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Java Interview

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CGI – L1: Java Full Stack Developer

1. What is the Difference b/w HTML and HTML5?

2. What are the limitations of CSS?
3. What is Box model and what are the elements we need to add?
4. Print num of occurrences of each character in a given string.
5. What is faltMap in java 8?
6. features of Java8?
7. Print 2nd character of each string in a given list of strings.
8. Functional Interface
9. What is routing in angular?
10. How to create service in Angular?
11. How to create component in Angular?
12. Have u worked on Design Patterns
13. What is Singleton Design Pattern and any example?
14. What is Factory Design Pattern
15. Which package we will use to connect with APIs in angular?
16. If One MS fails how another MS will know, how u will handle this.
17. Communication b/w MS
18. Do u have hands on angular exp from scratch
19. What are the Junit annotations u have used?
20. Diff b/w Inject Mock vs Normal Mock
21. What is dependency injection and why we need to use?
22. Why Sping is famous rarther than other frameworks.
23. What is Criteria builder
24. What is API gateway

Altimetrik- L1: Java Full Stack Developer

1. How do you merge two unsorted arrays into single sorted array without duplicate using
2. "Given a String, find the first non-repeated character in it using Stream functions?
3. What is Service Discovery
4. What is Circuit Breaker
5. What u do if any MS fails?
6. Which are the SpringBoot annotations used in u r project
7. Difference b/w @Primary and @Qualifier
8. Write a query to fetch employee name who is earning more than his manager.

Citius Tech -- L1: Java Full Stack Developer

1. What is the o/p of below code and why?

class A
void m1() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
System.out.println("In m1 A");
class B extends A
void m1() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
System.out.println("In m1 B");
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a=new B();

2. What is the o/p of below code and why?

class P
void m1()
System.out.println("In m1 P");
class C extends P
void m1()
System.out.println("In m1 C");
void c2()
System.out.println("In c2 C");
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
P p=new C();

3. What is the o/p of below code and why?

Class X {
void m1 (Object o) {
System.out.println("from Object ");

void m1 (String s) {
System.out.println("from String ");

class Y{
public static void main (String args[]) {

X x = new X();

4. What is the o/p of below code and why?

public class MainClass

void method(int ... a)
void method(int[] a)

5. Sort the below given code?

Set<Integer> set = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<Integer>

(Arrays.asList({ 51, 62, 72, 80, 11, 21, 3, 4, 33 })));

6. Print num of occurrences of each word in a given list of string.

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("abc", "abc", "frg", "lij");
7. How to write Junit test case for static methods?
8. What is composite key?
9. What is left join and right join?
10. What is cross join?
11. What is mean by stateless in MS.

Citius Tech – L2: Java Full Stack Developer

1. How the angular application works.
2. Print num of occurrences of each word in a given list of string without using map as o/p.
String str = "4,8,12,1,8,4,8,2";
3. Any AWS Exp?
Capgemini – L2: Java Developer
1. Create Sample springboot main class
2. Create a Thread using Runnable

Capgemini – L1: Java Developer:

1. Two arrays given, need to merge, sort then get the middle value
2. Two anagram strings given, how u will check
3. Java 8 features
4. what is new implementation in java8 respective to Hashmap
5. what is Set in java.
6. What is TreeSet, how internally implemented.
7. Transient key word
8. What is Try with resources.
9. Comparable and Comparator

Impetus – L1: Java Developer

1. Types of ExecutorService in Java/J2EE
2. How to configure and setup multiple DBs (Insertion in one DB, updates in another DB)
3. What is POD.
4. Supplier
5. Java 8 Interface features
6. Functional Interface
7. List of functional interfaces before java 8, after java 8
8. Predicate
9. Consumer
10. Why Abstract class
11. Why Interface
12. Abstract vs Interface
13. When to use Interface, when to use Abstract.
14. Polymorphism
15. Method overloading
16. Method Overriding
17. Circuit breaker
18. Java Messaging Brokers
19. How M/S communicate each other
20. Why Feign Client
21. How to maintain good user exp using MS
22. How to connect with database
23. What is container and why we need that?

Impetus – L2: Java Developer

1. Microservice Architecture
2. How to communication happens b/w MS
3. If any MS fails how other MS will know
4. Sealed classes
5. Atomic variables
6. Servlet Filter

Tavant Technologies – L1: Java Full Stack Developer

1. Java 8 Features
2. Why Streams
3. What is Functional Interface and how its helps to write Lamda expressions
4. Use of Optional class
5. Method References
6. How MS communicate with each other
7. REST API implementation
8. Which Design pattern used in your project (MS).
9. What is HQL and Why?
10. What is mean by Collections.
11. How u will handle Exception handling in java.
12. OOPs concept.
13. Predicate and Supplier
14. What is mean by directives in angular.
15. What is mean by Components in angular.
16. What is data binding in angular.
17. What is String interpolation
18. What is mean by Template.
19. What is mean by Modules.

EY – L1: Java Developer

1. JDK, JRE and JVM
2. Write singleton class.
3. What are the memory areas in Java.
4. When we get Stack overflow error.
5. How to create Custom Checked Exception?
6. How to know whether the class is Checked exception class or unchecked?
7. 4 pillars of OOPs and explain them?
8. OOPs scenario-based questions.
9. Diff b/w Throw and Throws.
10. Why Default method needed in Interfaces
11. SOLID principles
12. How can we achieve Open-Closed Principle
13. Print the values which starts with 1 in the given below list.
list (10,15,8,49,25,98,98,32,15)
14. Print 3rd Highest salary from the table
15. Why Optional class
16. ArrayList vs LinkedList
17. ConcurrentModification exception and how to overcome that
18. HashMap Internal structure
19. What is the o/p below code?
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(“a”, 10);
map.put(“a”, 20);
20. Equals() method
21. we have millions of data in DB which collection u will use to search/get the values
22. how to overcome ConcurrentModification without using concurrent hashmap and
23. How Threads communicate with eachother
24. ExecutorService framework
25. Race condition
26. @SpringBootApplication uses
27. Spring Bean methods
28. @Bean annotation
29. @Transactional annotation
30. @RestController vs @Controller
31. How to keep separate properties files for each env and how to read that
32. How MS communicate with each other
33. If MS fails to respond what u do in that case
34. Self Join Query
35. What is Hibernate
36. First level and 2nd level cache

Capgemini – L1: Java Developer

1. Java 8 Features
2. What is streams API
3. What are the intermediate operations in Stream
4. What are the terminal operations in Streams.
5. Functional Interface
6. What are the new Functional interfcaes introduced in Java8
7. About Supplier
8. About Consumer.
9. About Function
10. About Predicate

CGI – L1: Java Developer

1. Print the name of the employee whose salary is >20000 using streams api.
2. Print num of occurrences of each word in a given string.
String str = “big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose”
3. What is HashSet in Java
4. @Configuration annotation
5. What is use of @Autowired annotation
6. @Primary vs @Qualifier
7. Spring Profiles
8. How MS communicate each other
9. POST vs PUT mapping in MS

LTI Mindtree – L1: Java Developer

1. Current Company and work
2. HashMap Internal structure
3. What is Method Overriding and Exceptions will handle
4. Can we Override static method?
5. Bean methods
6. Dependency Injection and types of Injections
7. Is the below code correct ?
interface Test{
void say(String msg);
// Object class methods.
int hashCode();

8. Print the emp name whose salary is >10000 in sorted order without any duplicates.
9. What is Circuit breaker.
10. Checked and Unchecked exceptions.
11. Query related to SQL sub query and Joins.

Altimetrik – L2 Round – Java Full Stack Developer

1. What is decorators in angular
2. What is mean by Lazy loading and how it works in angular
3. How MS communicate each other
4. What is template
5. What is component
6. What is mean by caching mechanism
7. What is Functional Interface
8. Why only one abstract method in Functional Interface
9. Why Default methods in Interfaces
10. SOLID principles
11. about @Transient annotation
12. How to do async operation in MS (@Async)
13. What is mean by entity class
14. What are the annotations used in JPA
15. How to connect with DB using JPA
16. How to handle token based authentication in angular
17. How you will get the data from API to angular
18. Observable and Promise
19. Observer vs Observable vs Observables
20. How to restrict user to access some pages/routes using Spring Security
21. What is mean by Index in SQL
22. What is Primary Key
23. Have u ever worked on Deployement
24. How to check code coverage and what is the min % u r maintaning in u r project
25. What is SpringBoot and why

Altimetrik – EL Round – Java Full Stack Developer

1. MicroService Architechture
2. Circuit Breaker
3. Messaging Qs
4. API Gateway and why
5. What u do if u r API gateway is down
6. Autoscaling
7. Diff b/w Immutable, Final
8. How you will handle Exceptions
9. Hashmap Internal Structure
10. What is Functional Interface and Why
11. Interceptors in angular and why
12. what is secured routing?
13. AuthGuard

Cognizant – L1 Round : Java Developer

1. Transient keyword
2. Synchronization
3. SingleThreadPoolExecutor
4. What is Microservice
5. What is SpringBoot
6. What is HashMap
7. How to ovirride HashCode
8. convert below string array to list
String[] str = { "hello", "world", "how", "are", "you", "I", "am", "fine" };
9. Find min length of string in above array using java8
10. check "A11" is exist in this arrays or not using java8
String[] str1 = new String[] { "A01", "A02", "A01" };
String[] str2 = new String[] { "A11", "A12", "A13" };
11. What is Optional class and Why
12. What are the methods present in Optional class
13. what is Optional.of
14. what is Optional.ofNullable()
15. What is parallel streams
16. what is streams and why
17. What is @PathVariable
18. what is @RequestParam
19. what is mean by consumer and producer in MS
20. what is response entity in MS
21. what is Http codes and what are they
22. Intercepter
23. How can we connect multiple DBs in our project
24. what is mean by RequestMapping
25. How to handle Exceptions in MS
26. /employee/{id}?name=fname Explain this
27. When two controllers having same RequestMapping url then what will happen
28. Map<Integer, Sample> -> what it will print when u get the hasmap
29. how can u make any field to b mandatory in MS (required = true)

CGI -- L1 Round - Java Full Stack Developer

1. Self Intro
2. Abstract and Interfaces why we need those, which one to use when
3. HashMap and its internal instructure
4. ConcurrentHashMap why we need that
5. ConcurrentHashMap vs SynchronizedMap
6. How ConcurrentHashMap internally works
7. Fail-fast vs Fail-safe
8. What are the memories available in Java
9. Where String objects will store
10. What is the o/p of below code
public class StringBasics {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "hello";
String s2 = new String("hello");
String s3 = "hello";
if (s1 == s2) {
System.out.println("s1 and s2 equal");
} else {
System.out.println("s1 and s2 not equal"); --
if (s1 == s3) {
System.out.println("s1 and s3 equal"); --
} else {
System.out.println("s1 and s3 not equal");
11. How many objects will b created by below code
String s1 = new String("javaguides"); Heap
String s2 = "javaguides"; SCP
12. Exception Hirarchy in Java
13. can we have try without catch
14. what is mean by try with resources
15. What is mean by sreams
16. What is Optional class and Why
17. find the num of occurnces of each letter in below String using java8
String str = "hyujikoyhfrtuj";
18. Employee object -> sort the by employee name using Java8 and explain
19. Employee object -> group by gender using Java8 and explain
20. Spring vs SpringBoot
21. JDBC vs JPA
22. How to implement JPA in application
23. What is Microservice and its Architecture
24. What are the annotations u have used
25. @SpringBootApplication means
26. What is Spring Accuator and how to change the port num for this
27. What Http codes u have used
28. What are Http methods u have used
29. POST vs PUT vs Patch
30. Any Design pattern u worked on
31. Java8 features
32. Which annotation used to define primary key
33. Composite key annotation
34. How to connect with DB
35. What are services in angular
36. Decorators in angular
37. Pipes in angular, custom pipe
38. How to get response from backend to UI
39. Observables in angular
40. Routing in angular
41. package structure
42. How to deploy angular code
43. What is docker and dockerfile
44. What is ClassNotFoundException
45. Diff b/w ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefException

Virtusa – L1 : Java Full Stack Developer

1. java8 features
2. What is functional interfaces
3. Is it mandatory to have @FunctionalInterface annotation
4. Diff b/w Interface and Class
5. why multiple inheritance is not possible in Java
6. What is polymorphism?
7. What is Encapsulation?
8. What is SCP?
9. String buffer vs String Builder
10. ArrayList vs Linked List
11. Hasmap vs Hashtable
12. Iterator vs List Iterator
13. What HashSet
14. What is Streams and why
15. Streams vs Collections
16. What is MicroService
17. PUT vs Patch
18. What is Generics
19. What is Wrapper class
20. HashMap internal structure
List = 10,15,8,49,25,98,32,10;
21. Find the Even numbers from the list using java8
22. Find the Duplicate values from the given list using java8
23. find the count using java8
24. find the values which starts with "1" using java8
25. What is groupingBy and explain with an example
26. map vs filter in streams
27. What is predicate
28. What is Supplier
29. What is Consumer
30. what is Function
31. Checked vs un checked exceptions with example
32. Throw vs Throws
33. Controller vs RestController
34. Dependency Injection
35. What is pom.xml file
36. @Qualifier annotation
37. How to connect with Database from SpringBoot
38. @Repository, @Service, @Component
39. @Bean means when to use that
40. What is ORM tool
41. How many ORM tools u know
42. What is lazy loading
43. CRUDRepository vs JPARepository
44. What are the methods available in CRUDRepository
45. What are the methods available in JPARepository
46. How to fetch the data from DB
47. What is mean by lazy Loading
48. what is Transactional management
49. how many entity mappings are there and explain
50. Session factory
51. Write a native query to fetch EmpName, EmpDesignation using EmpID
52. Super Constructor
53. What is frontController
54. AssertEquals vs AssertNotEquals
55. How to create Hibernate Specific Immutable class
56. What is the use of @Query annotation
57. First level cache and 2nd level cahche
58. Write code login to read the Json/XML file
59. What is the entry point for Angular app
60. Can we have multiple @NgModule
61. Local Storage and Session Storage
62. What are components
63. What are Services in angular
64. Box model in CSS
65. Can we have same class for 2 diff divs
66. Singleton service
67. How Components communicate each other
68. Angular hooks
69. NgOnChnages ?
70. Constructor vs ngOnInit
71. Dependency Injection in angular
72. What is Pipe, give some examples
73. How to create custom pipe
74. Write piece of code for Custom pipe
75. What is mean by Incremental DOM
76. Hi String in JS
77. Regex Patterns in angular
78. How to give 10 spaces in paragraph
79. Selectors
80. Responsive Destination
81. Diff b/w padding and margin

Wipro -- L1: Java FullStack Developer

1. why Optional class in Java
2. What is Functional Interface in Java
3. Which all are Functional Interfaces available in Java
4. Predicate vs Consumer
5. Reverse a String str = "Java" without any predeifned methods
6. Print the distinct charactors in a given string
7. What is Serializantion and Why
8. What is the use of transient keyword
9. What is Atomic Integer in Java
10. Yield vs Join in multithreading
11. How to create Immutable class
12. how to add Date object in immutable class
13. Directives in angular
14. What is two way data binding
15. What is String Interpollation
16. What is Pipe
17. How to connect with backend API
18. Promise vs Observables
19. What is routing in angular
20. from which package router will be
21. from which package HttpClient will be
22. Template driven vs Reactive forms
23. How many annotations joined in @SpringBootAnnotation
24. How to add Eureka server
25. Circuit Breaker
26. API Gateway
27. Communication b/w MicroServices
28. How Kafka produces the topic
29. @RestController vs @Controller
30. What id Depedency Injection in SpringBoot
31. What is Autowiring
32. What is @Qualifier
33. what is @Primary
34. PUT vs PATCH mapping
35. Spring profiles
36. What is Saga Pattren
37. Truncate vs Delete
38. Left join vs Right Join
39. Why @ComponentScan
40. Bean Scope
41. What is application context
42. Synchronization in Java
43. How to create singleton class
44. How to break singleton pattren
45. How to fix the singleton pattren
46. What is SpringBoot and Why
47. SpringBoot acctuators
48. @Component vs @Bean
49. Checked and un-checked exceptions
50. How to create custom exceptions
51. Loggers in SpringBoot
52. How to achive SpringSecurity and explain
53. What is @Injectable
54. Concurrent hashmap
55. HashSet internal implementation
56. Monoletic vs MS
57. Use of DevTools in SpringBoot

Boeing -- L1: Java FullStack developer

1. Static class in Java
2. Dynamic Method dispacting
3. Write a pgm to acheive Runtime polymorphism
4. Write a pgm to check string2 is substring of string1 or not
5. Write a pgm to count the num of occ of each letter in a given string
6. What is deadlock and write a pgm for dead lock
7. SingleTon design pattren
8. What is Serialization and why
9. Why we need DI in springboot, what will happen without that
10. What is Spring IOC
11. Advantages of MS
12. Spring Security (Authorization and Authenticaction)
13. What is the use of Syncronized
14. Sort by value in a given map where String is key, Integer is value
15. File having 10L lines of text, read and store it in Hasmap
16. What is spring data jpa
17. Profiles in Springboot
18. Drawbacks by using MS
FedEx -- Java FS
1. Responsive design in angular
2. What is SPA
3. How to acheive secure routing
4. Promise vs Observables
5. What is the use of @ngOnInit, @ngOnChanges, @ngOnDestroy
6. Java 8 features u have used
7. What are Intermediate and Terminal operations in Streams
8. What is the use of Reduce
9. Flatmap vs map and example
10. What is the use of Optional class
11. Why default methods introduced in interfaces
12. Throw vs Throws
13. Why Throws required
14. HashMap vs Concurrent hasmap
15. Internal implementation of ConcurrentHashMap
16. Have u worked on any design pattrens
17. How to break Singleton
18. How to prevent Singleton breaking
19. Fault tolerance in MS
20. Constrains in mySQL
21. PUT vs PATCH
22. How to implement Global exceptions
23. How to trace the logs
24. What is mocking
25. What is TDD approch
26. What is mean by Immutable class
27. How to create custom immutable class
28. How can we break Immutable class
29. How can we fix once Immutable class is broken

IBS Software -- L1 Java Full Stack Developer

1. ReqParam vs Path variable
2. Global exception
3. How to create second level cache
4. Session vs Sessionfactory
5. File interfaces in hibernate
6. Criteria in Hibernate
7. HQL vs SQL
8. NgModule
9. NgGroup
10. Diff ways to submit a form
11. Validation in Backend
12. How to implement fiegn client
13. Group By
14. to create EmployeeReg form how many tables need to create
15. Agreegation
16. Delete vs Truncate
17. How to write delete query
18. Index in SQL
19. Java 8 features
20. Lamda expressions
21. Predicate
22. Map vs FlatMap
String str = "JAVA";
23. write a pgm to print non repeated values (O/P: J,V)
24. Spring MVC vs SpringBoot
25. @Qualifier
26. SpringBoot Acctuators
27. What are the spring boot starter dependencies
28. What is use of JPA
29. First level cache vs second level cache
30. Dialect in hibernate
31. How to create REST template
32. PUT vs POST

EY -- L1 Java FS
1. SOLID principles in JAVA
2. Design Pattrens
3. Write code to acheive SingleTon Pattren
4. What is Factory Pattren
5. What is Exception handling in Java and its hirerachy
6. How to create Custom UnChecked Exception
7. What will happen if we extend a class with Exception
8. Try with resources in Java
9. What is Polymorphism in Java
10. Method Overloading vs Method Overriding
11. Write a pgm to find length of a String without using length, size
12. Find the num of occurances of each charactor in a string
13. You have 3 threads, once threads complete their execution we need to perform
another operation, how will u write code for this
14. How amany ways to create a Threads
15. Thread vs Runnable
16. JavaScript vs TypeScript
17. Event Loop
18. Call backs
19. Write a query to find 5th Highest sal from Employee table
20. HashMap internal structure
21. HashCode, equals method contrast
22. What will happen if we wont implement hashcode method but implement equals
23. Fail-fast vs Fail-safe
24. Iterator in Java
25. How to sort map using values in that
26. How internally lambda expressions work
27. What is Predicate
28. Memory areas of String
29. String Object creation Qns
30. SCP, Heap memory
31. Which are the annotations u have used in springboot
32. What is mean by @SpringBootApplication annotations
33. @Autowured vs @Bean
34. @Component vs @Repository vs @Service
35. What is JPA
36. what is the use of having JPARepository
37. How to write native queries
38. drawbacks of native queries
39. JPQL vs Native query
40. How can we connect different kind of DBs in spingBoot app
41. Comparator vs Comparable
42. write pgm for compareTo, compare methods

1. Hogging Threads in Java
2. .equals vs ==
3. What is mean by Pojo class in java
4. What is Observer pattern
5. What do u know about SAGA pattren
6. Why to useKafka
7. Producer and Consumer problem in Java
8. Write a SQL query to highest salary from employee from each dep
9. Write a query to fetch avg salary of an employee whose dep is HR
10. Rotate an array by right using case steps
11. HashMap Internal structure
12. Write a pgm to print length of each string in a list of strings
13. What is inexing in SQL
14. Joins in SQL
15. How many ways we can create strings
16. How the string value store in memory

EY - L3(UI) Client round

1. Observables in angular
2. sort the list using type script
3. How to write CSS to bring the content to the center of the page
4. How can we acheive live data to show each user who loggedin
5. How can we have a url to be readonly
6. Explain your role in angular side
7. How components communicate each other
8. How non-related components communicate each other
9. BehaviourSubject vs Subject
10. Have u worked on Ngrx

HCL -- L1 Java Developer

1. Java8 features
2. Streams vs Collections
3. Terminal and Intermediate operations in Streams with example
4. What is functional interface
5. Write custom functional interface
6. what is meta space and how it is diff from prem gen
7. What is SCP
8. How many memory allocations are there and why
9. Checked vs unChecked Exceptions with example
10. How to create custom Checked/unChecked exceptions
11. Write a pgm to find 2nd highest num from the given array using Java streams
12. Write a pgm to find 2nd highest num from the given array without using Java
int[] arr = {50, 40, 70, 10, 80, 90};
13. What is class loader
14. Types of class loader
15. Benefits of SpringBoot
16. How to create SpringBoot project
17. What is the use of @ComponentScan annotation
18. What is the use of Spring accuators
19. What is mean by stateless in Rest API
20. PUT vs PATCH
21. How MS communicate each other
22. What is mean by Async and sync communication
23. States of Object in hibernate
24. exaplain differnt mappings in hibernate
25. Which design pattren u worked
26. Exaplain about circuit breaker
27. Write a SingleTon class code
28. What is mean by production ready code
29. Any exp in React, Kafka

HCL: L2 - Java Developer

1. What is the use of AutoConfiguration in SpringBoot
2. Dependency Injection in SpringBoot
3. Drawbacks of field injection
4. When and why to use @SpringdataTest
5. Write code for Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']',
determine if the input string is valid
6. Write a java pgm to get bookreleasedYear as a key and list of books as a value from
the List of Books object

Genpact - L1 Java FS
1. Which Java8 fetaures u have used in u r project
2. Why default method introduced in Java8
3. What is functional inteface
4. What is Predicate and which method is present in that
5. What is consumer and which method is present in that
6. What is Supplier
7. What is streams and why
8. Why we need to use filter method
9. get the employee obj where emp sal is >50, <90 using streams
10. Which are the annotations u have used in u r project
11. What is @SpringBootAnnotation
12. @Component vs @Service vs @Repository
13. Why we need @Service, @Repository specifically
14. Can we have @Component, @Service at a same time
15. How to execute a method before calling PUT method

Mphasis : L1 Java Microservices

1. Java8 features and explain them
2. How to avoid NullPointer Exception using Optional class
3. What is mean by Optional.isPresent()
4. Fail-Fast vs Fail-Safe and give examples
5. On which mechanism HashMap works
6. What is the new feature added as part of HashMap in Java8
7. How LinkedList becomes TreeMap in HashMap
8. SpringBoot accuators
9. SpringBoot startes
10. How many ways to create SpringBoot app
11. How to deploy SpringBoot app other than tomcat server
12. Which are the anotations u have used in u r project
13. WHat is the use of @SpringBootApplication
14. What is mean by @ComponentScan
15. How MS communicate each other
16. How Kafaka works
17. How to configure Two diff DBs in our application
18. MS architechture

Mphasis: Client round - Java Microservices

1. End to end project explanation
2. Java8 features
3. what is the use of optional class
4. What is functional interface
5. what is mean lamda expressions and why
6. What are streams
7. What new feature introduced in Java8 as part of Interfaces
8. Why default menthods introduced in Interfaces
9. What is collection
10. List vs Array List
11. HashMap vs TreeMap
12. HashMap internal implementation
13. HashSet implementation
14. What is singleton design pattren and why and when to use
15. What is Predicate
16. MicroService Architechture
17. Design pattrens in MS
18. Circuit Breaker Pattren
19. What is API gateway
20. How to write custom queries
21. Hibernate vs JPA
22. How to get API response in angular
23. What kind of work you used to do in UI side
24. What is your roles and responsibilities in current project
25. What is agile methodlogy
26. how to exclude tomcat server in springboot

Circana : L1 - Java FSD

1. Explain the Oops concepts
2. {51,34,70,4,26,55,4,19,55,23,17,70,42,57,51,70} find 2nd max from the given array
using Java8
3. String s="big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose"; find number of
occurance of each word by using collections
4. Difference Between IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap
5. HashSet implementation
6. hascode, equals contact
7. @RestController vs @Controller
8. explain Angular lifecycle hooks
9. constructor vs ngOnInit
10. How components communicate each other
11. How components communicate each other when they are different
12. Bean scope in spring
13. Types of bean scope
14. What are the annotations u have used in u r project
15. Use of @Qualifier annotation
16. Fail-fast vs Fail-safe
17. PathVariable vs @QueryParameter
18. Design Pattrens in java
19. How to valid the request body before processing it (using inerceptors)
20. How to implement lazy loading in angular app
21. Observables vs Promises
22. Which method will call in the below code
class A {

static int add(int a, int b)

return a + b;

class B extnds A{

static int add(int a, int b)

return a + b;
class C exetnds B{
public static void main(String args[])
A b = new B();
b.add(4, 6);

23. Why to use static method

24. How to create Singleton class
25. How to make a Immutable class
26. What you to if you have collections of object in Immutable class
27. Java8 features
28. Interfaces vs Abstract class
29. What are the functional interfaces in java
30. How many ways we can create a form in angular
31. Once we click button popup should open and show the data which is passed from the
main page

GainWell - L1 - Java FSD

1. Which are the Java8 features u have worked
2. List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30,89,90,20,10); Sum the list using
3. Why SpringBoot used
4. Explain @SpringBootApplication
5. Post vs Put
6. How can you check the logs
7. Which security framework you have used
8. What is SpringBoot Actuators and why
9. How you have handled Exceptions in your current project
10. Which Design Pattern you have worked in your project
11. what is 405 error
12. What you do if any production issue comes
13. API gateway
14. How MSs will communicate each other
15. Angular hooks
16. Lazy loading in angular, how you will achieve
17. Data binding
18. Types of data binding and explain those
19. Observable vs Promise
20. How u will connect with backend API and fetch the data
21. What is Pipes in angular
22. How to create custom pipe in angular
23. Write a html code to convert IND currency to Dollar currency
24. How to pass data from one component to another
25. Margin vs padding in css
26. write a code to create a form with 2 fields, once you submit it the data should show
27. Sort the list of numbers using JS/TS

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