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Oxford Discover - Grade 1 - First Term - Miss Amany

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Date : ………………………………….

Junior 1
First Term
School Year 2021-2022

Student Name : ……………………………………

Student Name : ………………………………………………………………
Class : ………………………….
Class: ……………………………

Resala Language School 1

Date : ………………………………….

First Term

School Year 2021-2022

Junior 1 – Oxford Discover

Student Name : ……………………………………

Class: ……………………………

Resala Language School 2
Date : ………………………………….


- Unit 1 Families and Friends ……………………… 4

- Unit 2 Elliot’s New Friend ………………………… 21

- Unit 3 Who’s in The Tree? ………………………... 35

- Unit 4 Let’s Make Colors! …………………………. 52

- Unit 5 Animal Homes ………………………………. 67

- Unit 6 My Friend, Anak …………………………….. 82

- Unit 7 The Four Seasons ………………………….. 96

- Unit 8 The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree …… 110

Resala Language School 3

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 1
Families and Friends

Resala Language School 4

Date : ………………………………….
New Vocabularies 1: -
Mother = mum (n.): A woman who has a
e.g. I live with my mother and father.
Father = dad (n.): A man who has a child.
e.g. I live with my mother and father.

Brother (n.): A boy or a man who has the

same parent with you.
e.g. I play with my brother.

Sister (n.): A girl or a woman who has the

same parent with you.
e.g. I have a baby sister.

Grandmother = Grandma(n.): The

mother of your mother or father.
e.g. My grandmother is kind.
Grandfather = Grandpa (n.): The father
of your mother or father.
e.g. My grandfather is old.
Family (n.): Father, mother, brother and
e.g. I live with my family.
Friend (n.): A person who you like a lot
and who you know well, but who is not a
member of your family.
e.g. I meet my friend at school.
Uncle (n.): The brother of your mother or
e.g. My father’s brother is my uncle.

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Aunt (n.): The sister of your mother or
e.g. My father’s sister is my aunt.
Cousin (n.): The child of your uncle or
e.g. My uncle’s son is my cousin.
Parent = mum or dad (n.): A person’s
mother or father.
e.g. I live with my parents.
Daughter (n.): A girl or a woman who is
someone’s child.
e.g. My aunt has a daughter.
Son (n.): A boy or a man who is
someone’s child.
e.g. My uncle has a son.
Grandparent = Grandmother or
grandfather (n.): The mother or father of
one of your parents.
e.g. I visit my grandparents on Fridays.
Boy (n.):
e.g. There are twelve boys in the class.
Girl (n.):
e.g. There are eleven girls in the class.
Kids (n.): Children.
e.g. There are kids in the garden.
House (n.): A place that people, one
family, live in.
e.g. I live with my family in a house.
School (n.): A place where children go to
e.g. We go to the school to take English,
maths and science.

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Park (n.): A big land with grass and trees.
e.g. The children play in the park.
Animals (n.): Something that lives and
moves but is not a human.
e.g. There are animals in the zoo.
Toys (n.): An object for children to play
e.g. The children play with their toys.
Live with (v.): To share a home with
e.g. I live with my family.
Help (v.): To make it easier for someone
to do something.
e.g. I help my mum at home.
Go (v.): To move to another place.
e.g. I go to school with my sister.
Share (v.): To have or use something at
the same time as someone else.
e.g. The girl shares fruits with her friend.
Important (adj.): Necessary or of great
e.g. It’s important to study hard.
Word Study – Opposites: -
Old X Young
e.g. My grandfather is old
but my brother is young.
Small X Big
e.g. The elephant is big but
the cat is small.
Cold X Hot
e.g. The girl is cold but the
boy is hot.

Resala Language School 7

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -

a. Important (……) a.

b. Live with (……) b.

c. Share (……) c.

d. Son (……) d.

e. School (……) e.

f. Park (……) f.

g. Young (……) g.

Resala Language School 8

Date : ………………………………….
Choose the correct word: -
1. I play with my (mother - sister - brother), he is funny.
2. I have a big (family - mothers - fathers).
3. My (father - brother - grandmother) is beautiful, she has pretty
4. I meet my (sister - brother - friend) at school.
5. My (mother - grandpa - father) helps me a lot, she’s so
6. The opposite of young is (old – big – small).
7. My (house - park - classroom) has six rooms.
8. Look at my (clothes - toy - mobile) box. I have lots of toys.
9. Her baby (sister – mother - grandfather) cries a lot.
10. My family is (big - old - young).
11. I (eat - help - live) my mother in the house.
12. My grandfather is (old - young - small).
13. Doing homework is (old - important - hot).
14. I have two (mothers -fathers - sisters).
15. I love my (mother - father - sister), he is kind.
16. The opposite of hot is (young – old – cold).
17. My sister sees a lot of (toys – animals – classes) in the
18. I (share – live – go) to school with my sister.
19. This mother has one (daughter – toy -animal), she is in
grade one.
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Date : ………………………………….
Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -
(Grandma – dad – friend – brother – sister
– family – mother – grandfather)

1- I live with my ………………...

2- My ………………...and ………………...are very old.
3- My best ………………... is Jessica.
4- My ………………... makes a delicious cake.
5- My ………………... drives me to the school every day.
6- I have one …………………. She is so smart.
7- I play football with my ………………...

Fill in the blanks: -

(important_ together _ hot _ big _ cold_ live with)

1_ I …………… my family.

2_ The ice is ………... but the fire is …………….

3_ Friends are …………….

4_ My family is …………….

5_ We can play ……………

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Rearrange the following structures: -

1- house – like – I – my
2- together – go – They – to – school
3- is – Kim’s – family – small
4- best – Who – friend – is – your?
5- my – is – This – house
6- is – Jessica – best – my – friend.
7- old – grandfather – My – very – is.

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Date : ………………………………….

Read then write the opposite: -

Hot x …………….

Small x …………….

Young x …………….

Circle the odd word: -

1- Hot – Big – Small – Adam

2- Share – Important – Help – Live

3- Grandma – Ball – Sister – Mother

4- Pencil – Father – Brother – Friend.

5- School – House – Park – Pink

Resala Language School 12

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Verb to Be in the Present Simple Tense

Resala Language School 13

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Verb to Be

Affirmative form: - am is are

We use (v. to be) to introduce ourselves, other people and things
and to describe feelings.
I (am)

She (is)

We (are)

Full Form Short Form

I am I’m
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s
They are They’re
We are We’re
You are You’re
Resala Language School 14
Date : ………………………………….
Choose the correct answer: -
1. It (am – is – are) a hot today.
2. I (am – is – are) at the school now.
3. They (am – is – are) happy.
4. We (am – is – are) from Egypt.
5. They (am- is – are) parrots.
6. You (am- is – are) my sister.
7. You (am _is – are) funny.
8. Mary (m – is – are) at home.
9. Mike and you (am – is – are) lovely.
10. Thomas and I (am – is – are) exciting.

Fill in the gaps using verb to be: -

1. My father ……………. a teacher.

2. We ……………. helpful.
3. Wendy and Cindy ……………. beautiful.
4. You ……………. sad.
5. I ……………. young.
6. My aunt ……………. beautiful.
7. My father and mother ……………. kind.
8. My brother ……………. cute.

Re-arrange the following sentences: -

Resala Language School 15
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1- are - They - hot.
2- are - Friends - important.
3- is - My mother – sad.
4- happy - We - are.
5- a - family - are - We.
6- is - old - My grandfather.
Write the short form: -
1- He is smart.
2- They are helpful.
3- I am a good girl.
Write the full form: -
1- You’re my friend.
2- Jana’s tall.
3- My name’s Tom.

Negative form: -
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When we change a sentence from affirmative form into the

negative form, we just put (not) after (am – is – are).

Affirmative Form Negative Form

Full Form Shor Form

I amnot
I am I am not

He is He is not He isn’t

She is She is not She isn’t

It is It is not It isn’t

They are They are not They aren’t

We are We are not We aren’t

You are You are not You aren’t

e.g.: -

I am happy. → I am not happy.

It is a dog. → It is not a dog. / It isn’t a dog.

They are at home. →They are not at home. / They aren’t at home.

Choose the correct word: -

Resala Language School 17

Date : ………………………………….
1- We (am not - are not) at home.
2- The dog (am not - is not) on the table.
3- It (isn’t - aren’t) my pen.
4- I (is not - am not) six years old.
5- Tom and John (aren’t - am not) friends.
Change into negative: -
1- She is sad.
2- I am happy.
3- She is Cindy.
4- Wendy is tall.
5- They are friends.
6- My mother is angry.
7- I am a bad boy.
8- She is an ugly girl.

Question Form: -
Resala Language School 18
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To form a question with verb to be:
 Drop (Yes / No / not).
 Start with (Am – Is – Are) at the beginning of the question.
 If there is (I am) or (We are), change them into (Are you).
 Change the full stop (.) into a question mark (?).

Is + subject + the rest of the question ?

e.g.: -

Is he a vet?

Yes, he is a vet.

Are they hungry?

No, they are not hungry.

Are you hot?

Yes, I am hot.

Is he at the school?

No, he is not at the school.

Form questions:

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1- No, they aren’t bad.


2- Yes, he is a doctor.


3- No, Oscar and Omar aren’t cold.


4- No, I am not tall.


5- Yes, the cat is big.


6- No, Tom and I aren’t at the school.


7- Yes, I am sad.


8- Yes, you are excellent.


Unit 2

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Date : ………………………………….
Elliot’s New Friend

New Vocabularies: -
Resala Language School 21
Date : ………………………………….
Animals: -
Elephant (n.) Avery large gray animal
with big ears, two long teeth and long
e.g. The elephant is the largest land
Zebra (n.) An animal that looks like a
horse and has black and white stripes.
e.g. I see a black and white zebra in the
Bear (n.) A heavy wild animal with thick
fur and sharp claws.
e.g. My sister has a teddy bear.
Tortoise (n.) An animal with a hard
round shell, that lives on land and
moves very slowly.
e.g. The tortoise wins the race while the
rabbit is sleeping.
Lion (n.) A large powerful animal.

e.g. The lion made a loud roar.

Hamster (n.) An animal like a large

mouse, with large cheeks.
e.g. My brother had a hamster when we
were kids.

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Goldfish (n.) A small orange or red
e.g. There are goldfish in the pond.

Bird (n.) It has feathers, two wings and

two legs.
e.g. The bird loves its nest.

Rabbit (n.) A small animal with soft fur,

long ears and a short tail.
e.g. A rabbit can make long jumps.

Lizard (n.) It has a long body and tail

and four short legs.
e.g. A lizard can cut its tail.

Kitten (n.) A young cat.

e.g. The mother cat picks up the little

Cat (n.): A small animal with soft fur. It

always catches the mouse.
e.g. The cat runs away from the dog.

Dog (n.) An animal with four legs and a

e.g. My dad takes the dog for a walk.

Spider (n.) It is small with eight thin

legs. It makes webs to catch insects for
e.g. The spiders walk on the wall.

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Collage = Poster (n.) A large picture.
e.g. My brother has a large collage in
his room.

Eat (v.) To put food in your mouth, bite

it and swallow.
e.g. I like to eat chocolate.

Play (v.) To do things for pleasure and

to be happy.
e.g. I like to play with my friends.

Sleep (v.) When your eyes are close

and your body and mind are not active.
e.g. We sleep at night.

See (v.) To look at something using

your eyes.
e.g. I see when I open my eyes.
Come (v.) To move towards.
e.g. I come to the board to write.

Find (v.) To see something you look for

e.g. I find my pencil under the desk.

Run away (v.) To leave somebody or a

place suddenly.
e.g. The boy runs away from the dog.

Resala Language School 24

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Love (v.) A very strong feeling of liking
and caring.
e.g. I love my mum so much.
Meet (v.) To be in the same place with
e.g. I meet my friends in the garden.

Have fun (v.) To make something to

be happy.
e.g. We have fun in the funfair.

New X Old (adj.)

e.g. I had an old bag and my dad
brought me a new one.
Happy X Sad (adj.)
e.g. Try to be happy, not sad.

Hungry X Full (adj.)

e.g. I was so hungry. But after eating
my lunch, I am full.
Thirsty (adj.)
e.g. I need water, I’m thirsty.
Funny (adj.)
e.g. My brother is so funny, he makes
me laugh.
Scared (adj.)
e.g. My little brother was scared of the
Lonely (adj.)
e.g. Don’t leave your friend lonely.

Resala Language School 25

Date : ………………………………….
Writing study

Proper Noun: (Names):

 Capital for “Names”

 The first letter of a name must be a capital letter.


1_ I am Jessica.

2_ He is Tom.

3_ This is Jack.

4_ She is Maria.

5_ My best friend is Sophia.

6_ Tutti is my pet animal.

Correct the following (Punctuate):-

1. This is my friend zinab.
2. My sisters are sophia and suzan.
3. He is osacar.
4. My school is resala Langauage School.

Resala Language School 26

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -

1. Meet (……)

2. New (……)
3. Fish (……)

4. Find (……)

5. Run away (……)

6. Bear (……)

7. Rabbit (……)

Choose the correct word: -

Resala Language School 27
Date : ………………………………….
1. Elliot can’t (find - eat - play) his family.
2. “(Play - Let’s - See) look.”
3. My grandfather is (old – young - new).
4. My dad buys me a bicycle. I’m (happy - sad - hungry)
5. Lily is (lonely – scared - together), she doesn’t have friends
to play with.
6. There’s a lion’s sound, I’m (scared - happy - thirsty).
7. We go to bed to (play - sleep - run away).
8. I’m very hungry, I want to (eat - drink - meet).
9. Don’t sit alone. (See – Come – Find) and play with us.
10. Put on your glasses to (run away – see – have fun) the
board clearly.
11. I don’t want food anymore. I’m (full – funny – hungry).
12. We are going to the club to (see – find – have fun).
13. The baby of the cat is called (hamster – kitten – rabbit).
14. The (lizard – spider – dog) has eight legs.
15. The (lion – hamster – tortoise) is very strong. It lives in
the forest.
16. Bring me some water, please. I’m so (sad – thirsty –

Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -

Resala Language School 28

Date : ………………………………….
(run away – meet – hungry –
hamster – lizard – elephant – sad)

1. The ………………… is a very large grey animal.

2.When I see a spider. I ………………… very fast.
3.The ………………… looks like the mouse.
4.Don’t be …………………. I will bring you a toy.
5.The ………………… can cuts its tail and it is very fast.
6.Eat your sandwiches or you will be …………………
7.I ………………… my best friend at the school.
Fill in the blanks: -

(play_ love _ new _ scared _ zebra _ funny_ bear)

1- There is a teddy ………………… on my bed.

2- Don’t be ………………… of the dog. It is pet.
3- Come and ………………… with us. We are happy together.
4- The ………………… looks like the horse but it is black and
5- Her pencil isn’t old. It is …………………
6- The monkey is so …………………
7- We ………………… our parents so much.

Rearrange the following structures: -

Resala Language School 29
Date : ………………………………….
1- very – I – am – happy.
2- is – sad – lonely. – Elliot – and
3- his – He – find – can’t – family.
4- are – Zebras – run – away – scared – and
5- hamster – runs – The – away.
6- friend’s – What’s – best – your – name?
7- play – Let’s – together.

Read then write the opposite: -

New x …………….

Hungry x …………….

Sad x …………….

Circle the odd word: -

1- Hamster – Dog – Run Away – Kitten
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2- New – Young – Old – Cat

3- Thirsty – Play – Full – Hungry

4- Tortoise – Rabbit – Scared – Lizard.

Circle the name and punctuate the following: -

1- This is my friend sam.


2- maggie is my best friend’s name.


1- lucy and jessica are my sisters.


2- I have a dog called max.


This is / That is
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These are / Those are

Choose the correct answer: -

1. Those (am _ is _ are) birds.

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2. This (is _am _ are) a fan.
3. These are (car _ cars_ bus).
4. That is a (pen _ pens _ rulers).
5. (Those _ That _ This) are girls.
6. (This _ These _ That) are buses.
7. (That _ These _ Those) is a bag.
8. This (is _ are _ am) a cat.
9. Those (is _ are _ am) dogs.
10. This is a (cat _ cats _ dogs).
11. Those are (bird _ birds _ cat).
12. (This _ These _ Those) is a rabbit.
13. (That _ These _ This) are cats.
14. (That _ This _ Those) are birds.
15. That (am _ is _ are) a pen.
16. These (am _ is _ are) cars.
17. That is a (cloud _ clouds _ stars).
18. This is a (book_ books _ pen).
19. (Those _ That _ These) is a car.
20. (These _ That _ This) are books.
21. (These _ This _ Those) is a pen.
22. (Those _ These _ That) is a table.
Look and write using (This – That – These – Those):-

Resala Language School 33

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1. ………………………………….

2. ………………………………….

3. ………………………………….

4. ………………………………….

5. ………………………………….

6. ………………………………….

7. ………………………………….

8. ………………………………….

9. ………………………………….

10. ………………………………

11. ………………………………

12. ………………………………

13. ………………………………

14. ………………………………

Unit 3

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Date : ………………………………….
Who's in the trees?

New Vocabularies 1: -

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Fireworks (n.): An object that explodes when you

light it and makes colored lights and loud noises.

e.g. Be very careful when lighting fireworks.

Garden (n.): A piece of land belonging to a house,

where flowers and other plants are grown.

e.g. Peter waters the garden in the morning.

Yard (n.) It is the grassy area right outside the

Resala Language School 36
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e.g. There is a small pond in his yard.

Tree (n.) A tall plant that has a wooden trunk and

branches that grow from its upper part.

e.g. We sat under a tree for shade.

Flower (n.) The part of a plant that is often brightly

coloured and has a pleasant smell.

e.g. The flowers of the garden are so beautiful.

Rose (n.): It is a type of flower.

e.g. She was ill so I sent her some roses to cheer

her up.

Butterfly (n.): A type of insect with large coloured


e.g. The butterfly flies from flower to flower.

Sky (n.) The area above the earth, in which

clouds, sun, stars…

e.g. There are stars in the sky at night.

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Sun (n.): The star that gives light and heat for the
Earth and around which the Earth moves.

e.g. The sun rises in the moening.

Cloud (n.): A grey or white object in the sky, made

up of small floating drops of water.

e.g. There are clouds in the sky.

Spider (n.): A small insect with eight thin legs that

catches insects in a web.

e.g. The spider has eight legs.

Bedroom (n.): A room used for sleeping in.

e.g. There is a bed and a blanket in my bedroom.

Living room (n.): A room in a house that is used

for relaxing in and entertaining guests.

e.g. There are chairs, a table and a tv in the living


Dining room (n.): A room in which meals are


e.g. I have my lunch in the dining room with my


Resala Language School 38

Date : ………………………………….
Problem (n.) Something that is difficult or hard to
e.g. There is a problem with my in doing my
homework. It is vey hard.
School things (n.): Things are used for the school
such as pencils, books, bags,…
e.g. I put my school things on my desk.
Color (v.): To give colour by using markers,
crayons or colored pencils.
e.g. I colour my drawings using my favourite

Look at (v.): To direct one's attention

e.g. I look at the sky to see the stars at night.

Dark X Light (adj.)

e.g. It is light in the morning, but it is dark at night.

In x Out (prep.)
e.g. There is a book in my bag and a desk out of
my bag.

Up X Down (prep.)

e.g. Up in the sky, there are stars. Down in the

sea, there are fish.
Resala Language School 39
Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
1. Problem

2. Bedroom

3. Look at

4. School things
5. Purple

6. Dark

7. Butterfly

Choose the correct word: -

Resala Language School 40
Date : ………………………………….
1- The rose is (red _ black _ grey).
2- We watch tv in the (bathroom _dining room _ living room).
3- The spider is (black _ blue _ purple).
4- The lizard is (purple _ green _ pink).
5- The sun is (yellow _ brown _ blue).
6- I play in the (school _ garden _ ocean).
7- The (butterfly _ cat _ lizard) can fly.
8- The (dogs _ roses _ clouds) are red.
9- There is a (lion _ spider _ garden) in my room.
10- The sky is (blue _ red _ pink).
11- The sky is (red _ blue _ brown).
12- The sun gives us (dark _ light _ water).
13- My family has lunch in the (bedroom _ living room _ dining
14- The elephant is (grey _ yellow _ red).
15- My cat has a (dog _ kitten _ butterfly).
16- The apple is (red _ black _ white).
17- My sister likes watching coloured (fireworks _lizards _
clouds) in the sky.
18- The banana is (purple _ yellow _ green).
19- The opposite of down is (up _ light _ out).

Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -

Resala Language School 41
Date : ………………………………….
(light – gray – blue – pink – yellow – green – black)
1. It’s night, the sky is ………………………...

2. The elephant is …………………….

3. My sister buys a new ……………………. dress.

4. The sun is ………………… and gives us ……………………

5. The grass is ………………………

6. The sea is …………………………

Fill in the blanks: -

(tree_ in _ dark _ Look at _ school

things _ problem_ bedroom)

1. I collect my toys ……………… the toy box.

2. My brother goes to sleep in his ………………

3. The children like climbing the ………………

4. ……………… and focus with the teacher.

5. There are ……………… on the desk.

6. The room is ………………, turn on the lamp.

7. Please, help me in this ………………

Rearrange the following structures: -

Resala Language School 42
Date : ………………………………….
1. like _ I _ red. ………………………………………………….
2. in _ Up _ the _ tree.
3. you – Can – see?
4. a white _ There’s _ kitten _ yard _ in _ the.
5. sun _ The _ sky _ is _ in _the.
6. _color _ Let’s.
Read then write the opposite: -
Light x …………….
In x …………….
Down x …………….
Circle the odd word: -
1. Up _ In _ Green _ Out

2. Color _ Look _ Help _Sam

3. Dining room _ Purple _ Bedroom _ Living room

4. White _ Yellow _ Grey _ School things

Resala Language School 43

Date : ………………………………….

Red Black
Green Brown

Read and Colour the following:-

Yellow Orange Purple

Resala Language School White Grey 44

Date : ………………………………….

There is /There are
(To say that something exists)
1) There is a / an + singular noun
e.g. There is a toy.
There is = There’s

2) There are +plural noun

e.g. There are toys.
There are = There’re
Choose the correct answer: -
Resala Language School 45
Date : ………………………………….
1. (There is - There are) a pencil.
2. (There is - There are) two bikes.
3. (There is - There are) a garden.
4. Look! (There is - There are) four bees.
5. (There is - There are) a window.
6. (There is - There are) three chairs.
7. There (is – are) one bird on the tree.
8. There (is – are) three pens on your desk.
9. There (is – are) four brown birds.
10. There (is – are) one black spider on your shoulder.
11. There (is – are) two yellow dogs.
12. There is (a cat _ cats).
13. There are (a bird _ birds).
14. There are (books _ a book).
15. There is (a bag _ bags).
16. There are (an orange _ oranges).
17. There is (an apple _ apples)
18. (There is - There are) a bed.
19. (There is - There are) book.
20. (There is - There are) a table.
21. (There is - There are) toys.
22. There is (an elephant - elephants).
23. There is (a chair - chairs).
24. There are (balls - a ball).
Resala Language School 46
Date : ………………………………….
25. There is (an apple - apples).
26. There (are - is) balloons in the toy shop.
27. There (is - are) a train in the toy shop.
28. There (is - are) balls in the mall.
29. There (is - are) a plane in the box.
30. There (is - are) sweets in the sweet shop.
31. There is (a teddy - teddies) at the toy shop.
32. There is (a drum - drums) in the mall.

Complete using (is – are) :-

1_ There ………… a red bag.
2_ There ………… blue cars.
3_ There …………. green frogs.
4_ There …………. a yellow pen.
5_ There ……….... black cats.
6_ There ………… pink dresses.

Put (There is - There are):-

1) ............................ four pictures.
2) ............................ a bed.
3) ............................ fiver desks.

Resala Language School 47

Date : ………………………………….
4) ............................ a red door.
5) ............................ three windows.
6) ............................ a table.
7) ............................ two lamps.
8) ............................ a tree.

Put (There's) or (There’re):-

1- ............................ a desk.
2- ............................ books.
3- ............................ balls.
4- ............................ a bed.
5- ............................ a computer.
Re- arrange the following sentences:-
1_ two _ are _ birds _ There.
2_ is _ a _ spider _ There.
3_ are _ red _ There _ flowers.
4_ are _ grey _ There _ rabbits.
5_ is _ frog _ a _ There.
6_ are – yellow _ There _ flowers.
Resala Language School 48
Date : ………………………………….
7_ is – There _ jacket _ red _ a.
8_ are _ blue _ There _ birds.
9_ is _ green _ There _ a _ kite.
10_ are _ There _ red _ dresses.

Word study

Resala Language School 49

Date : ………………………………….

Resala Language School 50

Date : ………………………………….

Resala Language School 51

Date : ………………………………….
Unit 4
Let’s Make Colors!

Resala Language School 52

Date : ………………………………….
New Vocabularies: -
Wall (n.): A side of a room.
e.g. The classroom has four walls.

Paint (n.): A coloured liquid that is put on a

surface such as a wall to decorate it.
e.g. We use paints to colour the murals on
the walls.
Crayon (n.): A small stick of coloured wax
used for drawing or writing.
e.g. My sister uses crayons to colour her
Painting (n.): The activity of making a
picture or putting paint on a wall.
e.g. My hobbies are reading and painting.

Mural (n.): A large picture that is on the wall

of a room or building.
e.g. We have beautiful mural on the walls of
our school.
Ocean (n.): A very large sea.
e.g. There is a big ship in the ocean.

Sand (n.): Very small pieces of rock, found

on beaches and in deserts.
e.g. My brother likes making sandcastles on
the beach using the sand.

Seaweed (n.): A green, brown, or dark red

plant that grows in the sea.
e.g. The starfish is between the seaweed.

Resala Language School 53

Date : ………………………………….
Seashell (n.): The empty shell of a sea
e.g. The crab is in the seashell.
Jellyfish (n.): A sea animal with a soft,
round, transparent body, it can sting.
e.g. I like watching the jellyfish moving in the
Starfish (n.): A flat animal that lives in the
sea and has five arms that grow from its body
in the shape of a star.
e.g. I see a starfish in the sea.
Clothes (n.): Things such as dresses and
trousers that you wear to cover, protect, or
decorate your body.
e.g. My mum goes to the clothes shop to buy
a dress.
Jacket (n.): A cover to protect someone.
e.g. I feel very sold, I will wear my jacket.

Shorts (n.): Trousers that end above the

knee or reach the knee, often worn in hot
weather or when playing a sport.
e.g. I wear shorts when I play football.
Sneakers (n.): A type of light, comfortable
shoe that is suitable for playing sports.
e.g. I wear my sneakers when I play football.
T-shirt (n.): A simple piece of clothing,
usually with short sleeves and no collar, that
covers the top part of the body.
e.g. I have a yellow t-shirt.
Resala Language School 54
Date : ………………………………….
Hat (n.): A covering for the head.
e.g. I wear my hat when it is sunny.
Pants (n.): A piece of clothing covering the
lower part of the body from the waist to the
e.g. I have blue pants.
A child / Children (n.): Kids.
e.g. The children play on the beach.
Wheel (n.): A circular object.
e.g. The colour wheel shows us primary and
secondary colours.
Mix (v.): To put things together.
e.g. Mix the primary colours to make
secondary colours.
Make (v.): To create.
e.g. We can make secondary colours using
primary colours.
Show (v.): To make it available to see.
e.g. Show your friends your fantastic drawing.

Swim (v.): To move in water by moving the

body or parts of the body.
e.g. We swim in water in summer.
Finish (v.): To complete something or come
to the end of an activity.
e.g. Finish your food first after that you can
play video games.
Want (v.): To wish or to need.
e.g. I want to drink, I’m thirsty.

Resala Language School 55

Date : ………………………………….
Use (v.):
e.g. The boy uses the camera to take photos.

Primary (adj.): Happening first.

e.g. Red, blue and yellow are primary
Secondary (adj.): Not happening first.
e.g. Orange, purple and green are secondary
Fantastic (adj.): Very good.
e.g. My friend draws fantastic drawings.

Free (adj.): Not controlled.

e.g. The fish are free in the sea, they can go
At home (prep. ph.)
e.g. We'll stay at home if it rains.

On a farm (prep. ph.)

e.g. There are many animals on the farm.

In the water (prep. ph.)

e.g The cat is in the water.

In the sea (prep. ph.)

e.g. There is a jellyfish in the sea.

On the sand (prep. ph.)

e.g. The children are on the sand.

Resala Language School 56
Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
1. Sneakers (……)

2. Want (……) b.

3. Seaweed (……)

4. Show (……)
5. Crayon (……)

6. Primary (……)

7. Ocean (……)

Choose the correct word: -

1_ We can (fix _ mix) primary colors to make secondary colors.
Resala Language School 57
Date : ………………………………….
2_ They paint a (mural _ ocean) on the wall.
3_ We play with (fish _ sand) on the beach.
4_ I can see the (bag _ jellyfish) in the sea.
5_ The (ocean _ house) is a big sea.
6_ We mix primary colors to get (primary _ secondary) colors.
7_ Red is a (primary _ secondary) color.
8_ The car has four (colors _ wheels).
9_ Purple is a (secondary _ primary) color.
10_ (Play _ Look) at orange, it’s fantastic.
11_ I can (paint _ run) the mural.
12_ We mix red and blue to make (green – purple).
13_ The starfish lives in the (car _ ocean).
14_ The (jellyfish _ sand) lives in the sea.
15_ I can see the (seaweeds _ mural) under the sea.
16_ I wear a (hat _ pants) on my head.
17_ When it’s cold I wear a (shorts _ jacket).
18_ A big picture on the wall is a (jellyfish – mural).
19_ There are (four – three) primary colors.
20_ There are (three – five) secondary colors.
21_The boys and girls paint a (mural – ocean) on the wall.
22_ The color (wheel – bike) shows primary and secondary
23_ We mix red and yellow to make (purple – orange).
Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -

Resala Language School 58

Date : ………………………………….
(sneakers – jacket – mix –
ocean – sand – pants – shorts)

1- It’s too cold, put on your …………………

2- To make the orange color, ………………… red and yellow.
3- Wear your ………………… when you go running.
4- ………………… means trousers.
5- Desert is full of …………………
6- The ………………… is a very big place with water.
7- These ………………… are very nice.

Fill in the blanks: -

(primary _ hat _ starfish _ mural _ pants _ jacket)

1_ I wear a ………………… on my head.

2_ I see the ………………… in the water.
3_ When it’s cold I wear a …………………
4_ I have a blue …………………
5_ We paint a …………………
6_ Red is a ………………… color.

Rearrange the following structures: -

Resala Language School 59
Date : ………………………………….
1- three - primary – There – colors – are.
2- make – colors – Let’s!
3- is – Every – different – animal.
4- wheel – color – us – primary – The – and – secondary – colors
5-green _ is _ seaweed _ There _ a.
4_ like _ I _ colors.
5_ mural _ We _ a _ paint.
6_ primary _ is _ Red _ color _ a.
7_ ocean _ live _ The _ the _ starfish_ in.
8_ jacket _ is _ a blue _ There.
Circle the odd word: -

1- On a farm – On the sand – In the sea – Use

2- Crayon – Pants – Hat – Sneakers

3- Mix – Fantastic – Make – Swim

4- Finsih – Wall – Show - Mix

Resala Language School 60
Date : ………………………………….
Prepositions of Place
We use the prepositions to show where the things are.

The white cat is in the box.

The orange cat is next to the bag.

The brown cat is on the table.

The blue kitten is under the chair.

Choose the correct answers: -

1- Birds are standing (next – in ) the tree.

Resala Language School 61
Date : ………………………………….
2- Fish live (in – next to) water.

3- Put this vase (under – on) the table.

4- Put your books (in – on) your bag.

5- Stand (on – next to) your brother.

Rearrange the following: -

1- fish – water – Animals – in – live – and.


2- I’m – starfish – standing – the – next to.


3- are – under – water – You – the.


4- is – in – tunnel – Karim – the


5- ocean – lives – The – the – starfish – in


Look and write where the things are: -

Resala Language School 62

Date : ………………………………….









Look and write where the things are: -

Resala Language School 63

Date : ………………………………….

Choose (in - on - under - next to):

Resala Language School 64

Date : ………………………………….

1_ The book is ………………. the pencil.

2_ The cat is …………………...the table.

3_ The dog is ………………….... the table.

4_ …………………………………………….

5_ …………………………………………...


Writing study
Capital and periods (Full Stops/Dots)
Resala Language School 65
Date : ………………………………….
- The first letter of a sentence is a capital letter.
- There is a period at the end of a sentence.


My shirt is blue.

There is bird on the tree.

Punctuate the following: -

1_ my sister is cute

2_ sam is cold

3_ blue and red make purple


4_ the starfish is under the seaweed


5_ i go to school by bus

6_ we are happy

Unit 5
Animal Homes
Resala Language School 66
Date : ………………………………….

New Vocabularies: -

Resala Language School 67

Date : ………………………………….
Animals: Something that lives Animals Homes:
and moves but is not a human, A place where animals live.
bird, fish, or insect.
e.g. You can find the animals
e.g. Lion, giraffe and zebra are at the animals homes.

Eagle (n.): Nest (n.):

A large, strong It is the home
bird with a curved of the birds to
beak that eats live in and
meat and can see give birth to
very well. their eggs.
e.g. The eagle flies very high.
Chick (n.): e.g. I can see
A young chicken. an eagle's nest on the rocks.
e.g. A chick knows
how to break out
of its egg.
Opossum (n.): A Tree hollow
small animal that (n.): A hole or
lives in trees and empty space
has thick fur, a inside a tree.
long nose, and no
hair on its tail. e.g. The opossum lives in the
e.g. There is an opossum in the tree hollow.

Resala Language School 68

Date : ………………………………….
Honeybee Hive = Beehive
(n.): (n.)
A type of bee A place where
that lives with
bees live.
others in a hive
and makes e.g. The
honey. honeybee lives
e.g. The honeybee lives in the in the hive.

Crab (n.): Seashell (n.):

A sea animal that The empty
has five pairs of shell of a
legs and a round, small sea
flat body covered animal.
by a shell.
e.g. My day likes e.g. Crabs
eating crabs. live in seashells.
Squirrel (n.): Woods (n.):
A small animal A land
covered in fur covered
with a long tail. with trees.
e.g. Squirrels e.g. The
climb trees and squirrel
feed on nuts and seeds. lives in the woods.
A mouse / Mice Field (n.):
(n.): A land covered
A small animal with with grass,
short fur, a pointed used for
face, and a long tail. growing plants.
e.g. The mouse
e.g. The mouse runs away from lives in the field.
the cat.

Resala Language School 69

Date : ………………………………….
Frog (n.): Pond (n.):
A small animal An area of
that lives in water
water and on
smaller than a lake.
land, it can jump
from place to place. e.g. Frogs live in ponds.
e.g. The frog jumped into the
A leaf / Leaves (n.): A small green part of
a plant.
e.g. The tree has many green leaves.

Grass (n.): A low, green plant with narrow

e.g. The filed is full of green grass.

Stay (v.): To not move away from or leave a

e.g. The dog stays at its place.

Carry (v.): To move someone or something

from one place to another using your hands
or arms.
e.g. The girl carries a plant.
Change (v.): To make something different.
e.g. Peter changes his clothes.

Resala Language School 70

Date : ………………………………….

Safe X Dangerous (adj.):

e.g. Crossing the road is dangerous, not


Dry X Wet (adj.)

e.g. The girl is dry but the boy is wet.

Asleep X Awake (adj.):

e.g. She's not asleep; her eyes are open.

She’s awake.

Under water (prep. ph.)

e.g. There is seaweed under water.

On land (prep. ph.)

e.g. The frog lives on land and in ponds.

In the tree (prep. ph.)

e.g. There is a tree hollow in the tree.

Resala Language School 71

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
(……) a.
1- Asleep

(……) b.
2- Dangerous

(……) c.
3- Stay
(……) d.
4- Wet
(……) e.
5- A leaf

(……) f.
6- Field

(……) g.
7- Change

Resala Language School 72

Date : ………………………………….
Choose the correct word: -

1- Mother opossums (change – carry) their babies on their backs.

2- Goldfish are very (interesting – boring).

3- High in the tree is a big eagle’s (net – nest).

4- An (opossum – eagle) lives inside a tree hollow.

5- Inside the tree opossum stays safe and (wet – dry).

6- Some (bees – crabs) make their homes in old seashells.

7- Honeybees can’t see the color (red – orange).

8- Honeybees make a (tree hollow – hive) for their home.

9- A lot of animals live in the (woods – school).

10- There is s a frog in the (ocean – pond).

11- There are lots of trees in the (pond – woods).

12- My grandfather grows fruits and vegetables in the (tree hollow

– field).

13- The opposite of wet is (dangerous – dry).

14- The eagle leaves its eggs in the (hive – nest).

Resala Language School 73

Date : ………………………………….
Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -
(five – ten – gray – interesting –
small – seashells – hive)
1- honeybee has………………… eyes.
2- Goldfish are very …………………...
3- Rio’s house is ………………...
4- Crabs have ………………… legs.
5- Opossums are ……………... and black.
6- Some crabs make their homes in old ……………………..
7- Honeybees make a …………………. for their homes.

Fill in the blanks: -

(grass_ field _ nest _ changes _
awake _ safe_ chick_ Squirrels)

1- I can see an eagle's ………………. on the rocks.

2- The mouse lives in the ……………….
3- Her eyes are open. She’s ………………...
4- Peter ………………...his clothes.
5- Crossing the road isn’t ………………....
6- The filed is full of green ………………......
7- ………………......climb trees and feed on nuts and seeds
8- A ………………......knows how to break out of its egg.

Resala Language School 74

Date : ………………………………….
Rearrange the following structures: -
1- keep – safe – Eagle – chicks – their.
2- eagles – white – brown – Some – are – and.
3- have – eyes – Honeybees – five.
4- under – live – Crabs – water – on – and – land.
5- their – on – carry – Mother – opossums – babies – their –
6- is – Where – the – frog?
7- live – A lot of – animals – in – a field

Read then write the opposite: -

Dangerous X ……………………...
Dry X ……………………...
Asleep X ……………………...

Circle the odd word: -

1- Wet – Asleep – Frog – Dangerous

2- Hive – Yellow – Nest – Pond
3- Grass – Crabs – Squirrel – Opossum
4- Carry – A leaf – Change – Stay

Resala Language School 75

Date : ………………………………….
Punctuate the following: -

1- there is a frog in the pond

2- my favorite cartoon is tom and jerry
3- my friend’s name is rihana
4- crabs live in water and on land

Circle the noun and underline the proper noun: -

1- Tia is my best friend.

2- There are frogs, squirrels and a mouse on the farm.

3- My friends are Peter, Oscar and Sami.

4- I have a pen, a pencil, a sharpener and a ruler.

5- Resala is my school.

6- My cat’s name is Luci.

Resala Language School 76

Date : ………………………………….

Where questions with verb to be

Where is …. (Singular noun) ….?

Where are …. (Plural noun) ….?

- We use “Where” to ask a bout the place of things, using

the prepositions of the place.

- Where is = Where’s
- Where are = Where’re

Where’s the bird?
It’s in the tree.

Where are the eggs?

They are in the nest.

Resala Language School 77

Date : ………………………………….
Put (Where’s – Where’re):

1-……………………………. the pencil?

2-……………………………. the crabs?

3-…………………………… your pet?

4-…………………………… the eagles?

5-…………………………… your home?

6-…………………………… the nest?

Rearrange the following:

1- the – pen – is – Where?

2- on – It’s – desk – the.
3- are – honeybees – the – Where?
4- the – under – hive – They’re.
5- Where – chicks – are – the?
6- are – in – They – nest – the.

Resala Language School 78

Date : ………………………………….
Form question: -
1- Where …………………………………………. ?
-The cat is in the box.

2- ……………………………………………………?
-The apple are on the tree.

3- ……………………………………………………?
-The dog is under the bed.

4- ……………………………………………………?

-The toys are in the toy box.

Resala Language School 79

Date : ………………………………….
Word Study
Singular Plural
Means only one. Means more than one.

 Regular Plural: When we change a noun from singular

to plural we just put “s – es – ies” at the end of the word
or we change the whole word.
- Examples:
A dolphin --- Dolphins
A cow ---- Cows
A fox --- foxes
A story --- Stories
An umbrella --- Umbrellas
A mouse --- Mice

Resala Language School 80

Date : ………………………………….
Change into plural:
An eye ………………….
A toy ………………….
An arm ………………….
A leg ………………….
An ear ………………….
A girl ………………….
A bag ………………….
A door ………………….
A boy ………………….
A story ………………….
A man ………………….
A child ………………….
Change into singular:
……………. Bags
……………. Wings
……………. Brushes
……………. Skies
……………. Books
……………. Glasses
……………. Tables
……………. Stories
…………….. Cars
…………….. Buses
…………….. Women
- Irregular Plural: Some nouns stay the same:
A fish --- Fish
A sheep --- Sheep
A deer --- Deer
Resala Language School 81
Date : ………………………………….
Unit 6
My Friend Anak

Resala Language School 82

Date : ………………………………….
New Vocabularies: -
Orangutan (n.): An animal like a
monkey with red-and-brown hair and long
e.g. A young orangutan swings from tree
to tree.
Rainforest (n.): A forest that receives a
lot of rain.
e.g. There is an orangutan in the
Reserve (n.): A place for wild animals to
live in and be protected.
e.g. Some animals live in reserves.

Teacher (n.): Someone whose job is to

teach in a school.
e.g. Miss Amany is my teacher of English.
Character (n.): A person in a film, play,
or story.
e.g. Jerry is my cartoon character.
Milk (n.): The liquid made from the cow.
e.g. I drink a glass of milk daily.
Bottle (n.): A container for liquids.
e.g. There is milk in the bottle.
Food (n.): Something that people and
animals eat, or plants absorb, to keep
them alive.
e.g. We have to eat healthy food.
Fruit (n.): The part of any plant that holds
the seeds, many types of fruit are sweet
and can be eaten.
e.g. Mango and banana are types of
Resala Language School 83
Date : ………………………………….
Surprise (n.) Abnormal feeling.
e.g. We made a surprise party for my
Classroom = Class (n.): A room in a
school for the students.
e.g. There are many classrooms in my
Different times of the day:

Day X Night (n.):

e.g. I go to school in the day time but I
sleep at night.
Morning (n.):
The part of the day from the time when
the sun rises or you wake up until the
middle of the day or lunch time
e.g. I listen to the radio in the morning.
Midday (n.):
Twelve o'clock in the middle of the day.
e.g. By midday, we were really feeling the
Afternoon (n.):
The time that starts at about twelve
o’clock and ends at about six o’clock or
when the sun goes down.
e.g. My sister drinks tea in the afternoon.
Evening (n.):
The part of the day between the end of
the afternoon and night.
e.g. I'm working late this evening.
Teach (about) (v.): To give someone
e.g. Miss Amany teaches us English.
Resala Language School 84
Date : ………………………………….
Take care of (phr. v.): To protect
someone or something and give what that
person or thing needs.
e.g. My parents take care of me.

Miss (v.): To feel sad that a person or

thing is not present.
e.g. I miss my best friend.

Take a nap (phr. v.): A short sleep.

e.g. Why don't you take a nap to rest up
for the party?

Put out (v.): To give food for others.

e.g. My mum puts out food for the birds.

Like (v.): To show that something is

e.g. I like visiting animals.

Call (v.): To give someone or something

a name.
e.g. I called my cat “Caty”.
Climb (v.): To go up.
e.g. Monkeys like climbing trees.

Sit (v.): To be or stay in a position or

e.g. The students sit on the chairs.
Run (v.): To move faster than walking.
e.g. The sheep run away.

Resala Language School 85

Date : ………………………………….
Ask (v.): To put a question to someone.
e.g. She asks questions about the time.

Work (v.): An activity, such as a job.

e.g. My mum is a teacher. She works at a
Wait (for) (v.): Staying in one place until
someone comes or until something
e.g. I wait for the bus to come.
Give X Take (v.):
e.g. I give the money to the cashier and I
take the bag.
Tired (adj.): In need of rest or sleep.
e.g. I’m so tired. I need to take a nap.

Favourite (adj.): Best liked.

e.g. My favourite colour is pink.

Special (adj.): Not usual.

e.g. Anna is my special friend.

High X Low (adj.):

e.g. The nest is high in a tree but, the frog
is low on the land.

Strong X Weak (adj.):

e.g. The lion is strong, but the goat is
Alone X Together (adv.):
e.g. Don’t be alone, play with your sister

Resala Language School 86

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

……………… …………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
(……) a.

2.Put out b.
(……) c.
(……) d.
(……) e.

(……) f.

(……) g.

Resala Language School 87

Date : ………………………………….

Choose the correct word: -

1- The story is about (a crab – an orangutan).
2- Dian (takes care of – puts out) young orangutan.

3- I (teach – learn) the orangutan how to live in the rainforest.

4- Sometimes Anak takes (a nap – a care).

5- Dian (miss – teach) Anak very much.

6- We go to bed at (morning – night).

7- A (midday – day) is 24 hours.

7- We go to school in the (morning – afternoon).

8- Monkeys (run – climb) the trees.

9- My sisters (like – run) watching tv.

10- Don’t be alone. Let’s play (strong – together).

11- The opposite of low is (weak – high).

12- I’m so tired. I want to take a (care – nap).

13- Peter is strong but Sam is (low – weak).

14- (Sit – Stand) down, please.

15- This gift is (together – special) for you.

16- Jerry is the (character – teacher) of the story.

Resala Language School 88

Date : ………………………………….
17- My dad is so busy. He (runs – works) all day.

Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -

(midday – take a nap – miss – teaches – orangutan)

1-My father isn’t here, I …………………. him a lot.

2-The ………………………… is an animal.
3-I’m very tired, I want to …………………………….
4-Mr. Ahmad …………………. us maths.
5-Some people take a nap in …………………

Fill in the blanks: -

(Fruits_ reserve _ put _ favourite _ called _ take)

1- Don’t forget to ………………… out some food for the birds.

2- ………………… and vegetables are healthy food.

3- My ………………… game is Puby.

4- Some animals live in ………………….

5- Give the money to the cashier and ………………… the rest.

6- My friend ………………… her daughter Rozana.

Resala Language School 89

Date : ………………………………….

Rearrange the following: -

1-in – There – a lot of – trees – are – the – rainforest
2-fireworks – Ali – with – watches - his – parents – the
3-ball – My – favourite – purple – toy – is – my
4-Happy – The – House – Reserve – in – rainforest – is – the
5-at – the – lives – reserve – Anak
6-Orangutan – climb – can – trees
Read then write the opposite: -
Weak x …………….
High x …………….
Together x …………….
Take x …………….
Circle the odd word: -
1- Run – Take – High – Give
2- Character – Morning – Afternoon – Evening
3- Low – Weak – Strong – Work
4- Favourite – Special – Alone – Climb

Resala Language School 90

Date : ………………………………….
5- Anna – Table – Suzan - Isabella

What and Who Questions with verb to Be

 Use What to ask about things or animals.
 Use Who to ask about people.

Question Answer

What’s this / that? It’s an orange.

Who’s this / that? It’s my sister, Lily.

What are these / those? They’re oranges.

Who are these / those? They’re sisters.

Choose the correct answer:

1- (what – Who) are these? – They’re my cousins.

2- (What – Who) is that? -It’s my pet dog.

3- (What – Who) is this? -It’s is my father.

4- (What – Who) are those? -They’re my fingers.

5- (What – Who) are these? -They’re my hands.

Resala Language School 91

Date : ………………………………….

Look and Answer:

1- 2-

Who’s this? Who are these?

………………………… ………………………

3- 4-

Who’s that? What is this?

………………………… ………………………

5- 6-

What are those? What’s that?

………………………… ………………………
Resala Language School 92
Date : ………………………………….

7- 8-

Who are these? Who are those?

………………………… ………………………

9- 10-

What are these? What are those?

………………………… ………………………

11- 12-

Who is this? What is this?

………………………… ………………………

Resala Language School 93

Date : ………………………………….
Word Study

Question Mark?

- We put a question mark at the end of the question.


What’s your name?

How are you?

How old are you?

What is the time, please?

Punctuate the following:

Resala Language School 94
Date : ………………………………….
1- what's your name


2- my name is jessica


3- where is isbaella


4- my school is called resala


5- tom and ben are friends


6- howm old are you


7- how are you


Unit 7
Resala Language School 95
Date : ………………………………….
The Four Seasons

New Vocabularies: -

Resala Language School 96

Date : ………………………………….
Seasons: - (n.): One of the four periods of the
year; spring, summer, autumn, or winter.
e.g. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are
the four seasons.
Spring (n.): The season of the year between
winter and summer, when the weather
becomes warmer, leaves and plants start to
grow again and flowers appear.
e.g. Spring is the best season of the year.
Summer (n.): The season of the year
between spring and autumn when the weather
is warmest.
e.g. The students love camping out in summer
Fall = Autumn (n.): The season of the year
between summer and winter, when fruits and
crops become ready to eat and are picked, and
leaves fall.
e.g. The leaves turn brown in fall.
Winter (n.): The season between fall and
spring, when the weather is coldest.
e.g. We go skiing in winter.

Bud (n.): A small part of a plant, that changes

into a flower or a leaf.
e.g. The bud changes into a flower.

Plant (n.): A living thing that makes seeds and

has a stem, leaves, roots, and sometimes
e.g. We have lots of plants in the garden.

Resala Language School 97

Date : ………………………………….
Ground (n.): An area of land.
e.g. The ground was still wet because of the
Trip (n.): When you go somewhere, for a short
time, and come back again.
e.g. She cancelled her trip to Paris.

Raincoat (n.): A coat that protects the wearer

against rain.
e.g. He had no raincoat on when the rain
Doorbell (n.): A bell that is next to the door of
a house, that you push to tell the people inside
that you are there.
e.g. Someone is ringing the doorbell.
Bluebird (n.): A small blue singing bird.
e.g. But when bluebird tweeted, owl couldn’t
Weather: - (n.): The state of the air such as
wind and rain.
e.g. What is the weather like today?
Warm (adj.): At a comfortable temperature, it’s
not hot or cold.
e.g. Only the sun can give me warm enough.
Hot (adj.): Having a high temperature.
e.g. The bread is very hot, I can’t eat it.

Cool = Cold (adj.): Having a low temperature.

e.g. Wear your jacket, it’s cold outside.

Resala Language School 98

Date : ………………………………….
Cloudy (adj.): Full of clouds.
e.g. There are many clouds in the sky, so the
weather is cloudy.
Sunny (adj.): With a lot of bright light from the
e.g. The sun is shining, it’s sunny today.
Windy (adj.): Getting a lot of wind.
e.g. The weather is windy.

Snowy (adj.): Covered with snow.

e.g. There are snows in the air, it’s snowy
Rainy (adj.): Having a lot of rain.
e.g. Umbrella and raincoats are what people
need in rainy days.

Rain (v.): If it rains, water falls from the sky in

small drops.
e.g. It rains in winter days.
Snow (v.): If it snows, snow falls from the sky.
e.g. It is snowing, let’s make a snowman.

Grow (v.): To increase in size or amount.

e.g. My grandfather grows vegetables in the
Come before X Come after (v.)
e.g. Number 3 comes after number 2 and
comes before number 4.

Resala Language School 99

Date : ………………………………….
Turn (v.): To move in a circle around a fixed
point or line.
e.g. The Earth turns around the sun.
Collect (v.): To keep things of one type
together such as stamps or coins as a hobby.
e.g. I collect old coins.
Cover (v.): To put something over something.
e.g. My mum covers me with a blanket.

Begin (v.): To start.

e.g. The class begins at 10 o’clock.

Get (warm / cool / cold …..) (v.): To become.

e.g The weather gets cold in winter.

Time: - (n.): The part such as minutes, hours

and years.
e.g. What is the time?
Long X Short (adj.):
e.g The hour is longer than the minute.

Beautiful X Ugly (adj.):

e.g. The princess is beautiful but the beast is
Different X Similar (adj.):
e.g. My crayons are similar, they look the same
but your crayons are different.
Outside X Inside (adv.):
e.g. The pen is inside the pencil case, but the
ruler is outside it.

Resala Language School 100

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
1. Begin

2. Grow

3. Cool

4. Beautiful

5. Different

6. Spring

7. Turn

Resala Language School 101

Date : ………………………………….
Choose the correct word: -
1- (Summer – Spring) is a growing season.
2-Flowers and plants grow in (spring – winter).
3-The (wind – rain) helps plants to grow.
4-Birds make nests on (trees – grass).
5-In summer it’s (hot – cold) outside.
6-Leaves turn red, yellow and orange in (fall – winter).
7-Animals collect food for the winter in (spring – fall).
8-Lots of trees don’t have leaves in (fall – winter).
9- The painting is beautiful it isn’t (sad – ugly).
10- (Collect – Turn) right to go to the toilet.
11- Number three comes (before – after) number two.
12- Don’t knock on the door. Use the (raincoat – doorbell).
13- In summer, the weather is (sunny – cool).
14- Put on your (shoes – raincoat), it is raining heavily.
15- The opposite of short is (long – fast).
16- Where is the similar shoe? That one is (ugly – different).
17- The (log – bud) of the plant grew into a flower.
18- In winter, it (covers – rains).
19- Use the blanket to (cover – collect) yourself. The weather is
very cold.
20- The bird is not inside the cage. It is (under – outside) it.

Resala Language School 102

Date : ………………………………….
Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -
(long – short – cold – hot –
beautiful – yellow – buds)
1- The sun helps ……………… grow into fruits.
2- In summer, days are ……………… and ………………
3- Leaves turn into red, ……………… and orange in fall.
4- Fall leaves are ……………… colors.
5- In winter, days are ……………… and ………………

Fill in the blanks: -

(season_ flowers _ gets _ different _
plants _ buds_ snowy)

1- It ………………... hot in summer.

2- ……………….. and ………………... grow in spring.
3- My favourite ………………... is winter.
4- ……………….. grow into fruits and flowers.
5- We have ………………... seasons in the year.
6- It’s ………………..., we can make snowman.

Resala Language School 103

Date : ………………………………….
Rearrange the following structures: -

1-in – grow – Flowers – and – spring – plants


2-days – Summer – long – are – hot – and


3-colors – are – Fall – beautiful – leaves


4-comes – Winter – after – fall


5-winter – the – Animals – food – collect – for


Read then write the opposite: -

Outside x …………….

beautiful x …………….

Cold x …………….

Resala Language School 104

Date : ………………………………….
Circle the odd word: -
1- Sunny – Rain – Cloudy – Windy

2- Winter – Yellow – Fall – Spring

3- Collect – Cover – Grow – Summer

Punctuate the following: -

1- where is sama
2- this is my friend lama
3- how old are you
4- john, peter and jacob are friends
5- who’s this
6- what are these

7- my cat’s name is caty


Resala Language School 105

Date : ………………………………….
The Simple Present Tense
Affirmative – Negative Forms
(He / She / It)
- In the simple present tense, we add “s” to the verbs with the
subjects (He / She / It).

Affirmative He / She / It verb + s

Negative He / She / It doesn’t (does not) + v.inf.

- It gets hot in summer.
- She wakes up early.
- He plays football.

- It doesn’t get hot in winter.

- She doesn’t wake up early.
- He doesn’t play football.

Correct the verbs: -

Resala Language School 106
Date : ………………………………….
1- He talk on the phone. ……………..

2- She raise her hands. ……………..

3- She turn on the computer. ……………..

4- The duck quack. ……………..

5- The dog bark. ……………..

6- She open the door. ……………..

7- John work in a restaurant. ……………..

Put the verb in the simple present tense: -

1- Sarah ……………... (like) slow music.

2- Rana ……………... (make) a delicious cake.

3- Susan ……………... (drink) milk for breakfast.

4- My father ……………... (arrive) home at 7 p.m.

5- This train ……………... (stop) at Cairo.

6- Sam ……………... (play) football all the weekend.

7- It ……………... (snow) in winter.

Change into negative: -

Resala Language School 107

Date : ………………………………….
1-He sleeps early.


2-It drinks milk.


3-Sarah eats an apple.


4-The dog plays with water.


5-Mazen walks to school.


6- My cousin likes pop music.


7- Mrs. Lama speaks French.


8-She drinks coffee every day.


Word Study
Resala Language School 108
Date : ………………………………….
Compound Nouns:

- Sometimes we can put two words together to make a new



Rain + coat = Raincoat

Door + bell = Doorbell.

Compete the following: -

Star + fish = ………………….

Blue + ……………... = Bluebird

………. + …………. = Jellyfish

After + noon = ………………...

Bed + room = …………………

Class + room = ……………….

Class + mate = ……………….

Birth + day = ………………….

Cheese + cake = …………….

Key + board = ………………...

Unit 8
Resala Language School 109
Date : ………………………………….
Arnold’s Apple Tree

New Vocabularies: -

Resala Language School 110

Date : ………………………………….
Insect (n.): A type of very small animal.
e.g. The spider is an insect.
Blossom (n.): The small flowers on a tree or plant.
e.g. The peach tree has an excellent blossom this
(n.): The surface of a room on which you walk.
e.g. Use the mop to clean the floor.
String (n.): A strong thin rope.
e.g. Give me that string for my kite.
Nectar (n.): A sweet liquid made by flowers and
collected by bees.
e.g. The bee turns nectar into honey.
Popcorn (n.): Seeds of corn that are heated until
they burst, becoming light, white balls.
e.g. I like eating popcorn while watching tv.
Berry (n.): A small round fruit.
e.g. This kind of jam is made of berry.
Branch (n.): One of the parts of a tree that grows
out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers,
or fruit on it.
e.g. I cut a branch off the tree.
Desk (n.): A type of table that you can work at,
often one with drawers.
e.g. There are many desks in my classroom.
Basket (n.): Something like a rounded box, with a
handle, which is used for carrying or storing
e.g. Put your dirty clothes in the basket.

Resala Language School 111

Date : ………………………………….
Classmate (n.): Someone who is in the same
class as you at school.
e.g. My classmates are so friendly.
Watch (v.): To look at something for a period of
time, something that is changing or moving.
e.g. I like watching comedy films.
Shade (v.): To block the direct light from the sun.
e.g. My apple tree shades me from the hot sun.
Fall (v.): To suddenly go down onto the ground.
e.g. In winter, snow falls.
Bring (v.): To take or carry someone or something
to a place or a person.
e.g. I bring some sweets for my little sister.
Keep (v.): To stay in the same position.
e.g. My apple tree keeps me busy all year.
Juggle (v.): To throw things up into the air, and
then catch and throw them up repeatedly.
e.g. I juggle some green apples for my tree friend.
Lie (v.): To be or put yourself in a flat position so
that you are not standing or sitting.
e.g. My friend makes a soft floor to lie on.
Shake (v.): To move backwards and forwards or
up and down in quick.
e.g. I shake the branches of the tree to get some
Hang (v.): To stay in the air.
e.g. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling.

Resala Language School 112

Date : ………………………………….
Melt X Freeze (v.):
e.g. If you warm ice, it will melt into water.
You can freeze the ice in the freezer.
Draw (v.): To make a picture of something or
someone with a pencil or pen.
e.g. The children draw pictures of their families.
Water (v.): To pour water on to plants.
e.g. My mum waters the plants in the morning.
Busy X Free (adj.):
Busy: You have a lot of things to do.
Free: Not doing anything.
e.g. I’m busy now doing a lot of things, after an
hour I will be free.
Soft X Hard(adj.):
e.g. The teddy bear is soft but the toy car is hard.
Quiet X Noisy (adj.):
e.g. Please, be quiet. Not to be noisy.
Tasty = Yummy = Delicious (adj.):
e.g. My apple tree now has big, red, tasty apples.
Bare (adj.): Without any clothes or not covered by
e.g. The tree is bare of leaves.
Seasonal activities: - Things we do in a certain
Ride a bicycle (phrasal verb):
e.g. I ride a bicycle in the club.
Go to the beach (ph. v.):
e.g. We go to the beach in summer.

Resala Language School 113

Date : ………………………………….
Build a snowman (ph. v.):
e.g. In winter, we build a snowman.

Build a tree house (ph. v.):

e.g. Arnold builds a tree house in his apple tree.

Make a swing (ph. v.):

e.g. I make a swing for me in my apple tree.

Make apple pie (ph. v.):

e.g. My family and I make apple pies.

Eat ice cream (ph. v.):

e.g. I like eating ice cream in December.

Drink hot chocolate (ph. v.):

e.g. In winter, I drink hot chocolate.

Fly a kite (ph. v.):

e.g. I like to fly a kite on the beach in summer.

Plant a flower (ph. v.):

e.g. My dad plants a flower in spring.

In the ocean (prep. phr.)

e.g. There are big whales in the ocean.

Resala Language School 114

Date : ………………………………….
Look and write: -

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

Match the word with the picture: -
1- Build a tree house

2- Tasty

3- Lie

4- Water

5- String

6- Bare

7- Nectar

Resala Language School 115

Date : ………………………………….
Choose the correct word: -

1-Arnold watches small (buds – flowers) grow on his tree.

2- The honeybees collect (flowers – nectar) from the
3- Arnold makes a (swing – slide) for his apple tree.
4- I build a (tree – swing) house in my tree.
5- Small apples begin to (grow – die).
6- In winter, I (build - make) a snowman.
7- I (do – make) apple pie.
8- I (bring – make) some leaves up to my tree house.
9- Have a slice of pizza. It is (bare – tasty).
10- I go to the beach to (water – lie) in the sun.
11- mum uses the (string – nectar) to repair my dress.
12- (Shade – Shake) hands.
13- The sun (waters – shades) me from the sun.
14- The opposite of hard is (soft – sad).
15- I can’t go with you, I’m so (free – busy).
16- The opposite of melt is (soft – freeze).
17- I like lying on (soft – hard) floor.

Resala Language School 116

Date : ………………………………….
Fill in the gaps using words between brackets: -
(make – builds – watch – bring – ride – drinks - fly)
1-My mother …………………… her hot chocolate.

2-We …………………. our kite.

3-Sandy and I ………………………… the cartoon.

4-They …………………………. their bikes.

5-Arnold ……………………. a tree house.

6-I can …………………… a snowman.

7-Mum and dad ……………………… my mobile phone.

Fill in the blanks: -

(branches_ chocolate _ fall _ beach _ basket _ insects)
1- In the summer, Marco goes to the ……………...
with his family.
2- Frogs eat ……………...
3- In winter, the ……………... of the tree are bare.
4- Red apples ……………... to the ground.
5- My mum puts the apple in the ……………...
6- In winter, I like drinking hot ……………...

Resala Language School 117

Date : ………………………………….
Rearrange the following structures: -
1- a lily – This – called – is – flower
2- go to – a lot of – beach – people – summer – In
3- eat – Frogs – insects
4- many – colors – different – are – Flowers
5- green – A big, - lives – pond – frog – in – this
6- swim – They – in – ocean – the
7- make – I – soft – to – lie – floor – on – a
8- of – my – The – apple - tree – are – branches – bare

Resala Language School 118

Date : ………………………………….
Read then write the opposite: -
Melt x …………….

Soft x …………….

Free x …………….

Circle the odd word: -

1- Busy – Free – Soft – Build

2- Bring – Shake – string – Shade.

3- Summer – Spring – Beach – Fall

Resala Language School 119

Date : ………………………………….
The Simple Present Tense
Affirmative – Negative Forms
(I / They / We / You)
- In the simple present tense, we leave the verb in the infinitive
verb with the subjects (I / They / We / You).

Affirmativ (I / They / We / You). verb in infinitive

Negative (I / They / We / You). don’t (do not) + v.inf.

- I go to the beach in summer.
- They wake up early.
- We play football.
- You run fast,

- I don’t go to the beach in winter.

- They don’t wake up early.
- We don’t play football.
- You don’t run fast.

Resala Language School 120

Date : ………………………………….

Correct the verbs: -

1-They talks on the phone. ……………..
2-We raises our hands. ……………..

3-I turns on the computer. ……………..

4-The ducks quacks. ……………..

5-The dogs barks. ……………..

6-They opens the door. ……………..

7-John and Ben works in a restaurant. ……………..

Put the verb in the simple present tense: -

1- Sarah and Noha ……………... (like) slow music.

2- Rana and Yara ……………... (make) a delicious cake.

3- Susan and me……………... (drink) milk for breakfast.

4- My brothers ……………... (arrive) home at 7 p.m.

5- This trains ……………... (stop) at Cairo.

6- Sam and his brother……………... (play) football all the

Resala Language School 121
Date : ………………………………….

Change into negative: -

1- I grow plants.


2- They build a snowman.


3- We sleep early.


4-The dogs play with water.


5- You build a tree house.


6- My cousins like pop music.


7- They pick flowers.


Resala Language School 122

Date : ………………………………….
8- We eat fruits.


Correct the words between brackets:

1-Mr. Green is a teacher. He …………………... history. (teach)

2-Jim and Nick ……………………… football every day. (play)

3-Jack …………………. volleyball. (play)

4-Elephants ……………………… leaves and grass. (eat)

5-I ………………... to the cinema on Saturdays. (walk)

Writing Study
- Put commas between words in a list.
Examples: -
The leaves are red, yellow, and orange.
The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter.
Punctuate the following:

1- my favourite drinks are lemonade orange juice and Pepsi


2- i like red blue and green


Resala Language School 123

Date : ………………………………….
3- do you like eating pizza burger and chips


Resala Language School 124
Date : ………………………………….

1-Read and answer:

It is a cat. The cat is fat. The cat is hot. It has a mat.

Tick (√) or (×):

1_ It is a dog. ( )

2_ The cat is fat. ( )

3_ The cat is hot. ( )

4_ It has a fan. ( )

2-Read and answer:

I am Tom. I have a rug. The rug is red. I can cut the rug.

Tick (√) or (×):

1_ Tom has a rug. ( )

2_ I am Sam. ( )

3_ He cuts the rug. ( )

Resala Language School 125

Date : ………………………………….

3-Read and answer:

I am Harry. I am seven years old. My mum is

a vet. My dad is a doctor. I have one sister. I like the
purple colour.

Tick (√) or (×):

1_ I am Harry. ( )

2_ I am nine years old. ( )

3_ My mum is a doctor. ( )

4_ I like blue. ( )

5_ My dad is a vet. ( )

4-Read and answer:

This is my mum. She is a vet. She is 30 years old. She

likes blue. She is happy.

Tick (√) or (×):

1_ This is my mum. ( )

2_ She is a doctor. ( )

3_ She is 30 years old. ( )

Resala Language School 126
Date : ………………………………….
4_ She likes red. ( )

5-Read and answer:

Hello, my name is Laura. I am eight years old. This is

my family. I have a brother and a sister. My mom likes to cook
and my dad likes to watch TV. My grandparents are old and
kind. They are my dad’s parents. I also have a pet dog. His
name is Charlie. He likes to sleep.

Put (True) Or (False): -

1- These are my friends. (………….)
2- I have one brother and one sister. (………….)
3- They are my mum’s parents. (………….)
Complete: -
1- I have a pet ……………...
2- The dog like to ……………
Answer the following: -
1- What is your name?
2- How old are you?

Resala Language School 127

Date : ………………………………….
6-Read and answer:

Sami has a pet shop.

There are many animals in his pet
shop. There are mice, frogs, cats and
birds. There is a big parrot in the
shop. Its colours are green, yellow,
red and blue. Sami likes playing with
his parrot. Sami cleans the shop and
feeds the pets every day.

Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1-There is a big (car – parrot – piano) in the shop.
2-Sami feeds the (pets – shop – bike) every day.
3-There are many (trees – animals – cars) in Sami's pet shop.
Put (True) or (False):

1-Sami doesn't clean the shop every day. (………….)

2-Sami likes playing with his parrot. (………….)

Answer the following questions: -

1-What are the colours of the

parrot? ....................................................................................
2-What are the animals in Sami's pet
shop? ....................................................................................

Resala Language School 128

Date : ………………………………….
7-Read and answer:

Huda lives in a big house. The kitchen, the living

room and the dining room are downstairs. There are three
bed rooms and two bath rooms upstairs. There is a big
garden. It has trees, beautiful flowers and a swimming pool.
There is a fence around the house.

Complete the following sentences: -

1-There is a.......................around the house.

2-There are..............., the garden.

Put (True) or (False): -

1-There is a big garden. (………….)

2-Huda lives in a big house. (………….)

Answer the following questions: -

1-Which rooms are
downstairs? ......................................................................................
.................. 2-Which rooms are
upstairs? ..........................................................................................

Resala Language School 129

Date : ………………………………….
8-Read and answer:

Akram is a shop keeper. He gets

up early in the morning. His shop is near
his house. He goes to work on his bike. He
likes his work. His wife Karima is a
housewife. She gets up at 7 o'clock. She
does many things at home such as
cleaning, dusting, washing and cooking.

Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1-Akram's wife is a (nurse – teacher – housewife).

2-Akram gets up early in the (morning – evening – afternoon).

Put (True) or (False): -

1-Karima gets up at 9 o'clock. (………….)

2-Akram's shop is near his house. (………….)

Answer the following questions: -

1-How does Akram go to
work? ...............................................................................................
.......... 2-What does Karima do at

Resala Language School 130

Date : ………………………………….

9-Read and answer:

Rana is a young girl. She is eight years old. Her hair is

brown. Her eyes are brown, too. She likes reading and watching

T.V. but she doesn't like drawing or dancing. She has a lot of nice

books. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a nurse. Rana can

swim and ride a bike but she can't play tennis.

Complete the following sentences: -

1-Rana's hair is ………………...and her …………… are brown, too
2-Rana doesn't like ………………...or …………………...
3-Rana has a lot of ……………………………
Answer the following questions: -
1-How old is Rana?
2-What can Rana do?
3-Where does Rana's father work?

Resala Language School 131

Date : ………………………………….

10- Read and answer:

Our school is big. It has 16 classes on

three floors. The classrooms are big. There
are white boards on the walls. There is a big
playground. There's a flag in the middle.
There's also a beautiful garden with a lot of
plants and flowers. We like our school.

Put (True) or (False): -

1-Our school is small and we don't like it. (………….)

2-There's a beautiful garden with plants and flowers. (………….)

Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1-Our school has got (two-three-four) floors.

2-There's a (flag-class-garden) in the middle.

Answer the following questions: -

1-How many classes are there in your school?
2-What colour are the boards?

Resala Language School 132

Date : ………………………………….

11- Read and answer:

Today is Amr's birthday. He's six years old

today. He's having a party. He wakes up early. He's wearing
his new clothes. His friends are coming to him with
presents. His mother is making a big chocolate cake. His
sister is making juice and some drinks. They are going to
eat, drink and play.

Put (True) or (False): -

1-Amr's brother makes juice and some drinks. (………….)
2-They are going to eat, drink and play. (………….)

Complete the following sentences: -

1-Amr is ………………years old today.
2-His mother makes a big ………………………………...

Answer the following questions: -

1-What is Amr wearing today?
2-Who are coming to Amr today?
Resala Language School 133
Date : ………………………………….

Speaking Skills

Resala Language School 134

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 1
Language Function: (Introducing People)
- Hello!
- Hi!

- What's your name?

- My name is ......
- I'm ......

- How are you?

- I’m fine, thank you.

- How old are you?

- I'm ...... years old.

- Who is this?
- This is my ....

- It’s nice to meet you!

- Nice to meet you, too!

Possessive s ('s)

Jack's family
Kim's sister
Resala Language School 135
Date : ………………………………….
Mandy's friend

Complete the following dialogue: -

Sophia: Good morning, Alice.
Alice: …………………………………….
Sophia: ………………………………….?
Alice: He is Mandy’s friend.
Sophia: It’s nice to meet you.
Alice: ……………………………………...

Complete the following dialogue: -

Nina: Hello!
Carol: …………………………………
Nina: ………………………………….
Carol: My name is Carol.
Nina: How are you?
Carol: …………………………………

Resala Language School 136

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 2
Language Function: (Describing Friends)
- Let's + v.inf.
- Let's look.
- What’s your friend's name?
- My friend's name is ......
- This is Tim. He has a hamster.
- We play together.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Jessica: …………………………………….
Maggie: Hello, Jessica.
Jessica: ………………………………….?
Maggie: My friend’s name is Emma.
Jessica: Where is she?
Maggie: I don’t know. Let’s ………………
Complete the following dialogue: -
John: …………………………………….
Tom: Good morning, John.
John: Who’s this?
Tom: …………………………………….
John: Do you play together?
Tom: …………………………………….
Resala Language School 137
Date : ………………………………….

Unit 3

Language Function: (Inviting and Making Suggestion)

- Do you want to play with me?

- Sure.

- Let’s color!
- Ok! Good idea.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Jack: Do you want to play with me?
Mark: ...………!
Jack: Let’s color!
Mark: Good ……………….

Complete the following dialogue: -

Adam: Do you want to play with me?
Caty: ……………………...!
Adam: Let’s ………...!
Caty: Ok. ……………………...

Resala Language School 138

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 4

Language Function: (Describing Using Colors)

- What’s your favorite color?

- My favorite color is …...
 What are your favourite clothes?
 My favourite clothes are ………...
- I have a yellow hat.
- There’s a starfish next to me.
- It’s orange.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Leo: ……………………………………....................
Sandra: My favorite clothes are t-shirts and pants.

Leo: What’s your favorite color?

Sandra: ………………………………………………

Complete the following dialogue: -

Emily: ………………………………...…….?

Molly: It’s a jellyfish.

Emily: What’s a starfish?

Molly: ………………………………………...

Resala Language School 139

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 5

Language Function: (Warning People)

 Watch out! = Be careful!

 Ok. Thanks.
 What’s wrong?

Complete the following dialogue: -

David: …………………………………….

John: What’s wrong?

David: It’s a beehive.

John: Ok. ……………………

Complete the following dialogue: -

Sandy: Be careful!

Maya: ………………………………………

Sandy: It’s a beehive.

Maya: Ok. Thanks.

Resala Language School 140

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 6

Language Function: (Describing Animals)

- It’s small. It’s brown.

- It lives in the woods.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Tom: What’s your favorite animal?

Sam: ………………………………………...

Tom: Where does it live?

Sam: ………………………………………

Complete the following dialogue: -

Ben: …………………………………………?

David: My favorite animal is the lion.

Ben: Where does it live?

David: ………………………………………...

Resala Language School 141

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 7

Language Function: (Inviting People)

- Do you want to play in the snow with me?

- Sure!
- Great! Let’s go!
- No, I’m sorry.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Adam: Hello, Anna.

Anna: ……………… Do you want to play in the snow with me?

Adam: …………

Anna: Great! Let’s …………

Complete the following dialogue: -

Suzan: Good afternoon, Tom.

Tom: ……………………………

Suzan: Do you want to play in the snow with me?

Tom: No, ………………….

Resala Language School 142

Date : ………………………………….

Unit 8

Language Function: (Asking and Telling about


- What do you do in the spring?

- I ride a bicycle.

Complete the following dialogue: -

Lily: What’s your favorite season?

Sarah: ……………………………………….

Lily: What do you do in summer?

Sarah: ……………………………………….

Complete the following dialogue: -

Sam: ……………………………………………?

Adham: My favorite season is winter.

Sam: What do you do in winter?

Adham: …………………………………………..

Resala Language School 143

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