Sizing Control Valves - Aramco
Sizing Control Valves - Aramco
Sizing Control Valves - Aramco
Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s employees.
Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public
domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third
parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission
of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.
Section Page
INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 9
The Importance of Sizing ............................................................................................ 9
Undersizing Problems............................................................................................ 9
Oversizing Problems.............................................................................................. 9
Fluid States ............................................................................................................... 10
Fluid States and Sizing Equations ....................................................................... 10
Scope of Presented Equations ............................................................................ 11
Guidelines for Capacity vs. Percent of Rated Travel................................................. 11
Sizing for Maximum, Normal, and Minimum Flow Conditions .............................. 11
Tendency to Oversize Valves .............................................................................. 11
Valve Manufacturer's Guidelines ......................................................................... 12
Saudi Aramco Standards ..................................................................................... 12
Converting Degrees Rotation to Percent Travel .................................................. 12
The Basic Liquid Flow Equation ................................................................................ 13
Predicting Flow Through a Restriction ................................................................. 13
Solving for Required Valve Cv ............................................................................. 13
ISA Standards ........................................................................................................... 14
Recognized Valve Sizing Standards .................................................................... 14
ISA Forms of the Basic Sizing Equation .............................................................. 14
Terms in the ISA Equation ................................................................................... 15
Choked Flow ............................................................................................................. 16
Limits of the Basic Liquid Sizing Equation ........................................................... 16
Pressure and Velocity Profiles ............................................................................. 17
Pressure Recovery .............................................................................................. 18
Fluid Vapor Pressure ........................................................................................... 19
Mechanics of Choked Flow.................................................................................. 20
Cavitation............................................................................................................. 21
Flashing ............................................................................................................... 22
Implications of Choked Flow for Sizing ................................................................ 22
Calculating the Allowable Pressure Drop .................................................................. 22
Valve Recovery Coefficient.................................................................................. 22
Solving for ∆P Allowable ...................................................................................... 24
Implementing Choked Flow Equations................................................................. 27
Work Aid 3A: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Ideal Gasses with the ISA Method .......................................................................... 120
Work Aid 3B: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Real Gasses with the ISA Method........................................................................... 120
Work Aid 3C: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Vapors with the ISA Method.................................................................................... 121
Work Aid 3D: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Steam with the ISA Method..................................................................................... 122
Work Aid 3E: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Ideal Gasses with the Fisher Method ...................................................................... 123
Work Aid 3F: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Real Gasses with the Fisher Method ...................................................................... 125
Work Aid 3G: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Vapors with the Fisher Method................................................................................ 126
Work Aid 3H: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for
Steam with the Fisher Method................................................................................. 127
Work Aid 3I: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Effect of Compressibility
on Valve Size .......................................................................................................... 128
Work Aid 3J: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control Valves for All
Flow Conditions....................................................................................................... 130
DATA ON THE SAUDI ARAMCO ISS......................................................................... 133
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ 134
Figure 1. Fluid States as a Function of Pressure and Heat Content ............................. 10
Figure 2. Pressure and Flow Relationships................................................................... 17
Figure 3. Pressure and Velocity Profiles Around a Restriction ...................................... 18
Figure 4. Comparison of High and Low Recovery Valves ............................................. 19
Figure 5. Fluid Vaporization when Pvc < Pv .................................................................. 19
Figure 6. Pressure and Flow Relationships................................................................... 20
Figure 7. Pressure Profiles for Flashing and Cavitating Flows ...................................... 21
Figure 8. Generalized Relationship of Pvc to Pv for High and Low Recovery
Valves at Different Pressure Drops ............................................................ 23
Figure 9. Critical Pressure Ratios for Liquids other than Water..................................... 25
Figure 10. Critical Pressure Ratios for Water ................................................................ 26
Figure 11. Flow Limiting Influences of Reducers and Expanders.................................. 30
Figure 12. Piping Factor Effect Vs. Travel for Different Valve Styles ............................ 32
Figure 13. Flow Profiles of Laminar and Turbulent Flow Regimes ................................ 36
Figure 14. Valve Reynolds Number Vs. the Reynolds Number Factor FR .................... 40
Figure 15. Main Menu of the Fisher Sizing Program ..................................................... 46
Figure 16. Screen that Appears when the Units Option Under Config is Selected........ 48
Figure 17. Drop-Down Menu that Lists Valve Sizing Methods ...................................... 48
Figure 18. Options for Variables to Solve for................................................................. 50
Figure 19. Calculation Screen for ISA Liquid Sizing ...................................................... 50
Figure 20. Calculation Options ...................................................................................... 52
Figure 21. Pull-Down Menu that Lists Units Options for Q ............................................ 53
Figure 22. Pull-Down Menu that Lists Fluids in the Sizing Database ............................ 53
Figure 23. Table of Values that is Displayed when the F9 Key is Pressed.................... 54
Figure 24. Gas Flow and Pressure Relationships ......................................................... 59
Figure 25. Choked Flow as a Function of xT ................................................................. 60
Figure 26. Effects of k on FKxT and qmax .................................................................... 61
Figure 27. Pressure and Flow Relationships as x Increases from 0.02 to xT ................ 62
Figure 28. Reduced Pressure PVC Leads to Reduced Fluid Density and
Reduced Flow ............................................................................................ 63
Figure 29. Effect of Sonic Velocity on Flow ................................................................... 63
Figure 30. Effect of Vena Contracta Enlargement......................................................... 64
Figure 31. Relationships Among x, FkxT, and Y ........................................................... 65
Figure 32. Generalized Compressibility Chart ............................................................... 68
Figure 33. Valve Sizing Method Options ....................................................................... 72
Figure 34. Available Calculation Types ......................................................................... 73
Figure 35. Valve Sizing Screen for the ISA Gas Valve Sizing Method .......................... 73
Figure 36. Calculation Options for the ISA Gas Valve Sizing Method ........................... 74
Figure 37. Line-by-Line Units Options for Flow ............................................................. 76
Figure 38. Actual Flow Versus Predicted Flow .............................................................. 79
Figure 39. Critical Flow for Low and High Recovery Valves.......................................... 79
Figure 40. Predicting Low Flow and Critical Flow.......................................................... 81
Figure 41. Tested Values of Flow Compared to a Sine Curve ...................................... 82
Figure 42. C2 Factor Versus k ...................................................................................... 86
Figure 43. Valve Sizing Methods................................................................................... 90
Figure 44. Selection of a Calculation Type.................................................................... 91
Figure 45. Valve Sizing Screen for the Fisher Real Gas Sizing Method........................ 91
Figure 46. Calculation Options for the Fisher Ideal Gas Sizing Method ........................ 92
Figure 47. Calculation Options for the Fisher Real Gas Sizing Method......................... 93
Figure 48. Calculation Options for the Fisher Vapor Sizing Method .............................. 93
Figure 49. Calculation Options for the Fisher Steam Sizing Method ............................. 94
Figure 50. Pull-Down Menu Options for Temperature ................................................... 94
Figure 51. The Saudi Aramco ISS................................................................................. 97
Undersizing Problems
Oversizing Problems
Fluid States
Fluid States and Sizing
Fluid behavior, including flow rate as a function of pressure and
temperature conditions, depends on the fluid state (i.e., whether
the fluid is in a liquid, gas, vapor, or other state); accordingly,
several different sizing equations are available that can be used
to calculate the flow rate or to calculate the required control
valve Cv. The chart below (Figure 1) illustrates how a fluid state
can change as a function of pressure and enthalpy (heat
Valve Manufacturer's
Table 2. Guidelines for Percent Travel at Various Flow Conditions Per Section 5.2
of SAES-J-700
Flow Characteristic Percent Travel at Normal Percent Travel at Maximum
Flow Flow
Equal Percentage 85 93
Linear 75 90
Modified Parabolic 80 90
Q = Cv (1)
Q = The flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm).
Cv = A coefficient that is assigned by valve
manufacturers to describe how much flow a specific
valve will pass under standard conditions (i.e., the
test fluid is water with a specific gravity of 1.0, and
the pressure drop across the valve is 1 psi).
∆P = The pressure drop across the valve in psi;
(∆P = P1-P2).
G = The specific gravity of the fluid.
Major Assumption - In reality, the flow rate through a restriction is
a function of the pressure drop between upstream pressure and
the pressure at the limiting flow area of the restriction, which is
called the vena contracta; however, Equation 1 provides the
basis for developing the complete equation.
Cv =Q (2)
ISA Standards
Recognized Valve Sizing
The ISA forms of the basic equations that have been discussed
to this point are:
To Predict Flow - To predict flow, the basic form of the ISA
equation is as follows:
p1 − p2
q = N1 Cv (3)
q = The volumetric flow rate.
N1 = A numerical constant for units of measurement
(Table 3).
Cv = The control valve flow coefficient.
Gf = The liquid specific gravity at upstream conditions;
the ratio of the fluid density at the valve inlet to the
density of water at 60 degrees F (15.6 degrees C).
Generic: C v = Q (5)
q Gf
ISA: C v = (6)
N1 p1 − p2
Choked Flow
Limits of the Basic Liquid
Sizing Equation
a plot that shows mean fluid pressure and mean velocity profiles
at and around a control valve helps to explain the mechanics of
choked flow. Refer to Figure 3.
Vena Contracta - Recallthat as a fluid passes through a restriction
such as a control valve, the flowstream continues to neck down
to a minimum cross-sectional area. The point of minimum cross-
sectional area is known as the vena contracta. The vena
contracta may be located at the control valve port, or it may be
located downstream of the valve, depending on service
conditions and valve style.
Pressure Recovery
Defined - All
subcritical, single-species fluids have a vapor
pressure (Pv). Vapor pressure is the pressure at which a fluid at
a stated temperature will begin to change state from the liquid to
the vapor phase. The liquid-to-vapor change of state can be
thought of as causing a liquid to boil by reducing the fluid
pressure, as opposed to increasing the fluid temperature.
Pvc vs Pv - As the pressure at the vena contracta is reduced to
the vapor pressure of the fluid (Figure 5), the fluid will begin to
vaporize. The fluid now consists of a mixture of a liquid and
vapor. The fluid is no longer incompressible (a liquid); therefore,
the basic liquid flow equation is no longer valid.
Increasing Pressure Drop and Fluid Density - Oncethe Pvc has fallen
below the Pv, further increases in the pressure drop result in
additional vapor bubble formation and a further reduction in the
density of the fluid mixture. The decrease in fluid density offsets
any increase in the velocity of the mixture; as a result, no
additional mass flow is realized(Figure 6). Vapor formation and
the subsequent reduction in fluid density help to explain the
phenomenon of choked flow.
Flashing Defined - If
downstream pressure remains at or below
the local vapor pressure of the fluid, the vapor remains in the
fluid stream, and the mixture is said to be flashing.
Flashing Damage results from liquid droplets impinging on metal
surfaces at high velocity. Flashing damage has a smooth and
polished appearance.
Selection of Valves for Flashing Fluids follows
the same general
strategy as valve selection for other erosive applications,
including the selection of harder body materials, hard trim, flow-
down angle bodies, and replaceable liners.
Figure 8. Generalized Relationship of Pvc to Pv for High and Low Recovery Valves
at Different Pressure Drops
P1 − P2
ISA: FL = arranges to ∆Pchoked = FL2 (P1-Pvc)
P1 − Pvc
P −P
Fisher Controls: Km = 1 2 arranges to ∆Pallow = Km
P1 − Pvc
(P1-Pvc) (10)
From the above, it becomes clear that the value of the recovery
coefficient can be used to predict ∆Pchoked for a specific set of
service conditions.
Problems in Determining Pvc - While Equations 9 and 10 allow the
specifier to calculate ∆Pchoked, the problem of how to determine
the pressure at the vena contracta (Pvc) remains.
Calculating Pvc - It has been theoretically established(1) that the
Pvc at the choked flow condition can be estimated as a
nonlinear function of the fluid vapor pressure multiplied by the
value of the critical pressure ratio. This hypothesis is included in
the Appendix of the ISA Standard S75.01 - 1985. The critical
pressure ratio is identified in the Fisher nomenclature as rc, and
it is identified in the ISA nomenclature as FF. Refer to Equations
11 and 12.
FF = rc = The critical pressure ratio.
Pv = The vapor pressure of the fluid.
Although the value of rc (FF) is actually a unique function for
each fluid and the prevailing conditions, it has been established
that data for a variety of fluids can be generalized, thereby
allowing the use of rc (FF) in a wide range of sizing applications.
The value of rc can be determined from plots or with the use of
a simple equation.
1. Stiles, G.F., "Development of a Valve Sizing Relationship for Flashing and
Cavitation Flow", proceedings of the First Annual Final Control Elements
Symposium, Wilmington, Delaware, USA, Delivered May 14-16, 1970.
FL = The valve recovery coefficient, dimensionless (ISA).
FF = The liquid critical pressure ratio factor,
dimensionless (ISA).
ISA Sizing Equation for Choked Flow - The ISA standard includes
the following equations:
p1 − FFp v qmax Gf
qmax = N1FL Cv and C v = (20)
Gf N1 FL p1 − FF pv
q Gf p1 − p2
Cv = and q = N1 Cv (21)
N1 p1 − p2 Gf
G ∆P
Cv =Q and Q = Cv (23)
∆P G
Iterative Nature of Sizing Calculations - The
procedures that are
used to calculate Cv through the use of the ∆Pallow are as
1. Using an estimated value of Km(FL), calculate the ∆Pallow.
Piping Geometry
Significance of Pipe Fittings in
Valve Sizing
p1 − p2
q = N1 FP Cv (24)
q Gf
Cv =
N1 FP p1 − p2 (25)
ISA Standards for Calculating FP - The
ISA standard states that
when tested values of FP are not available, FP may be
estimated as follows:
− 1
ΣK C 2 2
FP = v + 1 (26)
N2 d 4
FP = The piping geometry factor, dimensionless.
ΣK = The sum of all loss coefficients, dimensionless.
N2 = a dimensionless units constant for pipe and valve
size (N2 = 890 for inches; N2 = 0.00214 for mm);
see Table 3.
d = The inside diameter of the valve inlet, specified in
inches or mm according to the value of N2.
Calculating K - K is the algebraic sum of all the loss coefficients
that influence flow through the fittings that are attached to the
control valve. The coefficients are:
Friction coefficients that account for turbulence and friction (K1
and K2)
Bernoulli coefficients that account for pressure and velocity
changes (KB1 and KB2)
Refer to Equations 26 and 27, and to Figure 11.
ΣK = K1 + K 2 + KB1 − KB2 (27)
K1 = The resistance coefficient of the inlet fitting(s).
K2 = The resistance coefficient of the outlet fitting(s).
d = The inside diameter of the valve inlet.
D1 = The inside diameter of the upstream pipe.
D2 = The inside diameter of the downstream pipe.
Refer to Equations 27 and 29, and note that for equal size inlet
and outlet piping, KB1 and KB2 cancel out; therefore, only the
terms K1 and K2 are needed.
Valve Geometry - Refer to Equation 30, and note the relationship
between the valve Cv and the valve inlet diameter d.
− 1
ΣK C 2 2
FP = v + 1 (30)
N2 d 4
If ≤ 20, ignore piping factors
d2 (FP = 1.0) (33)
Figure 12. Piping Factor Effect Vs. Travel for Different Valve Styles
q Gf
Cv = (34)
N1 FP (FL )P p1 − p2
q Gf
Cv = (36)
N1 FLP p1 − p2
FP = The piping factor.
(FL)P = FL corrected for piping factor.
FLP = The combined coefficient for pressure recovery
and piping factors.
The ISA Standard states that, for maximum accuracy, the value
of FLP should be determined by test. The standard also states
that if tested values are not available, reasonable accuracy can
be achieved with the use of Equation 37.
− 1
K F 2C 2 2
F LP = FL i L 4 v + 1 (37)
N2 d
The new term Ki includes the loss coefficient (K1) and the
Bernoulli coefficient (KB1) on the inlet side of the valve only.
FLP and Choked Flow - The factor FLP is used to calculate
∆Pchoked as shown in Equation 38.
F LP 2
∆Pchoked =
P1 − FF Pv ) (38)
q Gf
Cv = (39)
N1 FLP p1 − p2
Table 4. R Values that are Used in the Piping Factor Correction Method
Valve Type D/d = 1.5 D/d = 2.0
Globe Valves (Flow to Close) 0.96 0.94
Globe Valves (Flow to Open) 0.96 0.94
Angle Valves (Flow to Close) 0.85 0.77
Angle Valves (Flow to Open) 0.95 0.91
Ball Valves 0.84 0.80
Butterfly Valves 90 Degrees Open 0.77 0.67
Butterfly Valves 60 Degrees Open 0.91 0.85
Viscosity Corrections
Flow Regimes
The sizing equations that have been presented to this point are
based on the assumption that the flowing fluid is turbulent, as
opposed to laminar.
Laminar Flow - In laminar flow, the fluid flows in smooth, ordered
layers. Refer to Figure 13 below. Fluid velocity is highest in the
layers in the center of the pipe, while drag forces cause a
reduction in the fluid velocity nearer the pipe wall. Laminar flow
is also referred to as viscous flow. Although effects other than
fluid viscosity may cause laminar flow, most laminar flow occurs
with high viscosity fluids.
Turbulent Flow - In turbulent flow, the uniform layers disappear
and the flowstream is made up of turbulent eddies that occur
randomly in the fluid stream as shown in Figure 13. The flow
profile is more blunt, and the velocity at the center of the pipe
and the velocity near the pipe wall are nearly equal.
Transitional Flow - Between laminar and turbulent flow, a
condition of transitional flow exists. The transitional flow regime
has characteristics of both laminar and turbulent flow.
Pressure Drop Vs. Flow Rate - The valve specifier's interest in flow
regimes centers on the relationship between energy losses in
the valve (pressure drop) and flow rate. for turbulent flow, the
standard sizing equation describes a relationship in which the
flow rate is proportional to the square root of the pressure drop
across the valve as follows:
In the laminar flow regime, tests confirm that the flow rate is
directly proportional to pressure drop as described with the
for Laminar Flow: Q ∝ ∆P (44)
Reynolds Numbers
p1 − p2
q = N1 FR Cv (46)
q Gf
Cv = (47)
N1 FR p1 − p2
N4 Fd q F 2 C 2 4
Re v = L v
1 1 N d4 + 1 (48)
υFL 2 Cv 2 2
Note that the equation is iterative because Rev, Cv, and FL are
all unknown at the beginning of the process. Estimates must be
made for all values, and, then, several iterations are performed
to arrive at useful results.
Note also the use of the term Fd. Fd is a valve style modifier.
Currently, the ISA Standard recognizes only two values of Fd. a
value of 0.7 is used for double ported globe valves and for
butterfly valves. for all other valve styles, Fd is 1.0.
Kinematic viscosity, υ , is expressed in centistokes. If fluid
viscosity is specified in terms other than centistokes, it is
necessary to convert the viscosity to centistokes with the use of
the methods that are shown in the table below:
Table 5. Viscosity Conversion
Viscosity Expressed as: Convert to Centistokes by:
Figure 14. Valve Reynolds Number Vs. the Reynolds Number Factor FR
Cvr = The Cv that has been adjusted for fluid viscosity.
Fv = a correction factor, dimensionless, from the Fisher
Cv = The uncorrected Cv.
q Gf
Cv = (50)
N1 p1 − p2
q Gf
Cv = max (52)
N1 F L p1 − FF pv
− 1
q Gf ΣK C 2 2
Cv = where FP = v + 1
N1 FP p1 − p2 N2 d4
qmax Gf
Cv = where
N1 FLP p1 − p2
− 1
K F 2C 2 2
F LP = FL i L v + 1 (54)
N2 d4
q Gf
Cv = (55)
N1 FR p1 − p2
Q = Cv (57)
Checking for Choked Flow - The potential for choked flow is
investigated by calculating the ∆Pallow and comparing the result
with the actual ∆P across the valve. If the actual ∆P is greater
than the ∆Pallow, choked flow exists and the ∆Pallow is used as
the sizing pressure drop in Equation 57. The ∆Pallow is
calculated with:
∆Pallow = Km (P1-rc Pv) (58)
Project Information
Valve Ssact Rotact Stroking Report Specsheet File Other Config Exit
Apr 18, 1994 FISHER SIZING PROGRAM Rev 1.41
Engineer : Quote :
Customer : Order :
Reference : Item :
Date : Tag :
Fluid :
Equipment :
Comments :
( Press [ ESC ] or [ F10 ] to enter application information above )
Valve Sizing : Fisher Real Gas File :
Actuator : -- Dir : C : \ FSP141 \
Striking Time : -- Printer : PRN
Spec Sheet : --
Notepad : --
Main Menu
Selecting Units
GAS FLOW lb / h
DENSITY lb / ft3
AREA in 2
SPRING RATE lbf / in
TORQUE lbf. in
Figure 16. Screen that Appears when the Units Option Under Config is Selected
Selecting the Valve Sizing and LpA option of the ISA Liquid sizing
method brings up the actual sizing screen (shown in Figure 19).
This screen is divided into several sections.
Rev 1.41 NRM ISA / EN Liquid ValveSizing
Liquid Properties & State Valve Specifications
Liquid F1 --
Pc --psia
Pv --psia
Service Conditions
dP --psig
Q --psig Calculated Results
T ( optional) --gpm (US)
--deg F Cv --
Intermediate Results dP Choked -- psid
Ar --
Notes :
The F3 Options Key - at any time, the specifier may choose from
several different sizing options (see Figure 20) by pressing the
function key F3. Options are toggled by highlighting the
appropriate line and pressing ENTER. The option that is visible
when the option menu is stored (by pressing the ESCAPE key)
is the option that will be used in sizing. The options menu for the
ISA liquid sizing method includes the following:
• Line 1: Solve for Cg, Cs, or Cv - Other options: Solve for
Flow Rate, Solve for Pressure Drop
• Line 2: LpA (SPL) OFF - Option: Calculate LpA (SPL)
• Line 3: Omit Fp - Other options: Calculate Fp, input Fp
• Line 4: Viscous Correction OFF - Option: Viscous Correction
• Line 5: Pipe: Size/Sched - Option: Pipe: Diameter/Thickness
• Line 6: Input Pv - Option: Calculate Pv (Note that the
software can only calculate the Pv for fluids for which data
have been included in the permanent database; for other
fluids, the specifier must enter the Pv.)
• Line 7: Warnings ON - Option: Warnings OFF
Notes :
Service Conditions
P1 --psig
dP --psid
Q -- alculated Results
T ( optional) -- gpm (US) v --
Intermediate Results l/m PChoked -- psid
lb / h r --
Ff kg / h
m3 / h
barrel / d otes :
Figure 23. Table of Values that is Displayed when the F9 Key is Pressed
Differences in Compressible
and Incompressible Fluid Flow
The specifier may select from many forms of the ISA equation.
The choice of equation form depends on:
• whether the objective is to calculate fluid flow rate or valve
• whether fluid flow is expressed in terms of volumetric flow or
mass flow
• the terms that are used to express fluid density
• the units of measurement (SI or English unit systems)
Mass Flow - To solve for mass flow (w), equations that account
for fluid density with specific weight (g) or molecular weight (M)
are used. These equations are sometimes referred to as the
'vapor' forms of the equation.
w = N6 Fp Cv Y xp1 γ 1 or w = N8 Fp Cv p1 Y (59)
T1 Z
x x
q = N7 Fp Cv p1 Y or q = N9 Fp Cv p1 Y (60)
G g T1 Z MT1 Z
w w T1 Z
Cv = or C v = (61)
N6 Fp Y xp1 γ 1 N8 Fp p1 Y xM
q Gg T1 Z q MT1 Z
Cv = or C v = (62)
N7 Fp p1 Y x N9 Fp p 1 Y x
Numerical Constants
Basic Equation
Flow Rate: a Function of Pressure Drop Ratio - Recall that for liquid
flow, q is a function of the square root of the pressure drop, as
shown below.
q = Cv (64)
Similarly, gas flow is a function of pressure conditions and Cv.
Over a limited set of conditions, tests show that the basic
relationship between gas flow, Cv, and pressure conditions is as
q = Cv p1 x (65)
x= (66)
Choked Flow
q = Cv p1 x becomes q = Cv p1 FK xT (68)
Expansion Factor: Y
Figure 28. Reduced Pressure PVC Leads to Reduced Fluid Density and Reduced
Vena Contracta Enlargement - When the fluid velocity becomes
sonic, a shock wave is created that limits velocity to a maximum
(terminal) value. Flow rate becomes a function of sonic
(terminal) velocity and the effective flow area at the vena
contracta. Refer to Figure 27 and Figure 29.
q = Cv p1 Y x (71)
q = Cv p1 Y x (73)
This equation:
• predicts flow at low pressure drop ratios ( p1 x )
• predicts critical flow (with the use of xT)
• predicts the effect of density changes that result from fluid
expansion due to low pressure at the vena contracta.
Ideal Gasses - The equation that has been discussed to this point
(Equation 73) is based on the flow of air at standard conditions.
It can be generalized for any gas at any temperature with a
simple modification to account for fluid specific gravity and
temperature as shown in Equation 74.
q = Cv p1 Y (74)
Gg T1
Gg = The specific gravity of the flowing gas; the ratio of the
density of the gas at the valve inlet to the density of air, where
both the flowing gas and the reference fluid (air) are at standard
conditions of 60 degrees F and 14.7 psia.
T1 = The absolute temperature of the fluid at the valve inlet
in degrees Rankine or in Kelvin.
The manner in which fluid density is included in the gas sizing
equations is different than the method that is used for liquid
sizing. Recall that for liquid sizing, fluid density is included in the
equation as the actual SG of the liquid at the valve inlet; that is,
the SG of the liquid must be corrected for temperature before
the sizing equations are used.
for gas sizing, the fluid density that is used in the sizing
equations is the fluid density at standard conditions (i.e., 14.7
psia and 60 degrees F). The sizing equation corrects the density
for the flowing conditions according to the ideal gas law, which
states that:
pV = RT (75)
p = The absolute fluid pressure, psia.
V = The specific volume (e.g., m3/kg, ft3/lb, etc.).
R = a gas constant that is unique for each fluid.
T = The fluid's absolute temperature, Kelvin, degrees
Rankine, etc.
The relationships that are shown in Equation 75 are valid only
for gasses that follow the ideal gas law.
Note also that the correction is not necessary when the mass
flow forms of the equation are used, and density is expressed in
terms of specific weight () at the valve inlet (e.g., lbs/ft3, kg/m3,
q = Cv p1 Y (78)
Gg T1 Z
Piping Effects
q = Fp C v p1 Y (80)
Gg T1 Z
Ki = The inlet loss coefficients only (K1 + KB1).
Effect of XTP on Valve Sizing - The use of inlet reducers rarely
affects the value of xT significantly; therefore, it is often ignored,
except in the case of large, highly efficient valves. Experienced
specifiers often ignore the effect of inlet reducers on xT except
when the ratio of Cv to d (ratio of valve capacity to valve size)
becomes very large (as it does with ball and butterfly valves),
and the valve inlet is much smaller than the pipe size. In these
situations, the value of x that is used in the sizing equations
should be limited to the value of xTP.
q Gg T1 Z
Cv = (83)
N7 Fp p1 Y x TP
− 1 −1
ΣK C 2 2 x x K C 2
Fp = v + 1 T
and x TP = 2
T i v + 1
N2 d4 F p N5 d4
q Gg T1 Z
Cv = (86)
N7 Fp p1 Y x
Y expansion factor. Y = 1− where Fk = ratio of specific
3Fk x T
heats factor
Gg gas specific gravity (ratio of the density of the flowing gas to the density of air,
with both at standard conditions)
T1 inlet temperature, absolute
x pressure drop ratio ( ∆P / p1 ); limited to xT for choked flow, FKxT to account for
specific heat ratio, and xTP to correct for piping factors
Computer Sizing Control Valves for Gasses Using the ISA Equations
dP --psig
Q --psid
T --degF Calculated Results
--lb / h
Cv --
Intermediate Results Approve LpA -- dB(A)
dP Choked --psid
Y dP / P1 --
Notes :
Gas name (optional). Press [F4] for a list of gases.
F1 - HELPF2 - CalcF3 - OptionF4 - ChoiceF5 - Clear F9 - Table F10 - Exit
Figure 35. Valve Sizing Screen for the ISA Gas Valve Sizing Method
Selecting Options
F3 Options for the ISA Gas Sizing Method - Options for the gas
sizing method are as follows:
Line 1: Solve for Cg, Cs, or Cv. Other options: Solve for Flow,
Solve for ∆P (pressure drop)
Line 2: Calculate Z. Option: Input Z
Line 3: Calculate Fp. Other options: Input Fp & Xtp, Omit Fp &
Line 4: LpA (SPL) OFF. Option: Calculate LpA (SPL)
Line 5: Pipe: Size/Sched. Option Pipe: Diameter/Thickness
Line 6 Warnings ON. Option: Warnings OFF
F3 Options for the ISA Vapor Sizing Method - Optionsfor the vapor
sizing method are the same as for the gas method, except that
there is no option for calculating Z. Recall that compressibility
effects are not considered when the vapor form of the equation.
Options and Input Fields - Asvarious options are selected, the
input fields on the sizing screen will change; for example, if the
option to calculate Z is selected, the software will require values
for critical pressure and temperature, and it will display the
calculated value of Z.
Units-Selection - As
explained previously, engineering units can
be changed globally through the selection of Units from the
Config heading on the main menu. The specifier may also
change units for any input parameter by placing the cursor on
that parameter and pressing F8. Pressing F8 produces a sub-
menu (refer to Figure 37) of available options.
P1 --psig
dP --psid
T --degF
Q -- alculated Results
lb / h
scfh v --
Intermediate Results MMscfd ppox LpA -- dB (A)
scfm P Choked --psid
Y kg / h P/ P1 --
Z Nm3 / h
While the Fisher and ISA equations differ in many ways, they
both model the gas flow process in a similar fashion and they
give nearly identical results. with rare exception, any
discrepancies in calculated results are within the limits of
accuracy of any sizing technique. In virtually all instances, either
equation will direct the specifier to the same valve size.
520 3417 ∆P
Q= Cg P1 C2 SIN (87)
GTZ 1 2
C C P1
Equation Basics
Q(GPM) = Cv (88)
Adding a Constant to Change from GPM to SCFH - The first step in
adapting the equation for use with compressible fluids is to add
a conversion factor to change units from gallons-per-minute to
cubic-feet-per-hour. In addition, specific gravity is related in
terms of pressure, which is more meaningful for gas flow. Refer
to Equation 89. Note that the ratio of ∆P to P1 is known as the
pressure drop ratio and that the pressure drop ratio is identical
to the x term in the ISA equation. The result is as follows:
Qscfh = 59. 64 Cv P1 (89)
∆ P 520
Q scfh= 59. 64 Cv P1 (90)
520 = The product of the specific gravity and the absolute
temperature of air at standard conditions (i.e., the
specific gravity is 1.0 and the temperature is 520
degrees Rankine, which corresponds to 60 degrees
G = The specific gravity of the flowing gas at standard
conditions (60 degrees F and 14.7 psia).
T = The temperature of the flowing gas in degrees
Equation Limits
Figure 39. Critical Flow for Low and High Recovery Valves
Low Recovery Valves (or globe style valves) reach critical flow at a
pressure drop ratio of approximately 0.5.
To make the critical flow equation useful for any gas at any
temperature, the correction factor that was shown previously is
Qcritical = Cg P1 (92)
∆P 520
Q = 59. 64 C v P1 (93)
Qcritical = Cg P1 (94)
Although the equations provided utility, neither equation
accounted for the transition region between low flow conditions
and critical flow; i.e.,
when ∆P/P1 > 0.02 and Q < Qcritical. In addition, the process of
using two equations and two flow coefficients was inefficient.
520 3417 DP
Q= Cg P1 SIN
GT C1 P1 Degrees
The C1 Factor
520 3417 ∆P
Q= Cg P1 SIN (96)
GT C1 P1
∆P 520
Liquid Flow Q = 59. 64 C v P1 (97)
Q= Cg P1
Gas Flow GT (98)
Cg = 4680 Cg = 4680
Cv = 254 Cv = 135
C1 = Cg/Cv C1 = Cg/Cv
= 4680/254 =4680/135
=18.4 =34.7
Locating C1 Values - Manufacturers that use C1 values determine
them by test, and they publish them in sizing catalogs along with
other sizing information. for globe valves, the value of C1 is the
same at all percentages of travel. for rotary-shaft control valves,
the value of C1 depends on the degrees of rotation.
520 3417 ∆P
GT g 1 C1 P1
Degrees (100)
SIN 0. 02 = SIN [98 × 0.141]Degrees =
35 Degrees
SIN 13 = 0. 225 (101)
520 3417 ∆P ∆P
If Q = C g P1 SIN and = 1. 0
GT C1 P1 P1
3417 520
then SIN 1 ≈ SIN 90° = 1. 0 and Q = C g P1
35 GT
Ideal (Perfect) Gas Law Assumptions - The equation that has been
discussed to this point is based on the ideal gas laws. As was
discussed previously, real gas behavior can differ markedly from
ideal behavior.
Real Gasses - The real gas form of the Fisher equation uses two
correction factors. The corrections are for compressibility and
for the ratio of specific heats. Both corrections are similar to the
real gas corrections that are used in the ISA sizing equations.
The Z Factor and Real Gas Compressibility - When the
compressibility of a real gas does not follow the ideal gas law of
pV = RT, the term Z is used to correct the ideal gas equation.
pV = ZRT (104)
520 3417 ∆P
Q= Cg P1 SIN (106)
GTZ C P1 Degrees
520 3417 ∆P
Q= Cg P1 C2 SIN (107)
GTZ 1 2
C C P1
3417 ∆P
Q = 1. 06 d1P1 Cg SIN (108)
C P1 Degrees
Q = Gas, steam, or vapor flow (lbs/hr, kg/hr, etc.).
d1 = The density of the gas at the valve inlet (lbs/ft3,
kg/m3, etc.).
The density form of the equation is commonly used for steam
and other vapor applications.
Special Steam Equation (Below 1000 PSIG) - Because steam
applications are quite common, a special form of the equation,
which is shown in Equation 109, is also available.
Cs P1 3417 ∆P
QLB/HR = SIN (109)
1+ 0. 00065 T sh C1 P1
Cs = The steam sizing coefficient.
Tsh = The degrees of superheat (degrees F).
Note that Equation 109 uses the flow coefficient Cs (s is for
steam). Fisher Controls publishes Cs values for most valves.
The relationship between Cs, Cg, and Cv is as follows:
Cs = therefore Cg = Cs x 20 (110)
Note also that Equation 109 can be used only for steam below
1000 psig.
Solving for Cg
Both the ISA and the Fisher equations model the same process
and typically produce nearly identical results. Although minor
differences in the calculated flow coefficient may occur, the use
of either equation will virtually always lead the specifier to the
same valve size. The table below summarizes how the two
equations account for various aspects of flow through the
control valve.
Cg (air test) C v =
Flow Coefficient Cv (water test) C1
Flow when ∆P ∆P
∆P / p1 ≤ 0. 02 Cv (liquid equation) Cv (liquid equation)
p1 p1
Critical Flow for p1 xT p1 Cg
Specific Valve Published Cg tested at critical
Style Published xT tested by
manufacturer flow
Fluid Expansion Y x Sine function
Piping Factor FP factor Swaged capacities for rotary-
Calculated by specifier or shaft valves published in sizing
tested and published by information
manufacturer Can use FP
Compressibility pV pV
Z= Z=
(real gasses) RT RT
Thermodynamic Fk xT C2
behavior (k)
Computer Sizing Control Valves for Gasses Using the Fisher Controls
Valve Sizing Methods Available
Valve Sizing Screen - Selecting the Valve Sizing & LpA option
brings up the actual sizing screen, which is illustrated in
Figure 45. The sizing screen is divided into four distinct
Rev 1.41 NRM Fisher Real Gas ValveSizing
Liquid & Service Conditions Valve Specifications
Gas C1 --
Tc --degF
Pc --psia
P1 --psig
dP --psid
T --degF
Q --lb / h Calculated Results
Cv --
Intermediate Results Approve LpA -- dB(A)
dP CCritical --psid
Y dP / P1 --
F3 Options
Service Conditions
dP Solve for Cg. Cs or Cv
Q Pipe : Size / Sched ults
Warnings ON
ApproxLpa -- dB (A)
dpCritical --psid
dP / P1 --
Body and Port Size - After a particular valve size is selected, the
body size and port size are entered on line 49.
Flange Sizes and Ratings - The inlet flange size, rating, and style
are specified on line 50. The outlet flange size, rating, and style
and rating are specified on line 51.
Face-to-Face Dimensions - are entered on line 72. The face-to-face
dimension for a particular valve style and size is included in the
appropriate valve specification bulletin.
Capacity Ratings
Capacity at Minimum, Normal,
and Maximum Flow Conditions
6 Model/Type Number
7 Material Requesition Number
8 Source AMS Stock Number
9 Overall Valve / Actuator Characteristic EQ % Linear Other
10 Line Size & Schedule 11 Electrical Area Classification
12 Fluid 49 Body Size / Port Size
13 Single / Two Phase / Flashing 50 Inlet Flange Size Rating/Style
14 Corrosive Components / Sand 51 Outlet Flange Size Rating/Style
15 Relative Density Liquid (Oper.Cond.) 52 Body and Bonnet Material
24 P(Out) At Normal Flow Rate kpa(ga)(paig) 61 Valve Plug Action Flow To: Close Open
25 Maximum Flow Rate 62 Cv at Min. Flow % of Rated Cv
Work Aid 1A: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Required
Control Valve Cv
1. Use the following ISA and Fisher equations to solve for Cv:
Fisher: Cv =Q
q Gf
ISA: Cv =
N1 p1 − p2
To determine the appropriate value N1, refer to the table
Guidelines for Percent Travel at Various Flow Conditions Per Section 5.2 of
Percent Travel at Normal Percent Travel at Maximum
Flow Characteristic
Flow Flow
Equal Percentage 85 93
Linear 75 90
Modified Parabolic 80 90
Work Aid 1B: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Allowable
Pressure Drop (∆Pallow)
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 1B:
1. Locate the required fluid properties from the Fisher Control
Valve Handbook as follows:
Refer to the page in Fisher Catalog 10 that lists the Cv's for
the selected valve and select the smallest valve size that will
provide the required Cv at a percentage of travel that is
consistent with the guidelines that are given in Section 6.2.2
of SAES-J-700 (refer to Work Aid 1A). Extrapolate and
record the percent of travel at which the Cv requirements are
met. Note and record the Km of the selected valve.
Work Aid 1C: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Effect of
Piping Factors on Cv
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 1C:
1. Locate the appropriate pages in Fisher Catalog 10 for the
valve that is described in the Exercise. Ensure that you
locate the page for the line-to-body size ratio that is given
in the Exercise. Browse through the Cv column and locate
a valve that provides the maximum Cv at less than the
percent of travel guideline that is included in Section 6.2.2
of SAES-J-700.
Note: for rotary valves, the percentages of travel that are listed in Section 6.2.2 of
SAES-J-700 can be converted to degrees of rotation as follows:
• % travel x 90 degrees
2. Refer to Section 5.4 of SAES J-700. Locate the value of R
for the valve type that is described in the Exercise.
Calculate the required Cv through use of the following
Calculated C v
Re quired C v =
Using the required Cv that was just calculated, refer to the
appropriate page in Fisher Catalog 10, and select a valve
Note: The required Cv has already been corrected; therefore, ensure that you
select a valve size from the page for the 1:1 line-to-body size ratio. Also,
ensure that the selected valve provides the maximum required Cv at a
travel that is consistent with the guidelines that are listed in Section 6.2.2
of SAES-J-700. (Refer to the note in step 1, above.)
Work Aid 1D: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Effect of
Laminar Flow on Cv
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 1D:
1. Without attempting to compensate for fluid viscosity,
calculate the required Cv for the application that is
described. Use the following equation:
Cv =Q
2. To compensate for viscous effects, locate the Viscosity
Correction Nomograph in Fisher Catalog 10, Section 2,
pages 26 and 27 and follow the instructions that are
included in the nomograph. Use the value of Cv that was
calculated in step 1.
Work Aid 2A: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Water Applications
1. Use the following procedures to complete part 1:
a. If necessary, press ESCAPE to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select Valve.
c. Press and hold the ALT key and press F5 to clear all
sizing inputs.
d. Select the Fisher Water method.
e. From the menu that appears, select the Cv Simple
f. Ensure that the engineering units on the calculation
screen match the units that are used to describe the
application. If the units do not match for any field, move
the cursor to that field, press the F8 key, and select the
desired units. Press ESCAPE.
g. Enter the pressure drop (∆P). ∆P = P1 minus P2.
h. Locate the SG of water at 100 degrees F from the table
on page 135 of the Fisher Control Valve Handbook. Enter
the value of SG in the appropriate field.
i. Enter the flow rate.
j. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information. Record
the values that are requested in the Exercise.
2. Use the following procedures to complete part 2:
a. Press ESCAPE.
b. Select the Valve Sizing and LpA option.
c. Press F3 and ensure that the options are selected as
Solve for Cg, Cs, or Cv
Calculate SG
Cavitation Check OFF
Warnings OFF
d. Ensure that all of the fluid properties and the service
conditions are accurately entered.
Work Aid 2B: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Choked Flow
Use the following procedures to complete Exercise 2B:
1. Return to the main menu.
4. Press and hold the ALT key and press F5 to clear any
sizing inputs.
Work Aid 2D: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves with Piping Factor Correction
1. Use the following procedures to complete part 1:
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the menu that gives choices
of sizing methods.
b. Select the Fisher Water sizing method.
c. Press and hold the ALT key, and press the F5 key to
clear all sizing inputs.
d. Select the Valve Sizing and LpA option.
e. Press F3. Ensure that the option Calculate SG is selected.
f. Enter the service conditions.
g. Enter an estimated value of Km. (To determine an
estimated Km, refer to the table in step 4 of Work Aid
h. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information. Record
the calculated Cv.
Estimated FL = Estimated K m
Typical Values of Km and FL
Valve Style Typical Km Typical FL
Globe and Angle 0.75 .87
Rotary-Shaft 0.45 0.67
g. Enter an assumed valve inlet size, d. Use the valve size
that was previously selected.
h. Enter the appropriate values for D1 and D2.
i. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information. Record
the value of Cv.
j. Select an appropriate valve size. Note: Because the
calculated Cv includes the necessary correction for piping
factors, ensure that you select a valve size from the table
that lists capacities for a 1:1 line-to-body size ratio. Also,
ensure that you select a valve size that is consistent with
the percentage of travel guidelines that are listed in
Section 6.2.2 of SAES-J-700. (Refer to the table in part 2
of Work Aid 1A.)
Work Aid 2E: Procedures Used to Computer Size Control Valves with
Viscosity Correction
1. Use the following procedures to complete part 1:
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the menu that gives choices
of sizing methods.
b. Select the Fisher Liquid sizing method.
c. Press and hold the ALT key, and press F5 to clear any
sizing inputs.
d. Select the Valve Sizing and LpA option.
e. Press F3. Ensure that the options Viscous Correction OFF
and Input Pv are selected.
f. Enter the fluid name.
g. Ensure that the engineering units that are displayed on
the calculation screen match the units that are used in
the description of the application. If necessary, change
the units for any field by moving the cursor to the field,
pressing F8, and selecting the desired units.
h. Enter the fluid properties and the service conditions.
i. Enter an estimated value of Km. (Refer to the table in
part 4 of Work Aid 2A.)
j. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
k. Locate the page in Fisher Catalog 10 that describes the
valve that is specified in the Exercise.
l. Select a valve size that satisfies the Cv requirement
according to the travel guidelines that are given in
Section 6.2.2 of SAES-J-700. (Refer to the table in part 2
of Work Aid 1A.)
m. Record the requested values.
2. Use the following procedures to complete part 2:
a. Do NOT clear the calculation screen.
b. Press F3. Ensure that the options Input Pv, and Viscous
Correction ON are selected.
Work Aid 2F: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves with Viscosity and Piping Factor Correction
1. Use the following procedures to complete part 1:
Work Aid 2G: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Minimum, Normal, and Maximum Flow
Use the following procedures to complete Exercise 2G:
a. Press ESCAPE until the valve sizing method menu appears.
b. Select the ISA Liquid sizing method.
c. Press ALT-F5 to clear all of the data.
d. with the cursor on the Valve Size and LpA Option, press F3 and
ensure that the options are set to LpA (SPL) OFF, Omit FP,
Viscous Correction OFF, Pipe: Size, Sched., Input Pv, and
Warnings OFF. Note that the FP option will not be used to
initially select a valve size.
Initial Sizing
a. Select the MIN (minimum) condition. Enter the fluid
properties and the service conditions. To determine an
estimated value of FL, browse through the FL values that are
listed on the Catalog 12 page that describes the selected
valve type. Select a value of FL that is typical for the valve
type and size.
b. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
c. Press ESCAPE. On the screen that appears, move the
cursor to the NRM (normal) flow condition column.
d. Press ALT-C. From the menu that appears, select 1 to copy
the sizing information from the minimum flow calculation
screen to the normal flow calculation screen. Press ENTER.
e. Change the pressure and flow conditions to the values that
are given for the normal flow condition.
f. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
g. Press ESCAPE. On the screen that appears, move the
cursor to the MAX (maximum) flow condition column.
h. Press ALT-C. From the menu that appears, select 2 to copy
the sizing information from the normal flow calculation
screen to the maximum flow calculation screen. Press
i. Change the pressure and flow conditions to the values that
are given for the maximum flow condition.
Work Aid 2G: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Minimum, Normal, and Maximum Flow
Conditions (Cont'd)
Intermediate Sizing with the Calculate FP Option
a. Press ESCAPE twice to return to the menu screen from
which the Valve Sizing and LpA calculations are selected.
b. Press F3 and select the Calculate FP option. (Note that
selecting an option from this screen invokes the option for all
calculation screens (MIN, NRM, and MAX); selecting an
option from a particular sizing screen invokes the option for
that specific condition only.)
c. Select the minimum flow condition. Enter the appropriate
values for d, D1, and D2. Press F2 to calculate the valve
sizing information.
d. Repeat the step immediately above for the normal and the
maximum flow conditions.
e. Press F9 to display a table of calculated Cv's that have been
corrected for piping factors. Refer to the appropriate Catalog
12 page, and compare the corrected Cv's that are displayed
on the screen to the Cv's that are published for the initially
selected valve. Ensure that the selected valve can provide
the Cv's that are required at the minimum and maximum flow
conditions according to the guidelines in Section 6.2.2 of
SAES-J-700 (refer to the table in part 2 of Work Aid 1A).
Record the valve size as requested on the Exercise Sheet.
Final Sizing and Selection
a. Select the minimum flow condition sizing screen and note
the calculated Cv.
b. Refer to the appropriate page in Catalog 12 and estimate the
degrees of rotation at which the Cv requirement will be met.
c. Extrapolate a value of FL for the degrees of rotation that
were estimated in step b. Enter the extrapolated value of FL
in the appropriate field on the sizing screen, and press F2 to
calculate the valve sizing information.
Work Aid 3A: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Ideal Gasses with the ISA Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3A:
a. If necessary, press ESCAPE to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select Valve.
c. From the menu that appears, select the ISA Gas method.
d. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and LpA
e. Press F3, and select the Input Z option.
f. Enter the service conditions, the fluid properties, and the
value of xT.
Note that Fk = k divided by 1.4. If k is unknown, enter 1.0 for FK.
Work Aid 3B: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Real Gasses with the ISA Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3B:
Note: It is not necessary to clear the existing sizing inputs.
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the ISA Gas method.
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and LpA
d. Press F3, and select the Calculate Z option.
e. Ensure that the correct information is entered in the fields for
the service conditions, fluid properties, and the value of xT.
Remember that Fk = k divided by 1.4.
f. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
g. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3C: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Vapors with the ISA Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3C:
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the ISA Vapor method.
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and LpA
d. Ensure that the engineering units on the calculation screen
match the units that are used to describe the service
conditions. If the units do not match for any field, move the
cursor to that field, press the F8 key, and select the desired
e. Enter the fluid properties, the service conditions, and xT.
Remember that FK = k/1.4.
f. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
g. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3D: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Steam with the ISA Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3D:
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the ISA Vapor method.
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and LpA
d. Press and hold the ALT key, and press F5 to clear all sizing
e. Ensure that the engineering units on the calculation screen
match the units that are used to describe the service
conditions. If the units do not match for any field, move the
cursor to that field, press the F8 key, and select the desired
f. Using the chart in Fisher Catalog 10, Section 2, page 39,
determine the density of the steam.
g. Enter the fluid properties, the service conditions, and the
value of xT.
h. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
i. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3E: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Ideal Gasses with the Fisher Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3E:
1. Fisher Ideal Gas sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select Valve.
c. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Ideal Gas
d. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
e. Press and hold the ALT key, and press F5 to clear any
sizing inputs.
f. Ensure that the engineering units on the calculation
screen match the units that are used to describe the
service conditions. If the units do not match for any field,
move the cursor to that field, press the F8 key, and select
the desired units.
g. Enter the required service conditions, the fluid properties,
and the value of C1.
h. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
i. To convert the Cg to Cv, divide the value of Cg by the
value of C1.
j. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
2. Fisher Real Gas sizing method
Work Aid 3F: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Real Gasses with the Fisher Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3F:
1. Fisher Real Gas sizing method
Note: It is not necessary to clear the existing sizing inputs.
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Real Gas
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. Press F3, and select the Calculate Z, C2 option.
e. Enter the service conditions, the fluid properties, and the
value of C1.
f. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
g. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
h. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3G: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Vapors with the Fisher Method
Perform the following procedures to complete Exercise 3G:
1. Fisher Vapor sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Vapor
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. Ensure that the service conditions and the value of C1
are entered correctly.
e. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
f. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
g. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3H: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for Steam with the Fisher Method
Use the following procedures to complete Exercise 3H:
1. Fisher Vapor sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Vapor
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. Ensure that the service conditions and C1 are entered
e. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
f. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
g. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
2. Fisher Steam sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Steam
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. Ensure that the service conditions and C1 are entered
e. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
f. To convert Cs to Cg, multiply Cs by 20.
g. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
h. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
Work Aid 3I: Procedures that are Used to Calculate the Effect of
Compressibility on Valve Size
Use the following procedures to perform the sizing calculations
for Exercise 3I:
1. Fisher Ideal Gas sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the valve sizing method
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Ideal Gas
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. Press and hold the ALT key, and press F5 to clear any
sizing inputs.
e. Move the cursor to the Gas entry field, and press F4.
From the menu that appears, select N-Butane.
f. Enter the service conditions and the value of C1.
g. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
h. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
i. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
2. Fisher Real Gas sizing method
a. Press ESCAPE to return to the sizing method menu.
b. From the menu that appears, select the Fisher Real Gas
c. From the menu that appears, select the Valve Sizing and
LpA option.
d. It is not necessary to clear existing sizing inputs.
e. Press F3, and select the Calculate Z, C2 option.
f. Ensure that the sizing inputs are entered correctly.
g. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
h. To convert Cg to Cv, divide Cg by C1.
i. Record the values that are requested in the Exercise.
3. ISA Gas sizing method
Work Aid 3J: Procedures that are Used to Computer Size Control
Valves for All Flow Conditions
a. Press ESCAPE until the valve sizing method menu appears.
b. Select the ISA Gas sizing method.
c. Press ALT-F5 to clear all data.
d. with the cursor on the Valve Sizing and LpA Option, press F3
and ensure that the options are set to Input Z, Omit FP and xTP,
LpA (SPL) OFF, and Warnings OFF. Note that the FP option will
not be used to initially select a valve size.
e. If it is necessary to change engineering units for any of the
input fields, ensure that the screen that is displayed is the
screen from which Valve Sizing and LpA are selected. Press
F8 to display a list of sizing parameters. Move the cursor to
the parameters for which units must be changed. To display
a list of options for a particular parameter, place the cursor
on the parameter, and, then, press ENTER. Move the cursor
to the desired option, and press ENTER. After the units for
the appropriate parameters have been selected, press
Initial Sizing
a. Select the MIN (minimum) condition and enter the required
sizing inputs. Assume ideal gas behavior; i.e., set Fk to 1.0,
and set Z to 1.0. To determine an estimated xT, browse
through the xT values that are listed on the Catalog 12 page
that describes the selected valve and select a value of xT
that is typical for the selected valve type.
b. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
c. Press ESCAPE. On the screen that appears, move the
cursor to the NRM (normal) flow condition column.
d. Press ALT-C. From the menu that appears, select 1 to copy
the sizing information from the minimum flow calculation
screen to the normal flow calculation screen. Press ENTER.
e. Change the pressure and the flow conditions to the values
that are included in the application description.
f. Press F2 to calculate the valve sizing information.
g. Press ESCAPE. On the screen that appears, move the
cursor to the MAX (maximum) flow condition column.
g1 Specific weight of the fluid at the valve inlet.
∆Pallow Pressure drop at which choked flow limits flow to Qmax;
same as ∆Pchoked.
flow characteristic Relationship between flow through the valve and percent of
rated travel as the latter is varied from 0 to 100 percent. This
term is a special term. It should always be designated as
either inherent flow characteristic or installed flow
characteristic. Common flow characteristics are linear, equal
percentage, and quick opening.
flow coefficient (Cv) The number of U.S. gallons per minute of 60 degree F water
that will flow through a valve with a pressure drop of one
pound per square inch.
flow rate The amount (mass, weight, or volume) of fluid flowing
through a regulator per unit of time.
FLP ISA term that represents a recovery coefficient (liquid flow)
that is corrected for piping factors.
FR Reynolds number factor that is used in the ISA equations.
FP Piping factor that is used in the ISA equations.
Fv Viscosity correction factor that is used by Fisher Controls to
compensate for the effects of viscous flow. The value of Fv
is determined from a nomograph, and it is applied as
follows: Cvr (Cv required) = FvCv, where Cv is an initially
calculated value.
fluid Substance in a liquid, gas, or vapor state.
fluid expansion Expansion that results from a decrease in pressure as a gas
flows through a control valve.
FP ISA term that represents the piping factor. See Piping
FSP Fisher Sizing Program
G The specific gravity of the fluid. Identical to the SG and the
ISA terms Gf and Gg.
Gf Liquid specific gravity at upstream conditions; ratio of fluid
density at flowing temperature to density of water at 60
degrees F (15.6 degrees C).
Gg Gas specific gravity; ratio of density of gas at flowing
conditions to density of air at reference conditions; ratio of
molecular weight of a gas to molecular weight of air;
sonic velocity The upper velocity limit of a flowing gas. It is equal to the
speed of sound in the flowing gas.
specific gravity Measure of density, generally expressed as SG or M. See
SG and M.
specific heat ratio Represented with the term k. The ratio of the amount of heat
that is required to raise a mass of material 1 degree in
temperature to the amount of heat that is required to raise
an equal mass of a reference substance (usually water) 1
degree in temperature. Both measurements are made at a
specific temperature and at constant volume or pressure.
swage a piping expander or reducer that allows the installation of a
control valve in a pipeline whose diameter is greater than
the diameter of the control valve inlet and outlet fittings.
T or T1 Temperature of the fluid at the valve inlet.
throttling range The range defined by the percent valve travel that provides
the minimum Cv requirement and the percent valve travel
that provides the maximum Cv requirement.
Tr The reduced temperature, determined by dividing the actual
temperature of the fluid by the fluid's critical temperature.
The value of Tr and the value of Pr (the reduced pressure)
may be used to determine the value of the compressibility
factor, Z.
transitional flow a flow regime with characteristics of both laminar and
turbulent flow.
travel The amount of movement (linear or rotational) of the valve
closure member between the closed and open positions,
generally expressed in degrees of rotation for rotary-shaft
valves and in percent of travel for sliding-stem valves.