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Azure Basics

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What is Azure Data Factory (ADF) and what are its key

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that

allows you to create, schedule, and manage data pipelines for
moving and transforming data from various sources to destinations.
Its key components include pipelines, activities, datasets, linked
services, triggers, and integration runtimes.

2. Explain the difference between a pipeline and an activity

in Azure Data Factory.

A pipeline in Azure Data Factory is a logical grouping of activities

that together perform a data processing task. Activities are the
processing steps within a pipeline, such as data movement, data
transformation, and control flow activities.

3. What are the different types of activities available in

Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory supports various types of activities including

data movement activities (e.g., Copy Activity, Data Flow), data
transformation activities (e.g., Execute Data Flow, Data Flow),
control flow activities (e.g., If Condition, For Each), and custom
activities (e.g., Azure Function, Stored Procedure).
4. How does Azure Data Factory handle data movement
between different data stores?

Azure Data Factory uses Copy Activity to move data between

different data stores. Copy Activity supports a wide range of data
sources and destinations, including Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL
Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, SQL Server, and many others.

5. What is a dataset in Azure Data Factory?

A dataset in Azure Data Factory is a named view of data that defines

the data structure and location. It represents the input or output
data for activities within a pipeline and can be structured, semi-
structured, or unstructured data stored in various data stores.

6. Explain linked services in Azure Data Factory.

Linked services in Azure Data Factory define the connection

information for data stores, compute resources, and other external
services. They establish a connection between Azure Data Factory
and the external data sources or destinations.

7. What is a trigger in Azure Data Factory and how is it


A trigger in Azure Data Factory is a set of conditions that define

when a pipeline should be executed. Triggers can be based on a
schedule (e.g., time-based trigger), events (e.g., data arrival trigger),
or manual invocation.

8. How can you parameterize pipelines in Azure Data


Pipelines in Azure Data Factory can be parameterized by defining

parameters at the pipeline level. Parameters allow you to
dynamically control the behavior of pipelines at runtime, such as
specifying source and destination datasets, connection strings, and
other settings.

9. Explain data flow in Azure Data Factory and its benefits.

Data flow in Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data

transformation service that allows you to visually design and execute
data transformation logic using a code-free interface. It provides a
scalable and cost-effective way to transform large volumes of data in

10. What is Azure Integration Runtime in Azure Data


Azure Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory is a compute

infrastructure used to provide data integration capabilities across
different network environments. It facilitates data movement and
transformation between cloud and on-premises data stores.
11. How does Azure Data Factory support data

Azure Data Factory supports data transformation through Data Flow

activities, which provide a visual interface for building and executing
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) logic using a drag-and-drop
interface. Data Flows can handle complex data transformation tasks
at scale.

12. What are the different types of triggers available in

Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory supports various types of triggers including

schedule triggers, tumbling window triggers, event-based triggers,
and manual triggers. Each type of trigger has specific use cases and
can be used to automate pipeline execution based on different

13. How does Azure Data Factory handle error handling

and retries?

Azure Data Factory provides built-in error handling and retry

mechanisms to handle errors during pipeline execution. You can
configure settings such as retry count, retry interval, and error
handling behavior to control how errors are handled and retried.

14. Explain the concept of data lineage in Azure Data

Data lineage in Azure Data Factory refers to the tracking and
visualization of data movement and transformation processes within
data pipelines. It helps users understand the flow of data from
source to destination and identify dependencies between different
data processing steps.

15. What are the monitoring and logging capabilities

available in Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory provides monitoring and logging capabilities

through Azure Monitor, which allows you to track pipeline
execution, monitor performance metrics, view execution logs, and
set up alerts for pipeline failures or performance issues.

16. How can you integrate Azure Data Factory with Azure
DevOps for CI/CD?

Azure Data Factory can be integrated with Azure DevOps for

continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)
workflows. You can use Azure DevOps pipelines to automate the
deployment of Azure Data Factory artifacts such as pipelines,
datasets, and linked services.

17. What are the security features available in Azure Data


Azure Data Factory provides various security features including role-

based access control (RBAC), encryption at rest and in transit,
network security, data masking, data encryption, and integration
with Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorization.

18. Explain the concept of Data Flows in Azure Data


Data Flows in Azure Data Factory provide a code-free visual

interface for building and executing data transformation logic using
a series of transformation components such as source, sink, join,
aggregate, and derive. Data Flows can handle complex data
transformation tasks at scale.

19. What are the deployment options available for Azure

Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory supports various deployment options including

manual deployment through the Azure portal, automated
deployment using Azure DevOps, ARM (Azure Resource Manager)
templates, PowerShell scripts, and REST APIs.

20. How does Azure Data Factory handle data partitioning

and parallelism?

Azure Data Factory can partition data and execute activities in

parallel to achieve high performance and scalability. It supports
partitioning of data based on various factors such as source data
distribution, partition key, and target data distribution.
21. What is the difference between Azure Data Factory and
Azure Databricks?

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service for

orchestrating and automating data workflows, whereas Azure
Databricks is a unified analytics platform for processing and
analyzing large volumes of data using Apache Spark.

22. How can you monitor and optimize the performance of

Azure Data Factory pipelines?

You can monitor and optimize the performance of Azure Data

Factory pipelines by analyzing pipeline execution metrics,
identifying bottlenecks, optimizing data movement and
transformation logic, tuning Azure Integration Runtime
configurations, and using performance optimization techniques.

23. What are the best practices for designing Azure Data
Factory pipelines?

Some best practices for designing Azure Data Factory pipelines

include using parameterization for flexibility, modularizing pipelines
for reusability, optimizing data movement and transformation logic,
using parallelism for scalability, and implementing error handling
and retry mechanisms.

24. How does Azure Data Factory handle incremental data

Azure Data Factory can handle incremental data loading by using
watermark columns, change tracking mechanisms, or date/time-
based filters to identify new or updated data since the last data load.
This allows you to efficiently load only the changed or new data into
the destination.

25. What are the different pricing tiers available for Azure
Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory offers different pricing tiers including Free,

Standard, and Premium tiers. The pricing is based on factors such as
data integration units (DIUs), data flow units (DFUs), and data
movement units (DMUs) consumed by the pipelines.


1. What is Databricks and why is it used?

Databricks is a unified analytics platform that combines data

engineering, data science, and business analytics. It is used to
streamline the process of building and deploying data-driven
applications, enabling collaboration among data engineers, data
scientists, and analysts.

2. Explain the concept of Delta Lake in Databricks.

Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings reliability to

data lakes. It provides ACID transactions, scalable metadata
handling, and data versioning, making it easier to build robust data
pipelines and maintain data quality in Databricks.

3. How does Databricks optimize Spark performance?

Databricks optimizes Spark performance through features like

caching, query optimization, and dynamic resource allocation. It
also provides Databricks Runtime, which includes performance
enhancements and optimizations for running Spark workloads

4. What are the benefits of using Databricks in a cloud


Using Databricks in a cloud environment offers benefits such as

scalability, elasticity, ease of deployment, and integration with other
cloud services. It also provides cost-effective solutions for processing
large-scale data workloads.

5. How does Databricks support machine learning


Databricks supports machine learning workflows through its

integrated MLflow framework, which provides tracking,
experimentation, and deployment of machine learning models. It
also offers scalable machine learning libraries and model serving

6. Explain the concept of Databricks Delta.

Databricks Delta is a unified data management system that provides
data lake reliability and performance optimizations. It includes
features like schema enforcement, data indexing, and time travel,
making it easier to build scalable and reliable data pipelines.

7. What is the difference between Databricks Community

Edition and Databricks Workspace?

Databricks Community Edition is a free version of Databricks that

offers limited resources and capabilities, primarily for learning and
experimentation. Databricks Workspace, on the other hand, is a
fully-featured collaborative environment for data engineering and
data science tasks, suitable for enterprise use.

8. How does Databricks handle schema evolution in data


Databricks handles schema evolution in data lakes through features

like schema enforcement and schema evolution capabilities in Delta
Lake. It allows for flexible schema evolution while ensuring data
consistency and integrity.

9. Explain the process of deploying machine learning

models in Databricks.

Machine learning models can be deployed in Databricks using its

integrated MLflow framework. Models can be trained, tracked, and
deployed using MLflow APIs or through Databricks Jobs, which
enable automated model deployment and serving.

10. What are some common data sources and sinks

supported by Databricks?

Databricks supports a wide range of data sources and sinks,

including relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL), data lakes
(e.g., Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage), streaming platforms
(e.g., Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar), and cloud services (e.g., AWS
Redshift, Google BigQuery).

11. How does Databricks handle data security and


Databricks provides features like access control, encryption,

auditing, and compliance certifications to ensure data security and
compliance with regulatory requirements. It also integrates with
identity providers and key management services for enhanced

12. What is the role of Apache Spark in Databricks?

Apache Spark is the underlying distributed computing engine used

by Databricks for processing large-scale data workloads. Databricks
provides a managed Spark environment that optimizes Spark
performance and scalability.
13. Explain the concept of structured streaming in

Structured streaming is a scalable and fault-tolerant stream

processing engine provided by Apache Spark and integrated into
Databricks. It allows for real-time processing of structured data
streams with exactly-once semantics and support for event-time

14. How does Databricks support data visualization and


Databricks supports data visualization and reporting through its

integrated notebook environment, which allows users to create
interactive visualizations using libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn,
and Plotly. It also provides integration with BI tools like Tableau and
Power BI for advanced reporting.

15. What are some best practices for optimizing

performance in Databricks?

Some best practices for optimizing performance in Databricks

include using appropriate cluster configurations, optimizing Spark
jobs, caching intermediate results, partitioning data effectively, and
leveraging Databricks Runtime optimizations.

16. Explain the concept of auto-scaling in Databricks.

Auto-scaling in Databricks automatically adjusts the number of
worker nodes in a cluster based on workload requirements. It
ensures optimal resource utilization and performance without
manual intervention, allowing clusters to scale up or down

17. How does Databricks support real-time analytics and


Databricks supports real-time analytics and monitoring through

features like structured streaming, integrated monitoring
dashboards, and integration with monitoring tools like Prometheus
and Grafana. It allows users to monitor system performance,
resource utilization, and job execution in real-time.

18. What are some common integration points for

Databricks with other data platforms and tools?

Databricks integrates with various data platforms and tools such as

Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop, relational databases, BI tools,
version control systems, and cloud services. It allows for seamless
data ingestion, processing, and integration with existing data

19. Explain the concept of workload isolation in

Workload isolation in Databricks ensures that different workloads
running on the platform do not interfere with each other in terms of
resource utilization and performance. It provides features like
cluster tags, workload management policies, and resource pools to
isolate and prioritize workloads effectively.

20. How does Databricks support automated data pipeline


Databricks supports automated data pipeline orchestration through

features like Databricks Jobs, which allow users to schedule and
automate data workflows. It also integrates with workflow
orchestration tools like Apache Airflow and Apache Oozie for more
advanced pipeline automation.

21.How does Databricks facilitate collaborative data

science and engineering?

Databricks provides a collaborative workspace where teams can

work together on data projects in a shared environment. It offers
features like version control, notebooks, and integration with
version control systems like Git, enabling teams to collaborate
seamlessly. Additionally, Databricks allows users to share insights
and code through dashboards and scheduled jobs.

22. What are the key components of Databricks

The key components of Databricks architecture include:
— Databricks Workspace: A collaborative environment for data
engineering and data science tasks.
— Databricks Runtime: An optimized runtime that provides a
unified analytics engine for data processing and machine learning.
— Databricks Cluster: A managed cluster environment for running
distributed data processing and machine learning workloads.
— Databricks Jobs: Scheduled workflows for automating data
pipelines and model deployments.

23. How does Databricks handle big data processing?

Databricks leverages Apache Spark under the hood to handle big

data processing. It provides a managed Spark environment that can
scale dynamically based on workload requirements. Databricks
optimizes Spark performance through features like caching, query
optimization, and dynamic resource allocation, enabling efficient
processing of large-scale datasets.

24. What are some advantages of using Databricks over

traditional data processing frameworks?

Some advantages of using Databricks include:

— Unified Platform: Databricks provides a unified platform for data
engineering, data science, and business analytics, reducing the need
for multiple tools and environments.
— Scalability: Databricks can scale dynamically to handle large-scale
data processing workloads, ensuring optimal performance.
— Collaboration: Databricks offers collaborative features that enable
teams to work together on data projects in a shared environment.
— Managed Service: Databricks is a fully managed service,
eliminating the need for manual infrastructure provisioning and
— Integration: Databricks integrates seamlessly with other data
platforms and tools, allowing for easy integration into existing data

Basic Questions on Azure DevO

1. What is Azure DevOps and what are its key components?

Azure DevOps is a cloud-based collaboration platform for software

development, including version control, agile planning, continuous
integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), and monitoring. Its
key components include Azure Repos, Azure Boards, Azure
Pipelines, Azure Artifacts, and Azure Test Plans.

2. Explain the difference between Azure DevOps Services

and Azure DevOps Server.

Azure DevOps Services is a cloud-based platform provided as a

service by Microsoft, while Azure DevOps Server (formerly known as
Team Foundation Server) is an on-premises version of the same
platform. They offer similar capabilities but differ in deployment
and management options.
3. What is Azure Repos and what types of version control
systems does it support?

Azure Repos is a version control system provided by Azure DevOps

for managing source code. It supports two types of version control
systems: Git, which is a distributed version control system, and
Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC), which is a centralized
version control system.

4. How does Azure Boards support agile planning and


Azure Boards is a tool within Azure DevOps that supports agile

planning and tracking by providing features such as backlogs,
boards, sprints, work items, and dashboards. It allows teams to plan,
track, and manage their work using Scrum, Kanban, or custom agile

5. What are pipelines in Azure DevOps and how do they

support CI/CD?

Pipelines in Azure DevOps are automated workflows that allow you

to build, test, and deploy your code continuously. They support
Continuous Integration (CI) by automatically building and testing
code changes whenever new code is committed, and Continuous
Deployment (CD) by automatically deploying code changes to
production environments.
6. Explain the concept of YAML pipelines in Azure DevOps.

YAML pipelines in Azure DevOps allow you to define your build and
release pipelines as code using YAML syntax. This enables you to
version control your pipeline definitions, manage them alongside
your application code, and apply code review and approval

7. What is Azure Artifacts and how does it support package


Azure Artifacts is a package management service provided by Azure

DevOps for managing dependencies and artifacts used in your
software projects. It allows you to store and share packages such as
npm, NuGet, Maven, and Python packages, as well as generic

8. How does Azure DevOps support integration with third-

party tools and services?

Azure DevOps provides integration with a wide range of third-party

tools and services through its extensive REST APIs, webhooks, and
marketplace extensions. It allows you to integrate with tools for
version control, project management, testing, monitoring, and more.

9. Explain the concept of environments in Azure Pipelines.

Environments in Azure Pipelines represent target environments
such as development, staging, and production where your
applications are deployed. They allow you to define deployment
strategies, approvals, and conditions for promoting code changes
between environments.

10. What are the different deployment strategies supported

by Azure Pipelines?

Azure Pipelines supports various deployment strategies including

manual deployment, rolling deployment, blue-green deployment,
canary deployment, and progressive exposure deployment. These
strategies allow you to deploy your applications safely and
incrementally to production environments.

11. How does Azure DevOps support testing and quality


Azure DevOps supports testing and quality assurance through its

integration with Azure Test Plans, which provides features for test
case management, manual testing, exploratory testing, and
automated testing. It allows you to plan, execute, and track test
activities across your software projects.

12. What is the role of Azure DevOps in DevSecOps

Azure DevOps plays a key role in DevSecOps practices by providing
features for integrating security checks and controls into the
software development lifecycle. It allows you to automate security
testing, vulnerability scanning, compliance checks, and security
policy enforcement as part of your CI/CD pipelines.

13. How does Azure DevOps support monitoring and


Azure DevOps provides monitoring and reporting capabilities

through its built-in dashboards, reports, and analytics tools. It
allows you to track key metrics, monitor pipeline execution, visualize
trends, and generate custom reports to gain insights into your
development processes.

14. What are some best practices for implementing CI/CD

pipelines in Azure DevOps?

Some best practices for implementing CI/CD pipelines in Azure

DevOps include automating the build and deployment process,
using infrastructure as code (IaC) for provisioning environments,
implementing code reviews and quality gates, enabling continuous
integration and delivery, and monitoring pipeline performance.

15. How does Azure DevOps support collaboration and

communication among development teams?
Azure DevOps supports collaboration and communication among
development teams through features such as pull requests, code
reviews, mentions, comments, notifications, and integration with
collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams and Slack. It allows
teams to collaborate effectively and stay informed about project

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