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A Project Report

Submitted By




In Partial Fulfilment for the Award of the Degree of



CSE (Cyber Security)

Parul Institute Of Engineering and

Technology, Limda
Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Limbda


This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled DSA

Tracker has been carried out by Prathmesh Jha under my guidance in partial fufillment for

the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (Cyber Security) 8th Semester of

Parul University, Vadodara during the AY 2023-24.

Prof. Mitali Acharya Dr. Amit Barve

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Company Offer Letter
Date: 01/01/2024


This is to certify that Prathmesh Jha, a student of PIET has successfully undertaken

theInternship in the field of Web Development Trainee from 01/01/2024 to

30/04/2024 (13 weeks) under the guidance of Prof. Mitali Acharya.

His internship activities include Managing, Designing, and Integrating. During the pe-
riod of his internship program, he had been exposed to different Approaches.

We wish him every success in his life

& career From Infikey Technologies

Pvt Ltd.
Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Limda


We hereby declare that the Internship / Project report submitted along with the Internship

entitled DSA Tracker submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering to Parul University, Vadodara, is a bo-

nafide record of original project work carried out by me at Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd

under the supervision of Prof. Mitali Acharya and that no part of this report has been

directly copied from any students’reports or taken from any other source, without providing

due refer- ence.

Name of the Student Sign of Student

Prathmesh Jha


Behind any major work undertaken by our group there lies the contribution of the people who

helped us to cross all the hurdles to achieve our goal. It gives us the immense pleasure to

express our sense of sincere gratitude towards our respected guide Prof. Mitali Acharya for

her persis- tent, outstanding, invaluable co-operation and guidance. Itis our achievement to be

guided un- der her. She is a constant source of encouragement and momentum that any

intricacy becomes simple. We gained a lot of invaluable guidance and prompt suggestions

from her during entire project work. We will be indebted of her forever and we take pride to

work under her. We feel very privileged to have had their precious advices, guidance and

leadership. If I have over- looked some names, I must thank all those, whose direct or indirect

care and love have helped me for carrying this research work.

Prathmesh Jha


This internship report provides an overview of my experience as a web development intern at
Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd. The internship spanned a period of 1st January to 30th April,
during which I worked closely with a team of experienced developers on various web devel-
opment projects. The report outlines the objectives, activities, and outcomes of the internship,
highlighting the skills acquired, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the
internship journey.

The report begins with an introduction to Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd and its role in the
web development industry. It then proceeds to discuss the objectives of the internship,
including gaining practical experience in web development, enhancing technical skills, and
contributing to real-world projects. The report provides a detailed description of the activities
undertaken during the internship, such as front-end and back-end development, testing,
debugging, and collaborating with team members on project tasks.

Furthermore, the report discusses the outcomes and achievements of the internship, including
the successful completion of assigned projects, acquisition of new skills and knowledge in
web development technologies and frameworks, and professional growth as a web developer.
It also reflects on the challenges encountered during the internship, such as time constraints,
technical difficulties, and learning curves, and discusses strategies employed to overcome
these challenges.

In conclusion, the internship report reflects on the overall experience and its significance in
shaping my career path as a web developer. It highlights the value of practical hands-on expe-
rience, collaboration with experienced professionals, and continuous learning and improve-
ment in the field of web development. Lastly, the report expresses gratitude to Infikey
Technologies Pvt Ltd for providing the opportunity to undertake the internship and gain
valuable industry experience.
Fig 1.1 Company Growth 1

Fig 1.2 Infikey Services 2

Fig 1.3 Organization Chart 3

Fig 2.2 Agile Model 5

Fig 3 Activity Diagram 16


Acknowledgement i

Abstract ii

List of Figures iii

Chapter-1 Overview of the Company 1

1.1 History 1

1.2 Scope of Work 2

1.3 Organization chart 3

Chapter-2 Overview of different plant 4

2.1 Work Carried out in each department 4

2.2 Technical specifications of major tools in each department 5

2.2.1 Collaboration Solutions 5

2.2.2 Industry-ready Add-ons 5

2.3 Schematic layout of development process 5

2.4 Explanation of each stage of development 6

Chapter-3 Introduction to Project 7

3.1 Internship Summary 7

3.2 Purpose 7

3.3 Objective 8

3.4 Scope 8

3.5 Technology 8
Chapter-4 System Analysis 9

4.1 Study of my training phase project (Employee Leave 9

4.2 Problem and weaknesses of current system 10
4.3 Requirement of new system 10

4.4 System Feasibility 11

4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the 11

4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology 12
and within the given cost and schedule constraints.
4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are 13
already in place?
Chapter-5 System Design 14

5.1 Methodology 14

5.2 Database Design 15

Chapter-6 Implementation 17

6.1 Implementation Platform 17

6.1.1 Advantages of Micro-soft Power apps 17

6.2 Process Specification 19

6.3 Program Specification 20

6.4 Result Analysis 21

Chapter-7 Testing 23

7.1 Functional Testing 23

7.2 Mobile Responsiveness Testing 23

7.3 Performance Testing 23

7.4 User Experience (UX) Testing 24

7.5 Security Testing 24

7.6 SEO Testing 24

7.7 Content Testing 25

7.8 Integration Testing 25

7.9 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 25

7.10 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 25

Chapter-8 Conclusion 26

8.1 Overall Analysis of Internship 26

8.2 Problem Encountered 26

8.3 Summary of Internship 27

8.4 References 28


1.1 History

Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd. is the partner of choice for many of the world’s

leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate

their value through custom software development, product design, QA and

consultancy services.

Fig 1.1 Company Growth (year 2020- 2021)

1.2 Scope of work

1. Software Development: Creating custom software solutions tailored to the

spe- cific requirements of clients.

2. Web Development: Designing and developing websites and web applications.

3. Mobile App Development: Creating applications for various mobile platforms,

such asiOS and Android.

4. IT Consulting: Offering expert advice on technology strategy, implementa-

tion, and optimization.

5. Cloud Computing Services: Providing solutions for storage, computing

power, and other resources through cloud platforms.

6. Network Design and Management: Designing, implementing, and main-

taining computer networks for businesses.

7. Cybersecurity Services: Protecting systems, networks, and data from cyber

threats and ensuring the security of IT infrastructure.

Fig 1.2 Infikey Services

1.3 Organization chart

Figure 1 Organization Chart



2.1 Work Carried Out In Each Department

1.Web Application

Crafting seamless digital experiences that empower businesses to thrive in the online
realm. Revolutionize your web presence with our bespoke web app development

2:Search Engine Optimization

Dominate search rankings with our expert SEO strategies. Maximize online visibility and drive
organic traffic to your website.

3: Native App
Empower your business with our cutting-edge mobile application development solutions.
Unleash the power of mobility and captivate your audience with seamless and engaging
mobile experiences.

4.AWS Server
Harness the full potential of AWS servers with our expert management and optimization.
Experience reliable, scalable, and secure hosting solutions that empower your business to
thrive into cloud.
2.2Technical Specifications Of Major Tools In Each Department

Our Technical Competency for undertaking application development contracts are

listed below:

2.2.1 Programming Languages:

1) Java
2) Python
3) C#
4) JavaScript
5) Ruby
6) PHP
7) Swift
8) Kotlin

2.2.2 Industry-ready Add-ons

1) Quality Analysis & Control

2) Standard Text

3) Customer Web Portal

4) Risk Management

2.3 Schematic layout of development process

Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and incremental process models with
focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working
software product.

Figure 2 Agile Model

2.4 Explanation of each stage of development


1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis: Involves understanding client needs

anddefining project requirements to establish project scope and objectives.

2. Design: Encompasses creating system architecture, database design, and user

interface layout based on gathered requirements.

3. Implementation: Involves actual coding and development of software

compo- nents, adhering to design specifications and coding standards.

4. Testing: Focuses on validating system functionality, identifying bugs, and

ensuring software quality through various testing techniques.

5. Deployment: Involves deploying the developed software to production envi-

ronments and configuring it for end-user access.


3.1 Internship Summary

During my internship as a web developer, I gained practical experience in frontend

and backend development. I built responsive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and
JavaS- cript, and implemented modern frameworks like React.js. Additionally, I
worked with server-side technologies such as Node.js and Express.js to develop
robust backend sys- tems, integrating databases and implementing authentication

Throughout the internship, I collaborated closely with designers and other team mem-
bers, participated in code reviews, and utilized version control tools like Git for
efficient collaboration. I conducted testing and debugging to ensure the reliability and
stability of applications, and continuously sought opportunities for learning and

Working within cross-functional teams, I contributed to agile development

methodolo- gies, attended sprint planning meetings, and collaborated on project
documentation and knowledge sharing. Overall, my internship provided me with
valuable hands-on expe- rience and strengthened my skills as a web developer.

3.2 Purpose

• To provide you with practical experience in developing and deploying web

applica- tions using modern frontend and backend technologies.

• To help you gain proficiency in HTML, CSS, Java-Script, PHP and WordPress
which are popular and in-demand technologies in the web development industry.

• To help you understand how to design and implement robust and scalable
backend systems using Node.js and MongoDB.

• To help you develop a strong understanding of modern web development best

prac- tices, including responsive design, accessibility, and security.
3.3 Objective

• To gain experience in front-end and back-end web development, including

program- ming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and WordPress.

• To gain practical experience in developing web applications, including

designing, testing, and deploying scalable and performant applications.

• To learn about emerging trends and best practices in web development,

including new technologies, tools, and frameworks.

3.4 Scope

• Learning and applying front-end and back-end development skills

• Working on projects and gaining hands-on experience

• Collaborating with cross-functional teams

• Improving project management skills

• Building a portfolio of projects.

3.5 Technology

• Frontend: ReactJS, React Router, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

• Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

• Development Tools: Visual Studio Code , wordpress

•Deployment: Netlify

4.1 Study of current system :

The Studying an e-commerce website for system analysis involves examining its
various components, functionalities, and interactions to understand how the system
works and how it can be improved. Here are some key details and steps to consider:

System Overview:

Identify the purpose and goals of the e-commerce website.

Understand the target audience and market.

Define the scope of the system analysis.


List and describe the main functionalities of the e-commerce website, such as product
catalog, shopping cart, user authentication, payment processing, order management,

User Roles:

Identify different user roles (e.g., customers, administrators, vendors) and their
specific permissions.

Analyze the user journey for each role.


Analyze the website's performance, including page load times, server response times
and scalability. Identify areas for optimization.

Mobile Responsiveness:

Evaluate the mobile responsiveness of the website.

Ensure that the user experience is consistent across different devices.

4.2 Problem and weaknesses of current system

The Poor User Experience (UX):

Complicated navigation and a cluttered interface can lead to a poor user experience.

Slow page loading times can frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates.

Ineffective Search Functionality:

-A search function that doesn't provide accurate or relevant results can hinder the user's
ability to find products.

Lack of Mobile Optimization:

If the website is not optimized for mobile devices, it can result in a subpar experience
for users accessing the site on smartphones or tablets.

Security Concerns:

Inadequate security measures can expose users to the risk of data breaches and com-
promise sensitive information.

Complicated Checkout Process:

A lengthy or confusing checkout process can lead to abandoned carts, reducing con-
version rates.

Limited Payment Options:

Providing only a few payment options may limit the customer base, as users have di-
verse preferences for payment methods.

4.3 Requirements of new system

The When considering the development of a new e-commerce website, it's important

assess the specific needs and requirements of your business. The needs for a new

e-commerce website can vary depending on the nature of your products or services,

target audience, and business goals. Here are some general needs to consider:
User-friendly Interface:

An intuitive and easy-to-use interface is essential for providing a positive user

experience, encouraging visitors to explore products and make purchases.

Mobile Responsiveness:

With an increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, ensuring

mobile responsiveness is crucial for reaching a broader audience.

Secure Payment Processing:

Implement secure and reliable payment gateways to instill trust in customers and pro-
tectsensitive financial information.

Effective Search and Navigation:

A robust search functionality and clear navigation help users quickly find products,

enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Comprehensive Product Pages:

Well-detailed product pages with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and

specifications help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Personalization Features:

Incorporate personalized recommendations, product suggestions, and user-specific

content to enhance the overall shopping experience.

4.4 System Feasibility

Assessing the feasibility of implementing a full-stack e-commerce website involves

evaluating various factors to ensure its success and alignment with organizational ob-

4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization?

● Enhanced Online Presence: The development of a full-stack e-commerce

website will significantly enhance our online presence, allowing us to reach a
broader audience and attract more customers. This aligns with our goal of ex-
panding our market reach and increasing brand visibility.

● Improved Customer Experience: The website will provide a user-friendly

in- terface, easy navigation, and secure payment options, enhancing the overall
shopping experience for customers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, we
aim to build long-term relationships and foster repeat business.

● Increased Sales Revenue: With a well-designed e-commerce platform, we

can showcase our products effectively, implement targeted marketing
strategies, and capitalize on upselling and cross-selling opportunities. This will
contribute to our objective of driving sales growth and maximizing revenue

● Cost-Effectiveness: While investing in the development and maintenance of a

full-stack e-commerce website requires initial financial resources, the
long-term benefits outweigh the costs. The website's ability to attract
customers, drive sales, and streamline operations will result in a positive return
on investment (ROI) and contribute to the organization's financial

4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and within
the given cost and schedule constraints.

● Technology Compatibility: The technology stack chosen for the e-commerce

website development should align with modern standards and support cross-
platform compatibility. Utilizing frameworks and tools such as React.js for
frontend development and Node.js for backend, along with databases like
Mon- goDB, ensures compatibility across various devices and operating

● Cost Analysis: Developing an e-commerce website involves various costs, in-

cluding software licenses, hosting fees, development resources, and mainte-
nance expenses. Open-source frameworks and platforms like WooCommerce
(for WordPress) or Shopify can provide cost-effective solutions, reducing the
need for extensive customization. However, customization requirements, inte-
gration complexities, and the availability of skilled developers can impact
over- all costs.

● Schedule Constraints: The timeline for implementing the e-commerce website

depends on factors such as project scope , resource availiability , and technical
complexity. Utilizing agile development methodologies can help in breaking
down the project into manageable sprints, allowing for iterative development
and quicker delivery of key features. Adequate planning, resource allocation,
and regular communication among team members are crucial for adhering to
the project schedule and ensuring timely completion.

4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already in

● Compatibility with Data Sources: The e-commerce website should be com-

patible with various data sources and existing systems commonly used in e-
commerce operations. This includes databases such as MySQL or MongoDB
for storing product information, customer data, and order details. Additionally,
integration with third-party systems like payment gateways (e.g. Stripe).

● Checking if it Works Well with Other Systems: Before implementation, it's

crucial to ensure that the chosen e-commerce platform can easily integrate
with existing systems. Compatibility assessments should be conducted to
verify if APIs and connectors are available for integrating with enterprise
resource plan- ning (ERP) systems, customer relationship management (CRM)
software, and other business tools. Any required customization or middleware
solutions should be evaluated to facilitate smooth integration.

● Making Sure Data Stays Right: Maintaining data accuracy and consistency
is paramount when integrating multiple systems. Data synchronization mecha-
nisms should be implemented to ensure that information remains up-to-date
across all integrated systems. This involves establishing data mapping proto-
cols, data validation processes, and error handling mechanisms to prevent dis-
crepancies and ensure data integrity. Regular monitoring and maintenance are
necessary to address any synchronization issues promptly.

5.1 Methodology

Methodologies are a set of principles, practices, and procedures that guide an

organization in achieving its goals. They provide a systematic approach to problem
solving, decision-making, and project management. There are several methodologies
used in different industries to improve processes, increase efficiency, and deliver
better results.

1. Agile Methodology:

● Agile methodologies are based on the Agile Manifesto, which prioritizes

collaboration, flexibility, and responsiveness to change.

● Agile methodologies are best suited for software development projects where
the requirements are likely to change, and a flexible approach is needed to
adapt to those changes.

● Agile methodologies involve breaking the project down into smaller,

manageable chunks called sprints, and working iteratively to deliver working
software at the end of each sprint.

2. Lean Methodology:

● Lean methodologies aim to create value for the customer by eliminating waste
and improving efficiency.

● The methodology is based on the principles of continuous improvement and

respect for people.

● Lean methodologies involve identifying and eliminating activities that do not

add value, such as unnecessary paperwork or waiting time.
● One of the advantages of lean methodologies is that they can help to reduce
costs and increase efficiency.

5.2 Database Design

1. Database Design:

● In crafting a database for a physical inventory counting system, the initial step
involves designing tables to accommodate essential inventory details,
encompassing product attributes, quantities, storage locations, and count
outcomes. It is imperative to meticulously consider the relationships between
various entities, such as products and corresponding storage locations,
ensuring a coherent database structure. Additionally, implementing indexing
strategies is crucial to enhance query performance, particularly when handling
extensive datasets. To maintain data integrity, constraints like primary and for-
eign keys should be enforced, mitigating the risk of inconsistencies.
Furthermore, adhering to normalization practices facilitates efficient data
storage and logical organization within the database schema.

2. Data Structure Design:

● In preparing the data structure for the Power Apps application, the focus lies
on organizing inventory data systematically. This entails defining data
structures tailored to efficiently store and manipulate inventory information.
For instance, I will create arrays or collections to house detailed product
information, alongside dictionaries dedicated to managing locations and
quantities. Additionally, custom data types will be employed to accurately
represent count results. These measures are integral to optimizing data
management within the Power Apps framework, ensuring seamless operations
and user-friendliness.

3. Structure Design:

● In planning the structure of the Power Apps application for inventory

counting, it's crucial to consider the overarching architecture and layout. This
involves crafting a user interface (UI) that simplifies data entry and
navigation, as well as logically organizing screens and forms. Additionally, I
will ensure that data displays are clear and user-friendly to enhance usability.
It's important to adhere to responsive design principles to guarantee optimal
functionality across various devices and screen sizes.

Figure 3 Activity Diagram



6.1 Implementation Platform

● For Implementation WordPress is an excellent platform for creating e-commerce web-

sites due to its user-friendly interface, extensive plugin library, and customizable
themes. With plugins like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, businesses
can easily add essential e-commerce functionalities such as product management,
secure payment gateways, and order processing. WordPress themes offer visually
appealing designs that can be tailored to match brand identity. The platform is
scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

● WordPress is also SEO-friendly, with built-in tools and plugins available to improve
website visibility. Its active community provides support and resources for trouble-
shooting and staying updated on best practices. Additionally, WordPress prioritizes se-
curity through regular updates and recommendations for secure practices, helping to
protect e-commerce websites and customer data. Overall, WordPress offers a robust
foundation for building and managing successful e-commerce ventures.

6.1.1 Advantages of WordPress

1. Ease of Use: WordPress provides a user-friendly interface, making it

accessible for beginners to set up and manage their online stores without
extensive technical knowledge. Its intuitive dashboard allows users to add
products, manage inven- tory, and process orders with ease.

2. Extensive Plugin Support: WordPress boasts a vast ecosystem of plugins, in-

cluding popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce and Easy Digital
Downloads. These plugins offer a wide range of features and functionalities, al-
lowing users to customize their online stores according to their specific require-
3. Flexibility and Customization: WordPress offers a high degree of flexibility
and customization options, thanks to its extensive collection of themes and
plugins. Users can choose from thousands of themes and templates, and further
customize them to match their brand identity and design preferences.

4. Scalability: Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, WordPress

can scale to meet the growing needs of your e-commerce business. Its robust
archi- tecture and plugin ecosystem allow users to add new products, features,
and in- tegrations as their businesses expand.

5. SEO-Friendly: WordPress is inherently optimized for search engines, with

clean code, fast loading times, and built-in SEO features. Users can optimize
their e-commerce websites for search engine visibility by using SEO plugins,
optimizing on-page elements, and creating high-quality content.

6. Active Community Support: WordPress has a large and active community of

developers, designers, and users who contribute to its ecosystem. This commu-
nity provides support, resources, and documentation, making it easier for users
to troubleshoot issues, seek advice, and stay updated on the latest trends and
best practices.

7. Security Measures: WordPress takes security seriously and regularly releases

updates to address vulnerabilities. Users can enhance the security of their
e-com- merce websites by following best practices such as using secure
hosting, keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated, and
implementing strong pass- words.

8. Cost-Effectiveness: WordPress itself is open-source and free to use, making it

a cost-effective solution for building e-commerce websites. While users may
in- cur costs for hosting, themes, plugins, and other premium services,
WordPress offers a low barrier to entry compared to other proprietary

6.2Process Specification

1. Initiation: The initiation in WordPress refers to the initial phase of a project where
the groundwork is laid for the website development process. This typically involves
defin- ing project goals, objectives, and scope, as well as identifying key stakeholders
and team members. During initiation, decisions may be made regarding the choice of
Word- Press theme, plugins, and hosting provider based on project requirements and
budget. Additionally, initial planning activities, such as creating a project timeline,
allocating resources, and setting milestones, may take place to ensure a smooth
transition into the subsequent phases of website development.

2. Data Collection: In WordPress, data collection involves gathering information from

users through forms such as contact forms, registration forms, surveys, or newsletter
sign-up forms. You can collect data using built-in WordPress forms, third-party form
builder plugins, e-commerce plugins, newsletter plugins, user registration forms, or
custom solutions. It's essential to comply with data protection regulations and ensure
user consent and data security.

3. Reconciliation: In WordPress, reconciliation typically involves the process of match-

ing or comparing different sets of data to ensure accuracy and consistency. This can
include reconciling transactions, inventory levels, or user accounts. WordPress
plugins or custom development can be used to facilitate reconciliation tasks, ensuring
that data discrepancies are identified and resolved effectively.

4. Finalization: In WordPress, finalization refers to the stage where all aspects of a pro-
ject, such as design, functionality, and content, are reviewed and approved before
launching or deploying the website. This involves thorough testing, including func-
tional testing to ensure all features work as intended, content review to ensure
accuracy and completeness, and design review to ensure visual consistency and
branding align- ment. Once finalized, the website is ready for deployment to the live
server for public access.
6.3 Program Specification

Objectives: The primary objective of the e-commerce website is to provide a conven-

ient and seamless online shopping experience for customers. The website aims to in-
crease sales and revenue by attracting and retaining customers through a user-friendly
interface and efficient shopping processes .Enhance customer satisfaction by offering
a wide range of products, personalized recommendations, and reliable order
fulfillment services. Facilitate business growth by enabling scalability, integration
with third-party services, and continuous optimization of website performance.

Scope: The e-commerce website caters to various stakeholders, including customers,

administrators, and vendors .It supports the sale of diverse products, including
apparel, electronics, home goods, and more, across different categories and brands
.The website facilitates secure online transactions, order management, inventory
management, and customer relationship management. It provides a platform for
vendors to showcase and sell their products, manage their inventory, and track sales

Features and Functionalities:

Product Catalog: A comprehensive product catalog with advanced search and

filtering options to help customers find products easily.

User Registration and Authentication: Secure user registration and authentication

mechanisms to allow customers to create accounts, manage their profiles, and track
order history.

Shopping Cart: A shopping cart feature that enables customers to add, remove, and
update items before checkout.

Checkout Process: Streamlined checkout process with multiple payment options ,or-
der summary and shipping address management.

User Interface Design:

The user interface is designed to be intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.
Clear and concise navigation menus and categories to help customers find products

High-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and user reviews to aid purchasing

6.4 Result Analysis

Result analysis created using Word- Press involves assessing various metrics and data
to evaluate the performance and ef- fectiveness of the website in achieving its
objectives. Here's how the result analysis could be conducted.
1. Market Feasibility:

⮚ Market Analysis: We have evaluated the current fashion e-commerce market,

including trends, competition, target audience demographics, and growth

poten- tial.

⮚ Competitor Analysis: We analysed existing fashion e-commerce websites to

identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, in the market landscape.

2. Technical Feasibility:

⮚ Technology Assessment: we have determined the feasibility of implementing

re- quired features and functionalities within the desired timeframe and budget
using available technologies.

⮚ Infrastructure Requirements: Assessed the technical infrastructure needed to

support the website, including hosting, server capacity, and security measures.

⮚ Development Resources: We have evaluated the availability of skilled develop-

ers, designers, and other technical personnel to build and maintain the website.
3. Financial Feasibility:

⮚ Cost Estimation: We have calculated the initial investment required for website

development, including expenses for design, development, hosting, domain

reg- istration, and marketing.

⮚ Revenue Projection: We found forecast potential revenue streams, such as

prod- uct sales, affiliate marketing, advertising, or subscription models, based

on mar- ket research and industry benchmarks.

4. Operational Feasibility:
⮚ Resource Availability: Assess the availability of human resources, time, and

expertise required to manage and operate the website effectively.

⮚ Workflow Analysis: Develop workflows and processes for content manage-

ment, inventory management, order fulfillment, customer support, and


⮚ Scalability: Consider the scalability of the website to accommodate future

growth in traffic, transactions, and product offerings.

5. Social and Environmental Feasibility:
We analysed the social feasibility of Trutt fashion e-commerce brand lies in its
ability to garner acceptance and support within society, promote inclusivity, and
uphold ethical and sustainable values. We aims to engage with the fashion com-
munity, promote diversity, transparency, and trust, while also educating consum-
ers about sustainable fashion practices. By fostering a sense of community, trans-
parency, and affordability, Trutt seeks to build a positive reputation and make a
meaningful impact on both the fashion industry and society as a whole.


7.1 Functional Testing:

⮚ Ensure all website functionalities are working as expected, including:

⮚ Product browsing: Test navigation through clothing categories, filtering

options, and sorting features.

⮚ Product pages: Verify that product details, images, pricing, and availability

are displayed accurately.

⮚ Shopping cart: Test adding/removing items, updating quantities, and

applying discount codes.

⮚ Checkout process: Test user registration, guest checkout, shipping address

entry, payment options, and order confirmation.

⮚ User account: Test user registration, login, password reset, and account

manage- ment features.

7.2 Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing:

⮚ Test the website across different web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox,

Safari, Edge) to ensure consistency in appearance and functionality.

⮚ Verify that all website elements, including styling, layout, and interactive
fea- tures, render correctly on each browser.

7.3 Mobile Responsiveness Testing:

⮚ Test the website on various mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) with

differ- ent screen sizes and resolutions.

⮚ Ensure that the website layout adjusts dynamically to different screen sizes,

and all functionalities are accessible and user-friendly on mobile devices.

7.4 Performance Testing:

⮚ Test website loading speed and performance using tools like Google

Pag- eSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.

⮚ Evaluate website performance metrics such as page load time, server

response time, and resource utilization.

⮚ Optimize website performance by compressing images, minifying

CSS/JavaS- cript files, and implementing caching mechanisms.

7.5 User Experience (UX) Testing:

⮚ Conduct usability testing to assess the overall user experience and identify

areas for improvement.

⮚ Test website navigation, content readability, and intuitive interaction design.

⮚ Solicit feedback from users on ease of use, clarity of information, and

overall satisfaction with the website.

7.6 Security Testing:

⮚ Perform security testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure the website is

se- cure from potential threats.

⮚ Test for common security issues such as SQL injection, cross-site

scripting (XSS), and inadequate authentication/authorization controls.

⮚ Implement security measures such as SSL encryption, secure password

policies, and firewall protection to protect user data and transactions.

7.7 SEO Testing:

⮚ Test website SEO elements such as meta tags, headings, and structured

data markup using tools like Yoast SEO or SEMrush.

⮚ Ensure that the website is optimized for search engines and adheres to best

prac- tices for on-page SEO.

⮚ Test website accessibility and compliance with web standards to improve

search engine visibility and user experience.

7.8 Content Testing:

⮚ Review and proofread all website content, including product descriptions,

cate- gory names, and promotional messages.

⮚ Ensure accuracy, clarity, and consistency of information across the website.

⮚ Test multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive content to

en- sure they load correctly and enhance the user experience.

7.9 Integration Testing:

⮚ Test integration with third-party services and plugins, such as payment

gateways, shipping calculators, and analytics tools.

⮚ Verify that data is synchronized accurately between the website and external

sys- tems, and that integrations function seamlessly.

7.10 User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

● Involve stakeholders and end-users in UAT to validate the website against
prede- fined acceptance criteria.

Conclusion and Discussion

8.1 Overall Analysis of Internship

Internship project possibilities span a wide spectrum of opportunities, ranging from research
and anal- ysis to process improvement, software development, and strategic planning. Interns
might delve into market research, analyze data, and provide insights to support
decision-making processes. Alterna- tively, they could contribute to process optimization by
identifying inefficiencies and proposing solu- tions. Technical interns may engage in software
development projects, quality assurance testing, or IT support tasks, while those inclined
towards marketing and communications could assist with social media management, content
creation, or advertising campaigns. Regardless of the focus area, intern- ship projects offer
invaluable opportunities for hands-on learning, skill development, and contributing
meaningfully to the organization's objectives.

8.2 Problem Encountered and Possible Solutions

One common problem encountered in Web development projects is scope creep, where the
project's requirements gradually expand beyond the initial scope, leading to delays, budget
overruns, and de- creased quality. A possible solution to mitigate scope creep involves
establishing clear project scope boundaries at the outset and implementing effective change
control processes throughout the project lifecycle. By clearly defining project objectives,
deliverables, and acceptance criteria upfront and ob- taining stakeholder buy-in, the team can
minimize the likelihood of scope creep. Additionally, imple- menting robust change
management procedures, such as documenting all change requests, assessing their impacts on
the project schedule, budget, and resources, and obtaining approval from stakehold- ers
before proceeding, helps to manage scope changes effectively. Regular communication and
col- laboration among project stakeholders are also essential to ensure alignment and prevent
unauthorized scope changes. By proactively addressing scope creep with these measures,
software development projects can maintain focus, stay on track, and deliver successful
8.3 Summary of Internship / Project work

During my internship at Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd as a web development intern, I had the
opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of web development. I
collaborated with a team of ex- perienced developers and actively participated in the
development process of several projects.
Throughout the internship, I focused on improving my skills in front-end and back-end
development, as well as familiarizing myself with different technologies and frameworks
commonly used in web development. I also had the chance to work on real-world projects,
contributing to the design, devel- opment, and testing phases. Additionally, I received
valuable guidance and feedback from senior developers and mentors, which helped me
enhance my understanding and proficiency in web develop- ment. Overall, my internship at
Infikey Technologies Pvt Ltd was a rewarding experience that provided me with practical
skills, industry knowledge, and professional growth opportunities in the field of web

1. Company Overview and Information. Internal document.

2. Microsoft (n.d.). Power Apps documentation.
Retrieved From
3. Online resources and tutorial consulted during internship.
[1] YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved
[2] Microsoft.(n.d.).Power Apps Blog. Retrieved

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