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Semana 2 Clase 1 (Estructura, Preguntar, Afirmar y Negar)

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Listening Writing


Semana 2 Clase 1
Objetivos de la clase

01. 02.
Estructura Preguntar

03. 04.
Afirmar Negar
Objetivo numero 1

Una estructura gramatical es el orden de las palabras, frases
y cláusulas de una oración. De esta estructura, también
llamada estructura sintáctica, depende la función
gramatical completa de la oración.


Sujeto + verbo + Complemento

¿Qué es el sujeto?

El sujeto es la persona, Animal o objeto que lleva a cabo la acción

de la cual estamos hablando.

I, you, She, He, We, They, It

¿Qué es el verbo?

Un verbo es una clase de palabra que indica una acción, un

estado o un proceso que tiene lugar en la oración.
¿Qué es el complemento?

Un complemento del verbo (CV) es la palabra o grupo de palabras

que acompaña al verbo en la oración.

We are with They are in

He is my neighbor the park
the teacher
We are with Your cat is
Today is hot white
your sister

Yes, I get it
She is with(uith) my friend
We are teachers
Because(bicos) (porque)
I am in my house because I am sick
He is here(jir) because he is the teacher
She is in my house because she is my sister
I am in the park with my sister
She is in the hospital because she is sick
They are not in the school, they are in the store
Let´s practice

With Here There In Party

(Con) (aqui) (allí) (en) (fiesta)

Neighbor But Man And Teacher

(vecino) (pero) (Hombre) (y) (Profesor)

Woman Why? Because Or Sister

(mujer) ¿Por que? (Porque) (o) (Hermana)
usted esta con mi hermana You are with my sister

Nosotros estamos en tu casa We are in your house

Mi gato es negro My cat is black

Yo estoy en la escuela I am in the school

Él es mi profesor de Ingles He is my English teacher

Ellos son tus amigos They are your friends

You: tu, usted, ustedes
Is: es, está
Am, is o Are
My father is my best friend The men are sad
Gabriel and Carlos are with my brother Men The computers are black

The house is small I am with my friend

The cat is here with my dog She and I are in the classroom

You are a good English teacher She or he is in the classroom

Objetivo numero 2

Cuando se realiza un pregunta con verbo “to be” se debe colocar
en primera posición el verbo seguido del sujeto y el


Verbo + sujeto + complemento

Is she a doctor?

Is he my
cousin? Are you here? Is she there?
Are we Friends? Are they students? Is it a book?
Are you my teacher?
Is she in the park? Where are my brothers?
Are they my Friends? Where is she?
Is he your brother?
Where is my phone?
Where is he?
Where is my car? Where are they?
Where is my mother? Mom Where are you?
Where are my shoes?
Are you the new teacher?
Is she sick?
Ae they okey?
Is he your best friend?
What: que? cual? Cuales?
What is it?
What are your names?
Where: Donde?
Where is my telephone?
Where is your sister?
Where are my shoes?
Where are your parents?
Where am I?
Are you okey/fine/right?
Let´s practice
Objetivo numero 3

Afirmar con el verbo “To be”

Las oraciones afirmativas en inglés sirven para
expresar una idea de un modo positivo.

Yes, Sujeto + verbo + complemento

Are you here? Are they students? Are we Friends?

Yes, I am here Yes, they are students Yes, we are friends

Are you my teacher?
Yes, I am your teacher
Is she in the park?
Yes, she is in the park
Are they my Friends?
Yes, they are your Friends
Is he your brother?
Yes, he is my brother

Is he my English Is my pencil on
Is she a doctor?
teacher? the table?

Yes, she is a Yes, he is my Yes, my pencil

doctor English teacher is on the table
Are your neighbors in Is my aunt in Are your cats on
your house? the store? the roof ?

Yes, my neighbors Yes, your aunt is Yes, my cats

are in my house in the store are on the roof
Objetivo numero 4

Negar con el verbo “To be”

Las oraciones negativas en inglés sirven para expresar una idea de un
modo negativo. Este estilo de oración sirve cuando queremos exponer
una negación, contradicciones o acciones que no se han llevado a

No, Sujeto + verbo +Not+ complemento

Are they your brothers? Is my aunt in the store? Are your cats on the roof?

No, they are not my No, your aunt is not in No, my cats are not on
brothers the store the roof
He is not my boss
It´s not my dog
They are not in my party
They are not here because they are busy
We are not angry
We are in france, and my Friends are in Brazil

Is she a builder? Is it your house? Are you a pilot?

No,she is not a No, it is not my

No, I am not a pilot
builder house
She is not sick
We are not in the park
They are not my friends
she is not angry, she is happy
She is sad because I am in France
It is not my dog
You are not hungry
Am I a Singer? Are they nurses? Is it my book?

No, you are not a No, they are not No, it is not your
singer nurses book
I am not your friend
She is not my teacher
he is not in my house
They are not my parents
my sister is not sick
My teachers are not my friends
Respuestas cortas con verbo “To be”
Are you a teacher?
Yes, I am
Yes, you are No, I am not
Yes, she is No, you are not
Yes, he is negativas No, she is not
Yes, we are No, he is not
Yes, they are afirmativas No, we are not
Yes, it is No, they are not
No, it is not
Are you the new teacher?
Yes, I am
No, I am not
is she your sister?
Yes, she is
No, she is not, she is my cousin
Is she your sister?
Yes, she is
No, she is not
Are we here?
Yes, we are
No, we are not
Are you the new teacher?
Yes, I am
No, I am not
Is she sick?
Yes, she is
No, she isnot
Are they okey?
Yes, they are
No, they are not
Is he your best friend?
Yes, he is
No, he is not your best friend
Contracciones con el Contracciones con el
verbo “To be” verbo “To be” y el “Not”
I am I’m I’m not
you are You’re You aren’t
she is She’s She isn’t
he is He’s He isn’t
we are
Isent We aren’t
they are They’re They aren’t
it is It’s It isn’t
I´m oke
I´m here
I´m a student

She´s my friend
She´s my cousin
He´s my brother/father
I´m here
You´re my teacher
She´s my friend
He´s my brother
They´re my teachers
She´s my friend
He´s my brother
We´re teachers
I´m a doctor
Let’s Practice
Am I a Singer? Are they nurses? Is it my book?
Is it my cellphone? Is he your boyfriend? Is she an artist?

Yes, it is my No, he is not your No, she is not an

cellphone boyfriend artist
Are they your
Are we nurses? Are you crazy?

Yes, they are your No, we are not

No, I am not crazy
teachers nurses
Próximos objetivos de la clase

Semana 2 / clase2

Expresiones con el
verbo “To be”

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