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Assignment 2

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Question 1: Which of the following data belongs to time series data?

A. Data on the quantity of tourists from ASEAN countries to Vietnam in the fourth
quarter of 2019.
B. Data on the quantity of foreign tourists arriving in Vietnam by month in 2019.
C. Data on the quantity of foreign tourists visiting all 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam
in 2019.
D. Data on the quantity of tourists visiting all 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam by
month in 2019
Question 2: A survey on expenditure Y (in million Vietnamese dong) based on additional
income from part-time work X (in million Vietnamese dong) of a student monthly
throughout the year 2020. This data is categorized as:
A. Time series data.
B. Statistical data.
C. Mixed data.
D. Cross-sectional data
Question 3: What types of data are there?
A. Time series data.
B. Cross-sectional data.
C. Mixed data.
D. All of the above options.
Question 4: Studying the relationship between the quantity demanded of a commodity
and its own price. In this relationship, the quantity demanded of the commodity and its
own price are, respectively:
A. Independent variable, dependent variable.
B. Explanatory variable, variable being explained.
C. Dependent variable, independent variable.
D. Variable being explained, dependent variable.
Question 5: In regression analysis, which one is NOT a characteristic of a dependent
A. Being a random variable.
B. Having known values in advance.
C. Following a probability distribution law.
D. Having only one data point.
Question 6: In regression analysis, which one is NOT a characteristic of an independent
A. Being a random variable, following a probability distribution law.
B. Having one or multiple quantities.
C. Having known values in advance.
D. Not being a random variable.
Question 7: Which of the following is NOT a statistical relationship?
A. Relationship between the perimeter of a square and its side length.
B. Relationship between rice productivity and fertilizer quantity on a plot of land over 10
C. Relationship between self-study time and quantitative economics exam scores of
students at HVN University.
D. Relationship between height and age of Vietnamese individuals.
Question 8: Surveying data on the final exam scores (Y) and average self-study time per
day (X) of 20 students from the Economics Department at TNU. This data is categorized
A. Time series data.
B. Cross-sectional data.
C. Mixed data.
D. All of the above options.
Question 9: Given the regression function E(Y/Xi) = ... This is:
A. Population regression function.
B. Random population regression function.
C. Sample regression function.
D. Random sample regression function.
Question 10: With a confidence level of 95%, the determined level of significance is:
A. 0.05
B. 0.95
C. 5%
D. A and C
Ex 2: Given data from 20 distributors of a canned meat brand at 20 locations during the
same week, where P represents the selling price of canned meat (thousand dong per box),
PC represents the price of substitute goods (canned fish, thousand dong per box), and Q
represents the quantity sold (boxes). Considering the regression model using Eviews
software, the following results are obtained: :
Dependent Variable: Q
Method: Least Squares
Date: May 9, 2019 Time: 22:03
Samples: 1 20
Included observations: 20

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistics Prob.

C 299.1548 16.06036 18.62691 0.0000

P -14.88356 0.533194 -27.91394 0.0000
PC 11.85993 0.469030 25.28610 0.0000

R-squared 0.985632 Mean dependent var 217.7500

Adjusted R-squared 0.983941 SD dependent var 59.92177
SE of regression 7.593479 Akaike info criterion 7.029938
Sum squared residence 980.2356 Schwarz criterion 7.179298
Log likelihood -67.29938 Hannan -Quinn critic . 7.059094
F-statistics 583.0770 Durbin-Watson stat 1.992170
Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000

Let's sports work the step after above Eviews and stool accumulation
1. Write the sample regression function?
2. Explain the significance of the coefficient of determination?
3. Do both independent variables explain the quantity sold?
4. What is the estimated covariance of the two slope coefficients?
C 257.9351 -5.889232 -4.150086
P -5.889232 0.284296 -0.054545
PC -4.150086 -0.054545 0.219989
5. When removing the variable PC from the model, the results in the following table are
obtained. Using the F-test, determine whether PC should be dropped from the model?
(Note: Sum squared residence = 1240.356; F(1,17) = 1.113)

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