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Grammar English

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‫ فاعل‬+ ً‫التصرٌؾ الثان‬ ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ was / were + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬

: ً‫ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث بدأ وانتهى فً الماض‬ )1
1. The company 1980.
a. found b. founded c. was found d. was founded
2. The lighthouse of Alex an earthquake.
a. damaged b. was damaged c. has been damaged d. was damaging
:‫) للتعبٌر عن عادة كانت موجودة فً الماضً ولم تعد موجودة فً الحاضر‬used to + inf.( ‫تستخدم‬ )2
3. They ……… to spend the feast with us every year until we moved.
a. use b. are used c. have use d. used
4. When I was younger, I ……… go swimming every day and enjoy a lot.
a. usually b. would c. use d. was used to
. ‫ٌستخدم بعد التعبٌرات التالٌة للتعبٌر عن التمنً أو عما ٌفترض أن ٌكون متحققا ً فً المضارع‬ )3
I'd rather / I wish / It's time + ‫فاعل‬ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
5. I'd rather you ……… this car. It's a bargain. ‫صفقة‬
a. buy b. to buy c. bought d. will buy
6- It's time we ……….. a plan to get out of this crisis.
a. made b. make c. making d. will make
I'd rather / I wish / It's time + ‫فاعل‬ ‫ماضي تام‬ ً‫اذا كان التمنً فً الماض‬
7- I feel sick now. I wish I .........much chocolate yesterday.
a. don’t eat b. didn’t eat c. hadn’t eaten d. will eat

‫ فاعل‬+ was / were + (inf. + ing) ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ was / were + being + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬
: ‫ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث كان مستمرا ً فً الماضً عندما وقع حدث آخر‬ )1
1.Ahmed's car was hit by a driver who …… at mad speed.
a. was driving b. drive c. was driven d. drives
2. I said "Hello" to my uncle, but he couldn't hear me because he ……… to the radio.
a. has listened b. was listening c. is listening d. would listen

3. Yesterday evening, we ………….. for our English test when all the lights went out.
a. revised b. are revising c. revising d. were revising
: ‫الحظ استخدام الماضً المستمر والماضً البسٌط مع الروابط اآلتٌة‬ )2
( While / As / Just as / When ) + ‫ ماضً مستمر‬+ ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
When + ‫ ماضً بسٌط‬+ ‫ماضً مستمر‬
4. While I ……… home, I saw some of my friends.
a. am walking b. was walking c. had walked d. walk
5. She ……… a magazine when somebody knocked at the door.
a. read b. reads c. was reading d. had read
: ‫( فً حالة عدم وجود فاعل‬While) ‫( بعد‬inf. + ing) ‫الحظ استخدام‬ )3
6. While ……… his lessons, Sami found difficult questions.
a. revise b. revising c. revises d. revised
: (On) ‫( بعد‬inf. + ing) ‫الحظ استخدام‬ )3
7. On ……………… the good news, I phoned my parents.
a. had heard b. hearing c. hear d. heard

‫ فاعل‬+ had + P.P. ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ had + been + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬
: ً‫ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث تم قبل حدث آخر فً الماض‬ )1
1. We arrived half an hour late. The film ……… half an hour earlier.
a. began b. was beginning c. had begun d. has begun
2. By 2014, I ………… four novels. It was a great achievement.
a. was writing b. had written c. will have written d. had been writing
3- When the lady returned home, she realized that her wallet ........
a. was being lost b. had lost c. had been lost d. was losing
: ‫الروابط الزمنٌة التالٌة ٌأتً بعدها ماضً بسٌط ثم ماضً تام‬ )2
( Before / When / By the time ) + ‫ ماضً بسٌط‬+ ‫ماضً تام‬
4. By the time he reached the bus stop, the bus ………
a. leave b. leaves c. will leave d. had left
5. Before I arrived at school, the bell …….
a. ring b. rings c. would ring d. had already rung

: ‫الروابط الزمنٌة التالٌة ٌأتً بعدها ماضً تام ثم ماضً بسٌط‬ )3
(Once / After / As soon as / When ) + ‫ ماضً بسٌط‬+ ‫ماضً تام‬
6. Once they ……… the match, the players jumped with joy.
a. would win b. win c. winning d. had won
‫( فً حالة عدم وجود فاعل‬after / before) ‫( بعد‬inf. + ing) ‫الحظ استخدم‬ )4
7. Before ……… for London, he had paid off his debts.
a. leaving b. left c. had left d. leave

after that = before before that = after : ‫الحظ‬ )5

8. President Sadat died in 1981, before that our army ……… the Suez Canal in 1973.
a. crossed b. had crossed c. have crossed d. was crossing
: (until / till) ‫الحظ استخدام‬ )6
ً‫ ماضً بسٌط منف‬+ until / till + ‫ماضً تام‬
9. Mona didn't send the message to her father until she ……… it.
a. has been writing b. has written c. had written d. writing
: ) ‫ حتى‬...... ‫الحظ طرٌقة استخدام الظروؾ التالٌة بمعنى ( لم ٌكد‬ )7
‫ فاعل‬+ had + no sooner + P.P. + …… + than + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
‫ فاعل‬+ had + scarcely + P.P. + …… + when + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
‫ فاعل‬+ had + hardly + P.P. + …… + when + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
: ‫إذا جاءت هذه الظروؾ فً بداٌة الجملة ٌتقدم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل‬ )8
10. No sooner ……… the noise than we rushed to the spot.
a. had we heard b. did we heard c. we had heard d. we did hear
: ( on + inf. + ing ) ‫الحظ استخدام‬ )9
: ‫) لتعاقب األحداث‬after( ‫) ولٌس‬on( ‫فً الجملة اآلتٌة اإلجابة‬
12. ……… feeling the pain of the injection, she gave a spontaneous cry.
a. After b. In c. Before d. On
: ‫) الحظ استخدام‬11
Having + P.P. ……. + , + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
13. Having ……… the shopping, mother started to prepare lunch.
a. do b. she did c. she does d. done
Having + been + P.P. ……. , + ‫فً حالة المبنً للمجهول ماضً بسٌط‬
14. Having the police officers, we continued our drive to Alex
a. checking b. been checked c. checked d. to check

( inf. + ing ) ……. + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬ ‫اسم الفاعل‬
15. ............... a lot of novels, Naguib Mahfouz became famous as a novelist.
a. written b. writting c. wrote d. writes
( p.p ) ……. + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬ ‫اسم المفعول‬
16. Some of the novels Naguib Mahfouz were turned into films.
a. written b. writting c. which wrote d. were written

‫ فاعل‬+ had + been + ( inf. + ing )

ً‫ حدث له أثر على حدث بعده ف‬- ‫ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث استمر لفترة فً الماضً قبل وقوع حدث آخر‬ )1
1. Ali …………… for work for over a year before he finally got a job.
a. has been looking b. had looked c. had been looking d. has looked
2. Mona was tired yesterday because she …………… for the test all day.
a. had revised b. had been revising c. revised d. revising
‫ال ٌستخدم الماضً التام المستمر عند ذكر عدد مرات حدوث الفعل ومع أفعال الحواس والمشاعر واإلدراك‬ )2
: ‫وٌستخدم الماضً التام البسٌط بدالً منه‬
3. By the time Judy was 20 years old, she ……… three national championships.
a. won b. had been winning c. had won d. will win

‫ فاعل‬+ have / has + P.P. ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ have / has + been + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬
: ‫ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث بدأ فً الماضً وال ٌزال مستمرا ً فً الحاضر – حدث قابل للتكرار‬ )1
1. Since Amr graduated , he ……..for a job.
a. looked b. has looked c. looking d. had looked
2. The wind generate power over the years.
a. has used b. has been used c. had used d. had been used
: ‫الحظ الصٌػ التالٌة‬ )2
It is + ‫ مدة زمنٌة‬+ since + ‫ماضً بسٌط‬
3. It's more than 40 years ……… I travelled abroad.
a. while b. before c. when d. since

‫ فاعل‬+ have / has + been + (inf. + ing)
‫) ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن حدث بدأ فً الماضً وال ٌزال مستمر فً الحاضر – حدث استمر لفترة فً الماضً وله‬1
‫أثر على الحاضر‬
1. Salma ……… tennis every week since she was five years old.
a. has been playing b. was playing c. plays d. is playing
2. My mother looks tried. She ……… all day.
a. have worked b. has been working c. was working d. had been working
‫ال ٌستخدم المضارع التام المستمر عند ذكر عدد مرات حدوث الفعل ومع أفعال الحواس والمشاعر واإلدراك‬ )2
: ‫وٌستخدم المضارع التام البسٌط بدالً منه‬
1. I .......him for more than twenty years now.
a. have known b. have been knowing c. had known d. had been working
Future Tenses

‫ فاعل‬+ will + inf. ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ will be + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬
: ‫ مع التعبٌرات والظروؾ التالٌة فً حالة عدم وجود دلٌل‬will ‫) تستخدم‬1
feel sure –expect – predict – hope – think –probably – surely – certainly – definitely
‫وعد – عرض – طلب – حقٌقة عمرٌة – تنبؤ بدون دلٌل – قرار سرٌع‬
1. The team has skillful players. I think they .........the match.
a. will win b. are going to win c. will have won d. will be winning
2. In the future, most of our work ……… by machines.
a. will be doing b. has been done c. will be d. will be done
3. I think one day every new book ………. as an e-book.
a. will publish b. is published c. will be published d. is publishing
4. In my opinion, the population of Egypt ……… by 20% next year.
a. is increasing b. has increased c. is going to increase d. will increase
9. The twins ……… seventeen next week.
a. turning b. is going to turn c. turns d. will turn

: ‫) تستخدم هذه الصٌؽة للتعبٌر عن الخطط الشخصٌة والنواٌا المستقبلٌة والقرارات المسبقة وٌدل على ذلك‬1
Plan – intend – intention – decided – made a decision – made up his mind - ……
1. I ……………..hire a car to travel around London. This is my intention.
a. am going to b. may c. could d. will
2. He …………… a geologist when he leaves university. This is his plan.
a. will become b. is going to become c. is becoming d. becomes

: ‫ٌستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبٌر عن المستقبل فً حالة وجود ترتٌبات نهائٌة مسبقة وٌدل على ذلك‬ )1
arrange - made arrangements – prepared – made preparations …….
1. We've arranged everything. We ……… Hussein up from the airport.
a. picks b. picking c. will pick d. are picking
2. Samy can't help you tonight. He ……… on a science project.
a. won't be worked b. is working c. worked d. works

‫ فاعل‬+ will + be + (inf. + ing)

:‫ٌستخدم المستقبل المستمر للتعبٌر عن حدث ٌكون مستمر فً المستقبل‬ )1
1. I won't be able to talk to you all the day tomorrow because I …….. my homework.
a. would be doing b. would do c. will be do d. my do

‫ فاعل‬+ will + have + P.P. ‫مبنً للمعلوم‬

‫ مفعول‬+ will + have been + P.P ‫مبنً للمجهول‬
: ‫ٌستخدم المستقبل التام للتعبٌر عن حدث سٌكون قد تم قبل وقت معٌن فً المستقبل‬
1. By 2100, millions of trees and hundreds of forests ………
a. will have been saving b. will be saved c. will have saved d. will have been saved
2. By 2050, we hope that oil ……… by clean energy.
a. will have replaced b. will have been replaced c. will replace d. has been replaced

: ) ‫ مفعول‬/ ‫( لإلشارة إلى عاقل (فاعل‬who) ‫تستخدم‬ )1
1. Name the actor ……… plays Salah El Deen.
a. which b. whose c. whom d. who
: (,) ‫( لإلشارة إلى عاقل بعد الفاصلة‬that) ‫( فقط ولٌس‬who) ‫تستخدم‬ )2
2. Jule Verne , …., was known as 'the father of science fiction, was a famous writer.
a. which b. that c. whom d. who

‫ ( لإلشارة إلى مفعول عاقل وٌمكن ان ٌاتً قبلها حرؾ الجر‬whom ) ‫تسخدم‬ )3
3. The man………I owe much money is called Adel.
a. to who b. to whom c. to which d. for whom
: ) ‫ مفعول‬/ ‫( لإلشارة إلى ؼٌر عاقل ( فاعل‬which) ‫تستخدم‬ )4
4. Is that the flat ……… was advertised in the paper last week?
a. where b. which c. when d. what
5. Siwa, ……… is an oasis in the Western Desert, is very beautiful.
a. which b. where c. who d. when
: ‫ ( إذا كان بعدهم فاعل‬who / whom / which / that ) ‫ٌمكن حذؾ كل من‬ )6
6. He lost the book ……… him last week.
a. which lent b. which I lent it c. who lent d. I lent
: ‫( لإلشارة إلى المكان‬where) ‫تستخدم‬ )7
7. The president visited China ……… he was warmly welcome.
a. where b. whose c. which d. who
8. Egypt is the land ……… people of different cultures can live peacefully.
a. who b. whose c. where d. which
: (where / when) ‫( لإلشارة إلى المكان أو التعبٌرات الزمنٌة بدالً من‬which) ‫ٌستخدم حرؾ جر مع‬ )8
9. These are the fields ……… we grow corn.
a. in which b. for which c. that d. with which
10. Six is the age ..........children start their primary school.
a. in which b. for which c. that d. at which
: ‫( لإلشارة إلى الملكٌة مع العاقل وؼٌر العاقل‬whose) ‫تستخدم‬ )9
11. Those are the people ……… car has been stolen.
a. who b. which c. whose d. whom
12. I met the writer ……… works are published everywhere.
a. who b. whom c. whose d. which

) ‫ ( اسم فاعل‬:‫( محل عبارة الوصل فً المبنً للمعلوم‬inf. + ing) ‫) ٌمكن أن ٌحل‬11
13. The boy ……… the white horse is my son.
a. is riding b. he is riding c. who he is riding d. riding
) ‫ ( اسم مفعول‬: ‫( محل عبارة الوصل فً المبنً للمجهول‬P.P.) ‫) ٌمكن أن ٌحل‬11
14. The scientist ……… yesterday discovered a cure for cancer.
a. was honoured b. honoured c. who he honoured d. he honourd

: ‫( مع اسم ال ٌعد وٌأتً معها فعل مفرد‬all of) ‫( ولٌس‬all) ‫تستخدم‬ )1

1. All the milk in the fridge ……… drunk.
a. have been b. were c. has been d. are
: ‫( مع اسم جمع وٌأتً معها فعل جمع‬all / all of ) ‫تستخدم‬ )2
2. ……… the girls in our family are well-educated.
a. Each of b. All of c. Every of d. every

:‫( مع اسم مفرد و ٌأتً معها فعل مفرد‬every / each) ‫تستخدم‬ )1

1. Each student in my class ……… hard.
a. work b. works c. have worked d. had worked
: ‫( إلى ثالثة أو أكثر‬every) ‫( إلى اثنٌن أو أكثر بٌنما تشٌر‬each) ‫تشٌر‬ )2
2. I have five fingers in ……… hand.
a. all b. every c. each d. both
‫( بعد‬of) ‫( وٌأتً معها فعل مفرد وال تستخدم‬you / them / us ) ‫( قبل اسم جمع أو‬each of) ‫تستخدم‬ )3
3. Each of the shops in our street ……… always closed in the early morning.
a. is b. are c. were d. have
4. ……… of the two countries has a great army.
a. Every b. Each c. Both d. All

: ً‫( لربط فاعلٌن فإن الفعل ٌكون مفرد أو جمع حسب الفاعل الثان‬neither … nor …) ‫عندما نستخدم‬ )1
1. Neither the girls nor their brother ……… cheese.
a. like b. likes c. have liked d. are liking

: ‫( كفاعل‬each / neither / either ) ‫الحظ استخدام‬ )2
each / neither / either + of + ‫ جمع‬you / us / them + ‫ فعل مفرد‬+
2. ……… the boys is good at math.
a. Each of b. All of c. Both of d. half of
3. Neither of us ……… to attend the party.
a. want b. wants c. have wanted d. are wanting

: ‫( لوصؾ اسم ونستخدم ظرؾ لوصؾ فعل‬so …. that) ‫تستخدم صفة بٌن‬ )1
….. so + ‫ صفة‬/ ‫ ظرؾ‬+ that + ‫جملة‬
1. Aya is so ………. that we all trust and respect her.
a. polite b. politely c. politeness d. impolite
2. Aya behaves so ……… that we all trust and respect her.
a. polite b. politely c. politeness d. impolite
‫( مع االسم المفرد‬a / an) ‫( والحظ استخدام‬such …… that) ‫ اسم) أو (اسم) فقط بٌن‬+ ‫نستخدم (صفة‬ )2
‫المعدود فقط‬
…… such (a / an) + (‫ صفة‬+ ‫ ) اسم‬/ ‫ اسم‬+ that + ‫جملة‬
3. Omar was such ……… that I love him very much.
a. great b. greatly c. great leader d. a great leader
4. Our soldiers fought ………great battles that the enemy troops had to surrender.
a. so b. such c. enough d. such a
: (many / much / little / few) ‫( قبل‬such) ‫( ولٌس‬so) ‫تستخدم‬ )3
….. so + (many / much / little / few) + ‫ صفة‬+ ‫ اسم‬+ ……
5. He has ……… many friends that he can't invite them all to his birthday party.
a. so b. very c. such d. such a
6. The car has … little petrol that it will stop before we reach the nearest petrol station.
a. such b. such a c. so d. many

: ً‫ بعد صفة أو ظرؾ أو فعل ولها معنى إٌجاب‬enough ‫تستخدم‬ )1

‫ صفة‬/ ‫ ظرؾ‬/ ‫ فعل‬+ enough

1. You aren't ……… to drive a car.
a. enough old b. old enough c. too old d. old too
2. She didn't get up ………, so she missed the train.
a. too early b. early too c. enough early d. early enough
: ً‫الحظ ما ٌل‬ )2
…… too + ‫ صفة‬/ ‫ ظرؾ‬+ to + inf. + ……. ‫ ال‬....... ‫جدا ً لدرجة‬
… too + ‫ صفة‬/ ‫ ظرؾ‬+ for + ‫ ضمٌر مفعول‬/ ‫ فاعل‬+ to + inf. …. ‫ ال‬...... ‫ لدرجة‬...... ‫جدا ً بالنسبة لـ‬
3. This villa is too expensive for Ibrahim ………
a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. to buying
4. The weather is too hot …….. to go for walk.
a. to they b. to them c. for they d. for them

(1) Past Simple Passive ‫الماضً البسٌط المبنً للمجهول‬

‫ المفعول‬+ was / were + P.P. + …….
1. The first heart transplant operation ……… in Britain 20 year ago.
a. was done b. was doing c. had been done d. had been doing
(2) Present Continuous Passive ‫المضارع المستمر المبني للمجهول‬
‫ مفعول‬+ am / is / are + being + P.P. ………
1. Look! The trees in the garden ……..
a. is watered b. is being watered c. has been watered d. are being watered
(3) Past Continuous Passive ‫الماضي المستمر المبني للمجهول‬
‫ مفعول‬+ was / were + being + P.P. ………
1. Noha phoned me while the dinner …………… .
a. was cooking b. cooked c. cooks d. was being cooked
(4) Present Perfect Passive ‫المضارع التام المبني للمجهول‬
‫ مفعول‬+ has / have + been + P.P. ………
1. Important laws ……… by the Parliament lately.
a. have been passed b. has been passed c. was passed d. are passed

(5) Past Perfect Passive ‫الماضي التام المبني للمجهول‬
‫ مفعول‬+ had + been + P.P. ………
1. After the house ………, we furnished it.
a. had painted b. had been painted c. has been painted d. is painted
(6) Passive Simple Modals ‫االفعال الناقصة في المبني للمجهول‬
‫ مفعول‬+ (will / would/ can / could / may / might / must / should / …..) + be + P.P.
1. In the future, every new book ………. as an e-book.
a. will publish b. is published c. will be published d. is publishing
2. We don't know when earthquakes happen. They ……… predicted.
a. were b. have been c. had been d. can't be
(7) Passive Expressions ‫التعبيرات المبنية للمجهول‬
It + is + (said – believed – known- thought) .……
1. It ……… that people have lived here for centuries.
a. know b. known c. is known d. had known
2. It ……… that air travel will become more popular in the future.
a. is thought b. was thought c. thought d. think

‫ فاعل‬+ be + said + to + inf.‫ المضارع‬or to have pp…… ً‫الماض‬

3. His car is thought to ……… last year.
a. have bought b. buy c. have been bought d. buying

‫افعال تاخذ‬ing being + P.P.

4. I don't like........................... at by people.
a. people laughing b. having laughed c. being laughed d. people laughed

‫ افعال تاخذ‬to inf to be + P.P.

6. I was advised ............... by a doctor, but it was not possible.
a. seeing b. to be seen c. to see d. being seen
7. Don't let yourself ………………… by others.
a. tricked b. tricking c. to be tricked d. be tricked
8. Don't allow yourself ………………… by others.
a. being laughed b. to laugh c. laughing d. be laughed
9. My sister …… injured while making dinner yesterday evening.
a. had b. got c. was d. both b and c
10. Having …………., the thief was taken to prison.
a. been arrested b. arrested c. being arrested d. had arrested

: ‫المبنً للمعلوم‬ )1
‫ فاعل‬+ have ‫ حسب الزمن‬+ ‫ الفاعل‬+ inf. ……
‫ فاعل‬+ get ‫ حسب الزمن‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ to + inf. …..
1. I ……… a plumber fix the kitchen tap yesterday.
a. have b. had c. get d. got
2. Mai will get a dentist ……….her teeth as soon as possible.
a. examine b. examined c. to examine d. examines
: ‫المبنً للمجهول‬ )2
‫ فاعل‬+ have / get ‫ حسب الزمن‬+ ‫ ( الشٌئ ) المفعول‬+ P.P. …….
3. I got my clothes ………
a. washing b. to wash c. wash d. washed
: ً‫الحظ ما ٌل‬ )3
‫ فاعل‬+ make / let + ‫ مفعول‬+ inf. ………
‫ فاعل‬+ caused / forced / allow / permit + ‫ مفعول‬+ to + inf. ……
5. My mother …….. me tidy my room.
a. allowed b. permitted c. caused d. made
6. The officer allowed us ……… our mobiles.
a. use b. using c. to use d. to using

1- Statements ‫الجمل الخبرية‬

‫ المتحدث‬+ said / promised / complained / admitted ….. + that + ……..
: ‫تستخدم أفعال األبالغ التالٌة فً الجمل الخبرٌة‬ )1
2) ‫ المتحدث‬+ told / informed ‫مفعول‬ + that + ……..

1. He admitted that he ……… late the night before.

a. has arrived b. arrives c. to arrive d. had arrived
2. The dentist told me that he ………. able to treat me until the next day.
a. won't be b. wouldn't be c. hadn't been d. hasn't been

3. My parents promised me that they ……… me a laptop if I succeeded.
a. might buy b. will buy c. buy d. have bought
2- (Yes / No) Questions
‫ المتحدث‬+ asked / wondered / wanted to know + if / whether + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل‬+

6. He wanted to know whether anyone ……… the book he was reading.
a. had seen b. has seen c. seen d. saw
7. He asked me if ………… to Cairo Tower before.
a. have I been b. I have been c. I had been d. had I been
3- "WH" Questions
‫ المتحدث‬+ asked / wondered / wanted to know + QW + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل‬+ ……
8. Omar wondered where the charger ………
a. puts b. is putting c. was put d. is put
9. I didn't complete my homework yesterday. Today, Miss Eman asked why I …… it.
a. have completed b. completed c. wasn't completing d. hadn't completed
10. He wants to know where ………. for vacation.
a. did he stay b. he had stayed c. he stays d. had he stayed
4- Imperative, Suggestions
‫ المتحدث‬+ asked / told / advised / ordered / warned + ‫ المخاطب‬+ to / not to + ‫ المصدر‬+ …
11. Mr. Ahmed ordered us ……… running round the park.
a. start b. starting c. started d. to start
12. The teacher warned the students ……… time.
a. not to waste b. not wasting c. don't waste d. no waste

‫ المتحدث‬+ recommended / suggested + ‫ المصدر‬+ ing ……

13. My friends suggested ……… to the sports club after school.
a. to go b. go c. going d. went
(inf. / should + inf. ) ‫فً حالة وجود جملة بعد األفعال التالٌة ٌكون فعلها‬

Suggest / recommend / insist / that ‫ مصدر فاعل‬should ‫ مصدر‬-

it is / was (vital / essential / important that ‫ مصدر فاعل‬should‫ مصدر‬- .
18. The teacher suggested that ……… the exercise again.
a. we do b. we are doing c. doing d. did we

to + inf. Or
to + inf. ‫األفعال اآلتية يليها‬
agree ‫ٌوافق‬ offer ‫ٌعرض‬ intend ‫ٌنوى‬ hope ‫ٌأمل‬ seem ‫ٌبدو‬
arrange ‫ٌرتب‬ intend ‫ٌنوى‬ lean ‫ٌتعلم‬ wish ‫ٌرؼب‬ threaten ‫ٌهدد‬
appear ‫ٌبدو‬ pretend ‫ٌتظاهر‬ manage ‫ٌتمكن‬ refuse ‫ٌرفض‬ decide ‫ٌقرر‬
tend ‫ٌمٌل‬ promise ‫ٌعد‬ need ‫ٌحتاج‬ want ‫ٌرٌد‬ prepare ‫ٌجهز‬
ing ‫األفعال اآلتية يليها فعل ينتهى بـ‬
admit ‫ٌعترؾ‬ imagine/fancy ‫ٌتخٌل‬ deny ‫ٌنكر‬ risk ‫ٌخاطر‬
avoid ‫ٌتجنب‬ finish ‫ٌنهى‬ dislike ‫ٌكره‬ postpone ‫ٌؤجل‬
consider ‫ٌفكر فى‬ keep ‫ ٌستمر فى‬/‫ ٌظل‬enjoy ‫ٌستمتع‬ practise ‫ٌمارس‬
delay ‫ٌؤخر‬ mind ‫ ٌمانع‬suggest ‫ٌقترح‬ go ‫ٌذهب‬
ً‫ بدون اختالؾ فى المعن‬ing ‫ أو فعل مضاؾ له‬to+inf. ‫األفعال اآلتٌة ٌأتى بعدها‬
continue ‫ ٌستمر فى‬love ‫ ٌحب‬like ‫ ٌحب‬hate ‫ ٌكره‬start ‫ ٌبدأ‬prefer ‫ٌفضل‬
to+inf. ‫ قبل األفعال السابقة فإنه ٌأتى بعدها‬would ('d) ‫إذا استخدمنا‬
 I'd like (love/ prefer) to finish my work early today.
‫ مع وجود اختالؾ فى المعنى‬ing ‫ أو فعل مضاؾ له‬to +inf ‫األفعال اآلتٌة ٌأتى بعدها‬
forget ‫ٌنسى‬ to + inf. ‫للتعبٌر عن حدث لم ٌتم أو حدث‬
remember ‫ٌتذكر‬
regret ‫ ٌندم‬/‫ٌأسؾ‬ + v.+ing ‫سوؾ ٌتم‬
. ‫للتعبٌر عن حدث تم‬
 Don't forget to meet Mr Samy at 10 o'clock this morning.
 I'll never forget meeting her for the first time.
to + inf. ‫ٌتوقؾ لكى ٌفعل شًء (هناك سبب‬
stop + v.+ing ‫للتوقؾ) سوؾ ٌتم‬
‫ٌتوقؾ عن عمل شًء‬
 On her way home, Dina stopped to talk to her friend, Warda.
 Dina and Warde have stopped talking to each other.
to + inf. ‫ٌحاول وٌفشل‬
try + v.+ing ‫ ٌحاول‬/‫ٌحاول وٌنتظر النتٌجة‬
 I tried to call my boss, but he didn't answer the phone.
 My printer doesn't work, so I'll try turning it off and switched it back on again.
:‫ بعد هذه التعبيرات‬ing ‫الحظ استخدام فعل مضاف له‬
be busy ‫مشؽول بـ‬ have difficulty (in) ‫ٌجد صعوبة فى‬
be worth ‫ٌستحق‬ it's a waste to money/time ‫ للوقت‬/‫مضٌعة للمال‬
can't help (stop) ‫ال ٌستطٌع أن ٌتوقؾ عن‬ it's no good/ it's no use ‫ال فائدة من‬
can't stand ‫ال ٌحتمل‬ be/get/become/grow used to ‫معتاد على‬
feel like ‫ ٌرٌد‬/‫ٌود‬ due to/ thanks to/ owing to ‫بسبب‬
object to ‫ٌعترض‬ lead to ‫ٌؤدى إلى‬
look forward to ‫ٌتطلع إلى‬ contribute to ‫ٌسهم فى‬

1. The boy promised the school principle……..well in class.

a. behaving b. to behave c. behave d. to be behaved
2. Gihan's mother forced her ……… her room.
a. not to tidy b. tidying c. tidy d. to tidy

3. We expect .......... the English test this year.
a. pass b. to passing c. passing d. to pass
4. What do you think caused the building ……… ?
a. to fall b. falling c. falls d. has fallen
5. Try to avoid …… spelling mistakes while writing a composition.
a. making b. to make c. to making d. make
6. The lazy student admitted ……… his homework at home.
a. leaving b. to leave c. left d. leaves
7. This car is worth .............
a. to buy b. buys c. has bought d. buying
8. He denied ……… at the scene of the crime.
a. to be b. had been c. was d. being

( Necessity, Prohibition and Lack of Necessity )

1- Must
: ‫( بمعنى ٌجب للتعبٌر عن القوانٌن فً العموم‬must + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )1
) I / we ‫( بمعنى ٌجب للتعبٌر عن التزام شخصً ؼالبا ً (مع‬must + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )2
‫تستحدم مع الوعد والتوصٌة والدعوة الحارة‬ )3
1. It says here in the law book: "Cars ……… have an inspection every two years before
the registration can be renewed".
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. need to
2. I really ……… phone my parents to tell them I'm going to be late home today.
a. need b. must c. can d. could
3. I really ……… lose some weight. My clothes hardly fit me anymore.
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. need to
4. You ……… visit these tourist attractions. It is worth seeing.
a. have to b. must c. had to d. need to

: ‫ ) للتعبٌر عن المنع أو التحرٌم أو التحذٌر‬prohibition ( (mustn't + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )3

5. You ……… repair the machine when it is connected to the electricity.
a. don't have to b. needn't c. mustn't d. don't need to
2- have to / has to / had to / will have to
: ‫( بمعنى ٌجب للتعبٌر عن االلتزام بالقوانٌن والتعلٌمات فً مواقؾ محددة‬have to / has to + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )1
6. Yousef and Hani ……… be home by eight. That's a family rule.
a. has to b. could c. can d. have to

7. The deadline to apply to university is next week. I …… finish writing my application.
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. need to
: ‫ ( للتعبٌر عن عدم الضرورة‬don't / doesn't + have to + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )2
9. You ……… take that bus. There's another one in ten minutes.
a. don't have to b. mustn't c. can't d. don't need
: ً‫ ( للتعبٌر عن عدم الضرورة فً الماض‬had to + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )3
11. When we were children, we didn't have e-mails so we ……… write letters.
a. must b. had to c. have to d. has to
12. At her first school, she ……… to wear a blue uniform.
a. had b. must c. could d. has

: needn't ‫ بعد‬to ‫الحظ عدم استخدام‬ )2

13. In the winter, you ……… use the air conditioner to cool the room.
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. don't need
14. We have a ten-day holiday. I ………. wake up early for ten days!
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. need to
4- might
: ‫ ( للتعبٌر عن احتماالت المستقبل التً لم ٌتم اتخاذ قرار بشأنها‬might + inf.) ‫تستخدم‬ )1
15. We ……… go to Al-Azhar Park tomorrow. We haven't decided yet.
a. might b. have to c. should d. must

( Deduction, Advice and Regret )

1- Past Deduction ‫االستنتاج في الماضي‬
: ‫للتعبٌر عن استتاج قوي مثبت فً الماضً نستخدم‬ )1
‫ فاعل‬+ must + have + P.P. ‫من المؤكد‬
1. He looks happy. He ……… passed the exam.
a. must be b. can't be c. must have d. can't have
2. Winning the first prize last year ……… Ali very happy
a. will have made b. must have made c. can’t make d. mustn’t make
: ‫للتعبٌر عن استتاج قوي منفً فً الماضً نستخدم‬ )2
‫ فاعل‬+ can't + have + P.P. ……….. ‫الٌمكن‬
3. That watch ……… have cost a lot of money. It is made of plastic.
a. must b. might c. can't d. can

4. You ……… the door. It was open when I got home.
a. can lock b. can't have locked c. can have locked d. can't lock
5. She ……… gone far. I just saw her car leave a minute ago.
a. must have b. should have c. can't have d. can have
: ‫للتعبٌر عن استتاج ضعٌؾ (عدم تأكد – عدم اعتقاد – عدم معرفة) فً الماضً نستخدم‬ )3
‫ فاعل‬+ might / may / could ‫ ربما‬/ ‫ من الممكن‬+ have + P.P. …….
6. I can't remember where I had left my mobile phone. I'm not sure, I …… it at home.
a. must have left b. might have left c. can leave d. must leave
7. He left his glasses at school yesterday, I’m hoping someone ……… found them.
a. must have b. might have c. can’t have d. can have
2- Present Deduction ‫االستنتاج في المضارع‬
: ‫للتعبٌر عن االستنتاج بدرجاته المختلفة فً المضارع‬ )1
‫ فاعل‬+ must / can't / may / might + ‫………… المصدر‬
8. He can hardly walk. He ……… be very ill.
a. must b. mustn't c. shouldn't d. should
9. Dr. Ahmed is a famous surgeon. He ……..careless.
a. can't be b. had to be c. must be d. has to be
3- Advice ‫النصيحة‬
: ‫للتعبٌر عن النصٌحة والرأي الشخصً نستخدم الصٌؽة‬ )1
‫ فاعل‬+ should / shouldn't / ought to / ought not to / had better + ‫المصدر‬
10. I'm bored at work. My dad's advice is that I ……… try a different kind of job.
a. might b. mustn't c. will d. should
11. You ……… make a revision timetable; that is my advice!
a. ought to b. mustn't c. needn't d. shouldn’t
4- Blame ‫اللوم‬
: ‫للتعبٌر عن اللوم نستخدم الصٌؽة‬ )1
‫ فاعل‬+ should / shouldn't / ought to / ought not to + have + P.P. …….
12. You ………. to buy your mother a present. It was her birthday.
a. ought to have forgotten b. should have forgotten
c. shouldn't have forgotten d. might not forget
13. Your homework .............. It was careless of you.
a. shouldn’t have neglected b. shouldn’t have been neglected
c. should have neglected d. should have been neglected

Making suggestions
1- I suggest ...... 1- What about
2- I recommend.... 2- How about
3- let's ........ 3- why don’t you ..........‫مصدر‬
4- You could ...... 4- Have you thought about
5- Have you considered
1-………………… take some snacks with you?
a. What about b. Could c. How about d. Why don't you
2- She suggested ……………… by car.
a. we travel b. travelling c. we should travel d. All are OK

1- Zero Conditional ‫الحالة الصفرية‬

If / When + ‫ مضارع بسٌط‬+ , + ‫مضارع بسٌط‬
: ‫تستخدم الحالة الصفرٌة للتعبٌر عن الحقائق العامة المنطقٌة والعادات‬ )1
1. If our heart stops working, death soon ………
a. follow b. will follow c. follows d. followed
2. I always .......... a severe headache if I spend much time on the computer.
a. will get b. got c. am getting d. get
2- First Conditional ‫الحالة األولى‬
If / Unless + ‫ مضارع بسٌط‬+ , + …….. will / won't + ‫………… المصدر‬.
‫تعبر عن المستقبل‬ )1
4. If you look at the sun, you……………damage your sight.
a. will b. would c. would have d. will have
5. I ……… out if it is stormy.
a. wouldn't go b. won't go c. wouldn't have gone d. hadn't gone
: ‫ وٌأتً بعدهم جملة‬if ‫ ( بدالً من‬unless / in case / as long as / provided that ) ‫ٌمكن استخدام‬ )2
6. The sea will be polluted ……… we stop dumping oil and rubbish into it.
a. as long as b. if c. in case of d. unless
7. ……… raining heavily, we won't be able to finish the game.
a. as long as b. if c. in case of d. unless

3- Second Conditional ‫الحالة الثانية‬
If + ‫ ماضً بسٌط‬+ , + ……… would / could / might + ‫المصدر‬
‫تعبر عن أحداث عٌر محتملة أو تخٌلٌة فً المضارع والمستقبل‬ )1
10. If Amr lost his job, he ……… look for work in the city.
a. will b. would c. will not d. would not
11. Would Ahmed be angry if I ……… his bicycle without asking?
a. take b. will take c. took d. had taken
12. ……… he understand the lesson if he read the summary?
a. Will b. Did c. Can d. Would
- Third Conditional ‫الحالة الثالثة‬
If + ‫ ماضً تام‬+ , + …..( would / could / might )+ have + P.P. …..
: ً‫تعبر الحالة الثالثة عن الندم أو تخٌل عكس ما حدث فً الماض‬ )1
15. If the train ……… down, I wouldn't have been late.
a. didn't break b. doesn't break c. hadn't broken d. won't break
16. If he had remembered to set the alarm clock, Hany ……… woken up late.
a. would have b. wouldn't have c. have been d. would be
17. What ………. If he had left the meeting?
a. will happen b. would happen c. has happened d. would have happened
: ‫ فً الحالة الثالثة وٌأتً بعدها فاعل ثم التصرٌؾ الثالث‬If ‫( بدالً من‬Had) ‫ٌمكن استخدام‬ )2
19. Had it rained so heavily, we ……… floods.
a. would have b. wouldn't have had c. would have had d. may have

- ‫الصفة المركبة‬
1. My house is near to work. It is a ……… from my house to work.
(a) ten-minutes drives (b) ten-minutes drives
(c) ten-minutes drive (d) ten-minute drive
2. I can't stand ……… people who are intolerant of new ideas.
(a) narrow-mind (b) narrow-minding
(c) narrow-minded (d) narrow-minds
Question Tag - Adverbs
1. You’d rather come early, (wouldn’t you - hadn’t you - you wouldn’t - had you ) ?
2. The teacher is standing up , ( he is - isn't he - is he - he isn’t ) ?
3. Everyone can read , (can’t he – can’t they – can they – he can’t ) ?
4. Nothing can make me laugh , ( can’t it – can it – can’t they – they can) ?
5. Let's eat now , ( will you – shall we – won't I – you will) ?

6. He never drinks wine , (doesn’t he – he doesn’t – does he – he doesn’t) ?
7. Everybody should visit him, …………?
a. shouldn't they b. should they C. should we d. shouldn't we
8. I am going to London, …………..?
a. am not I b. aren't I c. don't I d. am I
9. It rains …………. In England, so we always take an umbrella when we go outside.
a. constant b. constantly c. continuous d. temporarily
10. Mr Ragab is a fatherly teacher. Fatherly is a ..............
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. preposition

a / an / the / no article
‫) قبل االسم المفرد الذي ٌعد‬a( ‫ نستخدم‬ a boy - a girl - a man - a woman - a hand - a lion -
‫المبدوء بحرؾ ساكن كتابة و نطق‬ a bus - a farmer - a university - a uniform

‫) قبل االسم المفرد الذي ٌعد‬an( ‫ نستخدم‬ an orange - an egg - an insect - an apple - an hour
a / an

‫المبدوء بحرؾ متحرك كتابة و نطق‬ an umbrella - an honest - an squash - an SMS

‫ عند ذكر االسم ألول مرة‬an/a ‫ نستخدم‬ I read a book. The book is really useful.

‫ لنشٌر إلى واحد من عدد‬an/a ‫ نستخدم‬ I bought a pen. ) I ate an apple.

‫ لنشٌر إلى الوظائؾ‬an/a ‫ نستخدم‬ She is an engineer.

‫ مع المفرد و الجمع للتعرٌؾ‬ The boy - the boys - the car - the cars

‫ عند التعرٌؾ بؽرض التحدٌد‬ The little girl who is wearing a dress is Toka.

‫ مع األسماء الفرٌدة فً الكون‬ the Sun - the Moon - the Sky

‫ مع األماكن والمحالت‬ the club - the zoo - the library

‫ مع الصفة فً الدرجة الثالثة‬ the smallest - the shortest - the oldest - the best

‫ مع أسماء البالد إذا كانت تحتوى على‬ the Arab republic of Egypt - the United states of
republic - state - union America

‫ عندما نتحدث عن اكتشاؾ أو اختراع‬ the telephone - the computer - the television
‫كلما‬..... ‫ كلما‬:‫ مع جمل المقارنة‬ the more you study, the higher marks you get.

‫ قبل الصفة لتشٌر إلى جمع الصفات‬ the rich - the poor - the young - the old - the dead
‫ مع المعالم الجؽرافٌة الرئٌسٌة‬ the River Nile - the Red sea - the Alps

‫ مع الزمن واالتجاهات وأجزاء الجسم‬ the present - the front - the body - the brain

‫ مع أسماء الهٌئات والمنظمات واأللقاب‬ the government - the police-the climate-the press

‫ مع األسماء السابق ذكرها فً الجملة‬ She gave me a present, the present was nice.
‫ قبل اآلالت الموسٌقٌة بعد أفعال معٌنة‬ Jana plays the guitar.(listen- play - learn - teach

:‫ أسماء الطعام والشراب‬ milk - tea - coffee - bread ….

:‫ المواد عندما تستخدم بوجه عام‬ glass - wood - gold

:‫ األلعاب الرٌاضٌة مثل‬ basketball - football - tennis

:‫ األسماء المجردة مثل‬ beauty - freedom - love - happiness .….

no article

:‫ المواد الدراسٌة‬ science - history - English - Arabic ……

:‫ أسماء اللؽات‬ Arabic - English - French - Spanish ……

)‫ (إال فً حالة دعوة‬:‫ قبل الوجبات‬ breakfast - lunch - dinner - supper ……

- I invited him to the dinner.

‫قبل األماكن إذا كان الذهاب إلٌها للؽرض‬
 I go to school every day.
‫الذي أنشئت من أجله ام لؽرض اخر نضع‬
the  She went to the school to meet the headmaster.
:‫ قبل أسماء فصول السنة‬ Summer, Autumn, winter, Spring

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Hytham is ……. university student.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
2. During the eclipse, you must never look at ….. sun directly.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
3. ……. Egypt is a pioneering country in Africa and the Middle East.
(a) A (b) An (c) The (d) No article
4. I think he got lost in .........woods.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
5. I know that ….. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
6. Ali never tells lies. He is …….. honest boy.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
7. My family members are interested in visiting ……. United Kingdom.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
8. I work in ……. European company.
(a) an (b) no article (c) some (d) a
9. Nothing in our life is more important than ……. happiness.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
10. ……… is a difficult, but an interesting subject.
(a) A physics (b) An physics (c) The physics (d) Physics
11. My father went to ……. School to ask about my progress at school.
(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article
12. …… made the world a small place.
(a) The planes have (b) The plane has (c) Some planes have (d) This plane has


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