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Cse Btech Vi Sem Scheme Syllabus Jan 2022 1

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IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science

(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)

Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI Semester
Maximum Marks Allotted
Subject Code Theory Practical Total Hours per Total

S.No. Subject Name week

Marks Credits
Term work
Mid Sem. Quiz/
End Sem End Sem Lab Work & L T P
Exam. Assignment
1. BSC-CS601 BSC Scientific Aptitude 70 20 10 – – 100 3 1 – 4
2. PCC-CS601 PCC Compiler Design 70 20 10 60 40 200 2 1 2 4
3. PCC-CS602 PCC Computer Network 70 20 10 60 40 200 2 1 2 4
4. PEC-CS601 PEC Elective -II 70 20 10 – – 100 3 – – 3
5. OEC-CS601 OEC Open Elective-II 70 20 10 – – 100 3 – – 3
6. PROJ-CS601 PROJ Project-I – – – 60 40 100 – – 4 2
7. PROJ-CS602 PROJ Evaluation of Internship-I – – – 60 40 100 – – 4 2
8. To be completed during semester break. Its Evaluation / Credit to be added in Seventh
– PROJ Internship-II Semester.
Total 350 100 50 240 160 900 13 3 12 22

Electives-II Open Electives-II

PEC-CS601(A) Foundation of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning OEC-CS601(A) Entrepreneurship
PEC-CS601(B) Cyber Security OEC-CS601(B) IPR
PEC-CS601(C) Natural Language Processing OEC-CS601(C) Operation Research
PEC-CS601(D) Information Storage Management OEC-CS601(D) Probability Theory & Statistics

1 Hr Lecture 1 Hr Tutorial 2 Hr Practical

1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]


BSC-CS601 Scientific Aptitude 3L: 1T: 0P (4hrs.) 4 credits


Course Objective:
This course aims to sensitize students with the gamut of skills which facilitate them to enhance
their employability quotient.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (10hrs.)
Number System, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Profit & Loss, Simple &
compound Interest.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Allegation & Mixture, Average, Time &Distance, Time and Work, Mensuration 2D & 3D,
Permutation and Combination.

Module 3: (08 hrs.)

Probability, Co-ordinate Geometry, Inequalities, Functions, Progressions, Set Theory, Quadratic
equations, Surds.

Module 4: (06hrs.)
Coding Decoding, Sitting Arrangements, Data sequence/Calendars, Direction Sense Test, Blood

Module 5: (06hrs.)
Syllogism, series, Analogy Classification, Clocks, Statements and Arguments, Puzzle Test, Cubes
and dice.

Course Outcome:
1. Understand the basic concepts of quantitativeability.
2. Applying basic mathematics skills to interpret data, draw conclusions, and solveproblems.
3. Developing proficiency in numericalreasoning;
4. Understand the basic concepts of logical reasoningSkills.
5. Develop the puzzle solvingskills.
List of Text / Reference Books:
1. R.S. Aggarwal, “Quantitative Aptitude”,S. Chand Publication,RevisedEdition,2018.
2. M. Tyra, “Magical Book on Quicker Maths”, BSC Publishing Co PvtLtd,2018.
3. K.Kundan,“MagicalBookSeries:DataInterpretation”,BSCPublishingCoPvtLtd,2012.
4. H.William Dettmer , “The Logical Thinking process”, Productivity Press(India)Ltd.,2001.
5. Aditi Agarwal, “An expert guide to problem solving: with practicalexamples”, Createspace
Independent Pub,2016.
6. George J Summers , “The Great Book of Puzzles &Teasers”, Jaico Publishing
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]


PCC-CS601 Compiler Design 2L: 1T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits

Prerequisite: Theory of Computation

Course Objective:
To explain the different stages in the process of compilation.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)
Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis
Introduction of Compiler, Major data Structure in compiler, types of Compiler, Front-end and Back-
end of compiler, Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a
compiler, Single & Multipass Compiler, Lexical analysis: Input buffering, Specification &
Recognition of Tokens, Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator, LEX.

Module 2: (15 hrs.)

Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation
Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing, Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing,
transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence
parsing, LR parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),Parser generation. Syntax directed definitions: Construction
of Syntax trees, Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition, L attribute definition, Top down
translation, Bottom Up evaluation of inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax
directed definition.

Module 3: (6 hrs.)
Type checking: type system, specification of simple type checker, equivalence of expression, types,
type conversion, overloading of functions and operations, polymorphic functions. Runtime
Environment: storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, Parameter passing, dynamic storage
allocation, Symbol table, Error Detection & Recovery.
Module 4: (06 hrs.)
Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, Case
statements, back patching, Procedure calls Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator,
Basic block and flow graphs, Register allocation and assignment, DAG representation of basic
blocks, peephole optimization, and generating code from DAG.

Module 5: (07 hrs.)

Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic blocks, loops in flow graphs,
dead code elimination, loop optimization, Introduction to global data flow analysis, Code
Improving transformations ,Data flow analysis of structure flow graph Symbolic debugging of
optimized code.

Course Outcome:

1. Understand the overview of phase of compiler and Lexical analysis.

2. Design and implement various parsing techniques of compiler.
3. Apply type checking for semantic analysis and analyze Run time environment.
4. Design and implement different intermediate code generation techniques.
5. Analyze various code optimization techniques

List of Text / Reference Books:

1.A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J.D. Ullman. “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools” , Pearson
Education,2nd Edition ,2007.
2.V Raghavan, “Principals of Compiler Design”, TMH Pub.,2017
3.Louden. “Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice”, Cengage Learning,1997
4.A. C. Holub. “Compiler Design in C” , Prentice-Hall Inc., 1993.
5.Ronald Mak, “Writing compiler & Interpreters”, Willey Pub.,3rd Edition,2009
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]


PCC-CS602 Computer Network 2L: 1T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits

Prerequisite: Data Communication

Course Objective:
This course provides a foundation to understand computer networks using layered architectures.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (06hrs.)
Introduction to computer networks: Network – Component and Categories – Topologies Reference
Models: ISO/OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol suite. Principals of physical layer: Transmission
Media, Bandwidth, Multiplexing, Switching.

Module 2: (07hrs.)
Data Link Layer: Need, Services Provided, Framing, Flow Control, Error control. Data Link Layer
Protocol: Elementary &Sliding Window protocol: 1-bit, Go-Back-N, Selective Repeat, Hybrid
ARQ. Protocol verification: Finite State Machine Models & Petri net models.ARP/RARP.

Module 3: (9 hrs.)
MAC Sub layer: MAC Addressing, Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) Algorithm,
Distributed Random Access Schemes/Contention Schemes: for Data Services (ALOHA and
Slotted- ALOHA), for Local-Area Networks (CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA), Collision Free
Protocols: Basic Bit Map, Binary Count Down, Adaptive Tree Walk, Performance Measuring
Metrics. IEEE Standards 802 series & theirvariant.
Module 4: (08hrs.)
Network L a y e r : Need, Services Provided , Design issues, Routing algorithms: Least Cost
Routing algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm, Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast
Routing, Multicast Routing. IP Addresses, Header format, Packet forwarding,
Fragmentationandreassembly,ICMP,ComparativestudyofIPv4 &IPv6.

Module 5: (10hrs.)
Transport Layer: Design issues, UDP: Header Format, Per-Segment Checksum, Carrying
Uncast/Multicast Real-Time Traffic, TCP: Connection Management, Reliability of Data Transfers, TCP
Flow Control, TCP Congestion Control, TCP Header Format, TCP Timer Management. Application
Layer: WWW and HTTP, FTP, SSH, Email (SMTP, MIME, IMAP), DNS, Network Management (SNMP).
Course Outcome:
1. Describe basics of computer network, network architecture, TCP/IP protocol suite, OSI
reference models & fundamentals of physicallayer.
2. Classify data link protocol like flow control, error control, bit oriented protocol.
3. Paraphrase multi-channel access protocol, IEEE 802 standards & use Ethernet standards.
4. Explain routing & congestion algorithm. State IP protocol, addressing & subnet.
5. Distinguish various transport & application layer protocols.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, “Computer Networks” Pearson New
International Edition ,5thEdition,2013.
2. Douglas E Comer, “Internetworking with Tcp/Ip Principles, Protocols, And Architecture-
Volume I” 6thEdition, Prentice Hall ofIndia.
3. Dimitri Bertsekas, Robert Gallager, “Data Networks”, PHI Publication, Second Edition.
4. Kaveh Pahlavan, Prashant Krishnamurthy, “NetworkingFundamentals”, Wiley Publication.
5. Uyless Black, “Computer Networks”, PHI Publication, SecondEdition.
6. Ying-DarLin, Ren-Hung Hwang, FredBaker,“Computer Networks: An Open Source
Approach”, McGrawHill.2011.
7. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, McGrawHill, 5th Edition, 2013.
8. WilliamStallings,“DataandComputerCommunication”8thEdition,2007.
9. W. Richard Stevens. “TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1”, Addison-Wesley, United States of

List of Experiments:

1. Study of Different Type of LAN & Network Equipment.

2. Study and Verification of standard Network topologies i.e. .Star, Bus, Ring etc.
3. LAN installations andConfigurations.
4. Write a program to implement various types of error correcting techniques.
5. Write a program to implement various types of framing methods.
6. Study of Tool Command Language(TCL).
7. Study and Installation of Standard Network Simulator:N.S-2,N.S3.OpNet, Qual Net etc.
8. Study & Installation of ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) Simulator for High
Mobility Networks.
9. Configure 802.11WLAN.
10. Implement & simulate various types of routing algorithm.
11. Study & Simulation of MAC Protocols like Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA
using Standard NetworkSimulators.
12. Study of Application layer protocols-DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTPSandTelnet.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Elective-II

Foundation of Artificial
3L: 0T: 0P (3
PEC-CS601(A) Intelligence and Machine 3credits

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics.

Course Objective:
This course provides a concise introduction to the fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence
and machine learning.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (10hrs.)
Artificial Intelligence : Introduction, Various types of production systems, characteristics of
production systems, breadth first search, depth first search techniques, other Search Techniques
like hill Climbing, Best first Search, A* algorithm, AO* Algorithms and various types of control
strategies. Knowledge representation issues, Prepositional and predicate logic, monotonic and on
monotonic reasoning, forward Reasoning, backwardreasoning.

Module 2: (06hrs.)
Introduction: Basic dentitions, types of learning, hypothesis space and inductive bias, evaluation,
cross-validation. Linear regression, Decision trees, over fitting.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Kernel function and Kernel SVM. Neural network:
Preceptor, multilayer network, back-propagation, introduction to deep neural network.
Convolution neural network, flattening, sub sampling, padding, stride, convolution layer,
pooling layer, loss layer, dance layer 1x1 convolution, inception network, input channels,
transfer learning, one shot learning, dimension reductions, implementation of CNN like tensor
flow, keras etc.

Module 4: (08 hrs.)

Ensemble learning, clustering: k-means, adaptive hierarchical clustering, and Gaussian mixture
model. Application of machine learning in computer vision, speech processing, natural language
processing etc, Case Study: Image Net Competition
Module 5: (06hrs.)
Instance based learning, Feature reduction, Collaborative filtering based recommendation.
probability and Bayes learning.

Course Outcome:
1. State the overview of the Artificial intelligence.
2. Explain the types of learning, linear regression and decision tree.
3. Discuss the various classification techniques and convolution neuralnetwork.
4. Explain the Ensemble learning and clustering techniques.
5. Discuss the recommendation system and Bayeslearning.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1.Rich E and Knight K, “Artificial Intelligence”, The McGraw- Hill,.3rdEdition,2008
2.Tom Mitchell, “Machine Learning”, McGraw- Hill, First Edition, 1997.
3. Ethem Alpaydin, “Introduction to Machine Learning Edition”2, MIT Press, Third Edition,2014.

1. Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially
computer systems.
2. AI is to enable computers to perform intellectual tasks as decision making, problem solving,
perception, understanding human communication (in any language, and translate among them
3. Machine Learning is an Application of AI & gives devices the ability to learn from their
experiences without doing any coding.

Students pursuing a concentration in AI & ML must also take the following concentration
Requirements and electives:

1. Deep & Reinforcement Learning

2. Robotics
3. Embedded System
4. Soft Computing
5. Computational Intelligence
6. Pattern Recognition
7. Data Visualization
8. Web & Information Retrieval
9. Data Science

Studying artificial intelligence & Machine Learning opens a world of opportunities.

IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Elective-II

PEC-CS601(B) Cyber Security 3L: 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits

Prerequisite: None

Course Objective:
Analyze and resolve security issues in an organization to secure an IT infrastructure.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (06hrs.)
Introduction of Cyber Crime, Challenges of cyber crime, Classifications of Cybercrimes: E-
Mail Spoofing, Spamming, Internet Time Theft, Salami attack/Salami Technique.

Module 2: (8 hrs.)
Web jacking, Online Frauds, Software Piracy, Computer Network Intrusions, Password
Sniffing, Identity Theft, cyber terrorism, Virtual Crime, Perception of cyber criminals: hackers,
insurgents and extremist group etc. Web servers were hacking, session hijacking.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Cyber Crime and Criminal justice: Concept of Cyber Crime and the IT Act, 2000, Hacking,
Teenage Web Vandals, Cyber Fraud and Cheating, Defamation, Harassment and E- mail
Abuse, Other IT Act Offences, Monetary Penalties, jurisdiction and Cyber Crimes, Nature of
Criminality, Strategies to tackle Cyber Crime andTrends.

Module 4: (10 hrs.)

The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 v. Information Technology Act, 2000: Status of Electronic
Records as Evidence, Proof and Management of Electronic Records; Relevancy, Admissibility
and Probative Value of E-Evidence, Proving Digital Signatures, Proof of Electronic
Agreements, Proving ElectronicMessages.

Module 5: (06hrs.)
Tools and Methods in Cybercrime: Proxy Servers and Anonymizers,PasswordCracking, Key
loggers and Spyware, virusand worms, Trojan Horses, Backdoors, DoS and DDoS Attacks ,
Buffer and Overflow, Attack on Wireless Networks, Phishing : Method of Phishing, Phishing
Techniques. Introduction to KALILinux.

Course Outcome:
1. Define and explain the concepts of cyber crime and its classification.
2. Delineate the components online frauds, intrusions, virtual crimes andhacking.
3. Knowledge of different act’s in cybersecurity
4. List the various parts of IT act related to electronicrecords.
5. Knowledge of different Cyber Securitytools.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Jonathan Clough, “Principles of Cyber crime”, Cambridge University Press, 2ndEdition,

2. John R. Vacca, “ Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation”,
CharlesRiverMedia, 2ndEdition,2005.
3. Vivek Sood“Cyber Law Simplified”,TMH,2001.
4. Nina Godbole, SunitBelapure , “Cyber Security”,Wiley-India
5. William Hutchinson, Mathew Warren, “Information Warfare: Corporate attack and
defense in digital world” , Elsevier, Reed International and Professional Publishing
6. Harish Chander , “Cyber Laws and IT Protection”, Prentice Hall India Learning Private

1. Computer security, cyber security or any other related terminology is the protection of
computers from any harm or damage, either physical or otherwise, by unauthorized users.
2. Cyber Security is a very broad term but is based on three fundamental concepts known as “The
CIA Triad“. It consists of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
3. Cyber Security study programmers teach you how to protect computer operating systems,
networks, and data from cyber attacks.
4. Confidentiality, honesty, and availability are three basic security principles that are essential for
information on the internet.

Students pursuing a concentration in Cyber Security must also take the following concentration
Requirements and electives:

Cyber Security are more popular than ever. Living in the digital age means hackers and cyber
terrorists have endless opportunities to exploit individuals, government institutions, and even
Large companies

1. Project-I
2. Project-II
3. Project-III
4. Mobile Application Development
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Elective-II

Natural Language
PEC-CS601(C) Processing 3L: 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Theory of Computation

Course Objective:
To gain the knowledge for developing advanced technology of computer systems like speech
recognition and machine translation.

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Introduction to Natural Language Understanding- Levels of language analysis-Syntax, Semantics,
Pragmatics, Applications, Ambiguity, Morphology, Parsing with Finite State Transducers, Regular
Expressions, Stemmer, Spellingerrors.

Module2: (10hrs.)
Computational Phonology: speech sound, phonetic transcription, text to speech, Pronunciation
Variations, Bayesian Method to spelling and pronunciations, Minimum Edit Distance, Weighted

Module3: (10 hrs.)

HMM and speech recognition, Viterbi algorithm, Acoustic processing of speech, Feature Extraction,
Speech Synthesis; Part-of-Speech Tagging: rule based, stochastic, transformation based.

Module4: (08 hrs.)

Syntax Processing: Parsing with CFG, CKY parsing and the Earley parser, Probabilistic parsing;
Semantic Processing: Meaning representation, First Order Predicate Calculus. Lexical Semantics:
Internal structure of words, thematic roles, Primitive decomposition, WordNet.

Module5: (06 hrs.)

Word sense disambiguation; Information Retrieval: Vector space model, Improving user queries;
Pragmatic Processing: Discourse; Natural Language Generation, Machine Translation.
Course Outcome:
1. To tag a given text with basic Languagefeatures
2. To design an innovative application using NLPcomponents
3. To implement a rule based system to tackle morphology/syntax of alanguage
4. To design a tag set to be used for statistical processing for real-timeapplications
5. To compare and contrast the useof different statistical approaches for different types of

List of Text / Reference Books:

1.D. Jurafsky and J.H. Martin, “Speech and Language Processing; Processing”,Prentice
2.C. Manning and H. Schutze,“Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing”, MIT Press
3.James Allen.“Natural Language Understanding”, Addison Wesley,1994.
4.Richard M Reese, “Natural Language Processing with Javall”, OReilly Media,2015.
5.Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary, “Natural Language Processing and InformationRetrieval”,
Oxford University Press,2008

1. Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that helps computers
understand, interpret and manipulate human language.
2. NLP (Natural Language Processing) Concerned with building computational tools that do useful
things with language.
3. NLP includes text-to-speech or speech-to-text conversion; machine translation from one language to
another; categorizing, indexing, and summarizing written documents; and identifying mood and
Opinions within text- and voice-based data.

Students pursuing a concentration in Natural Language Processing must also take the following
concentration requirements and electives:
1. Computational Intelligence
2. Pattern Recognition
3. Web & Information Retrieval
4. Semantic Web & Ontology’s.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Elective-II

Information Storage
PEC-CS601(D) & Management 3L: 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits

Prerequisite: None

To introduce solutions available for data storage, Core elements of a data center infrastructure,
role of each element in supporting business activities

Course Contents :( 40 hrs)

Module 1: (06hrs.)
Introduction to Storage Technology: Data proliferation, evolution of various storage
technologies, Overview of storage infrastructure components, Information Lifecycle Management,

Module 2: (12hrs.)
Storage Systems Architecture: Intelligent disk subsystems overview, Contrast of integratedvs.
modular arrays, Component architecture of intelligent disk subsystems, Disk physical structure
components, properties, performance, and specifications, RAIDlevels & parity algorithms, hot
sparing, Front end to host storage provisioning, mapping andoperation.

Module 3: (06hrs.)
Introduction to Networked Storage: JBOD, DAS, NAS, SAN & CAS evolution and comparison.
Applications, Elements, connectivity, standards, management, security and limitations of DAS,

Module 4: (06hrs.)
Hybrid Storage solutions; Virtualization: Memory, network, server, storage & appliances. Data
center concepts & requirements, Backup & Disaster Recovery: Principles Managing & Monitoring:
Industry management standards (SNMP, SMI-S, CIM), standard framework applications, Key
management metrics (Thresholds, availability, capacity, security, performance).
Module 5: (10hrs.)
Information storage on cloud :Concept of Cloud, Cloud Computing, storage on Cloud, Cloud
Vocabulary, Architectural Framework, Cloud benefits, Cloud computing Evolution, Applications &
services on cloud, Cloud service providers and Models, Essential characteristics of cloud
computing, Cloud Security and integration.

Course Outcome:
After the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1.To Understand the Concept of Information Storage and Data centre Environment.
2.To understand about Data Protection.
3.To Understand Fiber ChannelSAN.
4.To describe the different backup and recovery topologies and their role in providing disaster
recovery and business continuity capabilities.
5.To Understand Cloud Computing.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. G. Somasundaram & Alok Shrivastava (EMC Education Services) editors, “Information
Storage and Management: Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information”,Wiley
2. Ulf Troppens, Wolfgang Mueller-Friedt, Rainer Erkens, Rainer Wolafka, Nils Haustein,
“Storage Network explained : Basic and application of fiber channels, SAN, NAS, iSESI,
INFINIBAND and FCOE”, WileyIndia.
3. John W. Rittinghouse and James F. Ransome, “Cloud Computing:Implementation,
Management and Security”, CRC Press, Taylor Frances Pub.1stEdition,2017
4. Nick Antonopoulos, Lee Gillam, “Cloud Computing : Principles, System &Application”,
5. Anthony T. Velete, Toby J.Velk, and Robert Eltenpeter, “Cloud Computing: A practical
Approach”, McGraw-Hill Education (India) PvtLimited,2009
6. Dr. Kumar Saurabh , “Cloud Computing : Insight into New Era I”, Wiley India Pvt. Limited,

1. Information storage is a central pillar of information technology. A large amount of digital
information is created every moment by individuals and organizations.
2. Information needs to be stored, protected, optimized, and managed in classic, virtualized, rapidly
evolving cloud environments.
3.Information storage technology plays in the availability, performance, integration, and optimization
of the entire IT infrastructure.
4. Information storage has developed into a highly sophisticated technology, providing a variety of
solutions for storing, managing, connecting, protecting, securing, sharing, and optimizing digital

Data storage and management experts discuss what steps you need to take to properly manage and store
data. Students pursuing a concentration in Information Storage Management must also take the
following concentration requirements and electives:
1. Mobile Application Development
2. Block Chain Technology
3. Cloud Computing
4. Data Mining & Warehousing
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Open Elective-II

Entrepreneurship 3L:0T:0P 3
OEC-CS601(A) (3hrs) Credits
Prerequisite(s): NA

1. To inculcate entrepreneurship skills to students.
2. To aware about industry structure and how to start up a company.
3. To aware about types of Enterprises.
4. To understand E-commerce practices.
5. To understand and practice Digital Marketing.
Course Objectives:
 To develop conceptual understanding of the concept of Entrepreneurship
 To learn the government’s policy.
 To Learn about types of Enterprises
 To Learn about E-commerce and its Technological Aspects
 To Learn about Digital Marketing

Course Content:
Module 1 (08Hrs)
Entrepreneurship: Definition, requirements to be an entrepreneur, entrepreneur and entrepreneur,
entrepreneur and manager, growth of entrepreneurship in India, women entrepreneurship, rural and
urban entrepreneurship

Module 2 (10Hrs)
Entrepreneurial Motivation
Motivating factors, motivation theories-Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, McClelland’s Acquired
Need Theory, government’s policy actions towards entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurship
development programme.

Module 3 (10Hrs)
Types of Enterprises and Ownership Structure: Small scale, medium scale and large scale enterprises,
role of small enterprises in economic development; proprietorship, partnership, Ltd. companies and
co-operatives: their formation, capital structure and source of finance
Module 4 (12Hrs)
E-commerce and its Technological Aspects: Overview of developments in Information Technology
and Defining E-Commerce: The scope of E commerce, Electronic Market, Electronic Data
Interchange, Internet Commerce, Benefits and limitations of E-Commerce, Produce a generic
framework for E-Commerce, Architectural framework of Electronic Commerce, Web based E
Commerce Architecture.
Module5 (10Hrs)
Introduction to Digital Marketing:. Evolution of Digital Marketing from traditional to modern era,
Role of Internet, Search Engine Advertising, Display marketing, Social Media Marketing

Text Books:
1. Koontz &O’ Donnel¸ Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill,NewDelhi,2009
2. Peter F Drucker, The Practice of Management, McGraw Hill, NewYork,1960
3. Peter F.Drucker, Innovation and Development, McGraw Hill, NewYork,2000.

Reference Books:
1. Mohanty SK; Fundamental of Entrepreneurship; PHI, 2005.
2. Davis & Olson; Management Information System; TMH,1985.

Entrepreneurship education cultivates innovative talents, which are an important driving force for
future development. At present, innovation-driven development strategies place new demands on
entrepreneurship education

Entrepreneurship is not just about start-ups. It is a problem-solving frame of mind that requires
technical expertise, a business sense, an ability to anticipate the future, and an appreciation of social
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Open Elective-II
Intellectual Property 3L:0T:0P 3
OEC-CS601(B) Rights (3hrs) Credits

Prerequisite(s): NA
Course Objective:

• To be familiar with the concept of intellectual property.

• To be familiar with Purpose and function of trademarks
• To be familiar with Fundamental of copy right law
• To clear idea of the trade Secrete
• To be familiar with latest development in the field of intellectual property.

Module 1 (08 Hrs)

Introduction to Intellectual Property: Introduction, types of intellectual property, international
organizations, agencies and treaties, importance of intellectual property rights.

Module 2 (08 Hrs)

Trade Marks: Purpose and function of trademarks, acquisition of trade mark rights, protectable matter,
selecting, and evaluating trade mark, trade mark registration processes.

Module 3 (10 Hrs)

Law Of Copyrights: Fundamental of copy right law, originality of material, rights of reproduction,
rights to perform the work publicly, copy right ownership issues, copy right registration, notice of
copy right, international copy right law. Law of patents: Foundation of patent law, patent searching
process, ownership rights and transfer

Module 4 (08 Hrs)

Trade-Secrets: Trade secrete law, determination of trade secrete status, liability for misappropriations
of trade secrets, protection for submission, trade secrete litigation. Unfair competition:
Misappropriation right of publicity, false advertising.

Module 5 (08 Hrs)

New Development In Intellectual Property: new developments in trade mark law; copy right law,
patent law, intellectual property audits. International overview on intellectual property, international –
trade mark law, copy right law, international patent law, and international development in trade secrets
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of intellectual property.
2. Understand what is trademark and its importance.
3. Understand the law of copyright.
4. Understand how trade secrete help in competitive market
5. Understand the latest trends in intellectual property.
Text Books & References:
1.Intellectual property right, Deborah.E.Bouchoux, Cengagelearning.
2.Intellectual property right –Unleashing the knowledge economy, Prabuddha Ganguli, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing company ltd.

The subject of IPR includes patents (granted to inventions that are new, no obvious, and useful, for a
period of 20 years) designs, trademarks, Copyright etc. Students possess an understanding on IPR so
that they can add more value when they join industries because they can apply these concepts in day
to day scenarios protecting the assets of both the organization and as well as their customers.
Each industry should evolve its own IPR policies, management style, strategies, and so on depending
on its area of specialty. Pharmaceutical industry currently has an evolving IPR strategy requiring a
better focus and approach in the coming era.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Open Elective-II

OEC-CS601(C) Operation Research 3Credits

Pre requisite(s): M-II, M-III

Course Objective:
1. To be familiar with all the OR Techniques and optimization methods.
2. To be familiar with various inventory control techniques.
3. To be familiar with waiting line models and Competitive strategy.
4. To clear idea of the decision making and meta-heuristic algorithm.
5. To understand project network analysis.

Course Content:

Module 1 (12 Hrs)

Linear system and distribution models: Mathematical formulation of linear systems by LP, solution
of LP for two variables, Simplex method, special cases of LP- transportation and assignment model and
their graphical solution, Vogels Approximation Method (VAM) or penalty method, cell evaluation

Module 2 (10 Hrs)

Inventory Models: Necessity of inventory in process and safety stock, problem of excess inventory
and cycle time, JIT/ Lean Mfg; basics of inventory models with deterministic demand, Classical EOQ
Model, ABC, VED and other analysis based on shelf life, movement, size, MRP technique and
calculations, lot sizing in MRP, linking MRP with JIT; evolution of MRP to ERP to SCM and e-

Module 3 (10 Hrs)

Waiting Line Models: Introduction, Input process, service mechanism, Queue discipline, single server
(M/M/1), average length and average time calculations, optimum service rate; basic multiple server
models (M/M/s)
Competitive strategy: concept and terminology, assumptions, pure and mixed strategies, two person
zero sum games, saddle point, dominance, graphical, algebraic and LP methods for solving game
theory problems.
Module 4 (10 Hrs)
Decision Analysis: Decision under certainty, risk Probability and uncertainty, Hurwitz criterion AHP
assigning weight and consistency test of AHP. Metaheuristics: definition of heuristic and
metaheuristic algorithms.

Module 5 (10 Hrs)

Network Analysis: Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling; Project management; Network
Techniques and its role in project management, Network logics, Fulkerson's Law, Merits and Demerits
of AON Diagrams; Progr amme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method
(CPM), Determination of critical path, Float/Slack.

Course Outcome:
After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of optimization and its application.
2. Understand the concept of various inventory control techniques used in industries.
3. Understand the concept of Queuing and Game Theory.
4. Understand the idea of the decision making and application of meta-heuristic algorithm
5. Implement project management concepts, tools and techniques in order to achieve project success

Text Books :
1. Hillier FS and Liberman GJ; Introduction to Operations Research concept and cases; TMH , 8th Ed.
2. Heera and Gupta,Operation Research, S Chand Pub.reprint with corrections ,2017
3. Sharma JK; Operations Research; Macmillan 3rd Ed. 2006.
4. Heera and Gupta ,Problems in Operations Research Principles and Solutions, S Chand Pub, 4th Ed.

Reference Books:
1. Taha H; Operations research; PHI, 10th Ed.2019.
2. Jain, pandey & shrivastava; Quantitative techniques for management, New Age publishers.2019
3. Srinivasan G; Quantitative Models In Operations and SCM; PHI Learning, 2017
4. Sen RP; Operations Research-Algorithms and Applications; PHI Learning, 2009
5. Bronson R ;Theory and problems of OR; Schaum Series; TMH, 2016.

Operations Research is interdisciplinary field, intermixing theories and methodologies from
mathematics, management science, computer science, operations management, economics,
engineering, decision support, soft computing and many more.

Operations research and computers interact in many scientific fields of vital importance to our society.
These include, among others, transportation, economics, investment strategy, inventory control,
logistics. Computers & Operations Research (COR) provides an forum for the application of computers
and operations research techniques to problems in these and related fields.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Engineering]

VI-Semester Open Elective-II

Probability Theory 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits

OEC-CS601(D) & Statistics (3hrs)

Course Objective: To understand the basic concept of probability, LPP, Index number and perform
the data analysis with suitable forecasting in research and project phases.

Module-1: Probability (9 Hours)

Probability, Types of probability, Random variable, Probability function, Sampling: purpose and
principle of sampling, Methods of sampling, Size of sample, Merits and limitations of sampling,
Sampling distribution, Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem.

Module-2: Correlation and Regression Analysis (9 Hours)

Correlation analysis: Significance, Correlation & Causation, Types of correlation, Methods of studying
correlation, Multiple correlation, Regression analysis: Difference between correlation and regression,
Bivariate linear regression model, Regression lines, Equations, Coefficients.

Module-3: Hypothesis Testing (8 Hours)

Concept of hypothesis, Types of error in testing, Level of significance, Null and alternative hypothesis,
Special tests of significance: The Chi (χ2) test, The Z-Score test, The T-test, Test for proportion.

Module-4: Linear Programming (9 Hours)

Linear programming: General linear programming problem (LPP), Standard and canonical form of
LPP, Formulation of LPP, Graphical solution, Simplex method, Artificial variable techniques: Two
phase method, Big-M method, Duality: definition of the dual problem, Dual simplex method.

Module-5: Index Numbers, Forecasting and Time Series Analysis (10 Hours)
Index numbers: Use of index numbers, Unweighted index numbers, Weighted index numbers, Quantity
index numbers, Volume index numbers, Time reversal test, Factor reversal test, Forecasting:
Introduction, Steps in forecasting, Methods of forecasting, Time series analysis: Components of time
series, Straight line trends, Non-linear trend.

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Apply fundamental concepts of probability to Computer Science & Engineering problem.
CO2: Apply and explain the Correlation & Regression to Computer Science & Engineering project.
CO3: Apply the various test of significance to structure engineering decision-making problems.
CO4: Apply various linear programming methods to Computer Science & Engineering.
CO5: Apply and analyze the index numbers, forecasting analysis and time series analysis on
suitable classified data.
1. Connor, L R and Morreu, A J H, Statistics in Theory and Practice, Pitman, London, 1964.
2. Wannacott and Wannacott, Introductory Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, New York,5th Edition,
3. Willams, Ken (ed), Statistics and Urban Planning, Charles Knight & Co. Ltd, London, 1975.
4. Yamane, Taro, Statistics – An Introductory Analysis, Harper, New York, 1973.
5. D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runjer, Applied Statistics & Probability for Engineers, Wiley
Publication, 6thEdition, 2014.
5. A. Ravindran, D. T. Phillips and James J. Solberg, Operations Research- Principles and Practice,
John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition 2007.
6. Hamdy A. Taha: Operations Research-An Introduction, Prentice Hall, 10th Edition, 2019.
7. F.S. Hillier, G.J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research- Concepts and Cases, Tata
McGraw Hill, 10th Edition, 2017.
8. C. Chatfield, The Analysis of Time Series - An Introduction, Chapman and Hall, 7th edition 2019.
9. Peter J. Brockwell and Richard A. Davis, Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Springer,
3rd Edition 2016.
10. S. Ross, A first course in probability, Pearson education India, 6th edit

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