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MTH603 Final Term by JUNAID

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Solved MCQS for Final terms papers

Solved by JUNAID MALIK and Team

Question # 1 Total Marks: 1

The determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.
 True
 False

Question # 2 Total Marks: 1

Power method is applicable if the eigen vectors corresponding to eigen values are
linearly independent.
 True
 false
Question # 3 Total Marks: 1
A 3 x 3 identity matrix have three and different eigen values.
 True
 False

Question # 4 Total Marks: 1

If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the different eigenvalues
(with the same multiplicities).
 True
 False

Question # 5 Total Marks: 1

The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
____ zeros along its main diagonal.
 No
 At least one
Question # 6 Total Marks: 1
An eigenvector V is said to be normalized if the coordinate of largest magnitude is
equal to ______.

 Unity
 zero
Question # 7 Total Marks: 1
The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or
symmetric positive definite matrices A.
 True
 False
Question # 8 Total Marks: 1

The determinant of a _______ matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.

 Diagonal CLOSELY

 Upper triangular

 Lower triangular

 Scalar

yeh charon options theek hain….

You can confirm it from internet…

Question # 9 Total Marks: 1

Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _________.
 Real
 Zero
 Positive
 Negative

Question # 10 Total Marks: 1

The Power method can be used only to find the eigen value of A that is largest in
absolute value—we call this eigen value the dominant eigen value of A.
 True
 False

Question # 11 Total Marks: 1

P-C method is derived by employing

► Newton’s backward difference interpolation formula
► Newton’s forward difference interpolation formula
► Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula
► None of the given choices
Question # 12 Total Marks: 1
For differences methods we require the set of values.

 True
 False

Question # 13 Total Marks: 1

If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the different eigenvalues
(with the same multiplicities).

 True

 False

Question # 14 Total Marks: 1

If x is an eigen value corresponding to eigen value of V of a matrix A. If a is any

constant, then x – a is an eigen value corresponding to eigen vector V is an of the
matrix A - a I.

 True

 False

Question # 15 Total Marks: 1

Central difference method seems to be giving a better approximation, however it

requires more computations.

 True

 False

Question # 16 Total Marks: 1

Iterative algorithms can be more rapid than direct methods.

 True

 False

Question # 17 Total Marks: 1

Central Difference method is the finite difference method.
 True
 False

Question # 18 Total Marks: 1

Exact solution of 2/3 is not exists.

Question # 19 Total Marks: 1

The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
____ zeros along its main diagonal.

 no
 atleast one

Question # 20 Total Marks: 1

A 3 x 3 identity matrix have three and __________eigen values.

 same
 different

Question # 21 Total Marks: 1

Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _______ .

 real
 complex
 zero
 positive

Question # 22 Total Marks: 1

The Jacobi iteration converges, if A is strictly diagonally dominant.


Question # 23 Total Marks: 1

Below are all the finite difference methods EXCEPT _________.

 jacobi’s method
 newton's backward difference method
 Stirlling formula
 Forward difference method

Question # 24 Total Marks: 1

If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the same eigenvalues (with
the same multiplicities).

Question # 25 Total Marks: 1

If A is a nxn triangular matrix (upper triangular, lower triangular) or diagonal

matrix , the eigenvalues of A are the diagonal entries of A.


Question # 26 Total Marks: 1

The global error in Simpson's 3/8 rule is of

 o(h2)
 o(h3)
 o(h4)
 None of the given choices

Question # 27 Total Marks: 1

Two matrices with the same characteristic polynomial need not be similar.


Question # 28 Total Marks: 1

Which of the following period strategic management was considered to be cure for
all problems?
 Mid 1950s to mid 1960s
 Mid 1960s to mid 1970s
 Mid 1970s to mid 1980s
 Mid 1980s to mid 1990s

Question # 29 Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is not a pitfall an organization should avoid in strategic
Select correct option:

 Failing to involve key employees in all phases of planning

 Involving all managers rather than delegating planning to a planner
 Top managers not actively supporting the strategic planning process
 Doing strategic planning only to satisfy accreditation or regulatory

Question # 30 Total Marks: 1

which of the following are the factors that concern the nature and direction of the
economy in which a firm operates? Select correct option:

 Technological
 Ecological
 Social
 Economic

Question # 31 Total Marks: 1

Which of the following best describes this statement; “a Systematic and ethical
for gathering and analyzing information about the competition’s activities and
business trends to further a business’ own goals”?
Select correct option:

 External assessment
 Industry analysis
 Competitive intelligence program
 Business ethics

Question # 32 Total Marks: 1

According to Porter, which strategy offers products or services to a small range of

customers at the lowest price available on the market?
Select correct option:

 Low cost
 Best value
 Cost focus

Question # 33 Total Marks: 1

Long-term objectives includes all of the following EXCEPT:
 Measurable
 Reasonable
 Varying
 Consistent
Question # 34 Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following is NOT is a basic mission of a competitive
intelligence program?
 To provide a general understanding of an industry
 To provide a general understanding of a company’s competitors
 To identify industry executives who could be hired by the firm
 To identify potential moves a competitor might make that would endanger a
Question # 35 Total Marks: 1
While preparing an External Factor Evaluation Matrix, a total score of 0.8
indicates that:
 Firm is taking advantages of strengths and avoiding threats
 Firm is taking no advantage of opportunities and is avoiding threats
 Firm is not taking advantages of opportunities and is not avoiding threats
 Firm is taking advantage of opportunities and is avoiding the threats
Question No 36 ( Marks: 1 )

Symbol used for forward differences is



Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 )

relationship between central difference operator and the shift operator is given by

►     1

►     1
1 1

►    
2 2

1 1

►    2 2

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 )

Muller’s method requires --------starting points


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 )

If S is an identity matrix, then

► S S

► S S

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 )

If we retain r+1 terms in Newton’s forward difference formula, we obtain a
yx x0, x1 ,..., xr
polynomial of degree ---- agreeing with at

► r+2
► r+1
► r-1

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 )

P in Newton’s forward difference formula is defined as
x  x0
p( )
 h
x  x0
p( )
 h
x  xn
p( )
 h
x  xn
p( )
 h

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 )

Octal number system has the base ---------------

► 10
► 16

Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 )

Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula is used when the values of the
independent variable are

► Equally spaced

► Not equally spaced

► Constant
► None of the above

Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 )

Given the following data

x 0 1 2 4
f ( x) 1 1 2 5

f (2, 4)
Value of is

► 1.5



y( x) pn ( x)
Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) If is approximated by a polynomial of
degree n then the error is given by

 ( x)  y( x)  Pn ( x)

 ( x)  y( x)  Pn ( x)

 ( x)  Pn ( x)  y( x)

 ( x)  y( x)  Pn ( x)

Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 )

x0 , x1, x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x F ( x)
Let I denotes the closed interval spanned by . Then
vanishes ------times in the interval I .

► n-1
► n+2
► n+1

Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Differential operator in terms of forward difference operator is given by

1  2 3  4 5
D (      ...)
 h 2! 3! 4! 5!
1  2 3  4 5
D  (      ...)
 h 2 3 4 5
1  2
3  4 5
D  (      ...)
 h 2 3 4 5
1  2
3 4 5
D  (      ...)
 h 2! 3! 4! 5!

Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

f ( x)
Finding the first derivative of at x =0.4 from the following table:

x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

f ( x) 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182

Differential operator in terms of ----------------will be used.

► Forward difference operator

► Backward difference operator
► Central difference operator
► None of the given choices

Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

For the given table of values

x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
f ( x) 0.425 0.475 0.400 0.452 0.525 0.575
f / (0.1)
, using two-point equation will be calculated as.............

► -0.5
► 0.5
► 0.75
► -0.75

f ( x)
Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) In Simpson’s 1/3 rule, is of the form

► ax  b
► ax  bx  c

► ax 3  bx 2  cx  d

► ax 4  bx 3  cx 2  dx  e

Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

I   f ( x)dx

While integrating , h , width of the interval, is found by the formula----

 ba

a b

 None of the given choices

Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

To apply Simpson’s 1/3 rule, valid number of intervals are.....

Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
the given table of values
x 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
f ( x) 0.425 0.475 0.400 0.452 0.525 0.575

f / / (0.2)
, using three-point equation will be calculated as ……

► 17.5
► 12.5
► 7.5
► -12.5

Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

To apply Simpson’s 1/3 rule, the number of intervals in the following must be


Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

To apply Simpson’s 3/8 rule, the number of intervals in the following must be

► 10
► 11
► 12
► 13

Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If the root of the given equation lies between a and b, then the first approximation
to the root of the equation by bisection method is ……

( a  b)
 2
( a  b)
 2
(b  a )
 2
 None of the given choices

Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

............lies in the category of iterative method.

► Bisection Method
► Regula Falsi Method
► Secant Method
► None of the given choices

Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

For the equation x  3 x  1  0 , the root of the equation lies in the interval......

► (1, 3)
► (1, 2)
► (0, 1)
► (1, 2)

Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Rate of change of any quantity with respect to another can be modeled by

► An ordinary differential equation

► A partial differential equation

► A polynomial equation

► None of the given choices

Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

 f ( x, y )

Then the integral of this equation is a curve in

► None of the given choices

► xt-plane
► yt-plane
► xy-plane

Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In solving the differential equation
y /  x  y ; y(0.1)  1.1
h  0.1 , By Euler’s method y (0.2) is calculated as

► 1.44
► 1.11
► 1.22
► 1.33

Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In second order Runge-Kutta method
is given by

► k1  hf ( xn , yn )
k1  2hf ( xn , yn )

k1  3hf ( xn , yn )

► None of the given choices

Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In fourth order Runge-Kutta method, is given by

h k
 k2  hf ( xn  , yn  1 )
2 2
h k
 k2  hf ( xn  , yn  1 )
3 3
h k
 k2  hf ( xn  , yn  1 )
3 3
h k
k2  hf ( xn  , yn  1 )
 2 2

Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In fourth order Runge-Kutta method, is given by

 K4=hf(xn+2h, yn+2K3)
 K4=hf(xn-h, yn-K3)
 K4=hf(xn+h, yn+K3)
 None of the given choices

Question No: 65 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Adam-Moulton P-C method is derived by employing

► Newton’s backward difference interpolation formula

► Newton’s forward difference interpolation formula
► Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula
► None of the given choices

Question no. 66 Total Marks: 1

The need of numerical integration arises for evaluating the definite integral of a
function that has no explicit ____________ or whose antiderivative is not easy to
 Antiderivative
 Derivatives
Question # 67 Total Marks: 1
In Runge – Kutta Method, we do not need to calculate higher order derivatives and
find greater accuracy.
Question # 68 Total Marks: 1
An indefinite integral may _________ in the sense that the limit defining it may
not exist.
 diverge
 converge
Question # 69 Total Marks: 1Page No.98
The Trapezoidal Rule is an improvement over using rectangles because we have
much less "missing" from our calculations. We used ________
to model the curve in trapezoidal Rule.
 straight lines
 curves
 parabolas
 constantsec(s)
Question # 70 Total Marks: 1
An improper integral is the limit of a definite integral as an endpoint of the interval
of integration approaches either a specified real number or 8
or -8 or, in some cases, as both endpoints approach limits.
 TRUENo.99
Question # 71 Total Marks: 1
Euler's Method numerically computes the approximate derivative of a function.
Question # 72 Total Marks: 1
If we wanted to find the value of a definite integral with an infinite limit, we can
instead replace the infinite limit with a variable, and then take
the limit as this variable goes to _________.
 constant
 finite
 infinity
 zero
Question # 73 Total Marks: 1
Bisection method is ……………….. method
 Bracketing Method
 Open
 Random
 none
Question # 74 Total Marks: 1
Newton Raphson method is ……………….. method
 Bracketing Method
 Open
 Random
 None
Question # 75 Total Marks: 1
Eigenvalue is
 Real
 Vector
 odd
 even
Question # 76 Total Marks: 1
For Simpson’s 1/3 rule no.of intervals must be
 2 ( even)
 3
 5
 7
Question # 77 Total Marks: 1
For Simpson’s 1/3 rule valid no.of intervals are
 1
 3
 5
 8
Question # 78 Total Marks: 1
For Simpson’s 3/8 rule no.of intervals must be
 10
 11
 12 multiple of three
 14
Question # 79 Total Marks: 1
The determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.
Question # 80 Total Marks: 1
Power method is applicable if the eigen vectors corresponding to eigen values are
linearly independent.
Question # 81 Total Marks: 1
To apply simpson's 3/8 rule, the number of intervals can be
 4
 7
 9 ( multiple of three)
 8
Question # 82 Total Marks: 1
If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the different eigenvalues
(with the same multiplicities).
Page No.105
Question # 83 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
____ zeros along its main diagonal.
 no
 atleast one
Question #84 Total Marks: 1
An eigenvector V is said to be normalized if the coordinate of largest magnitude is
equal to ______.
 unity
 zero
Question # 85 Total Marks: 1
The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or
symmetric positive definite matrices A.
Question # 86 Total Marks: 1
The determinant of a _______ matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.
 diagonal
 upper triangular
 lower triangular
 scalar
Question # 87 Total Marks: 1
Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _________.
 real
 zero
 positive
 negative
Question # 88 Total Marks: 1
The Power method can be used only to find the eigenvalue of A that is largest in
absolute value—we call this eigenvalue the dominant eigenvalue of A.

Question # 89 Total Marks: 1

The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
no zeros along its main diagonal.
Question # 90 Total Marks: 1
In fourth order Runge-Kutta method, K1 is given by
 K1 =hf ( xn , yn)
 K1 =2hf ( xn , yn)
 K1 =3hf ( xn , yn)
 None of the given choices

Question # 91 Total Marks: 1

If there are (n+1) values of y corresponding to (n+1) values of x, then we can
represent the function f (x) by a polynomial of degree
 n+2
 n+1
 n
 n-1

Question # 92 Total Marks: 1

For differences methods we require the set of values.
Question # 93 Total Marks: 1
If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the different eigenvalues
(with the same multiplicities).
Question # 94 Total Marks: 1
If x is an eigen value corresponding to eigen value of V of a matrix A. If a is any
constant, then x – a is an eigen value corresponding to eigen vector V is an of the
matrix A - a I.
Question # 95 Total Marks: 1
Central difference method seems to be giving a better approximation, however it
requires more computations.
Question # 96 Total Marks: 1
The Power method can be used only to find the eigenvalue of A that is largest in
absolute value—we call this eigenvalue the dominant eigenvalue of A.
Question # 97 Total Marks: 1
Iterative algorithms can be more rapid than direct methods.e No.113
Question # 98 Total Marks: 1
Central Difference method is the finite difference method.
Question # 99 Total Marks: 1
A 3 x 3 identity matrix have three and different eigen values.

Question # 100 Total Marks: 1

Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _________.
 Zero
 Real
 positive
 negative
Question # 101 Total Marks: 1
An eigenvector V is said to be normalized if the coordinate of largest magnitude is
equal to zero.
Question # 102 Total Marks: 1
Exact solution of 2/3 is not exists.
Question # 103 Total Marks: 1
The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or
symmetric ________ definite matrices A.
 positive
 negative
Question #104 Total Marks: 1
Differences methods find the ________ solution of the system.
 numerical
 Analytical
Question # 105 Total Marks: 1
While deriving Trapezoidal rule, we approximate f (x) in the form_____
 ax+b
 ax2+bx+c
 ax3+bx2+cx+d
 ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e
Question #106 Total Marks: 1
The Power method can be used only to find the eigen value of A that is largest in
absolute value—----------we call this eigen value the dominant eigen value of A.
Question #107 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
no zeros along its ________.

 main diagonal
 last column
 last row
 first row
Question #108 Total Marks: 1
If A is a nxn triangular matrix (upper triangular, lower triangular) or diagonal
matrix , the eigenvalues of A are the diagonal entries of A.
Question # 109 Total Marks: 1
A 3 x 3 identity matrix have three and different eigen values.
Question # 110 Total Marks: 1
Differences methods find the ________ solution of the system.
 numerical
 Analytical
Question # 111 Total Marks: 1
The Power method can be used only to find the eigenvalue of A that is largest in
absolute value—we call this eigenvalue the dominant eigenvalue of A.
Question # 112 Total Marks: 1
If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the different eigenvalues
(with the same multiplicities).
Question # 113 Total Marks: 1
Eigenvalues of a _________ matrix are all real.
 symmetric
 antisymmetric
 rectangular
 triangular
Question # 114 Total Marks: 1
By using determinants, we can easily check that the solution of the given system of
linear equation exits and it is unique.Page No.122
Question # 115 Total Marks: 1
The dominant eigenvector of a matrix is an eigenvector corresponding to the
eigenvalue of largest magnitude (for real numbers, smallest absolute value) of that
Question # 116 Total Marks: 1
Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _______ .
 real
 complex
 zero
 positive
Question # 117 Total Marks: 1
Below are all the finite difference methods EXCEPT _________.
 jacobi’s method
 newton's backward difference method
 Stirlling formula
 Forward difference method
Question # 118 Total Marks: 1
The central difference method is finite method.
 True
 False
Question # 119 Total Marks: 1
Power method is applicable if the eigen vectors corresponding to eigen values are
linearly _______.
 independent
 dependent
Question # 120 Total Marks: 1
Central difference method seems to be giving a better approximation, however it
requires more computations.
Page No.123
Question # 121 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi iteration ______, if A is strictly diagonally dominant.
 converges
 diverges
Question # 122 Total Marks: 1
Power method is applicable if the eigen values are ______________.
 real and distinct
 real and equal
 positive and distinct
 negative and distinct
Question # 123 Total Marks: 1
Determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.
Question # 124 Total Marks: 1
The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or
symmetric positive definite matrices A.
Question # 125 Total Marks: 1
If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the _____ eigenvalues (with
the same multiplicities).
 same
 different
Question # 126 Total Marks: 1
An eigenvector V is said to be normalized if the coordinate of largest magnitude is
equal to ______.
 unity
 zero
Question # 127 Total Marks: 1
Exact solution of 2/3 is not exists.
Question # 128 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
____ zeros along its main diagonal.
 no
 atleast one
Question # 129 Total Marks: 1
A 3 x 3 identity matrix have three and __________eigen values.
 same
 different
Question # 130 Total Marks: 1
Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _______ .
 real
 complex
 zero
 positive
Question # 131 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi iteration converges, if A is strictly diagonally dominant.
Question # 132 Total Marks: 1
Below are all the finite difference methods EXCEPT _________.
 jacobi’s method
 newton's backward difference method
 Stirlling formula
 Forward difference method
Question # 133 Total Marks: 1
If n x n matrices A and B are similar, then they have the same eigenvalues (with
the same multiplicities).
Question # 134 Total Marks: 1
If A is a nxn triangular matrix (upper triangular, lower triangular) or diagonal
matrix , the eigenvalues of A are the diagonal entries of A.
Question # 135 Total Marks: 1
Two matrices with the same characteristic polynomial need not be similar.
Question # 136 Total Marks: 1
The determinant of a _______ matrix is the product of the diagonal elements.
 diagonal
 upper triangular
 lower triangular
 scalar
Question # 137 Total Marks: 1
The absolute value of a determinant (|detA|) is the product of the absolute values of
the eigenvalues of matrix A
Question # 138 Total Marks: 1
Central difference method seems to be giving a better approximation, however it
requires more computations.
Question # 139 Total Marks: 1
The Power method can be used only to find the eigenvalue of A that is largest in
absolute value—we call this eigenvalue the dominant
eigenvalue of A.
Question # 140 Total Marks: 1
Let A be an n ×n matrix. The number x is an eigenvalue of A if there exists a non-
zero vector v such that _______.
 Av = xv
 Ax = xvPage No.129
 Av + xv=0
 Av = Ax
Question # 141 Total Marks: 1
The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has
no zeros along its main diagonal.
 FALSEsec(s)
Question # 142 Total Marks: 1
Given the following data
x 0 1 4
y=f(x) 2 1 4

Value of first order divided difference y(0,1) is

 -1
 1
 2
 4
Question # 143 Total Marks: 1
Central Difference method is the finite difference method.
Question # 144 Total Marks: 1
By using determinants, we can easily check that the solution of the
given system of linear equation exits and it is unique.
Question # 145 Total Marks: 1
The characteristics polynomial of a 3x 3 identity matrix is __________, if x is the
eigen values of the given 3 x 3 identity matrix. where symbol ^ shows power.
 (x-1)^3
 (x+1)^3
 x^3-1
 x^3+1
Question # 146 Total Marks: 1
The Inverse of a matrix can only be found if the matrix is
 Singular
 Non singular
 Scalar
 Diagonal
Question # 147 Total Marks: 1
If f (x) contains trigonometric, exponential or logarithmic functions then
this equation is known as
 Transcendental equation
 Algebraic
 Polynomial
 Linear
Question # 148 Total Marks: 1
In interpolation is used to represent the δ
 Forward difference
 Central difference
 Backward difference
Question # 149 Total Marks: 1
The base of the decimal system is _______
 10
 0
 2
 8
 None of the above.
Question # 150 Total Marks: 1
Bisection method is ……………….. method
 Open Method
 Bracketing Method
Question # 151 Total Marks: 1
Which method is not used to solve problems related to integration?
 Runge-Kutta Method
 Simpson’s 1/3rd rule
 Trapezoidal rule.
Question # 152 Total Marks: 1
Adams – Bashforth is a multistep method.
 True
 False
Question # 153 Total Marks: 1
Generally, Adams methods are superior if output at _____ points is needed.
 Many
 Two
 Single
 At most
Question # 154 Total Marks: 1
In Trapezoidal rule, the integral is computed on each of the subintervals
by using linear interpolating formula, i.e. for n = 1 and
then summing them up to obtain the desired integral.
 True
 False

Question # 155 Total Marks: 1

A third order ordinary differential equation can be reduced to a system of
_____ first order ordinary differential equations.
 0
 1
 2
 3
Question # 156 Total Marks: 1
Euler's Method numerically computes the approximate ________ of a function.
 antiderivative
 derivative
 value
 error

Question # 157 Total Marks: 1

Multistep method does not improves the accuracy of the answer at each step.
Question # 158 Total Marks: 1
The trapezoidal rule is a numerical method that approximates the value of a
 indefinite integral
 definite integral
 improper integral
 function
Question # 159 Total Marks: 1
Simpson’s rule is a numerical method that approximates the value of a definite
integral by using __________ polynomials.
 quadratic
 linear
 cubic
 quarticPage No.146
Question # 160 Total Marks: 1
In Simpson's Rule, we use parabolas to approximate each part of the curve. This
proves to be very efficient as compared to Trapezoidal rule.
 True
 False
Question # 161 Total Marks: 1
The first langrange polynomial with equally spaced nodes produced the formula
for __________.
 Simpson's rule
 Trapezoidal rule
 Newton's method
 Richardson's method
Question # 162 Total Marks: 1
147The need of numerical integration arises for evaluating the indefinite integral of
a function that has no explicit antiderivative or whose antiderivative is not easy to
Question # 163 Total Marks: 1
The Trapezoidal Rule is an improvement over using rectangles because we have
much less "missing" from our calculations. We used ________ to model the curve
in trapezoidal Rule.
 straight lines
 curves
 parabolas
 constant
Question # 164 Total Marks: 1
The Euler method is numerically unstable because of ________ convergence of
 slow
 fast
 moderate
 no
Question # 165 Total Marks: 1

In integrating , by dividing the interval into eight equal parts, width of the
interval should be
 0.125
 0.250
 0.500
 0.825
Question # 166 Total Marks: 1
x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x F ( x)
Let I denotes the closed interval spanned by . Then
vanishes ------times in the interval I .
 6
 9
 7
 8
Question # 167 Total Marks: 1
The minimum interval in which the root of the equation x2-3x+1=0 is
 (0,1)
 (1,2)
 (2,4)
 (0,2)
Question # 168 Total Marks: 1
The quantity of error which is present in the statement of the problem itself, before
finding its solution is called
 Inherent error
 Local round off error
 Local truncation error
 Tying error
Question # 169 Total Marks: 1
In Regula Falsi Method two points xn and x n+1 are chosen such that f (xn) and f
(n+1) have ______ signs.
 +ve
 -ve
 Opposite
 Same
Question # 170 Total Marks: 1
Regula Falsi Method lies in the category of______
 Iterative method
 Bracketing method
 Random method
 Graphical method
Question # 171 Total Marks: 1
Secant method converges______ than bisection
 Faster
 Slower
 Equally
 None of the given choices
Question # 172 Total Marks: 1
Muller's method is a generalization of:
 Bisection method
 Iteration method
 Secant method
 Regula Falsi Method
Question # 173 Total Marks: 1
Diagonal dominance of a coefficient matrix is strictly checked in:
 Muller's method
 Bisection method
 Jacobi’s method
 Newton-Raphson method
Question # 174 Total Marks: 1

It can be verified that for matrix A=

 AA-1=I, I= identity matrix

 AA-1=D, D =diagonal matrix
 AA-1=S, S =symmetric matrix
 AA-1=Z , Z =orthogonal matrix

Question # 175 Total Marks: 1

If [A] is an n×n real symmetric matrix, its eigenvalues are real, and there exists an
orthogonal matrix [S] such that the diagonal matrix (D) is given by:
 [D]=[S]-1[A][S]
 [D]=[S]-1[S][A]
 [D]=[S]2[A][S]
 None of the above
Question # 176 Total Marks: 1
Given the the following data
x 1 2 -4
f (x) 3 -5 -4

Which formula is useful in finding the interpolating polynomial?

 Newton's backward difference formula
 Lagrange’s interpolation formula
 None of the given choices
 Newton's forward difference formula
Question # 177 Total Marks: 1
The magnitude of truncation error in Milne's predictor formula is

Question # 178 Total Marks: 1

6 5 3 2
If f (x)= 5x +6x -7x -9x +4x-3, then its derivative is zero for all x.
 4th
 7th
 6th
 5th
Question # 179 Total Marks: 1
In Richardson's extrapolation method, the extrapolation process is repeated 8until
accuracy is achieved, this is called extrapolation to the_____
 Limit
 Function
 Arbitrary value of ‘h'
 None of the given choices
Question # 180 Total Marks: 1
While deriving Simpson's 3/8 rule, we approximate f (x) in the form_____
 ax+b
 ax2+bx+c
 ax3+bx2+cx+d
 ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e
Question # 181 Total Marks: 1
When we apply simpson's 3/8 rule, the number of intervals n must be:
 Even
 Odd
 Multiple of 3
 Multiple of 8

Question # 182 Total Marks: 1

In integrating by dividing into eight equal parts, width of the

interval should be......
 0.250
 0.500
 0.125
 0.625
Question # 183 Total Marks: 1
Romberg's integration method is _____ than Trapezoidal and Simpson's rule.
 None of the given choices
 More accurate
 Less accurate
 Equally accurate
Question # 184 Total Marks: 1
A fourth order ordinary differential equation can be reduced to a system of
fourth_____ order ordinary differential equations
 First
 Second
 Third
 Fourth
Question # 185 Total Marks: 1
 3.0392
 2.0392
 1.0392
 0.0392
Question # 186 Total Marks: 1
In solving the differential equation
Y' =x+y, y (0.1)= 1.1
h=0.1, By Euler's method y (0.2) is calculated as:
 1.44
 1.11
 1.22
 1.33
Question # 187 Total Marks: 1

Question # 188 Total Marks: 1
The truncation error in Adam's predictor formula is

Question # 189 Total Marks: 1

In solving the differential equation
Y' = x2 + 2xy ; y (0) =1
h=0.1, By Euler's method y (0.1) is calculated as
 1
 2
 3
 4
Question # 190 Total Marks: 1
In solving the differential equation
Y' = x2 + 2y ; y (1) =3
h=1, By Euler's method y (2) is calculated as
 4
 6
 8
 10 not sure
Question # 191 Total Marks: 1

In integrating , by dividing the interval into four equal parts, width of

the interval should be:

Question # 192 Total Marks: 1
The minimum interval in which the root of the equation x2- 3x +1=0 lie is:
 (0,1)
 (1,2)
 (2,4)
 (0,2)
Question # 193 Total Marks: 1
If the root the given equation lies between a and b, then the first approximate to
the root of the equation by bisection method.....

 None of the given choices
Question # 194 Total Marks: 1
If 8+7i is the root of a quadratic equation f (x)=0, then the other root of the
equation will be:
 8-7i
 -8-7i
 -8+7i
 8
Question # 195 Total Marks: 1
If there are two roots of the equation and one root is 2+3i , then the other root will
 2+3i
 2-3i
 3+2i
 3-2i

Question # 196 Total Marks: 1

In crout's reduction method the elements of the main diagonal of upper triangular
matrix are taken as
 0
 1
 -1
 None of the given choices
Question # 197 Total Marks: 1
In Gauss-seidal method, the new approximation calculated is:
 Used in the next iteration for next approximation
 Instantly replaced by the previous one
 Never used again
 None of the given choices
Question # 198 Total Marks: 1
In relaxation method, for fast convergence all the terms should be taken to one side
and then reordering should be done so that the largest coefficient should appear on
 End of rows
 Beginning of the rows
 Diagonal
 None of the given choices
Question # 199 Total Marks: 1
Every squre _____ matrix has an inverse.
 Singular
 Non-Singular
 Zero
 None of the above

Question # 200 Total Marks: 1

S-1 =ST
 ST =S
 I= S
 None of the given choices
Question # 201 Total Marks: 1
A 3×3 matrix [A] is said to be orthogonal if
 [A]-1[ A]= I
 [AT ][A]=I
 [AT][ A]=0
 None of the given choices
Question # 202 Total Marks: 1
Jacobi's method for finding the eigen values can be applied to:
 Real and symmetric matrix
 Real and unsymmetric matrix
 Real and complex unsymmetric matrix
 None of the given choices
Question # 203 Total Marks: 1
Lagrange’s interpolation formula is used when the values of the independent
variable are:
 Equally spaced
 Not equally spaced
 Constant
 None of the above
Question # 204 Total Marks: 1
From the following table of values
x 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3
y 2.9648 2.6599 2.3333 1.9922 1.6442 1.2969
Estimation of y' (1.3) will be done using the formula of differential operator in
terms of
 Backward difference operator
 Central difference operator
 None of the given choices
 Forward difference operator

Question # 205 Total Marks: 1

Relationship between differential operator and backward difference operator is
given by

Question # 206 Total Marks: 1

Shift operator is defined as
 Ef (x)= f (x-h)
 Ef (x)= -f (x-h)
 Ef (x)= -f (x+h)
 Ef (x)= f (x+h)

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