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NGS Clinmicrob Disease Prevention Review

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Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24

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Application of next generation sequencing in clinical microbiology

and infection prevention
Ruud H. Deurenberg a , Erik Bathoorn a,1 , Monika A. Chlebowicz a,1 , Natacha Couto a,1 ,
Mithila Ferdous a,1 , Silvia García-Cobos a,1 , Anna M.D. Kooistra-Smid a,b,1 ,
Erwin C. Raangs a,1 , Sigrid Rosema a,1 , Alida C.M. Veloo a,1 , Kai Zhou c,1 ,
Alexander W. Friedrich a , John W.A. Rossen a,∗
Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Certe, Department of Medical Microbiology, Groningen, The Netherlands
State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious
Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Medicine School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Current molecular diagnostics of human pathogens provide limited information that is often not suffi-
Received 31 October 2016 cient for outbreak and transmission investigation. Next generation sequencing (NGS) determines the DNA
Received in revised form sequence of a complete bacterial genome in a single sequence run, and from these data, information on
27 December 2016
resistance and virulence, as well as information for typing is obtained, useful for outbreak investigation.
Accepted 28 December 2016
The obtained genome data can be further used for the development of an outbreak-specific screening
Available online 29 December 2016
test. In this review, a general introduction to NGS is presented, including the library preparation and the
major characteristics of the most common NGS platforms, such as the MiSeq (Illumina) and the Ion PGMTM
Infection prevention
(ThermoFisher). An overview of the software used for NGS data analyses used at the medical microbiology
diagnostic laboratory in the University Medical Center Groningen in The Netherlands is given. Further-
Clinical microbiology more, applications of NGS in the clinical setting are described, such as outbreak management, molecular
MiSeq case finding, characterization and surveillance of pathogens, rapid identification of bacteria using the
Next generation sequencing 16S-23S rRNA region, taxonomy, metagenomics approaches on clinical samples, and the determination
Whole genome sequencing of the transmission of zoonotic micro-organisms from animals to humans. Finally, we share our vision
on the use of NGS in personalised microbiology in the near future, pointing out specific requirements.
© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction important role in medical microbiology laboratories (Buchan and

Ledeboer, 2014). These methods have reduced the turnaround time
Identification and characterization of micro-organisms that from receiving the sample to the final result, and made it possible
cause infections are crucial for successful treatment, recovery and to detect non-cultivable pathogens. However, molecular methods
safety of patients. However, not every bacterial species can be suc- need a priori knowledge of the likely pathogenic species that could
cessfully cultured in the diagnostic laboratory, and the available be present in the sample. One of the molecular methods used
molecular tests are unable to detect emerging genetic features in in medical microbiology laboratories is the sequence analyses of
successfully evolving pathogens that spread in humans, animals genes or the whole genome of pathogens.
and the environment. Unrecognized pathogens can easily cause Sequence analyses can be used to answer different diagnostic
hospital outbreaks, putting patients at risk during their hospital questions, such as the genetic relationship of either bacteria or
admissions. viruses, the detection of mutations in viral or bacterial genomes
During the last two decades, molecular diagnostic methods leading to resistance against antivirals or antibiotics, identification
have experienced a rapid development and played an increasingly of fungi through sequence analyses of the 18S ribosomal deoxyri-
bonucleic acid (rDNA) of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region
and identification of bacteria through sequence analyses of the
∗ Corresponding author. 16S rDNA (Bush, 2013; Deurenberg and Stobberingh, 2008; Liu
E-mail address: (J.W.A. Rossen). et al., 2012; Reiss et al., 2000). In general, Sanger sequencing is
These authors have contributed equally to this work.
0168-1656/© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24 17

Fig. 1. A schematic overview of the general workflow of diagnostic procedures including NGS in our laboratory.

used for this, preceded by amplification of each gene or genomic the general workflow used for NGS analyses at the UMCG is shown
region using specific primers. The same method can be applied in Fig. 1.
for the identification of pathogens in clinical material. However, For NGS, there is no need for target specific primers, which are
this approach becomes problematic when clinical material is more needed for Sanger sequencing. In a single run, the whole genome of
complex and contains multiple species, such as faecal samples. In a pathogen is sequenced at random. Before sequencing, fragmen-
such cases, results obtained by Sanger sequencing are not reliable tation of the genome is performed, since the maximum length a
and make it hard or even impossible to identify specific pathogens. benchtop sequencer can sequence varies between 100 and 1000
Furthermore, the cost of Sanger sequencing for these tasks is high, bases and thus the genome cannot be sequenced in one part
and the turnaround time is long. (Junemann et al., 2013; Loman et al., 2012). An exception to this
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is one of the are the third generation of sequencers, such as the MinION (Oxford
largest university hospitals in The Netherlands with 1339 beds and Nanopore) and the Sequel (Pacific Biosciences), which can generate
more than 12,000 employees. The clinical microbiology diagnos- larger fragments (more than 200 kb). However, these sequencers
tic laboratory at the UMCG receives around 5750 samples per year are not yet used in the clinical microbiology laboratory, due to their
for detailed molecular analysis, of which approximately 1500 are lack of affordability, the lower quality of the sequences, and the
subjected to next generation sequencing (NGS) using two Illumina low throughput. Therefore, NGS still requires the preparation of
MiSeq and one Life Technologies Ion PGMTM sequencers. NGS was libraries, in which fragments of DNA or RNA are fused to adapters
introduced for routine diagnostics in 2014, and the majority of and barcodes to distinguish the DNA of the sequenced isolates after
indications are outbreak investigation and genotyping of highly sequencing, followed by a clonal amplification, normalization and
resistant micro-organisms. NGS is requested by clinical micro- sequencing. For this, a robust preparation of the libraries, which
biologists or infectious disease specialists in collaboration with contains a representative source of the DNA or RNA of the genome
molecular microbiologists and infection control practioners. under investigation, is needed (Head et al., 2014).
Fragmentation can be performed in several ways, either
mechanical, using, e.g., the Adaptive Focused Acoustics (AFA) tech-
2. Next generation sequencing nology from Covaris, followed by adaptor ligation, or enzymatic,
such as with transposons as used in the Nextera XT Library Prepa-
NGS allows sequencing of the whole genome of numerous ration kit from Illumina. This method has the advantage that
pathogens in one sequence run, either from bacterial isolates fragmentation and fusion of the adaptors to the DNA or RNA frag-
of (different) patients, or from multiple species present in ments are performed in one step, which makes it easier to automate
patient material from one individual (metagenomics). Both the it. Besides that, less input DNA is needed. Mechanical fragmentation
investment- and the running costs of NGS have decreased dramat- has the advantage that the generation of the appropriate fragment
ically during the last decade (Dark, 2013; Sboner et al., 2011). A length is less influenced by factors present in the sample that inhibit
great advantage of NGS is that, in contrast to Sanger sequencing, a the enzymes used during the library preparation, and is therefore
single protocol can be used for all pathogens for both identification very suitable for library preparations of direct sample material, such
and typing applications. Therefore, this technology has been proven as biopsies and faeces samples (Head et al., 2014).
to be useful in medical microbiology laboratories and for infection NGS libraries may contain errors that decrease the data quality,
prevention measures (Zhou et al., 2016). A schematic overview of and thus can disrupt the data interpretation. Detailed knowledge of
18 R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24

Table 1
Properties of current NGS platforms.

Company Equipment Output/run (Gb) Maximum read length (bp) Reads (x106 ) Running time

Illumina MiniSeq 0.6–7.5 2 × 150 25 4–24 h

Illumina Miseq 0.3–15 2 × 300 25 5–55 h
Illumina NextSeq 20–120 2 × 150 130/400 12–30 h
Illumina HiSeq 3000 125–700 2 × 150 2500 <1–3.5 days
ThermoFisher Ion PGMTM 0.03–2 200–400 0.4–5.5 2–7 h
ThermoFisher Ion 5STM 0.6–15 200–400 3–80 2.5–4 h
ThermoFisher Ion 5STM XL 0.6–15 200–400 3–80 <24 h
Oxford Nanopore MinION 21–42 230,000–300,000 2.2–4.4 1 min–48 h
Pacific Biosciencesa Sequel 0.75–1.25 >20,000 370,000 30 min–6 h
Pacific Biosciencesa RSII 0.5–1 >20,000 55,000 30 min–4 h
The Pacific Biosciences data are per smart cell; both the Sequel and the RSII can run 1–16 smart cells in one run.

the kind of errors is important to find ways to avoid the introduc- Furthermore, the use of an established cgMLST scheme allows the
tion of such errors and for the correct interpretation of the NGS data. introduction of a common nomenclature for genetically related
Almost all separate steps in the sequence procedure can introduce strains (de Been et al., 2015; Kohl et al., 2014; Ruppitsch et al.,
errors. This is especially true with RNA sequencing that is techni- 2015). At the moment, it is not clear how many alleles two genomes
cally more challenging compared to DNA sequencing (Junemann may differ to call them (close to being) identical. The same prob-
et al., 2013; Loman et al., 2012). lem applies when comparing two genomes using single-nucleotide
At the moment, a number of NGS platforms are available. The polymorphisms (SNP) typing (Maiden et al., 2013). However, the
most important properties of several NGS platforms, such as out- term genetic distance (the proportion of different alleles, calculated
put and fragment length, are presented in Table 1 (Bertelli and by dividing the number of allele differences by the total number
Greub, 2013; Dark, 2013; Junemann et al., 2013; Loman et al., 2012). of genes shared by two sequences) has been recently introduced,
The different NGS platforms use different sequencing technologies. and enables unbiased comparisons for different cgMLST or wgMLST
Illumina sequencers use sequencing by synthesis of fluorescent, schemes as well as the definition of thresholds by studying col-
reversible terminators, and ThermoFisher sequencers use semi- lections of epidemiologically and non-epidemiologically related
conductor sequencing that measure a change in pH during the strains (Kluytmans-van den Bergh et al., 2016b). An advantage of
incorporation of nucleotides. Pacific Biosciences use fluorescent cgMLST and wgMLST is that there is compatibility between cgMLST,
nucleotides in their single molecule real-time (SMRT) technology, wgMLST and older typing methods, since both BioNumerics and
and Oxford Nanopore platforms use ionic current sensing, in which SeqSphere give the sequence type (ST) as determined by conven-
DNA is guided through nano-pores, thereby changing the current in tional MLST and the spa type (in case of Staphylococcus aureus).
a way that is specific for the type of nucleotide. Extensive informa- Several possibilities to analyse NGS data can be found on the
tion on the different NGS platforms and their method of sequencing website of the Center for Genomic Epidemiology. For the detection
are available on the companies’ websites. Due to the technological of virulence- and resistance genes, VirulenceFinder and ResFinder,
developments, the cost of NGS decreased between 2001 and 2015, can be used. Alternatively, the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resis-
while the speed of sequencing has increased (Dark, 2013; Sboner tance Database (CARD) and the Virulence Factor Database (VFDB)
et al., 2011). can be used to obtain data on resistance and virulence genes. With
these online tools, both the non-assembled sequence data and the
assembled genome can be uploaded. However, the results obtained
3. Software for data analyses through these websites needs confirmation using other methods.
In case of S. aureus, it has been reported that there is a good corre-
The biggest challenge concerning the introduction of NGS in lation between the presence of resistance genes and its phenotypic
the clinical microbiology laboratory is the data analyses. Nonethe- resistance pattern (Aanensen et al., 2016).
less, even with little knowledge of bioinformatics, it is possible Further comparative genome studies are possible using Artemis
to perform NGS data analyses for diagnostic purposes, using the Comparison Tool (ACT) (Carver et al., 2005), Artemis (Carver et al.,
numerous user-friendly software packages available (Edwards 2012), and DNA plotter (Carver et al., 2009) from the Sanger Insti-
and Holt, 2013). However, for more in-depth analysis, scientific tute.
knowledge is required on the genomic features and the biological Specific research questions require knowledge of Unix-systems
background of the micro-organism under investigation. and to handle the large diversity of bioinformatics software pack-
After sequencing, the sequenced fragments (reads) can be de ages available for it. Furthermore, software for the analyses of
novo assembled (genome assembly). Hereby, the reads are aligned metagenomics data is available, such as the MEGAN Alignment Tool
against each other without the use of a reference organism. In gen- (Huson et al., 2007). In contrast to the decreased sequencing costs,
eral, the larger the fragments, the easier and more accurate the the costs for data storage and data analyses have increased due the
genome assembly will be. Software packages (Table 2), such as generation of large amounts of data, and the complexity of it.
CLC Genomic Workbench (Qiagen), SPAdes and Velvet, are used in
our laboratory to assemble the genomes. The genetic relationship
between isolates can be investigated by using a gene-by-gene com-
parison using a multi-locus sequencing typing (MLST) approach, 4. NGS in clinical microbiology
either by studying the conserved core genome (cgMLST), or the
whole genome (wgMLST), which includes a set of variable acces- NGS is already applied in several medical microbiology labo-
sory genes. Several software packages, such as SeqSphere (Ridom) ratories, including our laboratory at the UMCG, where it is used
and BioNumerics (Applied Maths, Biomérieux), or online tools, for outbreak management, molecular case finding, characterization
such as EnteroBase and BIGSdb (Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence and surveillance of pathogens, rapid identification of bacteria using
Database) (Jolley and Maiden, 2010), can be used for this approach. the 16S-23S rRNA region, taxonomy, metagenomics approaches
R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24 19

Table 2
Software packages frequently used for NGS data analyses in our laboratory.

Application Software Link Note

Annotation Prokka


Assembly BioNumerics Commercial software

CLC Genomic Workbench Commercial software
SeqSphere Commercial software
SPAdes Unix-based
Velvet∼zerbino/velvet Unix-based

Data quality check BaseSpace Commercial software

BioNumerics Commercial software
CLC Genomic Workbench Commercial software

Identification K-merFinder


Metagenomics MEGAN

Phylogeny FastTree
SeqSphere Commercial software

Resistance ARDB


SNP calling BioNumerics Commercial software

CLC Genomic Workbench Commercial software
SeqSphere Commercial software

Typing (wgMLST) BIGSdb

BioNumerics Commercial software
CLC Genomic Workbench Commercial software
SeqSpere Commercial software

Virulence VFDB


Visualisation & ACT

comparative study Artemis
DNA plotter

on clinical samples, and the determination of the transmission of In addition to outbreak tracing and characterization, the use
zoonotic micro-organisms from animals to humans. of WGS also allows the implementation of control measures to
avoid the spread of resistant bacterial clones. An outbreak of a
colistin-resistant carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (KPC)
4.1. Outbreak management
with inter-institutional spread in The Netherlands, was controlled
by transferring all positive residents to a separate location out-
The advantages of using whole genome sequencing (WGS)-
side the institution, where a dedicated team cared for the patients
based typing is promoting the implementation of NGS for
(Weterings et al., 2015).
epidemiological studies and public health investigations. It is espe-
Apart from multidrug-resistant bacteria, WGS is also useful and
cially important and helpful in outbreak detection and monitoring
applicable to characterize highly-virulent bacteria, such as shiga
the evolution and dynamics of multi-drug resistant pathogens
toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O104:H4. This bacterium
(ECDC, 2016). Several studies illustrated the usefulness of WGS-
has emerged as an important pathogen and has been responsible for
based typing for disclosing and tracing the dissemination of
large outbreaks. However, there has been little information about
emerging pathogens. Indeed, it was used in our hospital to charac-
the evolutionary history and genomic diversity of it. Phylogenetic
terize a newly emerging CTX-M-15 producing K. pneumoniae clone
analysis of outbreak and non-outbreak related isolates using WGS
with sequence type (ST) 1427 (Zhou et al., 2015b). In addition, the
provided an evolutionary context and revealed lineage-specific
transmission of a CTX-M-15-producing ST15 Klebsiella pneumoniae
markers, indicative for selective pressure and niche adaptation
between patients treated in a single centre and the subsequent
(Zhou et al., 2015a). In addition, core-genome phylogenetic analy-
inter-institutional spread by patient referral has been traced by
sis of shiga toxin-producing Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC Stx2a+)
genomic phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 2). The investigation allowed
O104:H4 showed different clustering and different resistance and
the early detection of a K. pneumoniae high-risk-clone (HiRiC) with
virulence patterns depending on the time of isolation (Ferdous
prolonged circulation in the regional patient population (Zhou et al.,
et al., 2015). These studies reflect the importance of NGS as a high
2016). Furthermore, this study showed the usefulness of a unique
discriminatory power tool to differentiate between clones with
marker approach, in which a clone-specific PCR was developed
specific properties and to use the obtained knowledge for patient
to investigate the dissemination of the HiRiC between healthcare
management, infection prevention and evolutionary studies.
20 R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24

Fig. 2. The transmission route was reconstructed by epidemiological and genomic data. Each node represents a patient, and an arrow indicates a possible transmission
event from one patient to another. The blue arrow with solid line represents a direct transmission event supported by both epidemiological data and genetic data, the blue
arrow with dash line represents an indirect transmission (e.g. via environment) supported by epidemiological data, and the red arrow indicates the equally parsimonious
transmission link which cannot be resolved by neither epidemiological data nor genetic data. The inter-institutional transfer of the patient is shown by dash lines, on which
the distance between institutions is indicated. The red star represents an outbreak at a secondary hospital, but the isolates were unavailable for further research (Zhou et al.,
2016). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4.2. Molecular case finding 2014; Hasman et al., 2014). Knowledge of the virulence profile of a
pathogen is crucial to predict the disease severity, outcome of the
Molecular case definitions of outbreak isolates are commonly infection and to allow risk assessment during the early onset of the
used in outbreak investigations. NGS databases can retrospectively disease. WGS has the potential to make a substantial contribution
be searched for cases in complex and comprehensive outbreaks. to determine the presence of virulence factors using several online
This may result in detection of cases that would not have been found tools, since it is not restricted to a specific gene (Franz et al., 2014;
by traditional epidemiological investigation. In a study, a New Delhi Laabei et al., 2014).
Metallo-ß-lactamase-5 (NDM-5)-producing K. pneumoniae ST16 In a large cohort study, WGS was used for molecular charac-
strain was isolated from a Dutch patient from a long-term care terization of STEC, resulting in a clear understanding about the
facility without a recent history of travel abroad. Molecular case population structure and genomic plasticity of STEC in the regions
finding showed that the Dutch strain was clonally related to strains around the cities Groningen and Rotterdam in The Netherlands
isolated from four patients in Denmark in 2014 (Bathoorn et al., (Ferdous et al., 2016). All relevant information could be extracted in
2015), but there were no obvious epidemiological links between silico from the sequence data, including genotype, serotype, MLST
the cases in the Danish and Dutch hospitals. European national profile, virulence and antibiotic resistance profiles, and the phylo-
surveillance centres were contacted for molecular case finding in genetic background to obtain the overall molecular features with
their NGS databases, but no additional cases were detected. a high discrimination among closely related strains. NGS allowed
Other examples of molecular case finding in NGS databases to characterize and compare many strains in detail within a rela-
have been reported after the discovery of the plasmid resistance tively short time span. Thus, for a rapid and improved molecular
gene mcr-1, responsible for colistin resistance, in life-stock and epidemiological surveillance of pathogens at regional and national
hospitalised patients. Its introduction in European countries was scale, the role of WGS is undeniable.
investigated using a retrospectively search for the mcr-1 gene in NGS is also helpful in detection of novel resistance genes in
NGS databases. This resulted in the detection of cases in Denmark, bacteria, both in current as well as in historical strain collections.
Germany, and The Netherlands (Falgenhauer et al., 2016; Hasman Novel variants of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) can be identified
et al., 2015; Kluytmans-van den Bergh et al., 2016a). In The using NGS, and further experiments can be performed to determine
Netherlands, more than 2000 Dutch Enterobacteriaceae isolates if these genes are indeed responsible for the observed antibiotic
were screened within a few hours to reveal the presence of the resistance pattern (Nijhuis et al., 2015).
mcr-1 gene (Kluytmans-van den Bergh et al., 2016a). So, NGS data
already present can be used to screen for the presence of new
(antibiotic resistance) genes (in silico screening). 4.4. Targeted NGS of the 16S-23S rRNA cluster region for rapid
bacterial identification in clinical specimen

4.3. Characterization and surveillance of pathogens NGS allows culture-free detection of a theoretically unlimited
number of pathogens and thus provides insight in the full micro-
The current routine procedure for pathogen characterization is biome. Metagenomics will be the ultimate approach in detecting all
based on a large variety of bacteriological, biochemical and molec- micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi) in a clinical sample
ular methods, making this procedure laborious, time-consuming, (Hasman et al., 2014). However, analysis of large datasets requires
and expensive. NGS may serve as a perfect one-step tool to study a combination of bioinformatics skills and computational resources
a broad range of pathogen characteristics and is applicable on a that is nowadays mostly absent in diagnostic medical microbiolog-
wide range of pathogens (Aanensen et al., 2016; Fournier et al., ical laboratories. Furthermore, metagenomics approaches are time
R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24 21

consuming as the turnaround time is approximately four to five nasopharyngeal swabs by an RNA sequencing-based metagenomics
days. approach with a more conventional molecular method. The data-
To fill the gap between the conventional methods (culture and analyses was performed using Taxonomer, a rapid and interactive,
PCR) and metagenomics, a culture-free approach using targeted web-based metagenomics data-analyses tool (Flygare et al., 2016).
NGS appears to be an excellent approach to detect and identify Overall, the metagenomics approach had a high agreement with
bacterial species. Compared to metagenomics, it is faster, less com- the molecular method, detected viruses not targeted by the molec-
plicated and cheaper, and therefore more likely to get implemented ular method, and yielded epidemiologically and clinically relevant
in diagnostic laboratories within a short timeframe. The 16S rRNA sequence information (Graf et al., 2016).
gene sequence has been proven to be a reliable genetic marker as Apart from identifying pathogens, a metagenomics approach
it is present in all bacteria, and the function has not changed over can also be used to study the resistome. The gut is a known reservoir
time (Patel, 2001). It can be applied directly on clinical materials for antibiotic resistance genes (ARG), and treatment with antibi-
and has proven to be a valuable supplementary test in daily clinical otics has an impact on the intestinal resistome, which can lead to
practice (Schuurman et al., 2004; Srinivasan et al., 2012). However, horizontal gene transfer and the selection of resistant bacteria. A
high sequence similarities in this gene between certain bacterial study at the University of Tübingen investigated the presence of
species do not always lead to an unequivocal identification (Kalia ARGs in the gut over a six-day period of ciprofloxacin treatment in
et al., 2016). two individuals using metagenomics. Furthermore, this study pre-
Recently, we developed an innovative culture-free 16S-23S sented a novel method for analysing the determination of antibiotic
rRNA NGS approach for the detection and identification of bacte- selection pressure, which can be used in hospitals to compare ther-
rial species in clinical samples. The method proved to be superior apeutic regimens and their effect on the intestinal resistome. This
to other commonly used identification methods and correctly iden- information is important for clinicians to choose antibiotic therapy
tified pathogens in urine samples that were also identified as the with a low selective antibiotic pressure on the patient’s bacteria in
cause for urinary tract infections with conventional culture (Sabat the gut, possibly resulting in a decreased dissemination of antibiotic
et al., 2016). Furthermore, the method allows simultaneous iden- resistant bacteria (Willmann et al., 2015).
tification of several pathogens in clinical materials that previously
would have remained uncultured and PCR negative. Clearly, this
will have an enormous clinical impact and will have consequences
for patient treatment, including improved antibiotic treatment. 4.7. Determining the transmission of zoonotic micro-organisms
Finally, this method will allow clinical microbiology laboratories to from animals to humans
implement NGS in their routine diagnostic laboratory and to keep
up with technological and bioinformatics developments required NGS will also reveal more knowledge on zoonotic transmission
to be able to implement metagenomics in diagnostics in the future. of micro-organisms. The first studies on this topic were based on
low discriminatory methods, such as serotyping (Tenover et al.,
4.5. WGS and taxonomy 1997). More recently, studies using higher discriminatory tech-
niques, such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or multi-locus
In the eighteenth century, Linnaeus (Linnaeus, 1735) provided variable number tandem repeat analysis, were used to detect spe-
guidelines for classification of living creatures based on their phe- cific bacterial clones in animals and humans (Sabat et al., 2013).
notypic features. A century later, Darwin added the phylogenetic However, much remains to be understood, especially when it
component to the taxonomy (Darwin, 1859). The taxonomy of comes to the frequency of transmission (e.g. single contact or
bacterial species changed dramatically by the introduction of 16S repeated contact with animals or animal products), risk factors
rRNA gene sequencing. Nowadays, WGS is also used to identify and associated with the acquisition of a zoonotic microorganism (e.g.
describe new species. By comparing the whole genome sequences risk conducts, such as animal kissing in companion animals, or stool
of different species with each other, the limited taxonomic reso- handling in farm animals) and how the use of antibiotics in animals
lution of only the 16S rRNA gene can be overcome (Tindall et al., affects the transfer of pathogenic bacteria to humans.
2010). Another change in taxonomy may be expected when WGS NGS brings a new perspective to these topics. A higher discrimi-
is used for revealing the taxonomy of bacteria. natory power will reveal differences in previously indistinguishable
Indeed, using WGS for taxonomy purposes allows to include animal and human bacterial strains. This together with epidemi-
more genes to delineate between species than the classical ological information allows source tracing of potential zoonotic
DNA–DNA hybridization or 16S rRNA sequencing methods thereby infections (Harrison et al., 2013). In addition, NGS allows a com-
improving the resolution. Furthermore, as WGS can be used to prehensive analysis of how antibiotic use manipulates specific
calculate taxonomic trees based on the whole genome-sequence microbiota and the consequences for interspecies transmission and
alignment of all the genes present in the core genome, a more will increase the knowledge on microbial evolution through the
robust tree will be obtained (Daubin et al., 2001). It has already analysis of bacterial genomes, namely the variable regions, which
been proposed that descriptions of new taxa should also include a usually determine host-adaptation and the potential of spread to
draft genome sequence, with at least 20 times coverage (Thompson different hosts (Harrison et al., 2014; Price et al., 2012).
et al., 2013). As the patients’ safety is depending on its environment, includ-
ing their contact with food and animals, research projects are
4.6. Metagenomics in clinical microbiology currently performed in the UMCG to understand the dynamics
of transmission of bacteria between humans, animals and the
As already mentioned, NGS can be applied directly to clinical environment. These studies are performed in collaboration with
specimens. Not only by using a targeted NGS approach, but also veterinary research groups and focus on anti-microbial resistant
by sequencing the DNA or RNA from patient samples by shotgun bacteria. In one such study, the mcr-1 gene was detected by WGS
metagenomics sequencing (Fig. 3). Using this method, it is possi- to be present in three E. coli strains isolated from retail chicken
ble to investigate the presence of pathogens and the presence of meat. Although none of the human strains carried this gene, two
virulence and/or resistance genes in one sequence run. of the three strains belonged to ST117, a common clone in both
A recent study compared the detection of viruses in known poultry and humans, representing a potential public health concern
respiratory virus-positive samples and not previously analysed (Kluytmans-van den Bergh et al., 2016a).
22 R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24

Fig. 3. An example of an output of a metagenomics approach of a faecal sample. The different colours represent different bacterial families.

5. Conclusion and outlook detection of novel resistance genes and for the application of a
metagenomics approach on clinical samples.
For generating NGS data from samples originating from humans, However, further studies are required to improve the work-
animals, food and the environment, the same laboratory proto- flow for NGS, in particular shorten the turnaround time for the
col for library preparation can be used, and, after data analyses, library preparation and the runs on the NGS platforms, and, at
information on the presence of specific antibiotic resistance and the same time, further reducing costs. Next, automatic pipelines
virulence genes is obtained. Furthermore, NGS makes it possible for data-analyses and easy-to-use software for metagenomics have
to standardise typing methods for pathogens (“one test fits all”). to be developed. Additionally, more established typing schemes
The role of NGS in medical microbiology laboratories will increase for pathogens and cut-off values for these typing schemes have
during the next years, not only for research, but also, and more to be established, leading to reference databases with genetic
importantly, for molecular diagnostics, infection prevention, the and metadata, and (inter)regional and international collaborations.
investigation of outbreaks by the use of a unique outbreak marker Importantly, external quality controls for proficiency testing have
approach, the characterization and surveillance of pathogens, the to be developed. Only then will patient guidance and infection con-
trol management at local, (inter)regional and international level,
R.H. Deurenberg et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 243 (2017) 16–24 23

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