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CSE701 2016 Final Question

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet

4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2016

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 701
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) What is Completeness and Optimality of an Algorithm? Is Greedy Best First Search 6
Optimal? Why?
b) Consider the search space below, where S is the start node and G1, G2, and G3 7
satisfy the goal test. Arcs are labeled with the cost of traversing them and the
estimated cost to a goal is reported inside nodes.

For each of the following search strategies, indicate which goal state is reached (if
any) by expanding the tree. When all else is equal, nodes should be expanded in
alphabetical order: [1] Best-First Search [2]. A* Search
c) Why A* Search Algorithm is Optimal? 2
d) For the Automated Cricket Player (can be a Bowler or a Batsman) agent develop 2.5
PEAS description of the Task Environment.

2.a) Define Rationality and Intelligent Agent. For the Interactive English Tutor or Chess 6
with a clock agent develop the PEAS description of the task environment.
b) What are the characteristics of the task environment “LUDU Game”? How do you 4
formulate a Problem?
c) What is Agent Function? Describe the agent function of agent vacuum cleaner (Four 3.5
Tiles A, B, C and D).
d) What is Turing test? What is the difference between human intelligence and 4
Artificial Intelligence?

3.a) Briefly describe the structure of an Agent. 2.5

b) What is Heuristic Function? What do you understand by Informed search and 4
Uninformed search?
c) Consider a CSP with variables X and Y with domains {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6} for X and {2; 4; 6} 4
for Y, and constraints X < Y and X + Y > 8. List the values that will remain in the
domain of X after enforcing arc consistency for the arc X -> Y (recall arc consistency
for a specific arc only prunes the domain of the tail variable, in this case X).
d) Consider the game tree shown below. For what range of U will the indicated pruning 3
take place?

e) When using alpha-beta pruning, is it possible to get an incorrect value at the root 4
node by choosing a bad ordering when expanding children? Explain.
4.a) Write the rules for modus ponens. What do you understand by Propositional logic 4
and First Order Logic?
b) Consider the following sentences- 6
• If a triangle ABC is Equilateral, then it is Isosceles.
• If a triangle ABC is Isosceles, then two sides AB and AC are Equal.
• If AB and AC are equal, then angle B and angle C Are Equal.
• ABC is an Equilateral triangle.
i. Convert the sentences in propositional logic.
ii. Convert the sentences in clausal form.
iii. Using resolution prove “Angle B is Equal to angle C”.
c) Answer the following questions 4
i. Convert the following sentences into formulas in First Order Logic and
Corresponding Clausal form.
• Some people can fool some of the people all of the time.
• All purple mushrooms are poisonous.
• Every child loves anyone who gives the child any present.
• Every Tiger lives in some Forest or zoo

ii. Consider the following information. 3.5

"One of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, or Spy is the culprit. The culprit stole the
document. Tinker and Soldier did not steal the document. If Tailor or Spy is
the culprit, then the document must be in Paris."

Using resolution, proof of validity of the following statement,

"The document is in Paris."

5.a) What do you know about adversarial search? 3

b) What is game tree? How can you define an evaluation function? 3
c) Apply Alpha – Beta pruning to the following game tree. Assume top most node is 8.5
maximizing value.

d) What is CSP? Give some examples of CSP. 3

6.a) What is goal stack planning? 2

b) Solve the following block world problem using goal stack planning. Describe Initial 7
and Goal State. Write actions and their Preconditions.
[Hints: Action Given: Move(x, y) , MoveToTable(x)]

c) What is Learning and Learning Agent? Why Learning is important in Artificial 3.5
d) Write short notes on Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. 5

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2016
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 703
Course Title: Peripheral and Interfacing
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) What are the basic elements of interfacing? Describe with figure. 4
b) Write down different types of Registers of 8088 microprocessor. Draw the figure of 6
8088 microprocessor Architecture.
c) What do you mean by Handshaking? Explain with the example. 4
d) Write down the working procedure of keyboard. 3.5

2.a) Describe keyboard mode (MMM) of Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface – 8279. 4

b) Draw the figure of DRAM read cycle and describe. 4
c) Why decode memory? Write down different types of Memory pin connection 3.5
d) Describe the control words which are given below: 6
i) 010Z0AAA ii) 1010WWBB
iii) 1100CCFA iv) 1110E000

3.a) Draw the figure of Status register of 8279. 2.5

b) Describe 8254 programmable Interval Timer with figure. 6
c) Draw and describe different types of mode operation. 9
4.a) What do you mean by interrupt? Write short note on: 6
i) Bound ii) Non-maskable iii) Invalid task segment iv) General protection
b) A person want that, a microcontroller will perform some specific task. How do you 5
make it possible?
c) If you want to interface more than Eight I/O devices with your computer system, what 6.5
problem will arises and how can you solve it?

5.a) What is device polling? How do you provide interrupt driven data transfer to large 10
number of I/O device?
b) What are the advantages of hardware polling over software polling? Describe with 5
c) What do you mean by LSI and MSI? 2.5

6.a) Draw and describe the figure of Initialization Sequence of 8259A. 8

b) What is Bus in microprocessor? Write down different types of Buses. 3.5
c) What is Service Register and Interrupt Mask Register? 2
d) Draw and explain 3 to 8 line Decoder. 4
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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2015
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 707
Course Title: Graph Theory
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) Draw the following graphs: i) A simple graph with 5 vertices and 8 edges. 2*3
ii) the complete graph K5 iii) The complement of the cycle graph C4.
b) What is graph? Proof that every graph has an even number of odd vertices. 2+3
c) What is isomorphism? Explain with example when two graphs G1 and G2 are said to 2+2
be isomorphic.

d) Draw the graph whose adjacency matrix is given below:

2.a) Find a solution of the four cubes problem for the set of cubes shown below: 8
Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Cube 4
b) Define walk, trail, path and cycle using suitable examples. 4
c) Explain the following:
i) Edge connectivity 2
ii) Vertex connectivity 2
iii) Bridge 1.5

3.a) Give example of unicursal graph. 3

b) Draw union, intersection and ring sum of G1 and G2 graphs. 9

c) How deletion and fusion works in graph? 5.5

4.a) Draw complete graph for two, three and four vertex. 6
b) Show with an example how weighted tree can be used in design coke machine. 5.5
c) Determine Hamilton path and circuit for the following graph. 6

5.a) Find all spanning tree of the following graph. 7

b) Find MST using Prims and Kruskal algorithms for the following graph. 8

c) How you will find the chromatic number of a graph and tree? 2.5

6.a) What do you mean by planar graph? Proof that the complete graph of five vertices 2+5
is non-planar.
b) Show that the graph shown below is planar or non-planar using elementary 5
reduction process.

c) What is Geometric dual? Construct a dual graph from the above graph (fig: Q.6(b)). 1+4.5
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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2016
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 711
Course Title: Digital Image Processing
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) Define digital image mathematically. Draw the flow chart of key stages in Digital 1+2
Image Processsing.
b) A common measure to transmit digital data is baud rate defined as the number of 3+2
bits transmitted per second. Generally, transmission is accomplished in packets
consisting of a start bit, a byte (8 bits) of information, and a stop bit. Using these
facts answer the following:
i) How many minutes would it take to transmit a 1024 x 1024 image with
256 intensity levels using a 33.6K baud modem?
ii) What would the time be at 3000K baud, a representative medium of a
phone DSL connection?
c) Give two examples of application of image processing in the area of Law 2
Enforcement and Defense.
d) When you enter a dark theatre on a bright day, it takes an appreciable interval of 3
time before you can see well enough to find an empty seat. Which of the visual
process is at play at this situation?
e) Write the basic procedure to generate ultrasound imaging. 3
f) What is the difference between scotopic and photopic vision? 1.5

2.a) Define illumination and reflectance mathematically along with their range. 3
b) Define frame grabber and frame buffer. Briefly describe how to perform the image 2+2
acquisition from a real world image to a digital image.
c) Define spatial and gray level resolution of an image. Why is image gray level chosen 2+2
as power of two?
d) Calculate the number of bits required to store a 256 × 256 image with 32 gray 2
e) Define Sampling and Quantization of an image with suitable examples. What 3+1.5
happens if the gray level is reduced?

3.a) List the arithmetic and logical operations between to pixels p and q in an image I 2+2
along with their uses.
b) Write down 3 basic types of transformation along with their mathematical 3
c) What is the effect of averaging an image? In which application it is useful. 3
d) Define 4-Neighbors, and 8-Neighbors of a pixel p(x,y) with suitable examples. Write 3+2
the diagonal coordinates of point p(x,y) titled ND(p). Give the formula to calculate
the D4 and D8 distance between two pixels p and q.
e) Define Gamma Correction. A linear wedge gray scale image is an input to a monitor. 2.5
What will be the output with or without using gamma correction? Show graphically.
4.a) What are the different types of discontinuities in an image? Give an example of a 2+1
mask to detect the isolated point in an image.
b) Define image segmentation with suitable examples. Write different methods of 3+2
image segmentation.
c) What do you mean by ‘edge’? What is role of 1st and 2nd derivative in edge 1+2
d) Write down the mask of common edge detectors like Sobel, Prewit and Roberts? 3
e) How do you detect a line in an image? Give suitable masks in all direction and state 3.5
the process.
5.a) The histogram of an image of size 64*64 with gray level [0…7] is given below 3+3+2
rk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
nk 790 1023 850 656 329 245 122 81
i) Calculate the gray level probabilities for each level. Draw the histogram
using gray level probabilities.
ii) Define a transform function T(r) that will equalize the histogram. Draw the
diagram of the transformation function.
iii) Draw the histogram of the equalized image.
b) Histogram equalization is a local or global method? Justify your answer. What if the 2+2
image characteristics changes locally? How do you handle this situation?
c) Write down the steps of local histogram processing. 3
d) Imagine you have some important information in each black 2.5
square in the image beside. Which histogram equalization will
you use to find the details of the image? Justify your answer.

6.a) Consider you have captured a video in standard definition (720 x 480) colour image 2
format at a frame rate of 30fps. Calculate how much storage in gigabytes will be
required for storing this video for one hour.
b) What is entropy? Consider you are given a grayscale image of (64 x 64) size having 1+2+3
only five intensity values present and the number of pixels having these intensity
values are as listed in the table below. This table also contains a random binary
encoding scheme called “A” as:
Intensity Value Number of Pixels Encoding Scheme A
61 1021 00
89 864 001
178 1000 10
205 711 010
230 500 0110
i. For a noiseless compression scheme, find the lowest number of bits
required per pixel on an average to store this image in memory.
ii. Find the compression ratio between the regular 8-bit per pixel encoding
and the encoding scheme “A”.
c) For the same table given in question 6(b), apply the binary Huffman encoding 5+1
algorithm and find the encoded bit sequence. Also compute the amount of bit
required to store the image in memory.
d) What is block transform coding? Draw a block diagram of both the encoder and the 3.5
decoder of a block transform coding scheme.
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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2016
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: IPE 701
Course Title: Industrial Management
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) Why should an engineer study industrial management? List the technical skills a 6
manager should have?
b) State the Fayol’s fourteen principles of management. Discuss in brief. 9
c) Differentiate between “Authority” and “Responsibility”. 2.5
2.a) Explain the principles of organizations. 6
b) Define the matrix organization with examples. 4
c) Monthly expenses (in Taka) incurred in the manufacturing of 50 nos of a product 7.5
are as follows:
i) direct material cost : 32,000
ii) direct labour cost : 28,000
iii) direct expenses : 25,000
iv) manufacturing expenses: 60% of direct material cost
v) administrative expenses- 5% of prime cost
vi) selling expenses- 10% of prime cost
vii) profit to be charged 12.5% of cost of sales. Define and Calculate-
1. prime cost 2. selling cost and 3. selling price
3.a) With illustration explain elements of the break-even analysis. 5
b) A machine is purchased at the cost of 𝑇𝑘 2,70,000. The estimated life of the 5
machine is 9 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 and its resale value at the end of its life is estimated at
𝑇𝑘 70,000. If the money in the depreciation fund is charged at 9% rate of interest,
calculate depreciation amount per year by sinking fund method.
c) Explain production unit method to calculate depreciation. 4
d) What is the necessity of preparing production budget? 3.5

4.a) What are the challenges of a modern personnel manager? Why Human Resource 6
Planning (HRP) is important for an organization?
b) What is the difference between recruitment and selection? With flow chart discuss 6
the key activities in the recruitment process.
c) List and briefly describe the factors that influence an organizations demand for 5.5
human resources.
5.a) Explain the Maslow’s hierarchy need in perspective of general view and 5
organization view.
b) Define the performance appraisal? Why is it important for improving employees’ 6.5
c) Explain with examples – 6
i) Transportation advertising
ii) Outdoor advertising
iii) Social media advertising

6.a) It is said that ‘knowing the customer is knowing what to do in marketing’. Explain 5
the idea in the context of demographical classification of market segmentation.
b) What criteria or bases can be used for segmenting Industrial product market? – 5
c) Describe various methods of sales promotions. 3.5
d) How does consumer make decision for the product or service? 4
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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2016
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: SS 703
Course Title: Sociology and Industrial Laws
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]

1.a) Define Sociology. What are the characteristics of sociology? 6
b) Describe the scope of sociology. 6
c) Do you think that the study of sociology is indispensible to the students of 5.5
‘Computer Science and Engineering Department'? Give your arguments.

2.a) Define social evolution. 3

b) Describe the stages in the evolution of human civilization. 9.5
c) Identify and explain the factors that have played a pivotal role to develop 5
different societies over the course of human history.

3.a) Enumerate and explain the types of family. 6

b) Discuss the functions of family. 7.5
c) What are the declining functions of family? Explain. 4

4.a) What is social stratification? 3
b) Describe the forms of social stratification. 9
c) How does social mobility keep society dynamic and active? Explain. 5.5

5.a) Define 'factory'. 3

b) Discuss the measures mentioned in the 'Factory Act, 1965' for ensuring health 9
and hygiene in factory.
c) Briefly describe the importance of 'Factory Act, 1965'. 5.5

6. a) Write short note on the following:

a) Urban ecology and eco-system 5.5
b) Cultural lag 4
c) Social group 4
d) Slavery-caste 4

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2015
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: SS 705
Course Title: Financial Management & Accounting
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) What are the differences between ‘event and transaction’? 2
b) Distinguish between Bookkeeping and Accounting. 3.5
c) Briefly explain about the basic accounting equation. 4
d) Shahed opened a veterinary business in Sylhet on April 30, 2014. Nahid’s initial investment is Tk. 36000. 8
During May, the following transactions occurred:
May 01 Cash paid on account payable tk. 2000.
05 Collected Tk. 5000 on accounts receivable.
07 Purchase office supplies Tk. 500.
20 Staff salaries paid for one month Tk. 6000.
25 Utilities incurred Tk. 1500.
29 Received Tk. 12000 from Exim Bank on a note payable.
Requirement: Prepare a tabular analysis of May transactions beginning with the balances.

2. Mr. Rahman is a Trader. During May 2015 he completed the following transactions: 6
April 01 He brought Tk.50000 in cash as capital. 7
03 purchase office equipment Tk. 2500. 4.5
12 Purchase goods on cash Tk. 60000.
15 Paid for Tk. 2500 for advertisement.
20 Paid for a one year insurance policy Tk. 1200.
25 Sold goods worth Tk. 7000 to Orchid traders.
Requirement: Prepare Journal, Ledger & trial Balance from the transactions.

3.a) Define Worksheet. 2.5

b) Briefly explain about the accounting cycle. 3
c) The following Trial Balance has been taken from the books of Iqbal Enterprise as on Dec. 31, 2013. 12
Accounts Title Debit(Tk.) Credit(Tk.)
Accounts Payable 2000
Accounts Receivable 3000
Acc. Dep. Equipment 2000
Withdrawal 2000
Shop Equipment 7000
Shop supplies 4000
Wages expense 8000
Rent expense 2000
Sales Revenue 18000
Capital 110000
Cash 104000
Notes Payable 1000
Prepaid insurance 3000
i) Estimated depreciation for Equipment Tk. 1000.
ii) Unused shop supplies as inventory Tk. 1000.
iii) Interest on Notes Payable is due Tk. 200.
Requirement: Prepare a 10 column work sheet for 2013.
4. The following Trial Balance & additional data are for the Nippon Company as on Dec. 31, 2015. 17.5
Account Titles Tk. Account Titles Tk.
Cash 18750 Acc. Dep. Building 30000

Accounts Receivable 30000 Acc. Dep. Equipment 15000

Notes Receivable 3750 Accounts Payable 7500
Prepaid Insurance 2250 Capital 22500
Supplies 1500 Retained earnings 7875
Building 60000 Service Revenue 120000
Equipment 22500
Dividend 13500
Salaries Expense 45000
Advertising Expense 2100
Utilities expense 3000
Miscellaneous Expense 525
Total 202875 Total 202875

Additional Information:
i) Accrued interest on notes receivable is Tk. 188.
ii) Insurance expense for the year is Tk. 1800.
iii) A physical count shows that supplies on hand at December 31 are Tk. 300.
iv) Accrued salaries are Tk. 3000.
Requirements: (i) Income Statement (ii) Retained Earnings Statement (iii) Balance Sheet

5.a) What is NPV Method? 2.5

b) You are given the cash flow for ‘Project S’ and ‘Project L’ below:
Year Cash flow for project ‘S’ Cash flow for project ‘L’
0 (2500) (2500)
1 1000 300
2 700 700
3 500 800
4 300 1000
Calculate the following requirement assuming 10% discount rate
i) Discounted payback period (PBP) for project S & L. 8
ii) Justify what which project is suitable on the basis PBP. 2
iii) Calculate NPV for project S & L 5

6.a) Define internal rate of return (IRR) 2.5

b) Mr. Smith has two different project options to start a new business. He has assumed the following cash 15
flow for the next 4 years.
Year Cash flow for project ‘X’ Cash flow for project ‘Y’
0 -1500 -1500
1 1000 300
2 800 600
3 500 800
4 300 900
On the basis of this information calculate internal rate of return (IRR) for both the project and select the
best one.
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