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Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

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Previous Year Questions

(i) Plot a graph showing variation of the apparent depth
with the real depth of the coin.
1. A point source in air is kept 24 cm in front of a concave
(ii) What is the physical significance of the slope of the
spherical glass surface  a  g  1.5  and radius of
curvature 60 cm. Find the nature of the image formed
and its distance from the point source.
5. (a) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the formation
of an image by an astronomical refracting telescope in
2. Explain with the help of a suitable diagram, the
normal adjustment. Hence, obtain the expression for its
phenomenon on which an optical fibre works. Mention
magnifying power.
any two uses of optical fibres.
(b) A plane wavefront of light of wavelength '  ' is
3. (a) (i) Monochromatic light is incident on a surface
incident normally on a narrow slit of width ‘a’ and a
separating two media. The frequency of the light after
diffraction pattern is observed on a screen at a distance
refraction remains unaffected but its wavelength
‘D’ from the slit.
changes. Why?
(i) Depict the intensity distribution in the pattern
(ii) The frequency of an electromagnetic radiation is
1.0  1011 Hz . Identify the radiation and mention its two
(ii) Obtain the expression for the first maximum from
the central maximum.
(b) (i) Trace the path of a ray of light PQ which is
6. A converging lens made of glass    1.5 has its
incident at an angle i on one face of a glass prism of
spherical faces of radii of curvature 10 cm and 20 cm.
angle A. It then emerges out from the other face at an
Find its focal length
angle e. Use the ray diagram to prove that the angle
through which the ray is deviated is given by (a) in air, and
  i  e  A (b) when it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index

(ii) What will be the minimum value of  if the ray 1·25.

passes symmetrically through the prism? [CBSE-55-2-1-(2022)]

[CBSE-55-1-1-(2022)] 7. (a) Write two necessary conditions for total internal

4. (a) State the conditions for total internal reflection to reflection.

take place. (b) Two prism ABC and DBC are arranged as shown in

(b) A tank is filled with a transparent liquid to height figure.

‘H’. A coin suspended by a thread in the liquid is

gradually lowered till it touches the bottom. The
apparent depth is determined corresponding to different
positions of the coin.

(c) Virtual, virtual (d) Real, Real

II. The magnification due to a compound microscope does

not depend upon

(A) the aperture of the objective and the eye-piece

(B) the kcal length of the objective and the eye-piece

(C) the length of the tube

(D) the colour of the light used

III. Which of the following is not correct in the context of a

The critical angles for the two prisms with respect to aire
compound microscope?
are 41.1 and 45 respectively. Trace the path of the
(A) Both the lemma are of short focal lengths.
ray through the combination.
(B) The magnifying power increases by decreasing the
focal lengths of the two lenses.
(a) An object is placed in front of a converging lens.
(C) The distance between the two lenses is more than
Obtain the conditions under which the magnification
produced by the lens is (i) negative and (ii) Positive.  fo  fe  .
(b) A point object is placed at O in front of a glass sphere (D) The microscope can be used as a telescope by
as shown in figure. interchanging the two lenses.

IV. A compound microscope consists of an objective of 10X

and an eye-piece of 20X. The magnification due to the
mic pe would be

(A) 2 (B) 10

Show the formation of image by the sphere. (C) 30 (D) 200

[CBSE-55-3-1-(2022)] V. The focal length of objective and eye-piece of a

compound microscope are 1.2cm and 3.0 cm
8. A compound microscope consists of two converging
lenses. One of them, of smaller aperture and smaller respectively. The object is placed at a distance of 1.25

focal length is called objective and the other of slightly cm from the objective. If the final image is formed at
infinity, the magnifying power of the microscope would
larger aperture and slightly larger focal length is called
eye-piece. Both the lenses are fitted in a tube with an be.

arrangement to vary the distance between them. A tiny (a) 100 (b) 150
object is placed in front of the objective at a distance (c) 200 (d) 250
slightly greater than its focal length. The objective [CBSE-55-3-1-(2022)]
produces the image of the object which acts as an object
9. (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the formation
for the eye-piece. The eye piece, in turn produces the
of the image at infinity by an astronomical telescope.
final magnified image.
(ii) A telescope consists of an objective of focal length
I. In a compound microscope the images formed by the
150 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 6·0 cm. If the
objective and the eye-piece are respectively.
final image is formed at infinity, then calculate:
(a) Virtual, real (b) Real, virtual

(I) the length of the tube in this adjustment, and medium. Depending on R1 and R2, a lens behaves as a

(II) the magnification produced. diverging or a converging lens. The ability of a lens to
diverge or converge a beam of light incident on it
defines its power.
(b) (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the
(a) An object is placed at the point B as shown in the
formation of the image at least distance of distinct vision
figure. The object distance (u) and the image distance
by a compound microscope.
(v) are related as
(ii) A small object is placed at a distance of 3·0 cm from
a magnifier of focal length 4·0 cm. Find:

(I) the position of the image formed, and

(II) the linear magnification produced.


10. A ray of light is incident on a prism at an angle of 45

and passes symmetrically as shown in the figure.

1 1  n2  n1  1
(i)   
v u  n1  R

1 1  n1  n2  1
(ii)   
v u  n2  R

n2 n1  n2  n1 
(iii)  
v u R

n1 n2  n1  n2 
(iv)  
v u R
(a) the angle of minimum deviation,

(b) the refractive index of the material of the prism, and (b) A point object is placed in air at a distance ‘R’ in front
of convex spherical refracting surface of radius of
(c) the angle of refraction at the point P.
curvature R. If the medium on the other side of the
surface is glass, then the image is:
11. Two transparent media of refractive indices n1 and n2
(i) real and formed in glass.
are separated by a spherical transparent surface. The
(ii) real and formed in air.
rays of light incident on the surface get refracted into the
medium on the other side. The laws of refraction are (iii) virtual and formed in glass.

valid at each point of the spherical surface. A lens is a (iv) virtual and formed in air.
transparent optical medium bounded by two surfaces, at (c) An object is kept at 2F in front of an equiconvex lens.
least one of which should be spherical. The focal length The image formed is :
of a lens is determined by the radii of curvature (R1 and (i) real and of the size of the object.
R2) of its two surfaces and the refractive index (n) of the
(ii) virtual and of the size of the object.
medium of the lens with respect to the surrounding

(iii) real and enlarged. (ii) The least distance from the central maximum at

(iv) virtual and diminished. bright fringes due to both the wavelengths coincide.

(d) A thin converging lens of focal length 10 cm and a thin [CBSE-55-5-1-(2022)]

diverging lens of focal length 20 cm are placed coaxially 13. A ray of light passes through a prism of refractive index
in contact. The power of the combination is : 2 as shown in the figure. Find:
(i) 5 D (ii) + 5 D

(iii) + 15 D (iv) 15 D

(e) An equiconvex lens of focal length ‘f’ is cut into two

identical parts along the dotted line as shown in the
figure. The focal length of each part will be :

(i) The angle of incidence  r2  at face AC.

(ii) The angle of minimum deviation for this prism.


14. A ray of light travels from a denser to a rarer medium.

f f
(i) (ii) After refraction. it bends away from the normal. When
4 2
we keep increasing the angle of incidence, the angle of
(iii) f (iv) 2 f
refraction also increases till the refracted ray grazes
[CBSE-55-4-1-(2022)] along the interface of two media. The angle of incidence
12. (a) (i) Define SI unit of power of a lens. for which it happens is called critical angle. If the angle
of incidence is increased further the ray will not emerge
(ii) A piano convex lens is made of glass of refractive
and it will be reflected back in the denser medium. This
index 1.5. The radius of curvature of the convex surface
phenomenon is called total infernal reflection of light.
is 25 cm.
(i) A ray of light travels from a medium into water at an
(ii.i) Calculate the focal length of the lens.
angle of incidence of 18 . The refractive index of the
(ii. ii) If an object is placed 50 one in front of the lens,
medium in mare than that of water and the critical angle
find the nature and position of the image formed.
for the interface between the two media is 20 . Which
one of the following figures best represents the correct
(b) A slit of width 0.6 mm is illuminated by a beam of path of the ray of light?
light consisting of two wavelengths 600 nm and 480 nm.
The diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 1.0 m
from the slit. Find:

(i) The distance of the second bright fringe from the

central maximum pertaining to light of 600 nm.

15. For a concave mirror of focal length ‘f’, the minimum

distance between the object and its real image is:

(a) Zero (b) f

(c) 2f (d) 4f


16. Strontium titanate is a rare oxide — a natural mineral

found in Siberia. It is used as a substitute for diamond
because its refractive index and critical angle are 2.41
and 24.5°, respectively, which are approximately equal
to the refractive index and critical angle of diamond. It
has all the properties of diamond. Even an expert
jeweller is unable to differentiate between diamond and
strontium titanate. A ray of light is incident normally on
one face of an equilateral triangular prism ABC made of
(ii) A point source of light is placed at the bottom of a tank strontium titanate.
filled with water, of refractive index  , to a depth d.

The area of the surface of water through which light

from the source can emerge, is:

d2 d2
(a) (b)

2 2 1   2


d2 2 d 2
(c) (d)

2  2 1   2

Answer the following questions based on the above:
(iii) For which of the following media, with respect to air,
(a) Trace the path of the ray showing its passage through
the value of critical angle is maximum?
the prism.
(a) Crown glass (b) Flint glass
(b) Find the velocity of light through the prism.
(c) Water (d) Diamond
(c) Briefly explain two applications of total internal
(iv) The critical angle for a pair of two media A and B of
refractive indices 2.0 and 1.0 respectively is:
(a) 0 (b) 30
(c) Define total internal reflection of light. Give two
(c) 45 (d) 60
conditions for it.
(v) The critical angle of pair of a medium and air is 30 .
The speed of light in the medium is:
17. A ray of monochromatic light propagating in air, is
(a) 1108 ms 1 (b) 1.5 108 ms 1 incident on the surface of water. Which of the following

(c) 2.2  10 ms 8 1
(d) 2.8  10 ms 8 1 will be the same for the reflected and refracted rays?

[CBSE-55-5-1-(2022)] (a) Energy carried (b) Speed


(c) Frequency (d) Wavelength (b) (i) Draw a ray diagram showing refraction of a ray of

[CBSE-55-2-1-(2023)] light through a triangular glass prism. Hence, obtain the

18. A beam of light travels from air into a medium. Its speed relation for the refractive index    in terms of angle of

and wavelength in the medium are 1.5 108 ms 1 , and prism (A) and angle of minimum deviation  m  .
230 nm respectively. The wavelength of light in air will (ii) The radii of curvature of the two surfaces of a
be concave lens are 20 cm each. Find the refractive index
(a) 230 nm (b) 345 nm of the material of the lens if its power is — 5.0 D.
(c) 460 um (d) 690 nm [CBSE-55-3-1-(2023)]
[CBSE-55-2-1-(2023)] 23. (a) (i) Draw a ray diagram to show how the final image
19. In the given figure the radius of curvature of curved face is formed at infinity in an astronomical refracting
in the plano-convex and the plano-concave lens is 15 cm telescope. Obtain an expression for its magnifying
each. The refractive index of the material of the lenses power.
is 1.5. Find the final position of the image formed. (ii) Two thin lenses L1 and L2 , L1 being a convex lens

of focal length 24 cm and L2 a concave lens of focal

length 18 cm are placed coaxially at a separation of 45

cm. A 1 cm tall object is placed in front of the lens L1

at a distance of 36 cm. Find the location and height of

the image formed by the combination.
20. Define critical angle for a given pair of media and total
(b) (i) Explain the working principle of an optical fibre
internal reflection. Obtain the relation between the
with the help of a diagram. Mention one use of a light
critical angle and refractive index of the medium.
(ii) A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60 on one
21. The refractive indices of two media A and B are 2 and
face of a prism with the prism angle A  60 . The ray
2 respectively. What is the critical angle for their
passes symmetrically through the prism. Find the angle
of minimum deviation  m  and refractive index of the
material of the prism. If the prism is immersed in water,
22. (a) (i) Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of a
how will  m be affected? Justify you answer.
real image of an object placed at a distance ‘u’ in front
of a concave mirror of radius of curvature ‘R’. Hence, [CBSE-55-4-1-(2023)]

obtain the relation for the image distance ‘v’ in terms of 24. The lens maker's formula is useful to design lenses of
u and R. desired focal lengths using surfaces of suitable radii of
curvature. The focal length also depends on the
(ii) A 1.8 m tall person stands in front of a convex lens of
focal length 1 m, at a distance of 5 m. Find the position refractive index of the material of the lens and the
surrounding medium. The refractive index depends on
and height of the image formed.
the wavelength of the light used. The power of a lens is
related to its focal length.

Answer the following questions based on the above: eyepiece are separated by a distance of 150 cm. Find the

(a) How will the power of a lens be affected with an focal lengths of the two lenses.

increase of wavelength of light ? [CBSE-55-5-1-(2023)]

(b) The radius of curvature of two surfaces of a convex 26. A lens is a transparent optical medium bounded by two
lens is R each. For what value of  of its material will surfaces; at least one of which should be spherical.

its focal length become equal to R? Considering image formation by a single spherical
surface successively at the two surfaces of a lens, lens
(c) The focal length of a concave lens of   1.5 is 20
maker's formula is obtained. It is useful to design lenses
cm in air. It is completely immersed in water of   of desired focal length using surfaces of suitable radii of
curvature. This formula helps us obtain a relation
. Calculate its focal length in water
between u, v and f for a lens. Lenses form images of
objects and they are used in a number of optical devices,
(c) An object is placed in front of a lens which forms its for example microscopes and telescopes.
erect image of magnification 3. The power of the lens is
(i) An object AB is kept in front of a composite convex
5D. Calculate the distance of the object and the image
lens, as shown in figure. Will the lens produce one
from the lens.
image? If not, explain.


25. (a) (i) Draw a ray diagram to show the working of a

compound microscope. Obtain the expression for the
total magnification for the final image to be formed at
the near point. (ii) A real image of an object formed by a convex lens
(ii) In a compound microscope an object is placed at a is observed on a screen. If the screen is removed, will
distance of 1.5 cm from the objective of focal length the image still be formed? Explain.
1.25 cm. If the eye-piece has a focal length of 5 cm and (iii) A double convex lens is made of glass of refractive
the final image is formed at the near point, find the index 1.55 with both faces of the same radius of
magnifying power of the microscope. curvature. Find the radius of curvature required if focal
OR length is 20 cm.

(b) (i) Draw a ray diagram for the formation of image of OR

an object by an astronomical telescope, in normal (iii) Two convex lenses A and B of focal length 15 cm
adjustment. Obtain the expression for its magnifying and 10 cm respectively are placed coaxially ‘d’ distance
power. apart. A point object is kept at a distance of 30 cm in
(ii) The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope front of lens A. Find the value of ‘d’ so that the rays
in normal adjustment is 2.9 and the objective and the emerging from lens B are parallel to its principal axis.


3. i) Reason

1. Finding distance from source ii) Identification of radiation

Finding nature of image Uses

Relation for concave spherical surface i) Refraction arises through interaction of incident light
with the atomic constituents of matter. Atoms may be
1 2 2  1
  viewed as oscillators which take up the frequency of the
u v R
external agency causing forced oscillations. Thus the
1   1
  frequency of refracted light equals the frequency of
u v R
incident light.
1 1.5 1.5  1
  Alternatively
  24  v 60
Frequency is the characteristic of the source of light. So
 v  30cm
it remains unaffected. But  depends on refractive
Distance of image from point source
index    of the medium as —
 24   30   6cm
m 
Nature of image = Virtual image 
2. Principle of optical fibre ii) Infrared/ Microwaves/ Radio waves
Diagram of TIR Uses of Infrared rays (any two)
Use of optical fibre  Remote control
 Green house effect
 Photography in foggy condition
 To reveal secret writings
 Infrared lamps

Uses of Microwaves (any two)

 Radar System

Alternatively:  Geostationary satellite

 Microwave ovens

Uses of Radio waves (any two)

 TV transmission
 Radio broadcast
 Mobile transmission
Uses of optical fibres (any two)
(i) Medical and optical examination (endoscopy)
i) Diagram 1
(ii) Transmission and reception of signals
Proof of relation    i  e   A
(iii) Photometric sensors.

ii) Finding minimum deviation

(i) Diagram

(ii)The slope will give 1/μ where μ is refractive index as

per the graph above.

5. (a) Labelled Ray Diagram of refracting telescope for

   i  r1    e  r2 
normal arrangement
   i  e    r1  r2  Derivation of Expression of magnifying power.

In Quadrilateral AQOR

Q  R  90 A  O  180 .... 1


O  r1  r2  180 ....  2 
tan  
Comparing (1) and (2) m  (as  ,  are small angles)
tan  
 A  r1  r2
h f0
 x
  i  e   A fe h

ii) If a ray passes symmetrically through a prism f0

(parallel to base of prism), the value of angle of
deviation is minimum. (Note: 1Ú2 mark to be deducted if arrows not shown or

At this angle i  e and r1  r2 labelling is not done)

4. (a) Conditions of TIR
(b) (i) Intensity distribution curve for diffraction
(b) Graph
(ii) Expression of first maximum from the central
(c) Significance of slope
(a) The conditions for total internal reflection to take
(i) Intensity distribution curve
place are:

(i) The light should travel from denser to rarer medium.

(ii) The angle of incidence should be greater than the

critical angle for a given pair of media.

(b) (i)

For maximum

 1
a sin    n   
 2

For first Maximum ; n = 1

3 3
For small  ; a    
2 2a

x 3
 
D 2a

3 D (b)
x 
2 a
(a) Obtaining conditions for two cases 2
6. Finding the focal length
h v
(b) Formation of image m  
(a) In Air h u

(b) In Liquid (a) Two conditions

 1 1  (i) For real images / when object is placed beyond F, As

  a

1   
 R1 R2  u is negative and v is positive..

(ii) for virtual image / when object is kept between F and

R1  10cm & R2  20cm , a  g  1.5
the optical centre of the lens. As u and v both are
1 1 1 
 1.5  1   
fa  10 20 

fa   13.3cm

 1 1 
  l

1  
 1 R

2  8. (I) (B) real , virtual

 1.5  1 1  (II) (A) The aperture of the objective and the eye piece
  1  
 1.25  10 20  (III) (D) The microscope can be used as a telescope by
100 interchanging the two lenses.
f1   33.3cm
3 (IV) (D) 200
7. (a) Two necessary conditions (V) (C) 200
(b) Tracing the path of the ray 9. (a) (i) Labelled ray diagram of astronomical telescope
(a) Two conditions (ii) (I) Calculation of length of tube 1
(i) The light must travel from an optically denser (II) Calculation of magnification
medium to a rarer medium.
(a) (i)
(ii) Angle of incidence should be greater than the critical

1 4  3 1
 
v 12 12

v  12cm

(II) Linear magnification m 

m 4

10. (a) Finding Angle of minimum deviation

(ii) Given f o  150cm, f e  6cm
(b) Finding Refractive index of material of prism
(I) Lenth of the tube L  f o  f e
(c) Finding Angle of refraction at the point P
 150  6  156cm
(a) As the ray passes symmetrically
(II) m o i  e and    m
i  e  A  
 25
6 2i  A   m

OR  m  2i  A  90  60  30

b) (i) Labelled ray diagram of compound microscope
 A  m 
(ii) (I) Position of image calculation 1 (b)   2
(II) Calculation of linear magnification sin
(b) (i)
sin 45
  2
sin 30

(c) As    m

r1  r2 (Alternatively)

Hence, r1 (Angle of refraction at P)

1 sin 45   sin r1

1  2 sin r1
Ray diagram of image formation by a compound
r1  30

ii) Given u= -3 cm f = 4 cm n1 n2  n1  n2 
11. (a) (iv)  
v u R
1 1 1
(I) Using  
v u f (b) (iv) virtual and formed in air

(c) (i) real and of the size of the object

1 1 1 1 1
   
v u f 3.0 4.0 (d) (ii) + 5D

(e) (iii) f

12. Definition 5 D 5  600  109 1

x    2.5mm
Calculation of focal length 2a 2  0.6  103

Nature and position of image

(ii)  2n  1

 2    1  1  
(i) Dioptre is the reciprocal of focal length of lens in 2 2

metre.  2n  1  600   2n  3  480

Alternatively:  n  3.5
Dioptre =
focal length  m 
 2n  1  D  2  3.5 1  600 109  1
xn    4mm
2d 2  0.6  103
(Note: Give full credit for finding the position by taking
One dioptre is the power of a lens of focal length of one n = 3 or n= 4 for n = 3, xn = 3.5mm and for n = 4,
metre xn  4.5mm )

1  1 1  13. Calculation of r2

    1   
f  R1 R2 
Calculation of angle of minimum deviation
R1  , R2  25cm,   1.5
(i) As the emergent ray grazes along the side AC,
1 1 1  therefore
    1   
f   25 
1 sin r2

1 1 2 sin 90
Or  0.5  or f  50cm
f 25
 r2  45
1 1 1
(ii)    Am 
f v u sin  
(ii)    2 
1 1 1  A
sin  
  2
50 v 50

1 sin  60   m 
v 2 2
sin 30
v  
  m  30
Thus the image will be real and inverted
14. (i)—a
(Note: Award only 1Ú2 mark if a student draws ray
diagram showing
correct position of the image.)
(v) —b
(b) Calculation of (i) distance of second bright fringe
15. (a) Zero
(ii) least distance
16. (a) Tracing of path of ray
x 5
(i) sin     
D 2a (b) Finding velocity of light

(c) Explanation of two application of TIR 17. (c) Frequency

OR 18. (c) 460 nm

(c) Definition of TIR 19. Finding final position of image formed

Mentioning two conditions of TIR 1  1 1 

Using the formula     1   
(a) f R
 1 R2 

Focal length of plano-convex lens = +30 cm

Focal length of Plano – concave lens = -30 cm

For plano – convex lens

As object is at  , its real image will be formed at its

focus i.e. 30cm

v1  30cm

For plano-concave lens u    30  20  cm  10cm

From figure angle of incidence on second face i  60
critical angle ic  24.5 1 1 1 
  
f 2  v2 u2 
 i    ic 
1  1 1
  
 TIR takes place 30  v2 10 
(b) n   v2  15cm
20. Definition of
c 3  108
v   1.24  108 m / s
n 2.41  Critical angle
 Total internal reflection
(c) Optical Fibre / Brilliance of diamond / mirage (any
two) Obtaining relation between the arnica' angle and
refractive index of the medium
Note: Give full credit if student mention the names of
applications only. Critical smile - When a ray of light passes from a denser
to a rowr medium, the v ue of angle of incidence for
which the angle of refraction becomes 90 Ca& critical
(c) When light ravels from optically denser medium to
angle for Mat pair of media.
rarer medium at an interface and gets reflected back into
Total internal Reflection - When a ray alight passes
the same medium the phenomenon is called as total
from a denser to rarer medium and the angle a incidence
internal reflection.
exceeds the critical angle for pair of media, th ray under
Condition for TIR
goes reflection. This is called total internal reflection.
1. Light must travel from optically denser medium to
sin i
rarer medium. From Snell's law =  rd
sin r
2. Angle of incidence at the interface must be greater
When angle of incidence is equal to critical angle
than the critical angle for the pair of media.
 i  ic  , r  90

sin ic 1 BA BF

  
sin 90 dr PM FP

B A BF
 dr 
1 Or   PM  AB  ....  i 
sin ic BA FP

Since APB  APB , the right angled triangles

21. Calculation of critical angle
AB P and ABP are also similar. Therefore.
From Snell’s law:
BA B P
 A sin ic   B sin 90  ....  ii 
2  sin ic  2  1 Comparing equations (i) and (ii)

1 BF BP  FP BP

sin ic    ....  iii 

ic  45 BP  v, FP   f , BP  u

Alternatively: 1 1 1 2
Using these in Eq. (iii) We get   
v u f R
sin ic  B
A Alternatively: If the result derived by any other
method, full credit to be given.
sin ic 
2 1 1 1
(ii) For lens:  
v u f
ic  45
u  5m, f  1m
22. (a) (i) Ray diagram showing formation of real image in
a concave mirror. 1 1 1
 
v 5  1
Obtaining the relation between u, v and R

(ii) Position of image formed 5

v m  1.25m
Height of image formed
 5
(i) 
I v  4 
m  
O u  5 

I   0.25   1.8   0.45m


(b) (i) Ray diagram showing refraction of a ray of light

through a rectangular glass prism.

Obtaining the relation between  , A &  m

(ii) Finding Refractive Index of material of the lens.

From figure. The two right-angled triangles AB F and
MPF are similar. (For paraxial rays, MP can be
considered to be a straight line perpendicular to CP).

  1.5

23. (a) (i) Labelled ray diagram

Derivation of expression for magnifying power

(ii) Calculation of location and height of the image

In the quadrilateral AQNR, two of the angles (at the

vertices Q and R) are right angles. Therefore, the sum of
the other angles of the quadrilateral is 180 .

A  QNR  180

From the triangle QNR, r1  r2  QNR  180

Comparing these two equations, we get Note: Deduct ½ mark, if the direction of propagation of
r1  r2  A ....  i  light is not marked .

The total deviation  is the sum of deviations at the two From the diagram  
   i  r1    e  r2  that is,   i  e  A .....  ii  and  
When    m ; i  e & r1  r2
Magnifying power
A fe
From (i), 2r  Aor r 
A  m
From (ii);  m  2i  Aor i 

 A  m 
sin  
sin i  2 
 
sin r A

(ii) Given: P = -5D

F(in cm)   20cm
 5 
For lens L1 ,
1  1 1 
Using Lens Maker’s formula;     1   
f R
 1 R2  1 1 1
 
v u f
1  1 1 
    1   
 20    20   20  


v 36 24
1  1 1
    1    ;   1 
 20   10  2

1 1 1 Uses: Transmission of audio and video signal /

 
v 24 36 Examination of internal organs/Endoscopy

1 3 2 1 (ii)  m  i  e  A
 
v 72 72
 m  2i  A
v  72cm
 m  60
For lens L2
Refractive index
1 1 1
 
v u f  A  m 
sin  
  2 
1 1 1  A
  sin  
v  72  45  18 2

1 1 1 120
  sin
v 18 27  2
1 3  2 1 2
 
v 54 54
v  54cm sin 60 2
   3
sin 30 1
Final distance v1  54   45   9cm (to the left of 2
convex lens) If the prism is immersed in water  decreases and
hi v1 consequently angle of minimum deviation decreases.
Magnification 
ho u
Since  m depends on  through equation given above.
hi 9 1 24. (a) Effect on power
  hi   cm
1 36 4
(b) Calculation of 
(c) Calculation of focal length
(b) (i) Working principle of an optical fibre with one use
(ii) Finding the angle of minimum deviation and
Calculation of object distance and image distance
refractive index

Effect of  m when the prism is immersed in water. 1  1 1 

(a) P      1   
f  R1 R2 
(i) Working Principle:
1 1
Optical fibre uses the optical principle of total internal  P
 
reflection to capture the light transmitted in an optical
So P decreases as  increases.
fibre and confine the light to the core of the fibre
1  1 1 
(b)     1   
f R
 1 R2 

1 2
    1  R1  R, R2   R 


1  1 1 
(c)   m  1   
f R
 1 R2 

1  3  1 1 
   1   
20  2   R1 R2 

When the lens is immersed in water

(Note: Give full credit of the diagram, if a student draws
1  9  1 1  diagram for normal adjustment.
   1   
f unknown  8   R1 R2  Deduct ½ mark for not showing the direction of

1 1 propagation of light.)
20  2  f  80cm Linear magnification due to the objective is
1 1
f 8  h   h 
tan       
OR  f0   L 

v h L
m3  v  3u m0  
u h f0

100 Here L is the distance between the second focal point of

f   20cm
5 the objective and the first focal point of the eyepiece.

1 1 1 Linear magnification due to eyepiece is

 
v u f
 D
me  1  
1 1 1  fe 
 
3u u 20
Thus, the total magnification is, m  m0  me
1 3 1

3u 20 L  D
m 1  
f0  fe 
 40 
u     cm
 3  Note: Full credit of the derivation should be given if a

v  40cm student derives

25. (a) (i) Ray diagram of compound microscope. v0  D

m 1  
u0  fe 
Expression for total magnification

(ii) Finding the magnifying power of microscope (ii) Given

u0  1.5cm

f 0  1.25cm

f e  5cm

D  25cm

1 1 1 f 0 29
  m 
f 0 v0 u0 f e 10

1 1 1 2 f 0  f e  150
  
v0 1.25 1.5 15
f e  38.5cm
v0  cm f 0  150  38.5  111.5cm

v0 15 1 26. (i) No,

m0    5
u0 2 1.5 The lens is made up of two materials of different
refractive indices. It has two focal lengths.
 D
m2   1  
 fe  (ii) Yes

Rays are still intersecting/ Converging at the location of

me  1  6 image.

m  m0  me  5  6  30 1 1 1 
(iii)   n  1   
f  R1 R2 
R1   R, R2   R
(i) Ray diagram for image formation by astronomical
telescope in normal adjustment. 1 2
  n  1  
f R
Expression for magnifying power

(ii) Formula R  2  n  1 f

Calculation of focal length of both lenses R  2 1.55  1  20  22cm


For lens A f  15cm 

u  30cm

1 1 1
 
v u f

Magnifying power (m) 1 1 1 1

  
v1 15 30 30

 v1  30cm

h For lens B
For rays to go parallel to principal axis out of lens B the
h image formed by lens A must lie at the focus of B
So, d  30  10  40cm
f0 Alternatively: (Object is kept at 2f so image will also
formed at 2f on the other side of the lens i.e. at 30 cm.
(ii) m  2.9, d  150cm (Given) Now the final image is to be formed at infinity so the

image formed must lie at the focus of the second lens


Thus separation is 30  10  40cm )

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