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Paravicinibagliani 2013

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Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495

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Microstructure, tensile and toughness properties after quenching

and partitioning treatments of a medium-carbon steel
E. Paravicini Bagliani a,n, M.J. Santofimia b,c, L. Zhao b,c, J. Sietsma b, E. Anelli a
Tenaris Dalmine R&D, Dalmine S.p.A., Piazza Caduti 6 luglio 1944 1, 24044 Dalmine, BG, Italy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
Materials Innovation Institute (M2i), Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effect of different microstructures on the tensile and toughness properties of a low alloy medium
Received 19 March 2012 carbon steel (0.28C–1.4Si–0.67Mn–1.49Cr–0.56Mo wt%) was investigated, comparing the properties
Received in revised form obtained after the application of selected quenching and partitioning (Q&P) and quenching and
18 July 2012
tempering (Q&T) treatments. After Q&T the strength–toughness combination was the lowest, whereas
Accepted 25 August 2012
the best combination was achieved by Q&P, as a result of the carbon depletion of the martensite and the
Available online 1 September 2012
high stabilization of the austenite. Nonetheless, the presence of islands of martensite/austenite (MA)
Keywords: constituents after Q&P treatments prevented the achievement of toughness levels comparable to the
Quenching ones currently obtainable with other steels and heat treatments.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Retained austenite

1. Introduction For these applications, when a yield strength (YS) greater than
1000 MPa is required, the current state-of-the-art commercially
The quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process is a recently available consists mainly of medium carbon quenched and tempered
proposed heat treatment to produce high strength steels with good (Q&T) steels, alloyed with elements such as chromium, molybdenum
ductility, improving the mechanical properties that can be obtained and nickel. Grades with a minimum YS of 1140 MPa and good
with other consolidated products based on transformation-induced- toughness at  20 1C are available [5]. Medium-carbon carbide-free
plasticity (TRIP), dual phase or martensitic steels [1]. Q&P consists of bainitic steels also lead to yield strengths above 1000 MPa with 50%
a partial or full austenitization, followed by an interrupted quench at fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT) of  20 1C or less
a quenching temperature (QT) between the martensite-start tem- [6,7], although these steels in some cases require quite expensive
perature (Ms) and the martensite-finish temperature (Mf) to obtain a nickel alloying. In the case of carbide-free bainitic steels, the
predetermined combination of martensite and austenite. A partition- toughness improvement is believed to be a consequence of the
ing stage at the same or at higher temperature (PT) allows carbon to suppression of the cementite precipitation by alloying the steel with
escape from the supersaturated martensitic phase into the untrans- 1.5 wt% silicon, which results in the retention of interlath films of
formed austenite in the absence of carbide precipitation. Thus, retained austenite in a matrix of upper bainite [8].
austenite is stabilized and retained in the final cooling to room Steels resulting from the application of adequate Q&P routes are
temperature [2,3].This cycle aims at producing a microstructure of formed by microstructures containing carbon-depleted martensite
carbon-depleted martensite and retained austenite, whose properties and retained austenite, which have some morphological similarities
offer advantages when high strength and good formability are with the microstructures present in carbide-free bainitic steels.
required, like in thin sheets for the automotive industry, as they However, little attention has been devoted to the combination of
allow improvements in crashworthiness and weight reduction [4]. yield strength and toughness achievable with this new class of
The design of products for structural, engineering, pressure or oil microstructures. Hong et al. [9] showed the possibility of reaching
and gas applications is based on the optimization of the strength and higher yield strength and impact toughness by Q&P routes in
toughness combinations at the minimum operating temperature. comparison with other traditional treatments, by studying the
These are decisive factors to prevent sudden and brittle failure and, behavior of a low carbon steel treated to reach the properties of
in pressure vessels, to promote a ‘‘leak before break’’ behavior. an X100 grade. Nonetheless, most of the research in Q&P steels has
been focused on strength and elongation analyses [1,3,10,11].
The object of the present work is to investigate the combina-
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 0355602831; fax: þ39 0355602845. tions of strength and toughness reachable in a medium-carbon
E-mail address: (E. Paravicini Bagliani). steel alloyed with 1.5 wt% silicon, after the application of specially

0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495 487

Table 1 X-ray diffraction in a Bruker type D8-Advance diffractometer

Chemical composition of the high silicon steel (wt%). equipped with a Bruker Vantec Position Sensitive Detector (PSD)
for the case of specimens treated in salt baths. The volume fraction of
C Si Mn Cr Mo Others
retained austenite from both techniques was calculated according to
High Si 0.28 1.41 0.67 1.49 0.56 Ti, B, Nb, Ni references [13,14]. The lattice parameter of the retained austenite
was determined by applying Cohen’s method to the austenite
reflections. From this measurement the carbon concentration in
designed Q&P heat treatments. The relationship between micro- austenite was calculated using the relationship [15]
structures and mechanical properties is analyzed and compared
ag ¼ 0:3556 þ 0:00453xC þ 0:000095xMn þ 0:00056xAl þ 0:0006xCr 20:0002xNi
with those obtained by treating the same steel according to Q&T
routes. where ag is the lattice parameter of the austenite in nanometers and
xC, xMn, xAl, xCr, xNi are the concentrations in weight percent of carbon,
manganese, aluminium, chromium and nickel, respectively.
2. Experimental procedure Materials treated in the salt bath were machined after heat
treatment, to make the tensile and the Charpy V notch (CVN)
The chemical composition of the material used in this work is specimens. A layer of 0.3 mm was removed from the surface and
shown in Table 1. The steel used for the investigation is a low at this point no decarburization was present. The tensile test speci-
alloy medium carbon steel, originally designed to obtain carbide mens had a rectangular cross-section of 8  5 mm2 and a length of
free bainitic structures by continuous cooling cycles at yield the reduced section of 45 mm. The 0.2% offset criterion was used for
strength levels from 900 to 1200 MPa for structural and oil the determination of yield strength. The measurement of total
country tubular goods applications. It was molten as ingot of elongation after rupture (TE) depends on the specimen geometry
80 kg, reheated at 1200 1C and hot rolled in a pilot mill in sheets and on the distance between the gauge length marks. Following the
of 6 mm thickness with a finish-rolling temperature around standard ISO 6892-1, proportional test pieces were used, with an
1000 1C. Further heat treatments were applied to the steel by original gauge length of 5.65  OS0, where S0 is the initial specimen
dilatometry and by a salt bath setup. cross-section. CVN tests were carried out with V-notch subsize
The dilatometry study was conducted with a Bähr DIL 805 specimens of 10  5  55 mm3, at temperatures between 30 1C
quenching dilatometer using quartz push-rods, and cylindrical and þ100 1C according to the standard EN 10045-1. The impact
samples of 10 mm length and 4 mm diameter. The temperature energy was normalized to 10 mm according to the formula
was monitored by a type-S thermocouple spot welded on the KVnormalized ¼ KVtest 10 mm=5 mm. The fracture appearance was
surface of the specimen, the length being controlled by a LVDT. visually evaluated.
The quenching gas was nitrogen. The dilatometry study was
carried out to determine (a) the critical temperatures, the critical
cooling rate leading to a fully martensitic microstructure and
the progress of the martensitic transformation, (b) the time– 3. Design and application of the heat treatments
transformation–temperature (TTT) diagram in the temperature
range between Ms and the bainite start temperature (Bs) and 3.1. Theoretical study of the steel
(c) the effect of the quenching and partitioning parameters on the
stabilization of the retained austenite. Before designing of the experiments, the selected steel was
Small specimens of length  width  thickness 200  90  studied on the basis of theoretical models available in the
5.5 mm3 were machined for the application of heat treatments in literature.
the double salt bath configuration. A K-type thermocouple was One important requirement for the successful application of
placed in a hole at mid-thickness to track the temperature variation Q&P treatments to a steel is the proper selection of the cooling
during the entire heat treatment. The procedure started with rate in the quenching step, in order to avoid phase transforma-
austenitization in a furnace, followed by immersion of the sheet tions prior to the formation of martensite. The critical cooling rate
in the first salt bath. This bath was set at a temperature of 3575 1C from full austenitization at 940 1C (selected for experiments as
lower than the QT, to reduce the time spent below Ms before explained in the following section) and with a grain size of
reaching QT. At QT point the cooling rate was typically 3–4 1C/s. 16.5 mm (experimentally determined) was calculated using the
Right after reaching the QT, the specimens were transferred to the commercial software JMatPro, obtaining 2 1C/s.
second bath, set at 100 1C higher than the PT in order to speed up The optimum quenching temperature that gives the maximum
the heating rate of the specimen. The sheet was removed from the retained austenite content at room temperature at the end of a Q&P
second bath at PT and held in air for 2 or 20 s, during which the cycle was also theoretically evaluated. This calculation required the
temperature of the specimen decreased by 5 and 40 1C, respec- input of the carbon content of the steel, the Ms-temperature and the
tively, before quenching in water to room temperature. Q&T progress of the martensitic transformation during cooling, these
treatments were also carried out with the same steel by austeni- latter being available from dilatometry curves. The calculations
tization, oil quench and tempering in a furnace for 30 min. followed the method proposed by Speer et al. [2], based on the
Microstructures were observed by scanning electron microscopy hypothesis of constrained carbon equilibrium (CCE), i.e. it is assumed
(SEM) in a Zeiss EVO 50 microscope after standard mounting, that only carbon can reach a uniform chemical potential in a
polishing and 2% Nital etching. Measurements of the austenite situation of immobile interface between austenite and martensite,
grain size were carried out after the austenitization cycle, using a whereas iron and substitutional atoms cannot move. In order to
Bechet–Beaujard etching, based on a picric acid solution and Teepol obtain retained austenite, the carbon enrichment must be sufficiently
[12]. The average austenitic grain size determined after quench was high to decrease the relevant Ms below room temperature; a carbon
(16.571.8) mm, expressed as mean linear intercept with 95% concentration around 1.3% is estimated to be necessary for this steel
confidence interval. [16]. The result of the calculation, reported in Fig. 1, shows that the
The presence of retained austenite in the microstructures was quenching temperature corresponding to the maximum of retained
studied by magnetic methods in a LakeShore 7307 Vibrating Sample austenite is 281 1C, with phase fractions of martensite and austenite
Magnetometer (VSM) for the case of dilatometric specimens and by equal to 0.79 and 0.21, correspondingly.
488 E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495

Fig. 1. Theoretical calculation of the retained austenite content as a function of

the quenching temperature.
Fig. 2. Dilatometric plots of continuous cooling tests at 1 1C/s and 2 1C/s.

Table 2
Critical temperatures (1C), obtained by because these phenomena would overlap and compete with the
dilatometry (average of three tests). process of carbon partitioning. This requires the selection of
appropriate partitioning temperatures at which new phases such
Ac1 Ac3 Ms
as bainite do not form. With this aim, the possible formation of
771 75 896 710 358 74 phases during isothermal treatments after full austenitization
above the Ms-temperature was experimentally investigated.
The TTT diagram, determined starting from a fully austenitic
Theoretical calculations were also performed to estimate the structure was carried out to identify possible ranges of tempera-
partitioning time that ensures full carbon partitioning from the ture where the austenite does not transform into bainite or ferrite
martensite to the austenite at different partitioning temperatures. that could be exploited to avoid phase transformations during
The model presented by Santofimia et al. [17] was applied to a partitioning. Results of such investigation can be used as a guide;
Fe-0.28 1C system quenched at a temperature at which the however it is important to note that these results may slightly
volume fraction of martensite formed is 0.77. A stationary differ from the case of isothermal transformations at the same
martensite–austenite interface and a total width of martensite temperatures after partial quench below Ms, since the presence of
lath plus austenite film of 0.26 mm were assumed. This value was martensite may affect nucleation, grain size and internal stresses
based on the hypothesis of a typical width of the martensite laths of the new forming phase [17–19].
of 0.20 mm, constant during the martensitic transformation, and The isothermal treatments were carried out by the dilatometer
of a width of the austenite films of 0.06 mm, dependent on the at temperatures between 370 1C and 500 1C and the results are
austenite fraction present at QT [17]. Three partitioning tempera- shown in Fig. 3a. The ‘‘finish’’ curve indicates the end of the phase
tures, later selected in the experimental study, were considered in transformation according to dilatometry, but this does not imply
the calculations—420 1C, 470 1C and 500 1C. The minimum parti- the complete transformation of the austenite [20]. Above 470 1C,
tioning time needed for full carbon partitioning from martensite and at least up to 500 1C, the steel is characterized by a range of
to austenite in such conditions is 3 s, 0.4 s and 0.2 s, respectively. temperatures, close to the Bs temperature, where the austenite is
stable for very long times, whereas an increasing amount of
3.2. Experimental study of the steel bainite is formed when the isothermal temperature is decreased
towards Ms. An example of microstructure, obtained after iso-
On the basis of the theoretical analyses, a preliminary dilato- thermal treatment at 400 1C, is shown in Fig. 3b. It is mainly
metry study of the steel was carried out to identify the conditions composed of fine plates of bainite with films of retained austenite,
that stabilize the retained austenite in Q&P treatments. although coarse blocks of high-carbon martensite plus retained
The critical temperatures Ac1 and Ac3, listed in Table 2, were austenite (MA-constituent) can also be observed. This constituent
determined by heating a cylindrical specimen of 10 mm length was also present after isothermal treatments at lower tempera-
and 4 mm diameter, according to ASTM A 1033, at 28 1C/h above tures and it is related to an incomplete transformation of bainite
650 1C. On the basis of this result, an austenitizing condition controlled by the T0 0 line, at which the bainite and ferrite have the
above Ac3 of 940 1C for 10 min was chosen for the design of Q&P same free energy [20].
and Q&T treatments.
Continuous-cooling tests were carried out after full austenitization 3.3. Design of Q&P treatments
to experimentally determine the Ms-temperature and the critical
cooling rate that gives 100% martensite. As shown in Fig. 2, the The Q&P routes designed in this work followed the sequence
dilatometric curve at 2 1C/s did not reveal traces of phase transforma- displayed in Fig. 4. The considered criteria for the design of heat
tions above Ms, whereas the curve at 1 1C/s displayed the formation treatments are listed below:
of bainite. The rate of 2 1C/s was identified as the minimum rate
to have a fully martensitic structure, as was previously predicted (a) Complete austenitization above the Ac3 temperature;
from the calculations with JMatPro. The experimental value of the (b) cooling rate fast enough to avoid any phase transformations
Ms-temperature is given in Table 2. before martensite formation;
After the interrupted quench at QT the untransformed austenite (c) interrupted quench at the temperature QT between Ms and Mf;
must undergo the partitioning stage. During this step, the decom- (d) short holding time at QT but long enough to ensure the thermal
position of the residual austenite into new phases is undesired, homogenization of the specimen;
E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495 489

Table 3
Details of the Q&P cycles carried out by the dilatometer.

Austenitization Cooling QT (1C) Reheating PT Pt (s)

rate (1C/s) rate (1C/s) (1C)

940 1C for 50 260; 285; 20 420 100

10 min 300; 325 470 10, 60, 600
500 30, 600

Table 4
Austenitization, quenching and partitioning temperatures (TAust, QT and PT,
respectively) and austenitization and partitioning times (tAust, Pt) applied with
a salt bath setup. Pt ¼tempering time for QT500 and QT550.

Name TAust (1C) tAust (s) QT (1C) PT (1C) Pt (s)

QP243 970 50 243 515 20

QP253 952 400 253 511 20
QP263 929 480 263 511 20
QP276 954 580 276 504 2
QP281 941 420 281 513 20
QP291 934 800 291 500 2
QP314 949 650 314 518 2
QP-B 959 320 288 418 100
QT500 940 600 20 500 1800
QT550 940 600 20 550 1800

above and below the estimated optimum quench temperature.

Fig. 3. (a) TTT diagram between Ms and Bs of the material under testing.
Partitioning temperatures equal to 470 1C and 500 1C were con-
A: austenite, B: bainite. The cooling rate from austenitizing T to holding T was sidered in order to define a feasible working window for the salt
50 1C/s and (b) microstructure of the specimen treated isothermally at 400 1C. bath treatments. At these temperatures the precipitation of cemen-
tite cannot be excluded. Experimental observations after holding at
450–500 1C of various steels with high silicon contents [21], and
theoretical calculations [22] suggest that the precipitation kinetics
a) is slow compared with that of the process of carbon partitioning,
providing a working window for the carbon enrichment of the
austenite. Partitioning at temperatures lower than 470 1C increases
the probability to form bainite, but as far as this constituent is

Pt carbide free, it contributes to the stabilization of the austenite. For

f) this reason a partitioning temperature of 420 1C was also selected.

3.3.2. Salt baths
c) QT The Q&P routes for salt bath experiments were chosen on the
basis of the results obtained with the dilatometer. The heat
treatments were carried out with slight differences between real
and target temperatures. The indicative values of austenitization,
quenching and partitioning temperatures recorded with a ther-
mocouple and the corresponding times are displayed in Table 4.
Fig. 4. Scheme of the Q&P cycles. The quenching temperatures were between 240 1C and 315 1C in
order to obtain different fractions of austenite and martensite.
The partitioning stage was carried out reheating to 500 1C
(e) reheating of the specimen to the partitioning temperature PT, (above Bs), cooling in air down to approximately 470 1C and
at a reasonably fast rate to minimize the concurrence of quenching in water. In three cases the piece was immediately
processes, but not too far from industrially feasible rates; quenched in water after reheating in the second bath. One Q&P
(f) adequate partitioning temperatures and times (Pt), in which treatment was applied with quenching to approximately 290 1C
the formation of bainite is avoided and the homogenization of and partitioning at a temperature of about 420 1C corresponding
carbon within the austenite is complete; and to bainite formation after full austenitization. This specimen
(g) final quenching to room temperature. was identified as QP-B. In addition, two Q&T treatments with
tempering at 500 1C and 550 1C were applied.
In the following, the selected Q&P treatments for dilatometry
and salt bath experiments are described. 4. Results and discussion

4.1. Dilatometry study

3.3.1. Dilatometry
Table 3 shows the details of the Q&P cycles performed by the 4.1.1. Partitioning at 470 1C and 500 1C
dilatometer. The effect of QT on the stabilization of the retained Fig. 5 shows the measurements of retained austenite as a
austenite was determined by exploring a range of temperatures function of QT, with PT¼470 1C and 500 1C and holding times
490 E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495

between 10 s and 600 s. The theoretical values of Fig. 1 are also The effect of partitioning time at 470 1C is shown by the tests
reported. The effect of QT can be observed in the tests carried out with holding times of 10 s, 60 s and 600 s after quench to 300 1C.
with partitioning at 470 1C for 60 s. Considerable amounts of After 10 s, the process of carbon partitioning was not completed
retained austenite were obtained (0.12–0.18) stopping the as the maximum content of austenite was not reached. Note that
quench between 260 1C and 325 1C. The maximum of 0.18 was the remarkable stability of the process was up to 600 s. The
reached between 285 1C and 300 1C. The maximum retained predicted partitioning times at 470 1C (Section 3.1) were less than
austenite and the optimum temperature are quite in agreement 1 s, in the assumption of martensite lath plus austenite film of
with the predictions, whereas at higher QT the experimental 0.26 mm. This would indicate that longer diffusion paths of carbon
retained austenite values are higher than the predicted ones. must be taken into account to achieve a homogeneous stabiliza-
Differences between experiments and calculations can be caused tion of the austenite.
by the fact that the applied model does not consider the kinetics After partitioning at 500 1C for 30 s, the volume fractions of
of carbon partitioning [17]. retained austenite were slightly lower than those obtained at
During partitioning, the dilatometric curves do not show 470 1C for 60 s with the same quenching temperatures; moreover,
evidence of phase transformations, which would have been a considerable decrease of the retained austenite content was
revealed by an expansion of the specimen. This is in agreement observed for longer holding times. A possible explanation for
with the information provided by the TTT (Fig. 3a) regarding the this observation is the starting of carbide precipitation, although
stability of the austenite in this range of temperatures. further analyses with TEM would be necessary to confirm this
The final microstructure of the specimen quenched to 260 1C,
which is about 30 1C below the optimum quench temperature,
and partitioned at 470 1C for 60 s, is shown in Fig. 6a. It is possible
to observe the carbon-depleted martensite laths, with some
carbides inside. Their presence was likely due to a slight auto-
tempering of the martensite before the partitioning, as they
were also observed in tests with a partitioning time of 1 s. No
quantitative measurements of carbides density were carried out,
hence a further precipitation during partitioning cannot be
excluded. The unetched areas can be either retained austenite
(RA) or untempered high carbon martensite (UM). The fraction of
these areas is greater than the fraction of retained austenite
measured by the magnetic technique, therefore some high-
carbon martensite formed during the last quench appears to be
The insufficient carbon enrichment of the austenite that comes
Fig. 5. Retained austenite contents for various QT, after partitioning at 470 1C and
from quenching above the optimum temperature can be observed
500 1C. The arrows indicate the trends with increasing partitioning times. The dot- in Fig. 6b, which shows the presence of coarse islands of untem-
dashed line reproduces the calculated values of Fig. 1. pered martensite (UM). When the QT of 325 1C was reached, the

Fig. 6. Microstructures partitioned at 470 1C for 60 s after quenching to (a) 260 1C (volume fraction of retained austenite ¼0.14), (b) 325 1C (volume fraction of retained
austenite¼ 0.12) and (c) microstructure partitioned at 500 1C for 600 s after quenching to 300 1C (retained austenite fraction 0.11). RA: retained austenite, TM: tempered
martensite and UM: untempered martensite.
E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495 491

dilatometric curve indicated that the volume fraction of phases in

the microstructure consisted approximately 0.50 martensite and
0.50 austenite. In the final microstructure the volume fraction of
retained austenite was 0.12, therefore a volume fraction of UM of
0.38 could have formed during quenching from PT.
In the case of partitioning at 500 1C for 30 s and 600 s, the
microstructures do not show significant differences at SEM exam-
ination. They confirm the presence of islands of high-carbon
martensite, in particular in the specimen held for 600 s (Fig. 6c).
On the basis of these tests, a feasible working window to
obtain a microstructure of tempered martensite and austenite
was defined, which was an essential step for the design of the salt
bath treatments. In summary, during partitioning at temperatures
greater than or equal to 470 1C no phase transformations were
observed in the dilatometric curves, thus achieving the thermal
stabilization of considerable amounts of austenite by carbon parti-
tioning from martensite. Nevertheless, while the temperature of
470 1C could be maintained for quite long time (600 s) without
reducing the stability of the austenite, at 500 1C this was possible
only with short holding times. For the subsequent heat treatments
in salt bath, partitioning between 470 1C and 500 1C for 20–30 s was
considered to be adequate to obtain the desired microstructure.

4.1.2. Partitioning below the Bs temperature

The volume fractions of retained austenite measured after
partitioning at 420 1C for 100 s are shown in Fig. 7. When the QT
was 300 1C, close to the optimum quench temperature, the auste-
nite fraction was a bit lower than that obtained after partitioning
above Bs. On the other hand, with QT¼325 1C, which is about 40 1C Fig. 8. (a) Dilatometry curves during partitioning at 420 1C, after quench to 325 1C
above the optimum quench temperature, a higher stabilization of and to 300 1C and (b) microstructure after interrupted quench at 325 1C and
partitioning at 420 1C for 100 s. Volume fraction of retained austenite 0.17.
the austenite was obtained after partitioning below Bs.
RA: retained austenite, MA: high carbon martensite-retained austenite constituent
In order to understand these results, dilatometric curves corre- and UB: upper bainite.
sponding to the change in length recorded during partitioning at
420 1C in the specimens previously quenched to 300 and 325 1C are
presented in Fig. 8a. Both specimens show an isothermal expansion the specimen partitioned at 420 1C. On the contrary, this speci-
proportional to the amount of untransformed austenite at QT: the men exhibits regions of ferrite free carbides surrounded by small
specimen quenched to 325 1C had an initial fraction of austenite of islands of retained austenite or UM.
0.50, and shows an expansion of 0.11% whereas the specimen The expansion measured by dilatometry at 420 1C can be
quenched to 300 1C, with a fraction of austenite of 0.30, shows an explained either by an isothermal growth of martensite either
expansion of 0.036%. by the formation of bainite at the expenses of the untransformed
Fig. 8b shows the microstructure of the specimen quenched to austenite. The microstructural features observed in the specimen
325 1C and partitioned at 420 1C for 100 s. Comparing this micro- partitioned at 420 1C suggest the formation of bainite, which
structure with that obtained after quenching to the same tem- probably contributes to an additional carbon enrichment of the
perature and partitioning at 470 1C for 60 s (Fig. 6b), it is clear austenite and thus increasing its thermal stabilization with
that the latter showed coarse islands of austenite transformed respect to partitioning above the Bs temperature. If it is bainite,
into martensite during the final quench that are not observed in the transformation occurs without incubation time, which indi-
cates an acceleration of the formation of bainite with respect to
the bainite kinetics observed from full austenitization at the same

4.2. Heat treated sheets—microstructures

The volume fraction and carbon content of retained austenite in

specimens treated with the salt bath setup are reported in Fig. 9 as
a function of the QT. Except for the case of the treatment with the
highest quenching temperature (QT¼315 1C), in which the volume
fraction of retained austenite was 0.08, the retained austenite
fraction is between 0.10 and 0.13. The maximum is reached with
QT¼ 252–260 1C and the maximum carbon enrichment is achieved
with QT¼242 1C. No significant differences were found between
the specimens that underwent a partitioning of 2 s (QP276 and
QP291) and the ones partitioned for 20 s after quench to similar
Fig. 7. Volume fractions of retained austenite obtained after quenching to 300 1C
and 325 1C and partitioning at 420 1C for 100 s (open triangles), compared with an
temperatures (QP264 and QP281). In both cases the partitioning
isothermal treatment at 400 1C (solid triangle). The dotted curve represents the time, summed to the time spent during the reheating from QT to PT
measurements after partitioning at 470 1C for 60 s (Fig. 5). (about 20 s), was long enough to achieve similar results in terms of
492 E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495

austenite stabilization. The retained austenite content of QP-B was corresponding to the maximum in the volume fraction of retained
in line with the Q&P samples and its average carbon concentration austenite was shifted to lower quenching temperatures in the
was a bit higher. After the Q&T heat treatments no retained case of the specimens treated with salt bath (250 1C instead of
austenite was detected. 280 1C). These differences can be due to a less accurate control
The retained austenite fractions measured in salt bath speci- of the thermal parameters during the application of the heat
mens were generally lower and less sensitive to QT variations treatments in salt bath, with respect to the better-controlled
than those measured in the dilatometric specimens. The peak temperature profile in the dilatometer. In order to clarify this
aspect, microstructures of some selected specimens treated in the
salt baths are displayed in Fig. 10. Two types of constituents can
be observed after Q&P treatments in the salt bath:

(a) Etched lath structures, corresponding to martensite laths that

underwent carbon partitioning to the austenite. In some cases,
these laths show carbide precipitation, also in the specimens
that underwent a partitioning stage of 2 s. They were mainly
caused by the autotempering of this martensite (TM) during the
time between quenching (salt bath 1) and partitioning (salt
bath 2) stages (Fig. 10a). Occasionally, islands of lower bainite
(LB) can be observed (Fig. 10b). In the first salt bath the cooling
rate between the austenitization temperature and Ms was
about 60 1C/s, well above the critical cooling rate, and no phase
transformations are expected. Below Ms the cooling and heat-
ing rates were lower than in the dilatometer due to the reduced
Fig. 9. Retained austenite and untempered martensite fractions and carbon content
difference in temperature between piece and salt bath. This
in retained austenite after salt bath treatments as a function of the quenching caused a more extended autotempering of the martensite
temperature (QP specimens¼ open symbols, QP-B specimen: solid symbols). formed in the first quench and the formation of small amounts

Fig. 10. Scanning electron micrographs of the following specimens: (a,b) QP252; (c) QP243; (d,e) QP263 and (f) QT550 (550 1C). RA: retained austenite, MA: high carbon
martensite-retained austenite constituent, TM: tempered martensite, UM: untempered martensite, LB: lower bainite.
E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495 493

of lower bainite, affecting the fractions of retained austenite

finally obtained in the specimens.
(b) Unetched laths and islands showing a smooth surface, which
correspond to retained austenite or to martensite formed in
the last quench of the Q&P process (MA-constituents) Since
the fraction of the unetched areas is higher than the retained
austenite fraction measured by XRD, some of these islands
correspond to untempered martensite, also at the lowest QT.
Neglecting the small amounts of lower bainite, the fraction of
UM in the Q&P specimens can be estimated as the balance of
the fraction of martensite formed during the first quench,
which can be derived from the dilatometry curve, and the
fraction of retained austenite measured by XRD. The specimen
with QT¼315 1C has a fraction of UM of 0.35. When QT is
reduced from 290 1C to 240 1C the content of UM decreases
from 0.15 to almost 0. These values are reported in Fig. 9.

Although at the lowest quench temperatures (240–250 1C) the

estimated fraction of untempered martensite is very low, this
constituent can be clearly observed around the areas of more
intense precipitation (Fig. 10a and b). Nonetheless, blocky struc-
tures can also be observed in regions where the formation of
carbides is not evident. They can be small islands of austenite that
remained untransformed and did not receive enough carbon from
the surrounding martensite to be stabilized, leading to the forma-
tion of UM or MA-constituent in the final quench (Fig. 10c–e).
After Q&T treatments the microstructure is tempered marten-
site with an extended precipitation of carbides, mainly present as
coarse films between the laths and blocks of martensite (Fig. 10f).
Fig. 11. (a) YS, UTS and TE of Q&P (open symbols) and QP-B (solid symbols)
4.3. Heat treated sheets—mechanical properties and influence materials and (b)YS and YS/UTS ratio versus UM fraction of Q&P specimens.

of the microstructure
Table 5
4.3.1. Tensile properties Tensile properties and 50% fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT) of
Fig. 11a shows the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength (UTS) QT500, QT550, QP243 and QP253 specimens.
and total elongation (TE) versus the quenching temperature of the
ID YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) TE (%) 50% FATT (1C)
specimens treated following Q&P schedules with the salt bath. The
steels exhibited almost constant UTS between 1450 and 1500 MPa, QT500 1194 7 12 1415 7 7 14.0 7 0.5 4100
except for the case with the highest quenching temperature, with QT550 1141 7 0 1300 7 0 13.8 7 0 68
UTS¼1600 MPa, where the presence of untempered martensite QP243 1170 7 0 1505 7 5 13.7 7 0 13
was significant. The YS values were between 800 and 1175 MPa and QP253 1175 7 15 1457 7 5 14.4 7 0.3 10

the TE values were between 8% and 14.5%, both increasing to a

maximum when the QT was decreased from 315 1C to 250 1C, in
coincidence with the maximum fraction of retained austenite and that reduces the yield stress and transforms into martensite
the lowest fraction of UM. The YS strengthening achieved by during the plastic deformation. The conditions with the lowest
decreasing the QT can be related to the higher stability of the QT (240–250 1C) were characterized by YS/UTS¼ 0.80, with con-
austenite and a progressive reduction of the UM content. Fig. 11b tinuous yielding but lower work hardening.
relates the values of YS and YS/UTS of Q&P specimens with the The tensile properties of Q&T steels are summarized in Table 5
estimated UM contents shown in Fig. 9. Similar values of YS and and compared with QP243 and QP253 specimens. The specimen
YS/UTS were obtained with UM of 0.35 and 0.15 (QT¼ 315 1C and QT500 exhibited UTS and TE quite similar to the Q&P specimens,
291 1C, respectively), whereas a progressive increase was observed while the QT550 had similar elongation but lower UTS. The yield-to-
reducing the UM fraction from 0.15 to zero (with QT¼243 1C and tensile ratio was a little higher (0.85) and the yield was continuous,
253 1C). In general, a contribution by the precipitation of fine indicating also in this case a high density of mobile dislocations.
carbides is also possible. The YS of the specimen partitioned at
420 1C (solid symbols of Fig. 11a) was slightly higher than that of
Q&P specimens partitioned at higher temperatures (open symbols) 4.3.2. Toughness
after quench to similar QT. This can be a consequence of the lower The CVN tests were carried out to determine the 50% FATT and the
partitioning temperature and of a partial transformation of the results are reported in Fig. 12a and b. The QP-B and Q&P specimens
residual austenite into bainite during partitioning at 420 1C that led with a QT of 240–290 1C displayed a similar behavior in terms of
to a higher stabilization of the austenite, reducing the fraction of transition curves and impact energies, although a slight dependence
untempered martensite in the structure. on the quenching temperature can be observed. At –30 1C all the
The tensile properties obtained after Q&P have the typical low materials exhibited a completely brittle fracture, but at higher
YS/UTS ratio of these materials (0.6–0.7), with continuous yield- temperatures the specimens quenched to QT between 243 1C and
ing and with the plastic curve characterized by high work 264 1C showed a slightly better performance. At 0 1C and –20 1C the
hardening. The continuous yielding indicates a free mobility of lowest impact energy was determined for the specimen quenched to
the dislocations but also the presence of the retained austenite, 281 1C. This material also reached a lower level of carbon enrichment
494 E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495


70 Present

Impact energy (J)

60 Ref.7

40 QP243, QP253, YS = 1170 MPa
Ref. 5 Q&T, YS = 1165 MPa
30 Ref. 7 Bainitic steel YS = 965 MPa
Ref. 7 Bainitic steel YS = 1230 MPa
Ref. 6 Bainitic steel YS = 1150 MPa
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 13. Charpy V notch impact energies after Q&P compared with data from the
literature of bainitic steels and Q&T steels.

In the case of Q&P treatments, the microstructural analysis

indicated some difficulties in the achievement of a homogeneous
and complete stabilization of the retained austenite, due to the
precipitation of carbides by autotempering of the martensite
formed in the first quench and the presence of hard phases in
the structure (MA-constituents). The low cooling rates in the final
stage of the first quench and the time needed to reach the PT were
limited by the quenching medium and by the thickness of the
material and prevented the possibility to get a more accurate
control of the Q&P treatment.
An alternative route that could be industrially applied to sheets/
Fig. 12. Normalized CVN impact energies after heat treatments: (a) as a function
of testing temperature and (b) impact energy at þ 20 1C and FATT as a function of plates as well as to tubular products is a sequence consisting
quench temperature. Material codes are listed in Table 4. of (a) induction heating, (b) interrupted accelerated cooling, and
(c) reheating to the partitioning temperature and holding by
of the austenite in comparison with the sheets QP276 and QP291, induction again. This sequence should meet the need of short
quenched to similar QT (1.25% versus 1.65%). The microstructures times required by this treatment.
were comparable and an explanation of this difference was not found, In the perspective of further improvements of DBTT and YS, the
but it is an indication of the variability of the results when the quench presence of islands of MA should be minimized as much as possible.
is stopped above the optimum temperature. The sheet QP-B exhibited On one hand a proper application of Q&P treatments without
an intermediate behavior between these materials. the presence of bainite requires that the chemical composition is
The 50% FATT of this group of specimens were between modified reducing the Bs-temperature and increasing the incuba-
þ10 1C and þ25 1C and only the material with QT¼315 1C, due tion time for the formation of bainite, a result that can be obtained
to the high fraction of untempered martensite, had a significantly increasing the content of the alloying elements already present in
worse toughness, with a FATT of 60 1C. The Q&T specimens also the steel. On the other hand, the cooling rate below Ms remains a
exhibited very high transition temperatures. critical point, because of the autotempering of martensite. The
The best combination of YS and FATT with the selected steel was presence of local segregation can make critical the use of elements
therefore obtained by Q&P, quenched at a QT of 240–250 1C, like manganese that locally decrease the transformation tempera-
i.e. reaching YS close to 1200 MPa with FATT 10 1C. This better tures and delay the progress of the martensitic transformation,
behavior may arise from the combined effects of the carbon leaving untransformed islands of austenite that have a smaller
depletion of martensite, the absence of the coarse films of carbides chance to be fully stabilized to room temperature.
and, on the other hand, the presence of films and islands of
austenite that contribute to the refinement of the microstructure.
The difference between Q&T and Q&P, for this steel, is a reduction of 5. Conclusions
FATT of 50 1C at similar YS (Table 5) and this shows the potential of
Q&P in improving the YS–toughness combinations. A medium-carbon high-silicon steel was studied to investigate
the effect of different microstructures on the combinations of
strength and toughness comparing the mechanical properties
obtained by Q&P and Q&T:
4.3.3. Comments on industrial feasibility
The results obtained by Q&P are comparable with those (a) Dilatometry was used to identify the best conditions to carry
achievable with carbide-free bainitic steels and low-silicon Q&T out the Q&P treatments. An optimum quench temperature of
steels, although in both cases a careful design of chemical 285 1C and a working window for the partitioning step
composition and manufacturing process led to significant between 470 1C and 500 1C were identified.
improvements of these properties. This is shown in Fig. 13 that (b) With the Q&P treatments in salt bath, the selected steel reached
compares the CVN impact energies obtained in the present study the maximum stabilization of the austenite with QT¼250 1C,
by Q&P with some data available from the literature of bainitic achieving, in these conditions, the best combination of YS and
and low silicon Q&T steels at comparable YS levels. toughness. This result can be attributed to a combination of
E. Paravicini Bagliani et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 559 (2013) 486–495 495

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