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High-Performance Acceleration of 2-D and 3-D CNNs On FPGAs Using Static Block Floating Point

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High-Performance Acceleration of 2-D and 3-D

CNNs on FPGAs Using Static Block Floating Point
Hongxiang Fan , Shuanglong Liu , Zhiqiang Que , Xinyu Niu, and Wayne Luk, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Over the past few years, 2-D convolutional neural Index Terms— Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), sta-
networks (CNNs) have demonstrated their great success in a tic block floating point (BFP), three-dimensional convolutional
wide range of 2-D computer vision applications, such as image neural network (3-D CNN).
classification and object detection. At the same time, 3-D CNNs,
as a variant of 2-D CNNs, have shown their excellent ability to
analyze 3-D data, such as video and geometric data. However, I. I NTRODUCTION
the heavy algorithmic complexity of 2-D and 3-D CNNs imposes
a substantial overhead over the speed of these networks, which
limits their deployment in real-life applications. Although various
domain-specific accelerators have been proposed to address this
I N RECENT years, deep neural networks (DNNs), espe-
cially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have demon-
strated their great potential in various computer vision (CV)
challenge, most of them only focus on accelerating 2-D CNNs,
without considering their computational efficiency on 3-D CNNs. applications. In particular, 2-D CNNs, which perform 2-D
In this article, we propose a unified hardware architecture to convolution in the spatial domain to extract 2-D features, have
accelerate both 2-D and 3-D CNNs with high hardware efficiency. achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in a wide range of CV tasks,
Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed accelerator can including image classification [1] and object detection [2].
achieve up to 92.4% and 85.2% multiply-accumulate efficiency on Besides 2-D CNNs, 3-D CNNs [3], due to their ability to
2-D and 3-D CNNs, respectively. To improve the hardware perfor-
mance, we propose a hardware-friendly quantization approach incorporate the 3-D information based on 3-D convolution,
called static block floating point (BFP), which eliminates the fre- have been also adopted in various 3-D CV scenarios, such
quent representation conversions required in traditional dynamic as human action recognition [4] and 3-D medical imaging
BFP arithmetic. Comparing with the integer linear quantization segmentation [5].
using zero-point, the static BFP quantization can decrease the Nevertheless, the memory and computational complex-
logic resource consumption of the convolutional kernel design by
nearly 50% on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Without
ity of 2-D and 3-D convolutions put a heavy burden on
time-consuming retraining, the proposed static BFP quantization their hardware performance on general-purpose processors,
is able to quantize the precision to 8-bit mantissa with negligible which restrains their application in real-life scenarios [6]. For
accuracy loss. As different CNNs on our reconfigurable system instance, a classical 3-D CNN designed for human action
require different hardware and software parameters to achieve recognition called C3D requires nearly 78 GOPs, and thus,
optimal hardware performance and accuracy, we also propose
an automatic tool for parameter optimization. Based on our
achieves only 951 ms per inference for a 16-frame video
hardware design and optimization, we demonstrate that the on an Intel i5 CPU, which cannot meet the requirement of
proposed accelerator can achieve 3.8–5.6 times higher energy real-time processing [7]. Therefore, there is a great demand
efficiency than graphics processing unit (GPU) implementation. for domain-specific accelerators for both 2-D and 3-D CNNs.
Comparing with the state-of-the-art FPGA-based accelerators, Different hardware platforms, including graphics processing
our design achieves higher generality and up to 1.4–2.2 times
higher resource efficiency on both 2-D and 3-D CNNs.
units (GPUs), application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs),
and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), have been used
Manuscript received 5 February 2021; revised 14 June 2021; accepted to accelerate both 2-D and 3-D CNNs. Among all these
17 September 2021. Date of publication 13 October 2021; date of current
version 4 August 2023. This work was supported in part by the U.K. EPSRC
hardware platforms, FPGAs are gaining popularity because of
under Grant EP/L016796/1, Grant EP/N031768/1, Grant EP/P010040/1, Grant their better flexibility than ASICs and higher energy efficiency
EP/V028251/1, and Grant EP/S030069/1; in part by the National Natural than GPUs [8], [9]. In spite of these advantages, there are
Science Foundation of China under Grant 62001165; in part by the Hunan
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 2021JJ40357;
several challenges when accelerating both 2-D and 3-D CNNs
in part by the Changsha Municipal Natural Science Foundation under Grant on FPGA:
kq2014079; and in part by the funds from Corerain, Maxeler, Intel, Xilinx, and 1) To improve the hardware performance, most FPGA-
the State Key Laboratory of Space-Ground Integrated Information Technology based accelerators tend to utilize low-precision weights
(SGIIT). (Corresponding author: Shuanglong Liu.)
Hongxiang Fan, Zhiqiang Que, and Wayne Luk are with the Department of or activations [8]. However, previous work either shows
Computing, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K. significant accuracy loss, such as fixed-point [10] and
Shuanglong Liu is with the School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan logarithm arithmetic [11], or requires a large amount of
Normal University, Changsha 410081, China (e-mail: liu.shuanglong@ hardware resource on implementing quantization mod-
Xinyu Niu is with Shenzhen Corerain Technologies Company Ltd., ules, such as linear quantization [12] and dynamic BPF
Shenzhen 518048, China. quantization [13].
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at 2) Convolution operations, especially 3-D convolution, are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3116302 highly memory and computation-intensive, making it
2162-237X © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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hard to achieve high performance on FPGAs with lim- TABLE I

ited memory and computational resources [7]. N OTATION OF PARAMETERS U SED IN T HIS A RTICLE
3) Unifying 2-D and 3-D CNNs onto one hardware archi-
tecture is challenging since they have different data
locality, and improper design may cause a high degree
of data replication [14].
To address these challenges, this article proposes a high-
performance reconfigurable architecture for accelerating 2-D
and 3-D CNNs. To improve hardware efficiency, the design
unifies both 2-D and 3-D convolution onto one computational
engine and supports three different types of parallelism for
different CNNs. To reduce the computational complexity,
we propose a novel hardware-friendly quantization method
called static block floating-point (BFP) quantization. The
proposed static BFP quantization consumes fewer hardware
resources than both linear integer quantization and traditional
dynamic BFP quantization while achieving the same level of
accuracy. Furthermore, as different CNNs on our proposed
reconfigurable system require different software and hardware
parameters to achieve optimal performance, an automatic tool
is proposed to optimize these parameters given the running
CNN and dataset. Therefore, our contributions in this article
include the following.
1) A hardware-friendly quantization method called static
BFP quantization. Without retraining, it can quantize
both the weights and activations in 2-D and 3-D CNNs
to 8-bit mantissa while maintaining the same level
of accuracy. By using fixed shared exponents during
inference, the proposed method eliminates the expo-
nent calculation and the frequent FP-BFP and BFP- Fig. 1. 2-D and 3-D convolution, channel dimension is not shown for
FP conversions required in traditional BFP arithmetic.
Comparing with the integer linear quantization using
zero point, our quantization can decrease the logic A. Operations in 2-D and 3-D CNNs
resource consumption of the convolutional kernel design
by nearly 50% on an FPGA (Section III). In modern 2-D and 3-D CNNs, the commonly used opera-
2) A uniform FPGA-based accelerator for both 2-D and tions include 2-D and 3-D convolution, 2-D and 3-D pool-
3-D CNNs with high hardware performance. By uni- ing [3], batch normalization (BN) [15], shortcut addition
fying the 2-D and 3-D CNNs into one computational (SC) [16] and rectified linear unit (ReLU). This part introduces
pattern and providing different types of parallelism for the difference between 2-D and 3-D operations.
different CNNs, the design is able to achieve high 1) 2-D and 3-D Convolution: Fig. 1 shows the basic oper-
hardware efficiency (Section IV). An automatic tool ation of 2-D and 3-D convolution. For each input frame,
optimizes the accuracy and hardware performance by 2-D CNNs apply one 2-D convolution to generate one output
determining the proper software and hardware parame- frame without considering the information that existed in
ters. On an Intel Xeon Silver 4110 CPU, the tool only the time dimension. However, in order to incorporate the
consumes a few minutes for the whole optimization third-dimension information, 3-D convolution applies con-
process (Section V). volution on multiple frames simultaneously and aggregates
3) Extensive experiments evaluating a wide range of 2-D the results from different frames to generate one output
and 3-D CNNs on the proposed design in terms of frame. Therefore, 3-D convolution is more memory and
accuracy and hardware performance. Compared with computation-intensive compared with 2-D convolution. Accel-
the other state-of-the-art FPGA-based designs and GPU erating both 2-D and 3-D convolutions on one uniform
implementation, our design shows higher generality, accelerator is challenging since their different degrees of
power efficiency, and resource efficiency (Section VI). data locality require well-designed architecture to avoid data
replication [14].
II. BACKGROUND 2) 2-D and 3-D Pooling: As shown in Fig. 1, 2-D pooling
This Section introduces the basic operations used in both is applied on one single frame, which is used to decrease the
2-D and 3-D CNNs. Then, a brief review of FPGA-based activation in height and width dimensions. Different from 2-D
accelerators for 2-D and 3-D CNNs is presented. The basic pooling, 3-D pooling is performed in totally 3-D with another
knowledge and applications of BFP will be also illustrated. dimension as a time dimension. Therefore, for a 3-D pooling

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with K s ×K s ×K t kernel size, it receives K t consecutive frames

as input and generates only one output frame. The spatial
dimension of this generated output frame is also reduced by
Ks × Ks .
Note that, since 2-D convolution is one special case of 3-D
convolution with K t = 1, we denote the convolution men-
tioned in this article to have a kernel size K s × K s × K t to
represent both 2-D and 3-D convolution. The same meaning
is applied to pooling, where the kernel size is K s × K s × K t
to represent both 2-D and 3-D pooling.

B. Block Floating Point

1) Arithmetic Representation: A BFP number is represented
by mantissa bits, exponent bits, and a sign bit. Unlike FP
representation which assigns a separate exponent to each
number, BFP shares a common exponent in one block of
BFP numbers. There are two benefits of BFP in comparison
with FP. First, as different BFP numbers belonging to one Fig. 2. Operation of convolutions with dynamic and static BFP quantization.
(a) Convolution using dynamic BFP quantization. (b) Convolution using static
block share a common exponent, the memory consumption BFP quantization.
of storing the BFP numbers can be significantly decreased.
Second, since BFP-based addition is implemented using the
exponent alignment with the fixed-point addition [6], [17], and
focuses on accelerating 2-D CNNs. Venieris and Bouganis [21]
BFP-based multiplication is implemented using fixed-point
proposed a synchronous dataflow (SDF) model for mapping
multiplication and addition, the computational complexity of
2-D CNNs to FPGAs based on a streaming architecture.
BFP is significantly reduced [17].
However, the resource consumption of a streaming architecture
However, the benefits of BFP also come with burdens.
can become very large when the number of layers increases,
Because the BFP numbers within one block share a common
which makes it impossible to map large 2-D and 3-D CNNs
exponent and different layers may use different block sizes
onto a single FPGA device. Another design methodology
and shared exponents, their mantissa parts need to be aligned.
is to deploy a single processing engine (PE) for CNN-like
During this process, the precision loss may occur, which
operations on the FPGA and accelerate the CNN layer-
introduces a decrease in inference accuracy. The situation is
by-layer sequentially using the same hardware engine [22].
getting worse when the variance of BFP numbers increases.
Based on this design methodology, Ma et al. [23] further
In the worst case, the shifting bits required by the exponent
improved the performance by exploring the convolution loop
alignment may be larger than the mantissa bits, which causes
optimization for 2-D CNNs. However, the BFP used in their
severe precision loss [6].
design requires retraining to recover accuracy. Xing et al. [24]
2) Dynamic BFP Quantization Approach: According to the
also proposed a high-performance FPGA-based design and
BFP arithmetic, previous work has proposed a dynamic BFP
compiler to accelerate 2-D CNNs. The common drawback in
quantization technique to accelerate both CNN inference [18],
these 2-D CNNs accelerators is that they cannot be used to
[19] and training [8]. The operation of the convolutional
accelerate 3-D CNNs with high performance [4]. For example,
layer using the dynamic BFP quantization scheme is shown
the ordinary convolutional approach adopted in these 2-D
in Fig. 2(a). As we can see, the dynamic BFP quantization uses
CNNs accelerators will cause higher computation complexity
the maximal exponent as the shared exponent. Because the
when they are used to accelerate 3-D CNNs [14].
maximal exponents may vary for different iterations of infer-
Although accelerating 3-D CNNs on FPGA is challenging,
ence, the shared exponents need to be determined during the
several previous works have been proposed to address this
runtime. However, this runtime process requires frequent FP-
problem. Fan et al. [4] proposed an FPGA-based architec-
BFP and BFP-FP conversions, which puts a heavy overhead
ture called F-C3D to accelerate 3-D CNNs. Sun et al. [25]
on both resource consumption and hardware performance.
adopted hardware-aware pruning to decrease the memory
In addition, dynamic BFP quantization requires extra hardware
and computational required by 3-D CNNs, which achieved
resources for the computation and storage of exponent parts,
2.3 times speedup and 2.3 times power efficiency compared
which further hinders its application in hardware platforms
with other FPGA implementations. Yang et al. [26] proposed
with limited resources.
a unified dynamically reconfigurable accelerator using a novel
Winograd decomposition algorithm to accelerate 2-D CNNs,
C. Related Work but its support for 3-D CNNs is unknown. Shen et al. [14] first
1) FPGA-Based CNN Accelerator: Due to the reconfig- attempted to provide a uniform template-based architecture for
urability and high energy efficiency, FPGAs have become a both 2-D and 3-D CNNs based on the Winograd algorithm.
popular platform in accelerating CNNs [20]. Various hardware However, the use of the Winograd algorithm consumes a large
architectures have been proposed, and the initial research effort number of logical resources on transforming the input and out-

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put matrices. Liu et al. [10] proposed a uniform architecture III. S TATIC B LOCK F LOATING -P OINT Q UANTIZATION
based on 2-D multiply-accumulate (MAC) array. Nevertheless, In this Section, we first introduce the quantization approach
the design uses low-bitwdith fixed-point arithmetic and the and blocking strategy of our static BFP quantization. The
accuracy result cannot be guaranteed. operations of 2-D and 3-D CNNs under static BFP will then
2) Low-Bitwidth Quantization: Quantization [27] and spar- be presented.
sity exploiting [28] are two main-streaming techniques to
reduce the algorithmic complexity of CNNs. Since this article
mainly focuses on quantization, we refer the reader to a review A. Quantization Approach
of the sparsity exploiting by Wang et al. [8]. The quantization approach should consider not only the
A comprehensive survey on quantization methods for DNNs accuracy performance but also the hardware implementation
has been summarized in [29]. There are three main-streaming and performance. As mentioned in Section II-B2, the frequent
quantization approaches, i.e., fixed-point, logarithm, and linear FP-BFP and BFP-FP conversions required by the dynamic
quantization. Courbariaux et al. [30] explore the use of fixed- BFP quantization put a heavy overhead on its resource con-
point arithmetic on CNNs for both training and inference. sumption and hardware performance. In order to eliminate
However, it is only validated on small datasets and may the process of finding the shared exponents at runtime like
introduce significant accuracy loss on large datasets such dynamic BFP quantization, our static quantization scheme
ImageNet [31]. Miyashita et al. [11] proposed a logarithmic fixes the shared exponent for different inputs and determines
quantization method which decreased the precision of the the shared exponents before CNN inference. To achieve this,
VGG-16 [32] and AlexNet [1] to low bitwidth without signif- it is required to collect certain amounts of intermediate results
icant accuracy loss. Nevertheless, this quantization approach by running the CNNs on different inputs and find the properly
has not been evaluated on InceptionV4 and MobileNetv2, shared exponents by minimizing the precision loss. Although
which cannot demonstrate its effectiveness on these light- simply using the maximal exponents in the collected inter-
weight models. Jacob et al. [12] proposed an integer-only mediate statistics is one approach to determine the shared
quantization using zero-point to maintain accuracy. They exponents, we found that, on the ImageNet dataset [31],
demonstrated in their experiments that the integer quantization this maximal strategy will cause significant accuracy drop
with zero-point only introduced negligible accuracy loss on on the CNN models using depthwise convolution, such as
a wide range of CNN models. However, the use of zero- MobileNetv2 [35]. To address this issue, we propose another
point also introduces a heavy burden on the memory and strategy that determines the shared exponent by minimizing the
computational resources, which limits the overall hardware KL divergence [36], which describes the difference between
performance. Jain et al. [33] proposed a power-of-two scaling two distributions.
quantization with trainable quantization thresholds. However,
the process requires time-consuming retraining and its perfor- Algorithm 1 Static BFP Quantization Using KL Divergence
mance on 3-D CNNs is unknown. 1: Run the FP-based CNNs using different inputs
The dynamic BFP quantization mentioned in Section II-B 2: for Each block b do
is first proposed in [17] and applied for CNN inference. 3: Fetch FP statistics and build the target distribution Dt
It is able to compress both the activations and weights to 4: Find the maximum exponent emax
8 bits for ResNet-50 [16] with only negligible accuracy loss 5: Use maximal exponent, eopt b
= emax
on small datasets. Based on the dynamic BFP quantization, 6: Initialize Dmax as the maximal FP value
Lian et al. [13] proposed a high-performance CNN accelera- 7: for eo f f set = 0 to i do
tor on FPGA. Although the design uses 8-bit mantissa BFP 8: ecur = emax − eo f f set
for the main computation, the precision used in the on-chip 9: Apply BFP quantization using ecur
and off-chip communication is still 16-bit and it requires 10: Build the BFP-quantized distribution Dq
frequent conversion between BFP and FP, which brings a 11: Compute the KL divergence between Dt and Dq
heavy burden on the memory usage and bandwidth resource. 12: if Dt < Dmax then
Different from these works, our proposed quantization scheme 13: b
eopt = ecur , Dmax = Dt
uses a fixed shared exponent for different inputs to eliminate
the frequent conversion between BFP and FP. The shared
exponent is determined before CNN inference by minimizing As illustrated in Algorithm 1, in the beginning, we separate
the KL divergence. We also introduce an automatic tool that the intermediate results into several blocks according to the
optimizes the shared exponents, the bitwidth of mantissa, block size. Note that the block size is a hyperparameter in our
and the exponent by balancing the tradeoff between accuracy static BFP quantization and we will discuss it in Section III-B.
and hardware performance. Our prior work [34] explored the For each block, a histogram can be drawn based on the col-
application of static BFP quantization on 2-D CNNs. However, lected intermediate FP statistics by running CNNs on example
its accuracy performance on 3-D CNNs was unknown. In addi- inputs, which are used to record the original distribution. Then,
tion, this article only evaluated the kernel design for 2-D the BFP quantization is applied on i blocks based on i different
convolution without running the actual CNN models, and it did exponents, emax to emax −i + 1, which produces i different
not study the unified hardware architecture for both 2-D and BFP-quantized distributions. Our experiments demonstrate that
3-D CNNs. i = 3 is enough to find the proper exponents in most cases.

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When the BFP quantization is done, we compute the KL

divergence between the BFP-quantized distribution and FP dis-
tribution for i different exponents. Then, the shared exponent
is set to be the exponent with the minimal KL divergence.
We iteratively perform this process on each layer to obtain
the shared exponents for the whole network. In our experi-
ments later, we found that different CNNs require different
strategies to achieve higher accuracy. Therefore, an automatic
tool will be proposed in Section V, which determines different
strategies of finding shared exponent for different CNNs and Fig. 3. Normalized histogram of original FP and quantized data in the ninth
models. and 29th convolutional layers of ResNet–50 on ImageNet dataset.

B. Blocking Strategy
The block size decides the tradeoff between the precision from their FP counterparts. This section introduces how these
loss and hardware performance. Although a large block size operations are implemented using the static BFP quantization
can decrease the number of shared exponents and the memory scheme.
consumption, it may also increase the precision loss since 1) Convolution: Fig. 2(b) shows the basic operations of both
the variance within one block becomes large. Therefore, 2-D and 3-D convolutions when the static BFP quantization is
our proposed blocking strategy aims at achieving a balance applied. There are two improvements in comparison with the
between precision loss and hardware performance. dynamic BFP quantization.
In a typical convolutional layer, the shape of the weight 1) Because the proposed quantization scheme determines
tensor is Nc × N f × K s × K s × K t and the activation tensor the shared exponents before the runtime, the frequent
has the size Nl × Nc × H × W . In terms of activations, FP-BFP and BFP-FP conversions can be replaced by a
we can block the tensor along the spatial (H × W ), channel simple shift operation. For instance, given two consec-
(Nc ) and temporal (Nl ) dimensions. However, the convolution utive convolutional layers with the shared exponents a
needs to accumulate data from different spatial positions and b, it only needs to perform the exponent realignment
and channels, which means different exponents in these two that shifts the mantissa parts by a − b bits, which avoids
dimensions may cause frequent exponent realignment, and the trivial data conversions.
thus, degrades the hardware performance. Since the spatial and 2) Since the shared exponents are already known,
channel dimensions are not suitable for blocking, this article the required shifting bits for each layer can be precom-
blocks the activations along the temporal dimension, which puted before runtime. Therefore, the need of calculating
generates Nl shared exponents for each activation tensor. For exponents can be eliminated under the static BFP quan-
weights, the blocking can be performed along the kernel tization scheme, which significantly decreases the usage
(K s ×K s ×K t ), channel (Nc ), and filter (N f ) dimensions. Since of the memory and computational resources.
the weights from different kernel positions and channels need 2) Shortcut Addition: In modern CNNs, such as ResNet,
to be accumulated together, we only block the weights along SC [16], [37] has been widely used for residual learning. The
the filter dimension, which produces N f shared exponents for computation of a typical ResNet-like block with FP arithmetic
every weight tensor. Using our proposed blocking strategy, is presented in Fig. 4. The SC adds the outputs of the second
there is no need to perform exponent realignment for a single convolution and the original inputs together to obtain the
convolutional layer. final results. However, since the exponents of both inputs
To visualize the effect of static BFP quantization while and outputs are different under the static BFP quantization
using the proposed exponent strategies (Section III-A) and scheme, the addition cannot be simply performed in an original
blocking strategy, Fig. 3 presents the normalized histograms way. To implement SC under static BFP quantization, a shift
of the output activations of the ninth and 29th convolutional operation is required before the SC to align the exponents of
layers in ResNet–50 using original FP data and quantized data. the two tensors, which is presented in Fig. 4.
To compare two different exponent strategies, we quantize To find the properly shared exponents for BFP-based SC,
the activations using the maximal exponent (max) and shared one straightforward approach is to simply use the maximal
exponents obtained by minimizing the KL divergence (kl). exponents in the output tensor. However, we found that it will
As we can see, naively using the maximum exponents causes bring a significant accuracy drop on the CNN models using
significant precision loss in the output activations of the ninth the depthwise convolution, such as MobileNetv2. To address
convolutional layer, making it a different distribution from the this issue, we observe that the shared exponents of the SC
original FP data. However, while using the KL divergence should be determined based on the output tensor as well as
to determine the shared exponents, the quantized activations the original input tensor. Therefore, both inputs and outputs
follow a similar distribution as the FP data. are concatenated into one tensor, and the shared exponents
are determined by minimizing the KL divergence of this
C. CNNs With Static BFP Quantization concatenated tensor.
Most operations in modern CNNs, such as SC, 2-D, and 3) Batch Normalization, Pooling, and ReLU: BN has been
3-D convolutions, have different BFP-based implementations widely used in modern CNNs to address the internal covariate

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Algorithm 2 Pseudocode of 2-D and 3-D Convolution

1: for ( f r = 0; f r < Nl ; f r + +)
2: for ( f i = 0; f i < N f ; f i + +)
3: for (c = 0; c < Nc ; c + +)
4: for (h = 0; h < H ; h + +)
5: for (w = 0; w < W ; w + +)
6: for (kt = 0; kh < K t ; kt + +)
7: for (kh = 0; kh < K s ; kh + +)
8: for (kw = 0; kw < K s ; kw + +)
9: O[ f r ][ f i ][h][w]+=
10: W[kt ][ f i ][c][kh ][kw ] ×
11: I[ f r + kt ][ f i ][c][h + kh ][w + kw ]

Fig. 4. SC using FP and BFP. (a) SC using floating point. (b) SC using BFP.

shift issue caused during training [15]. However, as the

parameters of BN are fixed during inference, we adopt the
fused BN optimization [38] to merge the BN parameters into
the weights and biases of convolution, which saves a lot of
resources for designing the BN module in hardware.
The ReLU and pooling, including both 2-D and 3-D
pooling, are mainly composed of addition and comparison
which operate along the spatial and temporal dimensions.
As mentioned in Section III-B, since our blocking is only
performed along the filter dimension, the activations belonging
to the same spatial and temporal dimensions share the same
exponents. Therefore, ReLU and pooling under static BFP
quantization can still be simply performed in a fixed-point
manner on their mantissa parts.


In this section, we first explore a uniform computational
pattern for both 2-D and 3-D CNNs. Then, a unified hardware
architecture is proposed based on static BFP. Several hardware
optimization techniques will be also presented to improve the
hardware performance and efficiency.

A. Uniform Computational Pattern

The pseudocode of 2-D and 3-D convolution is presented
in Algorithm 2, where 2-D convolution is one special case
of 3-D convolution when K t equals 1. The key problem in
Fig. 5. 2-D convolution in different sequence. (a) Convolution. (b) Kernel-
accelerating CNNs is how to allocate hardware resources on major MM. (c) Channel-major MM.
FPGA spatially and how to temporally assign the required
computation to each hardware module. For instance, the design
proposed in [4] and [6] contains W numbers of MAC units kernel-first matrix multiplication which performs the calcu-
and each MAC unit is composed of K t × K s × K s multipliers lation belonging to one kernel first [4], [6]. To improve the
followed by an adder tree. Therefore, the computation of generality of the accelerator for 2-D and 3-D CNNs with
the four innermost loops is mapped into the computational different kernel sizes, we rearrange the data and computational
engine spatially and the rest of the calculation in the other sequence to perform the matrix multiplication in a channel-first
loops is performed temporally by running on the same engine manner where the computation along the channel dimension is
sequentially. However, the main drawback in these designs is calculated first. Based on this computational manner, our hard-
that K t and K s vary in different layers and networks, which ware is designed to exploit channel and filter parallelisms by
significantly reduces the generality and performance of these computing multiple channels PC and filters PF spatially, and
accelerators. mapping the computation in kt , kh , and kw loops temporally,
Fig. 5 visualizes the computation of convolution as matrix which brings two benefits: 1) the proposed design is general
multiplication in two different manners. Previous work adopts enough for convolutions with different kernel sizes.2) Both

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Fig. 7. Data storage in input buffer and data access pattern.

dimension according to our blocking strategy mentioned in

Section III-B, the intermediate results coming from different
spatial positions and channels can be accumulated together.
Therefore, after the last level of the adder tree, there is a
fixed-point accumulator designed for channel accumulation.
To avoid overflow, the precision of the accumulator is 32 bits
with the 1-bit sign bit, 16-bit fractional bit, and 15-bit integer
Fig. 6. Design overview of the proposed FPGA-based accelerator. bit. Note that the bitwidth of inputs, weights, and outputs
are reconfigurable to meet different users’ needs. A control
2-D and 3-D convolution are unified onto the one hardware signal is connected to the accumulator, which is used to
design as all the computation related to the third dimension is indicate when the results are ready. To keep the bitwidth of
the next layer’s inputs as 8-bit, we design a BFP quantization
performed temporally.
module (BFP-Quant) before applying the pooling operation,
which maps the 32-bit accumulated outputs to 8 bits. The
B. Hardware Design implementation details of the BFP-Quant module will be
1) Architecture Overview: An overview of our proposed shown in Section IV-B4.
accelerator is presented in Fig. 6. It is mainly composed As each PE receives PC numbers of pixels from different
of off-chip memory, an input buffer, a weight buffer, and channels and all PEs share the same inputs, the data are stored
PF numbers of PEs which compute PF filters in parallel in the input buffer in the manner as shown in Fig. 7. For
as mentioned in Section IV-A. The PF is a reconfigurable input data with 2 frames, 3 channels, and 3 × 3 spatial size,
hardware parameter, which is optimized for different CNN the first-frame data belonging to the same spatial position from
models by the automatic tool introduced in Section V. The different channels are first stored sequentially, followed by the
input data are shared among different PEs, cached in the input data from the next spatial position in the same frame. The
buffer, and controlled by a data manager. The weight manager data of the second frame are stored in the same manner after
transfers the weights of different filters from the weight buffer the storage of the first frame. Therefore, the input buffer can
to each PE accordingly to perform convolution. The outputs output PC number of pixels from different PC channels each
generated by PEs are transferred back to the off-chip memory time to PEs as required by our computation pattern.
directly in order to decrease the on-chip memory consumption. 3) 2-D and 3-D Pooling: The pooling operations include
In this manner, the weights and intermediate results of each max pooling and average pooling, which are implemented
layer only require to be loaded from off-chip memory to on- using comparators and adders followed by a 16-bit divider.
chip buffer once to perform one feedforward pass. To overlap Because 2-D pooling is applied on spatial dimension and the
the time spent on loading the weights of each layer, the double data belonging to the same channel share one exponent under
buffer technique is used in the weight buffer. The PE is our blocking scheme, there is no need for exponent alignment.
designed to perform a sequence of layers in a pipeline, which Therefore, 2-D pooling can be simply performed in the corre-
is shown in Fig. 6. It mainly consists of a MAC, ReLU, BFP sponding mantissa part without using extra operations. When it
quantization (BFP Quant), pooling, and shortcut (SC) modules comes to 3-D pooling, the buffer in the PE is utilized to cache
and one buffer. the data from adjacent frames. An example of 3-D pooling
2) 2-D and 3-D Convolution: The computation of 2-D with K t = 3 is shown in Fig. 8. In the beginning, the result
and 3-D convolution is performed in MAC units. Each MAC of the first pooling is cached in the buffer. While processing
contains PC numbers of multipliers followed by a log2 PC - the second frame, the 3-D pooling is performed between the
level adder tree. As mentioned in Section IV-A, the PC is a newly generated second-frame results and the first-pooled data
hardware parameter similar to PF, which can be reconfigured cached in the buffer. The pooling results are then flown back
for different CNN models. Because the static BFP quantization to the buffer again and overwrite the first-pooled data in the
uses the fixed shared exponents during runtime, we only buffer. In the end, the pooling is performed between the third
need to perform computation on the corresponding mantissa frame results and the second-pooling data, and the results are
parts. In addition, as the weights are blocked along the filter transferred to the off-chip memory.

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Fig. 8. Data flow of 3-D Pooling when K t is 3.

Fig. 11. MAC design with different two modes. (a) M AC under PC mode.
(b) M AC under PC&P S mode.

in each PE to support two modes with different combinations

of parallelism, which is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 9. Hardware design of BFP quantization module. In each PE, we partition the MAC design into several
subtrees and put a DEMUX module at the tail of each subtree.
When the channel number Nc is greater and divisible by
PC, the MAC is configured as PC mode where the results
from each subtree are aggregated together by controlling the
DEMUX modules. When the channel number is smaller than
PC, we exploit the parallelism in spatial dimension by feed-
Fig. 10. BFP shortcut.
ing the data from different positions into different subtrees.
Then, the MAC design is configured as PC&P S mode using
4) BFP Quantization: Fig. 9 presents the hardware design DEMUXs and the results from each subtree are outputted
of our BFP quantization module. Because the shared exponents directly without going through the adder at the tail of the MAC
may vary in different layers, we need to align the outputs unit. By switching between two different modes for different
generated from the current convolutional layer using the shared layers, the hardware efficiency is improved even when the
exponents belonging to the next layer. In addition, since the number of channels is small in some very initial layers
shared exponents of the current layer may be greater or smaller of CNNs.
than the one used in the next layer, our BFP quantization
module needs to support both right and left shifting operations. V. AUTOMATIC T OOL
In this article, we adopt the mask-based data-reversal barrel This section proposes a tool that automatically optimizes
shifter design [39] to support both right and left shift with any software and hardware hyperparameters for different CNNs
given shift amounts parsed by a decoder. To truncate the 32- and datasets. Several techniques, such as fake quantization,
bit shifted results to 8 bits, we put a cast-down module at the resource model, and latency model, will be presented to speed
end of the BFP quantization module to generate 8-bit results. up the optimization process.
The cast-down module simply extracts the higher 8 bits from
the 32-bit shifted results. A. Overview of Tool
5) Shortcut Addition: The SC is first proposed in [16]. Since
As mentioned in Section-III, there are different software and
the exponents of the second convolutional layer’s outputs
hardware hyperparameters in our static BFP quantization and
may be different from the original inputs as introduced in
hardware design. These hyperparameters can be reconfigured
Section III-C2, it is required to perform the bit shifting in
for different CNNs to improve the accuracy and hardware
the shortcut module. Therefore, we design a barrel shifter to
performance. Therefore, an automatic tool is proposed in
perform the required exponent alignment after the data buffer,
this article to perform the hardware and software optimiza-
which is shown in Fig. 10. When both of the tensors are
tions, which is shown in Fig. 12. The inputs of the tool
aligned, the fixed-point SC can be simply performed on their
include the network architecture of the target CNN model,
mantissa parts.
the resource information of the underlying hardware platform,
and the validation dataset used for evaluation. Since the main
C. Hardware Optimization optimization is implemented using PyTorch [40], we use
To improve the hardware efficiency, it is important to keep ONNX [41] tool at the beginning to convert the models gen-
the computational resources as busy as possible for useful erated from other frameworks, such as TensorFlow [42] and
calculation. However, we observed that when the channel MXNet [43], to PyTorch models. There are two optimizations
number is small, especially in the very initial layers where the included in our automatic tool: 1) hardware optimization,
channel number is 3, most of the multipliers and adders are which determines the hardware parameters, such as parallelism
idle because PC is always set as a relatively large value, such level including PC and PF, according to the resource model,
as 32 or 64. To address the hardware inefficiency caused by latency model, and the available resources of the hardware
small channel concurrence in some layers, we design our MAC platform. 2) Software optimization, which determines the

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2) Latency Model: Since we run the network on the pro-

posed accelerator layer-by-layer,
N the total latency LATtotal can
be calculated using i=0 LATi , where N represents the total
number of layers and LATi denotes the latency consumed in
the i th layer. Based on the computational pattern introduced
in Section IV-A, it takes totally BF = N f /PF batches for
the accelerator to finish the computation, and each batch
produces PF × Hout× Wout output pixels. Therefore, LATi can
be formulated as BF j =0 LATi, j , where j denotes the j th batch.
Fig. 12. Overview of automatic tool. The latency LATi, j is composed of three parts: 1) LATload i, j —
time of loading the activations and weights from off-chip
memory to the on-chip buffers. 2) LATi, j —time used for the
software parameters, such as the shared exponents, for each computation required by the j th batch in layer i . 3) LATstore
i, j —
layer to optimize the accuracy of the given dataset. time spent in storing the outputs back to the off-chip memory.
We calculate the latency in terms of clock cycles to achieve a
more accurate estimation. These three parts can be formulated
B. Hardware Optimization as follows.
For a given CNN model, we optimize the hardware perfor- 1) Loading time, which consists of the weights loading
mance a by iterating all the possible hardware parameters A weight
time LATi, j and the input data loading time LATi, j

and use greedy algorithm to determine the optimal hardware

design, which can be formulated as input Nli × Nci × W i × H i
LATi, j = (6)
BW × EFFio × CLKio
min LAT(a), {a ∈ A | RES(a) ≤ RESavl }. (1) weight K i × K si × K ti × Nci × PF
a LATi, j = s . (7)
BW × E F Fio × CLK io
The LAT(a) and RES(a) represent the latency model and Because we cache the input data in the on-chip buffer for
resource model, respectively, which are described as follows. data reuse, the input data loading time only exists when
1) Resource Model: To estimate the resource consumption considering the first batch, which can be formulated as
of the proposed FPGA-based accelerator, we introduce a 
input weight
resource model for the logic and memory resources. Table I j =1,i = LATi, j + LATi, j
LATi, j =
weight into. (8)
summarizes the notation used in this article. j  =1,i = LATi, j
The logic resources include digital signal processor (DSP) 2) Computational time. Since most of the computational
blocks and other logic elements, such as LUTs or ALMs. time is occupied by the convolution operation (>99%),
In our design, we use one DSP together with some logic and the other operations (BN, Pool, ReLU, Pool, and
elements to implement two 8-bit multipliers. To save DSP SC) only consume a negligible portion of the total time,
resources, the adders are implemented using only logic ele- the computational time can be formulated as
ments. Since DSPs are the limiting resource for FPGA-based
CNN accelerator [9], we only consider DSP consumption in comp K si × K si × K ti × Nci × PF × W i+1 × H i+1
LATi, j = .
this article. The DSP consumption can be described by PF × PC × CLKpe
DSPtotal = (PC ∗ PF)/2. (2)
3) Storing time, which is spent on transferring the outputs
The memory resources are mainly consumed by the input to the off-chip memory
buffer and weight buffer. As the input buffer needs to cache PF × W i+1 × H i+1
the input feature maps from K t frames in the current i th layer, i, j =
LATstore . (10)
BW × EFFio × CLK io
its usage can be represented as Since our accelerator is designed in the fully pipelined
  manner, these three parts are overlapped with each other, and
MEMin = max Nci ∗ H i ∗ W i ∗ K ti ∗ DW. (3)
i=1,...,l the time spent on i th layer can be formulated as
In terms of the weight buffer, it only needs to cache 
LATi = max LATload
i, j , LAT store
i, j , LAT i, j . (11)
the current PF filters with PC channels, so the memory
j =0
consumption can be formulated as
MEMweight = max Nci ∗ PF ∗ PC ∗ K si ∗ K si ∗ K ti ∗ DW. (4) C. Software Optimization
As the design is based on static BFP arithmetic, the software
As the use of ping-pong buffer technique, the total memory optimization aims at finding the optimally shared exponent for
consumption is each block to improve the accuracy. We perform the software
  optimization using a quantization tool, which is based on a
MEMtotal = 2 ∗ MEMin + MEMweight . (5) fake BFP quantization technique.

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Fig. 13. Fake BFP quantization technique.

1) Fake BFP Quantization: PyTorch [40] is a machine

learning framework, which provides high flexibility and gen-
erality. However, it cannot be directly used for our BFP
calculation since most of the core operations, including both
2-D and 3-D convolutions, are implemented in floating-point Fig. 14. Workflow of the BFP quantization tool.
arithmetic. In order to simulate the accuracy loss brought by
the static BFP quantization using Pytorch, we propose a fake TABLE II
BFP quantization technique, which is shown in Fig. 13. B ENCHMARK 2-D AND 3-D CNN M ODELS
For a CNN model using static BFP quantization, the preci-
sion loss exists in both weights and activations. To capture the
precision loss that existed in quantized activations, a fake BFP
quantization layer, which contains two data type conversion
operations, is placed between every two adjacent convolutional
layers. The first conversion operation converts the FP data into
BFP numbers, where the quantization error of activations is
generated. Then, to output the results in FP format, the second
conversion operation maps BFP numbers back to FP outputs
such that the FP operations provided by the PyTorch library
can be still used in the rest of the CNN layers. Note that the
quantization error simulated in the first conversion layer will
be kept because the FP numbers after the second conversion
only represent the FP values quantized by BFP. The same convolutions in the FP models. By performing the inference
fake quantization layers will be applied on weights to simulate using the BFP-quantized CNN models based on two sets of
quantization error. However, unlike activations that change shared exponents, the final accuracy is obtained and the shared
over time, the weights are fixed during the inference. There- exponents with higher accuracy will be produced as outputs
fore, it only requires applying fake quantization on weights for the user.
once before the inference. Then the BFP quantized weights
will be stored in off-chip memory and loaded to on-chip VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
buffers during runtime. Note that these fake BFP quantization To evaluate the accuracy and hardware performance, various
layers, for both activations and weights, are only applied 2-D and 3-D CNNs are used as benchmark models in our
during the software simulation. In the real hardware design experiments, which are listed in Table II. We evaluate 2-D
and execution, these layers will be removed. CNNs on ImageNet [31] dataset with 1000 object categories
2) Quantization Tool: The workflow of our automatic tool1 for image classification and 3-D CNNs on UCF101 [44]
is presented in Fig. 14. The main computation is implemented dataset with 101 human action classes for video recognition.
using the high-performance FP functions provided by PyTorch, Intel Arria 10 GX1150 is used as a platform for hardware
which guarantees the speed of the tool. The inputs of the implementation and Quartus 17 Prime Pro is used for syn-
tool include example images, the pretrained CNN models, thesis. All the design space explorations are performed at the
the basic BFP configurations (exponent and mantissa bits), and software level using our automatic framework, while the final
the validation dataset. Then, the tool uses maximum and KL accuracy and hardware performance are evaluated at board
divergence strategies to find two sets of shared exponents as level.
mentioned in Section III. According to these shared exponents,
we construct the BFP quantized models by inserting the A. Accuracy Comparison
fake BFP quantization layers between every two adjacent We conduct four experiments in this part for accuracy com-
1 Our quantization tool is publicly available at: parison. We first evaluate the accuracy of our static BFP quan-
hxfan/Static_BFP_CNN tization with different exponent and mantissa bits. The second

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on different CNNs and it will be optimized by our tool

Fig. 15. Accuracy of 2-D (the first row) and 3-D (the second row) CNNs
under different mantissa and exponent bitwidth.
(Section V).
3) Software Efficiency: On an Intel Xeon Silver 4110 CPU,
we measure the time cost of the quantization process. The
results are shown in Table III. Since it does not require
experiment explores the effectiveness of different strategies
any time-consuming retraining or finetuning, our tool only
while finding the shared exponents. Then, we demonstrate
consumes a few minutes to finish the whole optimization
the software efficiency of our automatic tool. In the fourth
process, which demonstrates the high software efficiency.
experiment, we compare the dynamic BFP quantization [13]
4) Comparison With Other Quantization Approaches: We
and the integer linear quantization [12] with our proposed
compare our approach against three state-of-the-art quanti-
static BFP quantization.
zation methods, i.e., dynamic BFP quantization [13], inte-
1) Bitwidth Exploration: This experiment is used to explore ger linear quantization [12], and logarithm quantization [11].
the relationship between the bitwidth and the accuracy perfor-
To demonstrate our quantization scheme is also applicable on
mance. We first evaluate our benchmark 2-D and 3-D CNNs complex artificial intelligence tasks, we evaluate the object
using different mantissa bitwidths ranging from 4 to 13. To detection using a more complicated CNN model named single
eliminate the effect of exponent bits, the bitwidth of the
shot detector [2] (SSD) on the FDDB [47] dataset with
exponent is set to be 8 for controlling variates. It can be clearly 5171 human faces. We set the bitwidths of exponent and
seen from Fig. 15 that the accuracy keeps steady when the
mantissa as 4 and 8 for both static and dynamic BFP quanti-
mantissa bits are greater than 8-bit. A significant accuracy drop
zation. For a fair comparison, all the quantization methods use
can be observed when the bitwidth of the mantissa is smaller 8 bits on activations. Table IV presents the accuracy results.2
than 6-bit. On MobileNetV2 and InceptionV4, the accuracy
Among these quantization schemes, only logarithm quantiza-
reduces remarkably by 15% and 20% when the mantissa bits tion requires time-consuming retraining to recover its accuracy
are decreased from 8 to 6. Therefore, to maintain the accuracy, performance. Except for MobileNetV2, the accuracy loss of our
we set the bitwidth of mantissa as 8.
static BFP quantization on all these models is less than 0.5%.
To find the proper bitwidth of exponents, the benchmark Although the static BFP quantization on MobileNetV2 suffers
CNN models are evaluated using different exponent bitwidths.
nearly 2% accuracy loss, it still performs better than the integer
The mantissa bits are set to be 8 for controlling variates.
linear quantization and BFP dynamic quantization. On Incep-
According to the results shown in Fig. 15, the accuracy almost tionV4, VGG-16, and ResNet-50, dynamic BFP quantization
keeps the same when the exponent bits are greater than 3.
shows higher accuracy than static BFP quantization. However,
Therefore, based on the experimental results shown in this the frequent FP-BFP and BFP-FP conversions in dynamic
part, we set the exponent and mantissa bits to be 4 and 8, BFP quantization place a heavy burden on the hardware
respectively, like the tradeoff between hardware performance
performance and resources consumption, which is not suitable
and accuracy in the rest of the experiments. for FPGA implementation. Comparing with the integer linear
2) Maximum Versus KL Divergence: We evaluate our quantization [12], our static BFP quantization demonstrates the
benchmark CNNs using different strategies while determining higher accuracy on all the 2-D CNN models. However, since
shared exponents, and the results are shown in Table III. It can the accuracy of the integer linear quantization on 3-D CNNs
be clearly seen that the KL divergence strategy shows higher is not reported [12], we are not able to compare our method
accuracy on all the 2-D CNNs. In particular, it shows sig- with integer linear quantization on 3-D CNNs. Compared with
nificant accuracy improvement on MobileNetV2 (+3.406%) the logarithm quantization [11], our approach achieves higher
of using the KL divergence strategy. However, maximum
strategy shows higher accuracy on C3D and R3D-34. There- 2 The per-class accuracy is available at:
fore, the optimal strategies of achieving higher accuracy vary hxfan/Static_BFP_CNN

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same FPGA (Intel Arria 10 GX1150) using Verilog with both

accuracy on both ResNet-50 and VGG–16. In addition, our PC and PF being 64. The hardware is clocked at 220 MHz.
approach shows higher generality since logarithm quantization A dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor (1.5 GHz) is installed
does not evaluate on 3-D CNNs and lightweight models, such on the platform, which is used to configure the parameters of
as MobileNetV2. each layer while running the network. A 2-GB DDR4 memory
is installed as the off-chip memory to store the weights and
intermediate results of CNNs. Quartus 17 Prime Pro is used
B. Resource Efficiency
for synthesis and implementation. The resource utilization of
To demonstrate the kernel design based on the static BFP the final design is presented in Table VI. The DSP and memory
quantization has high hardware efficiency, we implement resources become the limiting resources in our design, which
the BFP-based convolutional kernel (Section IV) using Ver- consume over 80% of the total resources.
ilog on an Intel Arria 10 GX1150 FPGA. As presented
in Section IV, only dynamic BFP quantization [13] and integer
C. Hardware Performance
linear quantization [12] can achieve comparable accuracy with
our approach. Therefore, the analysis in this part only con- We evaluate benchmark CNN models on our accelerator
siders dynamic BFP and linear quantization. Compared with with respect to latency, energy consumption, and hardware
dynamic BFP quantization, since our static BFP quantization efficiency, which is presented in Table VII. The parallelism
eliminates the frequent data conversion between BFP and levels, PC and PF, are optimized for different models using
FP, it saves a large number of resources in implementing our tool introduced in Section V. Since MobileNetV2 contains
BFP-FP convertors. To compare with [12], we implement a depthwise convolution which does not exhibit concurrence in
convolutional kernel based on integer linear quantization on the channel dimension, the design chooses a relatively small
the same hardware platform. The PC and PF are set as PC and large PF for higher performance. We also measure
64 on both of the designs. We implement the adders using the computational efficiency using MAC efficiency and the
ALMs and multipliers by both DSPs and ALMs as mentioned energy efficiency using giga-operations per second per watt
in Section V. (GOP/s/W).
Table V presents the synthesis results of both kernel As shown in Table VII, in most of models which do not use
designs. In comparison with the integer linear quantization, depthwise convolutions, the throughput of our accelerator is
our approach saves the DSP usage by 5.8%. The savings 1.33∼1.66 TOP/s (tera-operations per second) and MAC effi-
come from the implementation of the barrel shifter module ciency is 78.5%∼92.4% depending on different CNN models.
which uses logic resources to quantize the accumulated 32-bit The high computational efficiency comes from several factors.
results into 8-bit outputs. At the same time, our static BFP 1) Without frequent BFP and FP conversions, the proposed
quantization uses nearly two times fewer ALMs than the static BFP quantization uses low-precision data in both
integer linear quantization. The large ALMs savings come computation and storage, which efficiently utilizes the
from nonzero-point representation in static BFP quantization. computational, bandwidth, and memory resources.
Therefore, our quantization is more hardware-friendly than 2) The hardware architecture supports four categories of
integer linear quantization. fine-grained parallelisms, including P S, PK, PC, and
To measure the hardware performance and resource usage of PF, which fully utilize the extensive concurrence exhib-
the whole system, we implement all hardware modules on the ited by both 2-D and 3-D CNNs.

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3) By analyzing the computation of a variety of 2-D and which is shown in Table VIII. ResNet–50 and R3D-18 are cho-
3-D CNNs, the unified computational pattern proposed sen as our benchmark models to represent 2-D and 3-D CNNs,
in this article to improve the resource efficiency. respectively. The batch size on all three implementations is
4) By utilizing the reconfigurability of our accelerator, set to be one for a fair comparison. Compared with the CPU
the automatic tool is able to deeply optimize the implementation, our accelerator achieves 6–70 times higher
hardware designs for different CNN models case by throughput on both 2-D and 3-D CNNs. Comparing with the
case. GPU implementation, our design is 1.5 times more energy
efficient. Although GPU is faster on R3D-18 using the 16-nm
D. Performance Comparison technology, our FPGA design (20 nm) can also achieve 45.57
1) Comparison With CPU and GPU: We also compare ms when we scale the performance to the 16-nm technology
our FPGA-based design with CPU and GPU implementations, by 16/20 times.

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[47] V. Jain and E. Learned-Miller, “FDDB: A benchmark for face detection Professor of computer engineering. He was a Vis-
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on FPGAs,” in Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Design received awards from international conferences. He has been a member of the
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Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Design (ICCAD), Nov. 2018, pp. 1–8. Reconfigurable Technology and Systems.

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