Industrial Zero-Day Threat
The Issue to Address
The Mission of OPSWAT Academy
OPSWAT Academy Courses
OPSWAT Academy Certification Program
It has almost been a decade since Stuxnet Control systems that act as the “brain”
put critical infrastructure cybersecurity on the within mission-critical environments are
map. Since then, all 16 critical infrastructure both inherently and increasingly vulnerable
sectors identified by the U.S. Department of to actions of nation state supported actors,
Homeland Security have been forced to adapt hacktivists, and internal threats. Attacks
to the new norms of maintaining mission- on critical infrastructure are sometimes but
critical operations and business continuity not exclusively motivated by financial gain.
under constant threat of cyberattack. Reputational and operational disruption,
as well as fear, nation-state espionage,
Despite the expanded focus on risk antipathy, and ideology are also strong drives.
reduction, – including advanced technology
implementation, workforce training, enforceable To maintain the everyday functioning of these
industry implementation, and federal security critical infrastructures and hence countries
regulations – cybercrime targeting critical and states, threats and issues posed by
infrastructure sectors continue to accelerate in cybercriminals and bad actors must be
both complexity and frequency. properly addressed.
Industrial Zero-Day Threat
It has already become obvious that today
no Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
vulnerability is greater than the constant
cybersecurity skills gap. But why is the lack
of competent people such a vulnerability?
The Issue to Address
To date, several non-profit and company- With demand for skilled critical infrastructure
driven certifications and professional cyber professionals at an all-time high and
training courses have been introduced to growing strong, the cybersecurity industry
help educating aspiring CIP cybersecurity must evolve how it trains existing and future
professionals and retrain the existing workforce by focusing more on teaching
workforce with the skills necessary to protect the practical applications of technologies,
industrial environments. Unfortunately, such processes, and procedures and less on
educational opportunities are not producing abstract theories and concepts.
enough job-ready employees or properly
empowering those already being employed To prepare employees for a career in the field
with practical, real-world, and up to date of CIP cybersecurity and to help continuously
knowledge. educating existing staff, training programs must
evolve to focus on the practical processes and
technologies, as well as interoperability with
existing IT security infrastructures.
The Mission of OPSWAT Academy
OPSWAT Academy is a self-paced online educational
and training program by OPSWAT Inc. to help
addressing the CIP cybersecurity skills shortage
through courses that promote best practices and
practical approaches successfully implemented
in the most vital and secure critical infrastructure
OPSWAT Academy Courses
The courses of OPSWAT Academy come
in two flavors. The Associate Courses are
designed to introduce and teach the basics
of CIP and cybersecurity to rookies and
those who are interested in this industry,
while the Professional Courses are for field
proven veterans who would like to expand
their knowledge on CIP and the products and
services of OPSWAT Inc.
• Introduction to Critical Infrastructure
Protection (ICIP)
• OPSWAT File Security Associate (OFSA)
• OPSWAT Data-Transfer Security Associate
• OPSWAT Secure Storage Associate (OSSA)
• OPSWAT Legacy-System Security Associate
• OPSWAT Web-Traffic Protection Associate
• OPSWAT Meta Defender Core Pro (OMCP)
• OPSWAT Email Security Associate (OESA)
• OPSWAT Boot Camp – Kiosk Tier 1 – Linux Kiosk (L1001)
• OPSWAT Endpoint Compliance Associate
(OECA) • OPSWAT MetaAccess Pro (OMAP)
• PSWAT Network Security Associate (ONSA) • OPSWAT MetaAccess NAC Pro (OMNP)
OPSWAT Academy
Certification Program
After successfully concluding any of the Associate
or Professional Courses, the graduate receives a
certification about the course he/she has taken.
These certifications are currently certified by
OPSWAT Inc., but the Academy is currently working
towards accreditation with the International
Information System Security Certification
Consortium (ISC)² and is in an application for
credits for the Certified Information Systems
Security Professional (CISSP) exam prerequisite.
We believe that every file and every device pose a threat therefore we trust no file
and trust no device. That is why the mission of OPSWAT is to protect the world’s
critical infrastructure by eliminating malware and protecting against zero-day
attacks and cybercriminal acts. OPSWAT products and services focus on threat
prevention and process creation for secure data transfer and safe device access.
The results are productive systems that minimize risk of compromise. That’s
why 98% of U.S. nuclear power facilities trust OPSWAT for cybersecurity and
If you wish to learn more about OPSWAT Inc., please visit www.opswat.com! 7