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Lecture 2

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classroom, laboratory,clinical and or

ward setting
-it indicates teaching timeline and
specific sets of learning activities.


NURSING - the point where the theoretical and
practical aspects of teaching learning
process meet as the teacher applies the
NCM102 plan
-this includes procedure or techniques
HEALTH EDUCATION and strategies that the teacher will use to
best implement the plan.
-the measurement of the teaching-
EDUCATION PROCESS learning performance of both the teacher
-is a systemic, sequential, logical and and the learner
scientifically based, planned course of -it is constructive and objective with the
action consisting of teaching and purpose of creating effective change in
learning. the behavior of both the teacher and the
-it is a cycle that involves a teacher and learner in terms of input, process and
learner output.
-a teaching learning process occurs
before the lesson begin and continues CHARACTERISTIC OF TEACHING
after last lesson ends. PROCESS
1. ASSESSMENT -provides active interaction and
- It is a process which provides the nurse integration among activities. Current
educator with information regarding the activity is necessary to influence future
learners knowledge and skills needed to activities.
efficiently and effectively transfer 2. UNIVERSALLY APPLICABLE
knowledge and skills to the learners -allows nurses to practice nursing with
-it also refers to the gathering of data well or sick people, young or old,
about learner or group of learners, regardless of race, creed or religion and
demographic data, skills and abilities in any practice setting.
needed in identifying the most
appropriate teaching strategy. 3. GOAL DIRECTED
-a means for nurses and clients to work
2. PLANNING together in order to identify specific
-it is a carefully organized written goals related to wellness promotion,
presentation of what the learner needs to disease and illness prevention, health
learn and how the nurse educator is restoration and coping with altered
going to initiate the teaching process functioning.
- it includes culturally relevant skills for
the learner, the goals of learning, type of 4. INTERPERSONAL
teaching-learning setting such as:
-ensures that the nurse are client said to be contagious; one motivated
centered rather than task centered. It person can spread motivationthrough out
encourages nurses to work and help a group, if not through out a given
clients use their strength to meet their community.
own need. Principle of comprehension
Health educators should know the level
5. SYSTEMATIC of understanding, educational status, and
-ordered sequence of precise and literally of
accurate activities. Preceding activities the people to whom the teaching is direc
influence activities following them ted so that they can easily tailor their me
ssage to theiraudiences.
Principles of Health Education Principle of Re-enforcement
Because only few people can learn all
Principle of definite aim things that are new in a single exposure,
In order to be successful, the health reputation of thehealth education
educator should have a well-defined program is necessary. If a program is not
objective. The healtheducation program re-enforced, the understanding of
will be effective if educators exactly people possibly returns to its pre-
know what they want to accomplish- awareness stage.
plantheir health education program. The Principle of learning by doing
program should also target specific Learning will be best when supported by
audiences- audiencesegmentation and practical sessions such as
message tailoring should be made. demonstrations and fieldattachments in
stead of mere explanation of facts.
Principle of credibility Principle of known to unknown
Good health education is based on facts- This refers to importance of starting the
it must be consistent and compatible health education session from what
with the scientificknowledge and also people know (simple)
with the local culture and educational Proceeding to what people don’t know
system. (complex) to ensure their participation
and confidence.
Principle of interest Principle of role model (setting
It is known that people are unlikely to examples)
listen to things that are not of their Health education should be supported by
interest or concern.Therefore, health actual situations and practical examples,
educators must find out the real health and healtheducators, themselves, should
needs of people. be model to what they educate.
Principle of good human relations
Principle of participation Good relationship (rapport) with
Participation is a key principle in health audience should be established by
education program, and it is based on sharing information, ideas, andfeelings
the principle ofactive learning. A high transparently so that there could be a
degree of participation tends to create a process of establishing and maintaining
sense of involvement, trust. Thiscan further be done by
personalacceptance, and decision introducing the aim of the education,
making name, status and role of the educator.
Principle of motivation Principle of leadership
In every person, there is a fundamental Psychologists established that people
desire to learn. Awakening this desire, learn best from individuals whom they
hence, is calledmotivating. Motivation is respect andappreciate, and hence it is
good to penetrate through leaders (gate m!!!
keepers) to the community inhealth The principle of participation
education intervention. No principle of
Principle of feed back behavioral change has greater
For effective communication process, generalizbility than the principle of
response of the audience is very participation.This principle refers to
important element so thatthe health involving a patient in the health
educator can confirm that the learning education program or sessions at
objective is already achieved or not. clinicalsettings.
Principle of successive Experience Principle of multiple methods
People tend to adopt those practices that This principle follows the diagnostic
give them satisfaction and reject that end principle, for each of the multiple
with unhappyexperiences and hence it is predisposing, enabling,and re-enforcing
necessary to provide satisfying factors identified, different method or
experience in order to establish a component of comprehensive
new practice. behavioralchange program must be
Principle of group support provided.
Any new idea or practice will be feared The principle of individualization
at first; it is only when many The tailoring of message or
people support the new ideathat the individualization of learning essentially
individual members come out for applies the principle ofcumulative
adoption. learning, participation and specificity
Principles of Health Education in tailoring refers to the adaptation of
relation on Health care Behaviors learning,experiences to each individual-
(clinical set ups) because each individual has his/her own
Principle of educational diagnosis unique peculiarfeature/perception-It
The first task in changing behavior is to should be noticed that learning is
determine its cause(s), and this is individual.
referred as the diagnostic principle of Principle of feedback
changing behavior- predispose enabling This principle is critical, and it ensures
and re-enforcing factors. that the individual whose behavior is
The hierarchical principle expected to bechanged obtains direct
This principle states that there is a and immediate feed back on the progress
natural precedence in the sequence of and effects of his/her behavior.
influencing behavior. The first order of c
oncern is to ensure that predisposing fact
ors have been addressed before enabling
factors and enabling factors before
reinforcing factors.
Principle of cumulative learning
This principle is related to hierarchal
principle, and to affect behavior of
professionals or patients,a series of
learning experiences must be planned in
a sequence that takes into account the
priorlearning experience, and concurrent
incidental experiences to which the
learners are exposed.;
Learning doesn’t occur in a vacuu

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