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Kurihara 1965

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January 1965 Yoshio Kurihara 33



used only once, nrc also described.

1. INTRODUCTION On the other hand, it has been Icn01vn that a stable

integration of wave equat,ions can be made without any
The very short-period oscillations inevit,ably undergone restriction on the time interval by making use of implicit
by any meteorological quantity predicted by a system of methods(Richtmyer [lo]). Furthermore, it is possible
primit’ive equationsare principally noise,if an atmospheric to establish an implicit scheme which causes damping of
model is designed so as to forecast a large-scaleand slowly the wave. The degree of this damping effect differs with
moving meteorological wave. The noise appears as high- the period of the wave, just as finite differencing in space
frequency gravitational waves. I n thispaperthewords has some selectiveproperties for waveswithdifferent
“gravitational wave” will be used in this sense. scales. Consequently, the difficulties associated with the
It isnecessary tosuppressthe noise. Otherwise, an occurrence or the growth of noise may be overcome t o
important meteorologicalwavecanbemasked byit. some degree withan implicitmethod. Many implicit
The problem of initia.lization of data has been st,udied to schemes have been discussed; however those t o be con-
find a way to reduce the amplitude of noise (e.g., Hinkel- sidered in this paper are the relatively simple ones. The
mann [4], Phillips [7]). This can beatt,ained by an purpose of thisstudy is t o investigate the numerical
appropriat,eadjustmentbetweenthe fields of wind and properties of these schemes when they are used for inte-
pressure. However, the control of noise which may arise grating the waveequation. I n particular, consideration
after t.heinitialtimehasnotyetbeenachieved.This will be given t o how high-frequency waves behave when
problem is presumably serious when a model of the moist alargetimeinterval is taken and how selective the
atmosphere is dealt with or when the influence of orography damping of the wave is with period.
is taken into consideration. Namely, if a rapidly change- The discussions in section 3 relat.ive to t,he applicability
able process suchas the release of latentheatdue t o of implicitmethods totheintegration of theprimitive
condensation of water vapor is included without care in equations are based on a system of linearized equations
a prognostic equation, the maintained adjust,ment between wit,houtviscosity. Theactualquadraticnature of t,he
the two fields will be destroyed and noise will be excited. equa.tions,from which ariseproblems of nonlinearin-.
Similarly, the motion which is forced by mountains is a stability(Phillips [SI) and of the interac.tionbetween
source of noise too. I n addition, noise will be amplified meteorological wave and noise which reduce the accuracy
if the proceduye of numerical integration of the primitive of the predictionof the former wave,will not beconsidered
equations does not satisfy the condition for computational in this paper.
stability. In the case cf tlhe“leapfrog”method,which A few articles concerning the use of implicit methods
is widely used and is also called the cent,ered-difference havebeenpublished inRussianjournals(e.g.,Tseng
method, this condition places an upper limit on the t,ime Ch’ing-ts’un [ 121, Bortnikov [ 11, TurianskaB [ 111). The
interval of the marching process. The time interval thus computational instability of one of these methods will be
specified is very small as compared with the characteristic pointed out.
time of the meteorological wave. The implicit methods require one to solve a non-trivial
equation for the values a t a new timelevel. One such
method is aniterative procedure(e.g.,trapezoidal
*On leave from the Meteorological Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan. implicit method with an iterative scheme used by Uusitalo
MONTHLY Vol. 9 3 , No. 1

[13]and Veronis [ 1 4 ] ) . Generallyspeaking, an iterative TWO TIME-LEVELS SCHEME

method consists of obtaining a tentative vnlue by a pre- We consider the caseswhere two time-levels, T and
dictorandcorrecting it recursively by a correct,or. In T+ 1, are used in integrating (2.1) numericw.lly and. the
section 4 , methods in which a corrector is used only once scheme of computation takes the form
willbe presented.Thesemethodshave a property ol'
selectivelydamping the wavesolutions.One of thenl, hr+l-hr=-icyhr-k1-i OhT (2.2)
which will be referred to in thispaperastheEuler-
backward method, is being used for t8he time integration where cy nt1d p are coefficients at our disposal under the
of a general circulation model at the University of Cali- condition a+p=vc(At). At is the time interval between
fornia, ];os Angeles. Recently,theintegration of the twotime-levels. The so-calledamplification matrix of
primitiveequationshas been donewith the so-called (2.2) is 1(1-i~)/(1+icy)l. Then, provided the magnitude
improved Euler-Cauchy method (Grammeltvedt [3]). of the eigenvalue of the above single element matris is
Eliwssen [2]has described the built-in selective damping of equal t o or less than one, the scheme (2.2) is computn-
thismethod. It should be remarked that thisproperty tiondly stable.
isnot derivedfrom the finitedifferencingintime, but Let h=R exp i6 be the eigenvalue. I n t h e case of a
results l'rom non-centered finite differencing in space. In twotime-levelsscheme, thereisonlyoneeigenvalue:
this respect, it isdifferent in quality from the selective namely, no computationa.1 mode mises out of the process
damping to be discussed in this paper. of numericalintegration. In the aboveexpression of X,
If more than two time levels arewssocitked with a scheme R denotes the amplifying rate, which is, of course, ficti-
of integration for equations of the first order, comput,a- tious. The phase velocity o f the computed physical mode
tional modes will appear which may give rise to instabili- is -6lvAt.
ties innumericalintegration. Some methodscan elimi- When cy is zero in (2.2), a forward timedifference scheme
nate or dampthis fictitiousmode(e.g.,Miyakoda [a], (Method 0) is obtained. Hereafter, an Arabic numberwill
Phillips [9], Lilly [ 5 ] ) . It seems that the leapfrog- be used to identify >in esplicit luethod in contrast t o an
trapezoidal method discussed in section 4 is very useful alpllabetic letter for identification of a n implicit scheme.
for suppressing it. The d u e s of 6 and 12 for a specified \Tidueof are
6 = tan-' (-0)
FROG METHOD IN THE TIME INTEGRATION OF THE using the above 6, respectively.
WAVEEQUATION The trace of the eigenvalue in the complex plane iLs a
The equation for a quantity, h, which propagates ns R function of p is shown in figure 2.1. As Ii! is always 1:Lrger
sinusoidalwave does withwavelength, %, and plmse than one, this esplicit scheme is absolutely unstable. It is
velocity, C, is known that an explicit scheme is conditionnlly stable if
we use noncentered, upstream differences in the compu-
bh ivch tation of the space derivatives (e.g., Richtmyer [lo]). : I n
bt -
where this case, a, conlputation schemehikes 2% differentform
from (2.2).
Weshall now discuss the properties ol' twoimplicit
The advection of the quantity is accurately shown by schemes for representing (2.2).
t,he right-hand side of (2.1). When we use I: spectrum Method A (backwaul implicit method) .-l'utting p= 0 it1
method, inwhich a wave is representedby functions and a (2.2) we have
spnce derivative is obtained analytically, a,n estimation of hr+l-k=--.i cyk+l. (2.3)
t,headvection is accurate. In the followingdiscussions,
we assume that the advectiontakes an accurate value, In this case, 6 and It for n specified value of cy ii,re
unless we mention especially finite differencing in space.
This will make the properties of time integration schemes 6 =tan-' (-cy)
clew. Accordingly, the results of the investigationscan
be applied t o the schemes in which a spectrum method, R=cos 6,using the abovc 6.
e.g., a Fourier series, is adopted. If a grid method is used
to compute the space derivatives, the tendency equation Figure 2.2 sllows the trace o f h on the complexplime.
will be changed. In case of the centered space differences, This method is absolut'ely stable and ciiuses damping of a
however, the change in (2.1) is only a modificationof phase wave. In the limit of large Icy\, :I wave will be completely
oelocity.Therefore, we can apply the results t o be ob- damped out. It is also seen that the phase difference of A
tained also t o the schemes with centered space differences, wave at twotime-levelsis tLt most ~ / 2 i.e., , below one-
if a modification of (2.1) is taken into consideration. fourth of wavelength in either direction.
January 1965 Yoshio Kurihara 35

4I a=-1



FIGURE2.1.-Tracc of eigenvaluefor FIGURE2.3.-Trace of eigenvalue for

Method 0 (forward
explicit Mcthod B (trapezoidal implicit
Eigcnvaluc, h,+ihi, of mcthod). Eigenvalue of t h e ampli-
the amplification matrix (single FIGURE2.2.-Trace of eigenvaluefor fication matrix of (2.4) is shown on
element) of hr+' - h r = - iphr is Method A (backward implicit the complex plane. CY is a param-
shown on t h e complex plane.For method). Eigenvalue of the ampli- eter. An amplitude of wave docs
a given parameter p, R represents fication matrix of (2.3) is shown on notchangeforanyvaluc of CY,
themagnitude of cigcnvnlue, i,e., the complex plane. CY is a param- since R = l always. In the limit of
amplifying rate, and 8 is the phase eter.Inthelimit of large IaI, a large IcYI, a wave is shifted by half
angle of eigenvalue. mare is completely damped out. a wavelength.

Method B (trapezoidal implicit method) .-This scheme is

obtained by putting p=a in (2.2), and
. At w T + ' - g -At wT, (Method B)
hr+l-hr=- iahr+ -iahr. wr+l-w+=--af
(2.4) . 2 2

I n this case, d is to be obtained as a solution of starting from the given initial value wo=uo=l, and as-
suming f = r / 9 (hr.-l). The period of oscillation is then
-sin 9/( 1+cos 3)=a, 18 hr. Figure 2.4 shows single-step predictions of u for
and R= 1. various values of At. To use long time steps in Method
The trace of X is shown in figure 2.3. This scheme is A gives complete damping, i.e., ul=O; while with Method
neutral in the sense that it neither amplifies nor damps a B, u1=--u0="1 and d= --vo=O. Although there exists
wave. The eigenvalue for large la1 approaches -1. no damping effect in Method B, the error in the phase
Thus, the phase of a wave will be shifted by T, i.e., half velccity will make a prediction meaningless if the time
a wavelength, in one time step if la1 is infinitely large. step chosen is larger than about one-sixth of a period of
We shall now give examples of numerical integration thewave. I n figure 2.5 are shownpredictions of u, in
with the useof the above two implicit methods. A system which MethodsA, B, and explicit leapfrog method
of equations admitting only inertia oscillations is (Method 1) were repeatedly used, respectively,with a
bU =j. time step of one hour. The damping effect in Method A

- is clearly seen.
The general case of (2.2) will be referred to as MethodC.
Method C. (partlyimplicitmethod) .-For convenience,
(2.2) is repeated:
where u is an eastward mind velocity, 8 is a northward hr+l-hr=--iahr+l-iphr (2.2)
windvelocity,and j is the Coriolis parameter.These
equations are rewritten in the form of (2.1), In this case the real and imaginary partsof the eigenvalue
Areat= (1-&>l(1+a2)
w=u-kiu. A*nza,=-(a+P)l(1+aZ)

A time integration of (2.5) was done by the formulas: respectively. Accordingly, the magnitude of X is


36 100 500
- 1.0 *..r"-
FIGURE 2.4.-Singlc-stcp prediction of inertia oscillation
various time intervals ( A t in hr.). ZL a t t=At is plotted.
FIGURE 2.6.-Tracc of eigenvalue for Method 1 (leapfrog method).
U Eigenvalues of t h e amplification matrix of (2.8) are shown on
t h e complex plane. a parameter.Theright half of t h e
unit circle corresponds to the computed physical mode and thc
left half tothecomputationalmode. If Ipl<2, one of t h e
t,wo eigenvaluesrepresents theformermodeandtheother
does thelattermode. If lp1>2, twoeigenvaluesareonthe
axis of X,=O and one of them is outside the unit circle, Le.,
t h e scheme is computationally unstable.

One of twosolutionsapplies to a.mplification rate and

2.5.--Prediction of inertiaoscillationwith A t = 1 hr. u is
phasevelocity of the physicalmode, and the other de-
scribes those of the so-called computational mode. (Note
that the amplification rate and phase velocity of the true
physical mode are unity and c, respectively, as defined by
IXl=[(l+a') (1+PZ)I1'"~I ta? (2.1).) In the analysis of X, we will use either of the two
forms: X=X,+iXi or A=R exT it?. Suffix 1 or 2 may
The computational stability condition for (2.2) is,there-
be attached to X, R or 6 to denote the above-mentioned
twomodes, if necessary. Thecomputationalstability
IPI I:1 4 condition for (2.6) is that both R, and Rzshould be equal
We use this condition in section 3 where we investigate to or less than one. In the following, a special case and
the computational stability of the twotime-levels inte- the general case of (2.6) will be examined separately.
gration scheme in whichsome terms of the primitive Method 1 (leapfrogmeth.od).-This scheme is obtained
equations take implicitform andotherstake explicit by putting a=O in (2.6):
Nowconsideration will begiven tothe t'hreetime-
levels formula of the following form
It is well known that, if I@l < !2
h,~+'-h-1=-i~k+1-Qk (2.6)

Wedonot discussageneral three time-levelsscheme, A,="P/2

b u t consideronlyacombinedform of the leapfrogand
an implicitmethod. The amplification matrix of the
above formula is

The eigenvalues of theabovematrixareobtained as

solutions (see Appendix 2) of the equation and one of IX1,21 is larger than one. As a consequence the
computational stability condition is met if IPl<2. Figure
(l+ia)X~+ipX-l=o. (2.7) 2.6 shows the trace of X. The right half of the unit circle
January Kurihara
1965 Yoshio 37
One of the 61,2is out of the above ranges if IPl>lal.
Vrhen a<O

if IPI<I.I.

One of the 6 1 , zis out of the aboveranges if Ipl>lal.

I i I The trace of the eigenvalues, in which the parameter is p,
is shown separately for the cases a>O and a<O in figure
2.7. Summarizing the results, we can conclude that both
FIGURE 2.7.-Trace of eigenvalue for Method D (three time-levels,
Eigenvalues of t h e amplification R, and R2 are smaller than one if IPI<IaI; otherwise, one
matrix of (2.6) areshown on the complex planeseparately of R, becomes larger than one. Method D is, therefore,
for the cases a>O and a<O. Ineach figure, thetraceap- conditionally stable.
proaches tothedottedline when p-'f m . If [ p [ < I a I , two
eigcnvducs are inside the unit circle, i.e., the scheme is eompu- 3. APPLICATION OF IMPLICIT SCHEMES FOR EQUA-
In this section, the problem of the time integration of
the primitive equations with an implicit scheme will be
considered by using the results obtained in the previous
corresponds to the computed physical mode and the left section.
half to the computational mode when Ip(<2. If we define Equations (3.1), asystem of linearized perturbation
b by b=lpl/2, amplification rates, R1 and R2, andthe equations, are derivedfrom the assumptions that p=
ratio of thephase velocity of thecomputedvalueto H(y)g++(x) and - (g/f)bH/by=U, where cp is geopoten-
true one, - 8 J b and -&/b, can be estimated as a function tial, H mean height of the atmosphere as a function of
of b. These are illustrated in figure 4.1. It is seen that y, g acceleration of gravity, + perturbation of geopotential,
the computed physical mode will move a little faster than f the Coriolis parameter, and U is a constant zonal wind
the true physical mode. This tendency can be recognizcd in the x-direction in a rectangular system of coordinates:
in figure 2 . 5 .
Method D (par:ly implicit ,method).-The general case of
(2.6) will be treated here,
From A=R exp ifi and (2.7) we have
R'(COS26-CX sin 25)"RP sin 6-1=0
2bt+ U -=jUv-gH
R2(sin 26+a cos 26)+RP cos 6=0. Here u and v are x and y components of the perturbation
wind velocity. Solutions of (3.1) are given by
From these, a relation involving R, 8,and CY is obtained,

3 v2(U-c1)
u = x ui, ut=+{
R 2 = l / ( l - a tan 6 ) . i=l y- (U-c,)2v2

As R is real, 6 is undefined within some ranges, i.e. (3.2)
1 1 3s
tan" -<6<; and tan" -+s<6<- if a> 0
a a 2 1J
s tan" -1 and--<d<
3s 1 if a<O.
tan" --"T
--<6< where v=2s/L,L is the wavelength, c t ( i = l , 2 , 3) are the
2 a 2 a
threephasevelocitiesand Si areamplitudes of three
waves. The c z should be obtained as roots of the equation
Furthermore, it is seen that when a>O

For the ordinary values of f, g, H , U , and v, Bhese are


TABLE 3.1.-Phase
velocities (c,,c2, and CQ) and vei. I n ( 3 . 3 ) ,
U=50 m./sec., yH=8XlO4 m.2/sec.2 and f at the 45' latitude are


250332.949.99 1.256 10-3 8.366 10-3 5.853 10-3
500333.049.96 6.278 lo" 4.184
1000333.449.83 1.465 2.095 3.131
2000335.149.34 7.364
1.550 10"
4000 47.46 -239.0341.6 7.455 10-5 5.366 10-4 3.755
8000366.041.17 3.233 2.020 2.875
16000 446.526.84 1.270 1.751 1.054
32000 663.811.12 2.184 10" 1.303

b I I
I ,
\" ,
' I
3.0 ' b
c,=u+2J-; cos 3

3 .)- u

-"" M ----""".

where €=tan" [(-4a3/27b2)-1]1/2, a=-(f2/v2)-gH, b=-

j2U/v2and cl, c2, and c3are defined to denote thephase velocity
of a meteorologicalwave,aneastward-moving inertia-
gravitational(external)wave,anda westward-moving
one, respectively. Table 3.1 shows e, and vci with U=50 - l.OL
m. sec.", .f taken a t 45Olatitude, and gH=8X 104m.'set.-'.
TVith the use of (3.2), (3.1)is rewritten as follows: FIGURE3.1,"The upper figure shows amplification rateof computed
physicalmode, R,, as a function of parameter b. b=vcAt.
Thc lower figure shows the ratio of phase velocity of computed
dt physical mode to the true phase vclocity (e) as a function of b.
3 (3.4) For esamplc, suppose b = v c 4 t = 1.5. Then, if we u s e Method
h = C hi -4,an amplitude of computed w a r e :it a time level T + 1 is 0.55
i=l times that atT, and a wave lnoves with a spccd 0.66X c. If we
use Method B, an amplitude of wave does not change and a
where stands for anyperturbationquantity (ui,vi, or nloring speed of computed w a r e is 0.86X c.
c $ ~ ) ,a,nd thesubscript i corresponds to those of (3.3).
It is seen that the form of (3.4) is identical with (2.1) of
the previoussection. (3.1) canalso bewritten in the beevaluated by using hT+l. In this case (3.4) becomes
following symbolic form, which n7ill be used 11eren.fterfor
t,he sake of convenience, &+'-&=--ivc,(At)&+'. (3.7)

@=F1+F2 This is the same as (2.3) with a=vci(Al). The amplifica-
tion rate of hi,i.e., R,, and a measureof the fictitiouschange
where of phasevelocity'areshowninfigure 3.1 againstthe
3'1 = - Udh/dx parameter b=vci(At). Fromthis figure andtable 3.1,
F2=the right-hand side of (3.1).
it is easy to see that for a specified wavelength and At,
damping of the wave is highly selective for gravitational
The problemis, now, to do thetimeintegration of waves, forwhich vcf isseveraltimeslarger than fora
(3.5) with various methods and to emmine their character- low-frequency wave. This is themerit of this method.
istics. The names of the methocls in the following shoulcl It should be noted, however, that damping of the meteoro-
correspond to those in section 2. logical wave is also unavoidable, however small At may
fllethod A.-Time integration of (3.5) takes the form be.Consequently, successive use of (3.6) will atlast
cause a noticeable da.mping of the lorn-frequency wave.
h,rkl-p=At,F;+'+At.P;+1 (3.6)
1 As mentioned before, the amplification rate and phase velocityof the computed mode

where 7,r+ 1, and At are two time-levels and the interval are given by RI and -81/v(At) respectively, where RI and 91 are the magnitude and phase
angle of the eigenvalue for an amplification matrix of (3.7). Accordingly, -&/.ei(At)=
betweenthemrespectively. 3';;;' means that F1, should -&/b is theratio of phase velocity of the computed value to the t,rue phase velocity.
January 1965 Yoshio Kurihara 39
As for the error in phase velocity, it is large when b is This isequivalenttoh4ethod C insection 2. From
large. (2.2) and (3.11) it follows that

Method B.-Time integration of (3.5) takestheform

At (Ff+'+lq)+,
At (F;+'+Zq. (3.5) (3.12)
2 i
p=v -.
The form of (3.4) corresponding to (3.S) is

For the meteorological wave and one of the two gravita-

tionalwaves, IpI becomeslargert'han 1 4 , and IPI<bI
holds only for the other gravitational wave. Accordingly,
is to (2.4) with a=vci(At)/2=b/2. the discussion in the previoussectionsuggests that the
I n this case, too, the amplification rate and ratio of the formertwowaves will be amplified while damping is
phasevelocity of thecomputed hi tothetrueoneare to be espected for only one wave.
estimatedandare shown in figure 3.1. Thismethod is If we also use finite difference representation for space
neutralforanyvalue of 6 . Therefore,amplitudes of differentiationin the beginning parts of thissection,
bothmeteorological andgravitational waves aretobe (3.1) through (3.5) are modified to some extent.Some
conserved, although very small amplification or damping considerations concerning these are given in Appendix 1.
of waves may be inevitable in practice because of round- I n order to discuss fairly Tseng's method we should use
off error in the numericalcomputationandsomeerror these modified forms. As a result we will have different
in obtaining kt'as a solution of (3.S). As for the error forms of a and p in (3.12). However, the modifications
in phase velocity, those of gravita.tiona1 waves are much of LY and P may be small except for short waves with the
larger thanthat of the meteorological wave. As a wavelength of several grids. Such a scheme is not really
consequence, it maybe concluded that, if we arenot computationally stable.
cannot be
concerned with predicted phases of gravitational waves, eliminated by reducing a time interval.
we can make a time step in (3.8) somewhat larger than Method 1 .-The centered t,ilne difference schelne is the
what isusuallyrequiredin the explicit integration of one most widely used a t present. Its formand cor-
the primitiveequations. It seems desirableforusers responding formula for each mode of waves are,
of this method to apply it after gravitationnl waves are hrf"-hr"=2. At(F;fF,') (3.13)
mostly filtered by other methods (such as method A or
filteringinitialization).Thisisparticularlyimportant h:+'-&"="i2vci(At)h; (3.14)
when rt system ofnonlinetLr equationsistreated,where
the three waves are no longer independent of each other. respectively.Somecharacteristics of thismethodare
Method C.-Tseng Ch'ing-ts'un [12] formulated a illustratedin figure 4.1. I n case of (3.14), a parameter
scheme of timeintegration of theprimitive equat,ionin b inthe figure is equal to Ivci(At)(. Computational
which the linear terms of the equa,tions were written with stabilityrequiresthat Ivci(At) 1<1. Withthe use of
average values a t two time-levels andthe nonlinear typical value of vci in table 3.1, the nlaximum allowable
term and &term were to be evaluated explicitly by using value of At is estimated and listed in table 3.2 as a function
valuesonly atthe time-level 7. Hismethod wasused of theshortestwavelengthtobetreated.Whenone
with some changes by Bortnikov [I], with a grid size of uses a functionalforminrepresentingthedistribution
300 km. and time increment of 3 hr., which is very large of quantities and deduces Fl and Fz in (3.13) by analytical
compared to the ra.tio of space increment to phase velocity computations, eg., the use of Foulier series or a spherical
of gravitational waves. It should be noted that a spatial harmonics expansion method,then At should be de-
smoothing was made of someterms a t each step. termined bythe snlallestscaleone treats.Or,alter-
ApplyingTseng'sideato ( 3 . 5 ) we hnve natively, if the time interval is fixed to some value, all

TABLE3.2-Theshortestwavelengthto be treated ( L ) andrnaximunt
value of the timeincre?nent(At)whichsatisJiesthecomputational
Hence a corresponding formula for each wave is derived, stabilitycondition for ilfethod 1 . I t is assztntedthat a wave i s
treated analytically, L e . , a spectrummethod is u s e d .

1 250

MONTHLY Vol. 93, No. 1

a wavelengthshould be largerthan 1/31, andthose waves will bedamped.Con-
truncated from the functional form. sequently,thismarchingschemecannotbe used for a
The most troublesome deficiency in this method is the long-range time integration.
occurrence of the computational mode. If the amplitude However, since the amplification ra.te of the met,eorolog-
of this mode becomes large it is meaningless to continue ical wave is very small, this method may be used in short-
the time integration. range integrations. A test computation of this kind was
attemptedby usingsimple
a linearized model. The
Method D.-This method is written as follows: model adopted is the same as (3.1), u = 5 0 m.sec.-l, j is
hr+'--hr"=2.AtF:+2.AtF~+' (3.15) taken a t 45' latitude,andgH=8X104 m.2sec.-2. The
wavelength of the sinusoidal wave we treated is 4500 km.
Namely, the advection term is estimatedexplicitlyand To give the initial values of u, v, and 4, S l = l O O O gpm.,
the other terms implicitly. The corresponding formulafor S2=50 gpm. and S3=50 gpm. were taken in (3.2). Then,
each mode is computations were repeated with A t = l hr. by the scheme
(3.15), mere h stands for u, v, and 4. I n computing
&+'-@"=-2i~(~i-U) *(At)@+"2ivU* ( A t ) h l (3.16) @+I, we nmde a slightchange in the scheme.Namely,
vr was used i n s t e d of ~ + forl evaluating the first term on
This is identical with (2.6) if we put the right hand side of the third equation of (3.1). Then
substituting UT+' inthethirdequationfromthefirst
( Y = ~ v ( c ~ - U( )A.t )
(3.17) equation, in which vr+l was substituted from the second
/3=2vU* ( A t ) equation, a one-dimensional Helmholtz-type equation for
@+l was obtained. I n our test,, a finit,e difference compu-
If we suppose ci= U in (3.16), it takes the form of (3.14). tation with a 300 km. grid was used and a Helmholtz-type
If we neglect the second term on the right hand side of equation was solved bymatrix inversion.Withthe
(3.16), assumingthat Icil> U, then we have a form similsr solution of @ + l , both a r + l and vr+l were easily computed.
t80 (3.7). Hencethismethod looks favorablefromthe In this way calcu1:itions were continued up to five days,
viewpoint of effective damping of gravitational waves. i.e., 120 t,ime steps.In figure 3.2 the values of 4 and
Strictly speaking, however, this method is not computa- bulbx a t x=O are plotted together with the true variations.
t'ionally stable.This will beexplained as follows. The Effective damping of gravitational waves is clearly seen.
conclusion from the previous section was that the condi- Chm~gesin amplitucle of themeteorologicalwaveare
tion of computationalstability of (3.16) is IaI>IpI. I n negligible so far as thisexample is concerned. A rough
the case of a meteorologicalwave, a takes a small and estimate for our test case shows that the amplification
non-zero valueandthisconditioncannotbe satisfied. rates for the meteorologicalwave is 1+0(10-3)and
On the other hand for gra.c.itationn1 waves, la1 is much those for gravitational waves a,re 0.6 or thereabout,.

I I 1 1 I
0 1 2 3 4 5
3.2.-Prediction of 0 and au/dx with a system of equations (3.1). Method D was used with A t = l hr. Time variation of 4 and
3u/dx at x = O is shown (true value is shown by continuous line and computed value by asterisks).
January 1965 Yoshio Kurihara 41

4. ITERATIVEMETHOD The characteristic qualitiesof each method are revealed by

the eigenvalues of the amplificationmatrices for (4.2),
T o adopt an implicit scheme in the time integration of
(3.1) requires solving some equations involving values a,t
(4.4), (4.6), and (4.8). In the case of methods 2 and 3,
there existsonlyonecomputedmode for each of the
atime-level in advance. I n order to avoid this process,
three component waves, i.e., the computed physical mode
we can use some guess in evaluating implicit terms in the
which will be denoted by suffix 1 hereafter. While with
a scheme
methods 4 and 5 we have another mode, i.e., the com-
effectively explicit and similm to the so-called predictor-
putationa,lmode to be identifiedby suffix 2. Fromthe
corrector method.
eigenvalues, estimates are made of the amplification rate
We shallagainwrite (3.1) inthe symbolicform :
of mode and the ratio of phase velocity of the com-
bh/dt=F, where F is equal to the right hand side of (3.5).
puted mode to the phase velocity to be derived from a
~hifdt=-iucihi(i=1,2,3) is anequation for any com-
parameter b. Thelatter one is equaltotheanalytical
ponent wave which moves independentlyof the other two
solution (3.3), if computation of F is made analytically
waves.This is equivalent t o (3.4). Then, it is not diffi-
cult to obtain a fornlula in which hT+' is written explicitly
withrespecttospace. If F isestimatedbycentered
space difference methods b is equal t G vc',(At)where ci' is a
in terms of hi and h{-', for each scheme of iteration. I n
phasevelocity modified due t o taking finitedifferences
the following the computation scheme written in symbolic
withrespect to space. Theratio of c: to ci isgiven
form andthe correspondingformulaforacomponent
together with vci in Appendix 1 for some cases. Hence, if
wave are given for four methods (whereh* is a value t o be
finite differencemethods are used for both space and time,
estimated at the first step and h**, if necessary, is at the
second; F* and F** show values of F which a,re evalunted
(-&/a) x (c;/ci) will yield the ratio of the phase velocity
of the computed value to the true phase velocity. Figure
by using h* and h**, respectively; by definition, b is equal
4.1 shows how R1,RB, " s , / b , and -&/b or - ( ~ J ~ + n ) / b
to vCi(At)):
depend on b. I t is suggested by figure 4.1 and tables A.l
and A.2 in Appendix 1 that a fictitiousacceleration of
Method .i?-(Euler-backward iteration):
the physicalmode by Methods 1, 2, 3, and 5 might be
h*-hr=At.Fr (Euler
method) compensatedorevenovercompensatedbyafictitious
retardation of the wave as a result of finite differencing
in space.
hrf1--h7=At-F* (backward
correction) (4.1)
The conditionfor computationalstabilityis Ibl<l.O
hl+'=(l-"-lb"~)h: (4.2) for Method 2, Ibj<&i for Methods 3 and 4 , and lbl<
a,bout 0.8 for Method 5.Consequently,comparingwith
Method $"Modi$ed Euler-backward iteration): the criterion for Method 1, we cannot get time economy
in computation since iterntions
required. If
b=vci.(At), i.e.,when F is computedanalytically,the
a.bove criteriongivesarelationbetween At andthe
shortestwavelength we cantreat, as shownalreadyin
Ihr+'-k=At.F** (backward
correction) (4.3) h b l e 3.2.When an estimate of F is made by centered
spacedifferences,i.e.,in the case of b=vci'.(At), the
(4.4) maximumvalue of vet', whichisusuallyafunction of
grid size and also depends on the finite difference scheme,
determinesthemaximumtimeinterval. For example,
Method .4-((leapfrog-trapezoidal iteration):
consider the casegiven in Appendix 1 and assume that
h*-""=2.AtFr method)
(leapfrog Ivci'. (At)l<l is a stability condition. Then, the maximum
tolerable value of At for a grid size of 250 km. is 740 sec.
hr+'-hr=~t.$(F*+F) (trapezodial
correction) or 560 sec., depending on whether the three-point method
(4.5) or five-point method is used in estimating the horizontal
gradient of u scalar field quantity. It is 1470 sec. or
1110 sec.fora500-km.grid and 2820 sec.or 2170 sec.
for a 1000-km. grid.
Figure 4.1 shows that the selective damping for gravi-
Method 5-(1eapfrog-backward ,iteration):
tational waves can bemadethelargestbyMethod 3.
It is characteristic of Methods 4 and 5 that they result

t h*-hr"=2.At
hrfl-hr=At. F*
Fr (leapfrog method)
(backward correction)
in a high ra,te of damping of the computational mode,
especially that corresponding to the meteorological wave.
Only Method 1 is neutral, provided the stability condition
is satisfied. Consequently, it seems a good design t o use
h;+'=(1-2b2)h:-J=ibh;" (4.8) Method 1 a t most time, steps but t,o utilize some kind of

1.. . .---
4 "
....... / . 4"
5 .............
5 ..............
0.90 ' ' ' 1 I I I n l a
0.5 1.0 Q 1.5 b
0.0 0.5 1.0 V 7 1.5


0.90 - 0.5 - 2-
3 ""

4 "

5 ............
0.85 ' ' ' I I I I I t I I 1 - 4
0.0 - 0.5 1.0 ," 1.5
- I
- 0.5


- 1.5-

4.1.-Amplification rate of computed physical mode (the upper leftfigure) and thatof computational mode (the upper rightfigure)
are shown against parameter 6. b=vcAt, if a spectrum method is used in treating a wave. When a centered difference grid method is
used, b.=vc'At.(vc and vc' are listed in tables 3.1, A.l, and A.2.) The lowcr left figure shows ratio of phase velocity of computed
physical mode to c (or c', if the grid method is used). Ratio of phase velocity of computational moclc to c (or c') is shown in the lower
right figure. In three figures, vertical scale is changed at b = 0 . 4 . Suppose that 6=0.5 and Method 4 is used. Then, an amplitude
of computed physical mode at a time level T + 1 is 0.99 times t h a t at T . It moves with a speed 0.99Xc, if a spectrum method is used,
or with a speed 0.99Xc', if a centered difference grid method is used. An amplitude of computational mode atT + 1 is 0.25 times that
at T . Its moving spced is 2.15Xc or.2.15Xc'.

iterative methods intermitt,ently. In doing so, the selec-

1.0 tionandcombination of appropriateiterativemethods
has t o be based upon their.particular properties. To use
an iterative scheme a t every step may not be suitable
for some purposes, since the effectof damping of the wave
will accumulatewithtime.Forexample,letus assume
a wave of length 4000 km. and phase velocity 15 m. sec."
Then At=20 min.makes b approximately 0.028. The
amplification rate of Method 2 for thisvalue of b is
0.99961. Therefore, with the exclusive use of Method 2 ,
an amplitude of the wave will be decreased by 2.8 percent
in one day (72 steps), resulting in the decrease of kinetic
4.2.-Prediction of inertia oscillation by iterative methods, energy of disturbance by 5.5 percent.
with A t = 1 hr. u is plotted. u * = u O = 1 was assumed for As atest of theiterativemethods,thedifferential
Methods 1, 4, and 5. equationgoverning inertia oscillation was integrated
January 1965 Yoshio Kurihara 43
TABLE5.1."Summary of theproperties of themethodsstudied. I n "differenceequation", F , and FI representnonlinearandlinearterms,
respectively, and F= F1+ Fz. " N u m b e r of time levels" means what is associated with each marching step. I n "computational stability",
b=vcAt i f aspectrummethod is used in trea1in.c a wave.b=vc'At, i f acentereddiferencegridmethod is used. I n "physicalmode",
retardation or acceleration means a fictitious change of phase velocity resulted only from finite diflerencing in time.

Number PhysicaI Mode Computational Mode

Method -_
Amplitude Phase Amplitude
I -I I
lIighly sclective damping Retardation hTone

iitt,le retardation No change


I I None
DRmping of gravity
and weak nmplif:iinp of
meteoroloaical wave

1 1 lcayfrog
I hr+l-h,-l=ZAtFr I 3 I Conditionallg
stable No change No change Modcrate accrleration

Moderately selective Large acceleration None


TTighly selective damping None Moderate acceleration

Little crror V e r g e f f e c t i v ~damping
(in particular of mc-
tcorological wave)
acceleradion Damping

The equation,for which theiterativemethods mere and the computntion by Method 5 became unstable. All
npplied, is the same ns ( 2 . 5 ) . (hr.-') was assumed. of these coincide quite well withwhat we observed in
Hence,the period of oscillation is IS hr. As a starting figure 4.1.
value, wo=uo=l was givenforh4ethods 2 and 3. For 5 . SUMMARY
Methods 1, 4, and 5, it is also necessary to give the value
of w a t a time-level nearest to the initial, i.e., w' or w-l, Themainproperties of themethods considered in
to start the calculation. If we estimate w1 from wo by a sections 2 to 4 are shown in table 5.1.
modified Euler nlethod which we used to start thecalcula- The properties of Method A (two time-levels, backward
tion by Method 1 in figure 2.5, we cannotdetectthe inlplicit method) , &letbod B (two time-levels, trapezoidal
existence of computationalmode. I n ordertoiorce a implicit method),Method C (two time-levels, partly
large initid amplitude of thecomputationalmodethe implicit method), andMethod 1 (three time-levels,
inte,grationswithMethods 1, 4, and 5 were begunwith leapfrog method) have been discussed so far, more or less.
wl=wo. Figure 4.2 shows the predictions of u in the case They are confirmed in section 2, where the characteristics
o l At=1 hr. For this case we have b=2r(At)/(period)= of these methods in case of wave equation in simple form
0.35. On the other hand, the ordinate values against this are described. In section 3, we considerthese methods
value of b in figure 4.1 suggest damping of the physical especially from the viewpoint of their applicability to the
mode of oscillation by Methods 2, 3, and 5, the consider- int'egration of the primitive equations.
able damping of the computational mode by IMethod 4 Methods A and B are conlputationally
(52 percent a t each step) and by Method 5 (63 percent), stable. I nt h e use of thesemethods,theanlount of
the conservation of both modes byMethod 1, andthe computationrequired to solve thenon-trivialequations
fictitiousincrease of phasevelocity by Method 2. It is for the quantities at a, new time-level and the decrerme
seen that the features of the curves in figure 4.2 are the of accurttcy of the predicted low frequency wave should
sit~ne withthese suggestions. The predictions made with be weighed against the advantage of a long time interval
A t = 2 hr., for which the corresponding value of 6 is 0.70, in a marching process. The :bmplitude of any wave will
showed the fast damping of the conlputational mode by not be changed with Method B. Method A results in a
Met,hod 4 and slow clanlping by h4ethod 5. I n case of damping which increases with the increasing value of the
At=2.7 hr., for which b=0.94, h/Iethod 2 yielded a very parameter b. ( b = v c A t if a spectrummethod is used in
slow damping of the physical mode and a large fictitious treating a wave. When we use a centered difference grid
decrease in periodof oscillation; Method 3 rapidly damped method, b=vc'At where e' is a modified phase velocity.)
the oscillation; Method 4 damped t,he computational mode; The property of selective dumping of wave is useful for
MONTHLY Vol. 93, No. 1

reducing the noise in the solution of the primitive equa-

Method 1 has no damping effect for either physical or lbt
ifiv’Uv=-ju [3.1-A)
computational modes.
Thecharacteristics of Method D (three time-levels
partly implicit method) are madeclear in sections 2 and 3.
It yields an effectivedamping of gravitational waves.
It is because of this that, despite a slight computational The solutions of (3.1-A) are given by
instability of this method,we used it in section 3. Method
D may be used with a relatively long time interval, sa37
one hour, for the short-range intoepationof the primitive
The numericalproperties of Methods 2, 3, 4, and 5
(iterativemethods)areinvestigatedin section 4. The
condition of computational stability for Methods 3 and 4
is somewhat weak as compared with Methods 1, 2, and 5 .
By utilizing the characteristic features of Methods I, 3,
and 4, we may synthesize a scheme more desirable thall
any of its parts. Namely, after using Metbod 1, Method
4 is employed for a few steps t o eliminate the computa-
C$i=h’i esp iv(pA-clt)
tional mode, then Method 3 is applied t o damp the noise
where p is the integer and v=2a/(nA), where n (integer
before returning t o Method I, and so on.
2 2 ) is a number of grid points within a wavelength, i.e.,
in other words, n A means wave length. v f may ba written
in terms of n and A,


s ~-
for the three-point method
V’ =A3A sin 2n (4- cos 2)for the five-point method.
If computatio~lsaremadeaccurately of anadvection
term and the right hand side of (3.1), the phase velocities
of three waves, cl, c2, and c3, are given by (3.3). We mill I n (3.2-A), c i ( i = l , 2, 3) arephasevelocities of three
call these analytical phase velocities. componentwaves in a system of linearized equations
Let us estimate the horizontal gradient of some quanti- (3.1-A) and should be obtained as solutions of the equa-
ties, say %(x), by a. finite difference
calculation. If tion
z(x)=z, esp [iv(x+xv)1 is assumed, it follows that
dz/bz=ivz. The correspondingfinitedifferenceformula
for a usual three-point method is given by

z(z+A)-z(z-A) .sin V A We shall call these phase velocities modified phase veloci-
= 2 ___
A 4 x 1, ties. I t is seen, from the comparison of the above equa-
tionwiththe corresponding one in section 3, that cf
is the same with c in the case where U and gH are modified
where A is the space-increment. The similar one fora vf
five-point method is (Y
to - U and - gH, respectively. As v’lv is nearly equal
t o one for large n, the fictitious change of phase velocities
~.z(x+A)-~.z(x-A)-z(x+~A)+z(x-~A) due to space finite differencing is s~nnllfor relatively long
12.4 waves. On thecontrary, v f / v is smaller thanabout 0.9
=i (sin v A ) . (4-cos v A ) for n 1 8 (in the case of thethree-pointmethod)or for
3A (x) n 1 5 (five-point method),andanerrorinthephase
velocity of waves corresponding to these n becomes large.
The above two finite difference formulas take a common An importantformula which is derivedfrom (3.1-A)
form, namely b z j b x = i v f z instead of analytical vdue i v z . and (3.2-A) and is equivalent to (3.4) is
Now, with the use of the above expression for a hori-
zontalgradientand an assumption of an equal wave ah,
length for u, v, and 4, (3.1) is modified as follows: -+iv’Uh,=-~(vc;-v’U)h,. (3.4-A)
January I965 Yoshio Kurihara 45
4.1.-Ratio(c,'/ci) of themodifiedphasevelocity(c,')tothe TABLE A.B.-Ratio (c'i/ci) of themodijiedphasevelocity (c'i) tothe
analytacalphasevelocity(ci)and vci', in case of athree-point analyticalphasevelocity(c;)and vc'i, in thecase of a five-point
Jinite difference scheme with a grid size of 250, 500, and 1000 k m . jinite difference scheme with a grid size of 250, 500, and 1000 k m .
n i s the number of grid points within a wavelength, Le., nX(5rid Refer to table A.1 for further explanation.
size)=wavelength.Assumedvalues of U, gH,f arethe sameas
those shown in table 3.1.

250-km. grid
2 0.0 2. 5 3. 5 .......... 1.0% 10" I. 0% 10-4
3 61.8 62. 1 62. 1 2.585 1o;r 1.734 10-3 1.213 10-3
250-km. grid 4 84. 4 84. 9 84.9 2. 654 1:779 1. 245
2 ....... - 1.028 1 0 - 4 1.028 10-4 5 93. 0 93. 2 93. 2 2.326 1.563 1.093
1. 713 1 0 - 4
1 . 1 ~ 910-3 8.110
1.337 9.352 ; 96. 4
96. 5
98. 1
96. 5
98. 1
1. 178
9.448 10-4
a 98.8 98.8 98.8 1.531 1.040 7.278
9 99. 2 99. 3 99. 3 1.362 9.304 1 0 - 4 6.509
7 1. 543 1. 048 7.331 10 99. 5 99. 5 99. 5 1.225 8.411 5.884
8 1.391 9.492 lo" 6. 640 20 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.796 10-5 4.351
9 1.260 8. 643 6.046 40 100.0 loo. 0 1.698loo. 0
2.406 2.352
10 93.3 93. 7 93. 7 1.148 7.918 5. 540
20 98. 1 98. 5 98. 5 5.688 1 0 - 5 4. 287 3.001
40 99.4 99. 7 99. 7 2. 338 2.398 1.698 5O(tkm, grid
2 o.. n- -
4.. 9 7. 0I ....._ 1.028
~. 10-4 1.028 10-4
3 61. 3 62. 4 62.4 I. 274
10-4 8.732 6.109
500-km. grid 4 84. 4 85. 1 85.
1 1.309 6.267
2 0. 0 4. 9 7. 0 1. 0% 10-4
.__.__.. 1.028 10-4 5 92. 8 93.3 93.3 I. 143 7. 882 5.515
3 39.3 42. 1 42. 1 8.295 10-3 5.890 4.121 6 90. 3 96. 6 96. 6 9.787 10-5 6.833 4.781
4 62. 5 64.3 64.3 9.680 6.766 4.734 7 97. 9 98. 1 98. 1 8.439 5.981 4 185
5 74. 5 76. 3 76. 3 9.175 6.445 4.510 8 98. 7 Y8. 9 98.9 7.358 5.306 3.713
6 81. 6 83. 3 83.3 9 99. 2 99. .? 99. R.
~~ 6.483 4.767 3.337
7 SF. 0 87. 6 87. 7 10 99.4 99.5 99. 5 5.764 4.333 3.033
8 89. 0 90.6 90. 6 20 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.351 2.405 1.698
9 91. 0 92. 6 92. 6 100.040 100.0 100.0 6.674 10-0 1.559 1.155
10 92. 5 94.1 94. 1
20 97. 5 98. 8 98.8
40 99. 1 99.8 99.9 6.615 10- 1.556
1.153 1000-km grid
2 0.0 9. 8 14.0 1.028
_.....".. 10-4 1.028 10-4
1000-km. grid
3 59. 3 w.4 63.5 6.023 1 0 - 5 4.488 3.142
4 83. 2 85. 7 85. 7 6.205 4.598 3.219
2 0
0.14.0 9.8 """" 1. 028 10" 1.028 10" 5 92. 0 93. 7 93. 7 5.335 4.076 2.855
3 36. 2 44. 1 44.3 3.681 10-5 3.122
2.191 6 95. 7 96.9 96. 9 4.472 3.571 2.503
4 59. 2 65.9 OF. 0 4.416 3.538 2.480 7 97. 5 98.3 98. 3 3. 758 3.165 2. 220
5 71. 6 77. 8 77. 9 4.149 3.385 2.374 8 98.4 99.0 99. 0 3.182 2.846 2.000
6 78.8 84. 7 84. 8 3 . w 3.122 2.191 9 98. 9 99. 4 99. 4 2.716 2.596 1.828
7 K?.4 .. n
RQ. ~ R9.
.~ ~1 3.213 2.864 2.012 10 99. 3 99. 6 99. 6 2.335 2.397 1.692
8 SG. 5 91. 8 92.0 2.795 2.639 1.85i 20 99.9 100.0 100.0 6.669 10-6 1.559 1.155
9 88. 7 93. 7 93.9 2.434 2.448 1.72i
10 90.3 95. 1 95. 3 2.124 2.258 1.619
99.4 99.2 96. 5 6.439 1o-S 1.547 1.148

The ratio of modified phase velocity to an analyt,ical
The author wishes t o express his thanks to Drs. J. Smagorinsky,
one for some specified cases is shown in tables A . l and S. Manabe,and 3i. Bryanwhohave given himencouragement
A.2. vc; is a useful parameter for examining properties throughoutthisstudy.Particularly, J. Smagorinskyreadthe
of a timeintegrntion scheme of (3.1-A). Thesevalues manuscript very carefully. He wishes to thank also Mrs. J. Snydcr,
are listed in the same tables also. Mrs. R.Brittain,and Mr. E. Rayfield fortheassistance he has
received in preparing this paper.
X2+(A+Bi)X+(C+Di)=0 1. S. A. Bortnikov, "Experience WithShortRangeWeather
Prediction on the Basis of the Solution of a Complete System
I n sections 2 and 4 we had to solve the abovetype of Thermohydrodynamic Equations," [Opyt kratkosrochnogo
equation frequently. A, B, C, and D are real values and prognoza pogody na osnove reshenil% pole1 sistemy uravnenil
termogidrodinamiki) Meteorologic2 i Gidrologic2, Moscow,
i=d- 1. The two solutions are given by

No. 11,1962, pp. 12-19. (Translatedby I. A. Donehoo,

U.S. Weather Bureau, 1963).
A 1
2 2& ( R + I ~ ) ' / ' ) 2. A. Eliassen, "On NumericalIntegration of CertainPartia
DifferentialEquationsbyMeans of the'Improved Euler-
Cauchy Method' ", Technical Note No. 1, Institute of Theo-
retical Meteorology, University of Oslo, 1963.
3. A. Grammeltvedt, " A Numerical Integration Experiment Using
thePrimitiveEquationsfor a Two-LayerModel of the
Atmosphere," Technical Note No. 3, Institute of Theoretical
Meteorology, University of Oslo, 1963.
4. I<. Hinkelmann, "Der
Mechanismus des Meteorologischen
Larmes," Tellus, vol. 3, NO. 4, Nov. 1951, pp. 285-296.
5. D. K. Lilly, "On theComputationalStability of Numerical
where Solutions of Time DependentNon-Linear
R=A2-B2-4C FluidDynamics Problems," MonthlyWeatherReview, vol.
93, No. 1, January 1965, pp. 11-26.
I-2AB-4D. 6. K. Miyakoda,"TheMethods of NumericalTimeIntegration

of One-Dirne~~siona1LinearEquationsandTheirInherited Schemy S NelZivnymi Konechnymi RaznostGmi] Trudy,

Errors,” Journal of theMeteorologicalSociety of J a p a n , Ser. Tsentral’nyiInstitutPrognozov, Moscow, vyp. 102, 1962,
2, vol. 38, No. 6, Dec. 1960, pp. 250-287. pp. 47-52. (Translated by H. K. Gold, U.S. Weather
7. N. A. Phillips, “On the Problem of Initial Data for the Primitive Bureau, 1963)
Equations,” Tellus, vol. 12,No. 2, May 1960, pp. 121-126. 12. Tseng Ch’ing-ts’un, ‘‘Primenenie polno1 sistemy uravnenii
8. N. A. Phillips, “An Example of Non-LinearComputational termogidrodinamikr k kratkosrochnomu prognozu pogody v
Instability,” pp. 501-504 in The Atmosphere and the Sea in dvukhurovennoi modeli,” [TheApplication of anEntire
Motion, Rockefeller Institute Press inassociation with Oxford System of Thermohydrodynamic Equations to Short Range
University Press, New York, 1959.
in a Tmo-LevelModel], Doklady
9. W. A. Phillips,“NumericalIntegration of theHydrostatic
AkadenliI Nauk SSSR, vol. 137, No. 1, Mar, 1961, pp. 76-78.
System of Equations With a Modified Version of the Eliassen
Finite-Difference Grid,” Proceedings of the International 13. S. Uusitalo,“TheNumericalCalculation of WindEffecton
S2/mposiumonNumericalWeatherPrediction,Tokyo, 1960, Sea Level Elevations,” Tellus, vol. 12, No. 4, Nov. 1960,
Meteorological Society of Japan, 1962, pp. 109-120. pp. 427-435.
10. R. D. Richtmyer, iiA Survey of Difference Methods for Non- 14. G. Veronis, “An Analysis of Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation
Steady Fluid
Dynamics,” NCAR Technical Notes 63-,2 With a Limited Number of Fourier Components,” Journal of
NCAR, Boulder 1963, 20 pp. Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 20, No. 6, Nov. 1963, pp. 577-593.
11. N. G. T u n h s k a S , “Investigation on aPrognostic hlethod With
ImplicitFinite Differences,” [IssledovaniePrognosticheskoi [Received June 23, 2.964; revised November i9,29641

Publications By Weather Bureau Authors

J. K. Augell, “Some Velocity andMomentumFlux national Association for Quaternary Research,” Bulletin
Statistics Derived from Transosonde Flights,”Quurterby of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 45, No. 11,
Journal of the Boyal Meteorological Society, 1701. 90, NOV.1964, pp. 688-690.
NO. 3S6, Oct. 1964, pp. 472-477. Ad. J. Rubin, “Antarctic Weather and Climate,” pp. 461-
J. K. Angel1 and J. Korshover, “Quasi-Biennial Variations 476 in Research in Geophysics, col. 2, “Solid Earth and
in Temperature, Total Ozone, and Tropopause Height,” Interface Phenomena,” H. Odishaw, Ed., The h/I. I. T.
Journal of the AtmosphericSciences, 1701. 21, No. 5, Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1964.
Sept. 1964, pp. 479-492. h4. J. Schroeder, D. W. Krueger, et al., Synoptic Weather
M . L. Blanc (with I,. P. Smibh), “International Agricul- Types AssGciated with CriticalFireWeather, Pacific
tural Meteorology,” Agricultural Meteorology, vol. 1) Southwest Forestand
RangeExperiment Station,
No. 1, Mar. 1964, pp. 3-13. Berkeley, Calif., 1964.
H . R. Glahn and J. 0. Ellis, “Note on the Determination R . H .Simpson (with J. S. Malkus), ‘
of Probability Estimates,” Journal of Applied Meteor- tion,” ScientiJfc American, vol. 211, No. 6, Dec. 1964,
ology, V O ~3,. NO. 5, Oct. 1964, pp. 647--650. pp. 27-37.
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J. hiI. Mitchell, Jr., “Focus on INQ,UA-The Inter- (Continued on page 66)

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