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Emily in Paris Script

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medication. Mwah!
Well done, Emily.
Five point three miles. Forty-one If you like it, you can pitch it later. - Yes!
minutes. Uh, you know, for your last hurrah. - What happened?

Eighteen seconds faster than - I want you to pitch it. Bote just smacked a walk-off grand
yesterday. - Seriously? slam,
two outs left in the bottom of the
Good effort. Seriously. The client has to start ninth.
getting comfortable with you.
Madeline, you're in Adweek. - Oh, my God!
I don't want to step on your toes. - Hell yeah!
What? Where?
You're not. You're stepping into my Yeah!
Right here, under "Movers and shoes. Cubs are goin' to the playoffs, baby!
Shakers." You're ready, okay?
- Ah! This is an opportunity for both of us.
- "Chicago-based Gilbert Group Come here. Try this. - Can we get a couple of beers here?
- White wine, actually.
expands international portfolio What is it?
- Anything French, if you have it.
with acquisition of French De L'Heure. - For sure.
luxury marketing company Savoir.
It's the latest fragrance I have some crazy news.
Gilbert Group vet, Madeline from Maison Lavaux.
Wheeler, - Madeline's pregnant.
Mm. - Madeline?
named director of marketing
for Franco firm." I'll be handling them, - Mm-hm.
their account in Paris. What do you - Like, your boss, Madeline?
Yes! I am here to prove think?
- Thought she was too old to get
that a master's in French It's like wearing poetry. pregnant.
does not go to waste. - Well, so did she.
I'm gonna use that.
This is going to be amazing for you. Until she got completely nauseous
Hm. sniffing this perfume
I have been dreaming of moving
to Paris forever. Oh, that smells really wei... she was planning to promote.
Does that smell weird to you? She went to the doctor this
I mean, French men, afternoon.
they love older women, you know? - No, just floral.
- But... - Wow. So, who's the dad?
Look at their president. - Oh, well, there are a few
He's young. He's hot. I'm gonna be sick. candidates.
Uh... I'm gonna be sick.
He married his schoolteacher. - She was having a lot of going-away
Oh. sex.
Ooh, I just emailed you my thoughts - Hey. Go, Madeline.
on the presentation for the new IBS Oh. Uh...
drug. Mm-hm. Mm!
- Hi, babe!
It's a social initiative - Hey. Oh. But now that she's pregnant, she's

decided you don't speak French.
she's not gonna take the job in Paris. Chambre de b... Um, it means,
Fake it till you make it. uh, the room for the housekeeper.
So, there goes your promotion?
You look worried. The top two floors were typically
Not exactly. reserved
They still need someone there. Oh, I'm not worried. for the servants.
It's the French who should be
Like, American eyes and ears worried. The space is small, but the view...
to help with the whole transition.
- Uh, Emily Cooper? Oh, my God,
So they asked me - Yes. I feel like Nicole Kidman in Moulin
if I would take the job... Rouge!
Hey. I'm Gilles Dufour
for a year. from the rental agency. You've got all of Paris at your feet.

What? In Paris? - Hi. Bonjour. There is a wonderful café just down

- Bonjour. below.
They said that if I did
I've got your keys. Apartment 501. - A friend of mine is the manager.
that they'd guarantee me - Wow.
senior brand manager when I'm - Merci.
back. - Avec plaisir. So, ça va? It's good?

Huh. - It doesn't have an elevator. Oui. Oui. Très good.

- Okay.
So, the apartment there - Très wonderful.
is already all set up, It's charming. - Great.

and there's a relocation bonus. Is this it? Are you hungry?

Would you like to have a coffee or...?
And just to explore the idea, It's on the fifth floor.
Oh, actually, I have to get to my
here's a spreadsheet - This is the fourth floor. office.
I made for the next year. - Uh,
Oh. Maybe you want
Weeks when you might be able I just schlepped up these bags to have a drink tonight?
to come to Paris, five flights.
I have a boyfriend.
times I can come back to Chicago, This is the fifth floor.
- In Paris?
taking into consideration vacation In France, first the ground floor, - In Chicago.
and sick days.
then the first floor, So you don't have a boyfriend in
Wait. then the second floor, and so on. Paris.

You're serious? That's weird. - Can I just get my keys, s'il vous plaît?
- Yeah.
I know it's crazy, Non, c'est normal.
but when will we get a chance like Um, my number is on the card
this? Et voilà. if you need me for anything,

- It'll be an adventure. Your magnificent chambre de bonne. - and in case you change your mind.
- Unless I missed something, - I won't.
Chambre de what now?

- Bye-bye, now. Disgusting.
- Yeah. Well, perhaps it's better not to try.
- Like a quiche made of cement.
Hi. Hello. Oh, Paul. - Uh...

Uh, bonjour. I'm Emily Cooper May I introduce Emily, Oh, no, you must have gone
from the Gilbert Group in Chicago. to Lou Malnati's.
the American girl
You are? who's come to work with us? And the people are so fat.

I'm sorry. I don't understand. This is Monsieur Brossard, Why are they all so fat?
he's the founder of Savoir.
Oh. Well, perhaps from the disgusting
- Ah. Emily Cooper. Oh. food.
I'm going to be working in this office. - Hello.
True, we are in the midst
Je vais travailler dans ce bureau. It is so nice to meet you, of an obesity epidemic.
Monsieur Brossard.
Ah. In fact,
It's a pleasure. Welcome to Paris. Merck was one of our biggest clients.
The American girl is here.
So, you've come to teach the French They make a diabetes drug
Bonjour. some American tricks? that we marketed the heck out of.

I wasn't expecting you until I'm sure we have a lot to learn Sales went up 63 percent.
tomorrow. from each other.
So you create the disease,
How was your journey here? But your experience is not with then you treat the disease,
The new apartment and everything? fashion
and then you market the treatments
You lost me at bonjour. - and luxury brands, hm? of the disease.
- True.
Oh. - Well...
Most of my experience - Perhaps stop eating.
Yeah, I was told the American has been in promoting
coming here pharmaceuticals - There is no money in that.
spoke French. - True.
and geriatric care facilities.
Oh, that was Madeline. Cigarettes cause diabetes and
In Chicago. cancer.
Oh, so you're not Madeline.
Yes. I mean, oui. Yes.
Uh, I'm Emily. Emily Cooper.
And I am so excited to be here. I was in Chicago once, Well, smoking is a pleasure.

Well, that's very unfortunate. - and I ate the deep-dish pizza. And without pleasure, who are we?
- Ah.
- Excuse me? German?
- That you don't speak French. That is our specialty.
Exactly right.
It's a problem. We take a lot of pride.
All of the brands we market here,
Well, I'm going to take a class, but... It was, uh, dégueulasse. How you from perfume to cognac to couture,
je parle un peu français already. - are all to do with beauty and

- Mm-hmm. Sorry. It was one of the terms of the sale.

Perhaps you have something Your company works They send us one of their people.
to learn from us, with some of the biggest brands
- How long do we have to put up
but I'm not sure in the luxury sector, from Chanel to with this?
if we have much to learn from you. YSL. - Well, until she decides to leave.

With all due respect, And that makes Savoir, your Quoi?
I have been sent here for a reason, company,
or, if I may be so bold, With me as her boss,
so if you wouldn't mind, we'll see how long she lasts.
I would really like to share our company, a brand in itself.
Right, I have to go.
some of my ideas But to build a brand,
about your social media strategies. It's amazing, isn't it?
you must create
You mean the Twitter and the meaningful social media The entire city looks like Ratatouille.
Snapchat? engagement.
It's beautiful.
Yes. And the Instagram. May I ask who's responsible
for your social media here? So beautiful.
Ah, by all means.
Patricia. Ah.
First, let me apologize Hey, how was the first day?
for speaking English. Makes sense.
I did Rosetta Stone on the plane, Anyway,
but it hasn't kicked in yet. Okay, maybe a few things
it's not just about got lost in translation.
Oh, Patricia doesn't speak English. the number of followers.
It took them a minute
Please continue. It's about content, trust, to realize I was me and not Madeline,
interest, and engagement.
For those of you who haven't met but I really feel like
me, Excuse me, but the French I could be a big asset here.
I'm Emily Cooper, are masters of social media.
Hey, look what I got.
and I'm so excited to be here in Paris. True.
Thank God!
I'm looking forward to getting to But Americans invented it, You're gonna love Paris.
each and every one of you which is why I hope to become I don't want to spend another day
a valuable member of your team in the most romantic city in the
and, likewise, having you get to world
know me. by adding an American point of view
to your fabulous French clients. - without you.
Your name, monsieur? - I'll be there soon, okay?
It's a disaster.
My name is Luc. Hurry. I miss you already here.
Yes, Luc? - Mwah.
- What? - Mwah.
Why are you shouting? - Who is that girl?

Bye. Une pain au chocolat. - No, I'll have a cigarette.

Ugh, seriously? Un! Pas "une". Un pain au chocolat. Uh, I have a... bad stomach.

God. Ça sera tout? I have a previous engagement.

Okay. Un euro quarante. Ow.

Come on. Eh ben, on n'est pas rendu. - Excusez-moi!

- Laurent! Sybil!
This can't be happening. Come on. Merci. Have un bonne journée.
Apologize to the lady!
Sorry, I... Une! Pas "un". Une bonne journée!
I'm sorry.
I thought this was my apartment. Sylvie, it's Emily. Can I buy you another one?
Fifth floor? Um, are we closed today,
Sorry, I don't speak French.
This is the fourth floor. or is there a national holiday
I don't know about? - Ah, American?
Fifth floor. - Yes.
'Cause I've been hanging around
Right. here But did you think that I was French?
for two hours and...
Merci. Honestly, no. I was being polite.
What are you doing? You... look American.
Uh, I'm Emily.
Emily Cooper, your... your new I've been here since 8:30. Are you from Indiana?
Pourquoi? We open at 10:30. - Chicago.
American? - Oh. I was close.
- Bonjour!
Oui. From Chicago. - Bonjour! I went to junior high in Indianapolis.

Gabriel, French, from Normandy. Hi Patricia. I'm wondering - Oh, cool. No way! Why?
if I can share some ideas I have - Mm-hm.
Oh, I know that beach.
Saving Private Ryan. about how we might enhance Ah, long story.
our social media engagement.
- What? Very boring.
- D-Day? I'm so excited about the potential
here. The story and... Indianapolis.
Uh, anyway.
Je comprends pas. But the girls, they look like you. Nice.
Hm. Uh...
Oh. - Are those your children?
Nice to meet you, neighbor. - No, I'm their nanny.
Enchanté. I'd like to share some ideas Laurent!
Stay where I can see you.
Bonsoir. about how we might enhance
our social media engagement. I'm teaching them Mandarin.
Good morning, miss.
Non, non. How long have you been here?
Uh... Ah.
- Do you wanna have lunch? Uh... almost a year. From Shanghai.

- Okay, so here's my number. - Uh, yes... yes, please. Yeah.
But my mother's from Korea. - Yeah? Okay.
Another long, boring story. If you're lonely,
you text me, we have dinner. I'm Thank you.
- Do you love it? Mindy.
- Uh, yes, of course I love Paris. - Ah, Emily. Ah...
Emily. - Luc! Hi.
- And the food is so delicious.
- Mm. Nice to meet you. I... I just want to say
I am sorry for this.
The fashion, so chic. - French people do this.
- Oh. I... I do not agree
The lights, so magical. to calling you "la plouc."
Mwah. Mwah.
But the people... so mean. And... I can, uh...?
Sybil! Laurent!
- I mean, they can't all be mean. Y-Yes.
- Oh, yes, they can. - You're not my mother!
- I want an ice cream! You know...
Chinese people are mean behind
your back. Ugh. Uh...?

- French people, mean to your face. Bonjour, la plouc! - Mm, I'm good.
- Mm. - Ah? Okay.
Bonjour, la plouc!
- But you're on vacation here, so... You know,
- Oh, no. Actually, I work here. Bonjour, la... we are all a little afraid of you.

I have a job with a French marketing Bonjour! What?

What is "la plouc"? - Afraid of me?
- Seriously? - Mm-hm.
- Yeah. Oh, um...
Well, so you know. It's a little term of endearment,
like, um, mon petit chou, la plouc... Y-Your ideas.
Well, I just started.
Nice. They are more new. Maybe they are
Oh. better.
Don't worry about it.
- Do you have any friends in Paris? Now you are here, and,
- Uh, no. Hm.
uh, maybe we feel we have to work
Um... but my boyfriend's coming La plouc. harder,
next week
to visit, so... The hick. make more money.

Are you lonely? Bonjour. It's a balance.

No... uh... Vous attendez quelqu'un? Ex... Exactly. A balance.

- Sometimes. Sorry, I don't speak French. And I think

- Give me your phone. the Americans have the wrong
Oh, I'm sorry. Um, is the seat free? balance.
- Uh...

You live to work. I feel...
Yeah, I just finally got home from
We work to live. work. Oh, my God.

Yes, it's good to make money, It's 3:00 a.m. here. I feel overwhelmed. I...
but what you say is success,
Oh... whoops. I feel like myself but not myself,
I say is punishment. and...
It's 7:00 p.m. here.
But... I enjoy work... it's all so crazy.
and accomplishment. It... It's crazy, but it's... it's nice, and...
What are you doin'?
It makes me happy. it's kinda sexy, but...
Work makes you happy? And I...
I miss you so much.
Yes. I mean, Doug?
it's... it's... it's why I'm here. And I miss you too.
Oh, wow.
For work. Hello? Doug?
Doug? Babe?
And look where it's brought me. Oh!
To this beautiful city. Doug?
Get naked with me.
Maybe you don't know what it is Oh.
to be happy. Are we having cybersex?
Or maybe that's a little arrogant. Well... if you insist.
There you are.
Ah. You came to Paris Hold on.
and you don't speak French. Okay.
You better not be recording this.
That is arrogant. Okay.
No. Never.
Hm. Oh...
Oh, wow. You are so beautiful.
More ignorant than arrogant. my God.
Mm, thanks.
Well, let's call it
the arrogance of ignorance. Uh, so, um...

I'm sorry if I offended you. You do you, and...

Oh, I'm not offended by anything. I'll do me.

I see you tomorrow, Emily. Mm-hm? M'kay.

Ah. Don't be early. That feel good?

Hm? - Yeah.
- How good?
Oh, hey. There you are.
Oh, you're so sexy.
Is everything okay?

Go fuck yourself. Very little social engagement.
My name is Mark. I know you're about to launch,
I think I like you.
Mon nom est Marc. - and you're keeping me out of the
French is such a funny language. loop.
I cannot speak French. - True.
Why is it la plouc and not le plouc?
Je ne parle pas français. The party is tonight.
I guess it depends on the plouc
Could you please say that again? you're referring to. Tonight? What...?

S'il vous plaît, Look, I know that you all What? Were you gonna tell me this,
pourriez-vous répéter? aren't that happy to have me here uh, never?

Please slow down a little bit. and my French could use some work. Listen, I...

Veuillez ralentir. - A little bit. don't agree with your approach.

Veuillez parler un peu plus - Okay.
lentement. You want everything to be
It's basically merde, everywhere,
Oh, jeez.
but I have some ideas accessible to everyone.
I did it again. I'm really so sorry. about marketing De L'Heure
You want to open doors.
Emily, do you want to live that I'd like to share with you.
in my apartment? I want to close doors.
De L'Heure.
Come on, even you have to admit We work with very exclusive brands.
- De L'Heure.
that the floor numbering here - De L'Heure. And they require mystery, and...
makes absolutely no sense.
- De L'Heure. You have no mystery.
You are very wet. - De L'Heure.
You're... You're very... very obvious.
What? Oh. De... L'Heu-re.
Maybe I am.
Yeah, um... I just ran five miles, - De L'Heure.
- De L'Heure. But... I do understand what it
but I don't really know means to be on the outside looking
what that is in kilometers. - De L'Heure. in.
- De L'Heu-re.
Can I get you a glass of water? I have a perspective
It's a long way to the fifth floor. I don't think that's the account for that you will never understand
Nah, I have to get to work, because, no,
I studied the marketing plan I'm not sophisticated or French,
but, um, I promise I won't bang before I got to Paris.
on your door again. and I don't know how to look like
It's weak. you.
No problem. Bang any time.
Oh, how so? That slouchy, sexy, je ne sais quoi
You're funny. thing.
You're piggybacking off the ad
Bonjour, la plouc. campaign. But I am the customer that wants it.

And you're not because... - Enchanté. with such gorgeous content,
you've already got it, - Enchantée here as well. we were actually responsible

and you don't even know how you Antoine, of course, owns Maison for increasing tourism
did it. Lavaux, in the Virgin Islands by 30 percent.

So, you want to go to this party? and he is the best nose in France. If you googled "tropical beach,"
"vacation," "paradise,"
Bien sûr. Well, it's... it's very symmetrical.
or even "topless beach selfies,"
Fine. Be there at eight. Not literally my nose. you were directed to our product.

Wonderful. A nose is what we call the perfumer, Oh, and the best thing is
the one who composes the scent.
Any tips on what to wear? we can track everything.
Emily unfortunately
Not that. Who have used what,
does not speak French. when, where, and for how long.
Oh, there you are.
And why did you come to Paris? What is she saying?
Stop eating. Why are you eating?
To bring an American perspective Juliette from Marie Claire
I'm sorry. It's just so good, from a marketing point of view. is waiting to talk to you.
and I'm so hungry.
Hm. And how do things look Please.
Well, have a cigarette. from that point of view?
Interesting ideas.
- I don't smoke. I think you have an amazing, sexy
- Of course you don't. product It's nice to meet you.

Well, they will kill you. that could practically induce Are you crazy?
- Bonsoir, Sylvie. in older women. - You don't talk about work at a party.
- Oh. - He asked me.
- I mean, it's part of the reason I'm
- Paul. here. Well, then you change the subject.
- Mwah. - Sorry?
You know,
- Ça va? Uh, yeah... we're at a soirée, not a conference
- Ouais. call.
- Never mind. Sorry. It's a long story.
Antoine! Ça va bien? - Please. Oh, mon Dieu!

Emily. Quelle metaporphose! Très I'm curious. Mademoiselle.

Well, I think Bonsoir.
Oh, merci. we can do much more on social.
How are you enjoying Paris?
- Emily has just arrived from, uh, Last year at my company,
America. we marketed a vaccine I love it. I mean, who wouldn't, right?
- Oh.
to help combat the chikungunya I'm sorry
Antoine Lambert. And my wife, virus if I was talking too much about work.
Catherine. and saturated the web

Sometimes I just get Although that's probably me. better than a cheap date.
a little over enthusiastic,
It's like wearing poetry. I look forward to working with you.
and, uh, I know it's a party.
Génial. And to get to know you, Emily.
- Cheers.
- Santé. I love it. Bonjour, Emily.

You're not wearing the perfume. Like wearing poetry. Exactly. Bonjour, Julien.

- Not yet. I'm sorry. Perhaps you wear it and see how Hey.
- Here. you feel?
Very successful party last night.
Try a little here. And how other men feel around you?
Antoine was impressed with you.
And right here. Or other women. As you please.
He would like you to work on the
It suits you. I usually please men. account.

Ah, it smells really good. Uh, prefer. - Really?

- Yeah.
I'm just not usually a perfume girl. I usually prefer men.
That's great.
And why not? Ah. Well then, you need to find I thought maybe I was too
yourself enthusiastic.
It's like wearing beautiful lingerie. a nice French boyfriend.
Oh, I would...
Makes you feel more confident. That's the best way to learn the I would love the help on the account,
Sexier. language.
In bed. but we discussed that Emily
I have a boyfriend. In Chicago. - was gonna work on Vaga-Jeune.
And, of course, with the right - Uh, what... what's Vaga-Jeune?
chemistry, We're basically engaged to be
it can be an aphrodisiac. engaged. Uh, suppositoires
He's... He's coming here soon.
I will keep all of that in mind - so that the vagina can become
for our marketing materials. I'm not sure that's gonna help mouillé.
with your French. - I'm sorry?
User experience is key.
I'm very happy to have an American Suppositories to promote vaginal
Mm-hm. And how do you on my team. wetness
experience it? in older women.
We will learn from each other.
What does it smell like to you? Because the weather in the vagina
Expensive sex. when the lady is older...
- Gardenia.
- Mm-hm. Excuse me? Isn't so moye anymore, I... I get it.

Leather. That's what it smells like to me. Mouillé. Très bien.

Musk. Expensive sex. So you learnt a new word.

And a little bit like sweat... Well, So, Emily will work on this for now?

Oui, oui. It's an important product.
Something you should know. I live right down there,
A necessity. and every time I pass by, it's packed.
Sylvie is Antoine's mistress.
So first, you start with the Ah. Bon appétit.
necessities, You never flirt with another woman
and then you move to the luxuries. in front of your mistress. - Santé.
- Santé.
Yeah, exactement! It's worse than doing it
in front of your wife. So, what brought you to Paris?
And your experience
is with pharmaceuticals, They were in the same room, to be Mm.
precise. At first, business school.
so this makes total sense.
Oh. Then they probably know each My father insisted,
Of course. other. and he's used to getting his way.

- Good. - I'm sure they're friends. Uh, he's the Zipper King of China.
- Good. - Really?
- The Zipper King?
Oh, also... You think Antoine's wife knows - Yes.
about his affair with Sylvie?
...I think perhaps And also many other kinds of...
Of course. I'm sure she approves. fasteners.
last night you were a little too
friendly Why? He's got the world by the balls.
with Antoine.
Nobody wants to have to have sex Literally.
What? No. with the same person forever.
And, um,
Mm, he seemed very friendly with I bet she has a lover, too.
you. well, it's his dream
Okay, my head is just completely
I think he was just being French. spinning. to have his only child, me,
take over the family business.
And you find him attractive? They're all in it together?
- Well, what's your dream?
Yes. No! No. I think it's probably tolerated - Just anything but that.
more than discussed.
- He's married. I met his wife. But ever since I was a child,
- Hm. But I don't get it.
I was obsessed
So you do find him attractive. What's the point of being married with the idea of living in Paris.
if you're gonna cheat on your
He's a client. spouse? Um, so I enrolled in school here
and dropped out.
A married client. Uh, maybe after you're married
for 20 years, you might feel - I'm used to getting my way, too.
Exactement! differently. - Merci.

And his wife is very nice I mean, the French are romantics, So that's why you became a nanny?
and a very good friend of mine. but they're also realists.
Yes, because when my father found
I will send you all the materials Ah. Cute alert! out,
for Vaga-Jeune. How do you know about this place? he cut me off.

See. I knew you'd like it
Ow. I'm sorry. That's harsh. - I suggest you try it. if you gave it a chance.
- Ah,
No. No, no, no, it's wonderful. Bon appétit, ladies.
maybe you suggest he cook it longer?
I mean, I'd... - Mm.
I'd much rather have my freedom. - I'll take yours, you take mine. - Bon appétit.
- No. Come on. The customer's
Otherwise I'd be living always right. I'd bone appétit him.
a very predictable life in China.
See, no, Mm!
You know, it's funny, here the customer is never right.
I packed, I... took a week off of work,
I grew up with nannies, and now I Well,
am one. maybe I'll educate the chef a little and then I thought,
- Well, I'm very glad you're here. - "What am I gonna do there all
- Mm-hm. about customer service. day?"
- What?
Ugh. This steak isn't cooked at all. You think you're gonna change
the entire French culture Uh, I don't know.
- Um...
- Ooh. by sending back a steak? See the sights?

Excuse me! Pardon. - Gabriel? I mean,

- Emily. Paris is kinda famous for its sights.
- Monsieur.
- Oui. Mindy. Yeah. Alone.

Uh... Wait, you're the chef here? While you're working.

I ordered this medium, Oui. Is there a problem? Well, our lunches

and it's still kind of bloody. are pretty extensive here.
- Well, you...
Elle aimerait son steak mieux cuit, - No! No. I love it. I mean, I could spend three hours
s'il vous plaît. with you in the Louvre in the
Everything is perfect. afternoon
Uh, yeah. What she said.
You haven't touched it. and no one would miss me, you
Yeah. Just make sure know.
to never order the ris de veau. You know, I'd be happy to burn it for
you, Wait, is this about the Cubs?
What's that? Rice with veal? but promise me you'll try it first.
No. See, that's what I thought. Yeah, try his meat, Emily.
Because we can watch the playoffs
I think it's brains or balls, Hm. on a Slingbox.
but it tastes like ass.
Mm! Mm. You won't have to miss a game.
Mm! That's... That's not what this is about.
The chef tells me the steak is correct.
- It's surprisingly tender. Well, what is this about?
Um, well, correct for him - Tender.
but not correct for me. I don't know how to do long

Young vagina. Yeah, but that's just it.
you start by getting on a flight. The irony of menopause. I'm worried I might drown.

I... I thought we'd figured this all out. Just when you have the time Maybe I'm just not cut out for this
No. You had this figured out. to really explore your mature, you know?
adventurous, sensual self...
And I'm sorry if I don't fit - I thought it was gonna be an
into your spreadsheet, but... the vagina goes on strike. adventure.
- And it is.
I like our life in Chicago. ...on strike.
Maybe an even better one
This is Paris! Why is the vagina masculine? than you imagined.

Wait. Are... Are you not, like, Pardon? I just never pictured myself here
coming here... alone.
Why is it le vagin, and not la vagin?
ever? You're not alone.
Oh, you mean le vagin.
I think you should come home. You have a friend here now.
Oh, I don't know. It just is.
You know what? Paris is the most exciting city
Maybe it's because it's something in the world.
You can keep your precious air miles a woman owns and a man possesses.
And you never know
and spend it on some away game Your language is seriously effed up. what's gonna happen next.

and stay in Chicago This was a big mistake. Laurent!

for the rest of your life.
- I... I should never have come here. Get away from that fountain!
Because... Because this city - No! It's good you came.
is filled with... with love Now!
Better than wasting another minute
and... and romance and light and on a man who won't leave Chicago. Little shit.
I feel like You'll be fine.
and passion and... and sex! Alice Through the Looking Glass.
Madam Macron.
Which are clearly things It's like up is down.
that mean nothing to you. THE VAGINA IS NOT MALE!
I'll never learn the language
Whoa, whoa. or understand anything here. ABSOLUTELY!
Wait, I'm sorry. Are you still there?
Do you realize Well, that's it. The end.
I... I think I lost you. I don't... this city is laid out in circles?
- I'm really going to miss you.
Yeah. You did. Like they deliberately designed it - Yeah, right.
to confuse us.
Wait, wait. E-Emily, wait. You'll forget about us
It's an illogical culture, as soon as you're in the South of
Emily... but it's a beautiful one too. France.

No, I'm done waiting. Better to just let it wash over you. Sold off and abandoned, that's us.

- Nothing's going to change, you Elle assure trop.
- What about the girl? - I guess you saw the post.
- Yeah.
What about her? Is she really that
bad? Emily,

She's tiresome. you have made my last day here

quite memorable.
Well, at least she's hot.
I'm so glad.
Uh, sorry, but...
Yeah, well done, Emily.
Honestly, it could have been worse.
I think she's all right. Well, I guess
a new chapter at Savoir has begun.
It's okay for you. You've got your
check. Thank you, Sylvie.
I'm really looking forward
Oh, come on... You know me. to working with you.

Oh, fuck! To our very own American Vaga-

- To our Vaga-Jeune.
I've got a message - To our Vaga-Jeune.
from the CEO of Vaga-Jeune.
To our Vaga-Jeune.
Brigitte Macron has just posted
on her Twitter account

- about their product.

- What?

- It came from Emily's Instagram

- Oh, wow.

- Hein? Brigitte Macron?

- Brigitte Macron.

The client is delighted.

"The vagina is not male."

That's for sure.

Oh, my God.


Emily! Come join us. Come.

I'll send the corporate commandments I don't understand.
from the Chicago office And I've got no mail for you.
so you can give them Is there something
Bonjour, Paris! an idea of our best practices. you can do?

Hi, Chicago. What time is it there? Great. Oh, hi.

I'm sure they'll love to hear those,
It's 1:00 a.m. Hi, good morning. Um,
especially from me.
With the nausea, the sore boobs, can you please just tell her
and enough gas to launch a parade Excusez-moi, mademoiselle. that the water cut off in my shower?
Oh, yeah, no problem. The water cut out in her shower.
I can't sleep!
Emily. Emily, there's a man next to Yeah... and last week, it was a fuse.
Well, this'll give you something you
to dream about. who's exposing himself. Why does she break everything?
Can she tell me why she breaks
Aw. Where are you? - Em... Emily? everything?
- Oh, my God!
Jogging on the Seine. She wants to know what you did.
Uh, pardon.
It's gorgeous. You are living my life. Nothing! Nothing.
Um, no. Sorry, that's my bad, I... I was minding my own shower
Except for... the jogging part. You're peeing, and that's a urinal, business!
And how's Doug like it? You know, the water is very
- Au revoir to you, monsieur. unreliable
Uh... Doug isn't actually coming. - Bonne journée. in this building.
We're, um...
What? The plumbing is 500 years old.
We're not together anymore. Literally.
Oh, my God.
What? She's getting on my nerves.
Oh, my God. No! Nothing but problems since she got
So you're single? In Paris? here.
Ah, madame. Madame.
- So single. - What did she just say?
- Okay, now I'm even more jealous. The shower in my apartment - She'll call a plumber.
just stopped working.
I mean, your life is croissants and sex. And in the meantime?
Poof! Just like that...
- So far, croissants. - And in the meantime?
- Mm. ...there's no more water. - Le bidet.

So, how's the Paris office treating Why are you out Yeah, that one I got.
you? dressed like that?
Le verbe "aimer."
Oh, yeah, they're a fun bunch. Do you think you're at a carnival?
I like coffee.
- Uh, I'm fitting right in. The shower.
- Wonderful. I like tea.
Can you come see?

I like sport. I'm just saying bonjour.
Thou shalt be on time.
I like boots. It's a beautiful day in Paris.
Thou shalt praise in public
I like dancing. There's not so much to be happy and criticize in private."
And I like Paris. "Thou shalt avoid workplace
We have a big day. romances"?
Bye, everyone. Good job.
Very important commercial shoot And "Thou shalt remember
- Jacqueline? for De L'Heure. that we are all a team."
- Yeah?
And if you keep smiling like that, And there is no I in team.
Um, any advice on how to get an people will think you're stupid.
office Well, the French word for team is
Okay. I'll try to stop smiling. équipe.
full of French people to "aimer" me?
Unless you're really happy. - And there's an I in équipe.
You work in an office - Well, let's not get caught up on
full of French people? Are you really happy? vowels.

- Oui. Well, I just split up with my It's about all of us sharing

- Wow. boyfriend, a global vision.

- That must be... interesting. and the water in my shower Ah.

- Mm. this morning cut off You would like to destroy our French
- I'll tell you all about it. due to some ancient plumbing issue,
- Yeah. Well done, Emily.
so I had to wash my hair in the bidet.
Maybe we can go out Look, I wanna be part of the solution,
and have a drink or something? But... not create problems.

Oui, bien sûr. c'est la vie. Well, then, you should listen more
and talk less.
My rate outside class is 50 euros an Oh.
hour. - This is a very important shoot.
Well, perhaps you can post that - I'm just gonna be getting
Oh... Bon. on your little Instagram?
some behind-the-scenes
Or maybe not. #BadHairDay. for social in the States.

As you want. Excuse me, I wanna make sure

what is this I just received from you? that De L'Heure gets "de more"
Have a good week. followers.
Oh, it's just something
Bonjour, Sylvie. I sent from the Chicago office, Well, you're stating the obvious.
That's what you're here for.
Ah. Bonjour. our corporate commandments.
- J'aime those bottines. Oh, and you're commanding us to
- Merci. do what? - I'appareil. Bonjour.
- Mm.
Why are you smiling like that? "Thou shalt always maintain
a positive attitude. Emily. Nice to see you again.

Me either.
Bonjour. - Oh mon Dieu.
Um, okay, good. - Yes.
I am très excitée to be here.
Do you mind The male gaze. Exactly.
Excitée? Really? if I ask you a couple questions?
I... I don't think
Um... "excitée" does not mean Okay. American women will respond to
excited. this.
Where are you from?
It means horny. What is the problem?
Oh, well, not that, then. Explain this to me. I'm interested.
And what is your dream of beauty?
Well, you'll have to excuse her. Stop everything, please!
Private jet.
She washed her hair Merci.
in the bidet this morning. - Okay. Wh...
- Excuse me. We are ready to shoot. Tell me.
Has Sylvie told you
about the shoot? - Okay? What is wrong with the male gaze?
- Okay.
No, she hasn't. The men are objectifying her.
No pictures.
So, we follow this elegant young They have the power.
woman Oh, merci... beaucoup.
walking to work, No, she has the power.
and as she crosses the bridge, Because she's beautiful and she's
What do you think? naked,
she becomes every man's fantasy which gives her more power.
and desire. - J'adore.
- Emily? Maybe in her dream,
- Our tagline is "Dream of Beauty." she's wearing clothes.
- Well, I feel like I'm dreaming right Uh, well,
now. I... didn't, uh, expect her to be naked. It's surrealism.

This view is magical. She's not naked. It's a long tradition in France.
She's wearing the perfume.
It's so nice Man Ray, Cocteau...
to see Paris through fresh eyes. It's very sexy, no?
No, she has no references.
Let's just make sure Sexy or... or... or sexist?
we don't see any tourists in cargo I'm worried it won't translate
pants. I... I don't understand. in the States.
How is this sexist?
Um, I'm just gonna grab some In today's climate,
content Well, whose dream is it anyway? it... it could come off
for social. The... The... The men or the woman?
as politically incorrect.
Uh, bonjour. It's her dream, of course.
"Politically incorrect"?
- Je suis Emily from Savoir. To be admired and desired by men.
- I don't speak French. Is this the Me Too?
But it's the male gaze.

"Balance ton porc." Je ne sais même pas s'il va trouver
- Impossible. la pièce.
Excuse me? - But why "impossible"?
Donc là, ça peut prendre quatre
That's what they call it here: Pas possible parce que... heures.
"out your pig." parce que j'ai pas les bonnes pièces.
Donc ça, on a le temps
So you know what I mean, right? - Je dois acheter un écrou... de prendre un petit-déjeuner,
- No, wait! Vous...
Chérie, I'm a woman. I'm not a café, croissant, tout ce que tu veux.
feminist. Wait! Vous... S'il vous plaît.
Ensuite, si la pièce arrive,
But regardless, Hi. Can you come talk to my "si" la pièce arrive,
it's her dream to walk naked It's an emergency. je peux peut-être réparer le truc.
across the Pont Alexandre III
Good morning, Gabriel. How are What did he say?
and have men want her. you today?
He would like some coffee.
Maybe it's not your dream, Emily, - Good morning, Gabriel. How are
but that's her dream. you today? Uh... and a croissant.
- Asleep. Thank you for asking.
We just need to be sensitive Ce qui s'est passé,
to the way women are thinking now. I was having a very nice dream, c'est que j'ai commencé dans le sud.

I... I wanna protect your brand. and this American girl banged on my Je suis parti à droite à gauche,
And we need to protect ourselves and woke me up. je ne sais même plus
from the morality police. dans quel quartier j'étais.
- Or maybe I'm still dreaming?
Desire does not mean lack of - You're not dreaming. You're wide Je connaissais rien en fait. C'était
respect. awake. fou.
In fact, quite the opposite.
Don't let him leave What did he say?
It is a sign of respect. until he fixes my shower.
Oh, um, uh, we were just talking
There is no bigger compliment. Où est-ce que ça bloque?
Je comprends pas. about where we both were
I'm sure you've experienced when France won the World Cup.
this look of a desire from a man? Pour t'expliquer vite fait,
ce qui bloque c'est que ça, c'est Honestly, you couldn't walk
- On occasion, yes. ancien, down the street that day.
- So, you agree.
ça, c'est nouveau. Okay, what about the shower?
For her, it is a sexy dream.
La pièce en fait qui fait le lien He needs a part.
It's open to interpretation. entre I'ancien et le nouveau,
But it's not ordinary,
Voilà. c'est un écrou de fixation. so it could take a few days.

Is this what you mean when you say Écrou de fixation ça veut Or a few weeks.
you want to be part of the solution? dire qu'il faut que j'appelle un pote,
- Non. ça peut mettre quatre heures à venir.
- What do you mean, "Non"? Merci.

Just a little?
Merci. Au revoir, mademoiselle. That's the French way.
I don't take such a simplistic view They're... very disagreeable.
Uh, okay, what do I do until then? of men and women.
But I'm an agreeable person.
Use mine. That's very American.
People like me. That's my strength.
Hmm. That's literally why I'm here:
- And here, they just wanna slap you.
Merci for the shower. to bring an American point of view. - Exactly.

- La douche. You're more like the prude police. I know.

- What?
I'm just trying I can't believe I'm drinking before
The shower is "la douche." to imagine a social campaign noon.

Oh. that doesn't seem tone-deaf It's okay. This is Sancerre.

to the cultural moment. It's a breakfast wine.
Well, I had a wonderful, uh...
Honestly, I'm only worried about Even in French class this morning,
douche. Antoine.
I didn't get invited
So, how to invite somebody to a Why don't you leave Antoine to me? to Jean-Jacques' party.
party. Hmm?
- Uh, what an asshole!
You start. Hmm. - No, I mean, don't worry.

Would you like to go Do you have any idea - He's not real. But, you know.
to Jean-Jacques' party with me? who put this on my desk? - You know what?

I would love to. It wasn't me. The Duponts are going

to their country house this weekend.
Would you like to go Mine doesn't bend like that.
to Jean-Jacques' party with me? I'm gonna throw you a dinner party
I am going out to lunch! at their apartment.
I wasn't invited.
A long lunch with wine! Will they mind?
Do not be sad.
It's 11:00 a.m. Not if they don't know.
He is only inviting his closest friends.
Well, c'est la vie. Oh, and you can invite Sylvie.
"Thou shalt always maintain - I can cook.
You cost us time and money a positive attitude. - Don't worry.
on the shoot yesterday
Thou shalt avoid workplace I'll take care of everything.
- with your questions. romances."
- Bonjour, Sylvie. - Okay, that doesn't make sense.
You told French people this? - It's a perfume commercial.
Antoine's coming in this afternoon
to show us the film. No wonder they hate you. It's not supposed to make sense.

- I suggest you stay quiet. Oh, not just this. De L'Heure. A dream of beauty.
- Did you really not agree with me?
They disagree with everything I say. So, what do we think? Sexy or sexist?

- Ah.
Definitely sexy. Okay, fine.
- Hi. How do you like Paris?
I'm asking Emily. Fine. - Hi.

Uh, it... it doesn't matter what I Can I just ask why? - J'aime beaucoup.
think. - That's good French.
It matters what your customer Look...
thinks. Margaux? Oh mon Dieu!
you come to Paris, Je suis tellement contente de te voir!
So why not let them
make up their own minds? you walk into my office, C'est génial!

Put the commercial on Twitter with you don't even bother - Mais t'es pas avec Lucas?
a poll: to learn the language. - Non, c'est bon, je crois plus à
"Sexy or sexist?" You treat the city
like it's your amusement park, - c'est fini.
Get a conversation going. - Non...
and after a year of food, sex, wine,
Let the world decide, Oui, mais par contre je suis
and make it part of your campaign. and... maybe some culture, à fond sur mon boulot.

"Sexy or sexist?" you'll go back from where you came. - C'est génial, ça.
- Oui, c'est génial. Et...
Or maybe both. So... perhaps we'll work together.
I never get tired of this view.
It's a little controversial. But no, we won't be friends.
I like it. It's tonight at eight. Sorry, I'm the American girl.

Well, finally, Emily, I'll email you the address. - Oh.

- Emily.
a reason to smile. The guest of honor!
Oui? Another suggestion? Mwah, mwah! Oh, you look amazing!
Very... beautiful,
No, an invitation. Everyone, everyone, everyone,
this is Emily. non?
A friend is having a dinner for me,
I thought you said Oui...
- and... it was just a few people.
- Sorry, I'm busy. j'aime beaucoup.
It snowballed.
I didn't tell you when it is. - And you're coming from?
Emily has just moved here - Chicago.
Oh, whoops. from Chicago to work for a
marketing firm. Chicago. Visiting Paris?
Look, I know
you haven't warmed up to me yet, Louise! Oh. Working. A job.

but I promise you will You know what? Just get a drink. Ah.
if you get to know me. I'll be right back.
Work, work...
I don't want to get to know you. - So...

And... And... And you travail? ton cou. - Hi, Madeline. Don't you ever sleep?
- No, I don't.
Yes, um... My neck.
I just wanna let you know
I am... And I like...
that your social impressions
a painter. American pussy. are up 200 percent

Ah. Artiste. Excuse me? since that Twitter poll went live.

Uh, no... for the buildings. I like American pussy. BuzzFeed and Jezebel linked to it
in the States.
Um... And I'd really like to go home now.
I'm sorry for my English. Fantastic.
No, I'm sorry for my French. But a lot of people don't like it.
I like your smile. Did you send me over here
Are you looking for my douche? to increase brand visibility or be
J'aime votre... liked?
What I'm really looking for is a drink.
Tatouage. Honey, I think you can do both.
- Ah.
Tatouage. - And a friendly face to talk to. Look, now that you're single,

J'aime... So, how do you like Paris so far? why don't you go find
some of that French D?
the moon. Why does everyone
keep asking me that question? Actually,
La lune. I'm on the hunt for one right now.
It's natural.
I like... Donc, là. C'est pas que c'est mauvais,
Okay. c'est juste qu'on voit pas,
les pavés. Here's my answer.
- si tu veux, donc...
Cobblestones. I like Paris, - Ben, je vois pas.
but I'm not really sure Paris likes me.
I like I les huîtres. I believe you have an expression:
And maybe that's okay.
Oysters. "Let them eat cake."
I've spent my entire life
And I like... wanting to be liked. Merci!

tes lèvres. That's a pretty miserable goal. Ah. Oh!

My lips. Exactly. Mm!

J'aime... your eyes. So... I'm gonna give up trying. We have a meeting...
for the Renault account.
Tes yeux. Well, there's just one problem.
Exactly five minutes ago.
Tes yeux. What's that?
I'll be right there.
I like... I like you.
Who's that from?

Nobody. Just a friend.


22 Relax.
I live here now.
Mm! Paris seems like a big city,
Wow. I just heard myself but it's really just a small town.
I can the flowers? say that out loud,
You'll realize
The… The pink roses? and I didn't even believe me. after you spend some time here.

- Je comprends pas. - Emily. Actually, what are you doing tonight?

- Uh, the rosé rose... - Camille.
Uh, if it's Tuesday,
- The… The rosé roses... Enchantée. it must be language class.
- Ah, non!
And how did you get so lucky Hmm. I have a better idea for you.
Non, mademoiselle. to move to Paris?
I work for an art gallery,
Those are not for you. Oh, I work and we're having an opening tonight.
They're roses from the South. for a big marketing firm in Chicago
- Hmm.
Hmm? What? that acquired - Fun crowd and some people from
a smaller marketing firm here. Chicago.
I'm kind of like the, uh, - Oh.
- Oh. American point of view. - Do you know Randy Zimmer?
- These are for you.
And how do they feel about that? The hotel guy?
- Um, I...
- Bonjour, Claudette. A lot like that flower lady. I mean, I've heard of him.
He's like the new Ian Schrager.
She wants the nice roses, not those. Mm-hmm.
- No offense to the old one.
Cinq soixante. You really have to go - Well, he's looking at art
to Le Marché des Enfants Rouges.
It's five euros sixty, for his new hotel in Paris. Come!
but round it up to six. - It's in the Marais.
- Okay. It's at Galerie de Garipuy, in the
- Really? fourth.
- Mm-hmm. You have so many cool places
to check out there. Which is next to the fifth?
Oh. Merci very much.
Just take the metro to Filles du Which is just across the river.
Thank you. Calvaire.
My lousy French gets me nowhere. You'll get the hang of it!
Ooh. Oh, God,
No. She's not nice to anyone. the last time I took the metro, Okay, I have to go.

You're nice and French I ended up in the - Okay.

and you speak English? 21st arrondissement. - Mwah!

Of course. Um, there is only 20. - Oh! I'm sorry.

- I'm not.
- I grew up watching American TV. Exactly.
- Ah. See you tonight, right?
This city is so overwhelming.
And you? Visiting from the States? Ah.

Sorry. Even as a kid, I had rules.
Hmm. My peas couldn't touch my carrots.
Oh, no, him I can live without,
Hmm. but the peanut butter… I had to have the sauce on the side,
and I liked my meat uncut.
Ah, mademoiselle. You're in Paris now.
And on that note,
Vos paquets sont arrivés. I'm sure we can find you I'm going to help you clean up
Vos paquets. Paquets. something better than peanut
butter. before I go.
- American paquets.
- My paquets! Mm! Oh, my God! Oh. Oh, no, no. No, no.

Finally. I feel like - It… It… That ruins the pan.

I've never had an omelet before. - It's soap.
Um, madame, c'est possible pour…
This was amazing. Uh, see, that's the secret to our
Je suis occupée. omelets.
You sure We never clean. We let things
Oh, yeah, okay, no. you don't wanna go back to peanut season.
Never mind, then. I got it. Those are my rules.
No, you've ruined me forever.
- I got it. Okay.
- But who's got you? So, you market lingerie?
Oh, they're beautiful. Thank you.
Okay. There you go. You got it? Luxury goods.
No worries. The lingerie was a gift.
- Who's she in there with?
Oh! From a client. - Antoine.

Oh, my God. - You must have made him very - Sounds like they're fighting.
happy. - You're a genius.
You know… - I hope so. Professionally.
What are they saying?
We have bricks here in Paris. Wait, that didn't sound right either.
The truth is the gift is an issue for me. Basically, she says
It's just a few things that he doesn't appreciate her,
from home I can't live without. - Why?
- First, he's married. and now he's threatening
Not that. to meet with other agencies.
Second, he's having an affair with
That's from my office. my boss Oh, God. Uh, I have to do something.

- What kind of business are you in? who would love to see me Uh-uh. No, no, the last thing she
- Marketing. on the next flight back to Chicago. needs
is you riding in on his perfume bottle.
Oh, no… And three, it's wildly inappropriate.
Okay, well, if a client walks
My Trader Joe's organic chunky - It sounds messy.
unsalted. - It is. right after I got there,
there's only one person to blame.
My ex. And I hate messes.
Tous les mois y a un problème.

luck. Okay.
Toujours le même cinéma.
Qu'est-ce que tu veux? I don't think I have to. What are you up to
with Sylvie and Antoine?
- I... Oh! Um…
- Non! Has anyone noticed
These are for you. this is a very dysfunctional
I hope I'm not interrupting. workplace?
Happy Tuesday.
Of course you are! I think you're the one bringing the
Mm-hmm. drama.
The American in Paris. Come on in!
Bye. - Moi? Are you serious?
Uh, I just wanted to tell you - She thinks we don't know.
that I'm supposed to see Smart girl.
Know what?
Randy Zimmer tonight. Oh!
What's that smell?
Who? What do you think you're doing?
Danger. Sylvie saw that box
From the hotel group. Julien told me from La Perla on your desk.
he was taking agency meetings.
Your idea! You know, um, Yes, it was…
I was just trying to help.
to… to have Antoine's company It was from a friend.
I don't need you to come in and
create a signature fragrance rescue me. Quelle coïncidence!
for their hotels.
And I certainly don't need to take La Perla happens to be
- It could be really big for Maison credit Antoine's go-to place.
Lavaux. for an idea I don't even know I like.
- Why didn't you tell me this? A lot of people go there. It's famous.
- You will.
Because we weren't prepared - Don't be so sure. Luc, help me.
to mention it yet.
Oh, and by the way, I've worked with Sylvie
It's really cutting edge. Very new. for almost 12 years.
that little present of yours
Exciting. It was a great idea, Sylvie. from La Perla, She seems scary,
but she's actually very nice.
How do you know Zimmer? who is it from again?
Nice? She stepped on your head
Emily? Uh, just… uh, my friend. to get where she is.
My new friend, Gabriel.
Uh, our mutual friend in Paris. Well, she's good at her job, okay?
Gabriel? Oh mon Dieu!
- Right. The point is,
- Yeah. You've made so many new friends
in Paris it seems, huh? Antoine was a young, hot client,
Anyway, um… and he pursued Sylvie. Hard.
- Luc and I'd like to take you to lunch.
I just wanted to let you know - But I... - Well, was he married then?
that they loved it. - Of course.
Preliminarily, I mean. So, wish me He had a wife, and then he got a

Sylvie. until you've had - Okay, wish me luck.
at least one wildly inappropriate
- And that was all he needed for a affair. Good luck, biche.
- You guys really aren't smelling this? Well, I'm more interested - Emily!
in having Sylvie's respect. - Bonjour.
No. Now, it's one thing
to cheat on your wife with your That, you'll never get. - Hi.
mistress. - So glad you made it.
Look, does he wanna buy you
It's another thing clothes - Oh, so Chicago meet Chicago.
to cheat on your mistress - Oh.
and take you
with a young American. to all the great places in Paris? Randy Zimmer. Emily Cooper.

- What? - Probably. - I'm such a huge fan.

- Mm-hmm. - Then introduce him to me. - Oh, thank you.

There's no way. - I don't give a damn about Sophie. Emily just moved from Chicago
- Sylvie. to work here at a marketing firm.
Okay, all he's saying
Whatever. - Ah.
is that if that lingerie - Did I get that right?
wasn't from your new friend, - Merci.
- Bonsoir. - Perfect.
and if you're thinking - Right.
of starting something with him, Oh là là! Nice gallery.
How did you get invited to this? So, let's talk later
think again. about that piece you like.
I met a girl shopping for flowers
Ugh, merde! in my neighborhood. All right. Don't forget.

I stepped in shit. She saved me from buying bad roses, - Thank you again.
- I'm so glad you made it.
Uh, you definitely did. told me about some cute brunch
spots, It's so exciting that you're opening
Why the hell are you trying to get and invited me to this opening. a Zimmer hotel in Paris!
that woman to like you so much?
Oh, my God, Yeah… uh, November.
She's my boss, do you think she was hitting on you?
whose boyfriend, our client, I remember you said
What? Uh, not until now. in the March 2010 Business Week,
sent me lingerie that I'm going to
return. Ooh, there he is. when the Zimmer Zurich opened,
that you wanted your flagship here.
Uh, it belongs to you. - Who?
- Randy Zimmer. - Uh, you, uh, memorized my
And he belongs to his wife and Sylvie. interviews?
- Talking to the gorgeous blonde? - Yep.
And whoever else he's bangin', - Yeah, that's Camille.
so why not you? When the Zimmer South Beach
- Maybe you should be hitting on her. opened in 2015,
Look, - Oh, would you stop!
you haven't done Paris right you told Architectural Digest
- Mm-hmm. that a good hotel should have an

echo. - Oh. Hi. Thanks. base notes of indole.

Yes, wow. Uh, Randy Zimmer, this is Antoine Which, surprisingly,

Lambert, has the same molecular compound
Thank you. as merde.
the proprietor
Uh, so why don't you? and master nose of Maison Lavaux. Did he just say...?

Why don't I what? Enchanté, Randy. - Shit.

- Your specialty.
To have an echo, Oh, and this is the head of Savoir,
you have to tease all the senses. Sylvie Grateau. I know, that sounds crazy, but it's
Not just gorgeous views, expensive - Enchantée.
sheets, - Enchanté. Like in life,
one has to balance the sweet with,
but… the smell. So, we have the head… um…

- What's wrong with the smell? And the nose. Stinky?

- Well, nothing.
- What does that make you? Voilà.
There… There is no smell. - Mouth?
That's what makes a parfum
That's the point. I thought she was the legs. compliqué.

It's like a blank billboard - Ah. Ah.

on Madison Avenue. - Okay. Um, shall we get started?
It is an interesting idea,
Empty real estate going to waste. - Suivez-moi.
- Uh, yeah. Merci. but it's a…
Go on.
Creating a scent …it's a big decision,
Well, when you're selling a house, is like writing a symphony. and I'm leavin' tomorrow.
the one thing you should do - Mm!
Oh, what a pity.
is bake cookies. - I'll give you another example.
Maybe you'll find
The smell reminds people For our current signature scent,
a nice perfumer in Chicago.
of home and warmth De L'Heure,
I want to make this happen, Sylvie.
- and sugar and butter and a happy we started with a simple melody.
place. Are you still a client here?
- Uh-huh. Top notes of bergamot, mandarin,
vetiver. Uh, why don't we all get dinner
You need some cookies, Randy.
The middle notes are considered
and keep talking?
- Are you gonna hand me a cookie? the heart of the fragrance.
- My card.
That's a great idea.
I'm up for anything with a Michelin
Well, that was a nice elevator pitch.
I'm here till tomorrow. Provençal lavender.
- I've got some ideas.
Show me what you got, Chicago. And then, for some depth and
- No, no.
- Welcome to Savoir.
you're the expert on everything in from clients. Oui.
Especially married clients. How did you do this?
so you make the reservation
Is that what you think? I went online every five seconds
and make sure You think I bought it for me? until there was a cancellation.
we don't disappoint our friend
Randy Yes? All right. Wait right here.

on his last night. I didn't buy it for me. It was for you. - Bonsoir, madame.
- Bonsoir, monsieur.
- Hmm? I wanted you to feel sexy and
- I'm on it. powerful. A table for six personnes,
under the name Emily Cooper.
- Good. A bold woman,
- Thanks. unafraid to take on the world. Well, I'm impressed.

Restaurant Chez Chloé. Even Paris. I've never been able

Vous êtes à la réservation. to get a reservation here.
But I apologize. I understand
Yes. you may have different boundaries. Emily is amazing.

- Tonight. Now? Yes, I… I do. Yeah, what would be amazing

- Ce soir? Non, malheureusement... I like to keep things tidy. is if we eventually sat down.

- It's très important. Professional life Remember the first time

- It's impossible. and personal life separate. I took you here, Sylvie?

- We are completely booked. The Container Store is my happy Nope.

- Yes, I understand it's completely place.
full. Um…
Well, this is the French way.
Thank you. And now that you're in Paris, We don't have a reservation for that
Thank you for this wonderful idea. you'll find that the most wonderful
things Uh, yes, you do. Uh, I confirmed
And I know it was you. exist outside of your… online.

- We aim to please. How do you say? Your… box? No, I'm sorry.
- That's good to know.
Let's just keep it to container. - Hmm.
Did my gift please you the other day? - Okay. See?
Oh, um… make a reservation at the Grand Here's the e-mail confirmation.
Yes, it… it was very thoughtful, but, Véfour.
uh… Six people, 9:00 p.m., 08/11.
No, it was unnecessary. Wonderful. We'll see you November
Antoine. 8th.
Oh, not at all.
No one can get in there last minute. You're booked 8th November.
- And a tad inappropriate. It's impossible.
- Ah. According to whom? This is 11th August.
She hates me.
Me. I don't usually accept lingerie - Oh, my God, you reverse the dates.

- No, you reverse the dates.
And what's the great news? That's why people go to hotels.
- Okay, could you...
- Non, désolé, c'est pas possible. We're all coming back to Le Grand Especially in Paris.
- But it's, like, really important... You want your fragrance to remind
- Bonsoir, madame. on November 8th people
for the opening of Zimmer Paris!
Okay. of the beauty
- All right. of the moment they spent together.
- Hello. - Great.
- Hi. Gabriel. It's Emily. And that they can revisit
Allons-y! again and again and again.
- Who?
- Emily! Okay. Yeah, well, fragrances fade
over time.
Emily Cooper, your neighbor. We need that personality element.
Well, one only needs to reapply,
Oh, Emily, hi! Une note de sensualité,
une note d'élégance. and the passion comes flooding
It's hard to hear you. back.
Une note… une petite pincée
Yeah, I've got a massive favor, okay? d'érotisme From my point of view, Randy,
I have a very important client... et un peu de romance. the scent of your hotel

- Oh, the lingerie. I'm thinking, uh, cashmere wood, becomes an aphrodisiac.
- Yeah, yeah, and some others.
blooming jasmine, Very interesting proposition.
- Can you take six?
- Uh, tonight? exotic orchids So many possibilities.
could be exquisitely romantic.
- Yes, perfect. So many.
- No, no, no, I... Oh, of course, for your hotel,
you'd want something a bit more A toast to lovers!
I really need your help, Gabriel, okay? coquin.
My job depends on it. To lovers!
- Coquin?
We're planning to close in 30 - Naughty. Old and new.
Hmm. I will drink to that.
Okay, I'll see you in 15. Merci.
And lucky for you, Okay, Antoine.
Yes! Ha. that's Antoine's specialty.
Let's nail down the scent.
Okay, I have some good news I just think there's something so
and some great news. romantic I'll have my attorneys
about a signature scent in a hotel contact you tomorrow.
What's the good news? chain.
Dinner tonight is actually in the fifth. You know, like a perfect marriage.
Well, I guess that means
Personally prepared Let's call it an affair. you're staying at Savoir, huh?
Much more romantic.
by one of the most up-and-coming Of course, Sylvie.
young chefs in Paris. Exactly. I would never leave you.

Oh! Thank you for the meal. We keep running into each other
I would like to raise our glasses again in this neighborhood.
- It was incroyable.
to an affair of legends: - You're welcome. I just had dinner with Randy Zimmer.

Zimmer Hotels and Maison Lavaux. And may I just say, - Here?
you have an exquisite taste in - Yeah, no, the food's fabulous.
- Santé. lingerie.
- Santé. I know. The chef is my boyfriend.
- I have what?
Oh, and here is our brilliant - You do. - Gabriel?
and amazing chef, - Yes. Do you know him?
- He really does. Yeah.
and my friend, Gabriel. - Bonsoir. Not really… Um, well, he lives
in the apartment right below me,
- Bonsoir. Thank you again.
- Bravo! Bravo! which is right down the street
- I'll... No, I'll see you late... from the flower market
It may not be Le Grand Véfour, but… - Au revoir.
where you and I met.
Oh, I'd rather go where no one's I'll see you later.
gone Do you guys know each other?
and let them follow. Emily…
- Turns out, we do.
You be careful. I have to say - See?
We may steal you for the Zimmer. that you did a good job today.
I told you.
Well, she has my number. Look, Sylvie, I want us to win
together. Paris seems like a big city,
Thank you all for being here. but it's really just a small town.
And maybe
- Formidable. Merci beaucoup. some things get lost in translation, I'm so happy to see you. Mwah!
- Thank you.
but… just… just know
So, that's your new friend Gabriel? that I'm finding my way.

Yes. We're going for drinks.

You can join us if you want,
but I think you have better things to
- Super bon. do.
- Thank you.
He lives downstairs.
Oh! I don't wanna make it complicated.

- That… That was amazing. Oh, sometimes

- That was nothing. the best relationships are
No, it was above and beyond.
You made me look great out here. - Did you forget something?
- I did.
Well, it's not a hard thing to do.
- Emily!
Shall we go? - Camille, hi! Wait, this is so crazy.

et un croissant avec le préservatif. - I'm so happy that we have the
Okay, so the chef has a girlfriend, same café.
and guess who it is. Okay, there's a vending machine - You remember Mindy?
for that in the men's room.
All I do is play guessing games - Yes, of course.
with the kids. What did I just say? - Great. Oh, yay.

- Please, for my sanity, use your "Préservatif" doesn't mean I'm just grabbing some croissants
words. preserves. for Gabriel.
- Camille.
You just ordered a croissant I can never get him
The beautiful blonde from the with a side of condoms. out of bed in the morning.
- Oh, my God! No, I don't want that! Aw, sleepyhead.
Beautiful and genuinely nice, - She's gonna bareback her
which shouldn't be allowed. breakfast! - Best kind.
- Mm-hmm. So chic.
It's, like, just choose one. - See, I can't get anything right.
- It's a common mistake. But may I?
I wish
Gabriel had told me he had a They're called faux amis. - Just, yeah.
girlfriend - Oh.
So, "un crayon" isn't "crayon."
before I thanked him with my mouth. It's "pencil." Like, you know, French way.

- I thought you just kissed him. - Mm-hmm. On the side.

- I did. - "Un médecin" isn't "medicine."
Oh, let me take a photo of you
Your English It's "doctor." for your emilyinparis account.
is as confusing as your French.
- Faux amis, is that, like, fake friends? Wanna get in?
- Yeah, I feel stupid. In both - Yep.
languages. - Get in!
- Look, French men are flirts. Like you and Camille. - Okay.

Just act normal when you see him. You're gonna be friends with her Yeah, sure.

- But I'm trying not to see him. but just so you can stay close Okay.
- Oh. to her hot, hot boyfriend.
- Say, "Amies."
Which is kind of impossible I'm not doing that. - Amies.
when we live in the same building. And I'm trying to avoid her, too.
So cute.
I really like him, Oh, good. Look, direct hit coming
and I just thought that he… our way. Oh!

- Ugh. I don't know what I thought. - Incoming! I will follow you so you can tag me.
- Oh. Bonjour. - Hey.
Un café s'il vous plaît. - Hey.
- Oh, hi. - Oh, my God, you have so many
Um, j'aime le café, followers.
- Mwah! - Oh, Emily knows how to make
les fruits - What? Camille! friends.

I just noticed you don't have - Please put your hands down.
You okay? The scarf too tight? a cosmetics company on your roster.
Uh, but then it's only London Bridge.
Bonjour! Check this out. What an illuminating insight. Not as fun.

Durée Cosmetics just DM'd me Did you ever have one? Yes, that's true.
on Instagram.
Bobbi Brown? Laura Mercier? Okay, well,
They invited me I would love to stay
to their influencer lunch today. Durée?
and educate you on workplace
- You? An influencer? A representative harassment,
- I know. from Hästens Luxury Beds
but I've got a lunch.
They must have mistaken me is coming in tomorrow, and I expect
for someone else. you - You're going?
to have great campaign ideas. - The event that dare not speak its
But I love Durée. name?
Of course. But can I just go back
They were the first lip gloss to the cosmetics question? Yes. I just need a one-on-one
I ever bought. with Olivia Thompson.
- No.
Well, not actually bought. - Okay. Their CMO?
My friend Cindy stole it from Target.
Bring the Eiffel Tower to bed. - You're insane.
- She's a teacher now. - Well, they think I'm an influencer.
- Hmm. Sounds right. Huh?
Maybe I can influence them
Oh, it's at… For Hästens. That could be the to stay at Savoir.
it's at the Hôtel d'Évreux? Is that slogan.
good? - Bonjour. I'm Em...
They're Swedish, - Oh!
No, none of this is good. so using a Paris landmark may not...
- Aw! Hi, mon amour!
We don't speak of Durée in this No, no, no, no, no. Not the Eiffel - Hi.
office. Tower.
They used to be a client. - Ça va?
- The Eiffel Tower. - Très bien.
What happened? - He means the sex position.
Wow, what a cute dog. I love
We don't speak of it, Emily. The woman is on all fours, goldens.

Okay. and the two men, Well, you should follow him.
one in front, one in back, It's CashmereGoodBoy on
Hmm. Instagram,
and they, uh…
Sylvie, just curious... and he just hit 100,000 followers.
- How you say "clap"?
It is customary to knock, - High-five. Thank you, my love.
wait for a reply, then enter. Do you have one for Cashmere?
Wait, why do they high-five?
Okay. - But of course.
To make shape. - You know he'll get jealous.
- Eiffel Tower. Name?

can I please have a moment? emilyinparis.
Bonjour. I'm emilyinparis,
and I was invited on Instagram. May I help you, Miss emilyinparis? Oh, don't piggyback on my brand.

Everyone was. Bonjour again. Get it?

Goodbye, and thank you.
Oh. - I… I'm really here to speak to Olivia.
- No, no, no. Olivia will see you now.
can I get a big one like Cashmere? If you want her attention, Yes!
I suggest you post.
Oh, let me check. ¿Cómo?
Très bien.
Not enough followers. Her? ¿Perdona?
With macadamia butter and jojoba
So now, please integrate the oil,
She only has 20,000 followers.
products Durée is smudge-proof.
in your social media content.
I have two million.
Even when you're berry hungry.
We expect a minimum of five posts.
Two million.
Durée is smudge-proof.
With your tiny reach, make it ten. Do you understand,
Even when you're berry hungry. or shall I spell it out for you?
Oh, I'm on it.
I'll give you quantity and quality. Emilyinparis.
Um, can you point me I like her. She's clever.
You created a meme
in the direction of Olivia Thompson?
using the Vaga-Jeune post.
- Uh, she's eating the decor.
She's about to speak. - Where do we know her from?
You even got Brigitte Macron
to retweet you.
Merci. - Mm.
- Ah. The Daily Mail called it a re-twat.
I know exactly who she is.
Very proud moment for me.
Thank you all for being here.
I was 13
It's really nice
We are thrilled to be sharing when I first tried Durée's lip gloss.
to finally meet you, Olivia.
this season's incredible product Funny story... Oh!
- Pardon! Some creative content today.
with such global tastemakers. - Can you give me some space?
And your product knowledge is first-
Enjoy lunch Swipe up and enter Durée
and please remember to tag Durée for 20% off my antifungal yoga pants.
You're quite the brand ambassador.
in your posts
Well, it's easy when you love the
so that we can track
your social media impressions. Wow. And ow. and this was a really great event.
Have fun. CeliaSplits?
- I'm glad you're enjoying it.
- We saw you eat the wall.
Miss Thompson, Um, I just tagged you. I'm

So, what agency do you use? Mine too.
I didn't know you were gonna kiss
Oh, we don't anymore. Did you know Van Gogh painted it me.
Agencies are overpriced and while having a nervous breakdown?
antiquated. You… did kiss me back.
Uh, no, I, uh… I did not.
Now, It is a normal reaction, no?
we prefer to use influencers like you. Well, he was in an asylum
I guess. I…
The future of marketing. in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence,
Well. I just thought that you felt…
Well, and this was his view.
I actually have a master's in Ugh. It doesn't matter now, so…
marketing. Well,
I guess that explains his crazy genius. Clearly, it was just me,
And I think that I could do
much more for you than this. Let's lie down. and I made it all up in my head, so…

Really? Such as? Oh, oh… okay, sure. If… Forget it.

Olivia, they are waiting for you Oh, wow. Forget what?
at the dermabrasion station.
I love sleeping under the stars. The… The kiss in your kitchen.
Uh, but, uh, I would love
to tell you more about it. Remember the last time we slept I don't remember.
Could I… Could we meet later or…? It must not have been very good.
Tomorrow. Lunch. Lucien will set it Well, it wasn't.
up. We didn't sleep.
- Unmemorable, in fact.
Oh. Bonsoir. So, you guys are campers, huh? - Then it's forgotten.

Hi. You're not working? Never mind. We will just go back to being
Um, I'm working from home. Ah, this is incredible. who have never kissed.

You didn't move to Paris I feel like I'm… That's all we ever were.
to sit alone in your room.
Actually in the painting. In London, Rome, and New York,
- Oh, I… I...
- We're not taking no for an answer. Danielle! Étienne! huge crowds watched
Tilda Swinton sleep in a box.
- Right, Gabriel? Excuse me.
- We rarely do. Why?
I really like her.
We are going some place really nice. Because she can make anything
She likes you too. interesting.
You will love it.
I wouldn't have kissed you Yes.
Wow. This is incredible. if I knew you had a girlfriend.
But also because watching
Starry Night. It's okay. You didn't know. the act of sleep is intoxicating.
One of my favorites.
Well, why didn't you tell me? We watch our babies sleep.

We watch our lovers sleep. and I think you should come back.
Stage the bed in the most
And now… irresistibly Instagrammable spots Savoir?

As Parisians window-shop in this beautiful city: This was a very clever way
on the Champs-Élysées, the Jardin du Luxembourg, the to get a meeting.
they'll see two gorgeous models Well, we'd be very clever for Durée.
sleep And post photos of real people,
not just models, I fired your agency.
and spend the whole day
sleeping and dreaming. - They're a very expensive dinosaur.
on a Hästens bed. - Expensive?
All thanks to Hästens.
An unflinching Yes… but you get what you pay for.
Perhaps even
but flattering life portrait of luxury. under the Eiffel Tower. And it's different now.

Hmm. I like, but not love. - High-five? I work there.

- No.
I feel like I've seen it before. Does Sylvie Grateau?
I am so glad you were at our event,
Do you have any other ideas? Emily. She does.

- Bring the Eiffel Tower... You are the best type of influencer. Then it's not that different.
- No.
One that doesn't realize Those influencers at your lunch
May I? the influence they have over others. didn't care about your brand.

If you must. Well, you know I love Durée. I respect what they do,

Our dreams transport us to magical I do. but they're driven by self-promotion

places and swag bags.
that we try to capture AS NEW BRAND MANAGER We could promote Durée more
in film, music, and art. creatively
- What do you think?
But we only dream when we sleep - Oh. and intelligently than they ever
deeply. could.
Uh, no. No, no, no. Um…
The superior quality of Hästens beds You're wrong, Emily.
allows us to dream our best dreams, I'm sorry, Olivia,
but I can't be your brand You could be more successful
but why must that only be in our ambassador. as an influencer.
- You're under contract with Again, I'm…
Why can't it be under the stars? someone else? I'm not an influencer.
- Well, yeah, kind of, um…
We should be able to fall asleep Well, you're clearly
anywhere. You see, I had a bit of a unfair under the influence of this city.
Let's harness the power of social at your lunch. You're high on Paris,
media and your followers are falling for
and ask people to come sleep with I'm a marketing executive at Savoir, that.

We're keeping our marketing in-
house. Sylvie, we're on the same side. She's, like, the nicest, coolest…

But this has been, uh, It's not you personally. …French person I know.
It's everything you stand for.
- I thought that was Gabriel.
You're the enemy of luxury,
- No, he's just the hottest.
Look after yourself, Emily.
because luxury is defined
I know Sylvie won't. by sophistication and taste,
And a problem I can't solve tonight.
- Emily! and not by emilyinparis.
- Yes? But one that I can
Your social media's a problem for us. is saying goodbye to my account.
Is this the American way
to overpromise and underdeliver? I don't think you understand its
So, one last story?
Excuse me?
Let's send it off with a bang.
Oh, well, I think I do.
Klara from Hästens You worked for Durée for free, right?
wants to do your outdoor bed idea,
How does that look to the brands Whoo!
and now she expects that actually pay us to represent
their bed to be in le Louvre. them?
- Whoop, whoop!
- Thank God.
So maybe you can find a nice spot Okay, so what do you want me to do?
for the mattress under the Mona
And after 90 minutes of being on
Lisa. Delete your account. Hmm?
Good luck. - That's censorship.
they finally transfer me
- I know. to the permit department,
We can figure that out.
She can't force you only to say, "Pas possible."
This is great news, though. to delete your social media.
Pas possible! Pas Possible!
Oh, is it? - Get your dad's lawyers involved.
- My dad doesn't have a lawyer.
Pas possible!
'Cause you already look quite busy.
- He breeds Weimaraners.
Everything is pas possible.
- They invited me as an influencer. - Hmm.
- And you thought going was a good It's the French motto.
idea? Yeah, you have to delete it. Gimme.
Yeah, well, it turns out
I was hoping to win them back. Oh, when you dropped your crepe.
the only person who is able
And what makes you think - #OhCrepe.
to put a bed in the Louvre
we want them back? - Ugh.
is Beyoncé.
If you're their new arbiter of taste, I'm not sure who I am in this city
Yeah, duh.
we want nothing to do with them. without emilyinparis.
Beyoncé's worth
Companies hire Savoir Ask Camille. far more than the Mona Lisa.
to raise their standards, She's liked every one of your posts.
- Aw!
not lower them. Oh, I know.
- I thought you'd like it.
It was voted - Well, reactivate it.
the prettiest street in Paris… - I don't understand. You said... Oh, salut! Come.

- Mmm. Fine. What is this?

- And is referred to as...
Oh, that's Place Dalida, right? It's a social media installation
ruelle qui va au bout. for Hästens beds.
Yes. What is this about?
Which means, They're one of our biggest clients,
"the road which leads to the end." Klara, and I thought of the idea
that Nordic witch from Hästens,
Ah. called, after our night at Van Gogh.

It's perfect. It's perfect. and she wants to stage the bed - Mm.
there. - You inspired me.
One last one?
- That's... - I did?
Let's do it. - I'm not finished. - Mm-hmm.

One last one. - Okay. I wanted you to be the first to see it.
- She wants you to post there first.
- Okay. I'm calling it
- Ah. Why me? "Dormir à la belle étoile."

You're out late. Yeah, I've been asking Mm! "To sleep under the stars."
that question since you arrived.
You're out late. Emily, your French is getting better.
I assume it's to draw a crowd
Just closed the restaurant. and encourage others, Well, that's because
I have French friends now.
Oh. Five, two, one, three. like those followers of yours,
Like an upside-down pyramid. to post from there too. Yes, well, I was relieved
to hear from you, you know.
- After you. Wow. Sure, but…
- No, please, I insist. You seemed a little tense
What do you want me to do when you left the other night.
I insist. about my Instagram account?
It's Gabriel, isn't it?
It wasn't just you. Well, I guess you're an influencer
now. Uh, what… what do you mean?
Good night, Gabriel.
But only for our clients. Just that, I mean,
Yes, of course.
You win. I know he can be unfriendly
Of course. before you get to know him.
We're on the same side.
Emily, bring me your phone! But give him time.
Yeah, right.
Sure. He will warm up to you.
Thank you.
Show me the last picture you posted. - If you say so.
- Merci. - Mm.
Uh, I can't. - You're welcome.
I shut it down like you asked. I'm so glad

he has a nice neighbor like you.

I hope the three of us can be friends.

Me too.
So, do you wanna get in bed with me?

Mm, I thought you'd never ask.


- Cheese.
- Cheese.

It's so comfy.

38 join his trainee program,
Well, of course you did.
Yes, Gabriel! and start dressing like Angela You're a singer.
Ugh. Was a singer.
And you're giving up all that I had my shot, and I blew it.
- Oh! Oh! to be a nanny?
- Ugh. Again? No, you get more than one shot,
- Do you really like Paris that much? Mindy.
- Oui! Oui! Oui! - Yes, I do.
- Oh! In China, you only get one kid.
- But also, I can never go back to
Oui! China. You need to get back out there.
- Why not?
They were at it all night. Just find a stage
Well, first of all, and get your groove back.
Frenchmen never get tired of having
sex. there's the life You're so cute.
my parents have planned for me.
It's like docking them But, you know,
in a Lightning port. Um, marry the right guy, the wonderful thing about Paris

My battery's dead, live on the right street… is that nobody judges you
and I have a huge day at work. for doing nothing.
And also, ahem, there is this.
Ugh! It's practically an art form here.
Oh, my God, you were on Chinese
- I can't believe this. Idol? You know what?
- Mm, what? We actually have a name for it.
We call it Chinese Popstar.
Stop this shit now, asshole! Um, they call us "flâneurs."
That's so cool.
Send voice note to Dad. You're not a flâneur. You're in hiding.
I choked in front of billions of people.
- That's how you talk to your dad? And what more fabulous place to
- The Zipper King? Not millions, billions. hide?

His third assistant will soften the Ugh. Hey.

when she reads it. And when they found out - You said we had to wear all black.
who my father was, - Mm, I said you had to.
He's bribing me to come home.
I became a meme. You'll blend in perfectly
- Again. at Pierre Cadault's couture house.
- With what? Oh, boy.
Oh, my God, a BMW? I was so mortified, I have no interest in blending in.
I had to get out of China ASAP.
And the house behind it. Emily, I've been dreaming of
And so I gave up, and I came here meeting
- He's giving you a house? and went to business school Pierre Cadault since I was 12
- Yeah. Right next to my parents'
place. like my dad wanted me to. and stole issues of French Vogue
from my mum's beauty salon.
All I have to do is go home, And I failed at that too.

He's a legend. Uh, Monsieur Cadault
does not chase trends. Um, admired your work.
Oh, I know, Julien. I did my
homework. He's… He's an artist. And being here,

I know all about his feud with Even now, he's offered his talents it's just fabulous.
Valentino, to design costumes
his affair with Elton John, for the new ballet
this week at the Paris Opera. You… Your…
and his pet iguana, Evangelista, Your couture is… is a confection.
that apparently won't die. Oh! Ah! Sublime!
I could eat your clothes!
Actually, the iguana has died five Il… Il arrive!
times. Ringarde.
Hold my hand. Okay, let it go.
They just replaced it Ooh! Ah!
and called it by the same name. Dominique,
I wish you wouldn't show the Oh, Pierre! Pierre!
- No! costumes.
- Yes. Wait! What happened, guys?
They're not ready!
Oh! Hey, Sylvie, um… What does "ringarde" mean?
Oh, Pierre. Oh là là!
Did you see my e-mails They are more than ready. It means "basic."
about social strategy?
They elevate ballet. He called you a basic bitch.
Pierre Cadault detests social media,
The team here from Savoir What? Because of my bag charm?
but his manager knows was just saying so, n'est-ce pas?
he needs it to compete. Do you think he's her son or her
Oh, yes. lover?
If we get the account,
that's something to discuss in the The Instagrammers. Oh, um, I… I was just…
Oh, no, Monsieur Cadault. Watching to see if the Caesar salad
So today, just observe, admire, is really worth 20 euros.
and try to disappear, hmm? It's the honor of my career to be
here. She's forceful.
Won't be a problem. I wore all black.
Of my life. Bit controlling.
That's not black. That's off-black.
Hmm. Like a mother.
Since the 1800s,
And you? And now she's feeding him…
only design houses
chosen by the French Federation of Uh… like…
Um… A lover.
may refer to their work
as "haute couture." Beyond honored. Oh, God, I hope.

Pierre Cadault is one of them, of I… I mean, Loser buys the next bottle of wine.
uh, I've always… You're so sure you're right?

But did you know that, And good morning to you.
I'm a professor of semiotics. It's, uh... for the longest time,
And they're not my books.
- Study of symbols. the café across the street, They came with the apartment.
- Hmm. Les Deux Magots, was the cool place?
I have a rule.
I have a master's in communication. Hemingway and Picasso,
they used to drink there. If I go home with a girl,
Then you know it's my job and she doesn't have her own books,
to read such things. And what happened?
I cannot make love to her.
Signs, Sartre and de Beauvoir
decided it was too bourgeois, I have my own books.
and they fled to the Café de Flore They cost too much to ship from
Thomas. Chicago,
'cause it was empty, and suddenly…
Emily. so I download them on my iPad.
Café de Flore was the cool place.
So, how are we gonna know Then, show me your iPad.
who wins this little wager? When two things are next to each
other, Why?
I guess we have to sit here
until they reveal themselves. we're… forced to compare them. So I can make love to you again

What are you drinking? Café de Flore et Deux Magots. with a clear conscience.

And then, for the rest of the day, Or "ringarde" and "cool." Are you sure
no one would talk to me at work. you don't wanna use my shower?
You are not ringarde.
Well, for one thing, I don't want to wash you off yet.
Wait! What?
it's a bit ringard Please tell me
to call someone ringarde. Who's that third guy? we'll see each other again tonight.

Right? I'm not saying I'm cool… Now we're never gonna know Oh! Okay, sure.
who won the bet.
You're sitting Bonjour!
at the coolest café in all of Paris. I don't care about the bet.
I just wanted to keep talking to you. Who is he?
At least, historically.
Well… A professor I met last night. I've…
Really? I've never done anything like that.
We could talk some place else.
This was the home of Jean-Paul For all I know,
Sartre Some place cooler? he could have been a murderer.
and Simone de Beauvoir.
Oh… okay. Hmm. I thought I heard
Everybody in Paris flocked to see a couple of petites morts, so…
them. Yeah.
A couple of what?
I read Second Sex in college. Oh, my God!
Um, little death.
Most of it. All your books are in French.
It means "an orgasm."

The watch account? to see Pierre again and explain?
And it sounds like
you died at least twice last night. I'm leading social. Did Sylvie tell you And what would you say?
why they're meeting without me?
Oh, my God, I'm petit mortified. Go ahead. Pretend I am Pierre.
Definitely not. However,
Oh, "little deaths"? I'm feeling uncomfortable right now, Monsieur Cadault,
please allow me...
Why do you call it that? so I'm leaving.
It sounds so morbid. Ringarde!
Is there a reason I wasn't invited
No, it's not. It's like, um… to the Fourtier meeting this I can't believe I got demoted
morning? because of an accessory.
It's so intense that you die,
and then you are reborn as a new Last week, you told me to prepare a At least you have
person. deck. a hot new male accessory.

Hmm. Luc, can you please tell Emily - How's that going?
- Crazy.
Well, if it isn't la belle ringarde. she's not leading social media
for Fourtier anymore. - Like, three petits morts in one
- Ugh. Could you not? night.
- I said "belle." She's on a luxury brand quarantine. - Aw!

Okay, "ringarde," I cannot deny. Okay, I will tell her. You learned a gross new phrase.

Look, I'm not basic. I'm right here. I did.

Is this about Pierre Cadault?
In fact, I went home He refused to shower afterwards
with a philosophy professor last And tell her, also,
night. because he wanted a reminder on
I don't need to hear her moaning him.
That's worse than basic. It's boring. around the office all day.
- Is that weird?
It was not boring. - She can go. - Sexy.
- Yes, I will tell her.
He quoted Rimbaud to me, and it Although that's probably why the
was hot. I didn't do anything wrong. metro
smells like PBO during morning rush
The only thing my ex ever quoted Oh, well, make sure she knows hour.
was Game of Thrones recaps. what a quarantine is.
Public BO?
America, - Sure.
it sounds like a prison. - It means the same thing in English! Pussy BO.

Anyway, I guess this poetry man It was one client, and we knew - Mindy!
explains why you're late for once. Pierre Cadault was a long shot. - What? Have you taken the metro?

No. Sylvie e-mailed me Yes, Sorry.

that I didn't have to be in until 11:00. but he was Sylvie's long shot.
I get très nasty when I'm exhausted,
- What meeting's happening in She's talked about signing him
there? as long as I've been at Savoir. and thanks to you, I was up all night.
- For the Fourtier account.
Well, do you think there's any way Why me?

I went down a drunk rabbit hole - I can't look at you. Yes, we've heard you. We heard… of
of googling jazz clubs in Paris. - All right. you.

I don't know. - I'm gonna st... Here, you take this. Um, Gabriel is, uh, the chef
- Oh, okay. at a restaurant across the square.
I figured that if I was going to try
the singing thing again, Gonna stand far away, Yeah, except tonight,
not look at you. another chef is gonna cook for us
I might as well do it here,
where no one knows me. Okay. at a great little tapas place
in the tenth.
I saw that there is an open audition - Okay, what do you want me to sing?
at Crazy Horse. - I don't know. Whatever you want. Yep. Oh! You should join us.

Well, that's not so crazy. Okay, okay. Merci. Oh, no,

we wouldn't wanna crash your
- I'm not going. No one was paying any attention. dinner.
- Why not?
Don't worry. Please, it would totally be fun.
Because I still have Chinese Popstar Please.
PTSD. Bonsoir.
- I love Spanish wine. Why not?
That's… That's, like, - Hmm. - Why not?
p for "post-traumatic," right? - Oh!
Yeah. Okay, great.
Emily, yes. A gift. Um… it's a double date, then.

Okay. Well, you just… Delta of Venus. - Yay!

- Yay.
You need to get over it and sing. It's very sexy.
Honestly, sometimes I don't think Shall we go upstairs and read it,
I'll ever sing again. or are you not letting me in? Um, it's this way.

What about for me? If we go upstairs now, Oh, this area is so pretty.
we'll never make it to dinner. What's it called?
Maybe... I don't know. Not right now.
Hmm. Better to have something Canal Saint-Martin.
Why not right now? to look forward to, anyway.
No one's paying attention. It used to be gritty and authentic.
- Hey.
- You want me to sing right now? - Oh. It is a shame how popular it's gotten.
- Yes.
- Hey, Emily. None of the charm it had before.
- There are people. - Hi.
- So? Just pick any song that you I still like it.
want. Mwah! Mwah!
Uh, it's Euro Disney
I'm not gonna judge you. Oh, introduce us to your friend. compared to what it was.

- Hmm. Oh, uh, this is Thomas. Did you both grow up in the city?
- I'm not judging.
Thomas, this is my friend Camille - No.
Fine, okay. and… and her boyfriend, Gabriel. - Gabriel's from, um, Normandy.

That's so boring. I don't know yet,
I grew up on a farm in Brionne. but I didn't come to France to be
Yeah, I agree. demoted.
His whole family raised money
so he could attend cooking school So dull, talking about wine. After tonight, you may be deported.
here. It's like conversation about the
weather. Hmm.
They are so proud of my guy.
Far more interesting to drink it. No? Emily, hi.
Oh, I love that.
Bien sûr. Where are you off to, so dressed up?
Well, the two of you
have something in common. I don't think Gabriel likes me. Oh, I… I have tickets to the ballet.

Neither from Paris. What makes you say that? Oh, with, uh, Thomas, I presume.

- Cigarette, anyone? I could just tell - Yes.

- I'd love one, thanks. that he's jealous that I'm with you. - Hmm.

I'm surprised. I don't think that's true. I see. Well… enjoy.

All the chefs I know roll their own.
Who can blame him? What is it?
Well, now you know one who We just have to try to be quieter I didn't say anything.
doesn't. tonight. Sounds like an interesting evening.

Hmm. Sure. Whatever you say. Do you have a problem with him?

Gabriel, you… Oh! Mm-hmm! I'm sorry,

you picked a really great wine. but I think he's a snob.
Oh, thank you. An asshole
It's a small organic producer from PIERRE CADAULT masquerading as an intellectual.
Hey, girl! I know his type.
Gabriel knows his wine inside and
out. Sorry. Won't do that again. Maybe… Maybe you can't tell
since you're not from Paris...
Except for champagne. I have something for you.
That is Camille's specialty. Well, two things, actually. You're not from Paris either.

Oh, only because of where I grew up. I thought that you and I, Sorry, I…
or you and whoever,
My family has a little château - That's not how I meant it.
in Champagne. could go to opening night of the - Fine.
- It's called Domaine de Lalisse. for another shot at Pierre Cadault. I just think you're wasting your time
- Hmm. Domaine de Lalisse? on a guy who doesn't deserve you.
Don't mention his name to me ever
- Mm. again. Emily.
- I've never heard of it.
That was a box! You look beautiful in that dress.
Well, it's, um, small.
What are you doing? But not as beautiful
But we don't have to talk about that. as you look without it.

the last refuge of the simpleminded.
Well, But the only thing we could afford
you're looking pretty handsome "Simpleminded"? from any of those designers
Uh, simple but beautiful. was a clip-on bag charm
There's just one problem here. from a outlet mall in Winnetka.
How about you go
Did you know and I'll meet you afterwards So… yeah.
they were performing Swan Lake
tonight? and I'll treat you to some amazing I guess that made us pretty ringarde.
Is this a joke? Mm-hmm. I'm calling security.
I think we'd both like that better.
What? You think ringardes
Thomas, since you're a professor of don't respect designers.
Well, the last time I was here, signs,
it was for Boléro, a masterpiece. We worship designers so much
I'm sure you won't have any trouble
Uh, Swan Lake is for tourists. recognizing this one. that we spend all we've saved
on a dumb accessory
Or is it on the cusp of being cool That's more of a gesture.
again, just to feel
like Café Deux Magots? Monsieur Cadault. like we're somehow on your runway.

Hmm. Clever, Do I know you? You may mock us…

trying to use my argument against But the truth is…
me, It's the ringarde …you need us.
from the marketing firm the other
but evidently, day.
Without basic bitches like me,
you missed the point of what I was
you wouldn't be fashionable.
saying. Emily from Savoir.
I can't believe it was Dan.
Okay. Well, Excusez-moi, mademoiselle.
I would like to find Pierre Caudault It's a private box.
- What?
- Gossip Girl.
and try to talk to him, I… I just came here
so maybe you can endure it until to apologize for the other day,
We watched the entire series
to find out…
for offending you, and…
You're here to ambush Pierre and to let you know that…
It's Dan.
So now we have a bad ballet You're right. Mademoiselle, sorry.
and an awkward encounter I am a basic bitch with a bag charm. This box is only for VIP guests.
with an overrated designer In fact, do… do you wanna know
It's fine. I don't belong here anyway.
to look forward to? why I got that bag charm?
You did go
- Oh, my God, you are a snob. Because my friends
to the ballet last night, didn't you?
- Uh… excuse me? and I were obsessed with Gossip Girl.
I, uh…
You really just don't like We all wanted to be Serena van der
to like anything, do you? Woodsen
I just got a call
in her gorgeous, crazy-expensive
from Pierre Cadault's office.
"Snob," couture.

- I'm so sorry.
- He wants to meet.

He insisted Gossip Girl be there.

I can only assume that's you.

- Oh. Well, that's… that's good, right?

- Mm.

I don't know how it happened.

I don't want to know.

But I need you to be…


How about you do you,

and I'll do me?

And how about a one-way ticket

back to Chicago?

Less. Got it.

A lot less.

46 you should be saving me time and More like life.
A little retail therapy before work? He dies or loses a limb.
On it.
Unlike you, Emily, Or she prefers to be a lesbian,
I don't have much time for shopping. I have Brooklyn Clark's travel which happens.
And I'll be away next week. and her talking points for the party. Yeah, happy endings are very
Ooh! Is it a work trip? Sylvie says this is your problem now.
But they give you hope,
Or a girls' trip? "Problem"? I love her. and the hero wins in the end.

Femme voyage? I've seen all of her movies. Don't you want to see the hero win?

No, actually, I can't believe No, I want to see life,

it's a none-of-your-business trip. Sylvie's letting me do this.
the hero tortured for his love,
Oh, we have those in America, too. She's in a good mood
because she's going on vacation. and the actress naked.
Well, you deserve a vacation.
Yes, But don't you want to go
And you can count on me to St. Barts with Antoine. to the movies to escape life?
to make sure everything runs
smoothly - But you didn't hear it from me. Thinking you can escape life
- I'm gonna pretend like I never is your problem.
while you're gone. heard it.
You can never escape life.
Oh, I could help with Heard what?
the Fourtier flagship party this week. Never.
Just that I'm running point
Oh no, no, no, no. for Brooklyn Clark at the Fourtier Welcome to the French ending.
I don't need another problem right launch.
now. - Bonjour. I'm here to see Brooklyn
- Pfft. Clark.
Well, given that there's - You're not a fan? She's a big movie - We don't have anyone here by that
an American actress hosting the star. name.
Yeah, in America. In France, she is - Really? I was told that she was here.
I just think that you should be so-so. - No.
the American in your office. Her genre of movies Uh, it's fine, Ratatouille. She's with
are seen as a little bit foolish. me.
You really think you're up for the
task? Really? Why? Are you coming?

Absolutely. American romantic comedies, You have to use the alias.

they are so dishonest.
Très bien, then you babysit the I'm under Marie Curie.
actress, Here, we like more of a French
ending. Or Marie Callender.
but don't come to me
with any stupid questions. - Which is what? Which one's pie?
- Tragic.
If you're doing it, I'm Emily Cooper from Savoir.

I'm such a huge fan of yours. He's sophisticated, he's classic It was so sad. They were ghosts.

I wanted to tell you that now and certainly never designed a Hey, guys.
in case I blurt it out Hey!
middle of a conversation. Yeah. I mean, I see your point.
- Mm!
You're so sweet. Give me your phone, Bucket Hat. - Tu travailles trop, chéri.

Do you have any weed? Just text me the details tomorrow. I know. I'm exhausted.
I'm free from three to five. What are you guys talking about?
Um, not on me.
Oh, and don't tell my fat publicist. - Oh, Emily saw a movie star naked
Actually, I hate her. today.
marijuana is highly illegal in France. - Almost naked.
Uh, great.
Oh. I'm just kidding. Okay, sounds like a plan. - Cool. Who?
- Brooklyn Clark.
Oh, my God. Um, but, really,
about this Fourtier agenda… She's hosting this party for Fourtier.
Okay, so I thought that we could go They're our client.
over I'm so sorry. Can you give me, like,
the agenda for the Fourtier party. 15? Actually, you guys should come.

Thank God. I have to masturbate after a long It's gonna be super fancy,
First off, I have nothing to wear. flight. and I control the guest list.

Uh, yeah. I can see that. Kidding? Ugh. Damn, I can't.

I mean, usually, I just, like, Okay, well, I'll… I'll just, like, Nanny duties in Provence all
unzip whatever they send to the weekend.
hotel, put this on the table,
then, for you. Okay. Yeah, me too. I mean, I have to go
which is how I ended up to Brussels and meet a collector.
in that atrocious romper at the Thanks. You're the best.
VMAs. But Gabriel is in town.
Oh, my God, I can't believe You should go, honey.
What? No, no, you saw Maid of Dishonor's boobs.
you… you… you looked great. No pressure.
- Wait, who?
I looked like a camel-toed toddler. - One of Brooklyn's most popular Oh, sure. Sounds fun.
Well, um, I have a connection, And also, you need to celebrate.
You know, the one
um, at Pierre Cadault. about the widowed wedding cake - Can I tell them the news?
baker - Oh, there's nothing to tell.
Oh. Isn't he dead?
who all the grooms fall in love with, Okay, Gabriel's boss has finally
No, no. He's definitely alive. and then we find out agreed
to sell him the restaurant.
Ah. I love that for him. - that they're actually ghosts?
- Oh, yeah. That was stupid. - What? Congratulations!
- Feels a little dusty for me, though. - Oh, my God! That's huge! Yay!
- Uh, no, he's not dusty. Uh, I cried.
So he will be able to do everything

he wants to do with the place. I'll do my best. Hmm. Oh, I'm sorry.

Except that's not Hate. Eh. Helen Mirren. I thought that he wanted
what's happening, Camille. to be relevant and sexy
Yeast infection.
Uh, I can't afford it. and appeal to a young consumer.
Studio 54. Oh…
The down payment alone My bad.
is completely out of my reach. This bitch is coming with me.
Emily, get in here!
Yeah, but my parents are happy Follow me.
to loan him the money, I need a normal's opinion.
Oh, I don't need underwear
so it can work, actually. to try these on, right? Be right there!

I have to get back to the kitchen. Brooklyn Clark? CELINE's been begging
for Brooklyn, but I steered her here.
Is everything okay? Mathieu Cadault. Pleasure.
Obviously a big mistake.
Yes, it's fine. Well, you are every bit
as beautiful in person as in your I'm so sorry
It's just, um, movies. to have wasted everyone's time.

Gabriel really wants to buy this Really? Which one's your favorite? All right.
place, We'll give your company a one-
and, um, getting help Uh, uh, month trial
The, uh, Beauty... Beaut... Love…
is the only realistic way Love? to create a social media presence for
it's going to happen. us.
I hear you, But, please, please, nothing cliché.
but mixing family and money is You're not Brooklyn Clark?
tricky. - My uncle is very particular.
Emily Cooper. - Oh, I know.
I know firsthand.
I work at Savoir, He chose me personally.
Oh, I'm super rich. the marketing agency Pierre hired.
No, really. My uncle may have jumped the gun.
He doesn't make those kinds of One month.
Oh, my God. Am I being that decisions.
annoying girlfriend just right now? And I want a memorable post
His name is on the door. of Brooklyn in Pierre's dress.
- No, no. Come on, no. If he doesn't, then who does?
- No, you're being supportive. You'll be getting all that and more.
Me. I'm his head of business affairs.
Okay, you know what? Excuse me.
Okay, my uncle,
Maybe it's good for Gabriel and I like many brilliant artists, Brooklyn! Brooklyn!
to have some time apart this
weekend. can be a victim of his own whims. Hmm. Very elegant.

Just make sure I'm not sure we actually have a deal She's wearing Pierre Cadault?
he has a fun time at the party, okay? here.
She is. And I made it happen.

So, this is America's sweetheart, huh?
We're going to cross-promote I don't plan to be around to find out.
on both brands' social accounts. Maybe she has jet lag?
Um… can I talk to you?
- Synergy! - Hi, nice to meet you.
- Put your hand down. What is it? - Hi.

I have Michel Antoine's here. It's two million dollars.

from Fourtier with the waiver. Can you believe it?
With his wife.
Bonsoir. Your work is very glamorous.
Yes, they were on the guest list.
Will you please sign this? Do you have a problem with that? This event is.

Oh, it's all in French, Julien. Oh! I was really on edge about it, but so
What am I signing? Then everything's okay? everything's going really well.

Yeah, they just need someone Didn't I tell you not to come Quick, put your arm around me.
from Savoir to sign the insurance to me with stupid questions?
waiver - What?
Just do your job, - Please. Now.
for the two million euro watch. Emily, please, mm-hmm?
You look stunning.
Okay. Yay! Whoo!
Oh, thank you.
- Mm-hmm. You good with the speech?
- And this one. - You remember Gabriel?
Be cool. The hottest guy - Of course. The chef from the
- Yep. at this party's walking over here. restaurant.
- Thank you. And this one.
- How's my tit game? Memorable night.
Hmm, wow. - What?
It was for me too.
I know. And the last one. Uh… strong.
- Oh, I'm in trouble here.
Whew. And okay. You made it. - Oh?

- Have a good evening. Yes, of course. My wife has her eye

- Merci beaucoup. on a very expensive watch.
- Gabriel, this is Brooklyn Clark.
- Oh, no. Look! - Enchanté. - Oh.
- Antoine! - She's discussing a discount with
Mm! Down, boy. Sylvie.
- Antoine!
- Antoine! Does he party? Antoine,
what do you think of the rose gold?
Antoine and his wife. Uh, how about you do the speech,
and we'll worry about the partying? Oh, it really compliments her skin.
Yes. I saw them.
- You sound just like Cankles. So kind,
Good evening and good luck. - Who's Cankles? but I'm really not sure I need it.

Wait. My fat publicist. Keep up. Oh, It's so beautiful.

Do you think Sylvie knows? No, she must have it.

Hi, hi. Uh, bonsoir.
Catherine, you remember Emily Have you ever been there, Sylvie?
from Savoir? Um, it's Emily Cooper from Savoir.
Me? No, never.
Yes, of course I do. Où are you going avec Brooklyn
Nice to see you again. Never, but I'm sure you two Clark?
will have a wonderful time.
Antoine speaks so highly of you. Pardon?
Ex... Excuse me. Non. A-attendez une minute là.
Oh, that's so nice to hear.
Uh, sorry. - Bonsoir. Non, elle m'a dit…
Oh! - I don't... He's speaking French to
Sylvie, are you okay? me.
Chef Gabriel!
I'm fine, Emily. - …la boîte la plus cool que je
Oh! Mm! connais.
The event was a success, - Allô?
and now the party's over. Oui.
Oh, you all had dinner.
Of course, but I know Merci.
We were just entertaining a client. that you were excited about that
trip. Okay. I know where they're going.
His tartare de veau helped close the
deal. I… I'm sorry. Oh, my God, you're here!

We should come and have dinner You know nothing, Emily. And you brought a snack.
at your restaurant sometime.
Bonsoir, Bucket Hat. Uh, do you have cash?
Maybe after we get back.
Brooklyn, wait. Stop! Where are you Brooklyn,
Back from where, chérie? going? you can't just leave without telling
Antoine thinks Text me!
he's so good at keeping secrets, I said bonsoir. That party was over.
Is everything okay? Come on, girl, let me buy you a drink.
but his assistant accidentally copied
me No. No. - You just said you didn't have any
on an e-mail for the hotel booking. money.
I just lost that crazy movie star - Oh, right. He's buying.
You can stop pretending, chéri. that I'm in charge of
Great. Okay.
He's surprising me and a two million euro watch!
with a trip to St. Barts next week. And I'm gonna lose my job. Just one fun drink,
and then we have to get out of here.
Mm! And I wish that I was wearing a
bucket hat Just one?
Merci beaucoup. that I could just throw up in.
Honey, look around.
Fantastic. I hear it's very beautiful. Why don't you call her driver?
We didn't come here
What a shame. Now the surprise is Genius. Ha! to be who we are back home.
Okay. We came here
One can never spoil St. Barts. to lose ourselves and find adventure.

In a club.
This isn't just a drink. She can get away with everything.
Uh, it's more like a bar.
We're not just at a bar. It's just Paris.
"We're on the precipice… Uh, it's a restaurant.
It's not some alternate universe
…of the rest of our lives." where rules don't apply. Honestly, it's just a little loud.

Well, you don't come to Paris to be - Well then, put her on the phone!
- I can't believe you quoted your
good. - Uh…
- You quoted it too, babe.
Uh… She's in the bathroom right now, but,
Skol! um, I will have her call you back
- Um… ASAP.
- Uh…
- I beg your pardon? What?
I'm… uh, I'm sorry. I should... - Bye! Bye-bye!
God, I just live for trap music, you
I'm gonna... Um, I'm gonna ca... Hello? Bitch!
I'm gonna text Brooklyn, We have to find Brooklyn
Are you okay? and we should get out… get out of and get out of here, now!
Oh, yeah.
Oh, my…
I just took something to help me
Oh, my God! Um…
Oh! Um, sorry. You're not Brooklyn.
You see? I'm relaxed
Ah! Hello? Hello?
She's not in the bathroom.
and horny!
Miss Cooper?
The bartender hasn't seen her,
It's Michel from Fourtier, remember? and the bouncer has no idea who
she is.
I… I think she took Molly.
Oh! Hi!
She's gone.
Hi, is everything okay?
I'm so screwed.
I think she took Molly!
I think there was a
miscommunication. The only thing to do
Oh, she did!
is go back to the hotel and pray.
And now she gotta pee. We needed the watch back
as soon as the party was over, Okay, so the Uber was two minutes
- She's fun. away,
which was over two hours ago. but now it's seven minutes away.
- She's not supposed to be that fun.
Oh, you did? I mean, how is that even possible?
She's voicing Mother Goose
in a Pixar movie!
Um, uh… Well, don't worry. Oh God! Now he's 12 minutes away!
Well, it's a good thing
no one's paying attention here. The watch is with… is with Brooklyn, Why is he driving backwards?
and she's here with me.
Cancel it. I have a better idea.
Yeah. At home, she's the good girl,
And… And where is that?
Bonsoir. We need to be let up
but here…
to Marie Curie's suite. Gonna have to let me eat and not just any girl, an American
for free at your restaurant. girl.
We have no such person.
I'm not gonna have a restaurant. A very famous American girl
Marie Callender? with over 14 million Instagram
What about the loan from Camille's followers.
- No. family?
- Marie Antoinette? So how do you think
If I take money from them, they own that would make you look?
- No. me.
- Marie Osmond? I don't wanna be owned by anyone. That is quite a leap.
I'm sorry, Yeah, but if it's correct,
there's no one under any of those Even if it means you'll have a PR nightmare on your
names. putting my dreams on hold for hands.
a while.
She must have changed her alias. Not just the hotel's hands, your
Come on, you know who we're It's better than seeing them hands.
talking about! go out the window.
Is this job really that important to
Please lower your voice, Bonsoir. you?
or I'll have to ask you to leave.
Emily, Are you willing to be destroyed over
- Est-ce qu'on peut attendre au bar? why are the Fourtier people this?
- Oui.
calling me at 2:00 a.m. Follow me.
- What did you ask him?
- Come on, before they kick us out. asking me about Brooklyn Clark Hmm.
and a two million euro watch?
You have to stop beating yourself up. Mm.
Sylvie, I am handling it.
She ran away, and you're here, I think I hear music.
and you're going to fix it. Mm-hmm.
I see what you're handling. Or voices. That's a good sign.
But I'm not this person.
Merde! Should we knock?
I'm the girl who shows up,
not the girl who makes bad She ditched me at the club. Oh. Or not.
decisions. She was definitely on something,
- Brooklyn!
You're not the only one and she changed her alias, - Brooklyn?
making decisions here. so I can't get to her room.
Oj, jävla skit!
Well, I'm the only one Bonsoir, mesdames.
who's getting fired tomorrow. - Where is the watch?
We need to get into a room, - Excuse me.
Maybe losing your job wouldn't be and I think you know which one.
so bad. You can't just barge in here.
It would be my pleasure to help you,
Take a year to travel. I'm calling my lawyer. This is beyond.
but as I've told your associate,
Eat good food. the privacy of our guests... - Hallå, vad fan är detta som händer?
- Just stop talking.
Fall in love. A girl could be dead in that room,
Your voice is crazy.

- Oh, it's on the nightstand. Do you really believe that? Do you think
- Oh, let me do it. it's too risqué for Pierre Cadault?
You believe in happy endings, don't
I was gonna bring it back. you? Not according to Mathieu.

I wasn't gonna wait The knight on the white horse is He just DM'ed you.
all night for you to come. gonna
come and save you from everything. Hmm. Turns out I was justrisqué
Pfft. Unlike him. enough.
Oh, I see why you think the way you
- Hey, don't post my tits! do. Hmm.
- I'm not.
- He's not my knight. Okay, I'm not gonna apologize again
- Bucket Hat, wait! - Mm-hmm. But he's here. for last night.
- Stop calling me Bucket Hat!
Good night, princess. Even though I'm very sorry.
I'm sorry. I can't remember your
name. I just wanted to make sure you got You know you're doing it now?
Still friends? I'm stopping.
Or, if you're hungry, Anyway, I was just thinking
Can I say how amazing that was? to a little crepe stand in Montmartre.
that since you're free now…
You were a total badass, It's the best place in the city what about a girls' trip this weekend?
not taking anybody's bullshit. to watch the sun come up.
St. Barts is a little outside my budget,
I'm… truly in awe. If you want. but maybe Disneyland Paris?

Guess I just needed to vent. If I want? Of course I want. - Get out of my office.
- Okay. Yeah. Didn't think so.
Are you happy? With him? But I also want more than that.

Do you really believe I'm not somebody who can share a

most people are happy all the time? crepe.

Course you do. I need the whole crepe.

I don't know, I just think that… - Emily...

you could have more. - I don't think we should see each
You could have 100%
of somebody instead of... It's not good for any of us.

I… I don't want 100% of anyone, I was just offering you a ride home.

and I don't want anyone A sunrise.

to have 100% of me.
Thank you again for your help.
Even if you're committed or married,
that never happens anyway. Good night, Gabriel.

It's a… It's a fairy tale. Almost 200,000 likes.

Bad movie. Not bad.

54 and her five bridesmaids are in town. than your usual clients, but...

Oh, no. - Wedding dress shopping. Oh, my God!

- That sounds fun.
She knows, right? Yes! Of course!
Yeah, um…
Knows what, though? Yes! So, my brother and I finally got
I mean, what did you really do? Wait, why won't a weekend Maman to meet with a firm.
with your friends be fun?
- I kissed him twice. But it's her family's company,
- First one doesn't count. They're always fun, so she's so protective.
but their heads would explode
Well, the second one - But since we're friends…
more than made up for it. if they knew I was a nanny. - We are. We are.

- So don't do it again? They're your friends. We… We're… We're totally friends.
- It's not that easy. I'm sure they'll understand.
So come to the château
Every time we're in the same room, Maybe you should just tell them. with me this weekend.
it's all we can think about.
Maybe you should just tell Camille I'd love her to meet you
It's like a fog sets in with him, you're obsessed with her boyfriend. and hear any ideas you have.
and neither of us can see straight. Sorry.
You can't punish people We're going clubbing tonight. I will have to drive down all alone.
for their thoughts.
Please come. Oh. Gabriel's not coming with you?
I'm from China. We've tried.
I need a witness to my fake life. No, he has to work.
I think I should just move.
I feel so guilty. I like Camille so much. Well, text me details for tonight. And also, he's still upset
I have to plan lunch with my
If she knows, she probably just executioner. that I asked Maman
wants for the loan of his restaurant.
to get it out in the open. I have
something a bit awkward to ask you. I… I thought that he didn't want you
Just go to lunch and maybe avoid to.
anywhere - I talked to Gabriel about it.
with steak knives. - Oh, well, what did he say? He never wants help,
especially when he needs it.
- What? - He said I shouldn't bring it up.
- Sushi's safe. - Well then, maybe you shouldn't. He's stubborn.

Or anywhere that's Asian. Well, I need you to be honest. I mean, I… I do get it.
He wants to build something of his
Although if she's mad, Okay. Uh, just say own.
a chopstick can puncture skin. whatever it is that you need to.
Just don't let me talk
- Don't ask how I know that. Would Savoir be interested in taking about him all weekend.
- Can we hang this weekend? on
To the château. You will come, yes?
- I need to not be home. my family's champagne house as a
- Ugh. client? Okay, yeah. I… I…
I can pitch it to Savoir this afternoon.
My friend Li I know we're probably smaller

Fantastic! You know what she hasn't told me?
Well, maybe, you should. You're so
Santé. tense. Anything about her life in Paris.

Never heard of them. Plane! Club! Another club! Another Okay, yeah.
Can they afford us? Yeah.
What was their revenue last year? Bus! Another club!
- Oh! Um, are we getting more
I'm not sure. No sleep! champagne?
- We are!
The market is very saturated. Drink, bitch!
Excuse me!
- What's the brand identity? Ooh, your friends are wild!
- I… I don't know. I will serve.
Maybe too wild.
Do you know anything about them? Here, you should drink some more Wait, we don't get to drink it?
My friend's parents own it, - That's so expensive.
Water? Oh, we're in Paris, bitch. - Relax, they'll buy more.
and she asked me
to consider them as a client. Oh, God. Oh, my God. Drink, bitch!

How are you friends Oh, Shay. Okay, okay. I overpacked.

with a champagne heiress?
Well, I guess you'll get to know Shay I've only been to one winery in
She's dating my friend, my neighbor. a little bit more later. Wisconsin,
and it had a paintball course.
Oh, the one you went home with But this is Li.
from the Fourtier party. I wasn't sure about the dress code.
I cannot believe I wanted to look professional but
I didn't go home with him. you came all the way to Paris. casual.

The chef from the Zimmer dinner. Well, you wouldn't come to You're not going on a business trip.
Shanghai, You're coming home with a
- Ah, Emily's boyfriend, no? so we've had to bring Shanghai to girlfriend.
- Nah, she just has a crush on him. you.
We can all squeeze in front.
- I didn't say that. Em, this is Li, the bride.
- You didn't have to. "We all"?
The bride and her best friend.
So now you're going home Oh! Uh…
with his girlfriend to meet her family? Oh, Li.
Gabriel's coming. Yay.
I'm just meeting with a potential - Li.
client. - Li. - He finally got a weekend off.
- Hi. Haven't seen you in a while.
Bullshit. Right. Oh, no,
she's told me so much about you. Squeeze in. It will be tight,
I can tell her Savoir isn't interested.
Too much, in fact. I feel like I know but it's only for a few hours.
You'll let your sex life you.
determine business decisions? - Um…
That's so nice to hear. - Uh, you…
We never had sex!

Yeah, okay. Okay. - Oui. Ça va. Oh, I can find it.
- Hello!
Everybody okay? Bonjour.
- So you must be Emily?
- I'm fine. - Bonjour. You must be Emily.
- Totally great.
- Thank you so much for having me. Oh, my God. Um… hi.
My butt's asleep, - Yes. Ça va, Gabriel?
and I can't feel anything. I forgot you don't speak French.
- Ça va. Uh…
So what else should I know? - Bon.
My name is Gérard.
Why didn't your mom like the other I didn't go to the market.
firms? Too much to do. So you'll go. The champagne father.

She hates outsiders. Allez, viens chérie. Le champère.

That's not true. Of course. You see?

She's going to love you. Oh, the château is so beautiful! Because in French, "père" means...

And so is my brother. I'd love a tour. Father! Yep, I got it.

What are you doing? We don't give tours of the château. Uh, I remember that one.

Ignore him. We live here. - May I offer you a glass?

- No! No, uh, I… I mean, no, merci.
My brother's finishing business It's an American custom
school. to show off your home to visitors. Um, I'm just looking for my room.

Maman wants us Really? Does she want to see our Oh, okay! Of course!
to take over the vineyard one day. bins too?
- I'm gonna show you.
He might join us this weekend. If you'd like - I'll just give you a minute. Okay?
I think you will like him. a vineyard tour, there's one in 30.
So did you meet Gérard?
Oh, yeah, did you get Maman's Just follow the road signs.
approval? Yeah. Thanks for the heads-up.
I want
- Will she allow it? to show you something in the office. Gabriel!
- She tried to fund your restaurant.
Did I just catch "bureau"? - Gérard!
You wouldn't allow it, Does your mother wanna talk - Bienvenue.
so be nice to her this weekend. business now?
Can I get you a glass?
They adore him, Emily. You will see. Oh, no, we have
all weekend for that. Don't worry. Maybe when I return.
Oh, yeah. You will see. Louise is sending us to the market.
Um, show her around. Maybe the
Flowers go next door, pool? You are seducing us with another
please, Isabelle. Oh, my darling! of your delicious meals, eh?
- Ça va? Emily,
- Bien, et toi? Come on. I'll take you. have you tasted this man's coq au

And an American, too. Perfect.
I definitely have not. I think you're overreacting.
We can be friends. Come.
I tell you, when it hit my lips, Don't worry, I won't embarrass you
I was ready to propose to him. I feel we've made it pretty clear
we can't just be friends. in front of the British.
Um, we should get going to the
market. - But we live on top of each other. Just kidding.
- You're proving my point. Everybody take a rack, please.
Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay.
Do as my wife says. She's in charge. So what? We just stop speaking? So we'll make a game,
What do we tell Camille? and the first one to turn all the
Take the bikes! bottles
We don't tell Camille anything.
It's a beautiful day for a ride. We just have to be friendly. one-quarter turn wins.

- Great. - But not friends? Are you ready?

- Great. - Yes.
Ready, set, go!
I think I'm gonna go on the tour. Can you make me a list of rules?
'Cause it's a little complicated. - Done!
- Sample some product. - Ah! Congratulations, American.
- There's plenty of champagne in the Okay, fine. I'll make it easy.
house. You just won the first taste.
You go to the market, I'll go on the
We can have a glass before we go. tour, Everybody will have one, of course.

I want the full experience. and everybody And…

I came here to work. keeps their hands to themselves. …to the Queen of Remueurs!

You're not coming with me? …and that brings us A la reine des remueurs!
to the subtler step
On a romantic bike ride You're just supposed to taste it, dear.
to a picturesque country market?
in the whole process, le remuage.
- Oh, whoops.
Great idea.
Each bottle is turned - No, it's okay.
Why don't we just do it in the barn?
a tiny bit each day, like this,
We'll continue
They don't have a barn here.
to collect, to the tasting room, please.
The wine cellar is pretty nice,
in the neck, the dead yeast cells.
though. This way.
A professional remueur
I'm joking. can handle tens of thousands of Sorry.
I'm not laughing.
No, you paid for the tour.
in a single day.
You've been avoiding me for a week,
Actually, I didn't.
and now this. It's just a farmers
It is a delicate and precise skill. My friend's family owns the place.
Who wants to try? - Oh, you're my sister's friend?
You think we cannot keep - Emily.
our hands off each other for an hour? Mademoiselle, how about you?
You're Camille's brother.
I like the odds
What? Me? No. No, no, no, merci.
when my hands are somewhere else.
Ouais. I am Timothée.
Mm! It's so juicy. Oh, rules are good.
So you're gonna run all this one day?
Well, I like rules.
Maybe someday, yes. since you didn't get to try my
eggplant, They force us to behave.
I've been working weekends here
since I finished collège. at least you're enjoying my coq. To rules!

Looks like it's gonna be in good Oh, I'm gonna have some more Sure. Yeah. To rules.
hands. champagne.
To rules.
Not fast hands, but... Gérard, serve her.
- Gabriel, dinner is amazing.
Okay, I see. I can pour it. It's fine. - Agreed.

Oh, please, have more. Women are not supposed He really should have
to touch the bottle at the dinner his own restaurant, shouldn't he?
You know, the bottle costs table.
just the same whether you drink it - Maman.
or not. I know, it's silly… - Well, that's, uh, the goal, someday.

And if you'd like a refill at any time, And it's old-fashioned, Of course. Just not with our help.
but so is my mother.
just tap me on the shoulder. It was a very generous offer,
Just tap my foot but one I can't accept.
Et voilà. under the table when you'd like a
It was a good day at the market. refill. Gabriel…

- Ooh. - How was the tour, dear? When a woman wants

- Wow. It looks spectacular, mon - Fine. to take care of you, you let her.
We went through Look at me. Have you met a happier
Emily, you must taste his aubergine. more product than usual, though. man?

"Aubergine"? The guests were very thirsty today. I have to, um, take in the soufflé.

Uh, my eggplant. Louise, your champagne is so Excuse me.

Oh, um, I'm allergic, Just let him be.
so probably best not. I'm glad I got to really appreciate it.
Okay! Okay.
Beautiful job, Gabriel. - Good.
- Yes, she certainly appreciated it. Uh, Timothée,
Oh, thank you. Bon appétit, would you mind getting a picture of
everyone. The point is us?
that I have some marketing
- Mm! strategies Drinking champagne in Champagne.
- Mm!
that I would love to discuss. I thought the itinerary said
Wow! This… This chicken is... we were doing The Peninsula
The other thing we don't do tonight?
I told you. His coq is the best. at the dinner table is talk business.
Well, change of plans.
It… It really is delicious. Maman has so many rules. There's a performer we have to see.

It's kind of the reason we came to
Paris. You know what song. Should we run away?

And now, on our legendary stage, No. No. No! That's always a bad idea.
I butchered that on Popstar. I'm not...
we have a special guest. No? You ran away from home.
Then do it right this time.
A fallen idol from Shanghai Now you live in Paris.
- Go!
who has come to Paris - Please welcome, Mindy Chen. - Not too bad.
- I didn't run away.
to rise from the ashes. Plane! Plane!
Club! Another club! Another club! I moved here for work.
Li, I would love to,
but I… I haven't sung in forever. Bus! Another club! No sleep! Sing, Oh. So they forced you
I… I've been so busy to come to a country
with business school... Bonsoir. where you don't speak the language.

Oh, my God, Ooh. That's a bad idea.

we know you're not in business
school. No, No, I wanted to come,
I actually really don't wanna…
- And we know that you're a nanny. but I wasn't running.
- Mm-hmm. You can do it, Mindy!
I had a nice job, a nice boyfriend,
And that your parents cut you off. Oh, God!
nice friends.
Uh… why didn't you say anything? To Mindy!
It was…
Bitch, why didn't you say anything? …you're ruining
- Oh, my God, I ran away.
my relationship with Gabriel.
I don't know. I guess - Yes. It sounds so nice.
I thought you wouldn't understand.
Mom, I'm fed up of you
It was,
always trying to control everything!
Mindy, the only thing I don't but everything was already laid out.
He's crazy to refuse the money.
is why you are in Paris and not I mean,
It's nonsense!
singing. there were no decisions left to make,
Oh, God!
Well, I... even wrong ones.
I wondered where you were hiding. I always knew what was gonna
You've been wanting to be a singer happen.
since we were kids. Not hiding, just couldn't sleep.
And now?
- Li, I would love to...
Ah. Because you heard
- Good! And now I know nothing.
everyone fighting in their rooms?
Because Shay paid Everything is new
Would you like a coupe?
a ton of money for the stage time.
Okay, maybe I'm hiding. and confusing and,
- What? honestly, kind of scary.
- Yeah, you'll thank me later.
A little.
Yes, but you love it, no?
Well, um, what song?
I have a motorbike.
Oh, slower. Oh, Timothée? He's 17. is my son a good lover?
You're supposed to savor it.
But… But… I worry for my children's future.
But he said It's a mother's job.
Let me try again. that he finished collège, and...
And my little boy...
I thought that champagne How could a 17-year-old be out of
was supposed to be served in a flute. college? Oh, my God.
Please tell me this wasn't his first
Yeah, flutes are a more practical You're thinking of "université." time.
In France, it's, Oh, dear, did it seem that way?
But coupes are sexier. how do you say, "junior high."
What? No. No, no, no.
They were modeled That is needlessly confusing!
after Marie Antoinette's breasts. He was gentle and… and sweet.
Bonjour, mon américaine.
They are the ideal size and shape Wait.
Mm. Oh.
to deliver pleasure. I'm sorry, um…
Sorry for that. I bite too hard. How much detail are you looking for
Slower, slower, here?
you're supposed to savor it. Oh, my God.
His father
Oh, shit. You said you wanted me finally passed down something
to meet your brother. Okay? helpful.
And I didn't know he was... My husband is a fantastic lover,
- Emily! I was drinking a lot of champagne.
- Ah. but beyond that, he is as useless
Emily, come with me.
- Bonjour. as this surplus of grapes.
- Mwah. Mwah Oh, shit.
Thank you, Emily.
This is Théo. I didn't know.
I will call you a car
Nice to meet you, Emily. I need you to be honest with me. to the train station.

Camille told me - You and my son... I imagine you wanna run away
wonderful things about you. - I had no idea how young he was. from this bomb you exploded.

Oh, do you work for the company? Camille told me Uh, hold on.
that she wanted me to meet her
Oh, no, he's, uh, brother. I came down here to pitch
the brother I talked to you about. you Savoir,
And… And he was such an expert
Um… and you've dodged me all weekend.
about champagne.
But… But I thought Okay.
that I met your brother yesterday Stop talking, please.
at the, I don't care about any of that. - You know about the surplus.
- Mm-hmm.
uh, on the tour and at dinner? I need to know,
We need to find new buyers

now that we're working together...
or else pour it all
down the drain. No, Emily, it's really fine.
I can't control who you get into bed
How do we do that? with.

That's how. - Is this gonna be weird?

- No, we're all adults.
A bottle to sip and a bottle to spray.
Except for Timothée.
You make the same amount
whether or not they drink it, yes? Oh, grow up!

We could make your brand But I'm already

far too old for your tastes.
the official spray of Paris.
Or anywhere, really.

I can hear my grandmother

rising from her grave to strangle me.

Um, you're worried about legacy.

Understood. That's your job.

How about we create

a second label for the spray

But what to call something so


What about "Champère"?

I'll consider it.

Maman said
she was really impressed

with your presentation.

Oh, the whole family was impressed.

Camille, I'm so embarrassed.

Don't be.

I knew we'd get you

into the family one way or another.

I just didn't know it would be so


I promise,

62 Unavailable.
I'll get down to brass tacks.
The Cubs have done it! I think he's calling
about the scent for the Zimmer I know that you work for Pierre
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! hotel. Cadault.

- So that's your plan for her Unavailable! I've been following you on Insta.
- Yep. Oh, and, uh, Judith Robertson Do you think
that Pierre would donate a dress
I shipped a box of Champère from the American Friends
to my favorite bar in Chicago, of the Louvre called for you. to be auctioned for the AFL?

and people went bananas. For me? Any idea what she wants? Well, first of all, Pierre is wonderful

Like apes. A new friend, I suppose. and… and very charitable,

We market Champère as a spray. Thank you so much for meeting me, but, um, well,
hon. he's also very particular about his
Champagne showers don't just have image.
to be Hey, are you familiar
for pro athletes after a big win. with the American Friends of the Oh, of course.
Louvre? I mean, it's gonna be a big to-do.
They can be for everyone.
We're making extravagance Googled it. It'll be a whole lot of press coverage.
But to be honest, Well, wow.
And very American, Um, from a marketing point of view,
it's just so nice to sit down
to be so wasteful. with an American friend of anything. I don't see how that couldn't be
Actually, the tradition began in Oh, don't I know. for his brand, so I'll definitely ask
France him.
with Formula 1 drivers in the '60s. I just long to hear that r sound. Très bien.

But now we use it to make bikinis Oh, I know. Let's order.

It's like the French r can't be Oh. It's all in English.
Well, thank you, Luc. bothered
to come out of their mouths. Oh, honey, this is Ralph Lauren's
So when do we meet these clients? place.
Try having a name like Robertson.
Well, Camille invited us to an art They're not even allowed
opening Every French person to speak French here.
dry heaves just trying to pronounce
at her gallery in the Marais tonight, it. What a relief.
and there will be lots of champagne.
Judith Robertson. Look, a cheeseburger.
I'll wear a raincoat.
My name sounds like an airline. Ooh. Do you mind? It just looks so
Well, um… good.
Emily Coop-air. Fly me.
Sylvie, Antoine called again. Okay.
Well, that's the price we pay.

The irony of how a french fry
can make you feel so at home. honoring us with his presence. What's going on between you two?

Mm! Emily asked me to meet her here. - Who?

- You and Mathieu.
- Emily from Savoir, how are you? She can't stop working, can she?
- I am good, thanks, Mathieu. - What? Nothing.
So, guys, let's see some art. - Don't you see the way he looks at
I was wondering you?
if I could come by the atelier Please.
He's a client.
to discuss something with you and Follow me.
Pierre. Who cares if he's a client?
So this is a new artist He's, um, handsome, wealthy,
He's working nonstop we just signed.
with Fashion Week so close. and he's the heir of Pierre Cadault.
- Hmm. Interesting.
But I can meet you - I find this very sexual. - How do you know all this?
for a drink tonight, if you'd like. - How do you not?
- Really?
Oh, I'm going - Yeah, he's right. I mean, he's in Voici and Paris Match
to a gallery opening with some all the time dating some celebrities.
friends. The artist told me
this piece was, uh, Ugh. God, really?
Text me the address,
and I'll see you there. all about her last love affair, so… Yes, Emily. He's perfect for you.

I'm so excited to meet Of course. Look at this slit. Oh, because he's rich
this scary boss you always talk about. and he dates celebrities?
Obviously, it represents her vagina.
Oh, I've met her. She's not so bad. Because he's successful,
And the four colors chosen and he's got his life on track.
Ooh, she scares most French people.
were very intentional. A track paved with money
There she is. he hasn't had to work for.
Sylvie, Luc! You came. Red is blood. The yellow is urine.
Oh mon Dieu, Gabriel.
- This is Camille. And… and so on. Struggling isn't the only way.
- Oh!
So what does the white represent? Guys, this conversation
- Enchantée. Very nice to meet you. is ridiculous.
- Enchantée. She's been pitching
an entire beverage campaign - He's a client, not a boyfriend.
- A pleasure. - Mm-hmm.
- Ah, thank you. based on ejaculation,
and she doesn't know what the Lovely gallery, but I'd better
Yeah, we are really looking forward white is. get out of here before I buy
to representing your family's something.
champagne. It's the spray, Emily.
Shall we have dinner?
Emily. Oh, Mathieu,
I'm so honored to work with Pierre. Uh, there is a wonderful bistro
Hi. just around the corner.
Please tell me everything
Oh, Mathieu Cadault, about his new collection. Anywhere quiet

where we can discuss business is
good. - How long have you worked Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Mm. - Since university. - All right.
- Okay, well, I should be heading
Mm, this is so good. But I moved in with him home.
in London when I was 13.
It's my favorite crepe stand in Paris. All right. Well, good night, Emily.
It wasn't the most stable childhood.
It's funny - We'll talk soon.
how every culture has its pancake. But every day was something new. - Yep. Bye.

Uh… - You and I are so different. That was strange to see you last
- Oh, is that so? night
You can't compare with Mathieu Cadault.
our crepes to your pancakes. Yeah, I grew up in the suburbs,
in the same town as my parents, Why?
I mean, no contest. We win.
and went to high school Well, if I recall,
- Well, you haven't tried mine. where my mom was the math your corporate commandments
- You'll have to make them for me teacher.
sometime. were very specific
Every day was the same. about not mixing business with
Oh, look, I've read about this. pleasure.
It's Grey Space, the designers. I didn't get on a plane until I was 12
We were just meeting
They're releasing this and hadn't been to Europe until now. at the gallery to discuss Pierre.
limited edition hoodie. It's 900
euros. Ugh, God, He's donating a dress to the AFL
you must think that I am so boring. auction.
the streetwear guys from the States. Oh, I'm not bored at all. Are you? - AFL?
- American Friends of the Louvre.
- They have a show at Fashion Week? - No.
- Yeah. - Ah. Oh, God, the last thing the Louvre
And they're doing this whole thing, Okay, so, is more friends from America.
not releasing the location of their the American Friends of the Louvre
show, It's gonna be a big event.
are hosting this big charity event
and, of course, There'll be a lot of press.
it's making everyone wanna go. and asked if Pierre would donate a We're all invited.
- They're good at getting noticed. Sylvie, this just arrived for you.
- I can see that. Oh. Is that how it works?
Send it back.
So, um, We pay you,
how's Pierre's collection coming and you come in and ask for favors? What was that about?
Oh, all right. Antoine.
Hmm, it's always
a challenging time of year, Come by the atelier tomorrow, - Ooh, can you translate this? I
but at this point, and we'll see - It's a cliché in any language.
I know how to manage the moods. if there's a dress that works.

He wants her back, and she is… Oh, it's so nice to meet you, Sylvie.
Have you guys
Unavailable. Thank you so much for lending us ever considered taking on a team?
this one.
Did they break up? Can they break You're growing so fast, I imagine
up? Oh, well, you can have her you're not as hands-on as you'd like.
for your permanent collection.
Open it. Well, we do our marketing in-house.
Why are there exterminators here?
- No. And we manage
- What's going on? Oh, it's Paris, to stay pretty hands-on, but thanks.
there's always a rat somewhere.
Antoine sent a gift to Sylvie, Oh, damn, we have a problem.
No, they're not exterminators.
and she won't open it. They're a designer duo called Grey - Oh, what… what is it?
Space. - There are thunderstorms in Dallas.
Ah, give it to me.
- American and very avant-garde. Why is that a problem?
Luc, what are you doing? - Oh.
Well, Amanda and Frank Carrouth's
Wow. That's another word for ugly. plane
got delayed.
Mm! Beautiful earrings. I'll leave you two.
She was supposed to wear the dress,
Nah, not for the ear. You know, I am usually the one
that sticks out like a sore thumb and her oil-billionaire husband
For the nipple. here. promised he'd bid on it.

What? No. I always go to the market in my yoga Oh, merde.

No. No! No. and my favorite Cowboys sweatshirt, - Well, that doesn't sound too good.
- Oh, no, everything's fine.
You think you know Sylvie, yeah? but, honey, this look takes the cake!
We just kind of lost our model.
But, no, but… but those - Well, thank you.
are really earrings, though, right? - Let me guess. Ghostbusters? - Oh, Judith, this is Mathieu Cadault.
- Oh, I know who he is. Pleasure, hon.
Hi, Judith. - Oof.
- No, workwear. It's our spring Likewise.
What a great turnout. collection.
Oh, you must have
Oh, yes, ma'am. - Well, I think it's cute. a dozen models on speed dial
- Oh. Is this your event?
We have a lot of Louvre lovers here. we could ask for a last-minute favor.
Well, it wouldn't have happened
And they're all gonna have without this lady. What's going on?
their eyes on that Pierre Cadault.
Honey, she has hooked us up We need someone
Oh, Sylvie, this is Judith Robertson. with the pièce de résistance. to wear Pierre's dress for the
Judith, this is Sylvie Grateau, my Pierre Cadault. That's why we're
boss. here. I have the perfect person.

Enchantée, Judith. Oh, cool. I work And now we're going to sell
for the firm that reps Pierre. a private tour of Château Margaux.

- At 22,000.
And I'll begin with 5,000 euros. - That's bizarre. I wish I could.

5,000, on my left, at 5,000. - Those designers are bidding on my Me too.

7,000. Thank you, madam. - You should feel flattered. They're Well, thanks for checking in on me.
At 8,000. It's against you, madam, Of course. I, um…
now. Oh, my God, and they're driving it
up. I hope the rest of your day
8,000 euros, last chance. doesn't make the news.
It's at 35,000! Oh, man!
I shall sell it now Oh.
I am getting goosebumps. Feel.
for 8,000 euros. You guys just kiss so much here.
Oh, I trust you.
Sold! Thank you so much. Ugh.
It's your bid, sir.
And now, we're going to come This is bad.
to the last lot of this evening's At 38,000 euros.
auction. Nothing I've read has been negative
Sold! towards Pierre.
We are going to sell a dress
Thank you very much. They're all saying the same thing,
made by the great, great Pierre that it's the old guard versus the
Cadault, Congratulations! new.

who happens to be here tonight. Congratulations, guys. I'm so excited. Oh, 'cause you think
being referred to as "old" is positive?
Emily. What have they done to my dress?
Well, there is a way to spin this.
She looks beautiful, doesn't she? Publicity stunt.
Pierre's account had a ton
Of course she does. Hey. Um… of new follower notifications today,
She's wearing Pierre Cadault.
I went to the market earlier this and we've already acquired
Oh, honey, Amanda Carrouth morning,
could have never squeezed into that and I always grab a paper. 100,000 of Grey Space's
dress. 7.2 million followers overnight.
Oh, God, is there no other news?
Who? Pierre's part of the conversation
Seems like it was a pretty big deal. more than ever.
And we will start the bidding
at 10,000 euros. Do you want me But what is the conversation?
to translate the article for you?
10,000. If we lose this client,
No, I lived it. even Chicago will want to get rid of
Yes, 10,000 euros. 10,000. you.
I really,
12,000.14,000.16,000. really don't wanna go into work Hey, guys.
18,000.18,000.20,000. Remember me?
Don't. Skip a day. The person you covered in paint
New bidder at 22,000 euros. yesterday?
Stay here.

The girl in the dress.
Emily, I know why this happened. Fearless is starting from zero
We'd hoped
you'd see that as performance art. I used to see my clothes and making something that is all
on the most beautiful women in your own.
I mean, that was the intention. Paris,
Fashion is not about a concept.
Oh, yeah. and now I dress old ladies.
It's about looking beautiful.
No, it felt more like I was being And they're all dying.
punked Any woman who wears this looks
by a couple of jackasses. My audience awful.
is getting smaller and smaller.
- We're sorry. The world's gone crazy.
- We really are fans of Pierre's. - That's why they mock me.
- That's the thing. Huh!
I don't think he sees it like that,
They're not mocking you. This is the revenge of la ringarde.
but there is something They're celebrating you.
you can do to change his mind. Fashion respects the people who
- Voilà! wear it.
Entrez. - Why is my logo on that piece of shit?
This is disrespectful!
How are you? Come in. Sit. It's a collaboration.
You are completely right.
Alexa, vous arrêtez! Grey Space wants to do a sweatshirt
with your logo on it. And I should not be here,
I'm so sorry telling you what fashion is.
for what happened at the auction, They wanna take Pierre Cadault
Pierre. into the world of streetwear. But… But Grey Space admire your
You do not need to apologize. Well, he doesn't want to go.
We both took it in the face last night. They wish that they could do what
Pierre, I'm telling you, you do.
Would you like a crème brûlée? everyone will want this hoodie.
You are the original.
Ah, oh, no. No, thank you. Who is everyone?
I don't even understand this. Maybe I've been
No, no, not to eat. a copy of myself for too long.
Grey Space think of fashion as a
You just, uh… concept. And now…

Try it. The idea that who we are I find myself at my darkest hour.
is constantly evolving.
It's very satisfying. You may go.
So they take something that already
Oh. exists How did it go?
and they add to it.
That's fun. I think I made it worse.
And people like them
Um, but… because they don't follow the rules. He said he was at his darkest hour.
but what I think might actually help
us They're fearless, and they're taking Oh, my God, the man thinks he's
down Churchill.
is… is if we shift our perspective. the barriers to fashion.

I'm so sorry, Mathieu. What can I do?


Do you know what the French do

when things are at their darkest?

When the bombs were falling

during World War II, know what
they did?


I'm not sure I'm that French.


Now, if you'll excuse me,

I still have a fashion show to

69 I'm still sitting here! What is it?

I love fashion, You said a drink. It's the landline.

but God, I hate Paris Fashion Week.
And I meant it. Nobody has the number except for
- We haven't ordered yet! Pierre.
- I'm not loving it either. Oh!
- Excuse me. Sorry, sorry.
Pierre Cadault is still spiraling. So is a boat ride on the Seine - No, no. Of… Of course.
He won't let us into the atelier. your go-to move to impress a girl?
How do I promote a show I get on the boat
if I can't see the clothes? whenever I have a problem. What? No. I'm on my way.

Ugh. I'm sorry, Em. It gives me a fresh perspective. I'm on my way. Don't move. I'm on
Do you wanna hear some good work my way.
news? What's the problem? Is it Pierre?
What happened?
Mm. Please. He's still reeling from Grey Space.
He wants to cancel his show
Remember the drag club I sang at? He won't show me at the Fashion Week.
or anyone the new collection.
- Mm-hmm. - What? Oh, my God!
- They offered me a job emceeing. You haven't seen it yet either? - I have to go down there.
But the show's in three days!
It's just two nights a week, Hopefully, I can talk him out of it.
but they want me to sing. - Ugh! Oh, my God, this is all my fault!
- Hey. He's being dramatic. That's his I'll call you when I know more?
Mindy, that's fantastic! job.
To be continued?
Wait, they know - Come, I wanna show you
that you're not a drag queen, right? something. Lock up on your way out, please.
- What?
I mean, I think so. Well, yes. It's gonna be perfect
My actual go-to move to impress a at the front row of Pierre Cadault's.
I'm kidding. girl.
Thank you. Merci.
I just need the Duponts Wow.
Oh, Emily. Bonjour.
to give me the nights off, Okay, I can see why this is your move. I'm so glad to see you.
but I can't tell them why.
Is it working? - You are?
They're so conservative. - Yes.
I can't believe you live here.
Oh. Sorry, it's Mathieu Cadault. This view is so beautiful. I got your e-mail with the list
of influencers to invite to Pierre's
Hope this means I couldn't agree more. show,
it's good news about Pierre.
Sorry. and I agree it's time to shake things
Uh, I hope this means up.
you're gonna kiss him again. - Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- No. - Yes, um, about that. I...
- I tell you too much. - Ladies.
- I love it. Wait, are you leaving? Ah, mais oui. Mais oui. Sorry.
Bonjour. Sylvie.

the moment you found out? which is almost as meaningless
Could I see you privately? Please?
Is that Matt? Give me the phone. as an American who doesn't speak
- Good. Everyone's here? French
- Yes. Oh, God.
at a Parisian marketing firm.
Okay. - Allô? Mathieu?
- Sylvie! Please wait. Sylvie, let me just talk to him.
We can begin.
You will never believe this. You are fired.
Hey, your new account manager
says - Pierre forfeited the venue. Get out of my office.
it's time to start the meeting. - Et pourquoi?
Clear out your desk.
Just one minute. The new collection's ready.
He won't show it. Don't show your face here ever
The Zimmer Paris will open again.
in just two weeks, We tried a run-through this morning,
and he just screamed, Are you okay?
and with it, the Maison Lavaux
boutique, "Ringarde! Ringarde!" No.

featuring the hotel's signature scent. At every single piece. Sylvie just fired me.

Are we ever going to talk? Ringarde? Oh, is that all?

We're talking now. Okay, well, We thought someone died.

Listen to Luc. He's very talented. please tell me if there's any change,
Nope. Just my career.
Emily? Could we and take good care of your
pay attention to the presentation? uncle, Mathieu. No, it's impossible to fire someone
in France.
S'il vous plaît. Do you have any idea
of what you have done? - What?
Oh, my God. - Oui. The bureaucracy takes months.
Excuse me. I am speaking. Years.
You convinced Pierre
No, this is an emergency. to donate a dress that got destroyed, Simply abandon your self-respect,

Women's Wear Daily just tweeted which shook his confidence so badly come in once or twice a week
that Pierre Cadault is canceling his to move papers around your desk,
show! that now he won't show
at Paris Fashion Week and don't make eye contact with
What? No, that's not possible. Sylvie.
for the first time in three decades.
Are you sure? Last night, Ouais.
Matt said he could talk him out of it. And if that wasn't enough, My friend got fired from a law firm.
you slept with his nephew, Matt.
"Matt"? He was so angry
That last part isn't exactly true. that he threw his phone into the
What were you doing Seine.
with Mathieu Cadault last night? So now we have a fashion designer
without a fashion show, They couldn't reach him
Why didn't you tell me this for weeks to complete his

termination. about this?
And you never discussed it with
And then, they relaxed. - He just told me. Camille?
- I don't believe it. I mean, I'm
He's a partner now. shocked. She was always going to say no
to Normandy,
We can throw your phone Not more shocked than you,
in the Seine, if it helps. obviously. or to anywhere
after I declined her mother's loan.
Please don't. - You must be très shocked.
- I'm actually really pissed off. But, you know, I grew up there,
Thank you, guys. and it's a great opportunity.
Ah, me too! For you, I mean, it…
I wouldn't have lasted here a week I always dreamed
without you. What is he thinking? of a restaurant in Paris, but...

Emily, we will never desert you. I don't know. Sometimes your dream
is somewhere you didn't expect it to
Never. Either he expects me be.
to move across the country
All I do is think about you. I get it.
I thought it would make you happy! and leave my whole life behind,
or this is his way of breaking up with I mean,
You're so selfish! me. I thought Chicago was it for me,

No, you're being selfish, Camille! I'm so sorry. and now here I am, saying goodbye
How can you say such a thing? to one of my first friends in Paris.
I'm just gonna go
- I have to work. to my parents' house and, um… I just can't imagine this city
- That's all you're good for. without you living downstairs.
I need to think about all this, you
Bonsoir, Emily. know? And without your omelets.

Hi, Camille. I understand. I'm really gonna miss your omelets.

Is everything okay?
And I'm here They will miss you too.
Well, not really. if you need anything.
I am excited for you.
Well, what happened? Can I help? - I know.
- Yeah. - You have a picture of the new place?
- Gabriel found a restaurant he can - Of course.
afford. I know. Thank you, Emily.
- Isn't that good news? It's next to a restaurant
You're such a good friend. with two Michelin stars
The restaurant isn't in Paris, Emily.
Yeah. that is very popular.
- It's in Normandy, where he's from.
- What? He… So were you ever gonna tell me? Too popular, so I thought,
whenever people can't get in...
- He's moving to Normandy? Or just leave me a note?
- Yes. Next week. - They come to the place next door.
"Hey, going to Normandy. - "The place next door."
Next week! Wh... Have a nice life."
I should call it that.
Uh, why are we just finding out The deal came together quickly.

Here, take a look. together. You've done quite enough
to ruin Pierre Cadault's career.
It is humble but quite charming. Somebody's going to get killed.
He requested me personally.
Hmm. Seems like the perfect fit for - Um, I… I'd be happy to help.
you. - But you no longer work here. Well, I'm coming with you.

Uh, and this is the dining room. Maybe just until we find Ah! Gossip Girl!
I want to take out the bar. a better solution?
- Elle est arrivée!
And, well, the kitchen is a bit small, Fine. - Bonjour, Pierre. Comment ça va?

but once everything's in place… It'll keep you busy Mm. Très bien.
until the termination is complete.
- Bonjour. I have something you must see.
- Bonjour. You're welcome. Come.

What are you doing here? This just came for you, Emily, I was about to show a stale,
and I think you should see it. lifeless collection.
Do I need to fire you again?
Did you open this? I have been sleepwalking for too
No. Um… long.
You are very indignant And now…
But I have outstanding clients, for someone who does not work
here. I wake up!
and until the paperwork is filed,
Grey Space took over Pierre's old Pierre! Oh, it's amazing!
I still have a duty to them and to venue.
Savoir. But you inspired it!
Oui. What a slap in the face.
Julien, would you please Yeah, it's very original, Pierre.
bring me a copy of the paperwork Matt, I just got an invitation
from Grey Space. - The future of Cadault.
so I can close this matter? - Oh.
- Pierre got one as well.
- Mais oui, Sylvie. - Really? And I want the world
- Thank you. to see this immediately!
They're dancing on his grave
I'll handle your clients' needs. and inviting him to watch? But the show is canceled,
so that presents a bit of a problem.
But if you insist on coming here, - That's so insulting.
just get out of the way, hmm? - It's despicable. I love the idea,
but we can't stage a show with one
Sylvie! He is manic. dress.
I need to talk to you about Maison
Lavaux. Oh, and he wants to see you, now. I shall make a dozen. Right now!

I do not think it is the right fit. Okay. Um… You forfeited the venue yourself.

Why not? Tell Pierre I can make it Then find me another one!
to the atelier in 20 minutes if I hurry.
Me and Antoine? I've got an idea!
Excuse me? You're not going
You know how is it anywhere. If it's one-tenth
when you put two alpha males as brilliant as this dress,

- Hey, Min, what's up? I'm gonna buy you so much wine.
you'll be the toast of Fashion Week. - Hey, did you get my texts?
- Mm!
You work on the clothes, No, I didn't. Sorry. - Wait, this is gonna be so much fun.

we'll work on the venue. I've been buried Oh, you know, um, can I...
in work since I got home.
Mm. Merci, Emily. - I'm just gonna change in there.
Oh, good. You're here. - Okay.
And now, everyone out!
Hey. Can I just claim a drawer?
So what's your grand idea? You don't have an elevator, do you?
There… There's just one drawer.
Well, I haven't thought of it yet. No, what… what's going on?
God, you're insane! Could you help me
with the rest of my bags first? Uh, okay.
And so is he. That explains
everything. Sure. Hey.

Well… Oh, okay. - Hi.

- Um, I brought you a going-away
- There must be something we can Okay. So I did what you said. present.
- Yeah, sure. I took the job, I think
told them I would make myself I'm supposed to get you one of
We can call back everyone we available those.
and tell them to come on Tuesdays and Friday nights, Oh, uh, right.

and look at one dress and then avoided the question Well, I thought
in a venue we can book in a day! of gender expression you might like to have this.

- See? Easy. - with a coquettish laugh. Really? Thank you.

- Ugh. - Okay.
And also, if you're not doing
No designer will ever want - I was kidding about that. anything
to work at Savoir after this disaster. - And the Duponts fired me! tomorrow night,

Look at this! I thought it was really hard it's my last night at the restaurant.
Grey Space is hijacking Pierre's to fire people in France.
venue. Tomorrow?
It's a lot easier
More empty stunts. if you've overstayed your visa Wh... Why so soon?
That's all anyone cares about illegally.
anymore. You know, why wait to start my new
- I don't know. life?
We need to look at things - Well…
from a different perspective. And you and Camille…?
You can stay here as long as you
Yeah, but there's no way need. We want different things right now.
we can find a venue. And, uh… we need to be free to do
You are the best, Em. them.
I think we might already have one. I cannot thank you enough.
What does that mean?

Well, she's not coming to Normandy, I have a lot of work tonight, okay? Yes!

and I'm not staying in Paris, Got it. Daily Mail is appalling.
so we will just go our own ways.
I'll be super quiet. But I will frame that.
- In America, that's called a breakup.
- Yeah. How did Grey Space get such a Thank you for being patient.
turnout? We've never been this busy.
We… We call it that here too.
- Nervous? Well, I tagged the restaurant
I'm sorry. - Too scared to be nervous.
on Pierre's Instagram stories
It's okay. It's just, uh… life. It's gonna work. It has to. when we got here.

All right. Pierre! Pierre! Sorry for the avalanche.

Um… Why did you cancel your show? What?

Thank you for the pan. Pierre! Pierre! Oh, merde.

Are you here to see Grey Space?
I promise I'll never clean it. Bonsoir.
No. You're here to see Pierre
Merci. Cadault! Catherine, Antoine!
What brings you here?
Um, I'll see you at the restaurant. Oh, my God!
If you can. Well, I follow Pierre Cadault
Pierre Cadault! on Instagram.
Bonsoir. Pierre Cadault! Pierre Cadault!
Ah. Merci.
Hot chef is leaving Paris? Pierre Cadault! Pierre Cadault!
So when I showed Antoine this
And he's single? Ooh. restaurant,
he said, "Well, I know that place."
You heard all that from the Pierre Cadault! Pierre Cadault!
bathroom? So here we are.
Pierre Cadault! Pierre Cadault!
These walls are made of straw Well, you're right on time.
and horsehair. Pierre Cadault!
Pierre Cadault! Pierre Cadault! It's the chef's final night in Paris.
It'd be harder not to listen. He's moving to Normandy.
What happened? Are you serious?
- À la tienne.
He's buying a restaurant in - Bravo. Incroyable!
Paris Match: What luck!
and Camille doesn't wanna move, "Pierre Cadault takes over Fashion
so he's going alone. Week." Antoine has been promising
to take me here for weeks now.
That's it? - Whoo!
- Yeah! - Huh, chéri?
Em, you've been mooning over each - Oh, he's full of promises, isn't he?
other Daily Mail: "The old guard is back.
since you got here. You have to... The new guard is ringarde." Oh, excuse me.

So sorry. Drive carefully.
Merci. Um, are you leaving?
Hmm. The most promising chef
in the city's leaving? One more party
So, Emily, I heard that you're in before we put Fashion Week to bed.
charge Paris was not what you dreamed?
of Maison Lavaux now. Oh.
Not exactly. I… I love Paris.
It seems so. Sounds, uh, fun.
And I love this restaurant.
I'm so pleased. Actually, I was thinking
Actually, the owner wants to sell, I'm probably just gonna go home.
I think you will be a much better fit but…
for my husband. - Oh.
…it's too expensive. - Okay?
- Right. Uh, professionally.
- Whatever you wanna call it. Of course.
That's what investors are for.
We have all weekend to celebrate.
- I approve.
I had an offer, actually.
- Uh, chérie. Well, uh…
My girlfriend…
Our table is ready. - Ex-girlfriend's family. …thank you…
- Mm-hmm.
Lovely to see you. Au revoir.
For making my last night
- But it was too… in Paris so… memorable.
- Au revoir. Bonne soirée.
- Compliqué?
- Bonne soirée.
I was just returning the favor.
My wife's family invested
I can't believe
in my business when I began, so… Well…
how happy Pierre looked.
I understand. Um…
Mm-hmm. You are a genius.
You leave your girlfriend, Good night, Gabriel.
Pierre is a genius.
you lose your restaurant.
I just pulled off a publicity stunt.
And good luck.
I don't think there's anything left
Regardless, I would like to celebrate
for me in Paris, anyway. Au revoir.
with you properly.
Pierre decided to call it a night? Gabriel! Hello?
Of course not. Gabriel!
Have you ever been to…
say, Saint-Tropez? I just put him in a car, Emily?
and he is going to crash I… I just, I…
a Grey Space event at Caviar Kaspia.
What about this weekend?
I didn't want that to be the last time
I told him we'd meet him there. that we saw each other, and I'm...
I'd love to.
Ah, the chef! I'm gonna miss you so much, and I,
Bye. See you soon. uh...
Dinner was excellent.
- Merci. Au revoir.
I've thought about this so many
- Merci. Merci.
And congratulations on your new times.
Gabriel belongs here.
I'd be lying if I said Oh. Really?
I hadn't thought about it too. He's too talented
You have potential, to be banished to Normandy.
And… it was incredible. but you lack polish.
My wife. Excuse me.
But you're leaving. So if you are to remain at Savoir,
- So you're staying in Paris?
It's just Normandy. I won't be so easy on you going - Yes.
No, I know, I know. It's… Oh, don't worry.
Understood? You can keep the omelet pan.
It's not that I can never see you
again. Understood. I'll go get another glass.
It's just…
I don't think I should…
- Hi.
Ever see you again. - Hi… Hi!

Oh. And… Wow. You must have really enjoyed

your meal last night.
What if I wanna see you again?
I'm here for business.
Well, then we'd both be hurting
someone - You?
that we care about a lot. - Oh, I just live right down there.

We never really had a chance. - That's convenient.

- Excuse me?
But at least, now,
we have this one perfect thing. Hey.

And I feel like I'm dreaming Oh! Uh, I…

and I'm about to wake up. I thought you were leaving this
Uh, so did I.
let's not wake up just yet.
So, uh,
Bonjour, Sylvie. what's the champagne for?

I just talked to Pierre's publicist. - Your last hurrah?

He's doing an interview with French - Quite the opposite.
I could not bear to see Paris
- I was thinking... lose its most promising young chef.
- Please, for once, just listen.
Antoine wants to back me
About our conversation the other in the restaurant.
In… In Paris?
I've decided
not to file your termination Of course.


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