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Interesting Places and Events

21 The World Cup
The World Cup is one of the biggest sporting nation's team compcte. More than five billion
events in the world. This great soccer people watch the final match on television.
championship features players from thirty-two That is most of the people living on the planet.
nations. Each nation wants to win the cup by During the contests leading up to the final
becoming the number one soccer team. The game, people in the winning nations often
World Cup is a worldwide contest that takes hold street parties to celebrate their teams
place only once every four years. However, it victories.
holds the attention of much of the planet when Some countries seem to be the best in the
the games begin. The World Cup was created
game fora period of time. When Pele played
in 1928, and the first World Cup games were for Brazil in 1970, his team won the Workd
held in Uruguay in 1930. It was an all-male
contest at the time. The first women's World Cup. Brazil's team is considered one of the
Cup was held in China in 1991. greatest. Pele is regarded as the best soccer
player by many fans. Brazil has won a total
Soccer is not quite as popular in the United of five World Cups, far more than any other
States as basketball, football, or baseball. nation.
However, it still has millions of followers.
People all over the world often get up in the
middle of the night or skip work to watch their

Check Your Understanding

1. Who is Pele?
a. a coach c. a Brazilian team
b. an average soccer player d. one of the greatest soccer players
2. When was the first women's World Cup?
a. 1928 c. 1930
b. 1997 d. 1991

3. Which of the following is the best topic sentence?

a. paragraph one, first sentence C. paragraph three, first sentence
b. paragraph two, first sentence d. paragraph one, last sentence
4. From the context of the passage, which is the best antonym for victories?
a. wins
b. happiness
d. defeats

OTeacher Ceated Resources 5036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfition Reading

Interesting Places and Events

22 Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore National Memorial stands immigrants. A respected artist, he had already
in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It is a worked on a mountain statue in Georgia. The
monument to four American presidents. They Mount Rushmore project began in 1925. It
represent the courage and vision of a young was completed in 1941 just after the sculptor
nation. George Washington was the winning died. Workers carved the giant faces out of
general in the American Revolution. He was stone, using dynamite and jackhammers. The
also the first president. Thomas Jefferson statues are sixty feet high. They are solid
wrote the Declaration of Independence. As granite and can be found at the top of the
president, he bought the Louisiana Territory. nearly 6,000-foot-high Mount Rushmore.
Abraham Lincoln guided the nation through This is a 60 million-year-old mountain. More
the suffering of the Civil War. Theodore than 450,000 tons of rock were removed
Roosevelt led the nation into its years of during construction. The actual work only
power in the 20th century. took a little less than seven years. But there
were many periods where no money was
The idea of a monument dedicated to the available. The actual cost was about one
presidents was born in 1924. The sculptor million dollars. Most of the cost was paid by
who designed and led the project was the federal government.
Gutzon Borglum. He was the son of Danish

Check Your Understanding

1. What was the approximate cost of the monument at Rushmore?
million dollars
a. ten ml one million dollars
b. one hundred million dollars d. one billion dollars

2. From the context of the passage, which word refers to "a time of distress or pain"?
a. construction
b. nation d. suffering
3. Which American presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?
a. Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt
b. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
c. Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt
d. George Washington and Franklin Roosevelt
4. Which of the following would be a good title for the passage?
a. "A Monument for Presidents"
b. "A North Dakota Highlight
c. "A Sculptor Dynamites a President"
d. "From Famous People to a Monument"
#5036 Duily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading oTeacher Ceated Resoures
23 The Wall

The Wall honors 2,700,000 men and women wall design. She was a college student at the
who served in Vietnam between 1959 and time. Her parents had fled from Communist
1975. It is a silent tribute to the 58,267 |Chinato America. (She had received only a
men and women who died during that long B- from her professor for the same design.)
war. The idea for the memorial came from a Her black granite wall of names was not
wounded veteran. His name is Jan Scruggs. popular right away. However, people soon
He was deeply concerned and unhappy. The recognized the beauty and simplicity of the
war had caused anger and division in the monument. Construction began in March
United States. He wanted to make up for of 1982. It was finished in November of
the poor attitude shown towards returning the same year. Later, a statue of the "Three
veterans. They were not welcomed as earlier Fighting Men" was added. This was in 1984.
war veterans had been. Congress approved A flagpole flying the American flag was also
his idea. Supporters began raising money for added. You can visit the monument anytime.
a memorial. The fund collected nine million It is open seven days a week, twenty-four
dollars. The money came from individuals hours a day. Many former soldiers and family
and community groups. No government funds members visit it. They search for the names
were used. of loved ones carved on the wall.

Of the I,421designs that were submitted,

Maya Lin won the national competition for her

Check Your Understanding

1. Who led the effort to create a memorial for Vietnam veterans?
a. army generals c. Maya Lin
b. Jan Seruggs d. the president of the United States
2. From the context of the passage, which of the following can you infer about the Vietnam War?
a. Many Americans had opposed the war.
b. Many Americans weren't very supportive of returning veterans.
e. The war was very popular.
d. both a and b

3. Which of the following is the best topic sentence?

a. paragraph one, last sentence paragraph one, first sentence
b. paragraph two, ast sentence d. paragraph two, first sentence
4. What is the wall made of?
a. green jade c. black granite
b. gray granite d. black marble

OTecher Creuted Resounes 31 #S036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfietion Reading
Interesting Places and Events

24 The Himalayas
The Himalayan mountain range contains at the top of these mountains was once a part
the highest mountains in the world. These of the ocean seabed. Fossils of sea creatures
mountains are young compared to other are still stuck in the rocks at the top of these
ranges. They began forming about 60 to mountains.
65 million years ago. By comparison, the
Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the
Appalachian range is 250 to 300 million ycars
old. Tectonic plates, which are huge slabs world at 29,028 feet. It is in the Himalayas,
as is K2 at 28.250 feet. There are six other
of rock on which continents sit, often bump mountains in the range over 26,500 feet. AII
together. They cause earthquakes and push
up mountains. The tectonic plate on which of them are still growing. These nountains
India sits is pressing into the giant landmass are often called the "Rooftop of the World."
of Eurasia. This pushes up the landmass, The word "Himalaya" comes from a word
forming massive wrinkles. These wrinkles are meaning "house of snow." The range
the foundation of the Himalayas. stretches more than 1,500 miles through many
countries in central Asia.
The plate is still pushing up against Asia. So
the Himalayan Mountains are still growing
at about one inch every five years. The land

Check Your Understanding

1. Which two continents fom the landmass of Eurasia?
a. Africa and Asia c. Asia and Europe
b. Europe and America d. Asia and India

2. What is a tectonic plate?

a. an instrument for measuring mountains C. an ocean

b. a continent-sized slab of rock d. a mountain

3. What is the meaning of Himalaya?

a. the opposite of what might be expected C. pushing down on the earth
b. ironing a continent d. house of snow

4. How do scientists know that the Himalayan mountaintops were once on the ocean floor?
a. They found tectonic plates.
b. They learned it from native legends.
c. Ocean fossils were found on the tops of mountains.
d. A book said they were.

#5036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading 32 OTeacher Ceuted Resources
Interesting Places and Events


25 Elis Island Gateway to America

The first United States immigration center was diseases. They might make others sick. Some
on Ellis Island. It was located near the Statue were unable to work or care for themselves.
of Liberty in New York Harbor. The center However, fewer than I percent of all who
was opened on January I, 1892. There were came were not allowed to stay.
more than thirty-five buildings to help people
who wanted to become Americans. These The center was closed in 1954. In 1990, it
included a Great Hall where more than 5,000 reopened as a museum. It honors over four
people a day entered the country over many hundred years of the country's immigrant
years. Many of these were children. The history. Themuseum
r has many interesting
center was very busy in its first twenty years. historic papers and passenger lists from
Then it had long periods of limited use before ships. It displays photos of many kinds
it was closed. of ships. There are many old pictures of
people in the center. There is a great deal
Between 1892 and 1924, more than twelve of information about more than twenty-five
million people passed through the center. lt million immigrants, as well as a Wall of
became the doorway for many new citizens Honor. Letters from Rifka by Karen Hesse is
to enter the nation. However, it was alsoa an excellent children's book describing one
place of tears and pain for some. People who young girl's efforts to get through the center
were not wanted were not allowed to enter and join her family.
the country. They were sent back home.
Some of them were told they had dangerous
Check Your Understanding
1. From the context of the passage, what is the best meaning of historic?
a. something fresh c. somcthing recent
b. something from the past d. something delivered by ship
2. Which materials are housed in the Ellis Island Museum?
a. passenger lists c. historic papers
b. photos d. all of the above

3. Which reason(s) could be used to exclude an immigrant?

a. having a dangerous disease c. having little money
b. being able to work d. both a and b

4. When was the immigration center closed?

a. 1990 1954
b. 1892 d. 1924

OTeacher Created Resources 33 #S036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading
Interesting Places and Events

26 The Iditarod Sled Dog Race
The lditarod Sled Dog Race is the most and tools are carried for emergency repairs.
popular sporting event in Alaska. t is a Sometimes, even an extra lightweight sled is
bridge between the past and the present in that brought along for the final leg of the journey.
state. It also createsa cultural bond between
the American Indians and settlers from the There are two routes used on different years.
United States. Both groups relied upon dog This protects the environment. The Northern
sleds for transportation until recent times. Route is I,|12 miles long. It is used one
year. The Southern Route is I,131 miles long
The race is based upon the famous run of a and used the next year. The official length
sled-dog musher named Leonard Seppala of the race is fifieen days. The record was
in 1925. He made emergency deliveries set in 2002 in just less than nine days. There
of diphtheria serum to doctors in isolated are many dangers on the trip. The weather
villages. The yearly race began in 1973 with is very cold, and blinding snowstorms are
about fifty mushers, or sled-dog drivers. common. The thin ice over rivers and lakes is
There are both male and female drivers and often invisible. Wild moose get confused and
their dog-sled teams. In total, there are about sometimes trample dogs and sleds. Hungry
1,000 dogs. In addition to the driver, the sled wolves attack dogs and drivers. Both dogs
carries food for the drivers and their dogs. and drivers can get sick. This is one of the
There is also a radio for communication, as most dangerous sporting events in the world.
well as lamps. Extra booties are brought
to protect the dogs feet. Some sled parts
Check Your Understanding
1, What is the best meaning of musher?
a. a sled dog adog-team driver
b. a race official d alead dog
2. Fromn the information in the passage, about how many dogs make up cach sled team?
a. 20 c. 50
b. I,00O d. I

3. Which of the following is not a danger to race participants?

a. a confused moose C. too much food
b. thin ice d. wind storms and snowstorms

4. From the context of the passage, what is diphtheria?

a. a trophy c. akind of dog
b. a disease d. dog food

5036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading 4 OTeacher Ceated Resources

Interesting Places and Events

30 Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam was built between 193l and The dam was built during the Great
1936. It was one of the great successes of Depression when many people could not
American engineering. The dam was built find jobs. Hoover Dam cost forty-nine
on the Colorado River at the border between million dollars to build and provided jobs for
Arizona and Nevada. Hoover Dam is 660 feet thousands of workers. Building accidents on
wide at the base and 726 feet high. Towers the dam took ninety-six lives. Many other
on the dam extend forty feet above the dam. employees were also seriously injured. Before
Hoover Dam createdLake Mead. It isa the dam could be started, Boulder City had
man-made lake 115 miles long and about to be built to house the workers. Miles of
589 feet deep. Lake Mead covers 247 square highways and railroads had to be laid from
miles. The dam is important for preventing the dam site to Boulder City and Las Vegas.
floods. The lake supplies water to homes. The dam itself used more stone and similar
farms, and industries. The falling water from materials than a pyramid. The dam was
the dam can produce more than one billion named for Herbert Hoover. He had suggested
watts of electric power. The dam supplies the idea in 1921. He also helped get the
water to more than one million acres of project approved by Congress in 1928. He
farmland. was president when construction started.

Check Your Understanding

1. From the context of the passage, which word refers to a measurenent of electrical power?
a injured C. watts
b. acres d project
2. What can you infer about the building of Hoover Dam?
a. Construction cost more in the 193Os than today. c. The cost was about the same in the
1930s as today.
b. Construction cost less in the 1930s than today. d. There is nothing that you can infer.
3. Which fact would support the information in the first paragraph?
a. Lake Mead supplies water for crops and people.
b. The dam heips farmers control floods.
c. There are seventeen power-producing turbines at the dam.
d. all of the above

4. Fromn the context of the passage. what is an antonym for man-made?

artificial c. fake
b. natural d. free

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5036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading

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