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Storage Quality of Pineapple Juice Non-Thermally Pasteurized and Clarified

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Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561

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Storage quality of pineapple juice non-thermally pasteurized and clarified

by microfiltration
Aporn Laorko a,b,c, Sasitorn Tongchitpakdee d, Wirote Youravong a,b,⇑
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112, Thailand
Membrane Science and Technology Research Center, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112, Thailand
LPE’s Membrane Knowledge Center, Liquid Purification Engineering International Co., Ltd., Nonthaburi 11140, Thailand
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microfiltration (MF) is classified as a non-thermal process for the fruit juice industry. It could provide a
Received 3 September 2012 better preservation of the phytochemical property and flavor of the juice. This work aimed to study the
Received in revised form 4 December 2012 stability of phytochemical properties including vitamin C, total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity (2-
Accepted 21 December 2012
Diphenly-1-picrylhydrazyl: DPPH, free radical scavenging capacity and Oxygen Radical Absorbance
Available online 28 December 2012
Capacity: ORAC assays), microbial and chemical–physical (color, browning index, pH and total soluble
solid) properties of MF-clarified pineapple juice during storage at various temperatures (i.e. 4, 27, and
37 °C). The juices were clarified by microfiltration using hollow fiber module. The results showed that
Non-thermal processing
most of the phytochemical properties and soluble components were retained in the juice after microfil-
Pineapple juice tration. No microbial growth was detected after 6 months of storage. The storage time and temperature
Phytochemical property did not affect total soluble solids and pH (P > 0.05). The color (L) of clarified juice stored at 4 °C was
Shelf-life lighter than the juices stored at higher temperature levels (P < 0.05). The phytochemical properties and
total phenol content of the juice significantly decreased as storage time and temperature increased
(P < 0.05). Vitamin C content was the attribute that affected storage time and temperature most as indi-
cated by reaction rate constant and activated energy. Storage of non-thermally pasteurized and clarified
pineapple juice at 4 °C was the most suitable since it allowed the best quality preservation.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. It is well known that

the conventional thermal treatments of fruit juice, including pas-
Pineapple juice is very popular and, thus, highly consumed in teurization and sterilization, ensure safety and extend shelf-life
many countries. Thailand has been a world export leader of both of the product. However, these processes often cause detrimental
concentrate and single strength pineapple juices for decades. Its change of the product quality because of severe heat treatment.
popularity is based on attractive aroma and flavor characteristics, Membrane technology is an alternative method that reduces
and beneficial components that play a primary role in avoiding heat-associated the loss of nutritional and functional quality (e.g.
the risk of chronic diseases. Pineapple juice is one of the fruits that phytochemical properties) and has been successfully applied and
contain high contents of antioxidant and phenolic compounds. The introduced for commercial production of liquid foods such as
phenolic compounds in pineapple juice are sinapyl-L-cysteine, N-c- juices (Carneiro et al., 2002; Cassano et al., 2007a, 2008; De Oli-
L-glutamyl-S-sinapyl-L-cysteine, S-sinapyl glutathione, and p-cou- veira et al., 2012; Habibi et al., 2011; Jaeger de Carvalho et al.,
maric like compounds (Wen and Wrolstad, 2002). Pineapple juice 2008; Kozak et al., 2008), wine (El Rayess et al., 2011; Ulbricht
also contains phytosterols such as ergostanol and stigmastanol et al., 2009; Vernhet and Moutounet, 2002), and milk (Rodríguez-
(Ng and Hupé, 1999). These phytosterols have cholesterol-lower- González et al., 2011; Tan et al., 2010; Walkling-Ribeiro et al.,
ing effect by reducing absorption of cholesterol. Vitamin C, a water 2011). In addition, membrane filtration processes could potentially
soluble vitamin, plays an important role in antioxidant activity. It be combined for clarification and preservation in single step.
reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of Microfiltration (MF) could provide high quality, natural fresh taste
and additive free products. It is also simple, easy to scale up and
characterized as low energy consumption process (Cassano et al.,
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro- 2007a). Moreover, it has been reported that the use of MF for fruit
Industry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112, Thailand. Tel.: +66 7428 juice processing permitted a good level of recovery of vitamin C
6321; fax: +66 7421 2889.
and antioxidant capacity (Cassano et al., 2007b). During storage,
E-mail address: (W. Youravong).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561 555

fruit juice is subjected to deterioration reactions such as microbial 2.3. Storage conditions
spoilage, phytochemical properties’ degradation and changes in
color, texture and appearance (Cortés et al., 2008). Understanding The clarified juice samples obtained from MF processing were
the stability of product characteristics during storage may help stored at 4, 27 and 37 °C. They were analyzed in triplicate at 0, 1,
producers in identifying not only suitable storage conditions but 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months of storage time.
also the most significant characteristics that limit shelf-life. Zheng
and Lu (2011) evaluated stability of ascorbic acid, total phenols and 2.4. Pineapple juice analyses
DPPH radical scavenging activity of pasteurized pineapple juices.
The degradation rate of ascorbic acid, total phenols and DPPH rad- The color of samples was measured by a colorimeter (Colour
ical scavenging activity were storage time and temperature depen- Quest XT, Hunter lab, USA). It is classified by CIE (Comission Inter-
dent. The half-life of ascorbic acid, and DPPH radical scavenging nationale l’Eclairage) into three dimension; L (brightness), a (red
activity of pasteurized pineapple juice storage at 25 °C were to green color) and b (yellow to blue color). The determination of
approximately 25 h. the total color difference (DE) was carried out using the following
The MF process has been successfully employed for clarification equation;
and preservation of pineapple juice (Carneiro et al., 2002; Laorko
et al., 2010, 2011). However, to date there is no research available DE ¼ ðDL2 þ Da2 þ Db Þ1=2 ð1Þ
on the stability of phytochemical properties during storage of MF-
clarified pineapple juices. Therefore, the aim of this study was to DE indicates the magnitude of the color difference between MF-
investigate the stability of physical and phytochemical properties clarified juice before and after storage (Cortés et al., 2008). Chroma
of MF-clarified pineapple juice during 6 months of storage at 4, was determined using the following equation:
27, and 37 °C. The outcome was then used for determination of 2
Chroma ¼ ða2 þ b Þ1=2 ð2Þ
pineapple juice shelf-life and the most suitable storage condition
that retains appreciated quality was recommended. Non-enzymatic browning index was determined at an absor-
bance level of 420 nm with spectrophotometer (Thermo Spectron-
ic, 4001/4, USA), according to the method of Meydav et al. (1997).
2. Materials and methods
The pH values were measured using a pH meter (PB-20, Sarto-
rius, Germany). The total soluble solids were measured by hand
2.1. Preparation of pineapple juice
refractometer (ATAGO, Japan).
The microbiological analyses of clarified juices including total
Fresh pineapples (Ananus Comosus L. Merr.) were rinsed with
plate, yeast and mold, and coliform counts of enzymatic pretreated
tap water. After peeling, fresh pineapples were cut into 1 cm3
pineapple juice were performed by the method.described in bacte-
pieces and juice was extracted by mean of a hydraulic press. Total
riological analytical manual (BAM, 2002).
soluble solids (TSSs) and pH values of the juice were in the range of
Total vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid) con-
12.2–14.2 °Brix and 3.5–4.0, respectively. The fresh pineapple juice
tent was determined by high performance liquid chromatography
was kept at 4 °C before processing. The pineapple juice was treated
(HPLC). The method was based on Zapata and Dufour (1992) with
by 0.03% (v/v) of commercial pectinase (PectinexÒ ultra SP-L) at
some modifications. The juice sample (10 mL) was homogenized
25 ± 3 °C for 60 min before passing them through the membrane
with 10 mL of extraction solution (0.1 M citric acid, 0.05% ethyldi-
system (Carneiro et al., 2002).
aminetretraacetic acid (EDTA) in 5% aqueous methanol) for 2 min.
An internal standard of isoascorbic acid was added at 20 mg/100 g
2.2. Microfiltration of fruit juice. The homogenate was then centrifuged for 10 min at
10,000g and 2 °C. After calibrating the pH with cold buffer, the
The membrane was a autoclaveable polysulfone hollow fiber pH of the supernatant was adjusted to 2.35–2.40 with 6 N HCl.
(Amersham Biosciences, UK) with a fiber diameter and length of The sample was passed through a sep-pack C 18 cartridge (Ver-
1 mm and 30 cm, respectively. The effective membrane area was ti-pack) which had been preconditioned with 10 mL HPLC grade
0.011 m2. The pore size of the membranes were 0.2 lm. The mem- methanol followed by 10 mL of ultrapure water. The residual water
brane system consisted of a 8 L stainless steel jacket-feed tank, var- in the cartridge was expelled with air before use. The first 5 mL of
iable-feed pump (Leeson, USA) and transducers (MBS 3000, eluent were discarded and the next 3 mL were retained for analy-
Danfoss, Denmark) for pressure of the feed, retentate and permeate sis. Then 1 mL of o-phenylenediamine (3.33 mg/mL) was added
measurements. The temperature of the feed was controlled by cir- and the vial was placed in an ice tray in darkness for 80 min before
culating chilled water through a jacket-feed tank. The cross-flow injection. After 80 min, the mixture was passed through a 0.45 lm
velocity (CFV) and transmembrane pressure (TMP) were controlled filter (Vertipure Nylon syling, USA) into the amber vial and then
using needle permeate valve, back pressure (retentate) valve and was injected into HPLC system.
variable speed-feed pump. The digital balance (GF-3000, A&D, Ja- The latter was equipped with reverse phase C18 column (Sym-
pan), connected to the computer, was used to measure the perme- metryÒ C18 5l 4.6  250 mm, Waters, Ireland). The mobile phase
ate flux. was methanol–water (5:95, v/v) containing 5 mM hexadecyltrime-
The experiments were carried out in batch concentration mode thylammonium bromide (CTAB) and 50 mM potassium dihydrogen
(the retentate return to the feed tank) at constant CFV of 1.2 m/s, phosphate, with pH adjusted to 4.59. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/
temperature of 20 ± 2 °C and TMP of 1.0 bar. The permeate sample min. Detection was at 261 nm for reduced L-ascorbate and iso-
was directly filled into sterilized glass bottles under aseptic condi- ascorbate and at 348 mm for L-dehydroascorbate. The retention
tions inside a laminar flow cabinet. The bottles were sterilized in a times were 5.6, 10.8 and 13.5 min for L-dehydroascorbate, reduced
hot air oven at 180 °C for 3 h. The laminar flow cabinet was sprayed L-ascorbate and isoascorbate respectively. Standards of L-ascorbate,
with 70% alcohol and exposed overnight to germicidal ultraviolet L-dehydroascorbate and isoascorbate were purchased from Sigma
light (UV-C, 254 nm with the intensity of 76 lm/cm2). A HEPA air Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO). The results of vitamin C content
filter system with 0.3 lm pore size and a 0.1375 m2 filtration area were expressed as mg/100 mL of fruit juice.
was installed to provide positive pressure and bacteria free air in Total phenol content was determined by spectrophotometer
the laminar flow cabinet. using Folin–Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent (Kim et al., 2002). Total
556 A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561

phenolic content was expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent per Table 1

100 mL of fruit juice (mg GAE/100 mL fruit juice). Total soluble solids (TSSs) and pH of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during
6 months of storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C.
The DPPH free radical scavenging was determined according to
the method of Gil-Izquierdo et al. (2001). The results were ex- T (°C) Time (months) TSS (°Brix) pH
pressed as mg of L-ascorbic acid equivalent per 100 mL of fruit 4 0 12.8(±0.1) 3.64(±0.04)
juice. L-ascorbic acid was used as antioxidant standard reference 1 12.8(±0.2) 3.61(±0.07)
compound. 2 12.8(±0.2) 3.61(±0.07)
3 12.7(±0.2) 3.69(±0.08)
The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay were car- 4 12.5(±0.2) 3.68(±0.04)
ried out on a FLUO star Galaxy plate reader (fluostar optima soft- 5 12.5(±0.1) 3.66(±0.03)
ware user manual, BMG Labtech, Germany) by using a modified 6 12.5(±0.1) 3.58(±0.08)
method of Wu et al. (2004). 27 0 12.8(±0.1) 3.64(±0.04)
1 12.7(±0.2) 3.65(±0.01)
2 12.5(±0.3) 3.64(±0.01)
2.5. Kinetic considerations and shelf-life determination 3 12.5(±0.1) 3.62(±0.04)
4 12.5(±0.1) 3.60(±0.03)
Zero and first order models have been used to evaluate the deg- 5 12.5(±0.1) 3.59(±0.04)
6 12.6(±0.2) 3.59(±0.05)
radation of quality (e.g. vitamin C, total phenol content and antiox-
37 0 12.8(±0.1) 3.64(±0.02)
idant capacity). This kinetic is presented by the following 1 12.6(±0.1) 3.61(±0.05)
equations (Ross, 1998); 2 12.6(±0.3) 3.61(±0.02)
3 12.6(±0.2) 3.58(±0.04)
C ¼ C 0 ðktÞ ð3Þ 4 12.7(±0.1) 3.56(±0.06)
5 12.7(±0.1) 3.63(±0.01)
6 12.6(±0.2) 3.61(±0.07)
C ¼ C 0 expðktÞ ð4Þ
Parentheses following mean values indicate standard deviations.
where C is the content or value at time t, C0 is the initial content
or value (t = 0), k is the reaction rate constant and t is the storage
time. The Arrhenius relationship was assumed of the temperature
levels (P > 0.05) whereas the b value gradually increased with
dependence for the reaction rate constant as follows;
storage time and temperature (P < 0.05). The observed increase in
k ¼ A0 expðEa =RTÞ ð5Þ yellowness was comparable to the decrease of L values.
The overall color changes in MF-clarified juice stored at 4 °C
where Ea is the activation energy of the reaction (cal/mol), R is
were less noticeable than those stored at 27 and 37 °C. Table 2
the ideal gas constant (1.986 cal/mol K), T is the absolute temper-
shows the chroma and the total color differences (DE) of MF-clar-
ature (K), and A0 is the pre-exponential constant. A plot of the
ified juice during storage. The chroma of MF-clarified juice, stored
log of rate constant for the test temperature versus the reciprocal
at 27 and 37 °C increased significantly with time (P < 0.05). The to-
of the absolute temperature gives the straight line if the Arrhenius
tal color differences (DE) was significantly increased as the storage
relation is applied to the specific reaction. The energy of the activa-
time and temperature increased (P < 0.05), which may have been
tion (Ea) was derived from the slope (Ea/R). The intercept, however,
due to the non-enzymatic browning. Choi et al. (2002) recom-
gives the exponential constant. To study the influence of tempera-
mended that DE of 2 would be a noticeable visual difference.
ture on reaction rate, the Q10 values were calculated according to
The color change due to non-enzymatic browning during stor-
the following relationship:
age of MF-clarified pineapple juice was also determined by mea-
Q 10 ¼ ðk2 =k1 Þ10=T 2 T 1 ð6Þ surement of absorbance at 420 nm, known as browning index.
Fig. 2 shows the absorbance at 420 nm of MF-clarified juice. The
The obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANO- browning index of clarified juice increased significantly with the
VA) and mean comparison were carried out using Duncan’s Multi- storage time (P < 0.05). In addition, the storage temperature also
ple Range Test (DMRT). affected the browning index during storage. It was evident that
the browning index of the juice stored at 27 and 37 °C were higher
3. Results and discussion than that of the juice stored at 4 °C. However, there was not much
difference detected in the browning index of the clarified juice
3.1. Change in total soluble solid, pH and color during storage stored at 27, and 37 °C. Similar results were observed during stor-
age of peach juice, stored at 3, 15, 30 and 37 °C (Buedo et al., 2001).
The physicochemical properties of MF-clarified pineapple juices In addition, Lee and Chen (1998) also found that the results of
during storage at various temperatures are shown in Table 1. The browning measurements are in accordance with vitamin C
total soluble solids and pH of MF-clarified pineapple juice ranged reduction.
from 12.5 to 12.8 °Brix and 3.56–3.69, respectively. It was evident Nevertheless, there are numbers of deterioration reactions lead-
that the storage time and temperature did not affect the total sol- ing to the change in color of the juice during storage such as ascor-
uble solids content and pH of MF-clarified juices (P > 0.05). Similar bic acid degradation, microbial spoilage, and HMF formation and
results were reported for other MF-clarified juices, (Cortés et al., off–flavor (Nagy and Randall, 1973). However, it is important to
2008; Esteve et al., 2005; Martin et al., 1995). bear in mind that the advanced stages of Maillard reaction can also
The change in color of MF-clarified pineapple juice stored at 4, give rise to compounds responsible for the development of off-fla-
27, and 37 °C were also monitored over 6 months. The changes in vor and color changes that could affect the sensorial and quality of
color of MF-clarified pineapple juice across the duration of the MF-clarified pineapple juice during storage.
shelf-life study are shown in Fig.1. The L value of clarified juice
stored at 4 °C was much higher than those stored at 27 °C and 3.2. Stability of total phenol and antioxidant capacity during storage
37 °C (P < 0.05). The decrease in Lvalues suggested that the clari-
fied juices turned darker due to the non-enzymatic browning reac- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in which the
tion during temperature-abused storage. The a value did overall changes in phytochemical properties of MF-clarified pineapple
not significantly change during storage at different temperature juice during storage are reported. Variation in the content of total
A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561 557

Table 2
Chroma and color difference (DE) of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during
6 months of storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C.

T (°C) Time (months) Chroma Color difference (DE)

4 0 7.87(±0.41)
1 8.32(±1.33) 1.90(±0.74)
2 9.03(±0.77) 1.89(±0.42)
3 11.20(±0.55) 3.66(±0.79)
4 11.82(±0.85) 4.44(±1.15)
5 12.64(±0.62) 5.22(±0.73)
6 11.36(±0.55) 4.33(±0.75)
27 0 7.87(±0.42)
1 24.26(±0.41) 17.76(±0.15)
2 27.24(±1.59) 21.67(±1.98)
3 24.63(±1.44) 19.56(±0.45)
4 30.00(±0.55) 25.25(±0.40)
5 31.00(±0.57) 25.89(±1.01)
6 31.75(±0.13) 27.57(±0.94)
37 0 7.87(±0.41)
1 27.91(±0.41) 21.65(±0.22)
2 32.49(±1.89) 26.81(±1.20)
3 31.17(±0.48) 26.28(±1.06)
4 33.48(±1.29) 28.70(±0.48)
5 35.60(±1.07) 30.88((±0.56)
6 38.06(±0.51) 38.06(±0.51)

Parentheses following mean values indicate standard deviations.

Fig. 2. Browning index of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during storage at 4,

27 and 37 °C.
Fig. 1. L(a), a(b) and b(c) values of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during
storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C.

ORAC assay were in the range of 321.57 ± 5.81 lmTE/100 mL fruit

phenol and antioxidant capacity of MF-clarified pineapple juice are juice. The antioxidant capacity of all samples decreased as storage
shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The initial total phenol content of MF-clar- time and/or storage temperature increased (P < 0.05). The pre-
ified pineapple juice was 68.71 ± 1.67 mg/100 mL (Fig. 3). During sented results are in the line with the data obtained by Klimczak
6 months of storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C, the total phenols content et al. (2007). They found the decrease in antioxidant capacity of or-
of MF-clarified juice decreased with storage time (P < 0.05). It ange juice, after 6 months of storage at 18, 28 and 38 °C were 18%,
was probably due to polyphenolic oxidation and polymerization 45% and 84% respectively. It is important to note that the antioxi-
reaction, reducing the number of free hydroxyl groups measured dant degradation of MF-clarified pineapple juice was lower than
by the Folin–Ciocalteu assay (Klopotek et al., 2005; Pacheco-palen- those found in orange juice. The decrease in antioxidant capacity
cia et al., 2007). Similar results were reported by Klimczak et al. was related to the observed losses of total vitamin C. A slight de-
(2007). However, the colder storage temperature (4 °C) could have crease in antioxidant capacity was observed during 6 months of
retained the total phenol content better than at higher storage storage. The trend of the decrease in ORAC values was similar to
temperature levels (27, 37 °C). During 6 months of storage at 4, the findings obtained for DPPH free radical scavenging. In addition,
27 and 37 °C, the loss of total phenol content in MF-clarified juice the antioxidant capacity of the juice also had positive correlation
were 11.2%, 14.9% and 15.3%, respectively. with vitamin C content. This result was in accordance with the
For the antioxidant capacity, the initial content of DPPH free study of the degradation of phytochemical properties in jackfruit
radical scavenging of clarified juice were in the range of during storage (Saxena et al., 2009). The correlation of vitamin C
28.70 ± 0.78 mgAAE/100 mL fruit juice while the content of the between DPPH scavenging activity and ORAC assay is shown in
558 A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561

Fig. 3. Total phenol content of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during storage Fig. 5. The correlation between vitamin C and DPPH scavenging activity and ORAC
at 4, 27 and 37 °C. assay of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during storage at 4(e), 27(s) and
37(4) °C.

decrease in L-ascorbic acid (data not shown). These results sug-

gested that the DPPH assay could be used to indicate the loss of
L-ascorbic acid more accurately than the ORAC method.

3.3. Stability of total vitamin C during storage

At the initial of storage time, the content of vitamin C of MF-

clarified pineapple juice was 26.32 ± 1.32 mg/100 mL. This value
was slightly less than that found in the fresh pineapple juice
(28.67 ± 1.8 mg/100 mL). The results indicated that MF is an effec-
tive method that retains vitamin C in pineapple juice. Vitamin C
content sharply decreased (P < 0.05) during the first month of the
storage (Fig 6), presumably, due to the complete degradation of
L-ascorbic acid while the dehydroascorbic acid can still be main-
tained in the juice. Choi et al. (2002) found similar results when
they studied the ascorbic acid retention in blood orange juice dur-
ing refrigerated storage. The researchers found, that the L-ascorbic
acid completely degraded within 5 weeks. In the present study, the
reduction of vitamin C content stored at 6 months and at 4, 27 and
37 °C of clarified pineapple juice were 60.7%, 70.3% and 74.8%,

Fig. 4. Antioxidant capacity (DPPH(a), ORAC(b)) of MF-clarified pineapple juice

obtained during storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C.

Fig. 5. The loss of vitamin C during the first month of storage could
not be detected by DPPH but ORAC. It was evident that the loss of Fig. 6. Vitamin C of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during storage at 4, 27
vitamin C content at the first month of storage was due to a sharp and 37 °C.
A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561 559

respectively. The storage temperature of 4 °C allowed better total Table 3

vitamin C retention than the other higher storage temperatures. Microbiological quality of MF-clarified pineapple juice obtained during 6 months of
storage at 4, 27 and 37 °C.
The reduction in vitamin C of thermally-pasteurized orange juice
was much higher than that in MF-clarified pineapple juice (Zheng Time Temperature Total plate Yeast & mold Colifrom
and Lu, 2011). The decrease in vitamin C content during storage (months) (°C) counts (CFU/ counts (CFU/ counts (MPN/
mL) mL) mL)
was observed by many studies (Polydera et al., 2003; Klimczak
et al., 2007; Piljac-Zegarac et al., 2009; Lee and Chen, 1998). 0 <25 <15 <3
1 4 <25 <15 <3
According to the literature, the vitamin C content in the juice de- 27 <25 <15 <3
creased during storage is dependent on the storage conditions such 37 <25 <15 <3
as temperature, oxygen, and light access. On the other hand, the 2 4 <25 <15 <3
great reduction of vitamin C might be due to the presence of oxy- 27 <25 <15 <3
37 <25 <15 <3
gen in the head space of the glass bottle. Oxygen is usually respon-
3 4 <25 <15 <3
sible for the loss of vitamin C during storage. Vitamin C retention 27 <25 <15 <3
has been used as indicator of shelf-life for fruit juice. It has been 37 <25 <15 <3
accepted that the shelf-life of the fruit juice could be determined 4 4 <25 <15 <3
by 50% loss or the half-life of the vitamin C (Shaw, 1992; Odriozo- 27 <25 <15 <3
37 <25 <15 <3
la-Serrano et al., 2008).
5 4 <25 <15 <3
27 <25 <15 <3
37 <25 <15 <3
3.4. Kinetic study of vitamin C, total phenol content, antioxidant 6 4 <25 <15 <3
capacity and color 27 <25 <15 <3
37 <25 <15 <3
The changes in color, vitamin C, total phenol and antioxidant
capacity (DPPH and ORAC assay) during storage were chosen for
the kinetic study. The reaction was first determined by plotting degradation is of zero order or first order. In this study, the degra-
the amount of remaining parameter values versus time (in dation of all parameters was fitted to a first order kinetic model
months) at different temperatures. A plot yielding either a straight (Eq. (4)). In Fig 7a, an example of the degradation plots of vitamin
line or exponential curve was obtained, indicating that the C is shown. The rate of deteriorative reaction (k) was likewise
determined using Eq. (4). In addition, the Arrhenius plots of vita-
min C of MF-clarified juice are shown in Fig 7b as well. In Table 3,
the reaction (degradation) rate constant (k), activation energy (Ea)
and Q10 of vitamin C, total phenol, antioxidant capacity and color at
different storage temperatures are presented. In general, the high-
est reaction rate constant, at the same storage temperature of clar-
ified juice was vitamin C followed by ORAC, DPPH, and total phenol
while the reaction rate constant of b was higher than that of L. A
lower degradation rate gave longer shelf-life of juice than a higher
degradation rate. In addition, the reaction rate constant of vitamin
C, total phenol content, antioxidant capacity and color of MF-clar-
ified juice increased with storage temperature. It was also evident
that the highest Ea was vitamin C followed by ORAC, DPPH, and to-
tal phenol, thus the reaction rate constant of vitamin C is more
temperature dependent than the others, while the Ea of L was
much higher than that of b. In the case of activated energy, the
higher it was the more temperature-dependent the reaction rate
constant was, i.e. the reaction rate constant became higher as the
temperature increased. The Q10 values of MF-clarified pineapple
juice, calculated using the temperature of 27 and 37 °C are also
shown in Table 3. The Q10 values of all parameters were in the
range of 1–1.5. The higher Q10 values indicate the higher tempera-
ture dependent. The antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC) had
the Q10 values of 1, indicating that the storage temperature had
less effect on the antioxidant capacity compared to other investi-
gated parameters.

3.5. Shelf-life determination

In practice, microbial growth/counts below a defined limit at

specific storage conditions over a specific storage period indicates
microbiologically acceptable shelf-life of products initially sub-
jected to preservation treatments. All yeast and molds, and most
bacteria, found in raw juices, are expected to be retained by MF
with pore size of 0.4 lm or smaller (Girard and Fukumoto, 2000).
The effect of initial microbiological load of feed juice on quality
Fig. 7. Vitamin C degradation (a) and Arrhenius approach (b) obtained in MF- and shelf-life of MF-clarified juice was not studied directly. The ini-
clarified pineapple juice. tial microbiological load of pineapple juice was dependent on
560 A. Laorko et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2013) 554–561

Table 4
Reaction rate constant (k), activated energy (Ea), and Q10 for vitamin C, total phenol content and antioxidant capacity and shelf-life of clarified pineapple juice obtained for storage
at 4, 27 and 37 °C.

Parameter T (°C) k (month1) Ea (kcalmol1) Q10 (27–37 °C) Shelf-lifea (months)

Vitamin C 4 0.1037 2.14 1.2 3.5
27 0.1417 2.0
37 0.1630 0.8
Total phenol 4 0.0186 1.96 1.2 >6
27 0.0224 >6
37 0.0275 >6
DPPH 4 0.0318 1.84 1.0 >6
27 0.0430 >6
37 0.0440 >6
ORAC 4 0.0497 1.65 1.0 >6
27 0.0602 >6
37 0.0683 >6
Color (L) 4 0.0031 10.25 1.3 –
27 0.0151
37 0.0196
Color (b) 4 0.0585 0.77 1.1 –
27 0.0623
37 0.0685
Calculation based on half-life of each index parameter.

different factors, e.g. cleanliness of the fruits and processing condi- rate constant (k) of all parameters in the juice, stored at 4 °C was
tions, storage time and pretreatment before membrane processing. less than those for juice, stored at 27 and 37 °C. The shelf-life of
It was reported that microfiltration could completely remove yeast the clarified juice, based on half-life of vitamin C and total phenol
and molds, and bacteria from the pineapple juices with difference content as well as antioxidant capacity, tends to decrease as stor-
in the initial microbial loads (Laorko et al., 2010). The initial total age temperature increased. Storage at 4 °C proved to be most suit-
plate, yeast and mold, and coliform counts of the pineapple juice able as it permitted the best retention in chemical, physical and
were 3.34  106 (CFU/mL), 352 ± 84 (CFU/mL) and <3 (MPN/mL), phytochemical quality properties of non-thermally pasteurized
respectively. The microbiological analysis of MF-clarified pineap- and clarified pineapple juice.
ple juice is shown in Table 3. It was evident that total plate, mold
and yeast, and coliform counts were completely removed by
microfiltration and the product met the Thai requirement for juice Acknowledgements
and drinks. In addition, no microbial growth in clarified pineapple
juice stored at 4, 27 and 37 °C was detected during 6 months of The authors gratefully acknowledge the Faculty of Agro-Indus-
storage. Thus, the shelf-life based on the microbiological results try and Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University and the Na-
was longer than 6 months. The shelf-life of clarified pineapple juice tional Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)
was also estimated using the half-life of vitamin C, total phenol of Thailand for their financial support (Project code BT-B-01-FG-
content, DPPH and ORAC (Table 4). It can be seen that the shelf-life 18-5003).
based on the reduction of total phenol, DPPH and ORAC for clarified
juice, stored at 4, 27 and 37 °C was longer than 6 months. However,
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