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Investigating The Impact of Different Reservoir Property

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International Journal of Sciences:

Basic and Applied Research

ISSN 2307-4531
(Print & Online)

Investigating the Impact of Different Reservoir Property

Modeling Algorithms and Their Associated Uncertainties
on Volume Estimation (Gullfaks Field, North Sea)

Benedict Aduomahora*, Onyekachi Ibezimb

Shell Center of Excellence in Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering, Benin, Nigeria
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Reporting reliable results for hydrocarbon volume estimation is important for both economic analyses and
making key decisions in reservoir management and development. Adequate facies and petrophysical modeling
of static reservoir properties are key inputs for the derivation of a robust static reservoir model from which static
volume is computed and inherent uncertainties are quantified. However, the choice of geostatistical algorithm
for building the model depend on development and production maturity, degree of reservoir heterogeneity and
the type, quality and amount of data. This study therefore aims at investigating the impact of the combination of
stochastic and deterministic methods of property modeling on volume estimation and also perform uncertainty
and sensitivity analyses to quantify uncertainties so as to aid exploration and production decision making
process. Facies model were simulated/generated using both stochastic and deterministic algorithms. The
resultant facies model formed an input for the petrophysical modeling process also using both stochastic and
deterministic algorithms. For each combination, hydrocarbon pore volume was computed. Monte Carlo
Simulation method was used to perform the uncertainty analysis where the low case (P10), mid case (P50) and
high case (P90) was outputted. The results show that a combination of Sequential Indicator Simulation (facies)
with Sequential Gaussian Simulation (petrophysical) captured a large range of hydrocarbon pore volume for the
twenty equiprobable realizations simulated while the combination of Truncated Gaussian Simulation with trend
and Gaussian Random Function Simulation gave a limited range.

* Corresponding author.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

A combination of the deterministic algorithm gave a single estimated and more pessimistic volume. Uncertainty
analysis indicated that the facies modeling process and the combination of SIS_SGS algorithm have a higher
impact on volumetrics.

Keywords: Gullfaks Field; Volume estimation; Modeling algorithm; Facies/Petrophysical model;

Uncertainty/sensitivity analysis.

1. Introduction

1.1 Preamble

Hydrocarbon Volume Estimation is an essential task that must be completed as accurately as possible by any
company in the Exploration and Production Industry. It involves a quantitative measurement of the
economically recoverable hydrocarbon(s) in a field, area or region. At every stage of hydrocarbon life cycle,
reserve volume estimation is key.

Estimating hydrocarbon reserves is a complex process that involves integration of geological, geophysical and
engineering data. Although increasing data density almost always results in a concomitant increase in accuracy
of estimation, volume estimation still remains a technically uncertain task due mainly to the heterogeneity and
dynamism of the earth and earth processes respectively. Uncertainties involved in hydrocarbon volume
estimation are elucidated below;

The first level of uncertainty is associated with one-dimensional data such as porosity, hydrocarbon/water
saturation and net-to-gross at or near the well bore. The second level of uncertainty arises when one
dimensional reservoir properties are extrapolated into two or three dimensions. Such properties as Gross Rock
Volume (GRV) are uncertain due to the inherent data uncertainties and assumptions giving every reservoir
model a more apt description as a simplified representation of the complex geological/rock/fluid system
obtainable beneath the earth surface. The third level of technical uncertainty is associated with the volume
estimation process itself. Shortcomings in estimation procedures and algorithms literally compound
imperfections in the reservoir model.

Using the Gullfaks Field in the Northern North Sea rift system as a case study, the project shows how different
combinations of property modeling algorithms capture uncertainties in static volume estimation, thereby making
recommendations on the most appropriate geoststistical algorithms combination suitable for volumetrics at the
different phases of hydrocarbon asset life. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses were also quantified.

1.2 Problem Statement

The Gullfaks Field is an intensely deformed area, the deformation is so intense it was described as the most
complex area so far developed in Norwegian waters [‎[5]]Using fault patterns and geometry and their associated
bedding geometry, [‎[1]]divided the field into two structurally distinct sub-areas; a major domino area and an
eastern horst complex. In between both areas, they identified an accommodation zone. Notable in the Gullfaks
Field however is that its structural and stratigraphic complexity is only matched by the prolific nature of
its reservoirs (initial recoverable reserves of 2.1 billion barrels, 330*10 m3). 6

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Geostatistical studies of the stratigraphic sequences are requisite tools in making fair predictions of the reservoir
properties away from well control points and thereby aiding the exploitation of the huge potential of the
reservoirs. In this integrated project, a reservoir model was estimated using various combinations of property
modeling algorithms for discrete (facies) and continuous (petrophysical) properties. Uncertainties associated
with these algorithms as well as the sensitivity of some input data which could aid accuracy of the computed
volume were also estimated.

1.3 Study area

The Gullfaks giant oil field lies within ( Error! Reference source not found.)the Norwegian license PL 050 in
block 34/10 at 610N and20E in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea (‎[4]). The Gullfaks Field was discovered
in 1978 and was set on production in1986. It is one of the largest oil producing fields in Norway.

The Gullfaks field covers an area of 51km2 with water depths ranging from 135 to 220m. It is located in the
central part of the East Shetland Basin on the northern North Sea Graben and represents the shallowest
structural element in the Tampen spur, bounded to the east by the East Shetland platform and to the west by the
Viking graben [‎[5]]. The Gullfaks contains reservoirs in the Brent Group, Cook formation, Statfjord Formation
and Lunde Formation. The Brent Group contains about 73% of oil in place with moderate to very good reservoir
properties. The large number of faults in the area has led to differences in lithology with each formation
resulting in a reservoir with complex geology

Figure I: Location of the Gullfaks field and map of segments in the Gullfaks field

1.4 Geology of the Area

The Gullfaks Field is characterized by two structurally contrasting compartments; a western domino system
with typical domino-style fault block geometry and a deeply eroded western horst complex of elevated sub-
horizontal layers and steep fault. Between these two zones is a modified accommodation zone (Graben System),
identified as a modified fold structure (‎[1]). The domino area is the main area of the Gullfaks Field. The
deformation in this part of the field has resulted in a series of generally N-S-trending faults. These faults (main
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

faults) have displacements of 50-500m. Dips here are unusually low (25-300 to the east) whereas the
sedimentary strata dip gently, typically about 150 to the west. Also, in this area, there are minor faults with
throws less than 50m. These faults have an overall E-W trend. The

Eastern Horst Complex has faults steeper than is obtainable in the domino area. Dips of about 60-700 are
common and both E and W dipping faults occur. The main faults here (more planar than in the domino area) are
N-S trending. Jurassic sediments seen clearly (good reflectors) in the main part of Gullfaks are eroded here.
This accounts for the poor sedimentation in the eastern portion of the Gullfaks Field. In terms of stratigraphy,
the producing reservoirs of interest in the Gullfaks Field are the delta Sandstones of the Middle Jurassic Brent
Group (most important), the shallow-marine Lower Jurassic Cook Formation and the fluvial-channel and delta-
plain Lower Jurrassic Statfjord Formation. The Brent Group is made up of five Formations from the base to the
top is thus; Broom, Rannoch, Etive, Nesss and Tarbert. Often times, the Brent Deltaic wave system is
interpreted to be of fluvial-wave interaction. The Brent Group is of mainly Bajocian-Early Bathonian (Broom
Formation is Aalenian in age) age forms the upper and main part of the reservoirs. It is sub-divided into the
Broom (8-12m), Rannoch (50-90m), Etive (15-40m), Ness (85-110m) and Tarbert (75-105m) Formations, all
deposited in a deltaic environment. A broad lithological sub-division can be made between Shaly Ness
Formation and sandy intervals below and above [‎[1]].

1.5 Petroleum Potential of the Area

The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean with its location depicted in (Figure I). It is one of the
most prolific petroleum basins in the world and contains majority of the UK‟s fields and discoveries. The oil
and gas accumulations occur in a variety of structural settings and within reservoir rocks of several of ages, but
almost all originated from shales that were deposited during a relatively brief stratigraphic interval
encompassing Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous time [‎[10]]. Ranked as a giant by world standards, Gullfaks is
one of the largest discoveries on the north-west European continental shelf.

2. Materials and Methods

This paper is an integrated project that takes into account inputs from key subsurface disciplines; Geology,
Geophysics and Petrophysics/Petroleum Engineering. A succinct disambiguation of the methodology is given

Data loading and QC

Build a robust stratigraphic framework
Seismic interpretation (horizons, faults)
Generate synthetics and maps (isochore, facies, reservoir, depth and time structure maps, attributes
Create a 3D structural grid model of the Gullfaks field using stochastic and deterministic algorithm
Populating 3D facies models generated with petrophysical properties using
Compute volumes for every chosen algorithm
Run uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo simulation.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

A generalized workflow (Figure II), colour-coded (Blue-Geophysics, Green-Geology, Purple-

Petrophysics/Petroleum Engineering, Orange-Multidiscipline) to indicate input from specific disciplines is
shown below;

Figure II: Generalized Project workflow

The data used for this project are; Gullfaks 3D Seismic data, Checkshot data and well log data from 13 wells.
The tools used are PETREL 2014 and TECHLOG 2014. (All data provided by Software Integrated Solution

(SIS) Schlumberger NGA).

2.1 Stratigraphic Modeling

This segment was geared towards building the framework of the stratigraphy of the field. Facies analysis here
involved studying the reservoir using well data and other available data to build a contextual knowledge of the
middle Jurassic Brent group (mainly Etive, Ness and Tarbert Formations) as seen in the wells. In this segment, a
robust understanding of the stratigraphy of the field was built by establishing the strike and dip of the field,
lithologic identification, robust well log correlation, lithologic thickness maps and establishment of environment
of deposition and gross depositional environment. Three reservoirs from the shallowest; Etive, Ness and Tarbert
were identified in the wells and correlated

2.2 Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation is the extraction of subsurface geologic information from seismic data. Structural and
stratigraphic information are key areas of focus during this process. Faults and horizons which are basic input
for a robust structural model are the product of this process. Quintessential steps/sub-processes followed here
include; synthetic seismogram generation and well to seismic tie, fault interpretation, horizon interpretation,
depth conversion and seismic attribute extraction and analyses.

2.3 Structural Modeling

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Structural Modeling involves creation of a digital model of a reservoir. In the process, we sought to imitate the
architecture and structuration of the reservoir, therefore „bringing the subsurface closer‟. Structural Modeling is
the center-piece of the project as it is the model we built here that we later populated with properties (discrete
and continuous) so as to make volume estimation possible. For this model, we used the Structural Framework
Process (Figure III). The creation of a model using Structural. Framework Process can be closely linked to
seismic interpretation, allowing models to be built on the fly in a "Modeling While Interpreting" workflow. The
objective here is to facilitate the creation of structurally correct. Interpretation. The Structural Framework
Process is a novel process in PETREL. It builds the 3D model in such a way that the volume of interest is
shaped as a cube. The structural gridding process is the process that converts the reservoir framework into a 3D
geocellular mode. The procedures are shown below.

Figure III: Structural Modeling Workflow

2.4 3-D Property Modeling

This is the process of filling cells of the 3D grid with discrete and or continuous properties. The goal is to use all
geological information available to build a realistic property model. The ultimate reason for building a reservoir
model is to maximize the value of data by incorporating all available information into a quantitative digital
representation. The objective of Property Modeling is to enable you to distribute properties between the
available wells while preserving the realistic reservoir heterogeneity and matching the well data. Efficient
exploitation of reserves requires a more sophisticated approach to account for tectonics, complex sedimentary
and diagenetic processes that have formed reservoirs. Reservoirs are heterogeneous units occurring at every
scale and the need for accurate characterization is essential for economic planning. Statistical models offers
insight into the level of uncertainty and heterogeneities through multiple realizations of static models. Reservoir
models for this study are defined in two major scales:

a) Large scale structures definition of the geology through the use of structural interpretation from
seismic and well log information. This aims to recognize depositional units, define the geometry
relationship, and interpolate intelligently between wells.
b) Use geostatistical techniques to define small scale structures. This is to define the heterogeneities
within each depositional unit earlier defined and to provide missing information away from well
control points.

A notable step to achieving a robust property model is scale up well log process (well log upscaling). This step
involves averaging of well log data into 3D grid cells. Well logs needed for the modeling process are upscaled
into the 3D grid to assign values to cells that are penetrated by the wells. Upscaling shown in (Figure IV) is
done because the grid cells can only be assigned a single value hence the upscaling of the well logs (lower
sampling rate) into the 3D grid cells (larger sampling rate).

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Figure IV: Upscaled porosity and net-to-gross logs on two wells. Histogram serves as QC for accurate

It is noteworthy to point out at this juncture that paucity of data for this project meant that some key logs
required for petrophysical modeling such as water saturation logs and net-to-gross logs were generated using
Artificial Neural Network (ANN). For the few wells that possessed the required log suites, ANN was still
done as a way to Quality Check the derived logs for the wells without the requisite logs. Geostatistical
techniques employed to demystify reservoir complexity are broadly divided into stochastic and deterministic
methods. Deterministic techniques are relatively faster to run and used when dense data are available (many
wells, seismic + wells). It yields a single estimated result i.e. a realization and this makes it difficult to
understand the degree of uncertainty in the model [‎[9]]. Stochastic techniques are used when sparse data are
present yielding hypothetical results based on the input data. They generate multiple realizations which help in
understanding the degree of uncertainty in the model. Stochastic techniques also honor data variability [‎[9]].
Below is a (Table I) of the Stochastic and Deterministic algorithms used for both the facies (discrete) and
petrophysical (continuous) properties.

Table I: one-stop view of the methodology and algorithms employed for property modeling in this paper

Geostatistical Method Facies Modeling Algorithms Petrophysical Modeling Algorithms

Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) Sequential Gaussian Simulation

Stochastic Method (SGS)

Truncated Gaussian Simulation (TGS) Gaussian Random Function

with trend Simulation (GRFS)

Deterministic Method Indicator Kriging Co-Kriging

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

2.5 Uncertainty/Sensitivity Analysis

Monte Carlo simulation as a process was used to run the model numerous times with a random selection from
the input distributions for each variable (‎[2]). The results of these numerous scenarios gave a "most likely" case,
along with a statistical distribution to understand the risk or uncertainty involved. Monte Carlo. simulation is an
alternative to both single-point (deterministic) estimation and the scenario approach that presents worst-case,
most-likely, and best-case scenarios. A full Monte Carlo run (”combined run”) was sampled for each loop, one
value for each of the distributions and volumes were computed. When this was done N times, then a final
volume distribution emerged. To investigate the relative influence of each of the uncertain variables, the
sensitivity run was chosen. A sensitivity plot shows the influence of each of the uncertain parameters,
comparing the relative influence of each of the parameters on modeling and volumetrics (‎[3]).

3. Results

3.1 Well Log Correlation and Sequence Stratigraphy

Three reservoirs (Etive, Ness and Tarbert) reservoirs all belonging to the Brent Group were from the logs and
these were correlated lithologically across both strike (NE-SW) and dip (NW-SE) directions. Using an
integration of sequence stratigraphy, structural stratigraphic framework and the interpretation of log motifs
(stacking patterns of facies) within and the across field and previous literature, depositional environments were
delineated for the rock units. Well B9 (shown below) was the type well from whence correlation was carried
across the field. Dominant environments of deposition are; Upper Shoreface-Red, Mouthbar Complex-Light
blue, Marine-Green, Shallow Marine-pink, Overbank Deposits-Orange and Distributary Channels-
Cyan.Without enough data, Sequence Stratigraphic correlation based mainly on a proposed biostratigraphic chat
of the Brent Group [1] was also done (Figure V).

Figure V: Well B9 showing (from first track) Gamma ray log, lithologic units, Formations, Zones,
Environment, of Deposition, Gross Depositional Environment and Well log sequence stratigraphy

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

3.2 Seismic Interpretation

The needed faults and horizons needed to build a structural model were derived from seismic through this
process. These horizons already identified as reservoirs in the well logs were identifiable on the 3D seismic data
owing to a robust and good tie gotten from the domain reconciliation process, well-to-seismic tie carried out.
The well to seismic tie is shown below in (Figure VI)

Figure VI: Well 34/10-A-20 seismic to well tie

3.3 Structural Modeling

Three horizons and twenty-one faults were interpreted on the seismic were used to build a robust reservoir
model. It should be noted however that beyond this point, only the shallowest reservoir (Tarbert reservoir) was
used and volume estimation, uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis all considered this reservoir alone. The
model (Figure VII) it should be noted is an “empty” 3D geocellular model until property modeling process is
used to populate its cells.

Figure VII: Structural Model of the Gullfaks Field

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

3.4 Property Modeling

Property modeling in this project was done rather iteratively in this project using various algorithms and
algorithms combination to generate volumes of hydrocarbons. The chart below (Figure VIII) summarises the
different combinations (Facies modeling algorithms and Petrophysical Modeling algorithms) of the different
algorithms as used in this project.

Figure VIII: Property modeling for this project at a glance

Three realizations were derived in this project for all the stochastic algorithms used in the Facies Modeling
portion of the property modeling. The deterministic algorithms though produce a single result. For the stochastic
facies model, three realizations were derived but only one of the realizations (Figure IX) was used as an input
into the petrophysical modeling process. In the pertopysical modeling stage, net-to-gross, porosity and water
saturation models were all generated as a prerequisite to volume computation. The outputted grids of the Facies
Modeling process were used as inputs to the Petrophysical Modeling process are seen below

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Figure IX: (L-R); SIS Realizations 1, 2 and 3.

The Hydrocarbon pore volume of the Tarbert reservoir was generated using realization 3. The TGS with trend
algorithm was built based on a conceptual mode of the subsurface. The Tarbert reservoir which was deposited
during a relative sea level rise (transgressive events) where in the upper Brent deltaic sequence retreated
southwards [Error! Reference source not found.].

Figure X: Conceptual model of the upper Brent sequence and a picture of a possible surface equivalent

With the TGS with trend algorithm, the model below was built and three realizations were gotten;

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Figure XI: Realizations 1, 2 and 3 from TGS with trend algorithm

Figure XII: Facies model using Indicator Kriging

The porosity, net to gross and water saturation model of the Tarbert reservoir were simulated using facies model
generated from the SIS, TGS with trend and Indicator Kriging algorithm respectively as input. This gave a
prepared platform for which volume estimation was done. The output of the petrophysical model simulation is
displayed below.


Figure XIII: porosity model using A) SGS algorithm and B) GRFS algorithm on SIS facies model
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252


Figure XIV: Water saturation models using (a) SGS algorithm and (b) GRFS algorithm on SIS facies model

Figure XV: TGS_GRFS models

Figure XVI: Co-Kriging models

3.5 Volume Estimation

Hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV) was computed for the unique combination of the facies and petrophysical
modeling algorithm. The table below (Table II) summarizes the hydrocarbon pore volume derived for twenty
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

realizations of the stochastic algorithm which are SIS and TGS with trend as well as the single outputted value
of the deterministic algorithm.

Table II: Volumetric Output for each unique combination of property modeling algorithms

3.6 Uncertainty Analysis

A full Monte Carlo run (”combined run”) was sampled for each loop, one value for each of the distributions and
volumes were computed. When this was done N times, a final volume distribution emerged.

The sensitivity plot shows the influence of each of the uncertain parameters, comparing the relative influence of
each of the parameters on modeling and volumetrics. The result of the uncertainty analysis is as shown below
using the histogram distribution and the tornado plot.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Figure XVII: Results for Uncertainty Analyses

Table III: Summarized result of P10, P50 and P90 ranking from uncertainty analysis

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

3.7 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis was done in order to ascertain the relative impact of the different combined algorithm on
hydrocarbon pore volume. The result is as seem in the tornado plot below.

Figure XVIII: Tornado Plot of the range of volumes captured by the various modeling algorithm

Also, three (3) different processes were investigated with respect to their influence on HCPV oil. They are the
make contact, facies modeling and petrophysical modeling process. The output is presented below:

Figure XIX: Tornado Plot of the range of volumes captured by the various modeling process

4. Discussion

Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) is inherently a more „uncertain‟ algorithm compared to the Truncated
Gaussian Simulation with trend (TGS). This is due to the fact that it works on an undefined concept of
environment of deposition while the TGS is more restrained, its data interpolation is constrained by the
environment of deposition. This by extension means that the range of uncertainty derived from the combination

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

of TGS with any petrophysical modeling algorithm is smaller than the range of an uncertainty derived from a
combination of a SIS with any petrophysical modeling algorithm. The effect of the robust conceptual model
constraining the TGS is also seen when looking at the equiprobable facies (realizations) produced by the TGS
algorithm as the realizations have very subtle differences that are barely noticeable at first glance at the model.
The environments of deposition i.e. Distributary Channel (blue), Upper Shoreface (red) and Marine (green) have
very similar spatial relationship as opposed to what is obtainable in the SIS realizations. In the SIS realizations,
the spatial relationship of the environments of deposition are markedly different. The extent of the environments
and their boundaries are not as defined as in the case of TGS. Krigging gave a pessimistic value as the marine
environment is a lot more abundant in the model produced. Marine environment is increased due to the
smoothening effect associated with deterministic algorithms and this affects the facies reconstruction as the
proportions of the most extended facies categories (marine) is increased. In petrophysical modeling, Sequential
Gaussian Simulation (SGS) was noticed to compute rather slowly compared to Gaussian Random Function
Simulation (GRFS). This is because it takes its time to do a sequential computation of the variables inputed and
thereby capturing a wider range of uncertainty. This sequential approach is precisely the main difference
between GRFS and SGS. GRFS computes randomly and faster thereby capturing a lower range of uncertainty.
This explains why the combination of GRFS with any facies modeling algorithm has a lower range of
uncertainty compared to a combination of SGS and the same algorithm. This is seen in the result (Table II) seen
above. From the Monte Carlo Simulation volumes generated we see that the combination of SIS_SGS modeling
algorithm gave the overall largest range of volumes capturing extreme values and the natural heterogeneity of
the reservoir closely followed by the SIS_GRFS, next was the TGS_SGS and then the TGS_GRFS approach.
While the kriging methods gives one single estimated volume, the principal goal of kriging is to produce the best
result in term of local accuracy. The combination of SIS_SGS gave the largest range of uncertainty because both
algorithms follow a sequential pattern. SIS uses upscaled cells as basis for fraction of facies types to be modeled.
The variogram constrains the distribution and connectedness of each facies type. It is widely used to model
facies with unclear or undefined shapes, or when few input data are available, like in this case study. For SGS, it
uses a simple and mathematically stable algorithm it does not reproduce the input variance as accurately giving it
flexibility, these combination helps to capture extreme values both maximum and minimum, but it is typically
slower. They are both stochastic. The combination of TGS-GRFS gave a considerable large range of uncertainty
because TGS with Trends is a fast modeling technique which is able to generate large scale geometries through
construction of a close facies relationship, typically used to model unconstrained environment like transition
between the different types of facies. While the GRFS is a novel Petrel developed algorithm for Gaussian
Simulation, it is a non-sequential algorithm which is very fast. It accurately honors input data, input distribution,
variograms and trends. They are both stochastic, which are good for accurate work in good timing. A
combination of Indicator Kriging/ Co-kriging which are both deterministic algorithms gives the best locally
accurate and smooth models this is done by interpolating well data. But it does not capture spatial variability it
produces a single model and output a pessimistic volume which can be used for Field Development Planning
(FDP). In wells where there are no important logs like resistivity log, Artificial Neural Network is proven as an
option which can be safely used to generate logs with minimal error. For modeling porosity and net-to-gross, the
SGS and GRFS is best suited, as stochastic simulations, the result made use of a random seed number and
multiple representations are needed to gain an understanding of the uncertainty. It captures properly the range of
uncertainty and property distribution across the 3D grid.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

Among all the four methods used for water saturation, only the Co-Kriging algorithm honours data 100% at well
point, input distributions, variograms, and trends, it is able to estimate a large amount of points through a
combination of multi-threading and smart neighbourhood searching, it uses the closest input point for each
unsampled location which makes it very useful for modeling continuous property like water saturation. The
Collocated Co-Kriging gave a better separation of the reservoir fluid into the water zone and hydrocarbon zone
and they also gave better prediction of water saturation at the lower part of the reservoir.

5. Conclusion

Reserve Estimation is a vital part of Exploration and Production Business decision making. Acting as a „spring-
board‟ for E&P key business decision, it encapsulates the portfolio of any E&P company and hence, the
importance of correctly estimating volumes of reserves cannot be over-emphasized. Be that as it may, volume
estimation remains a very „uncertain task‟ due to the heterogeneity of earth processes. To compute this volume,
various algorithms, underpinned by geoscientific and engineering practices have been developed over time to
reduce the possible errors associated with hydrocarbon volume estimation. Unique combinations of both the
facies and petrophysical modeling algorithm have been used to build various realizations of static models and
volumes were computed, which were subjected to Monte Carlo Simulation giving us a range of volume for each
unique combination, then P10, P50, P90 can be identified and used for Field Development Plan (FDP). This was
used to capture the range of uncertainties in the models. Different combinations which includes Sequential
Indicator Simulation (SIS) combined with Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) / Gaussian Random Function
Simulation(GRFS)/ Kriging, Truncated Gaussian Simulation with Trend (TGS) combined with Sequential
Gaussian Simulation/ Gaussian Random Function Simulation(GRFS)/ Kriging, and Indicator Kriging combined
with kriging/ Co-Kriging making using the Gullfaks Field as case-study. The results of the combinations are
seen in table 2 and a sensitivity analysis plotted in a tornado chat in (Figure XVIII) was used was used to show
the range of uncertainties captured by each combination of algorithms. The second tornado (Figure XIX) shows
how the processes involved in volume estimation affect the estimated volume. This it should be noted only
shows how the make contact, facies modeling and petrophysical modeling affects volumetrics (quantity of
hydrocarbon) but not the range of uncertainties associated with each combination of algorithms. The result as
seen in (Figure XIX ) shows that the make contact process have more impact on HCPV relative to the facies and
petrophysical modeling process. This can be attributed largely to the absence of capillary pressure data which is
requisite for building a saturation height model and defining accurate depth pressure profile for which fluid
contact can be established with high degree of certainty and accuracy. Key recommendations are stated below
and captures the uniqueness and relevance of this study which is aimed at aiding key management decisions in
the E and P industry amidst the presence of uncertainties which arise from data quality and interpretation,
structural and stratigraphic models, multiple realizations from stochastic algorithm choice and its parameters all
of which introduce high technical uncertainties on volume estimation. Today, many E&P companies are riding
high up, in affluence and influence far above many other companies in various other industries. They did not get
there by hoisting themselves up on an elevator, neither did they defy gravity to get to where they are, they are
simply riding on the backs of their reserves, a run way for them to soar far above the chasing pack hence,
Volume Estimation is serious business!.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 49, No 2, pp 233-252

5.1 Recommendations

Throughout the various stages of hydrocarbon life cycle it is recommended to use an appropriate combination of
algorithms. The recommendations below are based on the result of the study. At the exploration stage, a
combination of SIS-SGS is preferred because of the paucity of data at that phase and it also offers the ability to
capture all possible range of uncertainties (realizations from the available data). This is confirmed from the wide
range of volume outputted for this combination as evidence in (Table II). Both algorithms are computed
sequentially. For this combination, SIS variogram constrains the distribution and connectedness of each facies
type and it is widely used to model facies with unclear or undefined shape. SGS is a simple and mathematically
stable algorithm it does not reproduce the input variance as accurately thereby giving it flexibility. This
combination helps to capture extreme values both maximum and minimum, but it is typically slower. At the
Appraisal stage when more data are coming in and the conceptual model can be defined, it is preferred to use
the combination of TGS-GRFS. This combination gave a considerable large range of uncertainty because TGS
follows a suitable conceptual model which at the appraisal stage must have been understood due to a denser
collection of data which then inherently reduces some of the uncertainties posed in the exploration phase. This
project for example was done with TGS with trend because the environment of deposition was understood to be
retrogradational (transgressive) environment. GRFS on the other hand is a non-sequential algorithm which
accurately honors input data, input distribution, variograms and trends. At the development stage where there is
expected to be a data abundance, the combination of both deterministic algorithm, kriging-kriging is preferred
because it gives the most accurate and smooth local estimate and whose function has a unique solution and does
not attempt to represent the actual variability of the studied attribute (variability it should be noted comes from
the variograms, trends, input distribution and probability). The smoothing property of this interpolation
algorithm replaces local detail with a good average value. It is also point specific, does not capture spatial
variability, produces a single model and output a pessimistic volume which can be used for field development
planning (FDP). Generally, in order to capture heterogeneity and range of uncertainties in the data available the
stochastic methods or algorithms are recommended.


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