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Castles & Crusades - Chaos Touched

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By James m. WaRd

1818 North Taylor, #143, Little Rock, AR, 72207

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©2015 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a registered Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing LLC, d/b/a Troll Lord
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are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. 2015.
Art, artwork, cover art, cartography is copyright Peter Bradley of Ravenchilde Illustrations, 2015 or Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. All content
copyright 2014 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

INTRODUCTION d10 Wandering Monsters Wandering Monsters
Real World List Chaos Plane List
The player characters are about to be chaos touched. It isn’t
1 Bugbear Chain Lightning Trap
their fault. They can do nothing about the situation they find
themselves in but try and escape the area. They are entering a 2 Darkhand, Dark Elf wizard Ebonsten Dark Elf Fighter/Wizard
quest to survive whatever chaos has in store for them. This is 3 Ghast Jade Dark Elf Fighter/Rogue
a self contained adventure, and all northern roads lead to The 4 Ghoul Titania Dark Elf Cleric
Lost City of Gaxmoor adventure. 5 Harpy Fen Goblin Shaman

Hundreds of years ago, this was a thriving section of a city. The 6 Octogan Red Cap Quasit
forces of chaos ripped it from the prime material plane and it 7 Shadow Undead Salamander
rotted on the plane of chaos for hundreds of years. Although 8 Denden Ogre Noble Salamander
there are marked structures on this map, these are all of the 9 WestWind Assassin Quickling
distinctive areas of the ruins. There are encounters to be had
10 Tarnen-Hall Fighter Ghung-ga Bugbear Leader
in these sections. Other parts of the map are also filled with
ruins having nothing of value and are mainly just jumbles of For great treasure as a bribe they can be given this information
granite building blocks taken from the stones of the valley sides. by the intelligent creatures of A, B, or C.
The cliffs in this area are very high and extremely dangerous
to climb. Although it is possible to simply walk through this When they are ghosts, the Castle Keeper uses the wandering
section of the city, the encounters at 7, 13, and 14 will cause monster chart for the chaos plane.
the characters trouble. This entire adventure is a companion
piece of The Lost City of Gaxmoor product put out by Troll Time
Lord games. Place Chaos Touched on the outskirts of Gaxmoor
The Castle Keeper needs to keep track of the hours. Just use a
if playing in the Lost City.
rough estimate of time spent doing things. During chaos time
there are towers that can be touched as if they were real. When
CHAOS TOUCHED not in chaos time these towers are ghost-like and the character’s
The lands of this adventure are on the edge between the many physical body goes through walls and doors as if they were
planes of chaos and the prime material plane of existence. There ghosts. The Castle Keeper is also keeping time to negatively
are times during the day when the characters will be forced into influence the characters if they are not getting enough rest.
the planes of chaos. Sometimes during the right situations the
characters are trapped in chaos. Time and Resting

On the map, the A, B, and C areas are constantly in chaos. This If players don’t get at least six hours of rest in a 24 hour period,
means during most of the day these areas seem spectral. The their abilities are influenced. For every one of the 6 hours they
characters can pass through the walls and doors as though they don’t get, they suffer a -1 penalty to all of their attribute checks.
were ghosts. They cannot touch anything in these areas during This is cumulative until they get the 6 hours of rest.
the normal times of the day. They can’t climb stairs or ladders,
Hitting 5 A.M. and 5 P.M. rolls are made for wandering
nor can they see through the walls and doors. The creatures in
creatures. On a roll of 6 on a d6 the real world creature appears
these areas move as ghosts and can’t be touched or influenced
and attacks. On a roll of 5 on a d6 the chaos plane monster
by magic as they go about their chaos lives.
appears and often runs to A, B, or C after fighting unsuccessfully
for several combat rounds. These chaos plane creatures cannot
TIMES OF CHAOS touch the characters of the prime material plane, but they try
In the hours between 5 A.M. through 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. and 7 and bite and claw until they grow weary of the effort.
P.M., chaos comes full force into this area. Between those times,
the A, B, and C encounters become real and touchable as if they CHAOS TOUCHED RUINS
are always on the prime material plane. The walls and doors are
There are literally hundreds of ruined buildings in this portion
solid. The creatures in those structures react to the characters
of the city. The player characters will want to search some of
and fight for their lives.
them to look for anything that might be interesting. When
Special Note: If the characters are in one of these buildings they enter a new building, use the chart below. Make this an
at the tick of the clock on 7:01 A.M. or 7:01 P.M., they will be interesting role-playing experience. Find out from them what
trapped by chaos. This means they are ghosts to the real world. they are doing to be careful in these obviously dangerous areas.
They can now walk through any wall except for the encounters When they see a section of ceiling that looks like it’s going to
at A, B, and C. Creatures of the prime material plane can’t fall down any second do they stay away or try to cause it to fall
touch them. The only way for them to come back to the real before they get under it? When the floor creaks alarmingly do
world is to be in one of the three encounters (A, B, or C) at they rap it hard with poles or just try to walk softer in those
5:01 A.M. or 5:01 P.M. or to drink from two special sources of areas?
magical water. In that case they return to their original plane.


Ruin’s Chart There is no portal through the wall. The sides of the valley
1: Creaking Wall Section are very high and extremely difficult to climb as they are solid
granite facings. The top of the walls have crenellations and
As you progress into the area, the side wall begins groaning there is a 30 foot walkway at the top of the wall and to the
from the stress you are causing by walking nearby. A brick north of the crenellations. There are wide stairs down on the
or two fall from the ceiling. north side of the wall.
Roll a d4 and on a 4, one random character gets hit with stones
for 1d4 in damage. The player characters have been at higher vantage points and
seen the city ruins and the complete, but oddly gray (lacking in
2: Groaning Floor Section color) buildings of A, B, and C. They should be curious to enter
The floor sags deeper and deeper with every ten feet that this area and the only way in is to climb the wall.
you move into these ruins, and it seems as though it will go
crashing into the basement at any moment. Note: If the characters have horses and other mounts have
the wall turn ghost-like during one of the times of chaos so the
Roll a d6 and on a 6, and the entire party falls through the floor characters and all of their equipment can pass through the wall.
and into the basement each taking 1d4 in damage from falling
stones and equipment. Just before they easily climb the wall, they are met by a being. He/
it is a demi-god and very curious about the player characters. It
3: Tremendous Stench will never attack them but reacts aggressively if attacked itself.
Something smells dead in this area. The smell is so strong It’s impossible for the characters to use spells or strike the being.
it makes you gag. You seriously consider leaving, but there Any weapons attempting to hit him vanish forever. Spells are all
are some interesting looking things in the rubble. turned back on the casters with no saving throws to resist their
own magic. He tries to calm the characters down.
On a roll of 4 on a d4 the characters trip a poison trap - If the
trap is sprung, a poisonous gas fills the area. It causes all within “I mean you no harm.” He holds up his hands, shaking
its sphere to collapse, paralyzed for 2-12 hours and taking 1d6 back his tattered cloak to show he bears no weapons. His
in damage. A successful save versus poison (CL4) prevents any knit gloves are old, tattered, without fingers; the mark of
effects from happening. a bowman. He wears no armor, only a thick wool shirt
and pants; his boots are worn to nubs, and the sole of the
4: Past Lives - Bodies in the Rubble
left boot is all but gone. It’s obvious he’s been on the road
The shadows of the wall have hidden a set of four bodies a long time. His hair is long, matted, and dirty and wears
shot with arrows. As you inspect the bodies, you discover no jewelry; nor does he carry any weapon anyone could
30 gold pieces. The ten arrows you find are unusually well see. “I mean you no harm. I saw your camp and smelled
made (+1 and elven crafted). the meat. I thought I might join you. I am weary, and my
journey is not yet over. I am Narrheit. I am of the Val
5: Snake Pit Eahrakun. I am chaos. I am also known as evil.”
As you move in this area you hear the rustling of what He’s just interested in talking with the characters. He knows
must be snakes. It comes from all around. You think about of the ruins on the other side and happily talks about the
getting out of this possibly snake filled area. chaotic evil creatures the characters will meet if they go over
Characters who continue to move about the area have a chance the wall. He has a wondrous potion of very full wine. The brew
to get bitten as they move stones about. Each character that is excellent, and he’s more than willing to share the fine vintage
stays takes has 1d6 chance to be bitten and will suffer 1d10 and fill everyone’s tankards as many times as they wish. He will
points of damage in snake venom. stay all night telling stories about the city beyond the wall for as
6: Piles of Stone long as the characters wish. Keep track of their time awake and
penalize them if they don’t each get six hours sleep. At dawn
You see odd piles of stone in the area. There are sections of he vanishes with the morning mists. All the bottles, skins, and
stone wall that look ready to fall. But there are also ten and liquid containers, including any potions the characters might
fifteen feet tall piles of stone in the area for no apparent have had, are now full of the sweet wine from his potion bottle.
If the characters ignore the stones there is a 1d6 chance that a Whatever the characters do to climb the wall, it should be
pile of stones will fall and do 1d4 points of damage to a random successful. Once they stand on top of the wall they should see
character. the entire valley. It is filled with ruined buildings and rough
and colorful vegetation. They can see a group of eight bugbears
Encounter 1: The Land Before the Wall walking far to the north on the road. Everything is in vibrant
color except for the whole buildings marked A, B, and C. These
Think of the cracked earth of Death Valley. There is a forty
are dull, flat gray, standing out because of this lack of color.
foot wall blocking the passage into the valley. The wall is 30
miles long. For several miles to the south of the wall the earth
is cracked and the area has no life. There is no rain in this area.

Encounter 2: Ruined Cheese Factory The winery is huge at 200 yards long east and west and 100
There is a road with a great deal of rubble extending east and yards wide to the north and south. There are many breaks in
west, just south of this cheese factory. A much larger road the white granite walls. This building was built of cut stone and
extending north is to the east of it. the earth quake that ruined this structure happened hundreds
of years ago. To the north of the structure is a massive patch of
The building, like most of the buildings in this city section, was grape vines with full rich grapes ready to be picked. All of the
destroyed by earthquakes several hundred years ago. This one northern, chaos touched grapes are purple and lush. To the east
was originally made of red brick. It is two stories tall with several of the building is another set of chaos touched grape vines with
large structural holes in each of the walls at all the compass white grapes. Eating these grapes heals 1 point damage per large
points. The building is roughly 200 yards long, east and west, bunch of grapes. There is no way for the characters to know of
and 100 yards wide to the north and south. A large set of marble the healing properties of these grapes. Eating any of them builds
stairs extends up to the second story. On the second floor there euphoria in the eating character.
are several sets of large marble tanks; all filled with green mold.
If characters come up to the second floor, a band of four zombies Although the second floor of the winery has crashed into the
emerge from the moldy tanks and attack the characters. These ground level floor, there is enough space by the front door to
zombies follow the characters down the stairs, but do not leave show a set of stairs down into a large basement. The ruins of
the building. the building are filled with the equipment and barrels to make
wine; from empty and filled bottles to wine presses and many
Zombies (4) empty casks.

Appearance - these zombies are chaos touched and unusually The stairs extending to the lower level are treated with a deadly
intelligent. They are wearing work clothes and smell of cheese. trap.
They enjoy resting in the mold of the cheese vats. While resting,
the zombie bodies totally heal from any damage they might take Poison Trap - If the trap is sprung, a poisonous gas fills the area.
during the day. They do not appear as zombies, but as normal It causes all within its area of effect to collapse, paralyzed for
working males. 2-12 hours and taking 1d6 in damage. A successful save versus
poison prevents any effects from happening. The trap is sprung
Demeanor - They ignore the characters until the vats are at the bottom of the stairs and can’t be avoided. Tarnen-Hall
touched. Then they attack with slams on the character’s bodies. is immune to the poison. The trap is especially constructed to
They do not chase the characters if the characters run away. reset itself every hour if needed.

Zombies (4) - These chaotic evil zombies’ vital statistics are There is a series of 22 huge tuns of fine wine aging for hundreds
HD 2d8, HP 10, Move 20 ft., AC 12. Primary attributes of years and has become highly potent. In the center of the
are physical. The zombie has all of the undead traits. They basement is a 2 foot long and 1 foot wide cask of magical fluid.
attack last in every combat round. Each zombie slams for 1d8 During the time of chaos the cask turns into a +4 mace of giant
in damage. striking doing 1d12, +4 to all giant and dragon types. If the
characters take this cask into one of the three encounters (A, B,
Zombies quickly rise from the cheese vats. They leap from
& C) the cask turns into the mace and can be transformed from
the vats and charge the characters in an effort to grapple
mace to cask with a thought by its current owner. The liquid in
and throw them down.
the cask is an instantly deadly poison with no saving throw; it
The first floor of the cheese factory is a mass of rubble. In the will kill a humanoid on contact. If the liquid ever empties out,
southwest corner of the ruins is an intact cooling chamber with the magic item becomes useless and never transforms again into
a large locked metal door. The chamber beyond the door is 20 a mace.
yards x 20 yards. The walls are unruined marble. For centuries
A tall man rests in the doorway. A cocked and ready to use
it has stored racks and racks of chaos touched, three pound
heavy crossbow is at his feet. He’s wearing black leather
wheels of orange cheese. There are 100 of these cheese rounds
armor with a short sword on one hip and a long dagger on
on racks. A thick film of blue mold covers each of the cheeses.
the other. There is a mean look to the man. He’s drinking
There must be some magical component in the cheese so that
out of a large leather tankard. The smell of alcohol is
it hasn’t turned rotten over the years. Once the mold and wax
strong in this area.
has been removed, the cheese is extremely healthy to eat. If the
full three pounds is eaten in a day the cheese heals 3 hit points Beside the door is some type of saw horse set up with a
of damage and negates any poison the victim might have taken large barrel of what appears to be wine. A spigot in the
in. There is no way for the characters to know about the healing barrel top makes it easy to open the wine and there are
properties of the incredibly ugly cheese rounds. drips of wine on the ground beneath the barrel.
“Peace be with you all,” the man says. “I’m called Tarnen-
Encounter 3: Ruined Winery Hall. I’ve just discovered this fine vintage. It was in a
There is a road with a great deal of rubble extending east and barrel in the basement of this ruined winery. I’m happy to
west, just south of this winery. A much larger road extends share this with you.” He takes a big drink from the tankard
north on the west side of the ruined structure. in his hand.


Tarnen-Hall white uniform. He’s using a two-handed sword that seems
Appearance - The fighter is powerful looking. His equipment like a toothpick in his massive hands. He’s hammering on
looks well used, and there are lots of marks on his armor from a giant suit of plate mail that could be made for a storm
resisting blows and claws. There is a confidence displayed by the giant. The armor is dented all over. On the west side of the
man that says he is not intimidated by the number of characters chamber there are tables and chairs, and the smell of food
facing him. wafts over from that direction.
The ogre stops what he is doing and looks at the group.
Demeanor - He is ready for trouble and doesn’t mind the He’s huffing a little from his actions. In a garbled version
thought of a fight. He will run when down to 8 or less hit points. of the common tongue he says, “Good, have you come to
Tarnen would like nothing better than to get the group drunk take lessons from me?”
on the powerful wine and take advantage of them. He also
doesn’t have a problem leading them down into the cellar and Denden
having the poison trap try to take them all out.
Appearance - The ogre sticks out oddly in his white fencing
Tarnen-Hall - He is a chaotic evil, human, 3rd level fighter. uniform. At his belly and ankles there are tufts of hair sticking
His vital statistics are HP 22, AC 16. His primary attributes are out of the uniform. The monster has large, beefy feet and hands.
strength, constitution, and charisma. His significant attributes The fencing outfit is bright white and very clean.
are strength 17, dexterity 14, and wisdom 13. He uses leather
armor, a heavy crossbow (1d8 +1), thieves’ tools, a short sword Demeanor - The monster is chaos touched and wants to run a
(1d6 +1), a dagger (1d4), 11 silver pieces, and traveling gear. fencing studio. For one silver a day, it teaches characters how
to fight large monsters. His training actually does work, and if
Encounter 4: Ruined Fighter Guild the characters pay and train for the day they are +1 on doing
damage on larger than man-sized creatures. Dendan also wants
The building is large. While there are signs of ruin in the upper to sell white fencing clothes for 1 silver per uniform. Actually,
floor with open holes in the gray dressed stone, the lower level the white suit absorbs 2 points of damage from every striking
shows a great deal of repaired stone walls. The gray stone weapon. After every battle it needs to be repaired if it stopped
building appears to be about 100 yards north and south and damage. There are chaos touched fibers in the suit that resist
something like 75 yards east and west. damage.
There is a large double door set on the east side of the building Denden - This chaotic evil ogre’s vital stats are HD 5d10, HP
opening onto the north and south road. Above these doors is 32, and AC 15. His primary attributes are physical. He receives
a roughly drawn sign of an ogre in armor fencing with a knight a +1 to hit and damage. Close at hand, in his studio, are a ball
who is dressed in crudely drawn plate armor. The doors are & chain as well as an enchanted granite club. He uses the club
made of granite and look to be very heavy to move. to knock opponents down (1d8 with a successful strike smash-
ing the victim to the ground) and then he strikes with the other
At one time there were windows on the lower floor, but all of
weapon (2d8 +5). He uses a leather jerkin under his white
these have been blocked up with the same type of dressed gray
outfit (the outfit absorbs 2 points from every successful attack
stone as the walls of the building.
made on the monster), an ornate key hangs around his neck,
Looking around to the back, one can see an unusually stylish and he has a scroll tube with a scroll that clearly describes how
water fountain. From the ruins of the fencing studio, several the affects of chaos transform the city every sunrise and sunset.
hundred yards in the distance to the west is the fountain.
The studio serves delicious food two times a day. The ogre tries
Further out several hundred yards is the granite side of the cliffs
to train all the characters at the same time. After just a few
bordering the valley. There is a cleft in those cliffs where stone
minutes of training the characters can see usefulness in his
has clearly been recently cut. A grassy path shows the action
methods. If he is attacked with deadly intent, he will chase his
of a sled. That same sled is beside the back of the building and
foes until he has killed them all.
covered in gray rock dust. There was a wide door in the back of
the building, but it is rocked up as well as all the windows. Underneath the heavy table of food is a small coffer with 113
silver and ten golden bracelets, each worth 100 gold pieces. The
Back at the front doors, the characters can hear the sound of
key on his chest opens the complex lock.
clanging blows as if a weapon is striking armor.

If the group tries to open the doors, they experience the Encounter 5: Well of Chaos
following - The characters will not notice the well is the same gray color
The thick stone doors open with amazing ease. Inside, as buildings A, B, C & D until they get within 50 yards of it..
magical lights reveal a large hall of some type. The ceilings During the normal times of the day, this appears to be a high
are unusually high. This seems to be some type of training quality well with a bucket and crank to take out the water
area. There are practice dummies on the north side of the very near the top. There are lush green vines growing all over
area. On the south side, are racks and racks of weapons of the well; making it hard to see the gray color. The vines are
all types. In the center is a large ogre dressed in the oddest filled with juicy black berries. The berries are deadly poison.

At a small taste, they make the character nauseous. Eating just Ghouls x6 - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are
one kills the character in two minutes of anguish and pain. HD 2d8, HP 16, 15, 4x14, AC 14. Primary attributes are
Nonhumanoids of all types can easily digest the berries. physical. They attack with 2 claws (1d3/1d3), Bite (1d6), spe-
cial abilities include: Paralysis, Ghoul Fever, and all of the other
During the two hours in the morning and two hours in the undead traits.
evening at the time of chaos, the well makes an astounding
transformation. It becomes a 50 yard in diameter fountain. The temple is almost totally repaired. When finished, the ghouls
There are three lovely female statues in togas pouring out golden start sacrificing living beings on the altar in order to bring the
liquids from clay pitchers into the fountain. At the center of deity Ramus to the prime material plane.
the fountain is a wondrous statue of an angel. If the characters
come within 10 yards of the area, the angel animates and begins The altar itself has a set of hidden drawers where there is a set
talking to the characters as if they were children. of two +2 heavy flails and two +3 kite shields with the symbols
of Ramus on the shields. The magic items are cursed in that if
“Come my children and drink of my fountain of joy. It they are used in battle the user begins to turn evil; after many
looks like you have come far in your travels. I came here battles he will start shouting that he needs sacrifices to Ramus.
hundreds of years ago to help travelers survive in this During the times of chaos these items glow brightly with their
terrible land of chaos.” magical influence.
She talks right along with the characters.
Encounter 7: Bugbears on Patrol
Even taking one sip of the fluid coming from the fountain causes
5 points of damage to the drinker. However, it does free them This patrol doesn’t like having to deal with the drow in the A
of the curse of chaos, and they become whole and grounded in & B encounter areas. They try to force the character party into
the prime material plane. If they were trapped in chaos they are encounter A or B with orders to kill any drow they find there. If
no longer trapped. They now see the fountain in its gray well the characters don’t want to do this, the patrol demands all of
form and never see the fountain and the angel again. However, the gold and silver the characters have on their persons.
during the times of chaos they can drink from the well, take the
Bugbear Leader
damage, and return to normal.
Appearance - Chung-ga is a massive example of a bugbear.
Attacking the statues does no damage to the fountain, well, or
Clearly the leader, this character speaks intelligently in several
statues in any way.
languages, including elf and dwarf.
Encounter 6: Ruined Temple of Evil Ramus Demeanor - Chung-ga makes it clear he needs the characters
There is a black marble structure being repaired by a band of to help them in their battles versus the drow. He gives them a
stone working undead. The creatures have almost finished choice of fighting the drow or fighting the patrol. The bugbears
the repair of the temple. The structure is a square gazebo like appear powerful and well armed. The patrol takes the characters
building. There is a black altar in the center of the open area. to either encounter A or B. Then the patrol leaves after the
Eight large columns of black marble hold up the thick ceiling of characters attempt to enter the encounter area.
stone. Looking up into the ceiling shows a picture of an octopus
Chung-ga, Bugbear Leader - This chaotic evil creature’s
humanoid reaching down with tentacles to grab the viewer of
vital statistics are HD 5d10 +2, HP 40, AC 17, His primary
the image.
attributes are physical. His significant attributes are strength 18
The undead humanoids are working on the marble of one of the and dexterity 13. He wears a chain shirt and carries a heavy
columns. They are working pulleys to raise the stone column. flail (1d10 +2), 3 javelins (1d6), and ten 100 gold piece dia-
They suddenly stop work and pick up large pickaxes and slowly monds. His special ability is Darkvision 60 ft.
move toward the characters. A horrid unnatural stench hits the
noses of the characters. The undead are moving unusually fast Bugbear Patrol Group
toward the group. Appearance - These are bugbears, but they don’t look very
powerful. In fact they all look weak and so thin that they appear
Ghouls unhealthy. They are ready for battle, but don’t fight unless their
Appearance - These creatures were human males when alive. leader orders it.
They have been dead for centuries and now their flesh is pressed
Demeanor - The flails in the hands of these troops are massive
tight to their bones. These ghouls are dressed in black monk’s
and appear very deadly. The monsters move the flails in a
robes. On each of the robes is a bright white image of the moon.
twirling motion that moves the heavy ends in large circles. The
Each of the ghouls holds a large pickaxe in one of their talons.
monsters spread out so that they can surround the characters if
Demeanor - The ghouls want to lodge the pickaxes in the bodies their leader orders them to fight.
of their living foes. Then, the ghouls will claw and paralyze their
Bugbear x8 - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are
victims to eventually eat them. The pick does 1d8 in damage.
HD 3 (d8), HP 4x23, 4x21, AC 17. Primary attributes are


physical. Their special abilities are Darkvision 60 ft. They at- Demeanor - This leader intends to get coins from each of the
tack with heavy flails for 1d10 +2. characters. If they don’t open their purses, the characters are
ordered to open their backpacks. Attacking the leader has all
Encounter 8: Camouflaged Pit Trap in Ruined Black- of the hidden goblins throw their daggers at the characters.
smithy Then the red caps come out of hiding and attack the weakest
appearing character.
Several of the walls and the ceiling of this structure have
collapsed in on the floor. The building is made out of black Octogan, Leader of the Red Caps - This chaotic evil
bricks and was clearly a blacksmith’s establishment. One can goblin’s vital statistics are HD 3d6, HP 10, AC 14. His pri-
still see a forge and an anvil. There are steel tools and several mary attributes are strength and constitution. He receives +2
large battle hammers obvious in the rubble. There are also many to his AC as he is very fast. He can make a rogue’s back attack
ingots of rusty iron and steel in a pile against one ruined wall. and climb as a 3rd level rogue. He carries a short sword (1d6),
he wears black leather armor, has 3 throwing daggers (1d4),
Coming to the center of this area the characters are exposed to
thieves tools, 15 silver pieces, and traveling gear.) He can’t help
a pit trap.
himself; whenever he is part of a kill he spends the next two
Camouflaged Pit Trap - This pit trap is covered with a painted combat rounds dipping his cap in the blood of his dead victim.
canvas matching the stone around it. The trap is 10 ft. x 10 ft.
across. Anyone falling down the pit takes 4d6 in damage. The Red Cap Guard Group
trap is a challenge level 4 with a rogue searching for it and a Appearance - These goblins are not up to the quality of their
challenge level 6 to disable the trap. leader. They are much smaller at 3 feet tall or less. They are thin
and look barely able to hold their short swords. Although they
Hidden in the ashes of the forge is an unusual metal case. The
are wearing black leather armor it is patched and looks to be
case holds a +3 dwarven throwing hammer.
barely strong enough to stop a blow.
Encounter 9: Ruined Horse Stable Demeanor - These monsters are great at throwing daggers at
There is a ruined paddock to one side of this destroyed structure. the party and then attacking the wounded. When two of their
The grassy area has four obvious skeletons of horses in the grass. number die, all of the goblins run for their lives and are not seen
again unless they appear as wandering monsters.
The ruined horse stable is easily 50 yards wide by 100 yards
long. The ceiling and walls of the building has fallen in over the Red Cap Guard x(8) - These chaotic evil goblins’ vital sta-
centuries. One can see part of a hayloft with rotting hay. There tistics are HD 1d6, HP 1, AC 13. Primary attributes are physi-
is a set of horse stalls with rotting horse tack on the still up right cal. They carry short swords (1d6), they wear black leather
walls of the stalls. One can also see the glint of metal in some of armor, they have 3 throwing daggers (1d4), 15 copper pieces,
the stalls. Those metal pieces are valuable objects the red caps and traveling gear.) They can’t help themselves; whenever the
have gleaned from the rubble of the buildings. The second any red caps are part of a kill they spend the next combat round dip-
of the characters step into this area, they are challenged. ping their caps in the blood of their victim.
“You aren’t wanted here!” Hidden in the moldy old hay of the stalls are some suits of elven
A single wide goblin stands in the middle of the stable chain mail and four two-handed swords.
ruins. It wears black armor and a red cap on its head. The
caps mark the goblin as dangerous. red caps are goblins Encounter 10: Ruined Temple of Nature
that have killed something larger than themselves. After This was a temple to the gods of nature hundreds of years ago.
the battle each goblin wipes their cloth cap in the blood of There are four huge oak trees placed at the compass points of
the fallen foe. the area. These trees are two hundred yards tall and extremely
Now that you are looking around the area, you can see thick. The foliage blocks out the sun in and around the temple
several other red cap goblins hiding in the rubble. It is and makes a perfect area for shadow monsters. Around the holy
impossible to tell how many there are. “Leave your coin area is a thick tangle of thorny raspberry bushes completely
purses on the ground. Your coin is the toll for your survival. blocking the center area of the temple. The bushes are thick
We can easily kill all of you if we wish.” with tasty raspberries. Inside this tangle is another thorn tangle
of red berry brush with even larger thorns and berries. These
Suddenly there are five daggers sticking in the wood of the
berries are poisonous to eat, and each one eaten does 6 points
stable near your heads.
of damage. The thorns on these bushes can’t hurt those in metal
armor, however the thorns get stuck in the edges of the armor
Goblin Red Cap and pin those characters so they can’t make headway into the
Appearance - The goblin is barely 4 feet tall, but it’s muscular center of the area. The thorny vines whip out at the characters
and wide. It’s dressed in quality black leather armor. There is if they try to force their way into the temple. The constant
a short sword in one hand and a throwing dagger in the other. whipping can do 1d4 points of damage in a melee round.
Two more throwing daggers are on a bandoleer on its chest.

At the center of this temple is a small pond and at the center of with. The magical arrows can only be fired once each and then
the pond is a bubbling well of water. This water is very special. their magical effect is lost. There is also a chest under a table.
Normally, the characters couldn’t get into the tangle, but during The metal chest is securely locked. Inside are 90 gold pieces and
the hours of chaos the area changes into a ghost area where the 185 silver pieces.
characters can easily pass. During those times, drinking from
this magical spring changes the chaos touched characters into Encounter 12: Knight’s Guild and Basement
normal characters. They will also be easily able to get back out
This was once a large arena. Triangular in shape, the north/
of the holy area.
south wall is now made of dressed stone and supports a huge
In trying to get out of the area the player characters are attacked set of stone seats to watch any performance to the west of the
by shadows. building. The east/west wall on the north end of the building
has caved in at several spots and no longer adequately supports
Shadow the arena seats in this area. If the characters try to walk in this
western section, they will cause it to collapse and take 9 points
Appearance -The trees and brush cause shadows all over the of damage with a dexterity save to no damage.
Out in front of the building to the west are the ruins of knightly
Demeanor - The shadows can easily move through the thorny lists for jousting tournaments. When not a chaos time, a knight
brush when those same thorns stop the characters from moving. in shining armor stands in the lists and motions you to come
and talk with him.
Shadow x(2) - These chaotic evil undead’s vital statistics are
HD 3d12, HP 9, 8, AC 13. Their primary attributes are men- “My name is Havenor. When I was alive I fought on the
tal. They have all the undead traits. They use their incorporeal side of the righteous. For many years my armies and I kept
nature to attack through thorn vines and the trees. A shadow’s back the forces of chaos. I am holding those forces back
touch forces the victim to feel the agonizing shock of death. The still. When I vanish from your sight you will be attacked by
touch subtracts 1 point of strength. They have a blend ability to an undead ghast. Destroy this creature and you will earn a
go totally invisible in shadows. They are incorporeal and can’t reward. Evil has settled over this city ruin and nothing is
be hit without using magical weapons. more evil than the forces living in the three chaos lairs of
this city. If you are brave enough do your best to destroy
Encounter 11: Large Fletcher & Bowyer Ruin these places and rip stones out of their walls to destroy the
energies of chaos ripping this ruined city to shreds.”
The log cabin is triangular in shape and about 30 yards on each
side. There are many racks fallen to the ground on the outside Havenor cannot be damaged in a battle with the characters. If
of the cabin and within the crumbling walls. In the grass of attacked he defends himself and slowly vanishes into the mists.
these racks are dried bow staves, most cut to be turned into long He never appears again to the player characters.
bows. There are lots of fallen walls, inside of which are crashed
Slowly the man in plate mail vanishes. Out of the same
in roof sections. One can see barrels filled with ancient fletched
spot where the man vanished, an undead ghast screams its
arrows. If the characters try to get into the building to look for
chaotic challenge and charges at the group.
useful equipment, they are attacked by flying harpies.

Harpy x(4) - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are Ghast
HD 3d8, HP 7, 6, 5, 4, AC 13. Their primary attributes are Appearance - The ghast is dressed in mismatched knight’s plate
physical. They attack with two claws (1d3/1d3) or with darts mail. Most of the armor is rusted to uselessness. As the creature
(three at a time 1d3 each). Their special abilities are captivating moves toward the characters, large puffs of rust launch into
song and captivating chorus. Captivating chorus allows the har- the air. The same thing happens when the creature is struck by
pies to sing a song together. For each harpy joining in the song, a weapons.
-1 modifier adjusts all saves versus their song.
Demeanor - The creature plans on biting and clawing its foes
There is enough cover in the area so the equipment of the using its powers to paralyze and make nauseous any foes trying
fletcher is still in good shape. There are lots of wood cutting to stop it. The ghast follows the characters if they try to run and
planes, saws, and wood cutting tools on covered walls in several continues to attack until it or the characters are dead.
sections of the ruin. If the characters defeat the harpies they can
easily get into the ruin. Special Note: Unknown to the characters the ghostly knight has
blessed them. Every one of the characters trying to hit the ghast
Barrels will have to be moved to reveal a secret trap door. or helping in the defeat of the ghast, raises one level instantly
The ladder extending down has collapsed, and the characters after the battle, without having to train a bit. That next level
will have to rig something to get down to the bottom of the gives them their maximum hit points for the additional level-on
basement. In the basement, on a rack against the wall are three a d6 the character gains a 6, on a d8 the character gains an 8
amazing long bows of the highest quality. Each is a +2 weapon. and so on for each character.
Along the same lines are three quivers of twenty +3 hunting
arrows. These arrows double the range of any bow they are used


Ghast - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are HD He is a natural ventriloquist and can easily throw his voice
4d8, HP 20, AC 17. Their primary attributes are physi- in several directions. During the hold up he will talk to the
cal. Their special abilities are Ghoul Fever, Darkvision 60 ft, characters in several different voices to make them think they
Wretched Stench, Paralysis, and Vulnerability to Cold Iron. It are facing a squad of people.
has all of the undead traits. It attacks with a bite for (1d8) and “Give me your backpacks and you may live. Stand and fight
two claws for (1d4/1d4). or try to run and my crossbowmen will cut you down!”
If the characters take the time to look, they discover a trap door Appearance - He’s dressed in a grass gilly suit that perfectly
in the ground of the lists under the feet of the ghast. There are blends in with the tall grasses that are on either side of the road.
three chests in this root cellar of a chamber.
Demeanor - WestWind has no trouble fighting the group. He
Chest 1 - A chest of four healing potions and 9,000 copper tries to make them think he is many yards away in one of the
coins. blinds while he uses his missile weapons on the group from a
distance. If the characters surrender, he lets them go after taking
Chest 2 - A chest with a set of four shields. One is of much their packs. It is possible the characters could sneak back and
higher quality than the rest. It is a +3 shield. surprise the assassin hours later.
Chest 3 - 4,000 silver pieces, a bag of 9 assorted gems, each WestWind - He is a chaotic evil human, 3rd level assassin. His
worth 1,000 gold pieces, and a richly appointed +2 dagger with vital statistics are HP 15, AC 14. His primary attributes are
15,000 in gems in the pommel of the weapon. dexterity, intelligence, and wisdom. His significant attributes are
intelligence 17 and dexterity 16. He uses leather armor, a poi-
Encounter 13: Encounters on the Way to Gaxmoor soned short sword (1d6 +poison for 1d10), 6 poisoned throw-
The road extends northwest and in a few miles it connects with ing daggers (1d4 +poison 1d4), a potion of levitation, a potion
the City of Gaxmoor (note the Troll Lord product). In the brush of healing, 22 platinum pieces, a ruby ring valued at 1,200 gp,
along the road lurks the Shadow Darkhand. He’s having trouble and traveling gear.
with the bright sunlight, but he wants to kill the character party
if he can. He is hiding in a large stand of trees where he has THE FORCES OF CHAOS
made a small hut. He can easily see out of this area, but foes There are three buildings filled with the essence of chaos in
are going to have a bit of trouble finding his door and getting this area: A, B, & C. The magic of chaos continues to plague
into the hut. He begins the battle by casting a darkness spell, but the valley until steps are taken to tear out wall sections in these
misses most of the group and only catches the lead character. three buildings. The second this is done, chaos leaves the area
and the creatures of chaos leave as well.
The group can easily run out of range of the drow spells as they
continue down the road. This drow won’t follow the group out From the hours of 5:01 to 6:59 in the morning and 5:01 to
of these ruins. 6:59 in the evening chaos touches the land. All of the other
buildings in the area turn into ghost buildings. The creatures
Shadow Darkhand, Male Dark Elf Wizard 3 - He is
in these buildings also turn ghost-like. They can’t see the player
a chaotic evil dark elf male whose vital statistics are HD 3d4,
characters and the players can’t touch them as their hands and
HP 11, AC 12. His primary attributes are intelligence and cha-
bodies go right through the ghost walls and ghost characters.
risma His significant attributes are dexterity 15 and intelligence
17. He carries a wand with 7 charges of magic missile and a During the two times of chaos, the three buildings become
potion of cure light wounds. He can cast the following spells: solid and the characters can interact with the forces in those
0-Mage Hand, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, towers. When not in chaos, these structures are slate gray and
1st - Sleep x2, Charm Person x2, 2nd -Darkness. outside and inside they show no color of any type. In the chaos
influence, the walls of A are a vibrant green; the walls of B are
Encounter 14: Encounters on the Way to Gaxmoor a rich brown wood grain color; and the walls of C are an ebony
The characters are moving down the northeast road when a glossy black with a mirror effect reflecting everything around it.
voice shouts out,
If the characters are in one of the three buildings at 7:00 in the
“Stand and deliver!” morning or the evening they are touched by chaos and become
The assassin has set up this ambush well. Over the months he ghosts. As ghosts they walk around the ruins and their hands
has placed several door-looking panels in the thick brush on and bodies go through everything.
either side of the road. He has blended the panels in with the
There are three ways to remove this effect. A remove curse spell
vegetation so a character would have to look carefully to see
dispels the magic of chaos; drinking from the well (encounter
them. He then set up a crossbow behind one of the panels so
5); or the nature’s brook (encounter 10) releases the characters
he can fire the crossbow into the ground on the road. He does
from the effect.
this by using a trip wire fifty yards away, he can be hidden in
the grass while the characters think he is in the blind firing the

Encounter A: 3 Dark Elf Towers in Chaos are unusual masses of spider webs and large spiders all around
The main road ends in three large towers. When the city was her throne.
bustling with people, these towers were for the ruler of the Demeanor - She challenges the character party and warns
town. Each is connected to the other two, and they are exactly them attacking her and her brother will bring the curse of all
alike. There are three levels with several arrow slits on each drow down on their heads. She cannot be surprised and begins
level. The towers are 90 yards tall and there are crenellations the battle with a crossbow shot.
on top of each. Each tower has a single large reinforced door
at its center. The towers are made of finished granite from the Ebonsten Darkhand - She is a chaotic evil female dark elf,
hillsides of the valley edges. 1st level fighter, 2nd level wizard, whose vital statistics are HP
15, AC 15. Primary attributes are strength and dexterity).
Each of the levels is spacious, with the same design. The floor Her significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. She
level is a work area with kitchen, pantry, and all the things a wears a +1 chain shirt, a +1 long sword (1d8 +1), and a +1
tower needs to feed its inhabitants. The pantry is well stocked crossbow (1d4 +1) with 7 bolts covered in sleep poison.Spells:
with hanging meats, barrels of the finest wine, and plenty of 0 -Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Open/Close, 1st-Burning
clay jars of spices and all the pots and pans needed to cook Hands, Magic Missile, Sleep
meals. There is a large work table with benches all around in
the middle of the chamber. A wide set of stairs hugs the north
Male Dark Elf
wall and extends up to the second level.
Appearance - MarkForest has made himself massively strong as
On the second level is a comfortable living area for twenty men he stands seven feet tall. His body is hugely muscled and when
at arms. There are bunk beds, weapons and other equipment, he draws his long sword it moans in pleasure at being used for
and several tables and benches for warriors to be at rest. Another chaos.
set of stairs extends up to the third level.
Demeanor - He wants to fight, but follows the direction of
On the third and highest level is a chamber for the lords and his sister. Standing by her throne his lower legs are covered in
ladies of the tower. There is an area set aside for a throne and large spiders and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He will shoot
meeting room, an area with six canopy beds and chests of richly crossbow bolts until forced into melee.
appointed clothes for lords and ladies. In a hidden chamber are
three small coffers: 1,199 gold coins, 3,888 silver coins, and MarkForest Darkhand, Male Dark Elf Ranger 1/
5,922 copper coins. These same coffers of coins are also in the Rogue 2 - He is a chaotic evil dark elf male whose vital sta-
two connected and uninhabited towers on either side of the tistics are HP 19, AC 15. His primary attributes are physical.
central tower. His significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. He
wears a +1 chain shirt, a +1 long sword (1d8 +1), and a +1
All of the stated equipment and material goods and fresh food crossbow with 10 bolts covered in sleep poison.
can be found in each of the three towers. The Castle Keeper
can feel free to add more drow characters to the other towers These two live in the center tower and warmly greet characters
if the area isn’t providing enough challenge for their low level after victims have survived the attack of the panthers. The
characters. drow find their panthers attacking quite amusing. These evil
characters are bored and offer food and drink to the character
Always guarding the center tower are two panthers. During party and invisible servants do the cooking and serving to the
the normal hours of the day these ghost panthers appear to be characters. The drow want to talk of the travel of the characters.
sleeping or otherwise at rest. When chaos takes over the valley, These drow want the ogre and the bugbears killed and are
these are alert and guarding the central tower with their lives. willing to pay 10 gold per head of a dead monster.
Although the felines run when beginning to take damage, in ten
minutes the panthers are back and attacking. The drow have no trouble fighting the characters when it is
time for battle.
Large Panthers x2 - These neutral creatures’ vital stats are
Hd 5(d8), HP 20x2, Move 40 ft, AC 22. Their primary at- Traps in the Other Two Towers
tributes are physical. They attack with 2 claws (1d6) and a
bite (1d10). They have Rake and Twilight Vision, Tracking 8. There is no one in the other two towers. However, each level
They have animal intelligence, no treasure and XP 60 +4. Spe- of those towers is trapped and these traps reset themselves after
cial Note: when each panther has taken more than half its hit one hour.
points in damage the creature runs away. These panthers are Chain Lightning Trap - This trap is triggered only if a character
very large, 3 ft tall at the shoulders and 6 ft long. touches the center of the chamber. Should this happen, lightning
bounces all over the chamber doing 4d6 once in damage to
Female Dark Elf each character, allowing for a save to no damage. A successful
Appearance - Ebonsten is lovely as are all females of her dexterity save (challenge level 7) reduces the damage to zero.
race. She is dressed in fighter’s equipment and presents a bold Finding the trap before it is sprung is a challenge level 12.
character when she speaks from her throne in the tower. There


In the other two towers this first level trap changes magically points in damage the creature runs away. These panthers are
after being sprung. It moves from the front door to the stairs to very large, 3 ft tall at the shoulders and 6 ft long.
the door of the pantry to other places in the chamber as the trap
is tripped and reset. Any attempt to pin the legs of the living tower works. As soon as
entry is gained, the wizard disappears. The large chamber of the
Camouflaged Pit Trap - This pit trap is covered with a painted tower is 20 feet above the ground and the tower is intelligent
canvas matching the stone around it. The trap is 10 ft. x 10 ft. enough to keep moving so the characters can’t easily get in the
across. Anyone falling down the pit takes 4d6 in damage. The tower.
trap is a challenge level 4 with a rogue searching for it and a
challenge level 6 to disable the trap. If the characters find a way into the tower, the group discovers
a rather ordinary bedroom and living area. The two drow live
In the other two towers this second level trap magically moves quite simply in this hut. They, like the other drow in the area,
itself after being tripped. It moves from the stairs to in front of are planning to expand their race’s influence by way of this area.
the bunk beds, to near the tables and benches.
Both of these drow have small coffers filled with jewelry. There
Poison Trap - If the trap is sprung, a poisonous gas fills the are six assorted pieces of black diamond jewelry. The total price
area. It causes all within its sphere to collapse, paralyzed for would be in the 20,000 gold piece range. There are earrings,
2-12 hours and taking 1d6 in damage. A successful save versus a wrist bracelet, two large stone rings, and a necklace that
poison (CL 4) prevents any effects from happening. provides +1 protection versus spells.

In the two towers this third level trap always starts in front of Female Drow Elf
the opening to the hidden treasure chamber. After being sprung
once it moves to the stairs extending down to the second level, Appearance - She is a beautiful member of her race. She dresses
and then to the bedroom of the lords and ladies. unusually provocatively as if she wants to catch the attention of
a male eye. She carries a strange staff with a white ivory spider
Encounter B - Wizard Dark Elf ‘Living’ Building at its top. There is a large glowing dagger at her hip and a wand
case on the other side of the dagger.
This wizard’s hut is a semi-intelligent magical hut on moveable
legs. The legs move purposely to avoid characters easily getting Demeanor - If the characters dare to attack her home or try to
into the hut. Two panthers dwell about the hut, guarding it get inside she fights to the death using spells first and then her
from harm. But the hut itself is able to defend itself by avoiding magical dagger.
contact (walking away) or through manifesting the illusion of
a wizard. After the characters fight with the panther guards, a Jade Darkhand, Female Dark Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 2
dark elf comes to the door and argues with the characters. - She is a chaotic evil dark elf female whose vital statistics are
HP 20, AC 15. Primary attributes are strength and dexterity).
“Can’t you tell by the panther guards and the fact that this Her significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. She
is a magical tower that I don’t want to be disturbed?” wears +1 studded leather armor and carries a +1 dagger and
The illusionary wizard seems very cross with the characters and a +1 hand crossbow with 5 sleep poison bolts.
it is clear he will fight, if need be. While he argues he begins
casting what appears to be spells on himself. He lies and explains Titania should be a surprise for the characters. She lives with
what he seems to be doing even though all the magic he says he Jade and the two drow fight together as a team. Titania only
is casting is fake. appears if the characters make it into the tower.
“With this spell I’m summoning two invisible stalkers to
Female Drow Cleric
guard my door.” A red glow fills the portal area. With this
spell your magical spells will not work in my home.” A Appearance - She appears ready for battle. There is a magical
green glow covers the body of the Drow. “This spell is a glow about her as she has cast shield of faith and magical circle.
poisonous mist that kills as humans or dwarves breathe
the gas in. I make it a habit to never kill elves or gnomes as Demeanor - She holds the cure wand in her shield hand. She
those races scream so pleasantly on my torture tables.” A uses it on herself and her drow companion during the battle.
purplish mist fills the area in the doorway. “Now go before Titania Darkhand, Female Dark Elf Cleric 6 - She
I get really angry.” The drow closes the door and the entire is a chaotic evil dark elf female whose vital statistics are HP
building takes three steps backward. 31, AC 24. Her primary attributes are wisdom and charisma.
Large Panthers 2 - These neutral creatures’ vital stats are Her significant attributes are strength 14 and wisdom 18. She
HD 5(d8), HP 20x2, Move 40 ft., AC 22. Their primary at- wears +1 full plate and a +2 ring of protection. She carries a
tributes are physical. They attack with 2 claws (1d6) and a heavy shield, a +1 heavy flail, and a +1 hand crossbow with
bite (1d10). Thay have Rake and Twilight Vision, Tracking 8. 10 sleep poison bolts. She has a wand of cure light wounds with
They have animal intelligence, no treasure and XP 60 +4. Spe- 20 charges. Spells: 0-Detect Good, Detect Magic, Detect Poi-
cial Note: when each panther has taken more than half its hit son, Light, First Aid, Purify food and drink, 1st-Shield of Faith,
Cure Light Wounds (x2), Invisibility to Undead, 2nd-Darkness,

Detect Traps, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, 3rd-Dispel Magic, HD 1d12, HP 5 x3, AC 23. Their primary attributes are physi-
Magic Circle, Remove Curse cal. Special ability is +5 on initiative roll. They attack with two
daggers a combat round (1d4+1/1d4+1). They have spell-like
Any attempt to pin the legs of the living tower works. The large abilities - Darkness, Faerie Fire, Ventriloquism - all once per day
chamber of the tower is 20 feet above the ground and the tower at the 5th level of ability.
is intelligent enough to keep moving so the characters can’t
easily get in the tower. Komodo Dragon
If the characters find a way into the tower, the group discovers Appearance - The lizard creature is 27 ft long and weighs in
a rather ordinary bedroom and living area. The two drow live at three tons. Its hide is extremely tough and only takes half
quite simply in this hut. They, like the other drow in the area, damage from bludgeoning attacks.
are planning to expand their race’s influence by way of this area.
Demeanor - The creature is at the command of the quicklings.
Both of these drow have small coffers filled with jewelry. There The quicklings only bring it out of hiding when they feel
are six assorted pieces of black diamond jewelry. The total price threatened and one of their number has been killed. Then the
would be in the 20,000 gold piece range. There are earrings, creature is in attack mode. The komodo dragon is aware of its
a wrist bracelet, two large stone rings, and a necklace that toxic bite. The dragon tries to bite each of the characters once
provides +1 protection versus spells. and then it ignores them and goes on to the next foe. If the
komodo bites a second time, its poison is cumulative and the
Encounter C: Quickling Tower victim suffers 2 hit points a melee round of lost life to the toxins
coursing through their body. The dragon never leaves the tower,
The two level tower was built hundreds of years ago by humans.
but can roam quickly up and down the two levels.
It was to be a small fortress at the south end of the town. The
large lower floor’s kitchen and other equipment could feed Komodo Dragon - This neutral creature’s vital statistics are
and house 50 trained warriors. The second floor could sleep HD 3d12, HP 11, AC 20. Their primary attributes are physi-
the 50 and allow them to relax and work on their armor and cal. Special ability - each has a deadly bite that is filled with
equipment. a toxic poison. The bitten victim takes 1 point of damage per
melee round until the poison is cured or the victim dies. The bite
The quicklings living there now don’t like iron. These creatures
does 2d8, Darkvision 60 ft, Twilight Vision, Animal.
have made great piles of all the equipment on both floors.
On the first floor amongst the piles of rusting iron is a small Chain Lightning Trap - This trap is triggered only if a character
coffer with 90 silver and a +1 amulet of protection. On the touches the center front door. Lightning bounces all over
second level in the pile of arms and armor are the following: the front of the building doing 4d6 once in damage to each
+1 battleaxe, +1 balanced for throwing war hammer, and a +2 character, allowing for a save to no damage. Characters that
shield. These items can be differentiated from the rest because are more than 30 yards away can easily duck the trap action. A
those items are not rusty. successful dexterity save (challenge level 7) reduces the damage
to zero. Finding the trap before it is sprung is a challenge level
The two levels are now filled with finely carved wooden
furniture. For over a hundred years the quicklings have lived in
this tower and made it their own.

Appearance - A race of small creatures (3 ft tall) with elfin
features and large pointed ears, these humanoids are lightning
fast and can become a blur to human eyes trying to track their
movements. Their clothes are of gossamer silk. They are capable
of standing and talking with others, but enjoy a good battle and
move so quickly they can often strike foes from behind even if
they started the fight from the front.

Demeanor - Their crystal daggers are of high quality and razor

sharp. The quicklings delight in cutting into foes, taking them
down to their last hit point and then ignoring them. These
three male quicklings don’t like the drow. Given the chance the
quicklings talk about the drow of A and B and suggest strategies
in killing the guardian panthers and attacking the drow in
their homes. Naturally, the quicklings want to use this valley to
support their own people.

Quickling (3) - These neutral evil creatures’ vital statistics are


BEASTIARY Jade Darkhand, Female Dark Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 2
- She is a chaotic evil dark elf female whose vital statistics are
Komodo Dragon - This neutral creature’s vital statistics are HD HP 20, AC 15. Primary attributes are strength and dexterity).
3d12, HP 11, AC 20. Their primary attributes are physical. Special Her significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. She
ability - each has a deadly bite that is filled with a toxic poison. The wears +1 studded leather armor and carries a +1 dagger and
bitten victim takes 1 point of damage per melee round until the poi- a +1 hand crossbow with 5 sleep poison bolts.
son is cured or the victim dies. The bite does 2d8, Darkvision 60 ft,
Twilight Vision, Animal. Titania Darkhand, Female Dark Elf Cleric 6 - She
is a chaotic evil dark elf female whose vital statistics are HP
Large Panthers 2 - These neutral creatures’ vital stats are
31, AC 24. Her primary attributes are wisdom and charisma.
HD 5(d8), HP 20x2, Move 40 ft, AC 22. Their primary at-
Her significant attributes are strength 14 and wisdom 18. She
tributes are physical. They attack with 2 claws (1d6) and a
wears +1 full plate and a +2 ring of protection. She carries a
bite (1d10). Thay have Rake and Twilight Vision, Tracking 8.
heavy shield, a +1 heavy flail, and a +1 hand crossbow with
They have animal intelligence, no treasure and XP 60 +4. Spe-
10 sleep poison bolts. She has a wand of cure light wounds with
cial Note: when each panther has taken more than half its hit
20 charges. Spells: 0-Detect Good, Detect Magic, Detect Poi-
points in damage the creature runs away. These panthers are
son, Light, First Aid, Purify food and drink, 1st-Shield of Faith,
very large, 3 ft tall at the shoulders and 6 ft long.
Cure Light Wounds (x2), Invisibility to Undead, 2nd-Darkness,
Zombies (4) - These chaotic evil zombies’ vital statistics are Detect Traps, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, 3rd-Dispel Magic,
HD 2d8, HP 10, Move 20 ft., AC 12. Primary attributes are Magic Circle, Remove Curse
physical. The zombie has all of the undead traits. They attack
Ghast - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are HD
last in every combat round. Each zombie slams for 1d8 in dam-
4d8, HP 20, AC 17. Their primary attributes are physi-
cal. Their special abilities are Ghoul Fever, Darkvision 60 ft,
Chung-ga, Bugbear Leader - This chaotic evil creature’s Wretched Stench, Paralysis, and Vulnerability to Cold Iron. It
vital statistics are HD 5d10 +2, HP 40, AC 17, His primary has all of the undead traits. It attacks with a bite for (1d8) and
attributes are physical. His significant attributes are strength 18 two claws for (1d4/1d4).
and dexterity 13. He wears a chain shirt and carries a heavy
Ghouls x6 - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are
flail (1d10 +2), 3 javelins (1d6), and ten 100 gold piece dia-
HD 2d8, HP 16, 15, 4x14, AC 14. Primary attributes are
monds. His special ability is Darkvision 60 ft.
physical. They attack with 2 claws (1d3/1d3), Bite (1d6), spe-
Bugbear x8 - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are cial abilities include: Paralysis, Ghoul Fever, and all of the other
HD 3 (d8), HP 4x23, 4x21, AC 17. Primary attributes are undead traits.
physical. Their special abilities are Darkvision 60 ft. They at-
Harpy x(4) - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statistics are
tack with heavy flails for 1d10 +2.
HD 3d8, HP 7, 6, 5, 4, AC 13. Their primary attributes are
Ebonsten Darkhand - She is a chaotic evil female dark elf, physical. They attack with two claws (1d3/1d3) or with darts
1st level fighter, 2nd level wizard, whose vital statistics are HP (three at a time 1d3 each). Their special abilities are captivating
15, AC 15. Primary attributes are strength and dexterity). song and captivating chorus. Captivating chorus allows the har-
Her significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. She pies to sing a song together. For each harpy joining in the song, a
wears a +1 chain shirt, a +1 long sword (1d8 +1), and a +1 -1 modifier adjusts all saves versus their song.
crossbow (1d4 +1) with 7 bolts covered in sleep poison.Spells:
Denden - This chaotic evil ogre’s vital stats are HD 5d10, HP
0 -Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Open/Close, 1st-Burning
32, AC 15 and Moves 18. His primary attributes are physi-
Hands, Magic Missile, Sleep
cal. He receives a +1 to hit and damage. Close at hand, in his
MarkForest Darkhand, Male Dark Elf Ranger 1/ studio, are a ball & chain as well as an enchanted granite club.
Rogue 2 - He is a chaotic evil dark elf male whose vital sta- He uses the club to knock opponents down (1d8 with a success-
tistics are HP 19, AC 15. His primary attributes are physical. ful strike smashing the victim to the ground) and then he strikes
His significant attributes are dexterity 16 and strength 14. He with the other weapon (2d8 +5). He uses a leather jerkin under
wears a +1 chain shirt, a +1 long sword (1d8 +1), and a +1 his white outfit (the outfit absorbs 2 points from every successful
crossbow with 10 bolts covered in sleep poison. attack made on the monster), an ornate key hangs around his
neck, and he has a scroll tube with a scroll that clearly describes
Shadow Darkhand, Male Dark Elf Wizard 3 - He is how the affects of chaos transform the city every sunrise and
a chaotic evil dark elf male whose vital statistics are HD 3d4, sunset.
HP 11, AC 12. His primary attributes are intelligence and cha-
risma His significant attributes are dexterity 15 and intelligence Fen, Goblin Shaman - This chaotic evil goblin’s vital statistics
17. He carries a wand with 7 charges of magic missile and a are HD 3d6, HP 9, AC 15. Its primary attributes are intel-
potion of cure light wounds. He can cast the following spells: ligence and wisdom. This goblin can cast spells as a 4th level
0-Mage Hand, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, cleric. He carries a shield, wears chain mail, and uses a large
1st - Sleep x2, Charm Person x2, 2nd -Darkness. mace (1d8 +2) and 3 javelins (1d4). He has a large onyx evil
holy symbol in the shape of a hammer worth 400 gp. Spells:

0-Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Noble Salamander - This chaotic evil creature’s vital statis-
1st-, Protection from Good, Sanctuary, Sound Burst, 2nd-Dark- tics are HD (15d8), HP 17, AC 22. Their primary attributes
ness, Hold Person are physical. Its special abilities are Constrict (2d6), Heat,
Darkvision 60 ft, Immunity to fire and enchantments, Vulner-
Octogan, Leader of the Red Caps - This chaotic evil ability to Cold. It attacks with a huge fire spear (3d8 +3) or a
goblin’s vital statistics are HD 3d6, HP 10, AC 14. His pri- Tail Slap (2d6 +2).
mary attributes are strength and constitution. He receives +2
to his AC as he is very fast. He can make a rogue’s back attack Quickling (3) - These neutral evil creatures’ vital statistics
and climb as a 3rd level rogue. He carries a short sword (1d6), are HD 1d12, HP 5 x3, AC 23. Their primary attributes are
he wears black leather armor, has 3 throwing daggers (1d4), physical. Special ability is +5 on initiative roll. They attack
thieves tools, 15 silver pieces, and traveling gear.) He can’t help with two daggers a combat round (1d4+1/1d4+1). They have
himself; whenever he is part of a kill he spends the next two spell-like abilities - Darkness, Faerie Fire, Ventriloquism - all
combat rounds dipping his cap in the blood of his dead victim. once per day at the 5th level of ability.

Red Cap Guard x(8) - These chaotic evil goblins’ vital sta-
tistics are HD 1d6, HP 1, AC 13. Primary attributes are physi-
cal. They carry short swords (1d6), they wear black leather
armor, they have 3 throwing daggers (1d4), 15 copper pieces,
and traveling gear.) They can’t help themselves; whenever the
red caps are part of a kill they spend the next combat round dip-
ping their caps in the blood of their victim.

Shadow x(2) - These chaotic evil undead’s vital statistics are

HD 3d12, HP 9, 8, AC 13. Their primary attributes are men-
tal. They have all the undead traits. They use their incorporeal
nature to attack through thorn vines and the trees. A shadow’s
touch forces the victim to feel the agonizing shock of death. The
touch subtracts 1 point of strength. They have a blend ability to
go totally invisible in shadows. They are incorporeal and can’t
be hit without using magical weapons.

Quasit (3) - These chaotic evil winged demons have vital sta-
tistics of HD 1d8, HP 5, 4, 3, AC 14. They attack with 2 claws
(1d2/1d2) and a bite (1d3). They have the following spell-like
abilities - Protection from Good, Darkness, and Pyrotechnics at
the 3rd level of ability.

WestWind - He is a chaotic evil human, 3rd level assassin. His

vital statistics are HP 15, and AC 14. His primary attributes
are dexterity, intelligence, and wisdom. His significant attrib-
utes are intelligence 17 and dexterity 16. He uses leather armor,
a poisoned short sword (1d6 +poison for 1d10), 6 poisoned
throwing daggers (1d4 +poison 1d4), a potion of levitation,
a potion of healing, 22 platinum pieces, a ruby ring valued at
1,200 gp, and traveling gear.

Tarnen-Hall - He is a chaotic evil, human, 3rd level fighter.

His vital statistics are HP 22 and AC 16. His primary attrib-
utes are strength, constitution, and charisma. His significant
attributes are strength 17, dexterity 14, and wisdom 13. He
uses leather armor, a heavy crossbow (1d8 +1), thieves’ tools,
a short sword (1d6 +1), a dagger (1d4), 11 silver pieces, and
traveling gear.

Salamander (3) - These chaotic evil creatures’ vital statis-

tics are HD (5d8), HP 40, 39, 37, AC 19. Their primary at-
tributes are physical. Their special abilities are Constrict (2d6),
Heat, Darkvision 60 ft, Immunity to fire and enchantments,
Vulnerability to Cold. They attack with a fire spear (1d8 +2)
or a Tail Slap (1d6 +2).



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