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The AWK Programming
Second Edition
The AWK Programming
Second Edition

Alfred V. Aho
Brian W. Kernighan
Peter J. Weinberger

Hoboken, New Jersey
Cover image: “Great Auk” by John James Audubon from The Birds of
America, Vols. I-IV, 1827–1838, Archives & Special Collections,
University of Pittsburgh Library System

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-826972-2
ISBN-10: 0-13-826972-6
To the millions of Awk users


1. An Awk Tutorial
1.1 Getting Started
1.2 Simple Output
1.3 Formatted Output
1.4 Selection
1.5 Computing with Awk
1.6 Control-Flow Statements
1.7 Arrays
1.8 Useful One-liners
1.9 What Next?
2. Awk in Action
2.1 Personal Computation
2.2 Selection
2.3 Transformation
2.4 Summarization
2.5 Personal Databases
2.6 A Personal Library
2.7 Summary
3. Exploratory Data Analysis
3.1 The Sinking of the Titanic
3.2 Beer Ratings
3.3 Grouping Data
3.4 Unicode Data
3.5 Basic Graphs and Charts
3.6 Summary
4. Data Processing
4.1 Data Transformation and Reduction
4.2 Data Validation
4.3 Bundle and Unbundle
4.4 Multiline Records
4.5 Summary
5. Reports and Databases
5.1 Generating Reports
5.2 Packaged Queries and Reports
5.3 A Relational Database System
5.4 Summary
6. Processing Words
6.1 Random Text Generation
6.2 Interactive Text-Manipulation
6.3 Text Processing
6.4 Making an Index
6.5 Summary
7. Little Languages
7.1 An Assembler and Interpreter
7.2 A Language for Drawing Graphs
7.3 A Sort Generator
7.4 A Reverse-Polish Calculator
7.5 A Different Approach
7.6 A Recursive-Descent Parser for Arithmetic Expressions
7.7 A Recursive-Descent Parser for a Subset of Awk
7.8 Summary
8. Experiments with Algorithms
8.1 Sorting
8.2 Profiling
8.3 Topological Sorting
8.4 Make: A File Updating Program
8.5 Summary
9. Epilogue
9.1 Awk as a Language
9.2 Performance
9.3 Conclusion
Appendix A: Awk Reference Manual
A.1 Patterns
A.2 Actions
A.3 User-Defined Functions
A.4 Output
A.5 Input
A.6 Interaction with Other Programs
A.7 Summary


Awk was created in 1977 as a simple programming language for

writing short programs that manipulate text and numbers with equal
ease. It was meant as a scripting language to complement and work
well with Unix tools, following the Unix philosophy of having each
program do one thing well and be composable with other programs.
The computing world today is enormously different from what it
was in 1977. Computers are thousands of times faster and have a
million times as much memory. Software is different too, with a rich
variety of programming languages and computing environments. The
Internet has given us more data to process, and it comes from all
over the world. We’re no longer limited to the 26 letters of English
either; thanks to Unicode, computers process the languages of the
world in their native character sets.
Even though Awk is nearly 50 years old, and in spite of the great
changes in computing, it’s still widely used, a core Unix tool that’s
available on any Unix, Linux, or macOS system, and usually on
Windows as well. There’s nothing to download, no libraries or
packages to import — just use it. It’s an easy language to learn and
you can do a lot after only a few minutes of study.
Scripting languages were rather new in 1977, and Awk was the
first such language to be widely used. Other scripting languages
complement or sometimes replace Awk. Perl, which dates from 1987,
was an explicit reaction to some of the limitations of Awk at the
time. Python, four years younger than Perl, is by far the most widely
used scripting language today, and for most users would be the
natural next step for larger programs, especially to take advantage
of the huge number of libraries in the Python ecosystem. On the
web, and also for some standalone uses, JavaScript is the scripting
language of choice. Other more niche languages are still highly
useful, and “the shell” itself has become a variety of different shells
with significantly enriched programming capabilities.
Programmers and other computer users spend a lot of time doing
simple, mechanical data manipulation — changing the format of
data, checking its validity, finding items that have some property,
adding up numbers, printing summaries, and the like. All of these
jobs ought to be mechanized, but it’s a real nuisance to have to
write a special-purpose program in a language like C or Python each
time such a task comes up.
Awk is a programming language that makes it possible to handle
simple computations with short programs, often only one or two
lines long. An Awk program is a sequence of patterns and actions
that specify what to look for in the input data and what to do when
it’s found. Awk searches a set of files that contain text (but not non-
text formats like Word documents, spreadsheets, PDFs and so on)
for lines that match any of the patterns; when a matching line is
found, the corresponding action is performed. A pattern can select
lines by combinations of regular expressions and comparison
operations on strings, numbers, fields, variables, and array elements.
Actions may perform arbitrary processing on selected lines; the
action language looks like C but there are no declarations, and
strings and numbers are builtin data types.
Awk scans text input files and splits each input line into fields
automatically. Because so many things are automatic — input, field
splitting, storage management, initialization — Awk programs are
usually much shorter than they would be in a more conventional
language. Thus one common use of Awk is for the kind of data
manipulation suggested above. Programs, a line or two long, are
composed at the keyboard, run once, then discarded. In effect, Awk
is a general-purpose programmable tool that can replace a host of
specialized tools or programs.
The same brevity of expression and convenience of operations
make Awk valuable for prototyping larger programs. Start with a few
lines, then refine the program until it does the desired job,
experimenting with designs by trying alternatives quickly. Since
programs are short, it’s easy to get started, and easy to start over
when experience suggests a different direction. And if necessary, it’s
straightforward to translate an Awk program into another language
once the design is right.

Organization of the Book

The goal of this book is to teach you what Awk is and how to use
it effectively. Chapter 1 is a tutorial on how to get started; after
reading even a few pages, you will have enough information to begin
writing useful programs. The examples in this chapter are short and
simple, typical of the interactive use of Awk.
The rest of the book contains a variety of examples, chosen to
show the breadth of applicability of Awk and how to make good use
of its facilities. Some of the programs are ones we use personally;
others illustrate ideas but are not intended for production use; a few
are included just because they are fun.
Chapter 2 shows Awk in action, with a number of small programs
that are derived from the way that we use Awk for our own personal
programming. The examples are probably too idiosyncratic to be
directly useful, but they illustrate techniques and suggest potential
Chapter 3 shows how Awk can be used for exploratory data
analysis: examining a dataset to figure out its properties, identify
potential (and real) errors, and generally get a grip on what it
contains before expending further effort with other tools.
The emphasis in Chapter 4 is on retrieval, validation,
transformation, and summarization of data — the tasks that Awk
was originally designed for. There is also a discussion of how to
handle data like address lists that naturally comes in multiline
Awk is a good language for managing small, personal databases.
Chapter 5 discusses the generation of reports from databases, and
builds a simple relational database system and query language for
data stored in multiple files.
Chapter 6 describes programs for generating text, and some that
help with document preparation. One of the examples is an indexing
program based on the one we used for this book.
Chapter 7 is about “little languages,” that is, specialized
languages that focus on a narrow domain. Awk is convenient for
writing small language processors because its basic operations
support many of the lexical and symbol table tasks encountered in
translation. The chapter includes an assembler, a graphics language,
and several calculators.
Awk is a good language for expressing certain kinds of
algorithms. Because there are no declarations and because storage
management is easy, an Awk program has many of the advantages
of pseudo-code but Awk programs can be run, which is not true of
pseudo-code. Chapter 8 discusses experiments with algorithms,
including testing and performance evaluation. It shows several
sorting algorithms, and culminates in a version of the Unix make
Chapter 9 explains some of the historical reasons why Awk is as
it is, and contains some performance measurements, including
comparisons with other languages. The chapter also offers
suggestions on what to do when Awk is too slow or too confining.
Appendix A, the reference manual, covers the Awk language in a
systematic order. Although there are plenty of examples in the
appendix, like most manuals it’s long and a bit dry, so you will
probably want to skim it on a first reading.
You should begin by reading Chapter 1 and trying some small
examples of your own. Then read as far into each chapter as your
interest takes you. The chapters are nearly independent of each
other, so the order doesn’t matter much. Take a quick look at the
reference manual to get an overview, concentrating on the
summaries and tables, but don’t get bogged down in the details.

The Examples
There are several themes in the examples. The primary one, of
course, is to show how to use Awk well. We have tried to include a
wide variety of useful constructions, and we have stressed particular
aspects like associative arrays and regular expressions that typify
Awk programming.
A second theme is to show Awk’s versatility. Awk programs have
been used from databases to circuit design, from numerical analysis
to graphics, from compilers to system administration, from a first
language for non-programmers to the implementation language for
software engineering courses. We hope that the diversity of
applications illustrated in the book will suggest new possibilities to
you as well.
A third theme is to show how common computing operations are
done. The book contains a relational database system, an assembler
and interpreter for a toy computer, a graph-drawing language, a
recursive-descent parser for an Awk subset, a file-update program
based on make, and many other examples. In each case, a short Awk
program conveys the essence of how something works in a form that
you can understand and play with.
We have also tried to illustrate a spectrum of ways to attack
programming problems. Rapid prototyping is one approach that Awk
supports well. A less obvious strategy is divide and conquer:
breaking a big job into small components, each concentrating on one
aspect of the problem. Another is writing programs that create other
programs. Little languages define a good user interface and may
suggest a sound implementation. Although these ideas are
presented here in the context of Awk, they are much more generally
applicable, and ought to be part of every programmer’s repertoire.
The examples have all been tested directly from the text, which is
in machine-readable form. We have tried to make the programs
error-free, but they do not defend against all possible invalid inputs,
so we can concentrate on conveying the essential ideas.

Evolution of Awk
Awk was originally an experiment in generalizing the Unix tools
grep and sed to deal with numbers as well as text. It was based on
our interests in regular expressions and programmable editors. As an
aside, the language is officially AWK (all caps) after the authors’
initials, but that seems visually intrusive, so we’ve used Awk
throughout for the name of the language, and awk for the name of
the program. (Naming a language after its creators shows a certain
paucity of imagination. In our defense, we didn’t have a better idea,
and by coincidence, at some point in the process we were in three
adjacent offices in the order Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan.)
Although Awk was meant for writing short programs, its
combination of facilities soon attracted users who wrote significantly
larger programs. These larger programs needed features that had
not been part of the original implementation, so Awk was enhanced
in a new version made available in 1985.
Since then, several independent implementations of Awk have
been created, including Gawk (maintained and extended by Arnold
Robbins), Mawk (by Michael Brennan), Busybox Awk (by Dmitry
Zakharov), and a Go version (by Ben Hoyt). These differ in minor
ways from the original and from each other but the core of the
language is the same in all. There are also other books about Awk,
notably Effective Awk Programming, by Arnold Robbins, which
includes material on Gawk. The Gawk manual itself is online, and
covers that version very carefully.
The POSIX standard for Awk is meant to define the language
completely and precisely. It is not particularly up to date, however,
and different implementations do not follow it exactly.
Awk is available as a standard installed program on Unix, Linux,
and macOS, and can be used on Windows through WSL, the
Windows Subsystem for Linux, or a package like Cygwin. You can
also download it in binary or source form from a variety of web sites.
The source code for the authors’ version is at The web site is devoted to Awk; it contains code for all the
examples from the book, answers to selected exercises, further
information, updates, and (inevitably) errata.
For the most part, Awk has not changed greatly over the years.
Perhaps the most significant new feature is better support for
Unicode: newer versions of Awk can now handle data encoded in
UTF-8, the standard Unicode encoding of characters taken from any
language. There is also support for input encoded as comma-
separated values, like those produced by Excel and other programs.
The command
$ awk --version

will tell you which version you are running. Regrettably, the default
versions in common use are sometimes elderly, so if you want the
latest and greatest, you may have to download and install your own.
Since Awk was developed under Unix, some of its features reflect
capabilities found in Unix and Linux systems, including macOS; these
features are used in some of our examples. Furthermore, we assume
the existence of standard Unix utilities, particularly sort, for which
exact equivalents may not exist elsewhere. Aside from these
limitations, however, Awk should be useful in any environment.
Awk is certainly not perfect; it has its full share of irregularities,
omissions, and just plain bad ideas. But it’s also a rich and versatile
language, useful in a remarkable number of cases, and it’s easy to
learn. We hope you’ll find it as valuable as we do.

We are grateful to friends and colleagues for valuable advice. In
particular, Arnold Robbins has helped with the implementation of
Awk for many years. For this edition of the book, he found errors,
pointed out inadequate explanations and poor style in Awk code, and
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