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Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades Syllabus

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Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades Syllabus

Education (St. Louis College Valenzuela)

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St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon, Inc.

(FORMERLY: Colegio de la milagrosa)
Member: DC – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System
251 Burgos St., Talisay, Sorsogon City
Tel. 056 421-5559; Mobile No. 09384498344

SCHOOL YEAR 2022 -2023

Vision - Mission:

St Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon, Inc. is an audacious Christ-centered institution committed to empowering communities of learners into inner-directed
Vincentian Leaders who are advocates of persons in poverty situation and of God’s creation.

Core Values:

Commitment to Vincentian Excellence, Respect for Human Dignity, Respect for God’s Creation, Advocacy of Persons Who Are Poor, Simplicity

Enabling Values: Compassionate Service, Co – Responsibility, Social Commitment, Solidarity


COURSE TITLE : Teaching Arts in Elementary Grade


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COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the educational foundations of Arts as these apply to teaching ang learning in the elementary grades. Various
teaching strategies and assessment appropriate for each area shall be given emphases in the course.


At the end of the course, the learner will be able to:
Develop creativity, critical thinking and communication skills, and nurture aesthetic sensitivity and cultural awareness;
Develop arts skills, construct knowledge, and cultivate positive values and attitudes;
Gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in arts activities; and
Pursue a lifelong interest in the arts.


Learning Activities Evaluative Measure Requirements for

1. Lectures Examination 40%
2. Module Quizzes 25% Written Outputs
3. Pdf files/power point presentation Recitation 20% Reflective Journal
4. Problem-based learning Project 10% Midterm and Final Examination
5. Actual Performance of the different human movements Aptitude/Attendance 5% Class participation
6. Think-Pair -Share on the body system Attendance, Participation, Performance Portfolio

Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Delivery Instructional Resources Performance Standards Assessment Tasks/ Time
Outputs Allotment
Course Overview & Orientation
The learners should be able to… Course Guide Content 90-100% of the Diagnostic
Accessing Course Site learners… Assessment:
a. understand the Course (SLMCS-LMS)
Guide Introducing oneself
b. familiarize oneself with the b. a. understand the a. Q & A
Course requirement Synchronous a. SLMCS VMGO 3 Hours
course site (BU- LMS)

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c. introduce oneself in the forum c. Course Overview class\printed hand-outs/ b. Course Guide Course Guide b. Pictionary hours
creatively d. Activity Sheets/ google c. Course Syllabus b. familiarize oneself (Week 1)
d. participate in the ‘BU e. forms with the course site Formative Assessment:
VMGO’ forum actively f. c. introduce oneself c. Mind mapping
e. conduct according to the class d. participate in the d. Save the Last
rules and policies ‘SLMCS VMGO’ Word for Me
forum e. Learning Task
e. conduct according to
the class rules and

Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Delivery Instructional Resources Performance Standards Assessment Tasks/ Time
Outputs Allotment

The learners should be able to… I. Art Education in the 90-100% of the Diagnostic
Elementary Grades learners… Assessment:
a. Familiarize oneself with how and Synchronous
why visual art has been taught in the class\printed hand-outs/ a. K to 12 Curriculum Guide a. explain the short a. Q & A 6 hours
a. Art Education in the
Philippines in the past decades. Activity Sheets/ google in Arts history of Art b. 4Pics,1 Word Game
Philippines (Week 2-3)
b. Gain knowledge of the arguments in forms Education in the
b. Benefit of Art Education
favor of having art subjects in the Philippines Formative Assessment:
curriculum b. Determine the c. Concept Map
c. Become familiar with the issue c. The Artist Mindset in the Benefits of Art Analysis
facing Art Education in the country early Grades Education d. Web Mapping
today. c. Develop awareness e. Venn Diagram
d. Familiarize oneself with the in the importance of Analysis
mindset, attitude and values that mindset, attitude and f. Exit Slip
must be developed in young learners values that must be Learning task
to help foster a healthy attitude developed in young
toward the practice of art. learners to help foster
e. Reflect on the presence or absence a healthy attitude
of these artistic values in your own toward the practice
life as an art educator, and consider of
how to develop them to the point art
that you can encourage their
development in others.

The learners should be able to… II. The K-12 Elementary 90-100% of the Diagnostic Assessment:
Art learners…
Education Curriculum Synchronous

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class\printed hand-outs/
a. Familiarize oneself with the K- a. Conceptual framework of the Activity Sheets/ google a. Q & A
12 Curriculum Framework for Art Education forms b. 2 Truths,
a. K to 12 Curriculum Guide a. Explain the 9 hours
Art Education being used by the b. Philosophy and Rationale of in Arts Conceptual 1 lie (Week
Art Education
Department of Education for c. Elements, Principles and Framework of k-12
Grades 1-3 Processes of Art Art Curriculum Formative Assessment:
b. Familiarize yourself with the Education c. Table Analysis
Department of Education’s overall d. Semantic Web
philosophy and approach to Art Analysis
Education in the early grades. e. Bluff or Fact
f. Exit Pass
Learning Task

The learners should be able to… III. Instructional Planning 90-100% of the Diagnostic Assessment:
in the learners… 6 hours
a. Explain the importance of Visual Arts Synchronous a. Q & A
Tizon, P.RECIOUS Jewl b. Illustration
instructional planning. class\printed hand-outs/ a. state the importance
b. Discuss the considerations in Gamboa & Ignacio, Eigen of instructional planning, Analysis (Week
a. Importance of Activity Sheets/ google
preparing an instructional plan. forms John classroom 7-8)
c. Discuss the realities of Instructional Planning
T. (2021). A Course management Formative Assessment:
b. Classroom
implementing a lesson plan in an b. explain the things c. Collaborative
Management and Module for needed to be considered Discussion
actual class. School Situations Teaching Visual Arts in the in d. Brain Mapping
c. Things to consider in instructional planning
instructional Planning Philippines.Rex Bookstore e. Exit Pass
f. Google Forms
(Assessment 5)
Salandanan, Gloria G. (2012).
Methods of Teaching, 2nd revised
Edition. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

The learners should be able to… IV. Setting the Objectives 90-100% of the Diagnostic
TEACHING APPROACHES: learners… Assessment:
a. Differentiate teacher-directed a. Approaches in Teaching 6 hours
approach and learner-directed Art
Tizon, P.RECIOUS Jewl
approach in teaching art. b. Setting objectives for a Gamboa & Ignacio, Eigen a. Q & A
b. Recognize the different purposes of Synchronous (Week
Discipline- Based Art
class\printed hand-outs/
John a. Explain the difference b. KWL Chart
an art activity in varied settings. Education Approach 9-
c. Examine the factors in choosing an Activity Sheets/ google T. (2021). A Course between a teacher-
c. Setting Objectives for a 10)

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appropriate art activity for students. learner- Centered forms Module for directed approach Formative
Approach and learner- Assessment:
Teaching Visual Arts in the directed approach c. Concept Map
Major Output No. 1
Philippines.Rex Bookstore in teaching art. Analysis
d. Interactive
Salandanan, Gloria G. (2012). e. Bluff or Fact
Methods of Teaching, 2nd revised f. #KeepMeposted
Edition. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

a. create an Infographic regarding the b. Tell the importance g. Google Form

topics in Teaching Arts in the of choosing an (Assessment 6-8)
Elementary Grades appropriate art
activity for students


(Week 11)
The learners should be able to… 90-100% of the Diagnostic
learners… Assessment:
V. Instructional Strategies Synchronous class\printed
in hand-outs/ Activity Sheets/
Teaching Visual arts google forms Tizon, P.RECIOUS
Jewl a. Pre- Test
a. identify the things to consider in a. identify the
creating engaging activities d. Step-by-Step Gamboa & Ignacio, different teaching b. Q & A
b. Analyze how some activities engage Approach Eigen John methodologies in
children and elicit intrinsic e. On- demo Approach Arts in the Formative
T. (2021). A Course
motivation. f. Artistic creative Elementary Grades Assessment:
c. Develop competence in choosing an process Module for c. Semantic
engaging “hook” or activity to g. Methods of teaching Teaching Visual Arts Web
introduce the lesson. h. art education in the Analysis
d. Interactive
Bookstore e. Lesson
f. Simulation
g. Situation

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h. Google Form
i. (Assessment 9-
The learners should be able to… VI. Lesson Plan in art Synchronous 90-100% of the Diagnostic
Education class\printed hand-outs/ learners… Assessment:
Activity Sheets/ google Tizon, P.RECIOUS Jewl
forms Gamboa & Ignacio, Eigen
a. Explain the significance of each
John a. Explain the significance a. Q & A
a. Parts of a lesson plan in 9 hours
component in facilitating student Arts T. (2021). A Course of each
learning Module for component in Formative
b. Create lesson plan based on the facilitating student Assessment: (Week
Teaching Visual Arts in the
DepEd Curriculum. learning b. Picture Analysis 14-
Philippines.Rex Bookstore c. Brainstorming 16)

c. Discuss the realities of implementing b. Create lesson plan d. Graphic organizer

a lesson plan in an actual class based on the DepEd Analysis
Curriculum. e. Collaborative Class
b. Reflective Class
c. Google Form
(Assessment 12-13)
The learners should be able to… VII. Authentic Art 90%-100% of the Diagnostic
Assessment learners… Assessment:

a. Understand the importance of and Synchronous a. Salandanan, Gloria G.

how to implement diagnostic, a. Kinds of Assessment class\printed hand-outs/ (2012). Methods of a. determine the different a. Video Clip 3 hours
formative and summative type of Activity Sheets/ google Teaching, 2nd revised Edition. technology- Analysis
b. Sources of Assessment
assessment forms Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Aided Methodologies b. Q & A
b. Identify the different sources of b. tell the varied uses of (Week
assessment information in an art
c. Using Rubrics b. Tizon, P.RECIOUS Jewl
multimedia resources Formative 17)
class. Gamboa & Ignacio, c. describe the different Assessment:
c. Create and use rubrics for Eigen innovative and d. Class sharing
performance-based assessments. interactive teaching
John T. (2021). A e. Writing reflective
strategies notes
f. ‘Ask me a Question’
Module for Teaching g. Collaborative Class
Visual Discussion
Arts in the h. Google Form

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Philippines.Rex (Assessment 14)


FINAL EXAMINATION: Demonstration Teaching (No written examination) 3 hours

(Week 18)


a. Tizon, P.RECIOUS Jewl Gamboa & Ignacio, Eigen John T. (2021). A Course Module for Teaching Visual Arts in the Philippines.Rex Bookstore
b. Salandanan, Gloria G. (2012). Methods of Teaching, 2nd revised Edition. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
c. Borabo, Milagros Lim, Borabo, Heidi Grace Lim. (2015). Interactive and Innovative Teaching Strategies, A Resource Book for 21 st Century Teachers, Volume 5. Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Researches/ Journals
a. K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Arts
b. Katz, David A. The Art of Effective Demonstrations. Retrieved from: Microsoft Word - ART OF EFFECTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS.doc ( Accessed: 02/02/2022 c. Cotton, K.
(1988). Classroom questioning. School improvement research series, 5, 1-22. Retrieved from Accessed:

a. Accessed: 08/14?2022
b. ClassroomAssessmentTools ( Accessed: 08/ 14/2022
c. ClassroomAssessmentTools ( Accessed: 02/ 02/2022

American College of Sports Medicine (2011). Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor
fitness in apparently healthy adults: Guidance for prescribing exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports and exercise, 43(7), 1334-1359.
Bushman, B. (2011). American College of Sports Medicine’s complete guide to fitness and health. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Kotecki, J.E. (2011). Physical activity and health: An interactive approach, 3 rd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Marieb, Elaine N. and Hoehn, Katja (2007). Human anatomy and physiology, 7th Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

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Prepared by:

Professorial Lecturer



Dean, Graduate School



President, SLMCS

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