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Apuntes de Ingles

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Persona + Auxiliar + Acción + Complemento


We (nosotros) ▪ El pronombre “IT”, se utiliza para objetos y

They (ellos)
I (yo) ▪ Si se habla en presente con “ THEY” y “WE” el
She (ella) verbo queda igual.
He (el)
▪ Si se habla en presente con “SHE”, “HE”, “IT”,
It (eso)
se agrega una letra “S”.


Para: I, YOU, WE, THEY,

Do- rutina
se utiliza el DO.
Does- rutina Para: HE, SHE, IT, se
Did- pasado utiliza el DOES.

Have- presente perfecto

Has- presente perfecto
Will- futuro

Can- habilidad
Would- imaginario
Might- psoibilidad

Should- recomendación
May- permiso
Must- obligación

Afirmativa: Persona+Auxiliar+Acción+Complemento

Negativa: Persona+Auxiliar+ Not+Acción+Complemento

Pregunta: Auxiliar + Persona+ Acción+ Complemento


Do: se borra en afirmativo

Pregunta: do we ruin in the park?
Afirmativo: yes, we do run in the park
Yes, we run in the park
Negativo: no, we do not run in the park

Does: se le agrega la “S” y modifica el verbo, solo en la

afirmación. En algunos verbos se agrega una “ES”.
Pregunta: Does she run in the park?
Afirmativo: yes, she does run in the park
Yes, she runs in the park
Negativo: no, she does not run in the park


Pregunta: will be famus?

Afirmación: yes, you will be famus
Negativo: no, you will not famus
NOTA: cuando se utiliza otro auxiliar se utilizan los verbos de la
primera columna. Que no se “DO”, “DOES”, “DID”.
Existen dos pasados.

Pregunta: did she drive one Ferrari?

Afirmativo: yes, she did drive one Ferrari Como se utiliza el did el
verbo cambia a pasado
Yes, she drove one Ferrari yesterday
Negativo: no, she didn´t drive one Ferrari

El segundo pasado es: cuando conocemos que la acción fue en

pasado, pero no conocemos el tiempo o no es importante. A este
tiempo se le conoce como “PASADO PERFECTO”, y se utilizan los
auxiliares “HAVE”, “HAS”, que significan “haber”.
Si se utiliza “DID”, se pueden utilizar marcadores de tiempo.
En este pasado se utilizan los verbos en “PARTICIPIO”.

Pregunta: have you played soccer? HAVE se usa con “I”,

Afirmativo: yes, i have played soccer “YOU”, “WE”, “THEY”.
Negativo: no, i have not played soccer HAS se usa con “SHE”,
“HE”, “IT”.
Pregunta: has, she gone to New York
Afirmativo: yes, she has gone to New York
Negativo: no, she has not gone to New York
Present Perfect

▪ We use HAVE / HAS and the action in past participle. It is

when you talk un past but you don´t specify the time.
▪ Have is used whit i, you, we, they.
▪ Has is used whit he, she, it.


Subject + have / has + verb participle + Complement

o He has swum in the Pool
o We have gone to cinema
o You have been happy
o They have eaten in the restaurant
o She has not (hasn´t) seen a horror movie
o They have not ( haven´t) played videogames

Question structure

Have / Has + subject + verb participle + complement

Yes + subject + have / has + verb participle + complement

No + subject + haven´t / hasn´t + verb participle + complement


o Has she done the homework?

R: no, she hasn´t done the homework
o Have we listened music?
R: yes, we have listened music
o Have you seen my dog?
R: no, i haven´t seen your dog
Present perfect progressive


Person + Have / Has + verb past participle (BEEN) + verb ING

+ complement


o I have been studing all day long

o We have been driving to my house
o He has been eating tacos
o We have been waiting for the bus for a long time

How to use how long?

We use HOW LONG to ask for time

o How long have you been working there?
o How long has she been married ?
o How long has she been playing soccer?
o How long have we been dancing in a party?

How to use AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ( se utiliza en presente)

o You need to be here as soon as possible
o I need to finish my homework as soon as possible, if i want
to go out.

How to use TOO

o I like pop music. I like it TOO (tambien )
o He plays football and basketball too.
o I like Watch movies and go to the park too
o I sepeak english and portugueses too
How to use EITHER Positive: TOO
EX Negative: EITHER
o I cant go there al one either
o I dont like that movie. I dont like it either
o I dont go to my class. I dont go either

How to use SO
o He is fan of the band. So am i
o She really likes to read. So does he
o They are fan of videogames. So am i
o The family love books. So do i
o The girl is in the park. So is he
o The dog runs in the garden. So does she

Future perfect
It is used to express 2 events in the future when one enes befare
the another one happens.

o I will have finished the school, when i go to canada
Yo habre acabado la escuela, cuando yo vaya a canada
o I will have bought my car, When finish my work
Yo habré comprado mi carro, cuando acabe mi trabajo
o I will have got a Job, when i finish the school
Yo habré conseguido trabajo, cuando yo acabe la escuela
o I will have slept, when i do the homework
Yo habré dormido, cuando yo haga la tarea

Se usa para hablar de un evento en el pasado que ya

termino, o que ya se logro. Cuando suceda otra osa
también en el futuro
Adverbs of frequency

Siempre Always I always listen music

Algunas veces Sometimes Sometimes i go to cinema
Rara vez Seldom My brother seldom eat
spicy food
Casi nunca Rarely I rarely get sick
Nunca Never I never go to london

How to describe properly

o He is really handosme
o She has long, curly, blonde hair
o He is tall, whit black hair, he is blue-eyed boy, brunett and
his complexión is thin.

Tag questions
We use these questions to be sure about something.

We use them to confirm

Structure something.
Come at the end of a sentence.
Auxiliar + subject personal pronou
If the sentence is affirmative,
(he,she,it,you,they) the tag question would be
EX negative, and if the sentence is
o You are american, arent you? in negative, the tag question
would be in positive.
o She is a teacher, isnt she?
o John is your bestfried, isnt he?
o John isnt your bestfried, is he?
o Armando is at school, isnt armando?
Armando is at school, isnt he?
o They were watching a movie, werent they?
o He didnt do his homework, did hi?

Note: you can not use “we” and “i”

Speak or talk

Speak: it is formal, it is only used as a verb, it is an irrgular verb.

Talk: it is in formal, can be use as a verb but laso a noun, it is a
regular verb.

Passive voice
Passive voice is used focus on the action rather than the person.
We need follow 5 steps.
1- Identify the new important person
2- Verb to be in the same tense than the original
3- Action in the past participle
4- Conector by
5- Write the old important person
“MY CAT ATE A BRID” ( active voice)
1- A bird
2- A bird was
3- A bird was eaten
4- A bird was eaten by
5- A bird was eating by my cat
”A BRID WAS EATING BY MY CAT” (Passive voice)

We focus on the person (subject) that is receving the action.

o He does his homework His homework is done by me
o She cut my hair My hair is cut by her


Person+ verb to be + verb in past participle + by + subject

(In the time of de
old sentence)
Tell or say

Tell: is used when someone receives the information

o I tell my mom when i feel sick
Say: is used when i speak to no specific person
o I usually say “i dont care”

Cut, cut out, cut in

Cut: make Small pices of something

o He cuts the paper
Cut out: to end soemthing
o I told my friend to cut out the drama
Cut in: interrupt someone
o My boyfriend cuts me in when I’m telling a Joke.

Close or shut

Close: a short period of time

o Close the classroom´s door while we are in class
Shut: a big period of time
o Shut the door because we will go to sleep

To compare two things we use comparatives
o I am taller than my mom
o He is more atractive than to tom holland
Borrow or lend

Borrow: take ( tomarlo prestado)

o Can i please borrow that marker from you?
Lend: give (Pedir prestado)
o Can you lend some money to me

To compare move than 2 things we use superlatives
o He is the tallest boy in the class
o We are the most intelligent group in the school


It is an expression used when we do something late
o You delivered that es say tow weeks later, well better late
than never

How to pluralize
To make nouns plural we need to consider the following rules.
Add: S or ES
Ex: box-boxes
Nouns ending in “Y” we change for IES.
Ex: baby-babies
Nouns ending in “F” we change for VES
Ex: Wolf-wolves

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

It si an expression used to say that beauty is subjective
Ex: my crush is so pretty. Well, beauty is in the eye of the
Although or even though
Although = Aunque
o Although i hate rock music, i want to the concert
o Although i dont like DC, i went to see the movie
Even though = aunque (sorpresa)
o Even though she studied, she didnt past the exam test
o Even though i dont like english, i studied

You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink
It is an expression used to say that you can give and advice but
you can not force..

So or too
So: tan
Too: demasiado
o The car is so expensive (tan)
o So, what do you perfer eat? (Entonces)
o The class is so interesting
o The kids are too funny
o I like go to vacations too (tambien)
o The trafic is too bad (demasiado)

Either or neither
Either: (tampoco) se usa para confirmar algo negativo, va al final
de la oración
o i dont go there alone, either.
Neither: yo tampoco o ninguna de las dos
o i dont go there alone, neither do i
o I didnt went neither Canada nor USA
Yo no fui ni a Canadá ni a EUA
o I didnt like that movie either
A mi tampoco me gusto la película
o I didnt undersand either
Yo tampoco entendí
o I neither visited my grandma
Yo tampoco e visto/visitado a mi abuela
o I didnt ate neither pizza nor pasta
No comí ni pizza ni pasta
o She neither studied for the exam
Ella tampoco estudio para el examen

Hold your horses

Expression that is similar to clam down or relax.
o I dont like your hair is horrible, why did you color it in
R= hey, hold your horses, Its my hair, not yours.

Past continous
WAS / WASNT: se utiliza con “I” “HE”,
“SHE”, “IT”.

Person + was / were + verb ing

Person + was / were not + verb ing + complement

Was / were + person + verb ing + complement ?

Possible answere: yes (person) was / were
No (person) wasnt / werent
o When you called me, i was sitting there
o They were playing outside, when you arrived.
o I was runing in the park
o We were studing for the exam
o Was she singing good?
R= yes she was
Will or going to
“Will” is used for actions in the future that are not sure

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