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Anthem 20

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Anthem 20

Level 20
General Walls Natural Stone (Climb DC 15)
Floor Natural Stone (move at half speed, can't charge or run, +5 to Balance and Tumble
Temperature Average
Illumination Shadowy (glowing crystals every 20 ft.)

Corridor Features a A fountain of water sits in an alcove here

c A toppled statue lies across the corridor
e A group of demonic faces have been carved into the walls
i A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in an alcove here
m Someone has scrawled "Zaghund died here, her spear sundered" in blood here
n Burning torches in iron sconces line the corridor
r The walls here have been engraved with incoherent labyrinths
s A mouldy odor fills the corridor
u Burning torches in iron sconces line the corridor
v Acidbomb Turret: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); duration 4 rounds; no reset; acid burst (18d6 acid damage for
1d4 rounds, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device
DC 34
w The walls here have been engraved with incoherent labyrinths
x Withered corpses are nailed to the corridor walls
z Someone has scrawled "Don't lose your head" here

Wandering Monsters 1 8 x Elder Earth Elemental, tracking the party

2 15 x Iron Golem, tracking the party
3 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage, lost and desperate

4 11 x Iron Golem, gathered around an evil shrine

5 8 x Iron Golem, lost and desperate
6 5 x Greater Stone Golem, gathered around an evil
Room #1 North Entry Archway
West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #167, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #146
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and the floor is covered with ash
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 4800 pp; Agateware Bowl painted with Noble Imagery (500 gp), Agateware Chalice embossed with Elven Script (800 gp),
Agateware Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (1000 gp), Bone Coffer inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (800 gp), Bone
Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (400 gp), Brass Bracer engraved with Thorned Vines (200 gp), Brocade Sash threaded with
Silver (300 gp), Brocade Vest trimmed with Lynx Fur (100 gp), Electrum Ring inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (500 gp),
Embroidered Woolen Carpet (500 gp), Fine Leather Belt tooled with Arcane Runes (500 gp), Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with
Lynx Fur (600 gp), Fine Leather Vest sewn with Electrum (300 gp), Fine Steel Bracelet engraved with Thorned Vines (100 gp), Fine
Steel Cup set with Black Opal and Blue Star Sapphire (500 gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup engraved with Floral Vines (400 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch set with Deep Blue Spinel (200 gp), Leather Armor sewn with Silver (400 gp), Linen Gown
trimmed with Rabbit Fur (600 gp), Linen Sash trimmed with Squirrel Fur (500 gp), Porcelain Tile painted with Garden Imagery (600
gp), Silver Ring inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (400 gp), Silver Shield Brooch engraved with Draconic Runes (300 gp), Velvet
Choker trimmed with Squirrel Fur (300 gp), Velvet Choker trimmed with Squirrel Fur (500 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap threaded with
Electrum (100 gp), Wooden Scepter inlaid with Electrum (600 gp); Staff of Divination (33 of 50 charges) (48510 gp), Staff of
Passage (4 of 50 charges) (13640 gp); hoard total 122150 gp

Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

13000 gp; Alexandrite (300 gp), Amethyst (80 gp), Banded Agate (9 gp), 2 x Black Pearl (500 gp), Blue Sapphire (800 gp),
Chalcedony (50 gp), Chalcedony (70 gp), Chrysoprase (60 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (700 gp), Fire Opal (900 gp), Jade (120 gp), Jet
(70 gp), Jet (110 gp), Moonstone (50 gp), Red Spinel (100 gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp), Violet Garnet (800 gp), White Opal (500 gp),
White Opal (1200 gp), Zircon (40 gp), Zircon (70 gp); Phylactery of Undead Turning (11000 gp), Rod of Metal and Mineral
Detection (10500 gp), Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (11 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (2475 gp); hoard total
44304 gp

Room #2 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #145, inhabited by 5 x Greater Stone Golem
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #168, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (16d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28

Room #3 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

Room #4 West Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly

Room Features A wooden platform hangs over a deep pit in the north-east corner of the room, and a ruined chain shirt lies in the north-east corner
of the room

Room #5 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a pile of skulls
→ Leads to room #12, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #207
Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into a magical cyst below, and someone has scrawled "You cannot kill it with swords" in
blood on the east wall
Room #6 West Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry #2 Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #208
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)

Room #7 West Entry Archway

South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #10, inhabited by 9 x Glabrezu
Room Features A magical statue in the south-east corner of the room answers questions with lies and falsehoods, and someone has scrawled
"Greder's Guardians looted this place" on the east wall
Monster 12 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Brocade Coat trimmed with Genette (1500 gp), Dragon Horn Comb set with Blue-white Diamond and Jacinth (1400 gp),
Electrum Tankard engraved with Arcane Runes (2000 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Genette (1400 gp), Fine Leather Mantle
tooled with Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (1600 gp), Fine Leather Saddle tooled with
Draconic Scales (1600 gp), Fine Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a Demon in relief (1000 gp), Fine Steel Torc inlaid with a
Filigree of Platinum (800 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (1200 gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box
engraved with Elven Script (800 gp), Gold Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery (1700 gp), Ivory Coffer engraved with a
Labyrinth (1300 gp), Ivory Puzzle Box engraved with Mythical Creatures (1200 gp), Ivory Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (1900 gp),
Moonstone Coffer engraved with Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Onyx Coffer engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1300 gp), Porcelain
Chalice gilded and painted with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (700 gp), Porcelain Vase painted with Mythical Imagery (2500 gp),
Silk Brocade Choker trimmed with Ermine (1700 gp), Silk Vest trimmed with Sable (1600 gp), Velvet Robe trimmed with Squirrel
Fur (1400 gp), Velvet Vest threaded with Platinum (1300 gp); hoard total 32500 gp
Trap Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (hard 5, 10 hp)

15000 gp; Alexandrite (600 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Azurite (9 gp), Banded Agate (11 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Blue Quartz (9
gp), Carnelian (60 gp), Chalcedony (70 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (200 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (300 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp),
Deep Green Spinel (80 gp), Eye Agate (13 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Iolite (50 gp), Lapis Lazuli (11 gp), Onyx (70 gp),
Red Garnet (110 gp), Red-brown Spinel (80 gp), Rhodochrosite (5 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp); hoard total 19078 gp

Room #8 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #73
West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A cube of solid stone stands in the north-west corner of the room, and someone has scrawled "There is no way out" on the east
Trap Magic Missle Turret: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); duration 4 rounds; no reset; magic missile (18d6 force
damage); never miss; Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30

Room #9 West Entry Archway

South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #90
Room Features A sulphurous odor fills the room, and several rotten apples are scattered throughout the

Room #10 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #7, inhabited by 12 x Roper
South Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (20d6 sonic damage, DC 22 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features Part of the ceiling has collapsed into the room, and the ceiling is covered with scorch marks
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 16000 gp; Alexandrite (400 gp), Amber (90 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Black Opal (500 gp), Black Pearl (200 gp),
Bloodstone (60 gp), Blue Diamond (2000 gp), Chalcedony (70 gp), Chrysoprase (40 gp), Citrine (40 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (800
gp), Jasper (40 gp), Jasper (60 gp), Malachite (11 gp), Malachite (12 gp), Obsidian (9 gp), Onyx (50 gp), White Pearl (100 gp); Rod
of Enlarge Metamagic (11000 gp); hoard total 32182 gp
Trap Acidbomb Turret: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); duration 4 rounds; no reset; acid burst (15d6 acid damage for
1d4 rounds, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device
DC 28
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Locked Iron Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

2900 pp; Azurite (9 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Brown-green Garnet (80 gp), Chrysoprase (70 gp), Deep Green
Spinel (120 gp), Hematite (10 gp), Iolite (70 gp), Obsidian (10 gp), Onyx (50 gp), Red Garnet (80 gp), 2 x Rock Crystal (50 gp),
Rose Quartz (40 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp), Silver Pearl (100 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Star Rose Quartz (40 gp), Tourmaline (130
gp), Turquoise (10 gp), White Pearl (100 gp), Zircon (20 gp); Divine Scroll (Awaken (2375 gp), Mass Cure Serious Wounds (2275
gp), Mass Cure Critical Wounds (3000 gp)) (total 7650 gp), Staff of Necromancy (25 of 50 charges) (Opposite effect or target
curse) (32500 gp); hoard total 70839 gp
Room #11 North Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind an area of mould
→ Leads to room #88, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
North Entry #2 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Explosive runes" on the west wall, and a pile of rotten fruit lies in the north-west corner of the room
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 30000 gp; Alexandrite (400 gp), Aquamarine (600 gp), Aquamarine (800 gp), Azurite (6 gp), Carnelian (30 gp),
Chrysoberyl (80 gp), Chrysoprase (30 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Deep Green Spinel (90 gp), Eye Agate (10 gp), 2 x Golden
Yellow Topaz (400 gp), Lapis Lazuli (7 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp), Lapis Lazuli (16 gp), Malachite (9 gp), Red Garnet (110 gp), Red
Garnet (130 gp), Red Spinel (100 gp), Rhodochrosite (11 gp), Sardonyx (30 gp), 3 x Sardonyx (40 gp), Smoky Quartz (20 gp), Star
Ruby (800 gp); Divine Scroll (Disrupting Weapon (1125 gp)) (total 1125 gp), Divine Scroll (Disrupting Weapon (1125 gp), Word of
Chaos (2275 gp), Mass Heal (3825 gp)) (total 7225 gp), Rod of Thunder and Lightning (33000 gp) (inscription provides clue to
function) (Completely different effect curse), Staff of Earth and Stone (34 of 50 charges) (54740 gp); hoard total 130801 gp

Room #12 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry Archway
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a pile of skulls
→ Leads to room #5
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 42000 gp; Amethyst (110 gp), Coral (110 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (600 gp), Golden Yellow
Topaz (500 gp), Iolite (80 gp), Malachite (8 gp), Peridot (60 gp), Red Garnet (70 gp), Smoky Quartz (40 gp), Star Rose Quartz (40
gp), Turquoise (10 gp), Violet Garnet (600 gp); hoard total 44728 gp

Room #13 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #261, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #325, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features Lit candles are scattered across the floor, and a rusted chain shirt lies in the north-east corner of the

Room #14 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (18d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #262, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
West Entry #1 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
West Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #326, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu

South Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Dread: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features Iron chains hang from the ceiling in the north-east corner of the room, and a pile of rotten fruit lies in the south-west corner of the

Room #15 West Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #323
South Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #259, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Beneath the fountain" in dwarvish runes on the east wall, and a warped holy symbol lies in the east side of
the room
Room #16 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Monster 6 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Agate Chalice set with a Rosette of Bloodstone (90 gp), Bone Scepter set with a single White Pearl (100 gp), Brass
Bowl set with a single Violet Garnet (140 gp), Cloth Cloak trimmed with Fur (60 gp), Cloth Sash trimmed with Lynx Fur (110 gp),
Copper Chime engraved with Thorned Vines (130 gp), Copper Dagger inlaid with Gold (70 gp), Copper Mask etched with Draconic
Runes (30 gp), Earthenware Plate painted with Woodland Imagery (40 gp), Leather Scabbard sewn with Copper (50 gp), Malachite
Puzzle Box engraved with Arcane Runes (100 gp), Obsidian Brazier engraved with Dwarven Runes (60 gp), Obsidian Chalice set
with Coral and White Pearl (140 gp), Obsidian Orb inlaid with a Meandros of Copper (100 gp), Rosewood Shield Brooch inlaid with
Gold (70 gp), Silver Shield Brooch set with a single Alexandrite (120 gp), Small Woolen Tapestry (10 gp); hoard total 1420 gp
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; Atk +17 ranged (21d6 cold); Search DC 34; Disable
Device DC 30

2300 pp; Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with a
Labyrinth (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (4000 gp), Drake Hide Belt with a
Platinum Buckle (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp), Drake Hide Merchant's Cap tooled with Mythical
Imagery (4000 gp), Fine Leather Armor trimmed with Ermine (1000 gp), Gold Orb engraved with Thorned Vines (2000 gp), Gold
Rapier inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (1000 gp), Ivory Orb inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (2000 gp), Jade Cup engraved
with Draconic Runes (1000 gp), Jet Bowl engraved with Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Jet Plate inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum
(6000 gp), Onyx Orb inlaid with Orichalcum (5000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Idol (of a God of Illusions) adorned with Orichalcum (4000
gp), Platinum Pendant set with a Rosette of Blue-white Diamond (3000 gp), Porcelain Plate gilded and painted with a Distinguished
Coat of Arms (2000 gp), Porcelain Vase gilded and painted with an Ancient Coat of Arms (1000 gp); Ioun Stone (orange prism)
(30000 gp), Rod of Enlarge Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp), Rod of Silent Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp); hoard total 159000 gp

Room #17 East Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #143, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth

Room #18 North Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
West Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #144, inhabited by 14 x Glabrezu
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 3000 pp; 3 x Alexandrite (400 gp), Alexandrite (700 gp), Azurite (15 gp), Bloodstone (30 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp),
Carnelian (40 gp), Carnelian (60 gp), Carnelian (70 gp), Chrysoprase (60 gp), Deep Green Spinel (110 gp), Iolite (70 gp), Moss
Agate (8 gp), Moss Agate (12 gp), Pink Pearl (100 gp), Red Garnet (60 gp), Rhodochrosite (9 gp), Turquoise (9 gp), Turquoise (11
gp), White Opal (1100 gp), White Pearl (110 gp); Periapt of Proof against Poison (27000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function),
Rod of the Viper (19000 gp); hoard total 79785 gp
Trap Symbol of Petrification: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; petrification (petrified, DC 20 Fort save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 32

Room #19 North Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a dread vampire, and opened by filling his chalice with blood
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (16d6 sonic damage, DC 22 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #274
West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; fire spray (18d6 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features Someone has scrawled an incomplete drawing of a dragon on the south wall, and a dulled dagger lies in the north-west corner of
the room

Room #20 West Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry #2 Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (20d6 electricity damage, DC 24 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #146
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #21 West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #234
East Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #29
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #300, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
Room Features The walls have been engraved with alien glyphs, and various torture devices are scattered throughout the room
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 16000 gp; Amber Cup inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb set with a Rosette of
Brown Diamond (1000 gp), Dragon Horn Rod engraved with Draconic Scales (3000 gp), Dragon Horn Scepter engraved with
Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (5000 gp), Drake Hide Mantle trimmed with Ermine (1000
gp), Electrum Torc set with Blue-white Diamond and Brown Diamond (5000 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with Draconic
Scales (4000 gp), Fine Porcelain Plate adorned with Gold and a Castle in relief (1000 gp), Fine Porcelain Tureen gilded and
painted with Noble Imagery (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (2000 gp), Gilded Wooden Comb
engraved with Floral Vines (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (5000 gp), Gold Torc
inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (4000 gp), Jet Plate engraved with Mythical Imagery (1000 gp), Necklace of True Gemsone
(4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded
and painted with Noble Imagery (3000 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Boots sewn with Platinum (3000 gp), Petrified Owl set with Blue-
white Diamond (4000 gp), Platinum Bell inlaid with Orichalcum (4000 gp), Platinum Cup inlaid with Orichalcum (6000 gp), Platinum
Ring Brooch engraved with Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Porcelain Vase adorned with Platinum and a Griffon in relief (3000 gp),
Velvet Gown trimmed with Ermine (6000 gp); Ring of Water Walking (15000 gp) (design provides clue to function); hoard total
114000 gp

Room #22 North Entry #1 Archway

North Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +17 ranged (20d6 cold); Search DC 34; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #233, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features Someone has scrawled "In the Autumn of Blades, the line of Wizardry shall end" on the north wall, and a corroded chain lies in the
west side of the room

Room #23 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +17 ranged (21d6 cold); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #31, inhabited by 8 x Roper
Room Features A well lies in the north-east corner of the room, and several pieces of rotting wood are scattered throughout the room
Monster 3 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #24 West Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
West Entry #2 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #32
South Entry Trapped and Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (21d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features Several alcoves are cut into the north wall, and the north and west walls have been engraved with geometric patterns
Monster 14 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 23000 gp; Dragon Horn Chalice inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (2000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch set with Blue
Diamond and Blue-white Diamond (1500 gp), Electrum Bracer engraved with Elven Script (1300 gp), Electrum Mask engraved with
Thorned Vines (1400 gp), Electrum Ring Brooch engraved with Mythical Imagery (1400 gp), Fine Leather Armor tooled with an
Ancient Coat of Arms (1100 gp), Fine Leather Coat tooled with Draconic Scales (2300 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse tooled with
Noble Imagery (1400 gp), Fine Leather Saddle sewn with Electrum (1400 gp), Gilded Wooden Comb engraved with Mythical
Creatures (1600 gp), Gilded Wooden Medallion inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (1500 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch
engraved with Mythical Imagery (1900 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch set with Blue Diamond and Canary Diamond (1300 gp),
Gold Chime set with Canary Diamond (2400 gp), Gold Medallion inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (1300 gp), Ivory Orb set with
Black Opal and White Opal (1700 gp), Jade Cup engraved with Dwarven Runes (2200 gp), Jet Cup engraved with Arcane Runes
(2100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Rod engraved with Noble Imagery (1200 gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar adorned with Platinum
and a Griffon in relief (900 gp), Ornate Silver Mirror framed in Ivory (1100 gp), Platinum Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery
(1400 gp), Silk Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (1900 gp), Silver Crown inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (2100 gp);
Scabbard of Keen Edges (16000 gp) (design provides clue to function); hoard total 77400 gp
Room #25 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #164
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

→ Leads to room #120, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 13000 gp; Aquamarine (700 gp), Azurite (11 gp), Black Pearl (400 gp), Carnelian (40 gp), Carnelian (70 gp),
Chrysoprase (50 gp), Deep Green Spinel (130 gp), Emerald (1100 gp), Freshwater Pearl (9 gp), Golden Pearl (90 gp), Iolite (70
gp), Jasper (50 gp), Jasper (60 gp), Onyx (40 gp), Peridot (30 gp), Silver Pearl (110 gp), White Pearl (100 gp); Portable Hole
(20000 gp), Ring of Mind Shielding (8000 gp); hoard total 44060 gp
Trap Altar of Chaos: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (detect law); automatic reset; inflict wound (18d6 damage and confused for
1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save for half damage only); multiple targets (lawful targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 34

Room #26 East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #163
South Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #119, inhabited by 5 x Iron Golem
Monster 9 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #27 North Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #122, inhabited by 10 x Roper
West Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #166
Room Features A corroded iron key hangs from a hook on the east wall, and a pile of broken glass lies in the center of the room

Room #28 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #121
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #165
Monster 5 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #29 West Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)

→ Leads to room #21, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu
East Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #44
East Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #246, inhabited by 15 x Glabrezu
Room Features A narrow shaft falls into the room from above, and lit candles are scattered across the

Room #30 West Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #245
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A stack of oil-filled barrels stands against the west wall, and the north and east walls are covered with claw
Room #31 North Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +14 ranged (16d6 cold); Search DC 28; Disable
Device DC 28
West Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +17 ranged (21d6 cold); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #23, inhabited by 3 x Greater Stone Golem
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
Room Features A rope ascends to a balcony hanging from the south wall, and a cube of solid stone stands in the south-west corner of the room
Monster 8 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Black Pearl (600 gp), Chrysoprase (80 gp), Deep Green Spinel (90 gp), Freshwater Pearl (8 gp), Freshwater Pearl (9
gp), Golden Pearl (80 gp), Golden Pearl (100 gp), Moonstone (60 gp), Moonstone (80 gp), Onyx (50 gp), Violet Garnet (700 gp);
hoard total 1857 gp

Room #32 North Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
West Entry #1 Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #247
West Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #41
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #24, inhabited by 14 x Glabrezu

Room #33 East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #150, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu
Room Features A stone dais and throne sits in the south side of the room, and several pieces of torn paper are scattered throughout the room
Monster 16 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Bone Scepter inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (1200 gp), Copper Crown engraved with Thorned Vines (1200 gp),
Copper Mace set with a single Fiery Yellow Corundum (1100 gp), Electrum Chime set with Canary Diamond (800 gp), Fine Leather
Coinpurse tooled with Floral Vines (1200 gp), Fine Steel Ring Brooch engraved with Mythical Imagery (700 gp), Gold Bell engraved
with Draconic Runes (500 gp), Gold Cup set with White Opal (1400 gp), Gold Dagger set with Black Star Sapphire (800 gp), Gold
Salt Cellar engraved with Noble Imagery (1100 gp), Gold Salt Cellar set with Black Star Sapphire and Emerald (1000 gp), Ivory
Medallion engraved with a Legendary Coat of Arms (700 gp), Ivory Rod engraved with Spirals (300 gp), Jet Cup set with Fire Opal
and White Opal (1300 gp), Silver Chalice set with a Rosette of White Opal (700 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum
(1300 gp); hoard total 15300 gp

Room #34 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of an ancient lich, and opened by pressing runes on his staff
→ Leads to room #251
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #149
Monster 9 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Alexandrite (700 gp), Amber (70 gp), Amber (90 gp), Azurite (7 gp), Azurite (9 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp), Blue Quartz (8
gp), Blue Sapphire (1100 gp), Chrysoberyl (120 gp), 2 x Deep Blue Spinel (300 gp), Deep Green Spinel (100 gp), Fiery Yellow
Corundum (900 gp), Jet (70 gp), Moss Agate (12 gp), Peridot (40 gp), Pink Pearl (100 gp), Pink Pearl (110 gp), Red Spinel (110
gp), Rhodochrosite (14 gp), Rose Quartz (40 gp), Star Ruby (700 gp), Turquoise (6 gp), Turquoise (7 gp), Violet Garnet (800 gp),
White Opal (1000 gp); hoard total 7313 gp
Room #35 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #148, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in its quiver
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #250
Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into the next dungeon level down, and an altar of evil sits in the south-east corner of the
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 28000 gp; Agate Plate set with Aquamarine and Golden Yellow Topaz (900 gp), Agateware Vase painted with Woodland
Imagery (1500 gp), Bone Scepter engraved with Arcane Runes (1700 gp), Brocade Coat trimmed with Fox Fur (1000 gp), Brocade
Gown threaded with Silver (1000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Mythical Creatures (500 gp), Electrum Salt Cellar
set with Blue-white Diamond and Brown Diamond (1400 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1000 gp), Fine Leather
Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (1000 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Genette (1500 gp), Fine Porcelain Salt Cellar adorned
with Gold and a Castle in relief (400 gp), Fine Steel Crown inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (1100 gp), Fine Steel Ring
Brooch engraved with Thorned Vines (1300 gp), Gilded Wooden Medallion engraved with Mythical Creatures (400 gp), Gold
Dagger inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (700 gp), Gold Shield Brooch inlaid with Platinum (700 gp), Ivory Chalice engraved
with Draconic Scales (700 gp), Ivory Medallion engraved with Mythical Creatures (300 gp), Linen Cloak trimmed with Squirrel Fur
(300 gp), Linen Gown threaded with Electrum (300 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots trimmed with Ermine (600 gp), Silk Tapestry
embroidered with Silver (1400 gp), Silver Plate engraved with Arcane Runes (900 gp), Steel Scepter set with a Rosette of Golden
Yellow Topaz (900 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum (900 gp); Arcane Scroll (Speak with Animals (525 gp),
Dimension Door (700 gp)) (total 1225 gp), Greatsword (Medium) (+1 weapon) (inscription provides clue to function) (2350 gp), Ring
of Evasion (25000 gp), Rod of Extend Metamagic (lesser) (3000 gp), Winged Boots (16000 gp) (inscription provides clue to
function); hoard total 97975 gp

Room #36 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #147, inhabited by 11 x Glabrezu
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #249
Room Features A shallow pit lies in the north-east corner of the room, and spirals of green stones cover the floor
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #37 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #128
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #251
Room Features Spirals of white stones cover the floor, and several shattered weapons are scattered throughout the

Room #38 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; fire spray (20d6 fire damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
East Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; magic missile (17d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #127, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 12 x Elder Fire Elemental

Elder fire elemental: CR 11; Huge elemental (fire, extraplanar); HD 24d8+96; hp 204; Init +13; Spd 60 ft. (12 squares); AC 25 (-2
size, +9 dex, +8 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +18; Grp +32; Atk +26 melee (2d8+6 plus 2d8 fire, slam); Full Atk +26
melee (2d8+6 plus 2d8 fire, 2 slams); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Burn; SQ Damage reduction 10/-, darkvision 60 ft., elemental
traits, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +10; Str 22, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills and Feats: Listen +28, Spot +29; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron
Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam)

Room #39 East Entry Archway

South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The Demons of Ledale killed a demon here" on the east wall, and the sound of rushing water can be heard
in the north-east corner of the room
Room #40 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1500 pp; Agateware Salt Cellar embossed with Elven Script (20 gp), Agateware Salt Cellar painted with Pastoral Imagery
(110 gp), Bloodstone Salt Cellar inlaid with Electrum (60 gp), Brass Bowl engraved with Arcane Runes (80 gp), Brass Scepter inlaid
with a Meandros of Silver (90 gp), Brocade Choker threaded with Silver (90 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb inlaid with Electrum
(110 gp), Linen Merchant's Cap threaded with Electrum (60 gp), Marble Plate engraved with Dwarven Runes (80 gp), Petrified Frog
engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (100 gp), Pewter Flower Brooch set with Chrysoberyl (50 gp), Pewter Mask engraved with Elven
Script (40 gp), Pewter Rod inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (70 gp), Pewter Torc set with a single Golden Pearl (130 gp), Pewter
Warhammer etched with Draconic Runes (80 gp), Silver Chime engraved with Arcane Runes (50 gp), Steel Shield Brooch set with
a Rosette of Golden Yellow Topaz (130 gp), Stoneware Tile painted with Noble Imagery (40 gp); Arcane Scroll (Zone of Silence
(1000 gp)) (total 1000 gp), Potion of Fox's Cunning (300 gp), Rod of Cancellation (11000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function),
Studded Leather (Medium) (+3 armor, Improved Slick, Spell Resistance (13)) (40175 gp); hoard total 68865 gp

Room #41 North Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +18 ranged (16d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #247
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #32
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #172

Room #42 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #248
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #171, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 4 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #43 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #174
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Fear: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (shaken for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #245
Monster 6 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #44 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #173
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #29
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, and several monstrous corpses are scattered throughout the

Room #45 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #310
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and opened by tracing a labyrinthine pattern
→ Leads to room #319, inhabited by 16 x Glabrezu
Room Features A simple wooden table and tin urn sit in the south-east corner of the room, and someone has scrawled "If being drunk all the time
were easy, everyone would do it" in dwarvish runes on the west wall

Room #46 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #309
West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features A group of monstrous faces have been carved into the south wall, and a stack of water-filled barrels stands against the east
Room #47 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #321, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #308
Room Features A fountain engraved with incoherent labyrinths sits in the east side of the room, and a pile of barrel staves lies in the east side of
the room

Room #48 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (18d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #322
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #307
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and the floor is covered with slime

Room #49 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #296
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #233, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry #1 Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (20d6 electricity damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #196
South Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A set of demonic war masks hangs on the south wall, and a corroded key lies in the north-east corner of the room
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #50 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #295
East Entry Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #234
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #195, inhabited by 5 x Iron Golem
Room Features A fountain decorated with three gargoyles sits in the center of the room, and a pile of torches lies in the north-west corner of the

Room #51 North Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #198
North Entry #2 Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (17d6 electricity damage, DC 18 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #235
South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind a tapestry of vile acts
Room Features Someone has scrawled "You cannot kill it with magic" on the west wall, and the north and east walls are covered with cracks

Room #52 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 20 Will save negates);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #236, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
Trap Altar of Evil: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (detect good); automatic reset; inflict wound (19d6 damage, DC 22 Will save for
half damage); multiple targets (good targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
Hidden Treasure Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

16000 gp; Aquamarine (500 gp), Black Pearl (700 gp), Black Star Sapphire (900 gp), Brown-green Garnet (60 gp), Chalcedony (50
gp), Coral (80 gp), Coral (120 gp), Coral (140 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (400 gp), Emerald (1100 gp), Eye Agate (6 gp), Fire Opal (900
gp), 2 x Golden Pearl (130 gp), Malachite (11 gp), 2 x Moss Agate (9 gp), Obsidian (9 gp), Onyx (70 gp), Red Spinel (80 gp), Red-
brown Spinel (100 gp), Sardonyx (30 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Violet Garnet (700 gp); hoard total 22284 gp
Room #53 West Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #194, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #292
Room Features A mural of a legendary battle covers the ceiling, and someone has scrawled "Vladka died here, didn't see it coming" on the south
Monster 2 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #54 West Entry Archway

Room Features A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the north-west corner of the room, and a putrid odor fills the

Room #55 North Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #237, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp) (magically reinforced, +10 to break DC)
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (20d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, and a stack of crates filled with rocks stands against the south wall

Room #56 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #238
West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features A forge and anvil sit in the south-west corner of the room, and a metallic odor fills the

Room #57 North Entry Archway

East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the west wall, and a briny odor fills the south-west corner of the room
Monster 12 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1400 pp; Agate Salt Cellar set with Black Pearl and Deep Blue Spinel (60 gp), Bone Chalice engraved with Arcane
Runes (150 gp), Bone Coffer set with Rock Crystal (100 gp), Bone Comb inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (100 gp), Bone Puzzle Box
engraved with Draconic Scales (80 gp), Brass Censer inlaid with Ornate Copper Scrollwork (130 gp), Cloth Gown threaded with
Dyed Silk (60 gp), Copper Mask inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (30 gp), Earthenware Jar painted with Pastoral Imagery (120 gp),
Earthenware Plate embossed with Arcane Runes (130 gp), Earthenware Plate painted with Woodland Imagery (30 gp), Fine
Leather Mantle sewn with Copper (90 gp), Lacquered Wooden Medallion set with a Rosette of Deep Green Spinel (50 gp), Leather
Armor tooled with Elven Script (120 gp), Marble Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth (110 gp), Obsidian Coffer set with a Rosette of
Banded Agate (60 gp), Pewter Orb inlaid with a Meandros of Copper (100 gp), Pewter Torc set with Citrine (150 gp), Small Woolen
Tapestry (110 gp), Steel Chime inlaid with Gold (120 gp), Steel Rod inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (120 gp), Stoneware Bowl
embossed with Elven Script (130 gp), Stoneware Cup adorned with Silver and a Crown and Throne in relief (100 gp), Wooden
Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (140 gp), Wooden Chalice inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (130 gp), Wooden Plate engraved
with a Labyrinth (150 gp); Breastplate (Medium) (+2 armor) (inscription provides clue to function) (4350 gp), Ring of Invisibility
(20000 gp), Wand of Fireball (5th) (47 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (10575 gp); hoard total 51595 gp

Room #58 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #240, inhabited by 9 x Iron Golem
Monster 9 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Agateware Vase adorned with Gold and a Coat of Arms in relief (1400 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice set with Blue Star
Sapphire (1100 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse tooled with Arcane Runes (2200 gp), Gold Medallion engraved with a Legendary Coat
of Arms (1600 gp), Ivory Scepter engraved with Spirals (1300 gp), Jade Cup inlaid with Orichalcum (1400 gp), Ornate Porcelain
Cup gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1700 gp), Platinum Bell engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (800 gp), Silk Choker
trimmed with Ermine (900 gp), Velvet Gown trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1200 gp); hoard total 13600 gp
Room #59 East Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
East Entry #2 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20
→ Leads to room #326, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu

Room #60 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #325, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #313, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Room Features A magical pool in the south-west corner of the room summons a water elemental to serve whomever drinks from it (but only once),
and the south and east walls are covered with scorch marks

Room #61 North Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
North Entry #2 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1200 pp; 2 x Aquamarine (500 gp), Aquamarine (600 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp), Chalcedony (30 gp),
Chrysoberyl (100 gp), Coral (150 gp), Fire Opal (1300 gp), Hematite (8 gp), Iolite (40 gp), Jade (100 gp), Obsidian (11 gp), Onyx
(50 gp), Onyx (80 gp), Peridot (60 gp), Rock Crystal (40 gp), Star Rose Quartz (30 gp), White Opal (1100 gp); Ring of Major Acid
Resistance (28000 gp); hoard total 45699 gp

Room #62 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of an ancient lich, and opened by pressing runes on his staff
Room Features Several headless statues are scattered throughout the room, and someone has scrawled an alien rune on the south wall
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 38000 gp; Aquamarine (500 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Azurite (12 gp), Banded Agate (11 gp), Banded Agate (12 gp),
Black Pearl (400 gp), Black Pearl (700 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Citrine (60 gp), Coral (110 gp), Coral (120 gp), Deep Blue Spinel
(400 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (800 gp), 2 x Freshwater Pearl (10 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Jasper (80 gp), Malachite
(13 gp), Moss Agate (10 gp), Onyx (40 gp), Red Spinel (120 gp), Rhodochrosite (7 gp), Rock Crystal (50 gp), Tourmaline (110 gp),
Violet Garnet (500 gp), White Pearl (70 gp); Amulet of Mighty Fists (+5) (150000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Arcane
Scroll (Greater Planar Binding (3000 gp), Screen (3000 gp)) (total 6000 gp), Light Mace (Medium) (+5 weapon, Icy Burst) (sheds
light) (98305 gp), Ring of Protection (+3) (18000 gp) (Completely different effect curse), Robe of Eyes (120000 gp) (design provides
clue to function), Rod of Extend Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp) (Unreliable curse), Siangham (Medium) (+4 weapon, Shocking
Burst) (72303 gp), Staff of Life (20 of 50 charges) (62300 gp); hoard total 594903 gp

Room #63 West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
East Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #64 West Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 22 Will save negates);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features A clanking sound fills the room, and several pieces of rotten leather are scattered throughout the room
Room #65 West Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled a drawing of a dragon on the north wall, and the floor is covered with sand
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 17000 gp; Agate Idol (of a God of Evil) adorned with Copper (40 gp), Agate Rod set with a Rosette of Rose Quartz (170
gp), Agateware Tile painted with Woodland Imagery (10 gp), Bone Chalice engraved with Arcane Runes (140 gp), Bone Puzzle
Box inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (90 gp), Cloth Robe threaded with Copper (120 gp), Cloth Vest trimmed with Lynx Fur (80 gp),
Earthenware Tureen painted with Pastoral Imagery (110 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap tooled with Draconic Scales (70 gp),
Ivory Shield Brooch engraved with Arcane Runes (130 gp), Jasper Cup engraved with Draconic Runes (130 gp), Leather Coat
sewn with Copper (150 gp), Linen Mantle threaded with Copper (60 gp), Malachite Bowl inlaid with Silver (120 gp), Necklace of
Azurite (100 gp), Necklace of Moss Agate (100 gp), Obsidian Bowl inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (80 gp), Scroll of
Calligraphy (120 gp), Steel Mask inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (130 gp), Wooden Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (100 gp),
Wooden Scepter inlaid with Silver (110 gp); Oil of Magic Vestment (+1) (750 gp); hoard total 19910 gp

Room #66 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Fear: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (shaken for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
West Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
East Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, and someone has scrawled "The hammer is cursed" in dwarvish runes on the north wall
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 12000 gp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Black Star Sapphire (900 gp), Blue Star Sapphire (1300 gp), Brown-green Garnet (100
gp), 2 x Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Emerald (1000 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), 2 x Jasper (50 gp), Rich Purple Corundum
(800 gp), Star Rose Quartz (60 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp), Violet Garnet (600 gp); Potion of Enlarge Person (250 gp), Rod of
Cancellation (11000 gp), Wand of Dispel Magic (25 of 50 charges) (5625 gp); hoard total 35935 gp

Room #67 South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features Burning torches in iron sconces line the east and west walls, and a grinding noise can be faintly heard near the east wall
Monster 1 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage and 5 x Aboleth

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 20000 gp; Bone Comb inlaid with Gold (70 gp), Brass Ring Brooch engraved with Thorned Vines (30 gp), Cloth Cloak
trimmed with Fur (80 gp), Earthenware Ewer embossed with Elven Script (20 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse tooled with Arcane
Runes (60 gp), Fine Leather Mantle sewn with Copper (100 gp), Leather Vest sewn with Silver (90 gp), Linen Sash threaded with
Copper (90 gp), Pair of Brocade Gloves threaded with Silver (130 gp), Pewter Chalice engraved with Elven Script (130 gp),
Rosewood Chalice inlaid with Silver (110 gp), Rosewood Figurine (of a gnome priest) adorned with Hematite (100 gp), Small
Woolen Carpet (100 gp), Wooden Coffer set with Turquoise (60 gp), Wooden Puzzle Box inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork
(60 gp); Ring of Water Walking (15000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Staff of Charming (35 of 50 charges) (11550 gp),
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (41 of 50 charges) (3690 gp); hoard total 51470 gp

Aboleth: CR 7; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+40; hp 76; Init +1; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 16 (-2 size, +1 dex, +7
natural), touch 9, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +6; Grp +22; Atk +12 melee (1d6+8 plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +12 melee (1d6+8 plus
slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud; AL
LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +11; Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17
Skills and Feats: Concentration +16, Knowledge (any one) +13, Listen +16, Spot +16, Swim +8; Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron
Treasure: 3200 gp; Electrum Idol (of an Aberrant God) adorned with Platinum (800 gp), Fine Leather Belt tooled with Noble
Imagery (1000 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (800 gp), Ivory Scepter set with a single Golden Yellow
Topaz (1500 gp), Jet Salt Cellar inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (1200 gp), Ornate Silver Mirror (1300 gp); Potion of Invisibility (300
gp); hoard total 10100 gp
Room #68 South Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and an acrid odor fills the room
Monster 11 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Amber Rod engraved with Dwarven Runes (3000 gp), Coral Plate engraved with Mythical Imagery (2000 gp), Dragon
Horn Puzzle Box engraved with Mythical Imagery (4000 gp), Drake Hide Vest tooled with Noble Imagery (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden
Bowl engraved with Mythical Creatures (3000 gp), Lacquered Wooden Plate set with a single flawless Bright Green Emerald (6000
gp), Ornate Porcelain Jar adorned with Platinum and a Crown and Throne in relief (1000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar adorned
with Platinum and a Phoenix in relief (2000 gp), Platinum Bell engraved with Draconic Scales (5000 gp), Porcelain Tureen adorned
with Platinum and a Dragon in relief (1000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker trimmed
with Ermine (4000 gp), Silk Brocade Sash trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Silk Robe trimmed with Genette (4000 gp), Velvet Coat
trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp); hoard total 46000 gp

Room #69 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #124, inhabited by 5 x Glabrezu
South Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #143, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 13 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #70 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #123
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 22000 gp; Alexandrite (400 gp), Alexandrite (500 gp), Alexandrite (600 gp), Amethyst (70 gp), Aquamarine (600 gp),
Azurite (12 gp), Black Pearl (700 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1200 gp), Bloodstone (40 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp), Chrysoberyl (120
gp), Citrine (30 gp), Citrine (70 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (200 gp), Freshwater Pearl (6 gp), Hematite (8 gp), Jasper (70 gp), Malachite
(11 gp), Moss Agate (9 gp), Moss Agate (10 gp), Onyx (30 gp), 2 x Red Garnet (90 gp), Red Spinel (90 gp), Red-brown Spinel (100
gp), Rich Purple Corundum (900 gp), Rock Crystal (80 gp), Sardonyx (40 gp), Turquoise (12 gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp), 2 x White
Opal (1100 gp); Greater Bracers of Archery (25000 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+3 shield, Animated) (25170 gp), Light
Wooden Shield (Small) (+4 shield) (16153 gp), Ring of Improved Climbing (10000 gp), Wand of Magic Missile (5th) (33 of 50
charges) (2475 gp); hoard total 109397 gp

Room #71 East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #269, inhabited by 9 x Glabrezu
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the west wall, and someone has scrawled an incomplete drawing of a dragon on the east wall
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #72 East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #270, inhabited by 15 x Iron Golem
Room #73 West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #210
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #8
Room Features Someone has scrawled a crude drawing of a succubus on the south wall, and a corroded mace lies in the west side of the room
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Locked Iron Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

11000 gp; Agate Coffer inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (1700 gp), Agate Scepter inlaid with Gold (900 gp), Agateware Chalice
adorned with Gold and a Crown and Throne in relief (500 gp), Copper Censer inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (900 gp), Copper Torc
inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (1200 gp), Deck of Ivory Tarot Cards inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (900 gp), Fine Leather Mantle
sewn with Electrum (600 gp), Fine Leather Mantle tooled with Draconic Scales (200 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Sable
(1100 gp), Fine Steel Mace set with a single Black Pearl (700 gp), Ivory Scepter set with Deep Green Spinel and Jet (1000 gp),
Jasper Brazier inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (1000 gp), Linen Gown trimmed with Squirrel Fur (700 gp), Pair of Fine
Leather Shoes sewn with Electrum (800 gp), Rosewood Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Silk Choker trimmed with
Genette (500 gp), Silver Chalice inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (700 gp), Silver Torc set with a single Deep Blue Spinel (1000
gp); Maul of the Titans (25305 gp), Ring of Water Walking (15000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 66505 gp

Room #74 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #268, inhabited by 15 x Iron Golem
West Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; acid spray (20d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #209, inhabited by 6 x Iron Golem
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Death comes on silent wings" on the north wall, and several corroded iron spikes are scattered throughout
the room
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #75 North Entry #1 Archway

→ Leads to room #158
North Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #100, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
Room Features The north and west walls have been engraved with geometric patterns, and a large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the north-
east corner of the room

Room #76 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #157, inhabited by 13 x Iron Golem
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #173
Room Features Someone has scrawled a crude drawing of an orc on the north wall, and an unidentifiable odor fills the center of the room
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 24000 gp; Agate Brazier inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (900 gp), Agate Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Bone Orb
engraved with a Labyrinth (200 gp), Copper Censer set with Citrine and Sardonyx (600 gp), Earthenware Vase embossed with
Draconic Runes (500 gp), Electrum Pendant engraved with Thorned Vines (400 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse trimmed with Squirrel
Fur (600 gp), Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with Squirrel Fur (400 gp), Fine Steel Shield Brooch set with a single Bright Green
Emerald (300 gp), Ivory Chalice engraved with Arcane Runes (300 gp), Ivory Comb engraved with Mythical Creatures (600 gp),
Ivory Rod inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (600 gp), Ivory Rod set with a Rosette of Coral (200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield
Brooch inlaid with Gold (300 gp), Leather Armor trimmed with Lynx Fur (200 gp), Leather Coat sewn with Silver (400 gp), Malachite
Orb inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (900 gp), Necklace of Bloodstone (300 gp), Onyx Cup set with Aquamarine and Deep Blue
Spinel (700 gp), Steel Plate inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (400 gp), Wooden Coffer engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp); Arcane
Scroll (Hold Person (375 gp)) (total 375 gp), Crystal Ball with Detect Thoughts (51000 gp) (design provides clue to function), Divine
Scroll (Discern Lies (700 gp), True Seeing (1375 gp), Wall of Stone (1125 gp), Holy Word (2275 gp), Mass Inflict Serious Wounds
(2275 gp), Foresight (3825 gp)) (total 11575 gp), Rod of Silent Metamagic (lesser) (3000 gp) (design provides clue to function),
Staff of Illumination (3 of 50 charges) (Uncontrolled curse) (2895 gp); hoard total 102545 gp
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

3300 pp; Aquamarine (300 gp), Banded Agate (8 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp), Carnelian (30 gp), Chrysoprase
(40 gp), Coral (80 gp), Coral (120 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (400 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Deep Green Spinel (80 gp), Eye
Agate (12 gp), Freshwater Pearl (10 gp), Hematite (7 gp), Iolite (30 gp), Lapis Lazuli (11 gp), Moss Agate (7 gp), Onyx (50 gp),
Onyx (60 gp), Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp), White Opal (1000 gp), White Pearl (90 gp); hoard
total 36906 gp

Room #77 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #172
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #102, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and a toppled statue lies in the south side of the
Room #78 South Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #101
South Entry #2 Archway
South Entry #3 Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #155, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth

Room #79 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #288
Room Features A stone stair ascends towards the south wall, and a tapestry of arcane patterns hangs from the south wall
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #80 West Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 22 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #287, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone Golem
East Entry Archway
Room Features Spirals of gray stones cover the floor, and the sound of dripping water fills the room
Monster 7 x Elder Earth Elemental

Elder earth elemental: CR 11; Huge elemental (earth, extraplanar); HD 24d8+120; hp 228; Init -1; Spd 30 ft. (6 squares); AC 22 (-2
size, -1 dex, +15 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +18; Grp +37; Atk +27 melee (2d10+11/19-20, slam); Full Atk +27
melee (2d10+11/19-20, slams); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Earth mastery, push; SQ Damage reduction 10/-, earth glide,
darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits; AL N; SV Fort +19, Ref +7, Will +10; Str 33, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills and Feats: Listen +29, Spot +29; Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical
(slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack

Room #81 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #286
South Entry Archway

Room #82 West Entry #1 Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; magic missile (18d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #285, inhabited by 8 x Iron Golem
West Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 6 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 24 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (hard 5, 10 hp)

16000 gp; Coral Orb set with Fiery Yellow Corundum and Fire Opal (3000 gp), Dragon Horn Orb set with a single Blue Diamond
(3000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Mythical Creatures (4000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with a
Renowned Coat of Arms (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch set with Bright Green Emerald (2000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse
tooled with Mythical Creatures (6000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp), Drake Hide Vest tooled with
Arcane Runes (2000 gp), Electrum Orb engraved with Elven Script (2000 gp), Fine Leather Saddle trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp),
Fine Porcelain Tureen gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch set with a Rosette of
Canary Diamond (3000 gp), Gold Bracelet inlaid with Orichalcum (4000 gp), Gold Ring Brooch engraved with Draconic Scales
(2000 gp), Gold Torc set with a single Bright Green Emerald (4000 gp), Gold Torc set with a single Canary Diamond (3000 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (1000 gp), Marble Sundial which magically chimes on the hour (1000 gp),
Necklace of True Gemsone (5000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Chalice adorned with Platinum and a Unicorn in relief (1000 gp), Ornate
Porcelain Cup adorned with Platinum and a Coat of Arms in relief (3000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a
Phoenix in relief (2000 gp), Platinum Chalice set with Blue-white Diamond and Brown Diamond (4000 gp), Platinum Chime
engraved with Noble Imagery (4000 gp), Platinum Dagger set with a single flawless Pink Diamond (3000 gp), Platinum Mask inlaid
with a Filigree of Orichalcum (2000 gp), Platinum Pendant inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (6000 gp), Platinum Rapier set
with a Rosette of Bright Green Emerald (4000 gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Draconic Runes (3000 gp), Portrait (of a male half-
orc priest) in a Gilded Wooden Frame engraved with Noble Imagery (4000 gp), Silk Brocade Tabard trimmed with Ermine (4000
gp), Silk Cloak trimmed with Sable (2000 gp), Silk Sash threaded with Platinum (2000 gp), Velvet Coat threaded with Platinum
(3000 gp); Greataxe (Medium) (+2 weapon, Frost, Mighty Cleaving) (32320 gp), Potion of Reduce Person (250 gp), Wand of Major
Image (23 of 50 charges) (5175 gp); hoard total 158745 gp
Room #83 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; magic missile (18d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #182, inhabited by 1 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage and 13 x Aboleth
South Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #232
Room Features A stone ramp ascends towards the east wall, and a large kiln and coal bin sit in the south side of the room
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #84 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (16d6 sonic damage, DC 20 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #181
East Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features A wooden ladder rests against the west wall, and iron chains hang from the ceiling in the north-west corner of the room
Monster 5 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #85 West Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (20d6 damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 28000 gp; Agateware Vase adorned with Gold and a Phoenix in relief (1700 gp), Bloodstone Orb set with Rich Purple
Corundum and Star Ruby (1300 gp), Electrum Bracer set with Golden Yellow Topaz (2300 gp), Electrum Torc set with Black Pearl
and Violet Garnet (2200 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (900 gp), Fine Porcelain Jar adorned with Gold and a
Castle in relief (1800 gp), Fine Porcelain Tankard adorned with Gold and a Unicorn in relief (1100 gp), Fine Steel Breastplate Armor
inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (1200 gp), Gilded Wooden Cup set with a Rosette of Blue-white Diamond (1700 gp), Gilded
Wooden Rod engraved with Floral Vines (1600 gp), Gold Pendant engraved with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (1200 gp), Ivory
Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (1900 gp), Ivory Coffer engraved with a Labyrinth (1400 gp), Ivory Coffer set with Rich Purple
Corundum (1800 gp), Lacquered Wooden Plate engraved with a Labyrinth (1200 gp), Moonstone Rod engraved with Mythical
Creatures (1700 gp), Painting of a Paladin in Hell in a Lacquered Wooden Frame engraved with Arcane Runes (1900 gp), Painting
of a Paladin in Hell in an Ivory Frame engraved with Draconic Scales (1000 gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Draconic Scales
(1500 gp), Porcelain Miniature (of a temple) adorned with Blue-white Diamond (1000 gp), Porcelain Tureen painted with Mythical
Creatures (800 gp), Velvet Vest trimmed with Ermine (1900 gp); Arcane Scroll (Telekinesis (1125 gp)) (total 1125 gp), Arcane Scroll
(Dimensional Anchor (700 gp), Hold Monster (1125 gp), Greater Heroism (1650 gp), Shadow Walk (1650 gp), Control Weather
(2275 gp)) (total 7400 gp), Bastard Sword (Small) (+3 weapon) (sheds light) (18335 gp), Full Plate (Medium) (+4 armor, Greater
Silent Moves) (design provides clue to function) (51400 gp), Golem Manual (flesh) (8000 gp) (design provides clue to function),
Immovable Rod (5000 gp), Rod of the Viper (19000 gp), Staff of Necromancy (39 of 50 charges) (inscription provides clue to
function) (50700 gp); hoard total 222060 gp
Room #86 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #229
West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features A well lies in the south-east corner of the room, and a tapestry of ghoulish carnage hangs from the south wall
Monster 7 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 15000 gp; Agate Plate engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Bone Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Brass
Bracer engraved with Draconic Scales (300 gp), Electrum Ring inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (400 gp), Fine Leather Coat tooled with
Elven Script (500 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse tooled with Arcane Runes (900 gp), Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with Lynx Fur (200
gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Genette (300 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (100 gp), Lacquered
Wooden Chalice engraved with Floral Vines (200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with Elven Script (300 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp), Leather Armor trimmed with Fox Fur (700 gp), Linen Mantle
threaded with Electrum (500 gp), Marble Scepter inlaid with Electrum (600 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots tooled with Arcane
Runes (1000 gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves threaded with Electrum (300 gp), Pewter Torc set with Amethyst and Jet (500 gp), Porcelain
Cup painted with Woodland Imagery (500 gp), Porcelain Tile adorned with Silver and a Phoenix in relief (200 gp), Rosewood Rod
set with a Rosette of Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Set of Crystal Polyhedral Dice (400 gp), Steel Mace set with Onyx (200 gp),
Stoneware Bowl adorned with Silver and a Unicorn in relief (300 gp), Stoneware Jar painted with Noble Imagery (600 gp), Wooden
Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp); hoard total 26200 gp

Room #87 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (17d6 electricity damage, DC 18 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 28
West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #300, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
Room Features A magical mirror on the south wall answers simple questions about the dungeon (yes/no), and a whistling noise can be heard in the
north-west corner of the room
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 3600 pp; Amber (140 gp), Black Pearl (200 gp), Bloodstone (70 gp), Brown-green Garnet (130 gp), Chalcedony (60 gp),
Eye Agate (7 gp), Fire Opal (1300 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Iolite (50 gp), Moonstone (30 gp), Moss Agate (7 gp), Onyx
(60 gp), Peridot (30 gp), Red Spinel (100 gp), Rock Crystal (50 gp), Star Rose Quartz (50 gp), Star Ruby (900 gp), Tourmaline (100
gp), Turquoise (9 gp), Violet Garnet (700 gp); Cloak of the Bat (26000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Headband of
Intellect (+4) (16000 gp), Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads (9600 gp), Wand of Summon Monster III (6 of 50 charges) (1350 gp);
hoard total 93543 gp

Room #88 South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind an area of mould
→ Leads to room #11, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features A narrow shaft falls into the room from above, and someone has scrawled "Ran out of swords" in blood on the south wall
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #89 West Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60
→ Leads to room #298, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

Room #90 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #9
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #297, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20
Room #91 West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Archway
Room Features A tile labyrinth covers the floor, and someone has scrawled "Don't sleep" on the west

Room #92 West Entry Archway

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "right, left, straight, right" in dwarvish runes on the south wall, and several broken arrows are scattered
throughout the room

Room #93 North Entry Archway

East Entry Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60

Room #94 West Entry Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled a demonic face on the south wall, and a pile of rotten bread lies in the center of the

Room #95 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #254
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #96 North Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #253
East Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (21d6 sonic damage, DC 20 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #228, inhabited by 10 x Roper
Room Features A wooden platform hangs over a deep pit in the center of the room, and several monstrous corpses are scattered throughout the

Room #97 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #225, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
South Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #256, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone Golem
South Entry #2 Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features A simple wooden table and large table sit in the south-east corner of the room, and a crater has been blasted into the floor in the
north-west corner of the room
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 28000 gp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Azurite (8 gp), Azurite (11 gp), Banded Agate (10 gp), Blue Quartz (10 gp), Golden Pearl
(130 gp), Iolite (50 gp), Malachite (12 gp), Sardonyx (60 gp), Violet Garnet (600 gp), Zircon (50 gp); Arcane Scroll (Mind Fog (1125
gp), Wall of Force (1125 gp), Mass Bear's Endurance (1650 gp)) (total 3900 gp), Light Steel Shield (Medium) (+2 shield) (4159 gp),
Longsword (Medium) (+3 weapon) (18315 gp); hoard total 55815 gp

Room #98 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #226
South Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #255, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features An enchanted pool in the center of the room petrifies whomever drinks from it, and a tile labyrinth covers the floor
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #99 West Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features A tapestry of ancient mythology hangs from the south wall, and a forge and anvil sit in the north side of the room
Monster 13 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 19000 gp; Amber Cup set with Pink Diamond (2300 gp), Amber Salt Cellar engraved with Mythical Imagery (1600 gp),
Coral Salt Cellar engraved with Mythical Imagery (1200 gp), Dragon Horn Comb engraved with Mythical Imagery (1800 gp), Drake
Hide Coinpurse tooled with Draconic Scales (1200 gp), Electrum Bracer inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (2100 gp), Electrum
Warhammer engraved with Thorned Vines (1700 gp), Fine Leather Mantle tooled with Elven Script (1200 gp), Gilded Wooden
Puzzle Box engraved with Floral Vines (1800 gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with Noble Imagery (1800 gp), Gilded
Wooden Shield Brooch inlaid with Orichalcum (1400 gp), Gold Amulet set with Emerald and Fiery Yellow Corundum (1200 gp),
Gold Shield Brooch set with a single flawless Blue-white Diamond (900 gp), Ivory Coffer inlaid with Platinum (1400 gp), Ivory Puzzle
Box inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (1200 gp), Ivory Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth (1600 gp), Jade Salt Cellar
engraved with Dwarven Runes (2000 gp), Moonstone Coffer set with a Rosette of Alexandrite (1100 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Shoes
sewn with Electrum (1100 gp), Pair of Silk Brocade Gloves threaded with Gold (1700 gp), Platinum Pendant engraved with Mythical
Imagery (1700 gp), Platinum Shield Brooch set with a Rosette of Blue Diamond (1200 gp), Porcelain Amphora (1500 gp), Silk
Brocade Choker threaded with Platinum (900 gp), Silk Carpet embroidered with Electrum (1000 gp), Silk Choker threaded with
Platinum (1400 gp), Silk Choker threaded with Platinum (1500 gp), Silk Vest threaded with Gold (1600 gp), Velvet Sash threaded
with Platinum (1100 gp); Ring of Improved Climbing (10000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function) (Opposite effect or target
curse); hoard total 71200 gp

Room #100 South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #75
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and a sundered shield lies in the south side of the room
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 900 pp; Agate Salt Cellar engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (70 gp), Bone Chalice engraved with Arcane Runes (90 gp),
Bone Orb engraved with a Labyrinth (20 gp), Bone Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of Chrysoberyl (130 gp), Brass Bracer etched
with Draconic Runes (120 gp), Copper Cup engraved with Arcane Runes (40 gp), Fine Steel Bell engraved with Dwarven
Axeheads (70 gp), Ivory Comb engraved with Draconic Scales (20 gp), Jasper Cup engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (130 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Comb engraved with Elven Script (130 gp), Leather Belt trimmed with Fox Fur (50 gp), Leather Mantle tooled
with Draconic Scales (100 gp), Leather Saddle trimmed with Fur (130 gp), Linen Merchant's Cap threaded with Electrum (90 gp),
Linen Merchant's Cap trimmed with Squirrel Fur (110 gp), Pewter Censer etched with Elven Script (60 gp), Pewter Torc etched with
Thorned Vines (60 gp), Rosewood Chalice engraved with Elven Script (100 gp), Scroll of Calligraphy (80 gp), Small Woolen
Tapestry (110 gp), Steel Circlet set with a Rosette of Iolite (80 gp), Stoneware Bowl painted with Floral Imagery (50 gp), Wooden
Bowl engraved with a Labyrinth (110 gp), Wooden Orb inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (100 gp), Wooden Plate engraved with
Arcane Runes (60 gp), Wooden Scepter inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (10 gp); Staff of Frost (10 of 50 charges) (11250 gp);
hoard total 22370 gp

Room #101 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10

→ Leads to room #78
West Entry Archway

Room #102 North Entry #1 Archway

→ Leads to room #77
North Entry #2 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The dwarf will betray you" in blood on the south wall, and a stream of quicksilver flows through the room
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #103 West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→ Leads to room #200
Monster 18 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 13000 gp; Agateware Chalice embossed with Floral Vines (600 gp), Agateware Salt Cellar adorned with Gold and a
Unicorn in relief (100 gp), Brass Mace engraved with Draconic Runes (800 gp), Brass Orb inlaid with Electrum (100 gp), Brocade
Choker trimmed with Sable (100 gp), Copper Crown etched with Elven Script (900 gp), Electrum Chime set with a Rosette of
Alexandrite (700 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse sewn with Gold (600 gp), Ivory Comb engraved with Draconic Scales (400 gp), Ivory
Comb engraved with a Labyrinth (400 gp), Jasper Puzzle Box engraved with Draconic Runes (300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb
engraved with Mythical Creatures (300 gp), Linen Cloak threaded with Copper (400 gp), Linen Sash threaded with Electrum (100
gp), Porcelain Tile painted with Mythical Imagery (300 gp), Porcelain Tile painted with Pastoral Imagery (200 gp), Rosewood Coffer
engraved with Floral Vines (200 gp), Steel Tankard set with a Rosette of Violet Garnet (300 gp), Stoneware Bowl adorned with
Silver and a Crown and Throne in relief (600 gp), Stoneware Tankard adorned with Silver and a Dragon in relief (600 gp),
Stoneware Tankard painted with Floral Imagery (1000 gp), Wooden Plate inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (600 gp); hoard total
22600 gp

Room #104 East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #199
Room Features Someone has scrawled "I've forgotten my name" on the south wall, and a pile of rotten leather lies in the west side of the

Room #105 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ A trap door in the floor leads to a short tunnel beneath the wall
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +14 ranged (18d6 cold); Search DC 28; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #202
South Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Room Features The north and east walls have been engraved with geometric patterns, and a ruined siege weapon sits in the south side of the
Monster 14 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #106 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #201
East Entry Archway
Room Features A tapestry of geometric patterns hangs from the west wall, and moaning can be faintly heard near the west wall
Trap Thunder Turret: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 4 rounds; no reset; thunder blast (19d6 sonic damage, DC
20 Fort save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 20 ft. cone); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30

Room #107 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features A forge and anvil sit in the south-east corner of the room, and a ruined chain shirt lies in the east side of the

Room #108 South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A stone ramp ascends towards the south wall, and someone has scrawled "The Blade of Shadows shall be lost until the Forlorn
Gate opens" on the south wall
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #109 South Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 20 Will save negates);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
Room Features A tapestry of legendary monsters hangs from the west wall, and several candles are scattered throughout the room
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 34000 gp; Bloodstone Cup inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (100 gp), Bone Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (80
gp), Bone Puzzle Box engraved with Draconic Scales (130 gp), Bone Shield Brooch set with Aquamarine (90 gp), Brass Bracelet
inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (70 gp), Cloth Sash threaded with Silver (120 gp), Cloth Sash trimmed with Fox Fur (150 gp),
Copper Pendant set with Aquamarine and Deep Blue Spinel (100 gp), Copper Rapier inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (100 gp),
Earthenware Vase embossed with Elven Script (130 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Lynx Fur (60 gp), Jasper Cup
inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (50 gp), Lacquered Wooden Medallion inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (140 gp), Leather
Armor sewn with Copper (140 gp), Pewter Bracer etched with Elven Script (140 gp), Pewter Circlet engraved with Arcane Runes
(130 gp), Rosewood Cup inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (100 gp), Silver Ring set with a single Alexandrite (110 gp), Steel Bracelet
etched with Draconic Scales (60 gp), Steel Ewer inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (20 gp), Steel Rapier inlaid with Silver (70 gp),
Stoneware Tile adorned with Silver and a Demon in relief (100 gp), Wooden Chalice engraved with Floral Vines (90 gp), Wooden
Orb engraved with Elven Script (80 gp); Cube of Force (62000 gp), Divine Scroll (Transmute Mud to Rock (1125 gp), Wall of
Thorns (1125 gp)) (total 2250 gp), Divine Scroll (Control Winds (1125 gp), Disrupting Weapon (1125 gp), Spell Resistance (1125
gp), Ethereal Jaunt (2275 gp), Mass Cure Critical Wounds (3000 gp)) (total 8650 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Small) (+5 shield)
(inscription provides clue to function) (25170 gp), Robe of Blending (30000 gp), Wand of Fear (29 of 50 charges) (12180 gp); hoard
total 176610 gp

Room #110 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #281
East Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
South Entry Archway

Room #111 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a noble king, and opened by stabbing a sword into his back
Room Features A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the center of the room, and the south and east walls are covered with veins of yellow
Monster 13 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #112 West Entry #1 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #276, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
West Entry #2 Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #175, inhabited by 9 x Glabrezu
Room Features Someone has scrawled "You cannot kill it with magic" in draconic script on the west wall, and a charred wooden shield lies in the
west side of the room
Monster 8 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #113 West Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #241, inhabited by 10 x Roper
West Entry #2 Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #273
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Brione was here" on the west wall, and a mouldy odor fills the room
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 13000 gp; Agateware Plate embossed with Elven Script (600 gp), Bone Scepter set with Black Pearl and Deep Blue
Spinel (600 gp), Brocade Tabard threaded with Gold (1000 gp), Brocade Vest trimmed with Sable (1400 gp), Electrum Amulet
engraved with Draconic Runes (1300 gp), Electrum Ring engraved with Noble Imagery (700 gp), Electrum Shield Brooch engraved
with an Ancient Coat of Arms (600 gp), Fine Leather Belt trimmed with Squirrel Fur (800 gp), Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with
Genette (1300 gp), Fine Steel Medallion set with a single Canary Diamond (1100 gp), Gold Pendant engraved with Draconic Scales
(1000 gp), Gold Shield Brooch set with Fiery Yellow Corundum and Fire Opal (1100 gp), Gold Shield Brooch set with a Rosette of
Rich Purple Corundum (900 gp), Ivory Scepter engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Jasper Scepter set with Jade (1000 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Cup set with Blue-white Diamond and Pink Diamond (800 gp), Lacquered Wooden Scepter inlaid with Electrum
(1000 gp), Linen Cloak trimmed with Squirrel Fur (600 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1100 gp), Pair of
Fine Leather Shoes adorned with a Plume (800 gp), Porcelain Chalice adorned with Silver and a Unicorn in relief (700 gp),
Porcelain Cup gilded and painted with an Ancient Coat of Arms (700 gp), Silk Carpet embroidered with Silver (1300 gp), Silver Bowl
engraved with an Ancient Coat of Arms (900 gp); Rod of Enemy Detection (23500 gp); hoard total 58200 gp

Room #114 North Entry Archway

West Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60
→ Leads to room #177

Room #115 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (20d6 sonic damage, DC 20 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
Room Features Someone has scrawled "When the Temple of Oaths is laid to ruin and the River of Compassion runs red with blood, the Scepter of
Coins shall be found" on the south wall, and chanting can be heard in the north side of the room
Monster 15 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #116 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #255, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Archway
Room Features Spirals of blue stones cover the floor, and several pieces of rotten rope are scattered throughout the

Room #117 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
→ Leads to room #254

Room #118 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and a grinding noise can be heard in the north side of the room
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1100 pp; Agateware Plate embossed with Arcane Runes (1100 gp), Brocade Gown trimmed with Lynx Fur (1300 gp),
Brocade Sash threaded with Gold (1200 gp), Carved Wooden Staff with Electrum Studs (1200 gp), Copper Crown inlaid with
Ornate Gold Scrollwork (300 gp), Electrum Chime engraved with Noble Imagery (1000 gp), Fine Porcelain Cup adorned with Gold
and a Castle in relief (1200 gp), Fine Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (500 gp), Fine Steel Longsword
engraved with Draconic Scales (900 gp), Ivory Medallion set with a Rosette of Jacinth (800 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl set with a
single Blue Diamond (900 gp), Lacquered Wooden Chalice inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (1200 gp), Lacquered Wooden
Medallion engraved with Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Linen Cloak
trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1000 gp), Linen Robe threaded with Electrum (800 gp), Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a
Unicorn in relief (700 gp), Stoneware Plate painted with Mythical Imagery (200 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum
(800 gp); Manual of Quickness in Action (+4) (110000 gp); hoard total 138200 gp
Room #119 North Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #26, inhabited by 9 x Iron Golem
Room Features An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the north-west corner of the room, and a ring of keys lies in the north-east corner of the
Monster 5 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #120 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #25, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 1600 pp; Amber (140 gp), Azurite (12 gp), Banded Agate (6 gp), Banded Agate (12 gp), Black Pearl (300 gp), Blue
Quartz (9 gp), Carnelian (30 gp), Chrysoberyl (110 gp), Coral (100 gp), Eye Agate (9 gp), 2 x Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Red
Garnet (80 gp), Red-brown Spinel (60 gp), Silver Pearl (80 gp), 2 x Violet Garnet (500 gp), White Pearl (120 gp), Zircon (40 gp);
Arcane Scroll (Heroism (375 gp), Stinking Cloud (375 gp), Minor Creation (700 gp)) (total 1450 gp), Cube of Frost Resistance
(27000 gp), Potion of Greater Magic Fang (+1) (750 gp), Rod of Silent Metamagic (11000 gp), Wand of Web (48 of 50 charges)
(4320 gp); hoard total 63628 gp

Room #121 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #308
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #28, inhabited by 5 x Greater Stone Golem
Room Features A group of demonic faces have been carved into the east wall, and someone has scrawled "Ceithla stands here, slain by a basilisk"
on the west wall

Room #122 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #307
East Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; acid spray (20d6 acid damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
South Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #27
Monster 10 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Banded Agate (12 gp), 2 x Black Pearl (500 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp), Coral (140 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Eye
Agate (11 gp), Eye Agate (13 gp), Fire Opal (900 gp), Golden Pearl (80 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Jade (60 gp),
Malachite (8 gp), Moss Agate (8 gp), Onyx (40 gp), Red Garnet (160 gp), Red-brown Spinel (110 gp), Silver Pearl (70 gp),
Tourmaline (100 gp), Turquoise (13 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp), Violet Garnet (600 gp), Zircon (40 gp); hoard total 5165 gp

Room #123 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #70, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features Various torture devices are scattered throughout the room, and a hole has been blasted into the east
Room #124 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and opened by standing on a small floor tile
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #69, inhabited by 13 x Iron Golem
Monster 5 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1200 pp; Alexandrite (300 gp), Alexandrite (500 gp), Amethyst (90 gp), Aquamarine (600 gp), Black Pearl (800 gp), Blue
Star Sapphire (1200 gp), Chrysoprase (60 gp), Eye Agate (11 gp), Freshwater Pearl (12 gp), Jade (110 gp), Moss Agate (11 gp),
Star Ruby (800 gp), Tourmaline (90 gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp), Violet Garnet (800 gp); Divine Scroll (Deeper Darkness (375 gp),
Water Breathing (375 gp), Cure Critical Wounds (700 gp), Nondetection (750 gp)) (total 2200 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+2
shield, Arrow Deflection) (inscription provides clue to function) (16170 gp), Ring of Wizardry (I) (20000 gp); hoard total 56054 gp

Room #125 South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10

Room #126 North Entry Archway

South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Unlocked Strong Wooden Chest (hard 5, 20 hp)

2800 pp; Agateware Tile painted with Pastoral Imagery (70 gp), Bloodstone Salt Cellar inlaid with Electrum (150 gp), Bone Coffer
engraved with Arcane Runes (80 gp), Bone Coffer engraved with Arcane Runes (120 gp), Bone Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of
Silver Pearl (90 gp), 2 x Bone Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp), Brocade Choker trimmed with Lynx Fur (120 gp), Copper
Salt Cellar engraved with Draconic Scales (110 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse trimmed with Squirrel Fur (120 gp), Fine Leather
Merchant's Cap trimmed with Squirrel Fur (10 gp), Jasper Salt Cellar set with a single Alexandrite (110 gp), Linen Sash trimmed
with Rabbit Fur (20 gp), Obsidian Plate set with a Rosette of Malachite (80 gp), Pewter Circlet engraved with Thorned Vines (140
gp), Silver Pendant engraved with Elven Script (100 gp), Silver Salt Cellar inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (130 gp), Small
Woolen Tapestry (30 gp), Steel Bracelet set with Rock Crystal (130 gp), Steel Shield Brooch set with a single Rich Purple
Corundum (60 gp), Wooden Bowl engraved with Arcane Runes (50 gp), Wooden Coffer inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (40 gp);
Wand of Fireball (5th) (32 of 50 charges) (7200 gp), Wand of Fox's Cunning (28 of 50 charges) (2520 gp); hoard total 39680 gp

Room #127 West Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; magic missile (17d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #38, inhabited by 12 x Elder Fire Elemental
East Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a pile of broken stone
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; fire spray (16d6 fire damage, DC 18 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features A magical mirror on the south wall answers simple questions about the dungeon (yes/no), and a toppled statue lies in the south
side of the room
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 34000 gp; Dragon Horn Comb inlaid with Orichalcum (2000 gp), Dragon Horn Puzzle Box set with a single flawless Blue
Diamond (1000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Arcane Runes (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Mythical
Creatures (3000 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with a
Legendary Coat of Arms (6000 gp), Fine Porcelain Vase adorned with Gold and a Phoenix in relief (4000 gp), Gilded Wooden Cup
set with Bright Green Emerald and Pink Diamond (2000 gp), Gilded Wooden Medallion inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (5000
gp), Gilded Wooden Rod set with a single flawless Jacinth (5000 gp), Gold Flower Brooch engraved with Mythical Imagery (3000
gp), Gold Flower Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery (6000 gp), Jade Cup engraved with Noble Imagery (4000 gp), Jade Puzzle
Box inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (3000 gp), Jade Salt Cellar engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1000 gp), Jade Salt Cellar
engraved with a Labyrinth (3000 gp), Petrified Owl engraved with Arcane Runes (2000 gp), Platinum Cup engraved with Mythical
Creatures (3000 gp), Platinum Dagger set with Blue Diamond and Blue-white Diamond (2000 gp), Platinum Tankard engraved with
Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Porcelain Plate gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (6000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker threaded
with Platinum (2000 gp), Silk Tabard threaded with Platinum (4000 gp), Velvet Coat trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp); Chain Shirt
(Small) (+1 armor) (design provides clue to function) (1250 gp), Oil of Invisibility (300 gp), Ring of Invisibility (20000 gp), Wand of
Bull's Strength (47 of 50 charges) (inscription provides clue to function) (4230 gp); hoard total 137780 gp

Room #128 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #37

Room #129 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #161
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and the scent of ozone fills the
Room #130 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
West Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located above a small stone dais and concealed by an illusion
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, and several pieces of torn paper are scattered throughout the

Room #131 West Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #268, inhabited by 15 x Iron Golem
South Entry Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 11000 gp; Dragon Horn Comb set with a single flawless Blue-white Diamond (5000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb set with a
single flawless Pink Diamond (5000 gp), Dragon Horn Puzzle Box inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (8000 gp), Dragon Horn
Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (4000 gp), Drake Hide Mantle trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Drake Hide Merchant's Cap adorned
with a Plume (4000 gp), Drake Hide Vest trimmed with Ermine (7000 gp), Gilded Wooden Bowl engraved with Noble Imagery (9000
gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Jar adorned with Platinum and a Castle in
relief (7000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a Coat of Arms in relief (6000 gp), Perfect Rose Frozen in Time
(8000 gp), Platinum Dagger inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (5000 gp), Platinum Flower Brooch set with Blue Diamond (8000
gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Noble Imagery (4000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker threaded with Platinum (6000 gp), Silk Brocade
Choker threaded with Platinum (12000 gp), Silk Brocade Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp), Silk Brocade Tabard
trimmed with Ermine (6000 gp), Silk Cloak threaded with Platinum (6000 gp), Silk Tapestry embroidered with Platinum (6000 gp);
Ioun Stone (iridescent spindle) (18000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Siangham (Medium) (+3 weapon) (18303 gp),
Wand of Eagle's Splendor (30 of 50 charges) (2700 gp); hoard total 176003 gp

Room #132 East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #267
South Entry #1 Archway
South Entry #2 Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A ladder ascends to a balcony hanging from the west wall, and a set of demonic war masks hangs on the south wall
Monster 14 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Agateware Plate painted with Pastoral Imagery (600 gp), Bloodstone Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (1300 gp),
Brocade Gown threaded with Silver (800 gp), Dragon Horn Comb engraved with Draconic Scales (700 gp), Electrum Bell set with
Blue Diamond and Blue-white Diamond (400 gp), Electrum Medallion engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1000 gp), Fine Leather
Armor trimmed with Squirrel Fur (800 gp), Fine Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1000 gp), Fine Steel
Mask inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (800 gp), Fine Steel Orb inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (800 gp), Gold Dagger engraved
with an Ancient Coat of Arms (800 gp), Gold Pendant engraved with Noble Imagery (600 gp), Ivory Comb engraved with a
Renowned Coat of Arms (700 gp), Jet Salt Cellar engraved with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (1200 gp), Lacquered Wooden
Chalice inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (1600 gp), Lacquered Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (1000 gp),
Moonstone Rod set with a single Star Ruby (600 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Shoes tooled with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (800
gp), Porcelain Cup adorned with Platinum and a Unicorn in relief (1400 gp), Set of a Fine Steel Rapier and Dagger engraved with a
Renowned Coat of Arms (600 gp), Silk Choker trimmed with Genette (500 gp), Steel Censer engraved with Elven Script (900 gp),
Velvet Vest threaded with Electrum (1000 gp); hoard total 19900 gp
Trap Magic Missle Turret: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 6 rounds; no reset; magic missile (18d6 force
damage); never miss; Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32

Room #133 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #270, inhabited by 15 x Iron Golem
East Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A carved stone statue stands in the west side of the room, and a pile of trash lies in the south-west corner of the

Room #134 North Entry #1 Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (20d6 sonic damage, DC 24 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
North Entry #2 Archway
East Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +18 ranged (18d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #269, inhabited by 9 x Glabrezu
Room Features A magical pool in the north side of the room ages whomever drinks from it (but only once), and someone has scrawled a large X on
the south wall
Monster 17 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #135 North Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (17d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #193, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #301, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Symbol of Petrification: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; petrification (petrified, DC 24 Fort save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Hidden Treasure Unlocked Strong Wooden Chest (hard 5, 20 hp)

16000 gp; Agateware Chalice embossed with Elven Script (500 gp), Brocade Mantle trimmed with Fox Fur (1000 gp), Brocade Sash
trimmed with Fox Fur (600 gp), Copper Warhammer etched with Draconic Scales (400 gp), Fine Steel Bell engraved with Noble
Imagery (300 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (400 gp), Jasper Cup set with a single Bright Green Emerald (500
gp), Lacquered Wooden Chalice inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with
Elven Script (200 gp), Malachite Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (1000 gp), Marble Coffer engraved with Arcane Runes (300
gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots sewn with Silver (300 gp), Porcelain Tile adorned with Silver and a Coat of Arms in relief (100 gp),
Portrait (of a male human merchant) in a Rosewood Frame set with Peridot and Rose Quartz (200 gp), Rosewood Bowl engraved
with a Labyrinth (500 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with Floral Vines (600 gp), Rosewood Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth
(500 gp), Stoneware Tureen embossed with Draconic Runes (600 gp); Light Wooden Shield (Medium) (+2 shield, Animated)
(16153 gp), Ring of Minor Cold Resistance (12000 gp), Ring of Minor Spell Storing (Lawful Good, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14, Ego 6,
Speech (Common) and telepathy (wielder only), Vision (120 ft.) and hearing, Intimidate 10 ranks, Locate Object 3/day) (33500 gp),
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (42 of 50 charges) (3780 gp); hoard total 89533 gp

Room #136 North Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #302
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 18 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
South Entry Archway
Room Features A forge and anvil sit in the north-east corner of the room, and laughter fills the room

Room #137 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #217
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #218, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a tapestry of vile acts
→ Leads to room #302
Room Features A fountain of water sits against the north wall, and moaning can be heard in the center of the room
Monster 15 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 15000 gp; Agateware Ewer painted with Mythical Imagery (1000 gp), Bloodstone Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (400
gp), Bone Chalice engraved with Spirals (300 gp), Copper Flower Brooch inlaid with Gold (300 gp), Copper Torc etched with
Draconic Runes (400 gp), Electrum Cup engraved with Draconic Runes (400 gp), Electrum Ring engraved with Elven Script (600
gp), Electrum Shield Brooch inlaid with Gold (300 gp), Fine Leather Belt with an Electrum Buckle (1000 gp), Fine Leather
Coinpurse tooled with Elven Script (700 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (100 gp), Ivory Rod engraved with
Spirals (900 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch set with Aquamarine and Black Pearl (500 gp), Jasper Salt Cellar set with a single Blue-white
Diamond (100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup engraved with a Renowned Coat of Arms (200 gp), Leather Saddle sewn with Silver
(300 gp), Linen Robe threaded with Copper (300 gp), Moonstone Cup set with a Rosette of Aquamarine (500 gp), Obsidian
Scepter engraved with Dwarven Runes (300 gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves threaded with Electrum (1000 gp), Petrified Songbird inlaid
with Gold (1000 gp), Pewter Crown engraved with Thorned Vines (200 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box set with a single Fire Opal (600
gp), Set of Crystal Polyhedral Dice (300 gp), Silver Circlet engraved with Thorned Vines (400 gp), Steel Chalice set with a single
Rich Purple Corundum (300 gp), Steel Longsword etched with Arcane Runes (200 gp), Stoneware Bowl adorned with Silver and a
Crown and Throne in relief (800 gp); Battleaxe (Small) (+3 weapon) (sheds light) (18310 gp), Rod of Extend Metamagic (11000 gp)
(inscription provides clue to function), Wand of Magic Missile (5th) (23 of 50 charges) (Delusion curse) (1725 gp); hoard total 59435
Room #138 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #301, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
West Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #215
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 2600 pp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Amethyst (100 gp), Aquamarine (200 gp), Black Opal (1100 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp),
Bloodstone (60 gp), Blue Quartz (6 gp), Chrysoprase (60 gp), Citrine (50 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (600 gp), Emerald (700 gp), Fire
Opal (1200 gp), Freshwater Pearl (16 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Jet (90 gp), Moonstone (60 gp), Peridot (40 gp), Peridot
(70 gp), Pink Pearl (120 gp), Red-brown Spinel (100 gp), Red-brown Spinel (110 gp), Rock Crystal (70 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp),
Silver Pearl (60 gp), Tourmaline (110 gp), Turquoise (8 gp); Boots of Levitation (7500 gp), Divine Scroll (Wall of Thorns (1125 gp),
Sunburst (3000 gp)) (total 4125 gp), Longbow (Small) (+4 weapon, Unholy) (design provides clue to function) (72375 gp), Maul of
the Titans (25305 gp), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (300 gp), Ring of Evasion (25000 gp), Ring of Wizardry (II) (40000 gp)
(inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 207285 gp
Trap Symbol of Petrification: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; petrification (petrified, DC 22 Fort save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32

Room #139 East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #192, inhabited by 5 x Greater Stone Golem
South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a terrified maiden, and opened by breaking her neck
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Explosive runes" on the south wall, and an overwhelming stench fills the room
Monster 12 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1900 pp; Fine Leather Coinpurse sewn with Gold (1400 gp), Gilded Wooden Medallion inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum
(1100 gp), Ivory Rod inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (1300 gp), Jasper Orb engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (700 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Bowl engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Lacquered Wooden Orb inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork
(1000 gp), Lacquered Wooden Orb inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (500 gp), Silver Bowl engraved with Arcane Runes (1000 gp),
Velvet Sash trimmed with Squirrel Fur (900 gp); hoard total 27300 gp
Trap Fireball Turret: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 4 rounds; no reset; fireball (21d6 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex
save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

1900 pp; Amethyst (90 gp), Banded Agate (11 gp), Black Opal (1000 gp), Black Pearl (300 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp), Blue Star
Sapphire (900 gp), Carnelian (80 gp), Fire Opal (900 gp), Freshwater Pearl (12 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Lapis Lazuli (9
gp), Lapis Lazuli (13 gp), Malachite (10 gp), Malachite (12 gp), Moss Agate (13 gp), 2 x Onyx (30 gp), Pink Pearl (100 gp), Red
Spinel (90 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (600 gp), Rock Crystal (40 gp), Smoky Quartz (20 gp), Smoky Quartz (70 gp), Tourmaline
(80 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp), Zircon (50 gp); Divine Scroll (Transmute Mud to Rock (1125 gp), 2 x Wall of Stone (1125 gp), Wall
of Thorns (1125 gp)) (total 3375 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (Mithral) (+4 shield) (17020 gp); hoard total 45455 gp

Room #140 North Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #212, inhabited by 9 x Glabrezu
North Entry #2 Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #191
East Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
South Entry Archway
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #141 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
West Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room #142 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #189
East Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 32000 gp; Agate Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (900 gp), Agate Plate set with a single Amethyst (100 gp), Agateware
Salt Cellar adorned with Gold and a Coat of Arms in relief (900 gp), Bloodstone Cup inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (400
gp), Bone Coffer engraved with Spirals (500 gp), Copper Medallion engraved with Draconic Scales (100 gp), Earthenware Vase
painted with Woodland Imagery (300 gp), Electrum Salt Cellar engraved with Draconic Scales (600 gp), Embroidered Woolen
Tapestry (100 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (200 gp), Fine Steel Bell set with Blue Sapphire (400 gp), Fine Steel
Rod engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Jasper Salt Cellar set with Fiery Yellow Corundum (400 gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup
inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (500 gp), Large Silver Mirror (500 gp), Linen Gown threaded with Copper (600 gp), Marble Plate
set with Jade (300 gp), Moonstone Cup engraved with Arcane Runes (500 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots tooled with Draconic
Scales (300 gp), Pewter Crown engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (200 gp), Porcelain Cup painted with Noble Imagery (100 gp),
Silver Amulet set with a single Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Silver Bell inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (600 gp), Velvet
Merchant's Cap threaded with Electrum (200 gp); Bracers of Armor (+8) (64000 gp), Rod of Extend Metamagic (greater) (24500
gp), Staff of Frost (33 of 50 charges) (37125 gp), Staff of Necromancy (7 of 50 charges) (9100 gp); hoard total 176625 gp

Room #143 North Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)

→ Leads to room #69, inhabited by 13 x Iron Golem
West Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #17
South Entry Archway
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 28000 gp; Agateware Jar gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (600 gp), Bloodstone Puzzle Box engraved with
Noble Imagery (700 gp), Carved Wooden Staff with Electrum Studs (1200 gp), Coral Cup inlaid with Platinum (300 gp), Dragon
Horn Comb set with Blue Sapphire and White Opal (400 gp), Electrum Chime set with a Rosette of Pink Diamond (800 gp),
Electrum Ring inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (800 gp), Fine Leather Coat tooled with Arcane Runes (1100 gp), Fine Leather
Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (600 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Genette (900 gp), Fine Leather
Saddle tooled with Elven Script (1200 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with Floral Vines (600 gp), Fine Porcelain Cup adorned
with Gold and a Coat of Arms in relief (600 gp), Fine Porcelain Tile adorned with Gold and a Coat of Arms in relief (1200 gp), Fine
Porcelain Tile gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (800 gp), Fine Steel Torc engraved with Elven Script (1000 gp), Gold Chime
inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (900 gp), Jasper Plate engraved with Draconic Runes (1000 gp), Jasper Puzzle Box engraved
with an Ancient Coat of Arms (800 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with Elven Script (300 gp), Linen Gown
trimmed with Squirrel Fur (700 gp), Malachite Brazier engraved with Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Shoes tooled
with Elven Script (1300 gp), Petrified Rabbit inlaid with Gold (600 gp), Porcelain Bowl painted with Noble Imagery (300 gp), Scroll of
Masterwork Calligraphy (1200 gp), Velvet Mantle trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1300 gp); Rod of Thunder and Lightning (33000 gp)
(inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 83500 gp

Room #144 West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #18, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 14 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1300 pp; Amber (110 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Azurite (11 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Bloodstone (40 gp), Blue Quartz
(9 gp), Deep Green Spinel (130 gp), Eye Agate (10 gp), Freshwater Pearl (7 gp), Freshwater Pearl (12 gp), Moss Agate (11 gp),
Moss Agate (12 gp), Onyx (30 gp), Onyx (60 gp), Red-brown Spinel (80 gp), Star Rose Quartz (60 gp), Turquoise (12 gp), Zircon
(50 gp); Arcane Scroll (Mage's Private Sanctum (1125 gp), Nightmare (1125 gp), Greater Scrying (2275 gp)) (total 4525 gp), Luck
Blade (2 wishes) (102660 gp) (Medium); hoard total 121729 gp

Room #145 West Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within the mouth of a demonic face carved from stone
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #2
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the west wall, and a pile of candles lies in the north-west corner of the room
Monster 5 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #146 West Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (20d6 electricity damage, DC 24 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #20, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Constie stands here, slain by a basilisk" on the south wall, and several pieces of rotten rope are scattered
throughout the room

Room #147 West Entry #1 Archway

West Entry #2 Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #36, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1200 pp; Agate Salt Cellar engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp), Agateware Cup painted with Pastoral Imagery (100 gp),
Bone Medallion set with a single Fire Opal (160 gp), Brass Censer inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (40 gp), Brass Circlet inlaid
with a Filigree of Electrum (100 gp), Brass Longsword set with Blue Quartz and Rhodochrosite (100 gp), Cloth Gown trimmed with
Fur (90 gp), Copper Bracelet inlaid with a Filigree of Silver (70 gp), Earthenware Tankard painted with a Distinguished Coat of Arms
(50 gp), Earthenware Vase painted with Woodland Imagery (140 gp), Fine Steel Ring set with a Rosette of White Pearl (100 gp),
Jasper Salt Cellar inlaid with Electrum (110 gp), Leather Saddle trimmed with Fur (20 gp), Malachite Rod engraved with Arcane
Runes (70 gp), Pewter Bracelet engraved with Arcane Runes (70 gp), Pewter Bracer etched with Arcane Runes (50 gp), Pewter
Chalice engraved with Thorned Vines (70 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (130 gp), Set of Ivory Dice with
Copper Pips (40 gp), Silver Chime set with a single Alexandrite (60 gp), Silver Pendant engraved with Draconic Scales (100 gp),
Steel Ring engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (10 gp), Stoneware Bowl embossed with Floral Vines (90 gp), Wooden Coffer set
with Banded Agate and Turquoise (60 gp); Arcane Scroll (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (375 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp)) (total 750
gp), Oil of Invisibility (300 gp), Ring of Protection (+3) (18000 gp); hoard total 32980 gp

Room #148 East Entry Archway

South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #35, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features Someone has scrawled "ten, nine, eight" on the north wall, and a foul odor fills the room
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 18000 gp; Agate Cup engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (100 gp), Bone Puzzle Box set with Sardonyx and Smoky
Quartz (140 gp), Brass Coffer etched with Arcane Runes (110 gp), Brass Plate etched with Thorned Vines (50 gp), Earthenware
Chalice painted with Mythical Creatures (90 gp), Earthenware Vase embossed with Elven Script (70 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb
engraved with Elven Script (50 gp), Leather Saddle trimmed with Rabbit Fur (90 gp), Obsidian Orb set with a single Red Spinel
(100 gp), Pewter Medallion inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (60 gp), Portrait (of a female halfling) in a Wooden Frame set with a
single Moonstone (100 gp), Rosewood Cup set with a single Blue Star Sapphire (100 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with
Floral Vines (100 gp), Scroll of Calligraphy (70 gp), Silver Pendant inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (100 gp), Stoneware Cup
painted with Mythical Imagery (110 gp), Wooden Plate inlaid with Ornate Copper Scrollwork (110 gp), Wooden Scepter engraved
with Elven Script (20 gp); Eyes of Charming (56000 gp), Potion of Lesser Restoration (300 gp), Rod of Cancellation (11000 gp)
(design provides clue to function), Rod of Maximize Metamagic (lesser) (14000 gp), Staff of Necromancy (5 of 50 charges) (6500
gp); hoard total 107370 gp

Room #149 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #34, inhabited by 9 x Roper
West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A stack of barrels filled with rotting fruit stands against the south wall, and a rusted breastplate lies in the west side of the room
Trap Magic Missle Turret: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 6 rounds; no reset; magic missile (17d6 force
damage); never miss; Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Hidden Treasure Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

2000 pp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Azurite (11 gp), Citrine (40 gp), Coral (70 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (400 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum
(700 gp), Freshwater Pearl (8 gp), Freshwater Pearl (15 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Hematite (14 gp), Moonstone (30 gp),
Moss Agate (5 gp), Obsidian (12 gp), Sardonyx (40 gp), Turquoise (8 gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp), Violet
Garnet (600 gp); Bastard Sword (Medium) (+4 weapon) (sheds light) (32335 gp), Ring of Protection (+4) (32000 gp); hoard total
87888 gp
Room #150 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #33, inhabited by 16 x Roper
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features The walls are covered with veins of white crystal, and several pieces of rotten rope are scattered throughout the room
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 2300 pp; Rod of Silent Metamagic (11000 gp), Staff of Illumination (26 of 50 charges) (25090 gp), Wand of Magic Missile
(7th) (30 of 50 charges) (3150 gp); hoard total 62240 gp

Room #151 West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #302
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #169, inhabited by 11 x Glabrezu
Room Features Lit candles are scattered across the floor, and someone has scrawled "Abandon all hope" in draconic script on the north

Room #152 West Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15
→ Leads to room #170, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
East Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
→ Leads to room #302
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)

Room #153 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #301, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #216, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
Room Features A stair ascends to a wooden platform in the south side of the room, and a group of draconic faces have been carved into the south
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 40000 gp; Bone Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (300 gp), Brass Idol (of a Sun God) adorned with Black Pearl (500
gp), Brocade Mantle threaded with Silver (200 gp), Brocade Tabard trimmed with Fox Fur (400 gp), Brocade Vest trimmed with Fox
Fur (800 gp), Cloth Coat threaded with Silver (500 gp), Cloth Gown trimmed with Fox Fur (300 gp), Copper Crown etched with
Arcane Runes (100 gp), Copper Flower Brooch set with Aquamarine (600 gp), Earthenware Tureen painted with Mythical Creatures
(400 gp), Electrum Ring engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Fine Leather Belt trimmed with Lynx Fur (200 gp), Fine Steel Cup
engraved with Elven Script (600 gp), Fine Steel Medallion engraved with Thorned Vines (800 gp), Fine Steel Pendant set with a
Rosette of Fiery Yellow Corundum (300 gp), Fine Steel Ring set with a Rosette of Fire Opal (100 gp), Ivory Medallion inlaid with a
Filigree of Gold (400 gp), Ivory Rod inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (500 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery
(300 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch engraved with Spirals (700 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (200 gp), Jasper
Chalice inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (700 gp), Jasper Puzzle Box set with Amethyst (100 gp), Jasper Salt Cellar engraved
with a Labyrinth (200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (600 gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup inlaid with
Gold (400 gp), Linen Sash threaded with Electrum (900 gp), Obsidian Coffer inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (600 gp), Obsidian
Scepter engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Shoes tooled with Draconic Scales (1000 gp), Pewter Bracer
inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (100 gp), Pewter Crown inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (1000 gp), Pewter Torc engraved with
Thorned Vines (100 gp), Rosewood Bowl engraved with Elven Script (500 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with Arcane Runes
(800 gp), Set of Crystal Polyhedral Dice (300 gp); Arcane Scroll (Tongues (375 gp), Stoneskin (950 gp), Teleport (1125 gp)) (total
2450 gp), Breastplate (Medium) (+1 armor, Electricity Resistance) (design provides clue to function) (19350 gp), Dwarven Waraxe
(Medium) (+2 weapon) (8330 gp), Potion of Aid (300 gp); hoard total 86930 gp

Room #154 West Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #168, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Room #155 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #78
West Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
South Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 3600 pp; Agateware Chalice gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (700 gp), Agateware Plate painted with Mythical
Creatures (1200 gp), Agateware Vase painted with Mythical Imagery (400 gp), Agateware Vase painted with Woodland Imagery
(1200 gp), Brocade Robe threaded with Silver (1800 gp), Copper Censer engraved with Draconic Runes (1000 gp), Dragon Horn
Comb inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (600 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Spirals (700 gp), Electrum Amulet
inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (1200 gp), Electrum Cup inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (600 gp), Electrum Ring
Brooch inlaid with Gold (600 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (900 gp), Fine Leather Saddle tooled with
Elven Script (700 gp), Fine Leather Saddle trimmed with Squirrel Fur (700 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard trimmed with Fox Fur (600
gp), Fine Steel Bracer inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (700 gp), Gilded Wooden Cup engraved with Floral Vines (1100 gp), Gilded
Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with Floral Vines (800 gp), Gold Chime engraved with Elven Script (600 gp), Gold Pendant
engraved with Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Gold Pendant engraved with Mythical Creatures (700 gp), Gold Ring inlaid with a
Meandros of Platinum (1100 gp), Ivory Puzzle Box set with a single Blue-white Diamond (200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Scepter set
with Deep Green Spinel and Jet (600 gp), Malachite Brazier set with a single Fiery Yellow Corundum (700 gp), Malachite Orb
engraved with Arcane Runes (1000 gp), Portrait (of a female dwarf explorer) in a Lacquered Wooden Frame set with Jet (1100 gp),
Silk Choker trimmed with Genette (500 gp), Silver Bracelet set with a single Jacinth (800 gp), Velvet Sash trimmed with Squirrel Fur
(1200 gp); Figurine of Wondrous Power (onyx dog) (15500 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+1 shield, Arrow Catching) (4170
gp), Staff of Enchantment (28 of 50 charges) (36400 gp), Wand of Fireball (5th) (43 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to
function) (9675 gp), Wand of Summon Monster III (3 of 50 charges) (inscription provides clue to function) (675 gp); hoard total
127720 gp

Room #156 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (20d6 sonic damage, DC 20 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Archway
Room Features Someone has scrawled "I'd rather be at the Wench's Wand" on the west wall, and an acrid odor fills the room

Room #157 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 20 Will save negates);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
West Entry #1 Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (20d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
West Entry #2 Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and only two feet high
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (18d6 sonic damage, DC 22 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #76, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 13 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #158 East Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (17d6 electricity damage, DC 18 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #75
Trap Greater Earthquake Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthquake (21d6 damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage); multiple targets (all targets in an 80 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)

20000 gp; Alexandrite (200 gp), Amber (60 gp), Amethyst (70 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Black Opal (1200 gp), Black Pearl (400
gp), Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp), Blue Quartz (8 gp), Blue Sapphire (900 gp), Blue Sapphire (1000 gp), Brown-green Garnet (130
gp), Chalcedony (60 gp), Citrine (20 gp), Citrine (40 gp), Deep Green Spinel (130 gp), Eye Agate (11 gp), Fire Opal (700 gp),
Freshwater Pearl (8 gp), Freshwater Pearl (11 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (400 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Golden Yellow
Topaz (600 gp), Jade (130 gp), Jasper (80 gp), Jet (110 gp), Malachite (10 gp), Obsidian (10 gp), Onyx (40 gp), Peridot (40 gp),
Red Garnet (150 gp), Red Spinel (60 gp), Rhodochrosite (8 gp), Rhodochrosite (11 gp), Rock Crystal (40 gp), Smoky Quartz (20
gp), Tourmaline (80 gp), Turquoise (12 gp), Violet Garnet (200 gp), White Pearl (80 gp); hoard total 28929 gp

Room #159 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
→ Leads to room #285, inhabited by 8 x Iron Golem
Room #160 East Entry Archway
South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed by an illusion
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (17d6 sonic damage, DC 18 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 28
→ Leads to room #286
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 12000 gp; Coral Salt Cellar engraved with Mythical Creatures (900 gp), Fine Leather Coat tooled with Floral Vines (1100
gp), Fine Leather Scabbard trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1000 gp), Fine Porcelain Cup adorned with Gold and a Castle in relief (1200
gp), Gilded Wooden Comb engraved with Elven Script (600 gp), Gold Cup set with a single Jacinth (1200 gp), Ivory Puzzle Box
inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (900 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl inlaid with Platinum (1200 gp), Set of a Fine Steel Rapier and
Dagger inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (700 gp), Silver Longsword set with Golden Pearl (1000 gp), Stoneware Tureen painted
with Woodland Imagery (900 gp); Staff of the Woodlands (44 of 50 charges) (89100 gp); hoard total 111800 gp

Room #161 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #287, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone Golem
South Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #129
South Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features Laughter can be heard in the north-east corner of the room, and several iron spikes are scattered throughout the

Room #162 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #288
East Entry Archway
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 50000 gp; Coral Brazier engraved with Mythical Creatures (4000 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with Draconic
Scales (4000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb set with a single flawless Blue Diamond (3000 gp), Dragon Horn Rod set with a Rosette of
Pink Diamond (2000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Mythical Imagery (4000 gp), Fine Leather Saddle tooled with
Mythical Creatures (5000 gp), Gilded Wooden Bowl inlaid with Orichalcum (4000 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice engraved with
Mythical Imagery (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with Arcane Runes (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Puzzle Box
engraved with Mythical Creatures (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch set with Blue Diamond (3000 gp), Gold Censer
engraved with Thorned Vines (5000 gp), Gold Ewer set with Blue-white Diamond (2000 gp), Gold Tankard engraved with Noble
Imagery (2000 gp), Gold Warhammer inlaid with Platinum (3000 gp), Jade Cup engraved with a Labyrinth (4000 gp), Marble Statue
(of a male halfling necromancer) adorned with Gold (1000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Cup adorned with Platinum and a Castle in relief
(3000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Ewer adorned with Platinum and a Crown and Throne in relief (4000 gp), Ornate Silver Mirror framed in
Gold (2000 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Boots tooled with Draconic Scales (2000 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Boots trimmed with Ermine
(6000 gp), Petrified Serpent set with Blue Diamond and Bright Green Emerald (1000 gp), Platinum Bell engraved with Mythical
Imagery (4000 gp), Platinum Dagger engraved with an Ancient Coat of Arms (6000 gp), Platinum Pendant inlaid with a Filigree of
Orichalcum (5000 gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Elven Script (3000 gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Mythical Creatures (4000
gp), Porcelain Plate adorned with Platinum and a Phoenix in relief (1000 gp), Silk Carpet embroidered with Gold (1000 gp), Silk
Cloak threaded with Gold (5000 gp), Silk Gown trimmed with Genette (2000 gp); Greataxe (Small) (+3 weapon) (sheds light) (18320
gp), Ioun Stone (pale lavender ellipsoid) (20000 gp); hoard total 186320 gp

Room #163 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #26, inhabited by 9 x Iron Golem
East Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features Several iron cages are scattered throughout the room, and the ceiling is covered with

Room #164 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #25, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
Room Features A tile labyrinth covers the floor, and someone has scrawled "Who took my elf skull" in goblin runes on the west
Room #165 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #28, inhabited by 5 x Greater Stone Golem

South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #219, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
Room Features A well lies in the west side of the room, and a ruined siege weapon sits in the west side of the

Room #166 North Entry Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)

East Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #27

Room #167 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
West Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Dread: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #216, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and a stack of water-filled barrels stands against the north wall
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 34000 gp; Belt of woven Silk Cord (1700 gp), Brocade Cloak threaded with Gold (1500 gp), Coral Bowl engraved with
Mythical Imagery (1700 gp), Dragon Horn Medallion set with Blue-white Diamond (1400 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved
with Noble Imagery (1300 gp), Electrum Bracelet engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1500 gp), Electrum Crown engraved with
Arcane Runes (1300 gp), Electrum Longsword engraved with Arcane Runes (1800 gp), Electrum Orb set with Deep Blue Spinel
and Violet Garnet (1900 gp), Electrum Rapier engraved with Draconic Runes (1600 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Squirrel
Fur (1100 gp), Fine Porcelain Tile gilded and painted with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (1300 gp), Fine Steel Warhammer set with
Blue Star Sapphire (1700 gp), Gold Bracelet inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (1500 gp), Gold Rapier engraved with Dwarven
Axeheads (1900 gp), Gold Ring engraved with Noble Imagery (1400 gp), Gold Rod inlaid with Platinum (2100 gp), Ivory Coffer
engraved with Spirals (1100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl engraved with Arcane Runes (2300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Plate set
with Black Pearl and Deep Blue Spinel (1000 gp), Platinum Chime set with a Rosette of Pink Diamond (1300 gp), Platinum Ring
engraved with Draconic Runes (1400 gp), Porcelain Vase painted with a Legendary Coat of Arms (1300 gp), Silk Brocade Choker
threaded with Platinum (800 gp), Silk Mantle trimmed with Genette (900 gp), Silk Vest trimmed with Genette (1200 gp), Velvet Cloak
threaded with Electrum (1900 gp), Velvet Robe threaded with Electrum (1000 gp), Velvet Sash threaded with Platinum (1700 gp),
Velvet Sash trimmed with Ermine (1700 gp), Velvet Tabard trimmed with Ermine (500 gp), Velvet Tabard trimmed with Ermine
(1800 gp), Velvet Vest trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp); Arcane Scroll (Wind Wall (375 gp)) (total 375 gp), Arcane Scroll (Stoneskin
(950 gp)) (Requirement curse) (total 950 gp), Arcane Scroll (Speak with Animals (525 gp), Break Enchantment (1125 gp)) (total
1650 gp), Arcane Scroll (Clenched Fist (3000 gp)) (total 3000 gp), Divine Scroll (Cure Critical Wounds (700 gp)) (total 700 gp),
Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+3 shield, Fire Resistance) (inscription provides clue to function) (27170 gp), Rod of Extend
Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp), Rod of Quicken Metamagic (75500 gp), Wand of False Life (14 of 50 charges) (1260 gp); hoard
total 217705 gp
Trap Magic Missle Turret: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 4 rounds; no reset; magic missile (17d6 force
damage); never miss; Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
Hidden Treasure Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Magic Missle Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; magic missile (18d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30

2200 pp; Dragon Horn Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (1400 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch set with a Rosette of Canary
Diamond (1700 gp), Electrum Amulet engraved with Mythical Imagery (1900 gp), Electrum Censer engraved with Arcane Runes
(1600 gp), Electrum Crown engraved with Arcane Runes (1600 gp), Fine Leather Belt trimmed with Ermine (1700 gp), Fine Leather
Coinpurse tooled with Mythical Imagery (1700 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Sable (1700 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice
engraved with Mythical Imagery (1200 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice inlaid with Platinum (1500 gp), Gold Cup engraved with
Mythical Imagery (1500 gp), Ivory Scepter engraved with Draconic Scales (1400 gp), Ivory Scepter engraved with Mythical
Creatures (1400 gp), Jade Cup set with a Rosette of Jacinth (1500 gp), Jade Salt Cellar set with a Rosette of Blue Diamond (2200
gp), Lacquered Wooden Coffer engraved with a Labyrinth (1500 gp), Lacquered Wooden Scepter engraved with Elven Script (1900
gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1300 gp), Painting of a Paladin in Hell in an Ivory Frame
inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (1400 gp), Platinum Shield Brooch inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (1500 gp), Porcelain Vase
painted with Mythical Imagery (1200 gp), Silk Brocade Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum (1900 gp), Silver Coffer inlaid with a
Meandros of Platinum (1600 gp), Velvet Gown threaded with Electrum (1600 gp); hoard total 59900 gp
Room #168 North Entry Archway
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #2
East Entry #1 Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #154
East Entry #2 Archway
→ Leads to room #215
Room Features A rope ascends to a balcony hanging from the south wall, and the north and west walls have been engraved with geometric
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #169 North Entry Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #151
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 14000 gp; Dragon Horn Chalice set with Blue Diamond (2000 gp), Dragon Horn Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (5000
gp), Dragon Horn Scepter set with a Rosette of Blue Star Sapphire (3000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (5000
gp), Electrum Bracer engraved with Draconic Runes (1000 gp), Electrum Mace set with Canary Diamond and Jacinth (2000 gp),
Electrum Orb inlaid with Orichalcum (2000 gp), Fine Leather Mantle sewn with Platinum (3000 gp), Fine Leather Mantle sewn with
Platinum (5000 gp), Fine Leather Vest tooled with Mythical Imagery (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden Coffer engraved with Floral Vines
(2000 gp), Gold Mask engraved with Elven Script (2000 gp), Jade Bowl set with Blue Diamond and Jacinth (3000 gp), Jet Orb set
with Blue Sapphire and Fiery Yellow Corundum (2000 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Boots tooled with Floral Vines (1000 gp), Platinum
Ring set with Brown Diamond and Canary Diamond (3000 gp), Platinum Rod engraved with Noble Imagery (6000 gp), Porcelain
Plate gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (1000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp); Manual of Quickness
in Action (+1) (27500 gp) (design provides clue to function), Ring of Evasion (25000 gp); hoard total 119500 gp

Room #170 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
East Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #152
Room Features The walls have been engraved with endless spirals, and a dagger hilt lies in the south-east corner of the room
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 17000 gp; Blue Quartz (11 gp), Blue Sapphire (1000 gp), Blue Sapphire (1200 gp), Blue Star Sapphire (1100 gp), Citrine
(30 gp), Coral (120 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (700 gp), Emerald (1100 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (1200 gp), Freshwater Pearl (10
gp), Freshwater Pearl (15 gp), Golden Pearl (110 gp), Moonstone (60 gp), Peridot (20 gp), Red-brown Spinel (110 gp),
Rhodochrosite (12 gp), Rock Crystal (30 gp), Rock Crystal (40 gp), Sardonyx (60 gp), Star Rose Quartz (40 gp), Tourmaline (120
gp), Turquoise (9 gp), Zircon (60 gp); Potion of Nondetection (750 gp), Ring of Wizardry (I) (20000 gp), Wand of Cat's Grace (30 of
50 charges) (inscription provides clue to function) (2700 gp); hoard total 47607 gp
Room #171 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #42, inhabited by 4 x Greater Stone Golem
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 5800 pp; Agateware Plate gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (1100 gp), Electrum Chalice set with a Rosette of
Blue Diamond (1800 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Sable (1800 gp), Fine Leather Mantle tooled with Elven Script (1600 gp),
Fine Leather Saddle trimmed with Genette (1200 gp), Fine Leather Saddle trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1600 gp), Fine Leather
Scabbard tooled with Draconic Scales (1900 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Ermine (1000 gp), Fine Porcelain Jar gilded and
painted with Mythical Creatures (1100 gp), Gilded Wooden Comb engraved with Elven Script (1700 gp), Gold Ewer set with a single
Jacinth (1400 gp), Gold Pendant engraved with Draconic Scales (1600 gp), Ivory Coffer engraved with Spirals (1100 gp), Jasper
Plate engraved with Noble Imagery (1800 gp), Jet Cup inlaid with Orichalcum (1800 gp), Jet Salt Cellar inlaid with a Filigree of
Orichalcum (1600 gp), Moonstone Puzzle Box set with Jacinth (1500 gp), Ornate Porcelain Cup gilded and painted with Mythical
Creatures (2100 gp), Pair of Drake Hide Shoes trimmed with Genette (1500 gp), Petrified Falcon inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum
(1600 gp); Arcane Scroll (Phantom Steed (375 gp), Polymorph (700 gp)) (total 1075 gp), Divine Scroll (Animal Messenger (150 gp),
Helping Hand (375 gp), Break Enchantment (700 gp)) (Delusion curse) (total 1225 gp), Full Plate (Medium) (+3 armor) (inscription
provides clue to function) (10650 gp), Manual of Bodily Health (+2) (55000 gp), Potion of Water Breathing (750 gp), Ring of Water
Command (200000 gp) (Completely different effect curse); hoard total 357500 gp

Room #172 North Entry #1 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #41
North Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #77
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the east wall, and a putrid odor fills the north-east corner of the

Room #173 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #76, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20
→ Leads to room #44

Room #174 West Entry #1 Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10
West Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #43, inhabited by 6 x Iron Golem
Room #175 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #112, inhabited by 8 x Iron Golem
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 19000 gp; Amber Rod engraved with Dwarven Runes (4000 gp), Amber Rod inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork
(7000 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with Mythical Creatures (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb set with Blue Diamond (4000 gp),
Drake Hide Coat trimmed with Ermine (6000 gp), Drake Hide Mantle tooled with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (4000 gp), Drake
Hide Mantle trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp), Drake Hide Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (7000 gp), Drake Hide Vest sewn
with Platinum (5000 gp), Jade Cup inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (5000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile gilded and painted with
Mythical Imagery (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Vase adorned with Platinum and a Castle in relief (5000 gp), Platinum Bracelet set
with Blue Diamond and Jacinth (3000 gp), Platinum Bracer set with a Rosette of Canary Diamond (5000 gp), Platinum Rod
engraved with an Ancient Coat of Arms (3000 gp), Platinum Scepter inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (7000 gp), Platinum
Tankard engraved with Mythical Creatures (6000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker threaded with Platinum (3000 gp), Silk Brocade
Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (7000 gp), Silk Brocade Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum (4000 gp), Silk Carpet
embroidered with Platinum (6000 gp), Silk Cloak trimmed with Ermine (9000 gp); Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+2 shield) (4170
gp), Potion of Gaseous Form (750 gp), Wand of Bear's Endurance (41 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (3690 gp);
hoard total 140610 gp

Trap Freeze Bomb: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; freeze bomb (17d6 cold damage and grappled, DC 20
Reflex save for half damage only, otherwise Escape Artist DC 30 to escape grapple); multiple targets (all targets in a 20 ft. radius
burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)

12000 gp; Aquamarine (400 gp), Bloodstone (40 gp), Blue Quartz (8 gp), Blue Quartz (13 gp), Chrysoberyl (90 gp), Eye Agate (8
gp), Eye Agate (11 gp), Freshwater Pearl (7 gp), 2 x Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Hematite (11 gp), Jade (110 gp), Moonstone
(40 gp), Moonstone (60 gp), Obsidian (11 gp), Peridot (30 gp), Red-brown Spinel (130 gp), Rhodochrosite (11 gp), Rose Quartz
(80 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Star Rose Quartz (50 gp), Star Rose Quartz (60 gp), Tourmaline (70 gp), Zircon (60 gp); Divine
Scroll (Inflict Serious Wounds (375 gp), Remove Curse (375 gp), Break Enchantment (700 gp), Poison (700 gp)) (total 2150 gp),
Heavy Mace (Medium) (+3 weapon) (18312 gp), Potion of Nondetection (750 gp); hoard total 35562 gp

Room #176 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (17d6 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 9000 gp; Amber (130 gp), Black Opal (900 gp), Black Star Sapphire (900 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp), Carnelian (70 gp),
Eye Agate (11 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (700 gp), Hematite (8 gp), Malachite (8 gp), Moonstone
(50 gp), Moss Agate (8 gp), Moss Agate (11 gp), Red Spinel (130 gp), Rose Quartz (40 gp), Tourmaline (110 gp), Violet Garnet
(700 gp), White Pearl (90 gp); Arcane Scroll (Dimension Door (700 gp)) (total 700 gp), Heavy Steel Shield (Medium) (+1 shield)
(1170 gp), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (750 gp); hoard total 15797 gp

Room #177 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #272
East Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #114
South Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a terrified maiden, and opened by breaking her
South Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #274


Room #178 East Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; acid spray (16d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30

Room #179 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A magical statue in the west side of the room answers questions with insults, and the floor is covered in perfect hexagonal
Room #180 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
South Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (19d6 electricity damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features A tile mosaic of a god of knowledge covers the floor, and someone has scrawled a demonic face on the south wall
Monster 4 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 7000 gp; Agateware Cup gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (300 gp), Agateware Salt Cellar adorned with Gold
and a Demon in relief (100 gp), Bloodstone Cup engraved with Mythical Imagery (600 gp), Bone Chalice engraved with Spirals (500
gp), Bone Orb engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Bone Scepter inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (100 gp), Electrum
Dagger engraved with Draconic Runes (500 gp), Electrum Pendant engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (600 gp), Fine Leather
Armor tooled with Floral Vines (900 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Squirrel Fur (200 gp), Ivory Chalice set with a
single Golden Yellow Topaz (100 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch inlaid with Gold (500 gp), Lacquered Wooden Medallion engraved with
Elven Script (200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (300 gp), Malachite Orb engraved with
Draconic Runes (300 gp), Pewter Censer engraved with Thorned Vines (600 gp), Porcelain Cup adorned with Silver and a Dragon
in relief (600 gp), Scroll of Fine Calligraphy (600 gp), Silver Ewer engraved with Thorned Vines (600 gp); Potion of Displacement
(750 gp), Potion of Eagle's Splendor (300 gp), Scimitar (Medium) (+1 weapon) (2315 gp); hoard total 18565 gp

Room #181 North Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
East Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (16d6 sonic damage, DC 20 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #84, inhabited by 5 x Greater Stone Golem
Trap Freeze Bomb: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; freeze bomb (21d6 cold damage and grappled, DC 24
Reflex save for half damage only, otherwise Escape Artist DC 30 to escape grapple); multiple targets (all targets in a 20 ft. radius
burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30

Room #182 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
West Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; magic missile (18d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #83, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
Monster 1 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage and 13 x Aboleth

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 14000 gp; Amber (140 gp), Banded Agate (8 gp), Blue Quartz (9 gp), Chalcedony (40 gp), Coral (80 gp), Deep Blue
Spinel (700 gp), Iolite (60 gp), Jet (70 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp), Moss Agate (9 gp), Moss Agate (11 gp), Obsidian (12 gp), Onyx
(40 gp), Rhodochrosite (6 gp), White Opal (900 gp); Potion of Eagle's Splendor (300 gp), Potion of Undetectable Alignment (300
gp), Ring of Counterspells (4000 gp); hoard total 20697 gp

Aboleth: CR 7; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+40; hp 76; Init +1; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 16 (-2 size, +1 dex, +7
natural), touch 9, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +6; Grp +22; Atk +12 melee (1d6+8 plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +12 melee (1d6+8 plus
slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud; AL
LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +11; Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17
Skills and Feats: Concentration +16, Knowledge (any one) +13, Listen +16, Spot +16, Swim +8; Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron
Treasure: 1200 pp; Blue Star Sapphire (1200 gp), Chrysoprase (50 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (600 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (700 gp), Eye
Agate (11 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Jet (90 gp), Moss Agate (9 gp), Obsidian (7 gp), Onyx (50 gp); Arcane Scroll
(Pyrotechnics (150 gp)) (total 150 gp), Arcane Scroll (Disguise Self (25 gp), Magic Weapon (25 gp), Cure Moderate Wounds (200
gp)) (Opposite effect or target curse) (total 250 gp), Arcane Scroll (Flare (12 gp 5 sp), Dispel Magic (375 gp)) (total 387 gp 5 sp),
Horn of the Tritons (15100 gp), Potion of Enlarge Person (250 gp), Potion of Levitate (300 gp), Potion of Protection from Arrows
(10/magic) (300 gp); hoard total 31754 gp 5 sp

Room #183 North Entry #1 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #243, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
North Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features A well lies in the west side of the room, and mournful weeping can be heard in the south-east corner of the
Room #184 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (19d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #244, inhabited by 10 x Roper
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #242, inhabited by 13 x Iron Golem
Room Features A magical statue in the north-west corner of the room answers simple questions about the dungeon (points directions), and a
balcony hangs from the south wall

Room #185 East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (21d6 sonic damage, DC 22 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features Several headless statues are scattered throughout the room, and several pieces of rotting wood are scattered throughout the room
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 3800 pp; Bloodstone Salt Cellar inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (600 gp), Brocade Choker threaded with Gold (100
gp), Brocade Choker threaded with Gold (700 gp), Brocade Tabard threaded with Silver (400 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse tooled
with Draconic Scales (500 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard trimmed with Rabbit Fur (800 gp), Fine Leather Vest tooled with Draconic
Scales (800 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (100 gp), Fine Steel Salt Cellar set with a single Pink Diamond (300 gp),
Ivory Comb engraved with Arcane Runes (100 gp), Onyx Salt Cellar engraved with Draconic Runes (300 gp), Pewter Crown inlaid
with Electrum (500 gp), Porcelain Tile painted with Noble Imagery (400 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with Floral Vines (100
gp), Rosewood Scepter set with a single Red-brown Spinel (100 gp), Silver Rod set with Golden Pearl (600 gp), Velvet Merchant's
Cap threaded with Electrum (100 gp); Arcane Scroll (Fabricate (1125 gp), Mage's Sword (2275 gp)) (total 3400 gp), Belt of
Dwarvenkind (14900 gp) (inscription provides clue to function) (Delusion curse), Manual of Bodily Health (+1) (27500 gp); hoard
total 90300 gp

Room #186 East Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break

Room #187 South Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry #2 Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32

Room Features A weapon rack and crude idol sit in the north-east corner of the room, and a pile of corroded iron spikes lies in the north-east corner
of the room

Room #188 West Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 6200 pp; Agate Cup inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (110 gp), Bone Coffer engraved with Draconic Scales (120 gp), Bone
Orb set with Rhodochrosite and Turquoise (70 gp), Cloth Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (150 gp), Copper Amulet inlaid with Ornate
Silver Scrollwork (80 gp), Copper Ewer inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (100 gp), Earthenware Ewer painted with Noble Imagery
(100 gp), Earthenware Ewer painted with Pastoral Imagery (120 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse trimmed with Squirrel Fur (120 gp),
Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Squirrel Fur (120 gp), Lacquered Wooden Medallion engraved with Arcane Runes (100
gp), Leather Scabbard trimmed with Fur (30 gp), Linen Vest threaded with Copper (10 gp), Linen Vest trimmed with Rabbit Fur (50
gp), Malachite Salt Cellar inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (60 gp), Obsidian Puzzle Box engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (60
gp), Pewter Orb etched with Elven Script (60 gp), Set of Crystal Dice (90 gp), Silver Pendant set with a Rosette of Silver Pearl (50
gp), Small Woolen Tapestry (90 gp), Steel Chime set with Alexandrite and Golden Yellow Topaz (10 gp), Stoneware Tile adorned
with Silver and a Crown and Throne in relief (90 gp), Wooden Chalice set with a single Deep Blue Spinel (100 gp), Wooden Puzzle
Box inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (120 gp); Necklace of Fireballs (VII) (9150 gp), Ring of Mind Shielding (8000 gp) (inscription
provides clue to function), Rod of Enlarge Metamagic (lesser) (3000 gp); hoard total 84160 gp

Room #189 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #142, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room #190 North Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Acidbomb Turret: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 4 rounds; no reset; acid burst (17d6 acid damage for 1d4
rounds, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC

Room #191 East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #140, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem

Room #192 West Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #139, inhabited by 12 x Glabrezu
West Entry #2 Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind an area of slime
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features The south and east walls have been engraved with incoherent labyrinths, and a fountain of water sits against the south wall
Monster 5 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Magic Missle Turret: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 5 rounds; no reset; magic missile (13d6 force
damage); never miss; Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32

Room #193 East Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
East Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (17d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #135, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Room Features A mural of a demonic god covers the ceiling, and a forge and anvil sit in the south-west corner of the room
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Rune of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 25) Unlocked Good Wooden Chest (hard 5, 15 hp)

2000 pp; Bone Coffer engraved with Spirals (40 gp), Bone Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (130 gp), Brass Torc set with a
Rosette of Citrine (110 gp), Cloth Coat trimmed with Rabbit Fur (100 gp), Copper Dagger engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (20
gp), Earthenware Plate painted with Pastoral Imagery (30 gp), Earthenware Vase embossed with Draconic Runes (130 gp), Fine
Leather Coinpurse tooled with Elven Script (70 gp), Fine Leather Coinpurse trimmed with Squirrel Fur (130 gp), Fine Leather
Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (120 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Squirrel Fur (90 gp), Fine Steel Shield
Brooch set with Red-brown Spinel (90 gp), Ivory Medallion engraved with Arcane Runes (100 gp), Ivory Medallion inlaid with a
Meandros of Electrum (160 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (70 gp), Linen Choker
trimmed with Squirrel Fur (70 gp), Linen Mantle threaded with Copper (40 gp), Malachite Salt Cellar inlaid with Gold (120 gp),
Marble Orb inlaid with Silver (60 gp), Necklace of Banded Agate (90 gp), Pewter Bowl set with a single Deep Blue Spinel (150 gp),
Pewter Bracer set with Blue Quartz and Lapis Lazuli (40 gp), Rosewood Puzzle Box engraved with Arcane Runes (110 gp), Set of
Ivory Dice with Copper Pips (30 gp); Decanter of Endless Water (9000 gp) (Drawback curse), Oil of Daylight (750 gp), Ring of
Clumsiness (500 gp), Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (39 of 50 charges) (3510 gp); hoard total 35860 gp
Room #194 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #53, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone Golem
Room Features The north and east walls are covered with claw marks, and a bent dagger lies in the south-west corner of the room
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 40000 gp; Agateware Bowl painted with a Renowned Coat of Arms (100 gp), Agateware Salt Cellar adorned with Gold
and a Crown and Throne in relief (400 gp), Bloodstone Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of Brown-green Garnet (500 gp), Brass Torc
inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (200 gp), Brocade Mantle threaded with Silver (300 gp), Crystal Orb (300 gp), Electrum Chime
engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Fine Leather Belt tooled with Elven Script (100 gp), Fine Leather Mantle tooled with Arcane
Runes (200 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard sewn with Copper (300 gp), Fine Steel Cup inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (200 gp), Ivory
Shield Brooch inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Chalice inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (500
gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with
Arcane Runes (800 gp), Linen Coat trimmed with Rabbit Fur (600 gp), Linen Robe trimmed with Rabbit Fur (600 gp), Marble
Scepter inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (500 gp), Onyx Salt Cellar set with Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Pair of Fine
Leather Boots tooled with Floral Vines (1000 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Shoes sewn with Copper (600 gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves
threaded with Electrum (600 gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves threaded with Electrum (900 gp), Pewter Bracer set with Amber and Silver
Pearl (300 gp), Pewter Longsword inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (200 gp), Silver Ring Brooch engraved with Elven Script (500
gp), Steel Bracer inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (200 gp); Bastard Sword (Small) (+4 weapon) (32335 gp), Full Plate (Medium)
(+1 armor) (2650 gp), Greataxe (Small) (+3 weapon) (inscription provides clue to function) (Opposite effect or target curse) (18320
gp), Ring of Improved Climbing (10000 gp), Ring of Wizardry (II) (40000 gp), Staff of Divination (44 of 50 charges) (design provides
clue to function) (64680 gp), Tome of Understanding (+5) (137500 gp) (Opposite effect or target curse); hoard total 356985 gp

Room #195 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #50

East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Monster 5 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #196 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (20d6 electricity damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #49, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
Room Features A mural of arcane patterns covers the ceiling, and a toppled statue lies in the south-west corner of the room

Room #197 East Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features Several square holes are cut into the south wall, and the floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white and black

Room #198 North Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (21d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #235
South Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #51
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (hard 5, 10 hp)

19000 gp; Amethyst (80 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Azurite (8 gp), 2 x Black Pearl (600 gp), Blue Sapphire (1000 gp), Blue Star
Sapphire (1600 gp), Chrysoprase (40 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (1000 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (1200 gp), Hematite (7 gp),
Jasper (80 gp), Malachite (8 gp), Malachite (10 gp), Moonstone (70 gp), Moss Agate (10 gp), Obsidian (9 gp), Obsidian (12 gp),
Pink Pearl (100 gp), Red-brown Spinel (110 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (600 gp), 2 x Rose Quartz (40 gp), Sardonyx (80 gp), Silver
Pearl (140 gp), Tourmaline (60 gp), Turquoise (11 gp), Zircon (70 gp); Rod of Absorption (9 stored, 21 used) (20000 gp), Rod of
Silent Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp), Staff of Fire (36 of 50 charges) (12780 gp); hoard total 84565 gp

Room #199 North Entry #1 Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
North Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break
→ Leads to room #104
Room #200 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→ Leads to room #103, inhabited by 18 x Glabrezu

West Entry Archway

South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)

Room #201 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind a pile of broken stone
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
South Entry #2 Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #106
Room Features A stone dais and throne sits in the south-east corner of the room, and the floor is covered with teeth

Room #202 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ A trap door in the floor leads to a short tunnel beneath the wall
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +14 ranged (18d6 cold); Search DC 28; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #105, inhabited by 14 x Iron Golem

Room #203 East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15


Room #204 West Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
Monster 10 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Alexandrite (400 gp), Citrine (30 gp), Freshwater Pearl (8 gp), Obsidian (11 gp), Onyx (30 gp), Red Spinel (110 gp),
Rich Purple Corundum (700 gp), Silver Pearl (110 gp), Star Rose Quartz (60 gp), Star Rose Quartz (70 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp);
hoard total 1929 gp
Room #205 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #309
East Entry Archway
Room Features A carved stone statue stands in the north-west corner of the room, and several empty flasks are scattered throughout the room
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 40000 gp; Agate Rod engraved with Draconic Runes (300 gp), Bloodstone Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of Deep Green
Spinel (200 gp), Bloodstone Rod engraved with Dwarven Runes (100 gp), Bone Chalice set with a single Emerald (400 gp), Copper
Amulet inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (400 gp), Copper Bracer etched with Arcane Runes (100 gp), Electrum Salt Cellar engraved
with Draconic Scales (300 gp), Fine Leather Armor sewn with Copper (200 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Sable
(500 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard sewn with Copper (400 gp), Ivory Rod set with Jet and White Pearl (600 gp), Lacquered Wooden
Medallion engraved with Arcane Runes (600 gp), Leather Scabbard trimmed with Lynx Fur (500 gp), Linen Mantle trimmed with
Squirrel Fur (400 gp), Marble Orb set with a Rosette of Golden Pearl (300 gp), Moonstone Cup engraved with Draconic Runes (500
gp), Moonstone Cup engraved with Draconic Runes (900 gp), Onyx Salt Cellar inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (400 gp), Pair of
Velvet Gloves threaded with Gold (700 gp), Pewter Torc engraved with Thorned Vines (500 gp), Portrait (of a male half-orc
merchant) in a Rosewood Frame inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (400 gp), Rosewood Plate set with Zircon (100 gp), Rosewood
Rod engraved with Elven Script (600 gp), Silver Salt Cellar engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (600 gp), Steel Ewer engraved with
Elven Script (400 gp), Stoneware Ewer adorned with Silver and a Crown and Throne in relief (400 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap
adorned with a Feather (400 gp); Cubic Gate (164000 gp), Full Plate (Small) (+3 armor) (10650 gp), Manual of Quickness in Action
(+3) (82500 gp) (design provides clue to function), Rod of Silent Metamagic (11000 gp); hoard total 319350 gp

Room #206 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #310
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 25) Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; Atk +19 ranged (20d6 cold); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 34

22000 gp; Amber Cup engraved with Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Amber Salt Cellar inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (3000
gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with Spirals (3000 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (2000
gp), Drake Hide Belt with a Platinum Buckle (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Fine Leather Coat
trimmed with Ermine (1000 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp), Fine Leather Saddle sewn with Gold (1000 gp),
Fine Leather Saddle sewn with Gold (6000 gp), Fine Steel Plate Armor set with Blue Diamond and Jacinth (4000 gp), Gilded
Wooden Bowl engraved with Elven Script (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden Bowl engraved with Elven Script (4000 gp), Gilded Wooden
Rod engraved with Elven Script (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Rod engraved with a Legendary Coat of Arms (3000 gp), Gold Circlet
set with Blue Diamond (2000 gp), Ivory Orb engraved with Draconic Scales (4000 gp), Jade Salt Cellar engraved with Dwarven
Runes (1000 gp), Jet Chalice engraved with Noble Imagery (1000 gp), Ornate Silver Mirror framed in Gold (3000 gp), Petrified
Serpent engraved with a Labyrinth (5000 gp), Platinum Pendant engraved with Mythical Creatures (3000 gp), Platinum Pendant
inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (1000 gp), Platinum Ring engraved with Draconic Scales (4000 gp), Silk Robe trimmed
with Sable (3000 gp), Silk Tabard threaded with Platinum (3000 gp); Divine Scroll (Neutralize Poison (375 gp), Snare (375 gp))
(total 750 gp); hoard total 96750 gp

Room #207 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #5
Room Features A stone dais sits in the south-east corner of the room, and a set of demonic war masks hangs on the east

Room #208 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #219, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
East Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #6
South Entry Archway
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The thief will betray you" in blood on the east wall, and an acrid odor fills the south side of the room
Room #209 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #74, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the north side of the room, and a dagger hilt lies in the west side of the room
Monster 6 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #210 North Entry Trapped Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 22 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
West Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #221, inhabited by 17 x Glabrezu
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #73

Room #211 North Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp) (magically reinforced, +10 to break DC)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within an upright sarcophagus
Room Features A mural of vile acts covers the ceiling, and ghostly wailing fills the room
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: Banded Agate (10 gp), 2 x Black Pearl (400 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Brown-green Garnet (100 gp), Brown-green Garnet
(110 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Fire Opal (1000 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (700 gp), 2 x Iolite (50 gp), Jade (110 gp), Moss
Agate (13 gp), Peridot (30 gp), 2 x Red Spinel (80 gp), Star Ruby (900 gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp); Staff of Transmutation (16 of 50
charges) (design provides clue to function) (20800 gp); hoard total 25683 gp
Trap Altar of Evil: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (detect good); automatic reset; inflict wound (16d6 damage, DC 20 Will save for
half damage); multiple targets (good targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)

23000 gp; Amber Coffer engraved with a Labyrinth (8000 gp), Amber Puzzle Box engraved with Noble Imagery (6000 gp), Coral
Coffer engraved with Noble Imagery (8000 gp), Coral Plate set with a Rosette of Blue-white Diamond (6000 gp), Dragon Horn
Chalice inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (4000 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice set with Blue-white Diamond and Canary Diamond
(5000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb engraved with a Renowned Coat of Arms (7000 gp), Dragon Horn Comb inlaid with a Filigree of
Orichalcum (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Puzzle Box inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (2000 gp), Drake Hide Coat tooled with Elven
Script (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coat trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Drake Hide Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (7000 gp),
Drake Hide Vest tooled with a Renowned Coat of Arms (6000 gp), Fine Leather Armor trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Fine
Porcelain Vase adorned with Platinum and a Crown and Throne in relief (8000 gp), Gilded Wooden Coffer engraved with Mythical
Imagery (4000 gp), Gilded Wooden Scepter engraved with Mythical Imagery (6000 gp), Gold Bracer set with Blue-white Diamond
and Brown Diamond (6000 gp), Jade Puzzle Box inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (5000 gp), Jet Plate set with a single flawless
Blue Diamond (6000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Chalice adorned with Platinum and a Castle in relief (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Cup
adorned with Platinum and a Hydra in relief (8000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Ewer adorned with Platinum and a Demon in relief (8000
gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar adorned with Platinum and a Demon in relief (8000 gp), 2 x Ornate Porcelain Vase gilded and
painted with Mythical Imagery (4000 gp), Perfect Rose Frozen in Time (4000 gp), Platinum Crown engraved with Mythical
Creatures (8000 gp), Platinum Crown engraved with Noble Imagery (3000 gp), Platinum Dagger inlaid with Orichalcum (6000 gp),
Platinum Salt Cellar engraved with Arcane Runes (6000 gp), Silk Brocade Coat threaded with Platinum (7000 gp), Silk Brocade
Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (5000 gp), 2 x Silk Tapestry embroidered with Platinum (6000 gp); Arcane Scroll (2 x Magic
Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law (375 gp), Fear (700 gp), Fire Trap (725 gp)) (total 1800 gp), Rod of Wonder (12000 gp); hoard
total 235800 gp

Room #212 South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #140, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 17000 gp; Amber (90 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), 2 x Azurite (10 gp), Banded Agate (10 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Blue
Quartz (9 gp), Blue Sapphire (1000 gp), Brown-green Garnet (100 gp), Brown-green Garnet (120 gp), Chrysoprase (50 gp), Deep
Green Spinel (110 gp), Emerald (900 gp), Freshwater Pearl (15 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp),
Golden Yellow Topaz (800 gp), Jacinth (4000 gp), Jasper (50 gp), Obsidian (4 gp), Onyx (80 gp), 2 x Red Garnet (110 gp), Red-
brown Spinel (110 gp), Smoky Quartz (40 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Turquoise (11 gp), Zircon (30 gp); Arcane Scroll (Dispel
Magic (375 gp), Invisibility Sphere (375 gp), Rainbow Pattern (700 gp)) (total 1450 gp), Longsword (Medium) (+1 weapon) (2315
gp), Rod of Extend Metamagic (lesser) (3000 gp), Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection (10500 gp); hoard total 43734 gp
Room #213 West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry #1 Archway
South Entry #2 Archway
Room Features Part of the ceiling has collapsed into the room, and someone has scrawled "Sharpen thy spear and ready thy shield" on the east
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #214 East Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features A magical mural on the north wall depicts the betrayal of whomever views it, and someone has scrawled "In the Marsh of Oaths,
when the Oath of Knowledge is broken, the Copper Citadel shall be found" on the north wall
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #215 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #168, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
East Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #138, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 20) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
Ⓢ The door is concealed within the mouth of a demonic face carved from
South Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

Room #216 North Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #153, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Dread: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #167, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry #1 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
South Entry #2 Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 24 Will save negates);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into a natural cavern below, and someone has scrawled "Run away!" on the east wall
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #217 East Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #137, inhabited by 15 x
Room #218 North Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ A trap door in the floor leads to a short tunnel beneath the wall
North Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #137, inhabited by 15 x Glabrezu
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 2300 pp; Alexandrite (300 gp), 2 x Aquamarine (300 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Aquamarine (800 gp), Azurite (10 gp),
Azurite (13 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Brown-green Garnet (80 gp), Carnelian (20 gp), Carnelian (50 gp),
Chrysoprase (20 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (600 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (700 gp), Eye Agate (5 gp), Jet (110 gp), Lapis Lazuli (7 gp),
Obsidian (13 gp), Peridot (40 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (700 gp), Rose Quartz (80 gp), Smoky Quartz (40 gp), Turquoise (10 gp),
Violet Garnet (700 gp), White Pearl (90 gp), Zircon (40 gp); Staff of Illusion (4 of 50 charges) (inscription provides clue to function)
(5200 gp); hoard total 34478 gp

Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)

2400 pp; Agateware Tile gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (300 gp), Bone Puzzle Box set with a single Fire Opal (200 gp),
Bone Scepter inlaid with Ornate Electrum Scrollwork (400 gp), Copper Ring Brooch set with Deep Blue Spinel (400 gp),
Embroidered Woolen Carpet (600 gp), Fine Leather Belt with a Fine Steel Buckle (200 gp), Fine Steel Bracelet engraved with Elven
Script (500 gp), Fine Steel Pendant inlaid with a Filigree of Platinum (300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb set with a single Rich
Purple Corundum (100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp), Large Silver Mirror (400 gp),
Leather Coat trimmed with Fox Fur (100 gp), Linen Robe threaded with Copper (800 gp), Malachite Plate engraved with a Labyrinth
(300 gp), Rosewood Bowl engraved with Floral Vines (500 gp), Silver Dagger engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1000 gp),
Stoneware Tankard painted with Noble Imagery (500 gp), Velvet Choker trimmed with Squirrel Fur (700 gp); Eyes of Petrification
(98000 gp) (design provides clue to function), Staff of Passage (24 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (81840 gp);
hoard total 211240 gp

Room #219 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #165
West Entry Trapped and Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 24 Will save negates);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #208
South Entry Archway
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #220 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +15 ranged (19d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #314
Room Features The ceiling is covered with cracks, and a dulled dagger lies in the north side of the room
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #221 East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #210
Monster 17 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 18000 gp; Alexandrite (400 gp), Alexandrite (500 gp), Amethyst (100 gp), 2 x Banded Agate (10 gp), Banded Agate (12
gp), Chalcedony (70 gp), Chrysoprase (50 gp), Citrine (50 gp), Citrine (70 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (800
gp), Fire Opal (1100 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Hematite (10 gp), Jet (100 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp), Moss Agate (11 gp),
Obsidian (6 gp), Obsidian (7 gp), Pink Pearl (90 gp), Smoky Quartz (60 gp), Star Rose Quartz (30 gp), Star Rose Quartz (40 gp), 2
x Violet Garnet (500 gp), Violet Garnet (600 gp); hoard total 24138 gp
Room #222 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and someone has scrawled "For the glory of the Wyrm Baroness" in orcish
runes on the north wall
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #223 East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white and black, and someone has scrawled "It's a trap" on the south

Room #224 West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +19 ranged (19d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 32
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)

Room #225 East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #97, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #226 West Entry Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Archway
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #98, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem

Room #227 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 24 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features Spirals of blue stones cover the floor, and sporadic knocking fills the room

Room #228 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #96
West Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of an armored warrior, and opened by moving his sword
Monster 10 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Bloodstone Cup inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (200 gp), Brass Scepter inlaid with Electrum (900 gp), Brocade
Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (400 gp), Cloth Coat threaded with Silver (100 gp), Copper Mask set with Alexandrite and Aquamarine
(200 gp), Electrum Shield Brooch inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (100 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots tooled with Elven Script (600
gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves trimmed with Squirrel Fur (400 gp), Porcelain Salt Cellar adorned with Silver and a Griffon in relief (700
gp), Silver Bowl engraved with Thorned Vines (400 gp), Steel Longsword set with a Rosette of Iolite (200 gp), Stoneware Jar
painted with Mythical Creatures (400 gp); hoard total 4600 gp

Room #229 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15
South Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #86, inhabited by 7 x Glabrezu
Room #230 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a hydra, and opened by reaching into several of its mouths
→ Leads to room #286
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features Several monstrous corpses are scattered throughout the room, and a pile of rotten bread lies in the west side of the room
Monster 6 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 9000 gp; Black Star Sapphire (1300 gp), Brown-green Garnet (90 gp), Brown-green Garnet (110 gp), Chrysoberyl (110
gp), Citrine (50 gp), Coral (90 gp), Fire Opal (1000 gp), Freshwater Pearl (12 gp), Golden Pearl (120 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz
(300 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (700 gp), Rhodochrosite (7 gp), 2 x Rhodochrosite (9 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (1400 gp), Star
Rose Quartz (30 gp), Star Rose Quartz (50 gp), Tourmaline (110 gp), Tourmaline (130 gp), Turquoise (10 gp); Scimitar (Medium)
(+2 weapon) (8315 gp); hoard total 22952 gp

Room #231 South Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #287, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone Golem
Trap Thunder Turret: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 6 rounds; no reset; thunder blast (19d6 sonic damage, DC
24 Fort save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 20 ft. cone); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Trapped and Locked Iron Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (arcane eye); no reset; Atk +16 ranged (17d6 cold); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 32

9000 gp; Bone Chalice set with Deep Green Spinel and Jet (130 gp), Bone Puzzle Box inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (70 gp),
Bone Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp), Brass Amulet inlaid with a Meandros of Electrum (110 gp), Brass Bracer
etched with Dwarven Axeheads (110 gp), Brocade Choker threaded with Silver (70 gp), Cloth Gown trimmed with Fur (80 gp),
Earthenware Plate embossed with Arcane Runes (60 gp), Earthenware Vase painted with Garden Imagery (60 gp), Fine Leather
Vest sewn with Copper (100 gp), Fine Steel Ring engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (110 gp), Ivory Comb engraved with Draconic
Scales (140 gp), Ivory Medallion engraved with Arcane Runes (160 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb set with Coral and Red Spinel
(130 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch set with Red-brown Spinel and Silver Pearl (130 gp), Linen Choker threaded with
Electrum (20 gp), Malachite Bowl engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (90 gp), Necklace of Azurite (80 gp), Pewter Plate set with a
Rosette of Rhodochrosite (70 gp), Rosewood Comb engraved with Arcane Runes (90 gp), Rosewood Comb inlaid with Ornate
Gold Scrollwork (140 gp), Scroll of Calligraphy (10 gp), Small Woolen Carpet (60 gp), Small Woolen Carpet (110 gp), Small Woolen
Tapestry (150 gp), Steel Pendant set with a single Star Ruby (130 gp), Steel Rod set with Citrine and Moonstone (50 gp),
Stoneware Tankard painted with Floral Imagery (70 gp), Wooden Scepter engraved with Elven Script (130 gp); Potion of Enlarge
Person (250 gp), Scimitar (Small) (+3 weapon) (18315 gp); hoard total 30325 gp

Room #232 North Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #83, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and oil drips from the ceiling in the north side of the

Room #233 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +17 ranged (20d6 cold); Search DC 34; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #22
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #49, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 54000 gp; Agate Bowl inlaid with Ornate Silver Scrollwork (80 gp), Agate Cup engraved with Draconic Runes (90 gp),
Agate Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (60 gp), Bone Comb inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (90 gp), Bone Puzzle Box set with Jade and
Red Spinel (70 gp), Cloth Cloak threaded with Dyed Silk (60 gp), Cloth Coat threaded with Copper (90 gp), Cloth Coat trimmed
with Fur (150 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (70 gp), Fine Steel Bell inlaid with Ornate Electrum
Scrollwork (100 gp), Ivory Shield Brooch engraved with a Labyrinth (120 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with
Floral Vines (70 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (110 gp), Leather Coat tooled with Floral
Vines (130 gp), Linen Merchant's Cap adorned with a Feather (120 gp), Linen Vest threaded with Copper (40 gp), Malachite Salt
Cellar set with a Rosette of Black Pearl (10 gp), Obsidian Chalice engraved with a Labyrinth (90 gp), Obsidian Plate engraved with
Arcane Runes (90 gp), Pair of Brocade Gloves trimmed with Squirrel Fur (30 gp), Petrified Frog engraved with a Labyrinth (100 gp),
Pewter Censer set with Hematite and Obsidian (10 gp), Pewter Ewer engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (80 gp), Portrait (of a
female gnome) in a Wooden Frame set with a Rosette of Eye Agate (100 gp), Scroll of Calligraphy (50 gp), Silver Ring set with
Chrysoberyl and Pink Pearl (20 gp), Wooden Orb engraved with Floral Vines (170 gp), Wooden Orb set with Malachite and
Rhodochrosite (130 gp), Wooden Scepter engraved with Floral Vines (120 gp); Arcane Scroll (Prying Eyes (1125 gp)) (total 1125
gp), Potion of Magic Circle against Chaos (750 gp), Scimitar (Medium) (+4 weapon) (32315 gp), Studded Leather (Medium) (+3
armor, Improved Sonic Resistance) (51175 gp); hoard total 141815 gp

Room #234 North Entry Archway

West Entry Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #50
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #21, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white and black, and several iron cages are scattered throughout the
Room #235 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #198
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides down, +1 to break
→ Leads to room #51
South Entry Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)

Room #236 West Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 20 Will save negates);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #52
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #237 North Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28
West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #55
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #238 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #56
Room Features The room has a high domed ceiling, and someone has scrawled "The red dragon is not a dragon" on the east

Room #239 South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and opened by speaking a command word
Room Features A toppled statue lies in the east side of the room, and a rusted chain lies in the south-west corner of the room
Monster 11 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 2700 pp; Amethyst (100 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1300 gp), Blue Quartz (5 gp), Bright Green
Emerald (5000 gp), Emerald (700 gp), Eye Agate (12 gp), Fire Opal (1200 gp), Malachite (11 gp), Rhodochrosite (11 gp),
Rhodochrosite (12 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (900 gp), Rose Quartz (50 gp), Rose Quartz (70 gp), Silver Pearl (100 gp), 2 x
Smoky Quartz (30 gp), Star Rose Quartz (60 gp); Ring of Wizardry (IV) (100000 gp); hoard total 136991 gp

Room #240 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #58, inhabited by 9 x Roper
West Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features A mural of vile acts covers the ceiling, and the north and east walls are covered with scorch marks
Monster 9 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #241 East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #113, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
Monster 10 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Aquamarine (400 gp), Aquamarine (500 gp), Banded Agate (9 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp), Chrysoprase (70
gp), Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (900 gp), Hematite (10 gp), Hematite (11 gp), Jade (90 gp), Malachite (10
gp), Pink Pearl (120 gp), Red Garnet (100 gp), Rhodochrosite (14 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp), Turquoise (11 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp),
Violet Garnet (600 gp), Violet Garnet (700 gp); hoard total 5495 gp

Room #242 North Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #184
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #279, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features Several iron cages are scattered throughout the room, and someone has scrawled "Johny stands here, slain by a basilisk" on the
north wall
Monster 13 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #243 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #278
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #183
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 4200 pp; 2 x Alexandrite (500 gp), Azurite (11 gp), Bloodstone (30 gp), Bloodstone (60 gp), Chrysoberyl (80 gp), Citrine
(50 gp), Eye Agate (9 gp), Freshwater Pearl (9 gp), Malachite (10 gp), Onyx (60 gp), Peridot (40 gp), Pink Pearl (110 gp),
Turquoise (13 gp); Gauntlet of Rust (11500 gp), Golem Manual (iron) (35000 gp) (design provides clue to function), Necklace of
Fireballs (VI) (8100 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Rod of Maximize Metamagic (lesser) (14000 gp), Wand of Slow (19
of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (4275 gp); hoard total 116357 gp

Room #244 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #277, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (19d6 electricity damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #184
Room Features A set of demonic war masks hangs on the west wall, and someone has scrawled "Trespassers will be flayed alive" in goblin runes
on the north wall
Monster 10 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Agateware Vase adorned with Gold and a Hydra in relief (1800 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with Mythical
Imagery (2100 gp), Dragon Horn Rod engraved with Mythical Imagery (1400 gp), Electrum Bracer inlaid with a Meandros of Gold
(1800 gp), Electrum Circlet engraved with Arcane Runes (1700 gp), Electrum Coffer set with a Rosette of Aquamarine (1300 gp),
Electrum Rod engraved with Draconic Runes (1000 gp), Fine Leather Belt tooled with Arcane Runes (1400 gp), Fine Leather
Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (1300 gp), Fine Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1600 gp),
Gilded Wooden Cup set with Jacinth and Pink Diamond (2100 gp), Gold Dagger engraved with Elven Script (1800 gp), Gold Ring
engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1700 gp), Ivory Orb engraved with Spirals (2000 gp), Ivory Rod engraved with Noble Imagery
(1000 gp), Jet Bowl inlaid with a Meandros of Platinum (1200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Plate engraved with a Labyrinth (1100 gp),
Lacquered Wooden Scepter engraved with Elven Script (1700 gp), Moonstone Chalice set with a Rosette of Blue-white Diamond
(1600 gp), Moonstone Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of Pink Diamond (1200 gp), Onyx Chalice set with Brown Diamond and
Canary Diamond (1700 gp), Onyx Orb engraved with Draconic Runes (2000 gp), Platinum Chime engraved with Elven Script (1600
gp), Porcelain Tureen painted with Floral Imagery (1900 gp), Porcelain Tureen painted with Garden Imagery (1800 gp); hoard total
39800 gp
Room #245 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Fear: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (shaken for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #43, inhabited by 6 x Iron Golem
West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #30
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a mosaic of a legendary battle

Room #246 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #29
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Monster 15 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 23000 gp; Bloodstone Salt Cellar set with Red Garnet and Red Spinel (120 gp), Brass Chalice inlaid with Electrum (90
gp), Brass Flower Brooch engraved with Thorned Vines (70 gp), Cloth Robe threaded with Dyed Silk (40 gp), Cloth Vest threaded
with Silver (150 gp), Copper Dagger engraved with Draconic Scales (70 gp), Earthenware Plate embossed with Arcane Runes (40
gp), Ivory Comb engraved with Spirals (10 gp), Leather Armor trimmed with Fur (130 gp), Leather Scabbard tooled with Arcane
Runes (150 gp), Obsidian Plate engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (130 gp), Pewter Bowl inlaid with Electrum (80 gp), Pewter
Coffer etched with Arcane Runes (30 gp), Pewter Crown set with Azurite (90 gp), Portrait (of a female dwarf) in a Wooden Frame
inlaid with a Filigree of Copper (110 gp), Rosewood Comb inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (50 gp), Scroll of Calligraphy (90 gp),
Stoneware Salt Cellar painted with Mythical Creatures (40 gp), Wooden Plate engraved with Floral Vines (120 gp), Wooden Rod
engraved with a Labyrinth (80 gp); Longsword (Medium) (+5 weapon) (50315 gp), Manual of Bodily Health (+3) (82500 gp); hoard
total 157505 gp

Room #247 West Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
East Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #32
South Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; Atk +18 ranged (16d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #41

Room #248 South Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #42, inhabited by 4 x Greater Stone Golem
Room Features A group of monstrous faces have been carved into the east wall, and several iron cages are scattered throughout the

Room #249 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #36, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
East Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a noble king, and opened by stabbing a sword into his back
Ⓣ Rune of Dread: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28

Room #250 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in its quiver
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #35, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
West Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (21d6 electricity damage, DC 24 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 34
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #257, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
Room Features A magical mural on the south wall depicts the betrayal of whomever views it, and a tile mosaic of ancient mythology covers the floor
Room #251 North Entry #1 Archway
→ Leads to room #37
North Entry #2 Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 18; magic device; visual trigger (true seeing); no reset; acid spray (17d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28

South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of an ancient lich, and opened by pressing runes on his staff
→ Leads to room #34, inhabited by 9 x Roper
Room Features A stream of oil flows along a channel in the floor, and a sulphurous odor fills the south-west corner of the room

Room #252 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #258
West Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features Part of the ceiling has collapsed into the room, and the sound of horns can be heard in the west side of the room
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 32000 gp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Blue Sapphire (1100 gp), Blue Sapphire (1300 gp), Carnelian (50
gp), Deep Blue Spinel (600 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Lapis Lazuli (13 gp), Rock Crystal (50 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp);
Heavy Mace (Medium) (+4 weapon) (32312 gp), Ring of Spell Storing (50000 gp), Rod of Empower Metamagic (32500 gp), Rod of
Silent Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp), Staff of Size Alteration (12 of 50 charges) (6960 gp); hoard total 183485 gp

Room #253 North Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind an area of slime
West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #96
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The Ring of Omens shall be restored when blades pierce the sky" on the north wall, and the floor is
covered with stone rubble

Room #254 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
→ Leads to room #117
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #95, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem

Room #255 North Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #98, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
West Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind an area of slime
Ⓣ Rune of Dread: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 18 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 28
East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #116
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the north wall, and someone has scrawled "Choliam's Council looted this place" on the south
Monster 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 36000 gp; Aquamarine (300 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Azurite (10 gp), Black Opal (1100 gp), Brown-green Garnet (90
gp), Brown-green Garnet (160 gp), Chrysoprase (40 gp), Eye Agate (11 gp), Fire Opal (1100 gp), Jet (100 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp),
Moss Agate (11 gp), Pink Pearl (160 gp), Rhodochrosite (12 gp), Rock Crystal (80 gp), Rose Quartz (50 gp), Smoky Quartz (30
gp), Violet Garnet (300 gp), Violet Garnet (700 gp), Zircon (70 gp); Arcane Scroll (Displacement (375 gp), Illusory Script (425 gp),
Fear (700 gp)) (total 1500 gp), Arcane Scroll (Arcane Sight (375 gp), Flame Arrow (375 gp), Sculpt Sound (525 gp), Charm Monster
(700 gp)) (total 1975 gp), Belt of Dwarvenkind (14900 gp), Wand of Magic Missile (9th) (32 of 50 charges) (4320 gp); hoard total
63431 gp
Room #256 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #97, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 18 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 32
Monster 2 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #257 North Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
North Entry #2 Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 20; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #250
South Entry #1 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #258 West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 18 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28
South Entry #1 Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
South Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #252, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features A magical mirror on the east wall answers questions with lies and falsehoods, and an iron sarcophagus sits in the north-east corner
of the room

Room #259 North Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #15
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #305
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Death comes on silent wings" on the north wall, and screaming can be faintly heard near the north wall
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 38000 gp; Amber Cup engraved with Mythical Creatures (1000 gp), Belt of woven Silk Cord threaded with Gold (5000
gp), Dragon Horn Coffer inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (1000 gp), Dragon Horn Rod set with a Rosette of Pink Diamond
(2000 gp), Dragon Horn Rod set with a single flawless Pink Diamond (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (2000
gp), Electrum Bracer set with Jacinth (3000 gp), Fine Leather Armor trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch
inlaid with Orichalcum (6000 gp), Gold Bracer engraved with Noble Imagery (2000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Cup adorned with
Platinum and a Griffon in relief (6000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a Castle in relief (5000 gp), Ornate
Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a Griffon in relief (1000 gp), Petrified Serpent inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (4000
gp), Platinum Bowl inlaid with Orichalcum (3000 gp), Platinum Pendant engraved with Arcane Runes (2000 gp), Porcelain Plate
gilded and painted with an Ancient Coat of Arms (3000 gp), 2 x Silk Brocade Mantle trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp), Silk Brocade
Merchant's Cap threaded with Platinum (5000 gp), 2 x Silk Brocade Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Silk Cloak
trimmed with Sable (5000 gp), Silk Coat threaded with Gold (5000 gp), Silk Robe threaded with Gold (3000 gp), Silk Vest trimmed
with Ermine (5000 gp); hoard total 128000 gp

Room #260 East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Room Features A rope ascends to a balcony hanging from the west wall, and the south and east walls are covered with bloodstains
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 32000 gp; Alexandrite (600 gp), Banded Agate (10 gp), Black Opal (800 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp), Bloodstone
(50 gp), Blue Star Sapphire (900 gp), Carnelian (60 gp), Chrysoberyl (110 gp), Chrysoprase (40 gp), Chrysoprase (80 gp), Deep
Blue Spinel (400 gp), Freshwater Pearl (10 gp), Golden Pearl (110 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (400 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500
gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Hematite (9 gp), Iolite (40 gp), Iolite (60 gp), Jade (70 gp), Lapis Lazuli (9 gp), Lapis Lazuli (10
gp), Lapis Lazuli (11 gp), Moonstone (40 gp), Moss Agate (9 gp), Obsidian (14 gp), Red-brown Spinel (110 gp), Rich Purple
Corundum (800 gp), Rock Crystal (60 gp), Rose Quartz (40 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp), White Opal (900 gp); Ring of Minor Spell
Storing (18000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), Wand of Fox's Cunning (38 of 50 charges) (3420 gp); hoard total 61772
Room #261 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #303, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #13
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 8000 gp; Amber (120 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Azurite (12 gp), Banded Agate (11 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp), Black Star
Sapphire (1300 gp), Chalcedony (60 gp), Chrysoberyl (110 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (1100 gp), Iolite (60 gp), Jade (90 gp),
Jasper (30 gp), Jasper (80 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp), Malachite (12 gp), Moss Agate (14 gp), Peridot (30 gp), Pink Pearl (110 gp),
Red Garnet (70 gp), Tourmaline (90 gp), Violet Garnet (400 gp); Short Sword (Medium) (+3 weapon, Wounding) (50310 gp); hoard
total 63021 gp
Hidden Treasure Unlocked Strong Wooden Chest (hard 5, 20 hp)

3300 pp; Belt of woven Silk Cord (1000 gp), Brocade Coat threaded with Gold (1400 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with
Mythical Creatures (800 gp), Dragon Horn Puzzle Box inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (1600 gp), Fine Leather Armor
trimmed with Sable (1700 gp), Fine Leather Vest tooled with Arcane Runes (1200 gp), Fine Leather Vest tooled with an Ancient
Coat of Arms (1600 gp), Fine Steel Bracer engraved with Mythical Creatures (1900 gp), Lacquered Wooden Chalice engraved with
Noble Imagery (1500 gp), Lacquered Wooden Coffer engraved with a Renowned Coat of Arms (1600 gp), Lacquered Wooden
Plate set with Alexandrite (1300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Rod set with a Rosette of Jacinth (1400 gp), Onyx Plate set with Deep
Blue Spinel and Golden Yellow Topaz (1300 gp), Ornate Porcelain Cup gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (1200 gp),
Ornate Porcelain Cup gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1200 gp), Porcelain Jar gilded and painted with a Legendary Coat
of Arms (1700 gp), Scroll of Masterwork Calligraphy on Vellum (900 gp), Velvet Mantle trimmed with Ermine (1500 gp); Full Plate
(Medium) (+5 armor) (26650 gp), Ring of Invisibility (20000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 104450 gp

Room #262 West Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #304, inhabited by 3 x Greater Stone Golem
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (18d6 damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #14
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 30) Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (hard 5, 10 hp)

3100 pp; Bone Coffer inlaid with Electrum (600 gp), Brass Warhammer engraved with Draconic Scales (400 gp), Cloth Coat
trimmed with Lynx Fur (200 gp), Earthenware Vase embossed with Elven Script (100 gp), Fine Leather Belt with a Silver Buckle
(600 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap sewn with Electrum (300 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Fox Fur (400 gp), Ivory Puzzle
Box inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (500 gp), Ivory Puzzle Box set with a Rosette of Brown-green Garnet (300 gp), Lacquered
Wooden Bowl engraved with Floral Vines (700 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (300 gp), Lacquered
Wooden Medallion engraved with Noble Imagery (100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Medallion set with a Rosette of Golden Yellow
Topaz (600 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield Brooch set with Golden Yellow Topaz (300 gp), Linen Cloak trimmed with Rabbit Fur
(100 gp), Silver Medallion set with a single Aquamarine (600 gp), Steel Bracelet engraved with Elven Script (500 gp), Steel Chalice
engraved with Elven Script (700 gp), Steel Medallion engraved with Draconic Runes (200 gp), Velvet Choker trimmed with Squirrel
Fur (100 gp), Wooden Plate set with Tourmaline (400 gp); Arcane Scroll (Animal Growth (1125 gp), Overland Flight (1125 gp)) (total
2250 gp), Oil of Greater Magic Weapon (+2) (1200 gp); hoard total 42450 gp

Room #263 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #315
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Trap Altar of Evil: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (detect good); automatic reset; inflict wound (19d6 damage, DC 24 Will save for
half damage); multiple targets (good targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 32

Room #264 West Entry Archway


Room #265 East Entry Trapped Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 20; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 22 Will save negates);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #317
Room Features A stone ramp ascends towards the north wall, and a shallow pool of quicksilver lies in the west side of the room
Room #266 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +19 ranged (20d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 30
West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Room Features A set of demonic war masks hangs on the west wall, and a corpse lies in front of an open chest in the center of the room
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #267 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #132, inhabited by 14 x Roper
East Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry #2 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
Hidden Treasure Locked Iron Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

2500 pp; Bloodstone Puzzle Box engraved with Mythical Creatures (600 gp), Coral Salt Cellar inlaid with Platinum (1400 gp),
Electrum Flower Brooch set with a Rosette of Alexandrite (400 gp), Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with Genette (900 gp), Fine
Leather Scabbard trimmed with Fox Fur (500 gp), Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch engraved with Floral Vines (1400 gp), Gold Ring
engraved with Mythical Creatures (1000 gp), Ivory Puzzle Box engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Jasper Bowl engraved with
Dwarven Axeheads (600 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl engraved with Elven Script (500 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl engraved
with a Labyrinth (700 gp), Lacquered Wooden Bowl set with Deep Blue Spinel and Violet Garnet (1200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Orb
inlaid with a Filigree of Electrum (1100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Rod engraved with Arcane Runes (500 gp), Lacquered Wooden
Rod engraved with an Ancient Coat of Arms (400 gp), Lacquered Wooden Shield set with a Rosette of Deep Blue Spinel (1200 gp),
Marble Bust (of a male gnome aristocrat) adorned with White Pearl (800 gp), Moonstone Cup inlaid with Orichalcum (1100 gp),
Moonstone Cup inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (800 gp), Moonstone Cup set with a single flawless Bright Green Emerald (600
gp), Moonstone Puzzle Box engraved with a Labyrinth (300 gp), Onyx Bowl engraved with Draconic Runes (600 gp), Onyx Chalice
engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (1100 gp), Onyx Salt Cellar engraved with Mythical Creatures (900 gp), 2 x Ornate Silver Mirror
(900 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots sewn with Electrum (800 gp), Rosewood Plate engraved with a Labyrinth (700 gp), Silver
Scepter engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (500 gp), Stoneware Plate adorned with Silver and a Unicorn in relief (600 gp), Velvet
Choker threaded with Platinum (1500 gp); Rod of Maximize Metamagic (greater) (121500 gp); hoard total 171400 gp

Room #268 West Entry #1 Archway

West Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
East Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #131, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu
South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #74, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
Monster 15 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #269 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #71, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +18 ranged (18d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #134, inhabited by 17 x Iron Golem
Monster 9 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 2400 pp; Amber (150 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Aquamarine (700 gp), Azurite (9 gp), Azurite (14 gp), Banded Agate (9
gp), Banded Agate (12 gp), Black Opal (1200 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp), Blue Quartz (15 gp),
Chrysoberyl (100 gp), Citrine (70 gp), Eye Agate (12 gp), Fire Opal (800 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (400 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz
(700 gp), Jade (120 gp), Peridot (50 gp), Rhodochrosite (13 gp), Rock Crystal (40 gp), Rock Crystal (60 gp), Rose Quartz (40 gp),
Tourmaline (90 gp), Turquoise (11 gp); Arcane Scroll (See Invisibility (150 gp)) (total 150 gp); hoard total 30665 gp

Room #270 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #72
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #133
Room Features A mural of ancient mythology covers the ceiling, and a carved stone statue stands in the center of the room
Monster 15 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #271 West Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
East Entry Archway
Monster 7 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1200 pp; Cloth Cloak threaded with Copper (160 gp), Cloth Tabard trimmed with Lynx Fur (120 gp), Copper Dagger
engraved with Draconic Scales (10 gp), Earthenware Plate painted with Garden Imagery (80 gp), Earthenware Tureen embossed
with Arcane Runes (60 gp), Fine Steel Salt Cellar set with a Rosette of Tourmaline (100 gp), Leather Vest sewn with Silver (100
gp), Obsidian Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (70 gp), Pewter Bracer etched with Arcane Runes (20 gp), Pewter Rapier set with
Red-brown Spinel and White Pearl (110 gp), Portrait (of a female gnome) in a Wooden Frame engraved with a Labyrinth (20 gp),
Rosewood Shield Brooch inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (40 gp); Arcane Scroll (Hold Person (375 gp)) (total 375 gp), Divine
Scroll (Darkvision (375 gp), Prayer (375 gp), Protection from Energy (375 gp), Divination (725 gp)) (total 1850 gp), Eyes of Doom
(25000 gp), Rod of Flame Extinguishing (15000 gp); hoard total 55115 gp
Trap Altar of Chaos: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (detect law); automatic reset; inflict wound (17d6 damage and confused for
1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save for half damage only); multiple targets (lawful targets in a 20 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 34

Room #272 West Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides down, +1 to break
South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #177
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the east wall, and a simple fireplace sits against the east

Room #273 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #113, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
East Entry Archway
South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
Room Features Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the north and west walls, and someone has scrawled "The Tree of Spells shall
be lost when the sun is eclipsed in the Fox" on the west wall

Room #274 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #177
South Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a dread vampire, and opened by filling his chalice with blood
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (16d6 sonic damage, DC 22 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #19

Room #275 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
East Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly

Room #276 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of an armored warrior, and opened by moving his sword
East Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #112, inhabited by 8 x Iron Golem
Monster 7 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Room #277 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #244, inhabited by 10 x Roper
East Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 28000 gp; Agate Brazier engraved with a Labyrinth (900 gp), Agateware Ewer adorned with Gold and a Hydra in relief
(1000 gp), Agateware Jar adorned with Gold and a Griffon in relief (1200 gp), Agateware Tureen embossed with Elven Script (400
gp), Brocade Mantle trimmed with Genette (1200 gp), Copper Miniature (of a tree) adorned with Fire Opal (1200 gp), Coral Cup set
with Rich Purple Corundum (900 gp), Electrum Pendant set with Bright Green Emerald and Brown Diamond (900 gp), Electrum
Ring engraved with Mythical Creatures (600 gp), Electrum Ring inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (600 gp), Fine Leather
Belt with an Electrum Buckle (900 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (800 gp), Fine Leather Saddle trimmed
with Squirrel Fur (1200 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with Floral Vines (300 gp), Fine Leather Vest trimmed with Sable (700
gp), Gold Pendant set with Black Opal and Blue Sapphire (300 gp), Ivory Rod engraved with Draconic Scales (1200 gp), Jasper
Bowl set with Fire Opal and Rich Purple Corundum (1100 gp), Lacquered Wooden Comb set with Bright Green Emerald and
Jacinth (400 gp), Lacquered Wooden Plate engraved with Elven Script (1200 gp), Linen Gown threaded with Electrum (900 gp),
Porcelain Cup gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (500 gp), Set of a Fine Steel Rapier and Dagger set with a Rosette of
Bright Green Emerald (1000 gp), Silk Carpet embroidered with Silver (500 gp), Stoneware Tureen adorned with Silver and a Crown
and Throne in relief (1200 gp), Velvet Tabard trimmed with Squirrel Fur (700 gp); Bag of Holding (IV) (10000 gp), Ring of Major
Electricity Resistance (28000 gp) (inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 87800 gp

Room #278 North Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
North Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #243, inhabited by 2 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth

Room #279 West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #242, inhabited by 13 x Iron Golem
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Monster 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: Belt of woven Silk Cord threaded with Platinum (5000 gp), Dragon Horn Chalice engraved with Draconic Scales (4000
gp), Dragon Horn Orb set with Jacinth and Pink Diamond (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Rod inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (5000
gp), Dragon Horn Scepter engraved with Spirals (6000 gp), Dragon Horn Shield Brooch engraved with Arcane Runes (7000 gp),
Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Arcane Runes (3000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Elven Script (7000 gp), Drake Hide
Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (7000 gp), Drake Hide Vest trimmed with
Ermine (5000 gp), Fine Porcelain Tureen gilded and painted with a Distinguished Coat of Arms (8000 gp), Gilded Wooden Orb set
with a Rosette of Brown Diamond (5000 gp), Jade Puzzle Box set with Bright Green Emerald (7000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Chalice
adorned with Platinum and a Demon in relief (12000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Chalice gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures
(4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Jar gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (6000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tureen gilded and painted with
Mythical Creatures (3000 gp), Platinum Bell set with Pink Diamond (2000 gp), Platinum Bowl engraved with Thorned Vines (4000
gp), Platinum Bracelet inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (11000 gp), Platinum Mask engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (8000 gp),
Platinum Pendant inlaid with Ornate Orichalcum Scrollwork (7000 gp), Platinum Pendant inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum
(5000 gp), Platinum Ring inlaid with a Meandros of Orichalcum (5000 gp), Platinum Torc set with a Rosette of Blue-white Diamond
(4000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker threaded with Platinum (5000 gp), Silk Brocade Choker trimmed with Ermine (5000 gp), Silk
Brocade Coat trimmed with Ermine (4000 gp), Silk Brocade Merchant's Cap adorned with a Plume (5000 gp), Silk Brocade
Merchant's Cap trimmed with Ermine (6000 gp), Silk Brocade Vest trimmed with Ermine (8000 gp); Ring of Shooting Stars (50000
gp), Rod of Enlarge Metamagic (greater) (24500 gp) (inscription provides clue to function); hoard total 257500 gp

Room #280 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Room Features The walls have been engraved with arcane glyphs, and a rotting odor fills the center of the

Room #281 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #110
Room #282 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 20 Will save negates);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
South Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (17d6 fire damage, DC 18 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Monster 9 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #283 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features A forge and anvil sit in the south side of the room, and someone has scrawled "Ran out of swords" in blood on the north wall
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #284 East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20

Room #285 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #159
West Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located above a small stone dais and concealed behind a tapestry of vile acts
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Magic Missle Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; magic missile (18d6 force damage); never miss;
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #82, inhabited by 6 x Iron Golem
Room Features The north and west walls have been engraved with alien glyphs, and a ruined siege weapon sits in the west side of the room
Monster 8 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 25) Locked Iron Chest (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)

12000 gp; Bloodstone Plate set with a Rosette of Pink Pearl (800 gp), Bloodstone Puzzle Box engraved with Dwarven Axeheads
(1300 gp), Bloodstone Scepter engraved with Dwarven Runes (1200 gp), Bone Scepter set with Golden Yellow Topaz (800 gp),
Brocade Cloak threaded with Silver (900 gp), Coral Salt Cellar engraved with Dwarven Runes (1000 gp), Deck of Ivory Tarot Cards
inlaid with Gold (400 gp), Fine Leather Armor sewn with Silver (1200 gp), Fine Leather Coat trimmed with Squirrel Fur (600 gp),
Fine Leather Mantle trimmed with Genette (200 gp), Fine Steel Bracer engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (700 gp), Gilded Wooden
Comb engraved with Floral Vines (500 gp), Gold Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery (800 gp), Ivory Coffer engraved with
Arcane Runes (900 gp), Ivory Orb engraved with a Labyrinth (1000 gp), Jet Cup engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Lacquered
Wooden Puzzle Box engraved with Mythical Imagery (700 gp), Lacquered Wooden Puzzle Box inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork
(300 gp), Lacquered Wooden Puzzle Box inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (1200 gp), Lacquered Wooden Rod engraved with
Mythical Imagery (1000 gp), Marble Bust (of a lion) adorned with Golden Pearl (600 gp), Onyx Rod engraved with a Labyrinth (700
gp), Porcelain Cup adorned with Platinum and a Hydra in relief (300 gp), Silver Mace set with Coral and Deep Green Spinel (900
gp), Velvet Tabard threaded with Electrum (900 gp); hoard total 31700 gp

Room #286 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Trapped and Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed by an illusion
Ⓣ Thunderstone Mine: CR 18; magic device; location trigger; no reset; thunder blast (17d6 sonic damage, DC 18 Fort save for
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 28
→ Leads to room #160, inhabited by 11 x Glabrezu
West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #81
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a hydra, and opened by reaching into several of its mouths
→ Leads to room #230, inhabited by 6 x Glabrezu
Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and a group of monstrous faces have been carved into the north wall
Room #287 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #231
West Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 24 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 19; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; teleport (teleported one level down, DC 22 Will save negates);
Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #80, inhabited by 7 x Elder Earth Elemental
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #161
Room Features A sloped pit lined with iron spikes lies in the north-east corner of the room, and a toppled statue lies in the east side of the room
Monster 2 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #288 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #79, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
East Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and opened by tracing a geometric
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #162, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

Room #289 West Entry Archway

East Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
Room Features A tile labyrinth covers the floor, and someone has scrawled "Don't lose your head" in goblin runes on the north

Room #290 West Entry Archway

Monster 11 x Roper

Roper: CR 12; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85; Init +5; Spd 10 ft. (2 squares); AC 24 (-1 size, +1 dex, +14 natural),
touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +10; Grp +18; Atk +11 ranged touch (drag, strand) or +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +11
ranged touch (drag, 6 strands) and +13 melee (2d6+6, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand); SA Drag, strands,
weakness; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, cold resistance 10, spell resistance 30, vulnerability to fire;
AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (strand)
Treasure: -; Alexandrite (200 gp), Amber (100 gp), Banded Agate (8 gp), Banded Agate (13 gp), Black Pearl (400 gp), Brown
Diamond (6000 gp), Brown-green Garnet (150 gp), Chrysoberyl (80 gp), Deep Green Spinel (70 gp), Eye Agate (9 gp), Freshwater
Pearl (8 gp), Freshwater Pearl (12 gp), Golden Pearl (120 gp), Iolite (70 gp), Lapis Lazuli (10 gp), Moonstone (50 gp), Peridot (60
gp), Pink Pearl (100 gp), Red Spinel (60 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (900 gp), Rock Crystal (60 gp), Silver Pearl (130 gp),
Turquoise (5 gp), White Pearl (90 gp), Zircon (20 gp); hoard total 8725 gp

Room #291 North Entry Archway

East Entry #1 Archway
East Entry #2 Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located above a small stone dais and designed to make noise when opened
Trap Symbol of Petrification: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; petrification (petrified, DC 20 Fort save negates);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 32
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 25) Locked Good Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)

2600 pp; Alexandrite (400 gp), Black Star Sapphire (900 gp), Blue Sapphire (1400 gp), Chalcedony (30 gp), Coral (100 gp), Eye
Agate (9 gp), 2 x Fire Opal (1200 gp), Freshwater Pearl (7 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp), Iolite (60 gp), Jasper (60 gp), Onyx
(60 gp), Peridot (70 gp), Red-brown Spinel (90 gp), 2 x Rock Crystal (50 gp), White Pearl (160 gp), Zircon (70 gp); hoard total
32416 gp

Room #292 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #53, inhabited by 2 x Greater Stone

Room #293 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10

Room #294 South Entry #1 Archway

South Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10

Room #295 North Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 19; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +19 ranged (21d6 cold); Search DC 32; Disable
Device DC 34

South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
→ Leads to room #50
Room Features The south and west walls are covered with sword cuts, and a pile of blood-soaked clothing lies in the center of the room
Room #296 North Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
South Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #49, inhabited by 7 x Iron Golem
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The walls listen" on the east wall, and a grinding noise fills the

Room #297 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #90
East Entry Trapped Iron Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
Room Features A stack of oil-filled barrels stands against the north wall, and someone has scrawled "It's a trap" in draconic script on the west wall
Monster 10 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 15000 gp; Amber (130 gp), Black Pearl (600 gp), Bloodstone (30 gp), Coral (80 gp), Coral (90 gp), Deep Blue Spinel
(300 gp), Deep Green Spinel (100 gp), Fire Opal (900 gp), Golden Pearl (110 gp), Golden Yellow Topaz (600 gp), Jade (110 gp),
Pink Pearl (150 gp), Red Garnet (110 gp), Rhodochrosite (12 gp), Rich Purple Corundum (1100 gp), Star Ruby (1200 gp), Violet
Garnet (300 gp), Zircon (70 gp); Rod of Absorption (11 stored, 4 used) (design provides clue to function) (35000 gp); hoard total
55992 gp

Room #298 East Entry #1 Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #89
East Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #299 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30

Room #300 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #21, inhabited by 8 x Glabrezu
East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #87, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #301 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #135, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem
East Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #153, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #138, inhabited by 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
Room Features A stone ramp ascends towards the east wall, and a group of monstrous faces have been carved into the north wall
Monster 5 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 30000 gp; Brocade Gown trimmed with Genette (600 gp), Dragon Horn Comb inlaid with Orichalcum (1200 gp), Dragon
Horn Shield Brooch set with Brown Diamond and Jacinth (1800 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Floral Vines (2000 gp),
Drake Hide Coinpurse trimmed with Ermine (1500 gp), Electrum Rapier engraved with Draconic Scales (1600 gp), Electrum
Warhammer inlaid with a Meandros of Gold (1500 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap tooled with Mythical Imagery (1300 gp), Fine
Porcelain Bowl gilded and painted with Mythical Imagery (1900 gp), Gilded Wooden Comb inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum
(1200 gp), Gilded Wooden Cup engraved with Arcane Runes (1900 gp), Gilded Wooden Cup engraved with a Labyrinth (1000 gp),
Gilded Wooden Shield Brooch set with Blue Diamond and Blue-white Diamond (1400 gp), Gold Bracelet set with Star Ruby (2200
gp), Gold Pendant engraved with Elven Script (1400 gp), Gold Ring Brooch inlaid with Ornate Platinum Scrollwork (700 gp), Ivory
Orb engraved with Spirals (1400 gp), Ivory Rod inlaid with Orichalcum (1600 gp), Moonstone Scepter engraved with Arcane Runes
(1400 gp), Porcelain Bowl adorned with Platinum and a Crown and Throne in relief (1100 gp), Porcelain Plate painted with Floral
Imagery (2000 gp), Silk Mantle threaded with Gold (2100 gp), Silver Scepter engraved with Mythical Imagery (1700 gp), Velvet
Cloak trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1000 gp), Velvet Gown trimmed with Squirrel Fur (1900 gp); Arcane Scroll (Dispel Magic (375 gp),
Suggestion (375 gp), Stoneskin (950 gp), Zone of Silence (1000 gp)) (total 2700 gp), Golem Manual (stone) (22000 gp) (inscription
provides clue to function); hoard total 92100 gp
Room #302 North Entry Secret (Search DC 25) Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a tapestry of vile acts
→ Leads to room #137, inhabited by 15 x Glabrezu
West Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
→ Leads to room #152
East Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #151
South Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #136

Room #303 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #261, inhabited by 10 x Glabrezu
Room Features A tile labyrinth covers the floor, and a rattling noise fills the room
Monster 12 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #304 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #262, inhabited by 10 x Iron Golem
Monster 3 x Greater Stone Golem

Greater stone golem: CR 16; Huge construct; HD 42d10+40; hp 271; Init -2; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 27 (-2 size, -2 dex, +21
natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +31; Grp +52; Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, slam); Full Atk +42 melee (4d8+13, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Slow; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic,
low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +14; Str 37, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #305 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #259, inhabited by 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Acid Spray: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; acid spray (21d6 acid damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features A magical altar of a god of thieves in the east side of the room grants the ability to detect poison (for one day) to whomever
sacrifices a magical item upon it, and a ladder ascends to a catwalk hanging between the north and south walls

Room #306 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry Archway
Room Features A ruined siege weapon sits in the center of the room, and a pile of empty flasks lies in the south-east corner of the room
Monster 10 x Elder Air Elemental

Elder air elemental: CR 11; Huge elemental (air, extraplanar); HD 24d8+96; hp 204; Init +15; Spd Fly 100 ft. (perfect) (20 squares);
AC 27 (-2 size, +11 dex, +8 natural), touch 19, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +18; Grp +32; Atk +27 melee (2d8+6, slam); Full Atk +27
melee (2d8+6, 2 slams); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Air mastery, whirlwind; SQ Damage reduction 10/-, darkvision 60 ft.,
elemental traits; AL N; SV Fort +12, Ref +25, Will +10; Str 22, Dex 33, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills and Feats: Listen +29, Spot +29; Alertness, Blind-fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse

Room #307 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Panic: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fear (panicked for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
→ Leads to room #48
West Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
South Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
South Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #122, inhabited by 10 x Roper
Trap Rune of Confusion: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; confusion (confused for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28

Room #308 North Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #47
South Entry #1 Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Rune of Hypnosis: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (fascinated for 1d4 rounds, DC 22 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #121
South Entry #2 Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Earthmaw Trap: CR 19; magic device; location trigger; no reset; earthmaw (19d6 damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half damage);
Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and a pile of iron blobs lies in the north-east corner of the room
Room #309 West Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 30, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 18 Will save
negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10 ft. radius burst); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 30
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #205, inhabited by 4 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage
South Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #46
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The sword is cursed" on the east wall, and rusting iron spikes line the north and south walls

Room #310 West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #206
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #45
Room Features A magical mirror on the south wall answers simple questions about the dungeon (yes/no), and a tapestry of a legendary battle
hangs from the east wall

Room #311 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features Howling can be faintly heard near the east wall, and a warped holy symbol lies in the south-west corner of the

Room #312 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides to one side, +1 to break DC)
West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (18d6 electricity damage, DC 18 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 30
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The Company of the Fang and Ring killed a hydra here" on the west wall, and the ceiling is covered with
Monster 6 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1300 pp; Bone Coffer set with Brown-green Garnet (500 gp), Brocade Merchant's Cap threaded with Gold (300 gp),
Copper Crown set with Rock Crystal (100 gp), Electrum Salt Cellar engraved with Draconic Runes (100 gp), Fine Leather Mantle
tooled with Elven Script (100 gp), Ivory Medallion engraved with a Labyrinth (800 gp), Jasper Cup inlaid with a Meandros of
Platinum (100 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Shoes trimmed with Rabbit Fur (500 gp), Scroll of Fine Calligraphy (600 gp), Silver Bell set
with Star Ruby (400 gp), Stoneware Bowl painted with Garden Imagery (200 gp), Stoneware Idol (of a God of Knowledge) adorned
with Platinum (200 gp), Stoneware Plate embossed with Elven Script (500 gp); Arcane Scroll (Nondetection (425 gp), Water
Breathing (375 gp), Phantasmal Killer (700 gp)) (total 1500 gp), Divine Scroll (Create Food and Water (375 gp), Greater Magic
Fang (375 gp), Freedom of Movement (700 gp)) (total 1450 gp); hoard total 20350 gp

Room #313 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #60
South Entry Secret (Search DC 20) Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is opened by standing on a small floor tile
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, and a tile labyrinth covers the floor
Monster 11 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #314 West Entry Trapped and Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Ice Dart Trap: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; Atk +15 ranged (19d6 cold); Search DC 30; Disable
Device DC 30
→ Leads to room #220, inhabited by 12 x Iron Golem
East Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (18d6 fire damage, DC 18 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
Room Features Someone has scrawled "four, three, five, three, five" in draconic script on the east wall, and several empty bottles are scattered
throughout the room

Room #315 East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
→ Leads to room #263, inhabited by 11 x Iron Golem

Room #316 North Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp) (slides down, +1 to break DC)
West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 25) Locked Simple Wooden Chest (Open Lock DC 20, break DC 15; hard 5, 10 hp)

15000 gp; Banded Agate (12 gp), Bloodstone (60 gp), Carnelian (50 gp), Deep Green Spinel (80 gp), Deep Green Spinel (120 gp),
Eye Agate (10 gp), Fiery Yellow Corundum (1200 gp), Jade (100 gp), Jet (120 gp), Lapis Lazuli (12 gp), Onyx (40 gp), Peridot (50
gp), Pink Pearl (70 gp), Red-brown Spinel (130 gp), Rose Quartz (40 gp), Rose Quartz (70 gp), Star Rose Quartz (30 gp),
Turquoise (9 gp), Turquoise (10 gp), Turquoise (12 gp), Turquoise (13 gp), White Pearl (120 gp); Potion of Fox's Cunning (300 gp);
hoard total 17658 gp

Room #317 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10
→ Leads to room #265
East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Archway

Room #318 South Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a demonic sorceress, and opened by moving her hand
Room Features Someone has scrawled a drawing of a door on the north wall, and a ruined gauntlet lies in the east side of the room
Monster 5 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 1000 pp; Alexandrite (500 gp), Aquamarine (400 gp), Azurite (9 gp), Black Pearl (500 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp), Blue
Sapphire (700 gp), Brown-green Garnet (100 gp), Carnelian (20 gp), Malachite (9 gp), Moonstone (70 gp), Obsidian (11 gp),
Obsidian (13 gp), Pink Pearl (100 gp), Red-brown Spinel (100 gp), Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Star Rose Quartz
(70 gp), Tourmaline (100 gp), 2 x Violet Garnet (300 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp), White Pearl (120 gp); Ring of Chameleon Power
(12700 gp) (design provides clue to function); hoard total 26693 gp

Room #319 North Entry Secret (Search DC 30) Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located several feet above the floor and opened by tracing a labyrinthine pattern
→ Leads to room #45
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features A magical mosaic on the west wall depicts the betrayal of whomever views it, and the south and east walls have been engraved
with alien glyphs
Monster 16 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 19000 gp; Bone Rod set with a Rosette of Aquamarine (600 gp), Bone Scepter inlaid with Electrum (500 gp), Brass
Bracer set with Red-brown Spinel (600 gp), Brocade Tabard trimmed with Fox Fur (100 gp), Copper Bracelet engraved with Elven
Script (500 gp), Earthenware Tureen painted with Floral Imagery (100 gp), Earthenware Vase embossed with Draconic Runes (200
gp), Electrum Dagger engraved with Elven Script (100 gp), Fine Leather Saddle trimmed with Rabbit Fur (400 gp), Fine Leather
Vest sewn with Electrum (400 gp), Fine Steel Salt Cellar engraved with Arcane Runes (300 gp), Jasper Salt Cellar engraved with
Arcane Runes (100 gp), Linen Tabard threaded with Electrum (400 gp), Marble Orb set with Jet and Red Spinel (100 gp),
Moonstone Cup engraved with Dwarven Runes (600 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots tooled with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Pair of
Velvet Gloves adorned with a Feather (700 gp), Petrified Stoat engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Petrified Stoat inlaid with a
Meandros of Electrum (300 gp), Pewter Plate engraved with Draconic Scales (600 gp), Rosewood Coffer engraved with Arcane
Runes (600 gp), Stoneware Ewer painted with Mythical Imagery (200 gp), Velvet Merchant's Cap threaded with Electrum (300 gp);
hoard total 27500 gp
Room #320 East Entry #1 Secret (Search DC 30) Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
East Entry #2 Archway
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 20000 gp; Coral Coffer engraved with Noble Imagery (3000 gp), Dragon Horn Puzzle Box set with a single flawless Bright
Green Emerald (4000 gp), Drake Hide Coinpurse tooled with Noble Imagery (2000 gp), Electrum Bracer engraved with Noble
Imagery (3000 gp), Electrum Bracer set with Blue Diamond and Brown Diamond (1000 gp), Electrum Coffer set with Jacinth (2000
gp), Electrum Plate set with Brown Diamond and Canary Diamond (1000 gp), Electrum Torc engraved with Mythical Imagery (6000
gp), Fine Leather Armor trimmed with Ermine (2000 gp), Fine Leather Scabbard tooled with Mythical Creatures (2000 gp), Fine
Leather Vest sewn with Platinum (1000 gp), Gilded Wooden Chalice engraved with Elven Script (2000 gp), Gilded Wooden
Medallion inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (4000 gp), Gold Flower Brooch set with a Rosette of Pink Diamond (4000 gp), Gold
Rod engraved with Mythical Imagery (2000 gp), Ivory Coffer engraved with a Renowned Coat of Arms (2000 gp), Jade Chalice
inlaid with a Filigree of Orichalcum (3000 gp), Lacquered Wooden Orb engraved with Mythical Creatures (4000 gp), Ornate
Porcelain Cup adorned with Platinum and a Castle in relief (2000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Salt Cellar gilded and painted with Mythical
Imagery (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile adorned with Platinum and a Crown and Throne in relief (4000 gp), Ornate Porcelain Tile
gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (2000 gp), Platinum Ring set with Blue-white Diamond and Pink Diamond (4000 gp),
Platinum Shield Brooch engraved with Noble Imagery (4000 gp), Platinum Shield Brooch set with a Rosette of Canary Diamond
(2000 gp), Porcelain Vase gilded and painted with Mythical Creatures (4000 gp), Silk Cloak trimmed with Sable (3000 gp), Silk
Sash threaded with Platinum (4000 gp), Silk Tabard trimmed with Ermine (3000 gp); Potion of Remove Disease (750 gp), Wand of
Knock (17 of 50 charges) (1530 gp); hoard total 106280 gp
Trap Greater Lightning Turret: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); duration 4 rounds; no reset; lightning bolt (16d6 electricity
damage, DC 18 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets in an 80 ft. line); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 28

Room #321 West Entry #1 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
West Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #47
Monster 10 x Iron Golem

Iron golem: CR 13; Large construct; HD 18d10+30; hp 129; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 30 (-1 size, -1 dex, +22 natural),
touch 8, flat-footed 30; Base Atk +12; Grp +28; Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, slam); Full Atk +23 melee (2d10+11, 2 slams);
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon; SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
magic, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: -; -

Room #322 North Entry Locked Stone Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 18; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (18d6 fire damage, DC 22 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 32
→ Leads to room #48

Room #323 West Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
West Entry #2 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #15
Room Features A metallic odor fills the north-east corner of the room, and a ruined chain shirt lies in the north-west corner of the

Room #324 East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)
South Entry #1 Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Fire Spray: CR 20; magic device; proximity trigger (alarm); no reset; fire spray (19d6 fire damage, DC 24 Reflex save for half
damage); Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 34
South Entry #2 Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and someone has scrawled "You cannot kill it with swords" on the east wall
Room #325 West Entry #1 Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #13
West Entry #2 Archway
East Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #60
East Entry #2 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp) (slides up, +2 to break DC)
Monster 3 x 10th Level Wizard Aboleth Mage

10th level wizard aboleth mage: CR 17; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+56 plus 10d4+70; hp 177; Init +7; Spd 10 ft. (2
squares), swim 60 ft.; AC 18 (-2 size, +3 dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +11; Grp +28; Atk +18 melee (1d6+9
plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +18 melee (1d6+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA Enslave, psionics, slime,
spells; SQ Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, summon familiar; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 28, Dex
16, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15,
Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks, on other planes, and underground),
Swim +8; Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe
Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Penetration
Treasure: 42000 gp; Agateware Tile gilded and painted with Noble Imagery (100 gp), Bone Puzzle Box inlaid with a Filigree of Gold
(200 gp), Bone Scepter engraved with Arcane Runes (400 gp), Bone Scepter inlaid with a Meandros of Silver (400 gp), Brass
Coffer engraved with Thorned Vines (600 gp), Brocade Tabard threaded with Silver (600 gp), Cloth Gown trimmed with Fox Fur
(500 gp), Electrum Bell inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (1000 gp), Electrum Dagger inlaid with Ornate Gold Scrollwork (900 gp),
Electrum Shield Brooch inlaid with Gold (400 gp), Fine Leather Belt with a Fine Steel Buckle (800 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap
adorned with a Plume (300 gp), Fine Leather Merchant's Cap trimmed with Genette (100 gp), Fine Leather Saddle tooled with
Elven Script (100 gp), Fine Leather Saddle tooled with Floral Vines (100 gp), Fine Leather Vest tooled with Draconic Scales (300
gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup engraved with Floral Vines (1000 gp), Lacquered Wooden Cup set with a single Star Ruby (600 gp),
Linen Sash threaded with Electrum (500 gp), Onyx Salt Cellar inlaid with a Filigree of Gold (200 gp), Pair of Fine Leather Boots
sewn with Silver (500 gp), Pair of Velvet Gloves threaded with Gold (600 gp), Petrified Stoat engraved with a Labyrinth (200 gp),
Pewter Coffer engraved with Dwarven Axeheads (300 gp), Pewter Mace set with a single Aquamarine (300 gp), Porcelain Salt
Cellar painted with Noble Imagery (200 gp), Porcelain Salt Cellar painted with Woodland Imagery (200 gp), Wooden Coffer set with
Amethyst (300 gp), Wooden Orb set with a Rosette of Red-brown Spinel (100 gp); Arcane Scroll (Nondetection (425 gp)) (total 425
gp), Arcane Scroll (Blink (375 gp), Major Image (375 gp), Wind Wall (375 gp)) (total 1125 gp), Oil of Flame Arrow (750 gp), Ring of
X-ray Vision (25000 gp) (design provides clue to function); hoard total 81100 gp

Room #326 West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #59
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #14
South Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28; hard 5, 30 hp)
Ⓣ Electrified Lock: CR 18; magic device; touch trigger; no reset; electric shock (18d6 electricity damage, DC 22 Reflex save for
half damage); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 28
Room Features Someone has scrawled "I'd rather be at the Rampant Cat" on the south wall, and a corroded mace lies in the center of the room
Monster 8 x Glabrezu (demon)

Glabrezu: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil); HD 12d8+120; hp 174; Init +0; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 27 (-2 size,
+19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +12; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, pincers); Full Atk +20 melee (2d8+10, 2
pincers) and +18 melee (1d6+5, 2 claws) and +18 melee (1d8+5, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft.; SA Improved grab, spell-like
abilities, summon demon; SQ Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, acid resistance 10,
cold resistance 10, fire resistance 10, spell resistance 21, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing; AL CE; SV Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
31, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills and Feats: Bluff +22, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Knowledge (any two) +18,
Listen +26, Move Silently +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks); Cleave,
Great Cleave, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Treasure: 7000 gp; Alexandrite (200 gp), Alexandrite (400 gp), Alexandrite (500 gp), Blue Quartz (10 gp), Blue Quartz (11 gp),
Carnelian (50 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (300 gp), Deep Blue Spinel (400 gp), 2 x Eye Agate (7 gp), Lapis Lazuli (11 gp), Malachite (8
gp), Malachite (10 gp), Onyx (30 gp), Peridot (70 gp), Peridot (80 gp), Pink Pearl (50 gp), Pink Pearl (90 gp), Red-brown Spinel
(100 gp), Rhodochrosite (16 gp), Rose Quartz (30 gp), Smoky Quartz (50 gp), Smoky Quartz (80 gp), Tourmaline (70 gp); Staff of
Enchantment (27 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (Requirement curse) (35100 gp); hoard total 44680 gp

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