AKBAR BioGraphy
AKBAR BioGraphy
AKBAR BioGraphy
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View of Fathpur
Akbar's Grave
The misty myth-woven veil which hangs over persons and events of
earlier times, vanishes at the beginning of the modern era which in
India starts with the Mohammedan conquest, for henceforth the history
of India is written by foreigners. Now we meet with men who take a
decisive part in the fate of India, and they appear as sharply
outlined, even though generally unpleasing, personalities.
About 1000 A.D. India was invaded by the Sultan Mahmud of Ghasna.
"With Mahmud's expedition into India begins one of the most horrible
periods of the history of Hindustan. One monarch dethrones another, no
dynasty continues in power, every accession to the throne is
accompanied by the murder of kinsmen, plundering of cities,
devastation of the lowlands and the slaughter of thousands of men,
women and children of the predecessor's adherents; for five centuries
northwest and northern India literally reeked with the blood of
multitudes."[1] Mohammedan dynasties of Afghan, Turkish and Mongolian
origin follow that of Ghasna. This entire period is filled with an
almost boundless series of battles, intrigues, imbroglios and
political revolutions; nearly all events had the one characteristic in
common, that they took place amid murder, pillage and fire.
Akbar, the son of the dethroned Emperor Humayun, was born on October
14, 1542, at Amarkot in Sindh, two years after his father had been
deprived of his kingdom by the usurper Sher Chan. After an exile of
fifteen years, or rather after an aimless wandering and flight of that
length, the indolent pleasure-and opium-loving Humayun was again
permitted to return to his capital in 1555,--not through his own merit
but that of his energetic general Bairam Chan, a Turk who in one
decisive battle had overcome the Afghans, at that time in possession
of the dominion. But Humayun was not long to enjoy his regained
throne; half a year later he fell down a stairway in his palace and
died. In January 1556 Akbar, then thirteen years of age, ascended the
throne. Because of his youthful years Bairam Chan assumed the regency
as guardian of the realm or "prince-father" as it is expressed in
Hindi, and guided the wavering ship of state with a strong hand. He
overthrew various insurgents and disposed of them with cold cruelty.
But after a few years he so aroused the illwill of Akbar by deeds of
partiality, selfishness and violence that in March 1560 Akbar, then 17
years of age, decided to take the reins of government into his own
hand. Deprived of his office and influence Bairam Chan hastened to the
Punjab and took arms against his Imperial Master. Akbar led his troops
in person against the rebel and overcame him. When barefooted, his
turban thrown around his neck, Bairam Chan appeared before Akbar and
prostrated himself before the throne, Akbar did not do the thing which
was customary under such circumstances in the Orient in all ages. The
magnanimous youth did not sentence the humiliated rebel to a painful
death but bade him arise in memory of the great services which Bairam
Chan had rendered to his father and later to himself, and again assume
his old place of honor at the right of the throne. Before the
assembled nobility he gave him the choice whether he would take the
governorship of a province, or would enjoy the favor of his master at
court as a benefactor of the imperial family, or whether, accompanied
by an escort befitting his rank, he would prefer to undertake a
pilgrimage to Mecca.[5] Bairam Chan was wise enough to choose the
last, but on the way to Mecca he was killed by an Afghan and the news
caused Akbar sincere grief and led him to take the four year old son
of Bairam Chan under his special protection.
Mahum Anaga had a son, Adham Chan by name, to whom at her suggestion
Akbar assigned the task of reconquering and governing the province of
Malwa. Adham Chan was a passionate and violent man, as ambitious and
avaricious as his mother, and behaved himself in Malwa as if he were
an independent prince. As soon as Akbar learned this he advanced by
forced marches to Malwa and surprised his disconcerted foster-brother
before the latter could be warned by his mother. But Adham Chan had no
difficulty in obtaining Akbar's forgiveness for his infringements.
On the way back to Agra, where the Emperor at that time was holding
court, a noteworthy incident happened. Akbar had ridden alone in
advance of his escort and suddenly found himself face to face with a
powerful tigress who with her five cubs came out from the shrubbery
across his path. His approaching attendants found the nineteen year
old Emperor standing quietly by the side of the slaughtered beast
which he had struck to the ground with a single blow of his sword. To
how much bodily strength, intrepidity, cold-blooded courage and
sure-sightedness this blow of the sword testified which dared not come
the fraction of a second too late, may be judged by every one who has
any conception of the spring of a raging tigress anxious for the
welfare of her young. And we may easily surmise the thoughts which the
sight aroused in the minds of the Mohammedan nobles in Akbar's train.
At that moment many ambitious wishes and designs may have been carried
to their grave.[6]
Mahum Anaga came too late to save her son. Akbar sought with tender
care to console her for his dreadful end but the heart-broken woman
survived the fearful blow of fate only about forty days. The Emperor
caused her body to be buried with that of her son in one common grave
at Delhi, and he himself accompanied the funeral procession. At his
command a stately monument was erected above this grave which still
stands to-day. His generosity and clemency were also shown in the fact
that he extended complete pardon to the accomplices in the murder of
the grand vizier and even permitted them to retain their offices and
dignities because he was convinced that they had been drawn into the
crime by the violent Adham Chan. In other ways too Akbar showed
himself to be ready to grant pardon to an almost incomprehensible
extent. Again and again when an insubordinate viceroy in the provinces
would surrender after an unsuccessful uprising Akbar would let him off
without any penalty, thus giving him the opportunity of revolting
again after a short time.
I will pass over with but few comments his military expeditions which
can have no interest for the general public. When Akbar ascended the
throne his realm comprised only a very small portion of the
possessions which had been subject to his predecessors. With the
energy which was a fundamental characteristic of his nature he once
more took possession of the provinces which had been torn from the
empire, at the same time undertaking the conquest of new lands, and
accomplished this task with such good fortune that in the fortieth
year of his reign the empire of India covered more territory than ever
before; that is to say, not only the whole of Hindustan including the
peninsula Gujerat, the lands of the Indus and Kashmir but also
Afghanistan and a larger part of the Dekkhan than had ever been
subject to any former Padishah of Delhi. At this time while the
Emperor had his residence at Lahore the phrase was current in India,
"As lucky as Akbar."[8]
Akbar first divided the whole realm into twelve and later into fifteen
viceregencies, and these into provinces, administrative districts and
lesser subdivisions, and governed the revenues of the empire on the
basis of a uniformly exact survey of the land. He introduced a
standard of measurement, replacing the hitherto customary land measure
(a leather strap which was easily lengthened or shortened according to
the need of the measuring officer) by a new instrument of measurement
in the form of a bamboo staff which was provided with iron rings at
definite intervals. For purposes of assessment land was divided into
four classes according to the kind of cultivation practiced upon it.
The first class comprised arable land with a constant rotation of
crops; the second, that which had to lie fallow for from one to two
years in order to be productive; the third from three to four years;
the fourth that land which was uncultivated for five years and longer
or was not arable at all. The first two classes of acreage were taxed
one-third of the crop, which according to our present ideas seems an
exorbitantly high rate, and it was left to the one assessed whether he
would pay the tax in kind or in cash. Only in the case of luxuries or
manufactured articles, that is to say, where the use of a circulating
medium could be assumed, was cash payment required. Whoever cultivated
unreclaimed land was assisted by the government by the grant of a free
supply of seed and by a considerable reduction in his taxes for the
first four years.
Akbar also introduced a new uniform standard of coinage, but
stipulated that the older coins which were still current should be
accepted from peasants for their full face value. From all this the
Indian peasants could see that Emperor Akbar not only desired strict
justice to rule but also wished to further their interests, and the
peasants had always comprised the greatest part of the inhabitants,
(even according to the latest census in 1903, vol. I, p. 3, 50 to 84
percent of the inhabitants of India live by agriculture). But Akbar
succeeded best in winning the hearts of the native inhabitants by
lifting the hated poll tax which still existed side by side with all
other taxes.
Akbar sought also to advance trade and commerce in every possible way.
He regulated the harbor and toll duties, removed the oppressive taxes
on cattle, trees, grain and other produce as well as the customary
fees of subjects at every possible appointment or office. In the year
1574 it was decreed that the loss which agriculture suffered by the
passage of royal troops through the fields should be carefully
calculated and scrupulously replaced.
It is easily understood that many of the higher tax officials did not
grasp the sudden break of a new day but continued to oppress and
impoverish the peasants in the traditional way, but the system
established by Akbar succeeded admirably and soon brought all such
transgressions to light. Todar Mal held a firm rein, and by throwing
hundreds of these faithless officers into prison and by making ample
use of bastinado and torture, spread abroad such a wholesome terror
that Akbar's reforms were soon victorious.
The number of men able to bear arms in Akbar's realm has been given as
about four and a half millions but the standing army which was held at
the expense of the state was small in proportion. It contained only
about twenty-five thousand men, one-half of whom comprised the cavalry
and the rest musketry and artillery; Since India does not produce
first class horses, Akbar at once provided for the importation of
noble steeds from other lands of the Orient which were famed for horse
breeding and was accustomed to pay more for such animals than the
price which was demanded. In the same way no expense was too great for
him to spend on the breeding and nurture of elephants, for they were
very valuable animals for the warfare of that day. His stables
contained from five to six thousand well-trained elephants. The
breeding of camels and mules he also advanced with a practical
foresight and understood how to overcome the widespread prejudice in
India against the use of mules.
The details which I have given will suffice to show what perfection
the military and civil administration attained through Akbar's
efforts. Throughout his empire order and justice reigned and a
prosperity hitherto unknown. Although taxes were never less oppressive
in India than under Akbar's reign, the imperial income for one year
amounted to more than $120,000,000, a sum at which contemporary Europe
marveled, and which we must consider in the light of the much greater
purchasing power of money in the sixteenth century.[15] A large part
of Akbar's income was used in the erection of benevolent institutions,
of inns along country roads in which travelers were entertained at the
imperial expense, in the support of the poor, in gifts for pilgrims,
in granting loans whose payment was never demanded, and many similar
ways. To his encouragement of schools, of literature, art and science
I will refer later.
The Rajputs are the descendants of the ancient Indian warrior race and
are a brave, chivalrous, trustworthy people who possess a love of
freedom and pride of race quite different in character from the rest
of the Hindus. Even to-day every traveler in India thinks he has been
set down in another world when he treads the ground of Rajputana and
sees around him in place of the weak effeminate servile inhabitants of
other parts of the country powerful upright men, splendid warlike
figures with blazing defiant eyes and long waving beards.
While Akbar valued the Rajputs very highly his own personality was
entirely fitted to please these proud manly warriors. An incident
which took place before the end of the first year of Akbar's reign is
characteristic of the relations which existed on the basis of this
intrinsic relationship.[16]
Bihari Mal was a prince of the small Rajput state Ambir, and possessed
sufficient political comprehension to understand after Akbar's first
great successes that his own insignificant power and the nearness of
Delhi made it advisable to voluntarily recognize the Emperor as his
liege lord. Therefore he came with son, grandson and retainers to
swear allegiance to Akbar. Upon his arrival at the imperial camp
before Delhi, a most surprising sight met his eyes. Men were running
in every direction, fleeing wildly before a raging elephant who
wrought destruction to everything that came within his reach. Upon the
neck of this enraged brute sat a young man in perfect calmness
belaboring the animal's head with the iron prong which is used
universally in India for guiding elephants. The Rajputs sprang from
their horses and came up perfectly unconcerned to observe the
interesting spectacle, and broke out in loud applause when the
conquered elephant knelt down in exhaustion. The young man sprang from
its back and cordially greeted the Rajput princes (who now for the
first time recognized Akbar in the elephant-tamer) bidding them
welcome to his red imperial tent. From this occurrence dates the
friendship of the two men. In later years Bihari Mai's son and
grandson occupied high places in the imperial service, and Akbar
married a daughter of the Rajput chief who became the mother of his
son and successor Selim, afterwards the Emperor Jehangir. Later on
Akbar received a number of other Rajput women in his harem.
The most powerful of these Rajput chiefs was the Prince of Mewar who
had particularly attracted the attention of the Emperor by his support
of the rebels. The control of Mewar rested upon the possession of the
fortress Chitor which was built on a monstrous cliff one hundred and
twenty meters high, rising abruptly from the plain and was equipped
with every means of defence that could be contrived by the military
skill of that time for an incomparably strong bulwark. On the plain at
its summit which measured over twelve kilometers in circumference a
city well supplied with water lay within the fortification walls.
There an experienced general, Jaymal, "the Lion of Chitor," was in
command. I have not time to relate the particulars of the siege, the
laying of ditches and mines and the uninterrupted battles which
preceded the fall of Chitor in February, 1568. According to Akbar's
usual custom he exposed himself to showers of bullets without once
being hit (the superstition of his soldiers considered him
invulnerable) and finally the critical shot was one in which Akbar
with his own hand laid low the brave commander of Chitor. Then the
defenders considered their cause lost, and the next night saw a
barbarous sight, peculiarly Indian in character: the so-called Jauhar
demanded his offering according to an old Rajput custom. Many great
fires gleamed weirdly in the fortress. To escape imprisonment and to
save their honor from the horrors of captivity, the women mounted the
solemnly arranged funeral pyres, while all the men, clad in saffron
hued garments, consecrated themselves to death. When the victors
entered the city on the next morning a battle began which raged until
the third evening, when there was no one left to kill. Eight thousand
warriors had fallen, besides thirty thousand inhabitants of Chitor who
had participated in the fight.
The great masses of the Hindu people Akbar won over by lowering the
taxes as we have previously related, and by all the other successful
expedients for the prosperity of the country, but especially by the
concession of perfect liberty of faith and worship and by the
benevolent interest with which he regarded the religious practices of
the Hindus. A people in whom religion is the ruling motive of life,
after enduring all the dreadful sufferings of previous centuries for
its religion's sake, must have been brought to a state; of boundless
reverence by Akbar's attitude. And since the Hindus were accustomed to
look upon the great heroes and benefactors of humanity as incarnations
of deity we shall not be surprised to read from an author of that
time[17] that every morning before sunrise great numbers of Hindus
crowded together in front of the palace to await the appearance of
Akbar and to prostrate themselves as soon as he was seen at a window,
at the same time singing religious hymns. This fanatical enthusiasm of
the Hindus for his person Akbar knew how to retain not only by actual
benefits but also by small, well calculated devices.
[Footnote 22: J.T. Wheeler, IV, I, 169, following the old English
geographer Samuel Purchas.]
Akbar was very fond of flowers and perfumes and especially enjoyed
blooded doves whose care he well understood. About twenty thousand of
these peaceful birds are said to have made their home on the
battlements of his palace. His historian[23] relates: "His Majesty
deigned to improve them in a marvelous manner by crossing the races
which had not been done formerly."
Akbar was passionately fond of hunting and pursued the noble sport in
its different forms, especially the tiger hunt and the trapping of
wild elephants,[24] but he also hunted with trained falcons and
leopards, owning no less than nine hundred hunting leopards. He was
not fond of battue; he enjoyed the excitement and exertion of the
actual hunt as a means for exercise and recreation, for training the
eye and quickening the blood. Akbar took pleasure also in games.
Besides chess, cards and other games, fights between animals may
especially be mentioned, of which elephant fights were the most
common, but there were also contests between camels, buffaloes, cocks,
and even frogs, sparrows and spiders.
Usually, however, the whole day was filled up from the first break of
dawn for Akbar with affairs of government and audiences, for every one
who had a request or a grievance to bring forward could have access to
Akbar, and he showed the same interest in the smallest incidents as in
the greatest affairs of state. He also held courts of justice wherever
he happened to be residing. No criminal could be punished there
without his knowledge and no sentence of death executed until Akbar
had given the command three times.[25]
Not until after sunset did the Emperor's time of recreation begin.
Since he only required three hours of sleep[26] he devoted most of the
night to literary, artistic and scientific occupations. Especially
poetry and music delighted his heart. He collected a large library in
his palace and drew the most famous scholars and poets to his court.
The most important of these were the brothers Abul Faiz (with the _nom
de plume_ Faizi) and Abul Fazl who have made Akbar's fame known to the
whole world through their works. The former at Akbar's behest
translated a series of Sanskrit works into Persian, and Abul Fazl, the
highly gifted minister and historian of Akbar's court (who to be sure
can not be exonerated from the charge of flattery) likewise composed
in the Persian language a large historical work written in the most
flowery style which is the main source of our knowledge of that
period. This famous work is divided in two parts, the first one of
which under the title _Akbarname_, "Akbar Book," contains the complete
history of Akbar's reign, whereas the second part, the _Ain i Akbari_,
"The Institutions of Akbar," gives a presentation of the political and
religious constitution and administration of India under Akbar's
reign. It is also deserving of mention in this connection that Akbar
instituted a board for contemporary chronicles, whose duty it was to
compose the official record of all events relating to the Emperor and
the government as well as to collect all laws and decrees.[27]
When Akbar's recreation hours had come in the night the poets of his
court brought their verses. Translations of famous works in Sanskrit
literature, of the New Testament and of other interesting books were
read aloud, all of which captivated the vivacious mind of the Emperor
from which nothing was farther removed than onesidedness and
narrow-mindedness. Akbar had also a discriminating appreciation for
art and industries. He himself designed the plans for some extremely
beautiful candelabra, and the manufacture of tapestry reached such a
state of perfection in India under his personal supervision that in
those days fabrics were produced in the great imperial factories which
in beauty and value excelled the famous rugs of Persia. With still
more important results Akbar influenced the realm of architecture in
that he discovered how to combine two completely different styles. For
indeed, the union of Mohammedan and Indian motives in the buildings of
Akbar (who here as in all other departments strove to perfect the
complete elevation of national and religious details) to form an
improved third style,[28] is entirely original.
Among other ways Akbar betrayed the scientific trend of his mind by
sending out an expedition in search of the sources of the Ganges.[29]
That a man of such a wonderful degree of versatility should have
recognized the value of general education and have devoted himself to
its improvement, we would simply take for granted. Akbar caused
schools to be erected throughout his whole kingdom for the children of
Hindus and Mohammedans, whereas he himself did not know how to read or
write.[30] This remarkable fact would seem incredible to us after
considering all the above mentioned facts if it was not confirmed by
the express testimony of his son, the Emperor Jehangir. At any rate
for an illiterate man Akbar certainly accomplished an astonishing
amount. The universal character of the endowments of this man could
not have been increased by the learning of the schools.
[Footnote 30: J.T. Wheeler, loc. cit., 141; Noer, I, 193; II, 324,
I have now come to the point which arouses most strongly the universal
human interest in Akbar, namely, to his religious development and his
relation to the religions, or better to religion. But first I must
protest against the position maintained by a competent scholar[31]
that Akbar himself was just as indifferent to religious matters as was
the house of Timur as a whole. Against this view we have the testimony
of the conscientiousness with which he daily performed his morning and
evening devotions, the value which he placed upon fasting and prayer
as a means of self-discipline, and the regularity with which he made
yearly pilgrimages to the graves of Mohammedan saints. A better
insight into Akbar's heart than these regular observances of worship
which might easily be explained by the force of custom is given by the
extraordinary manifestations of a devout disposition. When we learn
that Akbar invariably prayed at the grave of his father in Delhi[32]
before starting upon any important undertaking, or that during the
siege of Chitor he made a vow to make a pilgrimage to a shrine in
Ajmir after the fall of the fortress, and that after Chitor was in his
power he performed this journey in the simplest pilgrim garb, tramping
barefooted over the glowing sand,[33] it is impossible for us to look
upon Akbar as irreligious. On the contrary nothing moved the Emperor
so strongly and insistently as the striving after religious truth.
This effort led to a struggle against the most destructive power in
his kingdom, against the Mohammedan priesthood. That Akbar, the
conqueror in all domains, should also have been victorious in the
struggle against the encroachments of the Church (the bitterest
struggle which a ruler can undertake), this alone should insure him a
place among the greatest of humanity.
The Ulemas must have been horror-stricken when they found out that
Akbar even sought religious instruction from the hated Brahmans. We
hear especially of two, Purushottama and Debi by name, the first of
whom taught Sanskrit and Brahman philosophy to the Emperor in his
palace, whereas the second was drawn up on a platform to the wall of
the palace in the dead of the night and there, suspended in midair,
gave lessons on profound esoteric doctrines of the Upanishads to the
emperor as he sat by the window. A characteristic bit of Indian local
color! The proud Padishah of India, one of the most powerful rulers of
his time, listening in the silence of night to the words of the
Brahman suspended there outside, who himself as proud as the Emperor
would not set foot inside the dwelling of one who in his eyes was
unclean, but who would not refuse his wisdom to a sincere seeker after
Akbar had long ceased to be a faithful Moslem. Now after the fall of
the Ulemas he came forward openly with his conviction, declared the
Koran to be a human compilation and its commands folly, disputed the
miracles of Mohammed and also the value of his prophecies, and denied
the doctrine of recompense after death. He professed the Brahman and
Sufistic doctrine that the soul migrates through countless existences
and finally attains divinity after complete purification.
The assertion of the Ulemas that every person came into the world
predisposed towards Islam and that the natural language of mankind was
Arabic (the Jews made the same claim for Hebrew and the Brahmans for
Sanskrit), Akbar refuted by a drastic experiment which does not
correspond with his usual benevolence, but still is characteristic of
the tendency of his mind. In this case a convincing demonstration
appeared to him so necessary that some individuals would have to
suffer for it. Accordingly in the year 1579 he caused twenty infants
to be taken from their parents in return for a compensation and
brought up under the care of silent nurses in a remote spot in which
no word should be spoken. After four years it was proved that as many
of these unhappy children as were still alive were entirely dumb and
possessed no trace of a predisposition for Islam.[35] Later the
children are said to have learned to speak with extraordinary
difficulty as was to be expected.
[Footnote 35: J.T. Wheeler, IV, I, 174; Noer, I, 511, 512. A familiar
classical parallel to this incident is the experiment recorded by
Herodotus (II, 2) which the Egyptian king Psammetich is said to have
performed with two infants. It is related that after being shut up in
a goat's stable for two years separated from all human intercourse
these children repeatedly cried out the alleged Phrygian word [Greek:
bekhos], "bread," which in reality was probably simply an imitation of
the bleating of the goats. Compare Edward B. Tyler, _Researches into
the Early History of Mankind_. 2nd edition, (London, 1870), page 81:
"It is a very trite remark that there is nothing absolutely incredible
in the story and that _Bek, bek_ is a good imitative word for bleating
as in [Greek: blechhaomai, mekhaomai], _bloeken, meckern_, etc."
Farther on we find the account of a similar attempt made by James IV
of Scotland as well as the literature with regard to other historical
and legendary precedents of this sort in both Orient and Occident.]
[Footnote 36: Noer, II, 324, 325. Beards which the Koran commanded to
be worn Akbar even refused to allow in his presence. M. Elphinstone,
525; G.B. Malleson, 177.]
Before I enter into the Emperor's assumption of this flattery and his
conception of the imperial dignity as conferred by the grace of God, I
must speak of the interesting attempts of the Jesuits to win over to
Christianity the most powerful ruler of the Orient.
[Footnote 38: J.T. Wheeler, IV, I, 165, note, 47; M. Elphinstone, 523,
note 8; G.B. Malleson, 162.]
The Jesuits on their side pushed energetically toward their goal and
did not scorn to employ flattery in so far as to draw a parallel
between the Emperor and Christ, but no matter how slyly the fathers
proceeded in the accomplishment of their plans Akbar was always a
match for them. In spite of all concessions with regard to the
excellence and credibility of the Christian doctrines the Emperor
never seemed to be entirely satisfied. Du Jarric "complains bitterly
of his obstinacy and remarks that the restless intellect of this man
could never be quieted by one answer but must constantly make further
inquiry."[39] The clever historian of Islam makes the following
comment: "Bad, very bad;--perhaps he would not even be satisfied with
the seven riddles of the universe of the latest natural science."[40]
Then too Akbar could not but see through the Jesuits although he
appreciated and admired many points about them. Their rigid dogmatism,
their intolerance and inordinate ambition could leave him no doubt
that if they once arose to power the activity of the Ulemas, once by
good fortune overthrown, would be again resumed by them to a stronger
and more dangerous degree. It is also probable that Akbar, who saw and
heard everything, had learned of the horrors of the Inquisition at
Goa. Moreover, the clearness of Akbar's vision for the realities of
national life had too often put him on his guard to permit him to look
upon the introduction of Christianity, however highly esteemed by him
personally, as a blessing for India. He had broken the power of Islam
in India; to overthrow in like manner the second great religion of his
empire, Brahmanism, to which the great majority of his subjects clung
with body and soul, and then in place of both existing religions to
introduce a third foreign religion inimically opposed to them--such a
procedure would have hurled India into an irremediable confusion and
destroyed at one blow the prosperity of the land which had been
brought about by the ceaseless efforts of a lifetime. For of course it
was not the aim of the Jesuits simply to win Akbar personally to
Christianity but they wished to see their religion made the state
religion of this great empire.
Akbar felt that he was a mediator between God and man and believed
"that the deity revealed itself to him in the mystical illumination of
his soul."[41] This conviction Akbar held in common with many rulers
of the Occident who were much smaller than he. Idolatrous marks of
veneration he permitted only to a very limited degree. He was not
always quite consistent in this respect however, and we must realize
how infinitely hard it was to be consistent in this matter at an
Oriental court when the customary servility, combined with sincere
admiration and reverence, longed to actively manifest itself.
Doubtless in the foundation of his Din i Ilahi Akbar was not pursuing
merely ideal ends but probably political ones as well, for the
adoption of the new religion signified an increased loyalty to the
Emperor. The novice had to declare himself ready to yield to the
Emperor his property, his life, his honor, and his former faith, and
in reality the adherents of the Din i Ilahi formed a clan of the
truest and most devoted servitors of the Emperor. It may not be
without significance that soon after the establishment of the Din i
Ilahi a new computation of time was introduced which dated from the
accession of Akbar to the throne in 1556.
After the new religion had been in existence perhaps five years the
number of converts began to grow by the thousands but we can say with
certainty that the greater portion of these changed sides not from
conviction but on account of worldly advantage, since they saw that
membership in the new religion was very advantageous to a career in
the service of the state.[45] By far the greatest number of those who
professed the Din i Ilahi observed only the external forms, privately
remaining alien to it.
In reality the new religion did not extend outside of Akbar's court
and died out at his death. Hence if failure here can be charged to the
account of the great Emperor, yet this very failure redounds to his
honor. Must it not be counted as a great honor to Akbar that he
considered it possible to win over his people to a spiritual
imageless worship of God? Had he known that the religious requirements
of the masses can only be satisfied by concrete objects of worship and
by miracles (the more startling the better), that a spiritualized
faith can never be the possession of any but a few chosen souls, he
would not have proceeded with the founding of the Din i Ilahi. And
still we cannot call its establishment an absolute failure, for the
spirit of tolerance which flowed out from Akbar's religion
accomplished infinite good and certainly contributed just as much to
lessening the antagonisms in India as did Akbar's social and
industrial reforms.
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