Vikas Shukla
Vikas Shukla
Vikas Shukla
Master of Computer Application 2021 - 2024
NIT, Jamshedpur CGPA: 8.31
Bachelor of Computer Application 2016 - 2019
Swami Vivekanand Shubharti University, Meerut GRADE: 66.15
National Service Scheme (NSS) Attendance System §
• Built an attendance portal for NSS, NIT Jamshedpur to cut down manual work.
• Tools technologies: MERN Stack
• Implemented a set of operations, including Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD), to manage
Attendance, Events, Admin Profiles, and User Profiles within the project
• Utilized React hooks to manage component state efficiently and to handle various side effects
• Implemented the Fetch API to facilitate communication between the front-end and back-end, and
utilized JSON web Token(JWT) for authentication..
Decision Tree Optimization §
• Employed both Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization to fine-tune hyperparameters,
achieving superior accuracy compared to the scikit-learn Decision Tree.
• Performed data preprocessing like imputed missing data, Label Encoding, Feature Scaling.
• Implemented Decision Tree Class using Gini Index.
• Datasets: Breast Cancer, Wine (Scikit-learn), house-votes-84
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day §
• Developed a web application that fetches and displays images from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the
Day API and Implemented features for browsing and adding and removing images to favorites.
• Utilized Fetch API to retrieve data, done API integration, and local storage management.
• Tools & technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Live)
Technical Skills
• Languages: C++, Javascript, Python, Core Java
• Web Development: React, Nodejs
• Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
• Machine Learning: Machine Learning Algorithms
• Core Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms, OOPs, Operating Systems, DBMS
• Other Tools: Git, GitHub
• 1st Rank in Coding Contest-1 SCA, NIT Jamshedpur
• 1633 rank out of 25000 LeetCode biweekly-contest-110
• 900+ Problems Solved
Coding Profiles
• LeetCode
• CodeChef
• GeeksforGeeks
Positions of Responsibility
Technical Head, Society of Computer Application, Jamshedpur
• Created 5 contests and supervised 3 contests on HackerEarth.