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Journal of Analytical Toxicology 2012;36:515 –522

doi:10.1093/jat/bks062 Advance Access publication July 23, 2012 Article

Estimation of the Measurement Uncertainty in Quantitative Determination of Ketamine and

Norketamine in Urine Using a One-Point Calibration Method
Yi-Chun Ma1, Che-Wei Wang1, Sih-Hua Hung1, Yan-Zin Chang2, Chia-Reiy Liu3 and Guor-Rong Her1*
Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, 2Institute of Medical and
Molecular Toxicology, Chung Shan Medical University, No.110, Sec.1, Jianguo North Road, Taichung 40201, Taiwan, and 3Food and
Drug Administration, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, No.161-2, Kunyang Street, Nangang District, Taipei 11561, Taiwan

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:

An approach was proposed for the estimation of measurement un- Multiple-point calibration is the most popular method used
certainty for analytical methods based on one-point calibration. The in quantitative analysis. Because of the need of knowing the
proposed approach is similar to the popular multiple-point calibra- MU for any quantitative data, approaches for estimating the MU

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tion approach. However, the standard deviation of calibration was based on multiple-point calibration (often more than five points)
estimated externally. The approach was applied to the estimation have been reported (7–11). In general, these approaches are
of measurement uncertainty for the quantitative determination of similar to the approach proposed in case A5 of the EURACHEM/
ketamine (K) and norketamine (NK) at a 100 ng/mL threshold con- CITAC guide of quantifying uncertainty in analytical measure-
centration in urine. In addition to uncertainty due to calibration, ment (5).
sample analysis was the other major source of uncertainty. To In areas that require a threshold value, such as in the detec-
include the variation due to matrix effect and temporal effect in tion of drugs of abuse, the MU at the threshold value is critical
sample analysis, different blank urines were spiked with K and NK because of its significance in decision-making. One potential
and analyzed at equal time intervals within and between batches. problem of using the MU based on multiple-point calibration is
The expanded uncertainties (k 5 2) were estimated to be 10 and that the assumption of the same population standard deviation
8 ng/mL for K and NK, respectively. across the calibration range may not be correct. It is known
that standard deviation is often increased with concentration.
Therefore, the slope and standard deviation of calibration cal-
Introduction culated from a non-weighted multiple-point calibration curve
Every measurement is subject to error. A measured value is un- may not be the best estimates for the threshold concentration.
likely to be equal to the true value because of the systematic For drug-of-abuse testing laboratories in Taiwan, one-point
and random errors present in any chemical test. Ideally, knowl- calibration at the threshold value is the most commonly used
edge of systematic and random errors would provide the true quantitative approach. One-point calibration has shown similar
value after correction. However, random error may vary in each bias and precision with multiple-point calibration (12). Because
measurement, and thus the true value is theoretically difficult it shows similar performance and better efficiency with
to obtain. Although the true value cannot be known, one can respect to time and work-load, one-point calibration has been
characterize a parameter, the uncertainty of measurement, that applied to the study of drugs-of-abuse in whole blood (13), in
describes the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed the gas chromatography –mass spectrometry (GC–MS) drug
to a measurand (1). ISO/IEC 17025 (2) clearly specifies that an confirmation guideline of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards
estimation of the measurement uncertainty (MU) is mandatory Institute (14) and in the forensic drug laboratory accreditation
for all quantitative tests. program at the College of American Pathologists.
Two major approaches have been established to MU estima- Although not in the field of drug-of-abuse testing, the MU of
tion. The bottom-up approach is described in the Guide to the one-point calibration has been reported (15, 16). Attempts
Expression of Uncertainty of Measurement (GUM) (3), pub- have been made to estimate the uncertainty of the peak area
lished by the International Organization for Standardization ratio of the calibration solution by standard deviations from
(ISO). In this approach, all sources of error are fundamentally repeated analysis (15). Uncertainty of the peak area, including
considered, and the MU is estimated by statistical methods repeatability, detector drift and peak integration, has also been
(type A) as well as by means other than statistical methods reported (16).
(type B). The guide provides a comprehensive understanding None of the one-point calibration methods used the word
of all required analytical operations, which allows the analyst “slope” to describe the equation (15, 16), and this could be the
to focus efforts on improving the operations if required, to primary reason that the MU estimation for one-point calibration
optimize the analytical method (4). The second, top-down (15, 16) appeared to be dissimilar to multiple-point calibration
approach, has been illustrated in the example A4 given in the (7– 11). In practice, one-point calibration can be considered to
EURACHEM/CITAC guide (5). This approach considers the MU be the simplest case of a multiple-point calibration curve
as a whole. Uncertainties are evaluated using in-house valid- without an intercept (17). This study proposes an MU ap-
ation data and intra-lab quality control (QC). The top-down ap- proach for one-point calibration that is similar to multiple-point
proach has been suggested to be more suitable for complex calibration.
chemical tests (4). For more complex test procedures, the The proposed approach was used in the estimation of MU
bottom-up approach may not account for uncertainties that for quantitative determination of ketamine and norketamine in
tend to cancel out (6). urine at the cut-off concentration (100 ng/mL). Ketamine is a

# The Author [2012]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
general anesthetic with analgesic and hallucinogenic proper- with 100 mL K/NK standard working solution to prepare the
ties. It was originally used in veterinary medicine; however, its 100 ng/mL K/NK standard calibration solution.
ability to produce intensely vivid psychedelic effects causes its
frequent abuse. In Taiwan, it is at the top of the list for quan-
tities seized by the law enforcement for the past six consecu- Preparation of 100 ng/mL K/NK urine samples
tive years. The procedures of the estimation of MU and the The urine samples of 100 ng/mL K/NK were prepared by
results of the estimation are reported and discussed. spiking 100 mL K/NK standard working solution ( prepared
from a different batch of Cerilliant standard) into 1-mL drug-
free urines that were collected from drug-free individuals.
Different batches of ketamine (K), ketamine-d4 (K-d4), norketa- Extraction procedure of urine
mine (NK) and norketamine-d4 (NK-d4) standards were pur- One milliliter of K/NK standard calibration solution and urine
chased from Cerilliant Corporation (Round Rock, TX) for the sample were added to 100 mL internal standard (IS, K-d4 and
preparation of calibration solution and spiked urine samples. NK-d4, 1 mg/mL) and 1 mL phosphate buffer ( pH 6.0) before

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QC samples (urine) for checking Cerilliant standards were pur- the extraction procedure. The extraction was performed on a
chased from UTAK Laboratories (Valencia, CA). All other che- SPEC DAU column. Briefly, the extraction column was pre-
micals and solvents were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, conditioned with methanol (200 mL). Urine was loaded onto
Germany). A SPEC DAU solid-phase extraction column was pur- the extraction column and sequentially rinsed with acetic acid
chased from Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA). (500 mL) and methanol (500 mL) by applying 10 –20 inHg
(33.8–67.7 kPa) vacuum for 1 min. The eluting solvent
(800 mL, 80 mL ethyl acetate mixed with 20 mL methanol and
Preparation of standard solutions 2 mL ammonia added) was added to the column and gentle
A schematic illustration of the experimental procedures is vacuum was applied [below 3 inHg (10.2 kPa)]. The eluate was
shown in Figure 1. One milliliter of K and NK reference solu- collected. Acidic methanol (1%) with hydrochloric acid
tions (1.0 mg/mL) were diluted to 10 mL with 50% methanol (50 mL) was added to the eluate and agitated for 30 s to
(methanol–water; v/v) to prepare the standard stock solution prevent volatilizing K and NK. The eluate was evaporated to
(0.1 mg/mL). To prepare the standard working solution at dryness at 558C under a stream of nitrogen. After drying, the
1 mg/mL, 1 mL K/NK stock solution was diluted twice with residue was reconstituted in 100 mL ethyl acetate for GC –MS
50% methanol to 10 mL. One milliliter blank urine was spiked analysis.

Figure 1. A schematic illustration of the experimental procedures.

516 Ma et al.
GC–MS analysis where Cx is the concentration of K or NK in a urine sample; Y
GC –MS analysis was performed on an Agilent 6890 GC–5973 is the ratio of the peak area of K or NK in the sample (AS) to
MSD system. A HP-5MS column was used for gas chromato- deuterated internal standard (AIS) [(Eq. (2)]; and b is the slope
graphic separation. The oven temperature was initially set at of the one-point calibration curve [Eq. (3)]:
1508C for 1 min, ramped to 2808C at a ramping rate of 308C/
min and held at 2808C for 5 min. The injector and transfer line AS
Y ¼ ð2Þ
temperatures were set at 170 and 2808C, respectively. A con- AIS
stant flow mode was used, and the helium carrier gas was set
at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. An aliquot of 1 mL was injected
using the splitless mode. For MS analysis, selected ion monitor- b ¼ IS ð3Þ
ing (SIM) was chosen to monitor the following ions (m/z): K CStd
(180, 182, 209), K-d4 (184, 213), NK (166, 168, 195), NK-d4
A single calibration solution (CStd) with concentration equal to
(170, 199) (the quantification ions are in bold).
the threshold value of 100 ng/mL was analyzed to establish the
slope, b; AStd is the peak area of CStd.
Methods and Results

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Uncertainty estimations at the threshold concentration
Identifying sources of uncertainty
To ensure that no possible contributions were missed, the
The critical step in the bottom-up approach is to identify all
bottom-up approach was adopted and all parameters in the
uncertainty sources. To facilitate the identification, a cause and
mathematical model were identified. The following steps
effect diagram was sketched as shown in Figure 2. The uncer-
were taken to estimate the MU using the bottom-up ap-
tainty of the slope comprised the uncertainty of the calibrator’s
proach described in GUM (3): (i) specifying the measurand;
concentration and the uncertainty owing to the calibrator’s
(ii) identifying sources of uncertainty; (iii) quantifying uncer-
signal variation. In terms of the uncertainty of AS/AIS in sample
tainty; (iv) calculating the combined uncertainty.
analysis, sample preparation, matrix effect resulting from differ-
ent urine sample compositions, and temporal effect (instru-
Specifying the measurand ment stability) within the analysis batch were considered to be
The sample concentration can be calculated using the follow- potential sources of uncertainty. Recovery was also added as a
ing equation for one-point calibration: potential source of uncertainty.
The within-laboratory reproducibility was evaluated. The
Y within-laboratory reproducibility included the uncertainty con-
Cx ¼ ð1Þ
b tributions from materials, analysts (two analysts), environmental

Figure 2. Cause and effect diagram.

Estimation of the Measurement Uncertainty in Quantitative Determination of Ketamine and Norketamine in Urine Using a One-Point Calibration Method 517
and measurement conditions and variations observations. matrix effect and temporal effect (GC –MS stability). To ac-
The laboratory was not responsible for sampling and only one count for the matrix effect, spiked urine samples of 100 ng/mL
GC –MS was used; therefore, these two sources of uncertainty K and NK were prepared using five different drug-free urines.
were not included. To account for the temporal effect, spiked urine samples
Other potential uncertainty sources such as the finite reso- were analyzed at equal time intervals. The experiment was
lution of balance, pipettes and flasks have been included in the carried out in the following sequence (40 urine samples
precision study of volumetric apparatuses. Approximation in per batch):
the method such as the purity of reference material has been
included in the uncertainty of calibration solution. The trace-
S21S22S23S24P3S25 S26S27S28S29S30S31S32P4S33S34S35S36S37S38S39S40P5
ability of reference material and equipment (balance, pipettes
and volumetric flasks) has been included in the supplier’s cer- C symbolizes the calibrator, Sn:1 – 40 represents the regular test
tificate or reports of external calibration. urine samples and Pn:1 – 5 represents the five spiked urine
samples. Regular injections of QC samples and washing sol-
vents were not shown in the preceding sequence. Data across
Concentration of the calibrator
six weeks were pooled to provide a more representative rela-

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The uncertainty in the calibrator’s concentration [u(CStd)] was
tive standard deviation.
due to the reference materials and the volumetric apparatuses
used for preparation of the standard solutions. The uncertainty
of the reference material was provided by the reference mater- Quantifying uncertainty
ial supplier. The volumetric apparatuses are subject to three
sources of uncertainty: tolerance, precision and temperature Standard solutions
variation. Table I summarizes tolerance and precision data for According to the manufacturer’s certificate of analysis, the un-
pipettes and flasks. certainties were 0.006 and 0.031 mg/mL for K and NK, re-
spectively. Standard uncertainties were obtained by dividing
Calibration the uncertainties by the coverage factor k ¼ 2.
In practice, the number of calibration points can be reduced to For the volumetric pipette, the uncertainty of tolerance was
one, for a calibration curve that passes through the origin. obtained by dividing the uncertainty from the calibration
However, to estimate the uncertainty due to calibration, the report with the coverage factor k ¼ 2. The tolerance of volu-
standard deviation must be estimated externally (17). In this metric flask was based on the manufacturer’s certificate. The
study, the calibration solution was analyzed five times, and the standard uncertainty is calculated (divided by 6) assuming a
data were used to calculate the standard deviation of one-point triangular distribution. The precision was estimated by the
calibration. To obtain a more representative standard deviation, standard deviation based on 10 repetitive measurements using
six standard deviations were collected and pooled using Eq. (4): gravimetric determination.
The temperature in the laboratory was set at 20 + 58C. The
Pk expansion coefficient at 208C was used with the assumption of
ððni  1Þsi2 Þ
sp2 ¼ i¼1
P k
ð4Þ a rectangular distribution. The thermal expansion coefficient of
i¼1 ðni  1Þ
a water-methanol binary mixture was calculated using the
equation a ¼ (1/V0)(@V0/@T)P,x, where V0 is the molar volume
where the symbols sp and si are the pooled standard deviation
and @V0/@T is the variation of molar volume with temperature
and individual standard deviations, respectively.
(18). The values of V0 and @V0/@T were obtained from the lit-
erature (19). The thermal expansion coefficients for 50%
Sample analysis methanol and water at 208C were 7.183  1024 (8C21) and
For sample analysis, we considered that the possible sources of 2.273  1024 (8C21), respectively.
uncertainty would result from the urine sample preparation, Finally, all sources of uncertainty with respect to the prepar-
ation of standard solutions were combined. Table II summarizes
these calculations.
Table I
Tolerance and Precision Data for Volumetric Apparatuses
Pipette –A Flask Pipette Pipette-B The calibrator (100 ng/mL) was analyzed five times (CCCCC
(1 mL) mL (10 mL) mL (100 mL) mL (1 mL) mL
described previously) to calculate the standard deviation. To
Tolerance 0.1112 0.025 0.095 0.1112 obtain a more representative estimate, standard deviations of
1004.3 9.94 99.9 1004.3
1009.8 9.92 99.5 1009.8
six weeks were pooled. The standard deviations and pooled
1007.3 9.90 99.2 1007.3 result are shown in Table III. To calculate uncertainty due to
1006.4 9.92 100.1 1006.4 calibration, u(Calibration), at 100 ng/mL of the predicted con-
1006.4 9.94 99.0 1006.4
1005.7 9.94 99.5 1005.7 centration for K and NK, the externally estimated pooled stand-
1004.2 9.94 99.4 1004.2 ard deviation, the signal (Y) and the slope were substituted
1006.6 9.94 99.8 1006.6 into Eq. (5) (17) for a calibration line through the origin:
1004.1 9.94 99.8 1004.1
1004.3 9.94 99.7 1004.3 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Average 1005.9 9.93 99.6 1005.9 Y S Y X
Standard deviation 1.809 0.014 0.335 1.809 uðCalibrationÞ ¼ uð Þ ¼ 1 þ ð Þ2 = x2 ð5Þ
b b b

518 Ma et al.
Table II
Summary of the Calculations for Relative Uncertainty of CStd, ur(CStd)

Pipettes and Flasks:

Pipette-A (1 mL): Preparing 0.1 mg/mL standard stock solution, 10 mg/mL intermediate standard solution and 1 mg/mL standard working solution.
Pipette (100 mL): Preparing 100 ng/mL standard calibration solution.
Flask (10 mL): Preparing 0.1 mg/mL standard stock solution, 10 mg/mL intermediate standard solution and 1 mg/mL standard working solution.
Pipette-B (1 mL): Preparing 100 ng/mL standard calibration solution.
1: ur ðCref Þ
uðCref Þ 2 ¼ 0:003
K : ur ðCref Þ ¼ ¼
Cref 1
uðCref Þ
NK : ur ðCref Þ ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ 0:016
Cref 1

2: ur ½pipetteð1mLÞ  A
uðtol:Þ ¼ ¼ 0:000056ðmLÞ

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uðprecisionÞ ¼ 0:0018ðmLÞ
V  a50%MeOH  DT 1  7:183  104  5
uðtemp:Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0:0021ðmLÞ
3 3
uðpipetteð1mLÞ  AÞ 0:0000562 þ 0:00182 þ 0:00212
ur ðpipetteð1mLÞ  AÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0028
1mL 1
3: ur ½flaskð10mLÞ
uðtol:Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0:01ðmLÞ
uðprecisionÞ ¼ 0:014ðmLÞ
V  a50%MeOH  DT 10  7:183  104  5
uðtemp:Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0:021ðmLÞ
3 3
uðflaskð10mLÞÞ 0:012 þ 0:0142 þ 0:0212
ur ðflaskð10mLÞÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0027
10mL 10

4: ur ½pipetteð100mLÞ
uðtol:Þ ¼ ¼ 0:000048ðmLÞ
uðprecisionÞ ¼ 0:000335ðmLÞ
V  a50%MeOH  DT 0:1  7:183  104  5
uðtemp:Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0:00021ðmLÞ
3 3
uðpipetteð100mLÞÞ 0:0000482 þ 0:0003352 þ 0:000212
ur ðpipetteð100mLÞÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:004
0:1mL 0:1

5: ur ½pipetteð1mLÞ  B
uðtol:Þ ¼ ¼ 0:000056ðmLÞ
uðprecisionÞ ¼ 0:0018ðmLÞ

V  aH2 O  DT 1  2:273  104  5

uðtemp:Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0:00066ðmLÞ
3 3
uðpipetteð1mLÞ  BÞ 0:0000562 þ 0:00182 þ 0:000662
ur ðpipetteð1mLÞ  BÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0019
1mL 1

6: ur ðCStd Þ
K : ur ðCStd Þ ¼ ur ðCref Þ2 þ 3  ður ðpipetteð1mLÞ  AÞ2 þ ur ðflaskð10mLÞÞ2 Þ þ ur ðpipetteð100mLÞÞ2 þ ur ðpipetteð1mLÞ  BÞ2
¼ 0:0032 þ 3  ð0:00282 þ 0:00272 Þ þ 0:0042 þ 0:00192

¼ 0:0086

NK : ur ðCStd Þ ¼ ur ðCref Þ2 þ 3  ður ðpipetteð1mLÞ  AÞ2 þ ur ðflaskð10mLÞÞ2 Þ þ ur ðpipetteð100mLÞÞ2 þ ur ðpipetteð1mLÞ  BÞ2
¼ 0:0162 þ 3  ð0:00282 þ 0:00272 Þ þ 0:0042 þ 0:00192

¼ 0:018

Estimation of the Measurement Uncertainty in Quantitative Determination of Ketamine and Norketamine in Urine Using a One-Point Calibration Method 519
Eq. (5) provided the standard uncertainty for an unknown Table IV
sample having a predicted concentration of Y/b. S is the esti- ur(AS/AIS) for K and NK
mated standard deviation of one-point calibration. Sx 2 is the sum
of squares of all the concentrations used to establish the curve.
One calibration point should produce a curve with a slope. As a Week RSD (%) Week RSD (%)
result, 30 slopes were obtained over six weeks. The slopes 1 3.5 1 2.8
obtained during the six-week period were 0.0118 to 0.0149 for 2 3.6 2 1.3
3 3.5 3 3.1
K and 0.0117 to 0.0144 for NK. For a more conservative estima- 4 2.1 4 1.3
tion, the largest u(Calibration) was chosen for calculation. 5 2.0 5 3.3
6 1.0 6 1.8
Among the 30 AS/AIS and 30 b, 1.22/0.0118 and 1.22/0.0117
provided the largest u(Calibration) for K and NK, respectively: ur(AS/AIS) 2.8 ur(AS/AIS) 2.4
0:033 1:22 2
uðCalibrationÞK ¼ 1þ =1002 These values were compared with ttable, for 24 degrees of
0:0118 0:0118
freedom at 95% confidence. Because the ttable value (2.06) is

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¼ 4:1 ng =mL smaller than the tcalculated value for K and larger than the
tcalculated value for NK, a recovery correction factor was needed
  for K (0.98), not for NK.
0:024 1:22 2
uðCalibrationÞNK ¼ 1þ =1002
0:0117 0:0117
¼ 3:0 ng =mL Calculating the combined uncertainty
The uncertainties in urine analysis for 100 ng/mL K and NK
are shown in Table V. Four uncertainties were combined to cal-
culate the combined uncertainty uc(y). For a calculation involv-
ing only quotients such as in Eq. (1), based on the law of
The precision of sample signals (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 described previ-
propagation of uncertainty, the relative combined uncertainty
ously) is shown in Table IV. The uncertainty in AS/AIS was esti-
is the positive square root of the total variance of all the uncer-
mated by pooling the relative standard deviations of six weeks’
tainty components expressed as relative standard deviations
data. Relative uncertainties of sample signals (ur(AS/AIS)) were
(ur(CStd), ur(Calibration), ur(AS/AIS), ur(Rec )):
estimated to be 2.8 and 2.4% for K and NK, respectively.
 2 ffi
Recovery study uc ðCKÞ ¼CK  ur ðCStd Þ2þur ðCalibrationÞ2þur þur ðRec Þ2
The bias of the analytical procedure was investigated using the
thirty spiked urine samples. They showed a mean recovery of 4:1 0:0051 2
98.34 and 100.19% with a pooled standard deviation (s) of 2.8 ¼ 100 0:00862þ þ 0:0282þ
1:22=0:0118 0:9834
and 2.4% for K and NK, respectively. The standard uncertainty
of recovery was calculated as the standard deviation of the ¼ 100  0:05
mean u(Rec ) ¼ 0.028/ 30 ¼ 0.0051 for K and u(Rec ) ¼ 0.024/ ¼ 5 ng =mL
30 ¼ 0.0044 for NK. A t-test was performed to determine
whether the mean recovery is significantly different from sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1. The tcalculated was calculated using the following equations: 2
3:0 2 0:0044 2
uc ðCNKÞ ¼ 100 0:018 þ þ 0:024 þ
1:22=0:0117 1:0019
j1  Rec j j1  0:9834j
K : tcalculated ¼ ¼ ¼ 3:25 ¼ 100  0:04
uðRec Þ 0:0051
¼ 4 ng =mL
j1  Rec j j1  1:0019j
NK : tcalculated ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:43
uðRec Þ 0:0044
The expanded uncertainty U provides an interval, within
which the true value is believed to lie, with a high degree of
Table III confidence (5). U is obtained by multiplying the combined
Standard Deviations of One-Point Calibration for K and NK uncertainty with a coverage factor k, which is dependent on
Week SD (area ratio) Week SD (area ratio) Table V
Relative Uncertainties for K and NK in Urine Analysis
1 0.026 1 0.010
2 0.029 2 0.022 x Description ur(x) for ur(x) for
3 0.041 3 0.048 K NK
4 0.024 4 0.008
5 0.035 5 0.012 CStd Preparation of standard solutions 0.0086 0.018
6 0.041 6 0.017 Calibration Calibration curve 0.040 0.028
AS/AIS Ratio of the peak area of K or NK in the urine sample to IS 0.028 0.024
Pooled SD 0.033 Pooled SD 0.024 Rec Recovery 0.0052 0.0044

520 Ma et al.
the effective degrees of freedom and the level of confidence. the equation of uncertainty, which is derived for a calibration
The Welch-Satterthwaite formula was used to approximate the curve without an intercept (17) was then used to calculate the
effective degrees of freedom of uc(y): uncertainty due to calibration.
The expanded uncertainties for K and NK are 10 and 8 ng/mL,
uc4 ðyÞ respectively. If a sample is found with a concentration of K at
neff ¼ ð6Þ
N ui4 ðyÞ 110 ng/mL (NK, 108 ng/mL), then there is 95% probability
i¼1 ni
that the true concentration is above the threshold. Therefore, a
positive decision can be made if the measured value is over
The effective degrees of freedom were calculated for K and NK 110 and 108 ng/mL, for K and NK, respectively.
as 52 and 62, respectively. Because of the high degree of Table V shows that the uncertainties due to calibration and
freedom, the coverage factor k was assumed to be 2 with 95% sample signals were the major sources of MU. Because the un-
confidence. The expanded uncertainties, U, for K and NK were certainties are propagated in the form of variance (ur(x)2), the
therefore 2 times the combined uncertainties for each: uncertainty of the calibrator’s concentration (the preparation
of standard solutions) made a minor contribution to MU.
U ðCK Þ ¼ 2  5 ¼ 10 ng =mL

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U ðCNK Þ ¼ 2  4 ¼ 8 ng =mL:
A MU estimation approach for analytical methods based on
Discussion one-point calibration was proposed. The strategy is similar to
In Taiwan, one-point calibration at the threshold concentration the popular multiple-point calibration. Generally, analysts are
is commonly used by laboratories testing urine for drugs-of- familiar with MU based on multiple-point calibration. This
abuse. Before analysis of samples, the instrument is calibrated study provides an example for analysts with experiences in MU
using a blank urine sample, spiked with the threshold concen- based on multiple-point calibration to do the MU for a method
tration of the target compound. based on one-point calibration. The proposed approach was
One-point (cut-off concentration) calibration curves were applied to the MU of ketamine and norketamine at the thresh-
used for the analysis of K and NK in urine, primarily for the fol- old (100 ng/mL) concentration. The MU for K and NK at 100
lowing reasons: (i) the multiple-point calibration curves for K ng/mL were found to be 10 and 8 ng/mL, respectively.
and NK showed that the 95% confidence interval of the inter- Uncertainties due to calibration and sample signals were found
cepts included zero (data not shown); (ii) for drug abuse law to be the major sources of MU. The uncertainty of the calibra-
enforcement, the accuracy at cutoff concentration is more im- tor’s concentration (the preparation of standard solutions)
portant than other concentrations. If the standard deviation is a made a minor contribution to MU.
function of concentration and the popular non-weighted
multiple-point calibration curve is used for quantitation, the ac-
curacy at cutoff concentration may not be better than that Acknowledgments
obtained from one-point calibration using the cutoff concentra- The present work was funded by the Taiwan Food and Drug
tion as the calibrator; (iii) one-point calibration is more effi- Administration.
cient with respect to time and work-load; (iv) multiple-point
calibration is periodically performed to check one-point cali-
bration. According to the rules of the Taiwan Food and Drug
Administration (TFDA), a linearity study should be performed References
at six-month intervals. 1. International Organization for Standardization. (2007) International
For methods based on a multiple-point calibration curve, the vocabulary of metrology—Basic and general concepts and asso-
ciated terms (VIM), ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007.
uncertainty due to calibration can be easily calculated by as-
2. International Organization for Standardization. (2005) General
suming the same population standard deviation for all the cali- requirements for the competence of testing and calibration labora-
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