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Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

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Mechanical strength and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of soil-cement:

comparison between mixtures of soil with ASTM type III cement, LC3, and
the incorporation of by products and agroindustrial residues
Lilyanne Rocha Garcez a, b, *, Carlos Eduardo Tino Balestra c, Nathalie Barbosa Reis Monteiro d,
João de Almeida Melo Filho b, Miguel Angel Ramirez Gil a
School of Engineering and Sciences, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Amazonas – UFAM. Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Dept. of Civil Engineering / Chemical and Biotechnological Process, Federal University of Technology – UTFPR, Toledo, Parana, Brazil
Center for Applied Social Sciences, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil


Keywords: Soil stabilization with binders is based on the binder action on soil particles, in turn causing an improvement in
Soil-cement mixture the mechanical behavior of the soil. Thus, this study aims to analyze the mechanical and environmental prop­
Silica fume erties of soil-cement mixtures using Portland ASTM type III cement as binders and comparing to LC3 (Limestone
Fly ash
Calcined Clay Cement), as well as incorporating extra raw materials such as silica fume, fly ash, sugarcane
Bagasse sugarcane ash
Açai seed ash
bagasse ash (Saccharum officinarum L) and açai seed ash (Euterpe precatoria Martius). The mixtures of soil,
Mechanical strength binder, extra raw materials were performed manually, and the cylindrical specimens (100 mm internal ø) were
LCA molded based on the AASHTO Normal Test. The results showed that the highest values of compressive strength
ranged between 10 and 11 MPa, which were recorded for reference, soil-LC3 and soil-LC-açai seed ash mixtures.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was performed using the CML 2001 method with the aid of the OpenLCA software.
Additionally, it was observed that the main emissions and consequences for the environment were from mixtures
containing higher clinker contents.

1. Introduction it has a great environmental impact, as it is responsible for about 10% of

global carbon dioxide emissions [6]. The use of alternative raw mate­
Soil plays an important role in civil construction. Techniques and rials for cement offers enormous potential to reduce carbon emissions
different types of materials related to improving the performance of soil and the consumption of natural resources related to cement
engineering are studied with the aim of optimized physical, chemical, manufacturing and production processes, mainly due to the significant
and mechanical stabilization. Some soil stabilizing agents include ma­ fraction of the limestone needed to produce the cement clinker in
terials such as lime, Portland cement, industrial by-products (fly ash and decarbonated form [7].
slag), polymers, fibers, chemical reagents, various types of waste, as well Scrivener et al. [8] has confirmed the potential of Limestone
as granulometric stabilization (density) and compaction [1]. Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) technology to replace Ordinary Portland
In soil stabilization with Portland cement, hydration reactions of Cement (OPC). The components of LC3 cement are known as a ternary
silicates and aluminates occur, forming a gel that fills part of the voids in mixture ranging from 50–70% clinker, 10–45% calcined clay and
the mass and unites adjacent soil particles, in turn providing increased 10–22.5% limestone filler [9]. Research has shown that about 40%
strength [2]. By adding cement to the soil, improvements are obtained in metakaolinite in an LC3 mix is sufficient to provide properties compa­
terms of mechanical and stability characteristics relative to the variation rable to Portland cement [8]. The potentiation of the reaction between
in water content, as well as an increase in compaction performance and the calcareous filler and the calcined clay can contribute to increased
compressive strength [3–5]. mechanical strength and material durability. This occurs from the for­
Cement is the main binding material in civil construction; however, mation of hydrated carboaluminate, which fills voids in the

* Corresponding author at: School of Engineering and Sciences, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail address: (L.R. Garcez).
Received 31 May 2023; Received in revised form 7 November 2023; Accepted 24 November 2023
Available online 6 December 2023
0950-0618/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

cementitious system and reduces the pore size of the material [10,11]. Moura et al. [33] indicate the feasibility of replacing up to 20% of the
The limestone filler reacts with the clinker components when added in cement with sugarcane bagasse ash in cement soil mixtures, verifying
small amounts and accelerates cement hydration at early ages [12,13]. that there is no significant change in mechanical properties and, despite
The calcined clays act as pozzolans reacting with the generated calcium the ash having low reactivity in the soil, the silica content of the ash in
hydroxide and the formation of hydrated carboaluminates occurs due to the form of quartz is one of the main component elements in natural
the combination of calcined clay with calcareous filler, as even the clay sand, causing an increase in compressive strength, also due to the effect
has a moderate amount of kaolinite [12–15]. of filling voids in the soil-cement composition.
The decrease in clinker consumption with the inclusion of other re­ The açai seed corresponds to 85% of the total weight of the fruit, has
sidual raw materials may represent a more sustainable cement, as it is a high calorific value and about 65% of fixed carbon in its composition,
associated with lower energy consumption and lower CO2 emissions composed of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose [34–36]. The meso­
compared to cements with higher amounts of clinker [16]. By-products carpal fibers that line the pit have an irregular surface with small
such as slag and fly ash are extensively used in cementitious matrices spherical particles composed of silica [37]. Several studies have been
due to their high pozzolanic reactivity [17]. However, there is a carried out with a focus on its valorization, including: the pyrolysis of
continuous scientific effort to introduce pozzolanic substances from the açai seed biomass [38]; activated charcoal obtained from açai seed
agro-industrial residues, such as rice husk ash, sugarcane bagasse, corn [39]; magnetic acid catalyst produced from açai seed for biofuel pro­
on the cob, bamboo leaf and coconut husk, which also present pozzo­ duction [40]; methanolysis of low free fatty acids with new compounds
lanic properties or contribute to the filler effect of cementitious matrices based on catalyst carbon derived from açai berry seeds [41] and po­
[18]. tassium hydroxide activated with carbon derived from açai seed [42].
Several researchers [19–24] investigated the partial replacement of Despite the applications mentioned above, approximately 180,000 tons
cement content with ashes from agro-industrial residues such as coconut of cores are discarded annually in Brazil and this biomass residue re­
husk, sugarcane bagasse and rice husk applied to soil, in which the mains widely available at a low cost, being chosen in this research to be
insertion of these residues mechanically improved the mixture proper­ thermally benefited, ground, and incorporated as ash in the soil-cement
ties in terms of water absorption and compressive strength. For these mixture, verifying its applicability properties.
authors, the incorporation of ashes from agro-industrial residues in Among the by-products and residues mentioned as raw material, it is
partial replacement of cement, generated a positive effect in terms of worth mentioning that LC3 is presented in this work as a promising
environmental impacts, pozzolanic aspects, and also because they have approach for the production of cement with lessened environmental
characteristics such as a high specific surface area, improved packaging, impact. For this confirmation, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was carried
and the filler effect, contributed to increase the mechanical properties of out, comparing the environmental impacts between each of the soil-
the soil-cement system. cement mixtures. Although the LCA is not intended for individual ma­
In light of this, this study presents an investigation of a soil-cement terials, it is useful as a management tool, as it makes it easier to identify a
mixture containing ASTM type III cement, analogous to Brazilian Port­ problem or a potential source of concern, in addition to optimizing and
land Cement CPV-ARI type (described in this study as CPV), as well as an managing the use of resources and waste produced, thus contributing to
LC3 containing a mixture of 55% CPV (Which corresponds to a analysis of sustainable materials and processes [43].
approximately 50% clinker content), 30% metakaolinite and 15% Also noteworthy is the growing demand for sustainable materials
limestone filler for comparison. In addition, by-products were incorpo­ and products, which is emphasized in this study due to its originality, in
rated into the mixtures in partial replacement of clinker: silica fume and view of the use of LC3 applied to the soil with the incorporation of other
fly ash, and agro-industrial residues: sugarcane bagasse ash and açai raw materials that led to the reduction of the clinker and produced a
seed ash. positive effect on the mechanical and environmental characteristics of
Silica fume exhibits pozzolanic reactivity due to its fineness and the mixture.
extreme amount of amorphous silicon dioxide, has a spherical particle From the perspective of sustainability, soil-cement research aims to
shape softer than cement particles and, when applied in proportions minimize environmental impacts and energy consumption, in addition,
from 5% to 10% in soil, improves the mechanical strength of the soil it is possible to analyze the physical and mechanical performance of soil-
[25]. In soil-cement mixtures it is considered a viable soil stabilizer cement mixtures with the insertion of different types of raw materials.
filling micro void, and generating a denser mixture, which in turn can Lucas et al. [44] contextualizes the importance of researching civil
decrease the permeability of the system leading to improved geotech­ construction materials that mitigate environmental impacts, empha­
nical properties of the soil [26]. Al-Khalili et al. [27] point out that sizing soil-cement mixtures with the reuse of industrial waste instead of
different percentages and combinations of lime and silica fume applied the incorporation of Portland cement.
to the soil favor a decrease in the maximum dry density, the plasticity Thus, seeking to contribute to such innovation, this study was
index, and the liquidity limit, while the moisture content, the plasticity idealized from the use of waste and process byproducts as promising
limit and the compressive strength tend to increase. In addition, the use sources for development of alternative materials. In this context, the
of metakaolinite and silica fume provides a reduction in the specific current research hypothesis was to develop a soil-cement mixture using
gravity of the soil, favoring mechanical improvements. LC3 that behaves as a technically and environmentally viable alterna­
Fly ash particles generally consist of spheres of silicon, aluminum tive, and that the partial replacement of clinker with industrial and agro-
and iron oxides and non-oxidized carbon, being characterized as industrial byproducts may positively influence the physical and me­
pozzolanic fly ash – siliceous and aluminous materials [3,28]. Chom­ chanical properties of the mixture from a technological standpoint, as
poorat et al. [29] point out that fly ash applied to soil becomes well as presenting a sustainable and environmentally friendly
responsible for pozzolanic reactions in slow- and long-term processes in alternative.
the reaction of calcium hydroxide with silica and alumina present in the To confirm this hypothesis, this study aimed to analyze the effect of
soil. Zulkifley et al. [30] evaluated the effect of fly ash on soil properties incorporating the following raw materials: silica fume, fly ash, sugar­
and observed that fly ash reduced the liquidity limit and plasticity index, cane bagasse ash (Saccharum officinarum L) and açaí seed ash (Euterpe
while increasing compressive strength. The results showed that calcium precatoria Martius) on the physical and mechanical properties and
oxide together with fly ash are a good combination to stabilize clayey characteristics of soil-cement mixture, using Brazilian Portland Cement
and sandy soils. CPV-ARI type and LC3, while also verifying the environmental impacts
Sugarcane bagasse ash has significant amorphous silica and alumina of each mixture through (LCA).
in its oxide composition, characteristic of pozzolanic materials [31,32].

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

2. Materials and methods synergistic reaction between metakaolinite and calcium carbonate in the
filler, in turn allowing for the use of a high level of Portland cement
2.1. Materials clinker replacement without compromising the mechanical properties.

The materials used for the mixtures were clayey-sandy soil, cement 2.2. Laboratory test – compressive strength and water content test of the
(Brazilian Portland Cement CPV-ARI type, analogous to ASTM Type III), soil-cement mixture
metakaolinite, limestone filler, ash from açai seed, ash from sugarcane
bagasse, fly ash and silica fume. The soil was extracted from a deposit in The raw materials were manually mixed until complete homogeni­
the city of Brasilândia do Sul, located in the western state of Paraná, zation. For each specimen, an amount of 2500 g of material was fore­
Brazil, and is considered a sandy-silt soil, with 83% sand and 17% fine seen, considering 90% wet soil and 10% cement. The
particles. The characteristics are described in Table 1 and the granulo­ 1000 cm3 cylindrical specimens were molded by compression, in three
metric curve is shown in Fig. 1. layers of equal heights, compacted with 21 blows and scarified between
To make the test specimens of the soil-cement mixture, Brazilian one layer and another for better soil adhesion. The specimens were made
Portland Cement CPV-ARI was used. In order to draw a comparison, LC3 in different proportions of the mixture (Table 3).
was also used, containing a mixture of 55% cement (CPV), 30% calcined The residues of silica fume, fly ash, sugarcane bagasse ash and açai
clay (metakaolinite) and 15% limestone filler, based on research carried seed ash were used to replace 10% of the cement content. The amount of
out by Andrés et al., [13] and Nair et al., [45]. materials used in each specimen is described in Table 4.
Metakaolinite composition of oxides in the calcined base of the After molding, the specimens identified were kept at room temper­
material is comprised of 52% SiO2, 40.5% Al2O3 and 2.8% Fe2O3, ature (23 ± 2 ◦ C) for the hardening process and strength gain. The
totaling 95.3%, among other components with contents lower than 1%. specimens were made in triplicate and tested in compression at 7 and 28
Pozzolanic activity was confirmed through the modified Chapelle days in universal equipment for destructive tests Emic DL30000N with
method as 880 mg Ca(OH)2/g, indicating a high level of activity. The the increment rate of 0.15 MPa/s. The water content (W) in wet mass
filler used was calcium carbonate (CaCO3) validated as having 99% was determined with cylindrical specimens, molded in the same line
purity. Durability analyses of LC3 with supplementary cementitious described in Table 4 and calculated according to the following equation:
material (carbonation front and electrical resistivity) were presented in W(%) = (Mw – Md)/Md. The specimens were weighed and placed in a
Balestra et al. [46]. humidity chamber for 7 days (M0). After seven curing days, the speci­
The silica fume used had a specific surface of 15–30 m2/g and an mens were removed from the humidity chamber and surface water was
average particle size of the spheres of around 150 nm. The modified removed with a cloth. After the Wet Mass (Mw) was determined, and
Chapelle method was employed to validate pozzolanic activity of silica them specimens were dried in an oven at (105 ± 5ºC) for 24 h. After this
fume, which was 1040 mg Ca(OH2/g). The fly ash was obtained from the period, the oven-dried mass (Md) was measured and the humidity (W(%))
burning of mineral coal for the generation of electricity. The pozzolanic was determined.
activity value was 467 mg Ca(OH2/g).
Sugarcane bagasse ash was extracted from the byproduct of burning 2.3. Statistical analysis – multivariate analysis of variance
sugarcane to obtain ethanol. The result obtained via the modified
Chapelle method was 220 mg Ca(OH2/g), demonstrating low levels of Multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical tool to test
pozzolanic activity. hypotheses of significance between groups and was used to identify the
The açai seed ash was obtained from thermal processing in a muffle influence of independent variable mixtures with silica fume (M1), fly ash
furnace at 600 ◦ C for 6 h and cooled from the maximum temperature to (M2), sugarcane bagasse ash (M3) and açai seed ash (M4), along with the
room temperature inside the furnace. After the processing and cooling variables of the two types of cement indicated for this study (CPV and
process, the ashes were ground in the Tecnal Multipurpose Mill TE 631/ LC3) with rupture times of 7 and 28 days for the specimens. To perform
3, ideal for grinding animal feed, grains, and fertilizers. The modified the analysis through ANOVA, a significance level (α) of 5% was adopted.
Chapelle method result was 174 mg Ca(OH2/g) indicating little pozzo­ For the null hypothesis (H0) the assumption was adopted that the
lanic activity. The micrographs of these raw materials are shown in average (μ) of the variables referring to the materials inserted in the
Fig. 2, where one can see the particle size by laser scattering of the mixtures are all equal. For the alternative hypothesis (H1), the
açaí seed was detected by the LA-960 equipment. assumption was made that there will be at least one difference between
The chemical characterization of the materials was performed using the means of the tested groups.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and is described in Table 2, which presents the
chemical composition of the raw materials in the form of oxides. It is H0 → μ = For all tested groups
worth highlighting that silica, aluminum oxide, iron oxide and calcium H1 → μ ‡ For at least one of the tested
oxide contents were mainly observed, since the cement formulation
containing the mentioned proportions of SiO2, CaO and Al2O3 provide a

2.4. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Table 1
Soil characteristics. The objective of the study for the application of LCA was to inves­
Description Values in % tigate the extraction of raw materials to the production of a soil-cement
Humidity (w) 14
block. The scope of the proposed study system consisted of evaluating
Liquidity Limit (LL) 15.3 the comparison between the potential environmental impacts of the
Plasticity Limit (LP) 9.17 different mixtures that make up the soil-cement specimens. The func­
Plasticity Index (IP) 6.13 tional unit that quantified the functions identified in the product was
Clay content 8.0
1 kg, considering the mass for producing the block. The reference flows
Silt content 9.0
Fine sand content 74.8 were based on a comparative basis between the raw materials, from the
Coarse sand content 8.2 replacement of CPV with LC3, as well as the inclusion of alternative raw
Boulder 0.0 materials.
Soil characterization (IP) No cohesion Therefore, the reference flow value is 2.5 kg equivalent to the mass
Classification (AASHTO) A2–4, sandy clay soil
of the soil-cement mixtures. The boundaries and determinations of the

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Fig. 1. Soil granulometric curve.

Fig. 2. Micrographs of raw materials used in cement soil mixtures.

Table 2
Chemical composition performed by XRF.
Elements SiO2 Al2O3 K2O Fe2O3 P2O5 CaO TiO2 SO3 Others < 1 or no detected

Soil 60.85 37.50 0.056 1.17 - 0.048 0.344 -

Cement (CPV) 38.73 - 7.1 4.42 - 49.16 - -
Metakaolinite 26.68 70.58 0.78 1.62 - 0.018 - -
Filler 5.040 - 0.65 0.63 - 93.17 - -
Silica fume 99.074 - 0.616 0.029 - 0.257 - -
Fly Ash 50.204 40.359 5.843 2.631 - 0.561 0.338 -
Sugarcane bagasse ash 54.022 29.91 8.026 4.835 1.408 0.899 0.77 -
Açai seed ash 9.125 - 75.469 - 10.135 4.789 - 0.313

scope of the LCA study encompassed the extraction of the raw material and refer to the SC1 mixture, identifying where there is a change in the
to the production of the block; the study was entitled “cradle to the Figure for the SC2 mixture.
gate”, considering the stages of extraction and processing of the raw The system boundaries for the SC3 mixture, whose flowchart is
materials. As this is a generic study, average distances were adopted for representative for the SC5, SC7 and SC9 mixtures with the alteration of
the survey and evaluation of the transport stage of raw materials. The the raw materials fly ash, sugarcane bagasse ash and açai seed ash,
flowcharts that delimit the boundaries of the system are shown in Fig. 3 which replaced the silica fume respectively, are seen in Fig. 4.

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Table 3 The method selected as a reference for the impact categories under
Nomenclature used for the manufacturing and mixtures of materials in analysis was the CML 2001 frequently adopted for LCIA in cementitious
specimens. matrices [47]. The CML 2011 method analyzes the categories: global
SC1 Standard soil-cement warming, depletion of abiotic resources, depletion of the ozone layer,
SC2 Soil-cement with the ternary mixture LC3
photochemical oxidation, human toxicity, ecotoxicity, acidification and
SC3 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with ash from silica fume in the eutrophication.
standard mixture For this study, an opensource software known as OpenLCA was used,
SC4 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with ash from silica fume in the while the database “Ecoinvent 3.7.1 cut-off unit regionalized” was used
LC3 mixture
for the inventory survey, which covers data referring to civil construc­
SC5 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with fly ash in the standard
mixture tion and is compartmentalized into regions of Brazil, thus conferring
SC6 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with fly ash in the LC3 mixture greater reliability to the analysis of the results. Data referring to input,
SC7 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with sugarcane bagasse ash in production and output flows were accounted for in the Life Cycle In­
the standard mixture ventory based on the quantity described in Table 3 and the calculation
SC8 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with sugarcane bagasse ash in
the LC3 mixture
values in Appendix 1.
SC9 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with açai seed ash in the
standard mixture 3. Results and discussion
SC10 Soil-cement with 10% replacement of cement with açai seed ash in the LC3
3.1. Physical and mechanical properties of the soil-cement mixture

Concurrently, SC4, whose flowchart is representative for the SC6, SC8 The results of compressive strength of the soil-cement mixture
and SC10 mixtures with the changes to the same raw materials, which broken at 7 and 28 days are shown in Fig. 5. The moisture content of the
replaced the silica fume respectively, along with CPV for LC3 , are shown mixtures in the test specimens after being submerged in water for seven
in Fig. 4. days and dried in an oven, in relation to the initial mass, are shown in
Fig. 6.

Table 4
Quantity of materials used for each mixture.
Materials Quantity of materials (g)

SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 SC10

Cement (CPV) 250 137.5 225 123.75 225 123.75 225 123.75 225 123.75
Soil (14% moisture) 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250 2250
Metakaolinite - 75 - 75 - 75 - 75 - 75
Filler - 37.5 - 37.5 - 37.5 - 37.5 - 37.5
Silica fume - - 25 13.75 - - - - - -
Fly ash - - - - 25 13.75 - - - -
Sugarcane bagasse ash - - - - - - 25 13.75 - -
Açai seed ash - - - - - - - - 25 13.75

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the production process of the soil-cement SC1 and the boundaries of the system. *Raw material replaced by cement LC3 .

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Fig. 4. Flowchart of the production process of the SC3 soil-cement and the boundary delimitation of the system. *Raw material replaced by cement LC3 . * *Raw
material replaced by fly ash, cane bagasse ash and açai seed ash.

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of specimens.

Fig. 5 shows the compressive strength of the mixtures, in which SC1, did not occur with the other additions where the compressive strength
SC2 and SC9 had an average of 9 MPa. At 28 days the mean strength for varied with an average of 5 MPa, similar to those detected at 7 days. It is
SC1 was 10.4 MPa, while for SC2 it was11 MPa. Similar values were worth noting that, although silica fume, fly ash and sugarcane bagasse
detected for the specimens with açai seed ash, with SC9 having an ash are considered pozzolanic raw materials and have a sum of SiO2
average strength of 10.9 MPa and SC10 an average of 10.8 MPa, which + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 greater than 75% (Table 2), no significant changes in

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Fig. 6. Moisture content of specimens.

strength were observed in compressive strength when comparing the addition of metakaolinite, and filler jointly favored the mechanical ac­
failure values at 7 and 28 days. tion of compaction and, consequently, the increase of the mechanical
According to Reddy & Kumar [48] the strength and performance of strength of the mixture.
the soil stabilized with cement are influenced by the classification and The water content absorbed by the mixtures, according to Fig. 6, was
composition of the soil, density, cement content and the time elapsed similar in the specimens with CPV and LC3 (SC1 and SC2, respectively)
from the mixing of water to the beginning of the compaction process. obtaining an approximate average value of 8%, while with the insertion
The strength mechanism is based on the hydration reaction and for­ of açai seed ash (SC9 and SC10), an approximate average value of 10%
mation of the C-S-H gel that binds the cement particles to the soil and for the initial humidity was registered. The lowest water content was
other raw materials, thus strengthening the mixture. However, it is detected for the mixture SC3, with an average value of 6%, while the
possible to observe that when materials such as silica and fly ash were highest content was observed for the SC7 mixture whose showed an
incorporated into the respective mixtures, the hydration reaction pro­ average value of 12%.
cess was limited, which was affirmed by the water content absorbed The water content absorbed by the mixtures, according to Fig. 6, was
during the seven submerged days, in turn leading to a decrease in the gel similar in the SC1 and SC2 mixtures obtaining an approximate average
in the development in the mixture and invariably reducing its strength. value of 8%, while with the insertion of açai seed ash (SC9 and SC10) an
The compressive strength at seven days with the insertion of açai approximate average value of 10% for the initial humidity. The lowest
seed ash was relatively lower given that in the first hydration ages the water content was detected for the mixture with silica fume and CPV
ash acts as a filler and causes a dilution effect that requires a greater (SC3), with an average value of 6% and the highest content for the
demand for water, forming a layer of particles of ash around the anhy­ mixture with sugarcane bagasse ash and CPV (SC7) registered an average
drous cement grains which delays hydration [49]. However, at 28 days, value of 12%.
the strength value was similar for the standard specimen with CPV The similarity between the mixtures SC1 and SC2 was mainly due to
cement and with LC3 with the insertion of açai seed ash into the mixture. the reduction in the porosity of the matrix due to curing in the first seven
This result demonstrates that in the soil-cement system, the relationship days, in which the hydration reactions of the cement occur and,
between the microstructure of the açai seed ash mechanically benefited consequently, reduce the pores and greater composite density. In addi­
and favored the increase of compressive strength of the mixture. The tion, the addition of metakaolinite in LC3 provides improvements in
strength gains are attributed to the physical effect of the fineness of the terms of microstructure development, as the distribution of fine material
açai seed ash, which may have led to a densification of the micro­ particles acts as a filler, reducing the large capillary pores in the matrix,
structure. Furthermore, the influence of the porosity present in the açai promoting chemical bonds with Portland cement, and resulting in a
seed ash is seen, which, due to the absorption of moisture, favored the denser matrix.
self-healing and hardening of the mixture, resulting in a more rigid Silica and fly ash (SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6) are materials that have
matrix in terms of mechanical strength. pozzolanic reactivity due to their fineness and SiO2 and Al2O3 contents
According to Ogwang et al. [50] the availability of internal moisture [51,52], which justifies a lower absorption of water after 7 days, as they
in the clay and water absorbed by the ash facilitates the hydration of the act as stabilizers by filling the micropores of the mixture, providing
calcium-silica-hydrate mixture (C-S-H), which also increases its me­ greater density. In addition, adding fine particles of ash and cement to
chanical strength index. In addition, the ash particles are smaller than sandy soil influences the packing of particles in the soil-cement system
those of the soil and fills the spaces and voids, as well as the meta­ and the compaction of the mixture, which during the curing process
kaolinite particles which, in addition to the particle size, exhibit high results in fewer voids and, therefore, less water penetration [53].
pozzolanic reactivity and filling effects, also responsible for its me­ The test specimens with sugarcane bagasse ash (SC7 and SC8) showed
chanical properties. a high content in relation to the initial moisture content, which can be
Ghavami et al. [25] point out that among the soil stabilization explained by the high-water absorption capacity and porous specific
techniques, silica acts as a chemical stabilizer and, in addition to area of the ash [31] (observed in Fig. 2), influencing the reduction of the
pozzolan, it also acts in physical and granulometric stabilization, as it amount of water needed for cement hydration and formation of the
fills the micro voids in the soil, generating a denser matrix as well as C-S-H gel.
promoting physical-chemical stabilization. In this regard, the results Considering the wet mass sample submerged after seven days, there
obtained with the soil-cement mixture and the açai seed ash enabled a was a slightly greater variation in water absorption in the specimens
decrease in the clinker content, even when using LC3 cement, since the used as standard (SC1 and SC2) as well as those containing açai seed ash

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

(SC9 and SC10) with an average value of 8%, while the lowest levels were thus leading to these differences in the observed compressive strength.
registered for the test specimens containing silica and fly ash (SC4, SC5,
and SC6) with a variation of 3%. There was little variation in the amount 3.2. Descriptive statistics analysis of compressive strength results
of water in the specimens containing the additions, with the exception of
the mixture containing LC3 cement and açai seed ash which, despite Table 5 presents the analysis of the descriptive statistics of the
being considered non-reactive ash in terms of pozzolanic indices, the compressive strength results of the specimens referring to two groups:
water content absorbed may be related to the morphological charac­ one group shows the compressive strength values of the soil-cement and
teristics of the ash, which presents a visually porous structure with additions, while the other group demonstrates the relationship between
irregular particles, as seen in Fig. 2. CPV, the LC3 and specimen failure time.
The result of the particle size distribution of the açai seed ash by laser Analyzing the variation coefficient values, which are a measure of
scattering showed an average particle diameter varying between 79.753 dispersion of the results of the tests, the highest value in the first group is
and 217.448 µm (triplicate analysis) which corresponds to small parti­ seen for M4, referring to the use of ash from the açai seed, while the
cles when compared to sand, and large particles when compared to red lowest values, ranging from 0.19 to 2.1, are seen for the other mixtures.
clay and powder materials such as cement, metakaolin and filler, all As for the types of cement and the failure time, the deviations from the
used in the mixture. So, there is a gap in the particles between sand and averages in the distributions reached values greater than 2% with failure
other materials that acai seed ash can fill, thus improving the particle at 28 days, indicating homogeneity of the sample values and conse­
packing of the mixture, and consequently the compressive strength. quently consistency of the data at this curing age.
It is worth highlighting that ash with fine particles added to the soil With the results presented in Table 5, it is possible to conclude that
of different granulometry can promote an increase in soil packing den­ there is a significant difference between the groups regarding the mix­
sity through two mechanisms: one, by volumetric density of the soil tures, which is expressed in the source of variation of the rows. It is
+ ash mixture, occupied by ash particles and the other, in a form similar, observed that the calculated F is greater than the critical F; therefore, the
by filling the pore space, that is, the ash between the coarse soil null hypothesis, that there is no difference between the groups, is
particles. rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis, there is a difference be­
The results also indicate that SO3 presence impacts strength, since its tween the groups, at a significance level risk of 5%. The analysis of the P-
presence accelerates the dissolution of C3S from clinker, leading to a value (0.0043 – much smaller than 0.05) allows rejecting the null hy­
competition for precipitation phases as C-S-H (calcium silicate hydrate), pothesis of equality of means for any level of significance; that is, the
AFt (ettringite) and AFm (monosulphate); thus, a moderate gain of means differ from each other with a significance level of 95%.
compressive strength was noted. According to Medeiros et al. [54] and Referring to the analysis of the results presented for the two types of
Andrade Neto et al. [55] the presence of SO3 can accelerate the disso­ cement, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference be­
lution of C3S leading to the precipitation of C-S-H, AFt and AFm phases. tween the groups of specimens broken at 7 and 28 days. It is observed
Consequently, considering the presence of SO3 in açai seed, seen in that F is smaller than the critical F, accepting the null hypothesis that
Table 2, the moderate increase in compressive strength of SC9 and SC10 there is no difference between the groups in favor of the alternative
can be attributed to its presence. hypothesis that there is a difference between the groups level of sig­
It is important to emphasize that the presence of pozzolanic materials nificance of 5%. The p-value analysis greater than 5% allows accepting
with different reaction rates and metakaolin from LC3 lead to a the null hypothesis of equality of means for any level of significance.
competition for the consumption of Portlandite as highlighted by Next, ANOVA was performed to evaluate the compressive strength
Balestra et al. [46]. These authors showed that the presence of materials results between the groups, depending on the mixtures, comparing the
with different pozzolanic rates can lead to a competition between these spacing between the sample means with the existing variation within the
materials and metakaolin for consumption of Portlandite. In light of this, groups. Table 6 presents the test results for the compressive strength of
the differences observed in the compressive strengths in these quater­ the specimens.
nary mixtures and the unfavorable impact on strength was an expected ANOVA and multiple comparison tests aid in concluding that, for any
behavior. level of significance of the variables distributed in lines, since the p-
Regarding the impact of moisture content on compressive strength, it value is approximately zero, the means of the various groups are not all
should be highlighted the mixtures with silica fume and fly ash (SC3 – equal, which indicates that there are significant differences in the
SC6) presented less water absorption and the lowest strength values. average compressive strengths. However, for the averages of the groups
This behavior can be first related to the spherical morphology of these expressed in the columns, they indicate that there are no significant
particles, which favor brick compaction, thus reducing the voids for differences in the average compressive strengths for the compositions of
water penetration. On the other hand, the competition between meta­ the mixture with CPV, as well as with LC3.
kaolin and them can lead to impacts on compressive strength due to the It is considered, in summary, that the results of the group of mixtures
limited availability of Portlandite for pozzolanic reactions. were not homogeneous; and between the groups there was a statistically
When sugarcane bagasse and açai seed ashes are analyzed, the par­ significant difference with the insertion of sugarcane bagasse ash, fly ash
ticle morphology, which is not spherical, can explain the higher water or active silica in the mixtures, indicating that insertion of açai seed ash,
absorption behavior in SC7 – SC10 mixtures compared to SC3 and SC4. presented in mixture M4, changes the statistical significance between
Furthermore, the low pozzolanic activity of these materials has low the mixtures with the detection of the highest value for compressive
competition with metakaolin in the pozzolanic reactions, consequently,
a refined microstructure can be obtained, justifying the observed
Table 5
behavior. Descriptive statistics of the compressive strength of specimens.
Silica fume and fly ash present a spherical morphology which
Groups Sum Average Variance Standard deviation
improve the compaction process for brick production, whereas sugar­
cane bagasse and açai seed ashes present an irregular morphology, as M1 (silica fume) 21.650 5.413 0.477 0.7136
seen in Fig. 2. This fact explains the water absorption observed from M2 (fly ash) 18.270 4.568 0.199 0.4573
M3 (sugarcane ash) 18.620 4.655 2.090 1.4271
mixtures SC3 to SC10. On the other hand, the compressive strength of M4 (açai seed ash) 34.830 8.708 8.000 2.8465
these mixtures is affected by their competition with metakaolin for CPV (7days) 23.000 5.750 2.417 1.5545
portlandite consumption in the pozzolanic reactions as observed in LC3 (7days) 17.000 4.250 0.917 0.9574
Balestra et al. [46]. In this sense, silica fume and fly ash present a CPV (28 days) 28.470 7.118 7.270 2.7047
LC3 (28 days) 24.900 6.225 9.646 3.1224
pozzolanic activity higher than sugarcane bagasse and açai seed ashes,

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Table 6
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests for specimens.
Source of variation Sums of Squares Degrees of freedom Mean Squares F P-value F critical

Lines 45.71487 3 15.23829 9.122475 0.004309 3.862548

Columns 17.26542 3 5.75514 3.445342 0.065082 3.862548
Error 15.03371 9 1.670412
Total 78.01399 15

strength. three orders of magnitude higher than the others, which explains the
With the difference between the groups with the additions, the Tukey importance of global warming potential in cement products. Farias et al.
Test was applied, and the result of the test is presented in Fig. 7, in 3 [5] describes the main contribution of this impact comes primarily from
dimensions, confirming that the insertion of açai seed ash into the the emission of CO2, thus resulting from the calcination process to
mixture is the result that stands out by differentiating it from the other originate the clinker. They emphasize that the production process of
raw materials within the group. clinker calcination is very complex and involves the consumption of
The result presented in Fig. 7 corroborates the analysis of the phys­ large amounts of raw materials with variable properties, pyroprocessing
ical and mechanical stabilization of the soil-cement mixtures, in which it techniques, energy such as heat and electricity and fuel sources, i.e.,
was observed that the mixture with better granulometric distribution of coal, oil, coke, natural gas, fuel oil, biomass or different types of waste.
particles favored the performance of compressive strength, mainly of Due to this complexity, atmospheric emissions derive from physical-
soil mixtures and LC3 cement with the insertion of açai seed ash. chemical reactions involving the calcination of the raw material through
This effect may have been influenced by the microstructural char­ limestone decarbonization and the type of combustion process. It is
acterization of the ash, which demonstrated an intermediate fineness worth mentioning that in addition to pollutant emissions, there are also
between the raw materials contained in LC3 and the soil, thus generating relevant impacts on the extraction of the main raw material (limestone),
a well-graded granulometry while in turn maintaining an adequate which allows the development of the study of other inputs, corre­
particle distribution, contributing positively to the compaction of the sponding models, scale of production, geographic location, geological
mixtures. Moreover, its shape and texture demonstrate a roughness and basins, among other parameters that must be considered.
porosity that may have favored the absorption of water and the curing
process. 3.3.2. Abiotic depletion
The highlighted values are for the soil-cement mixtures with the
3.3. Life Cycle Assessment incorporation of silica fume and fly ash, which presented a value of
1.02 × 10− 6 kg.Sb. eq for the SC3 mixture and 5.09 × 10–9 kg. Sb.eq for
Results are presented in Fig. 8 considering each impact category and the SC5 mixture. The origin of these values is strongly influenced by the
the soil-cement mixtures identified. The graph is on a logarithmic scale consumption of non-renewable energy sources and, although some
for better visual presentation. minerals, such as soil and limestone, are globally abundant, there may
be local scarcity, considered by this indicator in terms of consumption of
3.3.1. Global warming resources.
Based on the criterion adopted from “cradle to gate”, this impact is In terms of absolute value, this category is the one with the highest
considered from the extraction of raw materials to the production pro­ value in the extraction of raw materials. In addition to causing signifi­
cess of a soil-cement block, at which point it is possible to observe that cant adverse changes in land use, extraction activities require large
there was a difference in values, comparing the mixtures with CPV and areas, in turn causing damage to the environment. In this research, the
LC3. The results between the mixtures with the CPV ranged from 160 kg. most relevant input regarding the use of abiotic resources is the soil;
CO2.eq to 144 kg.CO2.eq and the results between the mixtures with the however, as the same amount is expressed in all mixtures, the results
LC3 ranged from 88 kg.CO2.eq to 79 kg.CO2.eq. were similar in terms of the impacts generated.
For Silva et al. [56] the main cause of impacts in this category are Analyzing the systems comparatively, the demand for materials with
atmospheric emissions from cement production, especially nitrogen high embodied energy, that is, which require high energy intensities for
oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon extraction, transport, and production, is considered for the raw mate­
dioxide (CO2). Furthermore, the emission of carbon dioxide is two to rials applied to the mixture, such as silica and ash. Data entered includes

Fig. 7. Result of the Tukey Test applied from the ANOVA statistical analysis.

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

Fig. 8. Life Cycle Assessment, analyzed by the CML 2001 method in OpenLCA software for the ten soil-cement mixtures.

input materials, energy, land use, machinery in some cases, output and NMVOC (non-metallic volatile organic compounds), in addition to
emissions, plus an assessment of health and safety practices. primary air pollutants.
Manjunatha et al. [57] point out that materials such as fly ash are Farias et al. [5] point out that the highest emissions of particulate
industrial products that consume large amounts of energy and natural matter in cementitious materials occur in manufacturing processes and
resources for the manufacture of steel and power generation; however, not in the extraction of raw materials, in which clinker is a relevant input
when these residues are used as a by-product, such as replacing cement, in the contribution of these emissions; however, NMVOC are released
they generate a more significant positive impact in environmental terms. mainly in the burning of biomass with a high carbon content. Among
these, the authors highlight the burning of sugarcane bagasse and açai
3.3.3. Ozone layer depletion seed, which have a potential for emitting pollutants, mainly carbon
The results showed similarity between soil-cement mixtures monoxide.
ranging from 1.17 × 10− 8 kg.CFC−.eq11 to 1.3 × 10− 8 kg.CFC−.eq11 for
mixtures with CPV cement and varying from 8.5 × 10–9 kg. CFC−.eq11 to 3.3.5. Human toxicity
9.8 × 10− 9 kg.CFC−.eq11 for mixtures with LC3 cement; the lowest value The highest values for mixtures with silica fume stand out, with
was seen for the mixture with the incorporation of açai seed ash, as an values of 0.09 kg.1.4-DB.eq for mixtures SC3 and 0.05 kg.1.4-DB.eq for
exception, the mixtures with the incorporation of fly ash whose values mixture SC4, as well as the lowest values for the mixtures with fly ash,
were 3.1 × 10-9 kg.CFC−.eq11 for the SC4 mixture and 9.8 × 10-9 kg. recording a value of 0.012 kg.1.4-DB.eq for the SC5 mixture and
CFC−.eq11 for the SC5 mixture. In this category, emissions occur during 0.015 kg.1.4-DB.eq for the SC6 mixture. The results indicate the simi­
the clinker manufacturing process and in the use of kilns for processing larity between the mixtures with sugarcane bagasse ash and açai seed
other inputs and/or raw materials. Thus, the origin of these values is ash, whose average values were 0.018 kg.1.4-DB.eq.
basically due to the processing of clinker due to the emission of gases This impact category is calculated by rates of chemicals released into
into the atmosphere. the environment that are hazardous to human health. Although the raw
The most relevant pollutants resulting from the clinker production material extraction and production phases, like clinker, contribute to the
process are CO2, NOX, SO2 and CO which contribute to this impact impact of global warming, the human toxicity and ecotoxicity impact
category. Furthermore, Muneron et al. [58] considers it relevant to categories are dominated by the extraction and processing sub-phases.
highlight the contribution that comes from the transport of raw mate­ In regard to the impact of human toxicity by water transmission, the
rials due to the NOX emitted from fuel burning in trucks, as well as clinker process is verified, through the deposit of mercury, which is one
mineral extraction and the use of fossil fuels. It is observed, therefore, of the concerns when combined with carbon, thus increasing its toxicity
that there has been an improvement in this scenario through new pro­ potential. The difference in impacts caused by these emissions is also due
duction processes and materials when compared to the old clinker to the energy used in the production process based on fossil fuel.
production lines. These improvements can be related to greater energy The impacts related to agroindustry are those that commonly
efficiency, less fossil fuel, and reduced emissions. contribute to the release of substances that are toxic to human health,
caused by the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture that release
3.3.4. Photochemical oxidation emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides (NOX and SOX). Moreover, the
The results showed similarity between mixtures with CPV cement, burning of such residues, i.e., sugarcane bagasse and açai seed, release
whose values ranged from 0.0003 kg.C2H4.eq to 0.00027 kg.C2H4.eq and the potential for organic respiratory emissions due to volatile organic
between mixtures with LC3 cement whose values varied between compounds.
0.00014 kg.C2H4.eq to 0.00016 kg.C2H4.eq, with the lowest values being
those of mixtures SC9 and SC10. Zimele et al. [59] considers photo­ 3.3.6. Terrestrial ecotoxicity
chemical oxidation as a photochemical ozone pollution caused by Similar to the values presented in the human toxicity category,
various compounds, such as CO, SO2, nitrogen oxide (NO), ammonium mixtures with the incorporation of active silica stand out, with a value of

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

1.4 × 10− for the SC3 mixture and 1.1 × 10− of these gases into the atmosphere easily results in the formation of acid
eq for the SC4 mix. Additionally, the lowest values were seen for mixtures rain, in which it is worth noting that the great damage of acid gas cannot
with fly ash, being 6.1 × 10− for the SC5 mixture and be ignored, since this impact indicator considers some consequences
6.2 × 10− for the SC6 mix. The results point to the simi­ such as the destruction of the ozone layer and climate change, as well as
larity between the mixtures with sugarcane bagasse ash and açai seed the carcinogenic and respiratory effects that impact human health.
ash, whose values were on average 8.7 × 10− for the
mixtures with CPV cement and the average of 7.6 × 10− 3.3.8. Eutrophication
for mixtures with LC3 cement. The values of the mixtures with CPV stand out as the highest con­
The greatest concentration of impact is on soil ecotoxicity. However, centrations; the result with the highest value is that of the SC3 mixture
in terms of the impacts of ecotoxicity on freshwater and eutrophication, being 1.7 × 10− 4 kg.PO4.eq. The lowest values were for the mixtures SC8
the building materials that most negatively contribute to the environ­ and SC10, being 9.2 × 10− 5 kg. PO4.eq and 9.0 × 10− 5 kg. PO4.eq,
ment are cement and ceramic tile. A significant part of these emissions is respectively.
related to production processes, where there is generation of effluents; in These environmental impacts are mainly due to inorganic emissions
addition, the by-products generated in combustion are released into the caused by phosphates, total organic carbon, and NOX compounds, as
atmosphere and carried to the soil, reaching water bodies [5]. well as long-term emissions to freshwater resources, which cause an
Water ecotoxicity related to cement production is mainly due to the exaggerated increase in nutrients such as ammonia, nitrates, nitrogen,
impacts of clinker processing. However, one of the main sources of po­ and phosphorus oxides in water bodies, causing the growth of algae and
tential aquatic ecotoxicity for the life cycle is the zeolite content and the the death of aquatic organisms due to lack of oxygen.
contamination of metals such as aluminum and copper, both present in In the category of aquatic eutrophication, Portland cement is the one
fly ash. Manjunatha et al. [57] point out that fly ash consumes large that most contributes to this impact, considering the water incorporated
amounts of fossil fuels, energy, natural resources, minerals, and the use into the product, as well as the impacts caused by the deposition of ef­
of this industrial by-product as a substitute for clinker also has envi­ fluents in water bodies, with the greatest use of water indirectly
ronmental impacts toxicity. Fly ash production generates gas emissions occurring in the manufacture of clinker.
and toxic ions, such as zeolites, which have carcinogenic potential due to The high contribution rate of terrestrial eutrophication results from a
elements such as arsenic ion as well as organic emissions due to volatile variety of reasons. One was that phosphorus can seep into groundwater
organic compounds. and then groundwater would flow into rivers, lakes, and oceans. In
It is also worth noting that the weighted potential value of ecotox­ addition, the unstable ammonia contained in the fertilizer can volatilize
icity is related to the residual ash from combustion of the agroindustry in the air, falling to the ground with rainfall.
that has metals present in the respective ashes, which enter land crops
when fertilizers and agricultural defensives are applied, which are 4. Conclusions
absorbed by the soil and vegetation [60].
In this context, the effects of ecotoxicity on agricultural soil influence When the raw materials were incorporated into the soil-cement
the life cycle of raw materials such as sugarcane bagasse ash and açai mixture, they presented average compressive strength values at 28
seed ash, in which prevention work and toxicity control must be pro­ days of 10.4 MPa and 11.05 MPa, for mixtures containing soil and
moted in a way that prevent further environmental damage which can cement (CPV and LC3) respectively. The average compressive strength
have significant effects on water, air and soil resources. values at 28 days with the incorporation of açai seed ash were
10.98 MPa for the mixture with CPV and 10.85 MPa for the mixture with
3.3.7. Acidification LC3. Such results corroborated the positive effect and the increase of the
The results point to a small variation of the mixtures with the CPV mechanical strength of the mixture after hydration in the mixture of soil,
cement, ranging from 00.3 kg.SO2.eq to 0.5 kg.SO2.eq, while for the LC3 and açai seed ash in substitution of the LC3.
mixtures with the LC3 cement the results were on average 0.2 kg.SO2.eq. The incorporation of metakaolinite, considered a reactive pozzolanic
These impact values are commonly presented due to the use of fossil material, and of the filler, which refines the structure of the pores,
fuels. together with the açai seed ash, provided mechanical improvements in
A release of small amounts of NH3 and SO2 emissions are additionally the development of the microstructure of the soil and cement, acting as
produced due to operations and burning processes. These emissions can the water absorption capacity of the capillary pores in the matrix, pro­
acidify soil, water, ecosystems, and organisms. The main SO2 and NH3 moting chemical bonds and resulting in a denser matrix and, in turn,
emissions during cement production occur due to high-energy com­ more resistant to compression. Also noteworthy is the filling of voids
bustion of limestone at high temperatures, as well as the use of me­ through the hydration of the mixture, which together with the filler
chanical equipment and vehicle transport. In addition, it is worth effect of the raw material particles, contributed to the expansion of the
considering, on a smaller scale, other raw materials used in cement soil granulometric range due to the insertion of ash particles in which
production and the fraction of SO2 not chemically combined that is the application of the compaction force caused the rearrangement of the
emitted into the atmosphere. These acidifying substances cause a wide materials, distributing the finer particles in the voids of the soil and
range of impacts on ecosystems and on civil construction buildings [61]. contributing to increased mechanical strength.
Also noteworthy is the combustion of biomass from agro-industrial Consequently, the most environmentally advantageous scenarios
waste which, for its conversion into heat and electricity in cogenera­ were mixtures containing agroindustrial biomass. In absolute terms of
tion plants, releases NOx into the atmosphere, as well as the presence of incorporation into the soil, the use of the four raw materials – silica
compounds containing sulfur in fertilizers for the cultivation of agri­ fume, fly ash, sugarcane bagasse ash and açai seed ash – demonstrated
cultural industry. Both are contributors to the impact caused by aquatic environmentally friendly results such as proper management of these
acidifying emissions. Furthermore, there is the impact on land use due to byproducts and a technical contribution by confirming all of the mate­
the reduction of biodiversity caused by the extraction of raw material rial mixture applications herein.
There are other emissions that can be considered, such as ammonia Funding
(NH3) and total nitrogen, but their effect on the LCA is of little relevance
compared to the effect of NOX. Therefore, the relevant reason for life- This research received no external funding.
cycle acidification is due to ammonia volatilization [61]. The emission

L.R. Garcez et al. Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024) 134331

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