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First edition

Pallets for materials handling — Flat

pallets —
Part 1:
Test methods
Palettes pour la manutention — Palettes plates —
Partie 1: Méthodes d'essai

Reference number
ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Measurements ....................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Accuracy of tests and apparatus ........................................................................................................ 2
6 Test load................................................................................................................................................. 3
7 List of tests ............................................................................................................................................ 3
8 Static tests ............................................................................................................................................. 4
8.1 Test No. 1 — Bending tests.................................................................................................................. 4
8.2 Test No. 2 — Wing pallet bending tests.............................................................................................. 5
8.3 Test No. 3 — Air bag bending tests .................................................................................................... 7
8.4 Test No. 4 — Fork lifting tests ........................................................................................................... 10
8.5 Test No. 5 — Compression tests for blocks or stringers ............................................................... 11
8.6 Test No. 6 — Stacking test ................................................................................................................. 13
8.7 Test No. 7 — Dead-weight bending test ........................................................................................... 14
8.8 Test No. 8 — Bottom deck bending tests ......................................................................................... 15
8.9 Test No. 9 — Static shear test............................................................................................................ 16
9 Dynamic strength tests ...................................................................................................................... 17
9.1 Test No. 10 — Corner drop test ......................................................................................................... 17
9.2 Inclined plane impact tests ................................................................................................................ 18
10 Friction tests........................................................................................................................................ 23
10.1 Test No. 14 — Static coefficient of friction test ............................................................................... 23
10.2 Test No. 15 — Slip angle test ............................................................................................................. 24
11 Test report............................................................................................................................................ 25
11.1 General information — all materials ................................................................................................. 25
11.2 Information for wooden and wood-based composite pallets......................................................... 26
11.3 Information for plastic pallets............................................................................................................ 26
11.4 Information for pallets made of other materials .............................................................................. 26
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 8611-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 51, Pallets for unit load method of materials

This first edition, together with ISO 8611-2 and ISO 8611-3, cancels and replaces ISO 8611:1991.

ISO 8611 consists of the following parts, under the general title Pallets for materials handling — Flat pallets:

 Part 1: Test methods

 Part 2: Performance requirements and selection of tests (Technical Specification)

 Part 3: Maximum working load (Technical Specification)

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

The 1991 edition of ISO 8611 described a system of sequential testing that relied upon a pallet passing every
test in a series. This meant that one pallet could be near to failure in one particular test where another pallet
might be substantially over-designed. Using the (earlier) deflection criteria, both pallets were presented as
equals in terms of safety factor. The notched stringer pallet was a good example of this where it was typically
very stiff, but frequently near fracture point in the (old) bending test. The new, three-part version of ISO 8611
redresses this in failing every specimen in order to establish a definite safety factor. Stiffness is dealt with as a
separate series of measurements conducted during testing.

Conducting the tests requires experience in testing (including the load) and also some expertise of the
materials under test. This part of ISO 8611, in conjunction with ISO/TS 8611-2 and ISO/TS 8611-3, has been
expressly designed to cover all pallet materials either when used alone or used as composites. A further
change over ISO 8611:1991 is that all pallets for materials handling are now covered and not just high quality
through-transit, exchange or pool pallets.

This part of ISO 8611 cannot be used to evaluate a pallet to normative ISO requirements without the
additional application of ISO/TS 8611-2 and ISO/TS 8611-3.

This part of ISO 8611 was designed to be coupled with ISO/TR 10232:1989 General-purpose flat pallets for
through transit of goods — Design rating and maximum working load and ISO/TR 10233:1989 General-
purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods — Performance requirements.

The changing of the title and the scope of ISO 6780 from General purpose flat pallets for through transit of
goods — Principal dimensions and tolerances, to a wider scope of Flat pallets for intercontinental materials
handling — Principal dimensions and tolerances, makes it necessary to amend ISO 8611:1991 and the
Technical Reports ISO/TR 10232 and ISO/TR 10233. The test methods, performance requirements and
design rating and maximum working load should now include not only “general purpose pallets” but also all
other pallets for materials handling.

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Pallets for materials handling — Flat pallets —

Part 1:
Test methods

1 Scope
This part of ISO 8611 specifies test methods of existing and prototype flat pallets for materials handling (for all
types of use).

NOTE Specific tests for determining load capacity do not replace the value of conducting field tests on specific pallet

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 445, Pallets for materials handling — Vocabulary

ISO 2244, Packaging — Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads — Horizontal impact tests

ISO/TS 8611-2:— 1 ), Pallets for materials handling — Flat pallets — Part 2: Performance requirements and
selection of tests

ISO 12777-1, Methods of test for pallet joints — Part 1: Determination of bending resistance of pallet nails,
other dowel-type fasteners and staples

EN 13183-2, Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber — Part 2: Estimation by electrical resistance method

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 445 (some of which are repeated
below for convenience) and the following apply.

test load
load applicators, the load board or load box and the applied load itself

1) To be published.

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

ultimate load
load at which compression, displacement or deflection is no longer contained, resulting in the destruction of
the specimen or breaking of one component, or when displacement, deformation or deflection becomes
NOTE See Table 1 of ISO/TS 8611-2:—.

relative deformation of a pallet or component under load

NOTE High stiffness means small displacement, deflection or deformation, for a given load.

storage of loaded pallets in drive-in or beam racks

placing of pallets with unit loads one upon the other without recourse to intermediate shelves or racking

load carried by the pallet in use

4 Measurements
4.1 Pallets selected for testing shall be checked to ensure that materials, construction and dimensions
conform to any associated written specification.

4.2 The mass and the material of each pallet shall be determined and recorded at the time of testing.

4.3 The moisture content of wooden pallets shall be measured and recorded in accordance with
EN 13183-2 at the time of testing.
NOTE Clause 11 gives further details on what should be recorded during testing and in the written report.

5 Accuracy of tests and apparatus

5.1 Test apparatus shall satisfy the following requirements:

a) in the design of the test equipment, the tolerances on all dimensions shall be ± 2 %;

b) the accuracy of measuring equipment for tests shall be ± 0,5 mm;

c) the accuracy of positioning of every component, excluding the test load, shall be ± 2 mm, measurement
gauges shall be positioned to ± 4 mm;

d) the accuracy of positioning of the centre of application of test load (where used) shall be ± 10 mm;

e) the total mass of the test load applied shall be within ± 3 % of the prescribed value.

5.2 No part of any test rig shall distort an amount greater than 3 mm when under maximum test load.
Distortion of the test rig shall be taken into account in measuring deflections of the pallet.
NOTE Using heavy duty steel box sections in the construction of fixtures in tests 1 and 2 (see Table 1) will normally
result in central distortions approaching the 3 mm given limit.

5.3 The inclined plane apparatus shall be constructed as specified in ISO 2244 and shall permit inclined
travel distance to change by 250 mm increments from 250 mm to 1 250 mm, each increment to within ± 5 mm.

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

6 Test load

A general value for the test load is not fixed. The test load for each test is defined in ISO/TS 8611-2.

The test load shall be applied with hydraulic or air pressure or with dead load and shall increase continuously
or in steps to the failure (for determination of ultimate load) or up to the fixed value (for qualification tests).

7 List of tests
The matrix of tests applicable to this document are as shown in Table 1.

For tests numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, two tests (a and b) are necessary, which can be carried out in one test
sample (first b and then a) or in two separate test samples. For tests numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, testing
shall always be conducted with new untested pallets.

Table 1 — List of tests

Test Handling activity or

Test No. Characteristic Ref. No.
Measurement purpose of the test
Static tests 8
1 Bending tests 8.1
1a Bending strength Pallet length, width Racking
1b Bending stiffness
2 Wing pallet bending tests 8.2
2a Bending strength Pallet length, width Lifting with slings
2b Bending stiffness
3 Air bag bending tests 8.3
3a Bending strength Pallet length, width Racking
3b Bending stiffness
4 Fork lifting tests 8.4
Lifting with forklift and pallet
4a Bending strength Top deck
4b Bending stiffness
5 Compression tests for 8.5
blocks or stringers Height of blocks, Any activity that compress
5a Blocks or stringers strength stringers blocks or stringers
5b Blocks or stringers stiffness
6 Stacking test Top and bottom deck Stacking 8.6
7 Dead-weight bending test Pallet length, width Racking 8.7
8 Bottom deck bending tests 8.8
8a Bending strength Bottom deck
8b Bending stiffness
9 Static shear test Decks, blocks, stringer Distortion resistance 8.9
Dynamic strength tests 9
10 Corner drop test Diagonal rigidity Resistance to impacts 9.1
11 Shear impact test Decks, blocks, stringer Distortion resistance 9.2.2
12 Top deck edge impact test Top leading deckboard Resistance to fork arms 9.2.3
13 Block impact test Corner block, stringer Resistance to fork tip 9.2.4
Friction tests 10
14 Static coefficient of Under deck/fork arms Slip resistance on fork
friction test arms
15 Slip angle test Top deck/payload Slip resistance of loads 10.2

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

8 Static tests

8.1 Test No. 1 — Bending tests

8.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of these tests is to determine the bending strength (Test 1a) and bending stiffness (Test 1b) of
the pallet in racking situations.

8.1.2 Procedure In order to establish the weakest pallet support dimension, test one pallet across the length of the
pallet and then a second pallet across the width of the pallet. There is no requirement for further tests on the
stronger dimension unless the result was within 15 % of the weaker. This having been established, place a fresh pallet across its weakest side, top deck uppermost,
on pallet supports positioned with their centrelines 75 mm from the outer edges of the pallet. The load
applicators shall be positioned at 0,25 L1 or 0,25 L2, when measured as shown, where L1 or L2 is the distance
between the centre lines of the pallet supports (see Figure 1). Load applicators and supports shall be flush with or project beyond the edges of the pallet. Edges
shall be relieved with 2 mm ± 1 mm radii. Where load applicators coincide with gaps between deckboards,
in-fill pieces of equal thickness to deckboards with 3 mm to 6 mm overall clearance on each shall be used.
Place on the pallet deck the load applicators and the load board, then apply the rest of the test load.
Dimensions in millimetres

1 test load 3 load applicator 5 safety stop
2 load board 4 support 6 lip

Figure 1 — Bending test

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ISO 8611-1:2004(E)

8.1.3 Measurements Test No. 1a — Determination of bending strength

Place a load on the load board until breakage of one of the components of the pallet or until reaching an
excessive deflection or deformation. Record the ultimate load. Test No. 1b — Determination of bending stiffness

Depending on the support location, the deflection, y, shall be measured at points A [maximum of y at A1 (B1)
and A2 (B2)]:

a) on the unloaded pallet;

b) after positioning of the load applicators and the load board;

c) immediately after full test load is applied;

d) at end of the full test load period;

e) after the relaxation period.

8.2 Test No. 2 — Wing pallet bending tests

8.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of these tests is to determine the bending strength (Test 2a) and the bending stiffness (Test 2b)
of winged pallet during lifting with slings

8.2.2 Procedure

Place the wing pallet, top deck uppermost, on four posts 50 mm × 50 mm positioned beneath the wings of the
top deck flush with the ends of the pallet and 15 mm from the side of the block or the stringer. The supports
shall be fixed at such a height that a space of at least 50 mm is between the underside of the bottom deck and
the ground or test frame. Each load applicator shall be positioned such that the dimension from the inside
edge of the support to the centre line of the load applicators shall be 0,25 L1 as shown in Figure 2. Place the
load board on the load applicators and then apply the rest of the test load.

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