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Occurence of Earthquake

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Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Grade Level: _______________________________________________________________________

Seismology is the science that deals with the study of earthquakes. Seismologists are the
scientists who study earthquakes.

An earthquake is the shaking and trembling of Earth’s crust dueto the movement of rocks
and volcanic eruptions. Earthquakes are classified according to their origin. Tectonic
earthquake is caused by faulting, the breaking of rock layers.
Volcanic earthquake is caused by volcanic eruptions.
Based on studies and experience, a tectonic earthquake may activate a volcanic activity
and a volcanic activity may activate a tectonic earthquake. The point beneath Earth’s
surface where the rock breaks is the underground point of origin of an earthquake and it
is called focus. The exact point above the focus is called the epicenter. It is at this point
where earthquake is felt the strongest.
The energy released during the faulting of rocks travel through Earth’s crust in seismic

Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What occurs when layers of rocks slip along a fault?
a. crack b. eruption c. joint d. earthquake
2. Which of these causes tectonic earthquake?
a. flood b. faulting c. typhoon d. landslides
3. In which layer of the Earth does volcanic earthquake originate?
a. crust b. mantle c. outer core d. inner core
4. When does volcanic earthquake occur?
a. when there is a big landslide b. when the Earth’s crust moves
c. when volcanoes erupt d. when huge animals move
5. There are certain factors inside the Earth which cause the Earth’s crust to bend
resulting to tectonic earthquakes. Which of these is one of the factors?
a. forces b. minerals c. human beings d. huge animals

Using graphic organizer, describe the different terms you have encounter today.


Write YES if the statement about the earthquake is true and NO if not.
1. Earthquakes happen on the Earth’s crust.
2. Earthquakes result from the faulting of rocks and erupting volcanoes.
3. Earthquakes have the same origin.
4. All earthquakes are felt by people.
5. Crustal plates that collide may cause earthquake.
6. Erupting volcanoes will not cause earthquake.
7. It is easy to predict the coming of earthquake.
8. Tectonic earthquake is caused y the movements in the Earth’s crust.
9. Earthquake is the sudden movement or shaking of the Earth’s crust.
10. Seismologists are the scientists who study earthquakes.

Identify the following:

1. ___________________ the shaking and trembling of Earth’s crust
2. ___________________the science that deals with the study of earthquakes
3. ___________________ the scientists who study earthquakes
4. ___________________ the type of earthquake caused by faulting
5. __________________the type of earthquake caused by the movement of magma
within the volcanoes
6. __________________the underground point of origin of an earthquake
7. __________________the point directly above the focus
8. ___________________the breaking of rock layers
9. ___________________waves produced when energy is released during faulting
10. __________________ any break or crack along which rocks move.

Label the illustrations.

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