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Principles of Information Systems 13th Edition Stair

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Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems 13th

Edition Simkin Solutions Manual
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

Solutions – Chapter 6

Critical Thinking Exercise

Network-Management Software for a University

Review Questions

1. Administrators should look for a software system that allows for the monitoring
of individual computers, devices and shared hardware. It should also scan for
viruses and ensure compliance with software licenses.

2. Most IS organizations use network-management software to ensure that their

network remains up and running and that every network component and
application is performing acceptably. The software enables IS staff to identify and
resolve fault and performance issues before they affect end users. The latest
network-management technology even incorporates automatic fixes: The
network-management system identifies a problem, notifies the IS manager, and
automatically corrects the problem before anyone outside the IS department
notices it.

Critical Thinking Question

1. Student responses may vary. Any productivity gains might be put to good use by
providing new services and superior support.

2. Student responses will vary. Some issues might include limited or no Internet or
network connectivity, app issues and viruses.

Critical Thinking Exercise

Extranet to Support Craft Brewers

Review Questions

1. Extranets allow users to distribute and access information more efficiently. Users
can immediately view and access information rather than wait on a return phone
call or an answer to a fax.

2. You might want to consider the use of a VPN to control access to the schedule.

Critical Thinking Questions

Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

1. Student responses will vary. Brewers may be reluctant to share their schedules
due to security or technology fears. As with any change, you should clearly
communicate the benefits.

2. Student responses will vary. The extranet might also be used as a way for you to
communicate pricing changes with the breweries.

Critical Thinking Exercise

Manufacturer Weighs Converting to Internet of Things

Review Questions

1. To be truly part of the IoT, the sensors in the plants need to be networked devices
with IP addresses and a connection to the public Internet. The current sensors are
not Internet enabled.

2. Student responses will vary. In addition to monitoring operation, historical data

can be studied an analyzed to find ways to save on resources or expenses.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Security is a very major risk with IoT applications as are the risks of faulty
sensors or bad network connections. In this case, another risk might be due to
changes in operational procedures. One control room will now monitor multiple

2. Security should be built in from the start, including way of updating the system in
a secure manner. As for the mentioned operational risk, communication with the
employees is the key to any successful change.

Critical Thinking Exercise

Should Heel Swaps Move to the Cloud?

Review Questions

1. Moving to the cloud will allow the firm to handle the increased traffic without
taking the time and money to upgrade their own equipment.

2. In this situation a public cloud may work best. The service provider will need to
deliver increasing amounts of computing, network and storage capacity on
demand. Keeping in mind that the firm is a start-up, a public cloud will be a
cheaper and more agile option.

Critical Thinking Questions

Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

1. Student responses may vary. A common start-up issue is moving the firm’s data
moved to the cloud initially.

2. Student responses will vary. As the volume business grows, Heel Swaps might
want to evaluate whether a private cloud makes sense financially.

Review Questions

1. A computer network consists of communications media, devices, and software

connecting two or more computer systems or devices.

2. Network topology indicates how the communications links and hardware devices
of the network are arranged. The topology is the shape or structure of the network.
The transmission rates, distances between devices, signal types, and physical
interconnection may differ between networks, but they may all have the same
topology. The three most common network topologies in use today are the star,
bus, and mesh.

3. Client/server architecture is an approach to computing wherein multiple computer

platforms are dedicated to special functions, such as database management,
printing, communications, and program execution. A client/server system is a
network that connects a user’s computer (a client) to one or more server
computers (servers). A client is often a PC that requests services from the server,
shares processing tasks with the server, and displays the results.

4. Channel bandwidth refers to the rate at which data can be exchanged measured in
bits per second. The broader the bandwidth, the more information can be
exchanged at one time. In the context of Internet access, the term broadband
communications refers to any high-speed Internet access that is always on and
that is faster than traditional dial-up access. Most organizations need high
bandwidth to accommodate the transaction volume and transmission speed
required to carry out their daily functions.

5. The three primary frequency ranges in wireless transmissions are radio,

microwave, and infrared.

6. Bluetooth is a wireless communications specification that describes how cell

phones, computers, printers, and other electronic devices can be interconnected
over distances of 10 to 30 feet at a rate of about 2 Mbps and allows users of
multifunctional devices to synchronize with information in a desktop computer,
send or receive faxes, print, and, in general, coordinate all mobile and fixed
computer devices.

As more states are banning the use of handheld cell phones in cars, one of the
most important accessories for smartphone users is their hands-free Bluetooth
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

headset or the hands-free system in their cars. Drivers can also use the hands-free
system in their cars to have their email messages, notes, calendar entries, and text
messages read aloud over the car’s speakers.

7. The advantage of satellite communications is that satellites can receive and

broadcast over large geographic regions. Problems such as the curvature of the
Earth, mountains, and other structures that block the line-of-sight microwave
transmission make satellites an attractive alternative.

8. A network operating system (NOS) is systems software that controls the computer
systems and devices on a network and allows them to communicate with each
other. The NOS performs similar functions for the network as operating system
software does for a computer, such as memory and task management and
coordination of hardware. When network equipment (such as printers, plotters,
and disk drives) is required, the NOS makes sure that these resources are used

9. Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emerging approach to networking that

allows network administrators to manage a network via a controller that does not
require physical access to all the network devices. This approach automates tasks
such as configuration and policy management and enables the network to
dynamically respond to application requirements. As a result, new applications
can be made available sooner, the risk of human error (a major contributor to
network downtime) is reduced, and overall network support and operations costs
are reduced.

10. Internet censorship is the control or suppression of the publishing or accessing of

information on the Internet. This is a major issue in China and Saudi Arabia.

11. The combined hardware (cables, routers, switching stations, communication

towers, and satellites) of the network service providers (NSPs), such as Verizon,
Sprint, British Telecom, and AT&T make up the Internet backbone.

12. An IP address is a 64-bit number that identifies a computer on the Internet. A

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a Web address that specifies the exact
location of a Web page using letters and words that map to an IP address and a
location on the host. The URL gives those who provide information over the
Internet a standard way to designate where Internet resources such as servers and
documents are located.

13. XML is a markup language for Web documents containing structured

information, including words and pictures. XML does not have a predefined tag
set. XML Web documents contain the content of a Web page. The formatting of
the content is contained in a style sheet.
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

14. A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a file or portion of an HTML file that defines
the visual appearance of content in a Web page. CSS uses special HTML tags to
globally define characteristics for a variety of page elements as well as how those
elements are laid out on the Web page. Rather than having to specify a font for
each occurrence of an element throughout a document, formatting can be
specified once and applied to all occurrences. CSS styles are often defined in a
separate file and then can be applied to many pages on a Web site.

15. Web services consist of standards and tools that streamline and simplify
communication among Web sites and make it simpler to develop and use the Web
for business and personal purposes.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the basic infrastructure that Amazon employs to
make the contents of its huge online catalog available to other Web sites or
software applications.

16. The use of social media in business is called Enterprise 2.0. Enterprise 2.0
applications, such as Salesforce’s Chatter, Jive Software’s Engage Dialog, and
Yammer, enable employees to create business wikis, support social networking,
perform blogging, and create social bookmarks to quickly find information.

17. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or “things”

embedded with sensors, processors, software, and network connectivity capability
to enable them to exchange data with the manufacturer of the device, device
operators, and other connected devices.

18. Cloud computing refers to a computing environment in which software and

storage are provided as an Internet service and accessed by users with their Web

Cloud computing can be deployed in several different ways. Public cloud

computing refers to deployments in which service providers offer their cloud-
based services to the general public, whether that is an individual using Google
Calendar or a corporation using the application. In a private cloud
deployment, cloud technology is used within the confines of a private network. A
hybrid cloud is composed of both private and public clouds integrated through

19. Autonomic computing is the ability of IT systems to manage themselves and

adapt to changes in the computing environment, business policies, and operating
objectives. The goal of autonomic computing is to create complex systems that
run themselves, while keeping the system’s complexity invisible to the end user.
As cloud computing environments become increasingly complex, the number of
skilled people required to manage these environments also increases. Software
and hardware that implement autonomic computing are needed to reduce the
overall cost of operating and managing complex cloud computing environments.
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

Discussion Questions
1. In a star network, all network devices connect to one another through a single
central device called the hub node. A failure in any link of the star network will
isolate only the device connected to that link. However, should the hub fail, all
devices on the entire network are unable to communicate.

In a bus network, all network devices are connected to a common backbone that
serves as a shared communications medium. To communicate with any other
device on the network, a device sends a broadcast message onto the
communications medium.

Mesh networks use multiple access points to link a series of devices that speak to
each other to form a network connection across a large area. Communications are
routed among network nodes by allowing for continuous connections and
bypassing blocked paths by “hopping” from node to node until a connection can
be established.

2. A personal area network (PAN) is a wireless network that connects information

technology devices close to one person. With a PAN, you can connect a laptop,
digital camera, and portable printer without cables. You can download digital
image data from the camera to the laptop and then print it on a high-quality
printer—all wirelessly. A PAN could also be used to enable data captured by
sensors placed on your body to be transmitted to your smartphone as input to
applications that can serve as calorie trackers, heart monitors, glucose monitors,
and pedometers.

A network that connects computer systems and devices within a small area, such
as an office, home, or several floors in a building is a local area network (LAN).
Typically, LANs are wired into office buildings and factories. Although LANs
often use unshielded twisted-pair copper wire, other media—including fiber-optic
cable—is also popular. Increasingly, LANs use some form of wireless
communications. You can build LANs to connect personal computers, laptop
computers, or powerful mainframe computers.

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that connects users and their
computers in a geographical area that spans a campus or city. A MAN might
redefine the many networks within a city into a single larger network or connect
several LANs into a single campus MAN. Often, the MAN is owned either by a
consortium of users or by a single network provider who sells the service to users.

A wide area network (WAN) is a network that connects large geographic regions.
A WAN might be privately owned or rented and includes public (shared-users)
networks. When you make a long-distance phone call or access the Internet, you
are using a WAN. WANs usually consist of computer equipment owned by the
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

user, together with data communications equipment and network links provided
by various carriers and service providers.

3. Examples of three media types are:

Twisted-pair wire
 Twisted pairs of copper wire, shielded or unshielded; used for telephone
 Widely available
 Limitations on transmission speed and distance

Coaxial cable
 Inner conductor wire surrounded by insulation
 Cleaner and faster data transmission than twisted-pair wire
 More expensive than twisted-pair wire

Fiber-optic cable
 Many extremely thin strands of glass bound together in a sheathing; uses
light beams to transmit signals
 Diameter of cable is much smaller than coaxial cable; less distortion of
signal; capable of high transmission rates
 Expensive to purchase and install

4. Near field communication (NFC) is a very short-range wireless connectivity

technology that enables two devices placed within a few inches of each other to
exchange data.

Apple Pay, the mobile payment and digital wallet service that lets users make
payments using an iPhone, an iPad, or an Apple Watch–compatible device, uses
NFC to communicate between the user’s device and the point-of-sale terminal.

5. Wi-Fi is a wireless telecommunications technology brand owned by the Wi-Fi

Alliance, which consists of about 300 technology companies including AT&T,
Dell, Microsoft, Nokia, and Qualcomm. With a Wi-Fi wireless network, the user’s
computer, smartphone, or cell phone has a wireless adapter that translates data
into a radio signal and transmits it using an antenna. A wireless access point,
which consists of a transmitter with an antenna, receives the signal and decodes it.
The access point then sends the information to the Internet over a wired

When receiving data, the wireless access point takes the information from the
Internet, translates it into a radio signal, and sends it to the device’s wireless

6. Microwave is a high-frequency (300 MHz to 300 GHz) signal sent through the
air. Terrestrial (Earth-bound) microwaves are transmitted by line-of-sight devices,
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

so the line of sight between the transmitter and receiver must be unobstructed.
Typically, microwave stations are placed in a series—one station receives a
signal, amplifies it, and retransmits it to the next microwave transmission tower.
Such stations can be located roughly 30 miles apart before the curvature of the
Earth makes it impossible for the towers to “see” one another. Because they are
line-of-sight transmission devices, microwave dishes are frequently placed in
relatively high locations, such as mountains, towers, or tall buildings.

7. The first generation (1G) of wireless communications standards originated in the

1980s and was based on analog communications. The second-generation (2G)
networks were fully digital, superseding 1G networks in the early 1990s. With 2G
networks, phone conversations were encrypted, mobile phone usage was
expanded, and short message services (SMS)—or texting—was introduced. 3G
wireless communications supports wireless voice and broadband speed data
communications in a mobile environment at speeds of 2 to 4 Mbps. Additional
capabilities include mobile video, mobile e-commerce, location-based services,
mobile gaming, and the downloading and playing of music.

4G broadband mobile wireless delivers more advanced versions of enhanced

multimedia, smooth streaming video, universal access, and portability across all
types of devices; eventually 4G will also make possible worldwide roaming. 4G
can deliver 3 to 20 times the speed of 3G networks for mobile devices such as
smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

8. Network-management software is software that enables a manager on a

networked desktop to monitor the use of individual computers and shared
hardware (such as printers), scan for viruses, and ensure compliance with
software licenses. Network-management software also simplifies the process of
updating files and programs on computers on the network—a manager can make
changes through a communications server instead of having to visit each
individual computer. In addition, network-management software protects software
from being copied, modified, or downloaded illegally. It can also locate
communications errors and potential network problems.

Mobile device management (MDM) software manages and troubleshoots mobile

devices remotely, pushing out applications, data, patches, and settings. With the
software, a central control group can maintain group policies for security, control
system settings, ensure malware protection is in place for mobile devices used
across the network, and make it mandatory to use passwords to access the

9. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT first proposed a global network of computers in 1962,

and moved over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in
late 1962 to head the work to develop it. Leonard Kleinrock of MIT and later
UCLA developed the theory of packet switching, which was to form the basis of
Internet connections. Lawrence Roberts of MIT connected a Massachusetts
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

computer with a California computer in 1965 over dial-up telephone lines.

Roberts moved over to DARPA in 1966 and developed his plan for ARPANET.

The Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969 under a
contract let by the renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which
initially connected four major computers at universities in the southwestern US
(UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the University of Utah). E-mail
was adapted for ARPANET by the late Ray Tomlinson of BBN in 1972.

The Internet matured in the 70's as a result of the TCP/IP architecture that came
out of the joint work of Bob Kahn at ARPA and Vint Cerf at Stanford and others
throughout the 70's. In 1986, the National Science Foundation funded NSFNet as
a cross country 56 Kbps backbone for the Internet.

In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee and others at CERN, proposed a new protocol for
information distribution. This protocol, which became the World Wide Web in
1991, was based on hypertext--a system of embedding links in text to link to other
text, which you have been using every time you selected a text link while reading
these pages. In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was
developed at the University of Minnesota.

The development in 1993 of the graphical browser Mosaic by Marc Andreessen

and his team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
gave the protocol its big boost. Later, Andreessen moved to become the brains
behind Netscape Corp., which produced the most successful graphical type of
browser and server until Microsoft declared war and developed its Microsoft
Internet Explorer.

Delphi was the first national commercial online service to offer Internet access to
its subscribers. It opened up an email connection in July 1992 and full Internet
service in November 1992.

In May 1995 when the National Science Foundation ended its sponsorship of the
Internet backbone.


10. The Internet transmits data from one computer (called a host) to another. If the
receiving computer is on a network to which the first computer is directly
connected, it can send the message directly. If the receiving and sending
computers are not directly connected to the same network, the sending computer
relays the message to another computer that can forward it. The message is
typically sent through one or more routers to reach its destination. It is not
unusual for a message to pass through several routers on its way from one part of
the Internet to another.

The set of conventions used to pass packets from one host to another is known as
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

the Internet Protocol (IP). Many other protocols are used with IP. The best known
is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP is so widely used that many
people refer to the Internet protocol as TCP/IP, the combination of TCP and IP
used by most Internet applications. Each computer on the Internet has an assigned
IP address for easy identification. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a Web
address that specifies the exact location of a Web page (using letters and words
that map to an IP address) and the location on the host.

11. The following summarizes different ways to connect to the Internet:

 LAN server – Used by businesses and organizations. By connecting a

server on the LAN to Internet using a router, all users have Internet access.
 Dial-up – Uses a modem and standard phone lines.
 High-speed service – Includes cable modem, DSL and satellite
 Public Wi-Fi – Offered in public spaces for free, an hourly rate or for a
monthly subscription service fee
 Cell phone – Carriers provide Internet access to smartphones, notebooks
and tablets

12. While the terms Internet and Web are often used interchangeably, technically, the
two are different technologies. The Internet is the infrastructure on which the Web
exists. The Internet is made up of computers, network hardware such as routers
and fiber optic cables, software, and the TCP/IP protocols. The Web, on the other
hand, consists of server and client software, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP), standards, and markup languages that combine to deliver information
and services over the Internet. In short, the Web is a hyperlink-based system that
uses the client/server model. It organizes Internet resources throughout the world
into a series of linked files, called pages, which are accessed and viewed using
Web client software called a Web browser.

13. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard page description language
for Web pages. HTML tells the browser how to display font characteristics,
paragraph formatting, page layout, image placement, hyperlinks, and the content
of a Web page. HTML uses tags, which are codes that tell the browser how to
format the text or graphics as a heading, list, or body text, for example. Web site
creators “mark up” a page by placing HTML tags before and after one or more

14. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process for driving traffic to a Web site by
using techniques that improve the site’s ranking in search results. SEO
professionals try to get the Web sites of their businesses to be listed with as many
appropriate keywords as possible. They study the algorithms that search engines
use, and then they alter the contents of their Web pages to improve the page’s
chance of being ranked number one. SEO professionals use Web analytics
software to study detailed statistics about visitors to their sites.
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

15. Unfortunately, there can be many issues with simply receiving and recognizing
usable sensor data. Sometimes a faulty sensor or bad network connection results
in missing data or sensor data lacking time stamps indicating when the reading
occurred. As a result, sensor data can be incomplete or contain inconsistent values
indicating a potential sensor failure or a drop in a network.

Security is a very major issue with IoT applications. There is the risk of making
detailed company information accessible through the Internet and exposing
internal systems to hacking, viruses, and destructive malware. Hackers who gain
access to an organization’s IoT can steal data, transfer money out of accounts, and
shut down Web sites, and they can also wreck physical havoc by tampering with
critical infrastructure like air traffic control systems, healthcare devices, power
grids, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

16. Frequent problems encountered by organizations moving to the cloud include

complex pricing arrangements and hidden costs that reduce expected cost savings,
performance issues that cause wide variations in performance over time, poor user
support, and greater than expected downtime.

17. In order for a Web site to receive frequent visitations, current, useful, and well-
organized information needs to be provided. To receive an initial visit, a Web site
must have the appropriate contents or keywords to be found by the search engine
software. Some hints for getting recognition for your site follow:

Search engines look for:

1. Keywords in the title.
2. Keywords on page or those repeated several times within the page.

Choose three or more keywords representative of your page. Use these words in
your title and early in the text of the page. Too few keywords may limit the
relevance of your site. When possible, use synonyms to increase the chances of
your page being located. People seeking information will use many different
words and word combinations. Anticipating what words will be used as keywords
in a search is very difficult.

18. Student responses will vary.

19. The Internet is a collection of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging

information. An intranet is an internal corporate network built using Internet and
World Wide Web standards and products; used by employees to gain access to
corporate information. An extranet is a network based on Web technologies that
links selected resources of a company’s intranet with its customers, suppliers, or
other business partners.
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

Problem-Solving Exercises
1. Students should use a spreadsheet to track the amount of time spent on social
networks each day.

2. Students should research Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine and
Windows Azure cloud services. They should write a paragraph comparing the

3. Students should think of a business that they might like to establish and use a
word processor to define the business in terms of what product(s) or service(s) it
provides, where it is located, and its name. They should also research domain
names and hosting costs.

Team Activities
1. Students should form a team to identify high demand IoT sensors in the medical
device/pharma/bio-med industry.

2. Students should plan, set up, and execute a meeting with another team wherein
they meet via use of a Web service such as GoToMeeting or WebEx.

3. Students should use the search engine Baidu to find information on several topics.

Web Exercises
1. Students should conduct research to identify countries with the greatest amount of
Internet censorship.

2. Students should use the Internet to find out more about the current status of net
neutrality in the United States.

3. Students should research and identify the top ten social networks.

Career Exercises
1. Students should view the movies mentioned to gain insight on Marc Zuckerberg.

2. Students should identify a social network organization of interest and research

current job openings.

3. Students should explore LinkedIn, a social media network for professional


Case Studies
Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition

Case One: Cloud Helps Fight Cancer

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Researchers are now able to easily analyze individual genomes which helps large-
scale research efforts exploring the genetic mutations that cause the disease. It
also enables doctors and researchers to share and collaborate more easily.

2. Given that it takes about 100 gigabytes of data to represent a single human
genome, it would take 10000 gigabytes or 10 terabytes to represent the genome of
100 patients.

3. The organization must ensure that their own processes and applications as well as
those of the cloud provider are compliant with HIPAA regulations. The provider
should sign a Business Associate Agreement, which will ensure they take on
appropriate responsibility for their side of HIPAA compliance. Also, make sure
your data is encrypted, and that you hold and maintain your encryption keys.

Case Two: Globacom Invests in Its Mobile Network Infrastructure in Africa Rural

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Ongoing, expensive investments ultimately save the company money. As

mentioned Globacom was able to save the equivalent of 80 full-time customer
service employees annually. For subscribers, the investments translate into
improved network coverage and reliability, better customer service and easier and
more consistent access to the Internet.

2. The company may want to look at data relating to terminated networks, event
times and durations, event cost, quality of service and overall network

3. Students should research other factors that affect Internet access rates in Africa
and other parts of the world.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
and learn to know you, and feed tamely out of your hand, would you
not desire to have some food to give it?”
“O yes: I would give it part of my dinner.”
“But if you had very little dinner, scarcely enough to satisfy your
own hunger, you would buy more bread for your rat if you could. If
your jailer asked you much more than the bread would be worth out
of prison, you would give it him rather than your rat should not come
and play with you. You would pay him first all your copper, and then
all your silver, and then all your gold.”
“Yes, because I could not play with money so pleasantly as with a
live animal, and there would be nothing else that I could buy in such
a place. I had rather have the company of my rat than a pocket full of
“So White thought,” observed Marguerite, “and he gave the
turnkey every thing he had left for bread, till his buttons, and his
pencil case, and even his watch were all gone. It was a long time
before he could bring himself to part with his watch; for the moving of
the wheels was something to look at, and the ticking kept his ears
awake, and made him feel less desolate: but when it came to giving
up his watch or his rat, he thought he could least spare his live
companion: so he carefully observed for some time the shifting of the
glimmering light upon the wall, as the morning passed into noon, and
noon into afternoon and evening, and then he thought this sort of dial
might serve him instead of a watch, and he gave it to the turnkey on
condition of having an ounce more bread every day for a year.”
“He must have been pleased to have made his bargain for a whole
“His pleasure lasted a very short while. The turnkey came earlier
than usual one day when the rat was there, and twisted its neck
before White could stop him.”
Julien stamped with grief and anger when he heard this; but
presently supposed the turnkey was honest enough to restore the
watch. Charles shook his head in answer, and told his little son that
poor White had been quite crazy since that day, and had talked
about nothing but a rat, and shown no desire for any thing but bread
and water since, though it was six years ago that his misfortune had
“Did you ever hear of paying for water, Julien; or for air?”
No: Julien thought that God had given both so freely that it would
be a sin to sell them. His father thought this not a good reason; for it
seemed to him fair that men should buy and sell whenever one
wanted something that another person had too much of; as much air
and water as corn and flax, which were also given by God.
“Ah, but, papa, it costs men a great deal of trouble to prepare corn
and flax.”
“True; and now you have hit upon the right reason. If corn and flax
grew of themselves on land which belonged to nobody, would you
pay for them, or just gather them without paying?”
“I should be very silly to pay when I might have them without.”
“So I think: but would corn and flax be less valuable then than
now, when we have to pay very dear for them?”
“The corn would be just as good to eat, and the flax to make linen
of: but they would not to change away.”
“No more than the air, which is very useful in breathing, or water
which we could not do without, and which yet would be a very poor
thing to carry to market. Now, would you call water a valuable thing
or not, Julien?”
“No, not at all, because it will buy nothing——O yes, but it is
though; because we could not do without it.—Mamma, is water
valuable or not?”
“Very valuable in use, but not usually in exchange. When things
are valuable in exchange, it is either because they cost labour before
they could be used, or because they are very scarce.”
“So,” observed Charles, “if a mine should ever be dug so deep that
the air is not fresh at the bottom where the miners work, the owner of
the mine would be very glad to buy air of any one who could convey
it down by a machine. Such an one would be wise to charge so
much a gallon for the fresh air he supplied, to pay for the labour and
expense of his machine, and for the trouble of working it.”
Marguerite then mentioned that she once staid in a small country
town during a drought. There was no reservoir of water, and all the
pumps and cisterns were dry. The poor people went out by night into
the neighbouring country, and watched the springs; and any one who
was fortunate enough to obtain a gallon of fresh water was well paid
for it. The price rose every day, till at last one woman gave a calf for
a pailfull of water, hoping to save her cow, it being certain that both
must die without this supply.
“And did she save her cow?”
“Yes. While the woman was anxiously sitting up in bed, planning
what she should change away next, she fancied there was a
different feel in the air; and on looking out of the window, she found
the sky covered with black clouds; and before morning, the trade in
water was over. There was nobody to give a doit for a cistern-full.”
“It was just so with me,” observed Charles, “when I was besieged
in the cellar. I was parched with thirst, and would have given a pipe
of my best wine to any one who would have let me down a quart of
water through the trap-door. Three hours after, I myself threw
hundreds of gallons on the fire at the guard houses, when the order
was given to take them down in an orderly way; and I did not
consider such use of the water any waste. So much for the value
which is given by scarcity.”
“But, papa, though things are more valuable to people when there
is a scarcity of them, the people are less rich than they were before.
That seems to me very odd.”
“Because you have been accustomed to consider value and
wealth as the same things, which they are not. Our wealth consists
in whatever is valuable in use as well as in exchange. Owing to the
storm of last year, I have less wealth in my possession now than I
had then, though what I have may, perhaps, exchange for more
wealth still. I have as much furniture, and as many clothes and
luxuries, and as much money; but I have fewer growing vines, and
much less wine. If I were to use up my own grapes and wine instead
of selling them, they would last a much shorter time than my stock of
the former year would have lasted. So I have less wealth in
possession. But the value of wine has risen so high, in consequence
of scarcity, that I can get as much now of other things in exchange
for a pint, as I could, fourteen months ago, in exchange for a gallon.”
“But that is partly because the wine is older. Mr. Steele is very
particular about the wine being old, and he pays you much more, he
told me, the longer it has been kept.”
“And it is very fair he should, for reasons which you can hardly
understand yet.”
“Try him,” said Marguerite.
“It is impossible, my dear. I refer to the charges I am at for the rent
of my cellar, the wear of my casks, and the loss of interest upon the
capital locked up in the wine. All this must be paid out of the
improvement in the quality of the article; and all this, Julien must wait
a few years to understand.
“Now tell me, my boy, whether you think it a good thing or not that
there should be a scarcity of wine?”
“Why, papa, as we do not want to drink all you have ourselves,
and as people will give you as much for it as they would for twice as
much, I do not think it signifies to you; but it must be a bad thing for
the people of Paris that there is so little wine to be had. At least you
said so about the bread.”
“But if my wine should be as dear next year, and I should have no
more losses from storms, and no more expense than in common
years, in growing my wine, would the high price be a good thing for
me or not?”
“It would be good for you, and bad for your customers; only I think
they would not give you so much for your wine. They would
remember that there had been no more storms, and they would find
people that had cheaper wine to sell, and then they would leave off
buying of you.”
“And they would be very right, if there was anybody to sell
cheaper; as there would be, if labourers had less wages, and so
made it less expensive to grow and prepare wine. But if some way
was found of making more wine than ever, in a cheaper way than
ever, who would be the better for that?”
“The people that buy of you, because I suppose you would let
them have it cheaper.”
“And papa too,” said Marguerite, “for many people would buy wine
who cannot afford it now.”
“Therefore,” concluded Charles, “a high exchangeable value is not
at all a good thing for everybody, though it may be for a time to some
few. And a low exchangeable value is a very good thing to
everybody, if it arises from the only cause which can render it
permanent,—a diminution of the cost of production.”
“But if this happened with every article,” pursued Marguerite,
“there would be an end of the cheapness, though not of the plenty.
As many of one thing would exchange for a certain number of other
things as before.”
“True; but less labour would purchase them all; and this is the
grand consideration. As less labour will now purchase a deal table
than was once necessary to procure a rough hewn log in its place,
less labour still may hereafter buy a mahogany one; and this is a
desirable thing for the purchasers of tables, and no less for the
makers, who will then sell a hundred times the number they can
dispose of now.”
Chapter VI.


The Parisians soon after showed that they knew little of the
resources on which the supply of the wants of the state should
depend, by having recourse to a measure which, however popular,
was one of great folly;—folly to be exceeded only by an act of the
populace which took place nearly at the same time.
The coffers of the government had long been empty. Loans of
almost every kind, and under every species of pretence, had been
raised upon the suffering nation, some of which proved failures in
their primary object, while others, however great the proceeds in
amount, seemed to be exhausted with somewhat the same speed as
water that is poured into a sieve. Never money went away so fast
before; and whilst the government was dismayed at its magic
property of disappearance, the people grew more and more angry at
what they thought the extravagance of their rulers. Neither of them
took into the account the scarcity of most of the necessaries of life,
and both regarded money as having the same value as ever,—as
being, in itself, the thing required to supply the necessities of the
state. To both it was equally inconceivable why, if so much had
defrayed such and such expenses in former years, double the sum
would go no way at all at present. The ministers and the court could
only tremble at the necessity of owning the truth, while the people
raged, and could be appeased only by court largesses for the relief
of the starving: which largesses went as little way when they had
changed hands as before. Neither party suspected that money,
although scarce, had become very cheap through the still greater
scarcity of other things; and in the absence of this necessary
knowledge, everybody was eager about gold and silver.
The National Assembly had tried all means, first by themselves,
and then with the assistance of Necker, to raise a supply, without
which the affairs of the state could not, they believed, proceed; and
all in vain. Then Necker had leave given him to pursue his own
methods; and, popular as he was, no one had a doubt that he would
succeed. But he failed, though he issued the most tempting
proposals; offered the highest interest that ever was heard of, even
in such an emergency; and exerted his utmost personal influence in
favour of the loan. The subscription was not half filled: the reason of
which was that many had no money, having spent it all in buying
necessaries; and as many in France as had taken their money
(much of it had gone into other countries) expected to want it
themselves for the same purposes, or had not confidence enough in
the stability of the government to take it for a creditor. So the king’s
horses went on to eat borrowed hay or to want it; and the king’s
servants to clamour for their wages; and the king’s tradesmen to
decline orders on one pretence or another; and the police threatened
to leave the home minister to keep order by himself; and state
couriers went unwillingly forth on their journies; and business lagged
in every department of the administration.
At this moment, it entered some wise head that, if people would
not lend money, they might lend or give something else; not corn or
hay, or any of the necessaries of life; for every one knew there was
still less of these things than of money; but gold and silver in any
form. It would have been hard to say what lasting good this could do
amidst the impossibility of procuring the necessaries of which gold
and silver are only the representatives: but no matter for that.
Nobody was asked to explain the affair, and apparently none
troubled themselves to think about it; so delighted were all with the
new notion of giving away trinkets to save the state. The idea of a
patriotic contribution was charming,—a contribution in which almost
everybody could join; women and children, and persons of many
degrees below the class of capitalists. The court joined: the
gentlemen sacrificing nearly half their watches and seals, and the
ladies adopting simplicity as a fashion, and sending away the
jewellery they could not wear as Arcadian shepherdesses and
Sicilian nymphs. The Assembly followed, every member thereof
stooping down at the same moment to strip his shoes of their
buckles, so that their act of patriotic devotion made really a very fine
show. This gave the signal to the whole country, and all France was
forthwith unbuckled in respect of the feet. She became also
quakerlike as to the hands, for not a maiden but took out her lover’s
hair from his parting gift, and flung the ring into the lap of the nation;
not a wife that did not part with the token of her wifehood in the
cause. Pecks of gold rings, bushels of silver buckles, with huge store
of other baubles, were at once in the possession of the state; and
the people no longer doubted that all would henceforth be well.
And what was really the event?—The gold answered the same
purpose as it does when a basin full of it coined stands on the
banker’s counter during a run. It satisfied the ignorant that all must
be safe where there is so much wealth actually before one’s eyes. It
hushed the clamours of the people for a little while; and made the
servants of the government willing to go on somewhat longer upon
credit; so that more industry and briskness prevailed for a time, at
the risk of ultimate disappointment, and an aggravation of popular
fury,—now diverted but not dispersed. A mob went about to levy
these voluntary offerings, an act ludicrously inconsistent with their
next proceeding; if, indeed, any of the events of this extraordinary
time could be regarded as ludicrous.
They called at Charles’s house among others, whence, as it
happened, no such offerings had yet gone forth. Charles had
resisted Pauline’s wish to lend the queen her thimble, and Julien’s
offer to pay his first tax with the silver-tipped riding-whip grandpapa
had given him. Neither would he allow Marguerite’s few ornaments,
all keepsakes, to be thrown away in any such manner. He would give
the coat off his back to the state, he said, when it could do any
service; but the proposed gifts could only help to make jewellery a
drug, without supplying one more person with bread, or lessening by
so much as one scruple the burdens of the state. He was disposed
to be vexed when he came home one day, and found a short
allowance of spoons at the dinner-table, the clock on the mantel-
piece gone, and his wife as destitute of external ornament as any
Arcadian shepherdess at Versailles. He laughed, however, at his
wife’s apologies for having made a voluntary offering against her
own will as well as his, and hoped that she would be as little the
worse as the state would be the better for the sacrifice. Goldsmiths
and jewellers of enterprise and capital would profit by the fancy, he
observed, if nobody else did; and the many losers might find some
comfort in sympathy with the very few winners.
The people, meanwhile, were bitterly complaining of famine, and
the more gold was carried to the treasury, the more bread was
bought up before the eyes of those who were deprived of it from its
increased price. It mattered not that some was given away in charity
by the king, and more, to suit his own purposes, by the duke of
Orleans; the people were rendered unable to purchase it, and
furnished with the plea of want, wherewith to make the streets of
Paris echo. It would have been better to have let the exchange of
wedding rings for bread be made without the interposition of the king
or his ministers, even without taking into consideration the events
which followed. A report was soon industriously spread that the
bread furnished by court charity was of a bad quality. It was believed,
like everything that was then said against the court; and the
consequence was that an anomalous and melancholy sight was
seen by as many as walked in the city. Clamorous, starving crowds
besieged the bakers’ shops, and carried off all the bread from their
ovens, all the flour from their bins; while the discontented among the
mob politicians of the Orleans faction were on the way to snatch the
food from the mouths of the hungry and throw it into the river, and to
cut the sacks, and mix the flour with the puddles of the streets. Want
and waste, faction and delusion were here seen in their direct
At this time, Charles and Marguerite did not allow their children to
go out under any guardianship but that of their father, as it was
impossible to foresee what might happen in the streets before they
could get home again. They were as safe as any could be at such a
time;—safer than the few who ventured abroad in carriages at the
risk of insult wherever they turned; safer than the sordidly fed and
clad, who were seized upon by the agents of faction to augment their
mobs, and be made the instruments of violence under the penalty of
suffering it themselves. The parents and children were also safer
together than separate; as a domestic party, abroad to take the air,
presented as unsuspicious a group, and one as likely to pass
unnoticed, as could well be imagined. Yet they had their occasional
alarms; and when there was no cause to fear for themselves, were
too often grieved and shocked at what they beheld inflicted on
“O papa!” cried Julien, one day, as they were walking; “what are
they doing at Maigrot’s shop? I do believe the crowd is coming there
Maigrot was a baker, well known to Charles’s family, and much
beloved by the children, on account of the little hot cakes which
seemed to be always ready to pop out of the oven and into their
mouths, when they went with the servant to deliver orders or pay
Instead of his usual smiling face, Maigrot was now seen in a state
of desperate anxiety, as well as could be judged from the glimpse of
him at his door, trying first to slip out, and then to force his way
between the two men who were evidently placed at the entrance as
guards till the mob should come up. Foiled in his attempt, Maigrot
disappeared, and Charles thought that it might depend on whether
there was a way of exit at the back of the house, whether his head
would presently be carried on a pike, between two loaves of his own
bread, or whether he would be kneading and baking in peace ten
years hence. There seemed to be just time to run and give a word of
advice to whomsoever might be waiting in the shop, and Charles ran
forward to do so. He was prevented entering; but seeing Maigrot’s
wife sinking and trembling behind the counter, and looking absolutely
incapable of any resolution whatever, he called out to her to assist in
emptying the flour bins and distributing the bread, and to fear
nothing, and all would be well. The woman tossed off a glass of
water which stood beside her, and rallied for the effort. In such effort
lay the only resource of sufferers under violence in those days; for
the magistracy were unable to afford assistance; or, if able, were not
to be depended on. The shop was presently emptied and gutted, and
its stock carried away, without, however, being in this instance
preceded by the horrible display of a human head. Maigrot had
escaped and actually joined in with the mob in time to see his own
flour cast into the Seine. Nobody thought more of the baker, and he
took advantage of this disregard to learn a great deal of his own
doings which he did not know before. He now overheard that his
flour was mixed with hurtful ingredients by order of his customer, the
king; that an inferior kind was sold at high prices as the best; and
that there were stores of meal concealed somewhere about his
premises, to victual the soldiers who were to be brought to rule the
city, and give the king his own way. All this was news to Maigrot, who
was compelled to listen to these falsehoods in silence: more
fortunate than many who had lost their lives as well as their good
name under similar charges. A defender sprang up, however, when
he least expected it.
Charles and his little son could not help following to look on, when
the mob proceeded with the flour down to the river. They stood on
the outskirts of the crowd, watching sack after sack as, with hoarse
shouts, it was heaved into the water so as to make the heaviest
splash possible. A new amusement presently occurred to some of
the leaders; that of testing the political opinions of the passers by by
the judgment they should pronounce on the quality of the flour.
Those who declared it good must, of course, be parasites of the
court; those who made mouths at it were the friends of the people;
and the moment this point was settled, every gazer from a distance
was hauled to the water’s edge to undergo the test; every
approaching carriage was waylaid and stopped, and its inmates
brought on the shoulders of the mob. Of course, all gave judgment
on the same side;—a thing likely to happen without much
dishonesty, when the raw flour was crammed into the mouth by foul
and sometimes bloody hands. It would have been difficult to
pronounce it very good under such circumstances of administration.
Among the most piteous looking of those under test was the
marquis de Thou, who was taken from a non-descript sort of
carriage, on his way, as he vowed, to the duke of Orleans, but
certainly attended by more than one servant of the royal household.
While prosecuting his explanations with gesture and grimace,
uplifted as he was above the crowd, he looked so like a monkey
riding a bear that a universal shout of mockery arose. He was
lowered for a moment, out of sight; and the laugh rose louder than
ever when he reappeared, held at arms’ length by a hundred hands,
powdered all over like a miller. His position made the judgment he
had to give all the more difficult, for it enabled him to perceive the
royal servants watching him on one side, the duke of Orleans and
some of his fiercest followers on another, and the pitiless mob
“Ah! it is very, very good food for the poor, without doubt,” he
declared, while in full view of the court party, and with his mouth
stuffed with a compound which had just been taken from a puddle
underfoot. “Very fine nourishment for a good king to buy dear, and
give away to a hungry people.—Ah! no more,—no more, I pray you! I
shall presently dine, and it is enough. I cannot praise it more than I
have done.—Ah! but” (seeing the duke frowning) “I do not say but it
may be a little sour,—and somewhat bitter,—yes, O yes, and gritty,—
and, O do not murder me, and I will also say hurtful.—And
poisonous? Yes, no doubt it is poisonous,—clearly poisonous.—But,
how bountiful of the king to think of how the poor should be fed!”
The marquis might think himself fortunate in getting off with a
ducking in the yeasty flood, into which he was let down astride on a
flour sack. While sneaking away through the crowd, after shaking his
dripping queue, and drawing a long breath, he encountered Charles,
whom he immediately recognised, and with inconsiderate
selfishness, exposed to the notice of the crowd by his appeal.
“Ah, my friend, here is a condition I am in! For our old friendship’s
sake,—for the sake of our vicinity in Guienne, aid me!”
“Do not answer him. Take no notice,” whispered Maigrot from
behind; “’tis as much as your life is worth.”
But Charles could not be inhuman. He gave the old man his arm to
conduct him to the carriage which he intended to order to his own
house. Before he had well turned his back, however, a piercing
shriek from Julien made him look round. The mob were about to
carry the boy towards the sacks.
“Do not be alarmed, my dear,” said he. “Taste the flour, and say
whether you think it good; and I will come to you in a moment to do
the same.”
Julien shrieked no more, but he looked ruefully in his father’s face,
when Charles returned. As soon as he had gulped down his share
and could speak, he said he had never tasted raw flour before, but it
was not so good as the hot cakes that were made of it sometimes.—
The boy escaped with being only laughed at.—His father’s turn
came next.
Charles stipulated, when laid hold of, to be allowed to feed
himself, and refused laughingly to taste what came out of the puddle
till his neighbours should have separated the mud from the flour.
With a very oracular look, he then proceeded from sack to sack,
tasting and pronouncing, apparently unmoved by the speculations he
heard going on all round him as to whether he was a royalist from
about the court, or a spy from Versailles, or only an ignorant stranger
from the provinces. When he had apparently made up his mind, he
began a sort of conversation with those nearest to him, which he
exalted by degrees into a speech.
“When I,” he observed, “I, the very first, opened a prisoner’s cell in
the Bastille——”
He was interrupted by loud cheers from all who heard; and this
drew the attention of more.
“——I found,” continued Charles, “a mess of wholesome food in
that horrible place. Every other kind of poison was there,—the
poison of damps and a close atmosphere; the poison of inactivity
which brings on disease and death; the poison of cruelty by which all
the kindly feelings are turned into bitterness in the soul of the
oppressed; and the poison of hopelessness, by which the currents of
life are chilled, and the heart of the captive is sunk within him till he
dies. All these poisons we found in every cell; but to all their inmates
was denied that quicker poison which would have been welcome to
end their woes. Some, we know, have lived thirty-five years under
this slow death, while a very small mixture of drugs with their bread
would have released them in fewer hours. That this quicker method
was ever used, we have no proof; that it was not used in the case of
those whom we released, we know, not by their state of health alone;
for that, alas! was not to be boasted of;—but by the experience of
some of us. When we were heated with toil and choked with dust, we
drank the draughts which the prisoners left untasted in their cells.
When a way was made among the ruins, women came to see what a
work their husbands had achieved; and when their children craved
food, rather than return home before all was finished, they gave their
little ones the bread which the captives had loathed. Many thus ate
and drank; and I appeal to you whether any evil came of that day;
whether the sleep of the next night was not sound as became the
rest which succeeds to an heroic effort. No one was poisoned with
the food then provided by the government; and yet that horrible
dungeon was the place, if there be any, for poison to do its work.
And if not attempted there, will it be here? Here, where there are a
million of eyes on the watch to detect treasons against the people?
Here, where there are hundreds of thousands of defenders of the
public safety? No, fellow citizens: this is not the kind of treason which
is meditated against us. There are none that dare practise so directly
on your lives. But there is a treason no less fatal, though more
disguised, which is even at this moment in operation against you.
You ask me two questions;—whether this food is of a bad quality;
and whether you are not half-starved; and both these evils you
ascribe to your rulers.—To the first I answer, that this food is, to the
best of my judgment, good; and, whether good or bad, that the
government has nothing to do with it, since it forms no part of the
stores that the king has bought up for distribution. It is flour of the
same harvest, the same field, the same mill, the same bin, that I and
mine have been supplied from; and it has nourished me well for the
work I have had to do; for letting in the light of day upon the foulest
dungeon that ever deformed the earth,—for watching over those who
have been released from it,—for attending to the proceedings of the
Assembly,—for meditating by night and consulting by day how the
rights of the people may best be attained and secured. Keep the
same food to strengthen you for the same purposes. Do not forget
your other complaint;—that you are starving: and remember that
however much this may be owing to the misrule and courtly
extravagance you denounce, the grievance will not be removed by
your feeding the fishes with that which your children are craving. I
spoke of another kind of treason than that which you suspect, and I
see about me too many tokens of its existence;—the treason which
would not poison but starve you.
“Of the motives of this treason I have nothing to say, for I am
wholly ignorant of them. I only insist that there can be no truly
patriotic aim under the project of depriving you of the food which is at
best but scantily supplied. Do you find in the most plentiful seasons
that we have corn enough to make sport with in the river? Are your
houses even then so filled with grain that, after feeding your children
and domestic animals, you have enough left for the eels of the
Seine? Is it to give you this over-supply that the peasantry of the
provinces live under roofs of rushes, and couch upon beds of straw?
Tell me,—is there in the happiest of times such a superfluity that no
Frenchman has a want or wish for more?”
Furious cries of denial rose from all sides, joined with curses upon
the government which year by year, by its extravagance, snatched
the hard-earned bread from the labourer’s hands.
“This is all true,” replied Charles, “and is in course of being
reformed: but when did even a tyrannical government inflict upon
you such evils as you are this day inflicting upon yourselves? When
has it robbed the shops of one of the most useful class of men
among you, and carried away boat-loads of the food for which
thousands are pining, and destroyed your means of life before your
eyes? A worse enemy than even a weak king and a licentious court
is making sport of your miseries, and overwhelming you with such as
cannot be repaired. Yes! let it not hurt your pride to hear of woes that
cannot be repaired; for even the power of the sovereign people is not
unlimited, great as you have proved it to be. You have abolished
servile parliaments, and obtained a virtuous assembly of
representatives. You have swept away the stronghold of oppression,
and can tread with free steps the turf from which its very foundations
have been extracted. You have rejected a constitution which was an
insufficient warrant for your liberties, and are in the way to obtain
universal assent to that noble Declaration of Rights which shall
become the social contract of every civilized nation.—All these
things, and others which would have been called impossibilities ten
years ago, you have achieved. But there are impossibilities
remaining which more truly deserve the name. You cannot prevent
multitudes dying when famine is in the land; you cannot call up a
new harvest before the seed has sprouted; you cannot insist upon
supplies from other lands which are already drained. You can waste
your resources, but you cannot recall them. With however much
pride or levity you may at this hour fling away the staff of your life,
you cannot retard the day when you will sink for want of it,—when
you will kneel in the mud by the brink of this very current, and crave
the waters to give up what you have buried in them, or to drown your
miseries with your life.—Will you suffer yourselves thus to be made
sport of? Will you permit yourselves to be goaded into madness, in
order that you may be ready for madmen’s deeds? Will you throw
away what is in your own hands, that others may reduce you to
crave the small pittance which will remain in theirs? Those who have
incited you to the deeds of this day take very good care that all our
granaries shall not be emptied. They reserve a few, that you may at
length,—when all their schemes are ripe,—be their tools through
your literal dependence on them for bread.—Disappoint this plot as
far as you can. It is now too late to keep plenty in your own hands;
but baffle the approaches of famine to the last moment; for with
hunger comes slavery; or, if you will not have slavery, death; and in
either case, your country must surrender your services at the very
moment when she wants them most.—Where is the patriotism of
bringing things to this pass?—Where also is the justice of
condemning unheard so useful a class of men as those from whom
you have taken their property without accusation, and, in many
cases, their lives, on nothing better than suspicion of their having
communicated with the court?—We must respect rights, as well as
frame a Declaration of them. We must cherish the innocent and
useful of society, if we wish to restrain those who are neither the one
nor the other. Let there be a contrast between the oppressors and
the friends of the people. Let tyrants tremble, while industrious
citizens dwell in peace.”
It was now easy to wind up the discourse to the point
contemplated. Charles proposed that Maigrot should be permitted,
under proper guardianship, to bake a provision of loaves out of this
very flour; and if they proved good, that all that remained of his
property should be restored to him. The crowd rather relished the
idea of waiting the operation, in full prospect of a batch of hot rolls
gratis as the result, and the proposal was received with
acclamations.—Charles immediately singled out Maigrot, as he
stood on the outskirts of the mob, requested him to lead the way
homewards, put a loaf into each arm of his little son, swung a sack of
flour on his own shoulders, and headed the most singular of all the
extraordinary processions which attracted the gaze of Paris in those
The duke of Orleans made no opposition. He saw that the game
was up for this day, and departed in an opposite direction, having no
particular wish to hear the verdict which he knew would be passed
upon the bread, or to witness the exultation of the baker.—Before
night, Maigrot not only felt his head safe upon his shoulders, but was
the most eminent baker in Paris; and, if he had but had any flour
remaining, might have boasted such a business as he had till now
never thought of aspiring to.
Chapter VII.


The endeavours of individuals like Charles to make the people wise

were of little avail, however successful at the moment, in opposition
to influences of a different character which were perpetually at work
upon the mob of Paris. The obstinacy of the king in refusing to sign
the declaration of rights, the imbecility of the ministry, the arts and
clamours of the leaders of different parties, and, above all, the
destitution of which they took advantage, overcame all principles of
subordination, all sentiments of loyalty, and filled the people with a
rage which rendered them as blind to their own interests as unjust
towards those of the ranks above them. Riot and waste spread and
grew from day to day, and the wise saw no more prospect of relief
than the foolish of danger.
The king had been told, on the day the Bastille was taken, that his
capital was in a state of revolution; but, nearly three months
afterwards, he was still wondering what the event might mean;
talking over with the queen the kindnesses he had always intended
showing to his people, and assuring the people’s parliament that the
best thing he could do for them was to preserve his dignity and
prerogative. He could still at Versailles ride abroad unmolested in the
mornings, feast his body-guard in the middle of the day, and look on
while the ladies of the court were dancing in the evening, and sleep
the whole night without hearing the drums and larums which kept all
Paris awake; and could not therefore believe that all would not come
right, when the people should have been persuaded of the atrocious
unreasonableness of the Declaration they wanted him to sign. When
he heard that they drowned their flour in hatred of him, he did all he
could think of in ordering that more should be given them; and when
the queen discovered that which every one would have kept from
her,—that she was hated,—she curled her proud lip, and reared her
graceful head, and thought that the citizens must be ignorant indeed
if they fancied they could understand her springs of action, or
believed that they could intimidate her. With the dauphin at her knee,
she expatiated to the ladies of her court on the misfortune of kings
and queens having any connexion at all with the people beneath
them, whom it was at all times difficult to manage, and who might, as
now, cause serious trouble, and interfere materially with the peace of
royalty. She had at that moment little idea how the peace of royalty
was to be invaded this very day.
A murmur of horror and looks of dismay penetrated even into the
presence of her majesty, when tidings arrived of the approach of an
army of women from Paris.
“Of women!” cried the gouvernante of the dauphin. “Is it because
they can crave bread with a shriller wail?”
“Of women!” exclaimed the lady Alice de Thou. “They come to
plead for the rights of their children. I remember when they brought
the little ones in their arms after the storm, and we gave them all we
“Of women!” said the queen, thoughtfully. Then, with fire in her
eyes, she continued, looking steadfastly on the trembling
chamberlain who brought the news, “Since they are women, it is my
head they want. Is it not so? Speak. Are they not come for me?”
As soon as the chamberlain could speak, he muttered that he
feared they were indeed not women, but ruffians in disguise.
“Aye, just so,” observed the queen. “Their womanhood is
emblematical; and the hint of their purpose is not lost upon me. I
hope they are indeed men, and can handle arms. I would take my
death more willingly, being shot at as a mark, than being torn to
pieces by the foul hands of the rabble. A death-blow from afar rather
than a touch from any one of them!”
All present, except the chamberlain, were loud in their
protestations against the possibility of any such danger. It was
inconceivable; it was barbarous; it was horrific; it was a thing
unheard of; in short, it was absolutely inconceivable. The
chamberlain mournfully admitted that the whole was indeed
inconceivable to all who had not witnessed the procession, like a
troop of furies from the regions below, taking their way through every
savage district on the earth, and swelling their ranks with all that
could be gathered up of hideous and corrupt. That her majesty’s
sacred person should fall into such hands——
All now began to urge flight, and the queen was for a moment
disposed to listen; but finding that the king was out shooting, had
been sent for, and was expected every instant, she resolved to wait
his arrival, and then it was too late. The poissardes, real and
pretended, had by that time rushed into the place, filled the streets,
stopped up the avenue, and taken up a position of control in the
Chamber of Assembly. The king reached the palace through a back
entrance, in safety, but it was in vain to think of leaving it again.
A hasty council was summoned, consisting of the royal family, and
a few confidential servants, whose attachment to the persons of
majesty might set against the enervating terror which had seized
upon the ministers, and prevented their exerting any influence over
these new and appalling circumstances. Within the circle, rapid
consultation went on in low voices, while some kept watch at the
doors. When discussing the necessity of signing the declaration of
rights,—which was one of the demands of the mob without,—the
queen’s manner and tone were perceived suddenly to change, and
she appeared to make light of the danger under which even her spirit
had quailed but just before.
“Be careful;” she whispered to the person next her. “There is a
creature of the duke of Orleans in the room. I wonder how he got in.”
The lady Alice, who was watching her, followed the glance of her
eye, and saw that it rested on one whom she little expected to see.
“Madam!” she exclaimed, “it is my father!”
“Yes, my child; come to share your loyalty, now that the women
below have made him afraid. If the palace is stormed, he must find a
refuge once more under the Orleans provision-carts, which are, I
suppose, in waiting, as usual. We must give him no news to carry;
and Alice, as soon as he is gone, I must have your head-dress to
wear, as the best protection while your father points the way to us. I
would not, however, be so cruel, my child, as to deck you with mine.
You would lose your pretty head in a trice, and then the marquis

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