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General About Listening Skill - Students Version

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Compiled by: Trương Trần Minh Nhật LISTENING SUBJECT


Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication
process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen
effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. ... Effective listening is a skill that underpins
all positive human relationships and studying.

7. Types of Activities for Listening with a Purpose

 Listening for the Main Idea. ...
 Listening for Detail. ...
 Listening for a Sequence. ...
 Listening for Specific Vocabulary. ...
 Listening for Cultural Interest. ...
 Listening for Attitude and Opinions. ...
 Listening for Functional Language.


2.1. Multiple choice
Multiple choice questions can be answered with one correct answer, or more than one correct
answer. Read the question very carefully to check how many answers are required.
In a multiple choice question, where you are required to choose one correct answer (A, B or
C), you will be given:
 a question followed by three possible answers
 the beginning of a sentence followed by three possible ways to complete the sentence.
In a multiple choice question, where you are required to choose more than one correct answer
you will be given a longer list of possible answers and told that you have to choose more than
one answer.
Compiled by: Trương Trần Minh Nhật LISTENING SUBJECT

Multiple choice questions are used to test a wide range of skills. You may be required to have
a detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of
the listening text.
2.2. Matching
You are required to match a numbered list of items from what you hear in
the listening audio to a set of options on the question paper. The set of options may be criteria
of some kind.
Matching assesses the skill of listening for detail and whether you can understand information
given in a conversation on an everyday topic, such as identifying different types of hotel or
guest house accommodation. It also assesses your ability to follow a conversation between two
people. It may also be used to assess your ability to recognise relationships and connections
between facts in the listening text.
2.3.Plan, map, diagram labelling
You will need to complete labels on a plan (e.g. of a building), map (e.g. of part of a town) or
diagram (e.g. of a piece of equipment). You can usually select your answers from a list on the
question paper.
This matching task assesses your ability to understand, for example, a description of a place,
and to relate this to a visual representation. This may include being able to follow language
expressing directions (e.g. straight on/turn left/opposite).
2.4.Form, note, table, flow-chart, summary completion
In this completion task, you are required to fill in the gaps in an outline of part or of all of the
listening text. The outline will focus on the main ideas/facts in the text. It may be:
1. A form: used to record factual details such as names, addresses, telephone numbers
2. A set of notes: used to summarise information using the layout to show how different items
relate to one another
3. A table: used to summarise information which relates to clear categories – e.g.
4. A flow-chart: used to summarise a process which has clear stages, with the direction of the
process shown by arrows.
You will select the missing words in either way:
 From a list presented in the question paper
 From the recording
You must keep to the word limit stated in the instructions and use the exact words you hear from
the recording.
You should read the instructions very carefully as the number of words or numbers you should
use will vary. A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER’. If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so
check the word limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t’.
Hyphenated words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’.
Compiled by: Trương Trần Minh Nhật LISTENING SUBJECT

This gap completion task focuses on the main points which a listener would naturally record in
this type of situation.
2.5. Sentence completion
In this sentence completion task, you are required to read a set of sentences summarising key
information from either:
 all the listening text
 from one part of it.
You will then fill a gap in each sentence using information from the listening text. A word limit
is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER’.
You should read the instructions very carefully as the number of words or numbers you should
use will vary. A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER’. If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so
check the word limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t’.
Hyphenated words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’.
Sentence completion focuses on your ability to identify the key information in a listening text.
You must understand functional relationships such as cause and effect.
2.6. Short-answer questions
In the short-answer question type, you are required to read a question and then write a short
answer using information from the listening text. Sometimes test takers are given a question
which asks them to list two or three points.
A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’.
If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so check the word
limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t. Hyphenated
words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’.
Short-answer focuses on the ability to listen for concrete facts, such as places, prices or times,
within the listening text.


Exercise 3.1.Multiple choice: (Get Ready.U1.Part 3.Q8-10.P13)

Listen to the next part of the conversation and choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
8/ The customer's mobile phone num ber is:
A. 07976 122577.
B. 07961 122577.
C. 07961 121597.
9/ The custom er would also like to:
A. receive tourist information,
B. make a restaurant booking,
C. book tickets for the theatre.
10/ He leaves a message for:
Compiled by: Trương Trần Minh Nhật LISTENING SUBJECT

A. M rAlam i.
B. Mr El Fassi.
C. M rAlaoui.

Exercise 3.2.Matching (Get Ready.U2.Ex1.P16)

You will hear a chef giving her students a list of ingredients for a regional dish. Match the
12 ingredients with the quantities. You will not use all the quantities. Before you begin, read
through the answer options and think of different ways to express the same quantities.

1 chicken 2 rice 3 onions 4 tomatoes 5 green peppers 6 cooking oil

a 450 g b 4 kilos c % kilo d 500 g e 2 kilos f 15 ml g 50 ml h 14 kilo

Exercise 3.3.Plan, map, diagram labelling: (Get Ready.U3.Ex 3.P 23)

Listen to two of the students discussing the best way to design a slide and label the drawing
23 below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Exercise 3.4. Form, note, table, flow-chart, summary completion: (Get Ready.U1.Part 3.Q1-

Question 1-7: You will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel receptionist and a caller making
a reservation. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Compiled by: Trương Trần Minh Nhật LISTENING SUBJECT

Exercise 3.5. Sentence completion: : (Get Ready.U 3.Part 3.Q8- 10. P 25)
Questions 8 -1 0: Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the sentences.
8. The actual talk will last for ....................................
9. Each student will speak for ....................................
10. The slides must all have the ......................................

Exercise 3.6. Short-answer questions: (Get Ready.U 1.Ex 5. P 10-11)

You will hear a telephone conversation in which Sam is booking a taxi, listen and answer the questions
1. Which terminal will Sam’s fligh take off from ? ...................................................
2. When is the taxi driver going to arrive to pick Sam up? ..........................................
3. What is Sam’s mobile phone number ? ....................................................................

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