CoachingReport Ghassan
CoachingReport Ghassan
CoachingReport Ghassan
When exporting objects, you Multiple right, wrong On the Galaxy menu, select Export > Objects > Selected 1 1
can: Response objects:On the Home ribbon bar, Export area, click
Selected:Right-click objects, and select Export >
Selected objects
The Model View is used to Multiple right, wrong Physical relationships that exist in a facility:Relationship 0 1
model the: Response between objects and users
Which of the following are Multiple right, wrong OPCClient Object:InTouchProxy 1 1 The OPCClient,
Device Integration Objects? Response Object:DDESuiteLinkClient Object InTouchProxy and
Objects are all
Which statement below is Multiple 0 A block read is a set of user-defined A block read must be initiated from a user or script 1 1
false as it pertains to the Choice attributes, 1 A block read must be through the BlockRead.TransactionStart attribute
OPCClient object? initiated from a user or sc, 2 For a
block read, either all the attributes
will, 3 A block read must be initiated
from a user or sc
For the execution order of Multiple 0 In the order they were deployed to In the order they were deployed to an engine; the user can 0 1
objects deployed to an Choice an engine; th, 1 As they were created influence the execution order by selecting the appropriate
engine on a platform, the during development time, th, 2 In engine to run first
objects are executed: alphabetical order in an area, unless
the use, 3 Randomly; there is no
guarantee that an object i
When preparing to Multiple 0 Build templates for the equipment, 1 Perform an equipment survey to identify similar equipment 1 1
implement an Application Choice Build process displays for the and functionality
Server application for this production lines, 2 Perform an
production facility, what equipment survey to identify similar ,
should be done first? 3 Configure the device integration
objects for the
Is it true that it is considered Multiple 0 False; the object lock does not True; it will speed up deployment because it reduces the 1 1
a best practice to lock as Choice apply during run, 1 True; it will speed number of distributed assemblies
much as possible on the up deployment because it red, 2
object template level? False; there is no advantage in
locking the obje, 3 True; the more an
object is locked, the less the
In the Object Viewer Multiple 0 UserSets notOK; these attributes UserSets OK; these attributes can be modified in Object 1 1
Category column, a U Choice cannot bemo, 1 UserSets OK; these Viewer
means: attributescan be modified i, 2
UserDefined OK; these attributes can
be controll, 3 UserDefined notOK.
These attributes cannot be
In Application Server, you Multiple 0 Writing a comment to the Acked Writing a comment to the AckMsg attribute 1 1
acknowledge alarms by: Choice attribute, 1 Setting the attribute
InAlarm to false, 2 Writing a comment
to the AckMsg attribute, 3 Writing
acked to the AlarmMode attribute
What is the default Critical Multiple 0 1 - 250, 1 251 - 500, 2 501 - 750, 3 1 - 250 1 1
alarm setting in alarm Choice 751 - 999
priority mapping?
What is the default High Multiple 0 1 - 250, 1 251 - 500, 2 501 - 750, 3 251 - 500 1 1
alarm setting in alarm Choice 751 - 999
priority mapping?
Which of the following is true Multiple right, wrong Historical data that arrives with a timestamp after the 0 1
for Application Server Response Historian’s current time can be saved
support for late data to the
Process Historian?
For historization, data from Multiple 0 Discarded, unless late data support Discarded, unless late data support is enabled 1 1
Application Server that has a Choice is enabled, 1 Discarded, unless
timestamp later than 60 advanced communications manage, 2
seconds behind the Always discarded, 3 Never discarded
Historian current time is:
New Galaxies are created Multiple 0 The roles assigned to the user that No security 1 1
with: Choice crea, 1 No security, 2 Default Galaxy
security, 3 Default InTouch security
New Galaxies are created Multiple 0 1 user (the Galaxy creator), 1 role, No users, no roles, and no security groups 0 1
with: Choice and 1 secur, 1 1 user, 2 roles, and 2
security groups, 2 2 users, 2 roles,
and 1 security group, 3 2 users, 2
roles, and 2 security groups, 4 No
users, no roles, and no security
A backup file creates a: Multiple 0 SQL Server backup file , 1 Package Cabinet file 1 1 Correct!
Choice file with all objects, 2 Cabinet file, 3
Zip file
If the network account Multiple 0 WWUser.exe, 1 aaWWUser; the aaAdminUser.exe; the Change Network Account utility 1 1
specified during the Choice Change User Account utility, 2
installation of Application aaAdminUser.exe; the Change
Server becomes deleted or Network Account util, 3 You must go
unknown into each of the services and change
Changes to the Advanced Multiple 0 Take effect immediately, 1 Need all Need all deployed platforms to be restarted 1 1
Communications Choice deployed platforms to be restar, 2
Management will: Need all platforms to be re-deployed
When using alarms in a Multiple right, wrong Both platforms hosting the redundant engine pair should 1 1 Correct
redundant engine pair: Response be configured to be alarm providers for the same alarm
areas:Any transition from a previous state to Standby-Not
Ready or Active-Standby Not Available causes an
alarm:An alarm is raised on failover
What are the states of an Multiple 0 OnScan, 1 Stand-by (redundant) , 2 All of the above 1 1 Correct!
AppEngine you can view in Choice OffScan, 3 Shutdown, 4 All of the
the OCMC? above
For redundant engines, Multiple 0 Redundant servers maintain Configuration must be indicated by checking the 1 1
which of the following Choice synchronized data thr, 1 Configuration Redundancy box on the Platform
statements is not true? must be indicated by checking the , 2
If the primary server is lost, the
backup server, 3 Configuration is done
through a check box on the
The AVEVA Service Multiple 0 Automatically with Application Manually after installing Application Server 0 1
Manager is installed: Choice Server, 1 Manually before installing
Application Server, 2 Manually after
installing Application Server, 3 When
a Galaxy is created, 4 From within the
System Platform IDE after a Gala, 5
None of the above
Which of the following is true Multiple 0 Provides access to Galaxy runtime Provides access to Galaxy runtime data 1 1
for Choice data, 1 Allows users to browse
ASBMxDataProviderService? Galaxy objects and at, 2
Authenticates users against Active
Direc, 3 Authenticates users against
Galaxy user , 4 Authenticates users
against Active Direc, 5 It is not an
ASB Service
QuickScript.NET provides Multiple 0 IF ... THEN ... ELSEIF ... ELSE ... All of the above are valid control structures 0 1
four primary control Choice ENDIF, 1 FOR ... TO ... STEP ...
structures in the scripting NEXT Loop, 2 FOR EACH ... IN ...
environment: Which of the NEXT, 3 DOWhile ... EndLoop, 4 All
following is not one of these of the above are valid control
control structures? structures
Any synchronous script Multiple 0 100 ms, 1 500 ms, 2 1000 ms, 3 500 ms 1 1
attached to the AppEngine Choice 6000 ms, 4 30000 ms
object, as well as to
application objects hosted
by the AppEngine object, is
subject to a timeout period.
This prevents the script from
Which of the following is not Multiple 0 The node must be configured as All of the above 1 1
true about Authentication Choice either the System, 1 the node uses
Provider Azure Active Directory as the iden, 2
allows Single Sign-On (SSO) for
System Platform , 3 All of the above
System Platform users can Multiple 0 System Platform IDE, 1 Operations All of the above 1 1
then use their Microsoft- Choice Control Management Console, 2
managed identities to log in AVEVA OMI ViewApps, 3 All of the
to which of the following: above
IO binding (Auto Multiple 0 Any object with attributes defined on Any object with any attributes with I/O references 0 1 Incorrect.
Assignment) only works Choice the Attrib, 1 Any object with any
with: attributes with IO reference, 2
$UserDefined objects only, 3
Template objects only
When redeploying an object, Multiple right, wrong The existing configuration remains deployed and on scan 1 1
which of the following are Response until the new configuration is successfully deployed:If
TRUE? redeployment fails, the existing configuration remains
available for the production environment
When configuring a derived Multiple 0 A drop-down list of the four possible A series of four radio buttons for the available responses 0 1
instance that contains an Choice re, 1 A series of four check boxes for
Object Wizard Choice Group the ava, 2 A series of four radio
with four possible buttons for the a, 3 A set of slider
responses, the Choice controls, one for each a
Group is pr
When applying visibility Multiple 0 Visibility expressions can only be Visibility expressions can be added by typing the 1 1
expressions to an Object Choice added to the , 1 Visibility expressions expressions in the Visibility field
Wizard, which of the can be added to the first, 2 Visibility
following is true? expressions can be added by typing
th, 3 Visibility expressions can only
be added to Opti
Sentinel System Monitor Multiple 0 OCMC logger, 1 Windows logger, 2 Sentinel manager 1 1
reports issues to the: Choice Sentinel manager, 3 Object Viewer
Under what conditions does Multiple 0 You deploy the Galaxy; this A DI Object instance named Simulator is derived from the 1 1
the Simulator OI Server Choice automatically activa, 1 A DI Object $OPCClient and configured to communicate to OI.SIM.1 is
(OI.SIM.1) activate instance named Simulator and deployed
automatically? configu, 2 A DI Object instance
named Simulator is derived , 3 A DI
Object instance named Simulator is
Which of the following Multiple right, wrong It must be available all the time to ensure secure 0 1
statements are correct about Response communications between nodes:It must be available to
the System Management renew the secure digital certificate:It is used to generate,
Server? manage, and distribute secure digital certificates used for
establishing and maintaining secure communications
What function(s) does the Multiple 0 A) Check on Service Status, 1 B) C) All of the above 1 1
interface in the Common Choice Troubleshoot services, 2 C) All of the
Service Portal ArchestrA above
Service Bus Portal offer ?
Which component should be Multiple 0 A) Sentinel Manager System B) System Management Server 1 1
configured first ? Choice Monitor Manager, 1 B) System
Management Server
Topic Name Topic description
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 57%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server 2023
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 83%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 50%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 75%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Application Server\Application
Server 2023
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 80%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server 2023
Comparison %
Score 67%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server 2023
Comparison %
Score 80%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 33%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Server\Application Server
Comparison %
Score 0%
Benchmark 50%
CSP\WW Application
Server CSP\WW
Application Server 2020
\App Server Licensing
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
CSP\WW Application
Server CSP\WW
Application Server 2020
Comparison %
Score 100%
Benchmark 50%
Assessment total
Comparison %
Score 79%
Benchmark 50%
Number of results in comparison set: 3289
Application Server\Application Server 2023\05_Propagation
Comparison % #
Participant 100% 1/1
Min score 0% 0/1
Avg score 33% 0.33/1
Max score 100% 1/1
Application Server\Application Server 2023\15_MultiGalaxy_Communication
Comparison % #
Participant 40% 2/5
Min score 0% 0/5
Avg score 22% 1.12/5
Max score 100% 5/5
Application Server\Application Server 2023\25_Digital_Exchange
Comparison % #
Participant 100% 1/1
Min score 0% 0/1
Avg score 35% 0.35/1
Max score 100% 1/1
Assessment total
Comparison % #
Participant 56% 63/113
Min score 0% 0/113
Avg score 30% 33.82/113
Max score 98% 111/113