loader can
be found in the section LEDs (Page 25).
When loading a firmware file using the update center in Web diagnostics, the LEDs of the
CP remain unchanged.

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Service and maintenance
7.3 Replacing a module

If the loading with the firmware loader is interrupted, you should react as follows:
Disturbances or collisions on the network can lead to packets being lost. In such cases, this
can lead to an interruption of the firmware download. The firmware loader then signals a
timeout or negative response from the module being loaded.
In this case, turn the station off and on again and repeat the download.

7.3 Replacing a module

Recommendation to reset address data if the use of the CP is changed
The following data is stored permanently on the CP:
 IP parameters when using DHCP
If the CP has already been operated in your plant and you want to use it at a different
location in the plant, it starts up with the permanently configured parameters.
If the CP has been used previously in your plant or has been repaired, delete all stored data
by resetting to the factory settings.

7.3.1 Replacing older modules

When replacing existing modules with the module described here, the following variants
must be distinguished:
● Replacing a module
Describes the situation when an existing module can be replaced with a new module
simply by pulling/plugging without changing the configuration.
● Upgrading
(module replacement with compatible functions)
Describes the situation when the module described here can be used instead of an older
module as long as adaptations are made to the configuration. Here, the previously used
CP needs to be replaced in the configuration by the new CP.
Unless otherwise specified, the range of functions of the older module continues to be
You can also upgrade modules listed in "Module replacement". This is necessary when new
characteristics that were not available in the previously used module are required.

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Service and maintenance
7.3 Replacing a module

7.3.2 module replacement / upgrading

Replacing a module
The CP 343-1 Lean described here (6GK7 343-1CX10-0XE0 firmware version 3.0) can be
used as a replacement for the following predecessor products:
● CP 343-1 Lean (6GK7 343-1CX00-0XE0)
When replacing a CP 343-1 Lean (CX00) with a CP 343-1 Lean (CX10) and a STEP 7
version < V5.4, all the previous functions remain available. Any port settings made for
Ethernet are adopted for port 1.
The additional second RJ-45 port is also available in the "Automatic setting" mode.
● CP 343-1 Lean (6GK7 343-1CX10-0XE0, firmware version V1.0, V2.x)
All previous functions remain available. In addition, the new functions compared with the
firmware version of the previous product are also available.

The following predecessor products can be upgraded on the CP 343-1 Lean
(6GK7 343-1CX10-0XE0) described here.
Refer to modules in "Replacing modules".

Interface in the user program

You should always use the latest block versions for new user programs. You will find
information on the current block versions and the current blocks for downloading on the
Internet under:
8797900 (

CP 343-1 Lean
50 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Service and maintenance
7.3 Replacing a module

Module replacement
Please follow the procedure below when replacing an older module with the module
described here:

Table 7- 1 Replacing an older module

Originally configured module Configuration procedure

6GK7 343-1CX00-0XE0 Case a: Configuration unchanged / module replacement
If you have no requirements beyond what you had with the
previous CP (for example PROFINET IO mode), you do not
need to make changes in the configuration.
Case b: Adapted configuration / upgrade
If you want to use the extended options of the new CP,
follow the steps below:
1. Replace the previously configured CP with the new
module in STEP 7 / HW Config. You will find this in the
hardware catalog.
2. Expand the configuration according to your
requirements, for example by enabling the CP for
PROFINET IO device mode.
3. Save, compile and download the configuration data to
the CPU again.

7.3.3 Replacing a module without a programming device

Replacing the CP with the same or a previous module

● Replacing with the same module
The configuration data of the CP is stored on the CPU. Replacing the CP with a module
of the same type (identical order number) is therefore possible without a PG.
● Replacing with a previous module
For information on replacing previous modules, refer to the information in section module
replacement / upgrading (Page 50).

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Service and maintenance
7.3 Replacing a module

Module replacement: Special feature of IP address assignment from a DHCP server

During configuration of the CP you can specify the IP configuration in the properties dialog;
one option is to obtain the IP address from a DHCP server.

When replacing modules, please remember that the factoryset MAC address of the new
module is different from the previous module. When the factoryset MAC address of the new
module is sent to the DHCP server, this will return either a different or possibly no IP
Ideally, you should therefore configure IP as follows:
Always configure a client ID if you want to obtain the same IP address from the DHCP server
after replacing the module.

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Technical specifications 8
Table 8- 1 Technical specifications

Technical specifications
Attachment to Industrial Ethernet
Number 1 x PROFINET interface with 2port switch
Execution Connector 2 x RJ-45 jacks
Transmission rate 10 / 100 Mbps
When working with PROFINET IO and
cyclic transfer, the transmission speed of
100 Mbps full duplex is mandatory.
Aging time 5 minutes
Special features of the X1P1R and Integration in ring topology / MRP possible
X1P2R ports
Electrical data
Supply voltage External power supply 24 VDC
Permitted range +20.4 V to +28.8 V
From backplane bus 5 VDC
Current consumption From external power supply 200 mA maximum
From backplane bus 200 mA maximum
Effective power loss 5.8 W
Permitted ambient conditions
Ambient temperature During operation with the rack 0 ℃ to +60 ℃
installed horizontally
During operation with the rack 0 ℃ to +40 ℃
installed vertically
During storage -40 ℃ to +70 ℃
During transportation -40 ℃ to +70 ℃
Relative humidity During operation ≤ 95 % at 25 °C, no condensation
Operating altitude During operation ≤ 2,000 m above sea level
Contaminant concentration Acc. to ISA-S71.04 severity level G1, G2, G3
Design, dimensions and weight
Module format Compact module for S7-300, single width
Degree of protection IP20
Weight Approx. 220 g
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 x 125 x 120 mm
Installation options Mounting in an S7-300 rack
Product functions *

* You will find the product functions in the section Properties / services (Page 9).

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Technical specifications

For further data, refer to section Performance data (Page 15)

In addition to this, all the information in the "SIMATIC S7-300 Automation System Module
Data" see /12/ (Page 62) in the section "General Technical Specifications" on the topics
listed below applies to the CP:
● Electromagnetic compatibility
● Transportation/storage conditions
● Mechanical and climatic environmental conditions
● Information on insulation checks, protection class and degree of protection

CP 343-1 Lean
54 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
Approvals A
Approvals issued

Issued approvals on the type plate of the device
The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.
You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by the
markings on the type plate.
Approvals for shipbuilding are not printed on the device type plate.

Current approvals on the Internet

SIMATIC NET products are regularly submitted to the relevant authorities and approval
centers for approvals relating to specific markets and applications.
You will also find the current approvals for the product on the Internet pages of Siemens
Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID:
→ "Entry list" tab, entry type "Certificates"

Approvals for SIMATIC NET products

You will find an overview of the approvals for SIMATIC NET products including approvals for
shipbuilding on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support under the
following entry ID:
57337426 (

EC declaration of conformity
The product meets the requirements and safety objectives of the following EC directives and
it complies with the harmonized European standards (EN) for programmable logic controllers
which are published in the official documentation of the European Union:
● EC Directive 2004/108/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive)
– Immunity - EN 61000-6-2 : 2005
– Emission - EN 61000-6-4 +A1: 2007/2011
The device is designed for use in an industrial environment.

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● EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres" (ATEX Explosion Protection Directive)
– EN 60079-0:2006: Potentially explosive atmosphere - general requirements
– EN 60079-15: 2005: Type of protection 'n'
● EC directive 2006/95/EEC "Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage
Limits" (Low Voltage Equipment Directive)
– EN 61131–2 / IEC 61131–2 (programmable logic controllers, part 2: equipment
requirements and verifications)
The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities according to the
above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address:
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Industry Automation
Industrielle Kommunikation SIMATIC NET
Postfach 4848
D-90327 Nürnberg
You will find the EC Declaration of Conformity for this product on the Internet at the following
21687867 (
→ "Entry list" tab
Filter settings: Entry type "Certificates", Certificate Type "Declaration of Conformity"

ATEX approval

Installation guidelines
The product meets the requirements if you keep to the following during installation and
 The notes in the section Installation, connecting up and commissioning (Page 29)
 The installation instructions in the document /12/ (Page 62)

ATEX approval: II 3 G Ex nA II T4
Test number: KEMA 03ATEX1228 X
Relevant standards:
● EN 60079-0:2006: Potentially explosive atmosphere - general requirements
● EN 60079-15:2005: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres; type of
protection 'n'
The device is suitable for use in environments with polution degree 2.
The device is suitable for use only in environments that meet the following conditions:
● Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D and areas where there is no risk of explosion
● Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC and areas where there is no risk of explosion

CP 343-1 Lean
56 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07

cULus HAZ.LOC. approval

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
cULus Listed 7RA9 IND. CONT. EQ. FOR HAZ. LOC.:
● UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment)
● UL 1604 (Hazardous Location)
● CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Pocess Control Equipment)
● CSA C22.2 No. 213 (Hazardous Location)
APPROVED for Use in:
● Cl. 1, Div. 2, GP. A, B, C, D T4A; Ta = 0 °C...60 °C
● Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP. IIC T4; Ta = 0 °C...60 °C

FM approval
Factory Mutual Research (FM):
Approval Standard Class Number 3611
APPROVED for Use in:
Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D, Temperature Class T4A; Ta = 0 °C...60 °C
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC, Temperature Class T4; Ta = 0 °C...60 °C

Notice for Australia (C-TICK)

AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)

Notice for Korea (KCC)


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References B
Finding the SIMATIC NET documentation
● Catalogs
You will find the order numbers for the Siemens products of relevance here in the
following catalogs:
– SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication / Industrial Identification, catalog IK PI
– SIMATIC Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation, catalog
ST 70
You can request the catalogs and additional information from your Siemens
You can go to the Industry Mall on the Internet at the following address:
Catalog (
● Documentation on the Internet
You will find SIMATIC NET manuals on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation
Customer Support:
Link to Customer Support (
Enter the entry ID of the relevant manual as the search item. The ID is listed below some
of the reference entries in brackets.
As an alternative, you will find the SIMATIC NET documentation on the pages of Product
10805878 (
Go to the required product group and make the following settings:
"Entry list" tab, Entry type "Manuals / Operating Instructions"
● Documentation from the STEP 7 installation
Manuals that are included in the online documentation of the STEP 7 installation on your
PG/PC can be found in the start menu ("Start" > "SIMATIC" > "Documentation").

CP 343-1 Lean

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Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 59
B.1 On configuring, commissioning and using the CP

B.1 On configuring, commissioning and using the CP

S7 CPs for Industrial Ethernet
Configuring and Commissioning
Manual Part - General Application
Configuration Manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under the following entry ID:
30374198 (

Version history / current downloads for the SIMATIC NET S7 CPs
History document
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
9836605 (

B.2 For configuration with STEP 7 / NCM S7

NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Siemens AG
(part of the online documentation in STEP 7)

Commissioning PC Stations - instructions and getting started
Configuration manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
13542666 (

CP 343-1 Lean
60 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
B.3 On programming

Configuring Hardware and Connections with STEP 7
Siemens AG
Part of the documentation package "STEP 7 Basic Knowledge"
(Part of the online documentation in STEP 7)

B.3 On programming

Version history of the SIMATIC NET function blocks and functions for SIMATIC S7
Reference document
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
9836605 (

Programming with STEP 7
Siemens AG
(Part of the STEP 7 documentation package STEP 7 Basic Knowledge)
(Part of the online documentation in STEP 7)
On the Internet under the following entry ID:
18652056 (

System and Standard Functions for S7-300/400 - Volume 1/2
Reference manual
Siemens AG
(Part of the STEP 7 documentation package STEP 7 Basic Knowledge)
(Part of the online documentation in STEP 7)
On the Internet under the following entry ID:
1214574 (

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Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 61
B.4 On installing and commissioning the CP

Industrial Communication with PG/PC Volume 1 - Basics
System manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
42783968 (
Industrial Communication with PG/PC Volume 2 - Interfaces
Programming manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
42783660 (

Program blocks for SIMATIC NET S7 CPs
Programming Manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under the following entry ID:
30564821 (

Automatisieren mit STEP 7 in AWL und SCL (ISBN: 978-3-89578-280-0) /
Automating with STEP 7 in STL and SCL (ISBN: 978-3-89578-295-4)
User manual, programming manual
Berger, Hans
Publicis KommunikationsAgentur GmbH, GWA, 2006

B.4 On installing and commissioning the CP

Automation System S7-300
● CPU 31xC and 31x Installation: Operating instructions
Entry ID: 13008499
● Module Data: Reference manual
Entry ID: 8859629

CP 343-1 Lean
62 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
B.5 For application and configuration of PROFINET IO

Siemens AG


Automation System S7-400, M7-400
● Installation: Installation manual
Entry ID: 1117849
● Module Data: Reference manual
Entry ID: 1117740
Siemens AG

B.5 For application and configuration of PROFINET IO

PROFINET System Description
System manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)
On the Internet under following entry ID:
19292127 (

Programming manual
Siemens AG
(SIMATIC NET Manual Collection)

B.6 On IT security

You will find further information on IT security and on data security in industrial
communication on the following Internet pages of Siemens AG:

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Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07 63
B.7 On setting up and operating an Industrial Ethernet network

B.7 On setting up and operating an Industrial Ethernet network

Industrial Ethernet - Network Manual
system manual
Siemens AG
Entry ID:
27069465 (

B.8 SIMATIC and STEP 7 basics

Communication with SIMATIC
system manual
Siemens AG
Entry ID:
25074283 (

Documentation package "STEP 7 Basic Knowledge"
● Working with STEP 7 Getting Started (ID: 18652511)
● Programming with STEP 7 (ID: 18652056)
● Configuring Hardware and Connections with STEP 7 (ID: 18652631)
● From S5 to S7, Converter Manual (ID: 1118413)
Siemens AG
Order number 6ES7 810-4CA08-8AW0
(part of the online documentation in STEP 7)

B.9 Other topics

Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 (ISO 8802-3)

CP 343-1 Lean
64 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07
B.9 Other topics

RFC 1006 (ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP Version: 3)
Request For Comment

RFC 793 (TCP)

RFC 791 (IP)

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B.9 Other topics

CP 343-1 Lean
66 Manual, 10/2012, C79000−G8976−C198−07

A Open communications services, 4
Abbreviation "CX",
Addressing, 33
ATEX, 30
Ping, 46
PROFIenergy, 9
C Programmed connections and IP configuration, 4
Protection against transient voltage surges, 31
Cabinet, 30
Cables for temperatures in excess of 70 °C, 31
Connection and system diagnostics, 4
CX (abbreviation), 9
Replacing components, 30

Diagnostics, 34
Download, 33 Safety extra low voltage, 29
Downloads, 5 Safety notices, 29
SIMATIC NET glossary, 5
SIMATIC NET Manual Collection, 5
F STEP 7, 4
STEP 7 version, 9, 23
Access coordination, 4
G Version history, 5
Glossary, 5
GSDML file, 24

Hazardous area, 29
Hazardous areas according to ATEX, 30

IP configuration, 4

MAC address, 4, 49
Manual Collection, 5

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