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1-Structure of Matter

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Structure of matter
Dr/Diaa Elmwafy
The atom is composed of:-
A-The nucleus: protons (+ve)
B-Electrons (-ve)
 The atom is the basic unit of internal structures

 The physical & chemical properties depends on

interaction between electrons lying furthermost
from the nucleus termed (Valence electrons).
 Any element except inert gases try to
achieve the highly stable configuration to
having 8 electrons in the outer or valance
electron shell stable through receiving (-
ve charged) , or giving (+ve charged), or
share electrons so the outer shell of 2 or
more atoms become complete.
 Inter Atomic bonding is 1ry bond

Strong intramolecular

Types: Covalent, ionic, metallic

 Intermollecular is 2ry bond: weak

Types: Vander waals forces

A)Covalent bond:
Sharing electrons
H2 gas molecule
Very strong, Insulator
Basic bond for polymers
B) Ionic bond:
Electrostatic attraction ( ) unlike charge
NaCl molecule → Na+ cation, CL- anion
Insulator & heat resistant
Basic bond for ceramics & glasses
C) Metallic bond:

Metal atoms give up electrons (loosely held

and are free to move about all atoms in their
valence shells.

Metalllic bond consists of +ve ion cores held

together by electron clouds which diffuse
freely around the +ve cores→ easy
defomability of metals and other properties.
 High thermal and electric conductivity

 Opaque bec. free electrons may absorb light.

 Reflective or lustrous bec. electrons

reemit light
Van der Waals forces:
E.g H2O molecule

 Combination of ionic & covalent: Caso4

 Combination of metallic & ionic :

Dental Amalgam

 High conductive properties, hard & brittle

Interatomic distance:
Caused by interatomic repulsive & attractive

Factors affecting IAD:

Temp: ↑ → ↑ energy → ↑ IAD
No. of adjacent atoms: ↑ → ↓ IAD
covalent bonding: ↑ (shared e’ no.)→ ↓ IAD

State of matter
Free movement of electrons → ↑ energy →↑ IAD
Gas > Liquid > Metal
Structure of solids
 Solid substances are classified according to
the internal atomic structure, depending on
the regularity of the atoms or molecules in
the three spatial directions, into:-
2-Amorphous (non crystalline)
3-Semi Crystalline (Mesomorphous)
The atoms are arranged regularly &
repetitively in the 3-dimensions.

Space lattice: The arrangement of atoms in

3D → each atom has a position similar to
every other atom.
Atomic arrangement may take one of
seven main crystal patterns (Cubic,
tetragonal, orthorhombic, Monoclinic,
Triclinic, Hexagonal, Rhombohedral).

Unit cell is the smallest repeated unit in a

crystal lattice.

The type of space lattice is defined by the

length of 3 axes of unit cell and the angles
( ) them
1-Simple cubic: (SC)
Each atom in each corner of the 8 corners
is associated with 8 surrounding unit
Each atom participating in 8 unit cells →
each atom has 1/8 of its volume in each of
theses 8 cells → SC contains one metal
atom per unit cell
8 atoms * 1/8 at each corner= 1 atom
2-Body centered cubic: (BCC)
The unit cell has an atom at each corner of
the 8 corners of the cube and another atom
at the center of the unit cell→ There are 2
atoms per unit cell in BCC.

8 atoms * 1/8 at each corner + 1 atom in

the center = 2 atoms
Number of atoms in a space lattice
(Body centered cubic space lattice)

BCC has 2 atoms per unit cell [ (8x1/8) + 1] , e.g. iron, chromium.
3-Face centered cubic: (FCC)
The unit cell has an atom at each corner of
the 8 corners of the cube and another atom
at the center of each face of the unit cell.
At the center of each face the atom share 2
unit cells & thus its value may be as a ½
atom→ There are 4 atoms per unit cell in

8 atoms * 1/8 at each corner + 6 atom * ½

in the center = 4 atoms
Number of atoms in a space lattice
(Face centered cubic space lattice)

FCC has four atoms per unit cell [(8x1/8) +

(6x1/2], e.g. copper, gold, platinum, and silver.
The atoms or molecules are positioned
randomly in space without regularity or
repetetion , such as in gases and liquids.
1- Higher internal energy:
2- No definite melting temperature: but they
gradually soften as temperature is raised
and gradually harden as cool. They have
glass transition temperature (Temperature
above which a sharp increase in the
coefficient of thermal expansion occurs
indicating increased molecular mobility)
The atoms or molecules are arranged
with a definite regularity in one or more
directions, but not in all of the three
directions. e.g. Pyrolytic carbon
Many materials have the same chemical
composition, these different polymorphic
forms may be called allotropic forms
E.g. of allotrophy in dentistry is silica.

Quratz (hexagonal) at 870 c→ Tridymite

(rhombohedral) at 1470 c→ cristobalite
(cubic) at 1713 c→ fused quartz
Imperfections in crystalline solids
1-Point defect:
In which an atom is missing within a
crystal ( due to imperfect packing during
the original crystallization or may arise
from thermal vibrations of the atoms at
elevated temp., bec. as thermal energy
↑→↑ probability that individual atoms will
jump out of their positions of lowest
b-Intersitial impurities: in which an extra
atom may be lodged within a crystal

A and B → atomic distortion within the

crystal lattice
2-line defect:
As dislocation
It is the displacement of a raw of atoms
from their normal positions in the lattice.
N.B. Plastic deformation in metals occurs
by motion of dislocation.

3-Plane defects:
Such as grain boundaries in metals
Thank you

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